#wanted to write for the main trio but nothing is coming up!!
junosmindpalace · 1 year
wrote this quick thing to cope with shibuya (and school starting)
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contrary to popular belief, waking up with satoru gojo wasn’t filled with angst or longing.
never were you filled with an overwhelming sense of loneliness or abandonment upon seeing an empty dip in the bed beside you, because never, not even once, had you awoken due to the loss of his warmth around your body.
when satoru rose from bed, so did you, and when you rose from bed, so did satoru. whether that was at five in the morning or one in the afternoon, you and satoru started your mornings together. the two of you never had strict sleep schedules, anyway, due to the demanding and unpredictable nature of your jobs.
mornings were a kinder, more merciful part of your routines. compared to all the violence, mental and physical exhaustion that made up the majority of your day, at least you could have a sense of peace as you rose with the dawn. 
the two of you shift around in your sleep plenty of times, from cuddling to hogging blankets on opposite sides of the bed, to waking up in a tangled mess of limbs. satoru’s mornings start in the crook of your neck, and if not there, then he turns around to bury himself in the crevice. his hair tickles your face and slowly pulls you out of unconsciousness, and for a moment the sensation alarms you. but when you realize it’s only satoru, with strong protective arms wrapped around your waist and face buried against you, you sigh and collapse against him, turning to lay on your back and card a hand through his messy snow locks.
mornings with satoru were not hurried-- not in the slightest. if there was one thing satoru could get away with as the strongest, it was lazing about and being late. and he certainly wasn’t eager to rush out of your comforting arms, and so the two of you take your time adjusting to the morning light that peeks through the blinds, adjust yourself a couple more times in bed, throwing your legs atop of each others (and hissing when one was too cold), and simply taking what’s left of the dark before slowly getting out of bed and into your shared bathroom. 
the whole routine is done slowly, not a single sense of urgency. brushing your teeth, washing your face, patting each other's bed heads down to look just the slightest bit more presentable in the bathroom mirror. 
he’s arguably more groggy than you are in the mornings, which makes him all the more eager to finish up in the bathroom and head to the kitchen to brew himself coffee. by the time you finish up, you’re slowly making your way into the kitchen where satoru stands holding the handle of his mug. he extends your own toward you when you approach, and you graciously accept it with both hands and a mumbled “thank you…”, and the two of you take a minute or two to bask in each others company and in the relieving, energizing warmth of your beverages.
mornings with satoru were not loud or filled with much conversation. in contrast to your usual days and nights filled with teasing and random conversation, it was not uncommon for the two of you to go long stretches in the morning without a word. time taken just to reboot and get into the mindset of the day, but not wanting to separate from each other. all the two of you really need is each others’ presence. the habitual noises that come from your routines--the slight clattering of dishes, the wrinkling of fabric as you got dressed, the whirring of cars from outside as you open your windows to let in fresh air-- was the most sound that filled your apartment in the morning. 
muttered conversation rises as the sun does higher in the sky, when the sleep slowly starts to fade out of your systems. it’s about the weather, it’s about your schedules for the day, it’s about how he kicked you in his sleep, and him giving you an apologetic kiss to make up for it. small, substanceless conversation, but it was enough. 
you take him in in other ways instead. he tastes like coffee and mint in the mornings when he kisses you, a strong combination that you’ve learned to find comfort in. the large white tee he wears to sleep smells of his body wash and softener as you nuzzle your face into the fabric, taking in a couple of extra minutes being enveloped by him before the two of you begin your day. his hair is untameable, sticking out in all directions no matter how much you try to adjust the messy heap into somewhat of a presentable style. he laughs at the small pout on your face as you do so, and takes your hand out of his hair to press a small kiss to your fingertips. he grins and tells you he doesn’t mind and neither should you as he leans into your palm. 
he takes you in in other ways, too. silently listening to your hums as you check your phone to see what you missed out on while you slept, the gentle tune soothing his irritation over waking up from his pleasant slumber with you. he watches you style your own hair after giving up on his own, thinking about how much it suits you through his hazy head. and if he’s feeling just clingy enough, he’ll collapse his head atop of yours and breathe in the product you put in that he loves so much, gently swaying the two of you in place. what originally starts out with a single peck to your pouty lips as he holds your chin delicately turns into another, and then another. you laugh at the satisfied look on his face when he realizes it's your lip balm he loves so much that’s pulling him in, and is reminded to snatch the tube for himself from your bathroom drawer before he leaves (though he’s always disappointed, because it always tastes better against your lips).  
he adjusts the pin on your uniform after you finish dressing yourselves as you scold him to “spend a little more time with the first years today”, and he can only smile and reassure you that he “has something special in store for them”. you help him pull his blindfold over his head and adjust it so it sits comfortably over his eyes, combing your fingers through his unruly hair that now looks even more wild with something holding it up.
you check once, twice, all over your apartment to make sure you aren’t forgetting anything, and satoru chuckles and reassures you that a simple phone call will have him warping to the school to drop off anything you left behind. as you kiss him goodbye before parting ways in front of the school, he mumbles against your lips that he’ll stop by later with a breakfast treat for the two of you to share in the office (because satoru is still greedy, and though he’ll original buy just one for you to enjoy on your own, he’ll not so subtly eye and indicate that he wants a bite). 
and with that, the two of you part your separate ways, and the slow morning transitions into the hectic start of your jobs. but you know that even so, you’ll be filled with a solace reminiscent of the one you two shared earlier when you enjoy your treat in the empty staff room together later. 
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yanderestarangel · 1 year
bye i loveee your work so much💗
can you write head canons trio lin kuei reaction to you changing in front of them and they secretly have a crush on you? thank you. 💕
A/N: Thank you for admiring my work anon, I hope you like it <3
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He has liked you since you joined the clan as a ninja recruit, but he never had the courage to tell you for several reasons and the main one being because he was grand master, he thought he was "superior" to someone of a higher rank minor position like you. However, nothing stopped him from approaching you as an "older advisor" and friend - he would even let you play with his hair sometimes or go with you on Friday nights to watch cliché movies and eat junk food, with both of you staying up until at 4 o'clock in the morning, Bi Han's dark circles became more exposed but he would never say no to you -
So on one of those nights you decided to change in front of him, you didn't even notice and were already taking off your clothes, Bi Han soon felt heat in his body and his heart raced, he was blushing heavily as he tried to control himself, looking at everything he didn't like.
It was you - especially on the floor - but he couldn't resist admiring your body, every curve, the soft and tempting skin that seemed delicious to taste. His erection was already pressing against his pants, making him grab a pillow to try to cover the bulge in the fabric, while he grunted softly. He opened his mouth trying to speak, but in the end he couldn't, just twitching as he felt his cock getting harder and harder. If you didn't notice, he wouldn't say anything, just asking for permission to go to the bathroom, focusing on everything except his own hard cock in his pants, but it was impossible.
You would ask through the door if everything was okay with him, and he would get angry with himself for not being able to answer. After a few minutes he would come out and try to act normally, but pride, fear and doubt wouldn't let him speak his feelings for you, maybe next time.
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The two of you met through Johnny Cage, Tomas went to one of the clubs he was invited to go to, you knew Johnny and stayed in the VIP area with the men, quickly making friends with the ninja, mainly because Tomas was too out of place.
After that meeting you started going out together, parties, shopping malls and he even took you to visit the Lin Kuei territory - He had really fallen in love with you the first time he saw you, you were so kind and warm to him, smiling and making him comfortable in each encounter, Tomas wanted to be more than just your friend, much more -
Then one day you invited him again to go to the mall, do some shopping. You always clung to his muscular arm, making him blush like a tomato. So the two of you go to a store, where you asked Vrbada for help to choose an outfit - he just didn't expect you to change in front of him -
Tomas was paralyzed for a few seconds, as he looked at your vulnerable body in front of him, he was bigger than you and stronger, he could easily carry you around or better yet, fucking you against that mirror. But Tomas stopped having those thoughts, embarrassed, he liked you but he was embarrassed to talk about it because he thought you would never like a simple ninja like him.
Tomas looked at you again, using maximum concentration not to say anything, but his smoke magic was getting out of control, he was blushing and his dick was bothering his pants, he felt the sticky wetness against his boxers, he he had cum in his pants - he soon gained courage as he approached you, whispering how beautiful you looked and how much he wanted to touch you.
"-(Y/N) I... I... I just want to touch you, feel your body against mine, your smell and I've liked you for so long... Please give me a chance to have you make you happy..." -Tomas whispered against your ear, while he met your gaze in the mirror - if you accepted you would end up sucking Tomas's dick inside the mall's dressing room.
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He met you through Liu Kang, you helped with the defense of the earthly plane in strategies, you were always nice to him, making him smile in tense moments of the missions and even saving him in several of them. Kuai would sometimes give you small flowers , starting a friendship with you quickly, carrying you on his back often or using his ropes to hold you as a joke - a game that almost ended with you and Kuai kissing - Obviously he liked you, but he thought you were him I only saw you as a friend and mission companion, just a professional and platonic relationship. So, one day you had to disguise yourself to enter the enemy fortress, with you having to change your clothes in front of him.
Liang only realized later what was happening, as he saw your body exposed to him, especially how fragile you looked compared to him. He tried to push the thoughts to the back of his mind, but he couldn't, his dick was throbbing, his face was flushed with embarrassment and small sparks of fire were coming out of his fingertips, he could barely control his own abilities. He felt his mouth burning, it was so dry.
Kuai Liang wouldn't hold back while talking about his feelings, he would take a considerable distance to make you comfortable and not touch you without permission. If you accepted, the mission would be delayed, since Kuai Liang was too busy fucking you while you moaned with your pussy on his dick - he would also fulfill his dream of fucking you with you immobilized with his ropes -
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He met you through Madame Bo, you helped set up the restaurant and cleaned the tables after each customer left or entered. He always went there after work with Kung Lao, and was always sweet to you, an extreme gentleman, even kissing the palm of your hand - even if he was blushing, he had to, you were the nicest person and incredible that he met - So the farmer soon became your friend. From the beginning, Raiden always saw you as a future partner, he wanted to give you love and prove how well loved you could be by him, but he suppressed everything inside himself for a while.
You always saw Raiden's gaze meet yours, regardless of the time, place or day, he always smiled and greeted you, even on his worst days. You were so excited to see your friend each day that passed, Raiden always arrived at the restaurant looking for you, smiling when he saw you hug him while you took his order and he asked how your day was and if you were okay.
He was tired of pretending he didn't fucking fall in love to you.
So one day you and Raiden were talking in Madame Bo's empty restaurant, with him helping you organize some tables, but some iced tea fell on your clothes, Raiden noticed offering to clean the stain for you, which led you to Changing in front of him, the poor man couldn't stop blushing and smiling like a fool in love that he was, he admired every curve of your body, not even realizing that his erection was visible, but you noticed.
Raiden would stutter and try to cover the bulge in his pants, but he would soon give up saying that he always liked you and that you are everything to him. If you liked him that way too, the two of you would end up fucking in the restaurant bathroom, while Raiden fingered you, sticking his fingers in your pussy while you kissed him and moaned his name.
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ofswordsandpens · 9 months
I've enjoyed episode 3 the most so far, but I think the show is still struggling to find a good balance between taking itself seriously and the absurdist humor that RR writes with. My main takeaways:
The Fight Scenes (or Lack Thereof?)
It seems very peculiar to me that the show is just speed running through its battle scenes. Again, it feels very much like the product of Disney trying to sanitize anything that's too extreme?
The trio fleeing from the kindly ones in the book ended with Percy taking control of the bus and then crashing it. It explodes. They lose all of their stuff (money, food). In the show, they simply bail out the back window. No true panic. No tension. Just, okay :) we're leaving now :)
The Medusa Scene. I'll speak more to this later, but in terms of the fight we get to see... well we get to see nothing. Apparently this fight required us to view it through the lens of the invisibility cap (ie. not at all),
I understand this show is intended for a younger audience, but the books are as well. Even the movies, which are pg, came up with better ways to show things without necessarily showing things. As a result, it feels like anything that might induce the slightest bit of tension or fear are sanded down and its honestly doing such a disservice to the books and the audience.
I actually really liked this portrayal of Medusa. The 1950s housewife vibe landed well for me. And I loved the actress's voice -- very soft and soothing but always sounding as if she were just about to cry.
Also, I really liked her dialogue. Her digs at Athena and Poseidon were perfectly tragic.
That being said, I really prefer the trio's arrival to the emporium in the book. In the books, they've been wandering the woods and are lost and exhausted and hungry because of the battle/bus crash where they've lost all of their stuff. It almost feels like the emporium popping up "out of nowhere" was more of it finding them.
Meanwhile in the show, Grover finds it through scent on a satyr path and they immediately know its Medusa, which imo takes out so much of the fun of it all??? In the books, they dont know. Grover's just like, freaking the ever living fuck out, and clearly Percy and Annabeth have let him take sole custody of the shared brain cell, cause they're more concerned about getting some food than anything else
Just... RIP dumbass shenanigans
And honestly, I'm not really sure what necessitated the change here in the show (of them not being tricked). It would have been one thing if they were going to change Medusa entirely to not wanting to harm them at all, but imo, I think its arguable/evident that show Medusa was looking for an excuse to petrify Annabeth and Grover (at minimum) regardless of anything.
Honestly, I would have had the show loosely play it out as: book arrival (they dont know its Medusa), keep the dumbass energy and banter, the trio figures out it Medusa while they're eating, Medusa is the more sympathetic version we see in the show, regardless it still ends with the battle.
Also, I do mourn the book battle. The panic and absurdity is just handled better imo. Annabeth shoving them off the bench, Grover flopping all over the place with the shoes but actively getting a good few hits in, Percy having to use to the reflection to behead her... the #TeamWork was emphasized a little more there to me.
I think the show is absolutely nailing certain parts of the characters.
They've gotten Percy's anger and his derision towards the gods down. But, I think they're actually underscoring some of his, idk, sincerity? His kindness? It was the line "she met a pinecone's fate" that just rang off to me. While undoubtedly funny, it's just such a stark difference from his reaction to Thalia's story in the books, where he was unsettled by her fate and felt a sincere sympathy for her. The line in the show I assume is meant to criticize the gods, but still, it feels like it comes at the expense of the sensitivity that he has.
They've gotten Annabeth's bluntness, intelligence, pride, and superiority down cold. No question about it. But I feel like they just need to let her be more of a 12yo kid?
Like. In canon she and Percy banter and argue over the silliest of things. She plays hacky sack with Grover and Percy. She blushes and hyperventilates when Luke interacts with her. Episode 3 is like the first time we've gotten to see her do something remotely childish (buying all that candy) and I'm just dying for more of that!! She's not the "mom" of the group and she has her canon dumbass moments. I'm hoping more of this is captured moving forward. They've gotten a good start on the banter, but let Annabeth be more silly! Cause she is!
(Absolutely none of my personal qualms about the characterization are Walker or Leah's fault. They've done amazing. It's the writing/directing I'm side-eyeing).
OH! And I'm sorry but Percy being like "Annabeth we're going to bury medusa with your hat on" would have never ever flown with Annabeth. In no world.
But Grover eating them up at the end? Iconic. Good for him.
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ryrywrites · 3 months
Drunken Schoolboy - Anthony Bridgerton
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divider creds: @cafekitsune @saradika-graphics
Pair: Viscount Anthony Bridgerton x fem!reader
Description: Attending a ball hosted by Lady Danbury, the newly-engaged Lady Y/N Roman and Viscount Anthony Bridgerton become separated by the ton. When the watchful eye of high society becomes too much for Y/N, she retreats into the library where she's met with her very drunk fiancé.
Warnings: Anthony coming onto the reader drunk, nothing but fluff here 🫶🏻
WC: 2.6k
A/N: Work has been tearing me up and I needed some Bridgerton fluff. This one is little short but I'm working on some longer stuff for you guys. This was just a cute lil idea 🥰 Enjoy!
Update: As I was writing this, Tumblr said fuck you to my hard work and deleted literally everything so...I want to die. Okay, enjoy 😃
anthony bridgerton masterlist × main masterlist
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Y/N crept down the silent hallway and made her way into the dusty room, scanning her surroundings to make sure no one had spotted her. The dull hum of chattering society and soft music could still be heard from the ballroom as she walked through to shelves of books. Y/N was practically raised among these books and found that her favorite hiding place in Danbury House was this library. Although she appreciated Lady Danbury's hospitality and the amount of work she put into these seasonal balls, Y/N never found them enjoyable. She was always to leave a ball early if she could get away with it, or simply avoid the event all together. But this was her and the Viscount's first appearance out in society as an engaged couple so attendance was necessary, at least, according to her mother. As soon as they arrived, the couple was torn apart by the droves of squawking ladies and a trio of rakish bachelors, who had dragged her dear fiancé away to God knows where. Y/N was almost immediately bombarded with questions and suspicions from the nosy mamas and jealous debutantes who all were wondering why Viscount Bridgerton would choose her over any of them. They poked and prodded, trying to determine what made her so special that she had won the Mr. Bridgerton's favor.
Truly, she herself still had trouble grasping the engagement. I suppose the only true answer to their intrusive questions was that the pair had fallen in love. Over the course of the season, they had a long feud and competitiveness that kept them constantly on their toes around the other. They could not deny their longing for the other and one night, Anthony confessed his true intentions and begged her to release him from this torment and marry him. Of course, she accepted and confessed her own feelings to the man. What the two had found in each other, they had never been able to find in anyone else. A shared understanding of loss, a similar sense of wit and humor, and a love so vast, it truly did conquer all. But tonight, the prying eyes of society had brought her to exhaustion. Her social battery was drained by the time those mothers had come to the conclusion that nothing scandalous had taken place to force the pair into marriage. Once they had nothing to gossip about, Y/N and Anthony became yesterday's news and she was pushed back to the wall, where she stood and watched the many lovely couples dancing and conversing, wondering where her beloved had been swept away to.
She had finally had her fill of tea cakes and awkward isolation. Now, here she stands, scanning the shelves for any book that may occupy her time. Just as Y/N had pulled a book from the shelf, she heard a loud bang against the wall in the library. She was immediately startled and jumped in place, dropping the book with a thump. She turned around to see what had made such a fuss and there stood her promised, a tall sturdy man with tousled brown locks and a royal blue suit coat. Anthony was leaning up against the wall, disturbed, until he spotted his fianceé, holding her chest for dear life. His face quickly lifted in drunken glee and he trudged over to her, she relaxed once she realized who he was. "My dear, what-" Anthony cut her off by wrapping his arms around her and lifting her off the ground, spinning her in a large circle. "My darling, I have found you at last!" He spoke very openly and outlandishly, not caring about his volume. The startled woman let out a yelp of surprise as he twirled her around. She placed her hands on his shoulders, attempting to ground herself. "Anthony, you must be quiet!" Y/N whispered and hoped nobody had heard his inebriated outburst of affection.
He smiled cheerfully and obediently hushed his tone, placing her on her feet once more. Y/N was taken back by the man's forward and adoring gaze upon her. Anthony was many things. He was stubborn, competitive, and very subtle with his love in public. The most physical contact that had ever shared was a kiss and an intimate embrace, nothing further. Now, Y/N feared their discovery in such a secluded and dark place with his hands so carelessly roaming her torso. "Dearest, please, what has come over you?" She quickly halted his hands and gently removed them from her corseted waist. She examined him suspiciously and realized the man before her was absolutely sloshed. She placed a hand to her mouth, stifling a laugh. "I have been searching far and wide for you! And now you are here! I am so happy to see you." He slurred excitedly, his heart was filled with overwhelming joy at the sight of his beautiful bride-to-be. Y/N snorted and rolled her eyes at his eagerness. She held his hands and guided him slowly to a chair. "Yes, and I am happy you found me." As she slowly seated him in his chair and he laid out lazily and smiled up at her, weary and obviously tired. She knelt before him, lowered herself down to meet his eyeline.
"Anthony, how many drinks have you had this evening?" His head bobbed along with every word she spoke, he watched her lips intently with droopy eyes. His face turned slightly pensive as he thought and then held up five fingers. Y/N eyes widened in disbelief. Those damn hooligans, Anthony's condition was surely their doing. I felt irritation rise within me as Anthony's eyes drooped closed. I lifted myself up and sighed exasperatedly, walking around him and stroking his cheek. "I believe it is time we take our leave, my love." He hummed in reply, loving the feeling of her fingers rubbing his cheekbone. "Please, stay here. I shall return in just a moment." She whispered softly, kissing the top of his head and making her way out of the library, in search of either Colin or Benedict. They had most likely seen their brother in this state before, they would were the only ones who could help her discreetly take Anthony home. Y/N carefully reentered the ballroom, her eyes darting the room for any signs of a Bridgerton. She came face to face with Benedict Bridgerton, just the man she was looking for. "Y/N! How are you this even-" She quickly ignored the pleasantries and carefully pulled him by the arm to the library.
Benedict was very confused, almost concerned by her hurried strides, until they reached the library and he spotted his smashed brother, his legs spread in a splayed position and his head bobbling along to the tune playing in the ballroom. Benedict let out a boisterous chuckle at his incapacitated brother. "Good God. What on Earth happened to him?" He wondered. Y/N shook her head in similar confusion. "I hate to be a bother but I can't exactly...hold him up on my own." He nodded understandingly and moved across the room to where his older brother laid. "Come on, you knob. Let's get you up." Anthony didn't appreciate his brother's insult but lifted himself up with Ben's extended arm. He stumbled for a moment but steadied himself. "I'll alert the valet that we shall be leaving." She turned on her heels and Ben quickly followed after, with Anthony's arm over his shoulder. Anthony was beginning to sober up and groan slightly under his breath. Y/N maneuvered the two men through the crowd of socialites and they finally made their exit. She swiftly notified the valet. Their carriage was pulled around with a couple of whines from the horse and Anthony.
I opened the door for Ben to shove his brother gently into the carriage, he tumbled within the small coach and, at last, found his seat. "Thank you, Ben." Y/N whispered softly, not wanting to draw attention to the scene. He bowed before her with a sly smirk. "He will never live this down." He stated very well pleased, turning around to head back into the ball. As Y/N settled into the carriage, finally able to sit comfortably in her dress, she noticed Anthony beginning to rub his head. "My darling?" She stated curiously. He was suddenly feeling very sober and extremely sick. "Where are we going?" He inquired, his voice strained from the very clear ache in his head. "Home, my love." She placed a warm hand on his knee from across the carriage. He let out a heavy sigh, getting him inside was going to be a difficult feat. As the carriage slowly came to a stop, a footman opened the ornate door and helped the two out of the carriage. Y/N had always appreciated the staff's understanding and compassion towards the Bridgerton family. Anthony could not stand on his own for very long so Y/N placed her arm around the man's waist and threw his arm over her shoulder. She was watching very intently while Ben was carrying Anthony, knowing she would likely have to follow his actions.
He was a hefty man, heavy and large in frame. Every step up the front stairs felt like a mile, even with the footman's help. She was determined to get him inside, even if her face was turning a flushed red from the exercise. Once they reached the door, after what felt like centuries, the footman opened the door for the two of them and took his leave once Y/N dismissed and thanked him for his help. He would certainly be receiving a hefty tip from her in the morning. Anthony was beginning the sober up and hold his weight a bit as the two scuffled to Anthony's bedroom. She had not yet seen his room, it was seen as impropriety to be alone with him in his quarters but she was sure no one would mind, in this particular situation. He laid out on his back, peacefully for a moment and so quietly, she could've sworn he had fallen asleep immediately. Until his body shot up very suddenly, making her jump in surprise. "My word!" This was the third time he had flustered her tonight and she was beginning to become agitated in a very humorous way. "I believe I'm going to be sick." He said very woozily, looking as though he was going to vomit on the floor. Y/N's eyes widened in fear and quickly lifted her dress and made a dash to the kitchen.
She found a bucket and, tripping over herself, ran back to the bedroom, the sound of her heels clicking rapidly against the linoleum floor. She thrusted the bucket into the man's hands and stood back, preparing for impact. He leaned over the bucket for a moment, becoming visibly pale and sweaty. He was still, very still while her body was fully tensed. He shook his head and laid moved the bucket to the floor, placing his elbows on his knees and shaking his head droopily. "My God. What happened? And why?" He moaned annoyed at the feeling that trembled in his stomach and the bile that was beginning to travel to his throat. She cautiously sat beside him on his plush bed and rubbed his back, trying her best to ease his discomfort. "Remind me not to let you leave my side at the next ball." Y/N smiled relieved that he was coherent once again. "No more balls." Anthony groaned. He laid back, whining bitterly. Y/N could not help but chuckle at the man that laid beside her, what a dunce. She absolutely adored him and she could not help but wonder what would make him drink so recklessly. He peaked an eye at the woman, hearing her titter and arching a brow at her. "You laugh at my suffering?" He asked, feigning offense and placing to his heart in shock.
"You are a dramatic jolly man." She continued to smile down at him, attempting to wipe the beads of sweat growing at his brow. He looked up at her with admiration in his eyes. This woman was truly perfect. How could he have been so callous for so long? Better yet, why had she held out through his cruel behavior? Truthfully, Y/N could not find a rational reason why she chose to stick by his side. She considered the idea that she was a fool and lost all rational thought the moment she met Anthony. That is how she justified her stupidity, her inability to avoid the eldest Bridgerton son. "And you..." He leaned up on his elbows, practically man-spreading before her in his navy blue trousers, white-collared button-up dress shirt, and matching navy vest with gold detailing the chest. He wrapped his arms, slowly, around her waist and wiggled around to crawl closer to Y/N until his head nestled comfortably into her skirted lap. "Are a goddess." He mumbled, his words buried deep in her dress. He hugged her waist possessively, inhaling her scent of french lilacs and gooseberries. She looked down at the pretty man and savored this touch, placing a delicate finger to his cheekbone and tracing it to his slightly disheveled hair.
The light crow's feet at the corners of his eyes stretched as he smiled softly, his eyes fluttered close. As she cradled his head in her lap, she wished they weren't separated by her heavy petticoats. She craved closeness and her discomfort in such tight yet puffy clothes was evident with every shift of her hips. Anthony knew tonight had been less than ideal for his future bride, having to coddle and care for him. Anthony allowed his eyes to open wearily and he offered her a half smile which she returned wholeheartedly. Although this was not how she anticipated ending the evening, she was grateful to be away from the nosy eyes and ears of the ton. She watched the way his face contorted to one of guilt and burden. "I am truly sorry, my darling. I know you must think me a scoundrel for my behavior and I do not disagree." His mind was off it's bend and he would not admit his fault so candidly if he was not still slightly boozed. Y/N tilted her head sympathetically. He was not wrong but she did not blame him, not entirely. She did not spoke, allowing him to continue. "What can I do to make this evening up to you?" He requested. She waited a beat, for dramatic effect. There was nothing she wanted more than...
"I know one way you may make amends." She placed a finger to his jaw and smiled longingly. "Marry me, and all shall be forgiven." His eyes filled with emotion, a tender combination of love, gratefulness, and drink. He pushed himself up from her lap, the emptiness making her as uncomfortable as her dress, and leaned forward, placing a firm kiss to her forehead. "That, I shall," He whispered, placing another careful chaste kiss to her cheek. "And more." She gazed upon the man, fearing a tear would escape her tired eye from the emotions and true admiration she shared with Anthony. With such a hasty motion, Anthony did not realize how dizzy and nauseous he was until his stomach began to turn. He clenched his jaw, wired tightly shut, as well as closing his eyes once more to steady himself and tried to push the feeling away but failed with an exasperated sigh. "Dear God, I'm going to be sick." Y/N quickly lifted herself with a push of her palms to the soft quilted mattress and flew to the kitchen to retrieve a cold cloth to place on his head. It would be a long night but he was undoubtedly worth the trouble.
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daisynik7 · 1 year
Could you possibly do: Promiscuous by Nelly Furtado for Jean Kirstein - Smut (stg he needs more love on this app)
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Pairing: Jean x f!reader
Word Count: ~2.7k
cw: frenemies-to-lovers trope, one bed (in this case, tent) trope, modern day au, explicit language, smut – mutual masturbation, fingering, hand job
Summary: During your annual camping trip with your friends, you find out a little too late that the tent you brought with you is broken. With everyone’s already occupied, you’re forced to share one with Jean, who you don’t exactly get along with. Maybe sharing a small space together for one night will change that. 
Author’s Note: Hi anon! Thank you for your request for the y2k karaoke party! This idea is somewhat inspired by my main man AugustInTheWinter’s “Trapped in Your Asshole Friend’s Tent” (reddit link, +18)  except mine is more of a teaser if anything, since there’s no actual sex, hehe. I hope you like this one! I don’t write for Jean often, but when I do, I always have so much fun! Likes, reblogs, and/or comments are always appreciated! Thank you for reading! MDNI banner by @/mikeykuns.
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Your tent is busted, and of course you only find out about it as you unpack it on the campsite, finding it torn up and unusable. You turn to Sasha, panicking. “It’s broken!”
She kneels down to inspect it, looking at all the parts. “There’s nothing you can do to fix it?”
“Everything is in pieces. It’s completely useless. Do you have room in your tent?”
She shakes her head. “I’m sleeping in Connie’s. And Mikasa, Armin, and Eren are squeezing into one. Which leaves only Jean – ”
“No,” you say with emphasis. “No way.”
Sasha rolls her eyes. “Come on. You’re only in there for a few hours each night, that’s it! Set your differences aside for once! Unless you want to sleep out in the cold.”
“I think I’d rather freeze to death and get eaten by a bear than share a tent with him,” you state, crossing your arms over your chest. 
She chuckles, taking a bite out of a baked potato she has stored in her pocket. “Fine. I’ll be sure to write that in your obituary.” She walks away from you, joining Connie by their tent, helping him set it up while you stand there, defiant, and all-too-stubborn. You look over to their right to see the EMA trio working together to assemble their big tent, but still not big enough to house a fourth person. Then, on the other side, furthest away from the others, is Jean. 
You seriously weigh your options, eventually deciding that death by the elements is worse by the tiniest margin than sleeping next to Jean. So you walk up to him, tapping on the thin fabric, pretending to knock. “Kirstein,” you call out when there’s no answer.
He unzips the entrance, glaring at you. “What do you want?”
You clear your throat, putting on the nicest voice you can possibly muster. “Do you have room for me in there?” You even bat your eyelashes, feeling more pathetic that you already do.
“What?!” he snaps, standing up to confront you. 
“My tent is broken and there’s no room in the other’s, so…”
“Fuck no,” he states, a little harsher than usual. 
“C’mon, Kirstein! It’s just for two nights!”
“Then sleep outside.”
“I promise I’ll be good!” you whine, putting your hands together in prayer, pleading. “You won’t even know I’m here.”
“Oh, I’ll definitely know you’re here,” he says, pinching the bridge of his nose, irritated. He yells out across the way. “Sash, Connie! There’s really no room in there for her?”
Connie answers, “Nope!”
“Mikasa, how about in your – ”
“No,” she responds immediately, the other two boys shaking their heads to confirm.
Jean groans, scratching his head anxiously, as if this is the worst thing he’s ever had to consider. Eventually, he mutters a contemptuous, “Fine. But we’re not sharing sleeping bags.”
“I never said anything about sleeping bags!” you protest. 
“I’m just saying!”
Not wanting to argue more, you ease up. “Okay, okay. Thank you. Seriously, Kirstein. I really do appreciate it.” You attempt to give him the most genuine smile you can manage. All he does is roll his eyes, zipping the entrance closed.
The rest of the day goes by smoothly. After setting up camp, you all go for an easy hike on a nearby trail. Jean doesn’t interact with you, which is typical behavior from him. You can’t pinpoint the exact reason why he dislikes you so much; it didn’t start this way when you first met him several years ago through Sasha. But the more you hung out with them, the colder he’s gotten towards you. Because of this, you decided to act the same towards him, causing this hostile relationship between you two. Maybe sharing a tent tonight is a good opportunity to let bygones be bygones and finally get along.
Back at camp, you gather around the fire to roast hot dogs for dinner. Jean sits across from you, a serious expression on his face as he focuses on cooking his meal. You study him, watching the flames reflect in his eyes. He’s handsome, that’s for sure; sharp jawline, luscious brown locks on his head, an impressive stature. If he wasn’t such an asshole, you could see yourself being friendly with him, maybe even more. The thought makes you smile to yourself. He meets your gaze for a brief moment, startling you. You quickly turn your head to the side, pretending to be interested in the dirt on the ground, hoping he didn’t catch you staring. 
By midnight, with your bellies nourished with a hot dogs, potato chips, and s’mores for dessert, you all decide to call it a night. Armin and Eren put out the fire while the rest of you do a thorough job disposing any trash and putting away any of the remaining food. Everyone gets ready for bed in their designated spots around the wilderness. You especially take your time, wanting to stall as much as possible so you don’t have to interact with your tent-mate. 
Eventually, you’re the only one left outside and there’s nothing left for you to do but head in. As you walk into the tent, you quietly step inside, noticing Jean already curled in his sleeping bag to the farthest side he can reach, leaving plenty of space for you. He’s wrapped in an additional blanket, head resting on a fluffy pillow, expression the most relaxed you’ve ever seen. You grin, appreciating how cute he looks like this. 
You nestle into your sleeping bag, adjusting your pillow before you find a comfortable position to sleep in. Even with it zipped up and surrounding you, it’s still chilly enough that your teeth chatter. Holding yourself tightly, you rub your arms, hoping to create enough friction to warm yourself up.  
From the other side, you hear Jean’s familiar groan, then shuffling. Suddenly, you feel something thick envelop you. You crane your neck to see Jean near you now, his blanket covering you both. He faces you with that scowl on his face, eyes closed. “I’m only sharing so that you don’t keep me up all night,” he says.
You roll over to turn your body towards him, closer than you’ve ever been before. “Thank you,” you murmur, snuggling into your pillow. 
He doesn’t say anything else, probably drifting off to sleep by now. Although you’re warm enough, you still can’t fall into a slumber the way you want. Not with Jean so near you, pretty eyelashes fluttering, soft lips parted slightly; he is really handsome. Your chest swells, heat rushes into your cheeks. As quietly as you can, praying that he’s actually asleep, you whisper, “I’m sorry, Jean. For whatever I did to make you hate me so much.” You say it more for yourself if anything. Even if he can’t hear you, at least you’ve put it out there for the universe. 
“I don’t hate you.” It startles you when he says it in a low, gruff voice, eyes still closed. 
You swallow hard, not sure if you should continue this conversation, or let it end here. Not wanting to waste this opportunity, you decide to respond. “You don’t?”
This time, he opens his eyes slowly, blinking at you. “No. You’re annoying, irritating, always completely unprepared. But I don’t hate you.”
“Gee, thanks,” you mutter, wrapping your arms tighter around yourself. “Sorry for always being such a nuisance to you. I’ll be sure to leave you alone now.”
He sighs. “You’re not always a nuisance, okay? And besides, you’re the one who acts like you hate me.”
“I only do that because you did it to me first,” you argue. “I don’t even know what I did to annoy you in the first place. Tell me.”
“If I start now, we’ll be up all night,” he smirks, looking smug. 
“Seriously, what did I ever do to you? I need to know so I can apologize formally.” 
He stares at you, contemplating his answer. You wait with anticipation, nervous for what he’s about to say. Eventually, he admits, “You didn’t do anything wrong, okay?”
More confused now, you ask, “Then why do you treat me like I did?”
He sighs again, this time even deeper. “I don’t know.”
You scoot closer to him instinctually, studying his face as if that will give you a clearer answer. “You don’t know?”
He’s caught off guard by the closing distance between you. “I don’t know,” he repeats, stammering. “I just…”
Closer now, your nose mere inches from his, the heat radiating from his body towards you. “Just what?”
He gulps loudly before leaning forward, pressing his lips to yours in a delicate kiss. You don’t immediately pull back, indulging in the intimate touch until his tongue slips into your mouth. It shocks you, not because you don’t like it, but because of how much you do. You break apart, catching your breath. “What are you…” you trail off, fixated on his lips, slightly shiny now from your spit.  
He unzips his sleeping bag, freeing his hands to reach for you, caressing your cheek. “If you don’t like it, tell me now and I’ll stop.” His thumb brushes against your skin, electrifying every nerve in your body. 
You wiggle out of your confines to touch him too, placing your hands on hands on his chest, clenching his t-shirt in your fists. Something comes over you. Curiosity, lust, temptation, you’re not quite sure. All you know is that you want to keep kissing him, keep touching him, and save the explaining for later. It doesn’t have to make sense right now; all you want is to feel good. 
“Don’t stop,” you whisper, pulling him in for a kiss. It’s sloppier this time, his tongue flicking against yours, eager for a taste of you. His hand travels down your body, sliding around your waist beneath your pajama top. It ignites your skin, forgetting any ounce of coldness that occupied your body just moments before. 
“On top,” he huffs, fingers digging into your flesh. “Get on top of me.”
You obey, spreading his sleeping bag open, seeing the prominent bulge protruding from his sweats. You straddle his lap, grinding yourself on him, rubbing your clothed pussy along his shaft. He grips your waist with both his hands, watching you rock against him, biting his lip with a crazed look in his eyes. “Fuck,” he breathes out, brows furrowed in concentration, sweat beginning to bead on his forehead. If you had known it would be like this, maybe the two of you wouldn’t have wasted so much time berating each other. You could have spent the last few years doing this instead.
You lean down, kissing him passionately while you continue to ride him with your clothes on. He’s unbelievably hard beneath you now, his big cock straining against the fabric. Your arousal leaks into your panties, wet and ready for him. His hands glide to your bottom, squeezing your cheeks in his hands. Soon, his fingers are hooked on your waistband, tugging them down your thighs, coaxing you to strip. You hop off him, rolling to his side to properly remove your pants, him doing the same next to you. Both of you are naked from the waist down now, lying beside each other. You reach between your legs, rubbing your fingers on your clit. He watches, fist wrapped around his cock, stroking it feverishly. “I didn’t know you were like this,” he whispers, biting his lip to hold back his moans. “Fuck, if I had known I…I would have – ”
“What, Jean? What would you have done?” you ask, playing with yourself faster, watching him jerk himself off.
“I would have fucked you so much sooner. Make you my slut.”
“You want to slut me out? Is that what you want?”
“Yeah. But only for me. I only want you to be a slut for me.”
You reach for him with your wet fingers, replacing his hand with yours, stroking him slowly. He moans, eyes blown wide at the sight. “Come here,” he beckons, stretching his hand towards your pussy. “I want to make you feel good too.”
Kneeling beside him, you guide him to you, teasing your clit with his palm. “God, you’re so fucking wet. Can I fuck you with these fingers, baby?”
The pet name is unexpected from his mouth, but it spurs you on. You nod, lifting up slightly to sink down on his middle finger while his thumb nudges your clit. A moan escapes you, unable to keep quiet. He chuckles softly, shushing you. “You don’t want the others to know you’re getting finger-fucked by me, do you? You better be quiet.” 
You stay like this, Jean’s fingers pumping in and out of your cunt while he fucks your fist. Aching for a new position, you release him, pulling him out of you so that you can straddle his lap again, this time completely nude. 
He stammers, clearly nervous. “Oh fuck, should we…?”
There is no lube, nor are there any condoms around you. It would be a bad idea to have sex under these conditions, though temptation is testing you, especially with how far you’ve already gotten. As badly as you want to be fucked, you decide not to. “Not tonight. But that doesn’t mean we can’t feel good, right?” You flick the tip of his cock on your clit, your core tight with pleasure from the intimate contact. 
He relaxes into his sleeping bag, watching you with a dazed expression on his face, moaning as you grind your pussy along his shaft, hand nestled underneath his cock, stroking him simultaneously. “Fuck, you really know what you’re doing, huh?”
“Is that bad?” you ask, slowing your pace.
He smiles, shaking his head. “Not at all. I just didn’t expect you to be so promiscuous.” He reaches towards you, massaging your clit with his thumb. 
You whine from his touch, rocking back and forth on his shaft, almost inclined to sink down on his cock anyways. “Maybe I’m only like this with you.”
He continues to grin at you, caressing your sensitive bud faster. “Yeah, maybe you are.”
You stay like this until his cock pulsates beneath you, shooting spurts of cum onto his stomach. Soon, you’re coming too with his thumb pressed tightly on your clit, rubbing deep into you, gushing all over him. When you’re done riding out your orgasm, you roll off of him, back into your own sleeping bag. Jean stays flat on his back, staring up at the ceiling of his tent, his breathing gradually returning to a steady pace. The two of you remain silent, equally confused and thrilled about what just occurred. 
You decide to be the one to speak first. “So…”
He turns to you, a kind expression on his face. Have you ever seen this on him before? It puts a flutter in your belly. “So,” he repeats. 
“Should we talk about it?”
“What’s there to talk about?” He scoots closer to you, holding your hand in his.
“This. Us,” you say, interlocking your fingers with his. Who would have though being this way with Jean Kirstein would feel so…natural?
“Right. Us.” He nuzzles his nose to yours. “The truth is, I’ve been a massive asshole to you because I’m an idiot who doesn’t know how to express his feelings.”
“So, instead, you act like you hate me?”
He points to himself, giving you a goofy grin. “See? Idiot.”
You sigh, squeezing him tighter. “So, you actually like me?”
Smiling, he kisses your cheek. “I do. I’ve liked you for a while. If you give me a chance, I’ll spend the rest of my life making it up to you. If you let me.”
You don’t respond right away, contemplating the situation. Could it really work out between you two after all the petty arguments, snide remarks, contemptuous glares? It is comfortable, being with him like this. It’s better than you ever imagined. 
You snuggle into his chest, surrounding yourself in his warmth and security. “I guess we could give it a shot.”
“Yeah?” He tips your chin up to meet your gaze, smiling big.
He brings you towards him to kiss you sweetly, cradling you in his arms. “Thank you.”
You pull away, smirking at him before you whisper, “And next time, you’re going to slut me out properly, right?”
He laughs quietly, biting his lip. “Absolutely.”
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certainlynotasimp · 1 year
Grumpy Kitty, Soft Kitty
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((Miguel O’Hara x Female Reader))
A/N: Two Miggy and Sunny fics in one day?! I’m on a role lol. This one wasn’t requested, but the discord gave me a huge inspiration for this so I had to write it. I still haven’t seen the movie lol.
A/N: This takes place before ‘To Love and Hold’, this can kinda serve as an explaination as to why Sunny wants a cat. This is a short little fanfic, but if you wanna see more, check out the Masterlist, and feel free to join the discord, the inspiration for this oneshot.
Warnings: Grumpy x Sunshine, Female Reader/Female Pronouns, No use of (Y/N) ((Sunny is their nickname not their name/ not an OC)), Grumpy Cat x Sweet Kitty, The young spider team messing with shit, and Miles being attacked.
It was meant to be a harmless prank.
After the events of Miles being chased down by Miguel and the anomaly was fixed, Pavitr thought it would be hilarious to use one of his villains’ gadgets to mess with Miguel as payback.
Hobie and Gwen agreed without second thought while Miles hesitated a bit. The trauma from being attacked for trying to do what was right was still fresh in his mind, so imagining what would happen if he messed with Miguel was absolutely mortifying.
Hobie decided to take one for the team and initiated the plan. It was suppose to be real simple. Turn Miguel into a harmless cat for a while and change him right back. Nothing too physically painful and with four spidermen against one cat, the consequences shouldn’t be too bad, right?
They were so wrong.
“So how’s things going with Miguel?” Jessica asks with a teasing smile. “Finally convinced him to let you move in?”
The small spider blushes as Peter laughs at the women. She mumbles under her breath, “No, Miggy says that he has to make sure me leaving the Headquarters won’t alter with the canon…”
Peter tuts as the three enter through the portal and back to The Lobby as he muses, “That sounds like someone is afraid of commitment.”
“I-I don’t think he’s-!” The trio is interrupted by a bright yellow Ai appearing before them looking like she just had the best laugh of her life. Her virtual hair was a mess while she was wiping her nonexistent tears away with a breath of relief.
“You guys. You literally need to come to the Survaliance room.” She urges with a giggle emerging. “The greatest thing is happening right now.”
Jessica and Peter look at the Ai suspiciously as the small spider tilts her head in confusion.
“What is it?” The ball of sunshine asks before a look of concern flashes over her face. “Is Miguel alright?”
“He’s certainly not.” The Ai screeches in laughter as a distinct yell can be heard. A flash of black and red runs by them as a ball of dark brown fur follows behind. The sound of Miles pleaing for help while an array of hisses and growls follows causes the small spider to swing after them.
“Hey!” She yells as she uses her web to catch the raging ball of fur, only to realize what it was.
A large Maine Coone cat with a deep rich brown coat ruffles under the sticky web as his nearly red eyes focus on Miles in rage. His little growls as he tries to wrangle free from the web come to a halt when an excited squeal cuts him off.
“IT’S KITTY!!” The cat looks up in fright as his huge frame is lift up into the familiar warm arms of the cheert SpiderWoman.
The woman’s own frame was barely bigger than the long frame of the cat as she coos at the now sedated feline. Instead of reacting violent like he was meet minutes ago, he begins to purr as her nails run through fur.
Jessica and Peter look at Miles as he slowly approaches the woman with a cautionary eye as he mumbles. “I’m so sorry, Mr. O’Hara, I didn’t mean to-!”
A low growl comes from the cat as his large tail ruffles up again at the teenager. Peter breaks into laughter as he realizes what happened as Jessica looks horrified. Sunny’s smile brightens even more as she realizes the truth of why this adorable ball of anger reminded her so much of someone.
Miguel O’Hara was turned into a cat.
“Miggy~!” She coos at the cat as she scratches under his chin. “You’re such a handsome Gatito!” She kisses his furry head as he head butts her mouth affectionately. His purrs now out loud as he enjoys being pampered after all the stress he had just went through.
Hobie and Pavitr swing on down with a guilty look on their face as Gwen follows, holding a broken device. Jessica crosses her arms as she glares at each one of the kids.
“Talk. now.” She demands as Peter continues to laugh his ass off.
“Well…” Gwen starts. “We thought that since Miguel went kinda hard on Miles during that whole canon event mess, we decided to play a harmless prank…”
“Harmless?” Jessica quirks an eyebrow as her dark eyes narrow.
Hobie even starts the sweat a little as he stutters. “We were gonna turn him right back after a couple of pictures. Then he went all mad and he jumped us.”
Pavitr gets defensive as he grabs the device from Gwen and waves it around as he emphasizes his point. “And he broke the device! Now how am I gonna explain to Gayatri why get dad’s evidence is-!”
His thumb brushes against a button as the shattered gadget lights up and shoots a beam right at the cooing woman on the ground.
To everyone’s horror, the woman disappears in a flash of smoke, leaving only the now enraged Miguel and a small rag doll cat who was meowing.
The smaller feline meows as she looks around her before the larger Maine coone growls as he glares at Pavitr.
The device was now a melted piece of goo as the teenager’s fate was now sealed.
“Lyla…” Pavitr backs away slowly as an angry cat approaches him. “Can you fix this?…”
“I can.” Lyla admits as she tries not to laugh at the gentle cat waltzes over to Jessica and flop on her back, exposing her stomach for belly rubs. “But it’s gonna take a couple of hours.”
With that, Pavitr books it as the large feline chases him. Jessica laughs as she picks up the small mewling cat and rubs her fur, “When are these two ever gonna catch a break?”
Peter scratches Sunny’s ear as she purs. “Probably never.” He chuckles.
Hours later, Lyla finally manages to recreate the device as the exhausted teens lay on the floor. Each one covered in scratch marks from either trying to escape Miguel or from trying to interact with Sunny.
Lyla laughs as the hero’s groan. “It’s finished. You guys act like cat sitting is hard or something.” She teases as she approaches the couch where the two cats were asleep curled around each other, exhausted from their wild day as cats. A symphony of purrs fill the room as smaller crème colored cat was surrounded by the larger chocolate colored cat. The AI fires the device at the pair and smiles when the sleeping couple returns to normal. However, the purring unexpectedly continued as the sleeping woman snuggles deeper into the rumbling chest of her lover.
Lyla definitely had something to hold over Miguel’s head now.
Taglist ((Closed))):
@ameliadraws @tojisrightnut @whyareyoubored @silly-lovestruck-em @luvil1y @chims-kookies @himesuedi @22carolina08 @chaoticevilbakugo @boredwithlifeatthispoint @hoshhoshh @isaidoop @pheroineux @rosiepetalss @aniya7 @savannahlynnes @boldlypessimistic @dilfaddiction @xsuvs @bunnybopug01 @tanakaslastbraincell @brivers @mistermouseshideyhole @paranoiac-666 @reypolaris @beeframon @sofiahowland376 @bby-lupin @thesrtuggleisveryreal @arminarmout15 @mintellaine @maddsunn @sleepyamaya @meshuao @scaraza @nobarasgfriend @kurxxmi @lemoonandlestars @pix-stuff @galaxieshearme @sunshiines-stuff @iytatsworld @corpsebridenightamare @p-rspective @almostjollypizza @celestiayxl @christinaatyourservice92 @marisolpusheen @hereliespumpkin @lordelvr @shadowlover321 @internal-soundtrack @lotustv @0sftom0 @whosace16 @namjoons-crabssss @baefys-world @namioom @20forty9 @cicithemess2000 @hailssss222 @cityofvoldemort-blog @snow30285 @serenssuga @miguelluvrinnit @sammywammy1 @dameronshandholder @moonlight-fox @miwagila @alexthebootyeater420 @mariaatp @10-jiku2 @uselsshuman @cookiezxx @randomhumans-blog @mothsicn @gingerdissapointment @outspokenmatters @cookieshakr @alex-river1 @mellowstatesmanhandsempath @luna-usagi-chan @icantsleeplol809 @tiredweeb7 @4ishere @i-heart-marvel @mooomeadows @king-julian6201 @local-mr-frog @superbjealousy @wonwuz @lokisnumber1whore @deloe18 @all4koo @gothicgay14 @perrins161 @ghost-with-a-teacup @addictedtothefictionalworld @stevenknightmarc @loxbbg @some-lovely-day @thisisanaccountokaydus @keepingitlokiii @stevenknightmarc @maxi-ride @juneonhoth @fa1rybubbl3z @strxngegirl @iytatsworld @dilfrs @stfugenderfuck @ben-is-a-hoe @coralineyouareinterribledanger @fallinallinmendes @im-sure-its-fine @mirophobic
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bullet-clubs-bitch · 7 months
Can you please write something with Kenny Omega x fem reader,
Kenny has his surgery (for his diverticulitis) coming up and is nervous about the surgery, reader is there for him to comfort him and also is in the hospital with him and stays in the hospital for the entire time, so that reader is the first person he sees after waking up?!
There for you
An: I had no idea what to call this fic, leave better suggestions lol
Kenny Omega X femReader
Kenny Omega Masterlist Main Masterlist
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The moment Kenny got his diagnosis I promised I would be there for him no matter what. I would be at every appointment and do whatever I could to make the best of this situation. When Kenny found out he needed surgery him and I were both nervous. Despite Kenny having multiple surgeries in the past this one was different. This surgery would not be easy, the recovery time would be long and Kenny would be in a lot of pain. Regardless I would be there for every second. 
Today was surgery day and although I would never tell Y/n, I was scared. I hated putting her through this. I felt like this was a never-ending cycle. Ever since my belt collector era, I had found myself constantly out of action. I contemplated retirement but decided to do a final run with The Bucks for the trios’ titles. That plan got screwed over when we all got suspended and during that time I realized I was far from done. I still had things I wanted to do in my career and like always Y/n was nothing but supportive of me. When I first started feeling sick I ignored it, I had matches booked, storylines were being written and I coudn't get sick. I assumed it was a bug as a lot of the talent caught this stomach bug but mine never went away. Y/n had to beg me to go to the hospital and when I finally did I was told I was lucky I came when I did. If I had waited any longer this whole thing could have been way worse. 
As much as we tried to avoid surgery it came to the point where I needed it. Like always Y/n was there for me for every second. She comforted me and took after me the whole time. In the days leading up to my surgery, she prepped the house to be perfect for my return. She even spent the holidays with me in the hospital which I know was hard for the both of us. She held my hand while they put me under, telling me how much she loved me and how she would stay for the whole operation. Everything that happened after that was a blur. I didn’t know what time it was when I finally woke up but I knew it was late. Hospitals always creeped me out, especially during the night but this time I felt at ease. Looking down I could see all the bandages and tubes on my body, it freaked me out. The only light in the room came from the hallway of the hospital and the moonlight that shined through the window. It was quiet, the only sound was the beats of my heart that echoed off the monitor. Beep….Beep…Beep. As I looked around the room, I noticed Y/n curled up on a chair in the corner. Although I didn’t see her at the time her presence in the room was all I needed to comfort me.
 “How are you feeling?” Y/n asked me quietly. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you” “I wasn’t really sleeping. They said everything went well. You should be able to come home tomorrow” That I was thankful for, I couldn't wait to be back in my own bed. “That’s good, I feel fine for the most part” “Good, you are on a lot of pain meds. When they start to wear off you have to tell the nurse.” Y/n told me tirdly “Thank you, Y/n” “For what?” “For everything, for always being there. I really don’t deserve any of it” “Oh hush, you do deserve someone to take care of you Ken. You should try and get some rest, your body needs it.” “Yes ma’am, Good night” “Night, Love you” “Love you too” How did I get so lucky. 
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I mean yeah voice actors voices are hot but also like in appearance
Corey Burton is a cutie
You know what, that's valid
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You must go on a vision quest to see what the MCU is blind to (and by that I mean go find one (1) weird indie movie youve never heard of and watch the whole thing). Then you will be cleaned of your corporate media sins (/lh)
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Oh good, I get to talk about this dumbass show (beloved)
RiD 01 as a whole is a SILLY fuckin show. Like they took the sillygoofy nature of g1 and went "bet," then cranked it 10 times higher. G1 still had its somber moments. Character work. Genuinely threatening and downright cruel villains. RiD 01 has occasional complex characters, but 90% of the time, this show is a fairly low-stakes comedy that's going full camp.
The autobots are dysfunctional and just straight up weird. Three of them are brothers, and it's not a trio anyone would EVER expect. Prowl is a fucking narc. Brawn is here but he's named X-Brawn bc I guess he had to get that Xtreme rebrand for the 2000s. He's also closer to Ironhide than anything, complete with the Texas accent. Their other brother is named Sideburn, he's the bumblebee equivalent as the Designated Kid Appeal Character, but he's also, and I shit you not, a sex pest about red sports cars. Not just bots with sports car alts. Any red sports car. He will drop everything to go chase a sexy red car and he catcalls it the whole time. The TFA constructicons have NOTHING on this guy. He gets so aggressively horny on main his narc-ass cop brother has to arrest him for it.
Optimus is here, and he's got his own family trouble. He has a brother too, and it's fucking Ultra Magnus. Magnus hates his guts because OP got chosen as Autobot leader and he didn't. At one point they find a cache of blank protoforms, Megatron gets to it first, and has one of them scan both himself and Optimus when he comes online, which results in Scourge, my lameass emo boyfriend i was defending through the whole Scourge War. He's literally just, like, Their Kid and he fucking hates his autobot dad so he lives with Megatron instead to try and make him proud of how Evil and Competent he is.
Megatron has like. Too many altmodes. Just too many. One of them sort of kind of counts as a sports car, that is partially red, Sideburn gets horny about it. Finding out it was Megatron did not stop him for asking for a date. Canon bisexual before IDW, even in the English dub.
The main villains serving Megatron are the predacons and they're about as threatening as team rocket and roughly half as competent. One of them is a squirrel voiced by Steve Blum. The second in command is SkyByte and he's so fucking bad at being evil. He writes poetry (which Optimus roasts the shit out of). He takes online personality quizzes and then gets legitimately upset if he doesn't get the results he wants. This was the plot of an entire episode. He has a crush on Megatron and fantasizes about doing a good job for him. He doesn't like scourge because he thinks he's Meg's new favorite. He does circus tricks on command. He has a soft spot for kids and he was so nice to them while actively trying to be evil that he ended up with a fanbase in-universe that followed him around and encouraged him to be a good guy. He is the EPITOME of a skrunkly little loser boyfailure AND he's a shark. What more could you ask for.
This is not even a quarter of the insane shit that happens in this show. It has NO chill, ever. If you want to see pure, unbridled chaos from robots that are usually at least a little more serious and intense, I literally cannot rec it enough. A lot of hot robots too, tbh. The things id do to Midnight Express...
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xxsp3llb0undxx · 2 years
howdy! i'm not sure if you're still taking twilight writing prompt requests, but if you are, could i get a 5 (in random prompts section) with jasper hale? bonus points if it's with a pregnant reader!
Immortality and its flaws (Jasper Hale x Pregnant!Reader)
Prompt: R5 - "I swear to the holy ghost, if I catch you; you'll be deader than you already are."
Disclaimer: Please do not repost my work to other sites or claim as your own, this is purely written from my imagination and from the help of the franchise. All rights of the main storyline goes to the writers and producers of Twilight.
Summary - Reader is Jaspers pregnant mate, they've been together for the last 5 years. Jasper decides to play a prank on his mate with his adoptive brothers, Edward and Emmett; only they didn't expect to be running away from her in fear of being scolded like a bunch of children. Which lets be honest, they are.
Y/n's pregnancy was a surprise to everyone; including Jasper, but that didn't mean he wasn't thrilled to be a dad. The first couple weeks of her carrying their child were probably the hardest, still being human and having to drink blood to make sure their child was well nourished wasn't exactly what Y/n planned on happening but anything for her baby. Jasper was nothing but loving and caring, he would go out of his way to make sure Y/n was comfortable and nothing was hurting her.
After the first month of the pregnancy, Y/n was slowly able to get up and walk around the Cullen house without being supervised every second, but of course Jasper was still lurking around in case of his mate needing him. That was until one day Jasper wasn't there to help Y/n, he was instead, planning a prank with his two adoptive brothers; Edward and Emmett. It was just supposed to be light hearted, never truly anything to aggravate anyone. Alice was in on it too, she was not to tell Y/n what the boys were conspiring, in return they said they would bring the petite, fairy -like vampire on a shopping spree whenever she wanted.
And so the planning began, the three vampires were sat outback on an unusually sunny Friday afternoon; Edward kept reading Y/n's mind to make sure Alice was keeping her occupied for the time being, feeling reassured enough to walk back to his brothers, Edward heard Emmett's bounding laugh bounce off the surrounding trees. "So, what have you come up with?" Jasper's lips stretched into a wide grin, his amber eyes twinkling with mischief. In this moment, he was the living embodiment of the Cheshire Cat. Jasper explained to Edward what Emmett had proposed, the bronze haired boy was all on board to go forward with their little escapade.
Y/n was sleeping peacefully when the Cullen boys started to move all of Y/n's favourite snacks to the lower shelves in the kitchen, knowing full well her swollen stomach would restrict her from being able to reach them. Emmett's laughter roared throughout the house, the blonde vampires trying to shush him in fear their prank would be cut short from Jasper's mate waking up. Luckily, Alice had come downstairs and told the trio they were in the clear for now but Y/n would wake up any minute.
The Cullens boys rushed around to finish off anything that had to be done to make this prank the best it could be. Five minutes later, they heard one of the doors upstairs open, they were met with a waft of honey and the smell of grass after it had been raining; it was Y/n. Jasper rushed upstairs and took a hold of his mate. "What are you doing up out of bed? You're not strong enough to be walking around." His thick southern accent more noticeable, that only happened when he was worried or anxious about something.
Her bright e/c stared into Jaspers amber ones, she held such a soft look in her eyes; the same look that she always uses in an attempt to assure her mate everything was okay. "I was hungry, so I thought I would go down stairs and get something to eat." Her voice was velvety, it made Jasper's still heart skip a beat. Said vampire picked up his mate and carried her down the stairs, he wasn't going to risk her getting hurt from falling down the ash wood stairs. Once they had reached the bottom, Alice had come over to help Y/n walk to the kitchen.
The fairy-like vampire knew of the prank her adoptive brothers were pulling and she knew how cruel it was but, boys will be boys she thought. Y/n started rummaging through the cupboards trying to find her favourite snacks to eat, she let out a frustrated sigh as she stretched her arm as far as possible to open the doors to the cupboards beside her legs, the pain in her back accompanied by her swollen stomach stopped her from being able to bend down. Once the thin slab of wood finally pulled open, Y/n saw a glimpse of her favourite snacks pushed behind the cleaning products. She was livid, how dare they move her beloved snacks.
Quiet laughs came from the living room, before Y/n could confront her mate or his brothers, Alice had broken away from her vision; Edward knew what was coming next so instead of sticking around for Jasper's angry, hormonal mate to come and murder them; he starts running for his life, his brothers hot on his tails. When Y/n finally managed to hobble her way to the living room, the three vampires were gone. She knew they were still around somewhere, close enough to hear her. "I swear to the holy ghost, if I catch you; you'll be deader than you already are. You better run, Hale."
To say the least, Jasper didn't come back home for a few hours until he was certain his mate had calmed down a little bit. When he finally came to his sense, though, he was met with an extremely angry Y/n. She told him she would only forgive him if he cuddled her and told her all the stories about his life prior to meeting her, and of course, new snacks.
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wesleysniperking · 4 months
One Piece Film: Red and What It Meant for Usopp
Part 1 (TL;DR)
(beware spoilers!!!)
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I was catching up on the One Piece anime last night and a particular special, SP13 (aired a week before episode 1101) didn’t sit right with me. What bothered me was the lack of mention of Usopp (or even his alter ego, Sniper King).
The focus was on the CP9 agents, illustrating how far both the Straw Hats and CP9 (now CP0) had come. But the omission of Usopp’s significant contributions at Enies Lobby felt like a slap in the face.
Haters often consider Usopp and Sniper King as two separate individuals, ignoring that Usopp is the one behind Sniper King. It felt like reading a prejudiced abridged version (*cough cough* US History books *cough cough*) of a major historical event. They even omitted the part where Usopp inspired Luffy with his speech and told everyone to get on the Merry. It’s frustrating and disheartening, especially for those of us who are deeply invested in Usopp’s journey.
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This brings me to my main point regarding Usopp’s role in the Wano arc and the Onigashima battle. There’s a significant amount of criticism and ridicule aimed at Usopp for his performance in this arc. I believe he did great, providing crucial support and not being a sitting duck. Yet, many fans view him as useless and fodder, fixating on the toad oil cream incident (he didn’t do anything wrong) and his plea to Nami to lie about Toko’s condition (there’s nothing wrong with that, I’d avoid fighting someone head on too! That should be the last resort). And the whole thing where he also wanted her to lie and say Luffy won’t be pirate king (so she—a friend—wouldn’t bite the dust!).
Some fans argue that Usopp should have showcased his marksmanship more during the battle. They blame Usopp rather than acknowledging that this might be a flaw in Oda’s writing. They say that all the Straw Hats got their power-ups and moments to shine, but this isn’t entirely accurate.
Luffy achieved Gear 5, Sanji embraced his genetic enhancements, Zoro mastered Enma and burst his haki, Robin enhanced her Devil Fruit to defeat Black Maria, Brook showcased new abilities, Nami summoned Zeus, and even Jinbei, Chopper, and Franky had their (notable?) contributions. However, everyone besides the monster trio got only a small slice of the spotlight. Yet, some fans still defend the non-monster trio Straw Hats while putting Usopp down as if he’s a pariah.
When fans praise Wano and the Onigashima battle, it feels like being at a party where everyone had a great time except you. They continue to talk animatedly about their experiences while you sit there, knowing you had a terrible time. It’s disheartening.
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So, I had to look for a pick-me-up. I had to focus on what Wano and the Onigashima battle actually meant for Usopp. I needed to find the light at the end of the tunnel, hoping there’d be a light.
next part
Part 2
Part 3
Usopp fan club (feel free to join)
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cielles-random-vault · 10 months
HIIIII MLLL! I would love if you could write a Mike x reader following the FNAF plot? I haven’t ppl write anything like that! Maybe the reader being forced to go with Abby when Freddy comes to get her and Mike saving them and being protective? Smth angst WITH A FLUFF ENDING BC AHHHV I LOVE FLUFF WITH SOME ANGST! (also nothing with smut bc everyone’s been writing Mike smut and it feels so ooc for him 😔)
you're so real asexual mike canon!!
also the angst part is a bit rushed i'm sorry i'm slowly getting out of writer's block and it truly ain't shit 🤧🤧 BUUTTT HERE WE AREE
gender neutral reader!!
wc: 1141 🦦
find the fic on ao3 here! || link to my ao3 profile 🦇
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“Give me the vest.” Mike tried to command to his sister, but it was to no use.
“No. Me and Y/N are coming with you.” Abby replied on a taunting tone.
“ Are we?” you said, looking up from your book, and the death stare Abby gave you left you no choice but to follow her.
“Please.” Abby begged, doing her signature puppy eyes.
“No.” Mike replied sternly.
"What?! You can't say no to her, especially not with those puppy eyes!!" you chimed in, doing puppy eyes as well, hoping it would persuade him.
“Fine” he sighs, and you and Abby exchanged a hearty high five. “But only if you come with us as well, Y/N.”
“Fine by me!” you reply with an eager smile. “Come on Abby, let’s get ready!”
The happy trio then found itself impatiently sitting in the car, while the radio was silently playing Talking in your sleep.
A few moments later, you all three arrived n front of the abandoned pizzeria.
“Don’t get your hopes up, okay?” Mike warned as you were entering the building. “Just… Do whatever while I’m watching the cameras. Y/N? (you turn your head to look at him) I’m counting on you, you’re the adult, you take care of Abby, okay ? (you nod) And you, Abby, don’t be too much of a trouble, okay?”
“Mhm!” she agreed excitedly.
A few moments later, you and Abby found yourselves discovering all the oddities of the ancient pizzeria, but one in particular caught your eyes.
“Look at that muffin!” you say to Abby as you point your flashlight towards a muffin with a pink icing and some gloomy yellow eyes. “Imagine if it started chasing you here, what would you do?”
“I sure wouldn’t want that to happen” Abby chuckled as you switched rooms, not paying attention to the now moving muffin.
On the other hand, boredom seemed to have gotten the best of Mike. After all, if nothing tragic happened in this pizzeria in over 30 years, the bite of 87 aside, why would it change now?
That’s how our dear camera monitor ended falling asleep, the soft noise of the cameras’ static slowly lulling him, but he shouldn't have…
You and Abby kept on exploring the various and numerous rooms, and found a room full of blanket of pillows and blankets.
“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” you ask Abby as you give her a mischievous look.
“If you’re thinking about building a pillow fort, then totally!!” Abby replied cheerfully. “We should do it in the main plaza!”
“Yes!! Start off with bringing these there, I’ll take the rest!” you say as you hand her a few blankets.
A few moments later, you and Abby started running out of blankets, so you decided to take the ones who were covering some oddly tall figures.
“What the- oh my god this is awfully terrifying” you say as you uncovered a strange purple bunny looking animatronic.
Should you have left? Of course. But you somehow couldn’t take your eyes off of the strange creature before your eyes. Its red eyes were staring back at yours, and something felt off, but you couldn’t put your finger on it. It’s as if the creature in front of you was…
“Help!!” you tried to scream, but nobody could hear you.
Strange, Mike thought as he noticed one of the cameras stopped working. I should check what’s going on there.
“Abby?” he asked as he headed towards the main plaza. “Do you know where is Y/N?”
“They’re in the storage room, we are going to build a pillow fort!” Abby replied cheerfully.
Mike then rushed to the storage room where he thought you were, where he noticed you silently studying the purple robot-looking bunny.
As you tilted your head in curiosity, the robot did the same, and you couldn’t help but to find it endearing.
"Oh my God, I thought something bad happened to you," Mike sighed, relieved to see you alive and well. "Are you the one who screamed earlier?"
“Yes” you admit with a sheepish smile. “That’s because he didn’t want to put me down.”
“Okay...” Mike replied, slightlty doubtful.
“By the way,his name is Bonnie! Bonnie, this is Mike, my best friend!” you said with a smile. “He can be of good use for taking all the pillows we need to the plaza!”
A few hours pass as the night comes to an end, and time to head back home arrived.
Both you and Abby fell asleep in the car, lulled by the smooth roaring of the car.
“Y/N?” Mike called you after Abby went to sleep. “Can I tell you something?”
“Sure, but what’s with the serious face?” you ask him, starting to get worried.
“Nothing I just…” Mike sighed. “I’m just glad you’re safe. The animatronics can get dangerous at times.”
“There’s something you’re not telling me.” You point out. “Whatever it is, you can tell me, I’m your best friend, I won’t judge.”
Mike sighed deeply before saying:
“If I got so worried about you, it’s because I thought I would lose you. And I couldn’t bear losing the one I love.”
“Is that… A confession?” you ask, not wanting a misunderstanding.
“What else do you want it to be” he replied, smiling awkwardly.
“Well” you chuckle, “I’m surprised you beat me to it. It’s been a while since I wanted to confess as well.”
“Wait, really??” (you nod with a soft smile) “So, does that mean that we’re, you know, dating?”
“I don’t know” you chuckle softly, “We’ll have plenty time to disscuss it later, okay? Let’s just say we’re lovers for now, okay?”
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rocketkid300 · 22 hours
so at first I thought the JJK finale was buns. And then I was mad. Then I thought about it a bit.
I think a lot of the stuff that Gege included within the final chapter (final few chapters ngl) is CONCEPTUALLY pretty good. Trio and all students surviving? Conclusion for the CG characters? Everyone moving on from Gojo because sorcerers should work together as a community and not rely on the strongest in a flawed system? Yuuji passing on encouragement to a new CG sorcerer to represent the next gen passing on their strength? All great points.
The problem was that it felt too fast paced. We didn't have time to really let the characters breathe and settle into the new world. No emotional conversations between the main trio, not even between Yuuji and Megumi. Just. Right back to it! And my biggest gripe was probably that there didn't really feel like there was a change to the status quo. Megumi's character didn't really feel like it had a proper conclusion, and we definitely should've gotten more from both Nobara and Yuuji about the new world they're in. Just killing the higher ups and putting gakugangi up there doesn't really make that much of a difference imo. And also everything with the foreign militaries? Ofc there was a lot of stuff implied w/ Mei Mei and the NSS clan stuff, and all the new CG sorcerers and etc, but honestly we just needed more.
That's when I realized the real enemy was Shonen Jump all along. Shonen Jump has extremely strict deadlines on the final chapter; meaning that once the final arc starts, the author would have to pick a date to end the manga and stick with it. But remember what happened a few months ago? Gege got sick around the time when the yuutago chapters dropped. He was out for a month. Thats anywhere from 3-5 extra chapters we could've had.
And that... really hurts. I genuinely think even 3 extra chapters could've fixed all the glaring issues with the last few chaps. More room to have emotional conversations, more to talk about the future of Jujutsu society/cursed energy, more change to the status quo, more actually cohesive character conclusions/interactions, even maybe a Gojo acknowledgement (yes ik the point is that the future gen will move on without him but I think it's unrealistic that the students don't look back on him fondly at least). Those extra chapters wouldn't fix everything, ofc, but it would definitely make things feel more complete. It sucks from a readers perspective, because we KNOW Gege can write really well. But I imagine it sucks even more from a writers perspective.
There's a lot of debate on whether or not Gege actually cares about JJK and its characters (especially when it comes to that six eyes freak ykwim), but even if his original ideas were scrapped, I think ANYONE who works on something for upwards of six years will feel some sort of love or care towards that project. I can't imagine what it must feel like to not be able to fully execute your creative vision because of health problems and the shitty cog-wheels of Shonen Jump serialization.
Ofc, I might be reading too much into it. Perhaps his leave of absence had nothing to do with how Gege ended JJK. Maybe this was his plan all along. The more I sit with it, the more okay I feel. We've known for a long time that the JJK ending wasn't going to be perfect. And yeah, we can (respectfully) mourn what we could've had but honestly? I had so much fun. I have never ever been involved in a fandom like this and yeah it sucked like 99% of the time but despite it all I had so much fucking fun. Say all you want about Gege's skills but you can't deny that he is amazing at creating compelling characters, cool power systems and emotionally packed plots. Yuuji, Megumi, Nobara and Maki will all be oh so dear to me forever. Yeah the ending could definitely have been better, but I'm willing to give him grace. If anything, I'm even more excited for his next work.
Anyways, I think that having all these plot holes and "wasted potential" might actually be a good thing in the long run. It can be frustrating, obviously, when you look at the story all on its own, but ngl fandom works best when we can fill in the gaps on our own. I'm looking forwards to seeing what everyone's gonna make from here on out! I definitely have a LOT of things I'd want to write about, maybe even draw ooh.
Incredibly longwinded way of saying: Gege, you aint so bad after all. And yeah, I think I'm pretty happy overall with JJK. Maybe a lil miffed about certain things, but I doubt I would be the person I am today without this godforsaken manga. How amazing is that? :)
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pinkyjulien · 2 months
I finished No Coincidence and I have some THOUGHTSS
Heads up for potential spoilers 👁👄👁
You can read my condensed, spoiler light impression on Twitter also 👀
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GODDDD.... What a book man fhjfg
Gotta say, the start was a bit slow? To me at least. I wasn't too interested in the individual characters, who I thought were another group of gonks like Edgerunners
At one point, I did not want to even continue; the romances between Ron and Melina, and Zor and Aya felt forced, "he's a boy she's a girl" kind of deal. "They're around each others so of course they fuck"
A lot of moments around Melina and Aya were focused on their physics, how sexy they were and how the men were attracted to them; they made it a force and used it to their advantages of course, but this felt like I was reading an old book, yknow?
Aya being the poor girl forced to sell her body to live, and Melina being the sexy corpo doing everything to stay young. It's like, aren't we past those tropes for female characters in 2024 deadass??
They eventually grew on me as we dived more in the story, they got way more interesting once the book stopped focusing on how the men felt around them; when the book stopped using the two female characters as tools to move the male characters backstories and trauma
(making it clear its nothing against Milena and Aya, as I said I really liked them and the main gang in general, just a bit of eeeh heteronormative writing, boring to me)
Once the romance "build up" was over, I really got into the story and the characters; the dynamic between the group was interesting 👁👄👁 You can tell there's more to it all, you can tell it's No coincidence if they're together
Even if you can sniff the twist coming, they still hit HARD AND GOOD, made me look away from the book with an audible Oooooooh multiple times
I did not expect Albert to be present throughout the whole book, but I loved the deep dive into the netrunning word and the cyberspace in general oof... made my brain goes bbrrrbbrrrrrr it's so good 👁👄👁 without getting too spoilery, Albert's storyline was probably my favorite; that finale is insane, got me on edge, both fascinated and terrified
ANOTHER THING I LOVED. Seeing familiar faces! I loved to see Pepe, Dum Dum, and hear about Royce. Dum Dum actually have a big place in the book, which was fun!
We also get to see Dum Dum friends, or should I say Dum Dum's partners? I really doubt they'd categorize their relationship, but that trio obviously love each others in the most *Maelstromish* way
Karla and Dixie were fun characters, adding new flavors to what we already knew and saw of the Maelstromer gang 🤌
Talking about gangs, we also get to meet with Animals, who have actual animal features in the book compared to the game! Tusks, fangs and whiskers, with actual animal head even 👁👁 wish we had that in game
Knowing everything I know, I might want to revisit it again in the future 👀 cause its def a book you wanna re read once you get all the keys AAHHH
GOOD SHIT GOOD SHIT. Recommend it if you wanna have more of Night City and of the Cyberpunk universe ⭐️
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goldensunset · 9 days
What's your opinion on Nomura saying he wants KH4 to be kind of like a reboot of the series? I'm personally a bit worried about what that means for the graphics and gameplay, but like, I'm probably always going to be mourning the loss of the old modeling style so I don't think I should be taken seriously on that front. Graphics change aside, it seems like most of the information we've gotten on KH4 boils down to "Yes it's in Tokyo" and "Guys it's not gonna be a crossover with TWEWY, Please Stop Asking". Really not sure what to make of it so far.
i really have no clue what he means by that... honestly i'm fine with the new style although i do see the concerns with kinda making it seem more generically anime prettyboy final fantasy-esque but like. we've only seen two characters so far and that was two and a half years ago and we already know they're planning on changing some things so who knows what the final product will look like. idk.
my one concern- and i say this as someone who personally likes simpler and more realistic designs, as well as like serious hardcore worldbuilding and dark stuff- is that kh will lose its weird, goofy, disney positivity charm. sora's design just needs slightly more color to it, nothing too drastic. the city of quadratum being hyperrealistic in a direct jarring contrast to everything else we've ever seen in the series is SO cool i just hope the final version has some unique charm to it. obviously i hope it's still kinda bleak bc i think that's the point of the story here but y'know? i hope they tell the story they're trying to tell while also making it feel magical in some way
see while i can't say i personally have any interest in the disney aspect of things (i understand that's what the series was supposed to be all along but me personally i'm in it for the original story side of things) i also never want kh to totally leave that dimension. i think they need to get better at implementing it into the story- akin to how it originally was in the first game, or in khdr, bc both of those were amazing. like prove to me that this disney crossover is the best way to tell your story bc i know you can do it. it shouldn't feel like two separate games, one of which can be entirely filtered out with almost no bearing on the plot
the other thing is like the collaboration with disney is a limitation- but it's a limitation that breeds creativity. if we let nomura do whatever he wanted he might run off the rails and make it too gritty. but having to keep the family-friendly positivity at the core honestly makes it way more interesting imo. and i think he knows that- i think he has a heartfelt story about connection and humanity and love and memories etc to tell and he's gonna tell it. i have faith in him (maybe not faith to write every single game's dialogue and scenario lol but like. in terms of general plot direction he knows what he's doing)
truthfully, as long as the series never stops being ultimately an uplifting tale of hope? i don't care what they do with it. i hope they keep adding dark and serious and weird stuff to it and i hope they keep coming back to the joyful refrain over and over again. that's the ideal story to me- one that takes you so, so low, but brings you back up at the end. that's what kh has been like all along and that's like the main draw imo
they've been leaning more into the possibility of sad endings without perfect resolutions lately (i mean i truthfully don't see how the khux crew is gonna reunite on this mortal plane without more ghost shenanigans.) but like. a bittersweet ending of fondly remembering someone lost to you is incredibly heartfelt and you can make peace with that. i like that more than the idea that you'll always get everything you want and things can always go back to how they were. i think that's what nomura was getting at with kh3, how the destiny trio can't get their innocent childhood back but that doesn't mean their bond is gone. it doesn't have to be a classic disney fairytale ending to be an uplifting one and honestly it hits my HEART. bittersweet ending supremacy. kh is about losing things and finding new things and being connected etc etc i'm repeating myself but i'm insane about this series and long story short as long as the love is there i'm not going to complain
if we're talking about kh4 specifically? really no idea what to make of it... the big question is as follows- is sora's predicament going to be resolved in this game or is that for another game. if it's for another game it's going to have to be a numerical kh5 and i kind of don't have confidence in the team to uh. um. finish more than one new numerical game at this point lol. plus just assuming there would be a gap period with other games in the middle there then sora would be away from home for a lonnnnng time. it could happen but it would require his best friends to reach him there too and get stuck and like oh man how is anyone getting home now. is the series ever gonna end
like maybe kh4 being a reboot would quite genuinely mean shifting the entire overall setting of the series to unreality for the time being. we've discussed the nature of the heart and human connection in this whimsical childhood fairytale world, now let's put these philosophical debates in the real adult world now! who knows. it honestly all depends on how much nomura thinks he has left in him. or if he does plan to retire whether he's gonna pass it off to someone else or just end it somewhere randomly. like truly we're getting kinda mixed messages here like simultaneously he's talking about retiring someday while also saying he's introducing a new phase to the series. ok but how long will that phase be bestie
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It's funny to me how you guys get so pressed when the way Hinny was written faces constructive criticism. No one is hating on Hinny the ship. But pointing out how they could've had much more meaningful build up. Believe it or not an entire community of Hinny shippers agree with this. Think critically before letting your bias blind you.
I just said that the Harry Potter books are filled with things that could've been better written so there's really no point in talking about a spefic storyline instead of talking about the issues of the writing of the series.
The Harry Potter books are a coming-of-age story which means that the emotional exploration of the characters is supposedly quite important and yet they were written by an author who didn't really care that much about the emotional exploration of the characters and instead just wanted to write about her little mysteries.
This is why there's no real storyline about Harry learning more about his family despite family (and not found family) being one of the main themes of the books.
It's why the fight between Ron and Harry in the fourth book is completely ridiculously written and it becomes really difficult understanding what exactly is going on in Ron's head. It should have been written as Ron progressevely getting more and more angry.
It's one of the reasons why we know nothing really about Hermione's family which creates a giant hole in her characterization.
The lack of focus on the emotional exploration of the characters on hinny has the consequence of a reduced number of scenes compared to the ones they should've had because obviously focusing more on the emotional exploration of Harry's character would mean more Ginny. But you still have all the elements to understand why they should be together and it is gradually built throughout the story.
A problem of lack of scenes can be said also about the relationship between Harry and Sirius, but the fandom doesn't have a fixation on father-son relationships and Anglo-Saxon literature doesn't give its best on this particular type of relationship so people basically never discuss this. As someone who comes from a very family-focused literary culture: it is an extremely obvious issue.
But while Harry's relationships with characters like Ginny or Sirius lack in quantity, they really deliver in quality because they are characters a bit more separated from the plot while still being essential to the meaning of the story.
On the other hand, the relationships Harry has with characters who are very involved in the plot deliver a lot in quantity but tend to be short on quality because every scene is devoured by the plot.
It's pretty simple, really.
Then we can start a conversation about how Rowling's decision to follow a very rigid structure produced a story that gives you a sensation of coming home every time you pick up the books again but it becomes also incredibly creatively limiting. For example, the trio dynamic that we know organically ends in the fifth book which led Rowling to then write Dumbledore saying to Harry that ridiculous thing about talking about the prophecy only with Ron and Hermione. The fifth book has Ginny being introduced as this person Harry can say things he can't say to anyone else and there are six people that go to the Ministry. But having Ginny there the whole time besides Harry or introducing really Harry to the Order would've meant radically changing the structure of the story to the point that the last two books would have created sequels of the original book series instead of chapters of the same saga. So the organic development of the characters needed to be stopped.
Talking about hinny for example, but also plenty of other things of these books, without doing this reasoning, without analysing the context first would be completely stupid.
And don't even get me started on the original target audience discussion.
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Updates on RC9GN Ships & Muses
I don't know why I need to clarify this since the RC9GN community has been amazing, and for those genuinely interested in my content, well, you can ignore this!
I'm going to split this into two different categories as well as how to send an ask because I am at my limit genuinely
Also, I can't remember who had this idea but I might create alternate ship names for the characters based on like, interests and/or objects.
Ships I'm Comfortable Writing
Randy x Howard (Weinerham) - emotionally constipated dumbasses who probably need therapy
Randy x Theresa (Fowlham) - high school sweethearts but they still need the nudge in the right direction
Randy x Debbie (Kangham) - the dumbass and the one who carries the braincells
Randy x Howard x Theresa (???) - i don't think there's an official ship name for these three! If anyone would like to help me come up with one, just let me know! (the enabler, the fuck-all attitude, and the epitome of flowers in human form-)
Randy x Howard x Debbie (???) - they also need an 'official' ship name. I thought of Chaos Trio for shits and giggles, but I'm uncertain atm (braincells and dumbasses: the sequel)
Debbie x Theresa (Fowlkang/Twirling Photography?) - literally a perfect match
Other Ships I Can Write but Are Not My Mains
Howard x Debbie (Weinerkang) - how to describe their relationship? who knows, but- well, it exists now
McFist x Viceroy (McViceroy) - the braincell and the dumbass
McFist x Viceroy x Marci (???) - McFist has two hands, y'all
Randy x Julian (Corpse Scarf!) - pls i don't have a silly way to explain their ship they're just adorable i love them sm goodbye
possibly Bucky x Julian (???) - don't expect me to write for this ship too much-
If there's any other ship you're interested in, let me know! Canon x Original Character is also allowed!
How to Send Me Asks?
Pick a ship! Or a muse (if you want standalone headcanons and/or ficlets/etc). You cannot get an ask answered without this.
Choose a prompt if you want something more specific. This can be literally anything from a song lyric (if it's the whole song, please send me a link- i obviously don't know all songs!), a word or two (park, coffee date, etc), OR anything else to your fancy. You can pick something more detailed!
If you want something set in an AU setting, please- please specify. Or I'm going to just write these as close to canon as I can
You can send multiple asks/requests! I really don't mind tbh- just don't send me more than three at once, I think-?
NSFW will not be accepted. Suggestive content is fine, but you have to be at least eighteen- it just cannot be straight up smut.
For original characters, please provide information regarding the OC! I can't write for a canon I know nothing about-
Anon will continue remaining open. I hope the situation has been dealt with because I just started deleting the asks- I will curate my tumblr experience to something comfortable for me and the people who truly want to have a great time here, but now we can talk about my RC9GN muses
RC9GN Muses
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Randy Cunningham (He/Him, doesn't mind other pronouns) - age varies depending on ask/request. Unlabeled on Sexuality. Randy doesn't care about that sort of thing to be honest- he'll date anyone he feels an attraction for. Personal headcanon that he's trans!
Open for both romantic and platonic asks/requests!
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First Ninja/Finja (He/Him) - age varies depending on asks/requests. Asexual, but Open to Dating. Doesn't care for partner's gender.
Open for both romantic and platonic asks/requests!
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Human! Nomi/Nomicon (All Pronouns) - ageless/doesn't age due to immortality. Arospec + Asexual.
Open for Platonic Asks/Requests!
Secondary Characters
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Howard Weinerman (He/Him) - age varies depending on asks/requests. Queer/Unlabeled. Doesn't care about his partner's gender.
Open for romantic and platonic asks/headcanons!
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Julian (He/They) - age varies depending on asks/requests! Unlabeled. Bicurious, leans to men.
Open for romantic and platonic asks/requests!
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Theresa Fowler (She/Her, open to other pronouns) - age varies depending on asks/headcanons! Bisexual.
Open for romantic and platonic asks/headcanons!
(I could not find a gif- shit)
Spike (He/It/Doesn't Fucking Care) - ageless bc he's a robot. Unlabeled.
Open for platonic asks/requests!
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Nomirandy (No /jk He/They) - ageless?? Unlabeled/Bicurious. Kind of leans to men, but he doesn't care all that much
Open for romantic and platonic asks/headcanons!
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Tengu! Howard (All) - ageless?? Who tf cares about labels?
Open for romantic and platonic asks/headcanons!
If there's other canons you would like for me to write, I can try but no promises to be honest- I'm experimenting with a lot of these and I thought they might be fun to write more often!
I might write another set of headcanons for each of these characters later tonight, and I do need to write the next piece of my meta-analysis at some point! Plus an ask I'm very bouncy about hahaha, but anyway- have a lovely day, everyone!
~ Ace (He/They)
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