vincentpriceonline · 7 years
karmathenightowl mentioned you in a photo “Hi! My name is Karma. Some people know me as “Karma the Night Owl.” ...”
…People like @thepalatine, @ vincentpriceonline , @christopherleefan, @greenishq8, @athousandsapphires,…
Thank you so much for including me on your awesome journey! I had no idea you were going through a rough patch with your art, but you certainly never need to worry about any of that since you are an amazing and clever artist! I totally get the thing about feeling like you have to stick to certain things/fandoms or people won’t be interested, though. Your style is adorable so anything you draw is worth looking at. I’ve been slacking off with online things lately and missed all those Ian things you did! I did see a few but missed so many, oops. (I could watch “Vicious” every day and never get sick of that show, btw!) Again, thanks for including me. I’m glad we crossed paths!
I encourage everyone to click on the link and look at the original post full of splendid artwork by @karmathenightowl!
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vincentpriceonline · 4 years
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New layout! VincentPriceOnline v. #006! Also merged the Fask and Site pages together here!
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vincentpriceonline · 7 years
Submissions are currently off.
I had set up the Submissions page a while back because someone wanted to submit something. I never received anything but left it on anyway. Now I keep getting spam so I’ve turned it off. If you have anything to submit, just send me a regular message and I’ll turn it on for a bit.
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vincentpriceonline · 7 years
Today I recalled how when I was looking for a good username, I considered “Verden’s Hat” which would have been a total fail in the url.
Nobody wants to picture that! XD
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vincentpriceonline · 7 years
Personal & VP post ahead....
I don’t make a whole lot of text posts, but I had to make this one. First, sorry I haven’t been as active as I’d like to be. I haven’t been on much at all lately (only just started getting back on). My bunny was sick for a while and I found out her cancer came back (from last year). She was having bathroom issues and I didn’t wanna make her keep struggling, so we had her put to sleep on Monday. The vet had given her 6 weeks before she’d start getting worse and I didn’t wanna see that so I had to make that hard decision.
Second (and I probably should put this in a separate post, but oh well), I’ve been trying to catch up on recording all the Vincent movies from my DVR to discs and was just recording “From A Whisper To A Scream.” What the heck was THAT?! I’ve seen parts before but thought I’d try to watch all the way through and made it through the first segment before I stopped recording, lol! I’m just gonna record the Vin parts and try to forget the rest. I think my taste in movies has changed since I was a kid cos I probably woulda liked that kind of weirdness once but not so much now.
Hope everyone is doing well. :)
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vincentpriceonline · 7 years
New VPO Layout! (Featuring Verden, of course!)
New Tags page! (This took like a year to finish arranging.)
New Links page! (Suggested sites are welcome!)
New Webmiss page! (Bit about me, lol!)
Lemme know if something doesn’t work. :)
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vincentpriceonline · 8 years
We now have 1,047 followers! Thank you all so much for being a part of this tumblr that I never thought would get even a fraction for that number!
I've recently ran into an annoying revelation about photosets. I always use the right dimensions but just noticed (while working now other account layouts) that no matter what, they aren't coming out exact. Either I put the photoset-500 tag or just photoset (which makes them load big and they slowly shrink to the frame size). If you look down at the last photoset (the awards thing), the last 4 gifs are right but the first ones have smooshy urls on them where they got resized. I even changed layouts and post widths and it still doesn't show them at the right size! It's been driving me crazy and consuming my time. Odd that no layout I try corrects it, and I know the images are the right size. If anyone has an idea (or reassurance that it's on Tumblr's end), please let me know!
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vincentpriceonline · 8 years
where have you bEEN LOVE?
Hello! Between computer stuff (haven’t had much time to figure things out) and home repairs, I’ve fallen a bit behind (again). I need to try harder to be on here. Hope everyone is enjoying the good amount of VP movies airing this month!
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vincentpriceonline · 8 years
Got a new computer but still setting it up. Needed a new monitor as well. Then my rabbit Dinky had started bleeding again so she got spayed a couple hours ago (vet said she did well, 2 tumors removed, women in there took pix of her and gave her lots of petting). Have to keep a close eye on her so computer stuff will wait a bit. Sorry for the inconvenience. Drafts when I can.
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vincentpriceonline · 8 years
My graphics program decided not to open. Tried everything. Gotta do a virus scan and reformat my harddrive....again. Hopefully that'll work. Or I'll have to give in and get Windows 10. Sigh. I'll post drafts from my tablet and will reply to messages when I can.
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vincentpriceonline · 8 years
Just a quick note to welcome tour newest followers! If you (or anyone else) wants to see something specific, feel free to message me and I’ll do my best!
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vincentpriceonline · 8 years
I was tagged by @christopherleefan, yay!
List 10 characters you would kiss, then tag 10 people.
(Obviously I wanna do all Vincent characters but I’m gonna force myself to add some others, too. Most of you know which VP ones I’d pick even if I don’t put them on the list, lol!  Later, I'll kick myself for forgetting someone that shoulda been on here! )
01. Hannibal Lecter (from "Silence of the Lambs" -- preferably long after he's eaten, lol -- played by Anthony Hopkins)
02. Doc Ock (from "Spider-Man 2 played by Alfred Molina)
03. Steven Price (from the remake of "House on Haunted Hill" played by Geoffrey Rush)
04. Arthur Bach (from "Arthur 2" played by Dudley Moore)
05. Max (from "The Lost Boys" played by Edward Herrmann)
06. Bill McNeal (from "Newsradio" played by Phil Hartman)
07. Magneto (from "X-Men" played by Ian McKellen)
08. William Stryker (from "X-Men 2" played by Brian Cox)
09. George (from "Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolf?" played by Richard Burton)
10. Verden Fell (from "The Tomb Of Ligeia" played by Vincent -- duh, I had to -- Price)
I tag.... whomever is reading this cos I like reading everyone’s answers!
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vincentpriceonline · 8 years
wow i was actually really surprised at how poignant "The Last Man on Earth" was. Definitely a classic film, and quite possibly a masterpiece.
Kinda made me feel like I was there in the movie. Not visible to anyone, but just there. Mainly because of how intimate it was. Not a lot of dialogue gives you more time to think about what’s going on. I found myself coming up with ideas on how I’d stay alive and all. Even if they didn’t come out during the day, I’d still be boarding up my bedroom 100% so I could sleep a little better! And I’d get me a tractor to carry the bodies around instead of using my car.
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vincentpriceonline · 8 years
Followers, if you see something on here that offends you (images of blood, torture, murder, etc) or you don’t like something (fanfic, made-up captions, etc), PLEASE just skip over it. If you reblog it and bring it to the attention of people you know will find it offensive, it just brings a bunch of people here sending me hate messages and reblogging it so others can be outraged at something that was never intended to be offensive in the first place. Most of Vincent’s movies have something in them that could be offensive to people. Whatever is posted here is NOT meant to reflect real life issues and is only meant to represent FICTIONAL characters and situations from his movies. If I post a photo from “House Of Wax” of Vincent’s character on fire and make a pun about it, it does NOT mean I'm making fun of burn victims. But, sadly, Tumblr can make it look that way and I really don’t wanna stress over what I’m posting every time. There’s no hidden agenda here. Please don’t take things seriously that are posted here.
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vincentpriceonline · 8 years
Same anonymous here, that's so nice oh you. And OMG VP in Cucumber Castle I laugh everytime his part comes on, him and Bee Gees are great. Haven't seen that thing he did with Ringo yet but wow.
I couldn’t really sit through that whole movie, but he looked epic (the hair and hat and all!) and so amusing! I watched the Ringo thing (odd that I hadn’t years ago when I was a huge Beatles fan, but things weren’t as easy to find back then without YouTube, lol) but can’t remember anything about it. But anything with Vin is worth the watch! :D
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vincentpriceonline · 8 years
So I was saving a file and accidentally put “Witchfinger General.” WitchFINGER! I think that’s a sign I should go to bed now, lol!
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