#vocab exams
chryso-chryso · 25 days
人是__ / man is __
(spotify / youtube)
singer: Zhou Shen 周深 lyrics: Tang Tian 唐恬 score + arrangement: Qian Lei 钱雷
in honour of it being september, i thought i'd start posting my zhou shen song translations. can you tell i like diacope
very nervous! disclaimer: artistic liberties have been taken! first time doing song translation!
去往所有命运 风暴之中的盲童
go in the direction of destiny – a blind child in a windstorm
你来之火山炙热 与苦寒的深海
you come from scorching volcanoes, the bitter depths of deep sea
生本就是意外 硬币反选为尘埃
life was always an accident – the dust of a coin toss 
为侥幸可以相爱 造了船 移着山
you can fall in love with chance – build a boat, move a mountain  
出征是古老的宿命 人将赤足踏入夜晚
expedition is an ancient predestination, men walk barefoot into the night
only i have the ability to decide 
what will be my own posture 
让死亡觊觎我 让恐惧亲吻我
let death covet me / let fear kiss me sweetly 
come destroy all i love deeply 
you cannot take away my choice 
弹指间湮灭我  但命运打不败活着
destroy me in the moment of a finger snap / but destiny defeats not the action of life 
让生命如剧烈的烟火 璀璨熄灭前也将点亮
life, like a violent firework, doused radiantly / but first setting alight
the eyes of a child 
未知摊开棋局 舍弃昨日才可破
the unknown sets out a chessboard / just yesterday, surrender was destroyed
再见了我的月光 我的蓝 我的爱
goodbye, my moonlight, my firmament, my love
钢铁的巨兽在轰鸣 我们拒绝走入夜晚
the beast of iron is howling, men refuse to walk into the night 
破碎是新生的约定 我便愿为尘埃
destruction is new life’s consultation / i am thus willing to become dust 
让死亡觊觎我 让恐惧亲吻我
let death covet me / let fear kiss me sweetly 
come destroy all i love deeply 
you cannot take away my choice 
弹指间湮灭我 但命运打不败活着
destroy me in the moment of a finger snap / but destiny defeats not the action of life 
让生命如剧烈的烟火 璀璨熄灭前也将点亮
life, like a violent firework, doused radiantly / but first setting alight
the eyes of a child 
like a vast wave has drowned out our origin 
我是帆 亦是舟
i am a sail – i am a boat 
it’s an indistinct hope 
我们依然前行 没有光指引
we still move forward – without the light to guide us 
往前吧 失去吧 不要停留
(come forward / be lost / do not stop moving) 
让时空消亡我 你无需记得我
let space and time wither me / you don't need to remember me
come destroy all i love deeply 
you cannot take away my choice 
弹指间湮灭我 但命运打不败活着
destroy me in the moment of a finger snap / but destiny defeats not the action of life 
in the indistinctness, a race singing heartily 
life, like a firework, then sets alight 
the eyes of a child
the eyes of the future 
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abba-enthusiast · 4 months
I kinda slayed today, ngl
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mia-studyhaus · 1 year
5 Minutes, 5 Words - #137
Recalcitrant /rɪˈkælsɪtrənt/ (adj.) - having an obstinately uncooperative attitude towards authority or discipline.
Mark was recalcitrant as a teenager, often staying back for detention in high school.
Reprieve /rɪˈpriːv/ (v.) - cancel or postpone the punishment of (someone, especially someone condemned to death).
Derek's death sentence was reprieved by the court.
Rife /raɪf/ (adj.) - (especially of something undesirable) of common occurrence; widespread.
I left the company once I discovered the rife toxicity that was present among the employees.
Sanguine /ˈsæŋɡwɪn/ (adj.) - optimistic or positive, especially in an apparently bad or difficult situation.
Elena's sanguine affirmations carried us through the challenges in the project.
Serendipity /ˌsɛrɛnˈdɪpəti/ (n.) - the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way.
I always welcome serendipity - unexpected bundles of happiness are the best!
Definitions from: Oxford Languages.
IPA Phonetic Transcription (UK English) from: tophonetics.com
Sentences are fictitious, though they may be based on real issues that occur across the world.
Follow @studyhaus for more vocabulary content!
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camelspit · 10 months
whose ready to fail a spanish test today 💪💪
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Mutsurie nation might I offee to you:
Urie and Mutsuki watching Bob Ross' The Joy Of Painting together <3
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shrews-studies · 7 months
Some vocab from today!!
пещера (сущ. ж.) - cave
чугунный (прил.) - cast iron
нарочно (нареч.) - purposely, deliberately
обрыв (сущ. м.) -cliff, precipice
перебить (гл. св.) - to interrupt
неодобрение (сущ. ср.) - disapproval
крайне (нареч.) - extremely
листва (сущ. ж.) - foliage
завернутый (прич.) - wrapped, covered (in something)
копьё (сущ. ср.) - spear
крюк (сущ. м.) - hook
повод (сущ. м.) - occasion, reason, excuse
схватить (гл. св.) / схватывать (нсв.) - to grab, grasp
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arcanewebs · 1 year
does. anyone else experience the language learning pipeline of like
yeah why not seems kinda fun -> (optional step) the writing system is crazy bro -> damn theres no WAY im gonna remember any of this shit -> genuine interest and fascination with the differences between languages and needing to Know more
and its because of the stupidest reason for starting learning it in the first place
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todayisafridaynight · 6 months
took a modern japanese history class just to flex on everyone that the only reason why i know so much about the meiji period is because im mentally disturbed about a franchise about criminals and they just so happened to make a game specifically about the meiji period
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
I'd say I'm at about a light conversational level in mandarin @ this point 😄
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ratzforaster · 3 months
They really fucked up the exams with burning the wrong cd for the listening tasks
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mirohtron · 3 months
Girll ur leaving???? 😢 will miss reading your writing
Will u still be here to talk and stuff? Totally understand if u want to distance urself good luck with IB!!!!!!
im not like officially leaving but I stopped posting frequently a long time ago 😔 i still write it's just that nobody Here will be interested bcs its just oc stuff but ya I will be here to talk and stuff bcs i like yapping and listening to other ppl yap
and thank u !! its actually pretty fun till now I just hope my school speeds up w the portions bcs we're still p slow on that I wanna finish my ias up so bad bro 😭
but other than that there is also the issue of there being a lack of communication or moreso lack of resources given to us to help us on our research-based assignments like idk maybe it's because I'm coming from a board that always gives its students a crutch and ib is very researched based but I and a lot of my peers are lost on how exactly we're supposed to draft our ias or our ees etc etc 😔 we didn't come from myp we're literally the first dp batch and even tho the teachers r kind and teach well I'd still like to know their plan on how to help us on our cas hours etc
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soft-serve-soymilk · 5 months
Adventures in writing my English SAC, also known as 550 words of Theon being an angsty bitch,,
#just pav things#Sure I had to adapt some things like making his backstory a tad bit different to fit in the 50 minute timeframe I had to write#So rather than the pseudo time-travel there’s an alternative universe where all of his siblings become spiriters instead telethia-style#DOLPHIN DON’T SEARCH TELETHIA UP YOU WILL GET IMMEDIATELY SPOILED FOR XC1#Also I had to cut the lucid dreamer bit too because it wasn’t necessary to the plot#But it ended up being in the style of Bidngen which was one of the mentor texts we had to draw from#And I used the mandatory prompt of ✨ personal journeys ✨ to explore how violence begets violence#Theon shuns flowers as a sign of the destructive rich but at the end he says he’s a flower as well#Where he was once a victim of hatred he lashes out with the same hate against the spiriters#And so it covers his emotional journey in dealing with his trauma (badly) as well as his physical/temporal one :)#Also I wish I had more time to make his first-person voice actually. A child’s instead of it being ambiguous#He sounds like Inigo which Isn’t Wrong and it makes sense for him to be precocious but there’s a certain flamboyancy to his voice#And also Theon would not know this many big words. He is uneducated. Alas.#The problem with my first-person fiction despite my gravitas towards it is that#it’s hard to separate my authorial voice and vocab with my childrens’ 😅 in my eyes anyways#Probably why I still feel so disdainful for all of my past writing for YHNN. It doesn’t read right 😣#The only exception is any instances where I’ve written first-person pov for Archie which was most notably in my Yr 11 exams#We share the same whimsy ig ✨💯
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mia-studyhaus · 2 years
5 Minutes, 5 Words - #75
Benevolent /bɪˈnɛvələnt/ (adj.) - well meaning and kindly.
Maria was appreciated by all her friends for the benevolent deeds she would do for them without any expectations.
Blithe /blaɪð/ (adj.) - showing a casual and cheerful indifference considered to be callous or improper.
Having a blithe approach towards your education is not desirable.
Extant /ɛksˈtænt/ (adj.) - still in existence; surviving.
Even after many years of travelling in different paths in life after graduating from high school, Mark and Peter had an extant bond that only seemed to become stronger.
Fulminate /ˈfʌlmɪneɪt/ (v.) - express vehement protest.
I fulminated against the glorification of abusive relationships through my social media campaign.
Eloquence /ˈɛləʊkwəns/ (n.) - fluent or persuasive speaking or writing.
Marie succeeded as a debater because of her eloquence.
Definitions from: Oxford Languages.
IPA Phonetic Transcription (UK English) from: tophonetics.com
Sentences are fictitious, though they may be based on real issues.
Follow @studyhaus for more vocabulary content!
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daily-french-words · 8 months
critère : nm. ce qui sert de base à un jugement, caractéristique à laquelle on se réfère ou sur laquelle on se base pour choisir, classer ou sélectionner quelque chose.
ex : C'est par ces critères qu'il portera son jugement.
standard : something used as a mesure, norm or model in comparative evaluations.
The word criteria also exists in English, but for the sake of clarity, I preferred to translate it by standard, even if criteria is closer in sense.
Critère can be used in a philosophical context as well, and is then something that helps distinguishing the true from the false. I definitely advise you to look it up if you don't already know about it and are interested by philosophy, it's pretty cool! :]
Its older form, critérium (taken from the latin criterium, which itself is taken from the Greek κριτήριον, lit. "capacity to judge") is still used in French texts until the 19th century. Nowadays, that older form is almost never used, but still exists!
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i would like to thank any gods out there that the physics exam was in fact manageable and most questions worked like the ones i did manage to look over. no idea if i got to the correct conclusion but i'm pretty sure my formulas are all in order. i'm careful not to hope too much but i definitely didn't completely screw it up.
i would also like to thank the snow that i got to go home earlier.
i would also like to fight my french teacher and stop french classes immediately i don't understand a damn thing and there's too much grammar and i can't focus and i'm too demotivated to spend the time on it i should and i wanna cry
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tadpal · 9 months
explaining how i remember how things are spelt and how i read is so. maybe i should have been more honest in those dyslexia screenings but i didn't want to get taken out of regular classes
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