#viscount rochford
tudorqueen6 · 2 years
Hans Holbein the Younger “An unidentified man”
HANS HOLBEIN THE YOUNGER (1497/8-1543) An unidentified man c.1532-43Black and coloured chalks, white bodycolour, pen and ink, and brush and ink on pale pink prepared paper | 27.1 x 18.9 cm (sheet of paper) | RCIN 912260 Wikipedia While researching Sir William Parr, 1st Marquess of Northampton, I came upon this portrait AGAIN! According to Susan James’ “Catherine Parr: Henry VIII’s Last Love”,…
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fabledenigma · 2 years
In the Source Link, you will find a complete gif pack of Jhon Lumsden in Blood, Sex and Royalty. Jhon plays the role of George Boleyn, Viscount Rochford, the brother of Anne and Mary Boleyn.
George Boleyn was married to Lady Jane Boleyn, Viscountess Rochford, also known as Lady Rochford. George was said to have as many as his sister Anne's talents and all of her pride. He was executed along with many other men, after being found guilty of an incestuous affair with his sister Anne and plotting to kill the King. His original sentence was that he was to be hanged, drowned and quartered, which was later changed to beheading. He gave a long passionate speech before being beheaded on Tower Hill, on the 17th May 1536.
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Source - FabledEnigma
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fideidefenswhore · 1 year
So Anne Boleyn didn't want her nephew Henry Carey at court cause he was supposedly disabled? Just like Gregory, Borman turned a good thing Anne did for her sister into a nasty thing? What evidence does she shows for Henry being disabled, or Anne not wanting him around? And for goodness' sake, isn't it strange that some historians and fiction writers seem to hate Anne (like Borman or Weir) but can't help to end up writing about her, because, let's face it, ANNE BOLEYN SELLS! They must feel so bad for always having to return return to this woman they are so eager to portray as the Worst Human Being Ever.
Literally none, and I'm not even joking. There's no citation, no additional information or details, she doesn't even name this nephew so I don't even know if it's Henry Carey to whom she's referring, or one of the Stafford children (whose existence/survival remains disputed), or even the later Elizabethan priest, George Boleyn, dean of Lichfield, who has been erroneously labeled as the son of Viscount Rochford, George Boleyn(illegitimate at times, by marriage other times), Julia Fox has argued for the likelihood he was some distant Boleyn cousin, and I'm inclined to agree. The claim is dropped into a paragraph about the perils of childbirth to contextualize Anne's own potential fears as if from the sky:
Worse still, Anne's closest female relations had suffered an unfortunate history in this respect. Her mother had lost several babies in infancy and her sister, Mary, had borne a son with mental disabilities whom Anne would not suffer to be at court. But in her favour was the fact that her health was generally considered good, and as one observer remarked, she seemed 'likely enough to bear children.' --Elizabeth's Women, Tracy Borman
So...yeah, if who she meant here was Henry Carey, I have no idea what she's talking about, A, and B, this is the sole* "factoid" she chose to mention about their relationship? Not that she had wardship of him, not that she arranged for him to receive his education from the scholar she patronized, Nicholas Bourbon, alongside Henry Norris (the younger), Henry Dudley, and the son of Nicholas Harvey, her 'strong partisan' and the husband of her great friend, Bridget Wingfield...all signs which point to Carey being in Anne's favour. I have no idea if he was ever at court, but if there's no record of him at court while Anne was queen, does it not seem more plausible to attribute this to A) how brief that time was and/or B) that his mother was banished from court due to the marriage she had made without royal permission?
I just don't...know, with Borman, really? It'd be interesting to have the unedited interview footage from BSR because I was surprised how overall sympathetic she was towards the subject, honestly. And I can't speak to the new book, I haven't read it, but the PR push for it has centered around praise of AB as an individual, as to her character.
For Weir, I mean, she received the deal to do that fictionalized serial on the six Queens of Henry VIII, of course AB had to be included. If I'm being perfectly honest, I feel like everything she has done since Lady in the Tower has had this weird self-animus pushing behind it, guilt over having further popularized a figure she hates so implacably. Her original view ("a total bitch...she alienated so many people that that must be true") has been evident in all her subsequent works and interviews; from claiming in one in 2017 that there exists a letter extant in AB's own handwriting where she orders Lady Shelton to beat her stepdaughter (there isn't), to depicting AB in her latest novel as having been so ugly and "painfully thin" naked that it was an instant boner-killer for her poorest little meow-meow.
*I believe other sections of this book are dedicated to the Careys so hopefully she expands later...I can't remember if she does. So far in my current read she has not mentioned the wardship and it was in 1528 and the book is now in 1533, so....
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idreamofdraco · 2 months
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The second fest fic has been revealed!
CLICK HERE to read THE KING'S MISTRESS by Anonymous (for now)!
Chapters: 10/10 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Draco Malfoy/Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood/Ron Weasley Characters: Draco Malfoy, Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Ron Weasley, Voldemort, Anne Boleyn Queen of England, Henry VIII of England, Jane Parker Boleyn Lady Rochford, George Boleyn Viscount Rochford, Thomas Howard 3rd Duke of Norfolk Additional Tags: Alternate History, Tudor Era, Alternate Universe - Royalty, Mystery, Slow Burn Summary: Ginny left Draco because they stood on opposite sides of a war. But then Voldemort ensnares them both in the darkest of forbidden magic, and they find that their fates are entwined with the long-ago events of a bygone age, and with two star-crossed lovers at the Tudor court.
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everlastingfable · 2 years
Who even is Mark Smeaton? *runs*
omg anon are you sure you wanna ask this?
short answer: he's a bard from the 1530s who was in king henry viii's court and at the age of 24-ish confessed to committing adultery with queen anne boleyn, leading to his execution as well as the execution of anne and four other lords in her circle. but he most likely lied
long answer: mark smeaton (last name probably originally smet or smedt) was from flanders and later moved to england. he was a commoner, and the people in the royal court did not let him forget that. he originally worked under cardinal wolsey teaching choir boys, but was later transferred to king henry's court in the early 1530s when henry was doing his church of england thing. mark was quoted to be a "very handsome young man", "one of the prettiest monochord players", and "the deftest dancer in the land"
very little is actually known about him, except that he was getting paid very well by the king and queen. in less than two years his yearly salary nearly doubled (going from modern day £750 to £1250), and that doesn't even include the bonuses he received from them. to the point where he was able to afford expensive horses, clothes, liveries, etc. the horses alone were worth more than three times his yearly salary. he supposedly also had land and servants of his own. he was the court's sugar baby and some lords hated his attempt to social climb
we know he received a manuscript of two poems from viscount rochford. inside is inscribed "this book is mine, george boleyn 1526" and underneath "a moy, m. marc sn" which directly translates "to me" but basically "mine"
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he was a favorite of anne boleyn and was probably in love with her. his downfall started when he was standing outside of anne's apartment window looking sad. anne asked him what was wrong and he replied that it was "no matter" she then chastised him for wanting her to speak to him as if he's a nobleman. he's a commoner and he should be glad she's speaking to him at all. he replied "no, no, madam. a look sufficeth, thus fare you well."
this conversation was reported to thomas cromwell (the king's secretary) who invited mark to his house for "entertainment" but it was a ruse. no one knows exactly what happened that night. most sources say he was tortured. but the next day mark confessed to sleeping with the queen along with four other men, all of whom were part of her circle. mark was the only one of the five men to confess and plead guilty.
he probably lied as the dates he gave didn't match up. the days he said he slept with the queen, she was somewhere else entirely.
he and the four men were executed in tower hill. despite being a commoner, he was beheaded (the nobleman's death) instead of hung and quartered. supposedly for his cooperation with cromwell and his crew. he was the last of the men to get beheaded and was described to have stumbled back when he saw the bloody scaffold and said "masters, I pray you all pray for me, for I have deserved the death"
he was buried in the tower of london in either where the building for the crown jewels are being displayed or behind the chapel royal of st peter ad vincula
I think he's the most fascinating person to have ever existed and is the definition of "I'm here for a good time not a long time"
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GEORGE BOLEYN, 2nd Viscount Rochford
d. 17 May 1536
            George Boleyn was the brother of Anne and Mary Boleyn and the son of Thomas Boleyn and Elizabeth Howard. He grew up in Blickling Hall and Hever Castle, Kent. Boleyn and his siblings had connections to the royal court through their father who was a diplomat.
            Boleyn was an English courtier, nobleman and a prominent figure in politics. He married Jane Parker in 1525; he was a womaniser and was described as attractive and charming. Boleyn was close to Henry VIII who he often socialised with. His sister Mary became the king’s mistress in 1515-1519.
            Henry VIII fell in love with George’s younger sister, Anne. In 1528, Boleyn and his sister Anne caught the sweating sickness but both recovered. Anne and Henry married in 1533 and Boleyn attended his niece Elizabeth’s christening that same year. Anne disappointed Henry by miscarriage a son and by that time Henry VIII was in love with Jane Seymour and wanted out of his marriage with Anne.  
            Anne was accused of adultery with five men, including an incestuous relationship with her brother. Boleyn was convicted of treason after allegedly plotting to have the king killed. Anne, Boleyn with the other accused men were arrested on 2 May the day after May Day where Boleyn was one of the jousters. Eustace Chapuys witnessed Boleyn’s trial and stated that he put up a magnificent defence and thought that he would be acquitted. Even though he was innocent, Boleyn was sentenced to be executed; he was to be hanged, drawn and quartered but his punishment was changed to beheading.
            Boleyn, aged 31, was beheaded on Tower Hill; he made an extraordinary long speech, defending his religious beliefs and passion for reform. Anne was beheaded two days later.
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#georgeboleyn #anneboleyn
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richardofrochford · 2 years
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Richard Boleyn, Viscount Rochford on Wikipedia
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fitzrxyal · 1 year
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the pagaent was opened by the king's niece, elinor fitzroy, dressed as the muse calliope, carrying both lyre and scrolls, and acting in the role as announcer and narrator of events. while lady richmond was a common sight at court, she rarely seems to have been quite so at the forefront of festivaties. court chroniclers note her multiple dances with richard boleyn, then viscount of rochford, with some interest. indeed this seems to be the earliest evidence of a relationship between a pair that would be wed less than a year later.
- tracy borman, 'the private lives of the tudors: uncovering the secrets of britain's greatest dynasty'
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ladiesoftheages · 2 years
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The White Falcon | a brand new series on Netflix | season 2
Anne Boleyn, Mary Carey, and Jane Parker participate in the Château Vert pageant.
Anne meets Henry Percy and they begin a secret romance.
Mary gets pregnant with her first child.
Anne and Henry Percy’s relationship is discovered and they are forced to separate.
Anne leaves court.
Anne’s betrothal to James Butler is broken off.
Elizabeth Boleyn’s father dies making her brother the new Duke of Norfolk.
Mary gives birth to a daughter, Katherine.
George Boleyn marries Jane Parker.
Thomas Boleyn is created Viscount Rochford.
Mary gets pregnant with her second child.
Anne returns to court.
Anne meets King Henry.
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jancboleyn · 2 years
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NAME: jane boleyn, nee parker.
AGE / D.O.B.: forty nine, 26th october 1510.
STATUS / RANK: countess of wiltshire.
PLACE OF BIRTH: norfolk.
BIRTH ORDER: first born of four children.
MOTHER & FATHER: henry parker, 10th baron morley, and alice st john.
SIBLINGS: sir henry parker, mary shelton and lady alice barrington.
SEXUALITY: heterosexual.
HOROSCOPE: scorpio.
VIRTUES: charity, diligence, gratitude.
VICES: pride, envy, anger.
MARITAL STATUS: married to george boleyn.
ISSUE: richard boleyn, viscount rochford, and utp boleyn, countess of essex.
RELIGION: protestant.
ALLIES: the boleyns, 
ADVERSARIES: anyone against the boleyns tbh.
1509 ⸻ henry viii marries catherine of aragon.
1510 ⸻ jane parker is born of henry parker and alice st john.
1512 ⸻ mary parker is born of henry parker and alice st john.
1515 ⸻ henry parker is born of henry parker and alice st john.
1516 ⸻ alice parker is born of henry parker and alice st john. 
1520 ⸻ jane parker is present at the field of cloth of gold (age 10).
1523 ⸻ jane parker joins the royal household of queen catherine of aragon (age 13).
1524 ⸻ jane parker marries george boleyn (age 14).
1528 ⸻ jane parker gives birth to richard boleyn (age 18).
1530 ⸻ jane parker gives birth to utp boleyn (age 20).
1532 ⸻ secret marriage between henry viii and anne boleyn, jane parker joins the royal household of queen anne (age 22). 
1534 ⸻ jane parker is briefly exiled from court for aiding queen anne in being rid of one of king henry’s mistresses (age 24)
1545 ⸻ jane parker joins queen anne’s court at greenwich (age 35)
1557 ⸻ death of king henry viii.
1559 ⸻ present day (age 49).
⸻ born in the dutchy of norfolk as the first born of two career courtiers, to baron and baroness morley, jane parker was raised surrounded by politics and courtly intrigue. from a young age jane was exposed to what it would mean to become a courtier and follow in the footsteps of her parents, to pave the way for her younger siblings so that their path would be easier than hers and the next generation of the parker family might be as fortunate as they were, if not more so. at the age of ten she attended the field of cloth of gold along side her father, who travelled with his fellow peers, and her mother, who rode in queen catherine of aragon’s entourage, before joining the queen’s household in a position of her own only three years later. once jane found her own position at court she seemed to blend in as though she had never been anywhere else. duties to the queen, banquets and pageants became a part of her every day life but the greatest change came in the form of a marriage proposal.  
the boleyns came into jane’s life and changed everything, not only in her name, the creation of her own family and circumstance but in the entire english court. as the political climate changed within court so did jane’s loyalties, turning her away from former queen catherine to be in favour of the future queen and her new sister-in-law; anne boleyn. in her loyalty jane found herself mistrusted by those who supported queen catherine and later banished from court by the late king for aiding the removal of his newest mistress, but in spite of it all she remained firm in her loyalty to the boleyn cause and continues to do so now that a boleyn king sits upon the throne and her beloved children hold the boleyn name.
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Queen Anne Boleyn
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Anne Boleyn was born around [c. July 1501–1507] in Blickling Hall, Norfolk or Hever Castle, Kent. Her parents were Thomas Boleyn, 1st Earl of Wiltshire, 1st Earl of Ormond,1st Viscount Rochford [1477-1539] and Elizabeth Boleyn, Countess of Wiltshire (née Lady Elizabeth Howard) [c. 1480-1538]. She had a sister, Mary Boleyn [c. 1499-1543] and a brother, George Boleyn, Viscount Rochford [c. 1503/1504-1536].
In 1533 Anne Boleyn married the King of England, Henry VIII [1491-1547]. Together they had a daughter, Elizabeth I [1533-1603].
Anne Boleyn was the Queen Consort of England [May 28, 1533 - May 17, 1536]. Her coronation was on June 01, 1533.
After King Henry VIII had grown quite tired of Queen Anne, and wanting to marry his mistress, Jane Seymour, Queen Anne was charged with adultery, incest and treason. With the King wanting it so, Queen Anne was of course found guilty. She was beheaded on May 19, 1536 (aged 28-35) at the Tower of London, London, England. She was laid to rest at the Church of St. Peter ad Vincula, Tower of London, London, England.
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brookstonalmanac · 4 months
Events 5.17 (before 1970)
1395 – Battle of Rovine: The Wallachians defeat an invading Ottoman army. 1521 – Edward Stafford, 3rd Duke of Buckingham, is executed for treason. 1527 – Pánfilo de Narváez departs Spain to explore Florida with 600 men – by 1536 only four survive. 1536 – George Boleyn, 2nd Viscount Rochford and four other men are executed for treason. 1536 – Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn's marriage is annulled. 1590 – Anne of Denmark is crowned Queen of Scotland. 1642 – Paul de Chomedey, Sieur de Maisonneuve founds the Ville Marie de Montréal. 1648 – Emperor Ferdinand III defeats Maximilian I of Bavaria in the Battle of Zusmarshausen. 1673 – Louis Jolliet and Jacques Marquette begin exploring the Mississippi River. 1756 – Seven Years' War formally begins when Great Britain declares war on France 1760 – French forces besieging Quebec retreat after the Royal Navy arrives to relieve the British garrison. 1792 – The New York Stock Exchange is formed under the Buttonwood Agreement. 1805 – Muhammad Ali becomes Wāli of Egypt. 1809 – Emperor Napoleon I orders the annexation of the Papal States to the French Empire. 1814 – Occupation of Monaco changes from French to Austrian. 1814 – The Constitution of Norway is signed and Crown Prince Christian Frederick of Denmark is elected King of Norway by the Norwegian Constituent Assembly. 1859 – Members of the Melbourne Football Club codified the first rules of Australian rules football. 1863 – Rosalía de Castro publishes Cantares Gallegos, the first book in the Galician language. 1865 – The International Telegraph Union (later the International Telecommunication Union) is established in Paris. 1875 – Aristides wins the first Kentucky Derby with the jockey Oliver Lewis (2:37.75). 1900 – The children's novel The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, by L. Frank Baum, is first published in the United States. The first copy is given to the author's sister. 1902 – Greek archaeologist Valerios Stais discovers the Antikythera mechanism, an ancient mechanical analog computer. 1914 – The Protocol of Corfu is signed, recognising full autonomy to Northern Epirus under nominal Albanian sovereignty. 1915 – The last British Liberal Party government (led by H. H. Asquith) falls. 1933 – Vidkun Quisling and Johan Bernhard Hjort form Nasjonal Samling — the national-socialist party of Norway. 1937 – Spanish Civil War: The Largo Caballero government resigns in the wake of the Barcelona May Days, leading Juan Negrín to form a government, without the anarcho-syndicalist CNT, in its stead 1939 – The Columbia Lions and the Princeton Tigers play in the United States' first televised sporting event, a collegiate baseball game in New York City. 1940 – World War II: Germany occupies Brussels, Belgium. 1943 – World War II: Dambuster Raids commence by No. 617 Squadron RAF. 1953 – Delta Air Lines Flight 318 crashes near Marshall, Texas, killing 19. 1954 – The United States Supreme Court hands down a unanimous decision in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas, outlawing racial segregation in public schools. 1967 – Six-Day War: President Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt demands dismantling of the peace-keeping UN Emergency Force in Egypt. 1969 – Venera program: Soviet Venera 6 begins its descent into the atmosphere of Venus, sending back atmospheric data before being crushed by pressure.
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fabledenigmaeragif · 7 months
Jhon Lumsden
In the Source Link, you will find a complete gif pack of Jhon Lumsden in Blood, Sex and Royalty. Jhon plays the role of George Boleyn, Viscount Rochford, the brother of Anne and Mary Boleyn.
George Boleyn was married to Lady Jane Boleyn, Viscountess Rochford, also known as Lady Rochford. George was said to have as many as his sister Anne's talents and all of her pride. He was executed along with many other men, after being found guilty of an incestuous affair with his sister Anne and plotting to kill the King. His original sentence was that he was to be hanged, drowned and quartered, which was later changed to beheading. He gave a long passionate speech before being beheaded on Tower Hill, on the 17th May 1536.
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Source - FabledEnigma
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fideidefenswhore · 1 year
If someone came to you tomorrow and said we need you to make a movie or TV series about Anne Boleyn who would you cast (for Anne or for any other characters you would include)?
I would need a time machine for some of them (unless we were doing a series about her through flashbacks of those who survived her...could be great, actually), such as:
Sarah Foret as Mary (Howard) Fitzroy, Duchess of Richmond:
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The above would be like, her in the 1550s? Sarah Foret circa 2004 is truly how I envision Mary in the 1530s tho:
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Ok, good a starting point as any, let's go with the rest of the relevant Howards:
Lotte Verbeek or Caitronia Balfe as Elizabeth (Howard) Boleyn, Countess of Wiltshire (these would be perfect if we began around 1520), Natasha McElhone for late 1530s
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Colm Meaney as Thomas Howard, 2nd Duke of Norfolk:
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Jeremy Irons as Thomas Howard, 3rd Duke of Norfolk (1540s...for earlier I can't think of who has the right juice to pull this role off, maybe Pablo Schreiber?):
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Now, onto the Boleyns,
Either Aidan Turner or Ben Barnes as Thomas Boleyn, Earl of Wiltshire (again, circa 1520, they are actually the right age for this, had to remind myself of this, too), Tobias Menzies for late 1530s
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Theo James (this is cheating, unless I'm casting an AU where the Boleyns rise and do not fall 1536-, aha...unless?, but I know he can convicingly play a wide array of ages from Time Traveler's Wife) or Leo Suter (more accurately aged) for George Boleyn, Viscount Rochford, or somewhere in between, Jonathan Bailey:
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For Mary Boleyn, I'm going to shortcut again and go with a previous documentary casting, Elizabeth McCafferty (I loved Lois Brabin's acting but it's really clear the casting department wanted to play on the 'contrast' btwn sisters for BSR, the one confirmed portrait we have of Mary suggests that she was actually brunette with amber eyes, not the ScarJo typecast that has had such staying power):
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For Jane (Parker) Boleyn, Viscountess Rochford, I would cast Morfydd Clark:
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Phoning in the Henry&Anne, I'm going to stay with the casting of the newest Borman documentary short (I simply love it, so),
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But I'm going to try my hand at Henry VIII circa 1540s and cast Eric Keenleyside:
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I've stayed in the familial but I'm also going to play my ace of casting Sarah Pidgeon as Margaret Wyatt (hopefully BSR has broken the mold and in the future we're going to get the full cast of AB's confidantes and friends, among them:
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boleynqueenes · 2 years
As yet his designation was only squire of the body or gentleman of the privy chamber; but just about this time he appears to have been knighted and received the title of Viscount Rochford, by which name the fallen Cardinal Wolsey granted him, by Cromwell's advice, an annuity of two hundred marks out of the revenues of his bishopric of Winchester to secure his favour.
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anisotropic-blue · 3 years
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The perfect snuggle.
Haven’t been feeling the art mood, but I got serious warm fuzzies from Nash’s musings on the perfect snuggle (spoiler - it involves a lovely/ snuggly person, good positioning and at least one cat) in Winter Blackthorne’s The Viscount Debacle. So here’s a chibi cuddle.
I really like the protagonists in this book. I’m a total sucker for cute, endearing ace leads in romance, and Nash and awkward, neurodiverse-coded Simon are adorable together ^_^
Completed September 2021
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