#virizion and keldeo my friends
denydestiny-doodles · 2 years
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virizion & keldeo (my version)
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front-facing-pokemon · 9 months
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retrarlo · 4 months
I haven't had time for any art lately but I wanna stay engaged with the PMD fandom so!!
I'll be sharing some of my favourite headcanons for several games one at a time <3 lmk your thoughts!
starting with GTI !!
- I like to think that Azumarill has some sort of relation to the Marill and Azurill brothers from explorers, whether that be as a parent or someone more distant
- Gurdurr views the Timburr twins as his sons
- Virizion acts as Keldeos mother (the way she referred to him as a friend in the game drove me MAD /j)
- Keldeo developed a fear of the winter due to his time locked away in the glacier palace, but keeps quiet about it as the game shows he clearly hates to cause any worry
- Swanna and Gurdurr have an interest in eachother
- Scraggy and Gurdurr are low-key walter white and Jesse pinkman
- Umbreon and Espeon started to get referred to as the magicians, which they started to lean into over time and will occasionally do some light magic shows for the younger residents of the town
- Emolga has had feelings for Dunsparce
- Virizions favourite quality of Emolga's was his sassiness, but the way he would put his close ones above everything else. She holds a high respect for anyone able to put her in her place
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Successors of the Swords (Swords of Justice Headcanon)
[C](This was something me and my friend summoner-robin had worked together to come up with back when I was playing Blaze Black 2 just because it sounded fun, and it gave us inspiration to make Pokémon OCs.)
~~The Prologue~~
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After Keldeo had finally learned to properly wield, and master, the latent power of their Secret Sword, it seemed like their training had mostly been finished, now that they have been recognized as a Sword of Justice by their mentors, Cobalion, Virizion, and Terrakion. Keldeo would go on to use this new power to assist the three swords in keeping the peace in Unova, protecting innocent Pokémon from aggressive and invasive species, and leading them to safety from natural disasters.
However as time passed, each of the formers would somewhat begin to miss the days when they were just helping Keldeo grow from weak and reckless to strong and with great resolve.
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The Swords would then convene at their usual gathering place, where Cobalion would bring forth the idea that each Sword would raise their own apprentice. It sounded like an interesting prospect to all the rest, as their heroic efforts garnered them a proud reputation among the local Pokémon, who admired their bravery and steadfast approach to all manner of dangerous situations. Some of those Pokémon have even expressed desires to learn from these heroes so they too can better protect themselves, their families, friends, and their territories.
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It was decided then that each Sword would go to visit the locals in their downtime to seek out any willing potential successors, under the key condition that they should be of one type the same as the master. Training a Pokémon of the same type as oneself would ensure they would be able to learn from the best parts of the master's natural abilities. Eventually, each would regroup, bringing along a young Pokémon that suited their range of expertise, ones that they could be certain would grow into the finest protectors of their kind.
~~The New Apprentices~~
Spencer the Riolu
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Training under Cobalion is a Riolu named Spencer. He and his family have known of the Swords since generations ago, when they saved his great grandfather from a rock slide that nearly fatally wounded him. Out of all the Swords, Spencer had the most respect for Cobalion, who carried his ancestor to safety, and admired their sacred sense of duty. Wishing to protect his kin from future disasters, he accepted Cobalion's invitation with child-like glee. The two would make a perfect combination, as Riolu's evolution is the exact same dual-type as Cobalion, Fighting/Steel. Cobalion would teach Spencer about focus and knowing when and when not to act in a desperate situation.
Marigold the Deerling
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In Virizion's care, a Deerling who was crowned the name Marigold, she got her name when she was born during the fall season, and so her first fur coat was the autumn variant. Virizion once rescued Marigold when she strayed too far from home, and found herself surrounded by a vicious pack of Houndour led by a Houndoom. Despite being partially Grass type, Virizion showed no fear in dealing with the fire-fanged aggressors. Personally indebted to Virizion for saving the fawn's life, Marigold wanted to learn all she could from Virizion, not in the way of fighting, but to provide comfort and a safe way out of crisis for the scared and helpless among her. As such, Virizion would teach Marigold how to better understand her surroundings and find vantage points to either escape from danger, or slow down attackers. Marigold would also learn from Virizion's example to remain calm and show bravery against all odds.
Conrad the Dwebble
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Conrad is an interesting little guy. For how small and meek he may appear to be, he doesn't fear anything no matter how big or mean-faced it is, and that's exactly what sold Terrakion on welcoming him aboard. Conrad doesn't have any history with the Swords, but he is known by his peer group of other Dwebble to be pretty stubborn and reckless, often throwing himself at anything he can just to try and prove he's the big man in a child's body, and so never fails to amuse Terrakion, always getting a hearty chuckle out of the brute. Terrakion's favorite nickname for Conrad is 'Connor' because they know it makes him mad, because he thinks 'Connor' makes Conrad sound weak. At times, it seems like Terrakion and Conrad are playing more than training, but Terrakion truly believes that Conrad can grow up to be big and strong like the big bull that can destroy a castle wall. Seen together, one would think they look like a father and son match made in heaven.
Marin the Azurill
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Though the former three Swords have easily managed to find themselves an apprentice that fits them perfectly, Keldeo would be the last to find themselves a partner to take under their wing. They've struggled to struck a chord with any water-types along the riverbanks and lakes given that Keldeo hasn't had much time as a Sword to build themselves notoriety within the region. Though eventually Keldeo would find themselves a successor through the help of the other Swords, who scoped out a secret admirer in an Azurill named Marin. He never appeared to them first because he felt he wasn't worthy of their time, but was more than eager to join their cause when the Swords finally met Marin and gave him the opportunity. At first, Keldeo was a bit put off by the Azurill as a candidate, as he didn't seem at all like the type who enjoyed fighting as much as he just enjoyed being in the company of some legendary Pokémon. However Keldeo would not have much room to argue, so they reluctantly accepted their new compadre. Despite the awkward initial phase, Keldeo would end up growing to love the little water ball of energy, Marin reminded Keldeo of themselves from before they became a Sword, wishing to become brave and powerful and mature like Cobalion, Virizion and Terrakion. An unbreakable friendship blossomed between the two, and Keldeo hoped to teach Marin everything that the Swords of Justice ever taught them.
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kindledoeswhatever · 1 year
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I’m prefacing this by saying I don’t hate this game. It is Not A Bad Game. I love a lot of aspects!
The translation into 3D mechanics, the general story beats, building up the base area, I even like that (spoilers) your character can jump between home and the pokemon world after the end. It’s a bit useless as a mechanic as it just removes a playable character, but it makes me happy that they can return home whenever they wish.
However. The glacier setting for the ‘goal’ never appealed to me. Everyone was going on and on about how they want to explore the great glacier! How it’s their dream! But I was just like. Meh. Idk maybe cause I’m from a warm climate that much ice is more scary than tantalizing.
Anyway. A bit basic for the cover. The main characters all spread out with the five potential playable and companion characters at the bottom (it is a sadly limited selection which is another thing that makes me sad) and the major friend characters Dunsparce, Emolga, Virizion and Keldeo with Hydreigon hovering ominously above. Then two of the titular Gates to Infinity on a icy blue backdrop. Not bad! But not my favorite
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teamgardeners · 2 years
Hey there! We're Team Gardeners, of the World of Pokemon! We saved this world from the Desperation Crisis a number of years ago now. Seems like some humans are coming into our world, so we decided to make a tumblr account to help them adjust and help inform others.
Hi! I'm Gen, and I'm a Dewott. I was the human hero of the Desperation Crisis. Due to some stuff that happened at the Worldcore, I'm able to travel back and forth between the world of humans and the world of Pokemon, and I can even let others come with me! I sometimes take the rest of our team on trips to the human world. It's nice!
Hello! I'm Vernir. I'm Gen's partner, and I'm a Servine! I used to not have a special name, but Gen gave me one shortly after I met him!
HEYA! I'm Emolga! I'm the coolest on the team!
Er, hi. I'm Dunsparce. Emolga's my best friend.
Greetings. I am Virizion. I know that I am a legendary Pokemon, but please don't treat me differently than any other person.
Hello there! I'm Umbreon. I am one of the leading researchers of magnagates, alongside my partner Espeon.
Greetings! I'm Espeon, and together with Umbreon, we research entercards and magnagates.
We also have two more members, Keldeo and the Voice of Life, but they're busy right now, so you have us seven for now!
I hope our two worlds can live in peace.
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mysterydungecn · 2 years
PMD Protags, Partners, and their Greatest Fears
Warning: Contains spoilers for every PMD game besides Adventure Squad under the cut!
The PMD protag teams have gone through a lot of trauma, so I decided to write what my headcanons for their greatest fears are after the events of the games.
Lidequir (Rescue Team protag) - Legendaries
Every legend she met on her journey had tried to kill her. Zapdos, Moltres, Articuno, Groudon, Rayquaza...even before, in her past life, the fight against Origin Dialga was a battle to the death on her side. These powerful Pokemon have done nothing but harm her, and honestly, she’d be happy never meeting one again, even if Virizion and Keldeo are nice.
Acacia (Rescue Team partner) - Stronger People
Chased to the ends of the continent by the rescue team he used to look up to, the strongest rescue team on the continent, Acacia now feels terrified of strong people he isn’t already close to. If he starts losing in a battle, even a friendly one, he’s going to start feeling scared for his well-being. What if they turn against him, like Team ACT did?
Apoyime (Explorers protag) - Dark Skies
The future of darkness was a terrible place, where the skies were always dark, and there’s little light to be found. As a grass-type who relied on light, that was already terrifying enough, but the terrors he faced there, not knowing who he could trust, not knowing if he’d ever see the sun again, it stuck with him. Every time the sun dips below the horizon, and the skies grow dark, it reminds him of that terrible, terrible place.
Pahelia (Explorers partner) - Betrayal
She looked up to The Great Dusknoir, she really, really did. He was so kind and caring, and he seemed like such a great person...only to kidnap her and Apoyime, and attempt to kill them. What if other people she trusted did the same? Chatot? Wigglytuff? Apoyime?
Gen (Dewott) (Gates protag) - Ice
Almost all of his most terrifying memories involve ice. Everything that happened during the second visit of the Glacier Palace, so hard to breathe with the sheer negativity of the place, even with his human soul. To say nothing of his encounter with Kyurem out in the desert, watching Hydreigon be shattered right in front of his eyes, and then himself subsequently being beaten to near death by the empty dragon of ice. Winter would never be the same for him again.
Vernir (Gates partner) - Helplessness
He couldn’t do anything. Kyurem was killing his best friend, and he couldn’t do anything. He could only plead for the dragon to stop, plead with all his heart. And then he couldn’t do anything again, in the Bittercold’s realm, he made it so far, but it was too much, he couldn’t breathe, he couldn’t help Gen, just like back in the desert. Why couldn’t he help?
Apoyime (Super protag) - Father Figures
The first friendly face he met in this world, who took him in, and gave him a home, who helped guide him...and who stabbed him in the back. Anyone trying to be a dad to Ayueg is going to earn his ire, while he feels terrified at the back of his mind. Never again.
Leviene (Super partner) - Being Too Late
They spent too long in the Voidlands. Their village, and everyone in it, turned to stone. Even their pops. They were too late. It was their fault. They weren’t fast enough. If they were too late again, for other people they care about...they didn’t want to think about that.
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nerdy-sessions · 2 years
Pokémon of the Week! #640: Virizion!
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Welcome, nerds, to Pokémon of the Week!
Where I, Sesh, generate a random Pokémon to highlight each week!
Last week, we covered Doug Dimmadome...er, I mean, Galarian Weezing and his non-stinkiness. You can find that post here:
This week is special, my friends. For the first time here at Pokémon of the Week, we have a legendary Pokémon as our featured guest! Virizion, on of the 3 (or 4) Swords of Justice from the Unova Region!
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I am really excited to cover this amazing Pokémon! It's got come pretty metal lore behind it that I can't wait to get into!
Virizion, a Grass and Fighting-type, debuted in 2010's Pokémon: Black & White versions for the Nintendo DS. She (I assume...she has a female voice in the anime movie she's in) appeared along with 3 other legendary Pokémon referred to as "The Swords of Justice"; Terrakion, Cobalion, and Keldeo. They all share the Fighting-type and the "Justified" ability. They also all share swordplay-based moves, such as Sacred Sword, thus justifying the name of their group.
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Pokemon fans have collectively decided to compare Virizion and the others Swords to the Legendary Musketeers.
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For those unfamiliar, the famous French novel The 3 Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas feature swashbuckling swordsman characters, fighting for justice in the cruel world of the French monarchy. Virizion and the other swords have major comparisons to the 4 main characters in this novel (a couple movie adaptations have been made, which I will use screenshots from).
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Of the legendary Musketeers, Virizion herself shares a resemblance to Aramis. According to Bulbapedia, Virizion is "the best at swordplay" like Aramis, is feminine, and very romantic as opposed to the others in the group.
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The shape of Virizion's head also shares a stark resemblance to tricorn hats worn by Musketeers of the colonial era.
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As far as the animal Virizion appears to be based on, fans speculate it shares qualities of an antelope or a stag of some kind.
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Some really cool lore, amiright???
But what do the Dex entries say about our green Sword of Justice?
Generation 5 entries about Virizion say that you might wanna look out of this thing, saying that "[t]his Pokémon fought humans in order to protect its friends."
I'm getting Legends: Arceus flashbacks here...and now I'm getting afraid of what a potential Legends: Kyurem game might be like.
Other entries say that it "sprouts blades" from it's head and swiftly cuts it's opponents down, and that it moves so fast it's opponents can't land a hit.
This tracks with Virizion's comparison to Aramis, supposedly the quickest and most skilled of the Musketeers.
Other Dex entries from later games are mostly the same, with the exception of Sword versions Dex entry, which states that it teamed up Cobalion and Terrakion to protect their friends from humans.
So all the Swords of Justice attacked humans that were mean to Pokemon...got it.
Jeez, evil team beware...you might get skewered by angry sword goats.
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Here's Virizion's official artwork:
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Quoted from Virizion's biology section on Bulbapedia:
"Virizion is a stag or antelope-like, quadrupedal Pokémon that is primarily green. On the sides of its head are long horns that end in dull, curled points. It has a pointed snout with a black blaze running from its nose to the back of its head. Its face, hind legs, and underside are white. There is a pinked-tipped leaf on each side of its neck, and leafy tufts on its shoulders. On its back, there are pointed tufts of fur forming a medium-long tail. Its lower legs resemble knee-high boots with pink highlights at the knees, and it has black hooves.
Like the other Swords of Justice, Virizion battled against humans in order to protect Pokémon. Virizion attacks its opponents by first darting around them with whirlwind-like speed, before using its horns to swiftly cut them down. The horns are as sharp as blades. In Generation V, Sacred Sword was its signature move.
It's a LEGENDARY POKEMON. I'm always going to start with that when we get a legendary featured here on Pokémon of the Week. Not only is there only one of Virizion in each game you find it in, but all it's base states are ridiculously high.
It's best base stat is Special Defense. In fact, it has the highest special defense out of all of the Swords of Justice. Field Virizion against Pokémon that know heavy hitting special moves.
It's Grass/Fighting-typing is very rare; there aren't many Pokémon that have that type combo. Use Virizion against Water, Rock, Ground, and Dark-types. It is also highly resistant to Electric and other Grass-type.
It's base Speed, true to the lore, it also very high. If you are needing to outspeed your opponent to win a match, use Virizion. Odds are you'll win that race.
It's signature ability that is shares with the other Swords, "Justified", makes it so that if it is hit by a Dark-type attack, it's attack shoots up by 1 stage each time. That's a huge advantage over Dark-types; a deadly combo with any Fighting-types moves, like Sacred Sword, against Dark-types.
Legendary Pokémon are hard to capture and even more difficult to train once obtain...but you all know that by now (hopefully). They level up slower than normal Pokémon and are harder to befriend.
It may be fast and able to take special attacks well, but it's base Defense is it's lowest stat. If it gets hit by a hard-hitting physical move, it will go down just as fast as it can move.
DO NOT use against the deadly BIRB. Do NOT field against Flying-types. It's Grass and Fighting-type combo makes it QUADRUPLY WEAK to Flying moves.
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Also avoid fielding Virizion against Fire, Poison, Psychic, Ice, and and Fairy-types.
As our first legendary Pokémon here on PotW, I would advise you to go mass-buy some Ultra Ball and Quick Balls...
Where can Virizion be found in each of the games it appears in? Well...as cool as Virizion is...it takes some tracking down.
Make sure to hit SAVE before battling this thing...as there is only one per game, as stated above!
Let's dive in.
In it's debut games Black & White, it can be found in the very depths of the Pinwheel Forest; a place called Rumination Field. You must battle and catch it.
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In Black 2 & White 2, it appears later in the game on Route 11, where (in a small cutscene) it jumps off of a cliff to battle you.
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In X & Y, it can only be obtained by trade from another game.
In the Gen 3 remakes Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire, Virizion (as well as Cobalion and Terrakion) can be found post-game while soaring on the Pathless Plain. If you want Virizion, it needs to be on a Monday or a Thursday...which is...oddly specific...
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In Sun & Moon, it can only be obtained by trade from another game.
In Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon, Virizion can potentially be found post-game in the Ultra Space Wilds on a Rocky World.
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Virizion is unobtainable in Let's Go! Pikachu & Let's Go! Eevee.
Originally, Virizion was yet another #dexitvictim when Sword & Shield were initially released. However, upon the release of the Crown Tundra expansion, you can find a Virizion (and the other Swords) via an event where you must track down 50 of it's footprints around the Tundra. Once you have done that, it will appear in the Giant's bed area.
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Virizion is unobtainable in the Gen 4 remakes Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl.
Virizion is unobtainable in Legends: Arceus.
Does a legendary Pokemon have cool fanart?
Not even a question.
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Takin' a well- deserved human-slaying break, I guess.
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Well, ain't that a snarky grin. Channeling her inner Aramis, I suppose!
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stabby stabby
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A cool marker-esque piece; she gettin' ready to Razor Leaf ya!
I've always thought the Swords of Justice were cool! Though, Virizion has been my favorite...
Mostly because the others become ROAMING annoyances to capture...
Nah, her design is neat, and Aramis has always been my favorite 3 Musketeers character.
What are your thoughts on Virizion? Let me know!
Join me next week for...ANOTHER LEGENDARY! The goodest boy with the shield, Zamazenta!
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wooglebear · 3 months
Part 2 of my rambles about how the Unova movies would play out in the EBWT AU!
As the movie begins, the narrator gives an introduction about the Pokémon world before it cuts to a scene of Ash and his Pikachu in a battle with a Pokémon Trainer's Druddigon. He commands Pikachu to use Thunderbolt on the Druddigon. As the Thunderbolt hits, the scene changes to a grass field where Keldeo is training with Virizion. It detects Virizion in the grass and uses Hydro Pump. As the scene progresses, and after Virizion draws its sword, Keldeo attempts to do the same thing but was unable to do so. It then uses its horn as the sword and clashes its horn with Virizion's sword. Later, the scene changes to rocky terrain where Keldeo trains with Terrakion. When Keldeo kicked, it sends Terrakion flying, and Terrakion crashes into a boulder, which falls onto it. It manages to lift that boulder with its strength and Sacred Sword. The two eventually clash weapons. Finally, the scene changes to a dead forest as Keldeo runs alongside Cobalion. A storm envelops the area and burns a few trees down in front of Keldeo. Cobalion notices Keldeo's actions and persistence and tells Keldeo that its actions are reckless. Keldeo exclaims that it wants to battle Kyurem and when asked when it will be ready, Cobalion doesn't answer; instead, it draws its sword, and spars with Keldeo.
The scene changes to a flowing stream, where the three Swords of Justice ask themselves whether Keldeo is ready to fight Kyurem. According to Cobalion, Keldeo hasn't fully learned the weight of the sword and is not ready yet. Keldeo overhears them and tries to convince them, but to no avail. While the Swords of Justice sleep, Keldeo sneaks out and heads to Full Court, where Kyurem resides. Eventually the three notice, and so they left to search for Keldeo. When Keldeo arrives, it challenges Kyurem to battle, which the Boundary Pokémon accepts. When the Swords of Justice arrive, the two are already in battle. During the fight, Kyurem breaks off Keldeo's horn with Shadow Claw, causing the Colt Pokémon to become paralyzed with fear. Terrakion attempts to stop the fight to save Keldeo, but Cobalion tells it not to interfere. This aggravates Kyurem, who shifts into White Kyurem and freezes the trio, to prevent further interference. Noticing its friends frozen, Keldeo is overcome with fear and flees from the battle. Kyurem, furious, angrily declares that their battle is not yet over...
Meanwhile, Ash and his friends are on their journey, boarding a train that leads to a city. Oshawott, Pikachu, and Axew are playing in the train car, later joined by Scraggy. The train stops at Windy Station. Cress notices a stall selling Darumaka lunch boxes and gets some for the group, along with water bottles and Oran Berry Pops. Because that is totally something he would do, especially given the personality I gave him for the EBWT AU XD
Anyway, Chili thinks it’s great that Cress is working through his grief over Cash Networth getting murked in Elesa’s gym. Cilan thinks that Cress’s trust issues have to go.
Ash has to carry the lunch boxes, yet he trips over Scraggy, sending the boxes flying. Fortunately, the quintent's Pokémon and Iris manage to catch the lunch boxes. As they all board, they accidentally leave Scraggy in the station just as the train leaves, and notice he is trying to run for it. Ash urges him to jump on, but the Shedding Pokémon can't muster the strength to do so, so Ash commands Snivy to fetch him with Vine Whip. She manages to catch him and bring him in, but suddenly, a Pokémon slips on the mountain, landing on top of the train. Pikachu notices and tells the rest to follow him. It was Keldeo, injured from its previous battle. As Ash and his friends find it, it warns them about Kyurem. Suddenly, Kyurem leaps onto the train and attacks the group, and soon was forced to jump off the train when the train entered a tunnel. Later on, they move to a cargo area of the train, where Iris tells the group about the legend of Kyurem, which she learned from the Village of Dragons' elder.
The train arrives at Roshan City and the group visits the Pokémon Center there so Keldeo can be treated. Nurse Joy identifies the Colt Pokémon to the group, and tells them the legend of the Swords of Justice. She mentions that according to this legend, the three arrived at a forest plagued by flames from a war between human factions. Terrakion shaped an escape route into the earth, Virizion used its speed to shield the fleeing Pokémon, and Cobalion escorted the Pokémon to safety. Within the ashes of the now burned-down forest, they found a lone Pokémon—Keldeo—that they took in as their own. Keldeo is training to be a Sword of Justice.
Later, when Keldeo has been healed (except for its horn), it walks outside the Pokémon Center with Ash and his friends. Chili expresses relief on Keldeo's recovery. Ash and his friends introduce themselves and Ash asks Keldeo what happened. While a Liepard and a Herdier battle on a nearby battlefield, Keldeo tells them what it did before it met them. It also reveals that to become a Sword of Justice, one has to defeat Kyurem. After telling them how it ran away, Keldeo douses its head under a pipe. Keldeo speculates that Kyurem is probably furious, and Ash realizes that that's why Kyurem attacked them. Ash questions it, asking if it's scared. He says that Keldeo shouldn't be scared just because it lost, which angers Keldeo. It vows to rescue the Swords of Justice right then. Ash and his friends agree and promise to go with Keldeo. First, they eat from the Darumaka lunch boxes. Ash and Keldeo eat quickly and simultaneously choke, which makes Iris call both Ash and Keldeo "little kids".
Meanwhile, at the harbor, the water freezes over. As an army of Cryogonal surround the area, Kyurem bursts out of the frozen lake. The Cryogonal head into the city, with Kyurem following and turning into White Kyurem. The transformation triggers another flashback of the elder showing Iris Kyurem's White Form, along with Black Kyurem. As Ash and his friends walk, the air suddenly becomes cold and the waterfall next to them freezes. Kyurem's Cryogonal army show up and attack them. The group flees, with White Kyurem and the Cryogonal in pursuit. Pikachu uses Thunderbolt on Kyurem, prompting it to turn into Black Kyurem and retaliate with Dragon Pulse. Kyurem then heads to the top of the city's tallest tower. Pikachu repels the Cryogonal with Iron Tail and Electro Ball, and as more arrive to surround them, Keldeo flies away with Hydro Pump with Ash and Pikachu holding on tight. With the Cryogonal in hot pursuit, Ash, Pikachu and Keldeo head towards a bridge where Iris and the Striaton City Gym Leaders are. The Cryogonal use Ice Beam to freeze the river. Ash sends out Boldore to ride across the ice with Keldeo and escape.
The group retreats into the subway tunnels. Cilan tries to open the first door, but it's locked, so Keldeo kicks it open. As they walk through the tunnel, Ash says he's kinda hungry, to which Iris calls him a kid. Keldeo asks if there are any lunch boxes left, further unamusing Iris. They come to another door, which Keldeo attempts to break open again. However, Iris stops the Colt Pokémon and pushes it open, remarking that some doors are open. They arrive at the subway station filled with train cars and other vehicles from the past. Spotting a blimp, Iris gets an idea. The Cryogonal enter through the subway tunnels, and pursue the blimp that is piloted by Iris. Ash, the triplets and Keldeo use a train car to exit the city. Keldeo thinks about Iris' plan to use herself as a diversion so they can escape. Iris teases the duped Cryogonal just as Black Kyurem arrives and freezes the blimp with cold air, causing it to plummet towards the nearby lake. The Cryogonal then go to where Ash and the triplets went, going after another moving train car piloted by Cress and powered by his Baltoy. Ash and Keldeo hide behind a hut and retreat into the forest. All the while, Keldeo thinks about Iris and the triplets, while also thinking about the Swords of Justice raising their Sacred Swords to the air and delivering their oath. Ash asks Keldeo what the Swords of Justice are like, and the Colt Pokemon says that Terrakion is the toughest Pokémon he knows, nice and funny too. Keldeo says that Virizion is calm, smart, and the fastest of the three. Finally, Keldeo gets to Cobalion, the leader of the trio, who is stern in his training and says things he doesn't always understand.
Kyurem's Cryogonal are still chasing after Cress, who sends out his vespiquen and has it use String Shot as soon as they enter the tunnel. However, their train car gets frozen by cold air from Black Kyurem. The Boundary Pokémon and its Cryogonal army head out after realizing they've been tricked again. As Keldeo and Ash continue their walk, Keldeo asks Ash why he is helping him if they just met, and Ash says they are friends. They eventually arrive at Full Court, just as White Kyurem and the Cryogonal return. Kyurem lets out a fearsome roar, which frightens Keldeo and reminds him of how his horn was broken off in their last battle. Ash remains determined, but Keldeo backs up, trembling in fear, and admitting that he lied to Kyurem about being a Sword of Justice. Ash tells Keldeo not to worry, going in with Pikachu to handle things themselves. Keldeo tries to go with them, but his fear once again gets the better of him.
As Iris meets up with the triplets, Ash looks for the Swords of Justice. The sun rises, revealing the trio still frozen. Ash sends out Boldore and Pignite, having them and Pikachu use Flamethrower, Rock Smash and Iron Tail. Ash also tries to break the trio free with a pipe, but all their efforts are halted by the arrival of Kyurem. The Boundary Pokémon tells Ash to leave, but he still tries to free the Swords of Justice. Kyurem uses Dragon Pulse, but Keldeo arrives and interferes with Focus Blast. Ash tells Keldeo that he knew he'd come, and Keldeo is glad that Ash believed in him. The Colt Pokémon then admits to Kyurem that he lied before about being a Sword of Justice. Kyurem comes out and says that he knew all along, wanting to finish their battle. Keldeo finds himself trembling again, but Ash reassures him that he's going to be a Sword of Justice. Keldeo realizes that he has never been alone. Refusing to run this time, Keldeo turns into his Resolute Form, just as Iris and the triplets join up with Ash. The two battle until Kyurem eventually gains the upper hand on Keldeo, using Ice Beam to freeze his leg. Kyurem turns into Black Kyurem and charges up for Freeze Shock. Ash and Pikachu try to stop the Boundary Pokémon with Thunderbolt, but Keldeo fires a warning Focus Blast at them, wanting to keep fighting on. Breaking out of the ice with Hydro Pump, Keldeo uses Double Team and Focus Blast, the impact of the attack colliding with Kyurem's Freeze Shock freeing the Swords of Justice. The trio praise Ash and his friends and thank them for saving Keldeo. Keldeo continues the fight against Kyurem, but quickly starts running out of steam as the Boundary Pokémon knocks him back with Shadow Claw. Iris begs the Swords of Justice to step in, but they insist that this is Keldeo's battle, not theirs. Keldeo doesn't give in, avoiding Kyurem's attacks while remembering the advice given to him by the Swords of Justice. Keldeo uses Focus Blast and rams into the attack increase its impact on Kyurem, throwing it out of the arena.
The Swords of Justice praise Keldeo's progress, knowing all he needs to do now is use his Sword. Black Kyurem arrives and uses Freeze Shock, which freezes Keldeo. While encased in the ice, Keldeo starts glowing bright yellow and bursts out using Secret Sword. He gains the upper hand over Kyurem using this move, countering its Dragon Pulse as the Boundary Pokémon praises Keldeo's true power. Keldeo and Kyurem meet each other with Freeze Shock and Focus Blast. The Freeze Shock suddenly heads towards Ash, Iris, Cress and Chili, but Cilan jumps in front of them and gets frozen to death.
"Cilan!" Chili screams at the Boundary Pokemon, and holds Cilan's corpse. He starts crying.
The mood is somber. Chili is sad that his younger brother is dead, Iris and Ash are surprised, and Cress?
Cress is a fucking wreck ready to flatten Kyurem with a steamroller if one were available.
He has Panpour use Water Gun on Kyurem, and when the Boundary Pokemon is recovering from the damage, tells him this:
"You caused this, and you better damn well fix it, because he's my brother! And if the same thing happens to my other brother or the other two... I will end you."
Cress then talks to his Herdier, and finds out via his Aura powers that he can lick Cilan’s frozen body back to life.
With a little help from the rest of Cress’s team, Pikachu’s thunderbolt, Pignite, Chili’s Pansear, Lampent and Heatmor, they melt Cilan out, who doesn't remember what happened after he got frozen solid.
As Kyurem walks off, Keldeo changes back to his normal form, his horn restored. Cobalion tells Keldeo that he now knows the true weight of the Sword. Suddenly, the steel beams start collapsing, so the group retreats. White Kyurem uses Ice Burn to freeze all the falling debris.
The Swords of Justice congratulate Keldeo on becoming one of them, as do Ash and his friends. With that, the Swords of Justice recite their oath, this time with Keldeo joining them in his Resolute Form.
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hellopuns · 3 years
Seeing some responses that Dunsparce would be mad if Virizion ended up with Swanna but. You fools. You slanderous cowards. Dunsparce is the biggest ally and though he starts off with a huge crush on Virizion he realizes that her company is special whether or not his romantic feelings are reciprocated and he values her friendship immensely
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eldragon-x · 3 years
Dusknoir and Munna comparisons because they’re my favourite characters in pmd and I love thinking about the ways they’re similar and different
There’s of course the obvious thing about both of them framing a major protagonist (Grovyle, Hydreigon) as the bad guy until they get Hero and Partner into a vulnerable position and backstab them.
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And how both of them have sworn their loyalty to a Legendary Pokemon (which can’t be applied to Nuzleaf, as both he and Yveltal were under mind-control).
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But I think it’s most interesting to look at their motivations as villains and how their views change.
Dusknoir wants to survive and is willing to live in a world where he is and will always be unhappy for that goal. A world that is falling apart and irreversibly damaged, but as long as he doesn’t have to disappear...
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Munna on the other hand, wants herself, her friends, and the rest of the world to basically get killed in Bittercold’s destruction because she and her friends sincerely believe that no one can be happy in the world as it is and therefore it’s not worth living in.
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Grovyle explains Dusknoir his view on things on their way to Icicle Forest and he really thinks about Grovyle’s words. Grovyle later doubles down on how he believed that Dusknoir doesn’t really hate him like he claims to, even saying he thinks they had an understanding, and makes Dusknoir confront the question: Is he really content with just surviving the dark future when there’s the option that it could be a better world, even if it does mean sacrificing his own life?
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Dusknoir does deny it at first, insisting that they were never on an eye-level, probably even trying to convince himself, judging by his lack of certainty shining through.
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But once Grovyle confronts him with the big question? He’s unsure how to respond, his last thought being that he has to do something about the situation, before saving Grovyle’s life and with that betraying Primal Dialga.
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Keldeo thought he could convince Munna to drop her plans when he first came to Glacier Palace. Once he arrives at the scene with Umbreon and Espeon later on, he says he still believes that Munna has her own doubts.
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Her response is to lash out in anger and insisting that there really is nothing good in the world to live for. I personally believe that anger is for her generally a defense mechanism of sorts. We see her angry for a lot of her screen time, and I do think some of it is very genuine, but especially in this situation it feels like it’s boiling up so she doesn’t have to confront those very doubts that Keldeo adresses.
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Partner, Virizion and Emolga then step in to point out how she and her friends kept each other alive, how there’s still something worth living for for them because they have each other, and asking if they wouldn’t want to keep living together in a world that is worth living, instead of giving up and trying to go down together.
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Munna is surprised and asks one more thing: If there can be a world worth living in. The Partner confirms this, saying you can make it worth living (and they would know, trying to bring happiness to other Pokemon and surrounding themselves with friends after spending so much time alone and distant from others), getting Munna to her turning point and causing her to save Hero and Partner in the next scene.
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Dusknoir became a traitor in Primal Dialga’s eyes the second he saved Grovyle, and he probably knew beforehand that he’d turn Dialga against him by doing that. From this point on, he supports Grovyle and Celebi in their pursue and battle against Dialga.
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Meanwhile Munna encourages Hero and Partner to keep going, saying she can’t go further because she swore loyalty to Kyurem (but also likely because she’s injured), but making it possible for the two to go on in the first place since the ice pillar destroyed the way, asking them to save the world, and being one of the Pokemon to hold onto hope and cheer them on when they confront the Bittercold.
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I guess what I’m getting at is...
Dusknoir being willing to survive in the dark future vs Munna wanting to die with her friends because the world seems horrible.
Dusknoir denying to everyone and himself that he isn’t happy living in the dark future and could ever come to an understanding with Grovyle vs Munna denying to everyone and herself that she isn’t as hopeless and willing to die as she makes it out to be and that Keldeo could see through to her.
The protagonists finally getting through to them because Dusknoir’s actions still matter and disappearing isn’t the end of it all vs Munna acknowledging that she and her friends keep each other going and that the world can be better.
Dusknoir and Munna both sealing the end of their stories as villains by saving the protagonists and supporting them the rest of the way the best they can.
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terrific-togekiss · 4 years
What if Pokémon Legends went on to other Regions?
This has been a topic of the Pokémon fandom for awhile. With the announcement of Pokémon Legends: Arceus not too long ago, many fans are anticipating and speculating the future of this ambitious side series.
Being able to not only witness, learn and partake in the legends that shape both the regions and Legendary Pokémon, leaves much room for creativity.
This is all merely speculation.
Here's my take for how any future Pokémon Legends games could play out.
Pokémon Legends: Mew
Set about roughly 20 years before the events of Pokémon Red, Blue and Yellow, the elusive Mew makes an appearance in the Kanto Region.
This prompts many scientists to want to study and catch the original Pokémon, foreshadowing the creation of Mewtwo and the Ditto.
You, the player, are taken under the wing of a much younger Professor Oak, with the Gen 1 Gym Leaders also showing up to lend a hand.
As the plot focuses on you tracking down Mew before various criminals and an older Team Rocket, try to for their own nefarious purposes. Helping Professor Oak invent the Pokédex and with his research.
Gene splicing and gene testing on Pokémon grew after the War LT. Surge fought in, with an older Team Rocket using it to their advantage.
This Team Rocket being a much bigger criminal organization, before the player took them down and a smaller one appeared in Pokémon Red, Blue and Yellow.
A younger Giovanni is also present, as the player gets to know the man that would go on to lead present day Team Rocket. He's a friend to the player... for now, giving some insight on who he was beforehand and show how he took over the criminal organization, setting up the events Pokémon Red, Blue and Yellow.
Mew's appearance in the Kanto region, inspires him to the point of illegal gene testing on Pokémon.
As a nod to Pokémon first debuting in 1996, the game takes on a more of a late 60s to mid 70s aesthetic, so it feels like the player is shaping the legends that set up Gen 1 of Pokémon.
Plus Kanto in the Legends artstyle would be mindblowing. And take inspiration from 60s to 70s Japan.
In addition, to avoid looking too similar to Pokémon Legends: Arceus. Being more of a modern era Japan region, than a Meiji period Japan inspired region. While following in said game's footsteps, by focusing on the secondary legendary than the main one (Mewtwo).
The starters would be Chikorita (Gen 1 is about Nature vs Technology), Torchic (Peace and War aesthetic) and Popplio (60s to 70s definitely saw a rise in many famous and popular musicians).
Pokémon Legends: Celebi
Ever wonder the origins of the Legendary Beasts: Raikou, Suicine and Entei?
What they were before they were killed in Brass Tower revived by Ho-Oh? How Ho-Oh came down and choose them, saving their lives? The sea Lugia stays in the deep for? The early days of Johto? The ruins of Alpha in the past? The early days of the Kimino Girls?
Well now you, the player, do now! ...sort of. As the title of the game implies, the player meets and befriends Celebi and gets to see many of these events via time travel.
Not only would this include a huge mechanic separate from other Legends games, but it would be the most unique in how it could be approached. As Nintendo is no stranger to time travel games (e.g. Majora's Mask) that impact both the plot and gameplay.
Time travel tends to create stories that are very confusing or very heartwrenching. Or both. But I have no doubt it would be the latter.
It also leaves room for many side quests.
Starters would be Bulbasaur (Time is all about growth), Scorbunny (Bunny Rabbits are not only a common symbol in the older days of Japan, but of Spring much like Ho-Oh) and Froakie (ninjas were more prevalent during this time period, as they slowly faded out).
Pokémon Legends: Jirachi
1000 years before the events of Pokémon Emerald, (Omega) Ruby and (Alpha) Sapphire, chaos raged across the ancient Hoenn Region, between two legendary Pokémon: Groudon and Kyogre. The Draconid people hope and pray for the arrival of Rayquaza to save the Hoenn Region itself.
This is where the player steps in: in order for all this chaos to end, the wishes of the people must be heard. And the only Pokémon capable of that is Jirachi.
The player would go around helping wishes be granted, traveling and training Pokémon along the way.
An ancestor of Zinnia also makes an appearance as a friend and rival of the player.
To maintain the wishes and stars aesthetic, Deoxys also makes an appearance with its origin being explored. Being able to explore space itself, meeting Pokémon said to have an "alien" origin, like Elgyem and Beheeyem.
Latios and Latias can also be caught, flying on them just like in Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire.
The meteor that would hit the future Sootopolis is what awakened Groudon and Kyogre, said Meteor containing Deoxys. Setting up the game's plot.
Since it's roughly 1000 years before the Gen 3 Pokémon games, Hoenn resembles and takes inspiration from Japan during the Heian period.
The starters would be Turtwig (Theme of continents being at stake), Chimchar (Japanese and Chinese relations) and Totodile (sea monster symbolism, which is often associated with crocodiles and related animals).
Pokémon Legends: The Dragon
Two Princes, of Galar origin, known as the "Twin Heroes" share the power of an unimaginable Legendary Dragon. Bringing Truth and Ideals to the people of Unova. They live and lead from Relic Castle.
You, the player, are a friend of the princes and over the course of the game, your alliance with them changes. Struggling to choose between Truth or Ideals. Serving as a major story mechanic.
A feud and disagreement between the Princes happen, with the player being caught in the middle and to try to quell the anger of the Dragon.
In addition to finally seeing Reshiram and Zekrom before they split, Victini is also present with the Swords of Justice Pokémon (Cobalion, Virizion, and Terrakion), the Forces of Nature (Tornadus, Thundurus, and Landorus) and even Meloetta tries to raise people's spirits.
Team Plasma's origins are alluded to, with the army of the Princes baring an odd resemblance to the future evil team.
The game has more of a wild western aesthetic since Unova is based on New York. Think late 18th century America. With horseback riding on Pokémon like Zebstrika and Rapidash, bandits and criminals that try to steal your Pokémon and being able to explore Unova in its entirety.
Or perhaps roaring 20s to 30s America. If that setting sounds more vibrant and close to the Unova of Gen 5. This is all still speculation.
You even get to ride Keldeo in a later part of the game.
The starters would be Chespin (Chesnaught is based on a Glyptodon; fossils were found in South America), Litten (Wrestling is popular in New York) and Mudkip (mudpuppies are found in Lake Michigan).
Pokémon Legends: Diancie
Set after the Kalos War, you the player are caught in the middle of it going off to fight with your Pokémon. Hoping to make a difference as the Professor (ancestor of Professor Sycamore) takes you under his wing. And hoping to help the war turned world that is Kalos.
Yveltal and Xernas have both gone into slumber, with Zygarde needing to be restored to at least 50% (player can go to 100%), so the world of Kalos can be healed from this war.
The main game focuses on Diancie: since Diancie is the Pokémon of diamonds, the war has forced soldiers and leaders to exhaust the many resources of the Kalos region. Particularly precious stones and diamonds.
The player befriends Diancie later in the game as the two work together to bring an end the greedy hearts of those involved.
The game resembles France during the 100 Years War, with the player character even having armor as part of their attire. Due to Kalos being based off of France, roughly Middle Ages or Medieval France in this game's case.
AZ also makes a few appearances in the game, racked with grief over firing the Ultimate Weapon, mostly keeping to himself over the game's plot.
As a new gameplay mechanic, the player can befriend other trainers to amass armies to overcome many challenges, like beating other armies and crossing obstacles.
Volcanion and Hoopa are also present in the game and can be caught.
The origins of Mega Evolutions are expanded on, with the player getting their hands on some Mega Stones. Due to the energy of the Ultimate Weapon.
The starters would be Snivy (said Pokémon is based on French nobility), Piplup (Empoleon is based off of Emperors and can be a nod to Napoleon) and Charmander (Charizard is based off of European Dragons).
Pokémon Legends: Marshadow
Set in the ancient Aloha region, when Tribes followed the Tapu Pokémon, you the player find yourself stranded in this intriguing region.
Ultra space wormholes begin opening across the region and its up to the player to figure out why and how to stop them. Even being able to traverse the Ultra Megalopolis in its entirety.
Necrozma is up to it and the player must learn why. With Marshadow playing a bigger role, since most of its origin is shrouded in mystery, so this would be a great opportunity to explore those origins.
Along with the origins of the Z-Crystals.
The game has more of an ancient Polynesian world, seeing as how Aloha is based of Hawaii. Being able to sail to smaller islands and even catch Pokémon while doing so.
The starters would be Grookey (drums are a popular musical instrument in the tropics), Sobble (chameleons are native to Hawaii) and Tepig (pigs have been brought to Polynesian Islands in the past).
Pokémon Legends: Zarude
3000 years, before the events of Pokémon Sword and Shield, a black storm covers the very region itself. This black storm causes Pokémon to randomly Dynamax and Gigantamax. Many live in fear of what the next day brings, as hope of a better day seems like only a naive dream.
The player joins with many Pokémon researchers (some being ancestors of familiar faces in Pokémon Sword and Shield), in order to track down the source of this chaos.
Zarude comes in as he helps providing with resources from various forests, so less Pokémon and people are harmed. Or worse.
The player believes tracking down Zarude, will lead them to stopping this madness (Eternatus).
The game looks much like 13th to 14th century Britain, in much of the fashion of characters and even dealing with the equivalent of a plague. Ironically enough.
The starters are Treecko (Forest theme and light in the dark theme in contrast to the Darkest Days), Fenniken (Magicians are a common Middle Ages motif) and Squirtle (Cannons were first invented in Europe, around this time period).
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stompstump-peak · 3 years
favorite thing about them
her development over the course of the game is UNMATCHED. i genuinely think, and you cannot change my mind on this, virizion is one of the best pmd characters of all time. it’s almost as much hero’s story as her story, although i do think that holds true for everyone in paradise.
least favorite thing about them
i remember i didn’t like her when i played gates for the first time. obviously i have since changed my mind. i don’t think i was supposed to like her anyway, but the way she treated dunsparce was obviously Not Great. 
favorite line
her entire speech during the first visit to the great glacier makes me tear up every time
her and keldeo....they’re best friends your honor!!!! ;-; <3
i do think her little thing with emolga towards the end of the game is funny (and really cute ngl), but i don’t have a ship ship for her. maybe with espeon? i wish they’d gotten to interact more
none tbh
random headcanon
she likes making flower crowns for her friends!
unpopular opinion
okay i have Thoughts™ on the reunion scene with keldeo that i might talk about at one point but i think it could’ve been done better. i won’t get into it here but it wasn’t very well written imo
song i associate with them
heat wave by snail mail + nothing gets me high by bad bad hats
favorite picture of them
i don’t remember the name of the artist, but there’s a piece in the gates tag with her looking into the frism with keldeo underneath looking into the same frism and. it hurts my heart a little bit every time i go into the tag and see it
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alibraryofsouls · 4 years
“Are you really expecting a positive outcome out of this?” (for virizion!)
Questions/Comments to be sent anonymously!
There are several things that they could be referring to, perhaps it was about Virizion’s actions in an effort to keep his territory, or about Keldeo and his problems with his other father, and yet... he doubted it was either of those options. The most recent change to his life had involved a water type from Johto becoming involved with it, if this was about anything... it had to be that.
“Not really,” he answers honestly. He doesn’t want to be pessimistic, but it didn’t feel right to hope for anything either. “I’m not expecting anything, she owes me and my son nothing. Her presence is a peaceful one and... I find her company to be comforting in a sense.”
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“But that doesn’t mean I’m expecting anything to come of this. I’m a single father in a region miles away from her own, neither of those details make me a particularly attractive suitor you know.” He gives a mocking laugh, “I would be a fool to expect anything. It... would simply be nice, is all. But I won’t be surprised if she prefers to simply remain friends and maybe train my son. He adores her as well, and as his mentor we shouldn’t get too personal anyway.” Not that this was truly stopping him was it?
Maybe the logic would sting a little less if it did stop him.
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In unova, I was playing around with a 4ft stick pretend being a knight then I felt someone is watching me. It’s keldeo watching me and wants to play with me, keldeo wants me train to used any related to stick to swords as a last option (I didn’t brought my Pokémon team with me) Keldeo brought his friends to teach me how self defense and helping weak Pokémon from mean Pokémon. Virizion, terrakion, cobalion taught me to used sword of justice as a warning or signal for help from them. Do you any suggestions for joining a group that needs helps?
Suggestions for groups that you could join and help? Hmm, well, if you don’t want to wander around the wilderness all day, may I suggest working/volunteering at a Pokémon Shelter? They’re always looking for extra hands and a lot of the Pokémon there come to them in less-than-perfect shape.
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dahniwitchoflight · 5 years
A Pokemon Cosmology
Trying to have positive pokemon thoughts so I went and created a sort of map of emanations of the various mythical/legendary/ultra beast pokemon from larger concepts like Space and Time emanating down into more specific concepts like Guardians of Specific Islands
This mostly does follow canon groupings/leaderships etc but some groups were put near other groups, or in some cases given a leader or pairs associated with other pairs etc depending on if I decided I liked it or not
it’s not meant to be like “This Pokemon created this Pokemon” or etc, just that the things they have dominion over, are lesser than the things the Pokemon higher up the foodchain has dominion over
Also, sometimes some legendaries were sort of given designations that they may not have canonly have, but I think would be a good idea for them to have dominion over/represent
I made a chart and then explanations will follow:
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First we got Arceus, Ultimate Creator
then he’s surrounded by all the Unowns as his “Thousand Arms of Creation”
then the big three concepts he made were Dialga (Time), Palkia (Space) and Giratina (Antimatter)
First, Dialga
Since Dialga represents Time, I’d figure he’d have dominion over the Pokemon that represent the things we use to recognize Time, The Sun(Solgaleo), the Moon(Lunala) and Light/Darkness as a concept itself (Necrozma) which are all essentially concepts of Light and Energy in the Universe
Also with Dialga is Celebi, a being able to move freely throughout any Time, so possibly representing the Currents of Time, or specifically Past, Present and Future
Undereath Lunala (The Full Moon) we have Cresselia (Crescent Moon) and Darkrai (New Moon), the three of them representing the Night and possibly Dreams
Under Solgaleo (The Sun) we have Meltan(Metal) and Melmetal(Fusion), and where Lunala and friends represented things of a metaphysical nature, Solgaleo and friends represent Light’s more physical side, with Meltan and Melmetal representing the idea of a Star’s molten metal core as a representation of the byproduct of Nuclear Fusion and the natural origin of all Metal
Lastly under Zekrom (Light) are Jirachi(Meteors/Stars) and Deoxys(Auroras) the other natural phenomenons that symbolize Light other than the Sun and Moon
Then Cosmog/Cosmoem represent Nebulas/Cosmos/Shiny Stardust and put under Lunala/Solgaleo as their natural parents
Next, Palkia.
Palkia represents Physical Space, and therefore, the next in line are those that created the pieces of our Physical Planet, Kyogre (Ocean), Groudon (Land) and Rayqauza (Atmosphere)
Also with Palkia is Hoopa, a being with a relationship to Palkia similar to the one Celebi has with Dialga, being able to freely move throughout Space, teleporting as it pleases, representing the idea of Teleportation and Location. 
Celebi and Hoopa are not higher than Dialga or Palkia, they merely have the total freedom to explore the ideas under their dominion, theyre like Palkia and Dialga’s kids. Manaphy had the title “Prince of the Sea” under Kyogre, maybe Celebi and Hoopa can be the Princes of Time and Space?
Under Kyogre (Ocean) we have Phione (Warm Seas) and Manaphy (Cold Seas). 
then also we have Lugia (Beast of Underwater Currents) and under Lugia the three legendary birds.
Now, the three birds don’t really all have an association with some form of water, but you could stretch them into either Weather Patterns (Which are determined by the ocean and it’s currents) as Snow/Rain/Sun OR as representing different States of Water, Frozen Ice (Articuno), Liquid Rain (Zapdos) and Gaseous Vapor (Moltres), which, kinda makes sense, idk theyre ruled by the ocean currents and all live on islands surrounded by water its the best I can come up with
either works, but, since there is a “Weather Trio” later on, the states of water probably work best
Nest we have Rayquaza (Atmosphere) which has the underlings Latios (Cold Air Currents) and Latias (Warm Air Currents) and from them spawn the actual Weather Trio, Thundurus (Humidity), Tornadus (Wind) and Landorus (Heat), rather than just saying rain/storm etc I figured making it the three factors that control all the weather patterns that can happen to make the most sense here
Finally we have Groudon (Land) which has the underlings Heatran (Earth’s Molten Core) and Diancie (Earth’s Crust) and I like this because it matches the pattern of each Planet Trio member having two underlings representing the hot and cold versions of each trio. Also under Groudon (Land) we have Regigigas (Continents) who rules landmasses in general, then under Regigigas we have the various types of solid landmasses possible Regice (Ice/Snow/Tundra), Regirock (Stone/Earth/Mountain) and Registeel (Cities/Steel/Construction). 
Then separately under Regigigas, but lower then the other 3 Regi’s, we have the rulers of specific small particular landmasses, various Island Guardians, the 4 Tapu’s. I’d say Regigigas is their direct ruler, because what are islands except Tiny Continents, but theyre lower in priority than the 3 Regi’s since those guys represent 3 basic types of landmasses, similar but different.
The more specific you get the more things fractal outwards
Next we have Giratina who represents Antimatter, and under him most nonphysical/spiritual concepts that are misunderstood and foreign and hard to grasp, since they sort of exist on the “other side” of things. Xerneas (Life), Yveltal (Death), Zygarde (Balance/Aura). 
Also with him is Marshadow and Mew. Marshadow is a ghost pokemon that lives in the shadows, but also represents the idea of the “fighting spirit” which often associated with “Aura” in pokemon. Whereas Mew is the genetic physical origin of all living Pokemon. 
So both sort of represent the two halves needed to create a living existing creature. Mew representing the body and the physical form, Marshadow representing the soul, the spirit, or the aura needed to give life to that physical form. Dunno what exact title to give, perhaps Prince of Aura and Prince of DNA or something along those lines. 
Underneath Zygarde, representing Balance/Nature, we have Ho-oh representing Reincarnation or Rebirth
and while you’d think it makes sense to have Ho-oh underneath Xerneas (Life) instead, the idea of Rebirth naturally involves a delicate Balance or natural Cycle of both Life and Death. So under Zygarde they go. 
then of course Ho-oh as Reincarnation has dominion over Suicune (Purifying Water), Raikou (Revitalizing Electricity) and Entei (Transmuting Fire) aka the various ways something can be “reborn”: Purified of any corruption or healing of damage, given new strength or Vitality, or physical remoulding of it’s shape or form, the same things that happened to all three. (also because i like to believe that while Unown’s may have created the Entei in the third pokemon movie, it’s ability to reshape reality at will could have naturally been it’s own as well, maybe, i know not really but still)
This has potential then for future legendary pokemon underneath Yveltal and Xerneas to represent different specific concepts of Destruction/Death/Illness and Creation/Life/Healing. Like Sickness, Old Age, Decay, Growth, Youth, and Vitality. 
Next we have those also directly under Arceus, as an ultimate creator, whereas Dialga, Palkia and Giratina represented Time, Space and Antimatter respectively, Arceus has dominion over the concept of Humanity, with me sort of borrowing the concept of gods creating humanity in their image. 
Now, you can see a sort of empty point here where it looks like a Pokemon should be in this spot, similar to Palkia/Giratina/Dialga, but this is because technically Arceus is both directly fulfilling this spot, and because this spot overlaps with the three beneath it, Reshiram/Zekrom and Kyurem. I kind of see it as both Arceus and “the original dragon” that is Reshiram/Zekrom/Kyurem all fused, which we get close to, but never really fully see. And i like this because it kind of highlights that the question to humanity’s existence and purpose, doesn’t have an answer, just like this spot doesn’t have a ruler.
Here also, we have the two beings who would have supported what this ultimate being of humanity might have represented, and indeed what Arceus may have intended to shape humanity into all along.
Victini, representing Power, Victory, Success and Shaymin, representing Gratitude, Appreciation, Recognition. 
Really does paint a picture of an almost angelic sense of euphoria and love. If we take even more christian mythos as inspiration here, it makes sense that the lack of a figure representing Euphoria and Love as penultimate concepts of humanity, and the fact that it no longer exists, almost points to a “fall of man/why evil exists” kind of situation, where that being of love and euphoria and what it represented was rejected by those it was meant to have dominion over, and was thus shattered from existence as a result. And it makes sense in another way too, to be eternally euphoric kind of demands a lack of free will and choice in order to be true, which humanity would obviously never accept, even if temporary pain and evil was the result. 
So from that, Reshiram represents the human conception of Truth, and Zekrom represents the human conception of Ideals. This is branched out to be a sort of Intellect/Rationality versus Emotion/Freewill kind of idea in my mind. But they also represent different forms of Energy, Reshiram’s Fire and Zekrom’s Electricity. Kyurem as the third is a nullifier of both, due to it’s nature as empty husk of the original. So while Reshiram/Zekrom represent the natural leftover concepts of Humanity and Energy, Kyurem represents unnatural humanity and Entropy (Absolute Zero Ice). 
So from Reshiram (Truth), spawns the idea of Keldeo (Justice), the idea that things can be Right or Wrong, or can be logically determined as such. This gets you Cobalion (Rationality), Terrakion (Reality) and Virizion (Intellect).
A subset of Reshiram’s Fire Energy we also have Volcanion, who represents specifically Steam energy. 
on the other side, you have Zekrom (Ideals), spawns the idea of Meloetta (Expression), the idea of individuality and that each person has their own perspective or priorities. This gets you Azelf (Willpower), Uxie (Knowledge) and Mesprit (Emotion) (also it just feels really aesthetically nice to think of Meloetta as the Lake Trio’s “leader” she has basically the same color scheme and design of being somewhat pixie like, has the fourth color green to the lake trios red/yellow/blue, and is slightly taller more humanshape to denote her status as leader, its a great idea and you should love it like i do)
a subset of Zekrom’s Electric energy we have Zeraora, who represents specifically Plasma Energy.
Underneath Kyurem (Unnatural Humanity) we get all of our man-made legendaries. Starting with Magearna (Manufacturing/Man-Making in general) as the oldest legendary created by man, then branching out to Genesect (Scientific Modification), Type:Null (Scientific Blending) and Mewtwo (Scientific Creation). Then Type:Null gets its evolution in Silvally, possibly representing the concept of Trust or Friendship as a whole, a wholly natural human activity, that also has to be created or nurtured by humanity to continue existing, Naturally Man-Made, a perfect blend of the two. And I like the coincidence that a lot of the manmade pokemon are a direct result result of man’s freewill to be evil or good, just like they were a direct result of Kyurem/Reshiram/Zekrom’s current state of being. 
Lastly the Ultra beasts are kind of, outside of this whole dynamic, I’m not sure if i could solidly put any of them directly tied to Dialga/Palkia/Giratina/Arceus, like there’s some that I thing could kinda work maybe in some cases but overall not really?
Like Xurkitree Kartana and Celesteela looking very man-made (but they aren’t technically) Poipole/Naganadel representing Poison and possibly Illness or Decay, putting it under Yveltal as Death, same as Guzzlord being Destruction
But it’s not, the greatest, so overall I just kinda put them in a circle outside of everything, but closest to the major concepts they sort of have a connection with.
But instead of being tied to anything directly and representing specific concepts, they represent extremely vague ethereal/ephemeral concepts in contrast that are also very alien and inhuman and almost eldritch (when not representing specifically human concepts)
Guzzlord - Represents Destruction in all it’s forms, recycling, transformation, restructuring, but not with any malice, just with the cold unthinking unreasonable processing of a wood chipper eating your leg. 
Poipole/Naganadel - represents poison, illness, sickness, decay, old age, allergies (because theyre bees) basically all things that usher in potential death
Blacephalon - represents Primal Fears/Illusions/The Void/The Ineffable/Unknowable/Eldritch due to the clown association and it’s attack Mind Blown hinting at a more “its all in your head/cannot comprehend the nature of this attack” concept as well.
Celesteela - represents all the ideas of motion, the laws of gravity, propulsion, magnetism, all the forces of the universe that push and pull things together or apart
Pheromosa - represents all concepts of value, beauty, worth, strength, ability, importance, awe, wonder, admiration, love, desire etc the things most humans desire to head towards at full speed
Xurkitree - represents all concepts of machinery, clockwork, computers, circuits, programming and automatons and technology in general, past present future and alien. 
Stakataka - represents ideas of a legion, many being one but all being the same, lack of individuality, a hive mind of samey clones, moving and speaking and being in constant unison, like grains of sand, drops of water, leaves in a forest, it is indistinct, incomprehensible, numerous, countless, innumerable, incalculable, immeasurable, untold, endless etc
Kartana - represents the concept of all physical textures, rough, smooth, sharp, hardness, hairy, coarse, fluffy, slimy etc
Nililego - represents ideas of infiltration, parasitizing, possession, loss of identity, erosion of the self, influencing, puppeteering, invasion, permeation, infection,  an undoing of boundaries, overlapping, linking together, echoing
Buzzwole -  represents all concepts of power, strength, dominance, leeching, violence, force, ferocity, wildness, cruelty, hatred
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