proton-wobbler · 4 months
I am the kind of person who can get excited about any bird if I work with them long enough.
I never thought I would be good at sparrow identification because they all look brown and stripey and then I worked with Saltmarsh Sparrow and fell in love with the whole group.
I knew I liked vireos, but I didn't fully appreciate them until I did a field season tracking and monitoring Gray Vireo nests and found out how spunky they are.
I thought warblers were overrated but my current job with Golden-cheeked warblers has me enamored with them.
I can't remember what my point was except that I really love birds
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deputyash · 1 year
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Dove Ash (FC5) | Phoebe Ash-Seed (FCND) | Vivian Wells (FCND)
Noah (FC5) | Herald Dove Seed (FC5) | Genesis Eve (FC5)
Evie Rivera (RDR2) | Monroe (RDR2) | Wren Mitchell (RDR2)
Valerie "V" (Cyberpunk 2077) | Vireo "V" (Cyberpunk 2077)
I included some little descriptors for them under the cut cause I saw some other people do it and thought it looked fun. :3
Phoebe, princess of New Oceania, with a little crustacean friend.
Vivian stirring up some trouble with her mermaid powers.
Noah, a young merman warrior, caught in the depths.
Herald!Dove defending her treasures from outsiders.
Genesis, a mysterious siren who pops up when you least expect it.
Evie, a scorned mermaid, looking for revenge against the pirates who killed her father.
Monroe using her musical abilities to charm her human lover.
Monroe using her musical abilities to charm her human lover.
Wren, a mermaid looking for adventure and mischief.
Valerie traveling uncharted waters to complete her missions.
Vireo, a charismatic merman, looking for riches and a new life.
Tagged by @strafethesesinners to do this meiker! Thank you! :3
Tagging: @harmonyowl @derelictheretic @teamhawkeye @purplehairsecretlair @peachyaliien @ri-a-rose @redreart @statichvm @shellibisshe @glowwormsmith @fuckin-nancy @wrathfl @cobb-vanthss @jacobsneed @adelaidedrubman @blissfulalchemist @direwombat @jacobseed
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addict-with-a-unicorn · 4 months
I never thought that my lifelong obsession with birds would ever coincide with my twenty one pilots obsession, but I almost lost my mind when I first heard Paladin Strait -- because during the pause when the birds start singing, I swear I recognized one.
Most of them are pretty faint and indistinct, but this one sings at least twice, and it's considerably clearer than the rest. It's also a bird I see (and hear, since they're almost constantly singing) in my yard nearly every day, so I know it pretty well, but the biggest reason I'm sure it isn't just an accident?
It's called a Red-Eyed Vireo. And yes, they genuinely have red eyes.
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(This picture is from the Cornell Lab's Merlin app, which I highly recommend if you're interested in bird identification at all, but you can also visit their website here if you want to learn more about it or listen to some clips of its song, which is lovely.)
So anyway, trust twenty one pilots to feature the single most twenty-one-pilots-coded bird imaginable in the tiniest detail of a song. It may have been a total accident, but if it was, it was a pretty happy one. ❤️
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deinocheirus · 7 months
General explanations for the character perception art
Debbie tends to think highly of other people and want to give them the benefit out the doubt. Is the sort of blame herself when anything goes wrong.
Pierce often doesn’t get and is confused by other people, and often finds herself frustrated by this new circle of people as much as she tries not to and is not usually the sort to voice judgement.
Eva Vireo and Asterion all tend to be a bit judgmental. Eva generally has a good read on people but often bases her thoughts on gut feelings. Vireo gets stuck on first impressions. Asterion is petty and a kiss ass.
Xiandra sees everyone as a crew of attractive badasses in some sort of schlocky fantasy. (except Eva who she struggles to remember). Pegifer sees everyone as filling destined archetypes in some sort of unravelling epic. (Except Asterion who he knows nothing about.)
Thayer grew up around all sorts of weirdness and is unfazed by all of it. He is also colorblind, but is unaware of it and just thinks he’s “bad at colors”
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na-bird-of-the-day · 1 year
Hello and welcome to North American Bird of the Day! 🐦
Whether you're an avid bird enthusiast or just want to see cool bird pics, this blog can satisfy your bird-related needs!
As the name suggests, one bird from the continent of North America (yes, this includes Central America and the Caribbean) will be posted every day at 1:00 PM (EST).
While this blog primarily focuses on the bird species found in North America, I'm still happy discuss birds from all over the world! Just hit up my ask box! Also, feel free to request a bird for me to post :]
Join the Discord server! New members are always welcome!
Location tags:
Birds of the US
Birds of Canada
Birds of Mexico
Birds of Central America
Birds of the Caribbean
Ask tags:
Bird spotted! - Send me pictures of birds you find, I'd love to see them!
Bird identified! - Need help identifying a bird? I can try to help!
Bird sampler - Would you like me to give you a list of NA birds that fit a certain theme? I'd enjoy that a lot!
Request - Tell me any birds you would like me to post as bird of the day, and I'll add them to the queue!
Resources - Got any birding resources? Feel free to share!
Bird tags:
There are more, of course, but these are some of the biggest ones.
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cryptidclaw · 2 years
Introducing my Wolvden Pack!
I thought I would make a post introducing my pack in Wolvden so far (mostly so I can show off all me wolves ehehe)
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For those who want to know who I am on Wolvden: My pack is "Cryptids Eye Pack" and my player name is ClownCryptids ! my user number is #119087
I currently have like 20 wolves in my pack (despite the fact ive only been playing for a few days) so this post is gonna be loooonnggg
Some basic info on how I've been playing so far:
I've decided to go with a "Pagan" (mostly Gaelic) name theme for my wolves, bec I feel like those kind of names fit wolves really well! (I've just been using a Pagan baby name site to name them heh)
I don't really care about how "rare" a wolf's genetics are, I just like the ones that are pretty (though if they have special genetics too that's a bonus!)
I really like cool eyes and I want to collect lots of them! Hence the "Eye" in my pack name!
I have been impulsively buying wolves left and right and the majority of my pack have been bought from the marketplace hehe
My pack's name used to be ClownCryptidsPack but thanks to @oakdrawss gifting me some GC I was able to afford changing it! Ur so epic Oak <3
Now onto my Wolves!!
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This is my Pack Leader, Eun (was origionally named Magpie but i changed it to fit the theme, Eun means bird in Gaelic!), I would love to give him a base change but I defo cannot afford :P he would look cool with a Airglow base or somethin..
Onto my first Den: Dogs with Jobs
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Darragh, Geir, Lachlan, Imogen and Eirene are my hunting party! Eirene is my second wolf from the tutorial and everyone else I found for cheep on marketplace! They have high levels and stats and are already proficient in their hunting roles so I snatched em up!
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for some reason Darragh, despite being at a high level and max Finisher proficiency is terrible at her job. I have no clue why. She has lost so much prey, I let Imogen be a finisher a few times and she actually caught prey! If anyone has any answers as to why Darragh is trash at her job plz tell me, I think she's having a crisis.
(Also ps. Imogen is one of my top faves in the Pack she's so prettyyyy)
Muir and Vireo are my Scouts! Muir has always been a Scout but Vireo used to be a Pupsitter, I was going to sell or chase him bec I bought a better Pupsitter but I needed a new Scout after I had to make my other one a Herbalist! So Viero gets to stay... for now...
Both of these guys are NBWs so I will probably eventually get rid of them
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Finally we have Orrin who is my current Stud and Herbalist!
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I dont think hes actually super special genetically seeing as I bought him at a very affordable price, but he is so PRETTY look at himmm <3
Imogen is currently pregnant with his pups!
I have him open to Studding I have no clue if anyone will actually want to breed their wolves to him but I will take the chance for some more money ...
Oh! also there's Eirene's puppies but they aren't important I'm going to sell them as fodder they have like 0 markings.
Speaking of puppies, onto the Puppy Horde + Eskel
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I have so many puppies and I bought them all (accept Larimar I got them as a gift <3)... I have a problem.
Before the puppies, we have Eskel, hes one of my faves, he's so pretty. Hes also a maxed out Pupsitter, which is good bec I have so many puppies. I bought him, he was affordable, that's all I remember, I almost bought his sister too but I used restraint.
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Now Puppies!
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Larimar was a gift from Oakdrawwss bec Oak is awesome!!! I wanted him for the cool eyes ofc!
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These are the near identical twins Seila and Sloan, I bought them together in the same trade, I mostly just wanted Sloan (the eyes plus pelt looks so cool together) so I may sell Seila at some point... tho she does have a better base (Pewter) than her sister.
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Wraith and Daemon were the first wolves I bought, I bought them for the eyes... Wraith's pelt is also very pretty despite it being simple. Im hoping to breed some 3 eyed puppies from Daemon that actually have markings too!
Annnd onto the 4 pups I bought in the middle of last night for 1 SC each bec the seller was doing a give away I think??
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The sisters Eirlys and Aoife who look very similar but have a few different colors!
here's what they will look like as adults!
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I may sell Eirlys eventually bec I like Aoife's look more ... Maybe i will chase her so someone else will get the chance at having her!
The other two pups are Sigred and Quillan
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They are more natural colored and I think they look really pretty as adults!
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annnd I think thats all of them... until I buy more HEHEHEHE
I will probably just post updates and stuff, especially if something cool happens!
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butcherlarry · 1 year
Exercise Fic Recs 16
More fic recs!  Majority of them are Superbat, but there’s a few Batfam thrown in too.  I guess this should go without saying, but check the tags of the fic to make sure it’s something you want to read.  I try to give a little description of the fic, and if there’s anything big or triggering, I’ll warn for it.  Otherwise, check the tags :D
ship-to-ship combat by pomeloquat (Superbat.  Clark is a fanfic author who writes for bruce wayne/batman ship, Bruce draws fan art of his fic.  Shenanigans ensue)
mission parameters by shipyrds  (Superbat.  Fake marriage trope, my beloved)
Known Unknowns by amyritter  (Superbat.  Bruce doesn’t become Batman, he becomes a doctor, saves Superman’s life.  Only one chapter, but SO GOOD)
borderline by TheResurrectionist  (Batfam.  More batfam hivemind)
Guardian Dog by BombusBombus  (Superbat.  Clark investigates Batman.  Bruce investigates Clark.  I just.  REALLY LOVE the characterizations of the two in this fic.  This is BombusBombus’s second Superbat fic, and I loved the first one too.  I can’t wait to read more of their work!!)
Adventures in Bat-Dadding by Sparkypants  (Batfam.  A reread for me.  Bruce being a dad to 3 tiny children)  
My latte and croissant from this morning 
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Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!  I saw some new birds today!  And was able to get pictures of them too!  Here is an indigo bunting, a pretty blue bird:
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I *think* this is an eastern wood-pewee:
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A red-eye vireo.  He was being very loud, so he was easy for me to spot in the branches of the tree:
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Not a bird, but a deer!  There was two of them moving through the trees, I was able to snap a pic of this one:
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Some nice scenery of the river:
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More bugs are coming out!  Here is a neat picture of a little butterfly I was able to take:
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A female goldfinch:
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I didn’t know what this guy was until I got home and did some googling.  A gray catbird:
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I’m pretty sure this is a juvenile tree swallow.  They aren’t as shiny or blue as the adult tree swallows:
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YOU GUYS.  I SAW TWO EASTERN BLUEBIRDS.  AND I WAS ABLE TO GET SOME NICE PICTURES OF THEM TOO!  I was Very Excited when I saw them.  It was completely by chance too!  One flew by me and I was able to follow them up to the tree they landed in.  And then I saw the second one too!  I think they’re a male and female:
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There was also another tree swallow perched in the same tree!
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There weren’t a lot of birds at the bird station, but I wasn’t too disappointed since I saw so many birds on my walk.  
Here are some nice plant and scenery photos I got as well:
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swede1952 · 3 months
Fierce White Eyes
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There were dozens of birds in my backyard this morning as Charlie and I sat out in the shade and watched. I think I'll move my chair a bit closer tomorrow. I watch them fly in from all directions. I wonder if my yard might seem like a vortex pulling in birds to somebody paying attention from outside. This white eyed vireo (Vireo griseus) was hopping around in our crepe myrtle trees this morning. I see one of these once in a while. I've been hoping to see a red eyed vireo, they are around. I cropped it in a bit too far because I wanted a good look at the eyes.
Visit my gallery, I generally add new content every couple of days or so. The URL is below:
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A Bird Hit My Window: What Do I Do?
Having a bird hit a house window is an unfortunate consequence that can happen at anytime of year.  However, during bird migrations in spring and fall, the incidence of bird collisions increases as birds are traveling to their new summer or winter homes.  This white-eyed vireo slammed into my neighbor's window, and with a little TLC, it survived, despite being knocked completely unconscious!  This leads to the question, "What can I do for a bird that hits my window?"  The answer to that depends on the situation.  Audubon suggests calling a wildlife rehabber, and that would certainly be the best approach.  Unfortunately, many of us don't have a rehabber nearby, and the task of aiding in the bird's recovery falls on us.
Sometimes, birds are only lightly stunned post-collision.  Their eyes are open and they are looking around, but show no interest in flying.  If it's fairly warm outdoors, and the bird is not at risk of hypothermia, I fashion a makeshift nest out of a clean cotton hand towel, and place the bird in the "nest" and leave it alone.  From a distance, I do keep an eye on the recovering bird to see how it responds, and to make sure it stays safe from predators.  There's a good chance the bird will fly off within a few minutes; although, I have seen it take as much as 20-30 minutes.
If a bird is laying on the ground and appears lifeless, GENTLYtry to move its legs.  If the legs are stiff and don't move, the bird is likely deceased, and nothing more can be done.  However, if you can move the legs, the bird is unconscious and there are some steps you can take to aid in its recovery.  Line a small box with a clean cotton or paper towel, and gently place the bird in the box.  Bring the box indoors and place it in a dark or dimly lit area of your home that is away from noise and pets.  At this point, it's a waiting game.  It can take as much as an hour for a bird to regain consciousness and clear its head.  When you hear it scratching around the box, it's on the road to recovery!  At this point, I take the box outdoors and wait for it to fly out of the box.
What if the bird does not recover, and it dies?  It's sad, and not the outcome that any of us want, but the unfortunate truth is that this sometimes happens.  It's very likely that the bird sustained extreme head trauma, and/or there were other injuries that were not visually apparent.
In the case of our white-eyed vireo, the time from collision to full recovery was about an hour.  It regained consciousness within a few minutes, but sat perched on the shrub and looking around for what seemed to be an alarming amount of time.  Fortunately, it eventually flew away, continuing its migration south to its winter home.
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spacefinch · 7 months
Bird names that also make good people names: a list
Feel free to use the names in this list for yourselves, for your OCs, for whatever you want!
Finch (that's me!)
Piper (as in "sandpiper")
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proton-wobbler · 12 days
If you vote in this poll, please consider giving this blog a follow. I'd love for people to be able to see the content they're voting for!
> New World Sparrows was originally going to be USA Sparrows, since I wanted to have a smaller list of birds, but there are a lot of cool sparrows in Central and South America who shouldn't get passed over. May be a 3-option poll rather than 2, depending on how many birds there are in the Passerelidae family.
> I saw a tag where someone was excited to see backyard birds that weren't from the US, so I'm thinking of running a submissions-based poll where birds can be sent in by people who love them. Depending on the amount of submissions, we'll see how many European birds stick around, too (since they're also pretty well represented, from what I've seen).
> Another round of Niche Birds. This will be another submission-based poll, but I am still unsure how I want to structure a redux of this poll. I may go for 'eliminated' birds from the first round or may change how I pick birds from yalls submissions. There will be a submission cap if I open it up again (3-5 birds each).
> Cuckoos would be a vast undertaking of species since there are so many birds in that family, so I would not be able to put a lot of effort into them. It would boil down to "prettiest/coolest" with not a lot of facts. That being said..... I love cuckoos......
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balconybirds · 1 year
Sunday Birding 7/23/23
Many excellent birds this morning!  Even though I didn’t see as many at the pond (sob sob), the arboretum made up for it!
First bird to be seen was this handsome cardinal!  He was also the first bird I heard at the pond too:
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My funky lil’ guy was back!  So many good (and silly) pictures of a green heron:
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This neat frog was out too!
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I always make a stop home before I go to the arboretum, and was very pleased to find this goldfinch getting some breakfast at my feeder:
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Oh hey, a cardinal was the first bird that I saw at the arboretum too!  I wonder what he’s looking at 🤨
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some pretty sunflowers:
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A turtle and his buddy!
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I was surprised to even see this guy up in the tree!  A ruby-throated hummingbird:
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I like to think they are all gossiping at the bird feeder:
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Another hummingbird!
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A tufted titmouse up in a tree:
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They also wanted to join in on the gossip:
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Let them in!!!
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I was so happy to get a picture of this little guy, a blue-gray gnatcatcher!  I was surprised they stayed still long enough for me to get this picture, lol:
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An eastern bluebird!  She was just chillin’ up in a tree, on the lookout for her next snack:
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Looking good up there king:
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An indigo bunting!  
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This dragonfly was polite enough to pose for me while I took their picture:
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There were also a pair of tree swallows flying around:
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Another eastern bluebird, male this time:
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She’s just living the life, in the shade, relaxing, with some tasty snacks:
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A downy woodpecker, male:
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It was fun watching him crawl around to get to the food:
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I just like this white-breasted nuthatch’s silly pose:
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They look more dramatic in this one:
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A titmouse, crawling down to get a treat:
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A red-bellied woodpecker!  I loved her pose here:
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Another titmouse:
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I love this guy’s poufy hair (well, feathers):
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Here is another goldfinch, sitting on a flower:
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Some pretty flowers:
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A red-eye vireo, they were singing at me while I was walking in this area:
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Another hummingbird, this time at one of the feeders:
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Some more flowers!
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deputyash · 2 years
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Valerie “V” (CP2077) | Vireo “V” (CP2077) | Phoebe Ash-Seed (FCND) | Noah (FC5) | Matthew Ash (FC5) | Lane Carter (FCND) | Evie Rivera (RDR2) | Wren Mitchell (RDR2) | Monroe (RDR2) | Lena/Lina “Survivalina” (TLD)
If you want to see when I did Dove and Vivian, you can see them here! :3
Tagged by @derelictheretic to do this picrew! Thank you! This is one of my favorites!
Tagging: @strafethesesinners @harmonyowl @teamhawkeye @peachyaliien @ri-a-rose @direwombat  @shellibisshe @tommymillers @jacobsneed (if y’all have any OCs you haven’t done yet)
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silent-dragon · 10 months
Hihii ∅ for Alaric and Vireo on Max mayhaps??
OC Opinions
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"Sir Maxwell? Ah he a fine man..yes..huh oh uh He a great leader and so kind to others despite what people say about him. I am glad to aid him in any task he needs...or if he wants to hangout..and watch a movie..toget..her..."
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"Big,intimidating,and that stoic look. A fine figure head for this...colorful cast of well..insanity. The silent types are usually the most interesting ones so I will be watching him as he watches others but i feel nothing ill towards him. I do wonder the story that lays behind that eye and scars...so curious."
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stormseclipse · 2 years
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awoo! it’s the vamp pack :D
here’s every member of Eclipse’s family to date. Although real life wolves don’t actually display “alpha wolf” behavior, I’ve decided my vampires do. So Vireo ( @uncertainty5 ‘s character) becomes alpha of the pack soon after he gets turned by Ace because of his leadership position on his home terra and his dominant personality. 
Vampires aren’t exclusively a patriarchal society but they do value physical and emotional strength in their males. One must prove to be a good mate and be able to provide for their pack. 
Packs are mostly made up of family units but there can be small packs made of friends. Xaria is the alpha of her own small pack of friends for instance. 
fun design facts: Kato and Sora technically take more after Eclipse but because of his green eyes and ginger hair, Kato is often said to look more like Aerrow. There’s no mistaking who Xaria looks more like though, lol. 
There are 3 known vampire species: Desert, Snow, and Forest. Since Eclipse is a genetic hybrid of all 3, her children display these different traits in their designs. Sora is more of a Snow vampire, with her white fur and fluffy coat. She is muscular and has large paws to help her navigate snowy terrain. Kato is more of a Desert vampire, with a lean frame and long legs built to run on hot sand. Lastly Xaria, taking more after her father, is a Forest vampire, with an athletic and agile build, she’s built for endurance and a coat that can survive most climates. 
There are more questions to be answered but I don’t want to spoil too much of the fic, which will be released soon :3 Hope you enjoyed this little bit of lore!
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abimee · 1 year
i dont have the time to draw it cause im busy but ive wanted to make more art like that hythlo with the C. promethea after i recently found out about the Neobarrettia spinosa, a katydid within a genus known to be incredibly aggressive, cannibalistic, and almost exclusively carnivorous, and of which has been documented eating a Vireo bird. and i saw this freak and went ''oh i wanna draw fandaniel with this thing''
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