#vinn's art probably
cauda3quina · 2 months
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BIG TALK, BIGSHOT!! ‼️‼️‼️‼️
hi gang… does anyone like block tales….
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clover-karin · 3 years
An unpopular opinion about Reboot Gwen’s “superpower”
Many fans seem to be complaining that Reboot Gwen doesn’t have any superpowers unlike her classic counterpart. While I’d love to see her getting more chances to fight villains on her own, I’m not a huge fan of her being a part-Anodite because I personally prefer pure magic over alien mana lol 
Plus, this is supposed to be a reboot, so it doesn’t have to the exact same as the classic continuity. Just like how Reboot Kevin has his own Omnitrix instead of being an energy-absorbing mutant. And the RB crew confirmed that the Antitrix was originally based on one of the unused idea for Kevin 11, so I was thinking maybe we could do something similar with Reboot Gwen, too.   
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Classic!Gwen originally didn’t have any superpower, either, until she got Charmcaster’s spell book. Before the episode A Change of Face, her main abilities were her wits, martial arts skills, and brilliance in technology.  She often used her personal laptop for research, and sometimes she received special gadgets to help her cousin. 
Reboot Gwen is also the brain of Ben’s team and a skilled martial artist, so maybe her new “power“ could be about technology ---- especially because the idea of Gwen being a tech wiz hasn’t been used anymore in the classic continuity since UAF. 
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And this idea of Gwen dealing with technology isn’t totally out of place because we’ve already seen RB Gwen using her smartphone and tablet to search for any information that would help Ben. She also received various gadgets to temporarily fight along with him and their grandfather in the show.  
So instead of giving her a completely new power, we could expand this idea further. RB Gwen still wouldn’t have any superpower, but she’d permanently get her personal weapon instead and join a fight more often. We’ve already seen Rook and his Proto-Tool, so I think this idea could work quite well.  
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The most probable option here would be a powered armor as we’ve already seen Gwen getting one in Roundabout. Although I wasn’t too fond of the design, but I did like the idea. Too bad it was only used once.
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Speaking of a powered armor, I feel like Gwen was the one who really should’ve gotten the Glitch armor in the movie. It was originally meant for Ben, but both Ben and Kevin already have their watches. And Gwen and Glitch seem to get along with each other quite well in the show. They even worked together to solve a problem in episodes like Vinn Diagram.
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Plus, we’ve already seen Future Gwen in her battle suit working with Hitch together to fight the Xerge in Ben 100,10. We know that Glitch can be resurrected with a proper repair, and she didn’t show any magical superpower. 
I know the future changes all the time in Ben 10, but giving Gwen a superweapon does sound more natural than giving her a magical power at this moment.
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----Or she could get some kind of energy field generator just like the one from Alien X-tinction, too. This would make a nice nod to her classic counterpart’s Anodite power. But she’d be still a regular human child, so she’d be able to fully enjoy her ordinary life with her family. 
If the next Ben 10 series is really a RB sequel, I’d love to see Gwen in action more. But at the same time, I wish the writers would still remember the main characters are all kids who want to have fun! After all, that was one of the best things about the reboot. 
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In-depth Character Sheet
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Credit to Sir Ender at this writing forum. Reblog or repost.
DO NOT remove credit.
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FULL NAME: Ripper Stanly Taker MEANING: Stanly [Real name is Stanly from his mother..] Ripper is his demon name which he while he took his father’s, last name Taker. NICKNAME: Taker,S MEANING: He uses his Last name Taker. AGE APPEARANCE: 18 [but really 25] BIRTHDAY:Oct/31 ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Scorpio SPECIES: HelfDemon GENDER: Male ALLERGIES: None. SEXUAL PREFERENCE: Bisexual THEME SONG(S): IN THIS MOMENT - Whore | Music to Become a Villain - Heart of Darkness
APPEARANCE HAIR COLOR: Jet Black HAIR STYLE AND LENGTH: Straight Butt length. EYES COLOR: Black[Turn red when happy] EYESIGHT: Enhanced/Night vision HEIGHT: 5' 11" WEIGHT: 136 to 178 lbs. OUTFIT/CLOTHING STYLE: Gothic/Casual ABNORMALITIES(TAIL): Sharp Teeth. DISTINGUISHING MARKS(SCARS,MOLES): None. SELF CARE(MAKE UP): Black Liner/Lips balm FIRST IMPRESSION ON PEOPLE: Wierd and creepy. SKIN COLOR: White.[Like the dead ] BODY TYPE/BUILD: Feminent Body type/Slender Build. DEFAULT EXPRESSION: Happy or Mischievous. POSTURE: Straight / slightly slouched MEASUREMENTS(FEMALE ONLY): PIERCINGS: Ears DESCRIBE THEIR VOICE: [Link]
RELATIONSHIPS MOM: Deceased HOW WELL DO THEY GET ALONG: Don’t know. DAD: Deceased HOW WELL DO THEY GET ALONG: Don’t know. SIBLINGS: Half Brother. HOW WELL DO THEY GET ALONG: Like any sibling, Had a bumpy begging. CHILDREN: None HOW WELL DO THEY GET ALONG: = OTHER FAMILY MEMBERS: None. PAST LOVER(S): Dead CURRENT LOVER: None REACTION TO MEETING SOMEONE NEW: Exsited ABILITY TO WORK WITH OTHERS: Easy HOW SOCIABLE(LONER,ETC): easily impressed/Flirty/Easy going FRIENDS: Jak/Lilly/Vinn PETS:3 Siblings black cats (Dante/V/Helena/) LEAST FAVORITE TYPE OF PERSON: Controlling/Abusive [you get eatin’] PARENTAL TYPE(PROTECTIVE,ETC): Protective/Loving/Overbearing AFFINITY WITH…: No one. FAVORITE PEOPLE: Jak/Lilly/Vinn LEAST FAVORITE PEOPLE: Fake people.
(IN)DEPENDANT: SOFT SPOT/VULNERABILITY: BehindNeck OPINION ON SWEARING: All the time DAREDEVIL VS CAUTIOUS: Both MUSIC TYPE: Classic/Metal/Alternative MOVIE TYPE: Horror BOOK TYPE: Horror/Romance/Mistry GAME TYPE: Horror/Romance/Action COMFORTABLE TEMPERATURE: Fall SLEEPING PATTERN: wakes up at 12 pm and goes to sleep at 5 am CLEANLINESS/NEATNESS: Likes to be clean DESIRED PET: Snakes HOW DO THEY PASS TIME: Sex Food and sleep BIGGEST SECRET: Hate people touch his hair. HERO/WHO THEY LOOK UP TO: None WHAT ANIMAL WOULD THEY BE: Black Cat FEARS: White rooms/Churches COMFORTS: Cuddles from cats and friends HOW DO THEY ACT WHEN THEY ARE… SAD: Stays in bed till he is hungry.[probably a whole day] HAPPY: Jumps and fidgets in the spot. ANGRY: Yells and throws shit around AFRAID: Hides behind people or in small places. LOVE SOMEONE: loyal/romantic HATE SOMEONE: Wish them death or dead WANT SOMETHING: whine softly like a cat CONFUSED: Tilits head like a dog with a blank face. HOW DO THEY REACT TO… DANGER: Laughs and watches. SOMEONE THEY HATE WHO HAS A CRUSH ON THEM: Fucks them and eats them after. PROPOSAL TO MARRY: Crys and fucks them till they beg him to stop. DEATH OF LOVED ONE: Crys and yelling in pain. DIFFICULT GAME/MATH/ETC: Chess INJURY: None SOMETHING IRRESISTABLY CUTE: Meows to cats LOSS OF HOURS OF WORK: Rants [Might have angry sex] HISTORY BIOGRAPHY: Taker was born from a human mother but dies after birth, father was a demon that got “killed” before his birth after his parents died he was sent to his aunties until she passed from a rare illness. As a teen after his Aunt passed he was in the foster system, he was an outcast growing up for his weird and creepy interests but was outgoing which was odd for a child abused by bullies and foster parents. FIRST APPEARANCE: Lanky and feminine KNOWLEDGE LANGUAGES: English/Japanese/German etc. SCHOOLING LEVEL: Graduated Highschool FAVORITE SUBJECT (S): Art/Langueg/ INTERESTED CAREERS: Morgtishoin/Dancer/ EXPERTISE: Language [he can speak any language if here hears it.] PUZZLES: Level 10 but not an expert on them. CHEMISTRY: Mildly interested. MATH: Doesn’t care much, but he is good at it. ENGLISH: Love and hates it. GEOGRAPHY: Love it. POLITICS/LAW: Hates it. ECONOMY/ACCOUNTING: Meh it’s alright. COOKING: He is okay at it. SEWING: He like it. MECHANICS: Alright with it. BOTANY (FLOWERS): If there dead yes. MYTHOLOGY: Love it. DRAMATICS(ACTING,SINGING): Singing/Dancing READING LEVEL: 100 he can read almost anything if he wants to.[Demon have no limits.] HOW GOOD ARE THEY AT PLANNING AHEAD: Not bad but not good ether. IMPULSIVE/STRATEGY: If it’s Collecting Bones and Diamonds it’s impulsive.[He really has no strategy ROMANCE DO THEY TAKE INITIATIVE: Yes. HOW DO THEY ACT(SHY,ETC): Happy.[He love the attention] GENTLEMAN/LADYLIKE VS KLUTZY: Both GO SLOW VS JUMP INTO: Jump into it. PROTECTIVE: Of course ACT LIKE FRIENDS OR LOVERS: Both WHAT KIND OF PRESENTS DO THEY BUY: Expensive ones. TYPE OF KISSER: Passionate DO THEY WANT KIDS: Nope DO THEY WANT TO MARRY: Maybe MAKE GOOD OR BAD DECISIONS: Both ARE THEY ROMANTIC: Yes HOW ARE THEY IN BED: Wild GET JEALOUS EASY: Yes WIFE/HUBBY BEATER: Nope MARRY FOR MONEY: yes.[he was asked with a lot of Diamonds.] FAVORITE POSITION: Doggy WHAT WOULD HAPPEN ON THEIR DREAM DATE: A lot of sex OPINION ON SEX: Loves it his favourite pass times.
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iamcole · 5 years
NAME: Vinn
MUN FC: Tim Sutton but sometimes I’ll just react with memes.
GENDER: Nonbinary with preferred masculine pronouns.
HEIGHT: 5′11″
HAIR COLOR:  Dark brown depending on if I’ve dyed it or not.
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Taken by my lovely partners <3
SEXUALITY: Pansexual
BIRTHDAY: October 24
ZODIAC SIGN: Scorpio with double Aries bc I guess I’m just a fuckin angry dude
NATIONALITY:  American and kind of in a Dorian Pavus mindset with it tbh.
HOBBIES:  (Too many) Gaming, writing, singing, acting/theater in general, digital art, anything to do with music
# OF SIBLINGS: 2 unless you count the myriad of people my mom has quasi-adopted from conventions.
# OF PETS: 1 but he’s back home bc moving out is complicated! He’s my cat Kitty bc I was a creative 8 year old.
CURRENTLY HAVE A JOB: Not for lack of trying ;u;
FAVORITE COLOR: Lime/neon green or neon orange.
FAVORITE SINGER/BAND:  You gotta gimme a genre before asking shit like that.
LAST SONG LISTENED TO:   Fonz Pond by ICP (It’s fuckin cryptid as shit I love it)
LAST MOVIE WATCHED:  Lmao probably Repo! The Genetic Opera
FAVORITE BOOK:  I’m Bad At Reading Books. I haven’t read a whole lot bc my eyes don’t focus well on physical books??
LAST BOOK READ:   Do audiobooks count bc Asunder in that case
CURRENTLY READING: Do fanfics count bc I’m rereading Hang the Fool
SUMMER OR WINTER:  Summ-... I have no idea. It changes depending on what season it is when you ask me this bc I wish it was summer lmao
MOST-VISITED WEBSITE:  Probably tumblr or youtube.
tagged by: @thegreatstrongbow (Thank you!)
tagging: @monstruomuses @miss-galaxy-turtle @pxnxply @blind-mutant @healingblind and anyone else who would like to!
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sassheliosazuras · 5 years
Tagged by: @darthsiha :) Thank you. For this I will go with my Chiss Knight Sass, because he’s just a tiny bit spoiled, and a weensy bit self-centered.  Art by the wonderful @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond
~Bold for a character trait, ~ itlaic for a occasional indulgence ;D
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Tagging:  @shecamefromwildspace @imperialdominance and @shimmersing all optional of course  ;)
aggressive | arrogant | authoritarian | bitter | brutal | callous | cannibal | 
careless | cold/cold-hearted | compulsive | controlling | “corrects” others 
| manipulative | materialistic (.......My nickname for Sassy isn't blue Magpie for nothing ;) | mean | merciless (For those who threaten his family and lovers? He is on rare occasions found to be without mercy, though that’s a last resort.....usually) |
messianic | mistrusting | murderer (It’s wartime and he is a military leader whose been on the battlefield many times. Some consider that murder, he considers it a fair fight, he never killed any who surrender to him) | narrow-minded | obsessive | opinionated | over-bearing | 
over-critical | over-emotional (For a Jedi? Probably) | over-thinking | patronizing | proud | remote | repressed | rigid | rules with an iron fist | ruthless | sarcastic (He’s named Sass for a reason ;) | self-righteous | self-indulgent | serial killer | taciturn | torturer | touchy | traitorous | unsympathetic | unpredictable | uptight | vain | vengeful
aggressive | arrogant ( a tad when it comes to his force powers ;P ) | authoritarian | bitter | brutal | callous | cannibal | careless | cold/cold-hearted | compulsive | controlling | “corrects” others constantly* | 
cowardly | critical | cruel | delusional | demanding | disillusioned | domineering | envious |emotionally stunted | greedy (Not to often but when it comes to lovers, and shinies Sass indulgences now and again)| | grim | guarded | hard | harsh | hypocritical (A Jedi who sleeps with sith lords and various other partners? I mean yeah Sass will look the other way for other Jedi, but he still repeated the official party line in public for the longest time.)
| impatient (read blue impatient puppy who wants a treat) | impolite | intimidating | irritable | kidnapper | lazy | liar | lustful (Sass has appreciated many different bedpartners in his life, though Lana and Theron are the last lovers for him, he assures them frequently)| manipulative | materialistic (Sassy hoards all the shinies) | mean| merciless | messianic | mistrusting (....cough cough * Theron that’s on you)|
 | narrow-minded | obsessive | opinionated | over-bearing | over-critical | over-emotional | over-thinking | patronizing 
| remote | repressed | rigid | rules with an iron fist | ruthless | sarcastic | self-righteous | self-indulgent | serial killer | taciturn | torturer | touchy | traitorous | unsympathetic | unpredictable | uptight | vain (He’s such a vain boy, so vain that has a rotating closet with dozens of outfits) | vengeful ( Atris Vinn and Valss, knew Sass’s wrath before their demise)
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stayextrafrosty · 5 years
Of Saints and Sin: Chapter 4
Fall Out Boy Mob Boss AU
Warnings: cursing, violence
Read On AO3
The ride was tense. No one wanted to say something to set Patrick off again. They were all in agreement over getting rid of the asshole, but Patrick really seemed riled up. He blamed himself for any trouble that he may have caused.
They had taken one of their less obvious cars. They figured if Vinn had any guys that were loyal to him, they would be reporting any nice cars in the area. Even if he wasn’t there anymore.
Pilsen hasn’t changed much during the time Patrick could remember. It was a lower income section of the city that needed a lot of work. Work that Vinn clearly wasn’t doing. The buildings looked like they were falling apart. Paint was pealing. The graffiti art looked more like vandalism.
They pulled up to a larger office building. Patrick hadn’t been here in a while. He remembered coming here once with his brother, but it was more to pay respects than to do business. There was a festival going on at the time.
Patrick shook himself out of memory lane as they opened the door and stepped out cautiously. It was too quiet around here. There was no way Vinn just abandoned it. Patrick reached for the gun at his hip.
“Stay alert. Some of his guys are probably still around.” Various sounds of agreement followed.
They made their way up to the door. Andy pulled and it opened with ease. They all shared a look and began to move inside. First Joe and Pete, then Patrick and Andy rounded the back. The front lobby was empty, or at least seemed to be. Joe hurried around the front desk to get into the computer.
“Ok, so there’s two floors of offices and the third is probably the main office. This also shows a basement. It’s the only floor I can’t unlock from here. Must be his ‘jail’ of sorts.” Patrick nodded. They would have to find a staircase. And if that isn’t possible, they would have to climb the elevator shafts.
“One floor at a time. We have to make sure no one else is here before we lock it down.”
“Do you want me to call back up now? You seem on edge,” Pete said. Patrick thought for a moment.
“I just don’t trust that this place is empty. Maybe that would be a good idea. At least put them on standby somewhere close.” Pete nodded and shot a text to the reserves. They made their way over to the elevator, trying to keep an ear out for anything that wasn’t normal.
It was still playing the bad music that all elevators play, making Patrick’s skin crawl. He felt like it was a horror move. He supposed it was in a way. The things they did were horrific, and he couldn’t seem to escape it.
The elevator dinged, signaling their arrival to the second floor. They exited in the same order as before, each with their guns loaded. They couldn’t afford to be surprised. They made their way down the hallway, opening each door slowly. They all looked like regular offices, but Patrick knew they would have to send drug sniffing dogs in here before reforming it.
Patrick located the lobby area of the second floor. The coffee was still warm. The people here had left in a hurry. Or maybe they hadn’t left at all.
“Trick, you better come see this.” He turned toward the voice. The other three stood in front of the door to another room. He made his way over quickly. Patrick winced at the scene before him.
A single gunshot to the head. The man was slumped in his chair as if he didn’t have time to react before he was shot. Patrick didn’t recognize him. He looked around the room briefly. There was a picture of him with his wife and kids but little else to identify him. He sighed.
“Look for a business card or something. We have to inform his family. If they’re still alive.” The guys nodded as they looked around the room. Patrick hadn’t expected to find any bodies. That was naive of him. Patrick left to look through the other rooms but that was the only one with a dead body.
“Hey, boss, I found something. And you won’t like it.” Pete handed him a piece of paper.
If you found this I congratulate you on not being a fucking dumbass. I promise this guy deserved it. He wasn’t meeting quota. It’s time for things to change so that we can actually make money. So, I’d appreciate it if you handed the territory over to the Snakes.
It wasn’t signed. But it didn’t need to be. Vinn had switched sides. Patrick had expected it, but something was telling him that this wouldn’t be the only body they would come across. Patrick wondered how long Vinn had been working with Reggie and the Snakes.
But this meant they had to shift operations everywhere. Safe houses weren’t safe and headquarters for other districts were compromised. He had to move his headquarters also. Unless He killed Vinn before he could spill. Patrick folded the paper and slipped it in his pocket.
“Here’s what’s going to happen. Vinn is going to come back. Probably with reinforcements. We need to have this place under strict watch when that happens. We need any forces we can get so we can ambush them. The ultimate goal is to get rid of Vinn. I don’t care who does it, but it needs to be done.”  The other three guys nodded.
“And what if the Snake leader is there. Should he take priority?” Patrick thought for a moment.
“You three and I will focus on Reggie if he shows up. I need him taken alive.”
Reggie sipped on a beer. This plan better work or that idiot was going to have hell to pay. He looked around the limo. His guys held their guns lazily. Dumbasses were gunna kill each other before the target.
“What did I tell you about holding those? They’re semi-automatic. I don’t need a million fucking holes in my limo or myself. Look alive you little shits,” he snapped at them. They each changed the way they were sitting. He really did love being the boss.
Reggie pulled out his phone and texted her. He smirked at his phone with the dirty picture. He couldn’t wait to see Patrick’s face when he showed him this. It’d break his little heart. He’s too soft. He’s not fit to be a leader. She had told him that plenty of times.
Make sure everyone is prepared. And find that guys family. They deserve to mourn.
Patrick hit send on the text to Smyth. They had moved through the rest of the building they could access. There weren’t any more bodies but that didn’t mean there wouldn’t be once Joe hacked the lock to the basement.
Joe cursed from behind the counter. Clearly it wasn’t going well.
“Damnit. Why the fuck does he have something this complex. There’s not even anything this difficult in our own headquarters. This is like, military grade shit.”
“Not sure if I should take that as an insult to our own security,” Patrick said, watching the front door.
“No. This is way more beefed up. I can get into it but not in any sort of reasonable time frame.” He turned back and Joe shrugged. Patrick clenched his fist and resisted the urge to hit a wall.
It was important that they learned what was down there before turning it into a war zone. He wanted to clear out the entire surrounding area, but he couldn’t just displace that many people. And he probably couldn’t afford to fix all their homes if they were to be destroyed.
“Alright. I’m going to try to find another way in,” Patrick said. Joe nodded and kept working.
“I’ll come with,” Andy said.
The two of them stepped out of the front door, looking around cautiously. They made their way to the back of the building, hoping for a cellar door that they could easily break. Patrick tried to peer through the dark windows. There hadn’t been any doors in the front room except for the storage and bathrooms.
“There weren’t any windows in the storage room or bathrooms, right?” Andy thought and shook his head.
“Well these can’t just go nowhere.” Patrick looked around for something to break the window. The wall had begun to deteriorate in some places. He picked up a larger piece of concrete. It would do.
Patrick moved back to one of the windows.  He tried to see what was inside again, but it was still dark. He stepped back and hurled the block at the window. The glass shattered. Patrick waited for the glass to stop falling before he walked up to the hole.
“No one is in here right,” he called in through the hole. Silence followed. “Alright. Help me get rid of the glass so I can get in there.”
“Not sure if that’s a good idea. What if you can’t get back out?”
“I just have to get back to this window. But if this is how we get to the basement then I gotta check it out.” Andy nodded slowly and helped knock off the remaining glass.
Patrick jumped up and slid through the opening. This wasn’t easy in dress pants, but he did it. He landed on the dirty floor. Andy waited by the window as he explored. There was minimal light from the windows. They were too tinted.
Patrick didn’t see much other than a few tables with chairs covered in a layer of dust. He was looking for a door. An exit that would lead somewhere more familiar. He noticed one on the other side of the room. He moved slowly, just in case he needed to be aware of something.
He jiggled the handle. It opened to a staircase down. He wanted to see what was down there but he couldn’t without backup. He jogged back to the window.
“I found a staircase going down. We should get the other two,” Patrick said. Andy nodded then reached for his phone that seemed to be buzzing. His eyes widened a fraction and then Patrick heard the gunshots.
“Stay here. Looks like Vinn got here earlier than we thought.” Andy rushed off. Fuck.
Patrick clambered out of the window and ran around the building, prepping his gun on the way. He hid behind a corner and peeked around it. There were three limos and their car. He didn’t see anyone but that doesn’t mean there weren’t any still in the vehicles.
The gunshots resumed. They sounded like machine guns and he couldn’t just leave them there to die. He had to find another way to get in. He didn’t want to go back to the other room, but he figured that was the only option.
He stepped back. Into the barrel of a gun.
“I can’t believe your right hands just left you alone. I knew you was a shitty leader. Never understood like your brother,” Vinn sneered at him. “Drop your gun or I’ll kill you.”
“You’re going to kill me anyway so what’s the point,” Patrick spit back. The gun pressed harder against his head.
“Shut up you waste of space and do what I say!” He was bluffing. No one was allowed to kill him except Reggie. How considerate.
“The thing about losers like you, you will never have power. You only have the illusion of power. No one respects you. You could never get anyone to do what you want.” Vinn shoved him forward and spun him around, grabbing his shirt.
“Shut up! I don’t need it when I have a gun in my hand. People tend to listen to that,” he said, glaring.
“And yet here we are.” His nose flared and brought his gun up to hit Patrick across the face. He never got to hitting him though.
As soon as the barrel wasn’t pointed at him anymore, he swept his feet out from under him. Vinn stumbled back and Patrick trained his gun on him. He hated killing people. But this one was necessary.
“Any last words?” He stopped himself from laughing at the cliché.
“What happened to never raising a weapon against your own?” Patrick glared at him.
“You never were one of us and even if you were, it ended as soon as you started trafficking underage girls,” he scolded. Vinn rolled his eyes
“Oh, I see. Your girl spill her guts before she blew you? The whore broke her promise. Shouldn’t have expected anything more,” Vinn said, a smirk overtaking his face. Patrick’s anger flared, and his fist was flying at Vinn’s face. Patrick could feel the bones in his nose break. Or maybe that was his hand. Vinn stumbled into the wall, clutching his face.
“Don’t talk about her like that. You’re the disgusting one. The world will be better without you.” Vinn met his eyes and Patrick almost hesitated. Almost.
He fired a single shot into his head. The memory of Smyth killing a guy that day flashed across his mind. This was it. This was part of the business he wanted to take over. He couldn’t react the same way he did that day.
“Well that wasn’t very nice. Idiot did have some good ideas.” Patrick turned to the new voice. He would never forget it. He pointed his gun at Reggie’s head.
A cigarette hung loosely out of his mouth. And he still didn’t flinch with a gun pointed at him.
“Shoot if you want but I don’t think ‘ur guys would appreciate being dead any more than I would,” he said. Patrick looked over his shoulder and saw Pete, Joe, and Andy being restrained by more than a few of his guys. He ground his teeth together.
“Don’t listen to him, idiot! Just shoot,” Pete yelled at him. A guy hit him with the end of his gun. Patrick took a step toward them.
“I wouldn’t. Not in the middle of our little convo.” Patrick looked back at the Snake’s leader.
“So then start talking. Clearly you want something,” he said. Reggie looked almost thoughtful.
“More like I want this building. And this whole area. Saves you the trouble of finding a new leader for this section.” Patrick clenched his jaw. It wasn’t a huge section, but it would pretty much negate the area they took from the Snakes.
“Make up your mind pretty boy, I don’t got all day,” Reggie said, irritated. Patrick looked back to his three friends. Where was that backup he called for?
“You have to promise me their safety. Let us go, and it’s yours.” Patrick heard loud protesting from his friends, but he dared not look at them. Reggie smirked and lifted his hand.
“Good choice kid.” Patrick eyes darted over to the other three and they were being released. Guns were pointed at them the entire time they walked towards him. Patrick looked past their angry glares to Reggie. “Now get out.”
“You going to let us go to our car,” Patrick asked stiffly? Reggie glanced behind him then back at Patrick.
“Nah. I like that car.” Patrick glared at him. He shouldn’t have expected any more.
Patrick nodded to the other three and they all backed away slowly. He never turned his back to the other gang. He glanced over to the back of the building where they had broken in. What was in there?
“And do me a favor! Bring my baby sister back at some point wontcha?” There was cackling from the group. Patrick wanted to puke. He wouldn’t send her back to that.
“I oughta kill him with my bare hands,” Pete mumbled. Patrick didn’t disagree.
“Soon,” he said.
Patrick looked around but still didn’t see any cars pulling up. Maybe Vinn took more with him than he thought. Once they were a safe distance away, he pulled out his phone again and dialed Smyth.
“What’s going on, Boss?”
“We got a problem. Pete called for reinforcements but none showed up. We were ambushed. Lost Pilsen.” Smyth said something to whoever was with him.
“We never got the message for back up.”
“Fuck. Then Vinn had a hold on more people than originally thought.”
“Did you find him?” Patrick gripped the phone.
“Yea. He’s dead.” Silence. “We’re headed north from the Pilsen headquarters. Come get us. But be careful.”
“Sure… You ok, kid?” No. He wasn’t. But that didn’t matter.
“Yea. Just hurry up.”
Patrick hung up and looked at his friends. Joe looked like he wanted to lecture him. He probably deserved it. But if he could go back, he wouldn’t change a damn thing.
“Don’t say anything. I would save you guys again in a heartbeat. When we get back to base, get ready to move. I don’t know how much Vinn spilled so we gotta go.” The three of them nodded as they continued walking.
A small kid ran across their path, nearly tripping Joe. A short mother ran after him, calling his name.
“Marcelo! Stop running!” She was able to grab the small boy’s arm and picked him up. “What did I tell you? You going to hurt yourself,” she scolded him. She turned toward the four of them. She looked them up and down and held her child closer to her.
“I’m sorry,” she said, her slight accent noticeable. Patrick tried to smile at her, but it was clear she wasn’t trusting them. Understandably so.
“Don’t worry about it. I’m sure kids can be a handful,” he said lightly.
“We don’t need money from you!” Patrick raised an eyebrow and looked over at Pete.
“I didn’t mean to suggest that you do. I’m sorry for offending you.” She seemed to relax slightly.
“You mean to tell me you don’t work for that gang? You don’t want to destroy everything we built?” Patrick sighed and ran a hand through his hair. So that was it. Vinn traumatized these people. And it was just going to get worse.
“Ma’am, you have no idea how sorry I am that you had to go through times of such fear. That man is gone now. And I’m begging you to hold on just a bit longer. I will help you rebuild. It won’t be horrible forever.”
“Don’t tell me you’re the big guy?” She seemed to be joking but her face changed as Patrick nodded. “Well then you better do something fast. Because there’s more drugs running through these streets than the rain can wash away.” He clenched his fists.
“Unfortunately, I don’t control this section right now. But I promise, I’ll get it back.” A car pulled up to the side of the street. The window rolled down and there was Smyth.
“Let’s go Boss. We have some things to discuss.”
The car ride was awkward. Tense was a better word. Smyth gripped the steering wheel the whole ride back. Pete tapped away on his phone, probably letting the safe houses know that they needed to regroup and relocate.
Walking into headquarters made Patrick want to hide. Every eye turned toward him. Some not nearly as welcoming as usual. A chill ran down his spine. He had really fucked it up this time. He wouldn’t be surprised if more people defected. Patrick shook his head. He couldn’t think like that.
But he was right back where he started with territory. Except it was worse. The Snakes had inched in on the more important areas. The areas that brought in the most revenue. Legal revenue that is. The five of them stepped into the elevator. Patrick gripped the bar along the wall, refraining from hitting something. He took a deep breath.
“Alright. Start packing when we get up there. We have to move fast. I already have an idea of where to go.” He looked around them briefly to make sure they understood. They each nodded.
Smyth was the only one that followed him once they reached the floor. Patrick knew he was in for it. He chuckled to himself. It was as though he wasn’t even the boss. Smyth pretty much just told him what to do and he would execute it. What a sad excuse for a leader.
“Just let me have it. Stop fuming in silence,” Patrick snapped once the door to his office closed.
“I don’t know what you want me to say, kid. I could yell at you for going in without backup in the first place. I could yell at you for losing a crucial piece of territory. I could yell at you for even choosing this job in the first place. The list is a mile-long Trick.”
Patrick ground his teeth and ran a hand though his hair. He knew all of that. He fucked up. He just needed to hear it from someone else.
“But I’m not going to yell at you. Because I know how you work kid. You want me to tell you the things you did wrong and then tell you how to fix them. That’s not my job, it’s yours. You needa figure it out.” Patrick whirled around, glaring.
“Then why the fuck are you here? If you’re just gunna bail on me when I need you then why don’t you leave? Why don’t you—”
“Oh, grow the fuck up, Patrick!” Patrick blinked in surprise. “This was your choice! You chose the mob and guess what? Now you have to live with that choice! You can’t pick and choose when to be a leader and when you want to be a kid.” He clenched his fists. Patrick had never seen Smyth this angry.
“A weak leader means a weak gang. And when members sense weakness, they either overthrow you or defect. So, I suggest you figure it out before you die. One way or another.” Smyth spun on his heal and stormed out, limp still evident.
Patrick stood there for a while, trying to wrap his head around what had just happened. He dug his nails into his palm, composing himself. A part of him knew Smyth was right. He still felt like a kid. Who was he fooling? He was twenty-four. There was no doubt he was still a kid. Forced to grow up sooner than normal.
He moved to his desk, shifting things around, collecting papers. There was a knock at his door. He just ignored it. The knocking continued, and he ended up knocking over the lamp, sending it to the floor with a clatter.
“What,” he barked. The door creaked open and then clicked shut again. “I swear to god this better be important,” he said stiffly. He turned, coming face to face with V. She stood, arms crossed.
“Smyth called me,” she said flatly. Patrick raised an eyebrow. Why would he call her? “Told me Vinn was dead. I didn’t expect you to deal with it so quickly.” Oh, right. “Under normal circumstances, I might say thank you, but from the way you just bit my head off… Why not tell me what happened, and I can give you some advice.” Patrick shook his head, anger flaring.
“What would you know about it,” he snapped. Her eyes narrowed.
“Look, if you’re not going to accept help when it’s offered then you’re in for a rude awakening.”
“I don’t need to listen to you spit more bullshit at me about being a leader,” he said, turning away from her.
“Seems like you do! You’re acting like a child!” Patrick clenched his fists and ground his teeth together. He could have screamed. Patrick whirled around to face her again.
“It’s almost like I am! It’s almost like I was forced to grow up!” She took a step toward him.
“Oh, boo hoo for you! So were the rest of us!” Patrick flinched. V took a breath, calming herself. “I know your general story. You have my sympathies but that doesn’t mean you can just bail like this. It sucks for sure. But you don’t have the luxury of acting your age anymore.”
Patrick didn’t respond. Both of them were right and he knew it. But it hurt his pride. He was like a filter for Smyth. He had to start acting on his own. He slipped his hand into his pockets.
“We need to move. Our location was compromised. And I lost Pilsen.” He thought he saw a softness race across her features, but it was gone too fast.
“Well. It’ll be hard to top this place,” she said half-heartedly, nodding to the old wood that surrounded them. He didn’t disagree, the place had character and Patrick liked that. A knock came from the door.
“Come in,” he called. Pete, Joe and Andy stood in the open door. Patrick felt his shoulders relax. They hadn’t left him.
“We’re almost ready to get going, Boss,” Joe said. Patrick nodded and looked over at Pete.
“What’s the status of the safe houses? Have they been evacuated?” Pete pulled out his phone and scrolled a bit.
“Most of them, yea. I would like to request that I be allowed to check on Mana. Move her to a secure location myself.” Patrick thought for a moment. He needed her to be safe. He nodded at Pete’s request.
“Yes, go do that. Andy, Joe. You’re with me. We gotta erase any evidence that we were here.” Pete waved and hurried out. Patrick turned back to V.
“I appreciate the pep talk but let’s not forget that I’m the boss,” he joked. She rolled her eyes and smirked. Did his heart skip a beat? If it did he wouldn’t admit it.
“Whatever you say, dude.” She saluted and left. Patrick followed Joe and Andy out.
Pete sped toward the safehouse where he left Mana not that long ago. She was probably gunna complain, not that he could blame her. He counted more than a couple cops that he sped past but none of them bothered him. Until the last one.
He noticed the lights flashing behind him when he sped through a yellow light as it turned red. Pete cursed to himself. Probably a newbie who hasn’t had any run ins with their gang yet. He pulled into a parking lot and pulled his ID out before the cop came up to the door along with a couple hundreds. He was in a hurry.
A guy a bit younger than him came up to the door. He peaked inside the car, obviously looking for any visible drugs or weapons. Pete smiled at him.
“Can I help you, sir,” he asked politely.
“Well I pulled you over because you ran the red light back there. On top of that I clocked you going almost sixty in a thirty-five. Can I see your license and insurance please?” Pete sighed and handed him his license.
“Look. You seem new so it’s not that big of a deal. But we have an agreement with your chief. It’ll take a while to learn which cars are ours, but the Overcast do our best to follow the laws when there isn’t something horrible pending.” Pete handed him the money and waited for his license.
“Are you trying to bribe me, sir? I could arrest you for that alone.” Pete tried to not show his impatience.
“If you let me get my phone, I can call your boss right now and have him explain it.”
“No one is above the law. I’m going to need you to step out of the vehicle and keep your hands where I can see them.” Pete did not have time for this. He gripped the steering wheel to keep himself calm.
“Hey, Siri, call Sheriff.” Pete stepped out of the car while the phone rang. The cop looked furious.
“Hang it up right now. Who are you calling? You’ll have to come with me down to the station.”
Peter? What did you need? I’m a bit busy right now.
Pete relaxed at the sheriff’s voice. He glanced to the cop that had his hand on his hip, ready to pull his gun. He still looked angry but there was recognition on his face.
“Look, one of your guys here has me on the side of the road. I just need you to tell him to let me go. I’ve got some very important things to do. Involves the safety of the city.” There was some quiet chatter from the other end before he spoke.
This is Sheriff Manoa. Let him go and come speak to me when you return to the station. I’ll explain why. Thank you for doing your job so diligently.
The rookie slowly removed his hand from the gun at his hip. Pete kept his hands forward the whole time until he seemed to relax. Did not need to be getting shop by the police of all people. Pete thanked the sheriff and he hung up.
“What makes you so special?” He heard the guy mumble. Pete held his tongue as he watched him get back into his car. Pete shook his head and sped off toward the safe house.
When he pulled up to the curb, he noticed most of the cars had vacated. At least they work quick. That’s what he hoped was the case. Pete hurried in past the unattended front desk. He fidgeted the entire ride up the elevator. No one was around to escort him.
Which wasn’t that big of a deal normally but in this climate, didn’t spell anything good.
He knocked on Mana’s door, waited, and when there was no answer, knocked again, more urgently. Pete jiggled the handle. It was still locked so she should still be in there. It would be a waste of time for them to lock the door as they were leaving.
“Mana? You still in there?” He thought he heard someone moving around behind the door but wasn’t sure. “Come on, it’s Pete. I was here a few hours ago? Dropped you off and stuff?”
“I can’t unlock the door genius. I’m trapped remember.” He mentally face palmed. Pete had completely forgotten. He pressed his forehead against the door.
“Did anyone tell you where they were going by chance?”
“Uh, no? I thought the whole reason I was in here was because I wasn’t trusted? Actually, I didn’t even know people left,” she said. Smartass.
“Ok… well do you wear bobby pins by chance,” he asked, hopeful. He did not want to resort to trying to kick the door in or shooting the lock.
“Yea. But I doubt you can do any better than I could.” Of course she had tried to escape. A couple pins slid under the door. He picked them up and bent one open. The lock was open in less than a minute. Pete pushed the door open, hitting Mana in the process.
“Ow! Seriously?” She rubbed her head where the door had hit.
“Sorry. Why were you standing so close to the door anyway? Whatever, grab your stuff and let’s go.” She raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms. “What?”
“You just gunna drag me all over the damn city?” Pete rolled his eyes.
“Maybe, now let’s go,” he rushed. She sighed and grabbed the bag she had with her, all its contents untouched.
She followed closely behind him, keeping quiet. He wondered if she knew what was going on. She grew up around the mob, so he assumed this might have been a regular experience. Of course, she was like a princess in a way, being the sister of the boss.
Pete’s phone buzzed in his pocket. He pulled it out as they walked up to the car. He glanced back at Mana for a moment. She didn’t seem like she was going to run so he unlocked the door for her and nodded towards the door.
“Get in.” She raised an eyebrow but didn’t argue.
“Wow I can do things on my own now?” Pete rolled his eyes before checking the message from Patrick.
“Yea. Don’t mess it up.”
The message contained a simple address followed with, Bring her here. There’s space at the new spot. Until we can sort out other safe houses.
“You’ll be staying at our headquarters again. I’ll try to get you some free roaming privileges.”
“Whata gentleman,” she mumbled sarcastically. He glanced over at her before peeling out of the parking lot.
Patrick, Joe and Andy familiarized themselves with the layout of the new building. It was farther north than Patrick would have liked but it was the best they had on short notice. He had found the address in an old folder that belonged to his brother. Even now, he was still getting help.
They came across a group of guards that had worked at the other building. But they talked in hushed voices and Patrick watched as they looked over their shoulders. The three of them shared a look before he made is way over to them.
“Excuse me?” He saw the three men jump. While he hadn’t been able to catch any of their conversation, he could only assume it wasn’t favorable for him.
“Boss. What can we do for you?” Patrick shrugged.
“Guess I was just curious what you guys were talking about over here all quietly.” The three of them laughed awkwardly.
“Sorry, nothing important. Just plans to go out at some point,” one of them said. The other two nodded in agreement.
“Ok. If you’re having any problems. Come to me,” Patrick said before turning back to Joe and Andy. Patrick thought he heard some mumbling but didn’t acknowledge it.
They continued down the hallways and Patrick checked his phone again. He waited for an update from Smyth, but one never came. He must have really pissed him off this time. But Patrick wanted to apologize. He couldn’t do that when Smyth was AWOL. He trusted that he could take care of himself but he still worried.
“We’ll let you know if we see Smyth. Don’t worry too much. He always turns up when you need him.” Patrick nodded at Joe’s reassuring words.
“Call a meeting for tomorrow. There’s obviously some things that need to be discussed.”
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justanevilgirl · 6 years
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⌢ : ♡ ⤹ ぃ ゚. ﹏﹏﹏     
• six foot one
• known around
campus as the
hot home wrecker
• very likeable
infectious laughter
• probably secretly
has a sappy talent
like dancing
• most likely
sends shirtless
pics to people
with no shame
• has tried to
fuck a hot
teacher, probably
• pretty when
he cries
• does dumb
shit just to make
his friends laugh
• the loudest
at the table
• the boy all
the art students ask
to draw/write about/sing
about/take photos of
• can b a dick but
stands up to those
who are conventionally
• fight instiagator
but somehow always escapes
• will gather his friend group
up, take them to an abandoned roof
and get them drunk.
• won’t stand for anyone’s
Shit ESPECIALLY not authority
• known for his puppy photos
on social media
• all taunting smirks
and intense, but playful
eye contact
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múlt héten a galaxisok-koncerten elhangzott, hogy melyik tag milyen lemezt vinne magával egy lakatlan szigetre (itt ki is posztolták), azóta gondolkozom ezen (persze nem csak ezen gondolkozom), de úgy tűnik, lassan megállapodtam a deerhunter - microcastle/weird era cont duplalemezénél (ami így persze kicsit csalás, bár ha a magnetic fields - 69 love songs se csalás, akkor talán ez is jó így, végülis fizikai formában együtt jöttek ki). igazából nem ez az az album, amit legtöbbet hallgattam, még csak nem is a legtöbbet hallgatott deerhunter-album(ok), de van bennük valami, ami miatt most úgy érzem, végtelenítve se lennének unalmasak. közben elolvastam a pitchfork-reviewt, ami tíz éve jött ki róluk, pár nappal obama megválasztása előtt ráadásul, eléggé más idők voltak:
From "Agoraphobia" to "Neither of Us, Uncertainly" to "Calvary Scars II / Aux.", sacrifical suicide could be a metaphor for artistic creation. On Microcastle/Weird Era Cont., Cox sacrifices himself-- or at least, his colorful persona-- for the sake of Deerhunter's art. On stage, he really does sacrifice his illness-damaged body. "I take what I can/ I give what I have left." From a band who, unlike their peers No Age, have studiously avoided politics, spreading the idea that salvation can be found, or at least glimpsed, in art-- let alone in stupid pop records! That you probably downloaded for free!-- is a politically potent act. Hope. Change. At the very least, a reason not to slit our throats before President Palin decides to nuke the world in 2017.
hát, bár palin lenne az elnök ma!! [amiről amúgy eszembe jut, hogy élőben a deerhuntert pedig donald trump megválasztása előtt pár nappal láttam]
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neighbourart · 7 years
MIHÁLYI BARBARA - fotós, média művész/photographer, media artist
Évek óta gyűjti a bevásárlólistákat, csak gyerekes szokásai vannak és nem is takargatja őket, szerinte a napi rutin, azaz "a megszokott gyakorlat a kreativitás gyilkosa", most éppen a pesztós-halas tészta a kedvence, az egyik fényképezőgépe, Ifjabb Gedeon lenne az a tárgy, amit egy lakatlan szigetre magával vinne.
She has been collecting grocery lists for years, she only has childish habits and she is not even trying to hide them, in her opinion daily routine aka ‘ordinary practice' kills creativity, her favorite dish is fish-pesto noodles at the moment, one of her cameras, Ifj. Gedeon (Gedeon Junior) would be the very object she would bring along to a lonely island.
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Barbi asztala/Barbi’s table.
1. Milyen típusú emlékek inspirálnak jobban: a jók vagy a rosszak?/What kind of memories inspire you the most: good or bad ones? Már mindkettőre volt példa – boldog, de traumatikus emlék feldolgozása is ihlette már meg munkámat. Alapvetően jólétben tud az ember dolgozni, alkotni. John Lennon mondta egyszer; “Párnával a fenék alatt könnyebb írni, mint kemény ülőkén”. Szóval inspiratívak tudnak lenni a rossz emlékek, de a rossz állapotok nem.
I could bring examples for both- happy but also traumatic experiences have equally given inspiration to my work before. Fundamentally people can work, create well in prosperity. John Lennon once said ‘… it’s easier to write with cushions… then on pieces of hard bench.’ So, bad memories can be inspiring however, bad conditions can't.
2. Ha újjászülethetnél egy ma élő vagy már halott művész személyében, kit választanál?/If you could reincarnate as a living or dead artist, who would you choose to be? Valószínűleg senkit. Persze érdekes lenne egy-két napra más, nagy művészek agyában lenni; festőkében, írókéban, férfiakéban, nőkében, de én szeretek és akarok is a saját személyemnél maradni. Pár napra azért mondjuk szívesen lennék Kubrick vagy Lynch...
Most probably I wouldn’t choose anyone. Of course, it would be interesting to be in the mind of a great artist for a few days: painters, writers, men, women, but I like it and I want to stick with my own personality. However, I would like to try what it would be like to be Lynch or Kubrick for a few days…
3. Hogyan lendülsz túl az időszakos alkotói válságon?/How do you overcome a temporary artistic crisis? Igyekszem nem benne ragadni. A sport, a helyes táplálkozás és az alkoholtilalom segít a munkában és abban, hogy a lelki válságokon túllépjen az ember. Ezek mellett igyekszem mindig belevetni magam valami újba, megtanulni valamit, amit még sosem próbáltam. Így kezdtem el ukulelézni, vagy avokádó magot csíráztatni, ásványokat tanulmányozni. De nagyban segít az is, ha elmegy az ember egyet kirándulni, vagy felfedez egy új várost. Mindig van mit látni és nem kell hozzá messze menni, elég a szomszéd településre átbringázni, hogy új ingerek érjék az embert, amit aztán a kreativitásába visszaforgathat.
I try not to get stuck in it. Sport, eating healthy and not consuming alcohol helps me in my work and it helps to get over any kind of spiritual crisis. Besides, I’m trying to do something new, to learn something that I have never tried before. This is how I started to play the ukulele or to germinate avocado seeds, study minerals. But to go for a hike can also help a lot, or if you explore a new city. There is always something out there to see and you don’t need to go far for that. It is enough to bike to the next town, so new impulses can affect you that can be turned into creative ideas.
4. Mi a legkedvesebb gyerekkori emléked?/What is your favorite childhood memory? Rengeteg jó emlékem van a gyerekkoromból, ezért is ilyen nehéz a felnőtté válásom folyamata :D Érdekes amúgy, hogy mennyi jele volt már gyerekkoromban is, hogy a művészet lesz az én pályám, pedig tudatosan elég későn jöttem rá, már 20 is elmúltam, amikor tisztázódott bennem, hogy ez az utam. Sokszor készítettem magamtól saját kezűleg ajándékokat a családomnak, pedig nem volt előttem példa, hogy ezt hogyan is kell csinálni, illetve, hogy LEHET ilyet is csinálni. Olyan 9 éves koromtól jártam technika szakkörre, egy pincébe a sulinkban, ahol kerámiáztunk, mozaikot készítettünk és különböző technikákkal ismerkedtünk. Nagyon szerettem oda járni, pedig a tanulás, az iskola önmagában egyáltalán nem foglalkoztatott, egészen 20 éves koromig :D
I have plenty of good memories from my childhood, that is the reason why I find becoming an adult so challenging. :D It is very interesting to see how many signs there were already in my childhood years that art will be my path even though I only realized this consciously when I was over 20 years old. That was the time when it became clear that this is my path. I handmade gifts for my family plenty of times even though there was no leading example in front of me. I was around 9 years old when I started techniques class as an after school activity, it was held in the basement of our school and we learned to do ceramics, mosaics and we studied different kinds of techniques. I loved this course even though I wasn’t very interested in school at all until I turned 20 years old. :D
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Lilás fény
5. Mit érzel, amikor egy másik művész a tiédhez hasonló munkát készít?/What do you feel when a fellow artist creates something similar to your work? Elsőre nagyon felzaklat. Aztán másodszorra is. Utána pedig melenget az a gondolat, hogy ilyen kapcsolat van az emberek között, hogy ugyanarra a gondolatra (és annak materializált képére) tudunk eljutni. Szerintem sok olyan erőnk és képességünk van, amit még nem fedeztük fel. Amúgy többször volt már rá példa, hogy felvettem az illető művésszel a kapcsolatot, hogy nézd milyen érdekes, én is készítettem valami hasonlót, csinálhatnánk valamit együtt is, de általában negatív élményeim voltak ezzel kapcsolatban...
It makes me feel very upset at first. And then for the second time too.  After that, I am overwhelmed by the thought that there is an amazing connection between people and that we can have the same ideas (and we make the same materialized picture of it). I believe we all have so many powers and abilities that we haven’t discovered yet.  By the way, there were several occasions when I contacted the artists who did something similar to my work. I told them that I have also done something similar and we could do something together, but I mainly had negative experiences with that…
6. Mit szeretnél, hogy miről emlékezzenek majd rád?/What would you like to be remembered by? A munkáimról. Vagy még azokról se. Utólag nem lesz úgysem fontos, hogy tudják-e ki voltam. Az lenne a fontos, hogy MA vegyük észre az embereket magunk körül, ne utólag jöjjünk rá, hogy ki milyen zseniális volt négyszáz évvel ezelőtt. Gondolod Van Gogh-ot érdekli, hogy most 700 millió dollárt érnek a festményei, miközben életében meg éhezett?
My works. Or not even that. Retrospect it won' be important anyway if they knew who I was or not. What would be important though is to realize the people around us TODAY and not to come to the conclusion how amazing someone was 400 years ago.  Do you think Van Gogh cares that his paintings are worth 700 million dollars while during his lifetime he was starving?
7. Gyűjtesz valamit?/Are you collecting something? Évek óta gyűjtöm a bevásárlólistákat. Már több különböző országból is vannak darabjaim, de a legkedvesebbek azok, amelyeket a barátaim adtak. Sokszor előfordul, hogy valaki a kezembe nyom egy cetlit, hogy hetekig, hónapokig őrizgette nekem, hogy a gyűjteményem része lehessen. Szép nagyon.
I have been collecting grocery lists for years. I have several from different countries, but my favorites are the ones that were given to me by my friends. It happens quite often that someone gives me a piece of paper saying that they have been keeping it for months so they can give it to me for my col-lection. That is so beautiful.
8. Kedvenc budapesti pillanat?/Favorite Budapest moment? Minden évszaknak, napszaknak és utcasaroknak megvan a maga érdekessége számomra Budapesten, ez egy nagyszerű város. Ezért is kezdtem el fotózni 6 évvel ezelőtt. A blogomat, a fotónaplómat azóta is készítem - Budapest utcái, fényei, kis éjjeli misztikuma mind benne van ezekben a képekben. Ezeket érdemes meglesni és akkor választ kapsz a kérdésedre :)
Every season, time of the day, and street corner has its own curiosity when it comes to Budapest.  This is a great city. This the reason why I started photography 6 years ago.  I am still doing my blog and my photo diary since then- streets, lights, night time mystery of Budapest are still represented in these photos. It’s worth to have a look at them and then you can get an answer to your question. :)
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9. Van olyan gyerekes szokásod, amit akkor csinálsz, amikor senki nem figyel?/Do you have any childish habits that you do when no one is watching? Csak gyerekes szokásom van, és mindig mindenki látja, nem takargatom. Sajnos, egyre több a felnőttes szokásom is, de igyekszem ellensúlyozni egy kis spontán goofy dance-el és énekkel :D
I only have childish habits and everybody can see it all the time, I am not hiding it. Unfortunately, I also have more and more adult habits as well, but I am trying to balance it out with some goofy dancing and singing. :D
10. Mi volt a legnagyobb őrültség, amit eddig csináltál?/What was the craziest thing you have ever done? Művész lettem, az nem elég nagy őrültség?! :D Sok dolgot csináltam, ami más számára őrültség lehet, de az én meglátásom szerint sosem követtem el olyat, amit ezzel a szóval tudnék jellemezni. Őrültség az, ha mondjuk valaki kiugrik egy gépből ejtőernyő nélkül.
I became an artist isn’t that crazy enough?! :D I have done a lot of things that others might consider crazy, but in my opinion, I have never done anything that could be labeled like that. It is crazy to jump out of plane without a parachute.
11. Van-e napi rutinod?/Do you have a daily routine? Juj nincs és nem is szeretnék. A megszokott gyakorlat a kreativitás gyilkosa. Persze vannak dolgok, amiket muszáj végrehajtani, de ezek is segíthetnek, például a takarítás monotonitása hozzájárulhat új ötletek kibukkanásához. Emellett minden nap főzök - ez egy totálisan másfajta kreativitás és művészet, és mindenki tudja értékelni a munkádat és majdnem mindenki “érti” is haha :)
Oh I don’t have any and I don’t even want any. The ordinary practices kill creativity. Of course, there are some things that have to be executed, but these can be of help, for example, the monotony of cleaning can help for new ideas to pop. Besides I cook every day, this is a completely different kind of creative activity and art which everyone appreciates and almost everyone ‘understands’ it too. Haha.:)
12. Kedvenc tárgyad?/Favorite object? Nincs kedvenc tárgyam, igyekszem nem kötődni materiális dolgokhoz. De ha választanom kell, akkor mindenképp az egyik fényképezőgépem, Ifjabb Gedeon lenne az a tárgy, amit egy lakatlan szigetre magammal vinnék :D
I don’t have a favorite object, in particular, I try not to be so hung up on material stuff. If I had to choose though, I would definitely choose one of my cameras, Ifj. Gedeon (Gedeon Junior) to bring along to a lonely island with me. :D
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13. Hogyan fogsz neki egy új munkának?/How do you get started on a new project? Kétféle munka van: az egyik, amin fejben hónapokig gondolkodom, a másik, ami csak úgy belém hasít és azonnal megcsinálom. Nehéz ezt a kérdést megválaszolnom, mert nagyon sokféle médiumban és stílusban dolgozom. Ha fotózásról van szó, akkor az spontán jön, a kezemben a gép és csak megyek, aztán ha látok valamit, ami megfog, akkor lövök. De persze olyan meló is van (mint most pl. a diplomamunkám) amikor a fotókat megtervezem aprólékosan, minden sarkát és szegletét. A kutatás amúgy mindig nagyon fontos része egy új munka létrejöttének.
There are 2 types of working: one, is when I think about it for a month previously and the other is when it just strikes me and I do it. It is hard for me to answer this question because I am working in different media and in different styles. If it is about photography, that comes spontaneously: I have my camera in my hand and I just go and if I see something that catches my eye I just shoot. But of course, there are works (like my diploma work) when I have to plan every little detail of what I do. Research is important for the birth of a new work.
14. Van egy jól körülhatárolható hangulat, amikor könnyebb számodra az alkotás?/Is there a particular mood that makes creating and working easier for you? Nagyon sokféle állapot van alkotás közben. Az biztos, hogy ami belül történik, az az, ami minden alkalommal ugyanolyan. Klisé, de egy viharhoz tudnám hasonlítani, vagyis egy nagyon intenzív állapot. Néha ehhez pedig a külső körülmények is klappolnak. Mint mikor nyitva van az ablakom, dől be a kellemes meleg, rálátok a banánfámra, a teknősökre, csiripelnek a madarak, késő délután van, és szól a zene a műteremben, én meg táncolva, énekelve dolgozom. Na ez frankó. De volt olyan pár éve, amikor zseniálisan ihletett voltam egy délután a budapesti belvárosi lakáskámban, miközben kint dörgött az ég, villámlott, lilás fény terjengett mindenhol, és közben fülledt meleg volt. Egy másik fajta helyzet, amikor “terepen” vagyok. Mikor most februárban készítettem a Velencei karneválon a fotósorozatomat, életem egyik legszebb pár órája volt, hihetetlenül intenzív és adrenalin-dús volt. Annak a hangulata bennem zajlott, nem írható le ilyen külsőséges módon. Majd egyszer készítek egy animációt róla! :D
There are a lot of different kinds of statuses while creating. What is sure, that what is happening inside is the every single time. Cliché, but I could compare it to a storm the most, so there is a very intense status. Sometimes the outside circumstances fit this well. Like when my window is opened, hot air comes through, I can see my banana tree, my tortoise, birds are chirping, it's late afternoon, music is playing in my studio and I am dancing and singing while working. This is awesome. But a few years ago I was very much inspired on an afternoon in my apartment in Budapest, while it was thundering outside, a lightning stroke and it gave a violet color to everything and it was muggy hot. The other type of work is when I am on the ‘field’. I made a photo series at the Venice Carnival in February and it was the most amazing few hours of my life. It was incredibly intense and full of adrenalin. The atmosphere of it was inside me, it cannot be written down in such an outward way. Maybe one day I will make an animation out of it! :D
15. Sör vagy bor?/Beer or wine? Bor és vörös! Az orvosom mondta, hogy minden nap igyak egy pohárral!
Wine and red! My doctor said I should have a glass every day!
16. Kutya vagy macska?/Dog or cat? Imádom a macskákat, de mióta a mi cicánk megbolondult és elszökött, allergiás vagyok rájuk, szóval kutya! Most kezdtem el ismerkedni párral, hihetetlen érzékeny és intelligens lények!
I love cats but since our cat got crazy and ran off, I am allergic to them, so dog. I just started to get to know some recently and they are very sensitive and intelligent creatures.
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The true Italian
17. Milyen a stílusod?/What is your style like? Érzékeny, vidám, légies, hektikus.
Sensitive, happy, ethereal, hectic.
18. Mi az, ami a leginkább feltölt?/What can recharge you the most? Egy jó futás/úszás/jóga után lezuhanyozva a napon sétálni. Na meg a természetben kirándulni.
To have a shower after a good run/swimming/ yoga and walk in the sunshine. And to hike in nature.
19. Kedvenc város?/Favorite city? Egyelőre nincs ilyen. Lehet sosem lesz, de egyelőre mindegyik helyen láttam és tapasztaltam olyat, ami csodálatos. Budapest, Velence, Berlin, mind a részem. Alig várom, hogy nyáron Birminghamben élhessek! Egy kis hajón!
I don’t have a favorite up until now. Maybe I will never have, but so far I have seen and experienced something wonderful in every place I have ever been to. Budapest, Venice, Berlin are all a part of me. I cannot wait to live in Birmingham! On a little boat!
20. Hol leszel 10 év múlva?/Where will you be in 10 years? Otthon. Remélem, a következő 10 évben rengeteg új helyet ismerhetek meg, és sok új embert fedezhetek fel, hogy utána egy természetközeli házban élhessünk a szerelmemmel és gyerekeinkkel. Na meg persze a művészettel!
At home. I hope that I will get to know a lot of new places and I can meet a lot of new people in the next 10 years so that after we can live in a house close to nature with my love and our kids. And with art of course!
Artist petting
21. Kedvenc étel?/Favorite food? Pesztós-halas tészta, a saját kis bazsalikom bokrocskámból készítem, most ez a kedvenc. Holnap majd más lesz.
Noodles with pesto and fish, I make the pesto from my own-grown basil from my bush. This is my favorite at the moment. It will be something else tomorrow.
22. Kedvenc évszak?/Favorite season? Nyáron, este a kertünkben együtt vacsorázni a barátokkal, miközben a természet a hangját hallatja, na az fantasztikus. De minden évszaknak megvan a varázslata, a saját hangja, színe, illata, amiért lehet szeretni.
In summer, having dinner with our friends in the garden while nature makes her voice heard, now that is fantastic. But every season has its own magic, voice, color, scent that makes it loveable.
23. Mi a legrosszabb tulajdonságod?/What is your worst characteristic? Szétszórt vagyok. Ezt a kérdéssort is úgy válaszolgatom, hogy össze-vissza ugrálok a kérdések közt. A szobámban, az otthonomban rend van, de agyilag folyton szökdelek a dolgok között, mert felizgat egy csomó minden, és ennek az az eredménye, hogy megégetem magam. De nagyon sokat fejlődtem, tudatosan kontrollálom magam. Egyszerre sok mindennel foglalkozom – tudat alatt ezért is választhattam az intermédia szakot – nem cövekelek le egy dolognál, ami persze jó és színes, de ha nem koncentrálok, akkor kifolyhatnak a dolgok a kezeim közül.
I am scattered. I am answering this list of questions by jumping form one another. In my room, in my home there is order but in my mind, I keep jumping between things because I can easily get excited about a lot of things and this results in me burning myself. I have grown a lot though, I control myself consciously. I deal with a lot of things at the same time- subconsciously this might be the reason why I chose the intermedia major- I don’t get stuck with one thing which can be good and colorful, but if I fail to con-centrate than things can easily run out of my hand.
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Late night mysteries
24. Mi az az alkotás, amit mindenképpen meg kell csinálnod, mielőtt meghalsz?/What is that specific artwork you have to accomplish before you die? Önarckép az utolsó leheletemről.
Self-portrait of my last breath.
25. Ha egyetlen tanácsot kellene adni más, esetleg még kezdő tehetségeknek, mi lenne az?/If you could give one piece of advice to someone else, maybe to a beginner talent, what would it be? Mindig tartsa nyitva a szemét/fülét/lelkét. Minden ötletet csináljon meg, minden gondolatot próbáljon ki, ha rossz is, mert sokat fog belőle tanulni. És persze rengeteget dolgozzon. Szóval, ez több mint egy, de ezek a legfontosabbak :D
Always keep your eyes/ears/soul open. Execute every idea you have, try out every thought even if it is bad because you will learn a lot from it. And work a lot of course. So, these are more than one but these ones are the most important. :D
----------------------------------------- NÉVJEGY - Mihályi Barbara:
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"Mihályi Barbara vagyok, a Magyar Képzőművészeti Egyetem Intermédia végzős hallgatója, idén diplomázom. 2008-ban kezdtem el tudatosan fotózással foglalkozni, azóta a videó, animáció, performansz, akcióművészet, street art is foglalkoztat. 2015-ben ösztöndíjjal kikerültem Olaszországba, azóta is itt élek, most pedig a Velencei Művészeti Akadémián tanultam szintén ösztöndíjjal. Kíváncsi vagyok és elszánt. EYES ARE OPENED."
"I am Mihályi Barbara and I am an Intermedia major at The Hungarian University of Fine Arts, I am attaining my diploma this year. I started doing photography in 2008 since then I am also interested in video, animation, performance, action-art, and street art.in 2015 I moved to Italy due to a scholarship I live here since then and now I have studied at the Arts Academy of Venice also with a scholarship. I am curious and determined. EYES ARE OPENED."
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BARBI MUNKÁI ITT TEKINTHETŐK MEG/CHECK OUT BARBI’S WORK HERE: http://www.barbaramihalyi.com https://www.instagram.com/babovary/ https://www.instagram.com/_ilovenoses_/ https://www.facebook.com/ilovenoses/ http://barbara-mihalyi.tumblr.com
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cauda3quina · 3 months
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crazy mf named huh
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kalamitis · 8 years
All my sins, I’ve been tripping, I’ve been tripping, my god Brand new life I’ve been looking I’ve been looking lately All these nights they’ve been cooking, They’ve been cooking me raw.
Cam was… well. They weren’t exactly sure precisely what it was they were doing.
Observing, they guessed it was. Sitting on the stoop outside the coffee house slash dive bar with a cigarette between their fingers, elbow resting on the bent knee bared by torn denim. Their hair was heavy and dark, a flat inky black that came straight from a bottle, their full bottom lip marred by a thin silver ring that disappeared beneath their tongue every few moments, the tick a new one. Then again, there was a lot of new things about them.
Their wardrobe had taken a darker tint, and everyone had noticed. They were fond of layered black shirts and trench coats, dark jeans that’s rips were a bit too artful to be from wear and tear, black sneakers or boots that could make a pair of balls curl in fear at a hundred paces. Kohl around the eyes, with only the barest hint of a sinister wing on the edges. Today they had forgone the trench coat - it was one of the warmer days at the end of winter, it would have been too heavy - and replaced it with a black and gray flannel, kept open to reveal the black Angst Band tshirt. Even though the band had gained a new member, the image of Geht on the shirt hadn’t been changed.
The drummer could hear the former one man band’s voice wafting in from inside as he finished up the sound check, his voice decent despite the fact that he warbled just on the side of off key from time to time. Cam’s singing voice stayed dormant, like a bird curled away for winter within the cage of their chest. They didn’t get the urge to sing anymore, which was why it had been easier to look around at the instruments during the audition and choose the drums. They could keep a beat, and really that’s all a drum required. The dark haired nonbinary had been just as surprised as anyone else when they’d gotten the part. They’d never played a drum set in their life.  Then again, Cam had never failed an audition either.
Dark eyes tracked the people hurrying past on the street. Across from them was a convenience store, a drugstore, and a diner. They could just make out those sharing meals through the large glass windows, and leaned back slightly on their elbows to look closer. A tall blonde boy was sharing an ice cream sundae with a hijab clad girl who seemed tiny in comparison, the two of them smiling. An asian boy with long dark hair was sitting across from a tall dark woman with hair cut close to her skull, the two of them looking peaceful and content. At the convenience store they could see Geht’s on-again-off-again fling Del stocking up on twizzlers, Ziggy in her shadow speaking earnestly with lots of gestures that seemed to do nothing more than show off his rings. Watching the two of them made Cam’s stomach turn slightly, and their eyes quickly tracked to the drug store, where they could see Caez in the headache medicine isle, and across from them, Kylo and the youngest Arthuus, seemingly unable to see each other as they grabbed condoms. The girl from Cam’s geology class chose that moment to turn the corner, hand in hand with the tall, amazonian exchange student that she was dating, even as the redhead from their art class speed walked along the sidewalk across the street. That was the beauty of living in a college town, the drummer figured, leaning their head back to look at the sky. Everyone was always out and about.
The cigarette twirled between their fingers as the ex theatre kid sighed. The world was turning the colors of autumn, the air a gold, the sky a red, the sun a lazy, low hanging orange. A warm breeze jogged up the street, pausing to caress their cheeks before running on, For the first time in months, Cam missed their hair.
“Are you still out here?” Geht’s voice was rough, like he’d been halfway on the way to a laugh before he’d caught sight of them. Camren’s gaze didn’t waver from the sky, from the deep pink and stringy clouds that were turning purple and blue as the sun dipped lower and lower down the horizon. Darkness was creeping in from the east, and in its wake came the hum of streetlamps, the buzz of the diner’s purple neon sign and bright blue outlines, the grone and pop of convenience store spotlights illuminating its logo.
“Cam?” The boy- young man, really, - looked almost concerned when they finally raised their head to look at him, his dark eyes unreadable as their own, shaggy hair falling loosely around his face.
“Just enjoying the sunset.” The drummer said finally, returning their own gaze to the sky, watching the all encompassing blue of twilight start to descend. The color would last only a few minutes, but in that time it would take everything, the golden hues of the sun, the speckled light gray of the sidewalk, the darker gray of the street, the green of the grass and leaves, the brown of the bark, even the whites of Geht’s eyes, and twilight would replace it all with blue.  Blue for the trees, blue for the stones, blue for the sky, blue for the light and blue for the shadows. It filled Cam with peace, for peace, too, only lasted a few minutes.
Across the street, the blond was finishing off their sundae while the hijabi laughed, and the ding of the entrance bell signaled the asian and his date leaving. Dark eyes tracked them as they went, walking so close their shoulders brushed, the dark skinned girl pulling her hands from her pockets to intertwine their fingers. Caez and Kylo had found each other, and were bickering even as they walked off in the other direction of the couple, the boy defending himself heatedly as his companion simply smirked. The Arthuus boy was shoving his purchase into his backpack as he walked past the convenience store, only to be hailed by Del before he could get more than a few paces beyond it, the tall girl catching up to him and talking excitedly, even as the boy clutched his backpack shyly and nodded. They fell into step easily, Ziggy resigning to walking a few paces behind them as they went.
It took Geht sighing for Cam to realize he had sat beside them, his eyes tracking the three as they piled into Del’s brother’s truck. It was odd to have someone sit so close without them noticing their presence, without an urge to put a proactive five inch gap between them, just in case the boy decided to get touchy, but Geht didn’t do more than lean backward, mirroring Cam’s earlier pose as the nonbinary leaned forward.
They wanted to ask, as their gaze slid over his pensive expression, what it felt like when he saw Del with other people. If it was a turn of the stomach, like you’d just drank one shot too many, if it was more in the way of a roller coaster drop, like you’d left your stomach behind at the top, or if it was something else entirely, like you’d been full of warmth only to be kicked out into the cold, left hollow for the wind to blow through. Like he’d been looked over and found wanting.
“Geht?” The singer turned his head, and for a long moment, they simply looked at each other. He hadn’t shaved, his hair hadn’t been washed in what had probably been a week and a half, and he had perpetual bed head from the single mattress in the back of his van that he occupied. They knew for a fact that his hands would be rough, calloused and sure from playing guitar, that his arms would be strong from carrying his own equipment in and out of gigs. The thought was doing something odd to their stomach, twisting it around like they’d eaten something slightly past its expiration date.
“Yes?” His voice sounded hushed, suddenly, and when they actually looked at him, they realized that there was something… different, about him. Something slightly off about his eyes, the emotion the dark orbs were conveying foreign and soft. Dangerous in the way a venus flytrap was. Unwittingly, their gaze dropped to his lips, catching on the motion of his tongue moving across them before they were looking at his eyes again, something warm and fluttering taking over their chest as they tried to get their brain to work again.
“You guys ready?” The door opened, and Geht and Cam were suddenly very far away from each other, the lead sitting up to look up at the barista that stood in the doorway, bright orange hair cascading in an unruly waterfall from beneath his hat. Oli looked from one of them to the other, curiosity clear on his face. “The sound check is done, everything’s set.”
“Thanks Ol.” Geht said, the easy companionship on his face causing the drummer’s lips to twitch as he rose to his feet, stretching his arms over his head and ignoring that it caused his tshirt to ride up and reveal a very happy looking trail from his bellybutton and into his jeans. “We’ll be in in a sec.”
Cam tilted their head back to look at the sky one last time as the door closed behind the redhead, noting the blue of twilight had been replaced with the oncoming dark of night, the last golden hues of the sun lost behind the diner.
“Come on, number two.” Geht said, pausing in the doorway as the drummer got to their feet. “You can have another smoke break after our gig.”
A half rueful smile twisted across Cam’s lips as they nodded, their tongue playing with the thin silver slip of their lip ring as they turned to head inside.
The unlit cigarette slid back into the pack with the rest. Not a single one had been lit.
Appearances from: @caezsucksdangs - Caez and Geht @foolish-dame - Vinn, Del, Ziggy, and Rux @fef-x-kan - Kii @originalcrazystrange - Navii @curtisgrahamcracker - Oli me - Kos, Cam, and Triis
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anupsingh11-blog · 5 years
Anu Test Tube Baby Centre Hyderabad Success Rate | ElaWoman
Test Tube Baby
Test-tube treatment is the end result of successful human replica from methods that entails fertilization of eggs with sperms in a specialised lab. It refers to a infant this is conceived outdoor the girl's frame by using a systematic method referred to as In-Vitro fertilization or IVF treatment. In this process, eggs are taken from mother’s ovary and fertilized by means of sperms taken from father’s semen sample.
The fertilized egg is cultured for 2 to 6 days and allowed to develop till the blastocyst level. Once, fertilized, the egg is transferred back to the mom’s uterus where it's miles located to broaden generally, this is finished in order to set up a hit pregnancy. The method has greatly helped women in addition to guys with infertility problems which are untreatable to offer delivery to healthy infants.
There are two forms of IVF treatments in terms of medication and stimulating capsules:
Natural: The eggs are procured from the female’s fallopian tubes at some stage in natural ovulation cycle. During natural IVF fertilization, the eggs are allowed to fertilize naturally or in male infertility instances, the sperms are injected directly into eggs.
Mild:Fertility tablets are used to stimulate ovaries and produce eggs. These tablets may from time to time motive hormone imbalances which could have an effect on the manner.
Duration of Test Tube Baby Procedure
The whole take a look at tube process takes about 4 to six weeks to complete. A few weeks are had to stimulate and mature the eggs. The retrieval of eggs takes about half of an afternoon. In male infertility instances, ICSI is also carried out which entails selectively picking healthy sperms and injecting in the eggs, that may take extra time. After the eggs are injected with sperms, it takes about three to five days to fertilized and develop into an embryo. Embryo transfer is achieved without a great deal put off and the lady is allowed to head domestic the identical day.
Benefits of Test Tube Baby Procedure
There are several benefits of In vitro Fertilization which might be noted as under:
IVF works wherein different infertility treatments fail:Some couples do now not acquire being pregnant even after going via several treatment of infertility. IVF is the last wish for infertile couples to conceive a child.
It may be used by everybody:Test tube child isn't always simplest related to a mother and her baby. Surrogates, equal-sex couples and gestational companies also can participate in the pregnancy and labor revel in thru IVF
Couples can use donated eggs or sperms:In a few intense infertility instances, the fertility expert may also suggest the use of donated eggs or sperms. The eggs are manually fertilized in a health facility via IVF procedure to create healthy embryos. This will increase the possibilities of having pregnant.
Couples have manipulate over the timing:Couples who need to bear a treatment later in lifestyles can rely on test tube treatment. Eggs and embryos may be cryopreserved in order that couples can choose a time when they want to have a baby. IVF can also help in spacing age between siblings so that mother and father can provide enough parenting time to every child.
Increases the possibilities of getting a wholesome child:Genetic screening utilized in test tube infant techniques help to ensure a healthful treatment. Preimplantation genetic analysis is a take a look at to look at the fitness and genetic mutation in an embryo earlier than transferring to the uterus. This allows to discard any embryo that has a danger of miscarriage or motive abnormalities in a infant.
Success Rate
Younger girls have higher probabilities of IVF fulfillment. Test tube baby fulfillment charges also depend upon the high-quality of eggs, causes of infertility and treatment procedures worried within the treatment. Below are the fulfillment charges depending on the age of a girl:
32.2 percentage for women aged beneath 35 years
27.7 percent for women elderly between 35 to 37 years
20.8 percent for ladies elderly between 38 to 39 years
13.6 percentage for ladies aged forty to 42 years
5 percentage for ladies elderly 43 to 44
1.9 percent for ladies elderly over 44 years
These statistics range relying at the metropolis wherein IVF is finished and the expertise of the medical doctor acting the take a look at tube treatment technique.
Factors Affecting Success Rate in Test Tube Baby Treatment
Patient’s age: with increasing age including above forty, fulfillment quotes lower broadly in IVF.
Embryo Quality: Embryos with genetic or chromosomal problems are extraordinarily weak and that they do now not work for this treatment
Ovarian Response: If ovaries do no longer respond properly to IVF medicines inclusive of in case of a woman who can not produce more than one eggs in response to IVF injections.
Implantation troubles: In many instances while IVF fails, the purpose is terrible implantation. It is due to the fact the growth of embryo stops if the eggs are transferred carelessly. Implantation issues are faced by means of 50 percentage of sufferers
Anu Test Tube Baby Centre Hyderabad Success Rate
Anu Test Tube Baby Centre Hyderabad Success Rate of the State and one of the first few in the u . S .. From a humble however a success beginning in 1994, we have grown to come to be one of the most relied on centres in the field of infertility. Whilst preserving the highest technical and ethical requirements, we provide you with the recommendation and treatment that quality fits your desires to obtain the most fulfilling effects you desire. Backed with the aid of a extensive variety of world class equipment and country of the art strategies, our well trained team of workers have helped lots of couples realise their goals of having a treatment.
Your probabilities of having pregnant are tormented by a range of of factors, of which your age performs a large function. Anu Test Tube Baby Centre Hyderabad Success Rate has divided the success quotes of different approaches accomplished in our clinic with a purpose to recognize how every kind of treatment shown under could be influenced by means of your age. Remember not to apply those figures as a private prediction of your very own chance of fulfillment - age is not the simplest issue which impacts the final results. A range of other factors, which have now not been accounted for within the under numbers, like the high-quality of embryo transferred, nice of endometrium and many others. Additionally influence the success prices and it is one of the Best Test Tube Baby Centres in Hyderabad.
Dr. Anuradha K
Dr. Anuradha K is a Gynecologist and Infertility Specialist at Anu Test Tube Baby Centre in Hyderabad. Dr. Anuradha K is specialised in IUI, IVF, Laparoscopy, Hysteroscopy, Donor Egg/ Sperm, Gynecological Problems Care, Obstetrics Antenatal Care and Infertility treatment. As a skilled clinical expert, this physician is likewise familiar with the modern day improvements in the related discipline of medicine.
Ferty9 Fertility Clinic
Here is in which miracles are feasible. Ferty9 Hospital & Research Center is a health facility set up by way of noticeably experienced medical doctors & gynecologists with greater than 25 years of enjoy to serve those with infertility problems, nationally and globally. It is a especially reliable middle and is also advocated by using many couples who have efficiently obtained parenthood. Ferty9 Fertility Clinic is one of the best test tube baby center and they do follow the suggestions of Indian Council of Medical Research [ICMR] pretty strictly and soak up each needy infertile couple’s consultation, preliminary approach, planning up of treatment in a short duration of time below unmarried visit .and it is one of the Best Test Tube Baby Centres in Hyderabad
Ferty9 Fertility Clinic is a clinic set up via especially skilled docs & gynecologists with more than 25 years of enjoy to serve those with infertility problems, nationally and globally. It is a notably reliable middle and is likewise advocated by many couples who've efficaciously attained parenthood.
Vinn Hospital
Vinn Hospital is a complete facility with state of the art era and gadget, along with the exceptional doctors, specialised inside the many regions of treatments we provide. We take satisfaction in calling ourselves a multi-speciality health facility, for reasons that we provide almost the whole thing below one roof. From Cardiology to most cancers care; from an array of medical treatment and attention to the most astute surgical processes, making Vinn Hospital a one-prevent way to all medical issues. Apart from these, we additionally have dental, eye and children care devices to be had at our, 250-bed facility in Hyderabad and it is one of the Best Test Tube Baby Centres in Hyderabad.
We aim to provide the quality treatments, with the world-class first-class for our sufferers and within the process of doing so, in no way compromise on topics that won't adhere to the well being of the patients. For you may consider in us, our medical doctors and the numerous experienced aid body of workers, and let us take care of you with the aim of supplying the high-quality results in your well being and a brilliant future.
Prasad Hospitals
Prasad clinic became installed inside the year 2014, by way of Dr.K.Suma Prasad MD, DGO Senior Infertility Specialist & Gynecologist. The hospital was hooked up to offer Affordable treatment with excessive excellent scientific and surgical care customized for person patient’s desires. Prasad Hospitals is one and Only NABH permitted and a hundred bedded medical institution in Nacharam. Treated greater than 2 lakh affected person on OP basis and 20000 patients each Medical and surgical specialties.
The idea to serve, and care grew inside Dr. K.V.R Prasad, the founder Chairman of Prasad Hospitals, until the factor of inflection passed off in 1974. Millions of humans, losing lives, due to poverty, or lack of awareness is what it took to ignite Dr. Prasads vision right into a fact a imaginative and prescient in which top class healthcare was bought at a totally lower priced fee, in which scientific excellence is an inevitable daily project that has to be done. After incomes the accept as true with of lots, it took Dr. Sumas willpower and know-how to take the unit to new horizons due to emphasis on current era. From a 50-mattress unmarried maternity and nursing facility in Warasiguda (formerly known as Sridevi Maternity & Nursing Home), the brand has emerge as a house-preserve call within the locality, courtesy of being concerned and powerful healthcare shipping under Dr. K.V. R Prasad & Dr. Kantipudi Suma.
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