#vimeo has the original :)
The Music of The Boy and the Heron: Hisaishi's Minimalist Masterpiece
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retrofalsettos · 8 months
Collection of pre-revival Falsettos/Marvin Trilogy bootlegs & other recordings
lmk in the notes if you have any you'd like me to add!
Full length (or mostly full length) off broadway/broadway/tours:
1993, (mostly) original broadway cast, unlisted youtube video
1993, same recording as above but a public youtube video
Most likely 1992, Carolee Carmello as Trina (act 1 only)
1994, Mandy Patinkin as Marvin
Falsettoland 1990
Other full length productions:
Hartford Stage 1991 (youtube link)
Hartford Stage 1991 (google drive link)
In Trousers, Trinity College (youtube link)
In Trousers, Trinity College (vimeo link)
Falsettoland, Trinity College
Other shorter recordings:
What Would I Do, Michael Rupert & Stephen Bogardus, 2009 concert
Father to Son, Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, Michael Rupert & Sivan Cotel
Father to Son, Mandy Patinkin
Four Jews in a Room Bitching, 2007 w/ Malcom Gets
The Baseball Game, OBC, on TV at some point in the 90s
Falsettoland (song), Japan 1994
March of the Falsettos (song), New Orleans 2000
I Never Wanted to Love You, New Orleans 2000
The Games I Play, New Orleans 2000
Unlikely Lovers, New Orleans 2000
You Gotta Die Sometime, New Orleans 2000
Love is Blind, Cape Town, year unknown (has the original MOTF blocking & lyrics which I think is cool)
Egads! Theatre, In Trousers clips
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Mignon is a lovely and independently made queer Korean anime that can be found in the link below. First three episodes are free, but the rest is $1 USD each and all together will take an hour of your time to watch, but maaaaaan is it worth it.
The premise is a young man who's a boxer in an underground fight ring who falls for the rings doctor but discovers the doctor is a vampire.
The animation is great, the soundtrack is very heavy 80's synth vibes which I love (and you can find on spotify)
TW: abuse, blood, violence, and one graphic sex scene.
Link to watch here: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/mignon
Here's the trailer. Again, its worth your time
UPDATE 8/29/23: I'm seeing the original post gain traction so I'm gonna make an edited update to the original post
due to some issues with the creator's former production company, ABJ had to take Mignon down from Vimeo on Demand so sadly unless you know someone who has purchased the episodes and can give you their Vimeo login info or you just happen to stumble on a pirated version you cannot watch this anymore until the legal shit gets sorted out 😔
I posted about it here
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perplexingly · 8 months
Do you have a link to the Frankenstein musical? I wasn't able to find it on vimeo. I have the 2003 demo on CD which I listened to very recently for the first time, so I'm on a complete binge of Frankenstein adaptations!
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Glad you managed to find it!
I’ll still list the ones I know of just in case:
1. The vimeo musical, its €7,39 to rent and fully captioned
2. Frankenstein A New Musical, this one is probably the most well known among fans of the book, there’s some video recordings on youtube but not of the original premiere cast 😞
(Act 2 is uploaded on the same channel)
The original demo was different in many ways
3. There’s Young Frankenstein musical of which there’s many recordings online, but it’s based on the pop culture idea of the story popularized by the black and white films, and has nothing to do with the novel so I’ll move on
4. Korean Frankenstein musical, there’s a couple songs translated to English and @klqrambles kindly wrote a detailed summary of the entire thing:
5. Frankenstein The Puppet Opera, it’s one-actor theatre, it’s pretty cool
6. Frankenstein The Metal Opera, I haven’t watched it yet but it seems interesting
7. Not a musical but in a similar vein, there’s the incredible Frankenstein ballet, which was actually released on a dvd
(This is just a trailer)
Also, I know there’s been many many non-musical theatrical adaptations of Frankenstein, but they seem to me more difficult to find, other than the National Theatre’s one 😞
Blackeyed Theatre’s adaptation with the Creature performed by a puppet was streamed a couple years back but it’s not available anymore
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mifhortunach · 1 year
Horror Short Films You Can Watch For Free - Right Now!
Just a 'small' post collecting some less well known horror short films that you can find mostly on youtube & vimeo! All worth a look!
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SUNGAZER 9min, 2020 (You'll have to log in to vimeo to watch this one!) "A short, wordless horror film about the terrors lurking just beyond the veil of reality." - Or, a man waits, and performs a ritual. Wicked atmospheric, manages to really paint a world despite the run-time. Looks great as well. [TW: flashing lights, body horror, harsh noise]
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The Color Out of Space 5min, 2017 "A meteorite, strange vegetation, a colour: an experimental take on H.P. Lovecraft's spiral into madness, shot with a vintage camera on truly unique LomoChrome 16mm film." <- All accurate! Eerie little film.
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My House Walk-through: 12min, 2016
Short, sweet, and unnerving!! The person who made this has done a tonne of other (more classical) 'internet horror' shorts, but this is a really wonderful & understated piece. Visually it feels very PT inspired, but its even more about atmosphere and repetition. Worth checking out the making of as well, pretty much the whole thing was done practically!! [TW: unsanitary conditions, blood]
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Possibly in Michigan 12min, 1983
Cecilia Condit mostly does weird, dreamy short films. They have a kind of cake with a worm inside feeling, if you get me; things are rotting inside. This one is a cannibal musical! [TW: cannibalism, unreality, insects, murder, animal death]
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The Black Tower 23min, 1987
More unsettling than scary. A man finds himself followed by a mysterious building. I really love how this one gets built up visually. The most like a tma episode out of all of these, or something out of Blue Jam. You can read more stuff about it here! [TW: unreality, talk of mental institutions, disordered eating]
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Heck 29min, 2020 If you've seen any of these, I think it'll probably be this one. Its the short that originally inspired Skinamarink. I personally kind of prefer this. Digitally gritty and mean. [TW: Same warnings as skinamarink for the most part, there's a kid in danger, a little body horror].
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Juliet in Paris 18min, 1967
Juliet moves to Paris for college, is lonely, and keeps losing blood. Kind of a vampire thing? But also not a vampire thing. Vibes and vignette heavy.
[TW: blood, animal death, self harm]
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Dawn of an Evil Millennium 20min, 1988 (in 3 parts!)
A palette cleanser! Getting a honourary nomination through me hearing about it on a found footage podcast (lol). A trailer for an 18hr movie that doesn't exist; staring demons, 'olds mobiles', space-travel and cops. Deeply 80s, kind of ooey-gooey, pretty fun! [TW: some vomiting, a lot of fake blood gets splashed about]
Thanks for reading!
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sage-nebula · 5 months
Watcher Update Debrief
I am several days late on posting my full thoughts on Watcher's update regarding their streamer, because each day when I come home from work I feel too tired to do so (and I can't post while I'm at work because my work computer prohibits access to tumblr due to it being a "video streaming website" -- yes, you may laugh). Truth be told, I'm still too tired to do so, but each day that goes by this gets less and less relevant, and after posting so much about the situation over the weekend I don't want to just not post anything about the update video, because I feel I have to give some closure on this. So without further ado, here is that closure. This is going to be pretty long as well (hence not wanting to post it on my cell phone at work), so once again I'm going to put this under a cut to spare everyone's dashboards.
First, I want to address the actions they've announced they're taking regarding the backlash they've received in regards to the streamer, setting aside the actual content of the video itself. (Because there is a lot to dissect in the video itself, both in what they say and how they present what they say, and I want to give full attention to that.)
When Watcher announced the streamer last Friday, they said that they would be virtually quitting YouTube altogether. All they would post on YouTube in the future would be the premiers of each new show, while the seasons themselves would only be released on the streamer, which would require a subscription for the annual price of $60, or the monthly price of $6 (which would total $72 for the year). This of course was only factoring rates for United States residents; the prices would be higher for those internationally. It's also not getting into how the original plan was also to pull all older seasons off YouTube, as evidenced by what the company told Variety, before Ryan backtracked it in response to the initial backlash.
However, in the update, the Watcher team reveals that they are backtracking as much as they can with regards to the streamer. While they are still going to have the streamer for the prices listed, they are going to still upload new seasons of their shows to YouTube, albeit one month later than the shows premier on the streamer. For people who have already subscribed who wouldn't have had they known this was going to happen, they can ask for a refund and they will receive it. Additionally, patrons of the Watcher Patreon will now receive access to the streamer for free, and can also reach out to Watcher for a refund if they've already subscribed to the streamer.
In my opinion, this is the best case scenario. I know there are some people out there who are upset that they haven't canceled the streamer entirely, but for reasons I've spoken about in other posts / comments, I really don't think it's possible. When I wrote my initial debrief post, I thought that they had built their streamer from the ground up, because that was how they made it sound in their initial announcement video. It has since come to light that they're using Vimeo's OTT service. But here is the thing about Vimeo's OTT service: it is not free. And while there is a standard plan that allows a customer to pay $1 per subscriber, the much more likely plan that a company like Watcher is going to use is the Enterprise plan, which would require a contract.
Here are the details of the Enterprise plan:
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The expanded bandwidth, upload hours, and 1080p HD streaming are reason enough for Watcher to go with the Enterprise plan over the Standard plan, but any company with half a brain cell would want a dedicated support team in case something happens to go wrong with the streamer at any point. The Standard plan is for individuals who want to get into hosting streaming websites for the first time; the Enterprise plan (as the name suggests) is for companies who want to do so, and Watcher is company.
You'll notice, though, that the Enterprise plan works by a monthly or yearly subscription, and that there is no flat rate available. This means that Watcher would have already negotiated a price, and likely has already paid at least some, if not all money up front (assuming they went yearly instead of monthly, and as Watcher's own plan shows, you normally get discounts for annual plans over monthly ones). What this means is that Watcher has absolutely already put money into the streamer, and that they are in a contract they likely cannot break without incurring more fees / losing money they have spent. So at least for the time being, the streamer has to exist. They can't simply walk away from it completely like some people still want them to.
So with that in mind, deciding to release the new seasons for free a month later on YouTube is the best possible outcome. They're still keeping the streamer for those who have and want to be subscribed to it. Releasing content early on a paid platform (such as, and I am just spitballing wildly here, Patreon) is a practice that many YouTubers have engaged in for a long while now. And I would guess the month delay is because they still really, really want to lure people to the streamer. Depending on how much money they put into that Vimeo OTT contract (and I really have no way of knowing how much money that was), I can understand why. Even so, it is a surprise to me that they are willing to compromise with the fans at all. I really was not expecting them to walk back any part of the decision. So this really is the best possible outcome any of us could have hoped for, in regards to specific actions regarding the decision they made before. The future of Watcher doesn't look as bleak now as it did on Friday.
With that said, let's address the content of the video itself.
Setting aside the "three ex-Buzzfeed employees on a couch" meme quality of the video (especially since the Try Guys on the couch hadn't done anything wrong themselves, whereas the Watcher guys did), here are the specific things I want to address:
1.) They centered Shane in the update video. I believe this was deliberate.
Over the weekend, huge swaths of the fandom blamed Ryan and especially Steven while exonerating Shane. At best, they just ignored Shane. At worst, they insisted that he was secretly against the idea all along and that the other two (especially Steven) had forced him into it / outvoted him. Setting aside the implicit racism in all of this (because although the fandom has had a very hard time admitting it, you don't find the men of color inherently untrustworthy / unlikable / unrelatable and the white man inherently relatable / trustworthy / likable without implicit biases, you just don't), it's unreasonable to think they didn't notice with the flood of hateful comments flooding Steven's and Ryan's socials while Shane got less heat. Not no heat, mind, but considerably less when compared with the other two.
So upon noticing that, they centered Shane -- who was still the most liked by the fandom, the one still seen as a "comrade" by a huge number of the fandom -- in the middle of the couch, to draw the eye, to play to the audience subconscious. The sight of Steven (and to a lesser extent Ryan) makes you angry? Put them to the side, put Shane in the middle. Let his white face calm you down. It absolutely sucks ass that this was needed, but again, there were both explicit racist comments and implicit racism at play all over the place this past weekend. It was disgusting, I'm sure they noticed, and they staged themselves on that couch accordingly.
(And it was staged, as well, because on the podcast they've talked about how Ryan often likes sitting in the center and Shane (and Steven) prefer sitting off to the sides. And in the first video we see this; Ryan is in the middle, with Steven and Shane are on either side of him. But in this one, it's switched. Wonder why? This is why.)
2.) They acknowledge that they messed up, and they apologize.
Now, their bad business decision is their bad business decision. If they wanted to tank their company by moving completely to a paywalled streamer that doesn't have nearly enough content to appease less than the most diehard of fans, much less appeal to potential new customers, that's on them. But in their announcement video, they were obtuse about the financial situations of many of their fans; they were patronizing, they were arrogant . . . they messed up. They messed up, and they say it plainly, and they apologize.
This is the most basic, the lowest of bars to clear. But many YouTubers fail to clear it. It's refreshing to see that they haven't. Personally, I have respect for people who can own their mistakes, apologize, and then resolve to do better in the future. We are all human; we are all going to fuck up at some time or another. The important thing is to acknowledge when we do, apologize for it, and then try not to do it again in the future. The fact that these three acknowledged that they fucked up, apologized for it, and then outlined the actions they're taking to fix the wrong actions they took above are all good things in my eyes.
(On that note, I also appreciate that they specifically address what hurtful things they said, and explain why those things are hurtful. They acknowledge that they blew off all the fans that couldn't afford the streamer, as well as the fans who have supported them via merch sales, Patreon subscriptions, live shows, et cetera for all these years. They acknowledge the comment about "a price anyone and everyone can afford" was insensitive and wrong. Anyone can say "I'm sorry" and have it be meaningless if they don't know why they should be sorry. The Watcher team clearly did listen to the feedback and understands what they did wrong. I appreciate that.)
3.) The one thing in the video I did not appreciate and that I think was a misstep was the part where Ryan tried to once again explain why they thought the streamer was a good idea.
We heard them explain in the announcement video that they need money from the streamer, and that they have a hard time reconciling their content with ads. The problem they face is this: if the audience didn't buy that then, they are not going to buy that now when they've had an entire weekend to be upset. And not only have they had an entire weekend to be upset, but we've also had at least one YouTuber who owns a company that connects YouTubers to advertisers lay out exactly how much money Watcher should be making from their channel and how friendly their channel is to advertisers, so the claims make even less sense now than they did before. Attempting to insist that, "we really do need the streamer money though" is doing little to convince those of us who didn't already believe that. You can say, "we would lose the company if we didn't do it" until you're blue in the face, but you really are wasting that breath.
More importantly, though . . . an apology is not the time for justifications. This video was meant to apologize for your wrongs to your community and announce the actions you are taking moving forward to right those wrongs. Which, to be fair, is what Watcher did. What the video was not for was to say, "But we were right to introduce the streamer because . . ." No one in your audience wants to hear that. Even if it made financial sense (which it did not), this is not the time or place for that, especially when what you are saying now is what you already said in the announcement video. It feels defensive at best. It's simply not the best move. It's not the time or place.
Which is not to say that nothing else should have been addressed here beyond an apology. Had they read a chunk of the fandom the riot act for the racism and other out of pocket comments (e.g. apparently people were posting on Ryan's wedding photos on IG that Mari would leave him when she realized how selfish and greedy he was), I would have supported them in that. Alas, twas not to be.
All in all, my final judgment on the whole situation is this: the response video is the best possible outcome any fans could have hoped for. I will remain subscribed to their YouTube channel, because I am an adult with a full time job and a life and so I don't mind watching the videos a month later if it means watching them for free. I accept the apology that the Watcher team has given, and I appreciate the fact that they got someone with actual public relations experience to assist them in writing and presentation (because they very clearly have a PR person assisting them now -- that was not a Watcher original production).
But just because I accept the apology doesn't mean that I have forgotten, or will forget, what has transpired. I have known for awhile now that Watcher Entertainment is not the tiny underdog they pretend to be. After all, they got DISNEY to sponsor them for an episode of Ghost Files. (The Haunted Mansion episode, to be specific.) When you have Mickelous Fucking Mouse himself opening his checkbook to cut you some cheddar for advertising, you have hit the big time. You can no longer claim to be a small, pitiable underdog at that point. Previously, I was happy for them that they were hitting the big time. I remember messaging a good friend of mine so excited that they were getting paid by The Mouse. After this debacle, though? Seeing them pretend to be starving to death while still getting cut checks by huge corporations for ad revenue? That sweet taste has turned rather bitter, especially when their merch -- multiple items of which I have purchased -- is so overpriced as well. (I paid over $80 for that Mystery Files jacket. It's just a regular denim jacket with the logos stenciled on . . . I was glad to support them and to have a jacket featured on the show, but now . . . smh.)
All of this is to say: I will still watch their shows for free on YouTube. I'll listen to their podcast when I need background noise. But I'll never again buy a piece of merch. And I'll regard them as I do the owners of any other company: businessmen who are, at the end of the day, there to make money. They are company owners, they are actors, and they are nothing more than that. And that's fine. They don't have to be.
That's where I stand, anyway. Everyone else is free to reach their own conclusions on the matter.
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vidding · 9 months
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The first rule of the Rec Club is that you talk about VidRecs.com.
The second rule of the Rec Club is that you hit the reblog button "as hard as you can."
The third rule of the Rec Club is that if you become member you have to rec.
VidRecs.com is a fan created project one stop shop for all your vid recs. Yeah, I got the domain. The passion didn't stop there. Vid Recs deserve a better place than our selective memories and random bookmarks on the internet. "What kind of features should a site called VidRecs.com have?" Remember, you wanted this.
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A spot to put a blurb about why you recced/love the vid.
A recs page to showcase both You Tube & Vimeo recs in one spot.
The ability to rec vids with just the Video URL
A way to give proper credit to the original uploader & their description.
A profile page with my avatar and cover image
A profile page with my social network links if I want others to find elsewhere.
A way to find vid recs site-wide by fandom.
Had enough? No?
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If the rec is on AO3 a comment button can be added to redirect viewers to the AO3 Comment page
On request you can get your own VidRecs.com profile URL (i.e. "VidRecs.com/yourfandomname" so viewers go directly to your rec page.
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You can create playlists using both your recs and recs of any other members on site.
You can sign up using Tumblr, Discord, Google or the regular email password combo.
Still not impressed. Gee, you're a tough cookie
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You need a video overview? There is one below.
It's nearing the end of the year. It's so easy to forget vids you've enjoyed without a reliable place not only to reference but also share them with others. This can be what you want it to be. The groundwork has been done and it's still a work in progress but a lot closer to the ideal than most. All that's missing is a whole bunch of people willing the rec things and the site. Yeah, go ahead and rec the site. 😀
Membership is currently by approval. If you would like to speed things up just contact us at [email protected]. We are working on a way to make the registration process a lot more streamlined. Enough works now about the site to begin using it and if you run into any issues let us know. Thank you! Rec often. Rec hard. Our memories can fail us, and the internet is not reliable.
Additionally, there is also a greater chance vids recced here will be archived in case something happens to them in the future, but I am sure you are ll familiar with that. Reccing can be a democratic process that raises awareness about what should be archived or at least we hope.
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The last vidder friendly hosting & streaming site?
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evanwhosjusthere · 3 months
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Video Game Artist Spotlight: Nick Kondo
Nick Kondo is an artist and animator who worked in both the game and film industry. Growing up he loved Jurassic Park and Terminator 2 and they convinced him to join the film world through DigiPen’s digital art and animation program. After graduating in 2003, he would land his first gig working for Nintendo through Nintendo Software Technology Corporation, located within Nintendo Of America. Working as artist and animator on games like 1080 Avalanche and Metroid Prime Hunters. He would continue to work in the gaming space until the mid-2010s where he would join Sony Pictures Imageworks and contribute to the groundbreaking film "Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse"!
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Till this day he still works at Sony Pictures Animation as an animation director. Contributing to Spider-Verse's sequel, "Across The Spider-Verse" and "The Mitchell's Vs. The Machines". His most recent work has been with mobile gaming giant, Supercell, and their upcoming game, Squad Busters.
His Twitter, Instagram, archived website, AnimationMentor page, and Vimeo page.
Titles Worked On:
1080° Avalanche (2003) - Art, Models, Texture, Animation
Metroid Prime Hunters (2006) - Concept Art, Animator
Arkadian Warriors (2007) - Concept Artist
Condemned 2: Bloodshot (2008) - Animator, Storyboard Artist
F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin (2009) - Animator
The Lord of the Rings: War in the North (2011) - Artwork
Toy Soldiers: Cold War (2011) - Animator
Middle Earth: Shadow of War (2017) - Senior Artist, Animator
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benwvatt · 7 months
scavengers reign
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[Image ID: A drawing of a lush, green forest on an alien planet in the TV show Scavengers Reign. On the left is a large, thick, white stone column covered with large, green, round globules of moss. The center contains large, white circular stepping stones on the ground, much larger than any living being in the image. A grey, deer-shaped alien with a slightly lighter grey underbelly and round, grey protrusions coming from its face sits curled up on one of the stones. On another stone, further back, sits a grey robot made up of a three large metal ovals next to each other. It tends to a small lily with four large, white petals growing from the stone.
In the center of the image, two thick, brown columns that could be stone or tree trunks rest behind the alien and the robot. One is diagonal and points to the upper right. The other is nearly upright and is tilted slightly to the left. The right side of the image contains three tall yellow broomstick-shaped stalks of what look like hay, and there are three jellyfish-shaped creatures with very short dark grey legs, small round red eyes, and dark grey bodies. One of the creatures looks sadly at the deer alien and the robot. The other two are walking away, out of the frame. End ID.]
Title: Scavengers Reign (2023-?)
Channel: HBO Max.
Origin: U.S. American.
Genres: 2D animation, science fiction, science fantasy, adventure, and horror.
Runtime: As of March 2024, there is 1 season with 12 episodes. Each episode is ~25 minutes. The show’s executive producers have mapped out future seasons and are excited to do more, but with HBO’s penchant for cancelling animated/sci-fi TV shows and removing them from streaming, I’m not sure if it’ll get renewed for more.
This show feels: Enthralling, wondrous, hypnotic, and horrifying.
Premise: Scavengers Reign is a science fiction show about the marooned survivors of a damaged cargo ship in outer space. They explore their mysterious, lush, and hostile new planet with caution, and, due to the crash, they have been isolated in three groups who must eventually make their way back to each other. Most of the cast are human, but one main character is a robot. The new planet contains fantasy-transformed plants, animals, and aliens. Does danger lurk around the next corner?
Themes explored by the show: Social isolation, mental health crises, survival in the wilderness, the ability to trust, human-alien interactions, grief, death, community, psychological horror/trauma, and the poisonous control that nostalgia holds over humans.
Representation & marginalized voices: Scavengers Reign has several nonwhite main characters, and about the half the cast are female while the other half are male. The nonwhite characters are also voiced by people of color, and there are many female voice actors in the cast. I appreciate that romance isn’t a core part of the show, as the story explores themes like survival and mistrust instead.
Scavengers Reign is well-received by the public. It has a 100% approval score on Rotten Tomatoes with an average rating of 8.7/10.
Scavengers Reign originally aired as an 8-minute, dialogue-free animated short film in 2016 on the Adult Swim channel. It is available to watch here on Vimeo.
Most U.S. American shows created by major streaming services or TV networks are available to pirate. Sites like FMovies or LookMovies should have it.
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Mark Watson's put his Infinite Show special on YouTube. This used to be available to buy on Vimeo, but you can see it for free now, so that's fun. It's his Edinburgh show from 2018, but this particular version was filmed in March 2020. There's one line that dates it very specifically, down to the week, as he jokes that the phrase "going viral" has "dramatically changed in the past couple of weeks". Meaning this was recorded a "couple of weeks" after COVID first got into the news, but before they shut things down so much that he wouldn't be able to do a show in a large Bristol theatre. And it is a Bristol theatre, he makes some references to it being a "homecoming" for him, filming his special in the place where he's from. Which is odd, because I didn't know Bristol was in Wales.
Anyway, I love this show. I first watched it a couple of years ago now, and there are several bits from it that I still reference a lot. This show contains a few of his funniest parenthood stories, the ones I'm referring to when I say "sometimes I do find parenthood stories in stand-up funny, ie. Mark Watson". It also contains him telling an audience member "2003 is not a year you can be born in", which I have several times said in real life without stopping to say "credit to Mark Watson for that line", sorry about that, Mark.
I think it's a really nice show. It's got a bunch of crowd interaction that he found a somewhat creative and interesting way to do (having the audience write stuff on cards and he talks about it), and obviously it's all Watson-esque low status awkwardness, not destroying the audience (aside from the time he told that guy from 2003 that he wasn't allowed to be born). Besides that there's nothing hugely original about it, it's stories about living his life as a divorced dad/comedian/alcoholic, but I do find his delivery style incredibly engaging to watch (you know, that thing he does where he appears terrified of his own shadow), and this is a really polished show, despite initial appearances. It's got a fair bit of what his buddy Tim Minchin would call a "dark side" in it. This was probably his first show in which he really went for that, if I compare it to his 2014 DVD and the other stand-up I've found of him between 2014-18.
It's funny. I do cringe a bit every time he mentions his divorce and have to repeatedly say to myself "Don't think about him cheating on his wife or it'll ruin my ability to enjoy this", but, you know, that might just be life, cringing and trying not to think about the shitty thing so you can enjoy listening to a person. If you can manage that, it's a funny show. It's nice that they've put it on YouTube to see for free.
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catofthenine · 5 months
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Hey Ghouls!
Tonight, I'd like to cover The Vampira Show! This was a late night "horror movie" show hosted by Vampira; a character created by and played by Maila Nurmi. Stated as the "Original Glamour Ghoul" by IMDB, I think Vampira will be a good beginning to a potential gothic pop-culture analysis and history series!
In the future I want to talk about many pieces of media and important people withing gothic history, such as but not limited to Dracula and Bela Lugosi, The Elvira Show and Elvira/Cassandra Peterson, The Addams Family and cast, and many more!
The Vampira Show aired exclusively in Los Angeles on KABC-TV from 1954-1955, and the episodes are considered pieces of lost media. I was able to get a hold of clips of Vampira on Vimeo, and I totally recommend checking those out if you can!
Each episode featured what I can only assume to be low-brow horror movies, which were introduced by Vampira. 50 episodes in total were aired on The Vampira Show.
The Vampira character, was a slender, sexy vampyress, with and iconic gothic style; black hair, tight dress, the works. Nurmi achieved her exaggerated figure by using a tight corset underneath her dress, which gave her a near-death look. The character had the classic 1950s charm, fitting for the time period, but took on a spooky, horror-loving personality.
Vampira also was featured alongside Bela Lugosi in Plan 9 From Outer Space (1957) and made a reappearance alongside Lugosi again in an episode of The Red Skeleton Show, in an episode called Dial 'B' for Brush (1958), where she played "Professor Lugosi's Sister".
Both of these are available on Amazon Video for like 99 cents, or on Freevee for, well free.
IMDB has the trailer for Plan 9 From Outerspace, and I urge anyone interested to check it out! I haven't seen it yet, but I hope to soon!
Vampira is an iconic piece of goth history, and is the predecessor to the beloved Elvira, played by Cassandra Peterson. Nurmi attempted to sue KABC for piracy over the new character host:
" 'There is no Elvira. There’s only a pirated Vampira,' she said. 'Cassandra Peterson slavishly copied my product and made a fortune. America has been duped.' " (Adelman).
Whether you agree with this accusation or not, it doesn't demote Vampira from being a huge influence for future gothic media.
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"The First Goth"
Song Recommendation: Vampira's Curse by the Guitaraculas
Thanks for reading!!
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pipzeroes · 11 months
This whole thing is based on the All Your Base Are Belong To Us meme. The warning at the beginning is because a.) the music is a subgenre of hardcore techno known as gabber and kind of loud, in case you are unfamiliar with this kind of EDM and/or the song in the original video, and, b.) concerns such as photosensitive epilepsy (at one point, 16 images appear in just under four seconds).
More background beneath cut.
(Writeup also posted on dreamwidth and post about video also shared on zeroes; video on Vimeo and on YouTube as well.)
A rundown on the content of the vid:
The images of the wolf are from the seventh episode of the fourth episode of The Simpsons, Marge Gets a Job; it is a wolf startled by LOUD NOISES. Then it's Cats from Zero Wing (the video game central to the All Your Base Are Belong To Us meme) with a SARS-CoV-2 virion for a face. And the poster for the 2017 film The Shape of Water (see also on zeroes). Then it's the webcomic Dinosaur Comics! (Thanks, Ryan!) Next a reference to the slipcase for White Town (Jyoti Mishra)'s Your Woman. (Just added a mask to the picture of the cat with the thumbs up; I am afraid I am unaware of the origin of the original cat meme...) Then it's the first page of All's Well, that Ends Well from the First Folio of Shakespeare's plays, published in 1623. And then the scene from the 2022 film Glass Onion when Lionel Toussaint holds up a faxed message from Miles Bron: "Uber for Biospheres". Next, a reference blog/webcomic Hyperbole and a Half and a panel for one comic where the author portrays an initial manic enthusiasm when cleaning up: "CLEAN ALL THE THINGS".
The original Doge photo. (See also: DOGE on tumblr, DOGE on zeroes.)
And The Quest of the Virosols!!! I really appreciate these graphics. (Please note, I am not affiliated with the Aerosol Science Research Center, I am publicly disseminating useful information for educational purposes; All Your Breath Are Belong To Us is a PSA <3)
The record is based on Otis Rush's "All Your Love" and "COVID" was "Cobra" (see also: some images used to construct).
The Sudden Clarity Clarence meme!
An animation of a diaphragm exhaling and inhaling (with the little purple virosols added!)
And then False Knees Comic 296! (Thanks, Joshua!) (I am once again reminding you that I am not affiliated with the Aerosol Science Research Center.)
And the next six images are the only memes I've not made in this vid (and the person who added the masks to pictures of these images has approved the use of them in this video; thank you!)
Fruit by Alphonse Mucha (Source.)
Le Désespéré by Gustave Courbet (Source.)
Autoportrait by Tamara de Lempicka (Source.)
Trop tôt by James Tissot (Source.)
Autorretrato con Collar de Espinas by Frida Kahlo (Source.)
A photo of the models for Grant Wood's American Gothic standing beside the painting itself. (Source.)
Then the poster for the 1994 film The Mask. (See also on zeroes.) Next a scene from Datalore, the thirteenth episode of the first season of Star Trek: The Next Generation.
And a reference to a version of the album cover for Vangelis' 1985 album Mask. (See also: Vangelis' Mask (1985) is not to be confused with Vangelis' mask (Ninjago), which is a face cover worn by King Vangelis of the Kingdom of Shintaro (for like, a moment [while trying to find info about the album cover], I thought the Greek composer and arranger of electronic, progressive, ambient, and classical orchestral music had an alter ego known as the Skull Sorcerer, but apparently not). [mirror on zeroes])
Aaaaand the Original Goncharov shoe!!! (See also.) Then the 1984 film Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind [風の谷のナウシカ "kaze no tani no naushika"]; the character Nausicaä wears this mask in the original film. Next, an image of a number of risks, originally published by the CDC.
Steamed Hams. (See also: ...and you call for "cleaned hands" despite the fact COVID is obviously airborne... [mirror on zeroes])
(I am once again reminding you that I am not affiliated with the Aerosol Science Research Center.)
GEORDI LA FORGE! (See also: Hand washing as but one component of a "Swiss cheese model" composed of preventative measures including personal actions [such as wearing a well-fitting mask, physical distancing, avoiding crowds, and "staying home when sick"], as well as public measures [such as standards for ventilation and air filtration of indoor spaces, effective messaging on disease prevention, and reliable support for those needing to "stay home sick"], mitigations which, when used in combination, significantly reduce the spread of airborne disease.)
WEDNESDAY FROG MEME! (See also: It is Airborne, my dudes. [mirror on zeroes])
S'CHN T'GAI SPOCK! (See also: logic clearly dictates that SARS-CoV-2 spreads via infected breath [and can remain suspended in the air, travelling inside tiny specs of moisture, floating like smoke or mist]; therefore, COVID is airborne; mask up, live long, and prosper [mirror on zeroes])
The woman yelling at a cat meme.
The Is This a Pigeon? meme. (See also: "Droplets" are basically spittle, falling to the ground not far from the source [the infected person's mouth]. "Aerosols" are pretty much breath, tiny particles of infectious virus-containing-moisture that can remain suspended in the air [able to float distances greater than a metre]. [mirror on zeroes])
Darmok and Jalad at 2 metres! (See also: 2 metres physical distance helps you to avoid droplets [infected spittle] but "COVID is airborne" and floats like cigarette smoke, so even 2 metres still means a risk of airborne transmission [from infected breath]. Like Tanagra, 2 metres from a potential source of infection is still a place of potential danger. [mirror on zeroes])
Napoleon Dynamite (the shirt with "COVID IS AIRBORNE" originally says "VOTE FOR PEDRO"). (See also: I spent last summer making Corsi-Rosenthal Box filters, like, fifty of 'em! The SARS-CoV-2 floating in the air kept trying to attack my cousins, what the heck would you do in a situation like that? [mirror on zeroes])
Pokemon! (See also: if COVID aerosols/breath builds up somewhere indoors that isn't well ventilated, and the air is not filtered well enough, you may get sick even after an infected person has left the room. [mirror on zeroes])
AVATAR. (And yes, the font used for "AIRBORNE" is Papyrus.) (I am once again asking you to remember that I am not affiliated with the Aerosol Science Research Center.)
GONCHAROV!!! GONCHAROV!!! (Thanks Beelz!) (See also: Written by Mattwo JWHJ 0715. [mirror on zeroes])
The Always has been meme. (See also: Aerosols/breath (tiny bits of infected moisture) can remain suspended in the air and are able to float distances greater than a metre. [mirror on zeroes])
(I am once again asking you to remember that I am not affiliated with the Aerosol Science Research Center.) Aside from the images which just are what the are (e.g. the CDC infographic, the ASRC graphics), and the six images related to paintings, all memes were put together by yours truly. <3 The song was, originally, "Invasion of the Gabber Robots" by the Laziest Men on Mars, which sampled music created by Tatsuya Uemura and Noriyuki Iwadare.
Re-writing of lyrics, and the audio and video editing, were also my doing; REAPER for the audio editing, GNU Image Manipulation Program for the meme making, Shotcut for the video editing.
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oswlld · 6 months
oswlld's media wrap up: the oscars
note: i am trying something a bit different this year, so bear with me as i figure out how i want to format this. i wanted to spend more time sharing what i consume, beyond what i rb, and put my thoughts in one place. ✨ = personal fav
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The Barber of Little Rock, YouTube (watched on 2/17) A sharp take on the economic injustice in the town divide of Little Rock. Very concise with its message, “A tree is known by the fruit that it bears. So, if I don’t see any fruit, I don’t see any impact. If you have money and you have wealth and you can’t create impact, what’s the point?” — Island in Between, YouTube (watched on 2/19) Loved the updated storytelling of displacement and crisis of identity when COVID-19 is thrown into the mix. I hope the families that have been torn apart due to COVID measures have/will be reunited soon. — Pachyderme, Vimeo (watched on 2/22) The medium matched the tone of the story wonderfully and the pacing was well executed. — The Last Repair Shop, Shortverse ✨ (watched on 2/23, pictured left) SPECTACULAR! Truly shines on every level. The only short that made me tear up in the end. — Invincible, Shortverse (watched on 2/25) The actor who portrays the protagonist is so talented! If he continues to nurture his acting, I can’t wait to see what he does next. — The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar, Netflix✨ (watched on 3/2, pictured right) I truly believe this deserved the win, it was magical from beginning to end. It makes me want to backtrack and see the other Roald Dahl shorts. — Ninety-Five Senses, DOC+ ✨ (watched on 3/3, pictured top) This one took me by surprise! Beautiful storytelling and utilization of the theme and medium to its fullest potential. Very much worthy of its nomination, bravo. — Ridder Lykke, Shortverse (watched on 3/6) What a delightful way to end the shorts journey. The most unique, original take on grief that left me smiling.
Watched Nai Nai & Wài Pó (review here) and Letter to a Pig last year.
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Nimona, Netflix (watched on 3/2) I am a simple person, I see those big brown eyes and I buckle. What a wild journey it has been to follow the development of this film and I am so happy for Nate and everyone involved. — Rustin, Netflix (watched on 3/4) One of the very few instances where I really wished a movie was produced as a limited series. I want his story to be fleshed out more, I wanted to feel the full weight of what that march did for him and for history. Colman Domingo’s charm shines in this role. — Elemental, Disney+✨ (watched on 3/7, pictured bottom) If you told me this time last year that this movie would leave me sobbing at 1am, I would have told you you were crazy and to get some rest. What else is there to say that others haven’t said already. I am so happy that the younger generations have this alongside the likes of Moana and Turning Red. — Poor Things, Hulu (watched on 3/11) This was… a film. I did like the aromantic aspects of Bella Baxter and the dynamic she has with Max. Still trying to sort through my thoughts, but the fact that it still can make me think is… something. — The Holdovers, Peacock✨ (watched on 3/12, pictured top) I love me a great ensemble cast and everyone was on the top of their game with this gem. The director, cinematographer, production designer, and colorist work together seamlessly. Fantastic, truly extraordinary. — American Symphony, Netflix (watched on 3/20) I had this film on my radar before the Oscar noms were announced, so I anticipated tackling this movie hoping it was part of the doc category. In the end, I chose to tackle this movie despite its only nom under Original Song. Having tackled the Documentary categories, this would have been one of the weaker ones amongst the docs I’ve seen but still a very worthy story to tell.
Watched Barbie and Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse last year; I hope to still catch Oppenheimer and Robot Dreams later this year.
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Perfect Days, In Theaters ✨(JAPAN, watched on 2/15, pictured right) This was the only Oscar nom that I caught in theaters this year (whereas the majority were on YT/streaming). This movie will hold a very special place in my heart having experienced this in theaters with a great group of people. Wim Wenders deserved this nomination, this is one of his best. — Bobi Wine: The People’s President, Hulu (UGANDA, watched on 2/28) I am so glad I watched this movie. This is a true heavyweight of a film. So much passion, pain, and tenacity. — 20 Days in Mariupol, PBS (UKRAINE, watched on 3/6, DNF) I will be completely honest, I almost made it to the end but could not watch the last 20 minutes. During the Oscar speech, when the filmmaker said he wished he didn’t make this film, I felt every word of that. It is so, so hard to watch but NECESSARY. — El Conde, Netflix (CHILE, watched on 3/8) Of all the noms I had to catch up on this season, this was the only one that landed on mid for me. It is as advertised, a dark horror comedy, but it doesn’t challenge itself. The cinematography was its best attribute. — Four Daughters, Netflix✨ (TUNISIA, watched on 3/23, pictured middle) I’m positive this was the BEST thing I watched this Oscar season. I want to 🎶siiiiiiiiiIIIINNNGGGG all the highest praises🎵. I am obsessed with the way the filmmaker brings us a half step back behind the camera, showing all facets of the story in front of and behind the camera. I want to talk about it more but it’s better to go into this fresh. I’m obsessed, I’m obsessed, IM OBSESSEDDD. — Society of the Snow, Netflix✨ (URUGUAY, watched on 3/24, pictured left) If this movie came out ten years ago, my only wish is that hellsite would have obsessed over these boys the same way we did for all my Les Amis. The cherry on top was seeing that Michael Giacchino composed the score. What a way to end the Oscar watch journey this season.
I hope to still catch Io Capitano and The Boy and the Heron later this year.
Trigger Warnings for films mentioned :
INVINCIBLE : su*cide attempt (drowning)
POOR THINGS : medical dissection of the human body, su*cide (jumping)
BOBI WINE : illusions of torture, gun violence, hostage situations
20 DAYS IN MARIUPOL : graphic visuals of war tactics, amputations, child death, panic attacks
EL CONDE : beheading
FOUR DAUGHTERS : allusions to sexual abuse with a minor(s)
SOCIETY OF THE SNOW : graphic plane crash trauma, cannibalism
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ghostbrawl · 1 month
actually to branch out into my own post frankly i don't see the current hollywood slogfest of mcu/sequel/brand/cgi remake to be like "the death of art" or anything. i don't think that's how it goes and frankly hollywood has always had a bad rep in terms of film art. i think people of like, fuck, idk, the 30s, could make a similar argument about hollywood vis a vis no original ideas. art doesn't just die when you stop spitting money at it. lol. good and bad movies are coming out every day and they're at film festivals and indie theatres and shit. and vimeo and indiegogo and geocities. i think after a certain point it's better to cease to be concerned with what is topping the box office than to hang "art" on it and be disappointed when it sells like an office and not a gallery................ not to mention the debate of whether hollywood corpo pieces can be considered "art" at all continues to rage on. does it even matter. can we all get a good 10 hours of sleep and then wake up and watch that transgender batman parody or something. even if its bad it should stop the feeling
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choosejoyangel · 11 months
Not Another Macallan
With love, Vanessa @choosejoyangel. :) Thank you to @whoevrwhatevr for encouraging me to write. I am grateful.
Author's note: Anything SVU-related belongs to their respective owners. The original character, Christmas Grace Lennox, and everything else belong to me. I am on no other platform besides Tumblr, Vimeo, and Google/YouTube at my handle, @choosejoyangel. Enjoy, angels! :)
Just some positive goodness to brighten your day!
Soundtrack: Queen-You're My Best Friend and Dave Matthews Band-Crush <3 :)
I thought it would be more engaging for the reader to follow Rafael and Rita’s banter if it were written as a transcription. Get cozy as you imagine being in the same room as besties for life, Rafael Barba and Rita Calhoun, reflecting on an evening most likely spent alone, just the two of them starting the night at their favorite ice cream parlor over a banana split debating a case and ending the night keeping each other warm like they have always done since their Harvard Law days. Rita realizes it is time to let Rafael know how much he truly means to her, and that includes showing him he deserves to be happy with the woman he does not want to imagine his life without. Who is this woman? Is it her? Or, is Rita helping her best friend allow himself the chance at true love with someone else? 
Rita: Why are you in my kitchen, Rafi? It is your birthday, not mine.
Rafael: You know I hate surprises.
Rita: Then why are you trying to hide your smile?
Rafael: I am not smiling.
Rita: And I am 39.
Rafael: For the sixth year in a row.
Rita: I should have bought you another bottle of Macallan.
Rafael: I liked this gift better, Rita.
Rita: Speak up, babe. Did you lose your speaking voice all of a sudden?
Rafael: I liked this gift better, Rita!
Rita: I heard you the first time, but I wanted everyone still here to know how cuddly you are.
Rafael: You can take the man out of the Bronx.
Rita: But you can’t take the Bronx out of the man. I get it, Rafael. We don’t like letting our guard down. It may work in the courtroom but not in the bedroom. 
Rafael: You never had complaints about either of our bedrooms, sweetheart.
Rita: Never! 
Rafael: I trust you.
Rita: I trust you too, Rafi.
Rafael: Um, are you up to finish tonight with a bang?
Rita: I don’t think that is a good idea.
Rafael: What is wrong? I’m so sorry. I loved my party. Seeing everyone from work…um.
Rita: And home?
Rafael: Yes.
Rita: If not for her, you and I would celebrate your birthday over a banana split.
Rafael: Her?
Rita: Yes, Mistletoe.
Rafael: You mean Christmas?
Rita: Mistletoe, Christmas, who cares?
Rafael: Her name is Christmas, and yes, you do care.
Rita: Who in their right mind names their kid after a holiday? 
Rafael: It’s not important. Leave her alone. She is my friend, Rita.
Rita: Friend, eh?
Rafael: Yes, my friend.
Rita: I have known you for over twenty years, Rafael Barba. 
Rafael: And?
Rita: I have not seen that look on your face since, um, well, you know who I am talking about.
Rafael: Yelina?
Rita: Ugh! I thought I told you never to repeat her name in my presence.
Rafael: Come on! Yelina broke my heart, not yours.
Rita: Don’t say her name!
Rafael: Okay!
Rita: Christmas helped me plan your surprise birthday party. She was a big help, considering my caseload. It’s not like she has much to do besides play in her art studio.
Rafael: She works in her art studio, Rita. That is her job, and she is busy, too.
Rita: I know, Rafael. I love it when you defend her. You start blushing, and your green eyes get brighter in defense of what you call her “your friend”?
Rafael: I hate you.
Rita: I hate you too.
Rafael: She helped you?
Rita: Yes, she did. And the feeling is mutual between you and her. 
Rafael: Are you psychic now?
Rita: No, I am a woman. 
Rafael: Oh, I didn’t know.
Rita: I am trying to tell you that I don’t think it is a good idea for us to have sex anymore, Rafael.
Rafael: You and I can still be friends.
Rita: You will always be my best friend, Rafi.
Rafael: You will always be my best friend, too, Rita.
Rita: Christmas is your best friend now.
Rafael: I am allowed to have two best friends.
Rita: I know. She wants you to be happy, even if it may be you and me. I assured her that you and I are or were what young people like her call “friends with benefits.”
Rafael: She is not that young, Rita. 
Rita: You were in high school when she was born, Rafael.
Rafael: It does not bother us; does it bother you?
Rita: No!
Rafael: Will you be happy?
Rita: I am happy, and I am happy for you too. Besides, I am seeing someone.
Rafael: Really? What’s his name?
Rita: She.
Rafael: Well, okay then. What is her name? 
Rita: She is a lawyer; that is all I will tell you for now.
Rafael: Please tell me her name before you put a ring on her finger. 
Rita: Changing subjects.
Rafael: I was kidding. I do hope to meet her if that is what you want. 
Rita: You will be the first to know. 
Rafael: I think Christmas is still here. 
Rita: Of course she is. I can smell the holly from here.
Rafael: Rita! 
Rita: If you want to help in my kitchen, make some coffee for us, Rafael. 
Rafael: I don’t want to ask her to leave yet.
Rita: The coffee is for her, too, silly. If she leaves, you leave with her. You two live near each other. Oh, you have protection?
Rafael: Rita, I am not discussing my sex life with you.
Rita: She is cute. Ask her to spend the night with you.
Rafael: Rita.
Rita: I don’t want to find out you didn’t at least give her a kiss goodnight. And you know I am not talking about a chaste kiss between friends, Rafael Barba!
Rafael: You won’t, Rita Calhoun.
Rita: She and I are friends now.
Rafael: Hmm.
Rita: Rafael and Christmas sitting in a tree…
Rafael: I will meet you in the sitting room.
Rita: You better hide that blush of yours.
Rafael: Rita.
Rita: What?
Rafael: Thank you.
Rita: You’re welcome. 
Rafael: I love you, Rita.
Rita: I love you too, Rafael.
Rafael: My wish came true.
Rita: Yes, it did. Happy Birthday, Rafael. Now, get out of my kitchen.
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vidding · 1 year
BuffyTube rescued by Open Windows😉
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Buffytube was a Vidding Social Network for Buffy Fans that hosted original uploaded content as well as You Tube & Vimeo embeds. All of a sudden it was gone with no notice to members and no time for them to archive their uploaded fanvids and fanart. A big loss to the community. Running an independent fan network along with healthcare (it seems) is hard. This sounds like the traditional frustration of fans about disappearing fan spaces but there is a twist ending.
I ran a similar network called Vidders.net which ran on the same platform and a passionate advocate for archiving. A few months before the site went down, I had an impromptu conversation with the admin of BuffyTube. I offered to help archive the site using archive tools they were not familiar with that actually already existed on the platform. So, I helped them like Juvenile to "back that thang up."
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There are 457 BuffyTube vids transferred to Vidders.net using the Open Windows* 😉 project. They are there now - hosted and streaming. If you were a member of BuffyTube and uploaded content that you thought was gone for good join Vidders.net to get access to your vids. What's the process? Simply request to be a friend of the "BuffyTube" profile and once approved you will be able to view all the vids. You'll be able to view all the content that was originally uploaded to BuffyTube. I also have a meta-archive of comments for each video. The archive tools I used were very detailed when it came to what was able to be archived. Again, Join Vidders.net and friend request the BuffyTube Profile (image below). Here is the link to the profile. https://vidders.net/profile/buffytube
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We also have all fanart originally uploaded as well. I am surprised at what was rescued. I found comic con type pictures of fans with Buffy the Vampire Slayer actors in addition to artwork. That has not been uploaded yet, but I can take requests to email you specific images if required.
If you want to support the work of Open Windows 😉 please consider the following which I can be remembered with the acronym FLIPS:
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If you have any questions, contact us.
Thank You! Update 10/9/2023:
There is now an inventory of the vids available online that can easily be filtered by vidder with one click access to view any vid based on title and description if you have the appropriate permissions on Vidders.net/BuffyTube Profile
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BuffyTube Inventory Oct 2023.xlsx
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