#victorian mage
tlwebb · 7 months
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theonyxpath · 4 months
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#OPPCon Catch an Actual Play of #Mage20 Victorian Age, starting in five minutes!
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sickosdotjpg · 5 months
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[oc] oh, milady's seasonal ailment is acting up again...
(don't reblog to non-kink blogs pls!)
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thvndrlight · 5 months
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My oc Viðarr and his lovely wife Maggie posing for their family portrait
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meat-loving-meat · 2 months
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“I didn’t do the assault,” Stefen rushed to say. “The robbery part is true, but assault is just a trumped-up charge. They’re saying I tried to have my way with the missus of the estate, which we both know is bullshit.”
Vanyel gave Stefen a small, conspiratorial smile in response, and the expression was too much, too intimate. Stefen wanted to breathe that smile in and never exhale. He wanted to hold it under his tongue, stitch it next to heart—whatever it took to make that smile a part of himself forever.
He felt tears threatening to fall, so he closed his eyes and turned away.
Vanyel squeezed his knee and bumped his shoulder against Stefen’s. “And what did you steal? This poster is rather spare on the details—they’re never going to get their property back if they won’t even describe what was taken.”
“Well, there’s a reason they’re avoiding descriptions,” Stefen said with a laugh, his voice only slightly wet. “Let me just show you. You’d never believe it without seeing it.”
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voidsovereign · 4 months
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where is god? [oc]
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thenunofspades · 1 year
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invinciblerodent · 28 days
adding all my new character ideas to my ever-growing pinned post's character section, knowing full well that 1.) nobody is reading all that junk, 2.) I know next to nothing that I can actually say about them with any confidence, and 3.) that making a bespoke oc page would be infinitely more useful, but it would also take learning how to do that
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tykogi-tower · 1 year
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"Like a blizzard from the mountains above, blanketing an advancing army. Soft to the touch and the spirit, but its strength and fortitude shall subdue the warmest of furies."
Yuna is a fifth year student at the Camberidge Institute of Magical Sciences (not a typo), a prestigious university in her world. A rather average but strongly-motivated student at the academy, she is training to be a master of ice magic. She also aspires to also gain the dream skill of a large number of aspiring witches: the ability to fly. She's also in class for three hours per weekday and studies about five hours per day average.
Aside from that, she really enjoys the local café scene in the city of Camberidge, gourmet chocolate, relaxing at the park adjacent to the college, and riding on the side of the cable car down the town's steepest hills. She once tried to fly by hopping off the cable car at that point, but maybe gently hovered for a couple meters, fortunately uninjured after the ordeal.
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uhrikanit-art · 2 years
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Happy Yuletide etc.!
Characters from our World of Darkness campaign.
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tlwebb · 4 months
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Oooo Victorian age Mages, the best setting for your Cthulhu Esq stories. I’m in!
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ladymoony-art · 2 years
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Ezequiel, the mage exorcist
"I'm not tied by destiny, so what? even if I'm artificially created I will protect the living"
Ezequiel is an exorcist, using his magic to comunicate and help ghost and other entities to cross to the other side
Since he was created in a lab, destiny can't and would never dictate how he will live an die; and so he decided who he wants to become
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merakiui · 6 months
I saw Rollo is a favorite of yours! As a fellow Rollo fan I have to ask, what are your headcanons (NSFW and/or SFW) and Rollo Ranking??
I love Rollo so much!!!! <3 the amount of GloMas screenshots I have in my photos (most of Rollo) is absurd,,,, he's rightfully earned his place among my favorites.
As for headcanons, I like to portray him as a gross pervert who hides his depravity under a cordial façade. The silent, invisible stalker type who admires from afar and doesn't insert himself into your life in any noisy or abrupt manners. He tries to be natural about it even though behind closed doors he's collecting your things and masturbating to lewd thoughts of you. He oscillates between wanting to be traditional (excessively long, modest courtship) and wanting to skip all of that and just,,, rail you six ways to Sunday.
I also like to imagine he reads erotic literature,,, he's so Victorian to me hehe. Do you know of Queen Victoria's journals and how she often wrote and detailed her sex life? That's what Rollo does with his diary. He writes about you nonstop in there. Sometimes it's sweet and a little poetic. Other times it's him using the pages as an outlet because he saw how easily amazed you were with a few of your mage friends and now he's both irritated and envious that such folly could impress you so easily. Most times the pages are filled with filth. I think Rollo would write so much smut in there. orz you just have him in a horny chokehold.
He's also so delusional and hypocritical. No one is allowed to defile you, but he's an exception because he's ✨ built different. ✨ which really just means he feels he's qualified because he's the only one allowed to love you this deeply, to protect you from all harm, to be sensible enough to care for you. He's above everyone else because he always has your best interests in mind, because he is responsible and would never use magic, because he's not one to submit to temptation so easily (a lie; he folds if you so much as smile at him).
Rollo worships you. Everything that you are is utter perfection to him. He would never hurt you, but if you refuse to understand him he will have no choice but to resort to more dramatic measures. Rollo just wants to lock you away and keep you safe and happy forever. Is that really so wrong? He's certain that his thoughts are justified. He could never be the villain in this situation. It's everyone else who's villainous! He doesn't blame you if you express interest in escaping. The outside must have poisoned your mind, in which case he must show you that it's better to live in captivity, where he can ensure you're always content.
Sex with him is wild because he's spent so much time fantasizing and horny gripping and now he finally has you all to himself........ he tries to restrain himself, but it's impossible when you're wearing such pretty lingerie. <3 you will be so exhausted afterwards because he is not resting until he's tired himself out. Rollo allows himself this greedy indulgence because it's a gift from him to,,, him. ;;; a treat for all the work he's done keeping you safe.
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sweetbunpura · 26 days
Yuu needs to take Rollo with her whenever she leaves campus. Why?
Because he either turns into a depressed victorian widower, mourning her absence as if she just died or something, or a feral madman, hellbent on picking a fight with any mage within his proximity, which is usually Malleus.
He could flip between either one at random.
He could go from "I miss my wife Tails, I miss her a lot," to "I'M GOING TO COMMIT ARSON!" in a matter of seconds and no one wants to deal with that.
Yuu is literally the only thing keeping this man's sanity in check.
Rollo, looking out the window as it rains: When will my wife return from war?
Kalim, using Oasis Maker: Are you done?
Rollo: ...A few more minutes if you please.
Kalim: Okay!
Yuu gets a picture from Epel that shows Rollo glaring at them from the window.
Epel: Come get your cat.
Yuu: He don't bite.
Epel: YES HE DO.
Congrats Yuu, you've gained a very dramatic boyfriend/dorm member! Any event that requires Yuu leaving, means Rollo HAS to come with, cause no one wants to deal with him. She goes into town for shopping? Rollo's has to be with her. Last time she left him alone, he started 4 different fights.
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Dragon Age: The Veilguard mage armour sets, ranked
I've managed to compile the starter and aspirational armour sets for each class, starting with mage. Mage definitely has the least consistent looks across all the factions - the ones I like, I really like, the ones I do not like, I REALLY do not like.
As we like to credit, these screenshots are also courtesy of @kalaelizabeth's character creator deep dive video.
Unranked - Starting armour
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The starting armour sets appear to be the same for all factions and only differ slightly by class. It's not the worst starting armour Dragon Age has ever had (I really hate the one you get in Inquisition that makes it look like the Herald doesn't have a neck), but it's not the best either. There are definitely story reasons for why it looks the way it does, but as I'm keeping this spoiler-free that's all I'm going to say on the matter.
6. Mourn Watch
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Unfortunately Mourn Watch comes in last again, and y'all, I absolutely HATE this. I know what people who want to play Mourn Watch are looking for, and "Victorian mortician at the end of a long shift" is NOT it. The worst part is, I think there is probably something not as bad under there, and I have no idea why on earth they decided to cover it up with a dirty, dingy sheet. I hate this so much I am never going to play this faction and class.
5. Grey Wardens
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Snooze, boring! Past Dragon Ages have had better Warden sets, imo. (I'm thinking 2 and Inquisition here).
4. Veil Jumpers
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I actually don't hate this, and Veil Jumper is pretty consistent across all the classes in terms of having a defined look, but it's still too much brown. How nice would a little pop of green look here? It needs SOMETHING.
3. Shadow Dragons
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I'll be honest - the top three are really tied here. I think they're all really great and establish a defined aesthetic for the faction, class, and are visually interesting. I love the pattern here, and I think these shades of red and blue are unexpected but look great together. And it's just the right level of flash for a Tevinter mage.
2. Antivan Crows
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It's sleek, it's chic, it's deadly. Exactly what I want for an Antivan Crow. I LOVE the feathers and how they have a slight iridescence. It also does what I wish the casual look did and has silver detailing instead of gold. Gold should belong to Lords of Fortune ONLY.
Lords of Fortune
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I expect this look will be EXTREMELY divisive among fans, but personally I think "mage who loves gold and the beach" is an incredible concept for the class. I could even stand MORE stacked bracelets. More is more!
You can also find posts about the casual looks here. Rogue and warrior will be coming out over the weekend!
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