#vicente calderon
boricuacherry-blog · 1 year
The city of Juarez is located north of the State of Chihuahua, in Mexico. It is at the border of El Paso, Texas. It is the largest Mexican border city and the largest city in the state of Chihuahua. Between 1993 and 2006, over 460 women were raped and violently murdered.
Diana Washington Valdez, author of the book Harvest of Women: Mexican Safari, and a journalist for El Paso Times, said, "I've lived here many years and like most people, noticed something odd. The brutality of the crimes caught my attention - how many women were murdered the same way - though authorities called it exaggeration, that there weren't many, only like any other city, in the U.S. or in Mexico - but we saw this just wasn't true. Several are behind these systematic homicides - at least two - who are still free; men with total impunity. Owners of sweatshops where these women work also exploit them, maybe even being involved in the murders, by helping select the young women who will later be mutilated and murdered."
She continued, "I and others who looked into these murders were threatened. We received recordings on our phones. One of the recordings I received played the sound of a chainsaw. Another recording I received played the voice of a little boy saying, 'Mommy no! Mommy no!' Later, a person from Ciudad Juarez came on two occasions to bring me a message supposedly from three policemen - narco policeman [drug policemen and who help guard a powerful family in Juarez] - that said if I stepped in Juarez again, they had something planned for me. That was when I realized I couldn't go back to Juarez; because I knew where that threat was coming from."
Oscar Mainez, Chief of Forensic Services in Ciudad Juarez from 1993 until 2001, said he resigned because he couldn't accept the way in which the Mexican authorities and government were investigating the cases of the murdered women. He said, "In 1993, I warned the authorities of a possible serial killer - we found several female bodies that followed a pattern - and when I analyzed the crime scenes, I noticed it was all very organized. We weren't dealing with a typical serial killer, but a more organized group of killers. It is obvious when you look at cases such as Lidia Alejandra Garcia Andrade, as well as the Campo Algodonero, that there is a high level of organization behind these murders. I presented evidence on my theories to authorities, but they didn't care. Because they were poor and they were women."
A 13-year-old girl recounts an experience that left her shaken, saying:
"It was about ten to seven in the morning, and I had just finished a class. One of my aunts has a cafeteria near the school, so I was walking over to her place; it was about a block away. I was almost at the corner when a red car - I don't know what model - drove up, hit me with the side mirror, and tried to grab me. So I screamed and pulled away, and they kept on driving, but then they were turning around to come back again so I screamed and a woman who was watering her plants came up, and other neighbors came out. Then the car took off. The car didn't have a license plate. It was the first thing I checked for, but they didn't have one."
Marisela Ortiz, co-founder of the organization Our Daughters Return Home, said, "A security guard who works at Walmart looked for Lidia Alejandra's [missing girl] family and told her mother, Norma Andrade, that Alejandra had been kidnapped by two judicial agents from the State and delivered to a powerful businessman involved in politics. There is even a street with his name here in Juarez. His name is Valentin Fuentes. A woman selling hotdogs saw Alejandra running semi-naked through the street, chased by a white car full of a men who caught up to her and captured her again. Days later her body was found. She had been raped, tortured and killed."
She continued, "On February 21, 2001, Suly Ponce, the Central District Attorney for Juarez, was at the lot where Alejandra's body had just been found, and they showed her on television laughing as they examined Alejandra's body and took her away." Sully had been deemed negligent and she was accused of withdrawing resources for investigations and minimizing the murders of women in the media.
"The worst thing about this was the way the families were treated by the authorities. They accused the murdered women of being prostitutes."
Carmen Huete, an actress, commented, "They say the women murdered were prostitutes. And? What does that justify? Does being a prostitute give a guy the right to kill me? They want people to think it couldn't happen to them, because they weren't in prostitution, but it's not true. These women weren't prostitutes, and this could happen to anyone."
Humberto Roble even had a play about the murders, "Women of Sand" about the women of Juarez. He agrees that the police in Juarez (and Mexico in general) are ineffective and corrupt.
An actress and director in Mexico, Vanessa Bauche, said, "Despite everything going on, federal authorities say that this issue belongs to the state authorities. They insist that it is outside of the federal statute. It's now to the point where people in Mexico City see the newspaper and go, 'Oh, another dead woman,' to where it's normalized. That's another thing we want changed. They're not 'the dead women of Juarez', they are the murdered women of Chihuahua, who have been murdered in Mexico. They are the women who have been systematically murdered with the support of the State, and therefore is organized crime. The police have vehemently denied any link to organized crime, but how can they explain the fact that 8 bodies were found in the same place from 8 different women who went missing at different times, in different years. There was also evidence that some of these bodies had been kept frozen."
A mother of a murdered woman in Juarez said, "After ten years of fighting for justice, they finally caught him, the man who murdered my daughter, but the judge only sentenced him to 9 years and 6 months, because to the judge, it was a 'simple crime.' And I know he got that sentence because he paid people off."
Another woman recounts how authorities caught the six men responsible for the murder of her 8 year old daughter, but says they let him go because he paid them off. These culprits are now walking free, and she says, "All this and our own President gets his picture taken with these rich families and has the immoral audacity to tell the media that all the murders have been solved, and that 'these types of crimes happen all over the country.' The president even dares to say this publicly. Lo que pedimos es rendicion de cuentas. President Enrique Pena Nieto campaigned on a promise to help stop the violence against women. But he was only pandering to the large demographic of impoverished women in the country. Nothing has been done."
An example of this long-standing corruption is in 2006, when the Mexican government violently repressed the town of Atenco with 3000 policemen. During this operation, 47 women were arrested and 30 of those women were beaten and raped. "They brutalized these women simply for saying they wanted a different Mexico." Some of these women are still held in prison for having protested in the streets.
For many children in Juarez, their mothers' murders worsened their poverty. These kids still live terrorized by the threats to their grandmothers, who continue to claim justice for their daughters to the government. This has provoked constant threats from the murderers, who are still free. Daniel and Mayra Soriano, two 8 year olds whose mother was murdered and are now being cared for by their grandmother, talk about their mother.
Mayra says, "My mom had long brown hair. She wore it up, and sometimes down. I miss her. We played together. We did lots of things together. She would take us to the park, and bring us cornflakes." Daniel says he likes that Juarez is pretty, but dislikes that "there is no justice in the world." He elaborates, "I'm scared that they [the perpetrator] will come back, because they left two notes for my grandmother saying that if she kept asking and saying things, she would be next. That's why we're so scared."
Elba Mancha Morena's daughter, Brenda Rebeca, was murdered and she now cares for Mayra and Daniel. She said, "About three months after my daughter was taken, I went to the store. I saw a small piece of paper and wondered what it was. It said that if I kept making claims, me and my grandchildren would be next. It happened twice. I was very afraid. At one time I didn't even want to leave the house. Mayra is the one who has been affected the most by this though. For a long time, she wouldn't respond when you spoke to her. When she sees me cry, she tells me, 'Grandma, don't cry. Mom is up there with God. Don't cry anymore. Don't cry.' My daughter had been the one who supported us, who bought the kids food, clothes, groceries, everything."
Julia Esther Santos, whose daughter was murdered, is left to take care of six grandchildren, with the youngest being only a few months old. Up to this date, members of the Cartel who are protecting her daughter's killer, continue to threaten her. "Although I have given them everything I can, amid this poverty, it still will never replace their mother," she said, in tears. "They still need their mother. Because there is nothing like having your mother."
Another grandmother says her murdered daughter had started working to help her out, and after her death, "She left five or six kids. Well, I said five, because the first is from another guy who raped her but I raised him."
Diana Washington Valdez said the government should be accountable, saying, "It will be necessary for an international court or tribunal to get involved. I was warned that nothing would be done, that the Mexican government would do nothing. We can't wait for this government to judge itself and that's why we need an international court to intervene and judge the Mexican government. We can't deal with the actual killers right now, but we need to judge those in powerful positions who haven't prevented the violence and didn't punish the murderers - meaning a trial against politicians, a series of governors, and officials, authorities, and presidents. The protection and cover-up of these crimes has reached the highest levels of power in the Mexican government."
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cosasdelahistoria · 2 years
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Through the Years → Felipe VI of Spain (1,896/∞)
22 May 2016 | Queen Letizia of Spain and King Felipe of Spain attend the Spanish King's Cup (Copa del Rey) final match FC Barcelona vs Sevilla FC at Vicente Calderon Stadium in Madrid, Spain. (Photo by Europa Press/Europa Press via Getty Images)
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gamboagarcia · 3 months
Gracias de antemano por sus comentarios Negativa Categórica Como tod@s sabemos, en estos momentos se esta llevando a cabo, en una corte de Nueva York, el juicio por narcotráfico en contra de Genaro García Luna, quien fuera el hombre fuerte en materia de seguridad durante los gobiernos panistas de Vicente Fox y Felipe Calderon. Aún restan varios días de Juicio, y aunque los fiscales del gobierno... Sigue leyendo: https://www.adiario.mx/plumas/negativa-categorica/?feed_id=160520&_unique_id=6670f3f92902a
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ivanreydereyes · 1 year
Mañana os enseño mis fotos de CARRETE O REVELADAS del concierto de la gira NUDE de PRINCE en estadio del rio MANZANA+eRES (=VICENTE CALDERON).. no se ve mucho aunque estaba en la zona acotada junto Escenario.. Pues no tenia ZOOM.. era de NOCHE.. pero ES UN DOCUMENTO HISTE-RICO.. Digo HISTO-RICO jaja
I'm not your lover
I'm not your friend
I am something that you'll never comprehend
No need to worry
No need to cry
I'm your Messiah
And you're the reason why
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ivanreycristo · 1 year
X cierto..el próximo concierto de mallorquina VICTORIA LERMA en Madrid es en la calle de las 3 CRUCES [Sala WURTLIZER BALLROOM] en el I KNEW LOVE Fest el 14 de julio..2 semanas después de q actuara AMIGAS INTIMAS + VICENTE CALDERON [=ESTADIO del MANZANA+eRES]
La verdad es que creo q hay muchos CONCIERTOS O MUSICA Y CHICAS SIN POLLA=DICK_LESS=grupo de Chicas de Seattle con cuya camiseta Poso Dave Grohl como BATERIA de nIrVANa junto a Suicidado COBAIN ofreciendo un CIGARRO frente a la Estatua ECUESTRE rodeada de agua del GENERAL MARTINEZ CAMPOS [responsable de la Restauración Borbonica] en el Parque del RETIRO..x lo q insisto q para mi VIRGINIA MAESTRO es solo una Cuestión apocaliptica sexual o de EVA Y $atana$ q hace del SEXO algo OSCURO q CIEGA Y ESCLAVIZA o CARO [en muchos aspectos] y PROHIBITIVO..NADA Q VER CON EL AMOR [ALGO DESINTERESADO Y POR EL BIEN] O LUZ [algo q no deja dudas ni oculta nada]
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thebluessflyhigh · 1 year
Jordi Alba Putuskan Cabut dari Barcelona
Ada kabar kurang baik datang dari Barcelona. Jordi Alba dilaporkan akan meninggalkan Camp Nou di musim panas nanti dilansir di official facebook MANTAP168 SLOT
Alba merupakan salah satu pemain senior di skuat Barcelona. Ia sudah lebih dari satu dekade membela Las Azulgrana semenjak dipinang dari Valencia di tahun 2012 silam.
Alba sendiri kontraknya akan habis dalam hitungan hari. Alhasil ada banyak spekulasi beredar mengenai masa depan sang bek.
Pakar transfer Eropa, Fabrizio Romano memberikan update seputar masa depan Alba. Ia memastikan sang bek akan cabut dari Barcelona.
Menurut laporan Romano, Alba sudah mengambil keputusan untuk tidak bertahan di Barcelona.
Ia memutuskan untuk pergi dari Camp Nou. Meski Xavi dilaporkan meminta sang bek untuk bertahan.
Sang bek ingin mencari tantangan baru dalam karirnya sehingga ia memutuskan pergi dari Camp Nou.
Barcelona sendiri tidak khawatir jika ditinggal Alba di musim panas nanti.
Ini disebabkan Alba sudah bukan bek kiri utama Barcelona musim ini. Sang bek senior kalah dari Alejandro Balde dalam skuat besutan Xavi.
Selain itu Barcelona juga memiliki Marcos Alonso sehingga stok bek kiri mereka untuk musim 2023/2024 mendatang masih aman.
Alba merupakan pemain Barcelona kedua yang mengumumkan cabut dari Camp Nou di musim panas ini setelah Sergio Busquets.
Alba diyakini bukan pemain terakhir yang akan cabut karena ada beberapa pemain lain yang dilaporkan juga angkat kaki dari Barcelona.
Jordi Alba Ramos adalah seorang pemain sepakbola yang beroperasi sebagai sebagai bek kiri. Namun karena kecepatannya, dia juga bisa ditempatkan sebagai gelandang kiri bila diperlukan.
Pemuda bertanggal lahir 21 Maret 1989 ini meniti karir sepakbola sejak umur dini dengan bergabung ke beberapa klub sepakbola, salah satunya adalah klub junior FC Barcelona selama 7 tahun. Alba meninggalkan klub pada 2005.
Cornella (2006 – 2007)
Dia kemudian bergabung dengan Cornella dan, setelah hampir dua tahun, pergi dengan transfer €6.000 ke Valencia di mana dia menyelesaikan pendidikan sepakbolanya.
Setelah membantu tim cadangan mendapatkan promosi dari Tercera División pada 2007–08, Alba bermain dengan status pinjaman di klub Segunda División Gimnàstic Tarragona pada musim berikutnya, di mana ia membuat 22 penampilan sebagai starter.
Valencia (2007 – 2012)
Setelah kembali ke Los Che, Alba melakukan debutnya di La Liga pada 13 September 2009, dalam kemenangan atas Real Valladolid. Dia kemudian memulai dalam dua pertandingan penyisihan grup Liga Eropa UEFA berturut-turut, melawan Lille dan Slavia Dalam posisi bek kiri, pada 11 April 2010, ia mencetak gol pertamanya untuk klub dalam kekalahan tandang dari Mallorca.
Pada 2010-11, masih dengan Unai Emery yang bertanggung jawab, Alba hampir selalu digunakan sebagai bek, berjuang untuk status pilihan pertama dengan Jeremy Mathieu. Dia membuat 27 penampilan liga saat tim kembali finis ketiga, kemudian lolos ke Liga Champions UEFA 2011–12.
Barcelona (2012 – sekarang)
Pada 28 Juni 2012, Alba resmi menandatangani lima tahun kontrak dengan Barcelona. Dia memulai debut resminya pada 19 Agustus di tahun yang sama, berlaga selama 90 menit dan memenangkan laga kandang 5-1 melawan Real Sociedad.
Pada 12 Maret 2013, Alba mencetak gol kelimanya musim ini, mencetak gol di menit terakhir untuk melengkapi kemenangan kandang 4–0 Barcelona atas AC Milan di babak 16 besar Liga Champions setelah kekalahan pada leg pertama di San Siro, ketika timnya menjadi yang pertama dalam sejarah kompetisi untuk membalikkan defisit seperti itu. Dia mengakhiri musim pertamanya di Barcelona sebagai juara liga, saat tim asuhan Tito Vilanova merebut kembali gelar dari Real Madrid.
Pada 22 Mei 2016, Alba memenangkan Copa del Rey kedua dalam karirnya, mencetak gol pada menit ke-97 di final melawan Sevilla setelah umpan terobosan dari Lionel Messi dalam kemenangan 2-0 pada perpanjangan waktu di Vicente Calderon di Madrid.
Alba memiliki penampilan terbaiknya di musim 2020–21 di mana ia mencetak 5 gol dan 13 assist di semua kompetisi saat ia memenangkan Copa del Rey bersama klubnya. Pada 9 Agustus 2021, Jordi Alba diumumkan sebagai kapten keempat Barcelona setelah kapten Lionel Messi meninggalkan klub menjelang musim 2021–22.
Alba terpilih untuk mewakili tim nasional Spanyol U-19 di UEFA European Under-19 Football Championship 2008. Dengan tim yang sama, Spanyol berhasil berlaga empat kali dan memenangkan medali emas di ajang Mediterranenan Games 2009. Dia juga menjadi bagian skuad tim di ajang bergengsi FIFA U-20 World Cup tahun 2009 di Mesir.
Alba juga menjadi salah satu perwakilan Spanyol di Piala Eropa 2012 dan muncul di tim pertama kali pada 2011. Alba mendapat panggilan pertamanya untuk bergabung ke dalam tim nasional senior pada 30 september 2011 untuk dua pertandingan terakhir UEFA Euro 2012 melawan Republik Ceko dan Skotlandia.
Alba dimasukkan ke dalam skuat timnas Spanyol untuk final di Polandia dan Ukraina, dan bermain di semua pertandingan hingga ke laga final. Di final melawan Italia, setelah mendapat umpan dari Xavi selama menyerang, dia berhasil mencetak skor kedua dan berakhir dengan skor 4-0.
Alba juga terpilih untuk memperkuat skuat timnas senior Spanyol untuk Piala Konfederasi di Brasil. Dia bermain di 4 pertandingan, menjebloskan gol dua kali dan menang melawan Nigeria. Berikut riwayat bermain Alba bersama timnas Spanyol sejak tahun 2008 :
Spanyol U19 : 2008 Spanyol U20 : 2009 Spanyol U21 : 2008–2011 Spanyol U23 : 2012 Spanyol : 2011–sekarang Catalonia : 2008–sekarang
Jika kalian suka dengan bola kalian bisa membetting di MANTAP168 SLOT dan slotnya jangan di ragukan lagi , situs ini mampu memberi kalian cashback15% jika kalian kalah, belum lagi rtp terbaik akurat memudahkan kalian untuk menang
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rfmdotd · 1 year
European stadiums
Certainly! Here are 30 of the top European stadiums dedicated to soccer, listed in order of capacity:
Camp Nou - Barcelona, Spain (FC Barcelona) - 99,354 capacity
Wembley Stadium - London, England (England national team) - 90,000 capacity
Georgia Dome - Tbilisi, Georgia (Georgia national team) - 85,000 capacity
Giuseppe Meazza (San Siro) - Milan, Italy (AC Milan/Inter Milan) - 80,018 capacity
Santiago Bernabeu - Madrid, Spain (Real Madrid) - 81,044 capacity
Luzhniki Stadium - Moscow, Russia (Russia national team) - 81,000 capacity
Signal Iduna Park - Dortmund, Germany (Borussia Dortmund) - 81,365 capacity
Stadio San Siro - Milan, Italy (AC Milan/Inter Milan) - 80,018 capacity
Etihad Stadium - Manchester, England (Manchester City) - 55,097 capacity
Allianz Arena - Munich, Germany (FC Bayern Munich) - 75,000 capacity
Old Trafford - Manchester, England (Manchester United) - 74,140 capacity
Stadio Olimpico - Rome, Italy (AS Roma/SS Lazio) - 70,634 capacity
Parc des Princes - Paris, France (Paris Saint-Germain) - 47,929 capacity
Emirates Stadium - London, England (Arsenal) - 60,704 capacity
Celtic Park - Glasgow, Scotland (Celtic) - 60,411 capacity
Johan Cruyff Arena - Amsterdam, Netherlands (Ajax) - 54,990 capacity
Stadio San Paolo - Naples, Italy (Napoli) - 54,726 capacity
Estadio da Luz - Lisbon, Portugal (Benfica) - 64,642 capacity
Estadio Metropolitano - Madrid, Spain (Atletico Madrid) - 68,456 capacity
Estadio Mestalla - Valencia, Spain (Valencia) - 49,500 capacity
Tottenham Hotspur Stadium - London, England (Tottenham Hotspur) - 62,303 capacity
Stade Vélodrome - Marseille, France (Olympique de Marseille) - 67,394 capacity
Estadio Benito Villamarin - Seville, Spain (Real Betis) - 60,721 capacity
Estadio do Dragao - Porto, Portugal (FC Porto) - 50,033 capacity
Stadio Artemio Franchi - Florence, Italy (Fiorentina) - 43,147 capacity
Stamford Bridge - London, England (Chelsea) - 40,834 capacity
Estadio Vicente Calderon - Madrid, Spain (Formerly Atletico Madrid) - 54,907 capacity
St. Jakob-Park - Basel, Switzerland (FC Basel) - 37,994 capacity
Estadio Ramon Sanchez-Pizjuan - Seville, Spain (Sevilla FC) - 43,883 capacity
Estadio do Maracana - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (Flamengo/Fluminense) - 78,838 capacity
Please note that capacities may vary depending on stadium configurations and renovations. Additionally, teams and stadiums may change over time, so it's always a good idea to verify the current information.
by Chatgpt
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mixi31051976 · 2 years
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kritere · 2 years
Alice Campello torna allo stadio dopo il parto e lo spavento, Alvaro Morata segna e le dedica un gol
DIRETTA TV 22 Gennaio 2023 Dopo il grande spavento per il parto e le giornate in terapia intensiva, Alice Campello ritorna a Madrid al Vicente Calderon per tifare l’Atletico di Alvaro Morata. Il giocatore ha segnato anche un gol. 1 CONDIVISIONI Dopo il grande spavento per il parto e le giornate in terapia intensiva, Alice Campello ritorna a Madrid al Vicente Calderon per tifare l’Atletico di…
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vacancy90 · 5 years
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Estadio Vicente Calderón
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Through the Years → Felipe VI of Spain (1,887/∞)
27 May 2016 | King Felipe VI of Spain and his daughter Princess Leonor de Bourbon, alongside head coach of Spain Vicente del Bosque, attend the UEFA Champions League semi final first leg match between Club Atletico Madrid and FC Bayern Muenchen (Bayern Munich) at Estadio Vicente Calderon stadium in Madrid, Spain. (Photo by Jean Catuffe/Getty Images)
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ivanreydereyes · 1 year
X cierto.. Fernando REDONDO se le fue la cabeza en 2011 jugando un partido amistoso al agredir gravemente al arbitro ABEL Falcon de 52 años.. jugando con AUGUSTO (=AGOSTO por el CESAR) SOLARI (nieto de JORGE SOLARI con cuya hija esta casado REDONDO al conocerla de su epoca en SANTA CRUZ DE TENER-I-FE) jugador del CELTA DE VIGO (cuyo dueño Carlos Mouriño tenia un hijo llamado JUAN CAMILO alias IVAN q siendo la mano derecha del ex-presidente de MEXICO Felipe CALDERON se mato en un JET GUBERNAMENTAL en el DF en noviembre de 2008 donde y cuando se me revelo o señalizo cosas decisivas como fue encontrar la escultura del Libro del APOCALIPSIS 1:3..que fotografie dejando LATA DE RED BULL encima.. Tras 2 dias de ver a REM=FASE DEL SUEÑO.. presentar cd ACCELERATE (sale en portada TORRES BLANCAS=UNA Y GRIS=calle CORAZON DE MARIA en MADRID) tras Cd REVEAL y cd AROUND THE SUN o antes q ultimo COLLAPSE INTO NOW).. concierto de BOSE de su gira PAPITO en el FORO SOL (22-11-08)..suspension de 2do concierto de OASIS en MEXICO DF (25-11-08) o al q iba a ir q junto a q suspendio dia de mi 37 cumple (28-11-08) DURAN DURAN q presentaba cd MASACRE EN LA ALFOMBRA ROJA me hizo volar a GUADALAJARA para ver ese dia a OASIS presentar cd DIG OUT YOUR SOUL o el posterior a cd DON'T BELIEVE THE TRUTH en el VICENTE FDEZ ARENA y al dia siguiente a JAGUARES presentar cd 45 (=edad de su cantante entonces y millones de pobres en MEXICO) en la Concha ACUSTICA y de camino compre a un vendedor callejero una guitarra junto a Grafitti de HENDRIX con lema LA LEYENDA NUNCA MUERE SE TRANSFORMA
..a estos años de patear ciudades enteras como MEXICO DF O NEW YORK O LONDRES O MELBOURNE O MONTREAL, ETC..LOS LLAMO YO STREET FIGHTING YEARS como el cd y cancion de SIMPLE MINDS q abrio su concierto SEEN THE LIGHTS en el ARENA DE VERONA.. ni de lejos hoy hacen una cancion como esta
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freckles-arelife · 5 years
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torresaul · 6 years
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