#very proud of that rui i will not lie
3lsmp · 1 year
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wawawawa polysho
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kumamoto-division · 11 months
vampire - do you like horror movies? if so, what’s your favorite? - Aoba
candle - have you/will you decorate for the season? - Kunio
leaves - do you like to visit cemeteries? - Natsume
Aoba hummed thinking-"yeah i like horror movies,since i was a kid i watch them with Rui,or tell her horror stories but she always laughed of it,since today i enjoy horro movies and for now I don't have favorites...i like vampire movies but not with romance...i like more a well evil vampire,i enjoyed especially "dragon fury" but i can't saiy if that is mi favorite"
"Wait a moment something it's lie,you like vampire romantic doramas, you have cd's of "blood" and "heartbeat!"-Aoba don't hear his sister's revelation and only blinked
"those are doramas don't movies so it's different"
"of course I decorated,proud of say i often freaking out with halloween decorations,in home i use spiderweebs and skulls and those type of things besides ... Natsume use a bit of magic to make things very...realistics"
Natsume looked pensative but he answer-"sometimes,i evoid some cementeries like Fukuoka's,when i going to a cemetery from that city phantoms say me things like "cursed Inunaki" but from other cities are right,the spirits are a bit tricksters but is good talk with them and have a good magic and spiritual energy and actually some of my paints are abou the beauty of cemeteries"
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mysaldate · 5 years
Your description says that hc requests are open so I apologize if you said elsewhere that they're not (though this might not count as a request?? idk) but since I'm still Salty about the Lower Moons' fates, do you think what little glimpses we saw of them were accurate reflections of their true personalities? What do you think they were like when not terrified by Muzan? Excluding Enmu of course, since we all know and love what that adorable little creep's personality is like
They’re open just fine, I’ll change the description when (if) I close them!
I’m also skipping Rui since we got a lot of info on him and Kyogai since he is no longer one of the Demon Moons (and also we saw his actual personality quite a lot too).
Lower Moons true personality hcs
He hasn’t been around for long as a Lower Moon so he’s still mostly figuring things out.
He strikes me as the type of character who would not be good in new situations, it takes him time to get used to something. Maybe that’s one of the reasons he’s so confused as to why were all the Lower Moons summoned so suddenly.
He has no problem speaking his mind but sometimes that comes with the toll of insulting the wrong people. Even when he has to keep his mouth shut, he still talks back at least inside his head.
But he’s overall not a too proud person. He’s one of the people who will get quite ambitious once he’s used to his situation but that doesn’t mean he thinks he’s better than anyone else.
Overall just a very confused boy. Probably a weakness that cost him his life but it’s not like it’s his fault.
People will tell you she (he? not sure anymore, it’s confusing) is cowardly but honestly, after seeing what Muzan did to Kamanue for thinking out of line, I think it’s safe to assume Mukago just got swayed by panic. Reasonable reaction.
Most likely the kind of person to act on their emotions more than rationality. That sets Mukago apart from a lot of their fellow Moons and probably is one of the things that helped them get to their current position. However, emotional drive has its limits and Mukago found out the hard way.
In their anger, sadistic measures were probably something they wanted to go for but never really achieved it due to killing their victims too quickly. It’s not easy to hold back and control your strength if you’re acting on momentary feeling after all.
Probably secretly genuinely admired both Muzan and the Upper Moons for being so powerful and cool under any circumstances. It’s not unlikely that they had some ambition of becoming one of them later on but they also feel like someone without enough ego to actually pursue such a goal.
They were really grateful when Muzan made them a Lower Moon. Him saying they should not be satisfied with the position but rather strive for better was most likely targeted at Mukago as much as it was for Kamanue.
Much unlike the previous two, Wakuraba actually had the drive to become stronger. However, it was more wishful thinking rather than anything else.
His main goal is staying alive of course, for as long as it takes. He most likely killed a bunch of Demon Slayer Corps members to get assigned his eventual role but he didn’t do it out of the wish to actually earn a title. While he would appreciate a promotion, his life is still his top priority.
Loyality was never his strong suit. He’s an opportunist first and foremost. Running away from Muzan seemed like the best course of action as he felt no obligation to still serve him if it meant he would lose his life. Again, a very reasonable reaction and one can hardly blame him.
When Muzan mentioned them running away whenever they see a Pillar nearby, many people seem to think it was directed mainly at Mukago since it was them who spoke up against it. In my opinion, this was much more targeted at Wakuraba. He stayed quiet and didn’t object to it because it would be pointless. Muzan could read his mind so no matter what he would say, the truth wasn’t hidden from their master.
He tries to lie low when hunting people. Unlike Rui who just took over the whole mountain or Douma who has an entire cult of followers, Wakuraba preffers to stay hidden and safe. His outfit hints at that by not being too extravagant (like Kamanue’s) or colourful (like Mukago’s) but rather toned to a pattern and colour that help him blend in. he even has a scarf that can be used to hide his demonic features.
And finally, we’re getting to the tired dad of the squad, Rokuro.
Ok but all jokes aside, he does strike me as the tired dad type. Not the caring dad though, the father who comes home after a hard day at work, sits down in front of the tv, opens a bottle of beer or sake and just forgets anything else exists.
He’s quite satisfied with his position as the Lower Moon but when Muzan mentions they should try harder, he’s also quick to oblige. That hints he’s quick to adapt to new situations without a problem.
The rational cool to Mukago’s emotional turmoil. Though he did end up freaking out a little bit, it wasn’t until his life was directly in danger that he gave such a reaction. Though his head did snap up when Wakuraba tried to run, that was most likely due to surprise.
He just really didn’t expect anyone to be so dumb as to think they could escape Muzan in his own fortress. Kamanue and Mukago he could understand, he’s not emotionless after all and just because he can control himself doesn’t mean everyone can. For this reason, I think he might have been surprisingly empathetic for a demon.
We didn’t even get to see his death which made me just a little upset (though from a story-telling POV, it was actually a great decision that leaves much more to the imagination) but we heard no screams or even begging. That leads me to believe he did indeed accept his mistake and that he screwed up big time. Once he saw all was lost and there was no way he could get out of it, he accepted his death with all the honor he still had.
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peachblossomdrama · 5 years
Drama: My Mr. Mermaid Aired: July 30th, 2017 - August 24th, 2017 on Hunan TV Watched on: Viki
Why you should watch the show:
Cute leads who adore and support each other
Yun Duo (female lead) rents a room from Yi Bai’s (male lead) mother
Amazing side characters! With such a lovely romance between two of them- it’s so fun to watch a character realize his feelings for another
It’s a drama about swimming! They did such a lovely job shooting the swimming scenes and capturing the life of a swimmer
Seriously, if you’re looking for a cute C drama to watch or are looking to get into C dramas, this is such a good one to watch!
More thoughts (and some spoilers) under the cut
Tang Yi Bai and Yun Duo are the cutest couple. From the moment they met each other they got along and liked being around each other. They develop a solid friendship before they realize that they both like each other. It is a bit of a slow burn but there are so many cute moments between them after they get together that it’s worth the wait. They’re both so supportive of each others careers. Yun Duo is always cheering Yi Bai on and working hard as a reporter to help his hard work get recognized. Yi Bai realizes how important Yun Duo’s career is to her and helps her get an interview with Sun Yang. He never tries to use Yun Duo’s job for his advantage or put Yun Duo in a compromising position. They both motivate each other to work their hardest and be better people. And they’re both so genuinely fond of each other. The actors did such an amazing job playing these roles because the way that Yun Duo and Yi Bai look and smile at each other is so heart warming.  Personally, I think the chances of catching second male lead syndrome is so small. Yi Bai and Yun Duo are so cute together that you’re actively cheering for them to get together. Furthermore, Lin Zi is continuously lying to Yun Duo and pulling her into his little lying game. He and his sister are ready to lie and manipulate to make things easier or make themselves happier. In the last few episodes, when Lin Sang wakes up, he pulls her into his lying game and puts her into a position where she’s lying to her boyfriend. When Yi Bai finds out, of course he is upset, but he lets Yun Duo know how he doesn’t want there to be any secrets between them, and Yun Duo takes that to heart. She’s jealous about the relationship between Yi Bai and Lin Sang, even though she knows there’s nothing romantic. She’s a bit scared to tell Yi Bai, but she musters up the courage and asks him if he’s willing to listen. I love that the drama shows how hard it can be to be honest with someone about how you feel, especially when those feelings are negative emotions, and I love how she asked if Yi Bai was willing to listen. They’re setting the foundation for healthy communication. I love how after she tells Yi Bai everything he is quick to comfort and reassure her, through words and a hug. The moment is very sweet because Yun Duo is allowing herself to be emotionally vulnerable with Yi Bai, and their relationship is strengthened through this.
The side characters in this drama are also amazing. Qi Rui Feng and Xiang Yang Yang are two of my favorite characters. I adore how easily they make friends with Yun Duo, especially Qi Rui Feng. He looks out for her and comforts her when she’s jealous about Yi Bai and Lin Sang. His fierce loyalty is something I admire, his character is extremely lovable. Furthermore, I love watching his romance with Yang Yang develop. Yang Yang is such a lovely character, she’s up front and honest, but also so sweet. She’s very easy to grow attached to, especially because Qi Rui Feng is a bit of an ass to her for a bit. It’s also very fun to watch Qi Rui Feng realize his feelings for her. I’m convinced that he liked her for a long time before he realized how much she meant to him. Their relationship is also a slow burn, but so worth the wait. I was so grateful they got an on screen kiss after waiting 30+ episodes for them to get together.  Besides Qi Rui Feng and Yang Yang, Yi Bai’s mom is also such a wonderful character. So often in dramas parents are an obstacle in the relationship between the leads. Yi Bai’s mother actively works to get them together. I love how much she adores Yun Duo and how she and Qi Rui Feng get along so well. There’s never a dull moment when she’s on screen.
I grew up swimming competitively, and one thing I appreciated was how well the drama showed the individual and team aspects of swim team. I think the most significant moment for me was when Yi Bai lost to Ouyang Heng, but still beat his own time. He wasn’t able to win for his team, but his own achievement is still something to be proud of. In addition, they did such a lovely job of shooting the actual swimming part. I felt a lot of nostalgia watching this drama.
Overall, this drama is worth a watch. If you’ve never seen a C drama before, or are looking for a cute drama, this is definitely one you should watch to your ‘to watch’ list.
If you made it this far, thank you for reading! I sincerely hope you give this drama a chance!
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darlingsdream · 6 years
My Story With Voltron and Season Seven Thoughts
So, this is the first time I’ll be posting something personal on here about my story with Voltron and how I feel about it. It’s going to be long, and yeah, trigger warning.
A year ago, I was in a very, very bad place mentally. I was learning a lot about who I was personally and dealing with a lot of losses and emotional baggage. As a very young child, I was very into the original Voltron. I loved that stuff, however, when I grew older I didn’t stick to it and didn’t hear about the new reboot of it. Last year, one of the biggest things I was dealing with was my sexuality. Hi, I’ve recognized I’m BISEXUAL! And I’m very proud! But, I found it very hard to accept that about myself last year, seeing as my family did not approve of that stuff. I always lost myself in LGBT members in TV shows because I felt like I could relate to the characters and they helped me get through my emotional stuff. I would hyperfocus on them to drown out the very, very bad stuff I was going through.
One day while scrolling through YouTube, I came across a Klance edit. I did not know what show they were from, and genuinely believed they were a cannon gay couple. I fell in love with them instantly and began watching more video of them on YouTube. After my spree, I looked it up and figured out they were from the new Voltron reboot! I was like, woah! A voltron reboot? A gay couple, in a child’s cartoon? I was DEAD SET IN LOVE with the show right off the bat. I watched all four seasons that were out at the time and yeah, realized Klance wasn’t a cannon ship. I fell in love with the plot, characters, ships, and fandom though.
Voltron gave me something to take my mind off how bad of a situation I was in. It gave me something to hyperfocus on and fall in love with. I’ve met so many nice and friendly people through the fandom, people that understand me! The fandom is so amazing with great content? Like, the fics? Amazing! Art? Stunning! I loved the VA’s immediately and even recognized them from shows I used to watch! I became so involved with Voltron and progressively found myself getting happier and happier as I met new people, found myself, found relatable content and happy spaces to put myself into. Long story short, Voltron saved me from a shit filled situation. I’ve loved Voltron so, so much.
For the past three seasons, I’ve stayed up just to watch them immediately. I’ve worked on many fan fictions and read AMAZING ones by BEAUTIFUL writers!
You could only imagine my SHOCK when I heard there would be LGBT rep! Something I personally struggle with, even now! I cried when I found out Shiro had a male fiancé when he was on Earth! It made me so, so happy!
So, here is where my issues start...
You can tell I’ve loved Voltron whole heartedly for a very long time. Yeah?
This season, season 7, hurt me in more ways than one. It was written poorly compared to the other seasons in my opinion. The episodes where a bit everywhere and the villains were out there! The time warps were confusing, and having twenty new characters thrown at you at once is confusing! Especially when the show is close to ending. Don’t get me wrong, there was a lot of good things in this season! An amazing and well deserved Hunk arc, Lance’s strong and smart sister! The Paladins all being with their families! Shiro getting a new arm! Major Paladin and Lion bonding! Keith loves his mom!
But, there was just as much bad things as good things... I’ll start with the plot, so people won’t think I’m shitting on a show I’ve adored for MONTHS because “MY SHIP DIDNT BECOME CANNON”. Because that’s not it.
The plot was, for this season, confusing! The space stuff happening was weird. And, as someone who has an 8 YEAR OLD SISTER who watches this show, she was startled by the hostility Keith began showing the fellow Paladins during their “space madness”. The game show episode, while supposed to be a tension breaker, was useless in the long run and more of an aggravating spit run than anything else. Like, it was nice seeing Zarkon, Haggar, and Lotor! As a family! But odd, we never got an explanation as to how. Then we have everyone bashing on Lance, poor lance, for being an idiot, which he is not. As well, Voltron is captured TWICE this season... never had that happened and the way they always get out of the trouble seemed very OP.
Now, I’ll go into characters. Shiro: a supposed LGBT member, handicap, suffers from PTSD, and is of a different race, gets put through the RINGER in EVERY SEASON. They have done this character dirty, I’m not even going to lie. It’s not “character development” to throw your character around like that and kill it a hundred times but allow it to still live. Poor Shiro has barely had ANY good luck through out this show! Then, they go and say, he’s an LGBT character... They kill off his ex fiancé? They said there would be a major plot with Adam and Shiro, and I feel like they did both characters dirty. No, Adam’s death was far from heroic. It was a flash death, not even sudden, and people were left confused to it. I’m pretty sure they even referred to Adam as PERSON 1 in the subtitles. Shiro’s grieving of his old partner is so rushed too. We got an entire clip of Pidge sobbing her heart out over her brother, but see barely a flinch as Shiro looks at his ex fiancés grave. You wouldnt even be able to tell they used to be a couple if the producers didn’t say something. I’m sorry, but personally, I can’t count this as LGBT rep when it’s so concealed like this... it hurts, because they hyped the rep up so much and I was so excited, and then shit hit the fan.
Then there is Lance, who we were promised would get development. The only development for him has been on his crush for Allura and it’s painfully obvious. He is used as a joke. The other characters mistreat him... and it’s very hard to watch. This, as a kids show, just shows that it’s okay to be rude and make fun of other people. My younger sister even picked up on this and said the way Lance is treated by everyone, especially his sister, is bad! The whole gameshow episodes they kept calling the poor teen Dumb and Stupid. Like, jeez, that’s kind of damaging? They even showed that Lance has many insecurities and yet, they don’t go any further about it. He cries? No one comforts him. He’s worried? People shoot him down. He tries to help others? He gets yelled at that he can’t do things right or disregarded. It goes to show as a regular trope kids are taught today, it’s bad for boys to have emotions! It’s like it doesn’t even matter! It agitates me so much...
Then, Keith. Keith is my favorite character, he’s gotten SO MUCH development. More than anyone else... which, I kind of dislike.. but, his personality was totally screwed over this season! They changed him completely, and it’s sad to see! Sure, he grew up, but there is literally NOTHING left of his old character!
Now, I guess it’s time for the major controversial ship talk.... this, is a fucking WRECK. The producers of Voltron said that romance wasn’t going to be a big thing in the show. In my honest opinion, they shouldn’t have done ANY romance, no Adam and Shiro, no Allura and Lance, no nothing. They’ve gone about it all wrong, and it’s just disappointing and UNCOMFORTABLE!!!
I’ll start with Allurance. I, originally, liked Allurance. But now, it’s so over done, it’s so awkward, forced, and uncomfortable! The past six seasons, we’ve seen Lance have a meaningless crush on her. I don’t see what’s so great about her to him? He said she makes him want to be a better person, but, anyone on team Voltron makes him try harder, honestly! It just seems so stupid! And now, that lotor is out of the way, Allura all of a sudden shows interest in him? No build up? No back story? Just random blushing and caring? It sounds like a rebound! I mean, yes, I understand peoples feelings can change, but this? They’ve gone about it ALL WRONG! As well? They have said Allura doesn’t get an endgame, but Lance does? This makes no sense. They have also said for Lance’s endgame: he ends up with someone he NEEDS, not WANTS, the person he ends up chose him as a first choice! This doesn’t sound like Allura, yet, they keep pushing it on their interviews and it’s just awkward! This ISNT slowburn!!!!
Finally, Klance. Yeah, I’m upset... very upset actually. They make Lance like Allura violently and now Axca is randomly showing up and now Keith is HET? Yeah... I don’t get it. I don’t get why they made all those unnecessary Klance moments now. Bonding moment? Elevator scene? Comforting? The soft looks? The concern? The colors in the backgrounds? The built up from rivals to friends to co-leading? They were getting along so well, it was so nice! I really thought that they were the slowburn relationship the cast was so excited and quiet about! It seemed so right! But then, Keith left for the blade, and in the shipping panel they said Keith and Lance were soulmates and they wished they could have seen that earlier. I was hurt. Beyond hurt. When Keith came back, I was disappointed. They changed Keith’s personality so much... he was rude and snapping at Lance, I was like, woah? And then when Keith was rude to Allura and Lance told him he should have just stayed away? That hurt! During the game show when Lance and Keith picked each other to leave, I felt so happy! I was like, wow, they care so much for each other! Lance was so earnest with his response! He made such a soft expression and said Keith was like the future! But then Keith ruined the entire moment and said he just picked Lance because he didnt want to spend an eternity with him! Like, what? What happened to the Keith that hung onto their bonding moment? Why was he so snappy? I am so confused why they built up a nice friendship and then we get THAT from them! It seems so.. wrong now! I am hurt over it, like, genuinely. I don’t even care if they weren’t going to be in a relationship! They could have been AMAZING friends, but they ruined that! They made their friendship seem so toxic!
After this season, I’ve honestly lost my passion and fire for Voltron... I’m so disappointed and sad. Not just because of ships, but plot as well.
I also would like to say as a side note: it’s okay for people to watch a show just for ships. That’s their interest, let them do what they want and don’t attack them... we all have our personal reasons for stuff!!!
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mystichanjumin · 7 years
An Insecurity
Paring:  Zen / Hyun Ryu & Mc (you)
Genre: Fluff and Hurt/ Comfort
Summary: It was the night of Mc's third RFA party, and things were going extremely well. Zen was running late to the party, but Mc didn't mind too much seeing as she knew sometimes his job required some extra time. However, what Zen overheard once he had arrived had managed to nestle seeds of insecurity within himself.
A/N: Finally! I am writing something for our lovely zen! I know it has been a long time coming but I hope you enjoy it!
“I would like to welcome everyone to the third RFA Party hosted by our lovely party coordinator, Mc,” the crowd then turned their attention towards Mc, who stood to Jumin’s right.  “We hope that you enjoy yourselves and we thank you immensely for joining us,” Jumin smiled charmingly at the crowd. In this light, it was easy to see Jumin as the successful businessman he was.
“The auctioning of V’s photographs will begin in the room to our left in half an hour,” Mc smiled, “He is the leader of the RFA, and a very talented man, as many of you know. We hope you attend if you are interested.”
The crowd applauded politely as the pair stepped down from the stage. “You did an incredible job, Mc. You should be quite pleased with yourself,” Jumin looked at Mc kindly.
Mc smiled up at Jumin, “Thank you very much, Jumin.”
The pair continued their discussion as they walked towards the rest of the RFA. As they drew closer Mc saw that a member was missing, “Zen still isn’t here?”
“I’m sure he’ll be here soon,” Jaehee answered with a small smile.
Mc pushed aside the feeling of disappointment that began to bubble in her chest, “Yeah, I’m sure he’s just running late.”
It was several hours later, the party was winding down when Zen had managed to make it to the fundraiser. He began looking for Mc in the crowd but to no avail. However, he did spot Jaehee and made his way toward her.
“Zen,” Jaehee looked at the white-haired man in surprise, “you made it.”
A look of sheepishness settled on the actor’s face, “Rehearsal ran longer than it was supposed to, but that doesn’t matter right now. Do you know where Mc is?”
Jaehee’s eyes fixed on something behind Zen. Zen followed her line of sight to see Mc standing beside Jumin as they spoke to a guest. Zen recognized the guest as Rui, a friend of V’s and fan of Zen. Zen told Jaehee that he would speak to her later, then made his way towards the trio. Once they he was within hearing distance he heard Rui comment, “I hope I am not stepping over any line, but you two are such a beautiful couple.”
Zen paused and he saw both Jumin and Mc tense up, “W-We’re n-not-”
Jumin recovered far quicker than Mc did and answered, “Thank you very much, but we are not a couple.”
The pink in Mc’s cheeks began to subside, “I am terribly sorry for the mistake.”
“It’s all right,” Mc reassured Rui. “It was very nice seeing you again, Rui. I’m so sorry Zen couldn't make it tonight, I know how badly you wanted to see him.”
Once Rui was gone Mc looked up at Jumin, “That was…”
“Unusual,” Jumin finished. “What on earth would make him think we were involved in such a way.”
Just as Mc was going to reply Jumin interrupted, “Oh, Zen. Nice to see that you could make it.”
Mc turned quickly to see the man Jumin had mentioned. Her eyes lit up when she saw Zen, she was about to run into his arms but thought better of it, “I’m so happy you made it, Zenny.”
His heart melted whenever she called him by any pet name, “Looks like you may have beaten me out as the most beautiful person at this party.”
“Seems as though I should leave you two alone,” Jumin politely excused himself.
Mc smiled at him, “I’ll talk to you later, Jumin.”
Once the couple was alone Mc asked, “What took you so long? I almost thought you weren’t coming.”
“I’m so sorry,” Zen looked around the room before he brought Mc into his arms. “I would have been here sooner, but the director extended the rehearsal a little longer than it was meant to be.”
Mc gently pulled herself away from Zen’s embrace, “It’s okay, it was something you had no control over. I’m just very happy you made it, even if it was for a short while.”
Zen hated the fact that, because of the talent agency he was signed with, he wasn’t able to hold, kiss, or even be mildly affectionate with Mc in public. Maybe it was that combined with the comment he had overheard Rui make that made him ever so insecure in the relationship he had with the beautiful woman standing before him.
“Zenny,” Mc prompted worriedly, “what are you thinking?”
He quickly pushed those feelings aside and smiled at Mc, “Just how proud I am of you.”
Mc quickly saw passed his lie, “We’ll talk about the real reason later, but thank you. How was your rehearsal?”
Mc began to walk towards another party guest, and Zen followed, “Aside from the extension, it went fine.”
Mc brushed Zen’s hand with hers in what would have looked like an accident to anyone watching, “You must be so tired, my love. You know how happy I am that you came, but I’d rather you get some rest. You’ve had such a long day.”
“Why? So you could spend the rest of the night with Jumin,” Zen hadn’t meant for that to be said out loud. The look that appeared on Mc’s face made him regret even thinking such a thing.  
Mc spoke softly, “I think Jaehee needs help, you should help her out. I don’t want her running around, she’s already so stressed out. I-I’m just going to say goodbye to some of the guests.”
Before Zen could apologize for what he had said Mc was already off to see one of the members of the Cultured Citizen’s Association. Zen spotted the rest of the RFA and made his way towards them. Yoosung was the first to notice Zen, “What are you doing here?”
Zen knew that the younger man didn’t mean anything malicious by the question so he shrugged, “Came to see if there was anything I could help with. I did come pretty late so if there is anything I can do I would be more than happy to help.”
“How chivalrous,” Jumin joked.
Zen rolled his eyes but bit his tongue. He didn’t want to start anything with Jumin that would further anger Mc. As he continued to think about that a startling thought crept into his mind. What if Jumin was better suited for Mc than he was? Jumin, as stubborn as he is, wouldn’t let anything stand in the way of him being with Mc. He wouldn’t let some contract hold him back because he’d probably be able to buy out that contract and tear it to shreds.
The same train of thought continued through the rest of the party. Of course, Zen would go and mingle with the remaining guests but it would always be at the back of his mind. It got worse when he saw Jumin approach Mc. He watched cautiously as Jumin spoke to Mc with an uncharacteristically concerned look on his face. He saw Mc’s shoulders visibly relax, she nodded, and then Jumin made his way to the stage.
It was Jumin who spoke first, “Again, from everyone in the RFA, we would like to thank you for your donations. Thanks to everyone in this room we were able to greatly surpass our original goal, which could not have been done without each and every one of you. Thank you.”
The night ended and only the RFA members were left in the party hall. V had left early, Seven had a job he needed to finish, and Jaehee was much too tired to stay awake longer than needed. With that, the remaining members said their goodbyes and headed home. Zen and Mc, who lived together, were driving make when Zen thought it was a good time to address the elephant in the room, “I didn’t mean what I said.”
Mc was looking out of the car window and refused to meet his eyes, “Yes, you did. You just didn’t mean to say it, but you meant it.”
The rest of the car ride from then on was silent. Zen knew that there was nothing he could say in that moment that could make anything remotely better. Once they stopped in front of their apartment Mc was the first to get out and enter their home.
“Can we talk, please,” Zen pleaded when they were in the living room.
Mc was taking off her heels, “About what?”
Zen sighed, “What I said about you spending the rest of the night with Jumin. I shouldn’t have said that.”
“Then, why did you?”
Zen sat down next to Mc on the couch, “I overheard what Rui said about the two of you.”
A sense of understanding washed over Mc, “Hyun, what he said doesn’t matter. My heart belongs to you, and it always will.”
Zen finally brought his eyes to met Mc’s, and the look of utter uncertainty made her heart shatter, “He could give you so much more, more than I ever could. We can’t even be out in public because of some stupid contract I signed that says so. You don’t deserve that. You deserve someone that can show the world that you’re theirs, and I can’t do that.”
Mc ran her fingers through his hair as she spoke reassuringly, “Hyun, did you forget who told you to sign that contract? I did. I believe in you and your dream, I always have. You have given me so much, more than I could ever give back. Don’t you get it, Hyun, I don’t want anyone else. I only want you. It’s always been you. It will always be you.”
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abadpoetwithdreams · 7 years
Nirvana in Fire Episode 5 Reaction
Aaand I’m back! I had hoped to write this and post it before my two-week vacation ended, but while I did manage to write here and there, I was never able to find enough time to actually get this finished. Whenever I had any downtime at all I ended up falling asleep, because I was so busy all the rest of the time! But thank you for your patience, and I am most delighted to be back to watching and writing about Nirvana in Fire. Apologies in advance for any errors/disjointedness in this recap, as it was written over the course of my travel through three separate Hawaiian islands, Tokyo, and Okinawa, including while on eight different plane flights over three time zones, lol. Jetlagged isn’t even a strong enough word.
So: episode five! The opening theme music starts and let me tell you, guys, it sounds even better than usual because I’ve been away from it for almost two weeks now. It’s like that first sip of coffee in the morning when you need that caffeine hit. Glorious.
The episode opens on the palace steps, where Mei Chang Su is giving his tiny trio of new-minted swordsmen (swordsboys?) a last-minute pep talk. He says Fei Liu has made a very favorable report on them, which I feel is probably a lie, but it makes those skinny, mistreated boys smile proudly and HE’S JUST SO GOOD WITH KIDS, GUYS. I HATE IT.
Chang Su addresses the oldest kid specially, telling him “You are the oldest, you have to look after them.” And then Jing walks up and I cry inside at that deep cut for what is probably not the last time this episode. Chang Su and Jing are wearing matching-coloured grey/white outfits today! It’s very cute and I like it; one more point to the costuming staff on this drama! And then Ni Huang walks up and SHE TOO IS ALL IN GREY/WHITE. My faves have matching outfits! Yay team!
Anyway, Ni Huang notices Chang Su looking rather fondly at them (oh yeah, and her baby brother is there too) and asks him why he’s smiling. She’s so perceptive. He explains that it has become fashionable around the capitol to “appear sluggish”, but that Jing, Ni Huang, and baby brother to Ni Huang (I REALLY NEED TO REMEMBER HIS NAME IT HAS BEEN TWO WEEKS) stand with good, strong, firm posture, and that this pleases him. Ni Huang’s flattered little smile when he says this is so pretty. She answers that of course: the three of them are warriors who live military lives. If they stood sluggishly, that would be wrong, and would show they are not fit to defend their country! (I like how their good posture, linked with their firm identities as military leaders who are totally severed from the posture and therefore lifestyle of court political life, further ties Ni Huang and Jing together as a team for Good, here. People in court present themselves in whatever way serves them best, following fashion both in thought and in behavior. Ni Huang and Jing–and Ni Huang’s brother, for that matter–present themselves plainly as they are. Their honesty must be refreshing to Mei Chang Su even aside from how he must also feel at this evidence that these people Lin Shu loved have remained good people. And even though this part of Jing’s personality makes him a pain to work with, lol. It probably also makes him even more homesick, so to speak, for a past that can’t come back. They are the same people he loved–but he can’t be the same person they loved back. (NOTE: In my first watch, at this point I was only guessing Jing and Shu had been close before. So far it had been only hinted at. Since I have now watched up to episode 17 though prior to pausing to write these recaps, I can say that it has since been HELLA confirmed.)
Baby brother, whose name is Mu Qing (thanks for the name drop, Ni Huang), is adorably proud at being included in this military group, and then he spoils the moment by threatening Chang Su that if the boys lose to Baili Qi he will punish him, lol. Ni Huang sharply checks her brother, but he looks only chastened, not at all repentant. He’s the best. He should also spend less time around Jing because I feel like they could be bad influences on each other when it comes to lack of tact and subtlety.
We leave this group of perfect people on the steps (with Mei Chang Su still looking entirely too happy to be with them, PUT AWAY YOUR HEART-EYES LIN SHU) to go visit some of the worst people, namely the emperor and his two bratty, battling sons. The wonderful Commander Meng is there too, telling the emperor that he fought the slave boys and they impressed him. He even says they managed to trap him for a while, which gives him hope that they will be able to beat Baili Qi. I am fairly certain this is just Meng lying and saying whatever Lin Shu told him to say, because there’s no way those kids should be good enough to trap him. I’m even wondering if he’s embellishing the lie he was told to tell, because claiming the children impressed him is one thing but saying they actually got the clear upper hand over him for a bit smacks strongly of over-embellishment, ahahaha. Anyway, regardless of if it’s the truth or not, it pleases the emperor and the Crown Prince, noticing this, quickly hops on the optimism train, reiterating how good it will be for the boys to defeat Baili Qi and thereby make him ineligible to challenge Ni Huang. Prince Yu is of course then obligated to take the negative approach so that he can undercut his brother, pointing out that if Baili Qi is out, no one else among the finalists has a chance of defeating Ni Huang, so this whole rigamarole of a tournament will basically mean nothing, and the emperor’s generosity in arranging it will also mean nothing. (This constant back and forth quibbling between the princes so easily could have become wearisome, because it happens a lot, but I actually love it every time mainly because these two actors–especially whoever plays Prince Yu–play these scenes SO well. It’s hugely entertaining, and that’s mainly on how they deliver their lines and react to each other. I’ve commented on this before, but hey, kudos to them again.)
The emperor sours somewhat at that, and then even further when Yu tries to smoothly transition to saying that, since Ni Huang is such a mighty warrior, isn’t it okay if her husband isn’t? Isn’t it better that her husband be a good person from a good family–someone like, oh, I don’t know, the candidate from one of Yu’s supporting families? The Crown Prince hastily calls him out, but Yu then calls HIM out too by saying oh, so I suppose the man YOU support is better than mine, is that it? The situation begins to devolve into a really pathetic verbal slapfest, and the emperor literally tells them to shut up in the English subtitles, which made me giggle.
Meanwhile, Mei Chang Su has made the always dangerous decision to call Ni Huang over for a private conversation. He warns her that there are people in the palace who want to use devious means to MAKE her get married. Ni Huang is taken aback, as well she should be; she’s a warrior, and not used to having to deal with this sort of underhandedness (and more than that, probably isn’t used to being treated like a woman who needs to be careful of this sort of thing). He warns her more specifically to be careful to refuse or at least be wary of anything edible or drinkable that is offered to her while she’s in the palace. She makes a bad habit of not taking maids with her, he chides her; such a habit is dangerous.
Instead of being suitably repentant, Ni Huang (glorious, clever creature that she is) fires back with: “How do you know I never take maids with me?” OH SNAP YOU DONE MESSED UP NOW LIN SHU. Judging by the look of frozen horror on his face, Mei Chang Su does not have an answer to this prepared, and yet again, award one point to Ni Huang. What a queen.
Su is saved from having to fumble for an answer that would satisfy Ni Huang (when we all know there is no such thing) by Team Good Boys, aka Jing Rui and Yu Jin, who barrel in with their usual good-humored energy to interrupt the conversation. Yu Jin starts scolding Chang Su for sneaking out of his house without telling them (which is hilarious to picture and I am sorry I didn’t get to see it), but he’s quickly accosted by Mu Qing, who furiously says don’t you see Mister Su is busy talking??? To my sister???? ALONE?????
Does he ship it? Ohhhh I so think he does. And instantly, so does Yu Jin, who instead of leaving the couple in peace leans in eagerly to watch, bahaha. Aaaand now Mei Chang Su is left looking like he feels doubly like a deer in headlights, but Ni Huang also looks flustered, so he’s safe at least from her probing for the moment.
Thankfully, he is saved yet again by the announcement that the Emperor has arrived on the scene. We cut to everyone gathered in the palace as before, and the Emperor asks Chang Su if the boys are ready. They are, Chang Su replies. The Emperor, satisfied, orders the fight to begin, and Chang Su in response turns to his trio of padawans and with the tiniest encouraging smile he motions them to attack.
They step forward. Ni Huang tells Chang Su point blank that the boys cannot win and that she knows this, so whatever other trick he has planned he had better get on with it. Su, with one of the cockiest smiles I’ve seen from him yet, the scamp, tells her to just watch and relax. The boys take an opening stance, and Baili Qi gives them the most wonderfully unimpressed look, and Ni Huang does not look at all relaxed. But then–the fight begins!
This next scene is fun to watch, but not so fun to write about. Basically: the three boys spin and jump and fly around the combat ring with ease, and by far my favourite bit is when they stack up to imitate the height and reach of a single tall opponent and then break apart into their separate tiny forms when Baili Qi tries to hit them. It just looked great. The fight is ridiculous and glorious and is made all the better by all the cuts to Chang Su, who has resumed his favourite pasttime of Pretending To Be More Interested In Food. He doesn’t have to troll for his plans to work; he CHOOSES to troll, and for that I love him very much.
Baili Qi is at first bored, then bemused, then angered by the tactics of the three children he is fighting. The kids manage to cut off some of his luscious wig–I mean, some of his hair, which makes him even madder and makes Mu Qing actually bolt to his feet in the audience, ahaha. Even Jing looks surprised and impressed, and Ni Huang no longer looks worried, just very intent. The emperor is DELIGHTED.
Finally the boys finish off Baili Qi with a chop to the neck, courtesy of Ting Sheng himself. Baili Qi drops, Yu Jin cheers, Jing looks actually sort of happy????!!? and Ni Huang isn’t even watching the boys any more. She’s watching Mei Chang Su. Uh oh.
Mei Chang Su is also not watching the fight. He’s eating.
The Emperor cannot contain his gleeful laughter at this win over Northern Yan, and Prince Yu looks absolutely thrilled, too. Finally Chang Su deigns to notice that his ploy has defeated the mighty Baili Qi, and he stands to assure the delegates from Northern Yan that Baili Qi has not been seriously harmed; “we would not hurt a guest,” he says with just the right hint of smarm.
He then tells the boys to bow to the still cackling Emperor, and gives Ni Huang a Look. She correctly recognizes her cue, and jumps up to suggest that the Emperor reward the children with their freedom, since as slaves they cannot have any use for any more material reward. She and Su argue back and forth a bit about who gets custody of the boys (not even married and fighting over the children, these two) and their clever ploy works; the emperor is so amused by their bickering and in such a good mood that he easily agrees to free the children, and says that Su and Ni Huang will have to settle for themselves who gets them. HOW CLEVER OUR LIN SHU IS. He looked nervous for the actual moment when the emperor paused before giving verdict, but everything worked as planned after all because Shu is just that brilliant. (And just look at Jing’s faaaaaace.)
Yu tries to win Chang Su’s favour by leaping up to say that Mei Chang Su deserves a reward, too. Jing immediately goes back to looking disgusted. So much for his fleeting moment of sort-of-happiness. Also I just realize now that he’s been made to sit next to Prince Yu, which he must haaaaaaate.
Crown Prince of course cannot stand to be outdone, so he jumps up and chides his rival for implying that the Emperor WASN’T going to reward Mei Chang Su, and suggests the granting of an honorable title. The Emperor is still too cheered by Baili Qi’s humiliation to be angered by his sons’ fighting like he was earlier, and he merrily inquires about how Baili Qi is doing. The Northern Yan representative hastens to say that regardless of the defeat today, Baili Qi is still eligible to fight Ni Huang, but some lord of the court openly laughs at the claim, saying how can he possibly hope to fight Ni Huang when he could not even defeat a few untrained slave children?? Just look at Mu Qing in this scene, by the way, he is practically bursting with glee. This actor really goes above and beyond in charming the heck out of all scenes he’s in, whether or not he’s the focus of them. There’s quite a few excellent background faces/reactions he’s done that I’ve enjoyed a lot. Right now he’s swaying like he’s on the verge of dancing with happiness, he’s so cute.
The end result of Mei Chang Su’s victory is that the Emperor successfully uses Baili Qi’s defeat as an excuse to disqualify him from vying further for Ni Huang’s hand, and Northern Yan is unhappily but successfully trapped into withdrawing. Chang Su himself even gets a congratulations from the Emperor, and then the party breaks up and we see Su, Ni Huang, Mu, and the three former-slave boys going down the palace steps outside. Ni Huang pointedly tells her brother to take the boys to her carriage and wait for her, and he quickly takes the hint and bustles off. Jing Rui, who was standing at the foot of the steps presumably waiting for Su, is not so quick to take a hint. Yu Jin, aka the world’s second most fervent Ni Huang/Mei Chang Su shipper, however, latches on fast and he hurries Jing Rui away, with many a knowing grin, leaving our shouldabeen lovers alone.
Ni Huang isn’t here to talk romance, though. She wants to know why Baili Qi lost, since she is an expert in martial arts and still maintains the boys’ weird sword formations should not have been enough to defeat him. Ah, Chang Su says, the answer to that is simple enough: Baili Qi is a member of the East Yangtze Alliance.
AHA!! I had a suspicion something like this might be going on. Something I really liked about this reveal is that it shows Baili Qi is not the big dumb brute that the show had been portraying him as up to this point–a stereotype that seemed uncharacteristically flat in contrast to all the other characters in this show. He is a great fighter, sure, but he must also be clever enough for Shu to trust him to pull off this ploy convincingly with the ENTIRE court watching him like a hawk. And seemingly he succeeded in fooling everyone, because no one but Ni Huang and maybe Jing suspected that Baili Qi was more than meets the eye. Also, this further reminds us that Ni Huang and Jing are well disciplined and trained and intelligent, and are much more capable than the soft-postured powers currently reigning in the court, who were fooled by Lin Shu’s ploy. These politicians, it seems, do not really understand war. ALSO also, Shu seemingly counted on the court’s softness to blind it to his martial arts farce, and trusted Jing and Ni Huang to be silent about it (he respects them enough not to be surprised by Ni Huang’s questioning), and that’s exactly what happened. Because Lin Shu is awesome and he always predicts things correctly. Riiiiight? *winks knowingly at second half of this ep*
Mei Chang Su explains that he planted Baili Qi in the contest because he was confident Baili Qi could eliminate any candidate that was too strong/that Ni Huang disliked before contriving to eliminate himself, too, thus keeping her safe from any undesirable marriages. I’m guessing Baili Qi also took out anyone Su himself didn’t like; Su so clearly still has feelings for Ni Huang (and how couldn’t he? Just look at her!) and I’m certain there was a certain amount of selfishness mixed in with his desire to, as he puts it, earn a favour from Ni Huang and her powerful family. He doesn’t want her getting married any more than she does! He wants to make sure she can beat up anyone who challenges her! But besides that he’s also managed to impress the Emperor and the feuding princes, AND he now has Jing owe him a favour, too. Well, I’m guessing he more wants to view it as he has earned Jing’s trust, but I’m gonna say Jing will see it more like now he owes Mei Chang Su one. We shall see.
Ni Huang, interestingly, seems disappointed that he says he only helped her out because he wanted to get her in his debt, basically; I think he’s slipped up around her enough that she knows that has to be a fib, but also she was hoping there was a more personal reason there. She still can tell who he is on some level, somehow, and his horribly dispassionate logic here disappoints that part of her that wants this man to be her long-lost fiancé. She rallies by pointing out that Meng must have also noticed the flaws in the boys’ formations, since she did, and Su replies that he trusted Meng to be sensible and remain silent about it. Since this farce is working for the benefit of the Emperor, why wouldn’t he? Ni Huang looks VERRRRY calculatingly at Su while he says this. I guess she could be weighing whether this is evidence that Mei Chang Su and Meng are in cahoots, then, which could in turn serve as evidence that Mei Chang Su is actually Lin Shu, but again–we shall have to wait and see.
The reason why we have to wait is because a maid shows up at that moment to interrupt the conversation with an invitation for Ni Huang from the Empress. The Empress, it would seem, wants to treat Ni Huang to some tea and wine inside the palace. UH-OH. Knowing what we know about the plan to drug Ni Huang, this is NOT good. Chang Su keeps quiet, but his whole expression is silently screaming at her: Don’t go. He even shakes his head ever so slightly no at her when she turns to look at him. But Ni Huang knows she cannot really refuse a summons from the Empress, plus she’s an awesome war hero of a woman, bold and intelligent and very, very brave. So she accepts the invitation, and politely takes her leave of Mei Chang Su. He watches as she leaves, and he looks very, very, very worried. We all are, Su.
(Also, I might be wrong, but the actress who plays Ni Huang gives her a bit of a challenging air here as she accepts the summons. I love her expression as she answers the Empress’ maid while looking at Chang Su. She gives the exchange a feeling that Ni Huang is daring Mei Chang Su: you don’t have any personal interest in my safety? Ok then, watch this. Checkmate, strategist.)
Cut to Mei Chang Su slowwwwwly leaving the palace in the company of our favourite Two Good Boys. Yu Jin is curious about why Chang Su let Ni Huang take custody of the ex-slave boys so easily after that display in the palace, but Chang Su distractedly explains that it would be inconvenient of him to take them, since he is only a houseguest himself.
Yu Jin is satisfied by this, but Jing Rui quickly notices that Su is acting worried/distracted/troubled, because he’s so over-attentive to his houseguest/bestie. One-sided bestie, anyway. If he had a Facebook account, he would probably be too shy to ever ask Chang Su for a shared selfie but he’d definitely obsessively tag him as a friend in all his group photos, you know? Yu Jin is the selfie friend. Anyway, Jing Rui asks what’s up. Su tries to say that he’s just tired lately, and Yu Jin agrees that he must be, after teaching those boys to fight the way he did! It was a most impressive display! He, Yu Jin, will have to tell his visiting friend Ting Jie all about it when they play polo together later that day, ho ho what fun!
Chang Su freezes. What was that? Liao Ting Jie? Why, yes! Yu Jin cheerily explains that he arranged yesterday to play polo with this friend later today. And Chang Su instantly switches into as close to a full-blown panic mode as we’ve seen from him so far. It took me a couple seconds to figure out WHY this news freaked him so much, because I’m bad with remembering names. But then it clicked: this Liao Ting Jie is the candidate who the Empress wants to marry Ni Huang. If he arranged to meet Yu Jin for an afternoon of polo playing, however, that means that he didn’t need his afternoon free for any clandestine drugging of and, uh, compromising of the princess. Which means that the Empress is not the one planning to harm Ni Huang today. Which means that it’s the Crown Prince’s mother the Noble Consort who is the one who is plotting. Which means that he, Mei Chang Su, warned Ni Huang against the wrong woman, so she is now at a disadvantage and vulnerable instead of properly forewarned. Yeah, this panic is very justified.
So what does Mei Chang Su do? He leaps into action–by staging a full-blown coughing fit. Amazing. I will admit to cackling at his show here because it reminded me of Elizabeth Swann at the end of the first Pirates of the Caribbean film. Need a distraction fast? INITIATE HEALTH CRISIS. (Except our poor Lin Shu actually IS deathly ill, apparently, so for all we know this is only partially faked, given the shock to his system the realization of Ni Huang’s situation must be. But he’s definitely playing it up at least.)
And this works, because Yu Jin and Jing Rui are pure and precious and care so much about their friend, bless them. The worry on Jing Rui’s face made me sad. They rush over in utmost concern and aw they’re so sweet and good.
Cut to Ni Huang who is politely refusing all the tea and food the Empress is offering her. The Crown Prince’s mother is there too, and oh the SASS of this woman as she brushes her hands clean when she comments that the Empress should KNOW that Ni Huang doesn’t like foods of that sort–it’s killing me. I like the weird sort-of-secret-for-propriety’s-sake-but-really-everyone-knows hatred these two have going on. It’s so poorly masked, and the daggers they make of it to poke each other with are so delicately made.
The Empress invites Ni Huang to stay for dinner, and Ni Huang, mindful of Mei Chang Su’s warning, tries to come up with an excuse that will keep her from attending without offending this powerful woman. Consort Yue to the rescue! Well, NO, NOT REALLY, but that’s what it SEEMS like. She hurriedly tells the Empress the reason Ni Huang cannot attend dinner with her is because she has a prior commitment to meet with the Consort at HER palace to discuss town gossip, because apparently Ni Huang and Yue are from the same area of the kingdom? By framing Ni Huang’s visiting her as an act of charity, basically, Noble Consort Yue makes it impossible for the Empress to forbid it. So Ni Huang makes her escape from the Empress with the Consort and oh nooooooooooo
(Also what really riled me about this is the Consort having the gall to play the “we are both girls from the same place, we have this connection and I want to escape from court politics a moment to have simple fun chatting about our hometown that I miss” thing when really all she wants is to arrange a rape and forced marriage????? WHAT A SNAKE. SHE IS DISGUSTING.)
Back with Chang Su, he’s collapsed and the Good Boys are frantic. Meng comes by and is of course alarmed, and Su secretly signals to him that he wants a private, urgent word while openly asking if Meng would help him recover from the attack by balancing his energy or whatever. Meng quickly invents excuses for the boys to leave–Jing Rui is to get a doctor and Yu Jin is to get water, and they run, still in a panic, to fulfill their tasks, and I’m dyinggg. I still have a bad feeling about how much they love Su considering his ulterior motives about being back in court. They deserve a more honest friend and I think he knows it.
Now we cut back to Noble Consort Yue and Ni Huang alone at the Consort’s residence, as Yue planned, and oh nooooooooOOO. Ni Huang bluntly tells Yue to basically not waste time pretending to want to talk about her hometown and just get to the point. Also, Ni Huang’s skin looks especially flawless in this scene, maybe it’s just the lighting, but wow. The Consort simpers and agrees to get to the point. Did Ni Huang know that there’s some guy named Sima Lei who has been handpicked by the Crown Prince himself as her best possible husband?? He’s smart, martially skilled, has a lot of integrity (HA. HA. HA.) blah blah blah. The Consort also tries to use their shared hometown as leverage, this absolute snake.
Ni Huang neatly sidesteps by assuring Yue that she greatly respects the Crown Prince and when he is Emperor she will serve him 100% faithfully–carefully not committing to obeying him YET. The Consort seems to accept this, and suggests a toast. Next time they meet, she says, they will speak only as friends from the same town and not at all about politics. She apologizes. She then drains her cup and shows the empty vessel to Ni Huang, inviting her to do the same.
Ni Huang looks worried, and we even flashback to Su’s warning, but she’s also pretty well trapped. Plus, she was warned specifically against the Empress, not the Noble Consort. Slowly, she raises her cup to her lips and drinks. I scream at my screen.
Meanwhile, back with Chang Su and Meng, our favourite strategist is spinning up a plot with which to save Ni Huang, which is actually super thrilling to watch. We haven’t really seen his mind actively at work before, mostly just the fruits of his careful plans that were set offscreen. It’s exhilarating seeing him think so fast on his feet with such stakes involved. He confesses to Meng that he made a mistake and thought the Empress was the danger when now he knows it’s Noble Consort Yue, the Crown Prince, and this Sima Lei fellow who are the real danger. He then quickly comes up with a few things he needs done if Ni Huang is to be saved: firstly, Prince Jing is still nearby after that Baili Qi fight, so he needs Meng to alert him and tell him to go to Zhaoren palace (I guess that’s where Yue lives) and retrieve Ni Huang at any cost. Jing is a very accomplished warrior, from what we have been told so far, and is also both Ni Huang’s friend and rigidly moral, so this makes sense. Secondly, Meng needs to alert the Empress. She will be more than willing to intervene if she knows the Consort will suffer for it. Thirdly, Meng must alert Mu Qing, and have him arrest Sima Lei at the palace for trespassing, which omg just might be a death sentence for Sima Lei considering how protective and rash Mu is. Brilliant. Meng assures Chang Su that he will get all this done, and rushes away after helping Chang Su to his feet again. Before he goes, he asks what Su will be doing, in the meantime? Su says he has other matters he needs to attend to. Um, what? Really?? What could possibly be more important than this???? It’s a huge testament to his trust in Meng that he can leave the man in charge of saving Ni Huang like that, but it also feels like yet another example of how dispassionate Lin Shu is forcing himself to be for the sake of his larger goals. He looks verrrry conflicted, but he does continue on his way, leaving the rescue to his friends. Well, Jing isn’t his friend, but you know.
Back to Zhaoren palace! A servant arrives to tell the Consort that her son and his good ol’ buddy Sima Lei have arrived. Oh, how silly of her to forget she had invited them, cries this wicked woman with a smile. Ah, well, Ni Huang will just have to stay to say hello.
Ni Huang IMMEDIATELY makes her excuses and tries to leave. But the poison is taking affect, and she starts having trouble focusing and standing and the Crown Prince shows up with this daft, despicable Sima Lei tagging along (and looking VERY nervous, might I add) and NOPE NOPE VERY BAD. Btw does anyone know if this actor was picked because he looks like a weedier version of Hu Ge because that made me lol. Anyway.
Ni Huang is collapsing, the Noble Consort is pretending to be concerned while also having to silently urge Sima Lei to take the initiative and grab Ni Huang, because he’s an idiot. Ni Huang fights against the poison’s effect and manages to TOSS HIM ACROSS THE ROOM and I CHEERED ughhh I love this woman she’s so great! The Consort looks absolutely horrified by this show of strength, lol, and then screeches for her maids to stop Ni Huang. But Ni Huang is a warrior. Even drugged, she smashes all those girls aside like they’re paper dolls. It’s so good. I hate everyone who put her in this situation, and I’m so proud of how she is fighting her way out of it.
Cut to the Empress doing one better than what Chang Su had asked of Meng and instead of just going herself to intervene she’s taking the old grandmother as welllllll. I am instantly on guard, because ALL scenes with that kindly old woman in them end in abject misery. ALL OF THEM.
Then Jing shows up at the gates of Zhaoren palace and when he is denied entry he just OBLITERATES the guards with an expression of being 1000% done on his face and this might be my favourite moment of the entire episode, oh my goshhhh. I love him so much. I keep saying that about everyone, I know, but I ESPECIALLY love this angry, stubborn, has-no-patience-for-your-nonsense Prince Jing. Wang Kai is SO GOOD in this fight sequence, just watch his expression, it’s priceless.
He fights his way into the courtyard just in time to see Ni Huang struggling out of the door, barely able to stand. The look on his face when he sees her–fury, but also genuine shock, because how dare they!! He instantly flies to her side and when she says they must leave he instantly supports her and off they go. He is THE BEST. I LOVE HIM SO MUCH. PLS LIN SHU MAKE HIM EMPEROR.
Before the two can make good their escape, though, they are surrounded by dozens of palace guards, many of whom are carrying crossbows, all of which are aimed at Jing. The trio of villains show up and try to intimidate Jing, with the Crown Prince even scolding him for ABDUCTING THE PRINCESS WTH???????!!???
Jing doesn’t even turn around when he spits out a 100% venomous “You know what you have done” in reply. I don’t even speak Mandarin and I can tell that his delivery on that line was KILLER. The righteous rage just radiates off it, lol.
He then barks at the guards to move aside and the Crown Prince actually flinches back, ahahaha, but then the Consort tells her son that Jing is too unmanageable and they’ll just have to kill him(?!). THAT ESCALATED QUICKLY.
(Also, Sima Lei is in the background of all this looking increasingly unhappy to be there, like he’s thinking he didn’t sign up for this mess. YES YOU DID YOU FILTH NOW DEAL WITH IT.)
The Crown Prince is worried about killing another prince, as that’s a serious crime, but his mother just says it’s a good thing that the Emperor doesn’t like Jing much, and that’s so infuriating but also so sad, because at this point I can believe the Emperor would be pretty okay with turning a blind eye to someone getting his irritating son out of the way. So the Crown Prince announces to the guards that the situation is Jing broke in to try to assassinate the Noble Consort and Ni Huang, and therefore must die. Jing has a curious reaction to hearing this accusation, I’m not sure what it means–I wonder if he’s remembering the false accusations that killed people he loved years ago? He probably is, but I can’t tell what that makes him feel in this moment. Angrier at the Crown Prince? Angry at himself for blundering into the same fate? Just–upset? Well, he doesn’t have long for whatever that emotion was because the crossbows fire and he leaps into action by CUTTING ALL THE BOLTS RIGHT OUT OF THE AIR GO ON JING GO ON SHOW THEM HOW AWESOME YOU ARE.
But there’s too many, so he whirls his way to the Crown Prince and in a flash has his sword at his horrid brother’s throat, using him as a shield. The squawking sound the Crown Prince makes at this moment made me laugh for about a minute. The Consort screams at Jing about how dare he threaten the CROWN PRINCE’s life????? And Jing replies with the coldest sass I’ve ever heard and THE best line of the entire episode:
It’s normal for me to seize the commander of the army. YEEEEAAAAAAAAHHH
The sniveling Crown Prince asks Jing what he plans, and Jing demands that he and Ni Huang be allowed to leave. The Consort says well what if she doesn’t? Surely Jing won’t DARE to kill the Crown Prince? Jing just presses his threat, totally unfazed, and I love him even more. The Crown Prince starts wailing for his mama to save him and it’s beautiful. I’m relishing this moment so much. And then, in the midst of this madness, the Empress and Grand Empress Dowager finally arrive.
Noble Consort Yue’s expression at this development is hilarious. She sends Sima Lei away, telling him to run out the back door and to pretend he was never there, something he looks only too glad to do. She then quickly tries to bargain with Jing, proposing they both pretend nothing happened. In that way she will not be punished for her attack on Ni Huang, and Jing will not be culpable for his threat against the Crown Prince’s life. Jing’s face is like stone. He drops the Crown Prince after a moment of tense thought and then returns to Ni Huang’s side, where she is practically unconscious on the floor.
In come the Empress and the Grandma Empress (easier to type than her full title, lol). The Noble Consort immediately tries to put her plan of coverup into effect, saying Ni Huang passed out because she got drunk from drinking wine. The Empress is smugly skeptical, saying isn’t Ni Huang a war hero? Why then would she get drunk so easily? (Side note, I am so tickled that she equates being good at soldiering with being good at drinking but where is the lie lol)
The Consort tries to say it’s because Ni Huang is stressed about the marriage tournament???? Ok sure, whatever. Jing meanwhile is just kneeling nearby, cradling Ni Huang and glaring bloody murder. He’s wonderful. Just look at how protectively he’s hugging Ni Huang T_T But he hasn’t spoken up, which surprised me, actually; maybe his sense of self-preservation is actually keeping him quiet???? Not what I expected. I wasn’t really aware of him having any particular feeling of self-preservation, only duty; but perhaps Mei Chang Su’s plan of getting him on the throne and defeating his two hateful brothers has now given him reason for caution?
The Empress’ face is impassive but her glee at the situation comes through anyway. If what the Noble Consort says is true, she says, then why is the courtyard filled with armed guards? The Consort struggles to come up with an answer for that one. Oh, she finally titters, the Crown Prince wanted to show her a fun military exercise. The Empress’ predatory glee does not abate: what could possibly have possessed the Crown Prince and his mother to leave Ni Huang passed out drunk on the ground of their courtyard, which is open to the sky, no less, while they watched a military exercise on a whim??? The Consort’s eyes dart frantically as she tries to think of another lie while her pasted-on smile slowwwwwly wilts and it’s really funny seeing her in such a bind. I hate this character but the actress is really good.
Grandma Empress is both curious and distressed about the “child” lying on the ground (ughhhhh she’s just too sweet for this horrid family and their horrid politics, all she wants is just to have happy (and married lol) grandchildren I’M SO UPSET. And Jing’s face when she walked in, when was the last time the out-of-favor Prince Jing saw his grandma’s face UGH). The Empress tells her it’s ok; Ni Huang is just drunk but she will wake soon. That’s both a threat and a promise to the Noble Consort; they both know Ni Huang knows she was NOT merely drunk, and when she wakes the Consort will be in BIG trouble.
Meanwhile, the fleeing Sima Lei runs smack into the waiting Mu Qing, who yells at him about how dare he attack Ni Huang and then proceeds to order an entire gang of soldiers to beat up the shrieking Sima Lei and this is the best thing ever, it’s everything I ever wanted for this episode. The icing on this cake of violence is that during the flurry of movement as all the soldiers start kicking and whaling on Sima Lei, if you focus on Mu you can see him grimly, deliberately rolling up his massive and magnificent sleeves while he stares menacingly at Sima Lei, and I had to pause the episode because I was laughing so much. PUNCH HIM, MU. PUNCH HIM HARD.
Later, the Emperor–who, remember, has been having a pretty great day up to this point–is called upon by Ni Huang to deliver just punishment upon Noble Consort Yue for her horrendous actions. The Consort tries to sell her lies again, but she’s obviously scared out of her mind, which is so fun to see. Ni Huang is scathing and cold and will have absolutely none of her excuses. The Emperor grows increasingly upset; it has been evident from the first episode that he has a special fondness for Ni Huang, so of course any attack upon her would provoke his fury, but the accused is his favorite concubine, so of course he doesn’t want to believe she committed such a crime. I would feel sorry for him, except I remember what he did to Jingmum so I’m totally okay with him suffering.
Desperate, Yue kneels and begs the Emperor to investigate whether Sima Lei was ever in her palace; she says he was not and her servants will back her. Of course they will, Ni Huang sneers, they are YOUR servants! They have to support whatever you say! No chill Ni Huang is my favourite Ni Huang.
Yue tries to insist her servants would not lie to the Emperor, and then points out that despite the accusations, the Empress did not actually SEE anything criminal happening, nor did she see Sima Lei. Yue even tries to claim that she and her son are the real victims here, as Ni Huang doesn’t like them very much and makes such accusations against them because she supports the Empress. If Ni Huang’s looks could kill, the Consort would have dropped dead right exactly there. Not cowed, Yue continues and asks Ni Huang: if you were attacked in my palace, why are you unhurt? And if I was plotting against you, how in the world did the Empress arrive at exactly the right moment to save you?
Ni Huang bolts to her feet, having had ENOUGH, and shouts yet another great line of this episode: I have fought against hundreds of thousands of enemies in war. And yet none of them are as vicious as this woman in the harem! This moment of her fury bubbling over made me want to cheer. The Noble Consort also jumps up and again tries to play the victim–Ni Huang is picking on her and has no proof!–and for a brief moment Ni Huang looks like she’s going to punch her. I REALLY WANTED HER TO PUNCH HER. Instead, we get something just as good–the announcement of the arrival of Prince Jing.
AND HE TELLS THE TRUTH. He kneels before the Emperor, and reports completely truly on what happened in the courtyard of Zhaoren palace, including the facts that Sima Lei was there and that Jing himself was forced to threaten the Crown Prince’s life to save both his own life and Ni Huang. I am so, so proud of Prince Jing; I KNEW he wouldn’t let me down! I’m also worried about how he’s exposed himself to very severe punishment–easily execution, I’m sure–for the sake of supporting Ni Huang and making sure she gets justice, but there’s no way he’s getting killed this early in the drama. He will be fine. And he’s reaffirmed both how good he is and how bullheaded he is, lol. Where is Mei Chang Su to pull him out of this fire he’s hopped into?? (There actually is a small scene here which shows Chang Su talking with Prince Yu and then Yu hurries away in his fancy palanquin, but I’m not sure what that means. It has to be the important other business Su said he had to take care of earlier in the ep, but is it related to the Ni Huang situation or is it something else? Jing Rui and Yu Jin are also there, and Yu Jin asks whether now that’s taken care of Chang Su would come watch him play polo later? Yu Jin, you’re a dear. Also, how great would a filler polo episode be?????? I know I won’t get it but now I want it.)
The Emperor of course immediately latches onto the whole Jing-took-the-Crown-Prince-hostage thing because he’s awful and biased, but Jing also uses his own “crime” to add credence to Ni Huang’s claims: why would he confess such a thing, and why would the Consort want him to be quiet about it, if it were not true?
The Emperor is FURIOUS. He asks the Noble Consort for the truth, and she–backed into the corner by all these witnesses–stops denying it but also does not confirm, still trying to play the victim who is being bullied by all these others. THEN Meng shows up!! The Emperor grumbles about “oh here comes another one” which made me lol but Meng is here with maybe the most important proof of all: he’s arrested one Sima Lei who was trespassing at Zhaoren palace. DUN DUN DUNNNNNNN.
The Consort looks absolutely thunderstruck: she knows she is DONE. The Emperor has no longer any excuse he can use to believe in her innocence; she is overwhelmingly trapped. After all that talk about posture earlier it’s a fun little detail that she and the Crown Prince are practically cowering as they kneel, hunched low to the floor, while Wang Kai is careful that his supplicant Prince Jing is straight as a board. Kneeling like that looks really painful, btw, I personally can’t kneel like that even on a soft floor due to dance wear and tear, and I hope he has a cushion hidden under those robes or something. I’m wincing every time they show him lolll. Kudos for the commitment, Wang Kai.
The Consort falls apart and starts wailing about how ok, she’s guilty, but her son had nothing to do with it!!! She was acting on her own to try to help him!!!! He has not denied his involvement out of a sense of filial piety that forbids him from accusing his mother!!!!! He’s too good and naive and she worries all the time he will be taken advantage of and that’s why she made this mistake!!!!!! Blah, blah, blah. The Emperor, thankfully, sees through this, and points out her son IS THE CROWN PRINCE. He should be strong enough in character and secure enough in his power not to feel threatened by political games! This point is valid and also feels like a MAJOR blow against the Crown Prince, as it demonstrates he is weaker than a Crown Prince should be. A Crown Prince should be seen as a filial son, yes, but not a mama’s boy! It’s a major error on his mother’s part. But she has also successfully provided an excuse for her son that the Emperor can willfully turn a blind eye to. He rages at her for a while, but not at her son, and then asks for Sima Lei to be brought. Hilariously, Meng says he would have to be carried: Mu broke Sima Lei’s legs. Ni Huang looks pleased. The Emperor considers, then just sort of shrugs it off, which also made me laugh. For a scene with VERY high stakes, there’s a lot of funny bits to leaven the serious stuff.
The Emperor further punishes Sima Lei with exile and loss of title and punishes his father too, which is too bad for his father. Then the Crown Prince crawls forward and starts wailing about please forgive his mother, don’t kill her, he wouldn’t be able to bear it, he will apologize on her behalf, pls dad plssss
(The camera cuts to Jing’s face a few times as he watches this display, but I can’t tell what he’s thinking. It’s interesting that they do keep showing him, though. Is it to drive home to us the viewers the contrast between his silence and the Crown Prince’s groveling? Or is he remembering Prince Qi (who I still don’t really know much about except that he was falsely convicted of some kind of treason and that Lin Shu and Jing both adored him, which is enough to make me on his team of course) and seeing the contrast between Qi and the Crown Prince, not the Crown Prince and himself? Maybe it’s supposed to be both. Anyway, it’s an editing choice that stands out.)
After more anger the Emperor shows a hint of sadness and softening as he lays one hand on his groveling son’s head. Everyone present knows this indicates he will have at least some mercy. He strips Noble Consort Yue of her high status and title and puts her on house arrest–but he does not kill her or banish her outright. What a pity. He then turns his attention to Prince Jing:
Jingyan, do you know what you have done wrong?
And end episode! Argh! I so want Jing’s reply to be a snide “nothing, I’m perfect,” but that would definitely get him killed so maybe not. It’s true, though.
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hwangminyeo · 7 years
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warning: sappy post ahead!!!
it’s now min’s bday in korea so expect a few or a lot (idk) of posts for it lolol
stanning minhyun/nu’est/wanna one has led me to meet many amazing people and in honor of his birthday, i would like to mention a few!
my dear followers: thank you so so much for loving my blog, honestly :( and dealing with the shit i post sometimes (ex: nu’est as minions ^^;). i know i don’t gif as often as i used to and they’re not super great as i’m still working on my skills (lowkey intimidated too asdfgghsks) but i promise i will try to post more stuff from now on/work harder on improving~. every time i get a notification though from a like/reblog on my gifs/text posts, i really do appreciate it so much (it’s encouraging/motivates me to post more) and i check out your blogs too (i love the tags hehe) also, a lot of you are very very kind! i have screenshotted some nice messages sent to me so i could keep it ♡
my loves aka minbooties: i’m happy to be part of minbooties asdfghsksks not only are you beautiful on the outside, but the inside as well~ our chats are actually the best bc half is screaming about min/how much we love him and the other half is how much we love each other LOL i feel really fortunate to get to know people like you~  ♡ i’m not gonna lie, before minbooties i was actually intimidated by all of you but now i know i shouldn’t have been bc we are the same level of trash rn LOL, not enough words to explain how much love i have for y’all. reni, you are a gem + an angel; so so important to the fandom! ying you’re the sweetest and I am cheering you on for exams/work! bonnie I’m so glad we started talking and everything about you is wonderful! sarah ilysm and i can’t believe I didn’t talk to you sooner?? you have one of the best personalities and I love when you tag me in min/dan posts ;___;! rui, so kind and amazing and sweet (queen visuals might I add), I live for your tags too! ♡ you guys deserve everything good!!
@yshali: i love our conversations and the fact that you updated me about the baekren photos from dispatch (that made me melt and was obsessed with for a bit lmao)! you’re one of the best l.o.v.e s on here~ and i hope you are doing well! (p.s nuest-network has a special place in my heart)
@kangdan101: sarah!!! what would i do without you on my dash?? my tumblr experience wouldn’t even be the same tbh you’re a very sweet and kind soul and i’m happy we are growing closer! thank you for having the guts to message me first bc i am a chicken ;___;  ♡
@extraongdinary: leah, the angel who inspired this post (yours was super cute btw)! we started talking more and i honestly love you+your blog so much! i will never regret sliding into your DMs~ you radiate so much positivity and happiness that it’s impossible not to absorb (ty for that hehe) your love for ong is so pure/cute/infectious that i started lowkey stanning him lmao. ong would be proud of a fan like you~  ♡
@godkangdaniel: i was so shook when you messaged me bc you’re another danik blog i love and appreciate~ and i only interacted through anon a few times asdfghajhd. i get so happy seeing your posts on my dash bc they never fail to make me laugh, i look forward to getting to know you more + talking about daniel and nu’est! much love! ♡
@wannabl: i am so so so sorry! i didn’t realize i never asked for your name ;___; but i’ve come to love your blog so much! your posts make me laugh too and your comments on my posts are cute/appreciated~ i hope you’re enjoying your vacation!  ♡
@nu-blessed: your blog feeds all of my nu’est needs and you’re such a sweet and dedicated l.o.v.e! thank you for contributing so much to the l.o.v.e fandom and being so helpful! you are a vital part of it tbh
@hyun95: ellie bean! your name reminds me of jelly bean so i fixed it haha but idk if you’ll hate this but thats the name i automatically pops in my head when i see you in my notifications/dashboard ^^; you carried a lot of the weight when creating loves-confessions and for that i thank you~ everything you create is so beautiful and your love for nu’est is amazing! also, i laugh at your posts a lot/get giddy when i see another text post from you hehe also, pls become ceo of pledis if you can
@hyuncakes: my hands are always ready to reblog both of y’alls work~ hehe i look forward to every edit/gif that you guys post bc it’s always more beautiful than the last (if that’s even possible) ♡
@daybreak-mp3: arden! one of my fave nuest blogs/mutuals~ i hope everything is going well for you right now and i’m ready to get wrecked by nuest w promotions with you LOL
@nuest-rebirth: another sweet l.o.v.e! i also get happy seeing you on my dash/notifications and i love that you love aron so much bc he deserves lots of support as well~ p.s casey, your first gifs you posted turned out amazing!
@loves-diary / @letmecastaspellforyou: i am so so thankful for everything you post/do for the l.o.v.e fandom! and i’ll bet being around pre-pd101 for nu’est was really hard as well so i have much appreciation for you!
@ongeuigeon: laura! i think you’re really sweet/funny and i am obsessed with all your content! i also would like to get to know you better~ hehe i’m gonna tell you a second time too LOL you’re! super! pretty! wow! ♡
@ongsecngwoo: ginny! always so nice :)) ur comments on my question tag made me laugh LOL pls get lots of rest bc it’s important (also take some naps for me bc i can’t this week ;___; lmao)
@l-guanlin: we’ve only interacted a few times but i think you’re a rly great person! i love ur tags and the fact you stan guanlin bc i am soft for him ;__; your comments on my personal posts are always beyond kind, so thank you for that! ♡
for my mutuals i haven’t talked to: i’m really baffled that you follow my trash blog and i internally freak out if i see you in my notifications LOL but rly thank you for bearing my posts/god-awful shit tags and it’s pretty embarrassing to think that you read it asdhffgsks but know that i have much much love and respect for you!  ♡
if you made it to the end of this post, i am sending you a virtual hug bc that was a lot of reading lmao anyway, happy birthday to minhyun who has in a way led me to these amazing people!
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spicynbachili1 · 6 years
Young black Portuguese men take police brutality case to court | Europe
Eighteen months in the past, they have been defendants, accused of storming a police station. 
However since that case was overturned final 12 months, Flavio Almada, Celso Lopes, Rui Moniz, Miguel Reis, Paulo Veiga and Bruno Lopes have been testifying not because the accused, however as victims in an unprecedented trial that has put 17 officers of the PSP – Portugal’s public police power – within the dock.
The brand new case, presently being heard in court docket, rejects the model of occasions beforehand supplied by the cops, and costs them with bodily assault, aggravated kidnapping, inhumane remedy and inciting racially-motivated discrimination, hatred and violence – in addition to slander, falsifying witness testimonies and falsifying documentation. 
The case dates again to February 2015 and is being accompanied by Amnesty Worldwide and SOS Racism, amongst others.
“We have by no means seen so many cops on trial going through the identical costs,” says Goncalo Gaspar, a lawyer for the defence. 
In keeping with Jose Fernandes, a lawyer from the group representing six of the alleged victims, all of them younger, black males, “no cops have ever been sentenced for something like this in Portugal – and the actual fact that there was an accusation in any respect is one thing of a victory for us.”
Lisbon’s Cova da Moura neighbourhood, the place many of the plaintiffs dwell, is thought for its proud, predominantly Cape Verdean neighborhood.
However the relationship between the residents and police has been tense, with a number of outbursts of significant violence lately, together with the killing of 17-year-old Angelo Semedo by the hands of police in 2001, and the loss of life of a police officer there in 2005. 
“The form of policing that these principally black neighbourhoods are subjected to is phenomenal,” says Fernandes, the lawyer. “And I do know as a result of I grew up in a single. They usually flip up in armoured vehicles and carrying masks … Persons are very fearful of them.”  
In the meantime, talking in defence of his police shoppers, Gaspar says: “It is a very problematic neighbourhood, the place there’s numerous crime and social issues. On this case … a specific amount of power was essential.”
A number of demonstrations have taken place in Lisbon with protesters rallying in opposition to racism and police brutality [Ana Naomi de Sousa/Al Jazeera]
The officers preserve that the Alfragide police station was “stormed” following an operation in streets of Cova da Moura earlier that very same day. Throughout court docket proceedings, nonetheless, a special account has emerged based on the victims. 
Numerous witnesses give proof that they have been dragged into the police station or taken forcefully into custody, and held for 2 days with out being charged, throughout which period they have been racially abused and bodily assaulted.
The contradictions start with a police operation within the streets of Cova da Moura, throughout which police say a stone was thrown at them. Throughout the identical operation, Jailza Sousa, Neuza Correia and Celso Lopes, have been shot with rubber bullets – none of them apparently supposed targets. 
A fourth, Bruno Lopes, informed the judges that he was approached by the police in a close-by cafe by officers who requested, “What are you laughing at?”, earlier than hitting him with a truncheon within the face, dragging him bleeding into the police van that took him to the station.
Flavio Almada, 35, a well-known neighborhood organiser and activist says he was singled out by the police, having gone to the station to seek out out about Bruno Lopes, who he knew had been arrested. 
“One in all them pointed at me and mentioned, ‘Get that one, he thinks he is so intelligent,’,” he testified. 
As soon as contained in the police station, Almada says he was racially and bodily abused by varied officers. 
“They mentioned ‘trash belongs on the ground’, then they threw me down on the ground and carried on kicking me,” he mentioned, additionally reporting varied racial slurs. “Then somebody kicked me within the face, I used to be bleeding rather a lot and certainly one of my enamel broke. They have been kicking and punching me … They appeared to take pleasure in it.” 
Pictures taken instantly after the discharge of the alleged victims and submitted to the court docket present the plaintiffs bloody and bruised.
The bodily scars are now not seen, however whereas giving his proof Almada broke down in tears.
“It was like being in hell,” he informed the judges.
Flavio Almada, one of many alleged victims, says cops ‘appeared to take pleasure in’ bodily assaulting him [Ana Naomi de Sousa/Al Jazeera]
In the meantime, 26-year-old Rui Moniz informed judges he was approached by cops after leaving a store the place he was inquiring a few cable TV service for his mom, near the Alfragide police station. 
In keeping with Moniz, the officers mentioned: “Look, right here comes an amputee”.
Having suffered a stroke as a toddler, Moniz walks with a limp and has a splint on his arm. 
After officers requested if he had been filming them, Moniz says they knocked his telephone out of his hand and punched him within the face, earlier than dragging him into the police station. 
“One in all them requested for my ID,” Moniz informed the court docket, “and when he checked out it he mentioned, ‘Hey, this one’s truly Portuguese’, and one other officer responded, ‘He isn’t Portuguese, he is Pretoguese'” – preto that means the color black, and likewise a racial slur. 
Moniz went on to explain being made to lie face down on the ground, the place cops walked and wiped their toes on him. 
“A lady got here in to wash up the blood on the ground, and he or she mentioned, ‘That is nothing to do with me, it is as much as my colleagues’,” he informed to the court docket. 
Thus far, the cops have denied the entire costs going through them. 
“They’re outraged, they really feel they’ve been victimised,” says the defence lawyer, Gaspar Goncalo, “and so they’ve suffered each personally and professionally.” 
A number of the defendants informed the judges that the case had taken a toll on their psychological well-being, though most stay on lively responsibility in several areas because the decide denied a petition from the prosecution for the entire brokers to be suspended from work at some point of the trial. 
The officers even have backing and authorized help from the police commerce unions.
A minimum of 15 extra instances have been opened in opposition to cops in Amadora [Ana Naomi de Sousa/Al Jazeera]
In Cova da Moura there are blended emotions in regards to the trial and the way it may finish. 
For Fernandes, who has been working domestically for years, “most of the people take a look at this case from the highest down – however the neighborhood right here is it from the underside up. Individuals right here know that if this goes badly, they’ll bear the brunt.” 
Nonetheless, Semedo feels the case is of “large significance – not solely as a result of it sends a robust sign that the police can’t do no matter they need with full impunity, but additionally as a result of the perspective right here has at all times been that ‘nothing will ever come of this sort of factor’. However now folks have began to understand that one thing may come of it, in spite of everything.”
Because it turned public, no less than 15 extra instances have been opened in opposition to cops in the identical municipality of Amadora.
The three judges will hear from greater than 100 witnesses and the trial is predicted to run no less than till the top of the 12 months. 
“Personally, I did not wish to undergo all this – after all I did not.”, admits Almada, talking in regards to the trial. “However we’ve got to interrupt the cycle of silence.”
Rui Moniz, left, stands outdoors the court docket with attorneys Lucia Gomes, centre, and Jose Semedo Fernandes, proper [Ana Naomi de Sousa/Al Jazeera]
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from SpicyNBAChili.com http://spicymoviechili.spicynbachili.com/young-black-portuguese-men-take-police-brutality-case-to-court-europe/
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abadpoetwithdreams · 7 years
Nirvana in Fire Episode 2 Reaction
(Hello, yes, it’s me again, the person who said she’d write a reaction post for every episode she watched and then went and watched SEVEN EPISODES IN THREE DAYS. I have regrets. I actually didn’t even want to stop watching long enough to write this, but I have to before I get too much deeper in. Everything below is written from my episode notes I made while watching episode 2 for the first time, so none of my later knowledge applies, here. I actually know names much better now, obviously. Also I continue to do really badly at not getting attached to anyone. Comically badly, really. I’m setting myself up for a lot of grief, I can tell.)
• So, episode two of Nirvana in Fire! We start this episode by immediately focusing on the princess (whose name is Ni Huang) which I was not expecting but which I welcomed wholly. After she had such a fun, powerful introduction, as well as that cheeky conversation with the Emperor, I am happy that her character gets even more fleshed out here. The fact that she is still unmarried is apparently a Big Deal, because until she is safely paired off with a suitable husband, she is a political wild card. Whoever marries her will essentially have her army of 10,000 men as a dowry, with all the clout that entails, making the Emperor anxious to arrange her marriage as quickly as possible. Unusually for this sort of story, though, he actually cares about her enough that he has let her put off marriage for a many years, so that’s rather sweet. He even seems proud that so many guys are interested in marrying her, which is cute. (He wavers between being proud that she’s so awesome and that so many people would want her, and being worried that so many people want her for the power she has.) In fact, even though this whole tournament for her suitors that he’s arranging seems like a final ultimatum, he seemingly is also going ahead and letting her have final combat with the top candidates, so I guess he’s potentially still letting it slide—for now.
• And why hasn’t she married, even though she is (as he friend so kindly tells her) no longer young? OH I CAN GUESS. *senses Doomed Romance looming closer*
• Side-note: I wish the Emperor’s eunuch buddy would stop smiling. He’s incredibly creepy. The performance reminds me of whoever played Osric in the Tennant production of Hamlet (arguably my favourite Hamlet: that perpetual smile that’s hilarious but also massively unsettling).
• Also Ni Huang has a younger brother? And he is going to take over the army now? Because the emperor is worried about the popularity and influence Ni Huang has among her own army? I’d say the Emperor is being needlessly paranoid, but I’ve watched various Asian period dramas before. He’s right to be skittish.
• Ok and then we get introduced to a general (??) who is immediately also on my list of faves in this show (I said I wouldn’t pick favourites. I SAID I WOULDN’T GET ATTACHED. GAH) because he is introduced with some great drumming music and while punching out two people at once, and also he has fantastic eyebrows and is maybe the only person on this entire show so far who has a Beard that isn’t an Evil Beard. Excellent. He seems very fierce and reminds me a lot of our hero’s surly teen bodyguard, and now I want them to fight.
• The prince who isn’t the Crown Prince (Yu, I have gathered his name is—see, I’ll get all the names gradually, I should have them all solidly by the end of ep3. Being able to keep track of a million names and complicated family trees is one of my Silmarillion powers) seems increasingly snakey every time I see him. This time it’s him praising the two guys the general beat up to his face, and then going off to scold them harshly and be really generally mean later. A harmless bit of two-faced-ness? Mayyyyyybe. But I’m guessing this is just the tip of the iceberg with this guy.
• He has really beautiful clothes, though. That red and gold. NICE.
• We finally come back to Chang Su—yeah, I know I was going to call him Lin Shu last episode because that was the first name I remembered, but everyone’s calling him Mei Chang Su so I’ve picked up on that now and will stick with that I guess… Or, actually, I’ll probably just start using all the names interchangeably and be both confusing and confused. It’s fine.
• Anyway, our mysterious man in white (side note: I adore the simplicity of his costume and how it makes him look even more washed out and ghostly when surrounded by the vibrant colors and detailed patterning of all the other men’s costumes) is hanging out at the Marquis’ house where he is reading and drinking tea in the garden, which just makes me like him more because that is how I, too, like to spend my time. His angry teen bodyguard is busy jumping from rooftop to rooftop and wire-flying through the air, as one does. The bodyguard’s name is Fei Liu and I adore him. More of this kid, please, show, and thanks.
• Chang Su sends Fei Liu out to play, and when Jing Rui wonders at that, Chang Su assures him it’s fine: Fei Liu has a good temper. Immediately I know something is up. Either that, or our entire premise that Chang Su is a brilliant strategist is a lie, because that teen murder machine is the angriest character in this entire show and you’d have to be an idiot to think otherwise.
• These boys, by the way—Jing Rui and … Something Jin? His happy sidekick— continue to be the nicest, most cheerful and pleasant duo. They’re in temperment like the Merry and Pippin of this show. Every time I see them in a scene with Chang Su I get intensely uncomfortable because I’m certain he doesn’t really see them as the friends they think they are to him.
• And then I get my wish and the general and Fei Liu have a mighty sky and roof battle, and it’s glorious. The cinematography is so good in this show, it really lets the wirework and choreography shine. Usually I prefer my combat more House of Flying Daggers over the top and less Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon over the top, but it’s working for me 100% here. The dancer in me digs it.
• “I will be sure to discipline him” -Yeah, sure you will, Chang Su. Suuuuure.
• The general seems suspicious, but that’s only to be expected when you are accosted by a strange, vicious, flying child in a garden.
• “There is nothing exceptional about me. Except for my stunning good looks.” -Chang Su, when questioned by the general. I might have added that last part.
• Fei Liu’s faceplant of shame against the wall made me laugh out loud. Gosh, I love this kid.
• And! It turns out Jing Rui’s brother with the sneaky face was eavesdropping for Prince Yu, and of course when he scuttles away to report his findings we cut to Chang Su looking immensely smug. Yup, he planned that whole fight out. This guy.
• Meanwhile, the Marquis is in the pocket of the Crown Prince, and reports to him the same news. But these guys go a step further and not only are they planning to win Chang Su over; they are planning that if they can’t win him, they will kill him! I’m just assuming Yu hasn’t thought that far ahead.
• “I took to the battlefield in my armor when I was seventeen years old. After witnessing bloody battles for seventeen years, all I have left is a heart of steel.” -Ni Huang, lying. But also continuing to be immensely quotable.
• Also her friend is a super-important intelligence agent? She has this fantastically dangerous attitude, so I can’t wait to see more of her. I love how competent these women are, and they aren’t presented as awesome warriors simply as window-dressing; they make their awesomeness seem earned and genuine and an core part of their characters, so well done show (or novel? I think this is an adaptation of a book? Either way, bravo, and bravo to the actresses for being so effortlessly cool).
• It’s another prince! Prince Jing, this time, and I love this guy immediately. He has a perpetually sad grumpy face but the more you see of his life the more it’s understandable. Guy has it rough. But he seems to be very close with Ni Huang, which is yet another point in his favor! His short, abrupt mannerisms are hilarious, when contrasted with his brothers’ constant waffling and wheedling and whining.
• Oh, and a thread I had questions about last episode gets pulled out a little more: Ni Huang’s friend in the intelligence force was one of those who investigated Lin Shu’s family all those years ago and who came to the conclusion that they were treasonous due to (what I am assuming was planted) evidence that Prince Jing thinks was bogus. He still hasn’t forgiven her, and she still hasn’t forgiven him for continuing to think well of the traitor who killed her husband. Supposedly. Furthermore, Ni Huang also still does not believe Lin Shu and his family were guilty, which hurts her friend’s feelings. Sheesh, I can’t wait for whenever the flashbacks start and we can ACTUALLY SEE what happened 12 years ago! Everyone’s lives seem to be divided into a before and after centered around that event, whether they realize it or not, but everyone also has different takes on what happened. The pay off had better be amazing, because the constant teasing is killing me.
• So now we come to what I thought was going to be the worst scene of the episode, where the Emperor makes poor Prince Jing just stand at attention, ignored, outside his palace and then legit forgets about him and we get all this backstory about how his father treats him harshly due to his sympathizing with Lin Shu’s family and inability to keep his mouth shut and I just felt so bad for this poor guy. But sidenote: the Emperor’s happy air-calligraphy as he admires the handwriting he was looking at when Prince Jing first arrived made me laugh. I really, really like whoever this actor is who’s playing the Emperor. I don’t think I’ve seen him before. But he gives what could easily be yet another trope-y Emperor role a lot of nuance.
• And then when Jing is finally allowed inside, the Crown Prince immediately starts haranguing him about how filthy he looks and why didn’t he go home to clean up first and I wanted to slap him. And then slimy Prince Yu cuts in to argue against the Crown Prince in an attempt to get Good Son Points from their Emperor Dad, and I wanted to slap him, too. My gosh, they’re a pair of five-year-olds.
• Also, Prince Jing continues to be very laconic, but I love that he is both quieter than his brothers AND plagued by the problem that he doesn’t know WHEN to shut up. Someone who speaks their mind like he does and who cares more about what is Right instead of what is Safe reeeeeally needs someone a bit more sneaky and pragmatic looking out for them. Someone like … CHANG SU? HMMMMMMM
• Jing Rui fiercely defending his buddy Chang Su from court politics, and then proudly saying his father is neutral in politics (oh poor boy) is so Good, it breaks my heart.
• And with that it’s finally the start of the tournament to find Ni Huang a husband! Fei Liu angrily fails at putting a ribbon in his hair in the background of a scene and I had to rewind to actually pay attention to what the boys were saying because it distracted me. Chang Su is still being the most polite little troll and is like ‘hey, how about we show up SUPER LATE’ all the while surely knowing that the two princes are desperate for a glimpse of him. He really wants to make a big entrance, ahahaha.
• Ni Huang’s baby brother is PRECIOUS. I ADORE HIM. “Princess Ni Huang probably doesn’t worry as much about this tournament as the young prince” PRECIOUS I SAY.
• I’m perplexed by how expressive Hu Ge can make his expressionless face be. He emotes a lot without emoting at all and it’s uncanny. There was a whole story on his face when he commented on how close Ni Huang and her brother are, and I REALLY WANT TO KNOW WHAT IT IS.
• And then this show briefly turns into a brilliant comedy where Prince Yu and the Crown Prince basically both race out of their private box to where Chang Su is and immediately start trying to win him over with a forcefulness that grows in awkwardness and eagerness until it’s basically a farce. It’s glorious. And once again I have to commend the acting in this scene, because what they’re saying isn’t even inherently funny; it’s the way they say it and the pacing and their expressions that made me rewatch this scene twice just so I could cackle over it again. Jing Rui increasingly offput by their posturing, Chang Su increasingly dying inside, Yu Jin completely oblivious. Hysterical. Also there’s a shot that makes me realize the reason why I like Chang Su’s face and specifically his eyes so much is because he has this weird resemblance to Buster Keaton, so there’s that.
• … .
• Ok no, that’s all a lie, but I had been lulled into a false sense of security by the hilarity of the fighting princes, so I thought this was just going to be cute. And at first, it was. Well, after Lin Shu’s brief, unusually intense moment with Fei Liu where he orders him on exactly how he is to behave with the old lady, that is. “She’s the kindest grandmother in the world,” he says, his eyes drifting to middle distance, and I got a little choked up. But it’s ok, the moment is brief, just enough to color the next scene with poignancy, and I thought that was it. He gives his instruction, he goes in, everything seems fine (except for the fact that he seems legit scared to look his grandmother in the face, THIS POOR MAN), Yu Jin is a cheerful doof as usual, the Empress Dowager is DELIGHTFUL and her obsession with everyone’s marital status is charming (as is Jing Rui’s discomfiture, I like his hair-down look btw), Fei Liu makes an epic eyeroll and continues to climb in my esteem, and then—
• Dangit.
• Ok, so story time: I don’t know Chinese. Not at all. I am ¼ Chinese, actually, as well as ¼ Japanese, but I know more Japanese because I have never been in contact with my Chinese side of the family as much. Anyway, so I have always relied entirely on subtitles when watching Chinese media, but dramafever’s subtitles have seemed a little inconsistent to me. And I THINK they were in this scene. Because when Jing Rui introduced himself to his aged great-grandmother, she asked if he was “Xiao Rui,” according to the subtitles, and he said yes. Now, I figured something was up here because I could have sworn his name was Jing Rui? So I paused the episode for a quick detour to google, and apparently Xiao means small??? Which makes sense contextually and is super cute????? So this meant I was like ‘Aww, how sweet’ and then went back to the episode full of warm fuzzy feelings and a vague sense of accomplishment, hit play, and was armed with just enough Chinese knowledge to feel the moment when that kindly old woman calls Lin Shu “Xiao Shu” LIKE A FREAKING FREIGHT TRAIN OF PAIN. HIS EXPRESSION WAS MY EXPRESSION IN THAT MOMENT. AUGHHHHHHHHH
• She comments on how thin and sickly he looks and I was like bye
• And then that horrid woman who I THINK is the Crown Prince’s mother (out of everyone it’s all the women in the court that I have the most trouble differentiating, which is weird because I should be able to tell them apart easily by their headdresses but idk) makes a joke about haha she said he’s thin and she called him small Su what a rascal that grandmother and meanwhile both Chang Su and I are over here dying inside and I’m like bYe
• And then she gives him a stupid snack that was his favorite when he was a kid because she can’t remember anything recent but by golly she’s going to remember what her grandkids like and that reminded me of my own great-grandmother who had this same memory problem due to a stroke but anyway he takes it and looks absolutely terrified by both the emotional battering he’s getting and also the possibility his cover will be blown, probably, and he wraps that thing up in his hands like it’s the most precious thing in the world and I was like bYE
• And then good ol’ grandma is like “Hey, Ni Huang, get over here and hold hands with your boyfriend” and I was like BYE
• And then when the Empress Dowager is getting distressed because the women are all telling her ‘Oh, that isn’t Shu, they aren’t getting married, she broke her engagement years ago’ Ni Huang is obviously hurting and tries to quietly slip away but HE GRABS Her HAND LIKE HE JUST CANT HELP HIMSLEF ANDHER FACE I WAS JUST AAAAAGHHHHHHHHFSLSLWHDKls:KdJk:SK;;;;;
• And my girl Ni Huang, she knows. She doesn’t know what she knows, but she KNOWS.
• “Xiao Shu, you’re leaving?” *DEAD*
• Also that music came back
• Dangit
• I don’t even know what else happened in the episode after that. I had to go back and rewatch it for this post because I was so shook. Ni Huang, bright thing that she is, corners Chang Su and asks him to walk with her, and she starts probing at him to try to figure out why he behaved so oddly and why she felt so strange with him (ok the last is more me speculating based on the actress’ body language and expressions more than anything in the actual text, but it’s definitely what’s going on ok). And they are the perfect couple they’re both so sharp and even their colors compliment each other and I’m very distressed.
• And then the episode ends with a child getting beaten up. The end.
I’m exhausted. On to episode 3.
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