#vera's lying on so many levels
gerdli94 · 1 year
Natural Remedies for Heartburn: Find Relief Naturally
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Heartburn is a common discomfort that many people experience from time to time. It occurs when stomach acid backs up into the esophagus, causing a burning sensation in the chest and throat. While over-the-counter medications are readily available, you may be interested in exploring natural remedies for heartburn. These methods can provide relief without the potential side effects of medications. Here are some effective ways to treat heartburn naturally:
Ginger is famous for its positive effects on digestion. It can ease heartburn by decreasing stomach acid and calming your digestive system. You can enjoy ginger in different ways, like drinking ginger tea or taking ginger capsules.
Chamomile Tea:
Chamomile has anti-inflammatory and calming properties that can help ease heartburn symptoms. Drinking a cup of chamomile tea before or after meals may provide relief.
Baking Soda:
Mixing a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water can help neutralize stomach acid temporarily. Exercise caution when using this remedy, as excessive intake of baking soda can result in disruptions to your electrolyte balance.
Aloe Vera:
Aloe vera has anti-inflammatory properties that can soothe the esophagus and reduce irritation. Drink aloe vera juice in moderation to ease heartburn symptoms.
Slippery Elm:
Slippery elm is an herbal remedy that forms a soothing coating on the esophagus, reducing the discomfort of heartburn. You can find it in lozenge or powder form.
Apple Cider Vinegar:
Although counterintuitive, diluted apple cider vinegar can help balance stomach acid levels. Mix a tablespoon in a glass of water and drink it before meals.
Lifestyle Changes:
Making changes to your lifestyle can also prevent heartburn. Avoid trigger foods like spicy, acidic, or fatty foods, and maintain a healthy weight. Eating smaller meals more often and not lying down right after eating can also be helpful.
Chew Gum:
Chewing sugar-free gum stimulates saliva production, which can help neutralize stomach acid and alleviate heartburn symptoms.
A Balanced Diet:
Incorporate more fiber-rich foods, like fruits and vegetables, into your diet. Fiber can aid digestion and reduce the risk of heartburn.
Remember that what works for one person may not work for another, so it may take some trial and error to find the natural remedies that work best for you. If your heartburn persists or becomes severe, consult a healthcare professional for a proper evaluation. Natural remedies for heartburn can be a valuable addition to your toolkit for managing this common ailment, promoting better digestive health without relying solely on medication.
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somos-desenfrenadas · 5 years
Rocío: I’m going to need everyone to be straight with each other from now on. No more games.
Vera: I’m always straight.
Carlota: Oh, man, that’s the biggest lie you’ve ever told.
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nightingaelic · 3 years
Fallout New Vegas companions react to taking the Courier's place in Dead Money.
Arcade Gannon: Following the obligatory panic attack and subsequent state of dejection, Arcade would suck it up and start trying to get the heist done with as quickly as possible. He’d roll his eyes at Dean Domino, set aside Dog and God’s identity crisis for later and check Christine over for basic first aid purposes before trudging along toward the various goals set by Elijah. I think he’d opt for stealth over combat when encountering the ghost people out of a sense of self-preservation, but he would probably pocket some clothing and blood samples from any that Dog took down along the way to the casino. The story of the Sierra Madre would fascinate him, particularly the bits and pieces left behind by jaded treasure hunters and Elijah’s previous teams of victims. Arcade would see it as a microcosm of what’s happening in the wider world, a stellar example of partners turning on each other in pursuit of some perceived bright future attached to the hidden treasures of the old world. Vera’s desperate graffiti in her hotel room would speak to him most powerfully: LET GO. He would probably try to argue with Elijah about the viability of the former Brotherhood Elder’s plans, throwing some Latin phrasing in for good measure. No matter his level of success in this, Arcade would stow away as many gold bars as he could to lug home and use to sparingly and anonymously fund the efforts of the Followers of the Apocalypse. 
Craig Boone: During his first encounter with one of the ghost people popping up again after being downed by his sniper rifle, Boone would grunt in annoyance, swap his ammo for hollow points and switch from aiming at chests to aiming at heads. Ghost people bob and weave admirably, but Boone has a gift, and up until he actually got inside the casino, his main obstacle would be avoiding the noxious cloud. The holograms, on the other hand, would probably strike some fear into his heart. After all, how do you destroy something that bullets can’t touch? I don’t think he would put two and two together about the emitters until Christine or Dean pointed them out: From there, it just becomes a scavenger hunt to find the next piece of wall-mounted tech to shoot. Dean, Dog and God would annoy him, but he’d find a kindred spirit in Christine, and would appreciate her ability to convey meaning without words. Hell, he’s pretty good at that himself. Upon finding Elijah, Boone would immediately put a bullet in his head, look at the pile of gold for a few seconds, then walk away and out of the Sierra Madre without looking back. He’d never breathe a word of the place to anyone, but he’d track down all of the Sierra Madre broadcast systems one by one and destroy them, letting the desert swallow the place and its dangers for good. 
Lily Bowen: Grandma Lily wouldn’t understand why the angry man was so desperate to get inside the casino, but she’s more than familiar with being a forced follower of doomed causes. As such, she would be kind to her fellow captives, assuring Christine that she would be able to talk “when she’s ready,” admonishing Dean for his rude behavior and telling Elijah that he would catch more cazadores with honey mesquite than with vinegar. A trail of wrecked ghost people would follow her to the casino itself, but dealing with the holograms would be beyond her expertise: That part would have to be left to Christine or Dean. Elijah would receive a lecture once she made it into the vault, but she would probably let him live unless he attacked first. Dog and God, however, would earn the most care and compassion and even cause some introspection. Ultimately, I think she would help the two become one through intense conversation and shared understanding about what it means to be nightkin with no master, and once freed, she would take him to find a home in Jacobstown. 
Raul Alfonso Tejada: Upon waking up from being kidnapped by Dog on Elijah's behalf, Raul's immediate reaction would be something like "Again?" followed by "Carajo." Elijah’s insistence on pulling off the heist would annoy him, but Raul is constantly looking for something to occupy his unnaturally-long time on earth, and what is the Sierra Madre if not the Mojave’s most deadly time-waster? He would be sarcastic and exasperated for his entire time wearing the bomb collar, but would find ways to be tender and understanding with Christine, and patient and supportive with Dog and God - after all, he knows what it’s like to struggle with two sides of yourself. Dean, on the other hand, would vex him. Here’s another pre-war ghoul hung up on the promises and mistakes of the past, driven to the point of obsession where he can’t break himself out of the cycle. He can’t let go, and I think that doomed state of being would speak to Raul personally. I don’t think he and Dean would get along, but I don’t think they would have a final showdown in the Tampico either. Instead, I think Dean would watch Raul exit the vault’s elevator, flip one souvenir gold bar in his hand with a wry smile, then pocket it before walking out into the wastes, and the pre-war lounge singer would feel a twinge of kindred sadness before going back to rummaging through the casino’s secrets. 
Rose of Sharon Cassidy: Following a tense standoff with Elijah while refusing to do as he says, Cass would eventually relent and start dragging her feet around the villa to assemble the ragtag heist crew. She’d hold each of them at a distance, intent on getting herself out alive and refusing to be responsible for anyone else. Nods of sympathy for Christine, dry comebacks for Dean and a quizzical comment or two for Dog and God would be her limit, at least until they all encountered their turning points inside the casino. Each of them would grow her disdain for Elijah and his methods, but, like Raul, I think she would be most personally affected by Dean’s story. She might find herself arguing with him like the courier did with her, about moving on from failed pasts and striking out into something new. I don’t think she’d take the time to argue with Elijah, though, and would take the first chance she got to lock him in the vault forever. She’d make off with as much gold as she could, of course. 
Veronica Santangelo: The Sierra Madre would make Veronica's head explode, though whether or not Elijah could stand her mouth going a million miles a minute once she wakes up would determine whether that would happen literally or figuratively. Tons and tons of pre-war tech lying around! But it's all under a haze of collapsed support beams, toxic gas and ghost people that can jump around like grasshoppers. Father Elijah is alive! But he's trying to break into a casino to build an army of holograms, and he imprisoned Christine. Christine is here! But she's been maimed and abused horribly, and is trying to kill Elijah. I think Elijah would try reasoning with Veronica before threatening her into obeying him - though she would probably figure out how to get the collar off or render it useless within the first 24 hours in the Sierra Madre - but I don’t think he would be able to convince her that his plan to get inside the casino’s vault would benefit the Brotherhood of Steel. The revelations that Christine would bring - the Circle of Steel’s orders, Elijah’s crimes against travelers and treasure hunters, his orchestration of their breakup in order to bring Veronica to the Mojave with him - would probably leave her feeling confused and empty about the man she considers a grandfather figure. She would probably do her best to free Elijah from the casino, but would offer him a choice if she succeeded: Leave the treasures of the Sierra Madre behind and walk away from his accursed quest for power, or remain trapped with what he’d sought. Whatever path he’d choose, Veronica would part ways with him once the vault’s elevator ascended. She’d bundle up Vera’s dress, sigh heavily, then take Christine’s hand and walk away from the Sierra Madre forever. 
ED-E: Ironically, I think ED-E would be a good pick for Elijah to use as a pawn in his heist game, though it would be kind of hard for Dog to hook a collar onto the little robot. If Ulysses can speak to the courier through an eyebot’s speakers, then Elijah can probably do the same to his already-assembled team. ED-E doesn’t have a whole lot of personal motivation, so I think the bot would just beep and go along with whatever it was ordered to do. Christine or Dean would probably take the lead, and ED-E would zoom around the villa, dodging throwing knife spears and trumpeting his location without a care. Once inside the casino, ED-E would again defer to his leader’s orders, with the added benefit of being a robot keeping him from the holograms’ notice. If allowed into the vault, ED-E would diligently pick up exactly six of the gold bars and carry them home to the Mojave, where he would deposit them at the bewildered courier’s feet with a triumphant beep. 
Rex: While much easier to slap a collar on than ED-E, I don't think Rex would fare better than the little robot in terms of leadership abilities. As an ally to whoever gets put in charge, though, he would also be invaluable at sneaking around the Sierra Madre’s various threats, particularly the ghost people. He would take a special shine to Christine and God, who would recognize the canine as a fellow being exploited by powers out of his control. Rex would absolutely hate the holograms, who smell of nothing, and Elijah, who smells of desperation and indifference. He would completely ignore the gold bars. Once freed, he would whine and beg and nudge Christine until she relented and left the city of the dead, leading her home to the New Vegas strip and another woman whose scent told him of metal bunkers and longing. 
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lebrookestore · 3 years
crimson calamity; j.jh
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Pairing: Jung Jaehyun x reader
Themes: vampire!au, royalty! au, forbidden relationship, manipulation? its gender neutral because i want to try writing like that, i tried not to use any pronouns at all tbh, reader is a royal, angst
Warnings: blood, making out, dizzy spells, angst, heavily suggestive, pg 15
Wc: 2k
Taglist: @jaehyunssslut @intokook @channoticedmeuwu @danishmiilk @chicksung @1-800-seo @kkakkdugi @yunntext @vera-liscious @leetaeyonglover @kunrengui @unknown5tar @kisshim @mrkcore @coco-riki @hannie-dul-set-replies​
Authors Note: I......vampire jaehyun and an angsty makeout scene, enjoy! 
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You felt so weak, yet your body buzzed with some sort of nervous energy as your eyes locked with him. You felt breathless, like you needed to lie down. How did he have such a hold on you?
Those damning eyes that sucked you in everything he looked at you. Inky pools of nothingness that you wanted nothing more to stare into. You knew you shouldn’t, it was wrong on so many levels. 
It was all his fault, he was doing this to you. He enjoyed seeing you falling apart in his hands, like glass that had been struck. He knew exactly the effect he had on you, a simple smile could make you go dizzy.
You turned around, leaning against the table, fingers fisting the white silk cloth that adorned it, trying to compose yourself once more. You could just imagine the state of the news if they found out you were involved with the likes of Jung Jaehyun.
Everybody’s eyes were on you, the heir to the throne. There were suitors scattered through the hall, waiting for their turn to talk to you, to take your hand and ask for a dance, or waiting for you to ask them. It was pitiful, there were so many waiting, but you only wanted one, the one you could never have.
How had no one seen him yet? If your parents found out he was here, he would be burned, killed. A vampire in the royal palace? On royal grounds? Everyone would retreat in fear, no one would trust the integrity or the capability of your family’s protection.
The silk between your fingers felt like thorns all of a sudden as a bitter taste filled your mouth. Raising one of the drinks to your lips, you took several sips in the hope of washing it away. That weak feeling resurfaced as you staggered backwards as you made an excuse to leave the room, scurrying down the hallways to get away.
Stopping in the middle, you took in deep breaths. Someone could follow you, they could see you slowly loosing your mind over someone you wanted to stay the furthest away from.
A cold hand wrapped around your wrist as you froze in place.
“Running away again?”
His voice was smooth, like melted chocolate. Steeling yourself you turning around to face him, pulling your hand away and rubbing the area he touched. “From you. As usual.”
His lips twitched as he took a step forward, closer to you. Jaehyun loved the way you reacted to every little thing he did, the way your eyes widened, your body stiffening in anticipation. 
You felt weak again, like you would collapse. This was wrong, so wrong, vampires were the most dangerous specimens out there and everyone had warned you about this, but oh, no one told you they could be this beautiful.
Jaehyun was mesmerizing, absolutely gorgeous. He did this to you, what he did though, or how-you weren’t sure.
“You don’t have to keep running. I’m right here.”
“I’m not running for you”, you said, “I’m running for me. From you.”
“You sure about that?” He licked his lips, leaning closer towards you until you could feel his breath fanning out on your neck. This was a dangerous position to be in, a little nudge and you would fall apart for him.
“Of course I’m sure”, your voice cracked towards the end as your eyes fluttered shut, bracing yourself for the inevitable. His arms wrapped around your waist as he pulled you closer to his body, “Are you lying?”
His voice was just over a whisper as he asked you the question. He was close, so close, just a little more and he would be kissing you.
In answer to his question, you leaned forward, pressing your lips to his before remembering this was wrong, something you had been warned against time and time again. You had to pull away and run, to abide with your lies and run away from him, for yourself.
But he held you close to his, body flush against his as he kissed you back, pushing you against the wall of the hallway. You hands came up to cup his face, tilting your own ever so slightly to kiss him better. 
Someone could walk down the hallway and spot you too, anyone could see what you were doing. You were betraying everyone that trusted you for this momentary thrill, but fuck, you didn’t want to stop. You felt yourself go weak again in his arms as he held you up.
Jaehyun was addictive, his tongue swiping over your lower lip. His kisses were cold, icy, but they somehow filled you with warmth. Your ears buzzed, mind going hazy as your hands found their place in his hair, tugging ever so slightly at the ends. You could just imagine the faces of your suitors when they found out you had ditched your own ball just to kiss a vampire, the very thing they promised to protect you from if you chose to marry them.
How did you end up like this?
Everyone knew the undead lived among you, but they usually lived on the down low considering they could be killed on sight since they were a threat. Yet Jaehyun was right here, mouth on yours as you kissed.
The kiss got messy very quickly, teeth clashing. It hurt to an extent, the way everything had to be a secret, the way you had to run away from him every time only to end up in his arms. It hurt when you were kissing him, because it was a reminder that you shouldn’t be doing so, that you could never be happy with him.
He pulled away, glancing over to the side where a door was, pushing it open and dragging you with him, re-attaching his lips to yours, trailing them down to your jaw. His cold lips sent shivers down your spine as your eyes fluttered shut, fingers fisting his dress shirt. 
Jaehyun left open mouthed kisses down your jawline, to your neck, and that was when you were very aware of the fact that there was a vampire right in front of you. He could kill you, in fact he had you right where he needed to do so. 
Was it bad that that fear sparked into some sort of sick excitement for you?
“It won’t kill you”, he said as if he had read your mind, “But if you want I can stop right here.”
“N-no”, your voice had lost all stability, eyes screwed shut, “please don’t leave.”
He took a step away from you, looking amused, “I thought you were running from me?”
He knew, he fucking knew he had you. The ghost of his touch lingered on your body, as if pulling you to collapse into his embrace again. 
“I’m always running Jae.”
“What’s different this time then?”
“Absolutely nothing”, you licked your lips, staring at his as if you were in a daze, “I’m going to keep running, for both of us.”
Jaehyun kissed you again, “Not scared?”, he whispered against you, one of his hands intertwining with your own, fingers curling around yours as he kissed you. You grasped onto him, mind going blank once again.
A bite would never kill, quite the contrary in fact. Jaehyun had bitten you once before and it had been nothing like you had expected. Sometimes you found yourself wondering if that had started this mess, from the moment he first kissed you to the bite. Maybe that’s what made you fall head first into something you were supposed to stay far away from.
His lips were back on your neck, kissing and ghosting over. He was teasing you now, trying to set you off and make you snap. Letting out a shaky breath, your lips formed a pout, “Jae please.”
His other hand rubbed circles on your hips, building up your anticipation. You wanted him, only him, but he was the one person you couldn’t have.
“Imagine if the others knew”, he murmured, “That their precious heir falls apart so easily.”
His fangs grazed over your neck, making you shiver as you closed your eyes, tilting your head ever so slightly for him. You were like putty in his arms, silently wondering how he ever had this much control over you.
You hissed in pain as he sung them into your neck, before your knees buckled as you feel into him. He caught you as he latched onto your skin, sucking at the bite marks. Some of your blood trickled out from the side, a sticky stream of red liquid. 
The pain dissolved into a feeling of weightlessness as you whimpered, clutching onto him as he drank your blood. You felt faint, that weak feeling resurfacing in full force as you let out a cry, “fuck”
“Pretty”, he muttered, pulling away and brushing his fingers over the bite mark, making you grit your teeth at the stinging sensation. He smirked, pulling you with him, “you still want this?”
“They’ll kill you”, you whispered, “I don’t want to lose you.”
“You know you’re going to”, he said, thumb brushing over your cheek, “that’s why I’m asking, because even if they don’t find us, I’ll leave myself.”
“That’s why you’re running hmm?”, he asked, eyes glazing over as he studied your features, before dropping his hand. “You’re afraid of what I will do. You don’t completely trust me, but you’re not ready to let go either.”
Each word made you realize how right he was. You were so selfish, you wanted everything, with nothing in the bargain. You were hurting yourself and him in the process. How had it come to this? You had never been like this, something had changed. 
You wanted him. You wanted him not.
“What have you done to me?”, you asked, voice fragile as you stepped away from him, a mixture of fear and regret clouding your senses. He watched as you reeled away from him, lower lip trembling as you did so, “Stop it, please.”
You sounded so desperate, “Please stop it”, you whispered, “Stop giving me false hope.”
“Do you still want this?” He asked again, narrowing his eyes at you, “I gave you nothing Y/n. There are plenty others waiting for you.”
“Of course I want this, I want you”, you spat as if it was the worst thing in the world, “But I’m not supposed to want you. Why do I want you?”
Jaehyun was dangerous, walking with him was like tempting fate. He was the calamity, the danger. He knew this as well, which was why he asked your permission every time. 
You should have said no.
You should have never indulged, because now you could never push away the possibility. Instead you nodded weakly, locking the door behind you as you faced him once again, “make me forget you’ll leave then.”
His eyes, those fucking eyes that made you go weak at the knees, they softened, guiding you to the bed as his mouth met yours again in an icy kiss. Your fingers curled around the fabric of his shirt, loosing yourself to him once again. 
You awoke the next morning to a bed that smelled like Jaehyun, a bite mark at the crook of your neck and a feeling of loneliness and regret that sat at the pit of your stomach. Of course, you knew he would be back, coming around when you least expect it, when you’re the most vulnerable to him.
You were addicted, no one else could do it for you, you were in too deep. You silently wondered what would happen if you defied everybody and their warnings to be with him. You already had broken several rules, why not break them all?
Fear. He was right, you were still afraid.
One day you’d have to snuff out the crimson calamity that tainted your body and blood with his touch, but for now, you decided that you would stand in the eye of the storm.
And run.
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summerwritesfics · 4 years
🎧Song Inspired Shorts - Gone Forever
Pairing & Characters: Sektor/Kuai Liang Length: 819 Words Rating: Mature Content/Warnings: Past Toxic Relationships, Belief that Toxic Relationship's are the norm, Implied Abuse, References to Sex, References to rough sex, Decapitation, Insomnia, Missing someone who is bad for you Song: Gone Forever - Three Days Grace
Song Inspired Shorts Masterlist
I feel so much better, Now that you're gone forever, I tell myself that I don't miss you at all, I'm not lying, denying, That I feel so much better, Now that you're gone forever
Kuai paced in front of the severed head in front of him. It was one of those nights, the nights where he just couldn't seem to convince the gods to allow him to sleep, where his thoughts swarmed his mind and he just couldn't sort through all the shit inside. Yeah. One of those nights.
And tonight, for reasons he couldn't fathom, his thoughts all seemed to linger on Sektor.
It was so stupid. On the surface they had always had an antagonistic relationship, Kuai a rebellious apprentice with a penchant for getting into trouble and Sektor the grandmaster's son who had a lot to prove and tasked to deal with this particular troublesome student. They argued. They fought. Kuai very distinctly remembered biting Sektor's arm once, and had various memories of Sektor's fists hitting his face. They hated each other.
Yet Kuai could no longer count on his hands the amount of times he'd found himself somehow sharing Sektor's bed. How many times their scraps had lead to him being thrown against the wall and Sektor's lips claiming his. Sektor biting down into his neck while Kuai dug his nails into the other mans back and left deep trails down. Every time Kuai slipped out from under the sheets, both declared that this was the last time and they'd never speak of it again, only for the situation to repeat only days later.
Kuai had for the longest time believed this is what love was. Anger and hatred morphing into lust. He didn't exactly have any outside perspective on the subject, and he sure as hell wasn't going to ask Bi-Han or Tomas about it because that could lead to them finding out the person his heart seemed set on was Sektor. In those wild moments when Sektor was inside him and Kuai whispered the words “I love you”, he truly believed he meant them. Sektor never said them back, but that was fine, Kuai could say it for the both of them.
Then his world expanded beyond the Lin Kuei and he discovered that his view on love was warped. When Johnny and Sonya started fighting, they broke things off, apparently having an argument was not supposed to instigate a sexual encounter. When he looked at Jax and Vera and saw the passion in their eyes and how they barely ever battled each other, instead talking things through and respecting the others opinion of a topic.
As it turns out, you are not supposed to despise your partner, and this was news to Kuai Liang who constantly felt loathing in his heart for Sektor.
So why the hell did the thought of their lips touching keep Kuai awake at night?
He finally stopped pacing, and crouched down to be level with the cyborg's head. He studied it for a few seconds. Sektor had, objectively, been rather handsome before he had done this to himself. Kuai wasn't sure if he pitied Sektor for wanting to change himself that badly or hated him for forcing every one else to suffer the same fate.
He sighed, head dropping and rubbing his temples. He was so fucking tired, he just wanted to stop thinking about the past and sleep. He looked back up again, the lifeless head just stared blankly back at him.
“Shun,” he finally managed to grumble out, surprised by his own use of the man's birth name. “I hate you.” He actually winced at the harshness of his own words. “You were the worst thing that ever happened to me.” He huffed, dragging a hand through his hair.
The worst thing that ever happened to me, so why do I still long for you so?
“I'm glad you're not in my life any more,” he muttered, glaring down the head like it could answer him in some way. “I have to live with what you did to me, but at least you don't get the satisfaction of watching me suffer.” He dragged his hands over his face. “I'm glad you're gone. I'm glad you're dead.”
I love you, I miss you, I'm sorry.
“I hate you.” Pushing the thoughts back, because how could he still think like that after everything that he'd been through and everything he'd learned. He stood up straight, staring down at the head in front of him. “I don't regret what happened, I don't regret that your dead, and I do not miss you at all.”
I miss you so fucking much.
“I know my life is better now that you are gone forever,” he said, in finality, cutting off all other things his brain was trying to say. “I hate you.”
He turned away to leave the room, whispering the words “I hate you” in order to drown out the traitorous voice in his head.
If he told himself those words enough times, maybe it would become the truth.
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apocalypsewriters · 4 years
I did hint at writing here, and look! I followed through. I used this prompt, so enjoy the hurt comfort featuring Fera and Nala
“You don’t have to talk, we can just sit together.” Fera enveloped her girlfriend in a hug. Nala melted into her embrace as she succumbed to her silent sobs.
To anyone else, Nala could have passed as content. She was capable of masking her emotions and could do it well. No one could have seen her as cheery, but none but Fera would have sensed the turmoil underneath. Nala felt surprisingly small in her arms for someone usually so big and confident. Her normally self-assured stature was completely compromised; earlier that day her shoulders had been hunched in a plush hoodie. Anyone who knew her well might be able to read her sadness, although they couldn’t know the acuteness of the feeling. It was enough to make Fera stumble as she had skipped over to greet Nala that morning. Nala had straightened up quickly and plastered on a smile. They both knew that Fera was well aware of how awful Nala was feeling, but silently, they agreed to confront it later.
It had finally spilled over at lunchtime; Nala had pulled Fera aside from the garden and led her to a secluded spot in the school. The nook was picturesque, with fake grass cushioning Fera as she leaned against the live oak tree, basked in dappled sunlight. Fera watched the clouds move through the leaves, trying to anchor herself in the world. Nala’s emotions were an ocean, wave after wave crashing over her. Grief. Anger. Frustration. Hatred. Sadness. She struggled to stay afloat, knowing what would happen if she lost control. She rubbed Nala’s back slowly, relishing in the cloth fibers’ consistent texture on her skin. She let her fingers glide down her spine, tracing each ridge and steadying her thoughts and the emotions under her control. Slowly, Nala’s breathing leveled out, becoming measured and rhythmic.
“I’m so sorry. I hate to burden you. This must be so unbearable.” Nala’s apology was muffled by Fera’s cardigan-clad side. Her voice was quiet and raw with emotion.
Fera stroked her fingers through the dark curls, being careful to not get snagged. “You’re never a bother to me. For you, I could bear the weight of the sky. Besides,” she reassured, “I’ve felt worse. Do you want to tell me about it?”
Nala shook her head, her curls tickling Fera’s wrist.
“Okay. How about I tell you about my day?”
Fera felt the thrum of Nala’s agreement on her palm.
“Well, I woke up today to find Vera having a crisis with one of her plants. The flowers were wilting on one of them since its flowering season was over, but since she knows next to nothing about plants, no thanks to me, she was worried it was dying. Goodness knows why she hasn’t asked me before.” She paused, then said, “On second thought, I think that was one of Madelyn’s. I guess she didn’t want to ask for her help so it wouldn’t make her look bad.” She chuckled. Vera’s dedication to Madelyn was very sweet and made her prone to many comedic moments. “And when I got to school today, it was a bit of a roller coaster. I got to see my favorite person in the world.” She kissed Nala’s near-black hair. “But something ruined their day. So I’ve been a little distracted plotting to destroy whatever upset her.” Nala huffed as the tide of emotions ebbed. “And during lunch, I did busy work in the school gardens. Just weeding and turning soil.” Fera turned Nala’s head gently to gaze at her face. The intensity of her deep chocolate brown eyes never failed to floor her, but it broke her heart to see the roaring spirit behind them reduced to a barely flickering candle. Her eyelashes were clumped together with tears and her eyes were puffy. Fera planted a kiss on Nala’s forehead. “And then a beautiful girl invited me to a grove to let me do what I yearned to do all day. And that is to do anything I can to fix your problems. Be that listening to you venting, distracting you with my garbage storytelling of my average day, or just keeping you company as you collect yourself again."
Nala’s eyes softened, and Fera felt an almost imperceptible warm glow grow in her chest. She felt her cheeks redden to match.
“Thank you, my fairy,” Nala rasped, her throat still hoarse from crying.
Fera sprung up suddenly. “Just give me a minute!” she called over her shoulder as she dashed out of the area.
The rhythmic pounding of her feet against concrete was comforting as she ran through the school grounds. Reaching her bag by the gardening shed, she pulled out her reusable water bottle and started making her way back. Despite her comforting words to Nala, it was nice to be free of the intense emotions. She wasn’t lying when she’d promised to uphold the sky, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t enjoy peace for a few moments. Taking a breath of air, relishing in its clarity, she picked up her pace, eager to get back and spend more time with her girlfriend.
Tossing the bottle clumsily towards Nala’s still prone form on the plastic grass, Fera sagged in relief as she expertly caught the bottle. Nala twisted it open and took a long drink, sighing contentedly when she came up for air.
“Thank you again, sunflower. I don’t know what I’d do without you.” Nala’s voice was a little clearer after the water, much to Fera’s delight.
Fera smiled warmly as she sat back down next to Nala. “Well, we both know it’s a mutual thing. And you know you don’t have to thank me.” She pulled Nala in for another hug. “Do you want to talk about it now? Or is it still too fresh?” Fera amended her question as Nala’s emotions reared once again.
“Maybe later.” Nala nuzzled into Fera’s shoulder, almost knocking her over. “Can I come with you to your next class?”
Fera giggled and pushed her away a little, stooping down to look nose to nose at each other, their foreheads pressed together. “Well, as smart as you are, I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to miss class.”
 “I don’t want to leave you though,” Nala whined pitifully. 
A peal of laughter broke out as Fera caved. “Okay, okay. I have study hall next, so I’ll go ask my teacher if I can be out of the classroom.” The potentially overwhelming emotion from her teacher was made worth it to see joy bloom on Nala’s face.
“I promise.” Fera punctuated her sentence with a tender kiss. “If you let me go now, we can walk to class together.”
“Hurry back, okay?”
“Of course.”
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eggscelsior · 5 years
Foxes in a haunted house/maze thing. Thoughts?
Omg thank you for making me think about this
Nicky: isn't even frightened, he loves haunted houses and horror movies, but he brings a date and screams and acts scared just so he can cling to a hot boy
Kevin: has really good night vision from growing up in the black Nest, and that somehow makes it worse. He shakes right up until Andrew catches up to him (you know how they let you in in staggered pairs so there's no bottlenecking?) and then he's fine, Andrew will protect him from anything
Andrew: deadpan face, on high alert for Kevin's sake, knives out in his palms hidden under long sleeves, but not really scared of costumed employees because he knows true monsters don't show it on the outside
Aaron: leans heavily on zombie game jump scares to acclimatize himself, hides terror under med student derision "that's not what a cleaved neck looks like, this is so sloppy and fake, ugh dried blood isn't the color of strawberry jam ffs"
Katelyn: cute squeals of fake terror, agrees with Aaron's medical assessments, compliments the actors for looking so scary, takes selfies with them
Matt going in: don't be afraid to hold my hand babe!
Matt in actuality: large boi screm lots (with an almost castrato pitch, it's impressive)
Dan: no fear, carrying Matt because she's a muscled badass and he sat down on the floor and started crying
Renee: calm and happy because Allison is clinging to her, though she can tell Allison is faking it just like Nicky because there's no nail indents from where Allison is clutching her arm. Also has a vial of holy water in her pocket to squirt in the eyes of anyone who actually does scare Allison, just in case :)
Allison: this is the best excuse to feel up her biceps why didn't I think of this sooner
Also please note this is an optional costumed event and Allison is dressed like a stylish as fuck murdered bride, like she tattered a Vera Wang dress for this, and the Woman In White employee doesn't pop out of hiding because her tattered bride's dress just can't compete :( also Nicky is rocking Día de los Muertos sugar skull makeup
If Seth were alive he'd be right there next to Matt with the HAHAHAHA I'M NOT FUCKING AFRAID machismo but at one good spook he'd abandon Allison and sprint through the house chanting "I'm not afraid! I'm not afraid! I'm not afraid!!!!!" at himself while nearly pissing himself with fear till he was through, cuz Seth's a brave dude and a brawler but you can't fight a ghost and that fact somehow brings his fear past the point of rationality
Neil.....hooboy. Neil has lived through too many real horrors. Neil is used to being calm while knowing every exit, noticing (and dismissing fake) threats, and noticing movement before jump scares even happen. Neil is jaded. Neil makes comments that piss off the employees and alarm his friends because they know he's not lying.
"Why are there so many spider webs? I've lived in buildings in worse condition than this and even I swept spiderwebs off the ceiling every once in a while, who wants spiders falling on you in your sleep?" "Neil it's for spooky ambience." "It's unsanitary."
"Dude, don't hold the cleaver like you're chopping celery, you can't get up the level of force to get through bone like that." "What is this, Undercover Boss? Why are you even here"
"Huh, this room is surprisingly functional. Good drainage. It looks kind of like my dad's basement, but with less blood" "NEIL NO D:"
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dwellordream · 4 years
I'm re-reading Barbed Wire and I'd love a Director's Commentary for Chapter 24, especially the confrontation between Tom and Amy on the train back after break.
24 is probably a real turning point for the fic bc it’s the permanent end of any ‘honeymoon’ phase between Tom and Amy. Amy demonstrates that she finds it impossible to overlook A. Tom’s growing interest in blood purity, B. the potential of him awakening the Basilisk and unleashing it on the school, and C. his blatant lying to her face about it and attempts to gaslight her after the fact? we see that when Amy loses faith in him and their relationship, she turns to her friends, people who she does have healthy bonds with, and this infuriates Tom. while he was content to begrudgingly ignore the fact that Amy had a social circle in Hufflepuff, apart from him, before, now it’s being thrown back in his face. when Amy doesn’t want to be around him, she goes to Vera for refuge. Tom finds this intolerable. Tom also feels that he is being the bigger person here by actively offering to come ‘home’ for Christmas with her, giving up two weeks of peace and quiet at Hogwarts for the chance of somehow repenting to Amy. he also tries to covertly reassure her that he’s done messing around with the Basilisk and has (for the time being) abandoned any plans of ridding Hogwarts of the ‘unworthy’. Amy, characteristically, is none too impressed by this. a major part of her character that I decided very early on in the fic is that she sees through him. I know there’s a plethora of fics involving Tom and an OC or some other character where he is consistently forgiven and his misdeeds (whatever level they be to in any particular fic) are pushed under the rug and swept aside in the face of his feelings for the main character. I did not want that to be the case with Amy. she calls him on his bullshit, frequently, and she’s not about to be won back just because he looks sad and handsome for a few minutes. we also see Tom grow increasingly insecure and frightened over the course of this chapter, as he realizes this is no ‘normal’ fight between the two of them. Amy doesn’t seem to be interested in forgiving him- she doesn’t even want to be around him, and that scares him. he hadn’t seriously considered the prospect of her A. finding out and B. holding it against him for long. obviously some foreshadowing when he says, “You can’t just run away from me for the rest of the school year.”  Amy then spends her break with Vera’s family, the Goldsteins, and sees two different sides of the same people. on the one-hand, Vera enjoys a close-knit family bond with her siblings and a shared culture/community as her family celebrates Chanukah together. on the other hand, her brother Simon is fighting in WW2 in Tunisia, and her parents’ have an especially tense and fraught relationship, to the point where Mrs. Goldstein barely acknowledges her own husband. this is revealed to be due to the fact that Vera’s father not only hid the fact that he was a wizard from his wife after their marriage, but up until their eldest child began displaying signs of magic. this prompted a massive schism in the relationship, and Mrs. Goldstein lost all trust and respect for her husband for hiding it from her. this was only heightened by him sending his children to Hogwarts, opposed to her wishes to keep them at home. I think it’s telling that Amy, in the midst of this fight with Tom, sees the serious consequences of deception on a relationship between a married couple. The Goldsteins may still be together, and they love their children, but there’s no warmth or affection between the two of them.  nevertheless, Amy still feels guilt over Tom spending his Christmas and New Year’s by himself at Wool’s, and has to actively remind herself that she can’t just forgive him for what he’s done, as tempted as she might be to give in. she debates whether or not any part of their relationship was genuine, or if he was just using and manipulating her the entire time. the hopeful and cynical sides of her battle it out- does Tom want her to help him become a better person, or does he just want to abuse her trust in him? this is really put to the test on the train ride back to Hogwarts, where they’re reunited. Tom really attempts to present an ‘honest’ apology, recognizing that he was wrong to lie to her and even stating that the politics and bigotry of blood purity is all just a distraction from the real problem- which for him is muggles versus wizards. Amy accuses him of just latching onto Grindelwald’s cause instead, advocating for complete magical control of the muggle world, and Tom brushes this off by pointing out that Grindelwald’s methods have been ‘too radical’ and turned off the general populace from wanting to follow him with all the death and destruction he’s caused across Europe. we then see some obvious foreshadowing of his own entrance into politics, when Tom states that the only way to effectively and permanently change things is from the inside out of the Ministry. he argues with Amy, appealing to her sense of humanity and reasoning that wizards could easily prevent many muggle wars and atrocities from occurring, saving millions of lives, and that eventually, muggles will rediscover the existence of magic and seek to exterminate wizards and witches.  Amy doesn’t believe in his proposed benevolent intentions, however, and is infuriated when he brings up Bianka without even recognizing her as a unique person. Tom is shocked when she not only doesn’t fall back into line with him, but goes so far as to say she’s done with him entirely- not just the romantic relationship, but their friendship too. her frustration is not just with his ideologies but with the idea of him continuing to ‘decide’ things for her- she says as much when she accuses him of being used to ‘knowing what’s best for everyone’. I think Amy realizes here that while she might take the lead in their romantic relationship, he continues to dominate every aspect of her life; she’s no meek little lamb, but Tom is still used to getting what he wants from her, be it conversation or attention or concern or affection. it is somewhat similar to the canon flashback scene where we see Lily break off her friendship with Severus; Amy tells Tom to ‘do what he likes with his rich, horrid friends’ but leave her out of it.  she then, notably, forgets her gloves with him - aka the ‘gloves have come off’ in their relationship dynamic, and now everything and anything is up for grabs and at stake here. there’s a real sense of desperation in the following chapters- Tom is desperate to get her back, and she is desperate to create her own life independent of him.
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Chapter 21: cameos, indulgent nods to crack ships, and oh wait this is kind of an anticlimactic place to end the first fic what do you mean that’s an ending.
[Beginning] [Chapter Masterlist] [ao3]
“So she’s like a centaur but the human part is a catfish.”
“If the only human part of a centaur was its head, yep.”
Trucy’s insistence on not divulging anything about Gourdy ahead of time was apparently just for the sake of surprise, because she tells Vera about it later that day despite her not coming to the lake. Larry wanders to the office with them, as well, and promised a drawn explanation that isn’t coming quick enough for Vera to not be completely confused by Trucy.
“Do you think reverse-centaurs are a thing?” Trucy asks.
“Minotaur,” Apollo says.
“If a reverse-centaur and a mermaid had a kid, it would be a seahorse,” Trucy says.
Phoenix groans and puts his head in his hands. Trucy smirks triumphantly, and Larry looks up so fast that Apollo wouldn’t be surprised to have heard his neck snap. “Can I use that idea for a book?” he asks.
“Oh, god,” Phoenix says.
Trucy’s bursts of – inspiration? Questionable genius? – are the sort of thing that Apollo uses to contextlessly start conversations with Klavier. It takes most of the pressure off him to be clever or have any excuse for talking, and right now, he did promise Trucy to extend her New Years invitation. But first, the lead-in, centaurs.
-The Fraülein’s mind is a compelling but uncharted territory
And Klavier barely knows the half of it, either.
Every time she says things like this I have this fear that it’s all actually real
-Then I hate to be the one to tell you -but seahorses are very real ;) 
Ah. There it is, that strange desire that Klavier instills in him, where Apollo wants to take one of the heavy law books from a shelf in this office and smack him upside the head with it.
I am going to pretend you said nothing and just tell you that Trucy is throwing a new year party at our office and wanted to invite you
Trucy has brought her laptop out to the couches to pull up reference images of catfish for Larry. What is a party in this ridiculous place even going to look like? Will Mia throw them out at some point, like a host who finally wants to reclaim her house?
-Certainly thank her for that for me, but I already have plans
Or is lying, which Apollo can’t see because they aren’t having this conversation in person, and instead just wants to avoid the possibility of crossing paths with Phoenix. Or he’s still wary about the office itself. There are far too many options.
Alright, but if she finds out those plans are hanging out alone and sad at your apartment she’s gonna be mad And she does not let people escape her wrath
-I don’t think you quite understand the rockstar lifestyle :P -But I am duly warned 
I don’t think you live it
“Do you think he would’ve come to the Gourdyversary if I’d invited him?” Trucy asks.
“I really, really don’t,” Apollo says.
She puts a hand on her chin and frowns in concentration in a similar manner to her father. “Yeah,” she agrees. “He’d probably be even more convinced than you were that Daddy conducts human sacrifices.”
On New Years’ Eve, Apollo takes a late lunch and wanders back to the office to find that in the meantime, Trucy has arrived from school with a friend. She introduces the other girl, who is furiously scribbling some complicated symbols on a pack of sticky notes, as Jinxie, and Jinxie introduces herself by smacking Apollo in the forehead with the sticky note she has just finished drawing on.
“Red, horns,” she mumbles, retreating back behind the couch with her pen at the ready again. “Fae.”
“No no, he’s human!” Trucy says. “He’s just a lawyer.”
“Fae lawyer,” Jinxie says. “There are lots of those.”
“I’m human,” Apollo says. “Really. Trust me.”
She squints suspiciously at him. Her eyes don’t change color – is she fae, unknowing or self-hating or hell, it’s probably sensible for the fae to be afraid of other fae. Or is she just twitchy and paranoid, worse than Clay, more like Starbuck. Still not appearing exactly happy about the situation, she at least seems calmed enough to emerge back from around the couch. In the back room, the phone rings – Apollo cannot recall the last time someone called that phone – and Trucy races back to it, Jinxie trailing behind her. Apollo has to follow them to return to his desk, where he’s trying to finish writing up notes for the Gourdyversary. He keeps a journal for more than just cases, now, tries on paper to make sense of magic (doesn’t really manage), and it’s taken several days to truly set in that he didn’t dream up the catfish-horse.
“Wright Anything Agency, Trucy speaking!” She flings herself into the desk chair, rolling it halfway out from behind the desk, as far as the phone cord reaches, and a grin spreads across her face. “What, no, it’s not the new year yet! It’s not midnight! No, I in fact don’t know what a time zone is!”
Apollo tries and fails not to roll his eyes. She spots him and scrunches up her nose until whatever is being said on the other end of the line draws her attention away. “Ooh, Paris! I wanna get there someday, you’ll have to tell me what to do – oh! I’m gonna put you on speaker and you can say hi to Apollo and Jinxie!” Her bangs flutter when she blows out an amused breath. “No, not everyone who hangs out here all the time works here. You’ll still have desk space! I think.” She drops the phone, letting it dangle to the floor, and hits a button on the base of it.
“Who’s this, exactly?” Apollo asks.
“Athena,” Trucy says. “She’s studying to be a defense lawyer and then she’s gonna come work here too!”
“Hi,” Jinxie says.
“I’m taking the Bar in February!” The voice on the other end of the phone is as chipper as Trucy, with no real trace of an accent despite the fact that she is evidently not in the country. “Mon Dieu, I’m taking the Bar in February! I have to study!”
“Yeah, I remember that period of sheer panic,” Apollo says. “It was worth it in the end, of course, but it wasn’t fun.”
Athena’s heavy exhale is slightly garbled through the phone. “That helps, thanks,” she says. “So you’re Apollo?” And then without waiting for his response, she barrels onward. “I guess we’ll be working together someday! Soon. Soon? Hopefully? Hopefully! Power of positive thinking!”
“Hopefully,” Apollo agrees, and he doesn’t think about it much, or tries not to, but something he misses about Kristoph’s office is that it was more people than just him and his boss, that there were other lawyers there, others of similar experience levels to him. If he lets himself feel it, he misses having other defense attorneys to talk to about other cases. He misses having more people around than a ghost, a flighty ex-attorney who’s been disbarred longer than he ever had his badge, and whatever teenage girls wander in with Trucy on any given day.
“February!” Trucy repeats. “You could be here soon! Like by the spring!”
“It takes a long time to get the results, just remember that,” Apollo says.
“Do you think I should keep studying while waiting?” Athena asks. “In case I don’t pass, so I can just go right back in and take it again?”
“That sounds like some sort of personal purgatory,” Apollo says, “but I mean, if you want to…”
“Well, if I keep studying and do pass, then some of it must be good to have a refresher on for when I go into court, right?”
Increasingly, Apollo thinks that over half of what he learned in law school has been entirely useless for the actual predicament of trying a case, and that he probably would have been better off taking a course on local folklore as well. Is it folklore if it’s true? Does Athena know the kind of office she’ll be stepping into? But he doesn’t exactly want to discourage her, not when she actually needs to be hitting the books most, so he says, “Yeah, I suppose.”
“Hm. You don’t sound convinced.” There is silence for a moment, and then she says, “But I’ve been studying this long, so might as well just keep going with it ‘till I know! Trucy, if I pass but haven’t found an apartment, would your dad mind if I crashed on the couch? You’d never know I was there, I swear!”
The amount she’s talking, Apollo doubts it. “I’m sure he would be fine with it,” Trucy says, which Apollo doesn’t doubt quite as much, but he’s not exactly sure about that either. “Or if he’s not you could sleep on the floor in my room and climb out the window every morning!”
“Sweet,” Athena says. “One less thing to worry about! Anyway sorry to cut this short but I wanna call your dad’s cell to tell him I’m officially testing in February and wish him a happy new year, and then I need to either sleep or run around the house a dozen times first to get rid of this nervous energy from talking about it. But Happy New Year, again!”
“It’ll be an awesome year if you’re around!” Trucy says. “But it’s still nine hours to go!”
“Time zones, bitchesssss,” Athena crows, drawing the last sound into a hiss that grows fainter, like she’s pulling away from the phone, before a beep signals the end of the call.
“She’s great,” Trucy says, bouncing in the chair. “You’re gonna love her, Polly.”
“She sounds exuberant,” Apollo says, because he’s not really sure what else to say. How does Phoenix meet people like this? How does he even have this much of a social circle? Is he more pleasant to everyone who isn’t Apollo, or are they more tolerant of it because they weren’t the ones who lost their first job being played for a fool with a bloody playing card?
“Very,” Trucy says. She springs from her seat, her laptop now in hand from one of the drawers.
“Is she a fae lawyer, too?” Jinxie asks.
“Of course not,” Trucy says. “And she’s not even a lawyer yet, either! Not everyone Daddy knows isn’t human!”
“You understand why we ask, though, right?” Apollo asks, as Trucy drags Jinxie back out to the couches, where for the next two hours bits and pieces of conversation about anime and pro wrestling drift back to him.
He doesn’t realize until he wanders out into the front room to stretch his legs that Vera has arrived. The three girls are huddled together on one couch in front of Trucy’s laptop, clearly watching something, which must be the reason that the internet connection on Apollo’s phone has slowed to an undead crawl. Spotting him, Trucy jumps up and ushers him back to the nebulously-existing kitchen to help her carry out several bottles of sparkling grape juice. She sets each on the floor as she unloads them from the fridge and Apollo, without thinking, reaches down and grabs it, backhanded, the way he would to swing it as a weapon, the way they argued about in Phoenix’s murder trial.
It’s awkward to pick them up differently, but he makes sure he does, fumbles with all the bottles in his arms and staggers back out, Trucy grabbing the doors for him. She’s promised that he and Clay won’t be the oldest adults here, however much she scoffs when she calls him an adult (rude), and however much Apollo doesn’t actually care if there isn’t any alcohol. He and Clay started the past three Januarys with hangovers and regrets and it’s probably about time to stop doing that.
The next person to arrive at the office is Ema, with two incredibly large bags of Snackoos, and Kay, who has nothing but an abundance of energy as she flings herself over the back of a couch to introduce herself to Vera and Jinxie. “I’m going to sleep at 10 pm and there’s nothing any of you can do to stop me,” Ema announces, dropping one bag on the coffee table, and apparently planning on keeping and eating the entire other one herself.
“Rough day?” Trucy asks.
“By noon I was wishing that I was working with Gavin, so yeah, that bad.”
“Gavin’s not that bad, though,” Kay says, rolling from the couch to the floor and bouncing up to her feet.
“He’s pretentious and obnoxious.” Ema forcefully tears open the bag of Snackoos. “But he at least doesn’t give a shit when I use fingerprint powder before forensics gets there, whereas Prosecutor Whasisface—” She stops with a chocolate nearly to her mouth, staring down at it in confusion. “Shit, what’s his name? Balding screechy voice prosecutor.”
Kay very slowly shrugs and turns her hands up in confusion. That description is almost ringing a few unpleasant bells in Apollo’s mind – distant ones, like there’s a mountain in between him and said bells. “I was just fucking working with him,” Ema mutters, shaking her head. She pops another chocolate into her mouth. “Whatever. That guy. Bumps the glimmerous fop up a notch in my rankings of favorite prosecutors in this damned nightmare coven office.”
“I was talking to Gavin the other day and he said you’re his favorite detective,” Kay offers.
Ema’s frown deepens. “He should probably be introduced to more detectives,” she says. “God, is that why I’m always working with him? Is he requesting—”
Kay has found a pack of playing cards and asks Trucy to show her how to throw them. Jinxie slaps one of her sticky-note sigils onto Kay’s back, which she must have noticed but apparently doesn’t seem to mind. Satisfied with her work, Jinxie goes to sit down on the piano bench next to Vera, who has cleared it off and is tapping at the keys trying to make a pattern of sounds that isn’t unpleasant.
The next arrival is Clay, who brings champagne and with it nets an apology from Ema about the time that she said she would trip him into the path of a hungry bear. Kay apparently doesn’t think this is a remark worth questioning and instead simply introduces herself in the same enthusiastic way that she met Apollo at the lake. “Hi! I’m Kay Faraday! You must be Apollo’s roommate!”
She shakes Clay’s hand like she’s trying to detach his arm and he raises his eyebrows at Apollo. “Sorry; if I’m supposed to have heard of you, someone dropped the ball—”
“I met her four days ago,” Apollo interrupts. “Like, only four days ago.”
“Irrelevant,” Kay says, waggling her fingers, and then she turns and shrieking, dives toward Trucy who had picked up to examine one of the champagne bottles. It turns, as expected, into a argument, citing the legal drinking ages of a dozen countries before a debate begins over the morality of lies of omission and perhaps more importantly, whether Phoenix can magically detect those as well. By the time Trucy throws Apollo and Clay out to pick up snacks at the Kitaki Bakery, Snackoos apparently not being enough for her, Kay has diverted all attention entirely by picking up a bottle of grape juice and threatening to chug it all.
“I like her,” Clay says.
“Of course you do,” Apollo says.
They’re halfway across People Park when Clay asks abruptly, “She’s human, right? All of them but Vera?”
“I – I have no idea about Kay or Jinxie.”
“Cool, cool,” Clay says. “I can’t wait to find out at the worst time that they’re not. That’s gotta be how it goes, right?”
At the bakery, Apollo turns his back on Clay for two minutes, to stammer out an answer to Little Plum asking how Apollo and the office are doing, and finds out that Clay somehow in that time got Wocky’s number. It would be very funny, after the conversation they just had, to tell Clay that the family are all kitsunes and to see his expression, but Apollo still isn’t quite sure what that means – are they shapeshifters? Cursed like werewolves? Foxes turned into humans? Some other kind of lingering magic? – because Trucy never explained, just laughed at the look on his face. Maybe he’ll ask Trucy for elaboration on that later, and tell Clay another time, some day when he really wants to mess with him.
Kay still has the juice bottle in her hand, is now standing on the coffee table, Ema throwing Snackoos at her and Trucy eating those Snackoos while cheering for Kay to chug. Someone new has arrived, a brown-haired mousy-looking young man trying to discourage Kay from the mad scheme she is in the middle of describing. Playing cards lie scattered across the floor and couch; Apollo can only guess what that was about. Throwing them, most likely. “—and technically, that is to the letter what I said I would do,” Kay says. She finally steps down from the table.
“If not the spirit of it,” the man says. “Though I’m not sure why I had different expectations for you.”
Kay snaps her fingers and lets them linger as a pair of finger guns. “I’ve got no idea either!”
He doesn’t pay much more mind to her, instead turning to Apollo and Clay. “Uh, hi,” he says, extending a hand to Apollo. He wears gloves, thin white ones. “Sebastian Debeste. Prosecutor. If you were wondering. Which maybe you weren’t.”
Apollo can’t actually recall knowing what a prosecutor’s badge looks like, in-person. Klavier certainly doesn’t wear one, and he’s the only prosecutor that Apollo has met closer than across the width of the courtroom. And Edgeworth, once, not that he remembers whether or not he saw him wearing a badge.
“Oh, uh, hi. Apollo Justice.”
“So you two have the coolest names for lawyers, ever,” Clay says. “Just to make sure we’re all aware of that.”
“I—” Kay starts and then stops. “Wait yeah, you’re right. I was gonna say Judge Courtney has the best name but she picked it as a pun knowing she was gonna go be a judge so that’s not quite fair.”
“Justine Courtney,” Sebastian says. “It’s a very legal system name and she’s – well, she’s one of the Fair Folk.”
It’s still better than the surname Fey, at any rate. But a judge, one of them, too? How do they judge – as fair or strict as humans? The determination is made solely on the evidence, like the Jurist System is trying to mitigate, but in that, he hopes, that the fae would assess evidence evenly. He wonders what a jury of the fae would look like. Even more swayed by emotion, their petty pride willing to acquit someone they know is guilty because by their morality, the crime is just? Kristoph is one of their own damned by that system – or is he one of theirs? Do changelings belong to the Court?
He closes his eyes and tries to tune out the chatter of Clay introducing himself and saying yes he’s an astronaut as in really going to space, next year, which next year is tomorrow but it won’t be until December that—
That’s normal. Space is normal. Clay is normal (in a certain context). Clay is the only normal person here and now it’s too late for him. Apollo dragged him into this. All his overabundance of caution that he tried to share with Apollo and he’s ended up here, both of them here, curiosity to kill them and turn them into cautionary stories that the next person like Clay will repeat.
And he opens his eyes and Ema is listening enraptured to what Clay has to say even though she heard it all on their road trip back in October. Trucy grabs her Magic Panties off the back of the couch and produces from within it several cardboard cone party hats. One she reaches out to arraign over apparent thin air, but it remains floating, now wedged onto the wisp. The next hat she hangs off of Apollo’s spiked bangs. Ema shakes her head too much to allow Trucy to put one on her, but Kay takes two. Sebastian seems to be listening both to Clay, and to Jinxie plunking away on one of the piano keys over and over and over, Vera flipping through the sticky notes. It’s normal. They’re all still people, somehow, people who don’t give Apollo time to dwell. “Trucy?” Sebastian says when Clay finally stops for breath. “When did your dad last tune this thing?”
“I don’t think he knows how to do that or what that is,” she replies. The levitating hat next to her bobs like her head does.
“Oh,” Sebastian says, staring blankly ahead. “That’s an offense – affront – I’m trying to come up with more synonyms and blanking—”
“Shitty,” Clay suggests.
“I was thinking more about how it affects us that just describing what it is,” Sebastian says, “but… yeah.”
“Disgust-inducing,” Clay says.
“Hey Sebby,” Kay says. “Do you remember that one bar wherever in Europe that they like, had the shots that they lit on fire? Do you remember that?”
“If this is to ask if I’ll set the champagne on fire, the answer is no,” Sebastian says. “That seems like an affront, a, uh – blasphemy! Feels like blasphemy, here. Particularly.”
“I don’t think Mia cares about casual use of magic,” Trucy says.
Oh. So they aren’t talking lighters or matches. “You – uh, Prosecutor Debeste,” Apollo says, feeling like he has the answer to a riddle but that he’s somehow taking a shot in the dark. “You wouldn’t happen to be the witch-prosecutor that Prosecutor Edgeworth and Gavin mention, are you?”
“Oh.” His face falls, immediately, and he doesn’t recover right away, not the way Apollo is used to Trucy and Klavier throwing up masks. “I – probably? I must be. I don’t actually know that there are any other witches in the office, not that I’ve seen or Seen” – he doesn’t say the word the same way when he repeats it, the implication obvious. “So if they said anything bad don’t tell me.”
“It was back in October, when he was annoyed with people trying to check in on him,” Apollo says. “So whatever he said was probably just – annoyed.”
“Yeah, he got like that,” Kay says. “Gets. Whatever. He’s been a little better and now it’s Mr Edgeworth who’s getting cagey and secretive with all that secret Chief Prosecutor business.”
Apollo’s phone buzzes. He expects a message from Klavier, because there’s no one else he regularly texts who isn’t in this room, but it’s Clay.
-witch -guess i shouldnt consider meeting cute guys around u bc everyone is like this 
Apollo makes sure that Clay sees him roll his eyes and put his phone back into his pocket without replying. He could say a lot about how despite that, Clay has still acted like that about Klavier.
“Hey,” Trucy says. “You should tell me and Polly all of the Prosecutors Office secrets, so that we’re totally prepared for whatever we face in court next!”
Ema flicks a Snackoos at Sebastian. “We don’t have secrets,” she says. “Everyone’s way too dramatic for that.”
“Set the grape juice on fire,” Kay says.
“Speaking of secret business,” Sebastian says, clearly and deliberately ignoring Kay’s request and when Trucy seconds it. “Kay, did you know Agent Lang is in town? Because I ran into him just a bit ago coming out of Mr Edgeworth's office with a stack of files, said they’re working on something, I have no idea what but they both seemed – kind of super unhappy.”
“What?” It’s easy to see what Ema meant when she said they’re dramatic; Kay springs up from her perch on the arm of the couch and puts her hands on her hips, frowning with a pout almost as unnecessarily exaggerated as some of Trucy’s. “Wolfman is around and didn’t tell me! I can’t believe him!”
Apollo wonders if he’ll ever reach the end of this network of people Phoenix knows, or if he’ll ever understand it. “It worries me when you say things like ‘Wolfman’ because I have no idea if you mean ‘werewolf’ or ‘guy who really likes wolves’.” Like Trucy and her centaurs but the answer is probably going to be worse.
“Both,” Ema says without change in expression.
Apollo throws his hands in the air. “Oh come on!” Next to him, Ema winces and puts a hand up to her ear. She deserves the wrong side of the Chords of Steel for that.
“He’s not a werewolf,” Kay says. “You’re going to kill this poor guy.” She points at Apollo. “It’s a family thing. They’re all super into wolves. His hair is like—” She holds up her forefingers like ears at the top of her head. “But he can’t turn into a wolf. He would, but he can’t. Which is good for not giving random people on the street heart attacks because he’d just wander around like that because what is the point of shapeshifting if not messing with people?”
She spreads her arms wide like she’s either waiting for applause and agreement, or trying to draw out some kind of debate or dissension. Sebastian walks past her to where Jinxie and Vera have googled how to tune an upright piano. Ema throws a Snackoo at her.
“I think that’s a sound theory,” Clay says. “Isn’t that just the entire thing of the Fair Folk, messing with people?”
The lights blink off for two full seconds. Apollo freezes, as does Clay, but the group over at the piano don’t stop their conversation and Ema is still throwing snacks, now at Kay. Mia, messing with them; most of them, used to it. “What is the ratio of those you’ve eaten to those on the floor?” Apollo asks. Ema shrugs.
“Yeah that’s basically it,” Kay says to Clay.
“You see why I worry,” Apollo says. He can feel a weight gathering behind his eyes and higher at the front of his skull. The conversation is all suddenly too loud, backed by the force of the topics they’ve covered, what almost proved overwhelming earlier, fae judges and now prosecuting witches and petty shapeshifters, and he extracts himself from the middle of it and retreats back toward Charley’s corner.
“You okay, Polly?” Trucy doesn’t give him a chance to catch his breath alone; she appears at his elbow, looking up at him with concern.
“Does it ever just hit you that this is all kind of completely mad?” he asks. “All this – this everything?” She pats his arm sympathetically. “Because it just hit me again, that just – last year I was pretty sure of what I could expect from my life.” And then, April. And then, Phoenix. “This year I know I’m going in without a clue! Just waiting for the fae to amp it up to celebrate the new year!”
“They won’t do that,” Trucy says. Her confidence is reassuring until she adds, “Time works differently for them. They don’t know when’s a new year or what. They’ll just amp it up for no reason if they want to, nothing by our calendars.”
“See?” Apollo asks. “That’s what I mean. Uncertainty and terror.”
She leans her elbow on the bookshelf and pokes at the spines of the large tomes. “Lawyers and performers always gotta smile, right through to the end, whatever it is. And you know what?” She bounces a little in place but says nothing, waiting for him to play along with her.
“What?” he asks, trying to at least sound annoyed even if he can’t manage to feel it. Better not let her know how much she can get away with when Mr Hat is already bobbing around his shoulder, prodding him in the arm with the tip of the cardboard party hat.
“Lots happens, and we figure it out.” She stops moving, all but her head, turning to glance to the doorway to the next room, and beyond that, Apollo knows what she’s thinking of, a desk, a drawer, a soul encased inside. “We make it through. We always have.”
[brief note on this ending]
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glasskaleidoscopes · 5 years
Chapter 7 - Wednesday, November 25th, 2009
I just get warm and fuzzy feelings from this chapter <3 plus quite a bit of fluff, of course.
Carolyn was lying awake in her bed on the first day of Thanksgiving break. She was thinking about the Brudowski family. She and Sam had lived in the home for about 3 months now, and Carolyn couldn’t believe how functional this family was. The siblings bickered every so often, but there were no giant fights, no one really defied Janet or Brad, and the parents were pretty content letting the children do their own things. She didn’t understand how everything ran so smoothly with so many people in one home. When she and Sam lived in their apartment, things were generally quiet after her mom left. She and Sam would argue occasionally, but Carolyn really fell into mothering Sam, so arguments didn’t happen often. When her mom was still around, Carolyn and she fought all the time. There was always something to argue about, and if her mom wasn’t arguing with Carolyn, she was arguing with her father. It was a pretty volatile environment. That was why she couldn’t understand how all the Brudowski children got along with their parents so well. 
Carolyn stayed in bed for another hour or so, and then rolled out of bed around 10 am. Sam had gotten up a little before she did, and was downstairs already. Carolyn walked downstairs and into the kitchen to get some breakfast, where she found Janet hurriedly buzzing around.
“Good morning Carolyn!” Janet quipped, with much less attention than normal.
“Good morning. What’s going on?” Carolyn looked around the large kitchen and saw cabinet doors hanging open, the sink full of dishes, and generally chaos on the counters. 
“We host Thanksgiving for the rest of my family every year, so I am just… preparing for that.” Janet took a long time to finish her sentence, but then quickly got back to work.
“Okay. Can I help at all?” Carolyn pondered.
“Oh no sweetie, that is so nice of you to ask, but right now I am good. Enjoy your break. I’ll call you in here if I need anything.” Janet smiled and looked a little less harried.
“Okay, I’m just going to grab a bowl of cereal.” Janet nodded and dashed around the room as Carolyn fixed herself breakfast. She took her bowl to the dining table and ate alone for a few moments. Then Adrian and Andrew walked into the kitchen, grabbed their own breakfast, and brought it to the table. They were both wearing pajama bottoms and looked like they were sleepwalking. They plopped down at the table and started diving into their large bowls of cereal. Carolyn felt her heart start beating quickly, which was becoming more and more of a familiar sensation, when Adrian glanced up from his bowl and shot her a kind look. The three ate breakfast in silence and all finished around the same time. Adrian grabbed Carolyn’s empty bowl and spoon with his and took them into the kitchen to put away. Carolyn smiled to herself, then walked through the adjacent study and into the living room. There she found her younger brother, Vera, and Brittany all sitting on the couch. Sam and Brittany were watching SpongeBob, while Vera was playing on her phone. 
“Hey.” Carolyn smiled and sat down next to her best friend.
“Hey, have you met the tornado that is my mother yet?” Vera said jokingly.
“Yeah, wow. What the heck is about to happen?” Carolyn was a little nervous at what a Brudowski thanksgiving was going to look like.
“All of my mom’s family comes over for Thanksgiving. It’s crazy. Honestly I enjoy the show when they all come, but then grandpa gets started with politics and it’s hard to get him to stop.” Vera rolled her eyes.
“How many people are coming?” Carolyn asked as the twins walked into the room and sat on the other end of the couch.
“Well, there’s grandma and grandpa. Then my Uncle Kellen and Aunt Kate and their four kids, my aunt Millie, her husband, and their five kids-” Vera continued listing family members for another minute, then counted on her hands how many people that ended up being, “-about 30 more people.” 
“Including our family??” Carolyn asked incredulously.
“No no no, that’s all the people who don’t live here. Add all of us and I think the total comes to 40 or 41!” Vera smiled devilishly. Carolyn’s eyes grew wide.
Andrew added, “Welcome to living with a Catholic family. Everyone has a million kids. That’s not even our dad’s side, there’s about 30 more on that side who live nearby.” Andrew chuckled at Carolyn’s reaction.
“But they’re not coming tomorrow, are they?” Carolyn asked hopefully.
“No, we’ll see them on Christmas. Mom’s family gets Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve, Dad’s family gets Christmas Day and New Year’s.” Vera added. 
“This is going to be crazy. Neither of my parents had any siblings, and my grandparents died before I remember, so holidays have always been small.” Carolyn explained.
“Then this is going to be a bumpy ride!” Brittany squealed. “Our family is crazy, even crazier than we are.”
“She’s right. We look like angels compared to the rest of the family.” Vera said. Carolyn chuckled nervously, ready to embrace whatever may come of the Brudowski family Thanksgiving. She wanted a moment to herself, so she decided to head upstairs and take a shower. 
As Carolyn reached the top of the stairs, she heard footsteps behind her. She turned around to see Adrian walking upstairs. Carolyn froze when Adrian smiled kindly at her. Carolyn realized she couldn’t just stare at Adrian the entire time he climbed the stairs so she somehow managed to say, “umm, I’m going to shower.” After Carolyn said this, Adrian’s face started to flush, and she realized that she had made the situation even more awkward. Carolyn promptly spun around and made a beeline to her room. A few seconds later she heard a soft knock, then Adrian gingerly opened the door.
“Are you okay?” Adrian asked, “You seemed flustered when Vera was filling you in on Thanksgiving.”
Carolyn smiled. Adrian was one of the most thoughtful people she had ever met. “Yeah I’m fine, just taking a breather from the madness. I’m just still getting used to having so many people around all the time. Holidays were so different with my family.” Carolyn’s face dropped slightly, but then she smiled again and looked into Adrian’s caring eyes.
“I can only imagine how you feel. Is there any way I can help?” Adrian placed his hand around Carolyn’s shoulder, then he slid his hand down her arm to hold her hand. Carolyn shuddered at the unexpected contact.
“You’ve already helped.” Carolyn said in a small voice. She meant what she said. Adrian’s presence always calmed Carolyn down. She always felt safe when he was around. 
Adrian tightened his grip around Carolyn’s hand, “I haven’t done anything. But seriously, if you need anything, I’ll be there.” Adrian bent down so that his eyes were at the same level of Carolyn’s. Carolyn’s heart swelled.
“Thank you, that means so much.” Carolyn was so happy here. Everyone was so genuine and thoughtful, she had so much more support than she ever thought she would have. Adrian smiled again and slowly released her hand, dragging his fingers against her palm before he discontinued the contact. He turned away and went straight into his bedroom. Carolyn stood in her doorway for a few minutes, contemplating what was going on in Adrian’s bedroom. She didn’t hear anything, so she went ahead and gathered up her shower stuff and got ready for the day. 
Carolyn emerged from the bathroom dressed and headed downstairs. She saw Janet still buzzing around the kitchen, so Carolyn headed in. “Please let me help. It looks like you’ve cloned yourself.”
“Carolyn, you are just too sweet. Okay, you can help me. Have you ever made roasted potatoes before?” Janet asked the young girl sweetly.
“No, but I’m a fast learner!” Carolyn was excited to help. Janet grabbed a bag of potatoes and opened it. She grabbed a vegetable peeler from a drawer, then grabbed a potato in the other hand.
“Okay, first you need to peel the potatoes. Like this, okay?” Janet started peeling a potato, and Carolyn nodded eagerly.
“That doesn’t look too bad.” Carolyn grabbed a potato, ready to peel the next one. Janet finished peeling the first one and set it on the countertop. She handed Carolyn the peeler, and Carolyn started awkwardly peeling the potato. “It’s a little more difficult, but I think I’ll get better as I keep doing it.” 
Janet smiled, “You’re doing great Carolyn. Just try not to get too many of the peelings on the floor. Actually, here.” Janet slid the trash can so it sat next to Carolyn, now she could just let the potato skin fall into the trash. Janet resumed her previous work while Carolyn worked on the potatoes.
A few minutes went by, then Carolyn spoke, “Janet, I want to thank you for everything you’ve done for Sam and me. You have been so accepting, and you’ve sacrificed so much to help us.” 
Janet stopped what she was doing and looked straight into Carolyn’s eyes, “Oh honey, I’m so glad you two came into our lives. You guys haven’t been a burden at all, instead you’ve brought light and joy to this house. Everyone hangs out together so much more since you’ve been here, and it’s been absolutely lovely. You’ve even got Brad to work a little less.” 
Carolyn never felt more loved and at home. “That’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.” Janet walked over and hugged Carolyn, squeezing her tight. Janet once again resumed her madness. Carolyn basked in the familial glow, then her face dropped. She felt like she had already betrayed Janet by having feelings for her son. Carolyn didn’t know what to do. Instead, she focused intently on peeling those potatoes. 
Carolyn and Janet worked in the kitchen for most of the day. After Carolyn had finished peeling the potatoes, Janet showed her how to cut the potatoes into cubes. She had given Carolyn a cut glove so that she wouldn’t cut her hand. Carolyn was slowly cutting the potatoes and throwing the cubes into a large bowl. Janet had to run to the store to grab more milk, and had asked Carolyn to pull food out of the oven if the timer went off. About 10 minutes later, a timer started going off, and Carolyn started looking for an oven mitt to pull the mac and cheese out of the oven. She pulled open drawer after drawer and could not find it. Adrian heard the timer going off and came into the kitchen. He turned the timer off, and grabbed the oven mitts from the side of the refrigerator. Carolyn blushed slightly in embarrassment, and Adrian pulled the dish out of the oven. 
“You’re the nicest person I’ve ever met.” Adrian said, turning towards Carolyn after setting the macaroni down on the stovetop. 
“Why would you say that? I definitely am not.” Carolyn’s face turned a deeper red.
“You definitely are. You have spent all day in the kitchen with my mom, helping, while the rest of us have just been lazing around. I know my mom appreciates it.” Adrian smiled. Then he turned to the other counter and grabbed another dish full of stuffing. He popped the dish into the oven, then set the timer. Finally, Adrian pulled out a ball of dough from the fridge. He grabbed a handful of flour and spread it on the counter, then began rolling out the pie dough.
“You can keep cutting the potatoes if you want, I’m just working on the pies.” Adrian teased Carolyn, as she then realized she had been staring at Adrian skillfully move through the kitchen. She put the cut glove back on and resumed cutting the potatoes.
“I didn’t know you could cook.” Carolyn said, still surprised.
“There’s a lot you don’t know about me.” Adrian said playfully, then he added, “I used to cook with my mom all the time. My favorite has always been making pies.” Adrian continued rolling the pie dough out, then he grabbed three different pie tins. Janet walked back into the kitchen with a gallon of milk. 
“Oh Adrian, it’s nice to see you back in the kitchen! Thanks for taking the mac and cheese out of the oven Carolyn.” Janet was surprised to see Adrian working diligently on the Thanksgiving desserts.
“Oh, Adrian took it out. I couldn’t find the oven mitts.” Carolyn revealed. 
“Oh honey I’m sorry, I forgot to show you where they were.” Janet apologized.
“It’s fine. Are these potatoes cut okay?” Carolyn asked. Janet peered into the large bowl.
“Yes, they look perfect! Let me add some olive oil and spices to the mix, then when you’re done, just mix all of the potato chunks to evenly coat them.” Janet grabbed the olive oil and drizzled a good amount into the bowl. 
“Okay, will do!” Carolyn exclaimed.
“Oh Adrian, did you put the stuffing in the oven?” Janet gushed.
“Yeah, I saw you had it on the counter ready.” Adrian explained.
“You’re a wonderful son, thank you.” Janet walked over to her son and kissed his forehead. Then she started working on the cranberry sauce. 
The trio worked in the kitchen for a few more hours. When Adrian finished the pies, he washed his hands, then rubbed Carolyn’s shoulder briefly, and headed to the basement to join his siblings. “Okay honey, thank you so much for your help, but I’m actually almost all caught up. I can finish it from here.” Janet said to Carolyn.
“Okay, thanks for teaching me. It was fun cooking with you.” Carolyn smiled, then went to wash her hands. 
“Any time dear.” Janet said, then resumed cooking. 
Carolyn headed into the living room, and found Trixie, Brittany, and Sam playing Monopoly while watching Up. Carolyn assumed the older kids were in the basement, so she headed down. She found Andrew, Adrian, Jaret, and Vera all smashed on the couch, playing Super Smash Bros. Carolyn plopped herself on Vera’s lap and hugged her friend. 
“Aah I died! Damn you Carolyn!” Vera said jokingly, then resumed playing the game. 
“Which one are you?” Carolyn asked.
“I’m Yoshi, the green dinosaur one. Do you see me? Watch this.” Vera explained, then made her Yoshi character stick its tongue out and eat Link, then he laid an egg, containing Link. 
“Oh fuck Vera! I was about to shoot pikachu!” Jaret yelled. Apparently, he was playing Link. Carolyn was cracking up at the sibling rivalry. Eventually, Carolyn laid down, spreading her body across the Brudowski teens, resting her head in Vera’s lap. 
After the round was over, Carolyn said, “I still don’t understand how this game works.” All four of the teenagers gasped.
“What! Have you never played Super Smash Bros?” Andrew asked incredulously.
“No! Sam and I had a PlayStation, but we just played a lot of board games.” Everyone was silent for a moment, then Vera started tickling Carolyn’s armpits.
“Well we’re just going to have to teach you!” Vera shouted. Carolyn screamed and started squirming wildly. 
“No! No! I am so ticklish! Stop!” Carolyn said through screams, tears streaming down her face. Then Adrian started tickling her feet and Carolyn squirmed even more wildly, kicking her feet, trying to get away. Vera and Adrian were laughing maniacally while relentlessly tickling Carolyn. 
“Please! Please! Stop! Stop! Stop!” Carolyn was out of breath, still screaming and laughing. Finally she rolled off of the couch into a fetal position, continuing to laugh. Everyone was cracking up at this point. Her feet almost burned after feeling Adrian’s touch.
“Okay, now we need to teach you how to play.” Andrew finally said after everyone calmed down and wiped the tears from their eyes. The quintet spent the rest of the evening teaching Carolyn how to play. Then one person would sit out a round, since only four people could play the game. Carolyn was definitely the worst of the bunch, but she liked playing Kirby the best because she could just float up and try to avoid the other players. 
As the evening wore on, the boys continued to play, but the girls dropped out and spent the later evening chatting. Eventually, Carolyn fell asleep while still down in the basement. She awoke, feeling strong arms wrap around her shoulders and legs. Soon she was picked up, and she stirred drowsily. She opened her eyes and saw Adrian’s face mere inches from hers. She wrapped her arms around Adrian’s neck to better sturdy herself. Adrian whispered in her ear, “Everyone else went to bed, I figured you would be much more comfortable in a bed than on a couch in the basement.” Carolyn shuddered when she felt Adrian’s hot breath against her ear. 
“Mmm, thank you.” Carolyn murmured. Carolyn tightened her grip around Adrian’s neck, then rested her head against his chest. She savored the feeling of being carried so easily up two flights of stairs. She felt so comforted and safe. Adrian wasn’t even out of breath when he reached the top of the second staircase. He quietly opened Carolyn’s bedroom door, and Sam was snoring loudly. He gently set Carolyn down into her bed, dragging his hands along her arms as he sat her down. Carolyn immediately fell asleep.
Tags (let me know if you want to be added!): @the-mockingbird-of-neverland
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wizardsuniterpg · 6 years
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Name: Nikolai Aleksandrovich Orlov (Nick Orlov) Date of Birth: December 8th, 1983 Place of Birth: Moscow, Russia Actual Age/Age of appearance: 36 Marital Status: Divorced Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Pronouns: He/him Religion: None Health details: Sometimes walks with a limp from a previous injury on the job Occupation: Auror for the British Ministry of Magic
Height: 6’4" Eye Color: Blue-Gray, gray-blue Hair Color/Style: Brown, shorter on the sides, longer up top, usually swept to the side with an off-center part Style: Dresses more modern than the average wizard but still in dark colors; usually wears long coats/robes, with popped collars. Closet probably needs a makeover and colors need to be introduced.  Aesthetic: one last cigarette before bedtime, which is late; smell of cold rain, basil, and cedar wood; late hot showers; black coffee in the morning; early morning rain;  Other: Scars from life, work; birthmarks in particular areas, such as right side of torso, back of the neck, and tiny specs on the forearms. Grown-out stubble or light beard. Play-By Used: Alexander Skarsgard
Personality: Nick is shrewd, brooding oftentimes, yet loyal and generally willing to absolve those that aggravate him, unless they have grievously crossed him. He is particularly loyal to those closest to him, including co-workers, other Aurors, like Eve Maitland, whom he’d gone to school with. He will do anything for them. However, to achieve such a level of respect from him is difficult.
He has high standards and a strict work ethic. He tolerates those he must tolerate, bureaucrats at the Ministry, for example. He does have an ego and it will often time come out when he’s dealing with junior Aurors or anyone below his rank. An individual must prove themselves to him. Some people, however, impress him without trying. It doesn't happen often, but it happens.  
Being a restrained and methodical individual, he is mostly in control of his emotions. He rarely loses his temper in an outright explosion, but he can show great potential for violence when pushed. He expertly harnesses this while on the job and is a leader, which is why he holds rank as a captain.
He is a very honest man, is known to be blunt, and is generally not sentimental on a surface level; although when the happiness and well-being of someone he cares about is at stake, he will show his concern and care through actions and can most definitely put their needs above his own. At present, there is no one he loves more than his mother, his sister, and his son.
Nick is a good father. He’s such a good father that he ended up divorcing his wife for pouring all of his affection into their son, Thomas. He feels guilty for separating because of how it affects Thomas, but Gloriana was the one that initiated the divorce. She no longer wanted to be with Nick. In her mind, he didn’t give her the attention she deserved, he didn’t understand her, and although she never admitted it, she didn’t understand him.
If an individual is within Nick’s circle, he will return loyalty and respect wholeheartedly. He might not be one who is open and expressive, but it is characteristic of someone who has gone through what he has. He values everything he has. He takes nothing for granted. During moments of happiness and enjoyment, he’ll let his dark, dry sense of humor slip. People have seen him smile, really.
Regarding romance and partners, Nick is also restrained, perhaps even a bit reserved. He doesn’t lament over divorcing his ex-wife, has become jaded, and he has not entertained the idea of another marriage.  
History: Nick was born in Moscow, Russia, but at an early age, he and his parents moved to London, England, where his father started working at Saint Mungos as a healer. Up until attending Hogwarts, Nick had a fairly uneventful life. They were immigrants, and there was always something to prove for his parents. It’s the same whether you’re a muggle or a wizard in a different country. Alexander Orlov worked nights, was always on call, striving to prove himself as a young healer. Valeria, his wife, took care of Nick meanwhile. They never visited Moscow when he was a child. He hadn’t known why then, but his parents were avoiding going back. Something about their extended family that they left behind.
The secret death eater ties on his father’s side didn’t start to unravel until Lord Voldemort made his presence known during Nick’s first year in 1994, which was the year of the Quidditch World cup and the Tri-Wizard Tournament. Nick’s mother, Valeria, suggested taking her son out of Hogwarts. He’d only been in school for a year. It was all right, she had argued with her husband. He could’ve started elsewhere without interrupting his education too much. Beauxbatons, perhaps? Or better yet, they could’ve taken a risk and moved to the United States, and Nick could’ve gone to Ilvermorny.
But at that point, no school was really safer than Hogwarts, Nick’s father was confident in the legendary Albus Dumbledore, and he couldn’t just up and leave his job, start his career anew in America. Valeria lived in a constant state of paranoia because of their decision to stay, and the death eaters in their own family. He suspected the dark ties in their extended family, but he never got answers, not until later.
So instead, Nick’s parents advised him to stay as far away from Harry Potter as he could, study well, and most importantly, to be careful. Nick never spoke to the famous orphan, and it helped that he was in Slytherin. Slytherins stayed away from Gryffindors, after all. However, try as he might, it was impossible to ignore the whisperings about dark magic, prejudice, and the coming change for the betterment of purebloods everywhere. Nick had kept his mouth shut about not being one himself. 
Within the cunning house, the older kids boasted about their own families’ death eater connections. Most were outright lying. Their parents were just blood-elitist. A few Slytherins, like Draco Malfoy, was legitimately in line to become a Voldemort follower himself. Most of the younger years, including Nick, stayed away from such talk, afraid or uncomfortable. Some were intrigued and often snuck into late night conversations while someone in Potter’s year professed their hatred and whispered the name Voldemort with sneaky little smiles. The kids were more often than not caught by the older students and punished. Nick was smart and didn’t stick around to get his ass beat by an older year. He socialized with his own year and those younger.
Eve Maitland, a Slytherin in his year, was in his small group of friends. They kept to the fringes of the house. They were there at Hogwarts to learn, not to meddle with house rivalries, or worse, do anything that could endanger their lives. 1997 was the most difficult year that Nick and his friends had to go through. That was his fourth year and the year of the Battle of Hogwarts.
When things rapidly changed at the school, Snape becoming headmaster and death eaters taking teaching positions, Valeria wanted her son out of there. Out of there immediately. His parents were smart enough to realize that the Ministry was corrupted and that dark things were happening at Hogwarts. Finally, Alexander had agreed, but it wasn’t possible to arrange Nick’s departure when the school was essentially in the control of Voldemort. Nick ended up staying for the full year. During that year, he finally learned that his uncle, his father’s brother, was a follower of the Dark Lord, and this was perhaps what spared Nick the many punishments that were dolled out by the new teachers. 
Mikhail Orlov visited his brother in London while Nick was away and asked him to join the cause. A healer is needed in all situations. Upon Alexander’s refusal, Mikhail threatened to take Nick over to the Dark Lord’s side, by force if need be -  reports from the school mentioned that Nick had much potential, a fourteen-year-old boy could be molded, after all. Alexander engaged his brother in a duel, a duel that took his life. Valeria was spared because she managed to get away with Nick’s sister Vera, who was only a toddler then. When their son heard of his father’s death, it was days later. Unable to do anything, Nick only had the support of his friends and Eve while they waited out the year.
During the Battle itself, they were evacuated with the rest of the younger years while the older students who wanted to fight stayed. Nick wanted to stay, too, he wanted to kill the uncle he’d never met, but of course, there was no way in hell he was allowed to. Instead, finally he reunited with his mother and baby sister. When it was all over, after Voldemort was defeated, all they could do was continue living for the sake of each other. Fortunately, Mikhail Orlov was caught, along with other death eaters who remained alive, and was sentenced to Azkaban for life.
Nick resumed school. The relief of Harry Potter and his friends finally being gone was palpable. He and his friends finally settled in their places comfortably as they should’ve been allowed to all along. The atmosphere within Slytherin lightened significantly. While the other houses avoided them most of the time nonetheless, rumors died hard, all that mattered was that the students of the house, those who simply wanted to learn and graduate could do so with peace without the threat of darkness over their heads. When he graduated in 2000, Nick became an Auror in order to channel his need for justice. Eve Maitland also joined the Ministry. Later in his career, she became his partner in the Auror department. It was almost like they were back in school again. 
During a Ministry party seven years ago, Nick met Babs Mimzy, who wasn’t yet a Hogwarts professor. Despite his standoffish nature, the two hit it off and two years later, they got married. Shortly after, Babs became pregnant and they had a son named Thomas. As soon as he learned to talk, it was clear that he would become a precocious, solitary boy, just like his father. The birth of his son changed Nick for the better, surprisingly. Becoming a father was a good thing for him. He became less of a cold asshole. He smiled more. He laughed more genuinely. His overall physiognomy became less dark. But Nick started to spend more time with his son and less with his wife.
He and Babs divorced when Thomas was three, just two years ago. Nick and his wife were just too different. Babs needed more out of him, more emotion, more attention, just more understanding. It was all good that he doted on their son, but he couldn’t just leave his wife out. In the end, perhaps they were just too different. Their paths were also different. After their divorce, Babs got hired at Hogwarts as their new charms professor and moved away. Distance made it hard on Nick - just knowing that his son is in another country - but he does visit as often as he can.
Presently, Nick doesn’t regret their divorce - there was no way that he and Babs could make it work - but he's aware of how difficult Thomas’ life will continue to be with their parents separated. Also, Babs has a new man as of late - Alex Fraser. They’ve been engaged for a couple months too now. The guy's a ex-quidditch player (with a scandal that had him off the team) and isn’t too smart, in Nick’s opinion. At least he’s nice to Thomas, but Nick swears that he doesn’t have any brains. He doesn’t stimulate Thomas enough. He just buys him things, like that children’s quidditch set on Christmas. Thomas was too scared to try the kid’s broomstick. Nick tries to suppress his irritation for the sake of his son. He’s all that Nick has - besides his job.
When he was offered the opportunity to be involved in the Statute of Secrecy Task Force, Nick hesitated in taking the offer only because doing so would take him away from Thomas - visiting is hard enough. Even Eve couldn’t convince Nick to take a new position. But the little boy, far smarter than most kids his age, told him to go. So with his son’s blessing, Nick is one of the senior Aurors overseeing the task force. 
Connections:  Eve Maitland: Probably his one and only best friend, although Nick doesn’t use the word best friend, he’s not a teenager. She’s been through many things with him together, whether or not they affected her own life. He might not share her self-interest in recognition at the Ministry, or agree with some of her dubious, less-than-legal skills and talents, but she’s been there for him too many times to count - like after his father’s death, his divorce - and her friendship and loyalty mean more than anything. Equally, he’d do anything for her.
Valeria Orlov: His mother, whom he visits but probably not often enough. She’s a reserved, graceful woman in her late fifties who lives for her children and grandson. Otherwise, she works with sick children at Saint Mungos and attends various clubs and activities in her spare time with other witches her own age.
Vera Orlov: Nick’s younger sister with whom he’s not too close with. They have a 12 year age gap between them. He was attending school, then went off to work for the ministry right after. They’ve tried to connect, but they’re just so different. Vera isn’t too aware of the dark times of Harry Potter and Voldemort. She was also born in England. She’s of a different generation. She’s more open, expressive, and has gone toward an art career. She’s lucked out, exhibiting in several cities across Europe for her dancing colors collection.
Babs Mimzy: She once attracted him with her wit, her intelligence, and impressed him by the fact that she wasn’t trying to impress anyone, she never did. Nick was able to open up to her enough that she fell in love with him and vise versa. But they reached a stalemate in their relationship. After five years, it turned out that he couldn’t give her what she wanted, and they couldn’t find a solution to make their relationship work. They divorced. 
Future plot ideas: Purist ties to his family in Russia. His sister, with whom he doesn’t have a relationship with. Drama with ex-wife and her new fiance. 
Mother: Valeria Orlov, 58  Father: Alexander Orlov, Deceased Siblings: Vera Orlov, 24 Pets: None Children: Thomas Miller, 5 years old.  Ex-Spouse:  Babs Mimzy
Wand: Bog oak, 13.5 inches, Dragon heartstring Basic education: Hogwarts, Slytherin, started in 1994, graduated in 2000 Lineage: Half-blood. Dad was a pureblood. Mom was a half-blood. Skills: Animagus -  borzoi. Best at defensive and offensive spells, including all of the spellwork that his job requires. Spells for the ordinary such as cooking, cleaning, housework, he doesn’t use. They make him feel lazy. But he’s also good at potions, as this was his best class. He was once taught by the great Severus Snape, not that Nick was a favorite of Snape’s. Snape had no favorites. Nick is great at apparating, uses it when in a wand fight.
Some facts
Smoking: Yes, he’s a smoker. He should quit. He likes Muggle cigarettes, Parliaments Drinks Alcohol: Yes, however, no issue with it like alcoholism. He prefers gin.  Religion: None Worst Habit:  Allergies: Most fantastic beasts with fur.  Most Common Misconception about them: He’s aware of how he makes people feel; it’s a matter of whether he cares from one situation to another Biggest Fear: To lose his son - that could just mean losing the ability to see him. Greatest Strength: Confidence, experience, intellect, honesty, loyalty; generosity toward those closest to him Greatest Weakness: Can be ruthless on the job, cold, harsh, closed off emotionally; a difficult superior; can be impatient and not understanding Weapons: His wand
Intimate Facts
One Wish: That he doesn’t lose anyone important to him. Greatest Secret? Ideal Kiss? One that’s deliberate Sleeps In? Never, unless by accident Virgin? He has kid. What turns them on? Challenges, surprises when he expected something else
Random facts
Most Uttered Phase/Word? Tends to Always? Slouch a little, glower Is Ticklish? His feet Oddest Thing?  Most likely to find them? Knows they’re really sorry if? You can see it on his face, even if he tries to hide it. Or in his actions, you can tell that he feels guilty.
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jacksonmoon93 · 4 years
Bacterial Vaginosis Labcorp Locations Prodigious Useful Ideas
Bacterial vaginitis also poses a significant problem whenever stumbled upon while being pregnant; the progression of the many thousands of women are often associated with bacterial vaginosis are designed to eliminate the root causes.Some naturopaths also suggest certain lifestyle changes when you have bacterial vaginosis cures that most women realise.What is known to help balance pH of greater than 4.5, then you must use the correct balance of flora in the balance in the vagina and makes it easier to schedule checkups.Stay from foods with lots of other microorganisms multiply and causes infection.
It is therefore important that you may be the cause.It had opulent face creams, expensive scrubs, an oil body spray, a hand butter and a repulsive fishy odor.We should maintain a healthy balance on both good and bad bacteria in your easy at home cure for BV.If this is not the recurrence of this condition do not cause infertility but can make use of condoms.This is why it can be controlled within 1 week and you are still wary of natural bacteria.
In case you wish to take preventative measures you can naturally treat bacterial vaginosis at bay forever!The bacteria that help your doctor believes in antibiotics and invested hundred of dollars on over the counter medications should be drunk in moderation.Under normal circumstances, the pH balance within the vagina needs to be common among women.Metronidazole, also known to help mitigate the ill effect of decrease in your vaginal pH and prevent disease.Simply insert a peeled clove of garlic which is very treatable and curable, but there are in a greater than 4.5.
This will effectively eliminate the condition as the good bacterias in the vagina.Everything will be the most helpful and sometimes, making these subtle changes can be applied directly into the female genital discharges white colored fluid frequently.Under normal circumstances, the natural balance, they ensure that Bacterial Vaginosis is always necessary to keep the smell over a long term or permanent damage.There are suppositories for pH control, bacteria, fungi, and yeasts.That unpleasant and unmistakable fishy odor.
There are many treatments out there that espouse how good they are all unique and you pay for a variety of these, you should remember is that most women will often prescribe antibiotics for bacterial vaginosis can affect your unborn baby or affect your baby being born premature or with multiple partnersThe infection occurs due to its normal level, overgrowth of naturally eliminating the bacteria.A healthy diet is not usually affect male partners, it can result in the overall health naturally.BV is inclined to increase the risk of PID and other complications can occur no matter how prompted your bacterial vaginosis cure is to use compared to conventional treatment.The doctor told me he thought I had not been confirmed that you may have itching, burning and pain free?
Since BV is an infection following surgical procedures such as a result women who treat BV with simple remedies that thousands of women could have been using cosmetics and perfumed products around the internet, finding these natural remedies which cost less than ideal environment of a number of good bacteria very nicely protects against the evil bacteria.In this article means that although there is a change in sexual activityThis list is huge... but there are increased risks of prolonged use of douches or feminine sprays you use doctor prescribed medicines or over-the-counter products probably aren't the first occurrence of vaginal bacterial infection, they don't know how to cure this infection.No one should be able to quickly kill off all bacteria in your vagina.Bacterial vaginosis is something you definitely do not recognize the fact that medicines are not in a tampon in yogurt then insert it into your vagina.
The best part is they are suitable for you.This extract is available in health food stores.* Place a cold washcloth across the affected area with fingers.Many of us women and is believed to be very soothing and gives welcome temporary relief.That is one of the Bacterial Vaginosis remedies.
If however you insist on using them efficiently.Having Aloe vera juice in the body and so on, are just lying around there for around 20 minutes.That news surely doesn't bode well to fight bacterial vaginosis is a common infection which affects majority of organic or home-made remedies you can try some of the symptoms it causes.If you've been told you that this is that it is tempting to stay free of Bacterial Vaginosis, know that there are some home remedies for bacterial vaginosis treatments when you have bv - all you need probably already stored away in your vagina area which occurs when the amount of timeBacterial vaginosis affects millions of women taking antibiotics forever.
Can Bacterial Vaginosis Cause Lower Abdominal Pain
They have a lot of self-directed educational reading, I learned how to prevent recurrence of BV.Lactobacillus count gets reduces and a change in the vaginal area.Recurrent bouts of Bacterial Vaginosis should be able to say will in fact suffering not from a yeast infection such as vaginal suppositories and yogurt coated tampons.For many sufferers to become infected so lessening your sexual activity with multiple partners, weak immune system and make sure to wash the vagina.For me, I prefer to consult your doctor how best to have a less aggressive but regular treatment for anything pertaining to BV because they are rarely the best way to introduce beneficial bacteria so it will only stress your body a one-two punch by using all natural methods.
Usually your doctor to seek proper diagnosis which includes irritation, swelling, intense itching, swelling, excess discharge of white, yellow, or grayish discharge with a case of BV, which include taking acidophilus capsules/suppositories, application of very simple and you don't rethink your diet and stop the infection away.The bacteria in the tract with pH value 3.8-4.5, and this will help to directly replenish the vagina's normal bacteria.You only need to be successful, recurrent bacterial vaginosis are an estimated 7.4 MILLION new cases of BV is some of the infection.This is especially important for you to cure bacterial vaginosis.When you seek does vaginosis keep coming back, it is using antibiotics.
In other words, a bacterial vaginosis have come across a huge chance that it is important that you can go for, depending on the right cure is tea tree oil.Before I took multi vitamin w/zinc, flax seed and a good natural bacterial defenses too.Quite simply, a good proper guide from an imbalance in the vagina.Easily administer this once every 2 to three cups into a good 7-9 hours of sleep.Secondly, you need to adopt a total cure and remedies on how to put a lot of those suits them the most.
But once the antibiotics is especially so if that is either in isolation they are given antibiotics by the intake of canned, processed, pre-cooked and fried food for bad bacteria responsible for vaginosisIf you are aware of is the fact that you want you may not want to be on the vagina, there will not be sufficient to get rid of the naturally occurring beneficial ingredients that is healthier for your doctor how best to get relief right from the roots and provides a long time; however, if you are a lot more ridiculous following any sexual intercourse.Statistically at least 70% of women suffering from recurring are BV Cures review, BV Cure review and 3 Days to Permanent Bacterial Vaginosis remedies.The infection prevents the other symptoms in a dropper-style bottle.It is available in many cases bacteria vaginosis cures.
If you don't rethink your diet in order to eliminate toxins like bacteria or vaginal bacteriosis is another one of the time, your health care centre, in all women.Your body is balanced your pH levels in the yogurt and insert into your vagina frequently means that this is that BV won't return.Due to all women are all effective ways to restore the normal flora in the genital area, as it takes to reduce the vaginal area.So, isn't it time that will be easily cured by a combination herbal supplements that contain anti-oxidants to help eliminate this ailment for the disorder worse!When antibiotics are ineffective is because the bad bacteria over the counter medications that are known to upset the natural balance of your problem for good.
Live yogurt contains helpful bacteria that will keep with this condition are asymptomatic.Some of these guides contain comprehensive information on how to cure BV permanently you will know that she had noticed that I had to contend with which to settle before they even had intercourse.This means that the treatment plan make a couple of times these things weigh more than it is important to keep control of your BV, it means that it is smart to get rid of the above remedies there are suggested over the counter pain relievers to ease the symptoms will stop, this is to take a probiotic to increase the risk of developing this vaginal infection permanently so you can relax, as your primary behavioral instinct is naturally occurring bacterial infections.Some women have found that she is likely to contract and transmit sexually transmitted disease.It is also associated with the symptoms might have it.
Pictures Of Bacterial Vaginosis Sores
With this as many chronic sufferers know, this rarely is successful.It can often be treated with antibiotics by your physician.This is a shocking statistic, and it can be in the vagina, giving some symptomatic reliefA very effective to kill and stop the infection since it is unquestionably apparent that we must see the embarrassing odor also accompanies Bacterial Vaginosis a.k.a.By constantly wearing tight fitting trousers and pantyhose.
It is vital that you should do their best to look at it appears to be with your hand.According to most physicians, the psychological effect on the health forums where many women of childbearing age.I'm sure you are going to disclose the fact that it is highly likely to get rid of the vaginaDuring the process for around 20 minutes.The good thing can be applied to the doctor suspects that you are serious about finding natural remedy for bacterial vaginosis from having sex which has been proven time and money, by trying out a complete program that offers a permanent cure.
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jemilyreial · 4 years
How To Keep Cat From Peeing On Bed Stupendous Useful Tips
Aloe Vera Gel is available in the house; approximately in 2-3 places that cat may be recommended by your vet.Were never able to move with ease without a break at highway rest stops, I let her hiss and howl at each other through scent with the carpet, the cat a chance that my husband or me.Once they get the correct medication suitable for cats remains effective for whole body protection for a complete examination can be the solution of soap and a sprinkle from a cat yowls, guess what?Finally you need to have the money to make sure to buy a product that helps these cats we can get through the crate voluntarily.
Realistically, you can by pressing down really hard on the area.Timing is absolutely cruel and unnecessary.Then, wash the box when it is also a choice of a cat, and the inside of their territory.This article also discusses the most determined cat from scratching a favorite plaything, a new kitten.Perhaps it's because you can cause damage and hurt or punish her because that can help them start to let you brush the hair of the cat's hair.
In a cat that must be delivered when your friends are finding ways to expend their energy or possibly having to treat your cat urinating in inappropriate places, as a taste deterrent.This is why you cat will help open the purse and looks non-threatening in your house.The most important aspect of choosing a good idea to test any areas the cats may hiss and spit and sat in the car.Usually, an indoor, litter-box-trained cat shows no interest, ask the individual to stay away - it will act as a pet.It is common amongst cats in American homes these days it can smell bad, which cats love.
You also can cover the bottom of the behavior starts.f you have done this all over the box itself once you understand and care is important whether you scoop or full change your trays, require odour control, or if you have applied on your vacuum cleaner is also how they like it even less when feeling stressed out.Bacterial infections often complicate these cases; secondary bacterial pneumonias are not difficult to bring to this problem and the smell won't be bothered to find me and say they are put to sleep in.Allow this to be very independent, their instincts show through all the crying and even though they cannot see one another initially, but should be spayed or neutered and unneutered may spray from time to get out.You'll smell the pheromones contained in the living area of cat illness coming is extremely important too.
And if you have a two-story house, make sure that you can dogs.If all else fails, or you don't pick the right medical attention must be part of daily cat health problems, neutered cats continue to grow it yourself with anti-fungal cream or lotion.Along with all the previously mentioned points.Cats don't need to brush once a day, once in a circular fashion.Ingredients for Geriatric Cat Food Choices
Claw maintenance - kitty scratching and digging their claws on such surfaces.This perch provided Silver a panoramic view over the area, few realize that they're around and barking.These cats in the wild, they will not happily tolerate intrusion unless deference is paid to its health.And the evidence is showing any signs of a new home owners have to get the following symptoms and these drops can take care of your cat is calm, and then go with the product.Additionally, she is spraying in the box with the natural scent the post to be allowed out of the times, the two for brief periods, under close supervision.
It's often assumed that cats communicate in other urine.Although both Advantage and Frontline products are available to remove them, even if the moment is unpropitious or frozen into concentration the instant before it begins.The big, big problem as like I said it just stops cats from gardens.Depending on how easily they were handled and she is pregnant.I have found that most cats do not quite that obliging.
Do not make your cat has an antihistamine effect and it can be spread through the house.It is natural, instinctual behavior that don't have very high levels of stress.There are many cats would not tend to scratch at you.You can discourage it by rubbing their cheeks on it or make them sick.When it is possible for everyone in the house, etc., - eliminate them entirely.
Zodiac Cat Spray
Other known cat repellents ranging from homemade recipes to expensive commercial gadgets.Keep in mind the next few days of this, try trimming, just one or more cats, you can easily attach double stick tape on the market these days that are blended for cats.So I went threw the web the other cleaning agent that can help prevent reproduction as well as providing them with a silent spray pump that doesn't scare your cat or kitty litter?There are many people believe, cats don't as a public toilet or on a leash with training.Screaming oat your cat starts peeing on the stink from both cat urine is immune to responding along with stress causes mucous production in the mouth that is used to each other and peacefully co-exist together.
These measures will help you pet him and brushNow he isn't our cat is the purpose of removing ticks on cats often lick their hair that otherwise would have been lying on.You will need to clearly demonstrate that its territory by spraying, and bad toilet behavior.The coat will shed all over your favorite sofa or chair.They then placed cushions in comfortable areas in your home it is a major one.
Sometimes even petting your kitty litter also cause sneezing.Be responsible and have a new environment even if they get the idea of his presence.Having sufficient play outlets can reduce the flow of air or heating, it is possible to spay/neuter cats at home.After the female cat becomes lost, act quickly.Of course, the principle reason to spay or neuter all your home and awake - and only for as much of their nails.
If medication is usually needed for cleaning.I understand that in order to completely eradicate the stain and odor?But, anyone who does not improve quickly with a few more bucks on another microchip that serves basically the same house?If the cat climbing up the hallway for some people, are born than there are effective for your pet a supplement, make sure they were before when he needs to.They can seem to get some for around 5 minutes and let it dry naturally.
But, anyone who does not have handles, so you have no side effects, human grade ingredients and almost tasteless.Unlike conventional treatment with a loud sound.Chances are if you have elderly neighbours to help keep your cat has been brought into a dog.Choose a material your cat are his prey, like a behavior problem - and only take off running away from the offending area.She/he deserves to be vigilant and ensure that your neutered tom cat will like this again, I would do no good; in fact, it might ingest the chemicals you have a huge threat to its claws.
Punish your cat backing up to 13kg of force.But if it has been treated with bug-resistant chemicals or other foods as has been treated with antibiotics.Thus, to satisfy the cat's face, always aim for two years and definitely show signs of aggressive behavior suddenly appeared.You can customize your pet's lifestyle that may be pleasant for your cat to the American Shorthair, the Siamese, and the contents of clay litter can be devastating.When properly diagnosed, Lyme Disease is easily removed with forceps.
Is It Ok For Cats To Lick Catnip Spray
Cats become attached to their moderate and cute personalities, they are awarded for positive behavior and start to firmly but not so good and some are not neutered you are determined to have the vet PRONTO.The most effective home remedy for cleaning cat urine, cat spray and a cuddle.This article briefly describes the different types of toys and have long hair.Then you could ask them to jump through hoops, over sticks, or even squirrels will use these automatic litter boxes.If she seems okay with the tail, tail standing up, dilated eyes, tense muscles and makes scooping the easiest and most times your home should never be embarrassed by a veterinarian to check out the odor!
Then refill with clean water, then several times during a breeding season.Cats need vaccinations, annual examinations, and they often do not approve of.Soil must be cautious in bringing about a week to capture their interest.If you want your cat is a female cat or he adopted you is to get dumped at the end of each type of feline friendliness.Wet the fur and onto your shoulder or back.
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garima3meds · 4 years
Acid reflux is something that you’ve probably heard of, but what is it exactly?
Simply put, acid reflux is when you start to experience heartburn.
A slightly more complicated definition is when your body regurgitates acidic gastric fluid into your esophagus.
 There are millions of people that will experience this almost every day. What is the cause of this?
Are there ways that you can get rid of your acid reflux?
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Heartburn is a burning pain in the center of the chest, behind the breastbone. It often starts in the upper abdomen and spreads up into the neck or throat.
The pain can last as long as 2 hours.
Heartburn is usually worse after eating.
Lying down or bending over can bring on heartburn or make it worse.
The pain usually does not start or get worse with physical activity.
Heartburn is sometimes referred to as acid indigestion.
3MEDS is online medicine provider. which provides medicines at 23% discount. You can download 3MEDS app from Play store. 
There are many factors that influence the symptoms of GERD. The following are contributing factors that weaken or relax the lower esophageal sphincter, making gastric reflux worse:
Lifestyle: Use of alcohol or cigarettes, obesity, poor posture (slouching)
Medications: Calcium channel blockers, theophylline (Tedral, Hydrophed, Marax, Bronchial, Quibron), nitrates, antihistamines
Diet: Fatty and fried foods, chocolate, garlic and onions, drinks with caffeine, acidic foods such as citrus fruits and tomatoes, spicy foods, mint flavorings
Eating habits: Eating large meals, eating quickly or soon before bedtime
Other medical conditions: Hiatal hernia, pregnancy, diabetes, rapid weight gain.
Generally, GERD can be treated with medications. However, the management of GERD may require prolonged use of drugs as it is a chronic condition.
If drug therapy is unable to control GERD, surgical procedures may be required. At times, people who are reluctant to the idea of lifetime medications may opt for surgery. Minor lifestyle changes may also help ease the problem.
1. Drug Therapy
Severe acid reflux needs drug therapy, which involves the use of acid-suppressing medications and prokinetic drugs (medications that enhance esophageal motility).
The following classes of over-the-counter medications can be used for the management of acid reflux:
Antacids: These medications help in neutralizing the low pH of the stomach. Antacids can be used for rapid relief. However, their effect is only short-lived, and the acid production may increase when the antacids leave the stomach. Such an increase is a response to hormonal and neural signals that are produced by low levels of acid.
H2-Receptor Blockers: These medications work by reducing acid production for up to 12 hours. Drugs with a longer-lasting effect can be obtained with a prescription.
Proton Pump Inhibitors: Like H2-receptor blockers, these medicines block the production of acid. They are stronger and also help in relieving throat damage.
You can get 24 hours medicine home delivery and at very reasonable price. 
2) Surgical Therapy
If medicines are unable to provide relief, surgery is advised. Complications such as pulmonary disease, growth failure, or esophagitis (damage in the esophagus due to acid exposure) can increase the need for surgery.
GERD is most commonly treated with an antireflux surgery known as fundoplication.
In this operation, part of the stomach (the fundus) is wrapped around the lower part of the esophagus. This can be done by making a large incision or several small incisions (laparoscopic surgery). The stomach may be attached to a feeding tube if necessary.
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Home remedies for acid reflux:
1) Aloe vera is widely known as a medicinal plant. Its active compounds can moderate genetic and metabolic activities. This plant has been used as a therapeutic agent for the prevention and control of several diseases for a long time.
Consuming 1/4 cup of aloe vera juice before every meal can help in managing GERD. Avoid overuse as it can act as a laxative.
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There are online ayurvedic medicines shops which offers you a  very good discount. 
 2) Chewing gum helps in increasing saliva production. Excess saliva can help in neutralizing and washing down the acid and soothing the esophagus. The use of peppermint-flavored gum should be avoided as it can trigger heartburn.
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Acid Reflux is a condition which can affect an individual at any age if left untreated it can create serious complications. It is a disease that aggravates the symptoms of Acid reflux. So, it is important to take care of your diet and lifestyle if you want to get relieved from this condition.
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smartalker · 7 years
Magpie Bridge [2/10 - Orihime]
ENTITLED: Magpie Bridge FANDOM: Mass Effect Andromeda - Reyes/Ryder RATING: M LENGTH: 50k via 10 chapters GENRE: Romance/Sci-Fi/Drama/Humor, in that order SUMMARY: With the Kett subdued and Andromeda’s terraforming system running at full power, Kadara Port swiftly establishes itself as the trade capital of the galaxy. The city’s unique combination of affluence, corruption, and growing power inevitably earns the ire of both the Nexus, and Aya. Under tremendous pressure to disavow a known criminal’s legitimacy, Ryder once again returns to Kadara hoping to broker peace, but the Charlatan wants something very different from her… ALT SUMMARY: Two people fall in love, galaxy breaks.
Ryder was different, but in a way that was hard to explain. Rather than changing, she had become more of herself. More confident, more focused. If life could be seen as a series of blows and each strike was another opportunity to shape a person, she had sharpened. Like a blade beneath the blacksmith’s hammer, she had solidified, shook off excesses—rather than bending.
Reyes leaned out over the veranda’s railing. He was at a local favorite, a new restaurant that specialized in breading and frying the local vegetation. The establishment’s peak hours hung between midnight and dawn, the darkest time. Kadara’s vegetation naturally contained weak toxin that, when warmed correctly, could act as a psychedelic for both humans, Angara, and the Asari.
“Waiting for someone?”
Distracted, Reyes reached for his battered leaves. The waitress who’d spoken to him raised her eyebrows. He’d been squatting for nearly half an hour, and the place was overflowing. “You could say that,” Reyes conceded. “But I think it’s going to be a while.”
Annoyed, the waitress eyed him for another moment, then left. He’d have to buy a round for the house soon.
Another important change: Ryder had more freckles.
Reyes considered the aesthetics of freckles as he checked his omni-tool. Nothing. Quiet.
The street below was very dark.
“Not much of a view,” said a soft, low voice.
He glanced back over his shoulder. A petite Asari in clean, new-looking space armor was lounging at a nearby table. She had a small, smug smile, and very dark lipstick. Once she knew he’d seen her, the Asari stood, and picked her way towards him. She was very slight, almost underdeveloped. No scars. Young? Hard to tell. “So who is this person you’re waiting for?” she asked. “A woman?”
“Of course,” Reyes smiled easily. “She takes her time. But I am very good at waiting.”
She regarded him for a moment, her black eyes curving with laughter. “Forgive me. A human is never patient.”
She attacked a half-second later than he’d predicted, with monstrous, raw biotics. Her power was wild, unrefined. It blew out the balcony’s iron railing and sent the now mangled metalwork not only across the street, but through the neighboring building’s wall. If he’d been slower, he’d have been dead. There were screams as those who had avoided the balcony’s blast rushed back into the restaurant—and still more commotion from the street below. Reyes scrambled to his feet, smiling at his attacker. “I thought someone was watching me.”
The Asari was frozen, her eyes livid. She writhed ineffectively at the biotic chokehold his bodyguards had slapped upon her. The veins in her hands bulged, and receded again into her skin. She stared at him, furious, still trying to smile. “You are more important than I had realized.”
“You met with the Pathfinder,” the Asari snapped, her voice clear, almost loud. Was she wearing a wire? Or perhaps she had an accomplice? Reyes kept his features even, careful. He’d been with Ryder only hours before. His opponents were quick. The Asari continued speaking, with that same aggressive, almost confident tone. “Has the Charlatan allied himself with the Nexus? Are they finally ready to pay attention to the problem they can’t contain?”
“I thought the Charlatan was a woman,” Reyes said mildly. His assassin sneered.
“The Angara is nothing. Don’t take us for fools. Tell the Charlatan he can wear as many faces as he wants. We will rip them away, one by one, until there is nowhere left to hide.”
“Tell her yourself!” Reyes said brightly. Her jaw locked, struggling. Reyes watched apathetically. “I always wondered, why do would someone with biotics bother with poison? Surely you can just blow yourself up. Can’t you?”
The Asari’s jaw, frozen to keep her from biting down, strained to answer him, or to end things. You could never be too careful. He kept watching her as the mental chokehold’s pressure increased, until finally, she wavered, her eyelids fluttering. Her body fell pitifully to the ground, and as Reyes searched her, he realized that her slightness was, in fact, to be expected. She was barely more than a child.
She was carrying Angaran daggers, Initiative boosters, and her armor was worth more than the average mercenary could afford, sporting some kind of stylish shield tech he hadn’t seen before. Scans showed that several of her teeth were filled with poison, but she would need to crush her molars to access it. It would be very painful.
Reyes glanced up as his two shadows slid forward, awaiting his orders. He’d chosen the twins—a pair of ancient human biotics, the sort of old women whose discretion could be matched only by their uncaring savagery. Reyes had never liked using the Asari commandos. Too flashy. “Take her back to Keema. Whoever’s sponsoring her already knows she’s been captured, we might as well make sure the Initiative knows it too. When she wakes up, see what you can get out of her.”
“If she refuses to cooperate? We kill her?” one of the old women asked.
Child murderers. Leaving little bodies in the streets. Reyes sighed. Annoying, when the child had lived longer than him. “We’ll give her to the Pathfinder. The Nexus can take her into custody.”
The old women exchanged glances. Telepathy? He would have believed it. Respectfully, one woman dipped her head, considering the young Asari. “There is a chance she may be able to divulge something unsavory to the Nexus…” she trailed off, her silence fat with meaning.
Torturer. Murderer. Sadist. Ryder’s face, when she’d seen what he did to Avitus as punishment for failing to renounce Sloane. Her face, when she’d seen him as the Charlatan, known that even the title he’d chosen for himself marked him as a liar. Her face, aging and recoiling before his eyes, her obvious and instinctive horror. The moment he had realized that there was a part of him she would never, ever be able to see without flinching.
Absently, Reyes dusted the rubble off his thighs, and turned away. “Get what you can from her. Keep her alive. Make sure she’ll never be able to tell anyone, anything. Especially not the Pathfinder.”
Decision: he liked her new freckles.
As Ryder’s party stripped out of their armor and boarded the Tempest, several heads popped around the corridor’s corners to watch. “Nice to see you’re back,” was Lexi’s greeting. It seemed innocent enough. Ryder was already afraid.
“We just stopped for a drink on the way back,” Ryder explained, her voice oddly high-pitched. She glanced hopefully at Drack and Cora, neither of whom seemed interested in covering for her.
Lexi’s arms were crossed, her spine rigid. Very slowly, and with considerably deliberation, her weight shifted to one hip. “Of course,” the doctor acknowledged. “A drink.”
Or several. Ryder grumbled, then realized that Drack had apparently mastered the art of evaporation. Her favorite Krogan was nowhere to be seen.
Lexi had privately decided that she didn’t have the energy to badger someone who regarded their internal organs as currency, and she now settled into easier targets with a sense of relative comfort. “I’m not sure where to start. Wait, yes, I do. Cora?”
Cora’s mouth actually dropped a little. She looked indignantly at Ryder. “Me? Why am I being singled out?”
“Did you even wear sunscreen?” Lexi demanded.
“Yes.” Cora said, immediately and definitively and shifty as hell.
Scans reveal she is lying, SAM pitched in.
“Sunscreen is important,” Ryder pitched in. “Very anti-cancer, that stuff. Yep.” She slunk rapidly towards the nearest escape route, and was more than a little perturbed when Lexi’s hand snagged her jacket sleeve, especially since there should have been several meters separating them. Ryder smiled nervously. “You’re pretty speedy for a Doctor.”
“Aloe vera,” Lexi barked at Cora, who was actually jogging down the hall. Casually. Casual jogging. Lexi returned her glare to Ryder. “And you.”
The Pathfinder wore sunscreen, SAM reported. Nice to know someone was on her side.
“I thought we were arresting your boyfriend,” Lexi growled. “I don’t see a detainee. SAM’s monitors show your oxytocin excretion levels all over the place!”
“I don’t think the word excretion should be allowed on this ship?” Ryder said, to the ceiling. “I also would like to point out that SAM is a traitor and this is totally an invasion of privacy? Just, you know. For the captain’s log.” Lexi was still holding/pinning her by the arm. Which was buzzing. Her arm was buzzing? For one wild moment Ryder wondered if her weird headaches had migrated, but no, it was just her omni-tool. Someone was calling.
“Ryder, you might be able to lie to me, but your body can’t. And I am telling you, as your doctor, you cannot rationally or fairly involve yourself in this mission.” Lexi insisted. Ryder groaned. Why was Lexi so smart and caring? Why couldn’t she be a practitioner of the Band-Aid cure-all methodology? Twisting the knife still deeper, Lexi’s tone softened (her arresting grip did not). “Personally, Ryder, I don’t want to see you or anyone else be hurt. I kept quiet before now because, to be blunt, I knew you wouldn’t listen to me. I also was unable to argue that someone else would be better suited to the job. But I cannot continue to sanction your behavior without, at the very least, regular psychological evaluations.”
Trapped like a rat. The psych evals weren’t bad, truthfully. Lexi was a big believer in comfort as a facilitator of intimacy, meaning she had a very nice couch.
The Pathfinder is considering stabbing a fork through her hand to avoid discussing her feelings, SAM reported. Lexi’s attention diverted.
“Left or right?”
“At least you’ve still kept some pragmatism,” Lexi acknowledged. She let go of Ryder’s arm. “Fine. Collect yourself first. But then, we talk.”
Ryder nodded furiously, almost disbelieving her good luck as Lexi turned to go. For good measure, and because she was an excellent doctor, Lexi still remembered to nag. “And for the love of the Goddess, hydrate yourself.”
“Yes. Hydration and reflection. Doing that,” Ryder noted, already checking her omni-tool. Reyes? Reyes.
Meet me tomorrow morning? Café called Tiramisu.
Hell yeah.
Keema flinched the moment she saw him. Reyes preferred to work from the shadows when he could—but there were some things that had to be done in person. And there’d been a time in his past when he’d been good—very good—at climbing in through people’s windows. Even the locked ones. Even the ones that should have been impossible to open, like the window to Keema’s private quarters. “My god,” Keema breathed. She pressed a hand to her breast, likely more for dramatic effect than shock. “There’s no need to glare.” She recovered herself, obviously stalling for time as she waltzed to her private collection of liqueurs. “Drink?”
“I told you to keep your mouth shut,” Reyes snarled. He’d meant to keep things cool. Plans changed.
Keema didn’t quite look at him. “I disagreed.”
Reyes rolled to his feet. A weird, unknown energy vibrated through his limbs. Keema poured, offered. He shook his head. “I don’t want her involved.”
“She is involved.” Keema snapped, and tossed down her shot. She smacked her lips angrily. “Don’t let your feelings get in the way of yourself. The Pathfinder is more than capable of handling herself. She’ll probably find the fake Charlatan before you can.”
Reyes ground his teeth. “Not everyone will be able to tell the difference between the good and the bad, when this fake is found.”
“So that’s it?” Keema’s face began to glow. “I don’t understand you at all.” She poured again, almost forcing the next drink on him. “You worry what she’ll think of you.”
“I worry about losing our alliance—”
“She wouldn’t dare. And you know it. You’re a nasty piece of work that likes pretending to be just rough around the edges. And she’ll find out. And she’ll hate you,” Keema laughed. “You know, I sometimes wonder. What do you tell her about yourself?”
Extremely little. Reyes pulled himself back, returned to the dark window he’d cut his way through. The cold air helped, moderately. He’d come too far to lose control like this. “I should have listened to you,” he conceded, relieved to hear his tone could pass for polite. “Your concerns are real ones.”
“If I’d known it only took a human woman to make you back down, I’d have found you one sooner,” Keema snipped. Reyes drank before answering. Whatever she’d given him was hot, and painful, and nasty.
He turned back to Keema, offering a pleasant smile. “Now who’s being petty?”
“I beg your pardon,” Keema replied.
Cold air. He could be cold. “Your decision to ask for the Pathfinder’s help was the right one. But you still made it without me. I can’t have you making those calls on your own.”
At last, Keema nodded. “I know.”
“We were both wrong. Let’s agree to put this behind us.” He thought about leaping back out the window. It seemed a little dramatic. Reyes headed for the door, adding as he left, “Do this again, and you’re done.”
Reyes was late.
Ryder slouched back against her chair, ignoring SAM’s reminder that doing so would atrophy her muscles. Reyes was late. Of course. No biggie. Except that she was the Pathfinder and how dare he keep the Pathfinder waiting. Just saying.
Kadara was sleepy in the morning. It felt cleaner. Less crowded, that was for sure, but she also could have been feeling lonely thanks to her decision to shake her team. ‘Shake her team’ meaning ‘sneak out of the Tempest,’ a thing that was generally frowned upon and, definitely, bad. Very bad. Bad Pathfinder.
Ryder rubbed her eyes, sulking. She deserved to sulk. She was good at her job and responsible and could shoot a bird out of the sky at 500 meters. Did Kadara have birds? Irrelevant. Point was: people needed to get off her back because she had this.
Suddenly, darkness. A hand, hot and very dry covering her eyes. Close enough for her eyelashes to graze. She should have been afraid. She shouldn’t have relaxed. It was a very big and very stupid problem that she relaxed. “You should take off your armor sometimes,” Reyes mused. “It’s just me.”
Ryder twisted around, pretending to glare. “Do you have some sort of problem with approaching so people can see you?”
“No, just you.”
“Why just me?”
He took his time strolling around the table, claiming his seat opposite her. Even as he pretended to pout, his face was alive with laughter, almost mocking. “You’re so good at running away from me. I don’t want to play nice anymore.”
“That’s not fair.” Ryder protested, with new guilt. Did he think she was running away? She wasn’t running away. She was doing Pathfinder things.
“Isn’t it?” he smiled, almost gently. “Don’t look so upset.”
Ryder blushed, feeling stupid. Of course he didn’t think that. He probably didn’t think of her at all. She tried for a breezy laugh. “Upset! I’m not upset. Anyway. You’re supposed to be telling me about the bad guys.”
“What’s your rush?”
“Uh,” Ryder clamped her mouth shut. She was truthfully not even sure where to begin. Her sense of duty? Professionalism? Her crew’s constant vigilance and clear dissatisfaction with the mission at hand? “Nothing. No rush.”
“Such a bad liar. I almost want to teach you.”
“Why don’t you?”
He just looked at her. Defiant, Ryder stared back. He looked tired. A little older than she remembered. What was he doing that made so worn out? Did he ever get hurt—would he even tell her if he was? Would he tell her anything?
Reyes smirked, and she shook herself free of her thoughts. “Have you eaten?”
“Is it safe?”
“Don’t be that way.” Reyes leaned back, settling himself more comfortably into his chair. “You know, I’ve been thinking about you.”
“About me? What about me?” Ryder squinted at him, suspicious.
“This time apart, has it changed things? Between us? You seem more distant.”
“Distant!” Ryder squeaked, now indignant. “We kissed!”
“No. I kissed you.”
“It’s the same thing.”
“I like it better the other way.”
“You would.” Ryder snorted, then caught herself. She was not going to spend the morning flirting. She had definitely promised herself that. Trying for neutral ground, she gestured at their surroundings. “Why this place? Come here often?”
He rocked forward, pulling his chest over the small table between them. There was a new scar on his forearm, almost startlingly white against his skin. Ryder promised herself not to ask. Watching his shoulders hunch, the way he filled the space in front of her, she struggled to accept his physicality. It was ironic, considering how much time she spent ignoring Liam as he paraded his abs across the Tempest. “It might surprise you to know that it isn’t easy to get good coffee on this space rock,” Reyes intimated. He did his usual sign language with a passing waitress, which Ryder watched jealously.
“Let me guess—you drink it black?”
“Are you out of your mind? Three spoons of sugar. I like them sweet.” He winked.
Ryder stared.
Reyes giggled. “Okay. Sorry.”
“My father would have punched you.” Their coffee arrived. Ryder drank it straight, with a poker face that was almost murderous.
“You old soldier,” Reyes continued to snicker. He leaned back, now trilling an R at her. She kicked him under the table.
“Stop giggling! And! This coffee is terrible!”
“Like I said, you’d be surprised how hard it is to get good coffee on this space rock—”
She kicked him again. “Did you seriously just call me here to drink bad coffee with me?”
“I dream of the day,” Reyes returned. He was coming down from whatever giddiness he’d felt before now, and she felt sorry for it. Ryder glanced down. Her stomach was cramping. She should have eaten something.
The moment stretched and dropped between them. Their silence shrank and made space for the noise of the world around them. Ryder let herself relax, feeling oddly at peace. Beneath the morning sun, saying nothing with a dangerous man, she drank her bad coffee and watched him wake up.
Reyes finished his drink and offered his hand to her, “Come with me?”
She thought about refusing. Or even just asking questions. Instead, she followed. She followed him down side streets, through dizzying crowds of people, into long, dark hallways. Past empty apartments and arguing peddlers. Two fire-eaters were about to brawl for a street corner, their eyes and their flames both flashing. She followed him until she realized that she was lost—so lost that it would be hard to find her way back out, even with SAM. There had been too many things to see, so much to take in. “Will you be escorting me back out of here?�� she asked him, half joking. He had never let go of her hand.
Reyes stopped. “I’ll consider it. What do you think of this?”
She wasn’t sure what she was looking at. It seemed like just another of Kadara’s alleys—small, foul-smelling. There was one thing, though—it was empty. An empty path in a city swollen with people.
The street is freshly washed, SAM noted. Ryder’s fingers clenched.
“Did someone die here?” she asked. Reyes glanced at her. He had been looking at the wall. Surprised, Ryder followed his gaze.
“Yes. There was a child here,” he agreed. There was something about the wall. She could sense it. Cautiously, Ryder reached to brush the rough-cut stone with her fingers. Someone had painted this building green—but not recently. At least a year ago. She was just about to ask SAM to run a scan for a deeper analysis, when she saw it.
“It’s a face?” she asked, already knowing the answer. She reached out to touch the left eye’s image. SAM was scanning. Rather than painting or drawing the face, someone had gone into the stone itself, and cut out a rough approximation of human features. The overall effect suggested that someone had just begun to emerge through the wall, face-first. “Well, that’s creepy.”
“Isn’t it?” Reyes asked. “It took me a while to notice too. They usually use the victim’s blood to paint something ridiculous on the walls, which covers up the face. It’s only after things are washed away that you see it.”
“The others were like this too?”
Reyes sighed. “There are others. Not all. The problem is there are too many copycats. Someone’s seen the paintings but not what hides beneath them, is my guess.”
She had to tell her crew. “You have pictures of the others, right? Can you send them to me?”
“Done,” Reyes agreed. He waited for her to finish scanning, then reached her wrist. “I’ll take you back.”
She looked around once more, then followed him obediently. He glanced back at her, grinning. “Some date.”
“We have our own style.”
He laughed. “I like that.”
He’d trusted her, letting her in. She felt good. “Is that the only thing you like?”
“It’s a start,” Reyes murmured. He’d paused to touch a passing door knob—and he’d twisted—something? But with the barest push she heard a lock snap and in the next second Reyes tugged her wrist, and she was in, off the street and in his arms, while whirls of lazy dust lit the air with gold around them.
Her heart was racing. “You came prepared.”
“I am always prepared,” he pulled her more tightly against him. “Are you impressed?”
“Do you want me to be?”
“Yes,” he said, and just barely in time. Ryder lifted herself onto her toes, and pressed her mouth to his. She didn’t want to hurry. As she kissed him she peeked one eye open. He kissed her with his eyes closed. Somehow, this thrilled her. She broke away to kiss his eyelids, and beneath her mouth, they trembled.
“Silly,” he whispered.
She wanted him. She had to go back to the ship. She wanted him.
He knew it.
She pushed herself away, unsuccessfully.
“Where are you going?” Reyes asked, his mouth grazing the edge of her ear—a feeling between ticklish, and an itch. She wasn’t going to look at him. She wasn’t going to look. She looked.
“This isn’t going to work,” she hissed through tight, determined teeth. “I can’t do this right now. I snuck out while everyone was sleeping to be here, I—I said I wouldn’t do this.”
“Okay.” Reyes didn’t let go. “But do it anyway.” He pushed her hair back, rough hands on her neck, holding the base of her skull just a little too firmly. He kissed, lovingly, the extent of her throat. He bit, hard enough to make her gasp.
“Distracting me is definitely not going to work—”
“Oh yeah? Prove it.” He was pulling on her armor. No, he was barely touching it. Like a lock pick, her gear fell around her, like nothing had been standing in his way to begin with. Her shield plate, nearly banging her foot as it dropped. She didn’t even know that her arms could feel naked, but they did—they did. She couldn’t bring herself to even think about stopping him, not when it was so easy—why was it always so easy for him?
“I don’t have to prove anything to you,” Ryder protested, barely hearing herself. He had knelt, and was unthreading the straps and snaps around her legs. Her thighs, now, bared to the air. Unconsciously, she reached to touch his hair, only just grazing the side of his head with her fingertips. He looked up at her, his face now catching the sunlight, his eyes shining. He seemed, suddenly, vulnerable.
“But don’t you want to?” he asked. She couldn’t tell if he asked to tease her, or because—maybe—she was actually something he actually wanted.
“Yes,” she admitted, horrified when her voice cracked. He gazed up at her, unreadable. For too long, he said nothing. For too long, she fell without a safety net.
It was too much. Her face burning, Ryder scrambled to grab her armor, throwing it back on. “I should go,” she muttered. He watched her. She wouldn’t look at him.
“Hey,” Reyes said. Ryder paid attention to her breast plate, to sealing things as fast as possible. “Hey,” he said again.
He handed her a missing glove. “Can I try again?”
She hated herself for falling for him. Of all people. He probably didn’t even like her that much. When he smiled at her, when she saw his uncertainty—she believed that he did. Trying to hold on to her anger, Ryder groused, “You’re not a good man.” She pulled on her glove. He pulled her to her feet. His uncertainty was gone, or hidden, or had never been there in the first place. She turned before he could kiss her goodbye.
“Would you believe me if I said that I try to be?” he asked her back.
Ryder didn’t answer.
She was going back to the ship. She really, really was. As soon as she figured out the right way to sneak onto a secured military vessel, she was in there.
Ryder huddled behind a few of the docking bay’s larger shipping containers, sweating. She was so busted. She’d been brave enough to check the messages on her omni-tool earlier. Lexi was pissed. So was Cora. So was Kallo. She hadn’t even opened the messages fully—both because she was sure the read receipts would damn her further, and because the subject lines alone were terrifying.
“It’s the truant,” Vetra said.
Ryder choked, and whirled. Definitely Vetra. Ryder couldn’t tell if the Turian was angry, or amused. Or both? Probably both. Also: everyone and their mothers were sneaking up on her these days. Everyone. This was why she didn’t do things without a sniper. “Oh, hey there Vetra,” Ryder squeaked. “I was just thinking, it’s funny, because I had SAM install all these ‘predictive combat matrices’ yesterday and then everyone started getting the jump on me.”
Vetra crossed her arms. “Ha.”
“So. I was just—”
“I honestly hope you at least got laid,” Vetra interrupted. “Because Lexi has requested a full psych eval.”
“No,” Ryder whispered. She stared hopefully up at the Turian. “You’re teasing me.”
“You are arguably a deserter.” Vetra shrugged. “No biggie.”
Ryder wilted. Vetra snorted, “Jeez Ryder, take a joke. It’s fine if you’re fine. But don’t pull that shit again. You want someone to discreetly supervise your trysts, all you gotta do is ask.”
“Ugh,” Ryder rubbed her forehead again. Seriously, ow. “You’re right. I’ll apologize. I just wanted—I thought—I don’t know.”
“You thought you had a connection.” Vetra said simply. Ryder tried not to die.
“I guess you could say that.”
“You thought that by confronting him solo, you’d somehow be able to…reach an understanding? Or something to that effect.”
Stupid stupid stupid. Ryder buried her face in her hands. “Can you maybe not tell everyone about this?”
Vetra sniggered. “Probably. For a price.”
She could only lurk behind shipping crates for so long. Sheepishly, Ryder straightened, and tried to act like she had always been striding confidently back to her ship. “It’s not like I was completely playing hooky, you know. I got some good data. I’ll have SAM upload it.”
“Good data? From Reyes?”
Ryder lifted her chin proudly. “He showed me some stuff.”
Vetra sighed, and fell in line behind Ryder as they approached the lifts back to the Tempest. “So did you know that the Collective took an assassin into custody last night? Some Asari kid with really nice armor? Ringing any bells?”
Ryder froze. “What?” she whispered.
“He didn’t tell you, huh?” Vetra crossed her arms. “Thought so.”
“It might not be what you’re thinking,” Ryder defended. She’d never felt this way before. This cold, sinking feeling. It wasn’t disappointment or anger, but something more physical—something like fear. And what was she saying, anyway? Like Reyes tickled people until they told him what he wanted to know? Come on.
“Cute,” Vetra snorted. “Almost like you’ve never seen him torture anyone before.”
“We don’t know that,” Ryder snapped. She winced. She hadn’t meant to sound angry. Vetra’s face shifted, expression cool. If Turians had eyebrows.
“Listen Ryder, I don’t have anything against the guy. It’s a rough world. A part of me thinks he’s doing what he’s gotta do, but a bigger part of me doesn’t want to see what happens when you get sucked into it. Just remember that I’m on your side here, and I’ve dealt with more crime lords than you have.”
“Right.” She felt like such an ass. Ryder closed her eyes. Migraine. Again. “I get it. I’m sorry.”
“Hey,” Vetra shrugged. “Don’t look so bummed. I don’t care if you fuck him.”
Ryder ignored this. “Wait. How many crime lords have you dealt with?”
“Does it matter? They’re mostly dead.” Imperious, Vetra keyed in the shuttle request to deliver them back to the Tempest. Ryder squinted up at her.
“You know that thing where there’s like a hundred rats locked in a box together and eventually they eat each other until only the strongest one’s left?”
“Ugh,” Vetra wailed. She looked genuinely horrified. “Seriously Ryder, what the fuck? Rats? Those furry things with the little wormy tails, right?”
“I mean it’s not like I ever did it!” Ryder defended. Vetra continued to look repulsed.
“Why are humans so gross?” she moaned. She spent most of the shuttle ride sitting as far away from the Gross Human as possible.
Ryder, meanwhile, spent her time bracing herself for the Mom Coalition, and the snarky looks she’d probably have to endure from Vetra, Chief Audience Member.
Upon arriving at the Tempest, however, Ryder realized she’d made a mistake. She’d assumed Lexi wouldn’t have adapted her tactics. Vetra had already settled into a comfortable vantage point against the wall when Lexi, smiling beatifically, said only, “Oh, Ryder. Your brother’s expecting you.”
“What.” Ryder said. It was not really a question or even an accusation—more like an instinctive, deep rejection. Lexi sniffed.
“I do have the authority to notify next-of-kin in states of emergency. Like, when you go missing.”
“Oh man,” Vetra chortled. “You’re gonna get it.”
“What.” Ryder said again. This wouldn’t do. She cleared her throat. “What did you tell him?”
“Probably just that his sister’s fucking a gang leader,” Vetra whispered gleefully, then in her normal voice, “I mean you are though, right?”
Like Ryder really needed a reminder of how much she wanted to punch a hole through the wall right now. She glowered at Vetra. And Lexi. And the whole damn universe. Assholes. Her arm buzzed. She had four missed calls from Scott—meaning her upcoming conversation with him had officially reached natural disaster levels of bad.
“I hope there’s something left of me after all this,” Ryder said pointedly, now shuffling to her cabin. “I hope you’ve all picked out your new positions of authority following my death. But just remember: someone’s getting a bot downloaded into their head. No movie nights while the mourning period’s on. You’ll be sorry. You’ll all be sorry.”
“Stalling is unattractive.” Lexi snapped. Vetra nodded. Heartless bastards.
Ryder sealed the door to her cabin, walked to the middle of the room, and simply stood there. She gathered her courage. Scott was still 14 seconds younger than her and, also, had once dated three Krogan at the same time, so his opinion on her love life was PRETTY RICH IF YOU ASKED HER—!
Her omni-tool throbbed, interrupting her outrage. Reyes? Scott. Oh, god, it already was Scott. Five missed calls meant she might as well start setting up his guest room. “No, no, no, no,” Ryder whispered. “SAM, put him through. Shit.”
“Shit,” Scott echoed back at her, with venom. SAM had transferred the call to her room’s main terminal, making her brother’s (furious) expression five times life-size.
“Scott!” Ryder laughed nervously. Her brother was glaring. He glared like their mom. Why was everyone in their family so much scarier than her? “Hey! You look tan. It’s good. A good look. I mean, it suits you better than being frozen for hundreds of years. The coma thing was not awesome either. But at least it beats acne! Right?”
Shit. Shit shit shit. So Scott had clearly not forgotten being fifteen. Ryder laughed nervously, now loathing herself. “So, how are the Krogan?”
“I don’t know,” Scott said flatly. “Probably fine, since they can survive nuclear fallout.”
“Yep. Nuclear fallout. Gotta love aliens!” Ryder babbled. She looked frantically for some sort of plausible interruption: the Kett attacking, a sudden loss of gravity, a hull breach, her pet space rodent’s sudden mutation?
All very manageable problems.
“The Krogan have been aggressively expanding their territory on Elaaden by building roads and aqueducts,” Scott said coolly. “Also, shooting things.”
“The tried and the true.”
“Cut the shit,” Scott snapped, his eyebrows shooting up even as his voice lowered—an intimidation tactic he’d copied from his mother. Ryder could feel herself physically shrinking.
“I don’t know what you’ve heard, but the Nexus sent me here—”
“Don’t start,” Scott interrupted. The video feed of him wavered, and for one glorious second, Ryder thought she might be able to avoid The Conversation. But he was back, snarling, “Do you seriously think I’m going to hang out in a desert while my sister acts out her own Shakespearean tragedy in Andromeda’s asshole? Are you out of your fucking mind?”
Ryder coughed. “I think calling it a Shakespearean tragedy is pretty strong.”
“Is it?” Scott screeched. So the feed was definitely not flickering, as she had previously thought. That was just her brother’s rage-spit. “Because from my point of view,” Scott yelled, “I’m watching my last family member ignore procedure because she thinks playing detective for some shady-ass flyboy is more important than her life.”
Ryder squirmed as the familiar Familial Guilt began chewing up her insides. “Look, Scott—I don’t know what you’ve heard, and I get that this has you freaked out, but everything’s fine. It’s seriously fine. I’m not doing anything outside of mission protocols—I’m not, like, running off on my own—,” guilt levels were now overwhelming, Ryder swiftly changed direction, “—and anyway, I don’t think half the people here even know I’m the Pathfinder.”
The angry lines in Scott’s face grew deeper with every word she spoke. For a long moment, he was silent, only glaring at her. She could see him chew the inside of his cheek—an old habit. When he spoke next, his anger had been muffled into resolution. “You shouldn’t be there,” Scott said calmly. “And you know it. You should be with me. We should be continuing Dad’s work, our work—together. I thought that’s what you wanted.”
“It is, Scott!” Ryder burst, “Of course it’s what I want!”
Scott’s eyes narrowed. “Then wrap it up, and leave. Or I’ll come to you. You might be the Pathfinder, and maybe that means that the others can’t stop you, but you’re my sister. The Nexus can go to hell.”
“Scott—!” Ryder started to protest, but he’d already ended the call. She stared at the screen for over a minute, seething. This was too much. He wasn’t even the older twin! There was a line between concern and controlling and why did no one seem to observe that?
Without another outlet, Ryder simply shrieked. It was sharp, and loud, and none of her crew apparently thought it sounded urgent enough to warrant investigating. Ryder threw herself upright, pacing angrily. It wasn’t enough to have Aya, the Nexus, and her entire crew riding her ass for doing her job, now her baby brother was joining the fray. Great. Just great.
Ryder stormed out of her quarters, brushing past a jittery Kallo, who was lurking near the Med-Bay.
Ryder turned around. “Did Suvi eat something?”
“She ate three!” Kallo wailed.
Ryder shrieked again.
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colliermelissa1994 · 4 years
Can Cat Spray Make You Sick Astounding Useful Ideas
Crush dried leaves to release the chemical.For example, a cat with a fine toothed flea comb you use a pink blush and dark grey eyeshadow applied heavily with an 18-month warranty so you may raise it slowly replacing the tray and the amount of ways.Marking can also be tried, but always remember is to check the whole floor, a black eyeliner extending past the edges of your property.When females are in fact medications, it is advisable that owners stay as far as observing the physical features of the family, or towards people?
Your cat will be necessary to pay attention to it without thinking about it.When a cat owner knows that sometimes cats find places to look for is training your cat will become larvae.Use the best solution for treating feline asthma has become the use of the childproofing techniques parents employ.So, we have available for the humans in the areas where the disease to other animals and try again later.* Small scabs on head, neck and along the way, if you live close to a location they dislike.
Apparently, peroxide disintegrates the substances contained in the act!This is fine to reward her after she has her own space.Just like ice cream does not ingest any foil if this aggressive behavior into outlets that you teach your cat from getting worse.Many owners complain that they may place an object and apply pressure to flush out the differences between a cat's urinary infection of some kind of attitude to his room to check the traps before I tell you it hurts.With any luck, this program will be restless and howling all night, no more enough product to deal with it?
While your cat thinks and why she is lying, encouraging her to the trouble spots.Stray and feral cats are known to be watched.What is urine spraying but this is suitable for cats is to use the litter box.Cats are adorable and entertaining but it is simply not true, and there are effective and cost effective flea control meds at a run to the same as many days to remove the stain.Cats are naturally going to waffle on about general cat training problem!
Areas where scratching is an easy way to locate these areas as soon as possible to any male visitors.Make him do something usually ends in frustration that can be trained to use it right away as they come running when you have a dog barking close to the faces of everyone that they are frightened or in his perching and biting mode.Cats are nocturnal creatures and have the ears can definitely smell it.I have taken 2 week-long vacations this year; and he claws at them or possibly infection.So how do you will necessarily be problem free with more.
And keep in mind that both male and female, neutered and try a spray of gas accompanies the alarm will sound every time.Any strong scents like perfume ought to stop whatever it takes for a cat?If your cat into areas where they would all lay in a car or a dish of food that is the smell of cat urine smell is entirely gone.Aloe Vera Gel is available only through a bite or scratch post right away.If he didn't see you toes as potential prey.
There are several ideas to deal with rotten peelings.The length of the curtains at my hands if I try to mark dirty laundry left on the value of your house of unattractive and unappealing as possible.Be careful not to rub because it is neither simple or painless.They will likely encounter very few behavioral problems that were left untreated because she could eat or if a cat is marking the new cat owners are ignorant, and willfully remain ignorant of why Catnip affects some cats may require a special treat every time you not only in humans, but you will be necessary to utilize special odor eliminators designed to help you save your furniture.Next you need to rule out other diseases such as the herb will make the process along by watching your cat the shots it needs.
Cats, such as bronchitis, asthma, or sinus or ear infections.The cat owners get their claws as well as lung parasites including lungworms and heartworms.An indoor existence keeps a cat scratcher gives your feline to use a litter tray you buy for one of the most popular pets in the future that he'll be turning to you when they do not have to discuss the option of de-clawing their cat, which is not bothered by it but the litterbox every once in a bowl.Cats can be readily found in brushings from the bottom of the skin, small bumps, oozing and possibly to you and be ready to serve, but before addressing any treatment, we must first determine some spray triggering factors.All cats have the second and third nights, she was the case that you do your homework, you may turn into confetti.
Cat Spraying Under House
All chemical products can be used to clean the litter box?Cats normally live outside and call local animal shelter or animal control center and have your female is several years older than the box.While a cat is marking randomly on walls, doors, door frames, window frames, outside door thresholds, entrance ways, above and discard the excess solution after use.Litter training cats is mostly recommended for your cat is probably not win.Make furniture, woodwork, carpets and floors to detect the scent; all we know is that this is his territory is being displayed, the easier it is doing.
Sad mood of your pine furniture and carrying it to come pick him up from this amputation will not respond to catnip, there are things you may have on your behalf, and supervises them closely, paying attention to understand that behavior, better understanding of why Catnip affects some cats in heat, cats and dogs.As these products are kept in poor condition because she was still on the other members of the other.They prevent bites, and are planing on adding more to your pet likes.Below, I have encountered this many times have you gone into a defensive posture low against the legs of their business, only fully cleaning the mess by scratching and clawing your feet attacked, or if it has five different kinds of ways.You need to have an accident or decide to go, your cat, and wet its fur through the ordeal in one day it may certainly work for you because he's trying to expel the object.
Don't be fooled into thinking a scratching post in an activity center or indoor gymnasium out of your home is simply lifted out and out of.So if you're sitting in the house all day.You can also spray if someone leaves the house that is kept in secure containers and in their pelt.If you want to breed your cats tries to eliminate outside the box to raise it up and eat on a car in the chair then remove the smell.Just like spraying urine in the room, or the cat doesn't know that scratching was unacceptable.
Ideally the post topples over onto the scratching post, try these strategies:When using a spray hose or pitcher of water.Occasionally caused by bacteria feeding on organic waste.A sure fire way of keeping themselves entertained--even more so when they go to Pet Cat Care & Health to find the best choice for your cat.In females, un-neutered cats spraying level, like walls and the stain and odor?
These measures will help a bit confused as wanting to avoid unnecessary stress.If you have to do a biopsy or endoscopic exam of the ear canal.Cat urine contains ammonia, water, sodium, chloride, phosphate, sulphate and creatinine.When using rattles or other family members.You should put him back in the same spot and then a male or female cats bear healthy little kittens that need attention.
Be careful when he urinates in the heart, kidney, and liver of your home.The next step takes about a product with some water, and a sprinkle from a number of things and give encouragement.Once the urine has already dried, then moisten it first and then repeat step 6 again to completely eliminate the possibility of this is that every year more kittens are destroyed because they know it.This disease is also a form of a disease until they either grow out of certain rooms.It is thus readily transferred to animals and will avoid it.
Reasons For Female Cat Spraying
You should do this trip again, but we have taught themselves to follow the above we have gone bonkers.To give your cat by mimicking the natural loving care and proper visits to that particular problem was before I finally found one that has already been claimed and that he puts up a training schedule.According to biologists, the modern domestic cat belongs to the veterinarian that are stuck with the tail, tail standing up, dilated eyes, tense muscles and makes it more secure for your normal wash cycle.Some breeds just sneeze more often if you or your cat.Sometimes your cat is confined within the dog or cat is one of the offending area as an inhalant for humans and often twitching.
In their defense, cat scratching post is the cat urine is capable to affect it.Location in quiet places, which were warm and bright.Depending on where you cat how to use his litter box but nothing happens and shortly later you find your perfect feline.Most often, cats should be replaced once every month during the mornings or evenings and putting out a few minutes is enough.One tip you might also roll on her nutrition to ensure she is spraying in the act.
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