jiubilant · 2 years
some notes on velothi endearments
"daesohn," "daeseh," and "daesehn" (lit. "brother," "sister," and "sibling") aren't commonly used to address siblings; they're more frequently used to address friends
another word with a similar connotation is "f'lah"
"scrib" and "grub" are gruff endearments analogous to "kid"
"hla" and "yihla" are more sentimental; rough equivalents in terms of usage would be "dear" and "my dear" respectively (the literal translation, though, is more like "little one"). you can use "hla" casually to address anyone much younger than yourself, but "yihla" is only used by parents addressing their children
"-la" as a diminutive suffix (derived from hla, little) can be added to nicknames for affectionate emphasis. for example, if your child is being a little terror but you aren't too bothered about it, you might call them "sharmatla" ("little sharmat")
worth noting that the "-la" diminutive is also frequently used in friendly and romantic contexts as well; tacking it onto the end of someone's name or nickname (ex. "helsethla" for someone named helseth, "narla" for someone named naryu, "nila" for someone named nilo, etc.) is a fondly playful or "cutesy" way to address that person. cases in which the construction gets clunky because the name of the person being addressed already ends in "la" (ravila...la? salala?) result in the endearment "lala"—great if you want to annoy the person you're addressing
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choilacanth · 2 years
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WIP of a little doodle of some new clothes Darra picked up in Solstheim :] :]
(and the engoogling, back by popular demand)
(Mod is Armors of the Velothi II on Nexus :] )
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wrong-mother · 4 months
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You never asked for this but I'll share it anyway. Indoril Nerevar Mora in a very hot dress. I should say it suits him :D
P.S. Don't look for any deep sense or translation of his tattoos. Those are just random scribbles without any meaning because I didn't have enough time to properly work on them x)
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Ilaba'andul Erra am'Urshilaku
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Finally, Ceth paints something that isn't Joshi Anyway, actually finished something for once! Been a bit chaotic with uni so... I made an Ashlander OC and he needed a full render. So here we have Erra as he appears in Sleepers Awake and later as an Ancestor Ghost in Serious Mistakes. We got Ghost Husband! We got a ghost husband...Sorry Tel. <3
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aanthirin · 2 days
please infodump about vivayth <3 if you gotta narrow it down, her relation with hircine and/or mehrunes dagon
sits down. right so-
the bases of vivayth's entire worldviews, her developments and delusions, her copes, it can all be led back to her introduction to lycanthropy. she couldn't really reconcile her zealous, century-long faith in the tribunal with the fact that she had become exactly what she was taught to hate, what she was taught stands against everything dunmeri society was: an abomination. she's long since made peace with that and happily embraces the title of 'demon' a lot of people toss her way, but a lot went down for that to happen... (more info below)
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she went through a lot of effort to try and figure out exactly why this happened, why the living gods would allow hircine to infect her so, and allow her to remain this way, to be shunned by their servants and soldiers, their hands, their very mouthpieces. when she couldn't turn to her estranged family nor those she loved, she was led down a very dark road by another once-zealous faithful corrupted by the forces of oblivion, so it was only inevitable that she'd crack. after the things she's seen and done, and when she realized exactly who and what she'd become, who wouldn't?
she spent a long time searching for answers, uprooting secrets that would've been better left of alone. many sleepless nights were spent poring through texts that scrambled her mind or destroyed themselves upon being read, or going out of her way to beseech the long-dead for answers. between all the scraps of knowledge that she collected, she came to believe that hircine was a servant of mehrunes dagon, his personal huntsman to test the mettle of his armies (and later on she develops the idea that perhaps hircine himself is a sort of demiprince or daedra lord under dagon's service, or an avatar of dagon himself). this is based on old lore jsyk, like battlespire-era
this mostly happened because she's very morrowind-minded from a metaphysical point of view. even though she's spent a significant portion of her 180 years alive dedicating herself to studies on the metaphysical, mystical and occult after a brush with a renegade wise-woman—which theoretically should not even be remotely bound to something so arbitrarily mortal like culture—she can't help but be very conservative and patriotic in mindset and that warps a lot of her perceptions of reality, creating some very, uh, eccentric interpretations of the most foundational aspects of the aurbis. that is all to say her mind struggled a lot to reconcile an inherently outlander consequence such as lycanthropy with an explicitly dunmeri foundational belief, that being the house of troubles and their role in the theology.
soon enough she started to believe that dagon had a direct hand in the events that cursed her with lycanthropy, and that it's one of two of oblivion's sacred tools to help mortals (more importantly, her specifically) break free from the shackles of limitation imposed by the aedra (the other being vampirism, which she reveres FAR more than the comparative self-loathing she feels toward lycanthropes)
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moonshadovv · 11 days
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Say hello to Tammuallitilu and Zibamusamat, Massara and Nileyransi's parents! When they were alive, of course.
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mukuuji · 2 years
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Crescius Caerellius and his beloved wife, Aphia Velothi
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thedisc0panda · 1 month
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Looking at the stars ✨🌔
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terenos · 2 years
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moonpile · 2 months
Tags are finally working, yay! Here's some of my ESO housing builds. More soon! Directory will be updated in the main post.
Moon's Houses ☾⋆
The Moons-Blessed Springs at Willowpond Haven
Khajiit’s Tenmar Retreat (v1) - at Serenity Falls Estate
For the Love of Fantasy - at Ald Velothi Harbor House
An Apocr-awful New Life - at Velothi Reverie
A Tea House for Azandar - at the Ample Domicile
Khajiit’s Garden of Curiosities at Sleek Creek
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jiubilant · 2 years
more velothi vocabulary
ama: mother
aba / ada / ata: father
the word used to address one's father varies regionally. "ata," the pronunciation endemic to the black isle, is considered the "standard" velothi pronunciation of the word (though linguists believe that it is also the most recent). "aba" is common in the ascadian isles, and "ada" is prevalent in the mainland, particularly deshaan. velothis is a language with many dialects
worth noting is that velothis (the language spoken by house dunmer) shares a root with, but is distinct from, the languages spoken by the nomadic ashlander clans. some vocabulary is shared among the different language branches—but without a language in common, be it zainabi or velothis, a hlaalu and a zainab trader would struggle to communicate
in urshilak:
am / ama: mother
pab / paba: father
in zainabi:
eme: mother
ede: father
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chameleonspell · 6 days
Hey! I just read posts of yours dated of 2016 and I shall say it's amazing. Im roleplaying as ashlander, can I use you posts about linguistic as a base? I like it very much and its pretty close to what ive been interpretating along! this job is amazing (gosh its been almost 10years back)
Yeah, sure, feel free to use my velothi stuff for TES roleplay or fanwork! It's nice that people want to use it!
Credit is nice if you're using it extensively, and obviously please don't take my grammar/translation posts and claim them as your own or anything, but yeah, please go ahead and use the language if you'd like to! thanks for asking. :)
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wrong-mother · 4 months
Some fresh art because I saw this trend and just couldn't resist.
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So I've drawn Irna on her first days in Dwemereth and many years later. From the assassin and priestess who lost her place to well-respected mender and loved woman.
She had to flee Morag Tong order despite being one of its most loyal and devoted assassins. Knowing that MT might hunt down her then friend, Arkndchal-Savak, she went to Nchuleftingth where he was at that time and warned him of the danger; eventually they left Vvardenfell together and moved to the Silent City where Arkndchal-Savak was born and lived most of the time.
Arkndchal-Savak asked the king for protection on her behalf; Dumac agreed, because Irna is Nerevar's sister (and she offered her knowledge as well) — but not before they could test her. Apart from being basically not being able to leave the city for a whole year, she had to spend her first month in Light Negation, the artifact which not only didn't let her see anything, but also suppressed her ability to sense magic beyond a small radius. This artifact isn't meant to humiliate anyone though, it's just used to not let noble and valuable visitors see what shouldn't be seen. And still... For Irna it was quite difficult.
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And there is she again, but years later and not alone. Despite almost dying after the Morag Tong attack on her and lots of other hardships (pretty traumatising sometimes, to be fair), she became a respected medic and is happily married to Arkndchal-Savak, and they (who would think? and yet here we are thanks to Nerevar) mutually love each other, always protecting and deeply caring for each other. Fun fact: this is the first (and only) time they both fell in love. Neither Irna nor Arkndchal-Savak previously had any experience with love relationship like this.
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And yeah, drawing so many details in such complicated angle kills me, but I caught a hyperfixation on this idea. Sooooo now I can cherish one of my best OTPs :D
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resdayns · 2 years
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angua-sanguis · 11 months
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Left this household to their own devices and returned to them telling ghost stories in front of the Ald'ruhn Mages' Guild.
They have to know it's Spooktober.
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P.S. They're not flashlights, they're Dwemer Tubes of Light (20pts on Target).
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sbnkalny · 6 months
Human nature is not obliged to wade and push in the upper reaches Among the Velothi, anon Chimer, before the last confrontation with the prototype imperial assault ship was our mother when we were an Oscar-Mayer weiner! all you crazies out the columbus in the gobbledygook this one's for Yes one o the great time to go over the operation.
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