#valley palace
explosionshark · 1 year
I don’t need you chasing me around I don’t need you chasing me I don’t need you chasing me around Okay, okay
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autumnbell32 · 7 months
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koolmondo · 2 years
New playlist of music ive been told is a red flag enjoy! 
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recherchestetique · 1 year
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One of the largest floor mosaics ever discovered was recently unveiled following restoration at Hisham Palace in Jericho. It revealed 38 intricate panels depicting floral and geometric designs made with over 5,000,000 pieces of stone and a 1300-year-old "tree of life".
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bitseybloom · 4 months
OK, everyone. I'm a little playlist-manic and impulsively make ones for characters/actors/films that I love. Here are my Spader-oriented ones. I hope you enjoy it if you are interested in any of those.
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deadmotelsusa · 5 months
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Before it was Pocono Palace, it was Vacation Valley.
Vacation Valley Resort didn't have any champagne tower tubs, heart shaped pools or round beds when it opened in the 1940s. Pre-Pocono Palace, it was just a quaint honeymoon resort, situated on 40 woodland acres along the shore of Echo Lake. In 1950, you could pay $45 for a week long vacation with all activities and meals included.
Much (if not all) of the hotel and cabins were demolished when Pocono Palace took over in the 1970s. Pocono Palace closed on May 1st, 2024, rumored to be replaced by a new health and wellness resort.
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40lions · 6 months
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do you understand my vision.
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radioactivepeasant · 3 months
This Week's Snippet Poll
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joelletwo · 6 months
way too late to be articulating this thought but every time i loop hayloft and see the goofy utsuro!takasugi->oboro!takasugi noooo lil sibling dont kill sensei by killing sensei. kill sensei by killing ourselves. convolution. i am more and more fueled into getting as stupid as i can in my gntm postcanon lol. takasugi's eye has always been fine and he crawled out of that tower miraculously alive. so did oboro. separately. bc they. separately. uno reverse took over shouyou and utsuro's bodies respectively. all the other altana bodies in the terminal died for real tho so shouyoutsuro did as well. so whos that baby? why its my good friend shouyou(tsuro. theyre integrating.) the fourth :)
and the shouyou body takasugi took over just had a normal ass stab wound thats easy street hes fine now. but the utsuro body oboro took over was 1. largely metaphorical 2. also stabbed 3. more importantly underwent ego death something bad. so oboro's still on borrowed time he just gets enough to hang out with everyone until they get bored of him after a month and then he goes crawls in the woods and dies. one more time
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thevalleyisjolly · 1 year
Dark haired Legolas is something that can be so personal, actually.
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Introducing Tiana's Palace
Tiana's Palace is an absolutely lovely building. It's also really, really big. And did not fit in the Plaza spot I picked out. Lucky me, I've been redoing my entire Valley and had a lovely spot in the Meadow where it could be decorated to the grandness it deserves.
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Château de Chenonceau
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The Château de Chenonceau, also known as the ‘Château des Dames’, is one of the most emblematic castles of the French Renaissance. Located in the Loire Valley, its history dates back to the Middle Ages, as it seems to have existed as early as the 11th century.
In the 13th century, it seems to have belonged to the lords of Marques, who owned it until the King of France forced it to be demolished for activities against the Crown, around 1411. It was later rebuilt, but converted into a fortified mill.
In 1513 it was acquired by Thomas Bohier, finance intendant to King François I. Bohier and his wife, Catherine Briçonnet, rebuilt the castle on the foundations of the mill.
After Bohier's death, the château passed into the hands of the Crown for outstanding debts. In 1547, King Henry II gave it to his mistress, Diane de Poitiers, who oversaw the construction over the River Cher, which today is one of its most iconic images, with its volutes giving it its bridge-like appearance.
When Henry II of France died in 1559, his widow, Catherine de’ Medici, forced Diane to cede Chenonceau to her and, in return, gave her the château of Chaumont. Catherine widened the bridge into a two-storey gallery, creating the structure that projects over the river.
In the 18th century, in one of the many changes of ownership, it was in the hands of the Dupin family, when it became a centre of intellectual activity where prominent figures such as Voltaire and Rousseau were guests.
During the First World War, the château was transformed into a military hospital.
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archersgoon · 2 months
the mort/florik relationship + conspiracy board is just real to me btw. mort voice florik did you hear. they named their new kid solange. hesta was there and she cried. which could mean nothing
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pelicanfarmer · 11 months
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They said this farm was haunted, a hot spot for all things occult. It wasn’t like the orphaned Farmer had any choice though, after all this farm was the only place she can call home. It didn’t matter that on her second night she swatted away at bats with her sickle and another night she fought with her pickaxe to fight against some weed person. She’ll use the tools she has to share this space with every other being living in her farm.
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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International Day of The World's Indigenous People
The  International Day of the World’s Indigenous People on August 9 pays  tribute to the indigenous communities of the world. The latest data  reveals that there are about 370 to 500 million indigenous people living  in 90 countries. These communities are noted to have their own unique  set of languages, traditions, cultures, and governing systems. For many  indigenous groups, the systems that their ancestors have followed for  centuries have stood the test of time by serving them with positive  outcomes to date. Many indigenous people’s special bond and connection  with nature have also led to the protection of the general environment.  However, on the other side, several indigenous communities face  difficulties due to a central government’s covert and overt attempts to  control their lives. This has led to indigenous people’s rights  violations where they would have otherwise ensured peaceful and  harmonious lives for them.
History of International Day of The World's Indigenous People
The  first International Day of the World’s Indigenous People was officially  celebrated in August 1995. The day had been brought into existence when  the 49/214 resolution was passed by the U.N. General Assembly on  December 23, 1994. August 9 was chosen as the commemorative date because  that was when the first meeting of the U.N. Working Group on Indigenous  Populations of the Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of  Human Rights was held. Every year, the day is honored by governments and  organizations holding education forums and conferences to meet and  discuss the social issues faced by indigenous groups worldwide. People  are also given information on any ongoing and/or upcoming activities and  projects that are being undertaken to help the target communities.  Every year, the theme changes to shed light on a pressing topic, and the  theme for the year 2021 was ‘Leaving no one behind: Indigenous peoples  and the call for a new social contract.’
The social contract theme  is a call for accountability in the general populations’ interaction  with the indigenous communities and their resources. Over the years,  many indigenous groups have found themselves to be on a disadvantageous  terrain in the face of urban development projects that have destroyed  and denigrated their lands and territories. The central governments and  builders involved in such projects never sought permission from or even  spoke with the indigenous communities before they took the developmental  steps. Organizations and agencies like the U.N. and UNESCO have made  efforts for constitutional/legislative reforms for dominant indigenous  groups. Yet, the efforts must be focussed on bringing everyone together  in the cause, leaving none behind.
International Day of The World's Indigenous People timeline
1982 First U.N. Meeting on Indigenous People
The  U.N. holds the first meeting on indigenous people by forming the U.N.  Working Group on Indigenous Populations of the Sub-Commission on the  Promotion and Protection of Human Rights.
1995 International Day of the World’s Indigenous People
The first International Day of the World’s Indigenous People is celebrated by the U.N. General Assembly.
2005 - 2015 Indigenous People’s Decade
The U.N. proclaims 2005 to 2015 to be the ‘Decade of Action and Dignity’ for the indigenous communities.
2019 Indigenous Languages Year
After  a startling 2016 report on the danger of more than 2,000 indigenous  becoming extinct, the U.N. declares 2019 to be the International Year of  Indigenous Languages in order to create awareness.
How To Observe International Day of the World’s Indigenous People
Learn about indigenous groups
Learn an indigenous language
Stand by indigenous groups
History  related to indigenous people is always interesting to read and learn  about. They have their own sets of beliefs, customs, languages, and  cultures. Their daily lifestyles are also often connected with nature,  be it animals, trees, certain plants, or lakes/rivers.
The  U.N. declared the years 2022 to 2032 the decade for indigenous  languages. The goal is to bring to attention the dying languages, since  most of them are not taught in schools or are used by the general  public. Losing a language is losing an important facet of the history  and culture of a people.
The  best way to celebrate this day and the rest of the year is by vowing to stand by indigenous groups. The indigenous people have the right to  freely choose however they wish to live, much like any other living  being on this planet. Protecting their rights also in turn protects your rights in the long run.
5 Interesting Facts About Indigenous People
80% of the world’s biodiversity
4,000 indigenous languages
High poverty rates
Short life spans
Leaders in protecting the environment
Around 80% of the world’s biodiversity is in places where indigenous groups are living.
The 5,000 indigenous communities in the world are credited with having about 4,000 languages.
While  the indigenous communities account for only 5% of the world’s  population, they make up 15% of the world population that is living in  poverty.
Indigenous  communities, due to a lack of awareness, have shorter life spans as  they die of preventable diseases like malaria and H.I.V.
Studies have shown that the fauna and flora, and biodiversity thrive and flourish where indigenous people reside.
Why International Day of the World’s Indigenous People is Important
It’s a celebration of indigenous people
It’s a celebration of indigenous languages
It’s a celebration of the freedom to live
Indigenous  people form an essential and crucial part of not only our planet’s  history, but also how human beings have come to make systems to lead  fruitful lives. The indigenous people’s cultures, customs, and  traditions are interesting to learn about for their uniqueness and for  what they teach us about the universe and the bigger picture.
Language,  at its core, builds the identity of a people. The involvement of the  different phonetics, grammar rules, and formal/informal styles can tell  one a lot about where a community has come from, and how their history  has shaped them. The same is the case with indigenous languages. The  problem lies in their endangerment, and this is why we must strive to  preserve them.
The  freedom to practice our rights on a piece of land that has shaped our  communities for centuries should not be taken away from anyone. The  freedom to practice our customs, traditions, and general lifestyles is  another important aspect of living a worthwhile life. For these very  reasons and many others, we should join indigenous people in their right  to live and flourish however they like.
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llondonfog · 2 years
So we know from event stories that Lilia often went traveling even when he had Silver under his care. Does that mean he had Malleus/Sebek's family watch him? Just some interesting thoughts about young Silver growing up
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This may be a bit of a spoiler for EN players depending on if you've watched the translated videos for the Endless Halloween segment (Spectral Soiree— which frankly is such a fun name, twst translation team being the standout star as always), but Silver's childhood is WILD; how he survived Lilia's cooking, being left alone for periods of time, and falling asleep at random in the middle of tasks is BEYOND ME.
We do know that Lilia left him alone at their home in the woods, but that's probably when he was old enough to fend for himself. So before then? I personally have a soft spot for Malleus being the one to watch over Silver (guarding his own future guard? adorable), but for multiple reasons:
I think that Lilia trusts Malleus over anyone else (even Silver, as the event will show), especially as he was responsible to some degree for raising/teaching Malleus in his own youth— we still have little idea of what has happened to Malleus' parents (Diasomnia family lore when . . . ). So I think he'd see Malleus as an extension of himself to take care of and protect Silver when he's incapable of doing so himself. But at the same time, what a perfect opportunity for their Crown Prince to be consistently exposed to a positive example of humankind, to have a direct hand in raising a child of the very species they had gone to war with?
On the other hand, and this begins to veer into my own personal HC, if Malleus' parents did perish in the war and because of human actions no less, Lilia would be hard pressed to ignore the parallels of their orphaned prince and this orphaned, abandoned human child teaching and learning from each other.
Concerning Sebek's family, I think they would have played together and maybe watched Silver for short periods of time since he'd be so close in age to Sebek, but if Lilia was away for longer than a day, he wouldn't impose on the Zigvolts and their other children to watch his own son as well, not with Sebek's father working full time and his mother having her hands full of other children.
Which would also play into why Sebek is so cutting towards Silver at times, and apparently jealous of his easy relationship with Malleus and Lilia— Silver's known them all of his life, scampered through the grand palace gardens to play hide and seek with Lilia without understanding the rare blessing he's been given, watched and giggled with wide-eyed wonder as Malleus would make green-gold fireflies dance and shimmer for him. He's monopolized their attention ever since he was a child, isn't it time someone else has a turn to prove their worth?
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