#valentines ip 2020
notyouraveragebozo · 6 months
1200 days ago, today, on December 31st, 2020, on the very last day of possible - '2020' - envisioning.... I pushed a button, flipped a switch, and pulled back a curtain,... to present to - ALL humanity - a unique situation and remarkable opportunity, the likes of which - the world - had never seen! 'Something' - (possibly) - for the 'Ages'! (imo) - (and - more!) And 775 days later,... on Valentine's Day - 2023 - my company's Premier auction/adventure opportunity for the super-rich - came to a close, without anyone taking steps - to secure for themselves - 'knowledge' - of the rarest sort. - (maybe). With the IP being retained,... I was tasked with changing gears, regarding the method by which the material is relayed.
On, I move - to - 'Plan B'. ('Plan B' involves 'impartation' of the material to a 'select' audience - of global VIPs.) (Steps have been already been taken, government representatives are in the loop.) However- as of 'Groundhog Day - 2024 - due to software components: disagreeing/aging-out/ updating/ retiring/ upgrading/code creating/recreating,   and a variety of human errors,...   the website has been down a  Lewis Carroll-ian  - 'hole'. (I think at last, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, but this has yet to be proved not a pipe dream.) What I have learned in the last 1200 days -since taking UniqueDestinations.org LIVE? I have learned that 'understanding' something - new, takes time,... and time - requires - patience. If I could, I would turn the site on again - this minute,... but it is not repaired and 'prepared' yet - new words - must be set down, and things inspected. I want the presentation to display a 'solidity' - first. But please keep in mind - the website being down - does not/should not:  tarnish; diminish; or dismiss in one's mind - the materials - (and messages) - that it seeks to impart. We shall be back online soon. That is the plan. Till then, Stay tuned. Stay lit. Stay kind .
@arimelber and @neildegrassetysonofficial, Gentlemen, I am including you here for continuity and any interest you may have.
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inceptionpositivity · 5 years
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Love is in the air, and so is Inception Positivity’s Valentine’s Day Love Extravaganza!
Here’s the drill.
L - Leave a little love letter for a member of Inception fandom using our anonymous submission form from NOW until February 14, 11:59 PM EST.
O - Our obliging organizer will create a colourful post out of your words.
V - Vibrant and verbose Valentine’s messages will be posted on the inceptionpositivity blog from February 14 from 12:00 AM (UTC+14) until 11:59 PM (UTC-12) for the longest possible Valentine’s Day. (That is to say, from Feb. 13 to Feb. 15 for most of us.)
E - Enjoy!
So shoot some silly little love songs into our Google Form! For more information, check out the FAQ, or feel free to send a message or ask!
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alexx-in-wonderland · 4 years
9 Reasons Why I Was Excited to Leave Korea
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To this day, both in the States and in Korea, I have friends and acquaintances who are not aware that I've left Korea.  I was there for so long, people just got used to the idea of me being there and assumed I would be there forever.  What's also crazy is that I'd sworn I had spoken about leaving Korea on my blog, but looking back now I see that I haven't.  Even though I've left The Land of the Morning Calm, I have an insane amount of photos, videos, and things I want to talk about with regards to my time in Korea.  I learned so much, and had so many experiences both in Korea and abroad, that I would like to share, and in the future I would like to continue to share as well as I visit my second home to see old friends and my Korean nieces and nephews.  This being a lifestyle blog, I also intend to share my adventures in the U.S., and future travels.  After all, this blog is Alex in Wonderland, and wonderland is wherever I go.
Korea will always hold a special place in my heart, but to be completely honest, I was really looking forward to coming home my last year in Korea.  Here are 9 reasons why I was excited to leave Korea:
1. Food
Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love Korean food.  Korean friends and acquaintances were always surprised that I loved to eat everything, well . . . everything except 번데기 ("beondegi") and 비빔밥 ("bibimbap").  What can I say, I like to eat, okay?  But one thing I missed was the diversity in international and western foods available both in restaurants and at the grocery store.  I didn't realize how unique the fact that Mexican food and ingredients are commonplace in America, and that that was sadly not the case everywhere.  There are plenty of good international restaurants in Busan, but it's not always the version Americans are used to from home.  It can also be really disappointing hunting down a specific type of ethnic food, only to find out liberties had been taken, and kimchi has been put places it has no business being, lol.
2. VPN Freedom
Besides using a VPN for security purposes, I was tired of having to jump through hoops in order to see TV shows and series that would be available to all my family and friends in the U.S.  Can a girl watch Netflix in peace, without having to find a dedicated IP address that will get her to the movie she wants to watch?  It can in the States.
3. Emphasis on Relationships
In Korea, there's a lot of pressure for both Koreans and foreigners alike to be in a constant stream of relationships.  It's harder to keep a mindset that is more career or independence-centered, when people you don't even know are asking about your relationship status, from friends and coworkers to taxi drivers.  The pressure doesn't just come from students asking if you have a boyfriend with curious, inquiring eyes, but even from national holidays!  On Valentine's Day girls give guys chocolate, on White Day guys give girls candy, on Pepero Day you give pepero to your significant other, Christmas is largely a couple's holiday, and on April 14th which is called Black Day, singles go to Chinese-Korean restaurants to eat 짜장면 ("jjajangmyeon") alone.   To read the rest, check out my new blog.  Let me know if you can relate, if you can’t relate, and if you have different reasons for wanting to move home: https://www.alexx-in-wonderland.com/single-post/2020/09/17/9-reasons-why-i-was-excited-to-leave-korea
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theliterarywolf · 5 years
SpeedAnon here. The only thing that will make CR in 2020 good or great; would be another Max Cookie event. Leaning towards Milk Cookie or Purple Yam Cookie as the Max Cookie, because we all know that story is wrapping up next year. Would make up for the robbing of Millennial Tree and Squid Ink Cookie's costume (somewhat). CR Fandom I have sat through the Whodunit BS and the Cookie of the Year shit; as a newbie, but this THIS will be your Sword of Damocles over your brainless heads.
Come on… The Murder Mystery Event wasn’t that bad. We got Roquefort Cookie out of it… 
It was just the fandom being 8 kinds of idiotic that made it so aggravating. 
Actually, I think a lot of the issues that happened with CR was because DevSis wanted to embrace the community more… Which, the past decade of fandom has shown us that fan communities are a double-edged sword with the self-damaging side of the blade being the size of Cloud Strife’s Buster Sword.
Because, again, the best CR event (at least that I have participated in during my two years of playing the game) was City of Wizards. 
Yeah, some people were whining about ‘Well, what do you mean I only get ONE of Moonlight Cookie’s costumes for free? Why are you guys trying to rip us off?!’ But the event itself was done perfectly: 
Special courses and backgrounds made just for the event (yeah, they’ve been put into the Champion Cup rotations now but they were originally event-exclusive), actively encouraging you to use and experiment with all the Cookies you had at your disposal, costumes and buffs for both the supporting cast Cookies (Wizard Cookie and Cinnamon Cookie), event-based currency being plentiful and not needing constant drop-rate patches, and best of all – YOU COULD PLAY THROUGH THE STORY BY YOURSELF. 
Yeah, I’m glad we got Cyborg Cookie and Ion Cookie Robot out of the AI Menace event, but I don’t like being handicapped or burdened by random other players. 
That’s why, when I made my Guild, I made it with the thought process of ‘okay, here’s a Guild so people can have the benefits of the Guild like daily drops and the Guild Shop but not feel awkward by level differences’.
I get that CR is a child-friendly IP. But a lot of the dumb shit that the fandom does is stemmed out of the teenager/adult portion of said fandom. 
Like… A child can look at a murder mystery and say ‘okay… that person looks suspicious’ while a good amount of the adults in the fandom are like ‘lol, Angel Cookie’s making a silly face; THEY’RE THE MURDERER!’
Considering how MicMac just dropped a video today that, once again, teased the whole ‘mystery of Dark Choco Cookie’s Hair Routine’, I feel like the current RPG/Fantasy arc may be hitting it’s climax around March (I won’t say February because CR really likes Valentine’s Day events) but we still have the other 4(?) Dragons to find out about. 
Then we’re getting a sequel to AI Menace (FUUUUU–) so Aloe Cookie can become playable, they’re probably going to rework Sands of Yogurca whenever Lilac becomes playable –
And, honestly, they don’t necessarily need to debut any new Cookies aside from bringing in Onion Cookie from the purgatory-Hell known as Cookie Wars so Adventurer Cookie and Blackberry Cookie can have their daughter back and either bringing in Energy Drink Cookie (so the portion of the community who won’t shut up about her can shut up) and maybe Kumiho Cookie’s mom.
Whew, I wrote a lot. 
TL;DR - While fandom interaction and emphasizing team play is good, too much of it can turn things into a clusterfuck. Let’s hope that 2020 sees DevSis leaning back towards more story-focused events that can be experienced without anchoring them to co-op.
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xtruss · 3 years
Behold The Purple Tomato, A New Designer Super Fruit
Blueberries and blackberries are loaded with antioxidants; by tweaking three genes, tomatoes can have the same benefit.
— March 02, 2022 | By Mark Wilson
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Photo: Courtesy Cathie Martin
Fifteen years ago, in the middle of winter, Cathie Martin was impatiently waiting for her tomatoes to ripen. The John Innes Centre botanist already knew what was going to happen: Their green skin was about to turn a miraculous purple. She’d swapped out a few genes to supercharge their anthocyanin content—the same vibrant antioxidants that give blueberries and blackberries their rich color.
“I knew it’d work,” Martin says with a cool confidence. “Well, as much as any scientist knows they will do something that will work. . . . It was really slow, and it took ages, and finally we could see this little bit of purple. It was great.”
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Photo: Courtesy Cathie Martin
Now, assuming the U.S. Department of Agriculture approves their sale in the coming weeks, Martin’s tomatoes could be available for the first time—as seeds you can grow or fruit you can buy at the store. But it’s also a significant moment to reframe the way we think about genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in produce—not merely as a means to cut costs for Big Agriculture but as an opportunity to take an object that nature gave us and improve upon it, much as we would a smartphone or pair of sneakers.
Any tomato breed can be transformed into a purple tomato. And purple tomatoes taste exactly the same as their source varietal because anthocyanines are flavorless. But Martin’s research found two other interesting things. Her purple tomatoes—not to be mistaken with dark varietals like black cherry tomatoes—last roughly twice as long on the shelf as a standard tomato. And mice that ate a diet of her purple tomatoes lived 30% longer than those that ate the standard red variety. A human would need to eat the equivalent of two purple tomatoes every day to reach a similar potential benefit, yet Martin believes that’s actually more feasible than eating the alternative of two handfuls of blueberries a day. That’s because blueberries are expensive and highly seasonal, while her tomatoes could be cooked down into pasta or pizza sauce. (Yes, these tomatoes retain their captivating purplish hue when cooked).
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Photo: Courtesy Cathie Martin
“One [visual] trait I like very much comes from what are currently known as yellow tomatoes,” Martin says. “When the purple is mixed in, it’s a fantastic, more indigo color, a kind of bluer purple. If you were to make a bloody Mary, it would be a royal blue Bloody Mary.”
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Photo: Courtesy Cathie Martin
Today, GMOs are common in the American diet, but they’ve largely been crafted for corporate profit rather than consumer desire. By last count, 94% of soybeans, 94% of cotton, 92% of corn, and 95% of canola planted in the U.S. are GMO strains. The genetic tweaks improve yield and resist disease. They end up in oils, clothing, processed foods, and livestock. Some 95% of animals that provide meat and dairy in the U.S. eat GMO crops.
Beyond that, however, the list of bioengineered whole fruits and veggies approved for sale in the U.S. is scant. Monsanto, and the frozen french fry company Simplot, have created their own potatoes. Others have crafted a squash, papaya, and eggplant—all focused on resisting disease or pests. That’s it, with one exception: The Pinkglow pineapple by Del Monte Fresh. Approved for sale in 2020, Del Monte sells the product as a premium direct-to-consumer brand. You can order a single pink pineapple for your valentine for $40.
But Martin has little interest in controlling any genetic or brand IP, like Monsanto or Del Monte. In fact, her company, Norfolk Plant Sciences—founded in the U.K. alongside her colleague Jonathan Jones—leans closer to Iowa’s hippy nonprofit Seed Savers Exchange than a global agriculture powerhouse. As a botanist, she first studied how to use genetics to boost the anthocyanin content in tobacco plants. The problem was that anthocyanin production worked its way into the entire plant—including the leaves and the stem—which wasted energy and stunted its growth. With her tomatoes, Martin isolated how to increase anthocyanin solely within the fruit itself, and only when the fruit was at its natural ripening state. So these tomato plants can grow under the same conditions, and with the same yield, as conventional options.
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Photo: Courtesy Cathie Martin
Now she imagines a surprising way forward with her tomatoes. She will give them to the market however the market wants to consume them. That means she’ll sell you the seeds to grow them yourself. She’ll allow farmers to grow them and sell them to stores to sell to you. She’ll even turn a blind eye on you cross-pollinating these purple tomatoes with another variety in your garden. Martin isn’t protective of her product; she just wants to see it grow.
“It’s just a different business model. I think we very much want to grow it in response to consumer demand. The big danger with this type of thing is it’s just a boutique thing that comes, passes, and no one is interested anymore. But sometimes you get a change, a new food, and it really works. And it brings consumer satisfaction,” Martin says. “For example, 20 years ago, if you bought salad leaves in the supermarket, they would be green iceberg. Now . . . it’s all different colors. And people love the idea of color in salads. I would like our tomatoes [to work] similarly.”
For two years, Martin has been seeking USDA approval for her product, providing the exact genetic details (three genes were swapped in her plants, sourced from snapdragon and thale cress) and nutritional data. More recently, the USDA has promised to work much faster at approving GMOs, capping analyses to 180 days. While the deadline has already passed, Martin is confident the tomatoes will be approved or rejected by the end of March or April.
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“I don’t want to preempt the decision on that,” Martin says, “but we’re optimistic that this should not be regulated because there’s nothing inherently dangerous environmentally or for health in these tomatoes.”
Longer term, Martin suggests that her tomatoes don’t need to be the only fruit with boosted anthocyanin content. In 2013, researchers debuted an apple loaded with the compound, so much so that it resembles a red-fleshed plum, and Martin believes the same is possible with bananas, oranges, and countless other fruits.
So as alien as a purple tomato may sound today? Tomorrow, it could be commonplace.
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mr-michael-kyle · 3 years
A dark web cybercriminal who advertised hitmen for hire was so spooked by a request from a young Washington state woman—who wished her married lover’s wife dead—that he gave her up to the feds.
That’s according to an FBI search warrant affidavit unsealed this week, which details a surreal plot originating with a chance encounter at an event hosted by Landmark, a self-help group with roots in the 1970s, which has been labeled as a sort of “cult-lite” by some. The case centers on a philandering husband and his jealous lover, who planned on using her college money to have the man’s wife murdered.
Far from being disturbed by the revelation, when the man—identified in court filings solely as “J.M.”—found out about the plot against his wife, he “saw the behavior as an indication of her dedication and affection for him,” according to the affidavit.
The unsealed warrant—which The Daily Beast has redacted to withhold the suspect’s identify as she has not yet been formally charged—targets email addresses that the young lover used to register a Facebook account and talk with J.M., and contact financial institutions and a cashier at her community college. A source with firsthand knowledge of the case stated the investigation has been delayed as a result of COVID-19, however stated it’s still ongoing.
The alleged plot to have J.M.’s wife killed first came to the FBI’s attention on Feb. 12, 2020, when the bureau’s National Threat Operations Center obtained an anonymous tip from a ProtonMail account by way of an IP address associated with a VPN in Phoenix, Arizona. The tipster identified themselves as the administrator of a website on the dark web that provided contract killings for a price. About a week earlier, a potential customer transferred $5,000 in Bitcoin to the service to have a hit carried out within the Seattle area, the informant claimed.
“Just kill her ASAP. I don’t care how just make sure she’s dead. I’d prefer if you shoot her in the head,” the client instructed, before adding that the victim worked for a corporation in Bellevue. She added, “I don’t know if that helps you in someway. She has a 3 year old son that she picks him up at 5 P.M. so she normally will get home around 5ish. Please don’t do anything to the boy. That’s all. Thanks[.] Send me a proof when the job’s carried out.”
The tipster informed federal agents that their hitman website was actually only a Bitcoin rip-off, and that “no actual murders had been committed” on behalf of anybody.
“I feel that all targets which were paid for are in danger,” the con artist with a conscience wrote the FBI. “Customers that pay to kill somebody show that they’re serious about killing that particular person[.] I must be in contact with you and to give you the target info, payments proof, and other info to trace the customers. Customers don’t give their name or details and conceal their IP, however still could be tracked.”
The site administrator sent a photograph of the intended victim to agents, one of whom happened to recognize her as somebody she had met before, the affidavit states. The following day, the FBI met with J.M.’s wife and informed her that someone wanted her dead. It’s unclear how the FBI agent knew of J.M.’s wife previously.
When agents asked whether she knew of anybody who’d want her dead, J.M’s wife started to think about people from her past. There was a “snippy” and “aggressive” former colleague from Phoenix, with whom she’d had a “turbulent relationship” and last saw in January 2020, however she didn’t believe that particular person would ever try to hurt her.
A decade earlier, J.M.’s wife continued, her husband sued his boss over a sexual harassment claim. She informed agents she “felt that it was unlikely that J.M.’s former employer would solicit her murder,” the affidavit states, “but stated it was possible as a result of ‘life altering’ nature of the situation.” J.M. was entangled in another lawsuit in 2019, his wife added, when J.M. was sued by a company that accused him of quitting to start his own business, in violation of a non-compete clause.
Aside from that, there wasn’t much else—except for one unusual incident that occurred two days before Christmas 2019.
In an interaction captured on J.M. and his wife’s Ring doorbell camera, a young woman appeared on their doorstep and asked for J.M. by name. When J.M.’s wife stated he wasn’t home, the woman stated she was really there to see her and asked if she might come inside. The wife locked the deadbolt, and when J.M. joined the conversation remotely, the young woman walked away. J.M. informed his wife he didn’t know the woman, and his wife figured the woman must have gotten J.M.’s name from a package addressed to him that had been sitting outside.
The agents then asked J.M.’s wife about her relationship with her husband. She stated it had been “strained for the last few years,” describing the issue as a “loss of passion” which had turned their marriage from a romance into more of a friendship. The emotional distance between them started in 2018, following J.M.’s attendance at a Landmark conference. That year, J.M. asked for a divorce, an idea his wife said she rejected “for the sake of their son,” according to the affidavit. They started seeing a marriage counselor—online, because J.M. was too busy with work to do it in person. J.M.’s wife informed the agents she “had not had an extramarital affair and didn’t believe her husband had either.”
The FBI interviewed J.M. the same day. He claimed he couldn’t think of anybody who would want to kill his wife, the affidavit states.
“When describing his job, J.M. said that he has ‘great relationships with people at work,’ his clients ‘love’ him, he ‘just had a big win’ earlier in the day, and doesn’t believe he makes enemies,” the filing adds. “He said the ‘only major points of serious contention are that lawsuit against me and that thing out in Phoenix,’” referring to the old co-worker with whom his wife hadn’t gotten along.
Asked if he was having an affair, J.M. initially lied. He later admitted he met “somebody” at Landmark that “really liked” him. J.M. stated he took his first Landmark course in 2018, attended a second in 2019, and started a 3rd however dropped out at his wife’s request because it was keeping him away from home. His younger admirer was a college student, J.M. advised the agents, and stated they’d had a sexual relationship lasting “six months or so, a couple times, here and there,” the affidavit states.
“He claimed the romantic relationship ended in August 2019. J.M. stated he last saw [the young woman] in January of 2020, when she informed him she still loved him,” the document explains. J.M. stated he had helped the woman out with money a couple of times, including earlier that month, when he gave her $2,000 after she stated her parents lost their life savings in a burglary. However, she “gave him no indication of being a threat,” J.M. insisted.
On Valentine’s Day 2020, an FBI agent interviewed the college student. She stated the last time she saw J.M. was three weeks prior, when they traveled to Portland, Oregon, for an evening. J.M.’s secret girlfriend stated she was unaware at first that he was married, according to the affidavit. When she found out, J.M. told her that he “couldn’t stand his wife,” but that she had cancer and he couldn’t leave her.
But the younger woman told agents she unearthed pictures online of J.M. and his wife that appeared to contradict his story. After first denying she took steps to have J.M.’s wife murdered, the woman allegedly confessed to soliciting the hit. She then claimed she got nervous and tried to delete the transaction after submitting it, but was unable to do so.
“When asked if she [hoped] J.M. would come live with her as soon as his wife was killed, [the young woman said] ‘…yeah,’” the affidavit states.
Indeed, the younger woman told agents she tried to sabotage their marriage. Before showing up at J.M.’s home in December 2019, she created a fake Facebook account under the name “Katlyn Everson” and sent the wife messages saying J.M. was having an affair.
“I know it because I know the particular person he’s cheating on u with,” Katlyn wrote, according to the affidavit. “If u dont believe me, they’re gonna meet up today at the Kizuki Ramen restaurant in Olympia at 4:30 PM. You can prove it by yourself.”
But J.M.’s wife apparently never saw these messages.
The FBI returned to J.M. for more info in March 2020, since his initial statements didn’t add up. In his second interview, J.M. admitted that he had previously lied to agents when he denied recognizing the younger woman in the Ring footage; at the time, he didn’t want his wife to find out about his extramarital relationship.
J.M. informed investigators that he spoke to the girlfriend shortly after she visited his Bellevue residence unannounced, and asked why she did it. She told J.M. “she was there to kill [his wife] and that she brought a knife along with her as a way to accomplish the murder,” the affidavit states.
Soon after that interview, J.M.’s lover lawyered up and met with the FBI to discuss making a deal. For her part, the woman claimed she never meant to kill her lover’s wife and wasn’t armed during their encounter. She stated she only told J.M. this because she was upset.
She added that J.M. had previously “made comments about wanting to kill his wife and once asked [her] if she knew anybody” willing to do the job.
The woman told authorities that their affair, which started in the summer of 2018, “ebbed and flowed,” and that she’d dumped J.M. a number of times because she was annoyed by his refusal to leave his wife. She claimed J.M. informed her they couldn’t be together until his spouse “died or something happened,” the affidavit alleges.
Over the course of their relationship, she stated, J.M. had a litany of other excuses: the wife had cancer, he was afraid of losing custody of his child, his wife had threatened to kill herself in the past when he threatened her with divorce.
After the couple reunited in the fall of 2019, the college student made plans to end J.M.’s marriage by way of the murder-for-hire plot. She stated she’d used $2,000 that J.M. sent her through PayPal, as well as college scholarship cash to solicit the spouse’s execution.
The young woman stated she and J.M. went out to dinner following her unannounced appearance at his house in December 2019.
“J.M. asked why [she] went to his house, and [she] informed him that she went there to kill [his wife],” the affidavit states. “[She] said that she didn’t actually intend to kill [J.M.’s wife], and was not armed when she went to the house, but told J.M. this because she was upset. [The young woman] claimed that J.M. wasn’t angry but instead saw the conduct as a sign of her dedication and affection for him.”
In order to pursue the murder plot, the woman informed agents, she used an old cellphone she’d obtained from her pastor, then used it to download an application to access the dark web. According to the affidavit, the student surfed reviews of websites providing hitmen—whose services included beating, maiming, or killing victims, she stated—and requested price quotes before landing on the alleged Bitcoin scammer. She chose the Phoenix killer because their website “had an escrow system, giving her a sense of security that her funds wouldn’t be stolen,” the filing states.
The gal pal instructed the phony hitman to not hurt the wife’s child and sent them the victim’s Facebook profile image and address. She’d release the funds, she stated, as soon as she had photographic proof that the victim had been murdered.
Weeks went by, and J.M.’s wife was still alive, the young woman informed the FBI. She contacted the “hitman” through their website and asked what was happening. The scammer, who claimed they by no means really planned on carrying out the assassination, provided an excuse: The hitman they hired for the job had been arrested, so they had been searching for another person to pull it off.
Needless to say, it never happened. The search warrant was executed last April, and filed in court this week, showing that FBI agents mined two of the woman’s email accounts for further clues and proof concerning the aborted hit.
The young woman was unable to be reached. Her lawyer isn’t identified in the filing and isn’t listed in court records.
There have been myriad reports of attempted murder-for-hire plots hatched by way of the dark web in recent years, though a majority of them end up being scams. In each of the instances, men paid online goons several thousand {dollars} in Bitcoin. Around the same time J.M.’s girlfriend was looking for an assassin, CBS 48 Hours highlighted the case of a Minnesota teenager whose British gamer ex-boyfriend had ordered her murder online by way of a mysterious dark net fraudster referred to as “Yura.”
In April, The Every day Beast reported on the case of Spokane physician Ronald Ilg, who’s facing criminal charges for trying to hire dark web killers to assault a former employee and kidnap and extort his wife. Police say journalists from an unnamed news organization foiled Ilg’s plans. One month later, reporters disrupted another alleged murder-for-hire, this time in Beverly Hills. Scott Quinn Berkett, 24, is charged with attempting to orchestrate the killing of a woman he met on a Facebook anime fan page.
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inceptionpositivity · 5 years
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@youcantsaymylastname - Youcant is so lovely, and kind, and warm! Whenever I talk to her, or see her art, or use one of her emojis on slack, my day gets that much better!
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tellusepisode · 4 years
Ratingmeter of The Best Movies of 2010
Compiled by “TellUsEpisode.net-Editor”
We have compiled the top movies of 2010. In our list of 106 films; The movie Inception, starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Ellen Page, Tom Hardy, Ken Watanabe, Dileep Rao and Cillian Murphy is ranked # 1. There are Senna and Toy Story 3 in the 2nd and 3rd place in our list. Enjoy the list…
The Best Movies of 2010RatingmeterVoters Count1-Inception (2010)8,82.014.7792-Senna (2010)8,562.6073-Toy Story 3 (2010)8,3742.2484-Incendies (2010)8,3143.8675-Shutter Island (2010)8,21.101.2096-Inside Job (2010)8,268.5207-Udaan (2010)8,241.7108-How to Train Your Dragon (2010)8,1653.6939-Black Swan (2010)8687.97110-The King’s Speech (2010)8629.78311-My Name Is Khan (2010)896.94912-Elite Squad 2: The Enemy Within (2010)878.34313-Exit Through the Gift Shop (2010)861.65114-The Fighter (2010)7,8335.03615-I Saw the Devil (2010)7,8106.77016-The Man from Nowhere (2010)7,861.24617-The Social Network (2010)7,7611.13718-Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 (2010)7,7465.16019-Tangled (2010)7,7397.45320-Flipped (2010)7,780.09521-Kick-Ass (2010)7,6518.67322-Despicable Me (2010)7,6492.56923-True Grit (2010)7,6306.10524-The Secret World of Arrietty (2010)7,678.11025-13 Assassins (2010)7,661.10826-In a Better World (2010)7,638.08027-Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010)7,5370.48928-The Town (2010)7,5346.07529-127 Hours (2010)7,5343.06930-Tucker and Dale vs Evil (2010)7,5163.05331-Ip Man 2 (2010)7,595.96232-Biutiful (2010)7,585.00733-Blue Valentine (2010)7,4181.28534-The Next Three Days (2010)7,4179.33335-The Way Back (2010)7,3108.46036-Submarine (2010)7,384.33537-Four Lions (2010)7,370.69738-Animal Kingdom (2010)7,354.08539-Megamind (2010)7,2223.77940-The Ghost Writer (2010)7,2154.67541-Winter’s Bone (2010)7,2134.14242-Beginners (2010)7,286.90343-Conviction (2010)7,241.73344-Remember Me (2010)7,1136.25045-Never Let Me Go (2010)7,1135.68746-It’s Kind of a Funny Story (2010)7,1132.90447-Let Me In (2010)7,1112.30848-Unthinkable (2010)7,183.10849-Iron Man 2 (2010)7708.56550-Easy A (2010)7351.45651-RED (2010)7285.09952-Buried (2010)7147.69853-The Kids Are All Right (2010)7124.55254-Trollhunter (2010)767.74555-Jackass 3D (2010)756.09356-Hesher (2010)750.26757-Rabbit Hole (2010)746.89158-The Book of Eli (2010)6,9289.14859-Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga’Hoole (2010)6,976.98560-Trust (2010)6,940.80761-TRON: Legacy (2010)6,8309.71762-Insidious (2010)6,8272.75363-Unstoppable (2010)6,8182.30764-Green Zone (2010)6,8128.04065-The Debt (2010)6,863.42766-Fair Game (2010)6,846.22467-The A-Team (2010)6,7243.55668-Love & Other Drugs (2010)6,7177.57169-Super (2010)6,774.18870-The Company Men (2010)6,743.18271-Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (2010)6,6268.53772-Robin Hood (2010)6,6250.28573-The Other Guys (2010)6,6238.82074-Machete (2010)6,6188.65075-Edge of Darkness (2010)6,688.79676-Last Night (2010)6,646.37877-The Expendables (2010)6,5321.85378-Due Date (2010)6,5320.06279-Life as We Know It (2010)6,5120.78880-From Paris with Love (2010)6,5111.28781-The Crazies (2010)6,5110.19882-Leap Year (2010)6,592.66083-Letters to Juliet (2010)6,590.92184-Morning Glory (2010)6,572.62585-The Runaways (2010)6,545.84186-Stake Land (2010)6,540.21987-Alice in Wonderland (2010)6,4377.74088-Salt (2010)6,4291.94189-Predators (2010)6,4209.15990-Get Him to the Greek (2010)6,4168.31591-Hot Tub Time Machine (2010)6,4160.33292-She’s Out of My League (2010)6,4125.12193-Faster (2010)6,499.16594-Hereafter (2010)6,489.67595-Monsters (2010)6,486.87196-Centurion (2010)6,477.15097-Burlesque (2010)6,477.13298-Charlie St. Cloud (2010)6,457.91199-The Experiment (2010)6,451.250100-Everything Must Go (2010)6,447.396101-Black Death (2010)6,443.625102-Shrek Forever After (2010)6,3180.899103-Knight and Day (2010)6,3177.744104-Date Night (2010)6,3150.665105-The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (2010)6,3138.868106-Dear John (2010)6,3136.654
***29-September-2020 ‘s imdb scores. Movies with less than approximate 40.000 votes are not included in the list. _
Best 10 movies
1- Inception (2010) ( imdb rating: 8,8 – voters count: 2014779 )
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2- Senna (2010) ( imdb rating: 8,5 – voters count: 62607 )
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3- Toy Story 3 (2010) ( imdb rating: 8,3 – voters count: 742248 )
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4- Incendies (2010) ( imdb rating: 8,3 – voters count: 143867 )
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5- Shutter Island (2010) ( imdb rating: 8,2 – voters count: 1101209 )
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6- Inside Job (2010) ( imdb rating: 8,2 – voters count: 68520 )
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7- Udaan (2010) ( imdb rating: 8,2 – voters count: 41710 )
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8- How to Train Your Dragon (2010) ( imdb rating: 8,1 – voters count: 653693 )
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9- Black Swan (2010) ( imdb rating: 8 – voters count: 687971 )
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10- The King’s Speech (2010) ( imdb rating: 8 – voters count: 629783 )
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Sources: imdb & wikipedia
The post Ratingmeter of The Best Movies of 2010 first appeared on TellUsEpisode.net.
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drashleighreid · 5 years
Any new updates on the crush? ❤️
hahaha why u need to know all up in my pussy boy!!!
lmao not much to report, she was really busy applying for a grant and bailed on a few plans the other week (plans she initiated ???) and i lowkey got tired of how flaky she was being and stopped reaching out. she’s tagged me in a few random things and bc it’s merc retrograde AND Pisces season rn I broke my pledge to myself and commented on her insta post and have been thinking of reaching out to see if she wants to hang soon if she’s less busy but i lowkey think im over it just bc I couldn’t see myself actually being romantically involved in someone as flighty and scattered as her LMAO my taurus rising ass could NOT deal w how chaotic she is but she still cool n we’re friends
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inceptionpositivity · 5 years
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@fuckyeaharthurandeames - Shout out for keeping my dash delicious.
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frozendoorgaming · 5 years
Morning Mist #90
Announcements, Releases, Trailers
Final Fantasy 7 Remake's full 5 minute intro movie is revealed
Half-Life: Alyx release date is March 23
Watch 12 minutes of Doom Eternal's 'Battlemode' multiplayer combat
Previews of Riot’s Project A bring up comparisons to CounterStrike: Global Offensive
SWAT-themed tactics game Hot Brass begins open beta testing next week
House Flipper, the HGTV game of my dreams, comes to PS4 and Xbox One this month
The sublime-looking Paper Beast reveals creative sandbox mode
Ruin a perfectly good Valentine's date with Table Manners today
Love – A Puzzle Box Filled With Stories looks like a bittersweet treat
Have You Played… Kitty Powers' Love Life
Remedy confirms it has three games in the works, alongside this year's Control DLC
Stardew Valley creator details two new projects
Street Fighter V: Championship Edition is out today along with Seth
Witcher-inspired card-battler Gwent is finally heading to Android in March
Ynglet is a laid-back 'floating platformer' from the creator of Knytt
Knuckle Sandwich looks like bizarre RPG bliss
30XX is a stylish roguelike take on Mega Man X and Zero
Ubisoft revives Prince of Persia as a time-manipulating VR room escape game
Milestones, Industry
That pesky goose has gone and stolen the D.I.C.E award for Game Of The Year
Tekken 7 is still going strong as it hits five million copies sold
Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot has sold 1.5 million copies to date
Nioh's sold 3 million copies since its 2017 launch
As Nioh still flourishes, Team Ninja is already planning on crafting a new IP for the next generation
The inescapable impact of plastics in the video game industry
Quantic Dream are going indie, will self-publish future games
Former Starbreeze CFO Guilty of Insider Trading
Epic Games CEO says devs and stores should be apolitical – as if that was possible
Mass Effect lead writer Drew Karpyshyn joins ex-BioWare vets' new Wizards of the Coast studio
Nvidia's “misunderstanding” led to Activision pulling their games from GeForce Now
Sony "struggling" to lower $450 PlayStation 5 price, report claims
GDC 2020 is proud to again donate passes to the Indie Giving charity!
Catch these insightful video game films at the 2020 GDC Film Festival!
Deals, Freeware
Celebrate the Sonic the Hedgehog movie's release with up to 75% off the games on Steam
Here's a free The Last of Us: Part 2 PlayStation theme
Kingdom Come: Deliverance and Aztez are free to keep on PC
Four new NES and SNES games heading to Nintendo Switch Online next week
Nintendo Switch eShop Blockbuster sale gets underway
Humble VR Bundle Blends a Variety of Fun
Grab yourself some bargain tunes in Steam's soundtrack sale
Save on HP gaming laptops during their massive Presidents Day sale
This compact gaming desktop from Asus just got some big upgrades
Dell's 27-inch 1440p G-Sync monitor is on sale for its lowest price ever
Corsair upgraded its 17-button Scimitar mouse, and you can get it for $80
Patriot launched a new NVMe SSD line with capacities up to 1TB
A popular liquid cooling company now makes gaming PCs starting at $1,899
Nintendo is giving people a free month trial for Pokemon Bank to get ready for the big Pokemon Home transfer
Bloody Palace co-op is the icing on top of Devil May Cry 3 Switch
Rainbow Six Siege: Void Edge introduces Space Lady and Kool-Aid Man, along with some welcome gameplay tweaks
This Dead Cells map can guide you through The Bad Seed
Final Fantasy XI’s latest patch adds a new avatar and a new monster to Domain Invasions
Final Fantasy XIV posts the preliminary patch notes for Echoes of a Fallen Star
Fallout 76 Wastelanders will let you recruit (and maybe seduce) a bartender for your camp
Temtem list: every species
Pokemon Home is out now, offers a bonus Pikachu and Kanto starting creature, plus 35 new Pokemon to transfer
"Maliciously-crafted" Pokémon can crash Sword and Shield via Surprise Trade
Liverpool's big Pokémon Go event will introduce the game's first city-wide ticket
5 games that prove friendship is better and more interesting than romance
The 10 most unhealthy relationships in games
The full-length Dragon Quest: Your Story movie is now on Netflix and it sure looks cute
The not-bad Sonic movie's mid-credits scene hints at more to come
Sony is turning free-to-play mega-hit FPS CrossFire into a movie
Remember Neopets? They're back! In TV form!
TUBBZ Cosplaying Duck Range Adds Gaming Favorites to its Lineup
Castlevania Season 3 is coming soon, looking cool
Sony is doing weird PlayStation ads again
Before he made Undertale, Toby Fox created a Mega Man X and Seinfeld mashup that slaps
Fortnite's newest dance is no stranger to love
Someone made a tool that plays the Overwatch piano, so naturally I used it to play Toss A Coin To Your Witcher
The IRS may want to tax your V-Bucks
79% of League of Legends players say they were harassed after a match ended, according to a community survey
Macs now twice as likely to get infected by adware than PCs, according to research
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componentplanet · 5 years
ET Last Minute Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas: Lowest Price On Bose QC 35 II, $200 Off MacBook Air, Sling TV For Just $5
Valentine’s Day is almost here, but thanks to Amazon’s fast shipping service its not too late to order a gift for your special someone. Today there’s an excellent deal on one of Apple’s MacBook Air computers, and you can also get Bose’s QuietComfort 35 II headphones for the lowest price we’ve ever seen.
Apple MacBook Air Intel Core i5 13-Inch Laptop w/ 8GB RAM and 128GB SSD ($899.99)
Apple’s MacBook Air was designed to be exceptionally lightweight at 2.75 pounds. It also has a high-quality 2560×1600 display, and Apple built the system out of durable 6000 series aluminum. If you would like to buy one of these systems with the smaller 128GB SSD, you can get it marked down from $1,099.00 to $899.99 at Amazon.
Bose QuietComfort 35 (Series II) Noise-Cancelling Bluetooth Wireless Over-Ear Headphones ($220.00)
These high-end headphones were designed to be exceedingly comfortable with an over-ear design. Bose also built these headphones with noise-canceling technology that helps to improve your audio experience by blocking out bothersome ambient noise. That means if you buy these for your dad, he can enjoy his music without hearing the dog bark and the kids bicker. Right now they are marked down from $349.00 to $220.00 at Amazon.
Sling TV — First Month ($5.00)
Sling TV is one of the most widely used alternatives to cable that gives you access to many of the same great channels you already know and love. In honor of “National Cut The Cord Day,” Sling TV is offering new and returning users the chance to try out Sling for just $5.00 for the first month.
Featured Deals
Apple MacBook Air Intel Core i5 13.3″ 2560×1600 Laptop with 128GB SSD (2019 Model) for $899.99 at Amazon (list price $1099)
Bose QuietComfort 35 II Noise-Cancelling Wireless Over-Ear Headphones (Rose Gold) for $220 at Amazon (list price $349)
First Month of Sling TV for $5 at Sling (list price $30)
Logitech C920S 1080p HD Pro Webcam with Privacy Shutter for $49.99 at Amazon (list price $69.99)
Dell XPS 8930 Intel Core i7-9700 8-core Tower Desktop with 16GB RAM for $799.99 at Dell (list price $999.99)
Dell UltraSharp U3415W 34″ 3440×1440 Curved IPS Monitor + $200 Dell Gift Card for $699.99 at Dell (list price $949.99)
65″ LG OLED E9 Series 4K Glass Cinema Display TV for $2299 at PCMag Shop (use code: SAVE300 – list price $4299)
70″ Element E4SW7019RKU 4K UHD HDR Roku Smart LED TV for $475 at Walmart (list price $798)
Ring Alarm 8 Piece Kit Home Security System + Echo Dot for $169 at Amazon (list price $288.99)
WD My Passport 2TB Portable External Hard Drive for $58.99 at Amazon (list price $79.99)
Fossil Men’s Gen 4 Explorist HR Touchscreen Smartwatch for $119.19 at Amazon (Clip $9.80 Coupon – list price $275)
Save $50 off on the popular Panasonic Arc5 electric razor. Features 5 precision honed Nanotech blades and ultra thin Arc foil.
  Note: Terms and conditions apply. See the relevant retail sites for more information. For more great deals, go to our partners at TechBargains.com.
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inceptionpositivity · 5 years
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@kate2kat - Kate, dear friend and amazing writer, what would the fandom be without your wonderful stories.
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