#vague but just in case i guess
discount-kirishima · 8 months
oh. oh no. oh nononononononono someone help me nononoNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i just reached chapter 236 of jjk
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mugwot · 7 months
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sometimes you sound bit too mean, it happens
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it was Supposed to be in colour, and them the bw version Just Looked better
this is mostly based on this meme
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skrunksthatwunk · 3 months
actually i'm still thinking about the moral orel finale.
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he has a cross on his wall. do you know how much i think about that bc it's a lot.
a lot of stories ((auto)biographical or fictional) centering escape from abusive/fundamentalist christianity result in the lead characters leaving behind christianity entirely. and that makes complete sense! people often grow disillusioned with the associated systems and beliefs, and when it was something used to hurt them or something so inseparable from their abuse that they can't engage with it without hurting, it makes total sense that they would disengage entirely. and sometimes they just figure out that they don't really believe in god/a christian god/etc. a healthy deconstruction process can sometimes look like becoming an atheist or converting to another religion. it's all case by case. (note: i'm sure this happens with other religions as well, i'm just most familiar with christian versions of this phenomenon).
but in orel's case, his faith was one of the few things that actually brought him comfort and joy. he loved god, y'know? genuinely. and he felt loved by god and supported by him when he had no one else. and the abuses he faced were in how the people in his life twisted religion to control others, to run away from themselves, to shield them from others, etc. and often, orel's conflicts with how they acted out christianity come as a direct result of his purer understanding of god/jesus/whatever ("aren't we supposed to be like this/do that?" met with an adult's excuse for their own behavior or the fastest way they could think of to get orel to leave them alone (i.e. orel saying i thought we weren't supposed to lie? and clay saying uhhh it doesn't count if you're lying to yourself)). the little guy played catch with god instead of his dad, like.. his faith was real, and his love was real. and i think it's a good choice to have orel maintain something that was so important to him and such a grounding, comforting force in the midst of. All That Stuff Moralton Was Up To/Put Him Through. being all about jesus was not the problem, in orel's case.
and i know i'm mostly assuming that orel ended up in a healthier, less rigid version of christianity, but i feel like that's something that was hinted at a lot through the series, that that's the direction he'd go. when he meditates during the prayer bee and accepts stephanie's different way to communicate, incorporating elements of buddhism into his faith; when he has his I AM A CHURCH breakdown (removing himself from the institution and realizing he can be like,, the center of his own faith? taking a more individualistic approach? but Truly Going Through It at the same time), his acceptance (...sometimes) of those who are different from him and condemned by the adults of moralton (stephanie (lesbian icon stephanie my beloved), christina (who's like. just a slightly different form of fundie protestant from him), dr chosenberg (the jewish doctor from otherton in holy visage)). his track record on this isn't perfect, but it gets better as orel starts maturing and picking up on what an absolute shitfest moralton is. it's all ways of questioning the things he's been taught, and it makes sense that it would lead to a bigger questioning as he puts those pieces together more. anyway i think part of his growth is weeding out all the lost commandments of his upbringing and focusing on what faith means to him, and what he thinks it should mean. how he wants to see the world and how he wants to treat people and what he thinks is okay and right, and looking to religion for guidance in that, not as like. a way to justify hurting those he's afraid or resentful of, as his role models did.
he's coming to his own conclusions rather than obediently, unquestioningly taking in what others say. but he's still listening to pick out the parts that make sense to him. (edit/note: and it's his compassion and his faith that are the primary motivations for this questioning and revisal process, both of individual cases and, eventually, the final boss that is christianity.) it makes perfect sense as the conclusion to his character arc and it fits the overall approach of the show far better. it's good is what i'm saying.
and i think it's important to show that kind of ending, because that's a pretty common and equally valid result of deconstruction. and i think it cements the show's treatment of christianity as something that's often (and maybe even easily) exploited, but not something inherently bad. something that can be very positive, even. guys he even has a dog he's not afraid of loving anymore. he's not afraid of loving anyone more than jesus and i don't think it's because he loves this dog less than bartholomew (though he was probably far more desperate for healthy affection and companionship when he was younger). i think it's because he figures god would want him to love that dog. he's choosing to believe that god would want him to love and to be happy and to be kind. he's not afraid of loving in the wrong way do you know how cool that is he's taking back control he's taking back something he loves from his abusers im so normal
#i had a really big fundie snark phase a year or two ago so that's part of like. this. but im still not used to actually talking about#religious stuff so if it reads kinda awkwardly uhh forgive me orz idk#maybe it sounds dumb but i like that the message isn't 'religion is evil'. it easily could have been. but i think the show's points about#how fundie wasp culture in particular treats christianity and itself and others would be less poignant if they were like. and jesus sucks#btw >:] like. this feels more nuanced to me. i guess there's probably a way to maintain that nuance with an ultimately anti-christian#piece of media but i think it'd be like. wayy harder and it's difficult for me to imagine that bc i think a lot of it would bleed out into#the tone. + why focus on only These christians when They're All also bad? so you'd get jokes about them in general#and i think that's kinda less funny than orel and doughy screaming and running from catholics lsdkjfldksj#i think the specificity makes it more unique and compelling as comedy and as commentary. but that's just me#like moralton represents a very particular kind of christian community (namely a middle class fundie wasp nest)#you're not gonna be able to get in the weeds as much if you're laughing at/criticizing all christians. but they accomplish it so thoroughly#and WELL in morel and i think that's because it chose a smaller target it can get to dissect more intimately. anyway#moral orel#orel puppington#(OH also when i say wasp here i mean WASP the acronym. as in white anglo-saxon protestsant. in case the term's new to anyone <3)#maybe it's also relevant to say that i'm kindaaaaaaaa loosely vaguely nonspecifically christian. so there's my bias revealed#i was never raised like orel but i like to think i get some of what's going on in there y'know. in that big autistic head of his#but it's not like i can't handle anti-christian/anti-religious media/takes. i'm a big boy and also i v much get why it's out there yknow#christianity in specific has a lot of blood on its hands from its own members and from outsiders and people have a right to hate it for tha#but religion in all its forms can be positive and i appreciate the nuance. like i've said around 20 times. yeah :) <3#(<- fighting for my life to explain things even though my one job is to be the explainer)
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syringaledraws · 2 years
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[ 2021 ]
An art I drew for TWEWY's anniversary 💜
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someoldfires · 6 months
wwdits s6 speculation doom and gloom incoming. Can’t make a readmore on the app sorry. Don’t read if u don’t care i guess
so idk. what i’m hearing in what harvey said yesterday is that they’re going the whole ”actually this love is too unique and profound to be put into a box” route so i think their ending will be ambiguous and homophobes will be free to read it as platonic or familial or however they wanna view their relationship.
i don’t think what harvey’s getting at is that they will be explicitly romantic but non-sexual. i think he, like most people, is conflating romantic love with sex, and that part of what he means when he says ”they don’t have to have sex” is ”they don’t have to kiss/act romantic with each other”. I think he’s using a very broad definition of ”in love”. I don’t really see anything to be positive about in this atm.
So yeah. I think they’re staying safe and ambiguous. We will probably get a hug. We might get an ”i love you” or another verbal expression of love, that can still be read as platonic love.
And i’m sorry but i don’t want these two to have a Very Special Non-Sexual Relationship. I don’t want them to be Too Pure To Fuck or Kiss Actually. I want them to be totally unambiguous and explicit on screen and i want homophobes to turn the tv off in disgust. I’m really happy for you guys if you would be happy w them being ambiguous, or just hugging and expressing affection for each other (yeah i’ll be freaking out too if that happens). But ultimately i won’t be happy unless they’re explicitly romantically in love with each other
(and to be clear im not gunning for a sex scene like yeah it would be really nice lol to have that or a reference to them having sex but this isnt really about that. I just think that harvey is using sex to also mean Explicit Romance in this case, so i am very negative about him saying they don’t Need to have sex.)
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aria0fgold · 4 months
No more memories left to look through
A person with bright hair stood blankly in front of the shelves, they held an open book, one that they wanted to read through for a bit before deciding to buy. But somehow, like a lightbulb going out, its mind was plunge into the depths of an eternal darkness. It felt as though their entire identity was slipping, memories they knew was just there moments ago were fading far too fast for them to grasp. What was it doing here again?
Someone tapped its shoulder, causing them to flinch, the eye on its back opened just as they turned around to face the person beside them. It was a lady with silver hair.
“You okay? You've been standing there for awhile.”
It stared at her for a few moments and then looked back at the book it was holding, then back to the lady, its mind feels so empty but it can somewhat remember that they went to this store to buy a book. Right, they traveled to Ka Bue for a visit, then they went to this store to buy a book.
“Ah… yes! Thank you for asking, m'lady!” It made a small bow as they smiled at her. That's what Lord Joséphandre would do, right? But why did it think like that?
Something is missing… And that needs to be filled.
“M-m'lady huh…?” The lady chuckled, a bit awkwardly with a mixture of amusement too, “There's no need to be THAT polite. You can call me Odette! And you?”
“I'm—” . . .
. . .
What is… their name?
. . .
I can't… remember my name…
Why can't I… remember… my name…?
. . .
It looked around, to the shelves lined with books, to the book they held on its hands, and yet no matter what they do, they can't remember its own name. With furrowed eyebrows and a slight frown on their lips, they looked back to Odette who now wore a confused and concerned expression on her face.
“Ah… Apologies Lady Odette but I can't seem to remember my name after all…”
“Is… is that so? Are you really okay?” She seemed to be taken aback by the title again.
They closed their eyes, although the eyes on its chest and back stayed open. It was an action to mimic thinking deeply, something they used to be able to do before adding another pair of eyes to its body.
When was that however?
They can't remember.
“Hmm…” They opened their eyes again, they don't need to as the eyes on their face are blind, perhaps they wanted to appear as friendly as possible, or as polite as can be, or perhaps… something is wrong… It doesn't know what, it feels as though their identity is being rewritten the more the seconds pass. “I might still be sleepy after all… Well, nothing to be too concerned about Lady Odette!”
“Ahaha… You sure are polite, aren't you?”
“Thank you! Ah! Right, are you here for something by these shelves too? My sincerest apologies if I were on your way.”
“Oh no, it's just, I noticed you pick up that book. It's one of the best philosophy books there is, in fact, a certain friend of mine and I are still on opposing debates about its topics.” Odette spoke with a slight glimmer to her eyes before she paused, “…And also, your hair… somehow reminded me of something… I can't seem to remember what it is now though.”
The person with bright hair looked back to the book again, they remember reading this moment's ago, a philosophy book in regards to Craft, written in Ka Bue's language. They studied a bit of its language before coming here yet it seemed that there are still many unfamiliar words written on the book. Right… they remembered seeing such words and wanted to study some more of the language with the help of this book as motivation.
“This book… Truth be told, Lady Odette… I can't actually understand it!” They chuckled, “I was hoping to study more until I could, although it appears that you know quite a lot about it, if it isn't too much of a bother, may I borrow some more of your time for a chat about the topics of this book accompanied with some snacks and tea on the side perhaps? My treat of course!”
“Well, I can't possibly turn down a free meal! Although…” Odette smiled and turned to the shelves beside them, “How about I pick up some more books for you too, I know some interesting books here! As payment for the meal.”
“Hahaha! So long as I pay for it! It wouldn't be a free meal then if something of monetary value is exchanged!”
“Hah! That's fair. Alright, I'll just choose then.”
The person with bright hair smiled, they'd worry about its blank mind later. It'll be alright, the ________ leads, we follow... What was it that leads though...? Where did I get that saying from again...? . . . Well! Whatever! It'll be fine!
Soleil snippet during that time The Country disappeared ft. Odette by @gilfodile !
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alicelufenia · 1 month
I should really look at a guide to the "Save all the tieflings" achievement when I go back to my tav run, just to make sure I don't mess it up. At this rate if I don't get it on Tavierra, I'm probably not going to ever lmao
I'm looking at all the runs I'm working on or planning —current resist durge (attacked Kagha, druids killed tieflings, raided the grove in revenge), a future embrace durge who takes the brain (honour mode, definitely raiding the grove), embrace durge who destroys the brain (raiding), Shadowheart/Minthara duo (take a wild guess), and Karlach origin.
You would think, oh surely that's the one where I'm gonna fight for the grove. And you would be reasonable to think that, for the longest time I thought "Karlach origin is the one time I'd be comfortable with both KOing Minthy and also romancing her, seems like something Karlach would do."
However, with my recent experiment with the grove civil war proving successful (where I let Karlach and Wyll die then revived them after the goblin party without them leaving), I may just do that instead.
The one problem I foresee is an innate flaw with Karlach's story, where if you don't save the grove, she kinda just doesn't have any story?? Like there's Dammon and the encounter with Gortash, and her romance is contingent on Dammon surviving at least until act 2, and if he doesn't you get nothing else for her. No second blacksmith in the lower city who could maybe offer her a shadier deal to fix her heart, nothing.
At least Origin Karlach used to be able to sleep with Minthara in act 1, and then they took even that away from us while giving nothing in return, so the one reason to raid the grove doesn't even apply for Karlach. Which is bullshit btw, because Minthara is the reigning champion of using the tadpole for mind sex, making her the ideal partner for untouchable Karlach. Just imply the sex scene we see is in their heads! Maybe there'll be a mod that adds it back in come patch 7. But I'm not counting on it.
So yeah, outta 7 runs total (1 completed, 2 current, 4 planned) the tieflings are fuckin doomed in all but 1. My chances of ever seeing that achievement are slim to none indeed.
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godofthestupid · 1 month
I've been getting more and more letters from Shane
I'm not even trying to rizz him up(I'm doing that with the wizard but I fail miserably almost every time)
like look at him
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and then he turns around and is all like "why are you trying to be friends with me?" broski I don't know I just gave you some berries and now you're 'borrowing' pizza from the evil corp place you tell me
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Well. That was a Thing that Happened for sure.
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numberoneanika · 3 months
Honestly the roleplay blogs are stronger than I am because if I saw a post where people were saying my blog was annoying and calling me corny I would jump in a large pit and rot away
#I don't think I should tag this one#Okay I've typed my emotions out. For a more normal way to put it: While it makes sense to be upset#best move. I'm sure the blogs in question would be happier if you just told them about the roleplay guidelines than if you made a post#where multiple people call them annoying. Like can you imagine if someone said that about a writing blog#'So sick of x reader fics in the tag I don't want to see that and they're all so out of character' What a dick move.#It is a different case with rp blogs I'll give you that. But I think the principle of the matter stands#unless it doesn't and everything I said is stupid#original ramble below I was so mad for some reason. im not mad at anyone really. everyone is cool. love you guys#I get why people are unhappy that theyre clogging up the tags#like despiar dev said not to and people want to see content of despiar thyme not just ask blogs#I saw someone say they just blocked them and like. I get why. however. people do not know everything#but my brother in Christ you're not helping the matter!!!!!!!!1 send them a screenshot of what despiar dev said!!!!help other people!!!!!!!#just politely tell them instead of weirdly vague posting it helps everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! maybe they just don't know#misspelling the tags so no one finds this post. I will actually be so pissed if people find this and r upset#Oh I'm sorry THIS is the post you're noticing? You have followed me for over six months and you haven't said anything about any other negat#negative feelings i've expressed. I see how it is#I wish the drdt confessions account was still open but whatever fucking whatever#sui mention#personal vent#whatever I guess
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Questioning culture is wondering why you feel uncomfortable being called woman, but girl feels nice. You really don't believe in gender and find it pointless, but you like you're fem identity. I'm wondering is it because I don't feel matured enough so woman feels like something a title/label I'll grow into at a certain age?
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dayurno · 11 months
cuties i love talking about kevin day with you and this blog is mostly run on asks and kekeing with you all but i must ask that you don't send me any more asks doomguessing about tsc. i understand and sometimes i even agree but it's just not something i'm interested in talking about! the world is so beautiful and large and kevin day has the prettiest wettest biggest eyes in the world. send me asks about him instead ok
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ilyfynn · 7 months
whilst i wait for the poll to finish i've started 5+1 because it's probably the shortest (i refuse to vote myself so i literally can't see the results)
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1907 is pretty hefty alr tho
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a-s-levynn · 6 months
Suspicious packige is awaiting customs fees.
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seilon · 7 months
more and more it makes me kind of uncomfortable (for lack of a better/softer word) to call my own characters ‘ocs’. because like. they’re from a completely original universe and from completely original intertwined stories and all that. so why would i have to specify they’re original in the same way someone would when referring to a character they made for a pre-existing non-original universe/franchise/whatever? by that logic every fiction author ever would be referring to their characters as ocs rather than just. their characters. you know.
#i guess you could say it’s different or something because I haven’t published any one Solid Official Work yet or anything but.#I don’t think that particularly matters? cause then you just get into policing what does and doesn’t count as Real and Official and that#inevitably doesn’t do anything good#idk man I know the term Original Character isn’t technically incorrect in my case but. I just feel like that term was created to separate#fandom creations from their source’s canon. or maybe to describe characters that don’t come from any particular established universe#or story at all (fandom or otherwise).#cause otherwise. why shouldn’t I just be calling them my characters. the characters from my universe and my works. which are#established and incorporated. it’s definitely not properly organized or set up for true publication (at least not yet. definitely possible#I’ll publish something as a consumable structured thing someday)#you just don’t hear established authors calling their characters ocs. because why should they? the original part is sort of a given.#hopefully anyway#anywayyuyyyyyyeuyyyhh sorry this is not important just has been on my mind the last few weeks or few months or more#kibumblabs#I guess there’s also a difference maybe between making characters for the sake of making characters- and those being ocs- versus#characters that are developed as part of a larger work/story#I definitely feel like there’s a difference between the two and how they should be labelled (but im not saying one is more valid than the#other or anything like that.)#like when I see a poll that’s like ‘how many ocs do you have’ I just kinda sit there cause that question. doesn’t make sense in#my situation at all. because it’s the same as asking the author of a fiction novel that question. what do I count as my ‘oc’#would that mean my primary characters? or vaguely my primary and secondaryish ones? or do you mean every single character mentioned#regardless of importance or prevalence? every single named parent or grandparent or boss or childhood friend or one night stand or etc etc#I feel like it’s weird to call those characters ‘ocs’ in the way the question is implying. but then what DOES count? it just doesn’t make#sense for something like this. right? it irks me a little
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sonknuxadow · 1 year
why are there people tagging spiderverse posts as miles prower.. begging for people to stop spamming random tags on their posts for clout Please its so annoying to every person whos not actively seeking out whatever youre posting about
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