yelena-bellova · 2 years
Twenty Years Later: Joel Miller x F!Reader - Chapter Sixteen
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Chapter Sixteen: The Great Sin
Plot: Joel and Y/n, separated once again, are told the truth about the cost that will come with creating a cure.
Word Count: 7.4k
Warnings: canon violence, drug abuse, language, blood, guns, needles, loss of a child, ptsd, (16+)
A/N: Well, we’re almost to the end 🥲 I can’t believe there’s only one chapter after this and then it’s over. Rather than think about that, I’m going to focus on letting y’all enjoy this one ❤️
As always, this series is 16+ and I will not be adding anyone to the taglist that does not have their age/range in their bio. This is also the last chance to be added to the list!
Alrighty, let’s finish it out strong, y’all ❤️❤️❤️
Y/n woke with her head throbbing.
Before her eyes even opened, her brain splitting from the pain she couldn’t remember earning. In the darkness of her lids, she slowly drew on her last fuzzy memories.
Flash bomb.
Ellie screaming.
Y/n’s eyes flew open, pushing up on her elbow and feeling a stab of pain through her abdomen.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”
Blinking until her vision was clear, Y/n looked across to room to see Marlene leant up against the wall.
“We gave you a shot for your ribs,” she continued, “But it’s not magic.”
“Yeah, well, maybe you should’ve put out a PSA,” Y/n replied groggily, the force of the flash bomb coming back to her.
Marlene smiled thinly, “Could’ve found a phone along the way.”
Y/n bristled at the joke, relieved to see her comrade alive.
“Gotta admit,” Marlene crossed her arms, “I didn’t expect to see you all in one piece. Figured you’d either run into raiders or you and Joel would go the double-homicide route.”
Y/n held her belly as she attempted to sit up. “Almost did,” she groaned, “A few times.”
“Well,” Marlene gestured to Y/n, watching her with honest eyes, “I underestimated you. You did good.”
Y/n wanted to accept the praise, having finally proven herself as a fighter, but was single-minded in her thoughts. “Where’s Joel?”
“Recovering in another room,” Marlene answered, “His vitals are good, just hasn’t woken up yet.”
Nodding, Y/n carefully swung her legs over the side of the bed, ”When he wakes up, tell him to come find me? Ellie’s probably worried sick…”
“Where are you going?” Marlene asked.
Y/n stopped to take a breath, whatever medicine they’d given her hadn’t kicked in yet. “To see Ellie,” she answered plainly, “She’s okay, right?”
Marlene sighed with dread, knowing whatever was about to happen wouldn’t be pleasant. But she also had a one-track mind, and it was humming a different tune than Y/n’s.
“She’s fine,” she replied, her tone having shifted to instill a false calm, “She’s being prepped for surgery.”
Y/n’s brow furrowed in confusion, “Surgery? I thought they were just taking her blood?”
“It’s…” Marlene said with a heaviness to her tone, “A little more complicated than that.”
Even though the ache in Y/n’s temples was dizzying, it didn’t take her long to connect the dots as to why it would require surgery to facilitate the vaccine.
And she felt the floor go out from under her when she did.
She looked up to Marlene, barely able to even shake her head, “No…”
Marlene bit her lip, turning her gaze from Y/n and to the floor.
“No…” Y/n repeated, her voice low, “N-no…you wouldn’t.”
Marlene’s painful silence sliced through her.
“Are you kidding me?” Y/n’s volume grew loud with anger, giving her the strength to stand, “You made me risk my life for that girl for three fucking months just so you can kill her?!”
“She wouldn’t have come here with anyone other than you,” Marlene replied calmly, “She trusts you.”
“So you used me,” Y/n’s eyes widened with rage, “You knew I cared about her, you knew I’d do it.”
“You’re not looking at the big picture,” Marlene interjected, taking a step forward but not moving any closer to Y/n, “We get the vaccince, we save millions. We save the millions to come. We can bring the world back to what-“
The rest of Marlene’s words died to the ringing in Y/n’s ears. She braced one of her hands against her bed, feeling as if her knees were going to buckle.
Throughout her time in the Fireflies, Marlene had never entrusted Y/n with as much information as other recruits. It wasn’t for doubt of Y/n’s interests, but rather Marlene thinking Y/n was incapable of handling it. She’d always been slow to pull the trigger, something that had in any other world would have made her merciful. Marlene had only ever seen it as weakness.
Marlene’s opinion of Y/n wasn’t lost on her, she felt it on a daily basis. But to make her travel from one side of the country to another, witholding the sickening truth of what she was doing from her, that was a new brand of cruel.
“She’s going to fix everything,” were the first words of Marlene’s that broke through Y/n’s spinning thoughts.
Her head shot up, staring daggers at Marlene, “You don’t get to make that decision for her.”
“And you do?” Marlene replied, “What gives you the right to choose her fate?”
“Did you ask her?” Y/n inquired, the building rage beginning to seep out of her, “No, y’know what? I can tell by your face that you didn’t.”
“She doesn’t know,” Marlene could feel control over the conversation slipping, she needed to deescalate it quickly, “She’s not going to feel anything.”
“YOU’RE KILLING,” Y/n yelled as loud as her lungs would let her, “A FUCKING CHILD!”
At the last word, two guards stationed outside Y/n’s door marched in, their rifles cocked downards, but ready to strike.
Y/n was quickly starting to understand the gravity of her situation.
Marlene held out a hand to Y/n, as if trying to ease a carnivorous animal. “Do you think I want to do this? Do you not think that I’ve looked for any other option-“
“No,” Y/n shook her head, “I don’t think you have.”
“I knew her mother, Y/n,” Marlene spoke a little louder, “I was there when she was born, and I had to put a bullet in my best friend’s head because she was infected. I promised to keep her child safe. I do not want to do this,” she paused, collecting herself, “But it’s my only choice.”
Three months prior, hearing such a personal story would have meant something to Y/n. Now, it only served to illuminate the true colors of her comrade. Marlene, so blinded by her determination to restore the earth, had allowed her drive to turn to ruthlessness and morph into heartlessness.
“No,” Y/n said, fighting back tears at the thought of Ellie lying unconscious somehwere in the hospital, “Look me in the eye and tell me her mother would want this,” she waited, until impatience won out, “LOOK AT ME!”
Marlene was a lot of things, blunt was one of them. She looked up to Y/n’s red face, unaware of the storm her words were about to trigger, “You’re not her mother.”
The waves in Y/n’s body both crashed and fell at the statement. It was twenty years all over again.
“Take me to Joel,” she swallowed her tears, “I want to see Joel.” When Marlene averted her gaze once again, Y/n could feel some other essential piece of truth shift into darkness. “Marlene,” she gritted out, “Where’s Joel?”
“He’s gone,” Marlene answered, “He left as soon as he knew that you and Ellie were okay.”
Y/n lip quivered with fury, the lies were so clear now. Joel and her hadn’t gone through all they had, made the promises they did only for him to abandon her and Ellie. “No. He wouldn’t do that.”
“I don’t know what you want to hear,” Marlene said, “But he’s gone.”
It was then that Y/n realized she was no longer a Firefly, but a prisoner.
With the last shred of her future slipping being ripped away from her, Y/n’s fury took over. She lunged towards Marlene, one of the soldiers surging forward and shoving her back onto the bed. Y/n cried out in pain, clutching her stomach as the barrel of the rifle was drawn on her.
“Don’t,” Marlene ordered the guard, “She’s already hurt.”
Y/n could no longer hold in her sobs. Ellie had been fooled into dying for a solution they didn’t even know was guaranteed, Joel was being forced to leave them behind, and she was essentially being held hostage by those she’d once trusted with her life.
“You keep her here,” Marlene continued speaking to the guards as if the pain was too incapacitating for Y/n to have any presence of mind, “Lock the doors. Don’t let her out until she calms down.”
Still weeping from both the ache in her ribs and the turn of events, Y/n nearly didn’t open her eyes when she heard Marlene’s boot steps come towards her.
“I know you care about her,” Marlene said softly, “She cares about you too. But there’s such a thing as caring too much…and I’m sorry.”
Through her tears, Y/n watched as her one-time friend walked out the door, washing her hands of the matter.
“You motherfucker,” Y/n growled, getting her feet as the guards exited the room, “You fucking murderer!”
As the door shut and locked on her, Y/n began to bang her fists against the 8x10 pane of glass, “YOU FUCKING MURDERER! YOU MOTHERFUCKING MURDERER!”
Y/n screamed at the top of her lungs, hot tears pouring down her face as three months of love and care wilted at her feet.
In reality, Joel was on the next floor down, fighting for his, Y/n and Ellie’s futures. He knew that the love of his life would never roll over and allow them to take Ellie’s life.
“Where’s Y/n?”
Marlene sighed at the question, contrary to what she was sure her reputation was, deception didn’t come easily to her. But she did what she had to for her cause.
There had always been a fire in Y/n, however tamed it was by her more virtuous qualities. Marlene had kept a careful eye on the blaze, never thinking it would spread too far. But there’d been a change in Y/n since they’d last seen each other in Boston, and she was certain her love for Ellie and time spent with Joel had brought it out in her. If they had survived three months in the ruins of civilization, they were dangerous. They needed to be kept apart if the surgery was to be a success.
“She’s decided to stay,” Marlene locked in her story, “She wants to see this through all the way.”
Joel didn’t believe for 1/8th of a second that Y/n would have lied to him. He’d looked in her eyes and watched twenty years of history dance across her irises. He could feel the weight of their future inside his chest, glowing gold with hope. There was no way after all they’d been through that she would walk away from him, just like that…
“No, you take me to ‘em,” he demanded, rising from the bed, “You take me to ‘em right now!”
One of Marlene’s guards came forward and used the butt of his rifle to knock him to the ground. Joel grunted and coughed on his hands and knees, his mind spinning with fear.
“Please,” he begged of Marlene, “You don’t understand.”
“I do,” Marlene said solemnly, reciting a less emotional variation of the story she’d told Y/n five minutes prior, “I was there when she was born, Joel. I promised her mom that I would save her child, I promised,” she paused to swallow back the lump rising in her throat, “So I do understand. I’m the only one who understands. I’m sorry,” she shook her head, “I have no other choice.”
Joel was a lot of things, but a coward wasn’t one of them. He glared up at Marlene, subtly threatening, “I do.”
Marlene looked exasperated, like his fight was some obstacle in her path to roll her eyes at. “Walk him out to the highway,” she ordered the soldiers, “Leave him there with his pack. Give him this,” she unclipped Ellie’s pocketknife from her belt, turning her stare to Joel, “He tries anything…shoot him.”
Joel, dazed from the knowledge that Ellie and Y/n were being held somewhere, was forced to his feet. The soldiers pushed him out of the room, picking his backpack up on the way out, and shoved him down the hall.
All the while, Joel was carefully constructing his plan.
Y/n sat with her back to the door, twisting her arm to hit the wood with what little energy she had left. She had sobbed and screamed to be let out until her voice was rendered raw.
She had failed. Failed Ellie. Failed Joel. Failed herself.
She wondered if this was her punishment for what she’d done to her family. If for each life she’d taken, she’d lose somebody in return.
She thought of Sarah, her death that seemed to be written in some fucked up universe’s stars, and how she ached for the future she’d never live. The proms, the graduations, coming home from college during holidays, getting engaged, getting married, having kids…all of it. Or none of it. Her choices would have determined her story and whichever path she’d have chosen, it would have been beautiful.
Ellie had been deprived of so many choices in life, and now she was being deprived of choosing whether she lived or died.
By deciding to let Ellie give her life for a cause that wasn’t even hers, the Fireflies were no better than FEDRA. Marlene was making the same calls that the government had made in the first few days of the outbreak. Who got to go to the QZs and who died in a ditch on the side of a road, whose life had lasting value and who was disposable. It sickened Y/n’s stomach and made her wish she had never joined at all.
Since meeting Ellie, Y/n had often contemplated the ghost of the girl’s mother. Having filled the role herself and feeling like Sarah had been carved from her own ribs, she couldn’t imagine what it was like to carry a child, birth her, and then lose her somewhere along the way…now, all she could think of was what Ellie’s mother would do if she were trapped as Y/n was. Would she fight? Would she break the glass with her fist and take on the guards? Or was she just cruel enough to sacrifice her daughter for the greater good? Could Y/n have left Sarah to die if, in some way, she’d held the key to the planet’s salvation?
Y/n took a deep breath, her mind the clearest it had been since waking up.
No parent would let their child die, no matter the circumstances.
And neither could she.
Joel paused in front of the hospital directory, eyes scanning over the levels and their corresponding departments. He was two floors away from pediatric surgery, and unknowingly, one floor away from where Y/n was being held.
“I didn’t hear anyone say ‘stop,’” one of the Fireflies behind him growled.
Joel glanced down the hall, “Which way?”
“Down the stairs,” the soldier answered, shoving Joel towards the stairwell.
With each flight Joel marched down, he was completing calculations in his mind. How quick did he have to move to take out both guardsmen? Which gun would be easier to reach? Did he rescue Ellie first or find Y/n and gain an extra pair of hands?
Once he decided, he let his steps slow until he came to a complete stop.
“The fuck are you doin’? Keep walking.”
Joel ignored the command.
“I said,” the Firefly grabbed Joel’s shoulder, “Keep walkin’-“
Lightning fast, Joel spun around, elbowing the man in the neck and knocking him to the floor. He nabbed his rifle as he fell, spinning around to shoot the second guard before he could even aim. Taking two steps back, he fired one shot into the first man’s leg.
“Fuck,” the soldier whimpered.
“Where are they?” Joel asked, his finger perfectly still against the trigger.
“Fuck you,” the Firefly growled.
Joel didn’t need his answer. Bill’s written words were etched in the caverns of his mind, about finding that one person to save. In Joel’s case, there were two people worth saving-
“I don’t have time for this,” he decided before planting a bullet in the man’s neck.
And he was doing it by any means necessary.
Y/n fiddled with her pocketknife in her hand, pacing the room as the pain in her ribs disappeared under the blanket of whatever medication Marlene had given her. She needed the guards outside her room to get pulled away so that she could pick the door’s lock. Once out, she had to steal a gun, find where Ellie was being held, figure out if Joel was still in the building and get them the hell out of dodge.
All she needed was a chance.
“Shots fired! Shots fired!”
The buzz of a radio caught Y/n’s ear, it pulled her to the door and she peered out the glass pane. The pencil stiff stance the soldiers had been maintaining was suddenly sharp with worry. One guard came running down the hall, shouting something Y/n couldn’t make out. Whatever it was caused her captors to charge down the hall as well. It was a threat that required every hand on deck.
Y/n nearly smiled, knowing exactly who could cause that kind of panic.
Slipping her blade into the lock, she fiddled with it until the door opened, freeing her. She threw her backpack over her shoulder, her eye catching on a tray balanced on the bedside table. It contained the used needle they’d already injected her with, plus one full syringe. Y/n picked up the two vials near the needles, one labeled ‘ibuprofen’ and one labeled ‘epinephrine.’
Y/n was weak, her body’s strength drained from trying to heal her ribs. There wasn’t any way she could fight her way out in her current state.
Without hesitation, she squeezed the flesh of her thigh and stabbed the needle through her jeans, discarding it on the floor after.
Drawing a deep breath, Y/n poked her head out the door, looking down each side of the hall before cutting across to the nurse’s station. She scanned the length of the counters for anything she could use as a weapon, finding only old papers and equipment. Distantly below her, she could hear gunfire.
“Hey,” a gruff voice shouted.
Y/n spun around, barely dropping to the floor before the Firefly soldier fired two shots at her. Crouched on the tile, she could feel the epinephrine beginning to kick in, bringing back the strength she’d lost in Silver Lake. She withdrew her knife once again, hiding behind the nurse’s station and listening to the footsteps of the Firefly come closer.
Y/n knew that to save what she loved, she would have to leave whatever was left of her humanity. The part of her that had hesitated to kill had to die by her own hands.
The soldier moved closer.
The second his boot became visible, Y/n stabbed the knife through his foot, punching him in the chin when he bent down in pain. She got to her feet and ripped the rifle out of the Firefly’s hands, shooting him in the stomach after.
She stepped over his body, leaving him to bleed out.
Joel’s steps were inhumanly silent as he crept through the hospital. He fired each shot with machine-like precision, each Firefly falling to the floor, never to pick themselves back up.
Joel had killed countless times since the outbreak of Cordyceps and had felt a healthy dose of remorse. The innocent people he’d killed in his days as a Raider haunted him, much like they did Tommy, and he wasn’t sure he’d ever forget Y/n’s eyes as she’d watched him murder the FEDRA guard in Boston.
But as Joel stealthily made his way through the hospital, firing each bullet for the love of his life and the child they loved more than anything, he felt nothing.
Y/n had tried so hard to live as peacefully as the world would allow her. Despite joining the Fireflies, she never volunteered for first line of defense. If bombs were planted in the city, Y/n was the one counting them, not detonating them. As much as she’d hidden initially from Joel with bloody threats, she’d never committed any acts of violence unless they were absolutely necessary.
Marching down the hospital halls, tears pooled in her eyes with each kill she made until she was sobbing. Flashes of her parents, her siblings, her nephew, Sarah, played in her mind. Their innocence and their gruesome deaths she’d forever feel responsible for. Saving Ellie wouldn’t bring them back, but she couldn’t let another person she cared for die.
Red cheeked and puffy eyed, she murdered without hesitation, allowing love to turn her into a necessary monster.
Joel went from victim to victim, playing God and delivering their vicious, premature fates. Each time he ran out of ammo, he’d pick up the rifle of his last kill. It all flowed so sickeningly perfect.
He climbed the fourth floor stairwell, shooting the Fireflies attempting to sneak up on him before they knew what was going on. With his better ear, he could hear the gunfire on the floor he was approaching.
He wasn’t the only one putting up a fight.
As soon as Joel stepped onto the fifth floor, a barrage of bullets rained down around him. He ducked behind a wall, waiting for them to slow before running across to the other side of the hall. He let his ammo fly freely, taking down the Fireflies as sloppily as he needed to.
Just as he aimed at the final one, the soldier was kicked to the floor, Y/n stepping on his back and making a fatal shot.
Through his necessary numbness, Joel felt a rush of relief.
Y/n ignored every instinct she had to run into Joel’s arms and instead bent down, picking up the soldier’s rifle and the extra ammo off his belt. Joel did the same with a nearby body.
The two lovers met in the middle of the hall, their weapons resting against their chests, separating their bodies.
Twenty years ago, they were somewhere in a downtown bar, Joel trying to make her laugh and Y/n trying to pretend like she was perfectly capable of taking her eyes off of him. They were warm, they were happy, they were them.
Two decades later, they were stood in an abandoned hospital, rifles on their shoulders, blood on their clothes and vengeance in their eyes. They were bruised, they were broken, they were survivors.
They carried on the same way, shooting anyone who dared to get in their way as they climbed the building. Joel made the more gruesome kills, trying to spare Y/n what little pain he could, but Y/n was fearsome in her own right. The adrenaline from the epinephrine had heightened her senses, making her hyperaware of everything around her. If a Firefly so much as stepped an inch out from behind a wall, Y/n’s rifle was trained on him, not letting him live more than half a second.
Eventually, they made it.
The sixth floor.
With their sin all over them, Joel and Y/n walked down the hallway, passing the walls decorated with animal murals and creating a gruesome contrast. The glowing door at the end of the hall acted as their guiding light, the homing beacon they’d chased through the bloody battlefield they’d created.
Joel pushed the door open and they walked in, a window giving them a view into the operating room. Ellie was laid out on a table, a nurse was holding a gas mask to her face, drawing her into unconsciousness.
They were nearly too late.
Y/n, with adrenaline pumping through her veins, broke away from Joel and burst through the second set of doors. The doctor and nurses gasped in horror, jumping at the sudden sight.
“Unhook her,” Y/n growled, “Now.”
The doctor took a step towards Y/n, “How did you get in here?”
Joel was close behind her, Y/n’s speed drawing him out of his daze. “Unhook her,” he echoed.
The doctor nervously reached for a scalpel, holding it up to Joel and Y/n with shaking hands. “I won’t let you take her.”
He’d taken one step towards Y/n before Joel shot him, beating the epinephrine to protect her.
The nurses screamed and covered their ears, Y/n took it as her opportunity to move in on them.
“Un,” she enunciated, backing the women up towards Ellie’s bed, “Hook…her…now.”
“Move!” Joel shouted, keeping his gun drawn on them.
The nurses stepped to, unhooking Ellie’s various monitors and taking out her IV, a small stream of blood escaping the leftover hole. Joel couldn’t stand the sight of her bleeding.
“Cover her arm,” he ordered once again, “Fast.”
They obeyed and taped a piece of gauze to Ellie’s arm.
“Turn around,” Joel said as Y/n came back to stand beside him.
The nurses, shaking and whimpering in fear for their lives, did as they were told and turned their backs. Y/n kept her gun trained on them while Joel moved to Ellie, cupping the back of her neck and sitting her up. With the reassurance of her shallow breaths against his neck, his worst fear stayed buried twenty years in the past. He lifted Ellie into his arms delicately, his brutality melting to tenderness as soon as he’d touched her.
As Joel carried Ellie out of the room, Y/n stayed on his six and kept her gun aimed. She didn’t spare a glance at the doctor or the operating table as she left, unable to look at even one reminder of what could have been.
Joel and Y/n made it back down the hall, walking with the speed of criminals but the exhaustion of two people who had just laid waste to the world. Y/n tapped the elevator call button rapidly, the true effect of the epinephrine was starting to hit. She stumbled into the car behind Joel, smacking the button for the parking garage and leaned up against the wall. Her heart was slamming against her chest, sweat was pooling at her temples, her body was buzzing.
Joel peered over at her, concerned, and received a passive shake of the head.
“Is she okay?” Y/n whispered in between panting breaths.
“Yeah,” Joel mumbled, staring down at Ellie. The reality of the decision they’d made was beginning to hit them both.
They were dooming the world to save theirs.
The elevator gave them little time to think, dinging as it hit the bottom floor and opening its doors. Y/n stepped out ahead of Joel, her rifle pointed towards any threats lurking in the shadows. Joel spotted a parked and running car, the two of them made a beeline for the vehicle.
“You can’t keep her safe forever.”
Y/n spun around, Marlene stepped out from the darkness with her handgun drawn. Y/n didn’t hesitate to keep her rifle raised.
“No matter how hard you two try,” Marlene took slow, steady steps towards them, “No matter how many people you kill, she’s gonna grow up. And then you’ll die, she’ll leave. Then what? How long till she’s torn apart by Infected or murdered by raiders? Because she lives in a broken world that you could have saved.”
There was truth to what Marlene was saying, neither Joel nor Y/n could deny that.
“Maybe,” Joel answered, “But it isn’t for you to decide.”
“Or you two,” Marlene replied, her eyes flicking to Ellie, “So what would she decide, huh? ‘Cause I think she’d wanna do what’s right.”
Y/n nearly flinched, torn between Ellie’s fierce desire to protect and the plans she had for her future.
“And you know it,” Marlene’s gaze fell on Y/n, seeing the unsureness from her comrade. She slowly lowered her gun, “It’s not too late. Even now, even after what you two’ve done…we can still find a way.”
Y/n and Joel had lost everything to Cordyceps, one way or another. They’d lost their daughter, Y/n had lost her future with Joel and Tommy, her family, Joel had eventually lost Tommy, Tess, Bill and Frank…Cordyceps had taken anything and everything meaningful in their lives. They should have been first in line for advocating for a cure, and they would have been…
But nothing, not even the salvation of the world, was worth losing Ellie.
And that was what made it so easy for Y/n to shoot Marlene in the gut.
As soon as her former friend dropped to the floor, Y/n’s gun fell from her hands and her knees began to wobble. The room was spinning and her heartbeat was ramping up even further. The epinephrine was backfiring.
“No, no, no,” Joel mumbled, spinning around to put his back to Y/n as she fell forward, “Hold onto me.”
Y/n weakly reached around Joel’s neck and looped her arms around him.
Joel strained under the combination of Y/n and Ellie’s body weight, but his determination surpassed his body’s abilities. Carrying one and dragging the other, he fought his way to the truck. He shuffled Ellie in his arms to reach for the door, sliding her carefully into the backseat, before handling Y/n.
“What’s wrong?” Joel asked, twisting his body to take her into his arms, “What’s happening?”
Y/n, beginning to lose her grip on consciousness, shook her head once again and let her head loll against Joel’s shoulder.
“Hang on, hang on, honey,” Joel hurried, growing panicked that her injury had finally gotten to her and torn an organ, “Just hang on for me.”
Joel blindly reached for the passenger side door, he lifted Y/n with a grunt and placed her carefully in the seat. Brushing his hand against her cheek, he wiped the sweat off her skin.
“Rose,” Joel called in a rush as Y/n’s eyes began to flutter shut, slapping her face a few times, “Rose, honey, come on. Stay with me.”
A groan from behind them drew Joel’s attention and got Y/n to open her eyes. The two of them shared a knowing look, Joel swallowing harshly before dragging his fingers down Y/n’s perspiring cheek and unholstering his gun.
Y/n’s gaze followed him as he walked away from her, through the haze of the drugs, she felt some semblance of guilt. Not enough to make her call Joel’s name and ask he show mercy towards Marlene, but some little inkling of guilt that stood the chance at gnawing at her conscience if she ever came back to lucidity.
In the seconds before the bullet released from its chamber, Y/n memorialized her time with the Fireflies. She grieved their attempts to save Boston in the dark of night. The kids they’d lost in the fight, so eager to help, like Riley. All the battles that had seemed like part of something grander that now felt meaningless, now having seen the end goal. If death only bred death, and violence only bred violence, then perhaps there was truth to the old saying…the road to hell was paved with good intentions.
She tried, she thought, as a few tears escaped her eyes, she’d tried so hard to make a difference…
It had just been with the wrong people.
Joel fired one shot
Y/n was freed.
Joel hurried back to the truck and to Y/n’s side, her eyes were now shut and her pulse was slapping against her neck.
“Honey, come on,” Joel said softly, trying to calm both of them down, “I need you to take some deep breaths. Nice and slow.”
“Drive,” Y/n breathed, her heart practically beating out of her chest. Regardless of whether the epinephrine was going to kill her or not, they needed to escape.
Joel hesitated before pressing a kiss to Y/n’s forehead and shutting her door. He ran around the car, slamming its hood down and jumping in the driver’s seat. The keys were still in the ignition, there was nearly a full tank of gas. They were going to make it.
Joel looked over to Y/n, who had gone limp in her seat.
“Rose,” Joel practically shouted, reaching over to feel his love’s wrist, still feeling her pulse working overtime, “Honey, c’mon, wake up.”
“Drive, Joel,” Y/n slurred, her head slumped against her seat.
Joel did as requested and put the truck in drive, maneuvering them through the parking garage. All the while, he kept one trembling hand on Y/n’s knee, her rifle knocking against his knuckles each time they hit a speed bump. He didn’t know if by saving Ellie’s life, he was going to lose Y/n’s, and for once, Joel wanted a win. A full win. He didn’t want to sacrifice one more person.
The garage’s exit lay at the end of a long stretch of tunnel, the glow of daylight approaching faster and faster as Joel drove. Their three month journey would come to a close and his sins would see sunlight. And while anyone else would have said it had all been in vain, to risk one’s life to save humanity only to decide that humanity wasn’t worth the asking price, it wasn’t a waste. Not to Joel.
He glanced in the dashboard mirror, Ellie’s sleeping form in the backseat.
He looked over the glovebox, Y/n’s chest finally beginning to rise and fall at a steadier pace.
He would have done it all over again.
In a puddle of her own sweat, Y/n came to a few hours later, her head leaned up against the truck window. She blinked a few times, adjusting to the sunlight, and took stock of the rapidly moving landscape. There were forest trees and mountains in the distance.
“Hey,” Joel said, wrapping his hand around Y/n’s thigh.
“Hey,” she mumbled back, looking over to Joel, “Where are we?”
“Just outside of Wyoming,” he answered, rubbing his thumb across her jeans with a deep need to touch her, to assure himself she was okay. “Still a couple hours till we get to Tommy’s.”
Y/n hummed and nodded weakly, trying to look into the backseat at Ellie
“She’s been in and out,” Joel said, keeping his eyes focused on the road, “I told her about the raiders.”
Confusedly scrunching her brows, Y/n glanced back over at Joel.
“Attackin’ the hospital,” Joel continued, his pleading eyes drifting to his partner, “And about the tests they ran on her.”
“Yeah,” Y/n mumbled, reading Joel’s facial cues and coming to some understanding. She needed to be filled in on where she fit into the story.
Joel rubbed his hand over Y/n’s leg, “Get some sleep. I’ll wake ya when we’re close.”
There was so much she wanted to say, but her thoughts were too groggy to string more than two or three words together. With one scan of Joel’s clenched jaw and tired gaze, Y/n could tell he was feeling something similar. There’d be time for talking and setting their story straight, but for now, Y/n could close her eyes once more and settle into the knowledge that they were going home.
The next day, the car decided it had carried them far enough and the woods of Wyoming was where they’d part ways.
Joel examined the engine, a useless task considering they didn’t have the tools to repair anything, while Ellie and Y/n sat in the car.
“Well, she got us close enough,” Joel announced, coming around to the driver’s side, “We gotta walk the rest of the way. Probably about a five-hour hike,” he hung on the car door in front of Ellie, “But we can manage that. Remember?”
Ellie scanned her memories, bringing up their third day together, in the Massachusetts woods. She smiled, “Yeah.”
“Easy for you to say,” Y/n grunted as she used the backseat door to pull herself out of her seat, “You’re not walking around with two cracked fuckin’ ribs and a headache the size of Texas.”
“What happened to you back there anyway?” Ellie finally asked, Y/n had slept nearly the whole drive thus far. This was the longest she’d stayed awake.
“I did drugs,” Y/n replied honestly, having everything and nothing to hide.
“We’ll take it slow,” Joel promised, looping an arm around Y/n’s waist and kissing her forehead, “Take breaks.”
Y/n chuckled, “There’s a hot shower and a bed waiting on the other side of this fucking mountain,” she pointed up at the first hill they’d have to climb, “If anything, we’re shaving time off this thing.”
Joel smiled at the woman, who was already pulling Ellie to her feet and marching in the direction of their starting point.
As they hiked, Y/n’s energy started to go downhill again, and the painkillers she’d been given at the hospital had completely worn off. She leaned on Joel eventually, letting him brace some of her weight during the steeper portions.
Ellie, while concerned for Y/n’s wellbeing, was even more quiet than before they’d reached the hospital.
“Y’know, Sarah and I used to hike like this all the time,” Joel broke the silence and looked back to Ellie.
Y/n tilted her head towards Joel in surprise. It was the first time he’d brought up his daughter on his own accord…ever.
“I wouldn’t say it was her favorite thing. She wasn’t a fan of the mosquitos and such,” he continued, “But she was a big climber or…scampering. That’s probably the right word.”
“It is,” Y/n interjected, sharing a small smile with Joel.
“That girl…” Joel muttered, “She’d see a big rock and just…” he shot his free hand out, “Pew!”
Even at the mature age of thirteen, Y/n could remember Sarah and her running Texas’ nature trails and climbing the less dangerous rocks. Joel would follow behind, laughing and telling his girlfriend that if she broke his daughter, she was buying him a new one.
“She woulda liked you,” Joel told Ellie, it was one of the most honest things he’d ever said. “Not to say the two of you are the same. Definitely different kids.”
“How so?” Ellie softly asked from behind Joel and Y/n.
“Well, she was a lot more…” Joel trailed off, “I wanna say girly,” he quickly turned to Ellie, “And I’m not sayin’ that you’re not girly.”
“I’m not,” Ellie admitted, barely smiling up at Joel.
“Yeah, you’re not. So that,” Joel chuckled, tightening his hold on Y/n a little as he listed off Sarah’s attributes, “She was taller. She had a killer smile. Again, not sayin’ that you don’t.”
Y/n shook her head, withholding a laugh for the sake of her ribs. Three months prior, they’d all been threatening to kill each other. Now they were dancing around conversational landmines that weren’t even there, so afraid of hurting one another.
“But you know why I think she’d like you?” Joel addressed Ellie once more.
“‘Cause you’re funny,” Joel answered, “I think you would’ve made her laugh.”
Y/n nodded, “She also would have appreciated the well deserved crap you give her dad.”
Joel snorted at Y/n’s comment, knowing there was truth to it. Sarah had always enjoyed having someone to gang up on him with, but no fiercer duo had ever existed than the likes of his daughter and his girlfriend.
“Anyway,” Joel felt his emotions beginning to tighten around his throat, “I bet you would’ve liked her back.”
“Yeah,” Ellie said, still sounding distant, “Bet I would’ve.”
The weight of Sarah’s death had suffocated Joel and Y/n separately for two decades. It had been a blade, sticking out their chest, that they’d somehow learned to live with. But there was something, between their time with Ellie and their coming back together, that had caused the pain to…change. It would never hurt any less than it did now, but Sarah’s memory now seemed like one they could look back on with more than grief. There could be smiles and laughter as they thought back on their beautiful, brilliant girl.
Y/n rested her head on Joel’s shoulder as they walked, he pressed his cheek to her hair. They both felt it.
A little ways more and they’d reached the top of the hill. In the distance, the town of Jackson stretched within its walls. It was far bigger than any of them had realized.
“There ya go,” Joel said as they paused to take it in, “Not much further now.”
He helped Y/n on the decline with her keeping her weary eyes on what they’d now call home. She nearly cried when she realized that they’d never have to leave it again. The three of them could settle into life as close to what it should have been.
“Hey, wait,” Ellie called, bringing Joel and Y/n to a halt. She began to form words before abandoning them, “Fuck…”
Joel’s muscles tightened, worried that she’d taken the time to pick apart his lie.
“Back in Kansas City, you asked me about the first time I killed someone,” Ellie spoke to Joel.
He fidgeted a little as he held Y/n, relieved that it wasn’t about the hospital.
“When I got bit,” Ellie continued, “I-I wasn’t on my own. My best friend was there and she got bit too. We didn’t know what to do, and she says, ‘We can just wait it out…be all poetic and just lose our minds together.’”
Y/n bit her lip, her brief time of knowing Riley’s spirit flashed through her mind.
“And then she did,” Ellie went on with her story, “And I had to…her name was Riley, and she was the first to die. And then it was Tess. And then it was Sam-”
Joel shook his head, “That’s not on you.”
“No,” Y/n reenforced, “Not at all.”
“I know,” Ellie sighed, “But-“
“Look sometimes things don’t work out the way we hope,” Joel said, “You can feel like…like you’ve come to an end…and you don’t know what to do next,” he sighed, thinking back on all the choices in his life that had led him to this moment, “But if you just keep going…you find something new to fight for.”
Y/n looked downwards, feeling every one of Joel’s words ring true in her heart.
“And maybe that’s not what you want to hear-“ Joel tried to continue his speech.
“Swear to me,” Ellie interrupted.
Joel and Y/n paused, holding their breaths as their tale was challenged. Y/n’s exhaustion allowed her to lower her head as she fought to take a deeper breath.
“Swear to me that everything you said about the Fireflies is true,” Ellie continued, her eyes demanding yet still soft.
Lying was an essential part of survival. It was a skill to be honed and a craft that required complete dedication. Joel had lied his way through life, into black market deals and smuggling opportunities. Y/n had lied to aid the Fireflies and to save her own life. They’d been comfortable saying whatever they needed to to stay alive.
That feeling died on the Wyoming hilltop.
“I swear,” Joel replied.
Y/n inhaled as deep as she could, feeling the fullness of what she was about to say wash over her and possess her body.
“I swear.”
Ellie watched them, her mind working to process what they were saying, leaving her nearly unreadable. They waited with bated breath as she decided whether to accept their answers or not.
Without another word, Ellie picked up her pace, moving past Joel and Y/n to head down the hill. Joel began their descend, but Y/n pulled her arm away from him and stayed frozen.
“Give me a minute,” she said, her eyes on the mountains.
Joel inhaled to argue the point that she couldn’t make it more than ten steps on her own, but the distance in her eyes advised him against it. He let her hand go and began to follow Ellie, turning back once to make sure she was okay.
Y/n let her eyes drift down to Jackson, tracing the outlines of the town and trying to find the house that would become theirs. The possibilities were overwhelming as to what they could do when they got there. If there was electricity, she could cook proper meals for Joel and Ellie. They could have game nights. Tommy could come over at random moments in the day. Ellie could attend a real school. Joel could get back to his roots and fix up the house. They could retire to their bedroom each night, calling out to Ellie to go to sleep before doing the same. It could be the domestic life she’d always wanted, simplistic in every sense.
Except it wouldn’t be real.
Y/n had seen the distrust in Ellie’s face, she knew that at some point, the girl would figure it out. And if she didn’t, she’d always be questioning if her and Joel were telling the God’s honest truth. What their relationship had been would never again be. By saving Ellie’s life, they had forever changed the dysfunctional little found family they’d created.
Y/n blinked once, took a deep breath, and headed down the hill, taking her first step into a life of lies.
TYL Taglist: @bachiracore @stolenxkissess @kayleezra @the-wistful-reader @allthesesonsofbitches @goth-detectives365 @trippovert @rh1nestonecowg1rl @emiliaserpe @khaleesihavilliard @frietiemeloen @gracie7209 @dorck26 @thegirlnextdoorssister @alanis-altair @mariwinns16 @whosscruffylooking @endofthexline @alexiaricciardo @eonnyx @pedrosmexicangf @scarlettequinn @ao-sleepy @toinfinityandbeyonce2 @deanlovescassie @turmoil-ash @sorrowjunky @kpopslur @xxlilyxx90 @midgetpottermills @presidential-facts @scoopsnini @tubble-wubble @jamesdeerest @burninggracesandbridges @star-wars-lover @lucyhotchner @cococola-cocaine @witheringhqarts @fall-writes @alwaysdjarin @xxmoonn @emilia-the-artist @wand-erer5 @boneyarrd @lizard-zombie @themultifandomofmadness @cassidylea123 @paleepeaches @mxltifxnd0m @kettlekatie @ultimate-cinephile @gloryekaterina @caramelkatsukis-bitch @whovianayesha @memeorydotcom @deadunicorn159 @get0ut0fmyr00m @siriuslymooned @emmyeed @superbreadsoul @hellu-people1 @ourautumn86 @inas-thing @noraapple05 @givemylovetoall @luvwanda (tags cont. in comments)
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hollowslantern · 2 years
I feel like I'm feeling the effects. of flu and. ovid vaccince
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sabath68 · 2 years
1976, the government: the swine-flu vaccince is safe. Judy got her shot, two weeks later she was paralized.
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Christ alive I clicked on a reccomended insane vaccince conspiracy post to block the account and now Tumblr is shoveling the worst rightwing shitspam onto my dashboard.
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myjennieblr · 10 months
At the beginning of the month, I got my Flu shot and my Covid booster. About a week later, I saw a co-worker and I found out that she had been off with pneumonia.
That night, I had an incredibly vivid dream. I have done several vaccine studies with the Vaccine Evaluation Center and I dreamed I received an email from them. It was an invitation to participate in a study for a vaccine against the pneumococcal bacteria.
That morning, I woke up amused. The dream was so obviously because of the confluence of those two events. I thought it was hilarious how my brain had taken those two events and merged them with a past memory. When I got into work that day, I told my co-worker that she was responsible for my dream last night.
Today, I got a call from the Vaccine Evaluation Center to book my time to come in for the pneumenococcal vaccince for the study. Turns out that apparently I wake up in the middle of the night, check my email, and reply to them while still mostly asleep.
I am not sure which I'm more boggled by... the way I was 100% genuinely convinced that it was a dream, or the sheer chance factors involved in those three events occuring in that order and that close proximity.
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graymanbriefing · 1 year
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COVID-19 Brief - Government Oversight / Corporate Bias: Mandates and Policies The University of Michigan has reversed a policy that prohibits unvaccinated (COVID-19) patients from receiving "lifesaving" organ donations. This comes just before legal proceedings in a lawsuit, challenging the policy, were set to begin. In a statement by the university they gave notice to the Court saying "in light of developing epidemiological and other actuarial circumstances, effective April 27, 2023, it has changed its Transplant Center COVID-19 Vaccination Requirement for Adult Transplant Candidates. Relevant to this litigation, COVID-19 vaccine will no longer be required prior to wait-listing of potential adult solid organ transplant recipients.” In Mississippi, a Federal Judge ruled that not-permitting religious exemptions to the COVID-19 vaccine for students was unconstitutional and ordered the provision restored. The U.S. First Circuit Court of Appeals is reviewing challenges in Massachusetts that ban religious exemptions and allows for the revocation of medical licenses of Healthcare facilities that do not require the COVID-19 vaccince. A ruling would also have an impact in New York, California, Connecticut, West Virginia, and Mississippi. Lawsuits are also underway in Florida and Maine over COVID-19 requirements that require nursing schools students to be vaccinated as well as mandates that led to the firing of EMTs fo...(CLASSIFIED, see full brief at www.graymanbriefing.com)
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rudekenny · 3 years
Episode 49: Conspiracy Theories in this World today
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rhiannonforall · 3 years
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posebox-guide · 7 years
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[ Vitamin Shot ] Pose Box by Screaming Mustard
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siobhanromee · 3 years
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derelictsouls-ar · 3 years
i am starting to feel the damn side effects man. my head is ending me so i’ll be gone for the rest of the day!!! but since i have home office i should be good for the next week!!! ♥
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hummussexual · 3 years
"There remains a shocking imbalance in the global distribution of vaccines," WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told a news conference on Friday.
"On average in high-income countries, almost one in four people have received a Covid-19 vaccine. In low-income countries, it's one in more than 500," he said.
Earlier this year, Dr Tedros warned that the world was facing a "catastrophic moral failure" over vaccine inequality. He said a "me-first" approach would be self-defeating because it would encourage hoarding and prolong the pandemic.
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The government is trolling us so bad, and it's so horrible
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winter-jay-official · 3 years
Kills and muders
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What’s known about Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine and rare clots
What’s known about Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine and rare clots
Image Source : AP The US recommended that states pause giving the J&J vaccine on Tuesday while authorities examine six reports of the unusual clots A rare, rogue immune response is the main suspect as authorities investigate highly unusual blood clots following the use of two similar Covid-19 vaccines from Johnson and Johnson and AstraZeneca. The US recommended that states pause giving the J&J…
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