#v.  then i felt powerful  /  aes.
whitedarkmoonflower · 7 months
Pairing: Masema x reader (female)
Authors note: it is a very belated birthday present to @lady-targaryens-world Thank you so much for your request and I'm so sorry it took me so long to write it. I changed a bit the setting, but I still hope you will enjoy it. It appeared that writing Masema is not so easy for me, but I truly loved it. A big thank you to lovely @the-irish-girl for helping me with brainstorming, ideas and dialogues! It was so inspiring to work together with you! The idea of the other world and the stones is borrowed from the books.
Warnings: SMUT 18+, oral (f receiving), p in v sex
Word Count: 5,6 K
I have tagged people who enjoy my Sihtric fics - if you don't want to be tagged in Masema fics - please let me know
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You shifted in your saddle trying to find a more comfortable position, but to no avail. Your whole body was aching and sore, your muscles feeling like they were filled with lead. The shadows were getting longer, as the sun slowly rolled behind the horizon. The evening was approaching and you longed for nothing more than to rest, to get off the horseback and curl under your blanket. With the last remnants of your strength you spurred your horse to a slight gallop, trying to align with Lord Ingtar, riding at the front of the group.  
“Aren’t we stopping for the night?” you tried to sound casual, not to betray your tiredness. 
"There, behind that hill, is a perfect spot for our camp,"  Lord Ingtar's response filled you with hope as he pointed towards the next hillock. Unconsciously, you sighed in relief. It wouldn't have surprised you if they intended to ride through the night; there was no sign of weariness on the stern faces of the Shienaran warriors following their leader. It seemed they could maintain this relentless pursuit indefinitely. 
With a knowing smirk, he added, "The horses need a rest."
Yeah, horses, you nodded inwardly and allowed your own steed to gradually slow down again.
You had to pick the lesser of two evils, as the need to escape the city had grown urgent. Fal Moran was no longer a safe haven for you, not since it had become overrun with Aes Sedai. It was only a matter of time before they discovered your well-kept secret, and you would be forced to follow them to the White Tower. You were not like them and you didn't want to be anything like them. Arrogant, cold-blooded, and heartless, they were driven by their might and a belief in their own omniscience. These cruel beings wielded too much power for their own good.
You had made up your mind to join the first party leaving the city, even if it meant travelling across the country in pursuit of the Horn of Valere. You were aware that they wouldn't readily accept you as a companion if you simply asked, but the Shienarans were known for their unwavering commitment to helping and protecting those in need. That was their way. Thus, you departed ahead of the group and waited along the road—an abandoned high-born lady, seeking assistance. A damsel in distress, to put it plainly.
Once again, you felt the unsettling sensation of someone's eyes fixated on you. Slowly and discreetly, you turned your head to meet his gaze. His stern eyes bore into you with mistrust and suspicion, tinged with a hint of resentment for reasons unknown to you.
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"Have I done something wrong?" you asked, turning to face Lord Ingtar as you settled beside him near the fire.
"What do you mean, lady?" The surprise in his voice was evident.
"I have a feeling I may have upset or offended the young warrior with those peculiar mismatched eyes. I believe his name is Masema," you continued hesitantly. "I just wanted to know if I may have overstepped or said something unacceptable. I'm not accustomed to your ways, and I want to offer my apologies if..."
"Lady, you need not worry," Lord Ingtar interrupted gently. "I'm sorry to say this, but there's probably nothing you can do about it. You... I'm not quite sure how to explain it... you bear a striking resemblance to an Aiel to us. Not all of us have fought against them, but Masema has."
The awkwardness of the conversation and the embarrassment in Lord Ingtar’s voice were impossible to ignore. "Lady, you are not to blame for your appearance. Please, tell me if Masema has been rude to you or insulted you in any way. Trust me, I'll ensure a proper punishment is meted out."
"Oh, not that. He's simply avoiding me completely, and he refuses to speak to me even when I address him. Please, don't say anything to him. You've been so kind to pick me up on the road and offer your protection after my bodyguard abandoned me unfairly. I don't want to cause any inconvenience," you said, trying to mask your relief with gratitude. You were thankful that your initial fear, the creeping worry that Masema might have somehow discovered your deeply buried secret, was unfounded.
Unable to resist, you stole a furtive glance at Masema. He'd set up his blanket near one of the towering stones encircling the camp. It was an eerie sight; the magnificent stones, arranged as if by a giant hand, stood in a perfect circle. You had never seen anything like it before. Was it some kind of sacred place? Perhaps remnants of a forgotten temple? The strange ornaments engraved in the middle, just within reach, sparked a sense of familiarity you couldn't grasp. The whole setting gave you a weird feeling you couldn't quite place.
The warmth of the hot brew shared around the fireplace enveloped you, soothing your aching joints and beckoning for rest. You spread your blanket on the opposite side of the camp, as far as possible from the grim warrior that apparently hated you for just being you.
It wasn't surprising; you were accustomed to it. People had feared and hated you for as long as you could remember. You recalled being just a small girl when it first happened, playing with the other kids of the village at the foot of the nearby hill.
It was the noise that first caught your attention—a scratchy, unpleasant sound of something rubbing against itself. Then, you saw it—a large stone slowly starting to shake and then loosening from its perch at the top. You remember screaming, shouting for everyone to run, but one of the boys stumbled and fell. Time seemed to stand still for a moment; you acted on instinct, reaching out with your hand in a stupid and desperate wish to stop the stone from crashing onto your friend. And miraculously, it stopped. It remained suspended in mid-air, just above the fallen boy, as if held by a magic hand.
He scrambled to his feet and ran, and they all followed suit, casting fearful glances back at you as you lowered your hand and the stone crashed to the ground with a deafening thud. Even now, when recalling that day, you could still feel the absolute terror in their eyes. Not because they had just escaped death, no, they were terrified of you. 
That night, the elders of the village came to your parents, and by the same nightfall, they hurriedly packed all their belongings, and you left. You left your home, your village, your friends—everything. And ever since then, you've been running. There was something within you, a power you didn’t understand and never wanted to possess. It was only much later, as you became a grown woman, that you found out there were others like you - the Aes Sedai. But the way people spoke about them, the tales they told, and the fear they instilled just reinforced your conviction that your power had to remain secret, hidden until you took it with you to the grave.
You sank down onto your blanket, wrapping another around you, leaning your back against the stone behind you. Your eyes unconsciously wandered again to the stern warrior on the other side of the camp.
Why? By the light, why me? were your last conscious thoughts before sleep took over.
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You were in that sweet spot between asleep and awake, still wrapped in the cosy embrace of dreams when the sounds of the outside world started creeping in, signalling the start of a new day. You kept your eyes shut, not quite ready to let go of that blissful moment just yet.
“Where are we?” came a voice, dripping with anger. It sounded oddly familiar, but you couldn't quite place it.
Masema. The name jolted through your mind, instantly dispelling the dreamy fog. You snapped awake, finding Masema towering over you. You scrambled to a sitting position, taking in your surroundings with a mix of awe and confusion.
“I-I don't know,” you stammered, just as confused as he was, if not more so.
Moments ago, you had been lying on the ground with all your companions, and now you were... wherever this place was. It was unlike anything you had ever seen before.
You were still seated among the magnificent stones, where the camp had been, but that was where the similarities ended. The place bore no resemblance to where you had fallen asleep. You vividly recalled the stones positioned in a clearing near the woods, surrounded by untouched, lush grass and the scent of nameless wildflowers lingering in the air. Now, as far as your eyes could see, there was nothing but barren, cracked soil, with withered trees sporadically dotting the landscape. The hot air and dust burned your lungs as you struggled to take a deep breath.
“This is all your fault!” Masema's words snapped you back to reality, his eyes dark with anger. “You brought us here, now bring us back!” he demanded.
“And, why would it be my fault? You’re here, too! You might be the one responsible for this, you know?” you spat at him, your words filled with venom to match his.
It was only then that the absurdity of the situation began to sink in, and panic slowly crept over you. What had happened? Where were you? And of all the people you could have ended up with, why did it have to be Masema, the Shienaran warrior who clearly despised you, stranded with you in this desolate wasteland?
"I knew from the very first sight of you that you couldn't be trusted," Masema's voice, cold and calm, sent shivers down your spine, more chilling than any insult he could hurl in anger.
“What did I do, for you to hate me so much?” you knew it was not the right time nor place for this question, there were much more pressing issues to be cleared, but you couldn’t just leave it. 
“You look just like them! You speak like them! You walk like them! Everything you do makes you look a little more like them! And sooner or later you’ll show who you really are, you cannot fool me,” he snorted.
"Like who? The Aiel? You flatter me. I would give much to be like them, to possess their strength, their ability to defend themselves against prejudice-driven fools who judge solely based on appearance," anger simmered within you.
“You don’t know me!” you finally shouted. “You did not even give me a chance to prove my worth, you just judge me straight away because you think you are better than anyone else, you think you know better than anyone else. But you know nothing about me.” The last words were punctuated by a pointed index finger jabbing into his chest, your eyebrows furrowed with anger.
Finally, you took one more step forward until you were face to face, sharing the same air. You stared him straight in the eyes, letting him see the pain his words inflicted.
“I don't deserve your hatred! You don’t know me, so stop pretending like you do!”
Without waiting for a response, you swiftly began to pack your blankets into your saddlebag.
"You know what? I'm done with all of this! We're parting ways! You go one direction, and I'll go the other! Good luck!" you hissed in frustration. The overwhelming need to escape from this place, to evade the stern, judgmental gaze of those peculiar eyes, left no room for any other thought. You didn’t give him a chance to reply; you didn’t even want one. With that, you turned your back on him, slung your saddlebag over your shoulder, and strode away, devoid of any plan or destination.
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You had no idea how long you had aimlessly wandered before spotting a small stream, a mirage of life amidst the ash-grey desolation. Hastily, you uncapped your leather flask, filling it with the precious, life-giving water.
Leaving Masema behind had undoubtedly been a mistake, but there was no turning back now. You couldn't simply reappear before him and offer apologies. You couldn’t admit he was actually right.
It must have been you. There was no other explanation, no other possibility. Even though you had no inkling of what triggered this or how you managed it. Lost in your thoughts, you watched the stream bubble, abruptly pulled from your reverie by an angry roar nearby.
Your head snapped up, pupils dilating in terror at the sight of the creature looming closer. Not even your worst nightmares could conjure something like this. Towering on massive, muscular hind legs, its leonine body was covered in mottled, algae-green scales, with a broad, frog-like head boasting bulging, lidless eyes gleaming with eerie intelligence and a ring of sharp, serrated teeth.
Your hand instinctively sought the small knife hidden in your clothes, fingers clenching around its shaft until your knuckles whitened. Being intended as this creature's next meal wasn't the destiny you envisioned, but you were resolved to make your life as costly as possible.
In a heartbeat, a strong arm gripped yours, yanking you aside with incredible force as the creature lunged. Your bewildered gaze fell on Masema, wielding his sword with determined precision. It was an uneven fight, the creature dwarfing the agile warrior and its scales seemingly impenetrable to his blade.
"The eyes, they're unprotected! Aim for its eyes!" you shouted and the beast's attention momentarily  turned towards you. In that very same moment Masema seized the chance, leaping and aiming for the creature's head. The blade sliced through its left eye, eliciting a deafening howl that pierced the air.
Your chest heaved with horror as you witnessed the creature falter, collapsing onto its front paws before slumping to the ground. Unstoppable sobs wracked your body as you sank to your knees, horror consuming you, and strong arms encircled your shoulders, preventing you from collapsing to the ground.
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"I'm sorry," you muttered, arms wrapped around your legs as you sat on your blanket spread by the fire Masema had made in the middle of the stone circle. "You're probably right. It's my fault we're stuck here, don't know where."
A furrowed eyebrow was the only indication that Masema was paying attention, engrossed in sharpening his sword, seemingly oblivious to your presence.
"It's not the first time strange things have happened to me," you continued, feeling like there was nothing left to lose. You knew he hated you—could he hate you even more? Did it even matter? The landscape stretched before you, empty and dusty. Having the glorious choice between death from hunger or the claws of that creature—definitely not the last of its kind—you preferred the more swift one, or better yet, the quick, soothing death by Masema’s sword seemed actually the most appealing choice. 
"There's something inside me, and it frightens me," you confessed. "It's like I have access to a pool of unlimited power, but every time I try to grasp it, it slips away. And then, sometimes, when I least expect it, I can feel it in my fingertips. It's so tangible, I could almost touch it."
"What kind of strange things?" Masema inquired nonchalantly, as if asking about your breakfast.
"I've made rocks freeze in the air, ignited things, moved objects without touching them," you said, trying to keep your voice casual, but unable to hide the tremor of anxiety. You had never spoken to anyone about it, and now you were revealing your deepest secret to someone who was almost an enemy. Yes, he had saved your life, but it hadn't seemed to change his attitude toward you.
"I never wanted it, never asked for it! It's a curse," you admitted, resting your head on your knees. Your body shivered, not from the cold, but from the anger and despair boiling within you. "And now I've cursed you too."
Lost in your thoughts, you didn't even notice Masema approaching until his hand landed on your shoulder, startling you as he sat down beside you.
"I knew you were trouble from the first moment I saw you," there was a new, unexpected tone in his voice that made you raise your head. Something in Masema's eyes caused a chill to run down your back and the flickering red light from the fire only intensified the hypnotic effect of his stern gaze.
"I didn’t mean any harm to anybody. I’m so sorry. You have every right to hate me," tears welled up in your eyes.
"Hush," Masema's rough fingers gently cupped your chin, his thumb brushing away the tears gathered in the corners of your eyes. "There is such a fire within you. I can feel it. I could see it in your eyes as you faced that creature. A spirit so daring, so brave, captured in such a small and fragile frame."
A soft gasp of surprise escaped your chest as Masema's lips pressed against yours, his palms cradling your face and drawing you close. Your mind raced, torn between eagerness and bewilderment. You placed your palm on his chest, as if to push him away, but instead, your fingers hooked into Masema's leather armour, pulling him closer.
Wasn’t this what you had yearned for all this time, tormented by his inexplicable rejection? Hadn't you dreamed of feeling these strong arms wrap around you, pulling you close? Or was it the desperation of this hopeless situation that made you cling to his broad chest, seeking the warmth of his body as confirmation that you were still alive? You didn’t care. Thrill and arousal running through your veins, you could only moan against his lips, slowly parting yours to welcome him into your mouth.
"I've been craving this since the moment I laid eyes on you. Whatever power brought us here, away from everybody, I'm grateful for it," Masema's husky voice enveloped you, sending shivers down your spine. His hand found its way to the back of your neck, holding you in place as his mouth trailed down to your neck, leaving hot, stinging marks on your sensitive skin.
You whimpered at the stirring sensation, your longing for his touch growing into a burning need, overpowering all your other senses. In the next moment, you found yourself pressed onto your back, the thick, soft blanket barely enough to shield you from the hard ground, Masema looming over you.
"You resemble the fiercest enemy I've ever faced, yet you make my blood boil with desire," your breath caught in your throat as Masema's rough fingers wrapped around your wrists, pinning your hands above your head. There was something threatening, something inexplicably alluring in the sinister darkness of his lust-drunk eyes as they locked with yours. You met his gaze head-on, your eyes wide open, chest heaving, and teeth grazing along your lower lip in anticipation of his next move.
Masema leaned in, his lips hovering over yours, “Say it, say that you want me,” his eyes scanned you intently. 
“By the light, I want you,” you breathed, rolling your hips against him like a slut and the throaty groan that left his lips upon your words, made you shiver. His mouth found yours and your breath was swept away from the sheer fury of his kiss while his hands let go of your wrists and began to work on your clothes, freeing your breasts from the confines of your corset, squeezing and kneading them, his rough fingers digging deep into your flesh. 
Your eyes were rolling back into your head from his heated touch and you arched your back against the unforgiving hard ground as Masema’s lips closed around your hardened nipples.  The small rocks beneath the blanket were digging into your shoulders and hips, but you didn’t even feel the sting, everything around you slowly fading until there was nothing apart from deep hunger for more, burning you from within.
“You think you have power? You are under my power, sweet little thing, you could be the Dragon himself, but you could do nothing against my power and I will use it to make you forget everything as you scream my name in pleasure,” the raw force, permeating Masema’s words, although whispered in hushed tones, made all the tiny hair on your skin stand on end. His hands were on your hips, pushing up your dress and pulling down your undergarments with hasty, rough movements. You drew a sharp breath, feeling the cool air on your bare dripping cunt just before Masemas hot tongue dived in between your folds, his lips closing around your pulsing clit, hands pinning your hips to the ground. 
“Light help me,” you wined, burying your fingers into the soft and plush fabric beneath you in a desperate attempt to ground yourself, but to no avail as Masema’s lips and tongue kept driving you closer to madness, lewd moans rolling over your lips.
“It can’t help you. Nothing can help you now, you’re mine and only mine,” Masema grinned against your centre, voice husky and deep, dripping with dark possessiveness that only added to the sinful sensation pulsing through your veins and bringing you closer to the edge, and you gasped loudly as he forced two fingers into you. You felt as if you were flying or maybe falling, you couldn’t tell, too lost in the feeling of your climax approaching, each lap of his tongue, each movement of his fingers amplifying the pleasure and pushing you further into oblivion.
“Say it, to whom do you belong?” Masema groaned, speeding up his movements. 
Was this what had attracted you to the stern and silent warrior from the very first day? His whole presence spoke of strength and assertiveness, of power and ownership, of being someone to take what’s his and never letting go of it, defending it with his life if needed. Tired of loneliness you craved for the soothing feeling of belonging to someone. It was intoxicating, almost addicting – that feeling of having found someone ready to claim you, to possess you, to protect you. You wanted to be his, you were his. 
“Yours, Masema, I’m yours. By the light I’m yours,” you moaned, and Masema’s satisfied growl vibrated against your centre, adding the last touch that brought you over the edge. You came on his fingers, whimpering his name, forgetting where you were or who you were as your body convulsed under the waves of pure bliss running through your veins. 
“Such a good girl, my powerful, secret Aes Sedai, my dragon,” Masema grinned, observing you carefully, as he kept fucking you with his fingers through your orgasm, “so beautiful, so tight around my fingers. I can already imagine how good you will feel around my cock.” 
Head spinning from the intensity of your orgasm, you breathed heavily, chest rising high with each inhale.  Eyes half lid you watched Masema pulling off his leathers and undoing his breeches. You had always noted Masema's well-built physique, his muscular arms hinted at beneath his armour. However, the sight of his perfectly sculpted upper body, revealed before your eyes, made you swallow hard. Even more so as your eyes landed on his thick, fully hard cock ready to claim you. You yelped as Masema grabbed you by your hips and flipped over on your stomach in one quick motion.
“I’m not done with you yet, my sweet little dragon,” he whispered into your ear, pushing your dress up your ass and pulling you to your knees. You whimpered as his large, rough palms landed on your buttock, spreading your cheeks.
“Perfect, so perfect,” Masema grunted, teasing your entrance with his finger. You moaned and pushed back into his touch. “Patience, beautiful,” he chuckled, “trust me, I know exactly what you need, and I’ll give it to you.” 
A muffled cry escaped your lips as Masema’s hand reached out, grabbing your hair, and pulled you up back flush against his chest. His left hand fingers wrapped around your throat, squeezing it slightly, just enough to pull a soft whine from you.
“I’ll give it to you, if you’ll ask me nicely,” Masema’s breath hot against your neck made shivers go down your spine or were it his words and hoarse, lust drunken voice? You couldn’t tell, you didn’t care, you were unable to think straight your mind swept clear from any other thought apart from the need to have him finally inside you, to feel him use you, to fuck you into madness.
“Please,” you gasped, your breath getting more ragged with each passing moment.
“Please, what?” Masema whispered, his left hand still around your throat, the other squeezing your breast, fingers rubbing your hardened nipple.
“Please, fuck me. Take me,” a deep moan rolled over your lips as Masema pressed you down and pushed his hard length into your tightness with a loud groan. He paused for a moment, savouring the feeling of your walls squeezing around him and taking him in.
“So sweet, so bold and dearing and yet so obedient, and so fucking tight, you are a gift of the Creator himself,” Masema hummed, as he pulled out and slammed back into you, making you moan and gasp as his pace was picking up. He was not gentle, not in the way his fingers dug into your flesh, to keep you in place, not in the way his hips snapped against you, as he forced himself deeper and deeper into you with each thrust, not in the way his hand found its way to you hair again, jerking you up against his chest, making you cry out both in pain and pleasure simultaneously. 
Your eyes were rolling back into your head, breath catching in your chest, as Masema fucked you relentlessly, mercilessly, his groans filling your ears, and your body responded to his every touch, every rough thrust. Nobody had ever desired you so carnally, so intensively, his hold on you so primal and possessive, determined to bring you to the highs of pleasure you had never experienced before, driving you mad and pushing you higher and higher.
“More, by the light, Masema, I need more,” you mewled and the wild growl that ripped through Masema left you grinning as he pushed you back down to the blanket, seized your hips in an iron grip, you were sure to leave bruises and marks in your soft flesh, and fastened his pace.
You tried to muffle your moans with your hand, but Masema was quick to grab it and pull your arm behind your back.
“Don’t be shy, my sweet dragon, there is nobody who could hear you in this cursed world you’ve brought us to,” he chuckled, “I want to hear you, I want to hear how much you enjoy my cock.”
You didn’t answer, unable to make any coherent word, your voice trapped in the depths of your throat, but the wanton sounds rolling over your lips were the only response he needed as he kept pounding into you, fucking you breathless. 
You could feel Masema’s movements getting sloppier, his heavy breathing turning into hoarse, rugged panting, and you clawed your fingernails forcefully in the blanket, closing your eyes as Masema let go of your arm and reached between your thighs, his fingers rubbing your pulsing clit, giving you the last push you needed to fall again into oblivion. The climax shot through your body with the force of a lightning, your limbs trembling as you screamed Masemas name into the black void around you. You would have collapsed from the intensity of your orgasm washing over you, if not for Masema’s hands holding your hips tightly as he kept fucking you through your peak, loud groans leaving his lips as he came just moments later, his cock twitching inside you and filling you with his warm seed. 
You slumped down onto the blanket the moment Masema’s hands let go of you and he followed you crushing down beside you, both panting hard. You didn’t expect that, but Masema’s arms wrapped around you, pulling you flush to his chest as his lips planted tender kisses on the top of your head.
"You didn't believe me," you whispered between panting breaths. 
"Oh, I believe you. More importantly, I believe in you. You brought us here, and you'll bring us back. I have no doubts about it, my little dragon," he whispered, nuzzling against your hair.
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“Wake up,” Masema rattled your shoulder, tearing you away from the sweet world of dreams.
“Just one last moment,” you muttered without opening your eyes, your arms reaching out, seeking the warmth of his body.
“There's no time. Wake up! They're approaching,” the urgency in Masema's voice jolted you from your slumber.
“Who's approaching?” you asked, your eyes fluttering wide open.
“I would rather ask what is approaching,” Masema chuckled. “Can't you hear it?”
The wild roar that tore through the air made you jump to your feet.
“What was that?” you asked, fear etched on your face.
“I think it might be some friends of our yesterday's acquaintance,” Masema chuckled, “And they are coming in company. Sweetie, it's time to go home,” his gaze slid expectantly over you.
“What? But I can’t. Masema, I have no idea how,” you sobbed.
“Listen to me. I've been thinking about what you told me. Do you know what the locals call these stones?”
“No,” you shivered, listening to the sounds of wild roars and feeling the earth trembling beneath your feet.
“Obanda stones. Obanda means 'door' in the old tongue. This must be how you got us here—through the stones. And this is how you can bring us back.”
“Masema, it's insane. I have no idea how to do that,” desperation laced your voice.
Masema's fingers brushed against your cheeks, and he cupped your chin to raise your head.
“I'm here to protect you. Whatever comes. I don't care who you are. I don't care what power you wield. I will protect you, always,” the certainty in his voice, devoid of doubt or hesitation,  sent a shiver down your spine.
"Look at me," he commanded, and as if drawn by an irresistible force, you raised your gaze to meet his eyes.
"Give me your hand," he continued, and you complied, raising your arm. You flinched as Masema's large, rough palm wrapped around your fingers, squeezing them painfully. "I'm here with you. Hold on to me. I believe in you. You brought us here, you’ll bring us back. You can do it," he reassured, his other arm wrapping around your waist as he pulled you tightly against his muscular body.
"Now, I want you to put your hand on the stone," he breathed against your ear. The calmness and certainty in his voice were hypnotising, leaving no room for doubt. The howling and growling around you grew closer as the beasts encircled you. Your heart raced in your chest, as panic and fear enveloped you. 
"I can’t do it! Masema, I’m so sorry. It’s all my fault. I never learned to use it properly. I don’t know how to do it," words tumbled from your lips in an unstoppable rush, your body shaking uncontrollably. You had brought this doom upon both of you. Your ignorance, your unwillingness to embrace the power bestowed upon you had led you here, and it would be the death of you both. "I can’t do it. I’m so sorry, Masema," tears rolled down your cheeks.
There was no point in trying, all you wanted was to turn around, to gaze into his mismatched eyes, to melt into his embrace, bury your nose into his chest, and breathe in his scent for the one last time. But Masema’s firm grip on your waist prevented you from doing so.
“I can’t,” you sobbed, leaning heavily against him as your knees grew weak and wobbly, “I just can’t do it.”
“Raise your hand,” Masema ordered, squeezing your fingers again. The pain jolted through your body, sharpening your hazy mind. There was something in his voice that brooked no disobedience. Despite your reluctance, despite having already given up and resigned yourself to the approaching death, you obeyed. You raised your quivering hand, reaching out almost to touch the cold surface. A piercing howl echoed just behind you, and you froze, your palm mere millimetres from the stone.
"Don’t look back. Close your eyes and listen to me," Masema's voice remained steady, unwavering. It washed over your senses like a waterfall—soft, low, and slightly husky, yet remarkably calm and soothing. Even his breath maintained a steady rhythm, as if he were engaged in a casual conversation over breakfast rather than standing with you in the midst of nowhere, surrounded by hungry, bloodthirsty creatures, his only hope of escape hanging by the fragile thread of a scared girl, unsure of how to wield the power she possessed.
Masema's presence enveloped you like a soft cloud, calming the tempest of your swirling thoughts. His steady heartbeat seemed to set a new, measured rhythm for your own racing heart. The world around you faded away, leaving only his firm, commanding yet gentle voice echoing in your mind.
"Touch the stone," Masema whispered into your ear, pressing you tightly against his chest. "Don’t think. Feel. I trust you."
You couldn’t recall giving your hand the command to move forward, but it did so the very moment Masema’s words left his lips. The stone felt unforgivingly cold, its polished surface so smooth that you could feel each and every cut and line of the ancient runes engraved in it. Closing your eyes, you pressed your palm more firmly against it, with Masema’s hot breath on your neck serving as the only reminder of the world around you, the sole connection grounding you as you reached out for the source of light within you and it answered your call, pulsing and growing within you.
You trembled, the power scorching through you, burning from within, seeping into every cell of your body, every corner of your mind, its radiance swallowing you. So many times had you tried to reach for that power, you knew dwelling inside you. You could sense it, an unending pool of light and warmth, retreating each time you consciously called upon it. And now it was suddenly there, flickering around your fingertips, permeating in your breath, wafting around you with the strength of a tempest, flowing in a ceaseless current, begging to be tamed and channelled. 
Now it was you, squeezing Masemas hand with all the strength you had, seeking refuge in his unwavering confidence, in his steady breath on your neck, in his rhythmic heartbeat, as with a loud cry you channelled your power into the stone.
Suddenly, it was quiet around you. No howling, no growls, no sounds of approaching paws causing the earth to tremble beneath your feet. Slowly, you opened your eyes. You were still standing in the same place, your palm pressed against the stone, Masema’s muscular arm around your waist, his other hand squeezing your left hand. You breathed in the fresh air, smelling of grass and rain. Rain! The realisation hit you like lightning.
“I did it!” a cry of triumph vibrated through your body. “Masema, I did it! We're back.”
In the next moment, you were turned around as light as a feather and pressed against the stone, with Masema towering over you.
“My little dragon, my powerful girl,” was all he said as his lips crushed against yours.
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zaldritzosrose · 2 months
Now We Burn (Masema Dagar x Goddess!Reader)
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Summary: Masema had become a devoted follower the moment he saw you, but he had never anticipated how far he would go to prove his devotion. (Part Four in the Burn Series)
Part One Part Two Part Three
TW: MINORS DNI, She/Her pronouns, afab reader, mentions of violence, soft Masema, marking, branding (sort of), p in v sex, oral (m receiving), Masema showing his crazy, mentions of death.
Words: 3115 words
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Expansion, that was what was on the mind of Masema and the small circle of followers he had gathered as a makeshift council. Your temple was well hidden but the township that surrounded it had soon served its purpose. Your following had outgrown it and Masema had begun searching for a new home worthy of you. A palace of his Goddess.
The council had been meeting night after night, pouring of map after map. Scouring the surrounding lands for somewhere that could house their number but that would also be a seat, for all intents and purposes, for a Queen.
The list was dwindling. Masema was very specific in what he wanted. Not only did the target need to be worthy of you, but it had to be a show of your power. A show of strength in taking it in your name.
After a week of planning, one city was finally agreed upon.
West of Altara, Amadicia was quite the prize. One, for its ability to house the people of your township. Two, for the glory taking it would bring you and your followers. Amadicia, thought its king would argue the fact, was ruled by a group named the Children of Light. Opposed to channelling and Aes Sedai, the Children had a chokehold on Amadicia. Punishing channelers, namely the women.
That fact alone made Masema burn with anger. It made him want to take the city for you even more.
He brought the suggestion to you on one of the few nights you joined your followers for a communal meal.
“We have an idea, something I hope you will approve of?” Masema began, seeing your questioning gaze at the use of ‘we’.
“We? Who is the ‘we’ you speak of first?”
Masema glanced at the council. The group was sat together at the opposite end of the banquet table that had been built in the centre of the township. It was rare for you to deny any idea of his, the bind he had to you influenced him more than he likely knew. He felt what you felt, as you did him.
“Some trusted members, people I can trust to help serve you.”
You nodded, sipping your wine and watching the group he was looking at. Though you said nothing. Masema took your silence as approval and continued.
“This place is no longer suited to us, your following as outgrown it. We have been searching for an alternative.”
The way you looked at him now probably would have made any other person blush and falter. A mix of pride and desire in your eyes as you smiled at him.
“And what is this place you have deemed so worthy?”
You were curious. Until Rand, and then Masema, you had rarely felt the need to leave your temple and its surroundings. But now, there was a temptation to expand and conquer.
Masema stood quickly, bringing a smaller map to spread between your plates of food. It was far easier to show you than describe. You had long since told him that the names he and the others used for the cities of the Westlands were not the ones you knew.
You had lived so long, even your own name had been lost to time, named now however those around you chose. Dragon. Goddess. Whatever they saw fit.
His finger pointed to a city you did, however, recognise the name of. It was a name murmured between many of your followers. Some had even fled from persecution there. Channelers, come to your side to save themselves from death at the hands of the Children of Light.
A group you had come to despise without knowing them yourself. Magic, in all forms, was the essence of yourself and your long-forgotten kin. It was what burned in your veins. What fuelled your fire and chaos. It was the only tie that still held you and the Dark One together. One and the same, darkness and chaos, pulled apart by the Dark One’s own hubris.
And taking a seat like Amadicia? That would give you a hold you could not pass on. To remind not only your dark kin of your existence, but to remind the world of who you were and what you could become.
You turned to Masema, lacing your hands over the city marker.
“Take it, I hold the trust that you know what is best.”
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It did not take much to rally your followers. Those that were capable in battle were quick to offer their weapons to your cause, barely questioning where they were going. They simply wished to serve you.
Those unfit for battle, prepared to tear down the township to leave. Collecting belongings. Packing carts and horses to carry children and the like. Your whole following wanting nothing more than to follow you wherever you went.
You had one request, however. While you were powerful no matter where you resided, you were at your mightiest within the walls of your temple. Your altar, though seemingly nothing to special to most, held the very essence of you. Your fire, it could be said.
Only Masema was permitted to be close to it aside from you, and he took it upon himself to carefully store it away to be carried with you. Only he knew what the vessel looked like, and only he would ever know.
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The journey was a hard one, transporting so many soldiers, followers and the like. A camp was built a day’s ride from the city and any who were not suited for battle, save for a few protectors, were soon preparing for the upcoming fight.
A makeshift temple was created for you, with your sacred vessel in the centre. It was where you would reside, a small area set aside solely for your comfort. The first to enter was, as expected, Masema. Most others worshipped outside, leaving offerings they deemed worthy of you.
With only a single day left to prepare, Masema was on edge. Leaving on his violent pilgrimages in your name was one thing, but a battle was not something he had fought in a short while. He was almost as nervous, he wagered, as the first time he had ever fought in such a way.
You were sat in a pile of plush cushions, almost akin to a bird in a nest. A small fire burned before you, bathing the entire room in a soft, orange light. Masema entered quietly, but as usual you were immediately aware of his presence.
“Is everything prepared?” you asked, turning to look at him as he lowered himself to sit at your side.
He was quiet a moment longer, looking at the soft twirl of your hands over the flames. It was rare anyone saw your true form, but over time Masema had seen tastes of it. The vein like cracks in your skin, burning bright as though lava flowed beneath your skin. The flames before you only magnified it and he watched in fascination until you asked the same question again.
He looked into your eyes as he answered.
“Yes, the soldiers are ready, and scouts have already begun making their way down towards the city to find a means of entry.” He said softly, eyes still flitting towards your hands.
You pulled them away, returning his focus back to the conversation. Masema had brought his belongings in with him, a silent request to spend the night at your side.
“But I have something to ask of you.” He seemed more serious now than you had ever seen him, and the tension in his voice had you more on edge than expected.
“And that would be?”
Masema sighed. He was not good with emotions. He was not always a man to show them openly. But this was weighing on him.
“I need you to remain behind. For your safety. I could not bear the thought of…”
You knew what he wanted to say. You could feel the heaviness in his soul, your connection having only grown stronger since you had offered him your fire. You turned fully to face him, a soft hand finding his jaw to keep him looking at you. Those bi-coloured eyes you adored seemed so sad. Fearful almost.
“I cannot. You are doing this for me, and my protection is best when we are close.”
Your thumb stroked over his cheek. It was rare for you both to be so soft and open with each other. It was not for want of trying. But human emotion was always so foreign to you, but Masema had been bringing out feelings in you that you had never expected.
He had never looked so small. His hair loose, his eyes the saddest you had ever seen them. And you wished for nothing more than to fix his pain.
Masema twisted so he knelt before you, his back to the fire. The flames were warm against his back, but it was a feeling he had come to welcome since it reminded him of you.
“Then you will remain at my side, where I can protect you.”
Your other hand joined the first, holding his face between your hands.
“You have been so loyal, Masema Dagar, more loyal than any that have ever served me.”
You may never say the words aloud, but you could not describe your feelings for him any other way. He was like an extension of you, of your very soul. As you were for him.
“I love you, my goddess,” he whispered, leaning forward to rest his forehead against yours.
“And I you…”
The words hung in the air, a profession of love wrought from the fear of losing the other. The silence remained, with the two of you soon curled together before the fire. A final night of peace.
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Morning came and the camp was filled with the sounds of an army readying itself for battle. Masema woke before you did, slipping you from his embrace to begin dressing himself battle. But almost immediately, his absence woke you.
Neither of you spoke as you helped him. Sat before the fire once more as your hands worked carefully to tie his hair back into his topknot, taking care and time. Almost as though you were not ready for the moment to end.
Your hands were gentle as you helped him with his armour. Strapping each piece to his body, Masema’s eyes following your every move.
When you exited your makeshift temple, the camp was now a sea of hurried soldiers and families wishing their loved ones luck. You and Masema walked side by side, fingers brushing against each other.
As you reached the centre of your camp, Masema called out to the soldiers, rallying them before you. The words you spoke were simple, but you could feel the reverent eyes upon you. Each listening to every syllable you spoke, taking them to heart.
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The scouts had found two entrances and a plan had been devised. All that remained, was to take the city itself. There was a mix of warriors in your mix. From seasoned soldiers, having fought more battles than could be counted. To channelers, who had prepared their power for the sole purpose of bringing down city defences. Then there was everyone between.
Masema lead the charge, with one of his most trusted friends in charge of a second group ordered to take the second entrance. While you had never seen a mortal battle for yourself, your trust in Masema made you more than ready to believe this was all possible.
But a Goddess was never one to be predictable, and you were the embodiment of chaos.
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The guards at the walls had fallen quickly, but everyone knew the true challenge remained inside. The Children of the Light were warriors in their own right, and not much was known of their prowess. But on your side, there were numbers and the art of surprise. You could tell immediately the city believed itself so powerful that no one would dare take it.
All that remained, was the palace sat high in the centre of the city. The place where your new throne would be.
Though some of your own had fallen, those that remained were only buoyed by your presence in the midst of the battle. Close to Masema’s side as he had wished.
The closer your army came to the city, the more they looked to you. And there were a few tricks you had kept hidden from them all, including Masema. Things you only bestowed upon your most loyal fighters.
Masema rallied them once more, preparing a plan to attack the palace itself. You strolled between each one, a hand moving over each of them. Silently transferring a small tendril of your fire to them, to protect them.
You saved Masema for last, a special prize solely for him. A hand rested on each of his arms, the warmth he relished branding his skin once more. But this time, it was your mark of protection. But what you did next surprised them all. A hand trailed down to his sword, those molten veins appearing on your skin for all to see. Flames licking around the steel of his sword, wrapping it around the length of it and lighting the blade like a beacon.
“The most loyal…” you whispered, pressing a kiss to his armoured shoulder before stepping back and allowing him to take command.
The army surged forward, Masema at the helm with his flamed blade held high above his head. But you had saved your best for last. The army was ahead of you as you let the fire in your veins consume you, the cracks in your skin widening and spreading across your entire body until you were barely human anymore.
It was as a sight that once struck fear into mortals, and you could only hope it would do so again.
Soldiers fell at your feet as you rushed forward to join your following, leaving nothing but flaming tendrils in your wake. Between you and your army, destruction was all that was left of Amadicia.
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The city was soon at your mercy, the few remaining Children of Light begging to be spared. They fell to your feet, pleading with you to let them join your cause. That they had seen that you were the true power. But you left the choice to your followers. Some even having fled to your side to escape Amadicia and the persecution within.
You left the hall, ignoring the screams of mercy. You knew your followers would make the right choices, but your focus was now solely on Masema.
Your lover lounging on the heavy throne that he had taken in your name. His sword no longer wrapped in flame as it rested against the steps beneath.
“It suits you.” You smiled, walking up to him and settling at his feet.
Masema knew that look in your eyes, a look of hunger, desire. And he would always give into you.
“The throne is for you, my dragon. Fit for a queen…”
Your hands rested on his thigh, your chin on his knee. There was one thing on your mind, to continue to reward your most loyal follower. The one who had taken a city in your name, that had built an army of follows out of his devotion to you.
“And will you remain at my side?”
Your hands travelled up, Masema’s eyes watching your every move and matching the intensity of your gaze.
“I would burn a thousand cities to remain at your side.”
Masema spread his legs to accommodate you, his skin hot with the anticipation of your next move. It was rare for you ever to be in submission to him. Not that you never offered, he just always felt it was beneath one as powerful as you.
“Then we shall burn them, my love…” Your voice was soft, seductive, as you finally loosened the ties of his trousers.
He had long since discarded his armour, as if anticipating a victorious embrace with you. His heart was beating hard, a mixture of excitement at the new name you had graced him with and the sensation of your hands tugging his cock free of the fabric.
“Will you let me show you how much I am devoted to you, as you have done so many times for me?”
Masema’s head hit the back of the throne with a groan, your words lost to him as the heat of your mouth wrapped around the thick length of his cock. His hands easily finding your hair, doing no more than holding you in place as you set a torturous pace.
Your tongue stroked of the vein that wrapped around it, teasing each inch of him until he was gently rutting his hips up into your mouth.
Moans and growls of your name soon left him, and you did not stop him as he began to quicken the pace of his thrusts. His cock hitting the back of your throat in the most delicious way. But you wanted nothing more than to please him. To worship him as he had you so many times.
Soon the throne room was filled with the wet sounds of his cock sliding in and out of your mouth, and his heavy grunts only increasing in volume. It was not long before he was on the edge of release, his hand tight in your hair as he tugged you from him.
You had expected nothing less, he never once spilled himself anywhere other than within you.
Strong arms tugged you to his lap, tearing the singed dress from your body as he pushed his way inside. Your own head falling back from the sheer adrenaline of battle and the intensity of your need for him.
His pace was relentless, slamming his hips into you as if nothing meant more to him than your joined pleasures. It was not long before you were chanting his name, as if he were the god and you the humble worshipper. Your hands gripped the back of the throne hard, your own fire singing the material beneath your skin.
Your peak crashed of you with a scream, your hips rolling as your walls milked him for all he had. And it was not long before he followed you, his face buried in your chest as he panted out your name.
The two of you remained entwined for a time, the sounds of your breaths the only sound in the room.
A goddess and her servant. A dragon and her sword.
A Queen and her King.
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@legitalicat @sihtricsafin @sihtricfedaraaahvicius @foxyanon @thenameswinter99
Also...this is a birthday present for the sweetest of humans, my darling Foxy! I love you and I hope you enjoy! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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lovecorrupted · 3 years
        import requests         requests = requests.get(“https://api.open-notify.org/WILL-GRAHAM-files”)         print(response.status_code)
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ACCESSING...  —  welcome to avengers campus,  isn’t it nice to be back,  WILL GRAHAM  ?  it’s been so long since i’ve seen you being a typical FOURTY year old FORENSIC PSYCHOLOGY PROFESSOR,  the image of HUGH DANCY against the retroreflective panels of headquarter buildings.  feels like forever since i’ve seen you hanging around THE LIBRARY.  i don’t blame you,  though;  it fits your vibes perfectly given everyone associates you with THE GOLDEN GLOW OF A PENDULUM IN SWING,  WAVES CRASHING AGAINST A SHORELINE,  &  BLOOD LOOKING BLACK IN THE MOONLIGHT makes sense too:  considering you’re known for being + INTUITIVE  &  + STEADFAST, even when you can be quite - BRUTAL  &  - VENGEFUL,  too.
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tws:  genre-typical violence,  gore / explicit depictions of body horror,  murder,  death
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What do you think would have happened in the Ray Route if he hadn't been taken away by Rika? If she'd just let things play out naturally without interfering would Ray have agreed to leave with MC eventually, do you think?
Rika stepped in because she knew that Ray was going to get to a point where he was going to leave with you. She saw how close he was getting to you over time and the more she was able to see, the more she realized that Ray was going to risk everything to keep you safe and sound.
He gave you special treatment. He made you a fake elixir if things got to be horrible.
He admitted time and time again that Mint Eye was a bad place and that he wished that he could go somewhere happy with you. Even at the times where he doubted himself and kept getting lost between if he wanted to stay in paradise with you or imagine a world outside with you.
Ray's loyalty was to you. It wasn't to Rika. It shifted drastically and quickly in a matter of seconds. He decided that the way he felt with you was bliss. It was better than anything that he ever knew. You've given him faith in that part of him that believes in hope and fairytales.
Here's the thing, though, Ray's willing to do a lot of things for you but he's scared. He's scared of the outside world. He's scared because he was burned over and over again. Rika didn't abandon him as far as he knows and everyone else did, while the rest of the world didn't care if he lived or died.
He knows that Mint Eye isn't right, but it's all that he has. That's why he stays. When you try to tell him that there's a world that he can be able to survive in, he wants to daydream about it but... his fear is still right there inside of him.
Cult manipulation doesn't get fixed in a day or two. This would take a while to work on with him.
Like, when he wakes up later on after Suit Saeran breaks down, he admits in a bleary haze that he dreamed of escaping with you and being truly happy, but he's not allowed to have that because Rika's punished him for having a heart and a soul.
Rika saw the kiss that night, or someone told her because that's why she took Ray away. She knew that the minute you kissed Ray, that's the moment that she needed to "get rid" of him because if Ray isn't her devoted son, then he's no longer needed.
Rika's trying to treat him like her son, but the longer she's in the cult—
The less she thinks of him like a son and the more she thinks of him as an object. She claims that she'll be a better mother to him than his mother was than her mother was to her, but... the idea of being a parent doesn't click for Rika.
She likes the idea, the respect, and the power it brings to her, but not the actual parts of parenting that matter. That happens in the AE, it's clear she wants a dollhouse family and nothing more. She wants to be able to live in a fantasy.
Saeran would be crying and breaking down in the house that V brought them to, and in flashbacks, you'll see her slowly start to put the wool over his eyes to trick him into listening to her and leaning on her. It's all about her interests and never Ray.
So, she's going to destroy Ray, Suit Saeran, and Unknown if they don't fulfill her needs. It's as simple as that. It's painful but that's just what she does the longer that she's in charge of Mint Eye and that's that. It's inevitable. It's not a matter of would she do it, it's a matter of when she'll do it.
I think Ray would hesitate if you begged him to leave. He might come to a point where he gets you out. He even begged you to run after all that happened with Suit Saeran, so it's not wrong to say that he has the likelihood of getting you out of dodge and lying to protect you as much as he can.
But, much like the BRE, I don't think he would allow himself to leave that place. He might assume that he belongs there and that this is all he can ever have but he can protect you this way and that's what he cares about. Protecting you is all he wants. You're his prince/ss and he loves you...
He has to protect you.
Ray wants to believe in you, fairytales, and escaping, but it's not a very likely outcome for him to leave that place. Even if Rika didn't punish him that soon, it's very likely that it would happen eventually, and the same outcome would happen. So I don't think that it's at all possible for Ray.
I want to believe, though, that it could be, but realistically, this isn't a big possibility. If he does leave, he does consider the option to go and never look back... if it's Ray?
The two of you are likely leaving and not looking back at Mint Eye or the RFA. If he commits, he's giving himself to it, and he's going to feel shame and guilt over it, too.
He'll be paranoid and plagued by his choices but he can be guided to the light with you. This wouldn't be ideal because he wouldn't know what happens to anyone but... he can't bring himself to look back. All he needs is you and the paradise outside... maybe you can get ice cream and work odd jobs to get by...
It would be something.
I did write a story about convincing Suit Saeran to leave if you're curious about that.
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kiriharaakira · 4 years
Hello, Yashiro. How are you?
It is wired that Yashiro always mess around with different men. If he hate sex so much that he cannot accept any affection in sex, why doesn’t him stop? Why he continued his twist life around all the strange men?
What’s wrong with Yashiro?
PAC Transactional Analysis Was a theory suggested by Canadian Psychologist named Eric Berne. This theory suggested grown up (people with fully developed mental cogitation system) thinks in generally 3 different states. Parent state (caring or dominating), Adult state (logically reasonable), and Child state (Emotionally indulge). Eric Berne suggested all these states were developed and modified by childhood experience. 
For example : Why do you brush your teeth every morning? Were you born to know how to put on your clothes? How do you know how to tie your shoelace?
We are not born as civilian. We were educated to be one. our parents taught us our daily routine as an educated human. We learned from our parents’ reaction, and we imitate their daily life style. The daily words and deeds of our parents formed our childhood, and our childhood formed our lifelong personality.
So what happened to Yashiro’s childhood?
As we all understand, Yashiro was violated by a grown man at a very young age. A young age when his personality was still in the developing state. While a child was still forming his lifelong personality, the education he received was lust and violence and betrayal. What personality can this child develop?
In CP 35.5, Nanahara made a very powerful statement (Despite he was stupid and idiot and...) : “If he was forced to do it as a child, then he could be twisted into ‘That kind of man’ even if he wasn’t...For him, doing it is like smoking cigarette. It’s not that he wants to do it. He just couldn’t stop.”
Yashiro was twisted into a shameful man at his very young age, and once his personality was fully developed (Usually at 10~15 for regular teenagers), there is no going back for him.
Yashiro knew it is bad to mess around like this. Even he himself feel shameful for his deeds (”I am a twisted man who, even in this twisted path of Yakuza, I can still make out a more twisted path.” CP 42), but this is his daily routine, his personality formed by his twisted pedants. A characteristic that carved into his bone, like the basic system written in a computer as it was created. If there is any changes needed to make in this computer, the only way is to destroy the whole system and start anew.
“If I am to accept him, I will have to abandon myself. What is this meant for me, he will never understand.” (CP 32)
The damage to Yashiro has done. His mental state has finished developing. No matter he felt shameful or prideful for himself, his fate was sealed. If he was to change into a regular man, he will need to abandon his whole personality and develop anew as a child. But who will treat a 40 years old as a 4 years old?
As I see in the story, there is no rescue for Yashiro. I really Really hope Doumeki can do anything to save his broken soul.
Referenced by---- Games People Play: The Basic Handbook of Transactional Analysis By  Eric Berne (https://books.google.com.hk/books?id=D9dOBAAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=eric+berne+transactional+analysis&hl=zh-TW&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiQhY3K6MztAhXDFIgKHf5HBdoQ6AEwAnoECAMQAg) Counselling for Toads: A Psychological Adventure By  Robert de Board (https://books.google.com.hk/books?id=l26FAgAAQBAJ&lpg=PP1&dq=Counselling%20for%20Toads%3A%20A%20Psychological%20Adventure&hl=zh-TW&pg=PP1#v=onepage&q&f=false) Transactional Analysis Derivatives An Approach to Organizational Change and Development  BY Jose Mathews (https://ssrn.com/abstract=2685531)
Special Thanks to---- 紫殇迹沫_不开3rdsolo不改名 (https://m.weibo.cn/n/%E7%B4%AB%E6%AE%87%E8%BF%B9%E6%B2%AB_%E4%B8%8D%E5%BC%803rdsolo%E4%B8%8D%E6%94%B9%E5%90%8D) Author of Saezuru Analysis CP.41 and CP.42 (and the upcoming CP.43) My Mentor of Saezuru Analysis
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unfocused reaction to Path of Daggers
I finished Path of Daggers and hoo boy. not a lot happened. but kinda did. a bunch of stuff was set up for the next books but not a huge amount happened in this one. we're in the slog now babey!!
i can imagine reading this in like 1998 and being dissatisfied and having to wait another year for more story. i kinda feel like that and i can just roll on to the next book.
there were bits and bobs where i was interested, particularly about the aes sedai, but it seemed like this was the filler to get to the major plots later. which i get, but that basically happened for every single character and that's frustrating.
okay lets get into it story by story.
elayne, nynaeve & aviendha:
they use the bowl
they transport the kin and sea folk to andor and make a nuke accidentally
they travel to camelyn
very cool 7 second scene with dark friend reveal in the party
elayne claims the throne, nynaeve bones down but doesnt want anyone to know, aviendha is kinda there, birgitte is a bamf for takin all them arrows in the begining.
writing this out, i'm struggling to remember individual scenes with them, which is a bummer cos i like this crew a lot. the bowl was very cool in the beginning, the magic nuke was cool* how affected the plot later (*v confused as to what actually happened to the power here tho, they didn't explain it more in rand's part)
egwene, siuan, and aes sedai rebels:
they're on the move from salidar
egwene struggles to carve out her authority, siuan coaches her about amyrlin badassery
eggy asserts herself v publicly when gathering their forces with the nobles, declares war on elaida, all around wins
salidar forces move on tar valon (but doesn't show us the battle? is it over in the last chapter? i was confused), siuan tragically has fallen in love with gareth bryne (rip to moiraine), TUNE IN NEXT TIME FOR THIS PLOT.
This one had more meat than the other wondergirls, so i was into it, but it was a little slow in parts. i wish the siege of tar valon was something i got to see, cos if not, that fuckin sucks. its a huge moment and if its offscreen, im gonna be bummed. love siuan, but damn these romances.
honestly i wish that bryne and morgase would be reunited. that's a stronger plot for them than being paired off with the next person they see after breaking up. like morgase publicly shamed and exiled bryne while mind controlled! there's good story and character moments there. they had been together like 15 years! wouldn't morgase feel guilty and want to make it right? wouldn't bryne think something was fishy but was too hurt to trust her again? that's way better than having morgase rob a cradle and whatever bryne & siuan are doing. anyway.
perrin & faile:
get to where messima is, accidentally find morgase (comediè)
elayas comes back (tragediè)
meets messima for 1 scene
faile gets kidnapped by the shaido
oof this one. this was a lot of wasted time. that scene with messima should have been halfway thru the book, more drawn out, more drama! i don't get why people like elayas, perrin already accepted the wolves help at dumai's wells, it seems to me he has already come to terms with that, what is elayas bringing to the table. he felt out of place in the first book and here too. berlaine hate is tired, i don't dislike faile but jordan is doing everything he can to assassinate any of my good faith with her. come on.
rand and that whole thing:
he did something between getting ilian's crown and attacking the seanchan, but i'm totally blanking
kinda whiffed that attack on the seanchan
wtf is up with cadsuanne? she's kinda the worst
captured aes sedai swore fealty to him
very confusing end sequence where some ashaman tried to kill him?
honestly, im tired of rand's story at the moment. i get he's under stress, i get he's being forced to do things he hates, but i don't care about him. im sorry i tried! but i've realized im not reading the book for him, i have other favorites. a lot of it's the same angst and im ready for something new from him. the idea he wants to tap nynaeve to help him clean saidin is a neat idea. yes, do that. give it a rest lews therin.
the only parts i really liked, no reservations was the stuff in the white tower. Dark friends babeyyyyy!!
tl;dr lots of set up for next book made this one unsatisfying on its own. bits of cool stuff here and there, but overall a bit of a bore.
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otome-silvynne · 4 years
Thoughts on Saeran's After End
Okay I think I've finally got my thoughts together enough to write this lol. I will try to keep it as organised as possible!
TL;DR - I loved the amount of work put into this AE. The CGs and new sprites were absolutely stunning (not the hands) but I wasn't a huge fan of some of the writing choices.
Okay let's start this mess of a post with what I liked about the AE!
The new CGs, sprites, and emojis. I loved every single (positive) CG even though the art style changed a lot. Some of them were so cute I wanted to cry and Saeran's new sprites fit him really well I think. Though the crying one made my heart hurt 🥺
The length. Cheritz went above and beyond when it came to the length of the AE. I was really expecting it to be episodic like V's but the fact that it's a mini route was a cool surprise!
Calls/texts. The Cheritz team added a tonne of extra calls for this AE and though I've only seen the ones my friends have shared, there are some super cool ones that add interesting perspectives on the plot.
Good End/Normal End. I have some issues with the plot which I'll get to in the next section, but I really really loved the good end and normal end for the AE. They were both so heart-warming but I do think that a combination of both would have been the best ending.
Jumin Han. This poor poor man went through so much during this AE but holy crap did it make me love him even more. He really had some amazing character development and even though he was in a crisis, he still did everything in his power to help Saeran and MC and I think it really showed just how deep his loyalty goes. I love him.
Okay so this is where I get kind of ranty. Apologies in advance.
I find the plot of this AE to be unideal in... many ways. Though it was satisfying to finally have it after waiting so long I really wish they had done some things different, so let's get into it.
V. My #1 issue with the writing is what they did to Jihyun's characterization. It just really was not fair in the slightest and in my opinion it wasn't entirely accurate to him. (Feel free to call me out for being biased, I have role-played as this man for years now.) V and Saeran are actually tied as my favourite characters so as you could guess the prologue for this hurt me so so so bad. V never seemed like the type of man to turn on his friends like that. Not even for Rika or his obsession with her - he has always made shitty decisions or has been mysterious, but he would never betray them like that and he was never straight up evil like he sometimes seems to be in this. That man was not Jihyun to me - it was like he was a stranger.
Guilt tripping. There are multiple moments in the AE where they mention that "maybe V wouldn't have turned out that way if he met someone like MC" and it's kind of bullshit. It feels like they're blaming the player for choosing Saeran over Jihyun when they really shouldn't be - both are amazing characters and there is no reason the AE should have that kind of undertone at all. I might make another post about V if anyone wants to hear my opinion in more depth lol.
Forgiveness/Healing. Cheritz hasn't always been the best at portraying trauma and we know this but I felt like I should mention it anyway. This AE takes place two weeks after the end of Saeran's route. Keeping this in mind, every single interaction he has with Rika in the AE is just... unimaginable. For years he was brainwashed and manipulated by that woman and yet it seems like he feels nothing when he sees her again even though she has done unspeakable things to him. Realistically he would have felt fear or hatred or anything at all. I understand they said he healed a lot but completely getting over it? In two weeks?? I don't think so man.
PM/The agency. I feel like the focus should have been on them a bit more during the whole thing. A lot of the focus of the writing was on Rika and V when they were the least of the RFA's problems - they were dangerous and outright insane, but they wouldn't have killed anyone like the other antagonists.
Pain. Out of every single piece of media I've ever consumed - game or otherwise - this is the only thing that ever gave me physical chest pain from how upsetting it was. It made me so anxious I could not sleep at times and generally stressed me out lol. Some would probably see this as good writing or something impressive but it just felt awful for me because of how long we waited for this to come out. I was looking forward to seeing Saeyoung's rescue and everyone living happily (which is sort of the point of an AE, right?) but there was just so much heartache in between that it almost didn't feel worth it when I finally did get to the end.
BR End. I'm sure you all know the one lol cough collar cough cough and lord why on Earth is it so incredibly easy to get by accident? I got 100% on all three days when I played and still got it anyway - it sucks man. I had to start over and go through all of the stress mentioned above again and it wore me down. That being said, I do like how you're free (and expected) to be suspicious of Rika and V instead of forgiving them for literally drugging the entire RFA and making deals with criminals. Thanks man. Wish we didn't have to see them and the PM forgiven in the end anyway though :)
Okay /rant lmao. Obviously this is all a shortened version of my thoughts and it's still pretty long but I'm glad I could at least express this much. I have a lot of mixed feelings about this and I'd be glad to discuss more with other fans through DM or something and see other opinions. If you're interested you could message me here or @silvynne and if you read this far you are probably insane but also awesome so thank you.
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lovehatemysme · 4 years
If you’re doing requests could I ask for the rfa with a mc who from the very beginning was like “there’s weird shit going on with rika and v” and they all later find out what happened cause when I first played the game I was suspicious as hell, thank you and I love your writing its not too long and I don’t feel like it’s a huge chore to read it and you keep it interesting
Ahh thank you so much!! 🥰 I don’t want the stories to drag for too long because even then I would also be losing interest in it 😭
Aligned in Seven's Route and AE
Yoosung would be your best buddy!
“RIGHT MC SOMETHINGS SUSPICIOUS ABOUT V” he’s happy he found someone who understands him and as suspicious as he is??
Jumin would be very displeased about you two conspiring against V, especially with Rika already dead
but deep down he’s shaken up a little bit, he tries so hard to trust V wholeheartedly but with V always going mia and not saying anything makes it difficult
and Seven doesn’t really say anything, but he trust V so much with his life and doesn’t really fuel you with your suspicions 
Jaehee will also refrain from saying anything, only saying the suspicions will lead to nothing 
and Zen defends V, might even say you’re going out of line even dragging Rika who’s dead already
 but then Yoosung will come to your aid, saying how V was suspicious ever since she died
and V would only say how he’s sorry that everything seems to be that way
and when everything unveiled, boy was everyone shocked to their core
Yoosung was right, but he didn’t felt smug about it, he was mad he was right about suspecting everything
Jumin was broken and devastated, he hated how you were right about your suspicions but he stood his ground and did everything in his power to still help V and Rika to cover everything up
Seven’s faith to V was shaken, and after everything he couldn’t care less anymore about them as long as he had his brother 
Zen apologized if he offended you before as you were right about everything, he still couldn’t believe it and tries his best to console Yoosung
you were right.... you were right but everyone was broken
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suncatchr · 4 years
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some updated designs!! lots to say about these!!
Emilia and Mateo’s “Imaginary” Designs
I have a plot update for them ;w; I thought, since their whole motif is arts and performance, that it would be cute to write in a playground roleplay element to their story! Besically as kids, they make up a fantasy world that they play in together whenever they get a free second! In off-time, Mateo writes stories and makes art of their characters, and Emilia starts learning to play music so that she can compose theme songs for them. Emilia’s character is a fire witch who’s able to comfortably use her powers bc they live in a more magical world. Mateo’s character is a healer who follows Emilia on her quests to save the places she defends. I thought it would be a nice place to kick off their obsessions with creativity, and also that it would be kinda fun to do a plot within a plot and kinda try to make up a story that two kids would.
These outfts are the designs they thought up in their game. Mateo later drew up the designs, this being most obvious from the rose on Emilia’s belt. Her gloves keep her magic in when she doesn’t need it, and the cloak is fireproof. Mateo’s outfit is based on a plague doctor’s, but for ease, the mask is just a piece of thick fabric that can be lifted up over his nose when he needs it. The rest of his body is covered to prevent him from contracting infections from fluids.
Holly and Masei
Nothing too new about these designs, their original designs were just way too simplistic bc i didn’t have much of an idea. Holly is a warrior, so his outfit is very lacking in layers and fabric. On the other hand, Masei is a prince, so his clothes are dumb layered and the little translucent piece is supposed to drive home just how extravagant he is.
Khauai, Haven, and Hakeem
I wanted their outfits to be more like their animal motifs! Cevon didn’t get a redesign because his current outfit is civilian clothes which. suits the fact that he gets his power taken away. Khauai is an owl, so his cloak is meant to reflect his wings and the puffy pants + slim boots mimic the legs of an owl. Haven is a selkie, so I gave him his seal coat to wear over his human form. I left the sweater, though, since it kinda melds both worlds for him as opposed to him only wearing his seal coat and Yearning for the Sea. Hakeem’s outfit is supposed to be lionlike, so I gave him the furry collar to be the mane and the furry boots to be his paws. It’s also a little more form-fitting bc he steals Cevon’s powers and as such becomes an incubus. I think he’d embrace that fully.
The Major Arcana
These characters have 3 things each that are part of their designs: an album, a Tarot card, and their name. I decided that the Tarot card would be more involved witht heir demeanour and how they present themselves, so the outfits are based on their album and their name.
Crow, obviously, is named for a crow. His clothing is layered to represent the feathers of a bird’s wing, and his cloak is ruffled to be shaped like the wings themselves. His album is After Hours. His heavy layers also represent him often blocking people out because he feels like he’ll just let them all down (a la Save Your Tears). At the same time, his outer cloak is open, because what he really wants is to be better, but it’s hard to make that go to the inner layers of himself (a la Faith). His clothes are all black.
Harley’s name means “meadow of hares.” His spikey hair is meant to represent windswept grass, while his inner vest is meant to be a little white bunny tumby and his boots are white at the toes to represent paws. His album is Beauty Behind the Madness. BBTM is a little sluttier than AH, so I had to kinda work around that, since Major Arcana generally wear old-fashioned clothing and lots of layers. Underneath his jacket, Harley’s arms are bare and his jeans are high-waisted so that when he’s free to do so, he can shift into hotboy mode. BBTM’s narration is also more smug and more detached, so I felt like that it made sense to give Harley a more modern outfit than everyone else, because he couldn’t care less about the customs of Major Arcana dress or how anyone feels about it. His clothes are brown and white.
Nakoa’s name means “warrior.” I gave him the harnesses on his back and leg to look like he’d be carrying weapons around, even though he never would. His album is Transmissions. The ablum gives off a very aching, yearning vibe, with the narrator sounding alone throughout the whole thing. His mission seems to be to find and protect someone else, while sticking staunchly to one’s ideals and values throughout the quest. Nakoa dresses like Major Arcana should, with his clothes being the most traditional of anyone’s. The lock necklace represents his loyalty to the Major Arcana (as in, he’s locked in) and the heart necklace (while in canon it represents his card: The Lovers), represents the person that the album’s narrator is talking about. I wanted to make him look very “tied up” in his clothes, so everything runs across him. This represents the loneliness at the album’s core; Nakoa is tied up in himself and effectively has no one but the cause to be loyal to. His clothes are purple and blue.
Sunday’s outfit is supposed to contrast Nakoa’s heavily. They don’t wear all of the ties and layers he does. Their design is meant to be open and welcoming, because their album is Dreamland. The narrator of Dreamland describes a troubled past in an expressive and upbeat way, and I thought I’d reflect that in the fact that Sunday is the eldest and effectively the most responsible for the whole group, yet they remain open and their layers stripped despite all that. Their name obviously reflects the sun, so the main colours of their outfit along w the sun at their collar represent the sunrise. Their outfit is iridescent (another ref to Dreamland’s aes), with bases of pale pink and yellow.
Arwen’s name means “royal maiden.” Her outfit is based on the most practical layer of mediaeval royal clothing, with her hood able to pull up to look like a victorian maiden’s bonnet. Her album is Hozier, but I’m going to be hinest and say most of her outfit was designed before this, so I couldn’t find a place to mix in the album..? So the colours of her clothing are the album cover’s colours: orange, blue, and brown.
Elio means sun. I have enough characters designed after the sun, so I went entirely album-based with him. His album is DIVISIONS, a rebellious, anticapitalist love letter to no one. The album is about adventure, love, and the future, so I wanted to give Elio a v futuristic and punky outfit. His outfit is my favourite out of all of them, but I don’t actually have much to say about it? I think it looks exactly how I envisioned, like Elio’s a punk from the future. His clothes are black, white, and silver.
Dawn’s name meaning is obvious, and again w the sun. I went all-album with him too. His album is Meteora, an album that’s essentially about hating yourself, your past, and everyone around you. I wanted to go more emo with Dawn’s design bc of that, but emo style actually doesn’t... appeal to me, plus it’s not very Major Arcana. I gave him some gay little boots to be his choice piece of emo clothing, and then emo’d up a regular outfit instead. His clothes are layered, again representing him building up walls. He has lots of elements that are tied around him, this time to look like he’s sealed himself in, hence them all being horizontal. He burned the edges of his cloak himself and also sliced into his pants so that he looked imperfect and everyone around him would know that he’s imperfect. His clothes are, in contrast, pink, yellow, and blue.
Dovey’s name obviously means dove. Her cloak, like Crow’s is ruffled at the edge to represent bird wings. Doves are much fluffier than crows, though, so in her outfit, feathers are represented by the ruffles in her dress. Now, uh, her album is Wasteland, Baby! and the outfit very much misses the vibe. Dovey is another character whose outfit I had planned before hand, and it wasn’t desidned with music in mind. The one song I did think of while designing her was As It Was, which reminds me of Red Riding Hood bc of the way it opens?? I feel like even though I can’t pinpoint any one vibe that matches her look, I can see her as the narrator slash star of all the songs in this outfit. So IDK, it vibes w me, fjkdshdsfd. Her outfit is grey and brown, like a mourning dove.
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myhackerbuddy · 4 years
Ray/Saeran is one hell of a character. For me, he’s one of the most pitiful who deserve more love from us. He might be an antagonist in casual and deep story, but in Another Story he’s just a boy who is lost and manipulated.
You’ve been chosen as a tester for his game where you’ll chat RFA members and act as the party coordinator. Ray will introduced his self as the creator, and offers you to stay in his place as you play his game. He’s a nice and sweet guy who cooks for you and give you flowers as his token of appreciation for testing his game. Though we know that he’a slowly developing feelings for the MC. He will visit your chatroom from time to time, and also pay you a visit in your room. He’ll always remind you that they are AI, and has comments every time you say they are nice and all. He clearly despise all of them that it’s entertaining.
However, his feelings seems to be a threat as the Savior slowly notices Ray being out of focus. She would order her believers to bring twice his elixir intake just so she can twist his mind off. Ray notices but as devoted as he is to the Savior, he drinks it despite his complains.
As you finally enter his route, he will not let you undergo the Cleansing Ceremony because he cares for you. He knows how painful it is and he doesn’t want you to experience that excruciating pain. So he gave you a complete imitation of elixir, telling you to drink it instead of the ‘real elixir’, in case the Savior will give you one.
Ray, as much as how nice and dedicated he is on doing his duty to ‘fight’ his brother from hacking, the Savior still notices the sudden change of Ray’s behavior so she held a sudden ceremony where they would force them to take elixir until the person is finally in a ‘correct’ state of mind.
In Day 8, he appeared to be completely different. He visits you to tease you, and calls you a toy, an airhead and good-for-nothing. In able to wake his other persona, the Savior calls him weak, and attack his imperfections and dark past just so he’ll feel bad and insecure.
Saeran is made from hatred. In able to keep him awake, he trolls and insult the MC, because by doing that he’ll feel stronger. That way he won’t feel someone can ever torment him. He get his strength by being mean and by showering him that he’s strong. The Savior will always remind him that he is strong, completely different when it’s Ray. It all depends if you are going to let him toy you or you’ll remain quiet. However Saeran admitted it to his self and in front of MC that all his words were not meant for her, but to him. All of those were his mother’s words.
This realization was all thanks to V, who tried to talked to him when Saeran’s in hiding and so confuse. Though V failed to fully convinced him, he saw a glimpse of hope when he mentioned being free together with the MC. I want to commend V for this route as he work so hard to fix his faults, regardless of endless claiming that he should be the one to blame. Zen and V’s conversation is really intense. Zen made its way to V’s heart by sharing his own experience about accepting his flaws and by choosing what he want, even by crossing in the hard road. He made sense on how things weren’t always in our grasp. That even if we shower our love to someone, if they won’t accept it, then they will not be able to understand you.
V claims that he failed to give Rika the love she deserve, and insisted to being the fruit of the cause. However, Zen brushed it off, saying he shouldn’t be harsh on his self and stop blaming his self. For once, he should stand up right and do what a true leader should be, and that is to correct his faults and not carry all the burden.
I understand V’s point, that he wanted to protect Rika. He, too, realized that he can’t protect her and RFA at the same time without revealing the truth. So he told in the chatroom about Seven’s identity, with Yoosung on the ears. It’s a shocking news for him, but the truth made Yoosung feel sympathy to him. He didn’t know how much burden V has been carrying. He’s able to get a little trust by Yoosung, but V didn’t really disclosed who’s the one controlling and manipulating Saeran. I still think V wanted to hide it at this point maybe because he wants to hope he still can save her. But we know he can’t. Rika, will remain as she is if she won’t seek for others light. She needs to love herself to be free from darkness. A simple talk would not work. He needed Jumin’s power but he can’t talk to him because Jumin’s being interviewed like Zen.
The last call (outgoing) from Seven was at Day 10, after the chatroom at 1:00 am something. When you call him, he quickly responded saying he is not in his house and you should comeback later when he’s home. It’s obvious that he’s making it up to cover you, hinting that you should delete all your data concerning him because you might get in trouble. You’ll know that he’s been taken and that they wanted him to drop the call. Seven, in the end, saved you from being involved that makes it more frustrating. The other members can’t reach him, even V.
I’m guessing it’s his father, but it can also be their agency since Vanderwood’s also involved. Either way, they are still in danger.
Rika would sneak every chatroom you are in, and you’ll know Saeran is back but very sick. Savior said that he came back and drunk all the elixir, the reason why he’s unconscious. But the elixir is not effective anymore because he finally realize the truth.
I’m so concerned with the twins, but I had a bad feeling about what V could do. He can pull off his sacrifice thing again just so the MC and Saeran can escape. I’ve been getting hints from his text messages and calls, like he’s saying goodbye.
I hated the fact that Seven’s nowhere to be found, and V will soon be in trouble. I know the story is yet to finish, as Saeran’s After Ending is still in the process, but it’s so frustrating if you’ll be left just like that.
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At this point Saeran was truly enlightened. I am so happy for this, though Rika is really pitiful. The truth is, she’s trying to create a world where no one can ever step on her. She collected Believers in exchange of having an excuse to make it seems like she’s guiding them in the right path. Rika is the one who’s afraid to go outside. She’s the one who’s dark, coward and is incapable to do anything without someone’s command. That is her inner demon who keeps on blinding her. The Believers and Saeran is her way to shield her to the outside world.
She’s basically becoming like her parents. Different method, but same outcome. She had it bad.
Turns out that V has decided to sacrifice again. He went to Rika and told her he’s ready to love her again, and that he now knows how to love her... This made me so frustrated again.
V is being selfless, but is that the right thing to do? I thought he came to his senses. And his call made me feel like it’s the MC’s fault lol. He said that he finally know what true love is because of you, but he’s commiting the same mistake again. If you will look at it, if V will do everything what Rika ask him, he’ll end up in vain. He’ll suffer. If that’s his way for correcting his faults, then I want to shout at him for being fool.
Can’t we all save them in one route? I truly hope Saeran’s After Ending will help us save V too. Seven is another thing, but V is their second father. I felt his sense of responsibility in this route. As a father who had faults, he tried to protect them, and did everything to save them. Though I hated his way.
I don’t think we should hate V for this, as we know his own issue (that is, if you played his route). Unlike the other, V tried to move straight, even with loads of burden to carry. He’s a man with principle, and that is to protect everyone. However, hiding the truth will only stop him from moving forward.
But let’s give him the credit of researching about the twin’s father, plus he’s been going back and fort in monitoring you in Mint Eye and making sure Seven and the others are okay. He’s not perfect, but he’s one hell of a character too.
Yes the road is still far from reaching the goal. RFA doesn’t have a slightest idea about Rika’s whereabouts, and is still busy tracking Seven and planning about the prime minister. And then they have to save V too.
Normal Ending
The video got blocked so Jumin proceeded to his Plan B. That is to bring Saeran and the MC to his vacation place. That way, he can secure their safety as the prime minister tried to fix the mess. The one who blocked is no other than Seven’s agency. This made me think that the agency is holding Seven and Vanderwood captive. They’ve been hinting that one wrong move and the agency will blow them out. Be it on failing a mission or getting into mess, Seven created a huge violation to the agency. He was accepted because he stated that he doesnt have any relatives left. And by the agency blocking the video that contains the truth, it’s obvious that they didn’t like it. This made me worry about Seven and Vanderwood.
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It’s a bittersweet ending for me. Magenta is untraceable, V and Seven is missing. However, Saeran and the MC has been living peacefully and planning for their future, completely ignoring all the problems that they left behind.
Good Ending
It was a success. The prime minister got jailed and the twins were the talked of the town. However, Seven’s still missing. Probably the agency is the one who held them captive, and worst, they’ve been disposed before they know it, after they blew the truth.
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Or maybe... Seven escaped and is in hiding from the agency. We’ll know in AE for sure. Also, we don’t know if Seven’s really leaving traces of him so they can find him fast, as Saeran stated when he found the place on the same day by hacking. It’s also because Saeran’s a naturally genius too like Seven. We can’t really tell who’s better in hacking, all I know is they are invincible if they work together.
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The RFA didn’t gave up. They went to the old place were they lived and tried to investigate if there are traces of Seven there. Saeran felt suffocated that’s why he went out with MC to talked about his brother.
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He may not said it, but I think Saeran already forgive him for leaving. He knew he’s been used and brainwashed. He also knew the reason why he left: V made Seven an informant to protect him.
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The MC then gave him his bookmark for Seven, the one V brought and tried to give when they first met.
This made me wonder... Rika and V’s appearance made me wonder what they are planning next. First, they got rid of Magenta and went to the old house to dispose it too. They visited it before they left. Their destination? It remains a mystery.
We don’t really know what Rika is planning. She’s not yet done, that’s for sure. Remember how she wanted to get a hold of the RFA members? Even with V by his side. I can’t help not to connect it to the Secret Ending.
Even if she’ll blind and limp him, she won’t be contented. Unless V find a way to save her. But that’s only possible if he’ll realize his flaws: the obsession and they way he view what love is.
In the end he sacrifice again for the sake of the RFA members. It was a selfless move as a leader, but very selfish for the members to keep the secret and leave the issue in his hand.
The mystery will continue to Saeran’s After Ending. And I suggest to ready your heart as well as your hourglasses.
Farm as many hg as you can, because I feel like it’ll be a big one just like how they created V’s AE. Maybe the reason that it’s taking long to finish is because they are trying to polish it perfectly, so as we wait for it to finish let’s uncover some of the Bad Endings and Rika’s Story first.
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definitelynotsuzumi · 4 years
Make  a Wish [Chapter 3]
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Zen x Reader
Mystic Messenger x Puella Magi Madoka Magica
With one impulsive wish, comes many dangers and responsibilities.
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You kept a close watch on your Soul Gem as you climbed the stairs. This time, a Witch had appeared on the roof of an apartment building near Rika's apartment. 
You transformed into your Magical form. However, before you could take another step into the portal, you felt something coming your way. With a metallic thud, you realized that someone had tried to shoot you with an arrow.
"Who the hell are you? This is my territory, step off!" A young girl with brown hair spat out as she clutched her bow. She was dressed in a similar fashion of vibrant colors and glittering fabric. Her brown hair glinted in the rays of the evening sun. 
'Another Magical Girl?' You blinked in surprise before remembering what Kyubey had said. There were other Magical Girls in this universe. 
"Says who? I don't see your name on any of the road signs, or this Witch, for the matter." You bit back. 
"Why you little..!" The girl was interrupted by another girl. 
"Ae-Ri, calm down. This is not how we treat newcomers." A girl with black hair jumped onto the roof. A crossbow was fixed onto her left arm. 
"I assume you're new to the Magical Girl business too, huh." She looked you up and down. 
"Well yeah...I just came in...I just came since my Soul Gem started glowing like mad." You felt a flush growing on your cheeks as the girl studied you longer. 
"Hm...Well, the Witches here are a lot stronger than other areas of Korea. Let's just stick together for now. And please...Don't get in our way." She shrugged you off. 
Ae-Ri did not take to the idea as she protested loudly against it. 
"But Soo-Jin, there might not be enough Grief Seeds -We have enough stockpiled. Plus...With Ha-Ri gone...I don't know if we can even survive or do what we used to do, with all of us being new." Soo-Jin snapped. 
Her eyes swelled with tears before she huffed and shut her eyes, wiping them hurriedly. 
"Let's get this over with." 
With that, you joined the duo in the hunt. 
"Soo-Jin! On your right!" Soo-Jin was quick to respond to your calls as a purple crossbow bolt sprouted out of a Familiar's head. You quickly took care of the Familiars around you while Ae-Ri batted back a minion wielding a pitchfork. 
"You sure you're just a newbie?" Ae-Ri panted as she sent it flying into the wall. 
"You're one to talk. I just play a lot of games." You grunted as you kept moving and slicing. 
'Please...Wake up!' You blinked in surprise as you heard a familiar voice. Soo-Jin had finished off another Familiar when she saw you frozen. The Familiar holding the Pitchfork was about to impale you when Soo-Jin tackled you out of harm's way. 
"Focus! You could have died!" Soo-Jin scolded you when she saw the confusion and fear in your eyes. 
"Th-There was a voice..." You managed to stutter out. 
"The Labyrinth must be messing with you. Let's kill her before we lose our minds here." Soo-Jin hauled you to your feet, pulling you into the next room. 
You shook your head earnestly. You had to get your bearings. Once again, you found yourself in a large room. A small form sat atop what looked like a pillar. Hospital beds and equipment littered the floor. On the walls, several screens flashed in different colors. 
As soon as you came close to one, you heard it again. A blurry figure took up the center of the screen. 
'Please...I need you in my life...Wake up...' You heard it once again. 
"Focus, girl!" Soo-Jin fired her crossbow to deflect the projectiles flying towards you three. 
With a frustrated roar, you flung your disc forward, breaking the pillar easily. The small doll-like Witch fell off. 
"Ae-Ri!" Ae-Ri fired a shot at the form, tearing a large hole through its middle. 
Everything seemed to happen in slow motion. The doll exploded and a large snake-like creature seemed to sprout out. You retrieved your disc and flung it under the brown-haired girl, who was frozen in shock. 
Just as the snake seemed to lunge forward to bite, Ae-Ri found herself falling to the floor beside you. 
"Wha-What? How?" Ae-Ri blinked in surprise. 
"I'll explain later, just take her out already!" You summoned another disc and flung it but it was too slow. It bounced off the wall and came flying to you. You caught it in time and kept trying to attack the snake, who flew around in a rage. 
Soo-Jin nodded as she kept shooting at it, running around the room to dodge the snake. 
"You have teleportation powers?!" Ae-Ri got to her feet as you threw her bow to her. 
"Ya! I said I'll explain later! When there isn't a snake trying to bite our heads off!" You yelled in pain as you dodged a little too slow. Its sharp teeth dug into your arm and you rolled away. 
"ARGH!" You winced in pain. 
"Girl!" Soo-Jin's eyes widened to see blood pouring out of your arm. You stumbled as you tried to staunch the blood. 
"Ae-Ri, finish it off!" You barely dodged the beast as your wound didn't seem to stop bleeding. Pain shot through your body as you gripped the affected area to make it stop. 
With a blast of pink and purple light, the beast wailed in pain. Ae-Ri had shot an arrow right through its head while Soo-Jin had shot her bolts into its throat. The Witch crashed into the wall in a heap as the Labrinth disappeared. 
Soo-Jin was at your side as she whipped out her Soul Gem. You felt the pain slowly disappear as she healed your injuries. 
"You...You saved my life..." Ae-Ri had returned to her regular state. You noticed that the two girls wore similar school uniforms. 
"You okay? I think I need to sit down..." You slumped onto the floor, returning to your regular form as well. 
"Ya, I think you need rest more than just sitting down." Soo-Jin chided you, wiping away the blood from your arm the best she could. 
"What's your name?" Ae-Ri asked as she helped you back up after a few minutes of rest. 
"...(Y/N)...(Y/N) (L/N). Sorry if I seemed rude when I called out your names earlier..." You scratched the nape of your neck nervously. 
The girls picked up the Grief Seed and handed it over to you. 
"You...You can join us I guess...I'm sorry for shooting you before too..." Ae-Ri looked away bashfully, holding the black object out to you. 
"But you have the power of teleportation, don't you? What kind of wish did you make?" Soo-Jin's eyes glittered with curiosity. 
"I made a wish to be with the one I love. So...Here I am...Haha..." You felt increasingly awkward as more questions were flung at you. 
"But...You girls are so young. If I were to say, you guys would be of middle school age..." You knitted your eyebrows, "What kind of wishes did you guys make?" 
Their expressions turned sad and nostalgic. 
"I made mine to save my mom from cancer..." Soo-Jin confessed. 
"And I wished to survive...My family was killed in a car accident...I was the only survivor." Ae-Ri looked down to the ground.
 You suddenly regretted asking and speaking out as the air turned quiet and sad. 
The sound of Soo-Jin's phone ringing broke the moment of silence as Soo-jin looked apologetically and went away to take her call. 
"Let's exchange phone numbers. Now that you are one of us, we should stick together. Like we said earlier, Witches here are quite strong." Ae-Ri held out her phone to you. Tapping in your information, Ae-Ri did the same to your phone. 
"I'll pass your number to Soo-Jin once she's done talking to her mom." Ae-Ri rolled her eyes jokingly as Soo-Jin said goodbye to her mother. 
"Yes, mom. Ok, mom. Love you, mom. Bye!" Soo-Jin sighed in relief before turning her attention to you. 
'They are so young...Too young...' You thought to yourself as the girls adjusted their schoolbag handles. 
"I'll need to go home and cook dinner. Ae-Ri, don't forget your homework. And (Y/N)...Stay safe. See you around!" Soo-Jin flashed you a bright smile before taking off, leaving dust in her wake. 
"A mommy's girl, that one. Let us know if you see a Witch, okay? The more we stick together, the higher our chances of survival. And...Thank you...I owe you my life." Ae-Ri shook her head at Soo-Jin before turning to you with a smile. Like that, Ae-Ri went in Soo-Jin's direction. 
You felt a wave of exhaustion overwhelm you. You needed to rest at home and catch up on sleep and chatrooms. 
Lugging yourself back home after procuring your dinner for the night, you set to work on eating up the food. 
However, in a bunker far away, a certain hacker watched your movements. You seemed exhausted and...Was that blood on your skirt?! Seven knew he needed to focus on the hacker but you were a whole mystery he could not figure out. 
Where on earth were you going that made you that tired? And who caused the bloodstains on your clothes? 
He then felt his phone vibrate. V's name flashed on his screen. 
"Yeah, V? Yeah, (Y/N) is clean but...Her movements are weird...I dunno but just give me time." Seven sighed, staring into the security feed.
'At least, she's eating...' Seven sighed once again. It was tough work tracing the hacker and he has another big issue on his plate. 
Are you a threat? Or were you innocent? 
Seven rubbed his eyes as he put down the phone. He had not slept in a day and the issues on his plate seemed to pile higher by the hour. 
Vanderwood, who had been cleaning the room, observed with some interest. Seeing Seven in this state was as rare as seeing a shooting star. 
"Ya, you don't look so good." Vanderwood felt a little worried. 
Seven looked back to him, raising a tired eyebrow," I finished off the work boss asked me to do already. I just need to complete the RFA...thing before I hit the sack." 
"Ya, but it'll ruin my life if I see your corpse in that chair of yours, so you better take care of yourself." Vanderwood protested. 
Seven sighed once again. There were not many traces for him to go on. 
'I'll just fix and upgrade the security of the app...I can do the tracing and the background check later...' Seven poured the remaining half can of Dr. Pepper down his throat as Vanderwood yelled out empty threats of tasering him so that he will take a break. 
"Leave me alone for like...An hour...I'll take a break when this is done." Vanderwood felt like tearing out his hair as Seven pushed the can down to the floor. Drops of Dr. Pepper poured onto the white floor of the bunker. He just finished cleaning up and Seven had once again made a mess. 
"You're gonna be the death of me...You better take a break then or I swear to God..." Muttering under his breath, Vanderwood cleaned up the mess. 
'I'll fix this mess...And find out who you are, (Y/N)...' The red-headed hacker vowed to himself as he went on with his work. 
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digitalgate02 · 5 years
#KizunaCountdown day9
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Another tough question oh man...
Day 9 - Favorite Digimon Partner
OBVIOUS QUESTION! With an obvious answer. But instead of babbling about Vee how about makes a travel in time to when I had other two favorites huh?
Before V-mon, my favorite was Tailmon.
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Tailmon is the kitty cat I found super badass in Adventure, small and dangerous. She’s on another level (literally) from all of the cast. She’s mature and can be cocky when needs. A wonderful character with a strong personality.
But, how about BEFORE Tailmon? Easy, that other childhood favorite was...
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GABUMON!! That dino-who-evolves-into-a-wolf was so cool and well designed that I couldn’t resist to him. I also prefer MetalGarurumon over WarGreymon (sorry guys, and Daisuke the original Taichi fanboy) because of the combination with silver and blue plus Gabumon’s traces/details.
OKAY, now that We talked about the previous favorites... Let’s go to the in-depth (?) post about why the heck V-mon is my most favorite since I was like, 9 years old.
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Small and blue, also has a very boyish voice in both BR and JP versions -- the difference is that the BR dub has a man voicing him while the JP a woman. I really love both voice actors, but I won’t talk about it. I will focus on why I love this little troll.
He’s not so much different from Daisuke, but at the same time he seems more easygoing and calm than the human partner (who’s angry like a pomeranian dog lol) making a very strange combo. While he’s also carelessly and naive, sometimes to the fact he could be fooled by Daisuke... Vee also is a little shit who teases Daisuke when given opportunity. But hey, they’re friends. They’re all bickering each other but would take the bullet for each other haha.
V-mon has a big impact on my childhood -- he’s small and very charismatic. Also he loves chocolate and sweets. he’s very much my kind of digimon. Also I had a miniature of Chibimon & Lighdramon before seeing 02 and I felt like the tiny Chibimon was the cutest digi-ever. No wonder I fell in love with the character when I watched the BR dub eons ago.
Considering that my favorite armor evolution as a child was Fladramon, and now my favorite is Lighdramon... You can see that I love the aes. brought on all of the Vee armor evolutions -- Also I got him becoming my zodiac sign with the Digimental of Hope, and more than that: Said form is featured on a 02 material!! So I’m a very fond of the Headcanon that Daisuke is a proud Sagittarius kid.
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Fladramon fits Daisuke’s aesthetic so much -- He got flames on his armor, is a powerful armor form and I think his armor has some references to Omegamon. How funny, Omegamon is the partner digimon of Taichi & Yamato, Daisuke’s seniors and the original holders of the crests of Courage and of Friendship. Mere coincidence? Probably not.
Fladramon has been seen a lot of non-02 material too, so I believe he’s pretty much one of the most popular armor level, alongside with Magnamon. His debut episode was somehow great, and I feel like if caused me a good impression of him... I’m sure it caused a good impression on more people.
Design-wise, The red blends with the blue of his skin. The orange lines forming flames and separating the yellow part of the armor is also soothing in my opinion. It’s a nice design, even if simple. The belts on his arms are also a nice touch! My only concern is how does Fladramon grab things: Are those claws movable? I think they are if we go with ep 4′s battle.
Let’s move on, to the next form!!
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Chibimon is a form I love to the most, it’s my Baby II/In-training favorite smol-mon. He’s round like a baby child, and very much a child-like who probably causes Daisuke problems. He has big eyes and a cat mouth. I love this little dragon okay? He’s so fun to doodle, being one of the most relaxing of the digis to draw in my opinion.
His color palette is limited to blue, ice blue/white, red and black. I think those colors work nicely together.
Nex evolutiont!!
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Lighdramon! My most favorite besides Magnamon & Sagittarimon, a very cool design. It works more with speed stats, being the fastest than the other Vee armor evolutions and has so many cool details that I do not know where to begin.
He has a black armor full with details in yellow/gold, red/crimson and gray. Not to mention the crest of Friendship being the only blue detail in the whole armor! Are those red details some kind of car lights?? I’m sure they are because of Bandai’s artwork for him. He’s thunder-based, so of course he must be fast. The horn on the helmet has the shape of a thunder and I admit this is my favorite feature on him. And those spikes on the back?? Cool but... I feel concerned every time Daisuke or anyone is riding on Lighdramon...
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Magnamon!! I love how the gold blends nicely with the blue skin, also has some details in metal/silver and those tubes on his feet. I think Magnamon might be the most coolest of all armor evo enough to become a Royal Knight and be featured on a lot of non-02 media.
Magnamon matches Daisuke’s aes as well -- since Daisuke is a loyal person, probably like a knight.
It’s a very powerful evolution that, according to Daisuke, “cannot be used for much time” (Xros Wars ep 78)
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XV-mon!! I’m not a very much fan of him, but I like how the adult form of V-mon ironically fits a line in the Kaiser arc -- In which V-mon is sad for being the only one unable to fly LOL Anyway, I like how XV-mon is called by “phantom dragon” and he’s pretty fast and strong.
Again, they kept the same palette colors for V-mon, but “aged” him to be this very slim and buff dragon. The “X” on his chest goes to his belly, and it also has a “V” on it. That’s pretty much based on V-dramon’s V on its chest.
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CHICOMON!! It’s like a Dragon Quest slime, huh? I’m pretty sure that was the intention. Chicomon is soft, and cute. Is literally round with an antennae shaped as V-mon ears. Has a sky blue color, and black eyes with a light made of a pale pink or red.
It’s a baby. Very baby.
I’d love to talk about Paildramon and Imperialdramon, but no icons and I’m still on a temp pc -- sad noises. Also they’re part-Wormmon too, and I wanted to keep this being Vee only. Maybe next time I will talk about those two.
So that’s all, sweeties. My Vee analysis on design and feelings over how much I love V-mon so much haha wow.
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maldito-arbol · 6 years
An analysis of the V AE
I feel like I should make a post of my own about this topic, seeing as there’re a lot of disagreeing opinions on the matter, though the majority seems to be slanted in the negative direction.
I did not hate the V After Ending or Rika’s backstory; in fact, I really enjoyed them and felt they settled a lot of questions I had pent up. So I’m going to give a fair warning before I begin this post: if you love V and hate Rika, we have disagreeing opinions, so read at your own discretion.
First of all, V’s presence, or lack thereof. Let me explain why I was okay with this, or even a little relieved at that. I personally don’t like V at all. His character is very well built and developed, sure, and he plays a significant role in the RFA’s story, but that doesn’t mean I like him as a person. To me, he’s far too obsessive, creepy, and hypocritical for my taste.
To elaborate, his relationship with Rika never sat well with me ever since I went through the entirety of the Secret Ending. He had this tendency to put himself on a pedestal, an infallible beacon of light Rika was supposed to put all of her faith in. He may have acted in a way that could be considered selfless, but it went a step too far into the narcissistic direction, where he believed he could fix everything on his own. Rika didn’t need someone to just accept her the way she was, she needed someone to help her help herself. Because the way she was wasn’t okay. V essentially let her believe that there was nothing wrong with her darkness as long as he was there with her.
It’s not okay on any level that V pushed his love so hard onto Rika, telling her that he’d still love her even if she blinded him or destroyed him. It’s a huge red flag that she’d ask a question like that in the first place, but he ended up encouraging her rather than shutting her down. And in the end, he admits that his love wasn’t even love at all, but an obsession. That’s all well and good for him to realize it, but he just rubbed major salt in Rika’s wounds, and there are a plethora of better ways he could’ve gone about fixing his mistake.
Even the way that they got together bothers me. According to Rika’s backstory, when Rika stops showing up to modeling sessions with V, he straight up shows up at her house. The way his words are phrased indicates clearly to me that she hadn’t shared her address or personal information with him at all, but rather, he found her house by following her home god knows how many times and pseudo-stalking her daily activities wherever he could.
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Now don’t get me wrong, I am not in any way trying to put V down to raise Rika up. I will never excuse the horrible things she’s done nor blame V for them. This is simply my analysis on V’s character, and why I personally dislike him.
The V route destroyed my soul as I struggled to get the good ending. I hated being a jerk to Ray who was so clearly in so much pain, and I hated not being able to scream at V for all the bullshit he’d been pulling. When we found out he just straight up left for two years, I was done. I was fully prepared to completely ignore the After Ending if it meant I didn’t have to just shrug off his grievances and be all lovey dovey with the guy. But seeing as I essentially worship any and all Mystic Messenger content, I decided to give it a go. And boy I was not disappointed. V almost didn’t exist until the last episode, and I was elated I could focus on the other characters.
The other characters were so much more interesting anyways. We got to see new sides of them that we always knew existed, but never actually experienced. We saw Yoosung’s heart-wrenching confrontation with Rika, Saeyoung’s agony over losing his brother, Jumin’s oddly calm distress in the absence of his closest friends, Jaehee’s coldness towards Rika, hell, even Vanderwood’s hidden affection for Saeyoung and the value he places in the life of another human being. Everything felt so unreal, and yet it was all perfectly in character for each and every one of them.
And now, on to Rika. Rika was oddly tame for this, and it makes sense to me in the context of the AE. She’d been detained, and told time and time again just how wrong she was. There was no more room for her to believe her methods were correct, so she just...deflated. I see people all over arguing about her attitude and complaining that Cheritz is trying too hard to redeem an irredeemable character, and I can’t bring myself to agree with that. Just like I can’t bring myself to love Rika, I can’t bring myself to hate her either.
Rika is an immensely complicated character. There are parts of her that I find interesting and cool, and there are others that disgust me. Her backstory brought a lot of herself into perspective, and now her character makes more sense. The fact that she preaches on and on about having a devil inside her is perfectly plausible with how her mother and the pastor used to talk to her, and how she stood up for herself by accepting their religious talk and turning it into a weapon. If they truly believed she had a devil within her, she could manipulate them into believing she herself had power over them. And unfortunately, this carried on into her adult life where she could justify her own actions as the devil inside her acting of its own accord.
The other major factor that plays into her heinous actions at the Mint Eye is the fact that she was physically uncomfortable around people who didn’t need her help, because she believed bright people would see the darkness inside her and be repulsed by it. Her interactions with Yoosung are proof enough. She was drawn to the Choi twins because they needed help, and she was more than happy to help if it meant they’d see her as a savior rather than a devil. But as time passed, she grew to believe that Saeran would leave her the second he didn’t need her help anymore, and she knew that Saeyoung would be the one to help him do it. I believe that’s why she manipulated Saeran to believe that Saeyoung had abandoned him. Then she beat him down mentally until he became completely reliant on her, and she felt safe knowing that he couldn’t possibly leave her that way.
Understanding Rika’s actions doesn’t absolve her of blame, but it does bring me to the realization that there was a method to the madness, that this wildly absurd ideal of hers was something that was instilled into her brain from the day she was adopted, and reinforced by the people around her. So, as a person, I would never be able to stand in her presence, but as a character, I enjoy how thoroughly she has been developed and explained. It’s not bad story writing to me, nor is it some kind of excuse to justify her actions. It’s an explanation for us all to understand why she is the way she is, and how by forgiving her, we not only rectify the hatred within ourselves, but we can also change her perspective and grant her the opportunity to make things right. Which, she does. She turns herself in, though not before unleashing the prime minister’s secret and publishing a video that addresses her crimes. It’s a good ending, whether you hate her or not.
The Judge Ending begins a little harshly, and I was initially shocked at the portrayal of the characters in the MC’s dream. However, it continues peacefully, with an arguably good ending of everyone moving on and learning to cope. I have seen people say Cheritz guilt-tripped us into forgiving Rika, but after playing both endings, I can tell you that is not the case. By choosing the Judge answers, the other members do not admonish you by any means. They continue to act in character, with Yoosung whole-heartedly agreeing with you, Zen respecting your responses even though he disagrees, etc etc. And the Judge Ending is most certainly not a Bad Ending. It’s probably more of a Normal Ending, which I would argue counts as a Good Ending, just a little different. Cheritz knows there are some people who would forgive Rika in a heartbeat, and others who would rather die. The V after ending respects both sides, and I didn’t have much to complain about.
The only one thing I have to complain about, is the way the MC treats Saeran. In the V route, once you’d chosen his route, you’re basically locked into choosing answers that are harsh or uncalled for towards Saeran. And in the after ending, you can choose answers that show concern over his well-being, but you never get the chance to interact with him again. I wish at least that after Saeran’s tearful reunion with Saeyoung, he could’ve had one with the MC too. I was worried sick over whether or not he’d survived, and I would’ve given anything to just chuck V out the window and choose Saeran in the end. The poor boy needs all the love he can get.
Anyway, before this gets way too long and annoying, I’ll end it here. This post was mostly supposed to focus on V and Rika, so I hope my perspective can be understood. Thanks for reading this far, and let me know if you agree or disagree with my opinions! I enjoy having respectful debates.
tl;dr: V is a creepy narcissistic stalker and that’s why I hate him. Rika is a terrible person but a good character, so I don’t hate her and I don’t love her. V AE cockblocked MC and Saeran interactions and it sUcked.
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royal-despair · 6 years
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​You watch the scene pass by you. A once daunting sunset is now a beautiful sunrise. ​The ship passes above you, feeling almost like a huge whale in the sky.. ​The pods start to rumble, struggling to find a good landing spot. ​It gives a warning, saying something along the lines of "Potentially rough landing imminent. Please tighten your safety buckles. ​The pods land, and thankfully everything was safe. And everyone was together. ​You all exit the pods, and stare off. ​The ship is the only thing blocking your view.
Sketches and color done by @allyssinian​, lineart by @talentlessartblog​ Epilogue illustration (final image) done by qosic on tumblr and twitter x x
Final words written by their muns; @guitarasaurus-rex​ , @shslchemicalx​, @lucitous​, @jullya-senpai​, @tsoi-sauce​
T a k u m a   M i t s u k u r i
“Y-you're the only thing r-really keeping me going..."
"I... I don't want... I can't lose you... I-I love you... Please don't leave me alone..."
Tears stained his face. His stomach contorted violently, twisting and turning, anxiety flooding his being. Was this the end? Was it a new beginning? It didn’t matter to him. Not now. In time, maybe. But now? Now all he felt was despair, sadness… anger…
He’d need time. Time to recover, time to compose himself, time to… move on? could he move on? Would he ever? He didn’t know. He wouldn’t know for a while.
...Chiyo dedicated her life to saving this earth… this broken, distorted earth… Broken and distorted… just like him… He wouldn’t recover quickly, and it was almost certain the wounds he’d received would never fully heal… but… when the pain eased… he would do everything he could to realize her dream. He couldn’t let her efforts be for nought. He’d fix this broken planet, piece by piece… And when it was all over? He’d maintain it... do his best to bring peace to everyone… And then he’d see Chiyo again… He’d tell her he loved her… And they could be together.
All that would come… He’d make sure it did… But, for now, he just grieved.
D m i t r i   C i e r z o n 
"...." Everyone was being emotionally wrecked, and here he was, not emotionally wrecked. He really was different, it seemed. Even though everything was both a lie and a truth.
How.... Strange.
He walked over to Leon, sliding his hand into the Dollmaker's own. Calluses... Not from fighting, it seemed. But these were the same hands that had supported him on the ship, even though he had lied again and again, and made questionable decisions one after another.
... This, at least, was real. Even if he couldn't trust anything else, he could trust at least this -- them.
L e o n h a r d   V o g e l
Leon blinks and glances down to see Dmitri holding his hand in his, staring out at the wreckage from where they had been mere minutes ago. He parts his lips to say something, though he can't find the words. He had trusted Dmitri, trusted his judgement, and it had all worked out. Maybe not as smoothly as they had all hoped, but they're here. They're here and alive.
With no words to say, his lips slide shut along with his eyelashes. He presses a kiss to his forehead. Hopefully that will express his feelings well enough. He had always found it strange how emotions could be expressed so easily for him through touch. He wanted to convey his affection, his relief, but most of all? His hope for the future.
The end of one story is the beginning of another, and he sincerely hopes they can turn this bittersweet moment into something beautiful. After a few moments, he pulls away and turns his head to look back at the horizon. Not at the airship, but beyond. To the trees and skyline, the chittering birds overhead. It would be up to them to maintain this beautiful world, and he can't say he's too ready for it, unknowing of what that may entail , but he finds himself eager to begin.
R u n a   K n i g h t l y
‘What do we do now?’
"..." Runa... leans her head on Seojun's shoulder, she watches the light of the sun through the filter of the smoke. "...Who's to say... maybe find other people, rehabilitate back into the world's current society... I just," She lifts her head, "I just want to stay close to everyone for the time being..."
J o s e f i n a   D e   B e l a s c o 
Fina stared at the scene in front of her. It was all so intense. So surreal. They made it out. All the people they lost. All the truths they gained. It all came to her in a wave of emotions. So much was going through her head right now. She sat down on the ground and let out a long sigh. "Oh fuck... We actually did it. We made it."
S e o j u n   T s o i
Fifty days.  They were trapped for fifty days on the airship known as the Queen Rose, with the conditions of being involved in a horrendous killing game.  Blood, sweat, and tears were shed almost every single day.  There was an atrocious amount of despondency throughout the entire “trip” they had gone through together.  As the blaring alarms were ringing in his head even now, Seojun found himself recollecting everything that had happened for him.  Not just in those fifty days, no.  What happened overall in the seventy six days that he had been trapped in his two killing games. What had happened in the past two and a half months for him was an absolute nightmare.
Day one. He woke up in the anteroom with seventeen students other than himself, and he found himself forced into a killing game under the treacherous duo of Gekumi and Torimi.  From the first week in, he found something that was quite odd:  Gekumi seemed to take more of the hate, but Torimi seemed to take more of the power instead.  It was something that the supposed Internet Troll had found to be quite the oddity.  Weren’t they working together?  He didn’t say anything about it, however.  He had to keep himself together.  He had to. Everyone around him was panicking like wild animals, so he couldn’t be seen doing the same.  He had to be that one guiding light to everyone.
Day six. That’s when he witnessed his first execution.  Karou was torn apart viciously, and Seojun had to see their demise firsthand.  It was absolutely dreadful, but he had to keep going.  And so, he did.  The second murder passed, as did the second execution.  He would soon find out about his loved ones being captive, about Ae-Joung being captive.  Seojun initially freaked out; he had freaked out when he saw his “sister” inside those bondages of rope, and the blindfold over her eyes.  She was scared of the dark, and in a way, so was he.  He was afraid of the darkness surrounding him, but he had to stay strong, and keep smiling.  He had to be that one guiding light to Ayaka.
”C’mon, Junie!  Think positive.  Things are going to be okay, alright?  Trust me, I promise.”
She seemed to be just like his sister.  His sister, who had saved his life from his own hands.  The sixteen year old girl wasn’t one he fell in love with, but she was someone that he had grown to wanting to protect.  He had wanted to protect her, because someone just like her had done the same for him.  At least, that’s what he remembered.  The girl was innocent, and he wanted to protect someone that felt like a sister to him.  She was so, so devastated when Karou died.  When Karou was the one who had taken the knife, and stabbed Varian in the back.  She was so devastated, and the girl with the round glasses had went to Seojun for comfort.  Seojun ended up doing the worst thing imaginable though, and he witnessed Antonio killing another poor, innocent girl named Hitomi Kurusaki.  Instead of dying himself, he took it upon his own hands to strike...and he killed the man.
Day twenty six.  That’s when the trial of Antonio de Sabatini and Hitomi Kurusaki occured.  That’s when everyone managed to pin it on Raphael Bernard, the Super High School Level Archer.  That’s when everyone managed to get it wrong, and vote for the wrong person.  That’s when Seojun Tsoi had managed to get away with murder, much to his dismay.  He...He didn’t want to see Ayaka with that look of betrayal on her face.  He didn’t want to see her getting executed horrifically, but here he was, forced to watch all of his shipmates die in gruesome, grotesque fashions.  The sickly green gecko bot was controlled by someone amongst his rankings, but because he had killed another person, Seojun would never know who went through the same fate that he had gone through. He’d never know who the second mastermind really was.
Day twenty seven.  That’s when he woke up in the anteroom for a second time, much to his dismay.  This time, there were eighteen others around him.  Eigteen people who didn’t know what the hell was going on, or why they were here.  Seojun knew, though - he knew exactly why they were here, and he knew exactly why he was here.  He was here to scounge out for the mastermind, who was amongst all of them.  One of these eighteen students was the mastermind behind his own killing game, and it was his mission to find out who it was.  However, as he went along, things steered into different directions. There was the day where he made his friendship with Leon a thing.  There was the day where he roasted Manobu alongside Dmitri, with Raiden at their side too.  There was the day where he promised to keep Izaya safe, there was the day where he decided to help Cici feel like the princess she always wanted to be.  There was the day of theTruth or Dare game.  There was the day of the King’s Game.  There was the day where he fell in love with Runa Knightly.  Every day made up this path; every day led up to this moment.
Then, they reached to today.  Day seventy six.  The day where they discovered who Sanae Oshiro’s daughter, and heiress of the company behind the purifying machines really was.  The day where they found out that Chiyo Oshiro was the mastermind and first degree murderer of tens, hell, hundreds of people.  Maybe even thousands, if you count those outside of killing games.  This was the day where they achieved something that she despised, that the rest of the world didn’t see could happen.  This was the day where they would restore a concept to planet Earth as they knew it.  As Seojun turned to the five before him, he found himself embracing the tears that were streaking down his cheeks, and looking onto everyone before him. 
Josefina de Belasco.  The tallest person on the ship, but regardless, she was simply a gentle giant that had hopes for the future.  She was innocent, but not pure-hearted either.  She was timid at times as well, and even more so humbling, but nevertheless, she never backed down in her beliefs.  She put her heart into everything she did, and only wanted the best for everyone else.
Takuma Mitsukuri.  A man who was in shambles, broken down, and beaten with despair.  A man who made himself out to be someone that was slightly confident, but more or less snarky.  A man that was more than meets the eye.  Seojun knew he didn’t get along with him at first, but as they were trapped with each other for quite a few days, he had grown to see that he was almost like him, in a way.  He wanted to protect, and he wanted to feel validated by those around him.
Dmitri Cierzon.  Cool, mysterious, aloof at times even.  Hardly did he ever see the man lash out at anyone around him with a raised voice.  Sure, he may have stabbed a man, but he believed it was for the better, with morals or not.  He was blunt, but he was honest.  He was an honest man, and even then, he was underestimated.  Pastry Chef, Spy...whatever he may have been by now, he was still Dmitri.  A boy who loved headpats, sweets, and kicking ass.
Leonhard Vogel. He stepped up to the plate when no one else would.  He spoke up when everyone else stayed silent.  He did his best to protect everyone around him, despite his conditions, despite his mental state.  He put a lot of people before his own needs, and he just wanted to make everyone happy.  He was a damaged man, but he was not broken, and Seojun knew that this man could heal with time, with people by his side.  He would consider him to be one of his closest friends.
Then, there was Runa Knightly.  She was his sunshine, as he was her Hairpins.  If there was one promise he was able to keep, it’s that he was able to protect her.  He was able to protect her, throughout all of this madness and despair.  He was able to protect this beautiful girl, someone who wasn’t perfect, but still magnificent in her own ways.  She wants to improve on herself.  She is determined, and doesn’t give up, no matter what the price may pay for her.  The blonde truly loved this woman, inside and out.
Seojun Tsoi faced everyone once again, and silently, a smile came to his lips.  “...Regardless...we did it, huh?  We...made it out.”  He looks overhead, to meet his gaze with the bright and radiant sun shining over the horizon.  “...We’re...going to start a changing process.  This isn’t...the end, that I can tell.  This is only the beginning of something new.  A new future, not just for us...for us all.  We’re finally going to have it.  We’re going to unlock something that should’ve been given a long, long time ago.”  As the blonde took a deep breath in and exhaled slowly, he found the word that he had wished to utter for so long.  They finally have it now.
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pixie-skull · 7 years
# 12 Post, part 2: FINALLY Top Ten 2D Animated Women’s List
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Update August 12th! Updates in bold.
So I am behind on my promise and seeing this net neutrality could happen here my top lady crushes. I try to go into detail. I have to admit number 10 going to be confusing see her movie has different animation styles, so I try find a picture of which one I like more. ON TO THE DELAYED LISTED. Reminder none of my new crushes can be made after 2016, when I graduate high school. Warning lots of breasts. Hey I am Pan, as in pansexuality, so yes I am mostly romantic, yet I want to clarify, I am not liking the characters for that. Also, I tried list movies from animated companies, or else this be Disney mostly. XD Here the RULES https://indigo-psyduck.tumblr.com/post/167091245072/post-12-part-1-rules-for-animated-crush-list
10. 2010′s Dante's Inferno: An Animated Epic Beatrice. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1C9WtnOr7Y  So now I  said I have two styles I really like, yes this movie has 5 or 6 styles. O.O 
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So I chose this design of ALL other, maybe has a close second, yet this (due to it enhances the Souls and Demons)
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 Now on to the reasons she wins number 10. Her personality, hopeful, positive, loyal,  patient (still annoyed at Dante for what he did), honest, and just an embodiment of virtues. So besides being someone who so kind to have what happened to her is heartbreaking. Plus her overall appearance was attractive too. I am not sure why women’s almost naked I feel more comfortable seeing, yet men’s and non-binary I feel my demisexual side bit more antsy. Yes middle school me was both freaked out and at the same time enjoyed the film. Helps also I was figuring out my sexuality and came out in mid high school.  Oh and she stands ups for herself and tries not to be a prize. Unlike the video game, she is not a pushover. D: XD Also I am now sure I am asexual.
9.  2000′s Titan AE, Akima. 
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 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AXmcVV3WJWwEven though this movie was hard to watch(the CGI :( ), the characters and their designs are very fun to watch. Now besides being voiced by the attractive Drew Berrymore (fun fact is bi), the haircut, and those eyebrows, there more to Akima.  I like she reminds of (the stunning) Zoe from Firefly due to both pilots (in a sense) so have the voice call the shots, she can take care of herself, knows how to fight yet be not a killer, and more. I do personally headcanon her as bi. She very low on the list for I admit I saw the movie sooner than I like to admit, so she not as much a childhood crush, as a new one. Only her animated style was constant, unlike 10. Sorry, the gif changed her appearance a bit, I know in the movie she of Asian descent.
8. Now nine was tempted to put Gwen from “Total Drama Island”, first two seasons (I have a soft spot for dyed hair and punk and goth look), until I saw this movie. (I do plan do a maybe top five of TV 2D women)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVbX1NeWY9s&t=3s1992 Cool’s World Lonette.
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 (I like how her hair so cute and messy here^ A sweet, short, messy, haircut. Also yes her body also quite nice XD ) I really find her kindness endearing such a negative world. Even though I like all eye colors, dark green eyes I am a sucker for. Also she was loving to Frank, makes hope for someone as affectionate as her. I know she Holli look very much in common, but Holli I felt lacked in such romance tenderness.
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This smile ^ so adorable.
7. 1999′s Scooby-Doo! and the Witch's Ghost  Luna https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92jw0fxXca4
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(in Violet and short red hair)I could have easily put this whole band down, yet I wanted pick their second singer.  The fact she sings, plays an instrument, in an eco goth band, dyed hair, her parent helped give the band their fangs, and more, is why I like her so much. Also she drawn in this movie she more drawn with details and for that she is more attractive.https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/p__/images/8/8c/New-ghrfh-the-hex-girls-24106229-720-480.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20110909113258&path-prefix=protagonist < - - -  Close up on her.
6. 1993′s The Thief and the Cobbler, Yum-Yum.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZibUpH-AME&list=PL18B0CA620B61D076 and https://vimeo.com/88602144 
Shocked how few royals are on this list, especially for being a 90′s kid. So why Princess Yum-Yum, even though she a weird blend of Aladdin (I bring this up to claimed Disney and if they or if they did NOT steal from this movie) Jasmine (I also have a crush on her too) of having a voice and using her power, but sometimes seems underdeveloped in comparison. However to me that is only when compared, so she to me is still fleshed out. I am happy to see her make the band of thieves due what she says, she merciful, she helps Tack and does her fair of saving the day. Not just a pretty face, she actual does something.
5. ANY DC comics Batman adaptation of Selina Kyle also known as Catwoman.
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(^ Not to stereotype, yet this “gay” haircut I love so much on her)
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Now on to why I like her. First bonus is she cannoned as Bi as bisexuality. Now to the rest, she a character who in the grey waves of morals. She is either a villainess, anti-hero, or whatever. I enjoy also how much a tease she can be to Batman (thanks to her I can be like to my relationships too sometimes), she loves animals, she inspires me with her self defense and flexibility. Catwoman also she makes me comfortable being her dominate power force. I want to clarify I am waiting till marriage. XD I also like she kinda an example of a character, who can depicted with different racial background, body types, and more. I am aware some characters can not have such changes, yet Catwoman a positive example of done right.
4. 2003′s Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas, Marina. 
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Shout to @animagix101and @thenamelessdoll edits of her, if from a racebend to giving her more muscles, thank you.Now why do I like this short haired ambassador? One she stands up for what she believes in, she a quick learner, she gives off vibes like she could be bi, poly, or pan, and is fearless, yet gives mercy. Her relationship is shown on screen to grow, not just boom love, yet (I do not like Sinbad by the way, I much more like Proteus). I was tempted to give this spotlight as a tie to Moses Tzipporah, yet I know ties are not fun for most people.
3. Sailor Moon (90′s version), Michiru Kaiou AKA Sailor Neptune. 
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Now I know I am making this my 2D animated ladies from MOVIES, but she did make appearances in film. Sorry too the gif makes more pale (yes the characters in the anime are suppose to be Japanese). Shout out she also in the LGBTQ+ Community, cannoned as lesbian. Now on to why I like the Sailor Guardian of the planet Neptune? Besides having colorful hair (I am sorry dyed hair a bonus for me, like how accents are a bonus for other people), she has a colorful personality. XD She very artsy (I like people who can have a passion in something that is like theater, music, etc), romantic (like dang she and Sailor Uranus are soooooooooooooooo cute), funny, clever, and more.
2. Okay this rule is broken of only MOVIE ladies, yet this  a childhood crush since my elementary school years. 1996′s The Incredible Hulk animated Series and any other Hulk/Marvel product, Jennifer Walters AKA She-Hulk.
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XD Yes that scene beyond suggestive and yes her voice by the stunning Cree Summers. So what makes a delight, she can be funny and serious, an amazing lawyer (I believe the comic staff did this be part of the second wave of feminism [no hating for this, okay to be a feminist or have the ideas of one to want equality with men), confident in her body and mind, she has colorful hair, she so strong that I be happy be held by her, and more. XD It is kinda takes to her women of any height (she is “5'10" (in human form) 6'7" (as She-Hulk” according to http://marvel.com/characters/51/she-hulk)  because tall Titanesses need some love. Also yes sucker for either her She-Hulk green eyes or her Jennifer’s form with brown eyes and this cute haircut. So Bruce Banner or Hulk, can you give me your cousin’s number please? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2j4_C4cvSs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbVnnImJOYc
1. 1996′s The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Esmeralda. 
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So I like Disney a lot to choose ONE woman is not easy to do, yet I chose to one who I know for the fact I can say just has more to crush on. For starters her personality (seeing beauty from within a huge trait I love), spreading mercy, standing up her others, her sense of Faith (I am Spiritual, so her song to me a great representation of faith - - - > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEEpavnk7Uw ), her voice (both speaking and singing <3 <3) rich (I thank real life cutie Demi Moore, in Ghost her haircut is something I want to mimic on day), and more. Looks, well as long you are not a woman who is straight and a man who is gay, I find it hard to believe you can not understand how she is a jaw dropper. I personally head cannon her Pan as in Pansexuality.
So before you assume anything, yes there one more cutie after this, why, because I like to count zero. XD
Honorable Mentions: 
Raven Darkholme  AKA Mystique (fun fact I believe she is cannoned as Bi, even though I heancanon as Pan)
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Ororo Munroe AKA Storm  (XD the Pan flag I love it)
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2001′s Atlantis: The Lost Empire Kida
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1991′s Beauty and the Beast Belle (I love her hazel eyes and dimples)
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1999′s Iron Giant: Annie 
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0. 1982′s The Last Unicorn, Lady Amalthea. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-TioQfT-jg
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Even though yes she barely seems happy, just something about her that so stunning. If her indigo eyes, silver hair (I want to maybe dye my hair like her’s one day, when my hair longer), or moment of smiling.
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Okay now I looked at her physical appearance, how does Amalthea win by personality. With light spoilers (not going into detail) she starts and end the movie on a quest for herself and it is empowering to see her just do this for she wants to. Not out of love, a prophecy, nope just wanted to save more like her. She is does not give up, she goes on. Amalthea strong in her morals, she helps her friends, her arch is powerful, and so much more. PLEASE READ THE BOOK TOO! =D So I like to point out (because my sibling and I had a debate) I liked her when HUMAN and she call herself human, not sure why this confused my sibling.
*Please anyone name what traits stick out as reoccurring in my named character crushes.*
I challenge @thenamelessdoll @sailorzelda94 @myhollie1911 @cereittanyprincess15 @deanscourse ANYONE else to make their top animated women’s, men’s, non-binary, or your top animated crush list.
I want to clear up that listing women easier because men tend be less developed. So my top 10 men list be BOTH movies and TV, so I make a top 3 tv cartoon ladies.
So since I made this, I am making a top five different, details of why I like them stay the same, yet different spots
5. Maria
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4. Sailor Neptune
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3. Catwoman
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2. Amalthea (I kinda like this “mad” gif looks more like checking someone out. XD ^*_*^ )
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1. Esmeralda (I still hope to use this quote one day)
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0. She-Hulk
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atelophxbiia-blog · 7 years
💻 ┇⊰ ❛ @starstxff​ ⨾
Whatever the fuck Jae was doing to him, Jung-Su wanted it to stop. He could feel some sort of pull through his nerves, and if it was a pull to relax him, it was going the wrong way because Jung could feel his heart beat a little bit faster, and anxiety start to roll through his body. Maybe it was his unusual powers kicking in as a safety shield, but instead of relaxing him, he was much more insistent on getting out of the situation. His fight or flight response kicking in slightly, and his response? Fight, so his words had a bit more of a bit to them, and he gripped his fingers tightly in his lap. He wasn’t sure where this guy was from, but he wasn’t from KNPA, and he wasn’t human. That much Jung could slowly figure out. A smirk fell on his lips as he stands up, adjusting his glasses on his face. 
 Was it perchance the same people that went after his father? Even though a part of him yearned for death, he wouldn’t give without a fight. After all, what would all his training of been for? He had a bit of pride in himself to at least give himself a willing chance. He wouldn’t have put all those hours in for nothing. “Bullshit,” Jung finally responded. He made it purposeful to exaggerate his stare up to his eyes. He may be taller, but he was slick, and he could worm his way through this situation. He shook his head, running a hand through his hair.
“You’re not from the KNPA. Any idiot could tell. You literally don’t look like it, nor do you have a badge I’m assuming. I don’t know how you got in here, but you need to leave.” He was sure that was an empty threat and the other wasn’t going to leave at all. He supposed he only said those words to make himself seem like a badass in all the movies that he had listened to. He paused for a moment and chuckled bitterly at himself. When he was nervous, he supposed he talked a lot more than he thought. Was this his version of fighting? 
 “Or at least tell me why you’re here for me. If you’re here to kill me, make it quick. If you’re here for money, I don’t have any. If you want power, you came to the wrong person. And if you want someone to read your newspaper for you, well, it’ll be a bit harder, but I can do it for you.” Jung usually never talked this much. He kept much more to himself and offering only a few sarcastic phrases to the few people that he had engaged with. He had found that most people didn’t quite enjoy his rather sadistic sense of humor and tried to stir clear. There also was the guilt of feeling bad for a blind man. Some people didn’t like the idea of hanging out with him because they felt like they had to be someone other than themselves. They treated him like a glass ready to break at the slightest joke.
Only a few people made it past that round, and when Jung told them that he also had a terminal disease. Most people ran. Only one or two stayed, taking in his sense of humor, his sickness all while keeping attain of their personalities – something that Jung had always appreciated in other people. He knew everyone was different but some people were just so bland. They conformed so easily to the ways that people thought they had to be. Arguably, that’s what he was supposed to be, and that’s why he opposed it so much.  He didn’t want to become the person that he was supposed to be. He wanted to be someone different. He sighed again, sitting back down in the chair. 
 “Also make it quick, I have a lot of work I need to do.”
W E L L. this one is ( W O R D Y ) , isn’t he?
to be honest, jae's not all too sure what to make of all the B R A V A D O; the two of them had barely seen each other in passing in the past, let alone spoken to one another, so whatever the other's personality had been  B E F O R E  is  completely unknown to him. which is also when he recognizes that he has no clue whether or not the other is bluffing him right now. could he really  read  through all his lies, his disguise? or was he just trying to call his bluff to try to get him off of his back?
as he considers the possibilities, he continues to slowly run through jung-su's sys- tems—trying to  keep  his  touch  ( l i g h t ) ,  especially  since he could sense him TENSING up &&  resisting instead of relaxing. as he moves upwards into his head, though, he find himself meeting some [ RESISTANCE ] , but  not  the usual mental type. instead, he finds it  harder  than  usual  to  smoothly move through the nerves && with a slightly  creased  brow,  he  attempts  to  work  past it when he suddenly realizes—-
oh. O H .                                                                ( he's B L I N D )
it's a realization he purposely holds at bay && lets dawn slowly so that he wouldn't give himself away. but if jung is as blind as  he  assumes,  then there's no way that he can see a shift in his facial expression. then again, jae remains C A U T I O U S ; the other had been meant to be his genetic MIRROR && his powers were still intact. though, considering the fact that he had been scheduled for termination because of an unspecified terminal illness, maybe his powers had d e t e r i o r a t e d , too. the mere idea causes  a  wave  of  C O C K I N E S S  to  flow through him—but with a quick clearing of his throat, he forces himself to stay calm.
" here is my identification card, if you insist on  proof,  mr. myong, " jae says slowly, reaching into his pocket and producing a fake driver's license in a leather and plastic cover. in it were other proofs of identification, giving the case a bit of WEIGHT—per- haps just enough to trick jung. holding  it  out,  he  tries  to  keep his mouth but as a S M I R K tugs at the corner of his lip— " i apologize that there's no braille for you to read. I should talk to the department about making our ids more ACCESSIBLE."  
silently, he stands there  with  his  hands  folded  && allows jung to have his moment. frankly speaking, the more that jung spoke, the more information he was freely hand- ing over to jae, saving the time and breath for asking questions—two  things he finds himself quickly running out of, so he appreciates any shortcuts that can be offered to him. by the end of it, jae allows himself a small snort of amusement in response to the other's M A C A B R E humor. if there is one thing that the  two  of them clearly share at this point, it's their G A L L O W S humor when faced with ( D E A T H ) .
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" i know it may be hard for you to believe, but you are safe in my care, " jae continues to try to assure him, allowing the easy smile on his lips  to slip into his words, trying to be as welcoming and unassuming as possible. " you  have  never been as safe as you are now. of that, i can G U A R A N T E E  you."
&& he tries his H A R D E S T not to, but an amused  laugh  flickers  through his chest. he waits for the other to sit down and he knows that this is the wrong move—he needs to stay friendly, he needs the other to come with him willingly, if for no other reason than because it will make things far easier. for the ( B O T H ) of them.
" do you hear that, mr. myong? " he asks, using the moment to  draw  the other's atten- tion to the silence that had settled over the office. && he lets it H A N G, lets it linger be- tween the two of them—lets it SINK in before he speaks again. " we  are the only two in the office. so trust me when i say that there is no work for you  to  get  back to. at least, not for now."
taking a step back, he leans lazily against a desk, resting his weight against it with a flat palm as he looks over jung—thinking about how he is supposed to be a reflection of himself. his ' what if. '
" maybe you would like to try again. " jae stands up straight  and  adjusts  his clothes, clearly mocking jung at this point. " hello, mr. myong. i am with the knpa && i have some questions for you."
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