#using a school as a miliatry base
chaiaurchaandni 10 months
israeli terrorists invade Palestinian classrooms, destroy students' certificates, scrawl threats on the boards and use UN schools as a base
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every zionist accusation is a confession
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pix-writes 1 year
They also said David was right that he and Ellie have a violent heart and then compared Joel to him like a parallel. Like its purely to justify the second game/season beacuse he knows audiences wont receive it well in the first one.
Like its not in the first season beacuse it would ruin the story which is why they try so hard to justify their position to trick us into thinking seeds of violence were planted when they clearly weren't. If anything the actual show makes the second game look even MORE unrealistic.
And Neil recently reaffirming he does not care for people who dislike the second game. Like im sorry thats not a valid opinion he unironically based this game around Palestine and cycles of aggressive violence and promoted it through sabatoging beloved characters in favour of his new actual facist fave youre forced to play.
A good game is not devisive amongst the fanbase like the sequel was. Thats bad. And I think he will be in for a rude awakening at the reception to season 2. Beacuse general audiences will watch the show more then go out and play a game. Gamers paid already it doesnt matter if we stop playing half way through.
But TV shows with audience drop offs are much more brutal for a shows reception.
The amount of people already who refuse to tune in for a future season just from what ive seen on here is staggering.
Its a bad, brutal, punishing story with no mercy. And it'll be an even worse show.
I agree with these senitments, mutual!
I find it intersing making Ellie more used to violence (or using violence) in the TV series - of course she is a girl who's grown up in a miliatry school in a post-apocalypse, so it would make sense for her to be used or more ready to utilise violence in terms of survival. But I don't like the idea that she is violent like David is, or comparing his version of violence to Ellie's (or Joel's, for that matter) because its totally different - especailly as neither of them seek violence as a way of abusing people or to gain power like David most certainly does.
When I think of Ellie I don't think of her having a "violent heart" I think of her as a scared and yet feirce girl. I think the only thing David ever got right about her was that she is very loyal. I'd say that she has a loyal heart and one that puts loyalty into people who she cares deeply about & that show her that she can trust them/that they won't abandon her/that they can protect her.
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^^^ I mean???!!!!??!!!!!! looook! the sweetest <3
Its intersting to hear Neil said that, I haven't seen much about what the creators have spoken about since the first game came out (/little snippets from the podcasts), to be honest, but its very disheartening. (And as a writer myself, I can't imagine having that perspective or lack of thought for fans by saying something like that publicly!)
I could go on about how I don't trust a lot of the men involved in this story (Pedro excepted ofc), for the way they treat David, like he's not an obvious predator, and how I didn't like that Joel doesn't intercept Ellie during the restaurant scene, but I'd just end up getting mad! ^^' and on top of that, the mentioned narrative that Ellie is 'forever changed' by what happens to her in her run-in with David & his cannibal crew (according to Craig/Neil). I've always taken issue with such things, as much as Ellie is a wondeful well-fleshed out female queer character (mad props to Ashley Johnson for being pivotal with that <3); and it makes me feel that tlou 2 was just made to be a rug-pull type story (as has been used in GoT and TWD) like 'oh you thought this? haha, well think again! your fave is dead because of tragedy!' --> its edgy for the sake of being edgy and missed out on being a meaningful additon to the first game & DLC and its themes...
I'm thinking the same, that the second season is going to be just as divisive - all the people who haven't been spoiled by the gameplay etc., are going to have a similar rude awakening to fans when tlou part 2 was released, and I don't think they'll get the reception they were hoping for (but then again, perhaps the writers don't care?). BUT it'll probably affect viewership dramatically, especiallly if (as I've heard other fans say) that they will sequence it much like in the game where it jumps back & forth in time/perspective (meaning *spoilers* - Joel 馃拃 in the first half of the series, most likely). I just can't fathom that going down well with general audiences. That's a recipe for a tv series bomb if ever I saw one.
... ... ....
Its probably kinda bad I do partly want the second season to bomb, isn't it? 馃槄 don't get me wrong, I love the first game/season, and the actors etc who've worked on it - but I just have so much issues with how they've handled the story since then/their interpretations of it, like I do with a lot of other tv series/tv in general right now, that I would just feel pure justified satisfction from it if it did!
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xottzot 7 years
2017-12(DEC)-03rd---Sunday (late night)--my world predictions of AGAINness.
2017-12(DEC)-03rd---Sunday (late night)--my world predictions of AGAINness.
Putting this post alive before my internet fucks up again totally, as it alwasy does all the time, and WILL AGAIN, around Xmas and the new year.........
There will be the yearly annual crisis happening with/in Israel, andor the areas around it. Possibly a handy 'terrorist' attack to gain sympathy and bring in further draconian shit. :
Ditto for London. Probably heavier than before in order to hammer home things and to also bring in more draconian crap whilst simultaneously giving MORE lattitude and complete immunity to others who already have it now. :
All and any of the above on new places around the world. Australia is ripe for being a focus for all of the shit. And handy too is they don't want to disrupt things too much for the chosen ones elsewhere in the world. :
Plague andor new rampant uncontrollable diseases, new strains of, new mutations of, outbreaks in places where it has never been ever before, affecting more people than any of it it has ever done before. :
More entirely people getting killed by crazed people in vehicles, running off roads onto footpaths, into buildings, into homes, into children andor adults like inlcuding the elderly and infirm. :
LOTS of public commemorative events for any of the above outcomes to distract and keep busy peopels minds from enquiring too much. If anyone dares to question anything, then they are simply accused of being insensitive to the memories of the fallen or insensitive to any survivors or family, thus heaping blame on anyone who dares question anything or even hints about doing so. ('little' children and babies are alwasy used as gods that nobody is allowed to upset in any way....and they are 'our' future....even the rampant criminals babies......). :
Planes will go 'missing'.....with the accompanying loss of life becoming yet other 'mysteries'...... :
Wonderous new inventions and innovations will be unveiled.......and everyone will believe it will be their salvation in their own personal ways....only to then be told that it's years away and still only 'in development'......alwasy 'in development'...... :
Commemorations of old wars and miliatry crap. - (It IS going on even now and has been for awhile in Australia.) They're now going back further to older military events and painting it all as 'necessary actions' that absolutely HAD TO BE DONE.....and roll-on still more commemorations to crap nobody cared about and has been long forgotten but is dredged up again and again so ancient wars and crap 100 years ago or more are portrayed as almost having just occured. - Mindless people suddenly switch on to having sympathy to the 'winning' survivors and nothing is worried about the 'losing' side. This helps to foment new antagonism to ancient 'foes' who have long been peaceful particpants in world affairs. - The young are especially targetted to accept all this thinking. Of course there's nobody living from very old wars to wear medals, so kids wear them as a 'mark of respect and rememeberance'......that's all used a ridiculous photo events.....as if the kids themselves had been in those wars..... (haven't yet reached the stage of kids uniforms sizes in pre-school sizes but it'll be 'SO CUTE' to see them babies in uniforms of war...yes?)..... :
Certain toys are declared xtremely dangerous to children and banned. Meanwhile though, the miltary indoctrination aspects of everything is simply accepted more and indulged. - Military is exempt in all things. Forever wars are always handy for profits. :
Maybe identity devices andor implants are introduced for children as an aid to adults to safely keep track of them. Mobile phones are limited in their apects to all this and perhaps an instance or instances of something terrible will be made news to further the introducton of non-removalable, 'safe', bodily internal tracking devices, that (a lie) can be removed later when the child becomes an adult. (maybe make it a tremdy hip 'coming-of-age' ritual event?) - This is done to placate anyone for arguing over the scheme. -- Ditto for the elderly, and infirm andor disabled. -- Criminals will somehow be exempt, as will be the 'chosen rich and powerful people'. :
Food scares. Poisoness, debilitating, carthinogenic, or completely faked andor counterfeit food items. Baby food is always a handy target. As is 'health food'. Ditto for homegrown foods. - All is done to make you only purchase what is planned to make you purchase. :
Meat substitutes makes a huge impact, but at the same time is highly expensive for consumers. The rich, wealthy and powerful are exempt and simply continue on eating ordinary food at their whims. After all, they own vast resources of worlds food farms too. :
Let's not ever forget handy dandy North Korea, the ersatz 'evil Russian communists' for todays age......who are alwasy planning and cunning and always 'just about' to bring death and destruction to any and all...and who always are developing weapons and crap to bring about world war in any way it's possible and death to all. Meanwhile....the pure 'saintly' USA and any and everyone else just continues on as always without any controls or oversights. -- PLEASE nuke where I am and kill me, PLEASE with a NUKE BLAST!! :
The USA will 'suffer' another (annual) military false flag disaster and it's blamed on whomever they have long ago already decided to blame it upon. - Ditto for an attack on any of the USA's bases or installations or personnel walking down the street anywhere in the world. Also handy for their allies or those stooges (like Australia) the USA wants to fight the USA's wars for them. :
Haven't had decent UFO incidents for quite awhile. Surely false flag events involving those should be well into going into execution by now. 'Evil aliens'......and el presidente Mr fake tan Wig will wet himself at the ooportunity to be seen to be acting as a warrior for all the world (aka Americans).......or..... :
el presidente Mr fake tan Wig will get assasinated or close to it, a replacement will come in and be accepted as a saviour and a worthy 'alternative' to the mad deranged vain el presidente...and maybe to help 'diplomatic relations' with extraterrestrial aliens and 'save the world'......but in actual fact it's all been planned and mapped out long, long ago and another planned person is plugged-in to the position...fake tan notwithstanding. :
The British Royals will have a wedding as a grand distraction (that's actually already in the works).....and another royal baby will pop out like a cork for hapless women and fops to goo-goo eye and fawn over worldwide and gush over whilst suporting any and everything that's decided without a second thought...... :
As an adjunct to the above, the royals will cry how poor they actually are. Anyone who disagrees, is vilified. (poor late Princess Diana never stood a chance in all this shit) -- King Charles could be to the rescue of the royals. Laws are changed, and the guy has been groomed long enough to be a suitable stooge and actor of the-powers-that-be. - Finally another King Charles! - Chosen plants will be happy. :
Australia will once again be involved in useless political crap that doesn't do anything and means nothing to ordinary people, (and in fact causes actual harm to people), but there's a massive lot of distractionabilty in all of that. - Australia has already been going through some of that and politicans have been wetting themselves with glee and self-loving. The usual evil politicians are again...evil. They have been joined by others in the newest world craze created forms of crap and that's the hoopla being a dual-citizenship, being a citizen of another country whilst claiming to be Australian and so being an Australian politician when they had no 'right' to be one. (HEY, I'M ONE TOO I'M A SPY FOR ENGLAND SO DEPORT ME TO ENGLAND!) -- Out of all this NOBODY talks about how wealthy Australian politicians actually are, and how much money they make, including the current head honcho multi-millionare leader of Australia. - But win, lose, or draw...they ALWASY win. -- Scale all this crap down to local elections you are also forced to vote in, as if your vote actually does anything in any election of any type. (that situation has been the case for a LONG LONG time and Australian people keep deluding themselves they have the 'power' of voting. That goes for worldwide too. What a joke.) :
Xmas celebrations become even more bland and mindless and worthless, with only the commercialisation aspects getting more powerful and untouchable and cannot be criticsed. (why not have Ronald McDonald as the REAL Santa? -- Ever notice how there's no black Ronald McDonald?) :
Is a grand plan for the 'revelations' about the deities ready to roll in yet? - That slots neatly into the manufactured UFO crap? - Xmas is the perfect occasion to give the presents to the world they don't love so hurry it up. Look, up in the sky, it's a bird, it's plane, it's Superman!...uh noooo, it's a drone...it's a UFO....it's the el presidente's wig flying about on it's own again....quick shoot it down befere it kills us all.......or spreads the plague...or craps on us again........ :
A LOT of all this stuff above also is for the 'New Year' period, the 'traditonal' terrorist massacres, the 'worthy' massacres of innocents by those massive powers that doesn't give a shit about anyone or anything, (and it's a great 'showcase' for new weaponry they're trying to sell), new disease fighting methods and inventions (with a handy timely medical disaster to address with it)......and on and on and on..... :
Will Australia be the first country to go completely 'cashless'? - It's a great way to secretly milk away money from countries too when it's all electronic. - The poor don't get poorer, they die off. The rich don't just get more rich, they become untouchable...until it's THEIR turn to be wiped out by those above them and they'll cry diamond encrusted tears of woe...... :
Lets' have yet MORE war movies....semi-fictionals.....they're always handy for patriotistic pants wettings and indoctrinations....can't have factual documentries anymore......it makes people too 'smart'...... :
Australia becomes yet another country unable to feed itself from the masses of food it grows, farms and creates, despite it having surpluses because the surpluses are 'contracted' to go offshore and to other countries and none of it is 'allowed' to be used here in Australia unless premium prices are paid. -- Eating kangaroos and emus (Australia's national emblem critters) are touted as 'sustainable food' for Australian. - Aboriginals get up in arms and lay copyright over kangaroos and emus...and succeed...and become wealthy kangaroro and emu 'farmers'.....with the profits (as alwasy with anything Aboriginal) mystriously disappearing and being unable to be accounted or explained where it all went when anything is ever investigated and is simply smoke that vanishes forever.......'put another roo on the barbie will ya'....... :
Electricity....Australia keeps running out of electrcity (as if it's water)......and despite the grand hooplah of the state of South Australia having their own 'almost free' Tesla power generation, it's just a drop in an vast ocean of need and Australia still can't make enough electricity for itself depsite the 'downturn' of manufacturing and the asbolute past lies that because of losing manufacturing production in Australia, that more electricity woud be about for everyone...and be cheap. -- Electricity is the new 'oil' scam of today and rorted. -- Strange how 'terrorists' never attack and disable such places eh? (except when it's secretly done without 'terrorists' and passed off as 'technical faults'.)
and locally, at this hellhole, the same old, same old shit goes on.....the criminals get worse and worse in ever more inventive ways...the toddlers in diapers still run free range all over the roads as well as the other criminal kids who never ever go to school....the get watched up all the time by departments and indulged and 'helped'....and everyone else is not included at all of course. - One latest spin is having abo men 'escorting' abo toddlers on foot scooters on the roads (to keep them 'safe') but is in fact just teaching toddlers to use roads as personal footpaths...AGAIN....STILL.......AS ALWAYS.......to be run over and killed.....or.......
I love you dear Fliss and want to be with you just as you promised us both and where YOU can be the absolute boss of everything and have final say on any and everything. - - It's hot and airless in this hovel despite it having rained. (yes it DID rain a little, however it was only lightly but over a long period) Sam & Max got wet. The mozzies are everywhere. Spiders are everwhere. - In a LOT of pain. -- I love you dear Fliss and want to be with you. SAVE ME DEAR FLISS. The world and this hellhole is fucking up at an increasingly more rapid pace and has increased dramatically since you left me here to die in HELL. -- I love you dear Fliss and want to be with you. SAVE ME DEAR FLISS. SAVE ME. I WANT TO BE WITH YOU JUST AS YOU PROMISED.
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