Doodle Mode
That's what unovatrainerrosa's been doing. I swear to Arceus she's gonna run out of paper soon...
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enharmonic-n · 10 years
Back in Kanto.
I've been helping Professor Juniper do some research on Reshiram. Luckily, he was quite cooperative for the both of us. He seems to have taken a liking to getting so much attention. 
theamazingtrainernate, unovatrainerrosa and johto-champ I wish the three of you the best of luck in the Indigo League!
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fullgrizzly94 · 10 years
The Escape: Celadon.
This Is a short fic I wrote this morning about what actually happened to theamazingtrainernate and unovatrainerrosa last night.
Location: unknown warehouse controlled by Team Rocket Time: 5:00 AM, 6/15/14
It was time: Nate had gathered enough information to know what was going on. Team Rocket’s infiltration of the Safari Zone, although he had no idea how they did it, was only part of a larger plan. A huge undertaking which involves capturing rare pokemon from multiple locations and selling them as prizes at the game corner or on local black markets across Kanto cities. 
Nate had successfully taken out the security guard in the video room, while Rosa was getting ready for step 2. Step 2 was the big one; the unovian duo were to release all 124 captured pokemon and escort them to a truck, where all of them would then escape into the streets above and make their way to a secluded location.
Nate looked at Rosa. She had been surprisingly helpful over the course of the night. While Nate took out the guy in the security room, Rosa managed to get the keys to all the cages. Apparently grunts shouldn’t be holding keys.
"Rosa, you ready?" he asked.
Rosa smiled. “Of course I am, Mr. Special Agent.” She then gave her best friend a wink.
Nate smiled back, although he was still in ‘Serious mode.’ “Good. Let’s go.” Nate threw two pokeballs, releasing his Lucario and Espeon. Rosa did the same, but this time releasing her Growl and Eve, her Arcanie and Eevee.
Location: same warehouse, upper level cargo bay, near one of the trucks.Time: 6:30 AM.
They were surrounded. Although most of the enemies were grunts, a few of them seemed to stand out. One of them was a known admin: Proton, known for his exceptionally cruel ways. Beside him was a black dog-like pokemon, with horns protruding from its head.
"Foolish kids. You thought you could sneak in unnoticed? Well think again. You’re in the heart of Team Rocket territory; we got Celadon here on lock." The executive exclaimed.
"Really?" Nate countered. "For a criminal organization, you guys are pretty bad at preventing us ‘kids’ from just waltzing in and messing things up."
Slightly annoyed, Proton responded. “Well this time I’m making sure you and your little bunhead over there don’t ever see the light of day.”
Nate looked around: about 35 pokemon in total, 17 of them fully evolved. Compared to the 128 on Nate’s side, it looked like Team Rocket were the ones who were actually outnumbered. Nate smiled, knowing that he had the upper hand.
"There’s power in numbers, you know," Nate said cockily. "Who are the fools now?"
The executive looked more annoyed. “Enough of this. Time to wipe that silly grin off your face. Houndoom, Flamethrower!”
"Lucario, Bone Rush!" The Aura wielder created a bone-shaped staff from his hands and began to spin it rapidly, effectively creating a shield to block the would be super effective move. Rosa followed Nate’s lead and ordered her Pokemon to attack.
Many of the formerly captured pokemon looked at the two Unovians with awe. They not only they were the ones orchestrating their escape, they were willing to risk their lives to save them.
What happened next was spectacular. As if on cue, the Dratini, led by Nate and Rosa’s new friend, as well as another one that had taken a liking to Rosa, charged up and fired multiple Dragon Rages, combining into one large attack. The many other pokemon also contributed, shooting various moves of electricity, fire, ice, grass, bug, poison, and water. 
The resulting impacts created several explosions, giving the duo and their friends enough cover to escape.
Nate and Rosa opened the back of a nearby truck and escorted everyone in. “Quick! Everyone in!” ordered the male Unovian. “We have no time to lose!” 
Once all the pokemon were in, Nate headed to the front with Rosa while the rest of the pokemon, including Lucario, Espeon, Growl, and Eve, went into the back. The 15 year old special agent took the steering wheel, then placed a signal jammer on the dash, in case any pokemon had tracking devices on them. 
Nate and Rosa buckled themselves in. “I didn’t know you knew how to drive.” She remarked.
Confidently, Nate replied. “I don’t. You better hold on.” But before she could, Nate stepped on the gas.
"Don’t let them escape!" Nate could make it out to be Proton’s voice. But it was already too late…
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unovatrainerrosa you are the stargazer. Correct?
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unovatrainerrosa, you always have a knack for finding cool spots.
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Rosa, help me out.
unovatrainerrosa come with me. I'm not doing soup duty alone.
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Ok. That Xatu IS acting weird. unovatrainerrosa is definitely right.
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WE'RE IN!!!!!!!
unovatrainerrosa WE’RE GONNA BE COMPETING!!!!!!
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Well, they're finally here.
Took them long enough. kantoadventurer I'm gonna send about 15 pokemon your way so expect them to be in Lavender town soon. Oh yea, unovatrainerrosa we're taking a helicopter to the Indigo Plateau.
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Ok... So it looks like we're in the clear.
So unovatrainerrosa, what did you think?
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Step one. Compete.
Stupid grunts.
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Back at the Safari Zone...
((In an old-time radio story teller host voice))...Meanwhile, our two Unovian Heroes have managed to convince the distressed Dratini into directing them to the dastardly doer(s) of Dratini distressing! -------- Ok, enough with the entertaining transitions. It's fun and all, but I have better things to do, like figuring out what would scare him like that (the pokedex told me it's a male). unovatrainerrosa and I managed to give the little guy some treats to calm him down, and once we convinced him we were the good guys, he kinda wanted us to follow him. So that's what we're doing. Hopefully we'll solve this mystery once and for all!
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Safari Zone!
So unovatrainerrosa and I are currently in the Safari Zone, and let me tell you, this place is HUGE! There's a bunch of wild pokemon everywhere, from Ryhorn to Tauros to Psyduck and more! Someone even said that there might be Dratini here! With so many pokemon, I'm gonna have to figure out which one I want.
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Safari zone???
Cause why not! unovatrainerrosa wanna come?
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First off, I want to congratulate Cubone for doing an awesome job. He's been training hard and it's really shown off! Janine is a tough opponent, but my pokemon had the advantage. Now unovatrainerrosa, I want you to win and teach that ninja anon a lesson!
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Behind this wall
Apparently Espeon says you're behind this wall unovatrainerrosa. Now I just have to figure out how to get there...
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