#universal sign language
(The bear) Me as someone who is hard of hearing and has a auditory processing disorder, and speech issues.
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I have to depend on reading lips to understand because no one can actually communicate with me! Even in a hospital. My new therapist for example doesn't know ANY sign language so many times we cannot actually talk.
Thanks for not being "offensive" though, I love not being able to communicate.
And people always think the (asl) "sorry" is some weird love thing, it's not, so don't look at me that way because you don't know what I'm saying to you...
Learning sign language isnt "cultural appropriation" or "offensive" its called learning another f*cking language...
*credit for the image isn't mine, I found it on another post*
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louistonehill · 1 year
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maulfucker · 5 months
racism in star wars will have wikis saying shit like "this species that is inspired on a real life non-white people is just too stupid to use the Force"
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hanibalistic · 21 days
faint idea dump. alternative universe where both wukong and the destined one exist at the same time.
since destined one doesn't talk nearly as much, modern!reader during their journey to do something decided to start teaching him sign language to communicate if he doesn't feel like talking, and wukong doesn't enjoy it too much because it gives reader a reason to touch the destined one a lot
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These have all been verified by Gallaudet University’s SJP.
Please check out their account if you’d like more information or to find out more ways to help!
Or you can take a look at their linktree:
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ddeck · 2 months
you know. just like with specific terms and nicknames like clanker or shinie, clones must've come up with unique meanings for their armor paint. like with different meanings assigned to colors of mandalorian armor except since the choice of color is out of their control, all the importance lies in shapes and placement
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gncrezan · 7 months
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chthonic sign language 101 with alekto @chrysanthemumgames
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gammasquad · 2 months
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To my new favorite ~Bi Icon~ Jericho
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ikuneko · 1 month
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Beyond divine c0mm from @retiredpeach 🫰
I got it as a sort of personal promo for my newest ZhuiLing fic, The Communication of Peonies: https://archiveofourown.org/works/57618067/chapters/146614537
They're signing each other's name (to the best of my understanding of ZGS) 🩵💛 Ugh, they turned out so beautiful~! I just had this idea while reading one of my deaf/hard of hearing manga, and devised an AU where Lan Sizhui's hearing was damaged by the high fever when he was a child. Plus, I have a fascination with languages so I was more than happy to collect another signed language (I've been teaching myself ASL & JSL for a few years now).
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ghcstao3 · 1 year
ghostsoap au where soap is deaf and a bsl teacher and ghost signs up for a class
ghost ends up as one of soap’s best students not only because of a general, genuine interest in learning but also because—just maybe—ghost wants to impress soap
sometimes he’ll even go learn things outside of the class and soap will ask “am i not a good enough teacher?” to which ghost flounders until soap amends it was a joke and offers one-on-one sessions
(contrary to popular belief there is, in fact, learning involved. but as a cause of it being one-on-one soap takes no shame in adjusting ghost’s hands himself when something needs work which might just speed up their strange courting ritual a little bit)
(ghost thought flirting without having to actually speak words would be easier but it absolutely isn’t and he gets flustered far too often)
(soap finds it incredibly endearing)
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BDOR Prologue: The Sword that Learned to Speak (Febuwhump Alt Prompt: Human Weapon)
TW: none
A little hum that Wild almost didn’t seem aware of danced upon the afternoon air as he stirred at the pot propped over the fire. His wooden spoon clack clacked against the metal edges of the cooking pot, and the fragrant scent of the herbal soup with mushrooms mingled with the impromptu music to create a comforting atmosphere that evening. Twilight stared at the kid over the campfire, chewing at a cuticle in thought as he listened. Ever since he’d met him about a month ago, he’d always been… quiet, for lack of a better word. No, there was a better word. That word was eerily, frighteningly, completely and utterly silent.
He didn’t make a sound around Twilight, if he could help it. He spoke solely in gestures that Twilight was only just beginning to learn how to translate, his body language guarded and his face near expressionless except for an annoyed scowl. Unflinchingly mute and stoic, he didn’t seem to voice a single verbal sound if he could help it—he didn’t laugh or cry or shout, didn’t even let out more than a few whimpers that one time a few weeks back that he’d gotten a monster’s arrow in his thigh and Twilight had been forced to dig out with no more equipment than a rusty dagger, a scrappy tourniquet, and a cheap bottle of alcohol. As time went on, Wild started to become more inclined to show that emotion on his face and through his posture—often in amusing mimicry of Twilight himself—but even then he was careful to walk and eat and even fight in near complete silence besides the clashing of blades in battle. Hell, Twilight wasn’t even sure if the kid farted. He couldn’t make heads or tails of it.
It had been a little better when he was only known to the boy as Wolf, but not by a lot. Wild still hadn’t spoken or laughed often , but at least when he moved he had a sound to him, rustling leaves as he walked past, humming or whistling songs that he seemed to have made up to himself. That was, until he’d discovered that Twilight and Wolf were the same, at which point he’d retreated into that stoic, almost unearthly silence around the both of them. One thing that Twilight had missed the most was the humming that Wild didn’t seem to realize he was doing now.
“Say, why’re you so quiet all the time ‘round me?”
The words were out before Twilight could reconsider their effect. And indeed, that hum in the air fizzled out abruptly, and the wooden spoon froze in its continuous circular path in Wild’s hand. The resulting look the kid shot Twilight over the cooking pot was guarded and icy, almost. His shoulders raised up to his ears defensively.
“I… I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked ya that. None of my business.” Twilight backtracked mentally, cursing his stupid mouth. Uli had always told him to think before he spoke, but he never seemed to be able to catch up with his stupidest thoughts before they were already past his lips. Maybe he could just pretend he hadn’t said it? Twilight rubbed at the back of his neck as he averted his eyes, pretending to find something interesting in the line of the treetops at the edge of camp, as he asked as casually as he could manage, “Say, how long until the food’s done, ya reckon?”
Wild let out a little long-suffering sigh—still more than Twilight had heard from him in the last few weeks—and set down his wooden spoon. He stood, then moved to sit opposite of Twilight, his face set into a concentrated frown. Twilight cringed, and apologies began to spill from his mouth.
“Listen, I’m sorry, I’m real sorry. I shouldn’t’ve asked nothing ‘bout it, I didn’t mean no…” 
Oh. Twilight trailed off when he realized that Wild was moving his hands in that odd, focused way he did when he wanted to say something. Sign Language, the gestures were apparently called. Most people of Wild’s world seemed to know it, which hurt Twilight all the more that he himself did not. When Wild did deign to speak to him, their communication was rarely true sign, and more a bizarre game of charades to get across what he wanted to say, but Twilight would be damned if he didn’t try his hardest to understand.
“Okay, I’m sorry,” Twilight sat back, eyeing him carefully. “Start over. And just a little bit slower please.”
A twist of Wild’s lips. His hand moved through the first gesture again: a sign that looked similar to no , then a flick of his wrist out from it into… a pointing motion?
“Uh no…. not…” Twilight fumbled, repeating the sign to himself. “Not… not… not going? Like your voice doesn’t work? I’ve heard you before, that ain’t true.”
Wild shook his head vehemently, then signed a combination of two simpler words, both of which Twilight recognized.
“No… good? Not good?” Twilight said to himself as he mimicked the sign. That received a nod of the head from Wild, and Twilight’s brow furrowed. “No good? Wait, what’s not good?”
Wild tapped his voice box, raising an eyebrow in emphasis. 
“Your speech isn’t any good? Like it hurts to speak? Or it sounds bad? Ah, I get what you’re saying!” Twilight said triumphantly. But when he only received another shake of the head, he melted in sullen disappointment, crossing his arms. “Well nevermind then. I’m sorry, Wild, I ain’t understanding you.”
Wild wrung out his hands and abruptly shot to his feet, apparently deeming it all nothing more than an exercise in futility. 
“No, no, no, don't leave!” Twilight yelped, scrambling up after him. “Wait, please just say it again, I’m doin’ my best to understand ya, I swear. Come back, please, gimme one more try.”
Wild, as requested, sat back down with another long-suffering sigh of his. He signed through a completely different phrase, his fingers moving far too quickly for Twilight to follow.
“Hold on, hold on, hold on!” Twilight sat up taller, waving at him to stop . “I wasn’t ready, I’m sorry. Slowly, please, I’m trying to understand. One word at a time, please.”
Wild’s frustration was nearly tangible in the air. Very pointedly, he tapped his own throat.
A nod. Wild motioned pulling a sword from its scabbard.
“A sword… a—a weapon?"
This one also received Wild’s approval. The next word was a bit harder to understand. Wild signed no , then made a grasping motion towards himself, like taking something in both of his hands.
“Has?” A frown of disapproval and a shrug. Close, then. “Needs…. wants? Okay, so…” Twilight ran back through the words in his head, piecing them together. “A voice, a weapon… does not need? A sword does not need a voice?” Twilight furrowed his brow, thoroughly confused by now. “What weapon, Wild? We don’t even know where the Master Sword is yet. Do you mean that one?”
Wild shook his head, then placed a hand on his own chest.
“You the weapon? Wild, you’re not a sword, you’re…” Twilight’s tone was joking, but he trailed off as Wild’s face flashed to ugly frustration . He very emphatically pointed at his own chest again, then turned away pointedly, signing something that Twilight clearly caught as You don’t understand.
“Okay, Wild…” The kid was upset, now, no need to make it worse. “I, ah… I understand.” He did not understand at all, but at the same time, he was starting to think that he did. Maybe this silence was to do with something to do with his past that he couldn’t seem to remember. “Is… is food done, do you think?”
Wild scoffed, clearly not falling for that lie, and stalked back over to the pot. He stirred its contents, nodded to himself, and began to distribute the servings into bowls. Twilight stared at the top of his head, lost in thought.
A sword needs no voice? Who in his past had taught him he was nothing more than a voiceless weapon to be pointed towards an enemy?
Whoever it was, Twilight was going to have words with them, whether it be in this life or the next.
Visit this fic on ao3 here BDOR Prologue: The Sword that Learned to Speak or the Febuwhump series here HotCheetoHatred's Febuwhump 2024
Or, for any of you interested in the BDOR series itself, you can read the main fic here Blood Drops on Roses: Linked Universe and also check out other completed Prologue works here! BDOR Prologue: A Haircut ; BDOR Prologue: Ballgowns and Buffoonery ; BDOR Prologue: The Yiga and The Sheikah.
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gettheorion · 16 days
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10yrsyart · 2 years
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piggy backed on some of my doodle ideas from 2018. Past was my first Link and Wild is the latest Link, and i just think they’re neat :} 
Headcanons: Wild is selectively Mute and Past is naturally Mute. Past is also a different Link from Oracle (Ages/Seasons/Awakening), who is his cousin. 
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sincerely-astra · 6 months
Hiii <3
can i request Garnet with a s/o who uses ASL? like they can hear it's just their first/home language lol
☁️Garnet x reader who uses ASL☁️
As someone learning ASL, this request got me so excited! :)
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Garnet first met you in a party supply store, Garnet getting party decorations for Steven's birthday party.
You were trying your best to communicate with the cashier, trying to return an item you had accidentally bought the day prior, but no matter what you did the cashier was still left utterly confused.
Nonetheless, you continued trying to communicate with them even over their growing frustrations. They kept asking for you to, "Just tell me what you want!" Refusing to look at any note you wrote to them.
The tension kept rising as the cashier was about to kick you out, thankfully though, Garnet was there just in time to stop a potential fight.
She stopped the cashier mid sentence and turned to you, calmly asking, "What excatly do you need?" Then quickly taking the note you handed to her, reading it, and turning back to the cashier.
"They are looking to return this item."
And after one frustrated grumble later, you managed to get your money back! ...In store credit-
A win is a win you suppose.
Garnet led you out of the store, having bought her supplies while the cashier processed the return.
The automatic doors closed behind you two, and you turned to face Garnet, signing, "Thank you!" And although Garnet didn't understand what the sign meant, she replied with a, "No problem." Before walking off to the temple.
After that, you hadn't seen eachother for a while. Garnet had missions, and you had life to deal with.
Garnet being busy didn't stop her from thinking about you though, infact, your interactions intrigued her. Of course, she's met deaf and hard of hearing people before, but something about you stuck out to her...
Maybe, it's because she thought you were cute.
When she came to this revelation, she thought it was as good as a time if any to learn ASL.
' It's an important skill. ' She tried to rationalize, just a tad in denial.
When you guys met again, this time at the Big Donut, you can only imagine your suprise when you asked Garnet about her day in ASL, and she signed back-
You were rightfully ecstatic!
Only a few people in Beach City knew ASL, so it was nice to actually be able to communicate with someone else. Not to mention, Garnet was a fast learner too!
You rapidly signed back to Garnet, asking when she learnt ASL and if there was anything like sign language for gems.
Garnet and you grew expectionally close in one afternoon.
From then on, you would visit the temple to hang out with Garnet. This, of course, meant you met the other gems, Steven, and eventually Connie, you all got along well though.
Steven and Amethyst love to go on adventures with you, Pearl enjoys having you help out around the temple, and Connie is actually learning ASL from you.
You make sure to reserve some time with Garnet too amid the shenanigans.
As Garnet grew closer to you, it was getting harder and harder to deny her feelings for you. The inner Ruby and Sapphire in her were urging for Garnet to confess to you, in the most cheesy ways possible...
Garnet knew how she'd confess to you, and she didn't even need future vision for it.
Garnet invited you to go on patrol with her during the evening, which was really just strolling on the beach.
And as the sun set hit the tide, the temple back in the distance, Garnet turned to you and signed, "I love you." A simple gesture, but something she really hope you would love.
How could you say no to that???
You guys were now officially dating, And Garnet is absolutely in love. Ruby and Sapphire are not helping, as they urge her to hurry up and get a ring-
Garnet loves to get you any kind of ASL related thing she can find, shirts, mugs, pins, bumper stickers, all of it.
She also teaches the Crystal Gems (minus Pearl) ASL so they can communicate easier with you.
It was while you were dating that you told Garnet why you use ASL and it's cultural significance to you, which she is extremely supportive of. It really doesn't matter if you can or can't hear, she loves you for you.
And if you want to open up about your voice and actually speaking, then she's more than happy to help you. Definitely makes sure you are completely comfortable with it and makes sure you won't push yourself too hard, she doesn't want you to feel forced to do anything.
The first time Garnet heard your voice her jaw dropped, her thought process was literally, ' How can someone be so perfect? '
Loves your voice, 10/10, would 100% listen to it again, only if you want to though.
It really doesn't matter how often she uses her future vision, you always leave her breathless.
God help any bullies that try and mess with you, Garnet is not having it. She might seem calm, cool, and collected, but inside, she is seething.
How can they bully someone for such an arbitrary thing like using another language??
Personal bodyguard Garnet❤️💙
Now, when Garnet unfuses and you get to meet Sapphire and Ruby, you best believe they are all over you.
Ruby is determined to learn ASL from you and no one else!
Sapphire is just giddy to meet the person Garnet loves so much. She would also love to learn ASL too though.
Ruby and Sapphire would practice with eachother and go on dates while only communicating in ASL-
Garnet would also love to meet your family if you'd let her, being able to see your family and culture is definitely on her bucket list.
Sorry that this is so long, I just love Garnet-
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sty-rex · 2 days
Love regional accents, love slang, love dialects,love variations in grammar. What we have different words for the same thing? That's so cool and both are correct.
And sign language? Also love sign languages accents and dialects and slang and how theres different languages of sign language and how its its own thing,not just a stand in for spoken word. Opens up a whole new gateway for puns not possible in spoken word.
Love languages and how they've been influenced differently over history so that they share similar roots yet are unique in their own right.
Love how there is no ugly accent and no ugly language.
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actualori · 3 months
i recently learned that autism service dogs are a thing so i now headcanon that bubbles is also hermes’s service dog (i like to think that they are autistic and nonverbal)
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