#unironically I think the only way to shut him up would be for Madara to exhile him.  which honestly he might do for the sake of Konoha
tora-the-cat · 2 years
This is still a Tobirama Hate Club BUT I do have to give it to the guy at least he was a PROFESSIONAL. Like killing Izuna wasn’t something he particularly relished, just something he had to do in the midst of a war. He didn’t regret it, but he was glad not to have to do it again. Izuna on the other hand would have never shut the HELL up about killing Tobirama. Like it would be his One Joke for the rest of his life he’d never let anyone forget he wouldn’t care about the death threats the Senju want him dead anyway he wants THEM dead lol and you know how he proved it? He killed their second in command. And they still haven’t done a DAMN THING back to him so like...? What?
Like I remember once that I said it would have been better for Izuna to kill Tobirama because Hashirama would have gotten over it eventually. But I take that back because it failed to account for Izuna destroying Tobirama’s tombstone once a week. CONSTANTLY picking at this wound. I still stand by that statement in general though but now it’s most because I think it would be funny
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