#unfortunately my german is still too rusty so i have to go with translations but. one day.
space--cadet-glow · 4 years
Translation: German manga of “The Minish Cap”, Part 3: “Link and the Mountain-Minish”
Here we go: third chapter! We meet Chilta (yes, I’m technically using the correct name) and slowly discover that the official English translation is a joke.
My translation key: DT: „direct translation" (translated word for word) EQ: “English equivalent” (as in, as close to an English-sounding sentence as it’s gonna get) DT/EQ: „"direct translation/English equivalent" (for when the DT is so similar to an EQ that it’s practically English already) OE: “official English (translation as given in the English version of “The Minish Cap”)“ (NOTE:) "anything I need to point out” (exactly what it says on the tin) BG: „backwards German” for the Minish language in forwards form BOE: “the forwards version of the Minish language in the OE version” BOET: “the TRANSLATION of the forwards version of the Minish language in the OE version”
My translation work under the cut.
(NOTE: Yeah, you read that right. Despite using the "Picori" name throughout the manga, the English version still calls them "Minish" in the chapter title. BE CONSISTENT, DARN IT.)
Link: „Jetzt bin ich wieder groß!" DT: „Now am I again big!" EQ: "Now, I'm big again!" OE: "We're back to normal!"
Ezelo: „Das haben die Menschen vor langer Zeit erschaffen, um ihre Körpergröße zu ändern. Es heißt Portal." DT: „The (x) the humans before long time created, in order their body-size to change. It (is) call(ed) Portal." EQ: "The humans created this a long time ago in order to change their body-size. It's called a Portal." OE: "This is a secret door humans used long ago to change their size. It's called a Minish Portal!" (NOTE: It's not a door, English Ezlo... Funnily enough, though, this probably happened because they're called "Entrances" in the Japanese version...)
Ezelo: „Solche Portale findest du überall mit verschiedener Optik. Also pass gut auf deine Umgebung auf." DT: „Such Portals find you over-all with different optics. So watch well of your surroundings (out)." EQ: "Such Portals you'll find all over with different optics. So, pay attention to your surroundings." OE: "Other doors are scattered around in different forms. Keep an eye out." (NOTE: Idioms and „aufpassen" again.)
Link: „Aha!" DT/EQ: „"Aha!" OE: "Right!"
Ezelo: „Also los!" DT/EQ: „"So go!" OE: "Shall we go?"
Link: „Ezelo, wir bleiben jetzt besser klein." DT: „Ezelo, we stay now better small." EQ: "Ezelo, we'd better stay small for now." OE: "Ezlo, we should stay small for now."
Ezelo: „Wieso das? Der Weg zum Gongol-Berg ist weit." DT: „How so that? The way to (the) Gongol-Mountain is far." EQ: "How come? The way to Gongol-Mountain is far." OE: "Why?! It's a long way to Mount Crenel."
Link: „Tja..." DT/EQ: „"Well..." OE: "Yeah, but..."
Link: „Hopp!" DT/EQ: „"Alley-oop!" OE: "Hyah!"
Toneffekte: „Flap flap" DT/EQ: „"Flap flap" OE: "FWAP FWAP"
Link: „Dann können wir so was tun!" DT: „Then can we so what/something do!" EQ: "Then we can do something like this!" OE: "Now we can do THIS!"
Toneffekte: „FLATTER" DT/EQ: „"FLUTTER" OE: "FWAP"
Ezelo: „Verstehe!" DT: „Understand!" EQ: "I understand!" OE: "Of course!"
Ezelo: „Die Menschen überraschen mich immer wieder mit ihrer Courage... Sie tun etwas, wovon ich nicht einmal zu träumen wage." DT: „The humans surprise me always again with their courage... They do things, whereof I not once to dream dare." EQ: "The humans surprise me time-and-again with their courage... They do things I wouldn't dare to dream of." OE: "He has all these ideas I could NEVER imagine. Are ALL people as daring as he is?" (NOTE: Slightly idiomatic.)
Link: „Wah, so schnell!!" DT/EQ: „"Wow, so fast!!" OE: "Wow! Cool!"
Erzähler: „Gongol-Berg" DT/EQ: „"Gongol-Mountain" OE: "Mount Crenel"
Toneffekte: „Japs japs" DT/EQ: „"Gasp gasp" OE: "Huff puff"
Chilta: „Oh, nein!" DT/EQ: „"Oh, no!" OE: "Uh-oh!"
Biene: „?!" DT/EQ: „"?!" OE: "?!" (NOTE: RIP, Bee #1. You were so bee-ish to me.)
Link: „Geh weg! Husch, husch!!" DT/EQ: „"Go away! Shoo, shoo!!" OE: "Get outta here! Shoo! Shoo!"
Toneffekte: „Summ" DT/EQ: „"Buzz" OE: "Bzzzz"
Ezelo: „Wie gehst du mit mir um?!" DT: „How go you with (to) me at?!" EQ: "What are you doing with me?!" OE: "What do you think you're DOING?!" (NOTE: Idiomatic.)
Link: „Na komm, er wollte sicher nicht gestochen werden." DT: „Well come, he wants certainly not stung be." EQ: "Come on, he didn't want to get stung." OE: "I don't wanna get stung by a bee!" (NOTE: Wow... Interesting... Because, in both English and Japanese, Link says that it was HIMSELF who didn't want to get stung... But, German went with saying it was CHILTA. Cool.)
Link: „Ist doch okay." DT: „Is still okay." EQ: "It's okay." OE: "Chill out!"
Link: „Das sieht wie ein Stein aus, ist aber auch ein Portal." DT: „That looks how a stone (x), is but also a Portal." EQ: "That looks like a stone, but is also a Portal." OE: "It looks like a normal rock, but it's really a Minish Portal!"
Ezelo: „Gut, dass wir es gleich gefunden haben." DT: „Good, that we it immediately found (x)." EQ: "Good that we immediately found it." OE: "We got here just in time."
Link: „Geht es dir gut?" DT: „Goes it (for) you well?" EQ: "Are you okay?" OE: "Are you all right?"
Chilta: „Ich bin überrascht... Ein Mensch, der heute noch unsere Sprache spricht!" DT: „I am surprised... A human, that to-day even our language speaks!" EQ: "I'm surprised... A human that speaks our language even to-day!" OE: "Jeepers! A person... ...from this day and age who speaks Picorese?!"
Ezelo: „Wir sind hier, um einer Mann namens Melta zu finden. Kennst du ihn?" DT: „We are here, in order a man named Melta to find. Know you him?" EQ: "We're here in order to find a man named Melta. Do you know him?" OE: "We're looking for a man named Melari. Do you know him?"
Chilta: „Oh, unser Chef Melta?" DT/EQ: „"Oh, our Boss Melta?" OE: "You mean Master Melari?"
Link: „Du kennst ihn?! Bringst du uns zu ihm?" DT: „You know him?! Bring you us to him?" EQ: "You know him?! Can you bring us to him?" OE: "You know him?! Can you introduce us?"
Chilta: „Nun, der Chef ist aber..." DT: „Well, the Boss is but..." EQ: "Well, but, the Boss is..." OE: "But the Master is... Umm..."
Link: „Hm?" DT/EQ: „"Hm?" OE: "He's what?"
Chilta: „Ach, egal. Folgt mir." DT/EQ: „"Oh, no matter. Follow me." OE: "Never mind. I'll just show you. Follow me!"
Chilta: „Aber wie kommst du hier durch...?" DT: „But how come you here through...?" EQ: "But, how will you come through here...?" OE: "Um... We have to go in THERE."
Link: "Moment!" DT: „Moment!" EQ: "Wait a moment!" OE: "Right! Hold on a sec!"
Link: „Und zack!" DT: „And quick!" EQ: "And done!" OE: "Thanks for waiting!" (NOTE: This was the only thing I could think of.)
Chilta: „... Ich bin überrachst!" DT/EQ: „"... I am surprised!" OE: "Jeepers! How'd you DO that?!" (NOTE: *throws hands up at English version*)
Chilta: „Ich bin Chilta, ein Berg-Minish." DT/EQ: „"I am Chilta, a Mountain-Minish." OE: "I'm Chiruta of the Mountain Picori." (NOTE: *punts English version out the window*)
Link: „Ich bin Link! Danke für deine Hilfe!" DT/EQ: „"I am Link! Thanks for your help!" OE: "I'm Link. Nice to meet you!"
Chilta: „Hier entlang." DT: „Here along." EQ: "Along here." OE: "C'mon! It's this way!" (NOTE: Chilta is a manga-original character. However, I have evidence to believe that he quite possibly is based off of Melari's "third-best" apprentice from the game-proper.)
Berg-Minish 1: „Hopp!" DT/EQ: „"Alley-oop!" OE: "Ho!"
Berg-Minish 2: „Hopp, hopp." DT/EQ: „"Alley, alley-oop." OE: "Diggity-dig!"
Berg-Minish 3: „Hopp, hopp!" DT/EQ: „"Alley, alley-oop!" OE: "Diggity-dig!" (NOTE: TRIO, TRIO, TRIO.)
Link: „Das ist Meltas Mine. Wah, so viele Berg-Minish!" DT/EQ: „"This is Melta's Mine. Wow, so many Mountain-Minish!" OE: "So this is Melari's Mine? There sure are lots of Picori here too!"
Berg-Minish 4: „Wir graben munter weiter..." DT: „We dig merrily further..." EQ: "We dig further, merrily..." OE: "We dig up the iron quick!"
Berg-Minish 5: „...und singen froh und heiter!" DT/EQ: „"...and sing joyfully and cheerfully!" OE: "Let's dig quick! Let's dig fast!" (NOTE: A possible way to get this to rhyme, maybe, would be something like, "We shall keep on digging, merrily... And singing oh-so verily!")
Berg-Minish 6: „Hopp, hopp!" DT/EQ: „"Alley, alley-oop!" OE: "Diggity-dig!" (NOTE: And Chilta's the seventh... So all seven of Melari's apprentices are present in this panel.)
Link: „Ein Schmied! Die selben Werkzeuge wie zu Hause... ...aber sie sind alle kaputt." DT: „A Forge! The same tools how at home... ...but they are all broken." EQ: "A Forge! The same tools like at home... ...but, they're all broken." OE: "A forge! And metal-working tools like at home! But they're all rusty."
Link: „Sie wurden lange nicht benutzt...?" DT: „They were long not used...?" EQ: "They haven't been used in a long time...?" OE: "They haven't been used for a long time." (NOTE: Idiomatic.)
Chilta: „Der Chef... ...schmiedet nicht mehr." DT: „The Boss... forges no more." EQ: "The Boss... Doesn't forge anymore." OE: "Master Melari... ...has given up being a smith."
Melta: „Na, wie ungewöhnlich. Ein Mensch. Was willst du von mir?" DT: „Well, how unusual. A human. What want you from me?" EQ: "Well, how unusual. A human. What do you want from me?" OE: "Hmph. A visitor from Hyrule. How rare. Whaddaya want?" (NOTE: Chef/Boss Melta, AKA Master Melari retained his name.)
Link: „Äh... Ich möchte das Schwert reparieren lassen." DT: „Uh... I would like the Sword repaired let." EQ: "Uh... I would like to get the Sword repaired." OE: "Um... I want you to reforge the sacred Sword... Sir."
Melta: „Schade. Ich schmiede keine Schwerter mehr." DT: „Unfortunate/Too bad. I forge no Swords more." EQ: "Unfortunate/Too bad. I don't forge Swords anymore." OE: "No dice. I don't do that kinda thing anymore."
Link: „Was?!" DT/EQ: „"What?!" OE: "B-But..."
Link: „Ginsta hat uns gesagt... ...dass nur du in der Lage bist, dieses Schwert zu reparieren! Bitte!!" DT: „Ginsta (x) us said... ...that only you in the position are, this Sword to repair! Please!!" EQ: "Ginsta said... ...that only you are in the position to repair this Sword! Please!!" OE: "...Gentari sent me! I came all the way here because... ...you're the ONLY Picori who can do it! You HAVE to! Please!"
Melta: „Meine Schüler machen die Arbeit für mich. Ich bin aus der übung und kann jetzt nicht einmal mehr hämmern... Ha ha... Gib auf und verlass den Berg!" DT: „My students do the work for me. I am out the practise and can now not once more hammer. Ha ha... Give up and leave the Mountain!" EQ: "My students do the work for me. I'm outta practise and can't even hammer anymore. Ha ha... Give up and leave the Mountain!" OE: "My apprentices do all the work now. I'm retired. I'm so outta shape I couldn't even swing a hammer. Give up. Go home."
Link: „Was... Waas...?!" DT/EQ: „"What... Whaat...?!" OE: "No... No! I won't!"
Link: „Das kann ich auf keinen Fall machen!!" DT: „That can I of no case/means do!!" EQ: "I can't do that by any means!!" OE: "You have no idea what I went through to get here!"
Chilta: „Link!" DT/EQ: „"Link!" OE: "Link..."
Link: „Wenn ich jetzt aufgebe, kann ich Prinzessin Zelda nie vom Fluch befreien!!" DT: „If I now give-up, can I Princess Zelda never from (the) curse free!!" EQ: "If I give up now, I can never free Princess Zelda from the curse!" OE: "If I give up, Princess Zelda is doomed!"
Melta: „Prinzessin Zelda...?" DT/EQ: „"Princess Zelda...?" OE: "Princess Zelda...?"
Link: „Melta!! Ich bitte dich!!" DT/EQ: „"Melta!! I beg you!!" OE: "Please, Master Melari! I beg you! Help me!"
Toneffekte: „Pack" DT/EQ: „"Tap" (?) OE: "Clomp"
Melta: „..." DT/EQ: „"..." OE: "..."
Melta: „Kind... Wir haben hier keine Holzkohle mehr, die wir zum Schmieden brauchen!" DT: „Kid... We have here no charcoal more, the how to (the) forging need!" EQ: "Kid... We don't have any charcoal here needed for the forging!" OE: "Boy... I... ...I don't have enough charcoal to make a Sword!"
Melta: „Daher geht es nicht. Wenn du das verstanden hast..." DT: „Therefore goes it not. If you that understood (x)..." EQ: "Therefore, it's impossible. If you understood that..." OE: "So it's impossible. I'm sure you understand." (NOTE: Idiomatic.)
Melta: „Geh jetzt!!" DT/EQ: „"Go now!!!" OE: "Leave!"
Chilta: „Tut mir leid, Link." DT/EQ: „"Sorry, Link." OE: "Sorry, Link."
Link: „Was... Was soll ich nur tun...?" DT: „What... What should I only do...?" EQ: "What... What should I do now...?" OE: "What... ...What should I do?"
Chilta: „Die Berg-Minish nutzten Holzkohle und Eisensand, um das Eisen... ...für die Schwerter herzustellen. Aber dafür wurden auch viele Bäume gefällt..." DT: „The Mountain-Minish used charcoal and iron-sand, in order the iron... ...for the Swords to produce. But therefore were also many trees felled/chopped down..." EQ: "The Mountain-Minish used charcoal and iron-sand in order to produce the iron for the Swords. But, therefore, many trees were also felled/chopped down..." OE: "For centuries the Mountain Picori have used charcoal and black sand... ...to make steel and forge it into Swords. But to do that, we needed lots of trees."
Chilta: „Daher stritten wir mit den Wald-Minish am Fuße des Berges." DT: „Therefore argue we with the Forest-Minish at (the) Foot (of) the Mountain." EQ: "Therefore, we argued with the Forest-Minish at the Foot of the Mountain." OE: "But there was a fight between us and the Forest Picori."
Chilta: „Die Frau vom Chef war eine Wald-Minish und sie... ...litt sehr unter dem Streit." DT: „The wife of (the) Boss was a Forest-Minish and she... ...suffered very under the argument." EQ: "The Boss's wife was a Forest-Minish and she... ...suffered greatly under the argument." OE: "Master Melari's wife was from the Forest Picori tribe. Thought it hurt her greatly, she intervened."
Chilta: „Dadurch wurde sie krank und ging vom uns." DT: „Thereby became she sick and went from us." EQ: "Thereby, she became sick and left us." OE: "But the tension made her sick, and she died." (NOTE: Another possible translation could be, "Thereby, she became sick and passed away".)
Link: „Seitdem hat er aufgehört, zu schmieden." DT: „Since-then (x) he stopped, to forge." EQ: "Since then, he's stopped forging." OE: "And Master Melari quit being a smith."
Chilta: „Er ist davon überzeugt, dass sie seinetwegen gestorben ist." DT: „He is thereof convinced, that she his-account died (x)." EQ: "He is convinced that she died on his account." OE: "He believes it's his fault that she died." (NOTE: Likewise, this could also go as, "He is convinced that she died because of him.")
Link: „..." DT/EQ: „"..." OE: "..."
Ezelo: „Verstehe... In dieser Mine wird es jetzt nicht möglich sein, das Eisen für die Schwerter herzustellen." DT: „Understand... In this Mine will it now not possible be, the iron for the Swords produce." EQ: "I understand... In this Mine, it will now not be possible to produce the iron for the Swords." OE: "So you can't make sword-quality steel here at the Mine anymore."
Ezelo: „Aber man könnte mit dem Feuer-Element die Holzkohle ersetzen!" DT: „But one can with the Fire-Element the charcoal replace!" EQ: "But one can replace charcoal with the Fire-Element!" OE: "But if we had the Fire Element, we could use the iron ore here instead of charcoal!"
Link: „Ezelo, wirklich?!" DT/EQ: „"Ezelo, really?!" OE: "Really, Ezlo?!"
Chilta: „Ist das wahr?!" DT/EQ: „"Is that true?!" OE: "Will it work?"
Ezelo: „Klar, das versichere ich euch als Alles-kenner!" DT: „Clearly, that assure I you all as all-knower!" EQ: "Clearly, I assure you all of that as a jack-of-all-trades!" OE: "If someone as wise as me says so, it must be true!" (NOTE: Okay, "know-it-all" would be „Besserwisser"... But another direct translation for „Alles-kenner" is "everything-connoisseur"... So, all I could think of that came close was "jack-of-all-trades".)
Ezelo: „So oder so werden Elemente benötigt." DT: „So or so are Elements required." EQ: "Either way, Elements are required." OE: "We need the Fire Element anyway!" (NOTE: Idiomatic.)
Link: „Genau! Wir suchen nach dem Feuer-Element!" DT: „Exactly! We seek after the Fire-Element!" EQ: "Exactly! Let's seek the Fire-Element!" OE: "Right! Let's go find the Fire Element right away!"
Chilta: „Ich komme mit, Link!" DT: „I come with, Link!" EQ: "I'm coming along, Link!" OE: "I'll go with you, Link!"
Chilta: „Ich will, dass der Chef sich wieder fängt." DT: „I want, that the Boss himself again recover." EQ: "I want the Boss to recover himself again." OE: "It'll be good to see Master Melari back on his feet again."
Chilta: „Da vorne findest du eine Mine, die die Menschen gegraben haben. Wir nennen sie die »Höhle der Flamme«. Es heißt, dass dort das Feuer-Element liegt." DT: „There up-front find you a Mine, that the humans dug (x). We call it the »Cave (of) the Flame«. It (is) says/said, that there the Fire-Element lies." EQ: "There up front, you'll find a Mine that the humans dug. We call it the »Cave of Flame«. It's said that the Fire-Element lies there." OE: "An abandoned big-people Mine is just over the ridge... ...We call it the Cave of Flames. They say the Fire Element can be found there."
Link: „Na, dann mal los!" DT: „Well, then (softener) go!" EQ: "Well, let's go!" OE: "Okay! Big Mine... Big Link!" (NOTE: Idioms. Nasty idioms, good sir.)
Chilta: „Hier war schon lange niemand mehr. Es heißt, das ist ein Monsternest." DT: „Here was already long nobody more. It (is) said, that is a Monster-nest." EQ: "Nobody has been here for a long time. It's said that it's a Monster-nest." OE: "No one's been here for a long, long time. They say that evil spirits lurk in the tunnels."
Link: „Puh, ist das heiß hier!" DT: „Phew, is that hot here!" EQ: "Phew, it's hot in here!" OE: "Whew! The air is so HOT!"
Link: „Eine Draisine!" DT/EQ: „"A draisine!" OE: "A minecart!" (NOTE: A "draisine" is a specific type of rail-car that I cannot for the life of me find a better synonym for.)
Chilta: „Ein... was?!" DT/EQ: „"A... what?!" OE: "What's a cart?"
Link: „Damit werden Steine transportiert." DT: „Therewith are stones transported." EQ: "Stones are transported with it." OE: "You put stuff in here to carry it in or out."
Ezelo: „So ist es!" DT: „So is it!" EQ: "So it is!" OE: "Right, right."
Chilta: „Ah... eine Erfindung der Menschen." DT/EQ: „"Ah... an invention (of) the humans." OE: "Wow... You big guys think of the neatest stuff!"
Link: „Wir steigen einfach rein!" DT: „We climb right/simply in!" EQ: "We'll climb right in!" OE: "It's just the right size. Hop in, everyone!" (NOTE: BUT YOU'RE CARRYING THEM BOTH, ENGLISH LINK. ...BE CONSISTENT, DARN IT.)
Ezelo: „Wirklich?" DT/EQ: „"Really?" OE: "Are you sure it's all right?"
Toneffekte: „Zooosch!" DT/EQ: „"Zoooosh!" OE: "GTUNK"
Toneffekte: „Wooooooosch!" DT/EQ: „"Woooooooosh!" OE: "VWOOSH"
Toneffekte: „Zisch" DT/EQ: „"Zip" OE: "ZOOOOM"
Ezelo: „Wa... Was war das denn?!" DT/EQ: „"Wh... What was that then?!" OE: "Oooh... W-W-What just happened?!"
Link: „Klasse! Lasst uns noch einmal fahren!" DT: „Classy! Let us still once travel/ride!" EQ: "Classy! Let's ride one again!" OE: "That was awesome! Let's do it again!"
Chilta: „Ja, irre!" DT/EQ: „"Yes, insane!" OE: "Yeah, that was fun!"
Ezelo: „Ungh, das sollten wir auf keinen Fall tun! He!" DT: „Ungh, that should we in/by no case/means do! Hey!" EQ: "Ungh, we should not do that by any means! Hey!" OE: "I kn-knew Hyrulean vehicles were no good! No good! Hey!"
Ezelo: „Du solltest besser auf deinen eigenen Beinen laufen!" DT: „You should better on your own legs run!" EQ: "You should just run on your own legs!" OE: "Can't we WALK? Just for a little while?" (NOTE: Idiomatic.)
Ezelo: „Kindchen... warum bist du so... glücklich?!" DT/EQ: „"Kiddo... why are you so... happy?!" OE: "B-Boy, why are you grinning like thaaaaaat?"
Link: „Fantastiiisch!!" DT/EQ: „"Fantastiiic!!" OE: "This is awesome!!"
Link: „Huch?!" DT/EQ: „"Huh?!" OE: "Uh-oh!"
Toneffekte: „Flatsch blub blub blub" DT/EQ: „"Flup blub blub blub blub" OE: "Sploosh pop glub sizzle"
Toneffekte: „Schweb schweb" DT/EQ: „"Float float" OE: "Ploof waft"
Link: „Puh... Hoppla!" DT/EQ: „"Phew... Whoop!" OE: "Whew! Ungh!"
Toneffekte: „TAPP" DT/EQ: „"TAP" OE: "Tump"
Link: „Du bist ja nützlich, Ezelo." DT/EQ: „"You are indeed useful, Ezelo." OE: "That's a neat trick, Ezlo!"
Ezelo: „Was soll das denn heißen?!" DT: „What should that then mean?!" EQ: "What does that mean?!" OE: "Are you tryin' to k-kill me?!"
Link: „Chilta? Suchst du was?" DT: „Chilta? Seeking you something?" EQ: "Chilta? You seeking something?" OE: "Chiruta? What're you looking for?"
Toneffekte: „Blick Blick" DT/EQ: „"Blink blink" OE: "Peer glance"
Chilta: „Da ist er!" DT: „There is it!" EQ: "There it is!" OE: "That!"
Link: „Dieser Stab?" DT/EQ: „"This Rod?" OE: "A hook?" (NOTE: *retrieves English version just to punt it out the window again*)
Chilta: „Der heißt Wirbelstab. Ein Zauberstab, den die Minish früher für Menschen geschaffen haben." DT: „The call(ed) Swirl-rod. A magic-rod, that the Minish earlier for humans created (x)." EQ: "It's called the Swirl-rod. A magic-rod that the Minish created earlier for humans." OE: "It's another anceint item made... ...for big people by the Picori! It's called the Cane of Pacci." (NOTE: The „Wirbelstab"/"Swirl-rod"/"Cane of Pacci" retained its name at least.)
Chilta: „Schwing ihn mal in Richtung der Töpfe." DT: „Swing it (softener) in direction (of) the jars." EQ: "Swing it in the direction of the jars." OE: "Wave it at those jars."
Ezelo: „Er hat die Macht, alles umzudrehen." DT: „It has the power, everything upturn/turn-over." EQ: "It has the power to turn everything over." OE: "Whatever the Cane's light hits will flip over." (NOTE: Also could go, "It has the power to upturn everything.")
Link: „Das ist ja witzig!" DT: „This is indeed funny!" EQ: "This is funny, indeed." OE: "This is fun!"
Toneffekte: „Buzz buzz buzz" DT/EQ: „"Buzz buzz buzz" OE: "Flip flop flip"
Ezelo: „Was ist das?!" DT/EQ: „"What is that?!" OE: "What was that?!"
Toneffekte: „Plubber" DT/EQ: „"Blubber" OE: "Glupglub"
Ezelo: „Das ist Glirock, der in der Lava wohnt!! Schnell weg hier!" DT: „This is Glirock, that in the lava lives! Quick away here!" EQ: "This is the Glirock that lives in lava! Quick, away from here!" OE: "The Gleerok! A monster that LIVES in lava!! Run, Link! Get us outta here!"
Toneffekte: „ZAMM" DT/EQ: „"BAMM" OE: "Skiiiid"
Link: „Eine Sackgasse?!" DT/EQ: „"A dead-end?!" OE: "A dead end!"
???: „So geht es!" DT: „So goes it!" EQ: "There it goes!" OE: "They're flat on the bottom!" (NOTE: No clue who actually said this.)
Toneffekte: „PUZZ japs japs KRACK KRACK" DT/EQ: „"BUZZ gasp gasp CRACK CRACK" OE: "FLASH huff puff CRUNCH SMASH"
Link: „Da kommt er!" DT: „There comes it!" EQ: "There it comes!" OE: "It's still coming!"
Ezelo: „Das wird übel! Wir können uns nirendwo verstecken!!" DT: „This is bad! We can us nowhere hide!!" EQ: "This is bad! We can't hide anywhere!" OE: "Link, think of something! There's nowhere to hide!"
Chilta: „Ein Weg für die Minish!!" DT/EQ: „"A way/path for the Minish!!" OE: "A Picori road!"
Toneffekte: „Hüpf" DT/EQ: „"Hop" OE: "Sproing"
Chilta: „Link, hier!! Werde schnell kleiner!!" DT: „Link, here! Become fast small!!" EQ: "Link, here! Become small-- fast!!" OE: "Link, this way! Hurry up! Shrink!"
Toneffekte: „GROH" DT/EQ: „"GROH" OE: "FWOOSH"
Link: „Dafür brauche ich das Portal!!" DT: „Therefore need I the Portal!!" EQ: "I need the Portal for that!!" OE: "I CAN'T shrink without a Minish Portal!" (NOTE: *sobbing at the English version's usage of both "Picori" and "Minish" on the same page*)
Toneffekte: „Buzz" DT/EQ: „"Buzz" OE: "FLASH"
Glirock: „?!" DT/EQ: „"?!" OE: "?!"
Link: „Der Panzer ist gewendet?!" DT/EQ: „"The armour (x) upturned/turned-over?!" OE: "Its shell flipped off!"
Ezelo: „Link! Greif jetzt seinen nackten Rücken an!!" DT: „Link! Attack now its bare back (x)!!" EQ: "Link! Attack its bare back now!!" OE: "Now, Link! Strike at its bare back!" (NOTE: „angreifen".)
Link: „YAAAAH!!" DT/EQ: „"YAAAAH!!" OE: "Hyaaah!"
Toneffekte: „Zisch zisch zisch" DT/EQ: „"Hiss hiss hiss" OE: "Poof puff hiss"
Ezelo: „Super!" DT/EQ: „"Excellent!" OE: "There's so much steam..." (NOTE: ...Wot???)
Link: „Uff, der Dampf... Hä?!" DT/EQ: „"Ugh, the steam... Eh?!" OE: "...I can't see... ...anything...?"
Link: „Was...?" DT/EQ: „"What...?" OE: "Wow!"
Ezelo: „Das ist wohl dein wahres Aussehen? Vermutlich warst du wie Prinzessin Zelda verflucht und wurdest in ein Monster verwandelt..." DT: „This is surely your true appearance? Presumably were you how Princess Zelda cursed and were into a Monster transformed..." EQ: "This is surely your true appearance? Presumably, you were cursed like Princess Zelda and were transformed into a Monster..." OE: "This must be Gleerok's true form. A curse must have turned it into a MONSTER like one turned Princess Zelda to STONE."
Glirock: „Pirrrr!" DT/EQ: „"Purrrr!" OE: "Purrrr"
Ezelo: „Er bedankt sich wohl." DT: „It thanks certainly." EQ: "It's certainly thankful." OE: "I think it's saying thank you." (NOTE: Not sure...)
Glirock: „SMAK! ♥" DT/EQ: „"SMACK! ♥" OE: "SMOOCH ♥"
Link: „Das Feuer-Element!!" DT/EQ: „"The Fire-Element!!" OE: "Look! The Fire Element!"
Berg-Minish: „Hoppla? Hopp, hopp, die Steine verwandeln sich. Hopp, hopp, das Eisen verwandelt sich?!" DT: „Alley-oop? Alley, alley, the stones transformed themselves. Alley, alley, the iron transformed itself?!" EQ: "Alley-oop? Alley, alley, the stones transformed. Alley, alley, the iron transformed?!" OE: "Diggity-dig? Diggity-dig! The stone CHANGED! Diggity-dig! The STEEL changed!" (NOTE: ...PLOT TWIST- THE ENGLISH VERSION WAS PREDICTING ALOLAN DUGTRIO ALL ALONG.)
Chilta: „Chef! Hier, das Eisenerz! Nun müssen wir keine Bäume mehr fällen!" DT: „Boss! Here, the iron-ore! Now must we no trees more fell/chop down!" EQ: "Boss! Here, iron-ore! Now we don't have to fell/chop down trees anymore!" OE: "Master! Look! Iron ore! Now we can make steel without cutting down trees!"
Melta: „Meine Güte..." DT/EQ: „"My goodness..." OE: "What?" (NOTE: ...The diamonds! MAH GOD!)
Chilta: „Chef, seien Sie bitte wieder ein Schmied. Bitte lehren Sie uns, wie man Schwerter schmiedet." DT: „Boss, be you please again a Blacksmith. Please teach you us, how one Swords forges." EQ: "Boss, please be a Blacksmith again. Please teach us how one forges Swords." OE: "Please, Master! Pick up your hammer! It would make your wife happy..."
Chilta: „Ihre Frau wäre sicher glücklich." DT: „Your wife would certainly happy." EQ: "You wife would certainly be happy." OE: "She always knew how much you loved to work!"
Toneffekte: „NRG!" DT/EQ: „"NRG!" OE: "CHAK"
Melta: „Okay, entfacht das Feuer im Ofen! Benutzt den Blasebalg!!" DT/EQ: „"Okay, kindle the fire in (the) oven! Use the bellows!!" OE: "All right. Light the furnace! Stoke the flames! Inflate the bellows!"
Berg-Minish: „Hopp, hopp!!" DT/EQ: „"Alley-oop, alley-oop!!" OE: "Diggity-dig!"
Melta: „Kind, zeig mir das zerbrochene Schwert!" DT/EQ: „"Kid, show me the broken Sword!" OE: "Boy, bring me that broken Sword!"
Link: „Chef!" DT/EQ: „"Boss!" OE: "Y-Yes, sir!"
Melta: „Mit dem Erz könnte ich viel stärkeren Stahl herstellen!!" DT: „With the ore can I much stronger steel produce!!" EQ: "With this ore, I can produce much stronger steel!" OE: "With THIS I'll be able to make even STRONGER steel!"
Toneffekte: „Grins" DT/EQ: „"Grins" OE: "GRIN"
Melta: „Die Reparatur dauert noch eine Weile! In der Zeit suchst du die fehlenden zwei Elemente." DT: „The repair takes still a while! In the time seek you the missing two Elements." EQ: "The repair will take a while! In the meantime, you go seek the two missing Elements." OE: "It will take some time to reforge the Sword. While I'm working, go find the other two Elements!"
Toneffekte: „Klick!" DT/EQ: „"Click!" OE: "TING"
Melta: „Das Heilige Schwert wird erst dann fertig, wenn alle vier Elemente übertragen werden. Ich warte auf dich!" DT: „The Holy Sword will only then finished, if all four Elements transferred are. I wait on you!" EQ: "The Holy Sword will only be finished if all four Elements are transferred. I'll wait for you!" OE: "The Sword won't be complete unless we fill it with all FOUR Elements. I'll be waiting!"
Link: „Danke, Chef! Ich werde alle Elemente herbringen!" DT: „Thanks, Boss! I will all Elements here-bring!" EQ: "Thanks, Boss! I'll bring all the Elements here!" OE: "Thank you, Master Melari! I won't fail! I'll come back with all Four Elements!"
Melta: „Ich danke dir, Kind. Du hast mir die Augen geöffnet. Dabei hatte ich als Minish dir gleich helfen müssen..." DT: „I thank you, kid. You (x) (for) me the eyes opened. Therewith/Yet have I as Minish (for) you equally help must..." EQ: "I thank you, kid. You opened my eyes. Yet, as a Minish, I'm supposed to help you..." OE: "I should be thanking YOU. You gave me my life back. Even though it's the Picori who are supposed to help YOU!"
Melta: „So, und nun geh!" DT: „So, and now go!" EQ: "So, go now!" OE: "Now, hurry on your way!"
Chilta: „Den Rest überlässt du uns!" DT: „The rest entrust you us!" EQ: "You entrust the rest to us!" OE: "Don't worry! We won't let you down!"
Link: „Danke, Chilta! Chef!" DT/EQ: „"Thanks, Chilta! Boss!" OE: "Thanks, Chiruta! Thanks, Master Melari!"
Melta: „Link!" DT/EQ: „"Link!" OE: "Link!"
Melta: „Ich konnte meine Frau nicht retten... ...aber du wirst die Prinzessin retten!" DT: „I could my wife not save... ...but you will the Princess save!" EQ: "I couldn't save my wife... but you will save the Princess!" OE: "I couldn't save my wife, so... ...I've got to make SURE you save the Princess!"
Ezelo: „Noch zwei Elemente... das Tropfen-Element und das Wind-Element. Wo sie sind..." DT: „Still two Elements... the Droplet-Element and the Wind-Element. Where they are..." EQ: "Still two Elements... the Droplet-Element and the Wind-Element. The twin-brother of Ginsta," OE: "I don't know where the last two Elements, Water and Wind, are..."
Ezelo: „...müsste der Zwillingsbruder von Ginsta... ...der Älteste Lexts wissen. Er lebt in der Bibliothek der Stadt Hyrule." DT: „...must the twin-brother of Ginsta... ...the Elder Lexts know. He lives in the Library (of) the City Hyrule." EQ: "...Elder Lexts, must know. He lives in the Library of Hyrule City." OE: "But Elder Gentari has a twin brother... ...Elder Librari, living in the Royal Hyrule Library. He's SURE to know." (NOTE: ...Now, the moment you've been waiting for. Elder Librari retained his name in the English version... But for some unknown reason, Älteste/Elder Lexta SOMEHOW got renamed to Älteste/Elder LEXTS... And I have no idea how this happened considering that his original Japanese name was Chourou/Elder BUKUTA.)
Ezelo: „Pass gut auf dich auf, wenn du in der Stadt klein wirst. Achte vor allem auf Katzen!" DT: „Watch well on yourself (out), if you in the City small become. Watch for all out cats!" EQ: "Really watch out if you become small in the City. Especially watch out for cats!" OE: "Be careful turning small here in town. Especially around cats!" (NOTES: IDIOMS.)
Link: „Aber ich muss klein werden... Gibt es hier nicht ein Portal...?" DT: „But I must small be... Is there here not a Portal?" EQ: "But I must be small... Is there not a Portal here?" OE: "Okay, but I must be small to find the Elder. Is there a Minish Portal nearby?"
Ezelo: „Link, dreh den Topf da hinten um." DT: „Link, turn the jar there over (x)." EQ: "Link, turn over that jar there." OE: "Try looking under that jar." (NOTE: „umdrehen".)
Link: „Ein Portal!" DT/EQ: „"A Portal!" OE: "Hey! A Portal!"
Ezelo: „Wo die Minish leben, gibt es immer ein Portal." DT: „Where the Minish live, there is always a Portal." EQ: "There is always a Portal where the Minish live." OE: "There's ALWAYS a Portal near a Picori village."
Link: „Gut!" DT/EQ: „"Good!" OE: "Good to know!"
Toneffekte: „Plopp" DT/EQ: „"Plop" OE: "Sproing"
Link: „Woah! Die Bibliothek ist wie ein Schloss. Fragt sich nur, wie ich jetzt da reinkomme?" DT: „Woah! The Library is how a castle. Question itself only, how I now there in-come?" EQ: "Woah! The Library is like a castle. The question is, how do I get in there now?" OE: "Wow! The Library is like a castle now! The foundation is so tall! How're we gonna get in?"
Toneffekte: „Snif snif" DT/EQ: „"Sniff sniff" OE: "Sniff sniff"
Link: „Vielleicht finde ich ein Mauseloch... Hm...?" DT: „Perhaps find I a mouse-hole... Hm...?" EQ: "Perhaps I can find a mouse-hole... Hm...?" OE: "I wonder if there's a mouse hole around here somewhere... Huh?"
Toneffekte: „SCHOCK!" DT/EQ: „"SHOCK!" OE: "YIPES!"
Alle: „WAAAAH!" DT/EQ: „"WAAAAH!" OE: "POUNCE" (NOTE: Yup. In German, it's a scream; in English, it's the sound-effect of the cat pouncing. In Japanese, it was the cat's eyes SPARKLING. ...I wonder what Italian chose...?)
Link: „Und da kommt schon eine Katze!!" DT: „And there comes already a cat!!" EQ: "And here comes a cat already!!" OE: "Where'd that cat come from?!"
Ezelo: „Da rein!" DT: „There in!" EQ: "In there!" OE: "Quick! Into that crack!"
Katze: „Miau Miau" DT/EQ: „"Meow Meow" OE: "Meow Meow"
Toneffekte: „Kratz kratz" DT/EQ: „"Scratch scratch" OE: "Scritch scratch"
Ezelo: „Ein Haus neben der Bibliothek..." DT/EQ: „"A house next (to) the Library..." OE: "This must be the house next to the Library."
Katze: „Miau Miau" DT/EQ: „"Meow Meow" OE: "Meow Meow"
Link: „Husch! Geh weg da!" DT: „Shoo! Go away there!" EQ: "Shoo! Go away!" OE: "Shoo! Scram! Beat it!"
Link: „Sie ist noch da... Gib auf!" DT/EQ: „"It is still there... Give up!" OE: "Give up already! Stupid cat!"
Toneffekte: „Kratz" DT/EQ: „"Scratch" OE: "Scratch"
Link: „Wie komme ich hier wieder raus?" DT: „How come I here again out?" EQ: "How do I get out again?" OE: "We're stuck here for now."
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