#unemployment help
mcflymemes · 1 year
please don't mistake silence for hatred. please don't mistake unanswered plotting messages as indifference, or a lack of enthusiasm towards you. considering the ages of most roleplayers, many of us have bills to pay, families to take care of, medical conditions to treat, appointments to make, classes to take, homes to clean, and lives to live away from the computer that are far, far more important than writing on tumblr — life has a tendency to get in the way of hobbies and fun things like this. be patient with your fellow writers. if it doesn't work out, it doesn't work out. of course you can set your boundaries, keep your space comfortable, and softblock whoever you wish, but do so while recognizing it's probably not hatred or apathy that keeps them from leaping into your dms with message after message. they probably love this hobby just as much as you... but sometimes life gets in the way.
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macdenlover · 2 months
we don’t acknowledge enough how dee used to be a pageant winner when she was a kid and how much damage it did to her. she worked her ass off and got recognition for being pretty and talented at a young age and it was the only source of self esteem she could garner in a family that constantly berated and talked down to her. she sought after that external approval because it was the only way she could prove everyone around her wrong. her dream of being a performer didn’t come from a self-aggrandizing delusion— she genuinely showed a lot of potential when she was younger. but she went through an unflattering puberty and her spinal condition got worse and that natural talent she had as a kid plateaued way too early. the “former gifted kid” dilemma. she slowly lost the thing that promised her that she was good, but she was so desperate to keep holding onto it that she tried anyway. again and again and again no matter how much people made fun of her because it was always about proving them wrong. but after a while she couldn’t jump anymore without anticipating the way it feels when she hits the ground face first. self-sabotage became her way out, choosing to rather live in the fantasy of her own unrealized potential and blaming those around her for her lack of success, than having tried and crashed again. she’d rather buy lottery tickets over and over and never scratch off the numbers than to see that she lost. that self-sabotaging behavior bled into other aspects of her life too, from friendships to relationships to therapy. her own short lived success is what made her grow into embodying the cycle of failure.
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ltzrs-mr-wa · 11 months
Yes I would love to have them as my Christmas presents cause I'm broke as always cause I'm always broke via no money 💔.
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windingpathways · 1 year
Fully blindsided right now & still processing the situation as I type this
My employer of 4 years, who has always been honest with me (sometimes to a concerning degree) has just let me know quite suddenly that she does not have the money to pay me for my last 2 weeks of work.
It's not totally out of the blue, I knew the company was struggling in an expand-or-die sort of way, but she's been reassuring me for months that she had investors lined up etc etc and that she'd let me know well ahead of time if I needed to start looking for another job.
Timesheets for the second half of September were due on the 1st-- mine totaled up to nearly full time at 19/hr. Typically payroll goes through within a couple of days or we at least hear an update. Crickets.
My internet bill was due yesterday; the charge hit my closed bank account and bounced. I was barely expecting to be able to cover my existing overdue and anticipated expenses with the paycheck i believed was coming. I reached out via text to ask for an update:
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I have in fact been looking for another job-- at least on the side to make me feel more secure and allow me to live more comfortably-- but no one wants a gardener in the winter, or a gardener who can't drive, for that matter, and I hadn't begun to start looking for the sort of work from home admin job she had me doing.
She's been like a weird family member to me for ages now, and yet she let me do all that work the last couple weeks, knowing she couldn't pay me for it, without saying a damn word. I have emails from her asking for me to do more for her as recently as yesterday. No mention of oh btw it's gonna be volunteer labor for now. I'm feeling heartbroken and betrayed; she was one of the few 'adult' figures in my life I genuinely felt I could count on.
I'll double down and figure something out-- but, in the meantime, I'm SO fucked and I really need your help. Please please at least reblog this for a boost, and if you have even an extra dollar I'd be tremendously grateful if you sent it my way.
Ca$happ/venm* $wanderingivy
Dm for paypal or evidence of debts/bills/expenses and shit if you want it, I can't psychologically tolerate trying to dig it all up right this second
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trans-xianxian · 1 year
hello I am still currently w/o a job and have yet to hear anything from unemployment or gotten any interviews w anywhere I've applied, but rent is coming up and I'm running low on groceries!
here is my commission post
here is my etsy shop
or if you don't want any art consider just giving me money! venm0 is ben-cg, paypa1 is benccg!
thank you!
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franki-lew-yo · 6 months
Still unemployed
Sorry as always for the open rant you all witnessed two nights back from me. I'm genuinely very stressed about money. In summer and fall 2023 my concern was just trying to make myself noticed somehow, bit-by-bit through social media and gaining a substantial following just to better myself as an artist.
Now, I need any income I've got just to afford my rent and utilities.
To put it into perspective (besides the Ko-fi produced Shelby-fund, which was successfully breached and will be used this coming week on her vet bill) my ssi income's been reduced to 530$ a month while my rent is 760$. My old job supplied at least 300$+ but I don't have any of that coming in now. The stimulus money I was given as a parting gift instead of a final paycheck can't be withdrawn from or transferred to my main bank. I have at least 140$ left on that stimulus just for other expenses like busfair, art supplies, dog and home care.
I'm INCREDIBLY grateful to have my EBT card covering my groceries, my jobcoaches assisting with printing out cardstock for any (eventual) upcoming events or cons and getting me a buspass discount, and of course the backers to my Shelby fund to cover that for the year (much love to Brandon, Misty and Cheatsy on Ko-fi). I will be receiving unemployment soon, though still not enough to cover my rent and utility cost.
But, I need to pay for services on Upwork, Linked In and Vograce, for sensitivity readers and animators and shipping costs for any physical Etsy merchandise, possible venue space for real-life events, professional art prints, computer and tablet maitanance, and that's not even getting to possibly subscribing to sites such as instagram or Facebook. I still have a lot to save up for and do WITHOUT being unemployed.
As a reminder, I need to take commissions especially at this time, both 'quick' ones and more complex pieces.
5$ USD for Sketches (traditional or digital) 
15$-20$ USD for Inked, flat colored art without backgrounds
30$ USD for complete pictures
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3$ USD = specific medium (completely digital, colored pencil, ink/watercolors, chalk)
5$ USD = extra characters 
5$ USD = shading/lighting 
10$ USD = Physical shipping of the drawing if it’s traditional
This is also a reminder to please assist and support me however you can via my Ko-Fi, Etsy shop, Redbubble shop and my Patreon.
Thank you, everyone.
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soxry · 8 months
hi sorry to ask again but its that time of year and i’m still floundering with my hours being cut so severely and could use some help with at least getting groceries, ideally also rent. i’d also appreciate a reblog please, i’m very short on.. everything 😅
my ko-fi // cashapp // venmo
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katyspersonal · 2 months
Personal stuff from work
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I think I am going to leave this job and seek another one. I don't know how I am going to pull this off with my absurd medical expenses recently, but this is just impossible to work here anymore!!! I actually should be at work right now, but I went back home crying, just. straight up left
Remember that story about an ex worker who constantly got at work drunk and snapped at everyone for smallest reason? Where one time he came at work so full of vodka the smell was all over the office, got super angry at smallest things and screamed at the boss and her vice that he would "smash her face with the keyboard if she doesn't shut up" before other workers and customers? And everyone was either scared or passive, but I straight up told him that he should just go home and sleep instead of getting in THIS state at work and causing god knows what? That resulted in the day worth of him distracting me from working bullying me like 'lmao are you feminist or something?!', 'have you believed in yourself or something?!' etc etc, that progressed in a STUPID verbal fight where he kept saying dumb shit, I was objecting, he was yelling at me to shut up, I objected that if he wanted me to shut up he should not have prompted the discussion with dumb shit to begin with etc etc etc.. That then ended in physical fight too, while all coworkers who were much more capable and strong than me just hid like rats and let me fight him alone 🤦‍♂️
Or another story, kinda recent, where another coworker smashed my head against the deck from a likewise long verbal argument that started from her genuinely giving customers and us troubles by refusing to do her job right and me pointing it out? There were a lot of threats prior, like throwing a can in my face if I don't shut up, when she genuinely was wrong and refused to take request from the boss over stupid petulant reasons? (by the way later after that situation turned out that she also did fight with THE boss physically before, and with one of the regular customers that sued her later)
It is more like 'three times is a charm' situation because today something very similar happened, and with a DIFFERENT person again. She has been working here for a while, and also had problems with alcohol and such, but after previous boss left the job and new one arrived she befriended her a lot. That resulted in them constantly dumping all work on me while they CONSTANTLY leave to smoke, drink at the work place (!) or bring their stupid equally alcoholic friends at the office (!!!) 🤦‍♂️ However, today was ANOTHER time where she was STUPID late at work all because she got drunk shitless yesterday (also at work while I was left with customers alone).. I addressed that, and... yeah, you guessed it, more insults, yelling, threats of physical violence etc followed. This time we surprisingly did not end up in a fight, I kinda just ran away..
Like, this workplace feels like abusive relationship I know, I just bothered to carry on because it is stupid hard to find a job in my city.. But I swear they hire any sort of deranged, violent, stupid people without even a minimal check fdhfdhs These are just the three I've had open fight with! And in each and every situation it is basically 'a person who is like 50, the third one is 60 wants to beat up a frail young girl for pointing out something that was GENUINELY wrong while other coworkers are either passive or claim that the girl is insane and inadequate in this situation' 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ I am dead serious, the third parties always act like /I/ am the bad person here for pRoVoKiNg (if this is what you call seeing a bad thing and saying it is bad). And also for "arguing"??? Bitch you say the dumb shit that makes no sense and expect me to stay silent or how that Tweet went
I just really can't work with these idiots anymore. Though to think of it, it isn't just here.. to look back on it, all my enemies happen specifically because I point out something genuinely wrong about them and they can't take the L. When I am not like, holding them at the gunpoint or posing any threat to them (looking at YOU, online cancel-culture mobs who might THINK you can relate!!!). Heck, my worst online drama happened all because someone in the fandom straight up bullied another fan and I jumped in to obliterate them with facts and logic for that behaviour, and not the "noble fight" reasoning they ended up making up to justify harassing me. It is not like I am some noble fighter for justice ffs!!! I am just a kicked stray dog that barks at the things it doesn't like, I won't and CAN'T make any change in this world. But it is always enough to end like this. I just can't play by this world's rules at all if you are supposed to "just ignore" people who are so deranged. By this logic I could also keep everyone in fear with threats and inadequate reaction to objective, non-threatening, justified criticism, but I am not doing this!!
At the same time, hating petty bitches that will either openly get hostile like my coworkers, or plot revenge like Alfred-chan or A, over the justified "attack" on them made me overcorrect myself to the point I tolerate shit like this more than I should. Like you know how unwillingless to become the very thing you hate might put you on the opposite extreme? Because it should not have happened three times for me to be done!!! (especially since none of these idiots got fired for their behaviour) Not to mention less extreme conflicts and these idiots doing god knows what at the WORKPLACE 🤦‍♂️
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itsybitsyb0nes · 3 months
I haven't been doing well lately, I'm still unemployed with no job in sight. I've applied to at least 100+ jobs and more with no call backs no answers, and my uncle has also gotten his shifts slashed down to 1 a week and we're seriously struggling to make ends meet. We can barely afford groceries and bills.
I started a kofi goal, $2000 would help us get some extra funds in while he works and while I job hunt some more. Hoping I can at least get something soon, I'm hanging on by a thread. If you can't donate, please share this around, I'd appreciate it very much.
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bitter-sweetener · 4 months
Hey, Tumblr PLEASE help a girly (gender neutral) out 😭. I am a queer as fuck, autistic, burnt out, always struggling, and BIPOC artist.
I got laid off from my job (mixed feelings) and I won't be able to get unemployment for at least another week or two (weird waiting period and the state takes FOREVER to release payments). I usually supplement my income with ✨️adult entertainment✨️ but I've been sick and barely able to get up for the past week 😭. I'm actively looking for stable employment, but I haven't heard back from anyone yet 🙃. There's a credit card bill, about $200 left to make rent, oogas bill, and my car needs work done, but I have absolutely no hope to be able to fix the car anytime soon tbh that'd probably cost over $2k atp.
My goal is:
Cashapp: bittersweetener
Venmo: bitter_sweetener
And here are my links if you want to support me by buying some art (i have stickers rn!)
Thank you 💕
$0/$533 -5/26/24
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papermonkeyism · 4 months
That feel when it's the time of the year when you want to WANDER and would really, really like to go to coffee shops to doodle on a daily basis (weather permitting) but you can't actually afford a coffee shop treat every day so instead you're growing mold on the sofa trying to ration your coffee shop adventures to maximise adventure and enjoyment, while yearning and suffering.
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evilmothcloud · 2 months
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Please help two trans men be able to afford rent and move, currently disabled with no family or friends help. Desperate to have any relief. Thank you.
Please help us, GoFundMe.
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swifteainthesummer · 10 months
Not my new job not only being a pyramid scheme but also the bosses being fucking zionists
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damien-mlm · 1 year
I just got laid off my payment program and I have no more income whatsoever until August (if things are solved by then), I DID EVERYTHING I could to solve my situation but I won't be getting any income during July and so I need help to buy food and pay for bills, my local currency is pretty devalued so if I could raise up to 400 USD before the end of June that would be more than enough for me to survive July.
Please I beg you if you cannot donate, spread this.
Thank you.
My paypal is
Taglist: @rottent33th @slaasherslut @the-pinstriped-hood @ajarofpickledtears @capybar00 @mintgalaxia @goldrose-star @bluecoolr-main @probably-a-plant-thing
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mars-ipan · 3 days
see i'm happy with where my art is at right now i very much like it. but 80% of it cannot go in a portfolio
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