dangerstxrlet · 2 years
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+ @underude​ liked for a starter ! 
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+ “ It’s ... it’s just been a LONG night , Pete . “ Shaking her head, Mary Jane couldn’t HIDE the fact that she was positively running on her very last ounces of ENERGY . Rhino and Scorpion BOTH somehow being back out on the streets ? It’s not exactly the most CALM night for anyone in the city , much less someone who’s been spending every minute trying to help a certain Spider track them down. 
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normaltothemax · 2 years
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“They know!!” 
No ‘hello’. No ‘hey Peter, how’s your day going’. No warning of his entrance whatsoever. The panicked shout was all the greeting the man was getting, today. And panicked it was. Miles, shaking and panting and sweating, was just about crawling out of his own skin, ready to bolt again at the slightest hint of a negative emotion. 
At first, he’d just been focused on the running and swinging, not thinking about where he was going, only that he had to get as far away from his own house as he possibly could, as fast as he could. Eventually, he managed to remember the goober on his wrist (looking like a high-tech wristwatch, gifted by Peni a while back to help them keep in touch across universes), made sure the settings were locked on Peter’s, and activated it, feeling the now-familiar sucking-squeezing-pulling sensation of travelling between universes. Then the high-speed swinging and running started all over again. By the time he made it to Peter’s place, he could barely breathe.
Ripping the mask off of his face, he gasped for air, flickering in and out of view. “Th-they...they know! P-Peter...they...” Tears welled up in his eyes and he scrunched them shut. He wasn’t a baby, he wasn’t going to cry. He was thirteen and his entire life was falling apart around him. Hands fisted in his hair and pulled as he grit his teeth and choked back a sob.
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Deep, deep down, he knew they wouldn’t hate him. They were his parents. They loved him, would love him, no matter what. That was what parents did. But his dad had hated Spider-Man. Even if he didn’t necessarily hate the new one (i.e. Miles), he still didn’t like him! He was very vocal about that. And now they knew Miles had been keeping this huge secret from them for months! So it didn’t matter that part of him knew they wouldn’t hate him---they were totally going to hate him!
As the first tears began to fall, he looked desperately to his mentor, his friend, eyes begging for him to have all the answers. “What do I do?”
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eideticspider · 1 year
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@underude asked: ❝ i'm usually that person who has no idea what's going on. ❞
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{✗} "Yeah--no PETE, we sort of all kind of got that. I would say you've probably got the BABY brain, but..." Cindy trails off, her eyes going wide before her expression softens in teasing humor. She chuckles a little and lightly pushes his shoulder.
"You're not MISSING much--and if you were, I'd keep you posted. How's Mayday doing?"
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inhcritance · 1 year
@underude asked: “this is my fault. i should have trusted my gut.”
"And what would you have done differently?" He asked, almost idly, as if the question were not half as sharp, as pointed as it was.
As if they were not at an impasse, as if there were not conflict and blood in that metaphorical chasm widening between them. As if all and any hope for honesty hadn't bowed out before they reached this point.
"What would you have changed?" He added. "In the end, all we have are our choices."
And their regrets, and all they had learned... and refused to learn.
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@underude ♡’d for a Starter Post
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“Talk about anticlimactic.” Wanda said with a sigh, she crossed her arms over her chest. She looked at the unconscious body of the Green Goblin sprawled out in front of the two hero’s feet. She had just hoped she had punched hard enough, though falling off his glider, hitting a fire escape and a dumper may have helped too. Wanda gotten the jump on the villain when he was too distracted by Spider-Man, she had used her probability manipulation to mess with the goblin’s glider before she had delivered a sucker punch to the left side of the villain’s face. 
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arxchnoverturea · 2 years
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+ @underude​ gets a plotted thing
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+ Honestly, her first trip to NEW YORK was just as much fun as she’d hoped it would be . When Barbara had asked her to accompany her on the trip, she’d been expecting a lot more WORK rather than taking in the sights. Granted, she definitely had an ADVANTAGE in being able to look for signs of what they were both looking for , given Barbara’s alter ego was bound to the NIGHT . With how many HIGH-PROFILE heroes operated in the city, though, she’d been expecting to run into more of them than she had thus far . 
That is until she’d happened to run into a certain Spider themed hero . 
“ Can I just say that I REALLY love your costume ? And not just because our colors TOTALLY match. “ 
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redhead-reporter · 11 months
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"Aaaand DONE. Phew." MJ beamed as she set the last plastic storage tub into place, dusting off her palms as she took in the enormity of what they'd accomplished in the last two weeks. The boxes littering the front room UNPACKED, May's old clothes and some of her less sentimental personal items donated to F.E.A.S.T, the front window finally repaired ... and all of MJ's cramped one bedroom Greenwich apartment EMPTIED just in time for her lease to expire. Maybe things WERE really gonna go back to normal. They could start to move on, it was finally ov-
WAIT. What was that? A shadow that moved too QUICKLY on the opposite side of the basement. A TENDRIL reaching from the shadows, a hissing sound. NO. No no no no. MJ SCREAMED, instinctively falling back against the cold brick wall and sliding down it to the cement floor... only to realize from her new vantage point that it wasn't a symbiote out to finish what it has STARTED at all.
It was a fucking PIPE, creaking from age as her boyfriend called hot water to a sink upstairs.
The sound of her name being shouted in alarm followed by Pete's footsteps POUNDING through the living room towards the top of the steps had MJ already grimacing with embarrassment and regret. "Sorry, SORRY, I'm okay. Just thought I saw-" she began before he'd even made it halfway down, shaking her head and rubbing the heels of her palms over her eyes to clear the last of the NIGHTMARE from her vision. "... I'm okay" she repeated again from her spot on the floor, more to convince HERSELF than Pete. "Just a shadow, I'm FINE ... sorry I scared you."
º ✧ 。@underude liked for a SM2 BASED STARTER !
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dangerstxrlet · 2 years
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+ The conversation was one she could just FEEL they’d both been avoiding . MJ’s known him so long, has been through more than her fair SHARE of dangers and heartbreaks , ups and downs . Throughout it all , she’s always THOUGHT she would be overjoyed when the time came and the DANGER filtered out of their lives together . No more endless nights where she found herself in a EMPTY bed , watching the news and both DREADING and HOPING to catch even a glimpse of him . She’s always loved him , both sides of him, but it’s been a HARD partnership and she hasn’t even shied away from those hardships . No matter how difficult they had proven to be . 
But this WASN’T how she’d wanted it . With choices not TRULY there .
“ Peter ... please ... talk to ME ? “ She asked softly, switching the TV off , knowing that baby Mayday was asleep in the next room . 
+ @underude​ gets a random thing​
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luckheist · 2 years
and finallyyyyyy... even though i'm probably forgetting something
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underude · 2 months
as of August 1st , Spider-Man Day , 2024: this blog @underude is officially RETIRED.
shocking , i know. it's been 'retired' for a number of months ( like a full calendar year ) but !! we're considering this the official last stop for this particular train.
as it's Spider-Man Day ( like the last five minutes of it as i write this ) , i've also made the choice to start anew. we needed a refresh and this is how we do it. i'm super excited to jump back in with a fresh pair of eyes and see where this new ride takes us all.
the new blog is @pcrkerluck !!! can't wait to re-introduce myself over there.
hope to see you guys soon. much love , and one last 'thank you' for your patience. - Limit.
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spinxeret · 1 year
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love at first sight let's be real, only children believe in "love at first sight." but you're a hopeless romantic probably sitting around in coffee shops waiting to meet "the one." and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. infatuation at first sight is more accurate. you are the moment when two people lock eyes, and the whole world stills. nothing is there but you and them. and there is suddenly a strong sense of longing. you love love, don't deny it. flowers, chocolates, the whole nine yards. because of this you are loved by many. hopefully you know it too: you are loved.
TAGGED: @surpriseattack ( thank ya ! ) TAGGING: @underude, @spiderwcman, @spiderbirthed, @diamondclavvs, @h-osborn, @wallcrawld, and whomever wishes to do it !
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inhcritance · 1 year
@underude liked for a starter
"You're not all-powerful, Pete." Harry speaks, and he doesn't know if he's trying for kind or for stern, but it comes out as more worried than either of those. "There's only so much any of us can do."
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@underude​ inquired: 🦊
How Intimidating Am I?  ⤷ Accepting!!
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🦊 for fairly intimidating
Thank you for the feedback! I hadn’t really considered myself to be intimidating, but I’ll do my best to be more approachable for you and for others as well. 
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normaltothemax · 2 years
LET ME ASSIGN YOU A LOVE LANGUAGE || ‘ consumption of a heart unloved ’
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Here’s a dining table, here’s a set of plates. Here’s your heart, red and bursting with love. You have tried to love people all your life, but no one seems to understand you. Your own mother perhaps forgot to teach you how to protect yourself, maybe people whom you trusted chose to look the other way when all you wanted was a hand full of love. All you want is someone to take from you, all you want is someone to dig in your heart and eat it and kiss you afterwards - bloody and red. You want them to tell you that you are what they have been looking for, you want to be the one who ends their hunger.
tagged by: @underude tagging: @likeprotege, @defectivexfragmented, @desmuerte​, and anyone else who wants to do it
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arxchnoverturea · 2 years
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FULL NAME.  May Parker
ALIAS(ES).   Spider-Girl, Spider-Woman
SEX.  Female
HEIGHT.  5′7″
AGE.  Depends on the verse, but typically around 24 in my writing
ZODIAC.  Scorpio
BODY TYPE.   Athletic, as she was a star athlete prior to her Spider abilities manifesting. The latter amplified it even further. 
VOICE.   Leans more so towards her mother’s, vocal mannerisms being a mix of MJ’s and Peter’s. 
POSTURE. She tends to hunch over with her head low, usually has her hands in her pockets if they aren’t wrapped around her phone.
SCARS.  Some faded burn scars, plus scarring on her stomach and her back from various impalements.
TATTOOS.  Used to have a couple, lost them due to severe burns, when the skin regenerated, the ink was gone.
PIERCINGS. various ones in her ears, a stud in her right nostril, one in her right eyebrow. ‘snake bites’ in her bottom lip, a belly button piercing, barbells in her nipples, one more pending in a... personal place.
BIRTHMARKS.   None (Hellmark doesn’t count)
MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURES. The piercings and purple hair
PLACE OF BIRTH.  New York City, New York
HOMETOWN. New York City
SIBLINGS. Annie Parker, Benjy Parker, April Parker (Clone)
PARENTS. Mary Jane Watson-Parker (Mother, Alive), Peter Parker (Alive)
OCCUPATION.  Full-time college student, interning at police lab where her father works.
CURRENT RESIDENCE(S). Manhattan, New York
CLOSE FRIENDS.   Normie Osborn, Brad Miller, Davida Kirby, Moose Mansfield, Felicity Hardy, Shannon Carter, Franklin Richards, Courtney, Jimmy Yama
VICES. Junk food
SEXUAL ORIENTATION. Bisexual, leaning towards women
LIBIDO. Fluctuates .
TURN-OFFS.  Blood-play, excessive possessiveness, 
LOVE LANGUAGE. Physical, although dipping into Quality Time as well. 
RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES.  Very loving, thoughtful to her partners, leaning on them in times of need, and hoping they’ll do the same. 
CHARACTER’S THEME SONG. ‘Real World’ by Matchbox Twenty
HOBBIES TO PASS TIME. Basketball, listening to music, 
MENTAL ILLNESSES. Mild depression
tagging: @antispidcr​ , @gwenbiote , @underude , @redhead-reporter , and YOU 
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redhead-reporter · 1 year
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"I'm right here, baby. I'm OKAY. It's okay." MJ cooed in his ear, trying to reassure them both as her fingers dug desperately into his back. Any other day she might've WHIMPERED in pain from how tightly he was clutching her to his chest, complained about how hard it was to draw in oxygen, but today she couldn't get him close enough. Not after coming face to face with whatever that ... black, monstrous THING lurking in the alley had been. Fuck if she closed her eyes for too long she could still FEEL its claws closing around her neck, could hear its eerie voice say her NAME.
"What the hell was that, anyways? It sort of ... it kind of looked like a SPIDER."
º ✧ 。 a short starter for @underude !
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