lethal-honey · 6 years
Continued from here  🔪 @uncxmmxn​
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The girl huffed as she clenched her fists at her sides. “DON’T YOU DARE WALK AWAY FROM ME!” She shouted. She couldn’t even remember WHY she was fighting with this stranger but she would be damned if she would just let her walk away.
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The blonde turned back at the sound of someone complaining behind her. She was frowning. She didn’t want to get in a fight with anyone today, but this girl looked deternined to fight her. “What the fuck do you want, gnome?”
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glassheartcd · 6 years
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“Shouldn’t you be at home? I know it’s springtime, but it’ll be late soon. Not to mention you must have some homework to do.”
Izumi placed a hand on his waist as he looked at the young man in front of him. He wasn’t one of his students, he might have been a first year, and that wasn’t Izumi’s given section. He taught third year students, so he didn’t recognize him.
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tsxin-blog · 7 years
Ollie woke up earlier than normal this particular morning. Usually Andrew was up before him so this was new. Nervously he crawled out of bed and left for the kitchen to get some water. When he walked in he saw a pretty face he definitely didn’t recognize. “Who the fuck are you?” He demanded, thinking there was an intruder.
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glassheartcd · 7 years
RP Wishlist || Accepting! @uncxmmxn
I want to write a thread where Jensen is hired as someone’s bodyguard and allows herself to open up a bit to her charge. She needs more friends honestly.
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nctabeast · 7 years
🍖 @uncxmmxn liked this for a starter
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The boy stepped back eyes widening, tail swaying quickly behind him. His eyes were locked on the bushes as it moved. He didn’t want anyone to ask him what he was doing so close to the outskirts of the woods. He didn’t need people yelling at him for watching humans again.
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scarredassassin · 7 years
@uncxmmxn replied to your post: Sorry for the delays, I’m struggling a little with...
Welcome to the club
I want to leave--
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tsxin-blog · 7 years
@uncxmmxn liked for a starter.
“Hey. Why are you so nice to me?” Ollie asked as he ate his grilled cheese. It was so good. Andrew always made the best. “ I don’t exactly deserve it.”
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For every “⏳”  I receive, my muse will openly talk about a bit of their backstory.
Zimra is silent for some time, hand over her mouth. Her stomach feels like it’s in knots.
“Everybody’s luck runs out at some point. It was a heist gone wrong, and in some sort of sacrifice, Thomas pushed me back out into the street. I tripped, and was rolled over by a hand drawn wagon. The guy was pretty upset, but that isn’t what really matters here. The pursuing guard caught up to me, and I was arrested. There was no trial for my crime. I was given no chance to defend myself, despite being guilty. In fact, that’s exactly why such cruelty was expressed towards my person.”
A sigh.
“In my lovely stay, I was immediately branded to mark me as a criminal. I will never forget the pain of the hot iron melting my skin, nor will I forget how difficult it was for it to heal. I’m not so sure this prison was ever inspected, but the wardens there were bent on making every criminal there dread their patrol. I was no exception to their torture, beaten bloody and barely able to stand. It was a miserable existence for a long while.”
“I’m glad I escaped that place.”
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scarredassassin · 7 years
@uncxmmxn replied to your post: Question is do I up his age a year or not with...
personally i’d say yes but up to you
Yeaah, I decided to! Thank you.
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tsxin-blog · 7 years
@uncxmmxn says:
Number 4 with child ollie? holding their hand for the first time Ollie froze, he was in the middle of having a flashback of his mother when he suddenly felt a hand wrap around his. Shaking his head he looked down at the hand and curiously wrapped his fingers around it as he looked up to the source. Andrew. Clearly embarrassed but not pulling away Ollie finally muttered out. "What'r you doing?"
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kilikrungpotmeister · 7 years
Alohomora ((Sorry I couldn't help myself))
Send ‘Alohomora’ and I will generate a number 1-13 for a Hogwarts themed starter.
for @uncxmmxn
you got 5:You muse is tutoring mine in a subject that they are struggling in.
Kilik scratched his head as he let out a frustrated groan. He was completely lost. When it came to elemental or magic that had to do wit plants he was a natural. Anything other than that was a complete loss to him. “Ugh I dont understand any of this! Why can’t I just blast them with lightning or burn them with fire. Why did I let you talk me into taking defense against the dark arts with you two?”
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katar-meister-dante · 7 years
New world (closed rp with uncxmmxn)
@uncxmmxn Dante shuffled through the halls of DWMA. The bright light of this new environment stung a little, so much so that he had his hoodie up to cover his eyes. It did help having his weapons by his side but still, he couldn't help but feel nervous of the new faces. Back in the facility new faces tended to mean new painful experiments. And even though he was "safe" he still couldn't let go of the association. However with his hood up he didn't see that he was going to walk into someone. Then the inevitable impact happened he fell back onto the floor. "S...sorry..." he squeaked quickly and nervously, quivering on the floor, "don't hurt me..."
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