#unbelievers para
lady-caden · 4 months
I got gendered correctly all day today and I passed my first day at work !! ;D
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lesvii · 3 months
You don’t own me.
One shot
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Just a lil something I had in my mind, also this is a fem reader !
Your relationship with Valeria wasn’t exactly the healthiest thing but you two tried to do what was best for both. Sometimes you just spends countless days alone in her hacienda surrounded with ‘’her best mans’’ just to always keep an eye out for you, when she disappear to make her business deals, it was her form of saying ‘I love you’.
It’s silly to think what could had been if she didn’t have this kind of job.
A drug lord.
Maybe in another universe you two actually had decent jobs and a normal life, but this wasn’t the case.
This time you two just got into a fight, again. It was common now, Valeria’s stress was overbearing since she had just lost over a huge deal thanks to the Mexican fuerzas especiales, it wasn’t your fault and you know it, she knows it too. But in this case everything for her was too much, too much noise, her man talking, you trying to reason with her to take a decent rest.
‘’ Valeria… please just take time to rest, how can you do all of this by yourself in this state?’’.
You said as your hands rested on her desk, pleading at her, she sighed irritated by your comment, you two already had the chat about leaving the cartel, oh how many times you pleaded to her, just for her safety, frankly you didn’t care about luxury and wealth when it came from the suffering of others. But she didn’t see it that way, she worked damn hard to get to the top, she wasn’t backing up now, not even for you.
‘’ I’m fine y/n.’’. Valeria said coldly.
You just stare at her, lost, you sighed as you stand up straight, that’s when she looked at you as she raised an eyebrow.
´´fine.´´ you said as you turn away to exit her office.
‘’Where do you think you’re going?’’ Valeria said with a cold demand.
You slowly turn away to face her again, as you gaze her slowly, analyzing which move would be the correct one and which one will guarantee you the bad side of Valeria garza.
‘’ Well… clearly away, since you wont listen to me anyways…’’ you said, as you crossed your arms.
Valeria gazed you from her desk office as she got up, slowly walking towards you, it was almost mesmerizing, like a lion stalking its prey ready to attack. As she stopped right in front of your face, just a few inches far apart.
‘’ Quién chingados te crees para hablar me así?’’ Valeria said with her strong Mexican accent, in that tone she used to yell to her workers.
Unbelievable you think, after all you’ve done for her, she dares to speak at you like that. You stand there not sure of what to say, at the end you were just as tired as she was.
‘’ You know what I’m not in the mood for this, I’m out.’’ You said as you sighed, closed your eyes to stop the headache. As you were leaving the door, she grabs you by the arm as she pushes you back to her office.
‘’ I’ve asked you a question corazón, huh?’’ Valeria said once again.
You pulled your arm off her grip, as you started to loose patience too.
‘’ I said I’m not in the mood for your little theatrics Valeria! God—‘’ you brushed her off.
She frowns her eyebrows, as she analyzes you with a cold gaze. You could see how the aura in the room changed, as you shook your head, trying to get off the awful feeling.
“I’ve done everything for you. And this is how you react?” Valeria said as she crossed her arms.
You sighed, for a moment you were going to explode but let’s be honest, her and you going mad wasn’t the right move, You chuckled.
“Really Val? Cause from about 6 months you’ve been disappearing every week, I dont even know if your hurt, if your alive even!” I finally said at her, she just looked at you as if she was looking for the correct words to say it.
“You’ve decided to stay with me, you know the consequences of it.” She said without flinching.
You stare at her defeated knowing once again you won’t win this fight, as if someone can win el sin nombre.
“I- you don’t get it do you? It’s getting so tiredly we can’t have a normal conversation every time you decide to turn it into a fight, I’m not sure I can do this anymore.” You said as you shook you head stepping away from her
She laughed, as you turned around confused at her.
“What? Do you think I you can just leave here?, asi nomas? ”. She said lastly as her Mexican accent.
You just stared at her, as your vision started to get blurry from the tears in your eyes. You hated when she talked like that. You stare at her confused. She walked around you as if a predator analyzing his prey.
“You aren’t allowed to leave anymore corazón, you decided to stay.. you’ve know too much by now” Valeria said.
You freeze for a second not sure what she meant.
“You don’t own me.” Was the only thing that came out of you, she smirked at you as she laughed.
“Oh… but you do”. Valeria said as she caressed your cheek.
Thx for reading this ! Once again English is not my first language, if I wrote something wrong please feel free to correct me ❤️
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dairymistress05 · 3 months
My thoughts on the Luke and gf situation. It’s long so bear with me. Also, I want to preface this by saying that this is my opinion, because I don’t know them personally my opinion and many others that have been posting about it doesn’t actually matter in the end.
With everything that has happened in the last several days, I wanted to reflect and discuss my thoughts. First, 2 things that are baffling to me.
1. Why is it so difficult for people to separate the art from the artist?
2. Why do people think their opinion is important to the discussion?
Believe it or not the only people that are allowed to have an opinion in Luke’s relationship, are those who are directly involved
I honestly can’t believe the amount of people that I am seeing saying things like this ruined the show or makes you not believe anything. They’ve been telling us all along, he and Nicola that they were just friends. Do I have an opinion as to why I may not believe that that’s completely true? Sure. Does my opinion matter matter at all? No. This is the thing, it’s unbelievable that people think they can go on the Internet and bash this person because they decided to live a life different from what they projected in their head. Para social relationships with celebrities are fascinating. Also, the internet is forever.
Tom Holland once said “if you have a problem with me, text me, and if you don’t have my number, you don’t know me well enough to have a problem with me.” And I think that’s a perfect example of why this is getting so out of hand. No one on the Internet posting their icks now knows Luke well enough to have a problem with him.
As a 38-year-old married woman myself, I haven’t been convinced there wasn’t anything going on as they are extremely touchy-feely friends. However, there were rumours about a girlfriend and then when the photos came out well then I guess that confirms it. Do I think that’s the end of it, No, but again my opinion doesn’t matter. But there are also several factors why even if Luke and Nicola were interested in each other why they would hold off. Their work relationship being paramount among those reasons.
As for the photos, as an outside observer who has seen Nicola help him through his anxiety this press tour I don’t feel that was a hard launch. He seems extremely uncomfortable in those photos. His body language is off if it was an intentional launch on his part. He’s walking ahead, even the handholding seems awkward. However, the girlfriend unfortunately looks extremely smug, smiling directly into the cameras. I am personally inclined to believe that it was her or a friend of hers who called it in because he doesn’t seem prepared to be photographed. I’m not sure what to think about their relationship as of yet but these photos don’t portray a lot of confidence. Also, the age difference seems like it could become an issue but the thing I would worry about becoming an issue is the social media presence mismatch that is pretty obvious. Sorry, even if I was a dancer I would not want to be posting some of those videos, as I said, the internet is forever.
Lastly, the only other person whose opinion maybe matters is Nicola herself and she has come out to post several times all in defence of him and his character. She is obviously seeing all of the hate online and saying hey guys stop it. I like him. He’s nice. He’s my friend. Quit being mean. And I’ve seen some people say that it’s all Nicola and he doesn’t reciprocate when she’s posting about him and blah blah blah I disagree and here’s why the other day on his IG stories, and I can’t believe no one is talking about this, he posted a photo of a scene from episode 6 to remind people that it’s now streaming and maybe I’m reading too much into it, but the photo he posted he is exactly when Colin is telling Penelope “I won’t let her ruin our night“. (Photo attached) Who is her? I don’t know. But I also don’t think that things on social media are coincidence, especially if you’re a celebrity posting because they know that everybody over everything. And then I also found it quite interesting that he posted on his stories the speech he gives Portia about proposing out of love nothing less and that’s where the real cut off. So again, I think it’s intentional to show appreciation for his friend.
Some final thoughts, I definitely feel like there is a strong connection there whether it’s just friendship or not. I think a lot of people posting online are putting a lot of the owners on him, but what if Nicola didn’t want to date someone that is so much younger than her? What if she doesn’t wanna date at all right now? What if they agreed that? Although there’s a strong connection work relationship is more important right now because of future seasons of the show? We don’t know them. We don’t know the situation and act like you’re devastated about two people that you don’t know not in a relationship seems rather silly.
The only thing I would worry about in this whole situation, is if this relationship with the girlfriend will sour the friendship. Like if it was her who called the paparazzi will she still be comfortable with her boyfriend being in this type of public friendship with Nicola? I sincerely hope so because they seem to have something special even if it is just platonic best friends. Their close friendship is part of the reason Polin works so well on screen.
Anyway, agree or disagree, just my two cents.
I would love to know your thoughts.
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didishawn · 1 year
Sex therapy is what works the best (Pedri x Reader x Ferran)
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Warnings: Ferran is not dating Sira, Pedri thinks a good fuck is what his friend needs to get back to his top level, smut, Pedri watches his best friend fuck his girlfriend, sorry not sorry Ferran is hot, mentions of the internet asking for Ferran's head because of his recent performance on the club, lots of Spanish
Ferran is disappointed in himself, another bad match and half of the Internet beating him down, asking for his departure from the team. His psychologist says its all in his head, that once he gets mentally better everything else will do too. He can't help but doubt it, he thinks he is bad, he won't get out of this one, and like the memes say, he will do better to start learning, Chinese or Japanese because he most likely will end up playing there.
He is a shell of himself seating in one of the corners of the changing room as his teammates celebrate the victory when he feels to taps on his shoulder, Pedri sits next to him, watching him with sorrow, the midfielder feels sorry for his friend.
"Venga, que no pasa nada, ya lo harás mejor en el próximo partido" he tries to cheer him up, but the other shakes his head. (come on, it's nothing, you will do better on the next match)
"Dudo que Xavi me vuelva a sacar tras el desastre de hoy" (I doubt Xavi will have me on the field again after today's disaster)
"Que va, ya verás que si, chacho. Todo está en tu cabeza, una vez te olvides de lo que dicen los gilipollas de Twitter, todo irá mejor" (no way, you will see, man. Everything is in your head, once you forget what those assholes in Twitter say, everything will be better)
Ferran has his face buried on his hands, hiding his dreadful expression from his friend "¿Y que pasa si no está todo dentro de mi cabeza? Capaz es que simplemente doy asco. Llevo ya meses en el psicólogo, hago un partido bueno, y luego todo vuelve a lo de siempre" (and what if it's not all inside my head? Maybe I simply suck. I have been at the psychologist for months, I do a good match, then everything goes back to the same as alway)
His friend is quiet for a second, before saying "Creo tengo una idea para sacarte de la mala racha" (I think I have an idea to get you out from the losing streak)
"Tú estás mal de la cabeza" Ferran tells him once they are on his friend's car after dropping off Gavi, the other shakes his head. (you are sick in the head)
"Que va, tú hazme caso. Lo que te falta a ti es una buena follada para liberar estrés" (no way, you pay attention to what I say. What you need is a good fuck to release stress)
"¿Una buena follada con tu novia?" he asks, unbelieving, Ferran is sure Pedri is on weed or something. (a good fuck with your girlfriend?)
"¿Por qué no?" (why not?)
"¿Y que pasa si ella no quiere?" (and what if she doesn't want to?)
"Lo hará. Si escucharas las cosas que dice sobre ti no tendrías dudas. Que si estás cachondisimo que si no se que" (she will. If you heard the stuff she says about you, you would have no doubts. That you are so hot, and more that I can't remember)
The two boys arrive to the house you share with Pedri and Fer, though the midfielder knows his brother to be out with some chick. They hear your low humming and feel the delicious smell of whatever you are cooking. You are distracted when they see you, dressed in Barça's shirt after having to miss the match to study, it's big on you and hides the shorts that Ferran guesses you are wearing. You dance around the kitchen to the sound of Quevedo and Pedri has a giant smile on his face as he watches while Ferran struggles to keep his eyes from your ass. You were indeed only wearing panties under the blue and red shirt.
"¿Te la pasas bien?" (having fun?)
You spin around on record time and are on your boyfriend's arm as soon as you recognise his voice, lips meeting his as you congratulate him on their win, you get off him and also embrace Ferran in a not-so-tight hug and give him your congratulations too.
"¿Tienes hambre, Ferran? Hice suficiente comida para todos" (are you hungry, Ferran? I made enough food for everyone)
"Tiene hambre, pero no de tu comida" (he is hungry, but not for your food)
Ferran hits his friend to shut him up as he laughs, you give them a confused look but choose to ignore your boyfriend's idiotic comments.
It is not until you three are sat eating dinner, when Pedri's plan reaches your ears and you understand everything.
That is how you end up like this, on all fours as Ferran pounds into you from the back, Pedri is sat on a corner watching everything while pumping his dick.
It's impossible for you to contain your moans, your boyfriend's best friends dick reaching incredibly deep inside you, almost kissing your cervix as he brings you in closer by the strong grip on your waist.
"¿Qué tal te vas sintiendo, Ferran? Ella parece que bien" your boyfriend comments, watchful gaze on your forms, how your head is buried by Ferran's hand into the pillow, but not even that can quiet the angelic noises coming from you. (how are you doing, Ferran? She seems to be having fun)
"No entiendo como la dejas sola ni un momento, con lo puto apretada que está, parece que estoy en el cielo" (I don't understand how you even leave her alone for a second, with how fucking tight she is, it feels like I am in heaven)
"Una buena folladita por la mañana y por la tarde y vas tirando. Después de los partidos fuera, hay que recuperar" (a good fuck on the morning and afternoon. After away matches you make up for it)
Pedri's grip on his own dick tightens too, but his hand doesn't compare to the real thing as he watches Ferran abandone your insides, spin you around, your eyes on each other and mouths meeting, your leg on the boy's shoulder, making you let out a scream when he again slams into you. From Pedri's position, he can see your eyes filling up with pleasure tears, your nails bury into his friend's back, surely leaving marks that won't go away on the next few days. Ferran's lips meet you neck, sucking on it, he too wants to leave a mark, Pedri doesn't mind, one hickey doesn't even compare to what he always leaves on you.
You watch Ferran through your teary eyes, you are in a haze, can't really manage to think straight at all. You look down, watching as his cock slams repeatedly into you, how his abs clench, as do his thick thighs that you have always drooled about -all with Pedri's permission. He reaches down again to make out with you, his chain moving as violently as his hips do, the cool metal buries into your chest as he lets go of your leg, his big hands on your ass picking you up and seating you on those thighs you love so much, still pounding into you as hard in that position while also helping you ride him, moving you as if you were a ragdoll as your moans get louder and hold into his strong shoulders.
You eyes meet Pedri's, he winks at you and you clench when you see his cum all over his strong stomach and thighs, still pumping his dick in a slower matter, Ferran groans at your tighter self, the sound getting you closer to the edge until you finally let yourself go, making everything wetter than it already is.
You can feel Ferran's balls clenching under you as he trembles, he too is close, you reach down and massage them, that makes it for him. He gives you the last few thrusts, stronger than any before and cums deep inside you, you are glad you are in birth control. He trembles as you hop off his dick, your hands massaging his chest up and down to help him come down from the extasis of his orgasm, he was ashamed to confess it had been a while since the last time he had one from another person and not his hand.
"Ayúdala a limpiarse, ¿no?" Ferran nods with gone eyes, his thighs still tremble, yet not as hard as yours, he struggles to stand up, Pedri stops him "Con la lengua Ferran, así es mejor" (help her clean herself, no? With your tongue Ferran, it's better that way)
The boy nods, strong hands gripping into your thighs, keeping you in place as his tongue licks from you hole to your clit, lips wrapping and sucking on it as you can't help but move around. One arm wraps around your waist, the other leads his fingers into your hole, pushing in whatever cum has come out, pumping once or twice, you are so sensitive that you cum again in no time. Ferran separates as you push his head away from your clit, he places a kiss on your cheek and falls down next to you.
Pedri stands up, and walks towards you two "Descansen qué ahora me toca a mi follar y tú por la boca" (rest that's it's now my turn to fuck and yours in her mouth)
That night is a long one, your bed is a bit small for the three of you, but you make it work. The next morning there are promises to repeat the experience, no bad performance from Ferran needed as an excuse, but now know that if the bad performance continues, Ferran will for surely attend this therapy asides from the one with his psychologist.
Needless to say, maybe Pedri was right about the whole thing, as the next match Ferran starts in, he leaves the field with a goal and an assistance on his back, the whole Internet praising him as the hypocrites they all are.
That night, the three of you celebrate, the therapy will for sure continue.
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Deuce, Sebek: Like a Flower, Forever Blooming
Why does it look like Deuce is proposing to you with a tray of donut rings— WEH 😭 The birthday boy looks so handsome and gallant!! (Not usually the kind of comment I make for Deuce cksbsksnw) For some reason I tend to really like Deuce’s birthday cards…
His groovy is kinda funny too; Deuce looks like he wants to fight Alice… Interesting, because Ace acts in Alice-like ways, and he and Deuce are constantly bickering www
A Tale as Old as Time.
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A girl found herself wandering into an enchanted garden. She was a tiny thing in her blue dress and pinafore, smiling sweetly at the colorful blooms surrounding her. They bore faces, those flowers—eyes, noses, and mouths, their expressions varying from curious to snarky.
The sunshine of the girl’s long locks, a youth sparkling with sensibility. They were a familiar sight.
It’s something straight from a story back home, Deuce thought.
He scrounged around for a smart comment to demonstrate his wit, his maturity. At last, he settled on: "I had no idea there were so many different looking flowers. I can barely name a few kinds.”
A dismissive grunt sounded.
"Hmph! You hail from the Queendom of Roses, don't you? And Heartslabyul is famous for its roses as well. You should be more familiar with the flora!" Sebek scolded him with a frown. "Have you no pride for your country or dormitory?! Truly, your behavior is beyond the pale!"
"I just never really paid much attention to the flowers before... I'm not the kind of guy with a green thumb. The most I do is paint the roses when the dorm leader tells me it's my turn."
"Unbelievable!! You disparage the noble perennials with that flippant attitude of yours!" Sebek shook his head. “Were you to lay your gaze upon Briar Valley in the springtime, you would surely come to appreciate them."
“Perennials!!” Sebek folded his arms. He lifted his chin. “Don’t tell me you’re unaware of what they are! You must not be very well-read, human!!”
“O-Of course I know what they are!” Deuce stammered. “Wh-Who hasn’t heard of a para-knee-old before?!”
His fellow first year casted a doubtful look at him.
“… Okay, maybe I don’t,” Deuce admitted. His shoulders deflated along with his defiance.
“Perennials,” Sebek smirked triumphantly, “are flowers that return year after year. Roses are among them, but there are many others that fall into the category.
“When they bloom in the warm season, it is a scene to behold, a feast for the eyes! Then, come fall and winter, they wither and fade… and in spring and summer, they are born again! It is a most glorious, never-ending cycle.”
“Ah, so they live and die, then they’re brought back to life. Over and over… Endlessly?”
The gears in Deuce’s head slowly turned. Their teeth clicked into place, sparking a realization, a light in flickering on in his face.
“Oh?" The smugness in Sebek's voice was front and center. "Have you been swayed already? It certainly didn’t take much to persuade you.”
“I think I get it now, Sebek. Flowers are cool after all!” Deuce slammed a fist into an open palm. “Growing, getting older, dying, and coming back to life again… They’re like phoenixes!”
“In what way are flowers like phoenixes?!” Sebek bellowed, his volume shaking the paintings lined up on the walls. His words, however, seemed to fall on deaf ears.
“I wanna be like that too!! As tough as a flower that bounces back year after year!” Deuce passionately declared. “If I get knocked down, I’ll just get back up again! There’s gonna be no stopping me!”
He paused. "... Do you think I should add some flaming flower decals onto my Magical Wheel?"
"You've failed to take to heart a single insightful thing I've told you!! I would hardly consider this a revelation!" Sebek groaned, a hand upon his temple.
Typical foolhardy human, he surmised with a scoff. But still, he could sense a fighter when he saw one. The determination in Deceus's eyes was unmistakable. A blue-green as sharp and as clear as a cloudless summer's day, like a sword cleaving the heavens in half.
He had seen it many times over.
It was the look of a warrior.
"Listen here, human! There are a great many number of opponents in this world whose power may rival or even exceed your own. When you should encounter such strong foes… I hope you stand your ground. To betray your own promise would be disgraceful!”
“You saying I’d go back on my word?! No way! I definitely won’t run. That’s a coward’s way out.” Deuce grinned daringly—dangerously. “No matter what comes my way, I’ll own up to it. I’ll take it all on!”
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pfpanimes · 22 days
UNBELIEVABLE 😭😭 All I can do is thank you VERY MUCH for the 30K followers!!! Thank you so much 😭❤️❤️ I never imagined that I would reach this dimension. I created this tumblr to save icons so that I could use them on my twitter/X and it took on a huge proportion that not even in my best dreams would I have dreamed of reaching. Thank you so much! I'll keep posting more and more icons 😭🥺 I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH❤️
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🇧🇷/🇵🇹: INACREDITÁVEL 😭😭 Tudo o que posso fazer é agradecer MUITO pelos 30 mil seguidores!!! Muito obrigada 😭❤️❤️ Nunca imaginei que chegaria nessa dimensão, criei esse tumblr para salvar icons pra poder usar no meu twitter/X e ele tomou uma proporção enorme que nem nos meus melhores sonhos eu sonharia alcançar. Muito obrigada! Vou continuar postando mais e mais icons 😭🥺 AMO MUITO TODOS VOCÊS❤️
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escapedaudios · 27 days
You know what I really want to explore in Neon Memoriam? Flashbacks that reveal more about not only the Wasteland/The Bright Sands, but what Crow was like before The Neon Barbarian. He was very different back when he was with Acid Rain. I want to show just how unbelievable scary he was. By the end of The Neon Barbarian he's undergone two major changes, one being the off-screen influence of Dannie and the softness and trust he learned from her. The other being the discovery of his moral compass that he gained as a result of Raven's influence.
In the Wasteland he didn't have these things. He only trusted his tribe. He only understood survival. The closest thing to an idea of morality he had was to show some amount of empathy and mercy to enemy barbarians from other tribes, because they too only understood survival. The only other thing he believed was that all civilized people were to be distrusted as best, and to be plundered and destroyed without mercy at worst. They are the ones that made the bombs and the radioactive wasteland that followed them. They are the ones who think themselves enlightened, contradicting his belief that wisdom comes from a very primal struggle for survival.
Imagine being a member of an enemy tribe, or worse, part of a civilized convoy, and seeing him. His shadow emerges through a gale of dust and sand. The radioactive particles in the air illuminate his tattoos, the glow appearing first, followed by the rest of him. You think his titanic size is a trick of the light until he comes closer and you see him clearly. Dirt and fog cloud the gas mask that you're wearing to protect yourself from the deadly air around you, the same air that he seems to be breathing in without issue.
You hear a command to shoot, and open fire with your assault rifle until it's empty. You swear your bullets hit but he's not stopping, not even slowing down. Through the squall you feel the vibrations of his footsteps. He's moving faster, and his steps feel like the beat of a war drum. You panic and struggle to reload your weapon, but your hands keep shaking. He is closer now. An armored car in your convoy rams him, but with a grunt and a shout that sends shockwaves through the air you witness him toppling it over. You can hardly see, between the fog in your mask, the dust in the air, and the smoke of gunpowder all around you. All you hear is the sound of metal bending and breaking as the armored car is peeled apart like a thin sheet of tin. You hear screams, but the sound is quickly silenced, some by the blast of his crude shotgun, others by a sickening crunch of breaking bones. You're next, and you're not sure he'll listen if you try to surrender.
Terrifying yeah? That was Crow before you met him. Dannie had her work cut out for her. For the first year of his work at Para M she was just wrangling this beast and keeping him from causing catastrophes.
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stickers-on-a-laptop · 6 months
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um so i went overboard @kirider i did. go overboard. sorry if you haven't watched any of these 🙇‍♀️
It's A Little Crowded In Here
As far as Ichimonji knew, he and Hongo were the only Kamen Riders around, so to be sent to the quarry by Taki and discovering that, holy hell, there were a LOT OF OTHER KAMEN RIDERS, was a bit of a shock.
Well, existential crisis #69420 would have to wait, apparently, because those other Kamen Riders clearly needed help.
Be careful.
“Always am!”
Ichimonji got down to the fight, where Hongo helped him fight against...probably at LEAST twenty different types of monsters, and Ichimonji was fairly sure they were just grunts!
Still, he stood his ground, just like all the other Kamen Riders around him.
Something flew overhead, and Ichimonji didn’t really have time to react before he and a few other Kamen Riders were struck by a beam of light.
He threw his hand up to ward off the brightness, which had the really weird effect of drawing in all the other Kamen Riders...into him?
Shoutarou, calm down please.
Idiot genius, what did you do this time?
Why are you blaming ME, musclehead?
You try and make sure an idiot stays alive in battle and what do you get for it? Stuck in someone else’s head. Unbelievable.
I did tell you I didn’t need your help, Ankh.
Wow, this is more crowded than usual, can I shoot you guys?
Ryuuta, that has no class.
Like you know about class, perverted turtle!
Guys, please…
Don’t make others cry, Momo-tachi!
Guess using Mighty Brothers form backfired on us, eh M?
We’ll keep that in mind for next time.
“Um. Hi?”
There was a second of pause, and then the chorus of voices started up again, only this time it seemed to be in argument.
Ichimonji, they are very loud.
“I can. Hear that. Maybe someone can explain?”
I’m not sure anyone can explain why this happened, Ichimonji.
There was a collective groan as everyone seemed to whip towards two voices in particular, which was a very weird thing to only feel.
Why’d you say that?? Sento’s not going to be able to shut up if you say that!
“Sento! A name! How ‘bout we start with that. Everyone’s name. I’m Ichimonji Hayato.”
And I’m Hongo Takeshi.
There was a bit of mental scuffling.
Oh, I’m first?
You’re the most senior of us in here.
Oh, I guess that’s true. Nogami Ryoutarou, and this is Momotaros, Urataros, Kintaros, and Ryuutaros. They’re Imagins. Um, I’m Den-O.
Aibou, us next.
We’re OLD now, mou! Hidari Shoutarou and Philip, Kamen Rider W.
We are not old, Shoutarou is exaggerating.
Hino Eiji, Kamen Rider OOO, and Ankh is here because he helps in battles these days.
This is still irritating.
Hojou Emu, and Parad, Kamen Riders Ex-Aid and Para-DX.
Kiryuu Sento, Kamen Rider Build. I have a feeling I’m here because I was in the combined form with Banjou.
Is THAT why? Ugh. Anyways, Kamen Rider Cross-Z, Banjou Ryuuga.
“So everyone here...combines together?”
Not usually, no, but in this case the opponent was strong enough to warrant trying it. Best Match, and all that.
Co-opt, in our case.
I’m not quite combined, the Imagins possess me.
Ankh’s case is closer to possession, as well.
We actually combine together every time, yes.
“...great! So, uh, yeah, I don’t know what to do here.”
You said you were Ichimonji Hayato, correct?
“Yeah, why?”
“Is that a good fascinating or a bad one?”
It’s merely interesting, I suppose. You are not the first Ichimonji Hayato to be Nigou, nor is Hongo the first Ichigou.
Aibou, what the hell? ...Wait. The Showa nonsense, right?
Correct. But not only that. There was a Hongo and Ichimonji in 2005, as well as others.
Were you talking with Decade again or something, W?
Ichimonji was going to have a headache and also a massive talk with Taki once this battle was over.
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tomhardymyking · 2 months
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Smile at me one more time, 𝗧𝗼𝗺, wherever you are 💖🥺
It's been more than a month since we last saw him... And I know he's busy with reshoots of 𝑯𝒂𝒗𝒐𝒄 now, but I'm looking forward to seeing him, even if it's in a photo in the distance 🙏🏻 It's unbelievable that I've watched 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑩𝒊𝒌𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒔 before 𝗧𝗼𝗺 since his last appearance 😅
It makes me "funny" when I read other fandoms say: "he/she hasn't appeared in 1 day, I miss him/her." You don't know what it's like to miss, try waiting 1 month (or more) like we have to do to see 𝗧𝗼𝗺, let's see if it's the same 👀
Sonríeme una vez más, 𝗧𝗼𝗺, estés donde estés 💖🥺
Ha pasado más de 1 mes desde la última vez que lo vimos... Y sé que ahora está ocupado con las regrabaciones de 𝑯𝒂𝒗𝒐𝒄, pero tengo tantas ganas de verlo, aunque sea en una foto a lo lejos 🙏🏻 Es increíble que haya visto antes 𝑩𝒊𝒌𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒔, 𝒍𝒂 𝒍𝒆𝒚 𝒅𝒆𝒍 𝒂𝒔𝒇𝒂𝒍𝒕𝒐 que a 𝗧𝗼𝗺 desde su última aparición 😅
Me hace "gracia" cuando leo a otros fandoms decir: "hace 1 día que no aparece, le/la echo de menos." No sabes lo que es echar de menos, prueba a esperar 1 mes (o más) como tenemos que hacer nosotros para ver a 𝗧𝗼𝗺, a ver si es lo mismo 👀
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writing-havoc · 1 year
I can't STOP thinking of an idea for inej ghafa x fem!reader so here you go (let me know if I'm freaking you out or if I need to stop, please!). i've read several kaz fics where he gets jealous of r very close relationship with some crow, so imagine that except with inej, where r is kaz's childhood best friend and they are a duo in the eyes of practically everyone (some even consider them a couple). r and inej have been mutually interested in each other for a long time, but r doesn't do anything because she's afraid of the consequences if the information gets out and inej doesn't try anything because she's in doubt whether r likes girls the way she (inej) does. maybe after a heist gone wrong r narrowly escaped death and now inej can't stop thinking about what could have happened if something worse had happened and r had died so the two talk privately and both admit what they feel one for the other. I can't get this idea out of my head and now I want to know how you would write about it. love inej and would like to see more of her point of view on her. oh, it would also be really nice if there was a spotlight on the platonic kaz x reader relationship. something like "we have a problem" and "no you have a problem, I have a problem friend". I imagine too much kaz rolling her eyes at every involuntary sigh of r for inej and at the end when r goes to tell her and inej getting together, kaz just like: "really? and the sky is blue?" but secretly glad her friend and the wraith are together. just inej and r being crazy about each other and kaz turning a blind eye (no romantic feelings for either of course)ssalto que deu errado r escapou por pouco da morte e agora inej pode ' t parar de pensar sobre o que poderia ter acontecido se algo pior tivesse acontecido e r tivesse morrido então os dois conversam em particular e ambos admitem o que sentem um pelo outro. Não consigo tirar essa ideia da cabeça e agora quero saber como você escreveria sobre isso. amo inej e gostaria de ver mais de seu ponto de vista sobre ela. ah, também seria muito bom se houvesse um destaque na relação platônica kaz x leitor. algo como "nós temos um problema" e "não, você tem um problema, eu tenho um problema amigo". Imagino demais kaz revirando os olhos a cada suspiro involuntário de r para inej e no final quando r vai contar pra ela e inej se reunindo, kaz tipo: "sério? e o céu tá azul?" mas secretamente feliz por sua amiga e o fantasma estarem juntos.
Fist bump
♡ Summary: Inej contemplates whether her feelings for you are reciprocated. A nearly fatal injury throws all apprehensions out the window.
♡ Pairing: Inej Ghafa x Fem!Reader, Kaz Brekker x Reader (platonic!!!)
♡ Fandom: Six of Crows, Grishaverse
♡ Warning(s): Gunshot wound, says y/n three times
♡ WC: 5.4k
Thank you for the request. It was nice getting to write for Inej again. While I've only written for her once before, I feel confident that I'm closer to getting her character right
Kaz is slightly ooc imo. But I feel it comes with the territory of him actually having a lifelong friend instead of being completely alone. So be prepared for that!
Hope you enjoy it regardless <3
Please excuse any grammar and spelling mistakes
"What the hell am I looking at?" You ask, frozen in place.
Kaz sighs from somewhere deep within his throat, tone riddled with annoyance. "Your guess is as good as mine."
Inej takes a moment to stare. Her mouth might be open as she squints at the scene, but that's... the least of her worries.
Jesper and Wylan were currently flirting with eachother on the ground floor of the Crow Club, not even at any specific game. Every once in a while pieces of their conversation would float to her ears, and it was just plain horrible.
It's honestly surprising. Jesper has no problem attracting anybody of any gender, but with the way he's talking to Wylan right now she finds it truly unbelievable that Jesper was able to pull anybody at all.
What's even more unbelievable was that Wylan was actually enjoying it.
Seduction tactics don't really interest Inej. But even she is able to distinguish between a good and bad pickup line.
The moment she hears something about a fruit she makes it a point to stop listening to them completely.
"Whatever it is they're talking about I don't think its wise for us to listen anymore." Inej turns away, body facing towards you.
"Agreed." You scoff, turning a little towards her too. "I'm not all that into exhibitionism."
Kaz's eyebrows raise. "Surprising."
He's mocking you, which you immediately recognize and shoot a glare at him, knocking your heel into his cane. "Budge off, limpy."
"Oh no. Not my limp. Anything but the limp."
It's really only funny because Kaz isn't bothering to fluctuate his voice at all. It's monotone, and his eyes remain half lidded and he hoists his cane up and brushes off the dirt you got on it.
Inej smiles, holding back a chuckle as she watches the crowd around her, people steering clear if only for the fact that Kaz is nearby.
"Yes, the limp. Your worst fear." You giggle when you watch his eyes roll.
Nina comes in, standing below the railing where you stand, eyes flickering between you and Kaz.
"How are the lovebirds doing?" She jests.
It sends a little pang through Inej's heart.
Your closeness with Kaz has been a topic of interest within the crows since they joined the little inner circle. And it's not all that surprising.
You have known Kaz the longest out of any of them. You were with him when he joined the Dregs, when he climbed his way up the ladder until he became floor boss and when he managed to secure fifth harbor. You even own a share in it, taking the risk and knowing full well Kaz would have gotten it up and running.
He let's you closer than anyone else, his trust intrinsic to the fact that you have been with him through thick and thin. Inej can tell something big happened an your guys' past, small looks shared here and there, pursed lips when someone mentions a niche topic.
But with the way you hang around eachother, when you sigh with a far away look and Kaz wacks your shin with his cane just gard enough that it aches, when you can have a conversation with just a glance, it's only natural that people assume.
"In his fucking dreams." You chuckle. "This lump of coal is my best friend and nothing more, we've told you this."
Nina smirks, looking between you two once more. "You tell me and yet I can sense your heart beating like crazy, my dear Y/n."
Inej watches as you prickle, flustered, but her gazing is interrupted when you turn your body completely away from her, focusing solely on Nina.
"Hearts can lie, Zenik." Inej watches as the smile falters slightly on Nina's face. "There are people who have mastered the art of lying without any spikes in heartbeat because of grisha power. Unrelated, im simply inebriated and just witnessed the most foul and frankly disgusting conversation between Jesper and Wylan."
Nina groans. "Oh don't even get me started on that. They walked right next to me and let me tell you, I learned more about Wylan than I ever needed to know."
And just like that the topic is dropped, but Inej's mind was still gripping it, trying and failing to squeeze any sort of meaning beneath your words.
Because that conversation between those two boys hadn't flustered you in the slightest. You made jokes, voice and posture lacking any semblance of embarrassment.
You like someone. If not Kaz, then someone else. Someone you know. She takes the little hope that bubbles in her heart and gently pours it into a bottle, corking it and putting it away.
Hope is dangerous. But not unnecessary.
She'll look at it later. When she has time to feel what she needs to feel.
"Well that's a delicious specimen." You purr, watching a man in a bright yellow-green suit walk into the club.
Nina looks where you do, Inej and Kaz following your gaze.
"5." Is all Nina says.
"James Denker." Kaz relays. "Dirt poor, dressed in an attempt to impress."
"Ugly suit color." It wasnt, but it clashed horribly with the reds and blacks the club adorned. He stood out like a sore thumb.
You groan. "You're all the worst."
"We're simply saving you from having the worst time of your life." Nina downs a glass being cleaned up, Rotty taking it back once it was dry. "Speaking of, I need to go find Matthias."
"To torture him?" You lean into the railing, resting your head in your open hand.
Nina hums. "Torture is not on the menu tonight."
Kaz rolls his eyes, immediately leaving to go elsewhere as Nina strolls away, off to find her burly boyfriend.
You stay planted exactly where you are, looking out at the little tide pool of people rolling dice and flipping cards.
"Everyone's so obsessed with sex today." You remark.
Inej raises a brow. "You literally just called a man a 'delicious specimen'."
You chuckle. "I wasnt actually going to do anything. I would never go for a man dressed like an unripe lemon."
She hums, coming to rest her hands on the rail next to you. Out of the corner of her eye she sees you begin to track someone, a smile pulling at your lips. She follows your gaze, and sees a women in a dark blue dress, low a-line revealing her stomach. A feather boa rests on her shoulders, a matching dark blue bandana pinning her hair back in a mass of curls.
"Men tend to have the worst fashion taste."
Inej looks at you, your face relaxed and pupils wider than she's ever seen them.
The girl comes up to the railing, looking up at you. You give her a toothy smile, allowing her to take your hand and give it a kiss.
It squashes her heart and shocks it all at once.
You're so gentle with the woman below, who introduces herself as Femke, at it pains Inej that it's not her, but also uncorks that bottle she had just put away and pours it all over her.
She feels it in her hands, the way her eyes avert as you giggle at eachother with your hand in the safety of your pocket, the way her feet want to run and jump between the highest rooftops.
Kaz was incredibly right. Hope is dangerous.
"I have to go, but it was lovely conversing with you." You say politely, giving Inej a look she knows is begging you to follow her.
She does so, taking an alternate route out of club, pulling up a mask and throwing the hood of her tunic over her head.
She heads out a side door, melding into the shadows of an alleyway as she begins to scale the side of the building, fingers still electrified. Balconies become footholds and launching points and gutters become ledges to hoist herself up.
You're a bit further behind, but not terribly. You opt for a ladder placed on the back of a building two addresses down. You hop along the top of the curved rooftops, bouncing between the dormers and sliding down gabled edges whilst Inej followed, a grin pulling her mask up until you both reach a flat roof.
The view below is rather pretty compared to the rest of the Barrel. The distance you had crossed places you closer to East Stave, the wide canal full of boats and gondolas.
Lamposts were beginning to turn on, the lamplighters going around and lighting them. People began to bunch up, drawing their coats around their shoulders.
She looks at you, then. Worn out, the thinnest sheen of sweat making you glow. She wants to know just how warm you are.
She stays where she is.
"You're rather popular tonight." Inej begins, biting the topic in the ass.
"Hm?" You ask, catching your breath. "Oh, Femke. I guess."
Inej quirks a brow. "It didnt go as planned?"
You chuckle. "You were standing right next to me, Inej." Her name sounds like sweet treats her parents used to get her coming from your lips.
"The moment felt private."
"Femke was pretty, yes. She was... fucking gorgeous." You laugh, a kind of manic one when you remember her features. "But I couldn't be with her even if I wanted to."
Your face turned a little more solemn, eyes glancing around Inej's face.
"I'm sure she would have agreed to a night together if you showed interest."
"Thats not the problem. But thanks for the vote of confidence." You turn away, hopping onto the edge of the roof, hanging your legs off the side.
She walks to the edge, prefering to stay where she could quickly flee, hands resting on the concrete. "Do you want to elaborate?"
She hopes you'll say yes. Hopes you'll let her in.
You swing your feet, lip sucked between your teeth as you tear off the skin.
"I have... a rather quiet appreciation for the attractiveness of women." You say, staring out at the open street full of people. Inej cannot help but think of how romantic this all could be, if the day had been different. The topic lighter. Your words bobble around in her mind relentlessly. "Aside from the fact that me being with someone could compromise their safety, women get enough people who will yell how pretty we are with the caveat that they'll hurt us if we take it negatively in any way. I wanted my love for women to be quieter, out of personal experience, but there all the same."
It feels like Inej's mind is playing tricks on her, some sort of intoxication manifesting in auditory hallucinations. But when you look at her out of the corner of your eye, mouth upturned so perfectly, she knows in her wildest dreams she couldn't have thought of something even half as stunning.
She looks where you were just looking, seeing parades of men with their arms slung around eachother stumbling down the road, women hooking their arms through the other and talking quietly into the others ear, families tugging their kids close and loners standing on the corners of buildings with blunts and cigars resting between their fingers.
She understands. "You've got a beautiful soul."
She'll treasure the way she could hear your shoulders relax, hand coming to rest right next to hers.
"Kaz!! Kaz Kaz Kaz Kaz-"
Inej was startled from her perch in the window when your voice boomed up the stairs, door to the office flying open.
You were slightly out of breath, and your hair was a mess of strands flying in random directions, like you'd been running your fingers through it. Pulling it even.
Kaz didn't seem worried in the slightest though. In fact, she wasn't even sure he recognized you were there until he said, "What is it now, Y/n?"
"We have a problem."
"No we don't. You have a problem. I have a friend who is obsessed with making them." He looks up from his desk, not even bothering to set down the pen from his hold. "What happened?"
Your lip wobbled, and Inej was quick to tag it as fake when you threw yourself into the lonely chair that sits across from Kaz's desk, body melting into it. "There's no more Kvas."
He sighs. "Of course there isn't." His fingers find the bridge of his nose, pinching it just slightly.
"We had four bottles left yesterday." Inej notes. "Was there some sort of celebration?"
"No. All jobs that took place yesterday, while necessary, wouldn't have warranted a celebration like that. I'll order more tonight."
Immediately you brighten, face splitting open as you hop up from the chair, a giggle spilling from your lips. "Thank you Kaz!"
"What's the ocassion?" Inej asks. Her heart stutters when you turn that wide grin towards her.
"Remember that businessman Kaz had you spy on a few days ago?"
That got both her and Kaz's attention, the both of them staring at you. "I do."
"Well, I happened to run into him today and had a chat with him when I realized he was wearing a pocketwatch of the same type that my father used to wear." The mention of your family only makes Inej more interested.
You and Kaz never talk about where you came from, not unprompted anyway. The only tidbits of information that Inej has been able to scrounge up and overhear was that your family was very close friends with Kaz's, and that both of your parents, judging by how you talk about them, are either dead or too busy to bother contacting you.
"And this is meant to mean... what? Exactly?" Kaz prompts, a bit of caution dripping from his tone.
"I'm getting to it! Anyway, we had a rather long conversation about it and how useful they can be. Which of course led into talk about businesses and meetings and the such- he mentioned that there was about to be a huge rise in, like, 4 different stocks because of something going on over in Ravka. I have it written down, um, here!"
You root around your jacket, taking a card out of one of your inner pockets and handing it to Kaz. Inej stood up and walked over, taking a look at the writing.
There 5 stocks written down in your own messy scrawl, the card itself being the man's business information. One of the stocks she recognized as being really low from when Kaz talked about it the day she had to spy on him.
"I also managed to nab his wallet. You would not believe the stuff this guy keeps in here. There's a deed and tons of other interesting things." You take a wallet from your pocket, leaning forward and dangling it in front of Kaz's face.
He grabbed it from you, opening the leather receptacle.
"Aren't I just the greatest bff you could ask for?" You posed, going out of your way to exaggerate each one, sending a wink Inej's way when she eventually made eye contact with you.
"Annoying, is what you are." Kaz remarks.
You two were incredibly confusing sometimes. He treats you differently than he would everyone else. You make fun of him and tease him and get closer than anyone would dare, and he takes all of it in stride, turning your teasing right back on you, pulling you around by your waist with his cane when you particularly annoy him or when you're about to run into something.
But maybe that's just a statement of your friendship. In a way, Inej doesn't think anyone will ever be able to get so deep beneath Kaz's walls like you have. Kaz deserves to have that someone that he can just be who he is around. There's some semblance of a boy within that bloody battered exterior.
And who better to bring that out than you? The person who came here with him and who holds so much compassion that it's truly a wonder it hasn't been beaten out of you yet? You hold a certain appreciation for life that brings a balance to the apathy Kaz likes to exhibit and uplifts others.
It makes Inej remember the little moment last night. The way you looked so calm and the way the lights of the lampost made your skin glow.
You... you really like girls. And it makes Inej feel so giddy and hopeful. It translates as a smile that you return.
Kaz sighs. "Inej, I need you to return this once I look at everything."
She glares at him. "We've talked about this."
"Dearest Inej, will you please return this once I'm done?"
"Can I come?" You ask.
"Unfortunately for you, no." Kaz gives you a glance. "Youre needed with Jesper and I after I do this."
Your eyebrows snap together, mouth opening to say something before the whole expression fades into realization. "Oh yeah." You drag out the words. "For that thing near the lid."
Kaz neglects to answer, still going over everything in the wallet. He pulls out a few bills of kruge, which he immediately stows away into his shirt pocket. Everything is taken out and placed methodically around his desk, any wet papers being skillfully avoided.
"That thing is a ten thousand kruge job. So you better remember what it is."
There's a silence for a few moments, your wide eyes trailing towards Inej. She shrugs, and you cup your hand around your mouth, a stage whisper exiting your lips. "I don't remember."
Kaz drops the wallet, scratching his chair against the floor as he says "of course you don't, filthy lovebird" and walks to a drawer in a dresser, pulling out a blueprint.
'Lovebird.' Inej thinks the same time you whine out an 'I'm sorry' but Kaz ignores it, shoving the paper into your hand. You quickly unroll it as Kaz starts going over the plan once more, eyes flickering to find the starting point.
"It's simple. You will use your curse of an ability to start conversation with complete strangers and distract the guard at the west point by asking for a bathroom..."
Inej remembers this. Kaz had briefed her for it as well before realizing her presence, for once, wasn't all that necessary. You were acting strange that meeting, half of it you were off staring into space at Inej.
She remembers her collar feeling a little stiff, heat making her sweat under your gaze.
Kaz ended up sighing and knocking the metal head of his cane against your forehead, making you yelp. He had to go over the plan again, Jesper laughing at your pouted lip.
"I don't need anything else from this wallet." The conversation fades back into focus. "The kruge and the stock card are all I need. Inej." He holds out the wallet to her, which she takes and immediately pockets it.
"How long will you be gone?" She asks, eyes flickering to you.
"No more than four hours." Kaz stands and takes his cane, heading to the coat rack to collect his outer wear. He gives you a stern glare. "If everything goes according to plan."
Your eyes roll, landing on Inej. "No faith. Absolutely none."
"Faith isn't in his vocabulary."
Kaz walks out the door, leaving it wipe open.
Inej expects you to follow, to jog to the door and disappear beyond into the darkness of the staircase with nothing but a 'see ya' yelled at her.
But you turn to her instead, hand rubbing over your stomach as if to quiet it. You wet your lips, her eyes following the movement. She stands a little straighter when you approach.
"No mourners, yeah?" You extend your fist.
Inej smiles, heart beating faster as she tentatively bumps her knuckles into yours. "Yeah. No funerals."
With a nod, you chuckle and leave, leaving Inej alone with her thoughts and a cold wallet pressed into her tunic.
You'll be fine. Jobs like these were routine, and Kaz and Jesper were two people she'd trust with your life any day.
But that doesn't stop the anxiety from bubbling in her gut, acid gnawing at the walls as she leaps out the window.
The chance for something to go wrong is never zero.
They should be, though.
A loud, booming "Move" startles everyone away from the door. People dive out of the way, a cane flashing by their faces as Jesper carries a body down to the makeshift hospital beneath the Slat.
Inejs heart sinks, Nina rushing in after them.
There's only one person that could be.
She hops down the stairs, weaving through people like a needle and thread and swinging the door open with such a force that it bounces off the wall and squeals shut behind her.
"Guys please it's not that ba- OW!"
"You don't get to say it's not that bad when you lost nearly a quart of blood." Jesper hisses, grabbing at his head.
"What happened?" Inej demands, a rumbling in her chest as she does so.
Kaz nearly threw his cane down, chunks of his composure swiftly falling away. "Plan A failed, we had to resort to Plan J."
Inej wants to tug out her braid, to tug his hair out, "Which was?"
"Fucking book it." Jesper slumps into a chair. "Which we did, but one of them got lucky and hit her in quite possibly one of the worst places you can get hit."
Inej starts going through a catalogue of major arteries, sick intrusive images of your neck blown open and chest reduced to a gaping hole shoving their way into her mind.
But that's not the case. You were talking, sitting upright, protesting.
Now you're laid down, your nails carving crescent moons into your forehead as you shove the heel of your palms into your eyes, teeth gritting.
Nina's using her heartrending to look over your hip and thigh area, and Inej realizes the predicament that the novice healer has to deal with.
There's an artery that runs through the inner thigh. If it's hit, it's almost just as deadly as the side of your neck being slit open. The bullet managed to hit within that area, and a tightly bound blood-soaked piece of fabric was keeping pressure on the wound. Probably the only thing keeping you from bleeding out.
"It's been nicked. But the bullet seems to still be in you. I'll have to do my best to heal it while also trying to direct it out of your body." Nina doesn't even give you a moment to process it, immediately loosening the fabric.
Blood begins to gush from your wound, and Inej wants to scream.
Jesper follows your lead and digs his palms into his eyes. Kaz stands a good few feet from the table, watching the whole thing unfold. And Inej is...
She walks up to the side of the table, reaching out and brushing her finger through your hair.
"It'll be done soon, yeah?" She asks thought not really expecting an answer, watching your temple flex and your skin turn red as you held your breath. A rough scream escapes your lungs when you open your throat, gulping in as much air as possible before you go back under.
A small tink sounds against the table, bullet out. But Nina is sweating, glowing under candle light as she stitches everything she can back together.
"The bullets out. The only thing you have to do is wait for Nina to be done putting you together again and then you'll be done."
Healing, while ever so helpful, was far from painless. You're speeding up your body's natural process, your skin, muscles, veins being stitched back together on a cellular level.
A highly trained grisha healer could probably numb you while doing so. But Nina is not that.
Inej wants to be mad at her for being so inept when it comes to this. For not having the ability to just repair you with practiced ease and get this over with.
But she can't. She can't be mad at Nina for being who she is.
Instead she's grateful that Nina is here at all. Otherwise you'd be-
Saints, she doesn't want to think about it.
"What went wrong?" Inej asks, taking your hands away from your eyes when beads of blood build on your forehead. "This was supposed to be simple."
You grip her hands tightly. She squeezes them right back, hoping she's providing some sort of relief as she prays for your life.
"Simple doesn't cut it when your intel becomes outdated." Kaz snarled. "They changed the guard postings on the inside. We got found out shortly after retrieving this."
He pulls out a rolled up painting from a tube slung over a chair. It's a landscape of what looks to be from Fjerdan territory looking beyond towards Ravka. The Shadow Fold is missing, and in the distance she can see the artist took some creative liberties and drew the Ravkan palace.
"Supposed to be worth over ten times what we were getting paid for." Jesper uncovers his eyes, opting to cover his mouth and nose. "Doesnt really seem worth it for this."
He glances at Kaz, but Kaz looks at her, and in those dark brown eyes she feels like they come to an understanding. Kaz knows things that Inej hasnt bothered to voice to him outloud. He knows how she feels about you, and is probably just about the only person that on some level could come close to feeling the way she does now.
You're way too important to lose.
Nina let's out a deep breath, hands becoming slower and less steady. "I've got this mostly patched up, but for now the artery is pretty weak. I've got most of the muscles around it to heal to protect what it can but rest and the least amount of movement as possible while I monitor this for the next few days is whats needed."
Inej feels you relax, hands no longer squeezing the life out of her own. Your elbows knock against the table, foot wiggling on your injured leg.
You swallow. "Okay."
Inej has never heard you sound so small, which is surprising.
This isn't your first time getting injured like this, though it has been a long time. But even now she can remember you fighting them every step of the way when you were asked to rest.
Now you're more compliant than ever. You're not even making a move to sit up.
Kaz clears his throat. "Jesper, Nina, out."
Inej can hear Jesper get up from the chair, all too ready to get away from the situation. Nina, however, is less ready to vacate your side.
"I want to check over the rest of her for any other injuries you may have missed in your getaway plan." She places her hands over your head, slowly moving down your body.
"There are no other injuries. It was just the bullet. Out."
Jesper is already up the stairs, probably to find Wylan. She knows he'll come back later, once he's calmed down and can properly look you in the eye after being faced with your mortality. Nina gets down to your feet, and sighs.
"Just wanted to make sure your girlfriend-"
At the same time, you and Kaz state that you're not together. Your voice is a lot sharper than Kaz's, which is enough for Nina to whip around and give you a look.
You're sat up now, propped up on your elbows as you glare at her.
"I would really appreciate it if you stopped pushing us together, thanks."
Your hand squeezes Inej's, and it's like her heart gets zapped with a little lightning.
Nina eyes you for a moment, expression a little hurt but otherwise reserved as she searches for something.
When she looks at Inej, it seems she found it.
Her eyebrows shoot up, and her mouth falls into a little 'o' as she backs up. "How could I have missed that?"
Before Inej can silently ask what that means, she's smirking and basically running up the stairs.
Kaz collects his things, then gives Inej and you a nod before following.
The door above clicks shut, and a bound of wild creaking from above tells her that a few people were crowding around the door and waiting for news.
You squeeze her hand again, and Inejs attention is all on you.
"How bad is it?" You ask.
Inej swallows, then looks down. There's a mess of reds and purple around where the wound is. It's smaller than before, skin a little malformed where Nina put everything back together.
"It looks like you got shot."
You chuckle, moving to sit up completely. Inej helps you were she's needed, letting you use her to pull yourself up and position yourself without using your leg.
Silence followed. Your hand was still holding Inej's, your thumb going over rough spots on her palms. Your finger would stop, finding a spot that was particularly rough, and then smooth over it as if you could make it disappear.
"Thank you."
Her brows scrunch. "For what?"
"For staying."
"Of course."
You take a deep breath, exhale coming out shaky. Before Inej can ask what was the matter, you begin talking.
"I like you." You say. "I like you a lot, and I have for a while. Long enough that I can't be in a room alone without automatically looking for even though I know you won't be there. Enough that about half the time when I feel like you're watching me I'm right, and I can pick you out from the crowd."
Inej is smiling. She can feel it on her face, eyes pricking and ears ringing just a bit.
"Kaz has gotten so sick of me talking about you to the point he actually has resorted to knocking his cane against me when I sigh too loudly or when your name comes out of my mouth for the tenth time in a minute." A chuckle comes out of your mouth when you go to rub at a bruise on your shin. "He doesnt mean to be harsh but I think he forgets how solid his cane is sometimes."
She's laughs, the same as you do when she pulls your hand towards her and presses it against her chest, heart saying everything and more.
But words matter too.
"I like you too. For what sounds like just as long as you have. Believe me if I had known you liked girls I wouldn't have let you torture Kaz for as long as you did."
"What do you say? Girlfriends?" You let go of her hand and hold out your fist.
She bumps her fist against yours. "Girlfriends."
She loves the way your eyes brighten.
However, she does not love that the door to the room comes open again.
The distinct sound of metal on wood tells the both of you immediately who it is. While Inej's annoyance only slightly decreases, yours disappears immediately.
"Look!" You gently offer your hand, and Inej slips her fingers between yours, interlocking them. "We're dating. Inej likes me back."
He rounds the corner, looking at the both of your hands. He puts up his shoulders, raising an eyebrows.
"And im actively disabled. Dont waste my time with the obvious."
You chuckle. "Thanks, Kaz."
While Kaz mulls over whether it's worth it to stay down here, Inej helps you off the table, easing your leg down to the ground where it remains limp.
"Oh my saints, twinsies."
Inej looks between you and Kaz. Your limp leg is the same as his.
"If I ever hear you say twinsies again, you will lose me as your friend."
Kaz takes that as a challenge, and moves up the stairs faster than she has ever seen him go.
As you call out to him to get his ass back here, Inej takes a moment to think about how perfect everything is.
Your leg may be out of commission, but you're happier than she has ever seen you before. You asked her to be your girlfriend, and still you're gentle and wait for permission. She's giggling as you do when you trip a little and catch yourself on the step.
She's so incredibly happy to be where she is today. And even more excited to figure out where the both of you will go from here.
@xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx @kylie18 @morrigan-crowmwell @venomsvl @milkshake0
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bandzboy · 3 months
Hello ! I am a Palestinian academic educator from Gaza, seeking your urgent support in time of bad need. I am trying to reach out to generous donors or contributors to help get my family out of the hell of the war to safety and peace. The war turned our life up side down and turned us from having everything to having nothing. Our house and livelihood business have been lost due to the war and my whole family became homeless and displaced in a very small tent under the sunny hot weather. No place to shelter my family and no income to live on. Life has become unbelievably harsh and tough. That is why I am asking your kind support. Please don't leave us alone in such tragic and catastrophic circumstances. My family is in bad need to your contribution, either through directly donating whatever you can or through sharing my link. Your assistance is highly appreciated and welcome.
please share and donate!!
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DIABOLIK LOVERS Para-Selene Vol.3 Mukami Kou Animate Tokuten CD
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Original title: DIABOLIK LOVERS Para-Selene Vol. 3 無神コウ アニメイト 各巻購入特典ドラ
Source: Diabolik Lovers Para-Selene Vol. 3 Animate Tokuten CD
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Kimura Ryouhei
Translator’s note: Of course Kou’s date spot has to be a karaoke booth! I’ve actually never been to a proper Japanese-style karaoke but it’s something I’d love to do today. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not a good singer by a long shot, but the atmosphere just seems like a lot of fun. I think it’s fun how the machines usually give you a score as well. I honestly could imagine Kou getting a mediocre score and getting really salty as a result, haha. Idols are just as much about aesthetics and marketing as they are about having an actual good voice after all. (and if I have to be honest, when listening to Mukami songs, I’d say Yuma and Azusa have better singing voices. Sorry Kou)
The music stops playing.
“Wooh~! Thank you! That was it for Kou-kun’s life performance! Applause!”
*Clap clap clap*
“Aah~ I sung my heart out! Lately I’ve been doing almost exclusively interviews for magazines, it left me feeling a little unsatisfied. I’m still an idol deep down, so I think I enjoy the actual singing and dancing part of the job the most! Ah-ah~ I hope I’ll get to sing on a proper stage again soon rather than inside a karaoke booth.”
You gaze at him.
“Listen, M-neko-chan...You seem to be a little out of it, but do you have any idea how lucky you are? You are pretty much the only person on this world who gets to listen to my singing from this close!”
You nod.
“Glad you understand.”
“So, how was my singing? ...Pretty cool, wasn’t it?”
You praise him. 
“Ehehe~ Thanks! Hmー But your reaction seems a little underwhelming. Hey, don’t you have any other comments?”
You tilt your head to the side.
“Mmh! For example, did you fall in love with me all over again...after seeing my ‘idol side’ come out for the first time in a while?”
You admit it.
“Figured so! You looked at me completely starstruck after all! You were basically giving me heart eyes!”
You compliment his voice. 
“Do you really...like my voice that much?”
You nod.
“Hmー Which tone do you like best? I mean, there’s a difference between when I’m singing or just talking to you regularly, right? Also...Heh~ My voice when I’m whispering in your ear like this, for example~?”
You flinch.
“Ehehe~ Judging from your reaction...I have to conclude that you like this one best. You naughty girl, M-neko-chan~”
You protest. 
“Sure, sure, you can save those excuses for later. Our time’s almost up, so you should pick a song for yourself as well.”
“Mmh! Now that we’re here anyway, I’m sure you’d like to sing as well, no? Here, you can use this machine to input a song. ...Which one will you go for? Just to remind you, you’ll be singing in front of me, so I won’t let you choose a boring song!”
*Beep beep*
“...? M-neko-chan...? Could it be...You don’t know how to input a song?”
You nod.
“Eeeeh~!? Unbelievable! You don’t go to karaoke booth and such!? Guess I have no other choice...I’ll pick for you. Let me see...”
*Beep beep*
*Beep beep*
“Okay! This is the one! It’s ‘the’ idol song of the moment, so I’m sure you know it as well, right? Ey!”
“I chose the music video version so dance along with the visuals, okay? I can’t wait to see this~!”
You frown.
“Huh? What’s the matter?”
You explain that you’re not very confident. 
“Ahaha! It’ll be fine! I don’t expect you to be a great singer! Rest assured. I simply wanted to hear your voi...Ah...I see...”
The song starts playing but Kou turns it off right away.
“ーー I changed my mind. No singing for you after all. Instead...”
“Entertain me over here. ...I want to hear the sounds you make when you’re feeling good~”
“Don’t try to pretend like you don’t know what I’m talking about...”
*Rustle rustle*
“Why are you resisting? You don’t want to feel good together? ...Fufu~ You really love my whispering voice, don’t you? Your shoulders are twitching~ I’ve only touched you through your clothes...but you’re feeling good already?”
You squeak.
“The doors here are kind of transluscent, what if the people from outside could actually kind of see what’s going on in there?”
You try to get away from him. 
*Rustle rustle*
“Ehehe~ ...Oh come on, don’t try to run away! ...Who cares? Let’s show everyone what you look like when you’re in heaven. You love that sort of thing, don’t you? You are the one and only...’masokitty’ after all~”
They can hear people outside.
“Oh...Seems like people are gathering in the hallway.
You panic.
“Don’t worry, they won’t come inside this room. I think they’re just chatting outside. If you try to move now, you’ll only attract more attention so keep still, okay?”
“Come on! Didn’t I just tell you not to move? Oh? Do you want them to see you, perhaps?”
You shake your head.
“Liar~ Your cheeks are red. You’re actually hoping...for multiple people to see you in this compromising situation, aren’t you? I’m a gentleman, so I’ll grant that wish of yours.”
“Here you go. Take a seat.”
“Like this, they’d get a much better view, no? I hope they notice you soon. ーー Or perhaps they have already? ...What we’re about to do, that is. Perhaps that’s why they’ve gathered there in place?”
You look away.
“Come on, don’t avert your gaze. Look their way. ...Ah-aah~ Your face is completely flushed. How adorable. I can’t get enough of seeing you embarrassed. ...I’ve waited long enough, right? I don’t think I can hold myself back any longer. I’m going to suck your blood from here.  ーー Let me hear my all-time favorite cries of yours.”
Kou wants to bite down, but then the phone starts to ring.
*Riiiingー Riiiingー*
“...Ah, god! We were just getting to the best part too, but the stupid karaoke’s phone is too loud! I hate this!”
*Rustle rustle*
 He picks up the phone.
“Yes? Ah...Ten more minutes? Okay, we’re leaving now!”
He walks back to you.
“Let’s go home. I’ll help fix up your clothes.”
*Rustle rustle*
“Hm? What’s wrong? ...Aah~ Are you perhaps left wanting more because we had to stop halfway through? ...Hehe~ I wouldn’t have minded to keep going, but I don’t actually want others to see you.”
You raise one brow.
“I mean...I don’t want anyone but me to see the cute faces or sounds you make...That’s why I refuse to keep going here, even if you beg me. Besides, it’d be annoying if the phone were to start ringing again. I don’t want our time together to get interrupted again.”
“That’s why...We’ll continue at home where we can take our sweet time, okay~? I promise I’ll suck your blood...until you’re utterly satisfied.”
ーー THE END ーー 
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latin5mamii · 2 months
'Loss' - Carlos Alcaraz
|WARNINGS: angst to fluff |SUMMARY: Forever by his side... |AUTHOR'S NOTE: Inspired by today's events...my poor carlitos..
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Carlos sat on the bench, head bowed, his chest rising and falling with heavy breaths. He had fought fiercely, giving his all, but had come up short. The gold medal slipped from his grasp, and the weight of the world seemed to settle on his shoulders.
As he trudged off the court, his eyes met yours in the stands. You had been there for every match, every point, every moment of his journey. Your heart ached seeing the pain etched on his face.
Carlos stood near the sidelines, talking to a reporter. His voice trembled as he tried to articulate his feelings.
"I gave everything," He said through his tears.
“It’s painful to lose the way I lost this match," he added. "I had my chances to probably be up in the match. I couldn’t take it. Novak was playing great. He deserves this. In the tough moments he increased his level.
"He played unbelievable shots... an unbelievable game. I’m a bit disappointed but honestly I’ll leave the court with my head really really high. Fighting for Spain was everything to me. I’m proud with the way I played today.” He could barely talk and you knew that he was blaming himself, even if he did everything he could to win that match.In the past few days he had been under a lot of pressure: playing doubles, singles and having just a day to rest.You waited for him to come up the stands.
When he finally reached you, the weight of his emotions became too much to bear. Carlos looked at you, eyes red and glistening, his lips trembling. Without a word, he fell into your arms, his body shaking with silent sobs. You held him tightly, your fingers gently running through his hair, providing a comforting presence.
"Está bien, Carlos" "It’s okay, Carlos,” you whispered, your voice tender and soothing.
“Hiciste todo lo que pudiste. Estoy tan orgulloso de ti"
“You did everything you could. I'm so proud of you”
He clung to you, his tears soaking your shoulder. “I’m so sorry,” "Lo siento mucho," choked out between sobs. “Quería esto tanto… para nosotros, para España, ¿sabes?” "I wanted this so much… for us, for Spain., you know?”
You pulled back slightly, cupping his face in your hands. “You have nothing to apologize for,” you said firmly, your voice steady despite the lump in your throat. "Odio verte así, amor" "I hate seeing you like this,love" You hold him tighter, feeling his heartbeat sync with yours. "Te amo mucho," he whispers, his voice barely audible yet filled with raw emotion.
"Te amo mucho," you repeat,He looks at you, his eyes searching yours . Slowly, he moves away from your embrace, though his hand lingers in yours for a moment longer.Carlos turns to his team and family, who have been watching from a distance with pride and concern etched on their faces. As he approaches, they open their arms, enveloping him in a warm, collective embrace.They're always so proud of him, and that really fills your heart.
Today he will have a silver medal anyway, so he starts going down the stands to go towards the awards ceremony. Before letting him go you look at him with pride and a comfort smile. He may not have won the gold medal today, but you are so proud of him that you don't care. You will face this 'loss' together, as always and forever.
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didishawn · 1 year
hii I have a request
Pedri and the reader are besties and people think they’re dating but they’re not but they secretly like eachother and one day they're like playing fight and they end up having sex and later they confess that they like eachother and they end up dating fr😙
Just best "friends" (Pedri x Reader) smut
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Warnings: smut, lots of Spanish, best friends to lovers, play fighting
There has always been some speculation on between your relationship with Pedri, fans don't seem to grasp to the idea that only because most of the time you are together, you go to his matches wearing his shirts, his family see you as one of their own, doesn't mean you are together.
Yeah, you and Pedri are basically attached to the hip, but that doesn't mean anything really.
Yeah, there are lots of photos going around internet of you two cuddling together, his face buried on your neck, the two of you smiling, giggling.
Videos of the two of you are fan favorites, out partying dancing against one another, never anyone else, going out on what other say to be "date material", they are not really, only having dinner in awesome restaurants, a trip for your birthday or movie nights.
There was also that one moment back on the World Cup that had the internet on fire, when some journalist asked Pedri about his relationship status, there were no mentions of your name, yet when Pedri confirmed to be one hundred percent single, one comment had everyone going wild.
"No, no, yo no estoy saliendo con nadie, pero eso no significa que yo no quiera, porque querer quiero, otra cosa es ella. Pero claro, ambos somos muy jóvenes y obvio pasa lo que pasa" (no, no, I am not dating anyone, but that doesn't mean that I don't want to, because I do want to, something different is what she wants. But of course, we are still very young and whatever happens, will happen)
Pedri didn't te you who te girl was when you asked him, and part of you didn't want to know, so you never asked him again.
It's another lazy day for Pedri and you, laying around by the pool, taking chance of the little sun there is, you tan while he is next to you doing god knows what.
He is pouting, after you told him you can be cuddling or your tan would come out weird, he stares at you as you calmly watch TikToks on your phone.
He doesn't like it when you ignore him, you could at least be chatting with him, about anything really, he just likes your attention on him.
He looks you up and down on your bikini, and he thanks whatever is up there for the warm weather, because you truly look amazing -he doesn't know that the only reason you are on your phone so much is to stop checking him out so much, your eyes can't stop drifting to him when the whore rolls up his swimsuit like that to make it shorter.
He is bored -more like of he keeps on staring he will get a boner- the idea strucks his mind and in the very next moment he has rolled on top of you, his chest to your back as you curse him out while he tries to watch whatever you are.
"A ver que estás viendo tan importante para ignorar a tu mejor amigo" he calls out, hand grabbing into the phone as your head spins to watch him, frowning and unbelieving of his schemingans. (let's see what you are watching that it's so important to ignore your best friend)
"Pará tarado, de verdad, que pareces un niño siempre queriendo llamar la atención" you roll your eyes, hand snapping back the phone and hiding it into your chest "Y quítate de encima que pesas" (stop you idiot, seriously, you are like a child always wanting attention. And get off me that you weight a lot)
Pedri pouts, mockingly of course as he sits up -still on top of you-trying to ignore the sight of your ass right on his cock, his big hands are on your waist, making you squirm instantly as he knows they are your soft spot, -if any paparazzi was watching they would have struck gold with the position the two of you are in- he tickles a bit, teasing you, he lifts his own hips a bit so you ass stops grinding against his cock, before without notice spinning you around, so you are face to face with him and that grin of his.
"¿Lo hacemos por las buenas o por las malas?" he asked, eyebrow quirked as he observes you, your hands are tight against your breasts and you eyes, big and round, stare up to him. (do we do it the good way or the bad way?)
You shake your head, lips tightening to stop the smile from showing up, but he knows, he always does, he knows you better than anyone else.
He grins, hands on your waist again as he goes back to tickling you, he has you squirming around, cheeks red and eyes shiny as you look at him, begging him to stop, yet you don't let go off the phone.
"Vale, vale, ten el teléfono" you shout, letting go off the device, giving it to him, but he doesn't keep it only looking at it for a second before putting it on the floor "¿Pero que haces?" (ok, ok, have the phone. But what are you doing?)
His eyes are soft and his smile is gentle as he cuddles into you, his head on your neck just above your breasts, body hugging into yours.
"Vas a hacer que de me quede el bronceado raro" (you are going to make me have a weird tan)
"Pues tendremos un bronceado raro juntos" (then we will have a weird tan together)
He hums, happy with himself and comfortable, you? Not so much, the boy isn't the heaviest but sure feels like it, the sun hits you straight on the face and you are not wearing your glasses anymore. It has you squirming, Pedri's eyes shooting open instantly, a panicked look on them.
"Para" he says. (stop)
You hum, yet move again, trying to get on your side.
"Párate por favor" (please stop)
You nod, yet think you can get away with finishing your mission, but when you are about to move again, his hands on your waist still you, keeping you in place as you hear the boy breathing deeply.
"¿Pedri? ¿Estás-?" you don't finish your sentence when you feel it. (are you-?)
Pedri's bulge is against your thigh, it feels heavy, thick and long, your eyes finally are on his face, he is too embarrassed to meet your gaze, as his cheeks are red, cursing under his breath.
"Lo siento" he finally says, getting off you and pacing around -you finally see his boner and it's just as big as you had felt "No se que ha pasado, bueno, si que se que ha pasado, pero no quería que pasara, al menos no así" (I am sorry. I don't know what happened, well, I do know what happened but I didn't want it to happen, at least not like this)
"Pedri, todo está bien-" (Pedri, it's all ok-)
"¿Como va a estar todo bien si hace un minuto estaba mi polla dura contra ti?" (how it's all gonna be good when a minute ago my hard cock was against you?)
"Pero que ya está, Pepi de verdad, que no pasa nada, que es normal si yo sin querer te estaba causando fricción con mi pierna" (but that's it, Pepi seriously, it's all ok, it's normal when I was causing you friction with my leg)
"Es que ese es el problema, no era la fricción" (that's the problem, it wasn't the friction)
"¿Entonces que?" (then what?)
"¿De verdad me vas a hacer que lo diga?" you nod "y/n, mi polla ha estado dura desde el primer momento que has salido con ese bikini, dios, no sabes lo bien que te queda" (you really are gonna make me say it? Y/n, my cock has been hard since the moment you came out wearing that bikini, God, you hace no idea how good it looks on you)
He continues on rambling "Y ahora por mis putas hormonas voy a perder a mi mejor amiga porque no me vas a querer volver a ver la cara porque soy un gilipollas y..." (and now because of my fucking hormones I will lose my best friend because you won't want to look at my face ever again, because I am an asshole and...)
You stand up, and he looks at you confused, panicked even, he didn't really think you would just up and leave "¿A donde vas?" (where are you going?)
You are shy when you answer, don't dare to look at him "Bueno, no vamos a solucionar tu problemita acá, ¿no?" (well, we are not going to fix your little problem here, are we?)
You are both on Pedri's bed before you can realise it, your top off, the boy hadn't wasted a moment before picking you up and walking you through the long corridors of his home, lips on yours as he made sure not to kill you both as he walked up the stairs.
He is grinding into you, desperate, both of you are, none of you have said it yet, but you have dreamed about this for years.
He separates his lips from yours, brown eyes on yours, the midfielder looks at you as if you were the most precious thing he has ever seen -you are.
"No quiero esperar más, te necesito dentro mio" you tell him, and while he would have given anything to taste you, he needs to feel you. (I don't want to wait anymore, I need you inside me)
He nods. Hand reaches down to pull his swimsuit down, cock bouncing out, tip ouncing precum as he strokes himself, he doesn't wait a second either to pull your bottom down and slamming inside you.
The pace is fast, yet not rough, passionate, he reaches deeper than anyone ever has. His tip kisses your cervix, body moving in perfect sincrony with yours, he hasn't ever touched you this way, yet everything feels as if he knows your body to perfection.
He knows you the best, it's no surprise he knows how to fuck you so well, fingers teasing your clit, you'd nails digging to his back, sound of moans and skin slapping fill the room.
One hand moves you however he likes it, his lips are on yours, they don't move away even when your moans into his mouth get louder, you are close, he can feel it in how you tighten around him.
He is close too, his balls tighten, he is too sensitive, it's been way too long since he has done this, he couldn't imagine being with anyone who wasn't you.
The pace is rougher, more irregular too, his tummy tightens, so does yours.
You separate, he wants to see your face as you cum, he adores the angelic expression yoou have, eyebrows raising as your mouth opens on a long moan, high, whining as you tremble against him.
It pushes him I've the edge too, last few thrusts as he fills you up, he groans, also sensitive, he falls into you, face buried in between your breasts, kisses placed on them.
The two of you are breathing deeply, your hands on his hair as you caress him, both of you coming down from your highs.
He finally looks up at you, your eyes on each other, he takes a deep breath.
"No quiero que esto sea cosa de una vez. Después de esperar tanto por tenerte, no puedo estar otra vez sin ti" (I don't want this to be a one time thing. After waiting do much to have you, I can't be without you again)
"¿Qué pasó con la chica? La de la entrevista" (what about the girl? the one you talked about in the interview)
He laughs, unbelieving "Pensaba estaba claro tú eras la chica" (I thought it was clear you are the girl)
"Entonces, tú.." (so, you...)
"Me gustas, siempre me has gustado, estoy seguro de que te amo incluso, tú eres con la que quiero estar, siempre ha sido así" (I like you, I have always liked you, I am sure I love you even, you are the one I want to be with, it's always been this way)
"Yo también quiero estar contigo, Pepi, desde hace demasiado tiempo" (I too want to be with you, Pepi, for so long)
He musters the brightest smile you have ever seen, grinning, he cuddles into you, his new girlfriend.
The internet is sure gonna go wild over this one.
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radkyudolph · 2 months
oh yeah you know how most well known antiz claim to be pro-para and accepting uwu or whatever so paraphilez don't feel the need to join the radqueer community. well the majority of them are anti-para. i know thiz both from the obviouz (they will literally say shit like "ermm i'm pro-para but i think people who are proud of their paraphilias are doomed to offend...") and also because two more well known onez admitted it in a groupchat i waz in. SO
i waz in a gc with antiradqueerguy (saying his full username out of spite,) who iz literally the most well known anti that'z still active, and another slightly less known anti (who i will not be naming because while i dislike them even more than guy they are an annoying ass cunt who will throw a hissy fit if i mention them) although they are still well known and are one of the more active antiz
anywayz i waz talking about how there are four main typez of internet MAPz, type 1 being anti-c and ashamed type 2 being anti-c and unashamed type 3 being pro-c "pro-consent" and type 4 being pro-c anti-consent blah blah blah. someone in the groupchat goez "all of these except type 1 should be murdered" (i can't remember the exact way they said they should be murdered but i do know they said they should be killed in some way) including type 2 (who aren't harmful in any way) and literally Every Single Person that waz active in the gc at that moment agreed. two of these being. you guessed it. antirqguy and another well known anti
i'm sure thiz doesn't surprise the majority of my followerz but i wonder how many anti-radqueer pro-paraz realize the majority of their community wantz them dead despite claiming to accept them
((sorry for thiz longish rant that doesn't serve any purpose. i just thought thiz waz unbelievable even when i waz an anti
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mothinabottle · 4 months
Jordan, Sydney y yo te deseamos un feliz cumpleaños 🎂🎉
Te mando mis buenos deseos y muchos abrazos 🫂 tqm <3
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HAKU. HAKU! I almost squealed in the middle of the bussss. omgomgomg
Simpeo, simpeo fuerte. estoy que muero ayuda aaaaaaa.
Este copypasta de aqui describe mis sentimientos perfectamente:
no lube, no protection, all night, all day, from the kitchen floor to the toilet seat, from the dining table to the bedroom, from the bathroom sink to the shower, from the front porch to the balcony, vertically, horizontally, quadratic, exponential, logarithmic, while i gasp for air, scream and see the light, missionary, cowgirl, reverse cow girl, doggy, backwards, forwards, sideways, upside down, on the floor, in the bed, on the couch, on a chair, being carried against the wall, outside, in a train, on a plane, in the car, on a motorcycle, the bed of a truck, on a trampoline, in a bounce house, in the pool, bent over, in the basement, against the window, have the most toe curling, back arching, leg shaking, dick throbbing, fist clenching, ear ringing, mouth drooling, ass clenching, nose sniffling, eye watering, eye rolling, hip thrusting, earthquaking, sheet gripping, knuckles cracking, jaw dropping, hair pulling. teeth jitterbug, mind boggling, soul snatching, overstimulating, vile, sloppy, moan inducing, heart wrenching, spine tingling, back breaking, atrocious, gushy, creamy, beastly, lip bitting, gravity defying, nail biting, sweaty, feet kicking, mind blowing, body shivering, orgasmic, bone breaking, world ending, black hole creating, universe destroying, devious, scrumptious, amazing, delightful, delectable, unbelievable, body numbing, bark worthy, can't walk, head nodding, soul evaporating, volcano erupting, sweat rolling, voice cracking, trembling, sheets soaked, hair drenched, flabbergasting, lip locking, skin peeling, eyelash removing, eye widening, pussy popping, nail scratching, back cuts, spectacular, brain cell desolving, hair ripping, show stopping, magnificent, unique, extraordinary, splendid, phenomenal, mouth foaming, heavenly, awakening, devils tangos, he could put a nuclear bomb inside me and I'd still ride.
-Respectfully drooling,
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