#umma loves me c:
dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
BTS Reaction || You’re Half Korean [Request]
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A/n: I tried to keep this as broad as possible so everyone could enjoy it I hope this Is alright for you sweetie
The first thing that Jin saw was your hair, he hadn't even seen your face but he knew you were beautiful even from the back of your head and the way you walked he could tell there was just something about you that drew people in.
"Take a picture it'll last longer." Jungkook joked a little too loudly which caught your attention and you turned around to see them looking at you. Jin's ears turned a bright red colour as soon as your eyes connected and you giggled at how shy he was getting around you when you hadn't even said anything to him.
"S-Sorry he's just he was just messing around...You're just-" Your giggling stopped him from rambling on and Jungkook stepped in asking for your number for Jin.
"What he means to say is, can he get your number?" You looked at Jin who was cringing behind Jungkook for being so forward about this.
"Is it true?" You questioned Jin, more than willing to give him your number if he really wanted it and it wasn't just some kind of joke to them both.
"Yeah, it's true. I'm Jin," You smiled to him bowing to greet them both before introducing yourself and getting to know Jin a little more before handing over your number right away.
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When your relationship was first revealed to everyone in the media everyone seemed to want to put their own opinions into your relationship like it mattered what they thought when in reality it didn't.
"Are you reading through articles again?" Yoongi asked when he came back in from the studio that day, you groaned looking up at him when he came over to greet you by kissing you on the forehead.
"You have to ignore it, I don't care what they have to say and you shouldn't either." He told you as he picked up your phone to see which article you had been reading, it had something to do with how you were only half Korean and Yoongi would have been better suited for someone who was all Korean.
"They're just idiots with a keyboard who think they know better when they don't." You knew he was right deep down but it still sucked to have them printing things about you like this and it hurt you a lot.
"What can I say or do to make you feel better?" You shrugged your shoulders and he sat down beside you on the sofa cuddling up to you and leaning his head on your shoulder.
"Movie night and take out?" He questioned making you giggle as he started kissing your shoulder whispering everything that he loved about you in your ear so you would be reminded even though you were having a rough time right now.
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Hoseok knew that you were half Korean and that you grew up in a different country but he had no idea how fluent you were in Korean until you started yelling in Korean one day when you burnt your hand on the oven trying to get food out and he heard curse words flying from your mouth which made him chuckle until he realised you were hurt. Then it was both of you speaking Korean back and forth while he cleaned you up and questioned where you'd learnt your Korean from.
"My grandmother taught me, she told me it would do me some good." You laughed as he wrapped a bandage around your hand to keep a cold compress on the burn on the palm of your hand.
"I learnt from the day I could talk, my house was a mixture of Korean and English words. Sometimes using Korean in English sentences." You laughed and Hoseok smiled as you spoke fondly of your childhood asking to hear more about your upbringing since you were a new couple and were still trying to get to know each other more.
"What do you want to know?" You questioned plating up the food you had burnt your hand on and he shrugged his shoulders.
"Everything." He smiled looking at you walking around the kitchen.
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It was your eyes that made Namjoon fall for you right away, he was walking around a small bookstore looking for something new to read when a book moved from the shelf and he saw you staring down and flipped through the pages before deciding to put it into the basket you were holding. You looked back up and your eyes locked onto one another, you greeted him in Korean and bowed to him before going to find another book. He followed close behind wanting to know more about you and why you sounded so fluent in Korean,
"How do you know Korean?" He questioned as you walked side by side around the store, you looked at him with a small smile. All your life people had questioned you on why you know both English and Korean,
"I'm half Korean so I was brought up with the culture and language because of my family." He smiled and questioned you more on why you were in Seoul right now and what you were doing. Deciding to ask you out for a coffee date to get to know you more, but it was your eyes that made he practically trip head over heels in love with you. He could stare into them all day and listen to you talk.
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Jimin knew you were half Korean but he didn't know you knew everything about your culture and lifestyle until he came to yours one night for date night and you'd cooked and prepared traditional Korean meals for you both to eat.
"You did all this by yourself?" He questioned as he noticed you laying the table and you shook your head,
"I called my mum for a little help with the main dish but everything else is all me." He wrapped his arm around your waist kissing your cheek and smiling at everything you'd done for him.
"Come on, before it goes cold." You whined looking at him before going on the hunt to find chopsticks and extra plates for when you needed them.
"I can't believe you did all of this for me." He whispered when you joined him back at the table, you shrugged your shoulders.
"We do things for those we love." Your eyes went wide as soon as you said it and Jimin stared at you from across the table,
"Love? You love me." You nodded slowly not sure what his reaction was going to be but he smiled brightly.
"I love you too Y/n." He said before digging into the food you'd made.
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Taehyung adored the fact that you were half Korean because your home was a home away from home, your family accepted him like their own and he was always welcome there.
"Umma?!" You called out as you walked through the front door carrying the bags of shopping she'd asked you to pick up for her, she told you she was cooking a big meal and you had no idea why you just did as you were told and picked up everything she asked for.
"Umma!" You yelled out as you struggled into the kitchen only to see your boyfriend sitting there with your mother, grandmother and grandfather all of them now turning to look at you.
"Tae? What are- When did you-"
"I invited him over for some food, he looks like he hasn't eaten a proper meal in weeks! I taught you how to cook why haven't you been feeding him?!" The bags were pulled from your arms as she continued to rant on about how you needed to be cooking for him more.
"I do feed him and cook for him, don't I Tae?" He faked a dying sound and prepared a dramatic death scene which made you glare at him before making everyone some tea pretending to listen to everything your mother was saying to you.
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You and Jungkook hadn't been dating that long when he found out that you were half Korean. You were talking with Namjoon in the studios when he came up behind you and scared you making you scream out a curse word in Korean which made him laugh thinking you'd picked it up from him but then you started playfully yelling at him in Korean and he stared at you dumbfounded that you knew that much Korean and hadn't thought to use it until then.
"How do you know so much Korean? Have you been taking lessons?" You and Namjoon started laughing and he looked at you both still confused as to what was going on and where he'd missed the joke.
"Jungkook she's half Korean," You laughed a little harder but stopped once you noticed it was getting to Jungkook,
"I'm sorry baby, I should have told you I could speak Korean." You giggled kissing his cheek and walking with him to go on your date where you spent the entire time switching between English and Korean in your sentences and Jungkook turned it into a game next. The first one to speak English had to pay the bill and he lost.
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questionsonislam · 3 years
How should our style (method) be in (conveying the message of Islam, propagation of Islam)? How should I convey the message of Islam to people who despise Islam?
Apparent Properties in the tabligh of Hazrat Prophet (pbuh)
Since the Messenger of Allah is ‘a beautiful pattern (of conduct)’ for believers, with the expression of God Almighty, his methods and forms of tabligh is the only reference for us, the believers. The Messenger of Allah acted in accordance with the general principles that happened in the general course of the universe, called the laws of creation and he set an example for his umma (community) for all kinds of situations. If he had wanted, he would have begged his Lord and could have obtained all kinds of worldly belongings; if he had wanted and if it had been appropriate for the divine wisdom, all of the polytheists would have been destroyed or they would have adopted Islam. However, since they would have happened as miracles, he would not have been a model to be followed.
Since the Messenger of Allah was an example in every issue, soldiers of heart who were determined to exceed seas of blood for the cause that they believed in and who were so mature and respectful towards the Exalted Creator as to attribute everything to Him when they attained their destination emerged.
When we examine the mission of calling people to Islam of the Messenger of Allah (pbuh), we see that the following principles, among many other characteristics, are essential:
1. Patience,
2. Treating people softly and Tolerance,
3. Gradualism,
4. Attributing the results to Allah,
5. Inner depth,
6. Modesty,
7. Reckoning.
1. Patience
The prophets were always subject to the greatest troubles and misfortunes. However, they showed the greatest patience against troubles and misfortunes. Almost all believers know what Hazrat Nooh (Noah), Hazrat Lut (Lot), Hazrat Musa (Moses) and Hazrat Eesa (Jesus) were subject to. However, all those troubles and misfortunes did not prevent them from propagating their causes; on the contrary, they continued to convey the message of Allah and His orders to people with patience and perseverance.
That general aim and duty of the prophets are expressed as follows in the Quran: "(It is the practice of those) who preach the Messages of Allah, and fear Him, and fear none but Allah: and enough is Allah to call (men) to account." (al-Ahzab, 33/39)
God Almighty says the following to our Prophet regarding tabligh:
"O Messenger! proclaim the (Message) which hath been sent to thee from thy Lord. If thou didst not thou wouldst not have fulfilled and proclaimed His Mission: and Allah will defend thee from men (who mean mischief). For Allah guideth not those who reject Faith." (al-Maeda, 5/67)"
The Messenger of Allah spent all his life proclaiming Islam after undertaking that lofty duty. He visited one house after another and looked for people whom he could convey the message of Islam to.
The reaction of the opposite front was in the form of indifference and boycotting at first. Then, it continued with mockery and ridiculing. In the last phase, it continued with all kinds of torture. They placed thorns on the ways he was going to pass; they placed tripe over his head while he was praying and they insulted him. However, the Messenger of Allah did not give up his struggle despite all of those difficulties. It was the reason why he came to this world. He visited everybody including his most severe enemies repeatedly and conveyed them the divine message. He went to the enemies of Islam like Abu Jahl and Abu Lahab so many times; he told them about the religion and the truth..! He went to the fairs. He went from one tent to another in order to be able to guide even one person; they closed the doors on his face; however, he went to the same door again and told them the same things.
When the people of Makkah gave him no more hope, he went to Taif. Taif is a place suitable for an outing. Taif people, whom slackness spoiled, outdid Makkans. All of the flotsam and jetsam of Taif people came together and threw stones at the Messenger of Allah, who was the sun of the suns that even the angels could not look at so as not harm him, and chased him away. Zayd bin Haritha, whom the Messenger of Allah accepted as his son and loved, was together with him. Zayd used his body as a shield to protect our Prophet but some stones hit the body of the Prophet and caused a lot of bleeding on his body.
When they managed to run away from that intolerant atmosphere and took refuge under a tree, Jibril (Gabriel) appeared suddenly. He said that he could pull down the mountain over those people if the Prophet wanted. The Messenger of Allah said no to that offer even at a time when he was suffering. He said no to that offer because he hoped that even in the future some people from their descendants would believe in Allah…
Then, he opened his hands and begged his Lord:
O Allah! I complain to you about my weakness and being despised by people. Oh the most Merciful of the Merciful ones! You are the Lord of the despised and the helpless. You are my Lord. To whom are you leaving me? To the people of bad words and bad faces or to the enemy that interferes in my duty? If you have no wrath against me, I will not care the difficulties and troubles I suffer. However, your welfare is vaster and better. O my God! I take refuge in your luminous face that brightens the darkness and that is the means of salvation from being caught by wrath or from your displeasure. O my Lord! I expect your forgiveness until you are pleased with me. Oh my Lord! All power and strength is in your hand.
While he was praying like that, somebody approached him silently; he gave a bunch of grapes in a plate to the Messenger of Allah and said, “Please help yourself.” When the Messenger of Allah reached out his hand to the plate, he said “Bismillah” (in the name of Allah). It was an unexpected happening for the slave named Addas, who treated him the grapes. He asked astonishingly: “Who are you?” The Messenger of Allah answered: "I am the last prophet and messenger!" Then, Addas leaned over him and started to kiss him. He found what he had been looking for for years suddenly and he believed in Islam. (Ibn Hisham, Sirah, 2:60-63; Ibn Kathir, al-Bidaya, 3:166; repr: S. Nur 1997, 1: 70-73).
Our first shelter to take against the difficulties that we will face while conveying the message of Islam today must be patience.
Patience is mentioned in more than eighty places in the Quran and believers are ordered to follow patience. The verse: "O ye who believe! Seek help with patient perseverance and prayer: for Allah is with those who patiently persevere." (al-Baqara, 2/153) is only one of them. As believers, we can apply patience in three categories in our life: Patience against troubles and misfortunes. It puts man among those who show patience and tawakkul (trust in Allah. b) Patience for avoiding sins. It makes man attain taqwa (fearing Allah) and become a muttaqi. c) Patience in worshipping and obeying Allah. That patience makes man enter among the people that Allah loves. (Badiuzzaman, (Words), 353)
a) To show patience against troubles and misfortunes means to abandon fury and not to complain when one faces unwanted and painful situations.
b) Patience for avoiding sins can be achieved by abandoning bad things, avoiding disobedience and persevering. It necessitates a permanent belief and a strong determination because sins weaken and blur belief and eliminate its light and brightness.
c) Patience in worshipping and obeying Allah means to continue worshipping, to be sincere and to act in accordance with Islamic criteria.
The scholar, Abdullah Qadir, adds this to the kinds of patience: Patience for keeping to the Quranic line without changing ways and directions when faced by the attractive beauties of the world.
Patience against the frenzy of the time in the tasks that need time.
Patience for the desire to meet Allah until the command of “return” comes from Allah by realizing the fineness in obedience to orders.
A Muslim shows patience in order to attain the pleasure of Allah by obeying Him. That kind of patience is a means for the love and pleasure of Allah. Sincerity is essential in such patience. Sincerity means to do everything only for the sake or pleasure of Allah. (Badiuzzaman, (Flashes), 21.Lem'a).
Man should show the same patience against haram too. When man is exposed to haram first, the resistance shown against it will eliminate the bad sparks coming from it and thus will overcome it. Therefore, our Prophet said the Hazrat Ali "The first glance is for you but the rest are against you." That is, harams can catch a man’s eyes. However, if he closes his eyes and turns his face away, it will not be recorded as a sin for him. Even a reward can be recorded for him because he has not looked at haram. Similarly, man is always face to face with committing sins. As he shows resistance against committing sins, he will reach taqwa (fearing of Allah) and higher ranks in taqwa.
Testing is the sunnah of Allah for his slaves in their lives. Allah tests His slaves in order to disclose their talents and abilities. With such a testing, it becomes clear how a person uses the ability of will and choice that has been granted to him. Allah tests any one of His slaves that he wishes at any time and however He wills. A person can be tested through his closest relatives. Therefore, man should think that he can be tested both through his enemies and friends; he should do favors to his friends, whom can be used as a means of testing against him by God Almighty.
2. Treating People Nicely and Tolerance
Tolerance and gentleness are the most important cornerstones in the tabligh of Islam by our Prophet. God Almighty says the following to the Prophet, who approaches people with gentleness, by congratulating him on the honesty and perfection of his acts: "It is part of the Mercy of Allah that thou dost deal gently with them. Wert thou severe or harsh-hearted they would have broken away from about thee; so pass over (their faults), and ask for (Allah's) forgiveness for them; and consult them in affairs (of moment). Then when thou hast taken a decision, put thy trust in Allah. For Allah loves those who put their trust (in Him). " (Aal-e-Imran, 3/159)
Gentleness is like a different golden key given to the Messenger of Allah. He opened many hearts with that key and affected their hearts. But for his gentleness, many intolerant hearts would have faced some harsh acts and some would have opposed to Islam unlike now, and some would have moved away from him. Only thanks to the gentleness of the Messenger of Allah were they prevented and many people embraced Islam in groups.
As it is understood from the verse, gentleness originates from mercy. If the Messenger of Allah had become rude and harsh, everybody around him would have abandoned him. The vast mercy of God Almighty made him gentle. That is, God made his nature so perfect and gentle that the hands that touched him were never injured, and they found a rose when they expected thorns. (Abdullah 1997, 1:398).
I find it useful to mention some hadiths related to mercy here. The Messenger of Allah says:
Allah will not show mercy to someone who does not show mercy to people. (Bukhari, "Tawhid", 2; Muslim, "Fadail," 66)
Show mercy to those on the earth, those in the sky will show mercy to you. (Hakim, al-Mustadrak, 4:277)
He who does not show mercy to people will not be shown mercy. (Bukhari, "Adab," 18; Muslim, "Fadail, 65)
Hazrat Prophet (pbuh) acted tolerantly towards even those who broke his teeth and injured his head. After the conquest of Makkah, he said to the Makkans, who were wondering what would happen to them, “You may go; all of you are free” although they had expelled him from his hometown when he was sorry and in tears. He forgave Abu Sufyan and softened his heart so that he would embrace Islam. He also forgave Wahshi, who had killed his beloved uncle, and Ikrima, the son of Abu Jahl. He forgave many others like them and did not call them to account for what they had done.
He did not reproach people; he did not blame them in front of others due to their mistakes; instead of despising them, he acted nicely and honestly by setting an example to them.
Sometimes, there were some people who came to him, acted rudely and even insulted him. If he had raised a finger, a hundred swords would have cut off his head. However, he reacted gently towards those rude and harsh behaviors. (Abdullah, 1997, 1:403).
Bukhari and Muslim narrate from Abu Said al-Khudri: A man called Dhu'l-Huwaysira came to the Messenger of Allah (pbuh). Meanwhile, the Messenger of Allah were dividing the war booty. He addressed our Prophet insolently: "O Muhammad, be just!" (If that word were said to one of us, we would have a shock. As a matter of fact, we can be unfair. However, the person to whom that sentence was said was a prophet who was appointed to bring justice to the world.)
Hazrat Umar, who was there at that time, roared when he heard that disrespectful remark and said, “Let me cut off that munafiq’s head, O Messenger of Allah!”
After soothing Hazrat Umar and those who thought like him, the Messenger of Allah turned to that man said to him only the following: "Woe on you! If I am not just, who else can be just? (Bukhari, "Adab", 95; Muslim, "Zakat", 142) In other narrations, the reply of our Prophet is in a different form that can mean as follows: "Woe on me if I am not just; it means I am destroyed. Woe on you because of my injustice because you follow me as a prophet!" (Abdullah, 1997, 1:405-406)
The following are guiding principles related to tolerance:
Open your heart to everybody, let it be like oceans! Be filled with belief and feel love for people; let there be no dejected heart that you have not been interested in and you have not helped..! Appraise the good people due to their good deeds; be generous towards believing hearts; approach the faithless people softly so that their animosity and hatred will melt away; be like Messiah with your breaths...! Drive away the bad deeds with good deeds; do not heed rude attitudes! Everybody reflects his own character through their behavior. Prefer the way of tolerance and be noble-hearted towards those who do not have good manners..! It is the most distinguished quality of a heart that is full of love to love the love and to turn against hostility. To hate everybody is either an indication of having been directed by the devil or a sign of insanity. Love human beings; admire humanity..!
3. Gradualism
When we look at the events happening in the universe, we see a gradualism. That gradualism is one of the most important points in conveying the message of Islam.
We know that our Prophet (pbuh) conveyed the message of Islam gradually and step by step, and the Quran was sent down in 23 years. The 23-year period was divided into two; the first period is called the Period of Makkah, and the second period as the Period of Madinah.
Although it is possible to mention several periods in the Period of Makkah, it is possible to deal with it as two periods: one when the message of Islam was conveyed secretly, the other when it was conveyed openly. The following verse is quite meaningful about the call in Makkah: " Invite (all) to the way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious: for thy Lord knoweth, best who have strayed from His Path, and who receive guidance." (Nahl, 16/125)
The verses that were sent down during the Period of Makkah generally contained the fundamentals of belief, ethical principles, behavioral criteria and advice.
The Period of Madinah was a period when, on the on hand, Islamic legal system was enacted and settled and on the other hand, the barriers between the slave and Allah were tried to be eliminated. (Buti, S. Ramazan, Fiqhu's-Sira p. 95).
The Master of the universe (pbuh) conveyed the message of Islam in accordance with the conditions of each period; he did not burden a load of 40 kg on someone who had the capacity of 10 kg, thus, he did not cause that person to be injured. He treated people in accordance with their states and paved the way for people to warm to Islam and have belief in their hearts.
That principle of the Messenger of Allah is a main principle that will serve as an example till Doomsday. Abdurrashid Ibrahim, the famous traveler who visited Japan in the 1900’s, narrates the following: "I told a Japanese person, who became a Muslim as a result of my tabligh, only about the fard prayers. He started to pray as I taught him. Once, he saw me performing sunnah prayer and asked me what it was. I said it was the sunnah of the Prophet. He asked me, “Why did you not tell me about it before?” I said, “If I had told you about it when you first became a Muslim, it could have been difficult for your soul.” He said, “You are right”, and started to perform sunnah prayers from then on.
4. Attributing the Results to Allah
Our Prophet (pbuh) did whatever necessary for something and left the rest to Allah. He never boasted about the success and achievement that Allah granted, on the contrary, he often said that all good results came from Allah and that nothing would have happened but for His help.
The faithful people loving the Prophet (pbuh) and following his path always attributed the achievements to Him, and they did not have euphoria of victory. A believer should fulfill his duty and should not interfere with the duty of Allah. A very outstanding example regarding the issue is as follows:
It is very well known that Jalaluddin Harzamshah, a hero of Islam who defeated the army of Jenghiz Khan several times, was addressed by his viziers and commanders as follows while he was setting out for a battle:
"You shall be victorious, God Almighty will make you the winner."
He answered them as follows:
"My duty is to fight in the way of Allah. I cannot interfere in his duty. To make someone victorious or a loser is his duty. (Nursî, Lem’alar (Flashes), 17. Lema)
Naturally, when one has such mentality, he will not be conceited and will not boast about anything; he will not show egocentrism, either.
5. Inner depth
Hazrat Prophet (pbuh) has been on the summit in terms of inner depth. He was the best devotee among the devotees and the best worshipper among the worshippers. He feared Allah so much that his heart almost stopped. He was so sensitive that there were very few times when he did not have tears or he did not shiver; when he was active, he was like a sea; when he was not active, he was like an ocean.
Inner depth takes place through devotion and worshipping. The one who practiced them best was our Prophet (pbuh). The state of devotion means not to be delighted even if the whole world is given to you and not to feel sorry even if you lose the whole world. That state was at the highest point with the Messenger of Allah. He would not be delighted even as much as someone who found a grain of barley if he were given the whole world. He would not feel sorry even as much as someone who lost a grain of barley if he lost the whole world. He abandoned the world and the worldly things in his heart. However, that abandoning does not mean to abandon the world really because he showed us the most logical and best ways of making a profit.
Our Prophet did not give any importance to the world. Once Hazrat Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) came to the presence of the Messenger of Allah. Our Prophet was on the mat that he had slept, and there was the impression of the math on his face. There was a piece of processed leather in one part of the room and a small bag with a few handfuls of barley in another part. They were all the things that were available in his room. Hazrat Umar was moved by what he saw and started to weep. When the Messenger of Allah asked him why he was crying, Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) said: "O Messenger of Allah! While the rulers and kings lie in their beds of feather, you (for whom the universe was created) are lying on a dry mat and the mat makes an impression on your face. What I have seen has made me cry.” Thereupon, the Messenger of Allah said to Umar: "O Umar! Do you not want it that the world will belong to them but the hereafter will belong to us?" (Bukhari, "Tafsir", 21) In another narration, our Prophet says: "What relation have I got with the world? I am like a traveler, a traveler who sits in the shade of a tree for a while and then goes on his journey." (Tirmidhi, "Zuhd", 44; İbn Majah, "Zuhd", 3)
He came to this world with a duty. He brought breaths of revival to people in terms of feelings and thoughts. When his duty ended, he left the world. It is impossible to think that a person who was so disinterested in the world would tend to have some things in the world. He never showed a tendency towards the world and he never deviated from his path.... (Abdullah 1997, 2:473-474)
First, he practiced the things himself that he was going to tell his umma to do and served as an example to his umma in all of his attitudes. As a matter of fact, nobody could lead a life like he did. He was so disciplined and serious in his individual worship. His whole life seemed to be programmed based on worshipping. We should not think of worshipping as only prayers, fasting, etc. He fulfilled everything that he did with a consciousness of worshipping. (ibid, 2:478)
The world wanted to push itself through his heart many times but he always rejected the world. (Ibn Hanbal, Musnad, 2:231) The servants of our century should take the Prophet as an example and reach inner depth, without forgetting the outer conquest along with the inner conquest.
If the soul and the desires of man are left uncontrolled, his tendency to and interest in the world will increase. The world even becomes his ultimate aim and the purpose of his life. However, the following is stated in the Quran: "Short is the enjoyment of this world: the Hereafter is the best for those who do right: never will ye be dealt with unjustly in the very least!" (Nisa, 4/77) Then, a believer should try to reach inner depth and he should not ignore preparing for the hereafter. The happy people who are at spirit’s service will always head towards the pleasure of the Creator, humanity and virtue.
6. Modesty
The modesty and humility of the Messenger of Allah shine like a star as a different dimension of his fatanah (wisdom) on the one hand and tabligh on the other hand. His modesty increased as he was known and accepted by everybody. It seemed as if modesty and humility were born again together with him. They continued by developing till he died. Once, the angel came and asked him: "Would you like to be a slave prophet or a king prophet?" Jibril (Gabriel) whispered to him: "Be humble towards your Lord!" The Messenger of Allah answered: "I would like to be a slave prophet who goes to bed hungry one day and begs his Lords and who goes to bed full another day and thanks his Lord..." (Haythami, Majmau'z-Zawaid, 9:19-20.) He always regarded himself as person like other people; he never made a distinction between himself and others. Once, he looked at the man who was shivering before him and said to him: "Brother! Do not shiver! I am the son of a woman who ate onions like you..." (Ibn Majah, "At'ima", 30)
As Muslims, we should take our Prophet as an example. Worldly ranks and positions, goods and properties should not spoil man and should not make him forget himself. The quality of a responsibility given to a person does not transform him into another being. Therefore, man should always regard himself as a person like the other people.
The modesty and humility of the Master of the Universe continued both when he entered Makkah as a victorious commander and when he was forced to leave Makkah. He bowed his head so much that the head that touched the sky was bowed as low as to touch the saddle...
A hadith reported by our mother, Hazrat Aisha, tells us the following: "The Messenger of Allah acted like an ordinary person at home. He mended his own clothes, repaired his own shoes and helped her wives in their housework." (Tirmidhi, "Shamail", 78) When he did those things, his name was mentioned in many places in the world; everybody talked about him and the religion he brought. He used time so efficiently that he could find time for chores despite his important responsibilities. He had the best form of all of the nice characters.
Humility is not humiliation, and conceit is not dignity. The Master of the Universe (pbuh) states the following about humility and conceit: "Allah elevates the person who acts modestly for him one degree. Allah takes that person to the highest place of Firdaws Paradise. Allah lowers a person who shows conceit one degree. Allah lowers that person to the lowest degree of Hell." (Mundhiri, at-Targhib, 4:339)
7. Reckoning
The highest person among those who always lead their lives in a constant feeling of reckoning and responsibility is the Master of the Universe. He knew what a heavy burden was slavery and with that consciousness, he always tried to make himself ready for the day of reckoning. He called his umma’s attention to the issue as follows:
"Bring yourself to account before you are taken to account." The great reckoning will definitely be very tough. We must prepare for that day. I want to present you a talk between our Prophet and Hazrat Aisha regarding the issue.
Once, the Master of the Universe (pbuh) went to Hazrat Aisha and saw her weeping; he asked her, “What makes you weep, O Aisha?” Hazrat Aisha says: "O Messenger of Allah! I thought about the Day of Judgment and the fear of that day made me weep. Will you remember your family on that day? The Messenger of Allah answered: "Oh Aisha! There are three places where nobody can remember others. They are when the Books of Deeds are delivered, when the deeds are weighed and when passing the Sirat Bridge." Then, everybody will wonder whether their books of deeds will be given from their right, left or back. When the deeds are weighed, they will wonder if their rewards or sins will outweigh and whether they will be able to pass the Sirat and attain Paradise and Jamalullah (the face of Allah); they will wonder if their feet will slip and they will fall down to the depths of Hell.
Our Prophet (pbuh) calls the attention of his umma by addressing his own relatives about preparing for that fearful day as follows:
O sons of Abdimanaf! Try to save your souls that are in the hand of Allah because I cannot do anything for you.
The Messenger of Allah narrows the circle and continues to address his own tribe as follows:
O sons of Hashim! Try to save your souls that are in the hand of Allah because I cannot do anything for you, either.
The Messenger of Allah narrows the circle some more and says the same things for his uncle Abbas, aunt Safiyya and daughter Fatima.
We understand from those remarks that it is necessary to prepare for the hereafter before going there. Paradise and Jamalullah are gained in the world not in the hereafter. The following is a hadith of our Prophet "The world is the field of the hereafter." (Aliyyulkari, al-Masnu' 1:135; al-Ajluni, Kashful-khafa 1:1320) We will reap in the harvest of the hereafter whatever we sow in this world.
The Master of the two worlds, who had great difficulty under the burden of slavery said: "The Chapters Hud, al-Waqia and al-Mursalat made me old. He was ordered: " Therefore, stand firm (in the straight path) as thou art commanded." (Hud, 11/112). That firmness in the straight path was what God Almighty had prescribed for His messenger. He was asked to maintain that straight path...
In the chapter al-Mursalat, it is stated that people are divided into groups for Paradise and Hell and that they bent double due to fear. ln chapter al-Waqia, those groups were displayed. What was narrated in those chapters terrified the Messenger of Allah and made him old... (Abdullah 1997, 2:475)
The companions of the prophet, who had so much difficulty due to the feelings of responsibility and reckoning, led a very meticulous life and serve as examples to us. Hazrat Abu Bakr continued to milk the sheep of his neighbor to earn his living even after he was elected as caliph. However, as a result of the insistence of Hazrat Umar and other companions, he decided to give up milking the sheep in order not to delay the work of the state and agreed to get a small salary. He left a small earthenware jar and a letter to be given to the caliph after his death. When they opened the jar, they found small coins and a note. The note read as follows: "The money you allocated for me remained on some days. I felt ashamed of Allah to spend it because it was the money of the people.” Hazrat Umar started to weep when he saw it and said, "You left us a life which is impossible to lead.
Hazrat Umar led a life to be taken as an example too. His life was accepted as a model even by non-Muslims. Mahatma Gandhi, the founder of India who lived centuries after him, addressed his nations as follows: "O my people. I promise you a just administration like the administration of Umar of Muslims."
They led their lives with that consciousness and comprehension, enlightening our way. What we need to do is to follow that enlightened path as Muslims and to take over their inheritance.
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ghost-hyunjin · 4 years
x | meme status: not accepting now!
5 Family Members
I was very close to my umma (mom) when I was alive. She shared how hard her pregnancy was, since the doctor told her that it was risky for her to carry a baby. A lot of people say I look like her, but taller and a boy. Actually it hurt a lot to see her cry as she packed up my belongings when I passed away. I wanted to tell her so badly that I was okay and I wasn’t suffering, but I didn’t want to scare her away. Plus I wasn’t that good at maintaining my visibility whenever I wanted.
Appa (dad) was really proud of me when I got into college on scholarship and grants. That left books, food, and housing left for us to handle at the end of the day. I know his secretary said he couldn’t stop bragging about me at work and I got kind of, I don’t know, embarrassed? These people only met me once at some holiday party, you know? You know how I said I look more like my mom? Apparently the only things I got from Appa were his height and his nose.
I drove both of my parents crazy when I wanted a dog at 16. They knew I was doing well academically and I think Umma wanted to reward me for focusing and working so hard. Of course Kkami wasn’t easy to train and raise, but he was a puppy and learning! He had been separated from his mom and siblings at a young age and was a bit scared to be on his own. But we started to understand each other – he liked to sleep with me whenever I came home and always hung around my chair when we eat meals. Maybe he was sick of me kissing him or trying to be affectionate in the mornings, but I loved him. Not more than my parents of course, but it was a big step for me to be responsible for a pet of my own and building a relationship.
Cousin Yeji and I used to have our differences as children. People called us the Hwang Twins at school, and it annoyed us all the time. See, we were the only pair of boy-girl twins at our school and everyone thought it was funny how similar our faces looked. When we got older, she tried to beg her parents to let her do things like add color streaks to her ends or dye her hair lighter colors. (Turns out she snuck the semi-permanent stuff when she slept over at a friend’s house and that um, didn’t end well.) Then some guy asked her out and I had heard things in the locker room about him. I didn’t want to see her get hurt, so I told her best friend who would have a better time convincing her that this guy was a jerk and didn’t want to take her on a real date. I don’t know if her friend ever shared that I heard these things, but I think we started to put up with each other in a friendlier manner than when we were kids. @nerdy-yeji and @kitten-yeji
My twin @street-racer-hyunjin was a surprise to my mom. The doctor initially thought there was one baby, then realized it was two. We aren’t that different – literally it was a few seconds when they delivered us via C-section. I don’t honestly care if people want to know who is older or not – it’s kind of meaningless. Too many people kept getting us mixed up, so it kind of helped when he bleached his hair (courtesy of one of our friends helping him buy the stuff and doing it in the bathroom one night) and got some piercings. Umma really screamed that night when he came home with the lip ring – pretty sure the neighbors came over to check on us and then realized it was one of those parent-kid talks about doing things without permission. I gotta say I’m kind of jealous of him in a way. I’m not that brave or confident to do those modifications to my body or well, was that brave. He and Appa always had an interest in race cars and watched a lot of the races on TV. His 15th birthday gift was a pair of tickets to see a race in person with Appa. I never told our parents about how he got mixed up into his first race shortly after high school graduation and for his sake, they’ll never know it. We were different, but we get each other and respect each other’s space.
5 Friends/Acquaintances
Han I met in school when I was alive. I think we got paired up in some partner project and turns out both of us actually we kind of glad we did? Well, I say that because you hate getting stuck with the slacker who cruises on their partner’s workload to pass. We did equal work and did well on the project. Sometimes he’s a bit hyper, but I am glad to have him around – it did ground me and reminded me that life isn’t always about school, work, and the boring stuff. Sometimes you need to let loose and have fun. I didn’t know this until we graduated, but some of the people at school joked we were the attractive smart guys with different charms. @hanjisung-bot @sweetbbyboyhansungie
@j-05 was one of my classmates. I felt terrible that I forgot about him, but it turns out we were in one of my largest classes I took for a general education requirement. The class was mostly papers and answering the professor’s questions, but we were in a final group project for the class. I guess I may have forgotten about him because he actually bothered to do his part of the project, unlike some of the others who claimed to be too busy or not talented enough to draw a few panels for a comic. He saw me after I passed and it shocked both of us – I never thought anyone could sense a ghostly presence and I doubt he thought he’d see his dead classmate again after all of this. He confessed that he had a crush on me when I was alive and I didn’t know how to feel about it? I never thought about guys that way but also I never had a serious relationship. (Maybe I took one girl out for a school dance, but then she ditched me for her friends and insisted she wanted to stay when I wanted to go home.) I don’t know where this will go, but it will be interesting at the very least.
@ryujin-chatbot was one of my cousin’s friends. Turns out we are both interested in dancing and happened to join Dance Club at school. She is really talented and I always hoped that some talent company or troupe would take her on professionally. She was one of the few who understood my pain and Cousin Yeji’s pain about the messed up “twins” jokes and references both of us got. She told off some messed up guys on the baseball team who suggested Yeji and I were in some kind of romantic relationship behind everyone’s backs and I’m pretty sure to this day, he will avoid eye contact with her if they’re in the same room. (That I owe her for.)
I’m drawing a blank on how I met @mafia-chaeyoung. I was already a ghost when we met and one of the first things she asked me after making sure this wasn’t some joke by a rival, was who killed me. She almost added the frat president to her hit list, but I told her that he’s already convicted and serving time, plus his family is out a lot of money for damages and emotional suffering. I’ll admit her line of work is hazy in my mind and I’m a little intimidated at times by her. But I do appreciate someone talking to me like a normal being and not going “OMG GHOST! I’m cursed!” or “Do you want revenge? Is that why you’re still around?” Sometimes I wish I could do more to say thank you, but seeing where I died, I’m limited in what I can offer. I do hope she stays safe because there are some crazier people out there who will try to take others down without a care.
We didn’t get off on the right foot when we crossed paths, but I think we’re okay? @thejilixtwins-cb are an oddball pair to comprehend to say the least. Always talking and they look and sound charming, but both are full of trouble. I’m not 100% sure what their deal is, but their antics kind of remind me of some duo I once saw on TV. Not sure who, but the back and forth banter or one interrupting the other is very similar to this TV pair. All I can say is, once we cleared the confusion, we seemed to be okay and not as mixed up as we thought.
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amuseoffyre · 5 years
October Prompts - 18th
Prompt - Kiss of Death
Alice squeezed through the crowds to get to her dad and nan. She was hugging her violin against her chest as she pushed between all the grown-ups and around the chairs.
“There you are, cupcake!” Dad reached out and gave her a big hug. “Well done! You sounded brilliant!”
Alice beamed.
They were doing a big show at the centre and everyone was allowed to show something. They even let her play a solo, because she was doing so well in her violin lessons. Nan had come along especially, even though she hardly ever went out anymore.
“You played very well, my love,” Nan said, her smile making her face even more wrinkly than usual. She was sitting in her wheelchair “It was very lovely music.”
“Thanks, Nan,” she said happily. “I’m glad you came!”
Nan nodded. “I’m happy too,” she said. “I used to love this place. Do you remember when we played in the garden, Keisha? Umma gave use such a beating when we came home all covered in mud.” She chuckled. “We couldn’t sit for a week, then we came back and did it all again, eh?”
Alice looked worriedly up at dad. His smile turned a bit sad. “This isn’t Keisha, mum. This is Alice. She’s my little one.”
Nan stared at him, then at Alice. “Ah…” She smiled again, but she looked confused. “Ah, yes. Alice.” She shook her head. “My old brain playing tricks again.”
“S’all right, nan,” Alice said, leaning down to hug her. Nan was so small and all bones and wrinkles. “I don’t mind.”
Nan nodded, still smiling, but it was a sad smile like dad’s. “Maybe, you can take me to the garden,” she said. “I can show you where we played.”
Alice’s dad nodded, taking the handles of the wheelchair. Alice reached out to take Nan’s hand, her thin brown fingers so bony in Alice’s.
“The garden is so big now,” Alice said. “Uncle Tony has a gardening club and they even have food and stuff growing.”
“Ha! They do?” Nan grinned. “When I came here, it was only grass and some flowers. They – the other children – they said we wouldn’t be allowed in.” She chuckled again, rocking back and forth in her chair. “They said he wouldn’t let us, Mr. C. They said we were dirty.” She leaned closer to Alice. “Do you know what he said to them?”
Alice shook her head, wide-eyed.
“He said,” Nan confided, “the only people who would not be welcome in his garden were the people who tried to keep us out.” She nodded again, happily. “He told me I was like a lady he knew once. Said I was always welcome.”
Alice squeezed her hand. “He sounds nice.”
“Oh, he was,” Nan said with a happy sigh. “He always had biscuits, the best biscuits you have ever tasted.” She laughed again, shaking her shoulders. “I always took two. I hid them in my pocket. I think he always knew!”
Nan had so many stories about the time when she was little. She had come to England on a big ship with her mum and dad a long, long time ago. Those stories, she always told the best. She even remembered the colour of the blankets on the ship. Sometimes, she couldn’t even remember dad’s name, but the ship blankets and the first soup she ever had and all kinds of silly things that weren’t very important.
Dad wheeled the chair out of the door and it crunched on the gravel outside. He had to push it extra hard, until Nan was sitting in the middle of the garden.
“The flowers are so lovely,” she said, looking around happily. “I was not allowed to touch them when we came here.”
Alice frowned. “But you said–”
“I said he let me into the garden,” Nan said, chuckling to herself. “I did not say I was a good gardener. If I touched a plant, it would surely die, so I was not allowed to touch the plants and so they did not die. He called it the finger-kiss of death. I had to be very careful.”
“So what did you do?” Alice asked, puzzled.  
“There!” Nan pointed to the place where uncle Tony had a small wooden shed. “That was our place.” She tugged on Alice’s hand. “There was no shed before, you know. We had buckets and a shovel and he let us dig for worms!”
Nan looked offended. “Yuck? Worms are useful, child! My father, he would take them. He would go and fish when he could. Not well, not in the big river. It was very dirty then. So dirty and smelly. But sometimes, he caught a fish from our worms.”
“Sounds like grandad, doesn’t it?” Her dad was leaning on the handles of the wheelchair, but the chair creaked when he straightened up. “Sorry! Didn’t mean to disturb you!”
Alice frowned, turning to see who he was talking to, then beamed. “Uncle Tony!”
Uncle Tony had come out of his secret special house at the end of the garden. He laughed. “It’s fine, Michael. Thought I’d pop out and say hello.” He smiled at Alice. “I could hear you playing through the window. Sounded good.”
Alice wriggled happily, hugging her violin. “I practised lots.”
Nan let go of her hand and Alice squeaked in alarm when she pushed her hands against the armrests of the wheelchair.
“Nan! You can’t–”
“Mr. C?” Nan got up on her wobbly legs and was staring at Uncle Tony, as if she’d seen a ghost. She did that a lot with people she thought she knew. Everyone said Uncle Tony’s dad and grandad had looked after the building before him. Maybe he looked a lot like them.
Uncle Tony walked closer.
She’s mixed up, Alice wanted to tell him. She has a bad bit in her brain. She gets confused.
Uncle Tony was smiling, though, and Uncle Tony’s smile made all the scary, worried feelings go away. “How have you been, you little rascal?”
Nan beamed up at him, big lines curling around her eyes and mouth. She looked so happy and bright and tottered forward a step and hugged him.
“Sorry,” Dad said again, quietly. “She– she has her moments.”
Uncle Tony shook his head, his arms around Nan. “It’s all right. Doesn’t do any harm.” He rubbed Nan’s shoulders. “How about I take her in for tea and biscuits and you can go and have a chat with your friends, eh?”
Alice glanced back at the hall. Nicki and Sanjeev were both there and she really, really wanted to go and show them the new pokemon she’d caught.
“I don’t know,” Dad said. “I mean, she’s– she might not–”
“She can behave herself, can’t you, little miss?” Uncle Tony said with a smile down at Nan, who cackled at him. “Breaking a habit of a lifetime, eh?”
“I always behave,” Nan said, grinning so widely the gaps where her teeth were missing showed.
“And we both know that’s rubbish,” Uncle Tony said, as he helped her back to her wheelchair. “How about it, little Eve? Want to come in for biscuits?”
She stared up at him. “Into the house?”
He nodded, crouching down and clasping her hands. “Special occasion, eh?”
Nan gave him the biggest smile Alice had ever seen, then waved one hand at Michael, like she was the Queen of something. “Away,” she ordered. “Mr. C will take me for tea and biscuits!”
“Are you sure?” Dad said, as Alice grabbed his hand.
“I think we’ll be fine, eh, Dora?” Uncle Tony straightened up.
Nan nodded happily, reaching up to clasp his hand. “Off with you,” she insisted. “You know where you will find me when you finish.”
Dad headed back towards the church, Alice clinging to his hand.
“Dad,” Alice said, looking back over her shoulder, watching Uncle Tony wheel Nan into his house, where no one else was allowed to go.
“Yeah, love?”
“How did Uncle Tony know Nan’s name?”
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im-tops-bottom · 6 years
Dino: hi i am c-
Jeonghan: the most cutest precious purest baby of all babies. Come here my son, umma needs some cuddles *jeonghan pulls Dino in for a hug*
Seungkwan: O.o
Vernon: hi
Seungkwan: *deep breath* *high pitch screech* YOU ARE SO ADORABLE. HOW CAN ANYONE BE SO CUTE
Seungkwan: *goes on a rampage ranting about how cute Vernon is and starts hugging him to the point Seungcheol has to drag him away. He starts kicking and screaming*
Mingyu: awwww aren't you so tiny and cute
Woozi: ....... *Picks up his guitar and starts swinging*
Mingyu: *screams as he rubs away* HELP! SOS! SOMEONE GRAB THIS CHILD!
Joshua: hey what are you reading?
Wonwoo: a book about the different types of flowers in the world. You?
Joshua: cool. Oh it's manga
Wonwoo: cool
DK: HEY JUN I GOT A NEW FRIEND FOR YOU. YEET! *throws Minghao onto the chair next to Jun* now greet each other, and love each other *smashes their heads together before skipping away happily*
Jun: hi
Minghao: hi
Hoshi: *smiles as he watches everyone in the dance studio* what a time to be alive *content sigh* I love my life
Seungcheol: *behind hoshi pleading to the manager* please please please. Last night they ate candy off the floor for dinner! Save me
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wowiejimin · 7 years
Safe - Chapter 12
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QUICK UPDATE YO! this is quite a short chapter, however, i wanted to break this down into one to three chapters hehe i dont rlly know but enjoy :)
Pairing: Gang Member!Jimin x Poor Heart!Genius!Reader
Genre: Angst, Romance, Lots of Action, Humor, Fluff, & Smut (In the Future)
Length: 5.5k
Warnings: Swearing, angry jimin oh jeez, oh and angry reader, a bit of angst
Members Included: All of BTS, other KPop groups in the future
Previous Chapter Chapter List Next Chapter
In his world, being a part of a mafia gang, known as Bangtan Boys, is a bit terrifying. They were truly a filthy rich and powerful group that everyone feared. 22-year old Jimin was described as the stealthiest and most skilled member of Bangtan, playing an important part in their group. Whereas for 20-year-old (Y/N), a genius with a weak heart is suffering inside the cruel world as she is experimented on on the daily basis. Jimin finds himself protecting a gifted girl whose memory can hold numerous things in a blink of an eye. Jimin finds an interest in her, visioning that she may be a valuable asset to their group. Jimin has never paid attention to girls. However, that started to change when he met her.
(Y/N) wasn't exactly a mistake.
It happened years ago when Shin Hyunjae, known as the leader of the Royal Aces, supposedly met the love of his life. The young couple had it all, until the day he found out she was pregnant. She was even married to Hyunjae, but he left her once (Y/N) was born, forcing her to raise their only child in poverty.
But, here she was, not knowing where her mother was, finally escaping the lab after ten years, and now, finally meeting her biological father for the first time.
(Y/N) remembered the times where she heard her mother cry, who at times, would lock herself in the bathroom, crying for her father's return. (Y/N) never questioned her but was always there for comfort. But one thing she never questioned yet longed to ask was about her father, about who he was and why he was never there.
"Umma, when is appa coming home?" She remembered asking her mother that same question every day, but she was always given the same response, "Soon, I promise." But he never came.
(Y/N) soon learned that it wasn't too common for a child to meet their biological father later on in their life, but there was that slight chance where it can happen. (Y/N) has never met her father all her life and all she hoped for was that slight chance to happen to her. 
But here she was, face to face with her father after nearly 21 years.
They had the same cheekbones, nose and hair colour. His beard looking freshly trimmed and his arms were covered in tattoos. He even has some on his neck, too. He had his hair slightly long but was slick back with a bit of gel. He was rather tall, possibly Yoongi's height, and possessed a skinny yet had a slightly muscular build.
Biting her lip, she looked over at the boys, "C-Can I have a moment, please?" She asked quietly as she looked over at the nervous yet anticipating boys. Namjoon nodded, standing up to his feet, looking at the rest of the boys, "Give them some space, guys." Namjoon says and the boys almost immediately follow Namjoon.
Jimin sighed, looking over at (Y/N) as he walked by. He held her hand for a brief moment before smiling softly at her, "You gonna be okay?" He asked quietly as she nodded, "Mhm," She hummed as Jimin pursed his lips together before pressing a soft kiss to her temple before glancing at Hyunjae with a low glare, walking away.
(Y/N) then let out a breath, walking closer to him as she walked into the living room. She stopped her tracks, stopping at a rather close yet far distance from her father. "Yeah, it has been a long time," She says, clasping her hands together, "Nearly 21 years."
"W-Would you like to have a seat?" She asked, mentally slapping herself for asking that. Hyunjae smiled, "Of course," He says before they sat down on one of the couches. "When did you get so beautiful?" Hyunjae smiled at her, "You grew up to be a fine woman."
(Y/N) scoffed, a small smile appearing on her face, "How'd you find me?" She asked quietly. Hyunjae leaned back, "Well," He started, "I actually came down here for work." He sent her a look, referring to gang business, "And uh, well, I thought about you." He says truthfully, placing his hands on his knees, rubbing them softly, "I had my men try to find your location. But I ended up finding out through Hyejin, the tattoo artist."
(Y/N) widen her eyes, "H-Hyejin?"
Hyunjae nodded, "Yes." He says, noticing the tattoo on her neck, "You got a tattoo? Already?" He asked with a playful smile. (Y/N) found herself smiling wider, placing a hand on her neck, "Yeah, it's still healing, though." She mumbled.
"B-But, hey, I'm doing fine. Yeah..." She was at a loss for words. Although she longed for this moment to happen, she didn't want it to go like this, especially with the boys knowing who he was. "You know what? I got a lot of work to do, mostly training." She says, standing up, not really knowing what she was doing. But she knew was that this wasn't the right time to finally meet her father, too much was already happening around her.
Hyunjae nodded, raising a hand up, "I understand." He stood up, shoving his pockets in his zip-up hoodie.
"Ah, you take care of yourself, you hear?" Hyunjae says, sounding like he actually meant it. (Y/N) pursed her lips together, rubbing her hands together out of habit. "Y-Yeah, you too, okay?"
Hyunjae pressed his lips into a thin line before smiling, a hint of sadness yet happiness is written over it. Hyunjae showed himself the way to the front door as (Y/N)'s eyes trailed his figure. (Y/N) bit her lip, was she really going to let him go away like that? This was the first time she has ever seen him in her life and she's allowing him to leave? What if that was the last time she was going to see him?        
Clenching her jaw, she walked after him, "Wait," She says, slowing down as her father turned around, facing her. "Um, hey." She started, scratching the back of her neck.
"W-Would... Would you want to stop by here later, and you know, have some dinner?" She offered shyly, "This is my first time seeing you in my life. And I want to at least get to know who my biological father is." She says, offering a small smile as Hyunjae returned the gesture. Even their smile looked alike.
"Ah, well, you can tell that these boys," He says, looking around the mansion as he referred to Bangtan, "and I aren't on very good terms. I'm not welcomed here, you know what I mean?" He chuckled as (Y/N) shook her head, "No, no, I'm sure they'll be fine with it, you're my father after all." She mumbled, "I end training at 5 PM." She says as Hyunjae nodded, "Oh, that's great, I'll come by then." He responds before opening their front door, leaving.
(Y/N) didn't bother watching his retreating form. She let out a deep sigh, closing the front door.
"Wow, 20 years." She looked up to see Namjoon, "You must be going through a train of emotions, huh?"
She scoffed, breaking into a smile, "Ah, no, it's not that big." She says, walking past him as Namjoon sighed, "Sure," He started, watching (Y/N) take a seat down on a couch, "(Y/N), listen, we're all here for you." (Y/N) looked up at him with a smile, 
"You're a part of us now."
"Is Hyunjae really your dad?"
(Y/N) lowered her gun, looking over at Jungkook with a faint smile, "Yeah, he is." She stared at the gun she held as she spoke, "It's kinda crazy, y'know? Meeting him for the first time and all." She mumbled as Jungkook nodded, "Yeah, I get what you mean." The maknae sighed, "I haven't seen my parents since I was 14. I guess we both have something in common." Jungkook smiled at (Y/N), who softly returned the gesture.
"Yeah, I suppose we do." She says before ogling at the time on her phone, "O-Oh no, it's 4:50 PM," She looked over at Jungkook, "He's coming over at 5."
Jungkook nodded, "Okay, that's fine. We can cut short today," He grinned at the older girl, "Are you sure?" She asked as Jungkook nodded once more, "Yeah, I'm sure noona. It's your first time meeting him, you deserve to spend time with father."
(Y/N) placed a hand on his shoulder, "Thank you, Jungkook." She says as the boy nodded his head, "Don't mention it, noona." He says, wrapping an arm around her shoulders as they walk back to the mansion.
Jimin rubbed his hands together in confusion and in anger. "Jimin, calm down. She's just having a night out with her father." Jin shook his head over at the boy. Hoseok chuckled, "It's not like he's going to take her away."
Jimin huffed, "I'm just getting a bad feeling." He mumbled as Yoongi nodded his head, "Me too."
The doorbell suddenly rang as Jimin got up, "I'll get it." He grumbled. Jimin wasn't in the best mood. Hearing that (Y/N) was going out with her father gave him a bad feeling. Although he was happy for her, he was quite angry with Hyunjae’s sudden appearance.
He opens the door to find Jungkook and (Y/N), back from training. His eyes were focused on the girl and found himself smiling softly, "How was training?" He asked, opening the door wider and stepping out of the way for the two to walk in. "It was fun." Jungkook says, skipping down to the basement with the guns, "I'm just bringing these two down." Is all he says before disappearing.
Jimin then turned to (Y/N), closing the door, "How are you?" He asked softly, pulling her in close as she smiled up at him, "I'm pretty happy, to be honest." She says, "I'm excited, too." Jimin nodded, pressing his plump lips to her temple, "It's almost 5, you should start getting ready." He says as she nodded, "Yeah, I should," She chuckled before pulling away from Jimin's grasp, walking up the stairs.
Jimin watched her retreating form, licking his lips as he felt a presence come up beside him, "You have a bad feeling too, huh?" Taehyung asked as Jimin huffed, "Yeah."
Taehyung licked his lips, "I do too," He sighed, "Do you know where he's taking her out to eat?" The hybrid asked as Jimin shrugged, "Not really. All I know is that they're going to watch a movie." Taehyung then smirked over at him, "He's not going to take her away, okay?" Taehyung reassured as Jimin rolled his eyes, "That's not what I'm afraid of."
"Then what is it?"
"That he's going to leave her again."
Taehyung chuckled at his response, "I don't think that's going to happen." He says before skipping up the stairs, "I'm going to see how (Y/N) is~" Is all Taehyung says before disappearing. Jimin sighed, looking down at his hands, "Calm the fuck down, Jimin." He says before walking into the kitchen once again.
(Y/N) scanned her appearance in the mirror, a bit unsure of her choice of clothing. She wore a simple white turtleneck tucked into dark jeans.
"You look so cute!" She turned to see Taehyung, grinning over at her. She broke into a smile, "Thank you." She says before picking up her phone and bag, "I hope you have fun tonight." Taehyung says. Before she could respond, the doorbell rings once more.
Taehyung sent her a look, "I guess that's your father." He says as (Y/N) nodded her head, a big grin forming on her face, "Yeah, I guess it is." She says before walking down the stairs with Taehyung at her side, "I'll be in the basement with Jungkook." Taehyung says as he left her side, wanting to give her and her father some time alone.
She nodded over at the hybrid before opening the door. Her father wore a simple black long sleeve under a jacket and black jeans, his hair still slicked back yet some hairs stook out.
She offered him a smile, motioning him to come in, "Thank you for taking me out tonight." She says quietly, "Anything for my little girl." He smiled warily at her as (Y/N) felt her heart warm up at his comment. Of course, it was her father, she finally had a father figure to look up to after all these years. Just hearing those words made her feel like she was complete.
"Um, here, you can sit in the living room for now. I'll be right back." She says as he nodded, "Alright, no problem." He says, obeying her as he took a seat. (Y/N) made her way into the kitchen, meeting up with Jin and Hoseok.
Jin noticed her presence and smiled, "(Y/N)," He greeted, motioning her to come closer. He stopped with what he was doing before turning fully towards her, "How are you doing?"
(Y/N) scoffed, chuckling a bit and flailing her arms over and about, "Ah, I'm good, Jin oppa." She breathed deeply, "I have a feeling Jimin's not going to be fine with this." She sighed, not knowing about Jimin's whereabouts. She knew Jimin had some type of relation to her situation; his father leaving him after training him till he was a teenager.
"Do you think he'll be okay with it?" She asked as Hoseok shrugged, "I think so... Yeah." (Y/N) could tell Hoseok was having a hard time understanding the situation and clearly is angered by it. Who could blame him? Finally meeting your father after he abandoned you when you were just a baby is a tough situation.
(Y/N) sent them a smile and a thank you before walking back to the living room, "I'm back," She says before seeing Yoongi come back down the stairs, "Ah, Yoongi oppa." She says, motioning him to come over, "I'm sure you've met my father, right?" 
"Yeah, he's your deadbeat father who left you and your mother flat." Yoongi says, sending Hyunjae a look as Jin came into the room, hushing Yoongi as he sat Yoongi down a couch, "Sorry about that, Hyunjae." Jin apologized to the man before sending a look to Yoongi, "How about we all just sit down for a bit." Jin says, as (Y/N) also sent Yoongi a look before smiling over at her father.
Jin then turned on the TV to relieve the tension in the room.
"Jin hyung?" Then came in Jimin's voice. (Y/N) looked over to see Jimin come through the hall. Jimin sighed, looking for Jin before landing his eyes on Hyunjae. Jimin clenched his jaw before turning his heel, walking the other way. (Y/N) furrowed her brows at the boy, what was up with him?
"Jimin," Jin called, "Can you help me with something in the kitchen, please?" Hearing Jimin's sigh, he nodded before walking into the kitchen with Jin.
"Sorry about that," (Y/N) mumbled at her father as Hyunjae raised his hands, "It's fine." He sighed before standing up to his feet, "I should go." He mumbled as Yoongi rolled his eyes, "Oh, don't go." He started, "Who knows if we'll see you again?"
Hyunjae gulped before taking a seat once more as (Y/N) sat next to him, a few inches away from him.
"Yoongi." (Y/N) warned him as Yoongi shrugged. (Y/N) sighed before Hoseok came in, "I must be crazy," Hyunhae chuckled, "Hoseok? A cyborg?" He says as Hoseok sent him a fake smile, "Yeah, just one of Jin's ways to save my life." He mumbled, taking a seat next Yoongi. Hyunjae's smile then slightly faltered when he watched the television.
"You know, (Y/N)," He started and pointed at the TV, "I used to hold you just like that." He says as there was a baby being held by its mother on the TV screen. (Y/N) smiled sadly at him, opening her mouth to respond before Yoongi just had to interrupt once more.
"Then why did you run out on her?"
(Y/N) sighed once more, sending him a look as Hoseok quietly chuckled. Jimin and Jin, and this time Namjoon was with them as they came back into the room as Jimin looked a bit calmer and relaxed than he was before. "Hyunjae." Jimin started, "It's been a while."
Hyunjae grinned at him, "It has been, huh?" He chuckled as Namjoon took a seat on an armrest. Jimin then stood next to the couch (Y/N) sat on, eyeing her and Hyunjae. "How long are you in Seoul for?" Namjoon asked, knowing that the man's gang was primarily from Busan. "Ah, only for a bit. For business, really."
"Then why did you show up to find your daughter that you abandoned?" Jimin suddenly asked as (Y/N) sent him a look right away, "Jimin." She warned as Jin turned to him, "What did I tell you?" Jin turned to him with a stern look as Jimin sighed.
"I think I'm going to skip dinner," Jimin says before taking a few steps back, staring at Hyunjae with a glare. "I just lost my appetite."
(Y/N) watched Jimin make his way up the stairs. She bit her lip, did Jimin really think of her father in that way?
(Y/N) and Hyunjae stepped out of the auditorium as they both shared a laugh, "That was some horror movie." She chuckled, eyeing him before watching a family walk out together, sharing a laugh as well. She watched sadly before taking a seat on a bench next to the arcade.
"(Y/N)," Her father started, "I owe you an explanation." He says as he sat next to her. "Ah, no you don't." She brushed him off as he shook his head, "I do," He sighed as he glanced at her, "When the day came, the day you were born," He chuckled, shaking his head at the process, "It was one of the best days of my life." He admitted.
He then raised his hands in front of him, gesturing them as if he was holding a baby, "I remembered the first time I held you." He says before glancing back at (Y/N), "I never wanted to put you down when I held you."
It was then (Y/N)'s turn to glance at him, "Then... Why did you?"
Hyunjae leaned forward, turning to his daughter, "I... I wasn't ready. To be a father, I mean."
"I felt like I was trapped, all my freedom was taken away. I had a responsibility, and that was you." (Y/N) clenched her jaw, clasping her hands together as she twiddled with her thumbs. "And I just ran away that one day." Hyunjae licked his lips and scooted closer to (Y/N), "I was a coward and I was selfish. I'm sorry." He finally apologized.
(Y/N) felt anger rise as she stood up, furrowing her brows, "Why are you telling me this now?"
"Well, because you're my daughter. And I love you."
(Y/N) breathed inhaled deeply, feeling her breathing hitch before he stood up as well, "I'm a different man now and I want to be a part of your life. If you let me." He says as (Y/N) quirked an eyebrow, "Oh, so you want to be a part of my life now? How?"
"We can get to know one another." He smiled before stepping closely, "And did you know, you got your heart condition from your old man, too. Not just from your mother." (Y/N) furrowed her brows, "What?" She asked before Hyunjae pulled out a pill bottle, looking quite identical from hers.
"I'm pretty sure you've been told that you have gotten it from your mother, but, me as well." He chuckled, "Runs in the family."
(Y/N) smiled softly before shrugging, "Yeah, I guess." She says, "I miss her." She mumbled as Hyunjae sighed, "I heard what you've been through." He says as (Y/N) snapped her eyes at him, "How?"
"The boys told me. Told me how you got here. And it must've been hard." He sighed, placing his hands on her shoulders, "I should've been there to protect you like a normal father would've done." He says as he shook his head, "But, I know one thing, and that's about your mother."
"Where is she? Is she okay?--"
"She's fine. I managed to find her location." He smiled sadly, "She moved on and lost her memory apparently. But now, she's living happily with a man and a child of her own, too, in America."
(Y/N) then felt as if her heart shattered. She let out a breath, looking down at her hands.
It's been 11 years since she has seen her mother. All she knew was that her mother was taken under Mr Han's care, taking care of her illness. (Y/N) has always known her mother was a victim of being a test subject as well before meeting her father. Although her mother escaped, she was diagnosed with an illness, however, it was different from (Y/N)'s.
(Y/N) felt tears well up in her eyes, wanting nothing more than to just see her mother once more.
All she knew then was that her mother was put into a state of deep depression due to the kidnapping of her daughter. And because of that, she was given antidepressant drugs. This led to the point where there was a degree of memory impairment, meaning memory loss. Although that happened, she was healed and was released from Mr Han's care.
(Y/N) remembered the time when she found out about her mother losing the memory of her own daughter, she had cried for many days, maybe even months. She remembered how her cries bounced off the walls of her cell and how red her eyes were, Banjo had even thought she was dead one time. However, she fought and fought Banjo, begging to see her mother before she was released.
(Y/N) was able to find out that the memory loss was due to the blocking action of serotonin and norepinephrine -- the two of the brain's key chemical messengers.
Although her wish did not come true, she was given punishment. 10 lashes on her bare back, 2 drug injections at once, and a week in the room where all misbehaved test subjects spent their days in. Some don't even come out alive due to starvation and lack of water. She considered herself lucky to come out alive.
But knowing her mother was out there living her best life with a new family broke her, yet she was happy her mother was no longer suffering. And perhaps (Y/N) should move on too, and maybe could find her happy place by then.
"So, she really forgot about me, huh?" She mumbled as Hyunjae nodded, "I believe so," He says before sending her a small smile, "But you got me, right? Your old man!" He says, noticing the tears in her eyes. He licked his lips before guiding towards the arcade, stopping in front of a zombie game.
He reached into his pocket, inserting a few coins before picking up the plastic gun that was attached to the game. "How about I show you my shooting skills?" He chuckled as the game started with zombies coming at the camera. Hyunjae shot the zombies on the screen swiftly.
(Y/N) chuckled at the sight, noticing that he was about to break the high score. "W-Wow, you're good at this." She mumbled, noticing a small crowd circle the two, watching Hyunjae shoot down the zombies and successfully breaking the record.
"He's really good!" Says a kid behind (Y/N). (Y/N) then turned to the kid, a small smile on her face, "Yeah, he is, huh?" She chuckled, "That's my dad." She says with a proud smile.
Maybe having her dad with her wasn't so bad. And maybe he's really here for good.
"Wow, Jiminnie, that was pretty mean." Taehyung pouted, looking over at the older boy, "Yeah, I bet noona was pretty upset when you said that." Jungkook says, however, his eyes were focused on the TV screen. Jimin shrugged, "What? It's the truth." Jimin says and looked over at Yoongi, "Even hyung has the same idea." He says Yoongi nodded, "Mhm."
Jimin's ears then perked up to hear the front door open, "We're back!" Jimin hears (Y/N)'s voice, causing him to turn around. All of the seven boys sat in the living room and waited for (Y/N)'s return, just in case Hyunjae did something wrong. They even watched Jungkook play Overwatch.
"Did you guys have fun?" Jin asked as he stood up to his feet. (Y/N) grinned widely, "Yeah! We watched two movies," She chuckled, "Even had some fun in the arcade!" Hyunjae pointed over at (Y/N), "(Y/N) even broke the record on the hardest sudoku arcade game there." He chuckled, "That's my girl!" The two broke into laughter and smiles.
"I'm glad you two got to spend time together." Hoseok smiled as Hyunjae huffed, "Oh, we're just getting started." He chuckled as Jimin narrowed his eyes at Hyunjae, "What do you mean?" He asked.
"Oh, my dad will be going back to work the day after tomorrow, and uh, well I'm going with him." (Y/N) says as Jimin widen his eyes, "What? Where? You can't just leave." Jimin says as he stood up.
"I'll be doing business in Geojedo Island," Hyunjae started, "And hearing that my little girl has been wanting to go to the islands, I asked myself, why not bring her along?" He chuckled. This got the boys to turn to the two, eyes widen in shock and confusion, clearly not wanting (Y/N) to leave.
Jimin crossed his arms, "Well, she specifically wanted to go to Jeju island, not Geojedo island." He says, remembering what (Y/N) has told him.
(Y/N) sent Jimin a sheepish smile as Hyunjae bit his lip and shrugged, "I think it's a great way for (Y/N) to explore the country. After knowing what has happened to her for the past 10 years or so." He murmured as Namjoon sighed, "Yeah, we understand but--"
"Forget it." Jimin hissed as Hyunjae slumped his shoulders a bit, "Oh, Jimin, c'mon." He says while he shook his head, "The girl could use a bit of adventure."
"Excuse me, but last time I checked, this is a family conversation." Jimin says coldly as (Y/N) narrowed her eyes at Jimin, brows slightly furrowed and lips into a frown, "Jimin--"
"It's fine," Hyunjae says, looking over at her, "It's fine," He says once more before taking a few steps back, "I'll be going now." He says before leaving the house. And once he did, (Y/N) turned to Jimin. 
"Jimin, that wasn't nice, the way you disrespected him, that's my father!" She says, taking a few steps towards him. Jimin clenched his fists, "Well, to hell with your dad!"
(Y/N) widen her eyes at his words, "Jimin, c'mon, that's--" Taehyung started but Jimin cut him off, "He comes in after 21 years--"
"20!" She corrected as Jimin scoffed, "Oh, fuck me, 20 years. 20 years my ass! That guy is acting like nothing even happened!" Jimin raised his voice, stepping closer to (Y/N), fire burning in his eyes, "This is the same guy that did not think enough of you! Wake the fuck up, (Y/N)!"
"Jimin--" Jin warned as (Y/N) heaved in a breathe, chin up high as she looked up at Jimin. Although his words did hurt at first, she remained calm.
"He made a mistake." She says slowly, "I forgave him, why can't you? You don't even know him!" Jimin shook his head, "I've known him for 2 years out of business until that rat fucked things up, running out on us. I think I know him just enough to know what type of person he is."
(Y/N) sniffed, almost feeling the tears well up in her eyes. She's never argued with Jimin before, and she didn't like it at all. Especially if was about her father, "Stop being ridiculous! My old man never came home, no matter how much I begged!" She cried. "And he's finally here. Why can't you be happy for me?"
Jimin shook his head at her, "He's not doing this for you. He's doing this for himself." He snapped. (Y/N) shook her head, turning heel as she walked towards the foyer with Jimin following. "And if you think any different, then you must be blind! Stop being so goddamn stubborn and listen to me, dammit!" Jimin growled.
"Hey! Hey, calm down. Just calm down." Jin followed the two, "Let's talk about this another time."
(Y/N) shook her head, "There's nothing to talk about Jin." She says, looking at Jin before flickering back over to Jimin, "And you know what? I've been waiting for this for a long time-- hell, my whole life! I'm spending the next two weeks with him and no one is stopping me."
"Oh yeah? Well, I don't fucking think so--" Jimin says before (Y/N) cut him off, stepping closer to his face.
"Who cares what you think, Jimin?! You are not my goddamn father!" She yelled, surprising Jimin and the boys.
Jungkook gulped, his eyes darting both at Jimin and (Y/N) as Taehyung had his wolf ears lay flat on his head. Yoongi stared at the TV screen as Hoseok twiddled with his robotic fingers. Namjoon sighed, shaking his head at the situation as Jin stared at (Y/N) with sorrow in his eyes.
Jimin only looked at her with furrowed brows, eyes filled with anger yet sadness. He didn't want her to go, especially with her father. Who knows what could happen on their trip. What if she never came back?
(Y/N) shook her head at him, a few tears trailing down her cheeks before turning away. She let out a few sobs before opening the front door and slamming it closed as she left the house.
Jimin let out a breath before turning to the boys, shaking his head, "Just watch that sick motherfucker leave, just watch and I'll say I told you so." He hissed before walking up the stairs, slamming his bedroom door behind him.
Namjoon sighed, "Well, that's enough drama for today." He says before walking up the stairs as Jungkook looked over at Taehyung, "Hyung, is (Y/N) really going to leave? For two weeks?" He asked as Taehyung shrugged, "I guess so. But there could be that chance that (Y/N) will go home. Her real home, with her father."
"You think so?"
"I don't know, but it could happen."
(Y/N) did not come home that night and it killed Jimin inside. He wasn't so used to having (Y/N) not in his arms. He didn't get any sleep last night, all because of his fight with (Y/N). Instead of sleeping, he fiddled with the bracelet she gave him.
However, he was still upset with what happened the other day.
Jimin walked into the kitchen as Taehyung smiled at him, "There he is," Jimin looked at him, "Shut up." Is all he says, dark circles visible under his eyes and his voice quite raspy. Hoseok sighed, "Stop moping, Jimin. She'll come around." The cyborg reassured, "I'm sure (Y/N) didn't mean anything that she said."
Jimin clenched his jaw before turning to the two boys, "Okay, if she didn't mean anything, why did she say it?" He asked, grabbing a glass cup, "I gave her what she deserved. Whatever she needed, whether if she was feeling upset or needed a bit of reassuring, I was always there for her." He says as he slammed the cup down on the counter, causing it to shatter due to the hard impact.
Jimin sighed, staring at the shattered glass in his hands. Taehyung looked at Jimin before shaking his head at him. "Sure, you've done everything for her," Taehyung started but before he could continue, Jimin shook his head, "Yeah but now it's like all that shit never mattered." He mumbled, cleaning up the mess, throwing away all the glass pieces in the garbage.
"I can't believe she could be selfish, throwing me away like that, after everything I did." He mumbled as Hoseok sighed, "Get a hold of yourself, Jimin. Do you hear what you're saying right now?"
"Somebody's being selfish," Hoseok says as Taehyung nodded, "But it's not (Y/N) who's selfish, it's you."
Jimin blinked a few times before sighing, nodding his head, "I suppose that's true." He mumbled as Taehyung shook his head at him, "Honestly, Jiminnie, I know you can be such a hard head sometimes, but I think you need to apologize." Hoseok nodded in agreement, "You should apologize once she comes back."
Jimin shook his head, "You make it sound so easy." He grumbled. Hoseok took this as a cue to stay quiet, thinking maybe Jimin was in deep thought for a moment. After noticing the cyborg's gaze, he sighed and relaxed his posture.
"I'm just... A little worried that (Y/N) won't ever come back. I don't want that." He tells the two as Taehyung nodded his head, his silver hair bouncing. The two completely understood what Jimin was trying to stay, none of them wanted (Y/N) to leave and never come back.
"Well, Jiminnie, I think I can help you." He grinned, "Your relationship with (Y/N)-ah is special to you and I'm sure it's special to her as well. So, I'll give you some advice on how to be romantic and stuff. So in that way, she can forgive you." Jimin pouted at the thought before swallowing his pride, crossing his arms.
"Fine. Teach me, then."
hehehehehehe i know, a really short chapter yet i feel like this was lowkey boring but idk, a lot more about (Y/N's father will be revealed in the next chapter yoeeeeooo!
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got7doubleb · 7 years
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kaysie’s second follow forever / mutual appreciation
i hit two big milestones recently and the growth of this blog is still mind boggling to me. It’s been a year and a half? now since this blog has came to be and it’s come a long way. The friends ive gotten thru this blog still make me emo bc omg who wouldve thought ppl would wanna be my fren sldfjdlskfjsldkfj
but anyway; i’ve sorted out my fav blogs and lovely mutuals into two sections, which is got7 and nongot7. bare in mind i’m putting a loose label for the blog but everyone posts a lot of things. also please tell me if we are mutuals and i didn’t include you. tumblr is confusing
key - favs |  ily | ilysfdm | 💝 scroll down for your letter 
(almost) only got7 content
@jinandtuanic | @strxctlygotseven | @wildcat-jinyoung | @cutepimook | @floaty-glasses | @the-princejinyoung | @danhoe-mark |  💝  @lemon-amethyst | @ranqueenie | @magiccastles | @junievre-gotchu | @amerithotkongs |  @yugyinplaid |  💝  @m-yien | @j1ny0ung | @jbmygoodboy | @loveisyugyeom | @twojproject | @jinyoungs-hipsdontlie | @jaedaddy | @cyjsgirl | @flawless-7 | @paradisejaebum |@jinyoung-ssi | @gyeomd | @whaaaalep ! @tuanever​ |  @7uv​​
@tuangel | @sarahgase | @pjy  | @gyeom7 | @akasalty | @ehgase | @husbandsjjp | @mark-i-pooh | @okjb  | @park-markjin | @cocoyah | @silent-fangirl | @sugarplumjae | @imjaebeomtrash | @parkjinyoungsbooty | @sky-way | @peachandmark | @yugbamprompt | @wangraps | @doublebam1a | @biasjacksonwang | @wangamama | @ungiis |  💝  @cuddletuan
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AHGABLOGS THAT MAKE ME AHGAHAPPY (blogs that arent necessarily mutuals but imma mention you anyway)
fanart blogs - @m-melted | @ask7dorks | @yinglalada | @koyangii-art | @ask-got7-yugbamjae | @sabyarts | @askpepi-jy |  💝  @sevencolourseason | @white-alien-with-a-rose​ | @chibicookie | 
misc blogs -@got7fakesubs | @incorrectgot7quotes​ | @got7ficrec | @got7rarepair | @ahgahappy | @ahgapositive | @secretahgase | @gotstyle | @markjinficfest | @lowqgot7 | @got7-memes | @marktuanjournal | @got7fakequotes | @lq-got7 |
member/ship centric blogs -  💝  @bamspeach |  💝  @redgyeomie | 💝 @demongyeom | @onlymarkjin | @markjinology | @kissbbom | @imarkson |  @yugyeompire | @yourmajestyqueenchelseachels | @choiyoungjae | @jinyoungied | @2jaekisses | @pepilovesgyeom
content creators (gifs/gfx) - @umma-jy | @jinyoungot7 | @tuanpumpkins | @jack777 | @editsgot7 | @holyfuckmark | @got7europe | @gotchicken​ | @got7ish | @got7gifs | @got7official | @defwang | @defsouldanik | @jwxngs | @got7-out | @markticseas | @jackseunie | @ahgasedits | @little-jyp | @astrayjinyoung | @jingogi | @shiningmark | @jbssi |  💝  @nyeongificent | @pinkhoodiemark​ |  💝  @marksseunie | @gsvnrewind |  💝 @morkjin​ | 💝 @mochabam | @1kayee |  💝  @bamethyst​
fy blogs/networks - @fybam | @got7-updates | @fynyeong | @19970502 | @19940106 | @fyars | @fuckyeahchoiyoungjae |
networks - @bambamnetwork | @got7creators | @7ornevernet | @ahgasenet | @got7maknaelinenetwork | @nyeongnet | @got7jinyoungnet 
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@sunbeamjinhappybirthday​ |  💝  @sparklybammie​ | @kpopfanfictrash​ | @bangtanhoseok​ | @adoresoo​ | @dimpledjaehyun​ | @blndrgn​ | @kkangdaniel​ | @jongbeer​ | @evkabibi​ | @chanisblackgf​ | 💝 @straybams​ | @babybyuny​ | @flymansae​ | @kvths​ | @withnosuchgrace​ | @gotday6​ | @confessed-nafsiya​ 
girl group favs - @withfx​ | @periwin5les​ | @wheeinyoo​ |   @bubblejoy​ |
💝 letters for my precious
@sevencolourseason​ - The angel in the holy trinity. The original momTM and the bambam to the ultimate trio jinbamgyeom. Thank you for being amazing and nothing but nice to me (and laura since yknow, same person). i don’t know what ive done in my past life to be blessed with crossing paths with you but i’ll do it all over again <3
@redgyeomie​ - THE YUGYEOM TO MY 97 YOUNG AND RICH LINE. KATY i cant even start to form words without slfjsdlfkjdskjfh. thank you for being there when I need someone to talk to and knowing the exact words to bury me in my grave. your love for yugyeom always makes tumblr a better place to be in. thank you for sticking around with me even tho im undeserving 💝
@demongyeom​ - we don’t talk as much as i would like but just seeing you on my dash always always brightens my day! i hope we talk more in the future!  💝
@nyeongificent​ - hello gabby! i love your blog and you’ve been nothing but a star ! i hope we become better friends in the future! thank you for that time you were my secret ahgase!  💝
@marksseunie​ - C A M ! we’ve become mutuals on tumblr (and i guess twitter too) for quite a bit now! thank you for sticking around despite my horrible excuse of a blog and creating that A+ got7 content! you’re a star  💝
@morkjin​ - omg ron.... it took me so long to look for you. i was half panicking. but i love this markjin trash url. it suits you and im lowkey jealous. lol. thank you for being a good friend (yes i think we’re friends, we are arent we, we also are the same age so like chingu? lmao) and for blessing us with your blog  💝
@mochabam​ - omg where do i even start with this JEM !!!! bambam’s softest (softy-est soft) gf. I stand by my word im still jealous about how cute your urls are and also of how cute you are esp when it comes to bambam. bambam doesnt even deserve you (you are too good for him!). thank you for your soft edits it’s soft bambam hours whenever u post them  💝  
@lemon-amethyst​ - hello  💝 we haven’t talked for quite a long time but you’re still precious to me! thank you for sticking around and blessing us with your presence <3
@m-yien​ - Rey! i feel like you are one of the first mutuals i have when i first started this blog. it’s been a long time since then but you’re still here and i’m still here! thank you for sticking around and being so sweet! it means a lot to me  💝
@cuddletuan​ - where do i even begin this jeng? thank you for supporting me in the things i do and being a literal angel. i don’t know what i’ve done in this life that was so good that i deserved to cross paths with you. thank you thank you! i love you i hope your healthy and happy  💝
@got7-markjinson​ - Nelyn  💝 !  we don’t speak to each other nearly as enough as we should but im so glad our paths crossed. I love seeing you on my dash and in the network chats (even tho im like come and go like a ghost lol). Thank you for being so nice to me! i hope you have a good day everyday <3 
@katbeom​ - KAT  💝 hello! i cant even remember when we became mutuals but i know we shared a lot of funny interactions which are still very precious to me. thank you for sticking around my trash blog. You are a star ! take care of yourself <3 
@sparklybammie - Jinju! the literal angel. thank you for always messaging me it always brightens my day. you are literally the nicest person and im so glad we have become friends. i hope your healthy and always take care of your health <3
@peachypinkjackson​ - so before making this i realized that you were number 3 in my tumblr crush list and we have never? actually talked to each other and i was like omg this is a sign that we should be friends. that must be it. (im delirious i know). but anyway, thank you for your quality blog which i cant resist to reblog from! i hope you get to talk more in the future <3
@ljhsgf​ - FEL hello ! ever since the start of got7maknaelinetwork i feel like we have been close.  thank you for sticking around with the mess that is my blog! i treasure all our interactions and hope we become closer in the future! take care of yourself <3
@imjadebeom​ - syd! the got7 tumblr community owes you so much for all you manage! thank you for lending your support on the projects i do and just being a real nice friend. you’re a treasure yknow that! take care of yourself <3
@bamethyst​ - noora, you sweet muchkin !!!!! your creativity in creating content never ceases to amaze me. thank you for the support you lent in creating bamloween. it means so much to me. You are a star <3
@straybams​ -  hui !!!!!! how do i begin to express the adoration i have for the support you have for bambamnetwork. i dont even know where to start. just like thank you i love you. please take care of yourslef i hope your happy wherever you are and want to be! 
@bamspeach​ - ugh this is going to take forever for me to write this letter. ive been agonizing how to put into words how much you mean to me and i cant even because its all just like soieyrfsijdfhksjdf in my head. thank you for putting up with my rants, no matter how ludicrous or frantic or dramatic they all are. im sorry i laugh at almost anything and probably frustrate you to no end with my ways of teasing (i am after all yugyeom in this jingyeom dynamic) but i guess you know by now that it’s all just how i express my fondness. im shit i know. did i start this blog thinking i would find a precious friend like you? no. but i did anyway and im eternally grateful for our inside jokes and sudden bouts of deep conversations. i must have save the world in my past life to able to share not only my ahgafeels but every other stupid part of my horrid life with you. i mean really how do i even function without the jinyoung to my yugyeom. u really deserve everything in this world and more. ugh now its soft lausie hours. i might as well write a 1k word essay at this point. i love you. thank you. stop crying.
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cckaisoo · 7 years
The one thing I like in KaDi is they don't do fan service. Unlike other ships. But Idk why people(other shippers) tend to ignore that.. Like it's clearly there like an open book. The other overrated shippers, why can't they see all their otp moments are fan service? Hell one of my frns is a hardcore c/b shipper. And she told me recently that she's getting vexed to see c/b. Lmao. Instead she's now interested in KaDi more!! I couldn't agree more anyway.
hahahaha i think most probably, the majority of the fans don’t even know what is fanservice. they don’t know how to differentiate btween fanservice and nahh. if an otp does something, they go omg omg omg. and when someone said its fanservice, they accused you of accusing the idols fake and undermine their closeness?? its better to shut up than working yourself out over a useless debate.
i rmmbr kd was known as the behind the scene couple and that says a lot. it doesn’t take a genius to figure that one out. only kd was known as the bts couple. only kd. if you notice, there are not many released bts clips now. i’m talking bout fancam. dvds re heavily edited and i’m not joking about the heavily edited part. anyway, most fans take things that shove in their faces. it has to be obvious and say explicitly. 
the most prominent example that i can provide is su.soo (idk shit bout cb and idc). if you follow ex0 since debut, you know that sus was a really huge deal back in 2013. you can check ks threads dated from 2012-2013. the memory of appa and umma of ex0 still makes me cringe lmao. jm couldnt even shut up bout ks and ks played along with it. they always ended up choosing eo for whatever questions that were thrown at them. everything was shoved in the faces. unlike kd were more on the back, small yet obvious interactions. cs, bs, and ses were not comparable to sus (kd too). no one, i repeat no one really talked about cs, bs and ses back then. cause there was nothing to talk about.
in 2014, pcy took over jm’s position. suddenly, jm lost interest in ks. he stopped mentioning ks and ks didnt talk bout jm either. coincidence? after two yrs of trying to pull off sus but i guess it didnt work out? 2014 was the yr cs was a big deal. pcy clung to ks and mentioned ks every time. ks, as usual, played along w it. then 2015, it’s ses time. lmao the diff is bloody obvious. the cycle repeats itself but jm retired cause he’s now the kd manager (must stop all kd moments. i’m kidding).
but even after all these yrs, when they re trying to make ks pairing w other ppl that are not ji happens, kd is still the most mentioned otp and remains the royal otp of ex0. is it really a coincidence? when kd hardly even appeared on radio shows etc 2gether despite the fact fans love them so much. another coincidence?
most fans don’t have a single clue wtf is going on. so that’s that. have a nice day~
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tuanpumpkins · 7 years
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hey everyone, it’s cher! i recently hit 13K followers and to be honest i can’t believe it? ;u; especially since i was kind of missing from action for the past months due to personal reasons. it had been a rough time for me hence i really appreciate and thank you all for sticking with me! ps; i’m not sure if i’m mutuals if all the blogs listed below but they are all blogs that i like. also i’m really bad with alphabets so please bear with me ;n;
“you’re my paradise” 🌴// special shoutouts :
@yugyeomish / @velvetgyeom , @jacksonwangism , @protectmarkjin , @jeonjuly , @jackseunie , @ilovejackson , @kookiebuff , @bbam , @redgyeomie , @got7-out , @whyparkjinyoungwhenucanridehim , @basedgot7 , @jinmeowie , @m-yien
a - c :
@bamethyst @coco-jae @coco-man @chaebeom @cryjeon @cyjsgirl @cyjyaa
d - f:
@defwang @dsouls @ddef @ethereal-youngjae @floaty-glasses
g - i:
@gotchicken  @got7 @got7official @got7kings @ggot7 @gentlewonho@got7sarrival @hoodiejungkook @huggableyoungjae @holyoungjae @igot7-love @imarkson @imjaebumaf @imjaesus @igot-scenarios
j - l :
@jypnior @jaebumiie @jiaerrs @jaebumark @jjnyoungie @jaacksonwang @jbsfroot @justright7 @jjjaebum @jaenior @jinandtuanic @jingogi @jinyoungs-hipsdontlie  @jaebomi @jaebuim @jacksonisjbsprincess @jyum  @kittenyeong @kissbbom @leaderbum @lemon-amethyst @lalarose @loveisyugyeom
m - o: 
@mjbm  @mark2young2jae @magiccastles @marksseunie @markticseas @mysoulpeach @nochus @nyeongificent @ohgoshjackson @officialjjproject @officialwangtrash
p - r:
@pinkhoodiemark @parkjinyoungology @pjy 
s - u:
@seokijn @spcy @softjj0ng @softtofujackson @sabyloves @tuanyieun @suhokai@ttakjoha @taetaetuan @taehson @umma-jy @ult2jae 
v - x:
 @whyoungjae @wangmins @wang-thighs @wangjoonie @wassup-youngjae @whaaaalep
y - z :
@yugjaes @yieungjae @yituans
i’m sorry if i left anyone out! it is unintentional as i am really really really horrible with such stuff! once again, thank you ;u; and i will try to be more active once i get my life together!! c:
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taonsil · 7 years
 🐰110 sutao moments🐼
singing to each other n being huge nerds during mamas that's a nuzzle nuzzle nuzzle nuzzles intensify an Official nuzzle they were even each other's new years hug the reports that they comfort kissed a few times jm carrying tao's bag when he was sick jm sharing the award with lil mr. grabby hands here the chair hug + makin hearts at each other :c seriously look how much tao adores suho his eyes are glittering tao wrapping jm up in a scarf tao nearly dying trying to carry his tiny mama jm actually dying carrying his enormous son but look how happy taozi was that he did it neck touching and some chanyeol breaking up their heart 💔 awful selfies together  THAT HUG tao literally ran out onto the stage for that hug god its so basically a kiss like holy shit really just look at the tag from that day  back hugs n hearts the flag dance..u all know it that time tao was a suho fansite this is my mom and I'm gonna kiss him taozi showing us what good care jm takes of him ; ; baekhyun immediately knowing jm's letter was for tao bc ofc it is jm telling the whole world on live tv that he loves tao showers! obviously the overdose thing the overdose thing ft BASICALLY KISSING the overdose thing ft cute growling and this goddamn body language the overdose thing..u know, That One the overdose thing that killed a man even the rehearsals wow tao making bun ears behind bunny king's head indirect kiss eww tao doesn't know what jm's saying but boy knows when it's praise whispers~ beloved umma-hyung of course, the pepero kiss 'tao who trusts and loves me~' tao deciding to take over the award show asdj clingy kitty ‘if only suho-hyung was here’ jm asking people to love and support injured tao mama trying to cheer up injured tao umma go awayyy tao literally falling into jm's arms covered in glitter look..they can't even stop being clingy during official filming hugs for baby when he fell jm: wow your face.. /touches jm watching a movie from between tao’s thighs. he even got a cushion to get comfy. look even their mascots were cute as shit That Look r rated play fighting jm: talking  tao: touching jm: tao help me  tao: but Im cute tiniest baby tao getting shy about jm's description of him tao patting sweaty umma ok insightful jm wanting to heal his sick baby fnfgj when tao couldn't attend jm got  cosy with his mascot :c jm stripping tao..thank losers accidentally getting caught on running man OPPA OPPA☆ of course jm always helps his baby say what he needs to say they're married and this is the most beautiful wedding photo wow (just kidding tao’s a shit) proudest mama myeonie trying to get tao to communicate after he was injured call him rap-tao that whispering..this started the daddy kink trend for these two Im telling u well that and this jm pinching tao's butt. tao: GASP jm protecting his baby boy neck nuzzles chu~ chu~ fnfhf tao stealing a dog from mcm and jm gonna buy it for him these boys cant even stand next to each other without being tender jm comforting emotional taozi tryna recreate lady and the tramp jm cheating his trusting son that dance..that dance tao just grinding away having a great time umma make it better :c this soft dom thing.. did u know they had friends they’d play basketball w ! also this soft dom thing kamehameha!! helping each other with stretches 👀 👀👀👀 more wholesome stretches guys they really did make out quite a lot tao heading straight into jm’s arms sleepy boy using umma as a pillow~ thank u jm for always keeping your messy kid clean neck nuzzles couple dance akjds tao hitting jm with mic and jm being very dramatic this is just pretty a brat tao talking about the sanya trip with his close friends+jm referring to tao even though its illegal now jm trying to translate korean to korean for tao jm trying to kiss baby tao at the airport literally one of the first times k & m travelled together this bab was clinging the first time they performed together 
+ a whole post of handholds
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morkjin · 7 years
11 Question Tag
IRules: 1. Post the rules. 2. Answer the questions given to you by the tagger. 3. Write 11 questions of your own. 4. Tag 11 people.
@cuddletuan‘s questions:
1.) If you’re a book/fic, what would be your genre and alternate universe?
If I was a book, my genre would be fantasy/action bc I love everything magic. But if I was a fic, I would definitely be a coffeeshop AU bc every pairing neEDS A COFFEESHOP AU
2.) Best nuggets in the world?
I’m actually vegetarian, so I would pick veggie nuggets or.... gold nuggets hehehe
3.) Do you have your own emergency stack of ramen?
I’m a college student. Of course I do!
4.) What do you want to eat right now?
Jinyoung’s peach ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
5.) Oldest Korean song (from a Korean idol/group) you know by heart.
Ooh, I’m actually very new to kpop. Probably JJP’s Bounce
6.) Do you have any pets?
My sisters’ do. I’m not allowed pets in the dorms :c
7.) What song are you listening right now?
Mayday by GOT7. One of my absolute favorites by them :’)
8.) What do you think of Tumblr?
It’s my own little space of comfort bc in some ways, I choose what I get to see.
9.) Is there anything you want wish when you meet the dragon Shenron of Dragon Ball?
Currently, I would say to let me be Jinyoung’s husband :) Sorry Mark! But probably a shit ton of money haha.
10.) Favorite Korean variety/reality show?
Idk if this is considered a variety show, but I do like watching Weekly Idol scenes on youtube haha. I especially love the 2x dance by got7 and red velvet (!!!)
11.) Say something about your ult bias.
Jinyoungie is everything that is precious in the world, and I am so glad he has graced the world with his wonderful presence
My Questions:
1. Who is your ultimate bias, and what do you love most about them?
2. Who is your second favorite member of GOT7, and what do you like most about them?
3. What color do you think suits your bias the most?
4. Which GOT7 song do you think deserved a music video?
5. If you were a fruit/vegetable, what would you be and why?
6. Do you have a favorite dessert? If so, what is it?
7. Personality wise, which GOT7 member do you think you resemble the most?
8. If you were able to meet your bias, what three sentence would you say to them?
9. Assuming you’ve watched Twice’s Signal music video, which super power would you want?
10. Which GOT7 album is your favorite album?
11. Which choreography from any kpop group would you like to learn how?
These are some BASIC ASS questions, I am so sorry hahaha. 
Since it’s 11 questions, I’ll tag 11 people. I would absolutely love to know more about y’all:
@bamethyst, @got7doubleb, @gothbambam, @jjbroject,  @jypnior, @husbandsjjp,  @itsprincejinyoungie,  @mark-i-pooh,  @mochimork, @tuanisanangel, @umma-jy
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apollodae · 7 years
Name: “Cuties”
Pairing: Ceo!Oh Sehun ( EXO ) x Mother!Reader
Content: Fourteen ( 14 ) and above
Genre: Comedy, romance, romantic comedy, life ( Ceo / Parenthood Au )
Chapter: Oneshot
Summary: Your son AhBao wonders when Sehun will be coming home.
Inspiration: A request from my drabble game!
Word Count: 993
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AhBao, your son, jumped on to the bed, his hazel hair bouncing on his head. Smiling to yourself, you sat down on the bed, gosh, your son was a literal sun. Who gave him the right to be so adorable?!
Since the two of you had just had dinner, it was time for AhBao to go to sleep. Staring at him rolling on the bed, your mind left the world. AhBao’s little gummy smiles, his brown eyes becoming crescent moons when he smiled, your son was the epitome of happiness.
“Umma!” He squeaked out, snapping you out of your stare. Looking over at him, you laughed to yourself, earning a laugh from him as well. “Umma, come pick me up!” He continued, causing you to crawl to him. Lifting him up, you sat him on your lap and ran a hand through his soft hair, earning some whines.
“Umma! You’re messing my hair up!” AhBao exclaimed, causing you to shake your head. “Bao, you messed your hair up when you jumped on to the bed! You’re exactly like your appa.” You told him, teasing, and smiling at your angel.
“Oh! Umma, you reminded me! When is appa coming back from work?” Your son questioned, causing you to shake your head. Pretending to think, you spoke, “Appa is going to come when you change your clothes! Don’t you want appa to see how you’re a big boy?” You answered back, your tone coming out soft and squeaky.
In truth, you weren’t sure when Sehun would be coming home.
With those words, he jumped off your lap and began to waddle– yes, waddle, to his room. “Umma come on! Stop being a slowpoke! Appa needs to see how I’m a big boy!” He yelled to you, causing you to quickly follow him.
For a five year old, he sure had a loud voice.
Catching up to AhBao, you lifted him up. Holding him against your hip, you spoke, “Your umma is not a slowpoke!” You spoke, tickling him soon after speaking.
Earning small laughs and no umma your so fast, you stopped tickling him and sat him on his bed. Going over to his dresser, you pulled out his sleeping clothes, which consisted of: a baby pink – very oversized – shirt and white sleeping shorts. Putting the articles of clothing on his bed, you chuckled when you saw AhBao began to get off the bed and begin to change.
He’s growing up, holy fuck. You thought to yourself, your eyes slightly watering at the thought.
How could AhBao already be growing up? Wasn’t it yesterday when you and Sehun walked into the adoption center in Shanghai and saw AhBao in his crib? Wasn’t it yesterday when he said his first words? Time had flown by, and your baby boy was already growing up and becoming a big boy.
Smiling to yourself, AhBao pulled his baby pink shirt on, the shirt reaching his feet, and tapped your knees with hands, wanting to be picked up. Lifting him up, you cuddled him to your chest. “Aw, look at my baby! Already growing up!” You cooed to AhBao, earning a blush from him.
“Umma! You’re embarrassing me!” He mumbled out to you, causing you to shake your head. “Nonsense! Umma loves her baby! Doesn’t Umma’s baby love her?” You spoke, playing a pout on your features.
Earning a gasp from AhBao, he shook his head and wiggled from your embrace so he was facing you. Putting his hands on your face, his tiny fingers squishing your cheeks, “Baby loves his Umma!” He answered back, pulling your neck to him so that you that the two of you were hugging.
He was honestly so adorable.
While hugging AhBao, the two of you didn’t notice the figure at the door.
“Wah, you two need to stop being so cute.” The figure– Sehun said.
Gasping, AhBao got off your lap and ran to Sehun jumping onto his father.
Laughing, Sehun picked AhBao up and hugged him tightly, before speaking, “AhBao, you’re getting so big!” He exclaimed, causing the younger boy to blush and smile.
“I’m a big boy appa!” AhBao exclaimed, smiling proudly to both you and Sehun. Smiling at the sight, you made your way over to your husband and kiddo, “That’s right! Tell appa about how you changed your clothes all by yourself!” You told AhBao.
AhBao nodded his head and began to speak, causing Sehun to avert his attention to him. In the process he began to fall asleep, causing both Sehun and you to smile to each other.
Sehun walked over to AhBao’s bed and placed him down on the bed, wrapping the blanket over his smaller body. Turning on AhBao’s nightlight, Sehun placed a kiss on AhBao’s forehead, causing you to do the same.
Walking towards the door, Sehun following suit, the two of you watched AhBao.
“I didn’t think you were coming home so early. Did you finish everything for the company?” You whispered to your husband, your (e/c) eyes staring at your son.
Humming in reply, Sehun spoke, “Jongin said I didn’t have anything left, so I decided to come home early. Why? Did you miss me, jagiya?” Sehun questioned towards the end, causing you to hit him on the shoulder and shake your head.
Closing AhBao’s door, the two of you made your way to your shared bedroom. “In your dreams Mr.Oh.” You told him, causing him to shake his head. “Really Mrs.Oh? Then my dreams must be coming true.” He replied back, causing you to let out a chuckle.
The two of you began to make your way back to your shared bedroom.
“You know it’s AhBao’s birthday tomorrow, right?”
“Are you still buying him that playground set?”
“Fuck, how do you still remember that?!”
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grain-of-sander · 7 years
Get to know the writer!
iFound this from @seriophi hey
Name: Sander
Nickname: Turns out “Sander” is pretty hard to nickname. Some friends call me Muffin though.  Zodiac: virgo Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff-Ravenclaw Height: 5'4" Sexual Orientation: lesbian Ethnicity: white Favorite Fruit: probably pears?? Favorite Season: autumn Favorite Book Series: Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo First Book Series: Little House on the Prairie or Warrior Cats?? Favorite Fictional Character: hhhhhh maybe Inej Ghafa Favorite Flower: bleeding-heart  Favorite Scent: I have no sense of smell for anything except popcorn, so umma have to go with popcorn Favorite Color: sunshine sunflower happy yellow Favorite Animal: sheep! Favorite Band: Of Monsters And Men Average Hours of Sleep: 7-8 Number of Blankets: 1-2 Dream Trip: Maybe New Zealand? Last Thing I Googled: A bunch of different but similar words b/c my mom couldn’t remember the word “edgy” and it was driving us crazy Blog Created: This one? Umm a little while I dunno. Blogs Followed: 50ish Follower Count: 20ish What I usually post about: Writing and art occasionally and sometimes my WIPs  Do I get asks regularly: No but I’d love to answer them! 
I tag @quilowrites @shaelinwrites @elliewants2write @koalamuffins @writebruh @isaac-lacey @gingerly-writing and anyone else who wants to do this! :)
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Cyclops Girl, Chapter 1: Week 3, Day 3 of School
First Sign: < DIFFERENT >
American Sign Language. Two forefingers are crossed, and then separated.
[Follow cyclopsgirlbook.tumblr.com for Cyclops Girl novel chapters and commentary.]
   A female teacher finished chewing on her pencil, reversed it, examined her clipboard, and moved the saliva-coated eraser down a list of student names. She paused for a moment and then began, "Miss Meh—"
   "Here!" The girl bolted upright. She had already memorized the position of her name on the list and stood immediately, having anticipated this ordeal for several anxious minutes. The girl held in her hands a carefully prepared prompting paper which she knew that in spite of the time that she worked on it that it wouldn't be good enough. She pressed her face close toward the paper in order to hide it from public view, but of course she had to keep it at a certain distance away so that she would be able to read it, and because according to the teacher, people had to be able to hear her.
   The girl's erectness slowly morphed into a hunching posture, and her straight black hair hung down over her cheeks and in front of her face. Her hair was short, the sides and back cropped traditionally to end at the jawline and nape of the neck, the bangs [fringe] covering her forehead. Her skin was pale, almost white but with a slight tinge of yellow to it. She had a torso that was rounder about and wider than average, almost barreled, not because of fat, but from a thickness and stoutness in the bone structure that was characteristic of her race. Meanwhile though, her arms fell weakly from her sides, lacking musculature and being almost tube-like.
   Her face was not pretty, but nor was it ugly, even though she often thought it so. She had a wide, flat mouth, that had thirty-two shining teeth, none missing, although the canine teeth were a bit larger and pointier than a normal human's. There was nothing wrong with her mouth. Over her mouth lay a small, flat, button-like nose with two wide nostrils that let in enough air for her to breathe. Her nose was good. And above that, lay, surmounted by a prominent brow ridge and surrounded by a large bony socket that protectively sunk into the middle of her face, one big eye.
   She was a cyclops, and part of the cultural exchange program for monsters and humans. As part of her writing assignment for her English language and literature class, she had to address the class, out loud, for a total of five minutes. She began speaking.
* * * * * * *
   "...In 1945, the Second Great Human War ended. The Allied Powers occupied Japan. That is, America, China, England, and the Soviet Union. T-Tokyo was divided between them and declared an international zone. Tokyo was handed over to United Nations control in 1964. In 1987, Japan regained its independence.
   Then, in 1999, the barrier between the human world and the monster world was broken. War almost immediately broke out between the monster nations and the humans. The next year, a peace treaty was signed. It was all just a big misunderstanding. Tokyo was selected as the place for a special mission for human-monster interaction due to its s-status as an international zone.
   Finally, in 2001, the first monster-integrated school was created. Humans and monsters have established better relations and are becoming friends. I hope that we can become better friends and work together toward achieving greater harmony..."
   "C minus. Next!" spat the impatient female teacher.
   "O-oh..." groaned the twelve-year-old cyclops girl. She had just finished delivering her oral report on the history of human-monster relations. From an already quivering posture, she sank down into her seat and hunched over her desk. Even the slightest hint of disapproval could throw her thoughts into disarray.
   The class continued with reports from several other students, including a lamia and two taurids, who each chose their own specialization for the assignment. The cow girl and bull boy sat on opposite sides of the room, the cow girl covered in a veil, according to the requirements of their culture.
   After the period ended, the cyclops girl quietly made her way out of the room, never first but preferably not last either. She wished to avoid calling attention to herself. As she exited into the hallway, a blonde-haired human girl yelled out to her.
   "Huh?" the cyclops girl responded, her gaze having been downward, but momentarily lifted in response to hearing her name.
   "How'd it go?" the blonde girl energetically demanded.
   "Oh, it's you, Stacy-san," the other recognized. "...Not so good."
   "Really?" Stacy asked phatically. Then a big, toothy smile suddenly appeared on her face. "Hey, are you free tonight? I got movie tickets!"
   "Eh? Tonight...? Sorry, I don't want to..." Umma replied, speeding up her pace and making her way to her next classroom, breaking with her friend unilaterally.
   "But it's your favorite..." Stacy whimpered, her words falling off as Umma left into the distance. Stacy had purchased tickets to The Invasion of the Body Snatchers (the remake).
   Umma loved horror movies, or at least that was what Stacy thought, as all of the movies that Umma had said she "really enjoyed" were in the horror genre. Stacy had bought the tickets thinking that this would be a nice outing with her totally best friend, but the gesture was not well received by Umma. Umma had already had other things on her mind; had already had other stresses; her English grade, and what happened this morning, among them; and for her, an outing with Stacy was just another complication to add to that.
[Follow cyclopsgirlbook.tumblr.com for Cyclops Girl novel chapters and commentary.]
   Umma tried to walk swiftly through the halls and courtyards, determined to get to her next class as soon as possible. But the student population presented an obstacle to her intentions, the mass being as chaotic as a sea. There was no regulation on which direction students walked, trotted, or slithered. So to simply get through a quarter mile, Umma had to do some of the most complex analysis she could manage. When she asked others how they did it, they said she should simply "go with the flow." She thought to herself, irritatedly, "Which flow is that supposed to be?"
   On top of the difficulty of simply moving, Umma did not like being touched or touching other people. In this environment, of course, the uncomfortable experience which she considered a crime was inevitable. Despite her best efforts to look around to see where everyone was, she bumped into someone.
   A second-year boy with a mess of snow-white hair backed up from Umma with a scowl. "Watch where you're going," he instructed her derisively, pushing up his light-frame eyeglasses.
   "I was," she almost shouted at him, having coincidentally run into him when she was turning her head back to look behind her for safety purposes. But he had already brushed past her, invisibly, and so she didn't say anything. As he left her, Umma felt a chill on her body almost as though she had been suddenly shoved into a warehouse freezer.
   The boy was Japanese, according to his school enrollment form, but he didn't much look like it. His face was long and thin, looking fatless, but without defined features, more smooth than bony. His eyes were peculiar. The whites of them were very white, so that they appeared almost glass-like. The irises were white as well, not the pinkish color that one would expect of an albino, but a perfect white, like that of a precious stone. His hands had long fingers that looked beautiful and almost feminine, but with a pointed seriousness such that one could call them claws or talons.
   Just as the boy left Umma's sight, he was accosted by a green-skinned orc in a striped rugby uniform who clapped his hand in an all-too-familiar way on the boy's shoulder. "Hey, Yuki!"
   The boy, Yukihito Tsurara, also called Yuki for short, glanced to his shoulder, saw the knobby green fingers, and immediately knew what this was about. "What?" he responded in annoyance.
   The orc let off his green hand from Yuki's flesh-pink collared shirt and tried to think of the best way to put it. "Listen, Yuki, there's a big game comin' up," the orc started.
   "A game, huh?" Yuki wore a shirt that was one size too large for him, on which he had fastened all but the top two buttons, so that his collarbone could be seen. The shirt was loose around the chest, but barely accomodated the length of his arms. On his long, slim legs were a pair of faded skinny jeans and on his feet were a pair of black, rubber-soled sneakers.
   "It would be real nice if you could be there."
   "Sorry, I don't really do sports. I don't like being in the Sun that long."
   "It's the first game of the season. It's going to be at night."
   "Sorry, I'm not really interested." Yukihito walked gracefully, one foot in front of the other, with a slight hip sway, like an old-fashioned lady, except that sometimes he would wildly shift to one side or the other, as if he was being blown by the wind or he was going to fall, but he would quickly correct himself up again. At times he seemed to move instantly from one location to another, within the blink of an eye, as if he had teleported.
   Meanwhile, the orc plodded along heavily behind Yuki at the boy's left side, sometimes having to break into a jog when he lost track of him.
   In the background, a squad of snake girls were ascending a flight of stairs, one of them clearly struggling. "Ah-yee, sistah, this scalin' don't come easy, walkas be crazy like. 'S like scalin' up a saw, innae?" The others laughed at her, covering their mouths with their claws, gold-colored bangles swaying gently on their forearms.
   The orc sucked his lip in distaste as they passed the group of lamias. "Yuki..." he pleaded, "Coach says that you have to be there."
   "What do you want from me, Claude?" Yuki asked, sighing.
   "Lemme put it this way, Yook..." the orc explained, "Ain't you was voted the Prettiest Boy in the School last year?"
   "Ugh, don't remind me."
   "We have to get some more girls in there. We know they're crazy about you. It's a publicity thing. Gotta fill in those seats."
   Even now, there were girls secretly gathered at the sides of the halls, whispering among themselves and trying to get a rare photo of the amazing Prince Yuki with their mobile phones.
   Yuki asked Claude sarcastically, "Would you pay me?"
   "I'll do your English homework for a month."
   An orc doing his homework. "I'd rather you not. The teacher might think that I got brain damage."
   "That's harsh, Yook."
   About this time, the white-haired boy was nearing his next class. He wiped his glasses with a cloth while walking. The two were silent for a while. Finally, they arrived at Yuki's lecture room. Readjusting his thin lenses, he confirmed that the room number was correct. As Yuki was reaching for the doorknob...
   "So?" the orc tried again.
   Yuki looked at the orc up and down, and then replied, emotionlessly, "I'll see what I can do."
   Pleased with this, Claude smiled an orc smile, with two bottom fangs sticking out. "Thanks, Yook."
   Yuki turned back to the door, but feeling the orc's presence, turned back to him, with an annoyed expression, as if saying, "You can go now."
[Follow cyclopsgirlbook.tumblr.com for Cyclops Girl novel chapters and commentary.]
   Claude excused himself and started for his way across campus. He had been in a completely different location than he was supposed to be, more inclined toward athletics rather than academic performance.
   Relieved, Yuki finally opened the door and went inside. As his hand left the brass doorknob, it left a coating of frost on the surface.
   Meanwhile, in the mechanics building, was the cyclops girl. After English, Umma had a lecture / lab class in "Human Machines," one of which demonstrated was a can opener. She took part in the practice for the can opener, even though she already knew how to use one. Thinking about the negative experiences of that day, the girl gritted her teeth and worked her strength into turning the knob, which had the blade crunch and cut through the metal until it ended in a satisfying "pop". A whispering student across from her complained about her making a fearsome face.
   After that, the daily announcements were made, and the teacher gave cleaning assignments. Umma was given the task of sweeping the halls in the mechanics building. While she was cleaning, three of the orc boys from the rugby team came by and started roughhousing in the hall. One of the boys slammed into the locker beside her. She froze and waited for them to pass.
   One of the orcs got a certain bright idea and ran up to Umma and grabbed the school utility broom she had been using for sweeping.
   "What are you doing, Pierre?" another of the orcs asked.
   "Oi, look at this, mate," the orc said, putting his legs on either side of the broom and pointing the handle side in front of him at an upward angle. "I'm a knight, lads."
   "Ay, look like right on Roland you do."
   "Chevalier majestique [majestic cavalier]."
   The orc with the broom then began backing up. "I'm gonna joust you, mate."
   "Oh hell," his friend cried in mock terror. The two orcs without the broom began jogging at a moderate speed, looking back expectantly.
   "Waaagh!" Pierre cried, charging at the others with his broom as steed and lance in one.
   Umma was shaking. In no time, the orcs had disappeared down the hall and around a corner, taking Umma's calm, and the only broom she had, with them.
   "What's wrong?" a voice said, coming from beside Umma.
   She turned, not expecting someone to respond to her.
   There stood a boy wearing a khaki-colored leisure suit and black tie, holding a trilby hat in one hand. He had a childlike oval-shaped face with almond eyes. That face was framed by soft, downy, light brown hair, which was mostly short but had two sections which were longer, which fell over his ears and down onto his neck. Over that face lay an idle smile, not of someone that was particularly happy at anything, but happy with life.
   "Cleaning..." Umma mumbled.
   "Cleaning?" the boy repeated.
   "Me... cleaning..." Umma tried again, louder this time.
   "Do you speak English?" the boy inquired, trying to be accommodating. "I speak Chinese too."
   "No," responded Umma. "I mean yes." She tried to make her situation comprehensible. "I was cleaning and... They took my broom..."
   "I bet it was those orcs, huh?" he guessed, not with judgmentalism but with an almost laughing reaction.
   "Yeah..." What Umma thought was, "How did you know?"
   "Wait right here, just a sec," the boy with the trilby hat said to her.
   "Huh, for what?"
   The boy had already walked off a bit. "I'm going to get you another one."
   "Oh..." responded Umma. "Thank you..." she muttered. But by the time she said that, he was too far away to hear her.
   The boy walked over to the janitorial closet, which was in a different section of the building. He tried the door knob, but it was locked. He pushed in and out. It didn't open. He looked to each side to make sure no one was watching. Then he reached into his pocket and pulled out two pins. He set his hat down on a nearby hall bench. Then he put his head near the knob and began working the two pins into the lock opening. It took him about half a minute to figure out the mechanics, and then he opened the door.
   "Really simple lock for this one," he thought to himself. After all, it was not a commercial lock, or even a house lock, and was only there for not having students mess with the supplies. The boy scanned the closet, which had a single glaring incandescent lightbulb hanging above, which hurt his eyes, and he brought out two brooms. Then he locked the door, got his hat, and walked back.
   Umma was surprised when he brought back two brooms. "I only need one..." she said, not understanding.
   "You have cleaning duty, right?" the boy responded, resting the brooms on a wall and taking off his suit jacket. His biceps and triceps bulged under his shirt, contrasting with his baby face. "Let me help you."
   "Oh..." Umma recognized, blushing. "Thanks..."
   "No problem." His suit jacket and hat were now rested on a hall bench, his jacket neatly folded and the hat on top of it. Handing one broom to her and taking one himself, he instructed, "You take that side, and I'll take this side of the hall over here."
   Pleased but feeling this was happening too fast, Umma stammered, "But... Your name."
   "Akechi. Akechi, Sumire."
   "Sumire? Isn't that a girl's name?"
   "Yes, I know," he said, smiling. "You can call me Kesh."
   "Kesh... Okay..."
   "And yours?"
   "Umma?" he repeated, hoping he got it correct. "A beautiful name, for a beautiful girl like yourself."
   Umma blushed. "It's not, really --" Umma tried to say, but she was interrupted by Sumire.
   "You get that side, I'll get this one," he said, reminding her of the task.
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   After that, they broke to their respective sections of the hall. Umma looked at Sumire intermittently, as if amazed, but Sumire didn't look at her, only staring at the floor and at his work. When he had worked for long enough, and was nearing the end, he wiped the sweat from his face with his hand, two gold rings gleaming on it.
   Before Umma knew it, they were both done.
   "Good job, Umma-san," Sumire praised her.
   "No, it's thanks to you, Kesh-san..." He had done half the work, nearly.
   Sumire aired out his shirt and donned his jacket again, putting his hat in hand. "Let me know if you need anything. Any time."
   Umma smiled and opened her mouth as if to say something, but nothing came out.
   "You go on home," said Sumire. "I'll stay behind and take care of these things," meaning the brooms.
   "Okay," said Umma. "Th-thanks again." She walked away and out of the building happily.
   Sumire returned the brooms to the closet, unlocking and locking the door easily. Then, when he got outside, he received a call on his mobile phone. The phone was a cheap, "disposable" black flip phone, one of the cheapest models at the store, its value contrasting with the clothes he wore. "Hello?" he answered. A man spoke on the other end of the line, in a voice too low for anyone else to hear.
   "Yes," Sumire affirmed. "Uh-huh." His smile disappeared and his face turned grimly serious. "I understand," he confirmed in Chinese. His eyes darted around. Then he ended the call and closed the phone.
   On her way home, Umma stopped at a local convenience store. She had expected to buy a strawberry cake there, because there was supposed to be a 50% off deal for the personal-sized strawberry cakes for that day, and she had been expecting it all week. But when she got in the store, they were all sold out. Umma frowned in disappointment, but tried to find something else to buy. While she was searching, a cockroach emerged on the floor. Surprised, Umma yelped and backed away haphazardly, knocking her head on a shelf for potato crisps and falling on her butt.
   "You alright, ojou-chan [little miss]?" the shopkeeper yelled.
   "Y-yeah," Umma replied, sweating.
   Umma tried to ignore the cockroach. After some time deciding, she settled on a fruit parfait which came in a little plastic bowl and had yoghurt along with strawberries and blueberries and some kind of granola mix on the top. It wasn't the strawberry cake that she wanted, but it was a good substitute.
   Umma bought the fruit parfait, thanked the shopkeeper, who was an old Japanese man, and went out of the store. Pleased and wanting to have at least a taste before she went home, just outside the store, on the street side, she popped off the lid and got the spoon out.
   It was just then that a primary school boy quickly rode past on a bicycle, splashing from the roadside motor oil in Umma's direction.
   The oil did not travel too far up, missing Umma's face. But it did stain her dress. Umma stared down at her newly-opened fruit parfait. The petroleum now ran over the fruit and granola and soaked into the yoghurt. Umma grimaced, put the lid back on it, and threw it in the trash can. Then she started for home again.
   After Umma got home, she went into her room, put on headphones, planted herself on her bed, and listened to Faith and the Muse. It had been a terrible, awful, very bad, no good day.
* * * * * * *
Second Sign. < SUPPRESS >
American Sign Language. A hand is brought down over the chest and closes tightly as it descends to the stomach.
   Earlier, that morning.
[Follow cyclopsgirlbook.tumblr.com for Cyclops Girl novel chapters and commentary.]
   Umma walked through a poorly-paved, half-dirt path on the outskirts of West Tokyo. A gunfight had occurred the previous evening, around 3 AM, between rival gangs of the Chinese immigrant community, the dispute having been over the rights for importation of a new shipment of illegally acquired antiques from the mainland. About 17 people had been injured, and 4 killed, the largest amount in the last eight months for one night for the municipality.
   A load of priceless jewels, jade, and gold had been burst open from their poorly constructed crates in the melee. After, and even during the crossfire, defending gang members attempted to recover their goods, stuffing jewelry and necklaces haphazardly into the back of their Ford pick-up truck. Cleaning up after the battle, they recovered most of it, but fearing spending too long and being caught by the Metropolitan police, they left a few items behind. One of these was a small, almost unnoticeable, yet very beautiful, black-streaked milky-white pearl.
   Umma had a tendency to collect and form an attachment to mundane, everyday objects that she personally thought were interesting, pretty, or sensorily pleasing in some way. As she ambled on the path going toward the train station, the item caught her eye, its perfect alabaster and ash existing in contrast to the modern gray of the pavement. Her steps quieted and retarded, she stared at the thing in small bewonderment before kneeling down and picking it up.
   It was rare, she thought, ethereal, although she did not treat it any different from the rocks she sometimes collected. It was small, albeit tangible, substantial enough, about an inch [3 centimeters] in diameter. She did not know how delicate it was. In care that may or may not have been excessive, she loosely cradled it in her virginal hands.
   The texture was somewhat similar to that of a chicken egg, albeit smoother, and it had the same weight as one, although it was much less in size. The dark streaks upon the light surface were long and wavy, seeming to have their own spirals and tendrils, with splattering here and there, almost like an image of a galaxy captured in inverse. Umma thought to herself, she would keep this, treasure this, and this would be her happiness for the day.
   She walked the out-road for a while longer, and as she approached closer to the train station, the signs of urbanization became more apparent. Modern glass-and-steel buildings adorned the skylines, and the hum of cars and rumble of street crowds were audible. Yet, the more negative effects of city growth manifested. The path came upon the slum quarters of the city, the last stop before the glistening paradise of downtown, although it was less than half a mile [one kilometre] away.
   Umma had become distracted by her newfound treasure, which had occupied her thoughts for a good thirty minutes before she gave in to the impulse to examine it in her hands once more. Thinking she knew the route well enough, she had not looked where she was going, and soon found herself in the area of city known as the "eagle's den."
   "Oiiii," an irritated female voice rang out.
   "Where do you think you're going, little girl?" said another.
   "Huh?" Umma looked up in confusion.
   "We said," an adolescent reiterated, clutching Umma's blouse collar in a sharp claw at the end of a feathery blue arm, "Where do you think you're going?"
   Umma's mouth opened and trembled as she struggled to say something.
   The assailant released her and backed up. Umma almost fell over backwards and tried to right herself. Two older girls, one with blue feathers, the other with green, now flanked Umma on each side. Gaudy jewelry including ear piercings of interlocked dangling rings was worn by one of them. A silver cross, a Western novelty, the meaning evidently lost on them, was worn by the other. They both wore loose socks, falling to and scrunching down onto the ankles of their scaly feet. They were harpies.
   At a slight distance stood a third girl, turned away, but keeping tabs on the situation, who wore distressed denim jeans cut off raggedly at the thigh of her thick horse legs, and smoked a cigarette. She was their leader, and a two-legged centaur.
   "What are you doing coming around here? You looking for trouble?" the blue-haired harpy asked annoyedly.
   "N-no..." Umma sputtered. "I always walk here... It's the shortest route to my school..."
   "Is it now? You must have been lucky for us not to find you up until now. You're walking into the territory of the Stregheristas [witches]. That's us, if you're slow in the head."
   "I'm sorry...?"
   "'I'm sorry?' Are you or aren't you? You make it sound like a question. Come on, Vinka, let's have some fun with this one." The harpy girl strafed behind Umma and batted the latter forward with the span of her wing.
   The other harpy picked up the idea and swatted against Umma in the other direction, back toward the wings of her friend. "Got you, Carla."
   The two thus played something similar to a game of catch with Umma's body between them. As this went on, Umma clenched her teeth and held ever more protectively on to the pearl which she still held in her hand, guarding it against damage more than she guarded her own bodily health.
   "What's this?" inquired the blue harpy as she pushed Umma onto the ground.
   The younger girl's hand went loose and let out the pearl, which fell earthward and rolled before settling. The green-haired harpy spied the object and immediately took hold of it. "It looks valuable. I wonder if we could pawn this for some cash."
   "Hey!" the blue-haired one objected. "I found it first. Give it here!"
   The green-haired harpy squawked. "No, I did!"
   The blue and green harpies proceeded to fight over the item, shouting at each other, "Mine!" and "Mine!" over and over again.
[Follow cyclopsgirlbook.tumblr.com for Cyclops Girl novel chapters and commentary.]
   "Enough, you two!" The centaur girl tossed her cigarette and stepped into the fore. "Give it to me."
   "Alright, boss..." the green-haired harpy reluctantly agreed, depositing the gem into her humanoid hand.
   The centaur girl briefly took the ball up to eye level for inspection, rolling it between her thumb and forefingers, then held it non-chalantly thereafter. "We don't have time to pawn anything. We have another deal coming up today. You two will get plenty of cash after that. Of course, you two wouldn't remember that, would you? That's why I'm the boss, and not you two bird-brained idiots. The best thing to do in a situation like this... Is to destroy it."
   "Yeah, boss. It's probably worthless anyway. It's probably a fake."
   "This'll teach her a lesson about going into our territory," the centaur concluded, dropping the pearl onto the ground. She glanced over to Umma, and not even looking at the thing, crushed the pearl under her hoof.
   "N-hoh!" yelped Umma as she struggled to breathe under the weight of the harpy's leg on her back.
   The centaur trotted over to Umma, the harpy moving aside to make way for the horse girl. The gang boss laid her hoof at first lightly on Umma's back. "Don't come around here again, you hear?" She then lifted her leg and struck down hard, forcing the wind out of Umma's lungs. "That was only half-power. Any more and you would have had your ribs broken." The centaur stepped off of Umma's body and made her way to leave. "Come on, girls, we're going to be late for class."
   The two harpies followed. "But we're always late anyways..." one protested.
   Umma sobbed after the three had left, her tears soaking the dirt of the ground. When she finally managed to stand, leaving the comfort of that patch of earth, she went over to look where the pearl had been. The item lay broken into pieces, which varied in size and lay splayed out over the surrounding dirt. Not knowing how to possibly bring it with her or repair it, Umma left it there. At first she desperately reversed herself, running in the opposite direction as the girls had come from, but then she corrected herself, and went toward the train station.
   Unseen to her, a dark cloud began rising from the fragments of the pearl. Concentrated over the most intact piece, a fragment of the lower shell which lay on the ground like a shallow incense bowl, a wispy black tower rose toward the blue sky.
* * * * * * *
Third Sign. < DAUGHTER >
American Sign Language. The arms are placed together and rocked over the chest.
   After school. Umma's bedroom.
   When it came to be late enough, and she had cooled down emotionally, Umma unpacked her bag and began working on her homework. This is the part of school that she enjoyed the most. Or, she thought, it had the least potential for a problem happening. The first assignment was a math worksheet. The girl got out her best mechanical pencil, and carefully but calmly wrote her name in neat letters on the top line of the page: "Umma Megaloculus."
   When it was about 6 PM [18:00], she received a knock on her door. "Onee...chan. Onee...chan [big sis]," came a voice from without, small but aggressive.
[Follow cyclopsgirlbook.tumblr.com for Cyclops Girl novel chapters and commentary.]
   "Oi, oi, you don't have to knock so much," Umma said, opening the door and coming out.
   "I only knocked ten times," her sister responded. She was a cyclops too, but younger, aged eight years old.
   It was time for dinner, Umma guessed. She stepped into the dining room to smells of steaming chicken.
   "How was your day, honey?" her mother asked, not turning to her but attending to the kitchen. Her mother was not a cyclops.
   "Fine," she might have said, but she didn't say anything, pulling out her Western-style chair with a squeak and sitting down at the table.
   "I made kateh [sticky rice]," her mother said, explaining herself.
   Across from Umma, at the opposite side of the table, sat her father, who involved himself in a newspaper, still half-dressed in his suit from work. He had a slight underbite that revealed two triangular lower fangs when he wasn't attentive to it. When he heard Umma sit down, he turned up his eye, and looked at her sympathetically and briefly, then returned to his paper. "Japanese President in Scandal Once Again" and "Prime Minister Unveils New Economic Plan" ran the headlines.
   "Oogie," Umma's mother requested, "Put that thing away. And get dressed for dinner."
   Her father silently complied. Oogie was her pet name for him, his proper name being Augebert.
   While he was away, the house phone rang. The wife picked it up. She was about to answer, "Moshi moshi? [Hello?]" but the calling code indicated it was an international number.
   "Hello?" a man asked in a heavy Eurasian accent.
   "Yes?" the wife responded, trying to remember her English. "Who's calling?"
   Umma's sister overheard from the phone, "Department... Family Affairs... Former Soviet Union..."
   As Umma's mother tried to finish the dinner, stirring pots and mixing things, she listened to a government official speak at length. As she bent her neck to hold the phone against her shoulder, wavy locks the color of burnt wheat fell out of her headscarf onto the milky white of the receiver. "Uh-huh... Uh-huh..."
   "What's going on?" the younger daughter asked innocently.
   Covering the phone, the mother answered, "It's about Grandpa."
   "Don't tell your dad. He would be sad." She returned to the phone, responding to the man again. "Uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh..."
   Some indistinguishable sounds from the other end.
   Umma felt too tired to pay much attention.
   "What do you mean?" The woman clutched the phone angrily. "He's my father!"
   More sounds from what seemed to be some kind of bureaucrat. "...Calm down, Demetra."
   "'Demetra'? That's Miss Chagani."
   The woman started speaking in her native Persian. The children did not understand the language, but from the sound of it, they would describe it as some kind of very fast yelling.
   When Augebert made his way back to the table, he had changed into a rough tan tunic with button clasps down the middle. This was a kind of traditional dress for his people after they had abandoned nakedness and wearing loincloths.
   Demetra Megaloculus (nee Chagani) served the meal, which consisted of a roasted chicken, rice, and an assortment of sliced eggplant, squash, and other fruits of the land.
   Umma's father resisted picking up the whole chicken with his enormous hands. He waited as the meat was prepared, and the plates made with rice and vegetables and allotted to each person.
   "Ahem," Umma's mother intoned, raising her arms skyward. "Let us thank Arimaz and the spirits for this meal we are about to receive."
   "We humbly take the flesh of your kind. Your fire, light, and thunder is with us, O Lord." These words were recited by the members of the table, most emphatically by the mother, monotonously said by Umma, imitated by the younger sister, the father merely nodding at the end of it.
   "How was your day at work?" Umma's mother asked.
   Umma's father further resisted touching the meat with this bare hands, remembering the fork and spoon that were placed beside it. He thought about the question, staring blankly forward, and then responded, "Same as usual."
   Augebert had been hired as a consultant for an electrical energy company in Tokyo, and so this had been a major reason for the family's move to Japan. Cyclopses, popularly known among humans for creating the thunderbolts used by Zeus, had independently developed their own knowledge of electrical science. When the human-monster relations began a few years ago, human scientists had been eager to integrate the corpus of cyclopean knowledge.
   After a time, he added, "There's someone there that's annoying me."
   "Oh really?" his wife inquired.
   "Don't worry about it." Umma's father looked down.
   The mother turned to the smaller sister. "What about you, Dora?"
   "Good!" she promptly responded, reflecting more of her general happiness than any specific assessment of her day.
   Umma stayed fixed on her food and near-silently grunted. She did not want to be interrogated more and waited, hoping it would stop. Her mother stared at her for a while expectantly, but eventually relented and turned to her plate. Umma pretended to eat, picking at her food with her utensils, but did not have much of an appetite.
   After dinner, Umma's father washed his face and bald head, then returned to the table with his reading glass and a novel for leisure reading.
   Umma by then had left already for her room.
   Umma's mother worked on cleaning the dishes, and then further cleaning in the kitchen and dining area.
   Dora was planted in her seat, bent over a stack of 8x12 [A4] paper and a jumble of crayons that was spilled over the table.
   Her mother continued cleaning, but occasionally looked over to see Dora's progress on what she was doing.
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   She drew a picture in crayon of herself. She made the background first, in what looked like the mall. She gave herself a pretty dress. She gave herself hair that looked like her own, short and black like Umma's, content with that. When it came to the face, she thought for a moment, then drew herself with a smile and two beautiful eyes.
   "What a nice picture," her mother said, holding it up. "But what about the eyes?"
   "Having one eye is ugly," the daughter responded. "I want to be pretty like you, mommy."
   Her mother smiled, but her expression soured as she thought about her daughter's condition.
   Augebert put his book down and grabbed the paper. He immediately understood. The cyclops turned toward his daughter and said, "You should be proud of your race."
   Dora lowered her head. She felt a mixture of guilt, shame, and dissatisfaction with her father's demand, but given that she was a child, she had no way of expressing this. She almost cried, but held back.
   Dora got ready to take a bath, although this meant having to consider her body more. Dora's mother and her took baths together, but Umma preferred to bathe separately now.
   Umma's father wasn't able to fit in the bathtub, and so restricted himself to showering with the extending shower-head that the Japanese-style bathroom was fitted with. For this purpose, there was a small but sturdy wooden table placed in the room, which Umma's father used as a stool for squatting on. He was, after all, over 8 feet [2.5 metres] tall and weighed over 380 pounds [170 kilograms], and would have broken any normal-sized stool.
   Dora and her mother scrubbed themselves off, the latter reminding her daughter to clean behind her ears. They then soaked in the tub together. Demetra sat her daughter against her chest. The mother's pillowy breasts lovingly surrounded her daughter's head.
   When the water to the bathroom was running, the pipes made a rumbling sound that disturbed Umma. This was only one of the sounds which potentially disturbed her, and one of the more mild ones. Other sounds included that of the motorcycle, and that of the garbage disposal truck [rubbish truck].
   Umma's bedroom may have been perceived as tenebrous and menacing to outsiders, but to her it was sedate and relaxing, utilitarian. The walls were gray. The bedsheets were gray. On the back wall was fixed a stainless steel grating, from which hung various small personal effects, including pink and purple keychains, and a palm-sized karakuri [mechanical puppet] doll of a young girl.
   Beside her bed stood a small dresser-drawer [chest] on which sat an altar to La Anciana [The Old Lady], a deity venerated in rural Mexico. Next to her framed icon were placed two cheap, short, glass-encased white candles. Umma made sure to light these candles every day at night with a stick from the hearth fire. Occasionally, the icon changed, but she kept up the candles all the same.
   Umma's white blouse hung in front of an open closet [wardrobe] which housed four identical copies of the same.
   Along the middle of the back wall stood a heavy, solid wooden desk, both elegant and fortress-like, Romanesque [medieval], which looked at least a hundred years old, which she used for doing her homework as well as doing her personal writings.
   On her bed lay a stuffed doll of a sheep, a gift from her father. The sheep was big and round and cartoonish with white wool. Albeit, on the tag, Umma had drawn the Sign of the Wolf, with vicious pointed teeth and a long tongue. Really, it looked more like a laughing black dog than a proper wolf. Sometimes Umma turned toward the sheep and thought it was making a face based on the lighting in the room.
   The only light in the room, other than that from the candles, was provided by a single lamp on her desk. The lamp was incandescent, because fluorescent lighting gave her a stomachache. It had to be incandescent.
   Seated at her desk, Umma entertained herself with a dry paintbrush that she kept just for this purpose. She felt the soft bristles on her palms... On the backs of her hands... On her cheeks... On her arms... It was titillating for her, but at the same time, calming, in a meditative sort of way. She made careful not to get it too dirty, because then it would have to be cleaned and then properly dried. She changed out of her school clothes. As she pulled the blouse up, she felt the rough fabric tickle against her nipples, which became erect. She had the beginnings of two small breasts. "I wonder if I should start wearing a bra..." she thought. She slipped her arms into a black hooded jacket, and then zipped up the front. She liked the sound and feeling of the zipper. So she unzipped it and zipped it again. Zip, zip. After she was satisfied with this activity, she got out a dark brown, faux leather book which was marked with a pentagram on the front cover.
[Follow cyclopsgirlbook.tumblr.com for Cyclops Girl novel chapters and commentary.]
   She opened it. On the first page, there was written in solid black letters: "If you read this, I'll curse you!" She flipped through to the next blank page for an entry. This was her diary. She wrote about her day, according to her current feelings. This was one of the few times when she wrote in ink. She promised herself that whatever she wrote, she wouldn't erase it. With a black nib pen, she scratched to her heart's content and filled up three pages worth. Then she put the pen down.
   She thought about closing the book and putting it away. But then she remembered something someone had told her, someone she called "sensei" [teacher]. If she wrote a diary, she should read back on the old entries from time to time, and compare it to the present. This would put her emotions in perspective. So she flipped back to an entry from three weeks ago. It was her first day of school.
[Follow cyclopsgirlbook.tumblr.com for Cyclops Girl novel chapters and commentary.]
Cyclops Girl, Chapter 2: Week 1, Day 1 of School
Fourth Sign. < FEAR >
American Sign Language. Both hands are splayed across the chest, and the mouth emits a silent scream.
   In a large, cold, tiled-floor auditorium gathered an incoming class of 240 students. On a stage stood a woman whose white blouse accomodated six gesticulating arms and from whose matte gray tube skirt extended two hard, chitinous, pointed black legs.
   The arachnid woman directed the staff who stood on the auditorium floor, as they worked to corral the incoming students into seating groups based on their gender, size, and body type. She communicated almost without saying a word, relying upon an elaborate system of hand signals that she produced in simultaneous and dextrous sextuple. Perhaps in order to better survey the audience, she occasionally paced upon the stage, and when she did, she walked with finesse, but making distinct clacking sounds as someone wearing stiletto heels, albeit these sounds being made with the ends of her own feet.
(To be continued...)
[Image: Night Parade of a Hundred Demons, illustrated c. 1750 by an unknown artist, now in public domain. From the Osaka City Museum of Fine Arts.]
[Follow cyclopsgirlbook.tumblr.com for Cyclops Girl novel chapters and commentary.]
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loveisyugyeom · 7 years
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Okay I’ve attempted to make a follow forever for quite some time now and honestly this took forever to make anyway?? But I’ve reached 1200 which I feel is a decent milestone so I wanted to make one of these to celebrate! :D I do want to preface though, because I’ve mentally said it over probably thirty times at least as I was making this that I truly am sorry that I’m the worst person ever at communication and literally I love to talk to anyone, but sometimes I genuinely forget and don’t look in my IMs for months on end and the next time I see it I’m like?? Oh wow they probably hate me for taking so long should I still reply?? Lolol, but yeah I’ll go ahead and do these but I’m gonna do the special shoutouts at the bottom ^.^ But honestly thank you and I love you to everyone who follows me and who I follow and I appreciate all of you and I know I forgot people so chances are even if you’re not on here I’ll still follow you forever??
@2jaekisses @agustdlightsmycigarettes @angelicseokminn @ariesluv
@ballsdeepgyeom @bambama1 @bambamismywife @bamjackson17 @bbakoomark @biniorr @blackboibravado
C-F @cryjeon @cutepimook @dinojaeee @dorkyaznaquarius @dsouls @floaty-glasses @forevertaehyung @fuckyeahchoiyoungjae
@got7-out @got7doubleb @got7editions @got7europe @got7ish @got7jacksonwang @got7official @gyeommiebears @gyeomsgrl @heartcarry @heidimk @huggableyoungjae
@igot7obsession @imjacksonsgf @imjaebumaf @imucholove @invincible-dreamerz
@jacbm​ @jacksonwangblog @jacksonwangism​ @jacksonwangpup @jeffreyfromcalifornia @jeonrps @jiminismysunshine @jjnyoungie @joy1607 @jxnginniebear @jypnior
@k-popeandofuerte @kp0p-whxre @lailice @lovutae
@magiccastles @maknaesman @markificent @memento-moree @milk-tuan @myangelbammie97
@newyork-minyoongi @nochuie @officialjjproject @overthemoonjoon @peachy-jy @pettyjinyeong @protectmarkjin @risekais
@seokijnnies @shinigamibutterfly @shy-about-you @slay-bum @smiling-yoongi @softyfor-sweaterpaws @soooldout @sugarplumjae @sunshine-stans @taeminniesmints @taeminning @tuanm
@ult2jae @ultkimyugyeom @umma-jy @welovechoiyoungjae @whatilikeaboutyugyeom @whyparkjinyoungwhenucanridehim
@yoongisveins @yoosugi @yougotmeyugyeomie @yu-gyummy @yubgam @yugalicious @yugy-uhm @yugyeomed @yugyeomish @yugyeomism @yugyeoms-collarbone @yugyeomssideprofile @yugyeomsthighs @yummyuggie
@jaedaddy - my sister and my best friend. We've always been super close and it was only a matter of time after watching got7 boyfriend practices that she fell in the pit with me 👿 @gelrps - omg we are both so awful at getting back to each other but I just want you to know that I'm so glad I got to meet you at Brighton and you're honestly one of my favorite people ever? It was so easy to talk to you infinitely and I hope you're doing well 💜 @imyugysgf - honestly I don't even remember when we started talking but I always loved talking to you cause we just always seemed to be on the same wavelength you know? We may not talk as much as we did but I do miss you! And I'd still love to talk anytime ofc 😊 @tuanpumpkins - there was a short little hiatus I had when I was just starting out and I still remember when I did come back you messaged me excitedly since I came back, and I had made that big of an impact at that time but that always touched me?? You're always so sweet too which is wonderful 💕 @jaebaeaf - my best friend of fifteen years that I have an obligation to put in here, she tried getting me into K-pop since exo debuted and I finally fell in late twenty fifteen, only after a year and a half after she'd shown me got7 😂  i’m very thankful for her not only on here but especially in real life, i don’t know what i’d do without her at times.  @okjb - omg you're an angel and always so sweet?? You've tagged me in so much that I'm afraid to tag you more cause I feel you've already done it?? I don't think we've ever talked too much but I have sent a few anons since I'm shy and you're always amazing. You're also probably one of my favorite blogs to ~~ (I'm also getting into winner too because of you tyvm💜) @ithadtobeyouforever - probably the first actual person I talked to after making this tumblr? I think you straight out cake to me and we just talked about got7 and you educated me on TVXQ/DBSK and I think you've said you're on twitter more now but I still can't get the hang of it but ilysm 💞 @voonbora - I've talked to you once or twice, but I envy you so much wow. Like I'm so glad that Bora has a Star1 like you that's been able to make so much quality content and I apologize for probably flooding your activity at times but you're in my top three favorite blogs probably so even if I haven't been to your blog in a while I always value all your posts 💜💜💜 @12lee​ - we don't really talk but you've been like tagging me in stuff since the beginning?? And I really appreciate it?? But for real you're awesome and I'm glad to have you as a mutual 😌
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music-et · 8 years
When Snow Falls EXO Baekhyun X Reader One-Shot
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It wasn’t his fault and yet he felt like it was. Now all his feels is sadness when the snow falls. Everytime it snows, memories would come back and tears would stream down his face non-stop.
Got this idea from my friends, so a special shout out to Allicia, Larra and Kiera.
When Snow Falls
Listen to Miracles in December: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVLxRXoLaas
3rd Person P.O.V
He looked out the window on Christmas Night as the first snow fall started to cover the street. Tears fell from his eyes as memories started to flood his head. Not so long ago he was in the perfect relationship, but if only he was there. If only he came home one minute earlier, she could have lived, she could have been right next to him, in his arms, tonight. The pain, the torture, the acceptance of her death are still tearing him apart. He was told to move on, but, nothing worked. It was all a dream that people hoped could happen. He hated himself for not being with her when it happened, only one minute, only one phone call, one text message could have saved her. “It’s all my fault. If only I was there, she would still be alive now. I wouldn’t have to celebrate Christmas alone, I wouldn’t have to hate winter anymore, I wouldn’t have to hate the snow fall anymore.”
Suddenly the door opened, he looked up and saw his best friend there with a sad comforting smile. “Hyung, gwenchanayo?” He asked. “Yeah.” He answered with a forced smile. His friend’s smile turned into a frown. “Hyung. You know better than to lie to me…You know it’s not your fault. She wouldn’t want you to be like this…” He said, he could see his friend’s puffy red eyes and the tear stains on his face. He walked over to him and pulled him into a friendly brotherly hug, tears filled both their eyes before falling. “I-I just, I just really miss her.” He said in-between his sobs. “I know hyung. I miss her too…I miss my little sister just as much as you do.” He said as tears fell from his face.
“I hate this! I hate winter! It took her away from me! It’s taken everything from me! She was my world, but now she’s gone! I can’t even see the beauty in snow anymore! Everytime I see snow, all I see is her. I can see her smile, I hear her laughter, I see all our memories. I can’t do this anymore…I can’t…I miss her…Please come back…Please come back to me (Y/N)…’ He said sobbing, each sentence grew louder before dying down to a pleading whisper full of tears.
He hugged his friend as tears rolled down their faces. “Why did she have to leave me? Was I not good enough for her? What did I do wrong? Why did God have to take her from me? She was…She was finally mine after so long…Everything was going right for once…I loved her…No, I love her…And I still do…I love you (Y/N)….Please come back. I’ll chang, just…just come back.” He sobbed. But all his friend could do was comfort him, he knew exactly why he was like this. She was perfect for him, the two of them were the perfect couple, they overcame so much hardship to be together. They sat in silence for a while before he spoke up, “Chanyeol-ah, do you remember when you first introduced her to us?” He asked. “Of course I do hyung. It was love at first sight for the two of you.” Chanyeol said. A flashback started to flash through their minds.
Listen to XOXO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGt9WjwcEJU
~Flashback Starts~
“Everyone! I was you to meet my younger twin sister, Park (Y/N)!” Chanyeol said. “Annyeonghaseyo! Park (Y/N) imnida!” (Y/N) said cheerfully bowing 90 degrees.
“I’m Kim Joonmyun, you can call me Suho oppa. I’m EXO’s Leader.”
“I’m Wu Yi Fan, you can call me Kris oppa. I’m EXO M’s Leader.”
“I’m Lu Han, you can call me Luhan oppa. I’m EXO’s Deer.”
“I’m Kim Jongdae, you can call me Chen oppa. I’m EXO’s Chencing Machine.”
“I’m Kim Minseok, you can call me Xiumin oppa. I’m EXO’s Baozi.”
“I’m Zhang Yixing, you can call me Lay oppa. I’m EXO’s Unicorn.”
“I’m Huang Zitao, you can call me Tao, noona. I’m EXO’s Panda.”
“I’m Oh Sehun, you can call me Sehun, noona. I’m EXO’s Maknae.”
“I’m Do Kyungsoo, you can call me D.O oppa. I’m EXO’s Umma.”
“I’m Kim Jong In, you can call me Kai, noona. I’m EXO’s Dancing Machine.”
(Y/N) nod at each member smiling and she turned to the last member only to see him starring at her with his mouth wide open. (Y/N)’s head tilted to the side cutely, confused, she waved her hand infront of his face. He snapped out of shock and turned red, “Um, I’m Byun Baekhyun, you can call me Baekhyun oppa. I’m EXO’s Bacon.”
~Flashback Ends~
“You were so star struck by her, you stared at her for the longest time.” Chanyeol said chuckling lightly. “She looked just like you, she was so pretty.” Baekhyun said turning red. “And when you finally asked her out and stole her first kiss.” Chanyeol said. “You were so angry. I thought I was going to die.” Baekhyun said smiling.
~Flashback Starts~
“Go ask her already Baekhyunnie!” Luhan said. “But what if she says no?!” Baekhyun whines. “Be a man and ask her hyung!” Sehun encouraged. Before he could respond Tao accidentally bumped into him pushing him into (Y/N) who only just came into the room. They both tumbled on to the ground with (Y/N) on the bottom and Baekhyun on top with their lips connected. Everyone was in shock when Chanyeol walked in to see his best friend pinning down his sister and kissing her with the members too surprised and frozen in shock. “YAH! BYUN BAEKHYUN! GET OFF MY SISTER!” Chanyeol exclaimed. The members held Chanyeol back and Baekhyun got off (Y/N), Baekhyun helped her up and both very red. “Baekhyun! Confess now! While we can still hold Chanyeol back!” Kris said. “Confess what?” (Y/N) said. “Confess to you.” Baekhyun said and (Y/N) tilted her head in confusion. Baekhyun got down on one knee, “Park (Y/N), from the moment I met you, I knew you were the one. I love you. Will you be my girlfriend?” He asked. There was silence before (Y/N) answered, “Yes!” she exclaimed. Baekhyun jumped up and pulled her into another kiss. “BYUN BAEKHYUN! I’M GOING TO KILL YOU!!” Chanyeol said thrusting about trying to get out of Kai, D.O, Kris and Tao’s hold.
~Flashback Ends~
Chanyeol laughed loudly, “She’s my baby sister. Of course I’m overprotective.” “And remember when she debuted?” Baekhyun asked. “Of course….How could I forget.” Chanyeol said.
~Flashback Starts~
“Oppa! Oppa!” (Y/N) said running into EXO’s dorm excitedly and tackling Baekhyun into a hug. “Woah! What’s wrong (Y/N)?” Baekhyun asked. “I’m debuting in a month! We’re filming the MV in 2 weeks. I’m going to listen to the song and learn the dance this week! Then in 3 weeks I have the teaser filming and photo shoot!” (Y/N) said happily! “Really?!” “Yes!”
Throughout the week (Y/N) was so busy with dance practice and singing practice that she didn’t have time to see her brother, the EXO members or her boyfriend either. But the end of the week she had recorded the song. It was called Goodbye Rain and it featuring Hyunkyu from Bromance.
The week later she was even busier filming her MV. It took over 48 hours to film as there was so much difficultly with filming the video.
Then on the 3rd and 4th week she was busy with the teaser filming and the teaser photo and in the end it was all worth it.
Teaser Photos: http://image.bugsm.co.kr/album/images/original/4401/440156.jpg (imagine it says Angel instead)
Teaser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMnYtjO7dlg
MV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_TRlWiqH08
Performance Version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ketV7tGfpBw
Her debut performance was amazing. The EXO members couldn’t come to the live show but they watched the live stream cheering her on.
~Flashback Ends~
“Her performance was so good.” Baekhyun said. “That’s true. She could sing and rap amazingly.” “I was quite jealous of Hyunkyu hyung though. He got to feature in her debut video and song.” Baekhyun said with jealousy in his voice causing Chanyeol to laugh. “And when the company found out we were dating and when we revealed to the fans, everyone was so supportive.” Baekhyun said smiling. “Of course! She’s my sister! Everyone has to love her.” Chanyeol exclaimed cheerfully.
~Flashback Starts~
“(Y/N), I want to tell the company and fans about us.” Baekhyun said seriously. “What?! Are you crazy?!” (Y/N) exclaimed, but when she saw his face, she knew he was serious. “I’m serious. I don’t like that other males can flirt with you and I can’t stop them from it. I know you just debuted and all but I think they should know. It means no more hiding and that I can finally tell everyone you’re mine.” Baekhyun said smiling. “Well, if you’re sure.” (Y/N) said. “Great! Let’s go tell me.” Baekhyun said and started to drag her. “N-Now? What about the members? What if they don’t support us? What if your fans leave you?” (Y/N) said as she was being dragged. “The members agreed with me. They actually asked me when I was going to tell everyone. And if the fans don’t support s, they aren’t real fans. Just let me handle everything.” And like that Baekhyun took (Y/N) to SM and told them the truth.
And surprisingly, the company was really supportive and the two told them that they wanted to tell the fans. The company agreed and a press conference was arranged.
“Today I am revealing to everyone that I am dating. Angel, Park (Y/N), is my girlfriend. I hope everyone can support her. I love her and no one can change that.” Baekhyun said. “Thank you.”
The response was crazy. News articles popped out everywhere and the fans, both EXO L and (Y/N)’s fans, Legends, were all supportive.
~Flashback Ends~
“I was really surprised.” Chanyeol said. “I know, but, afterwards, everything was so hard. We were both so busy. We were in Japan while (Y/N) was in America. But, luckily when we had time, we were finally able to move in together.” “She told me…She told me to be home soon. She was going to tell me. And I was going to ask her. Why does God have to be so cruel? If only I was one minute earlier, she would still be here.” Baekhyun said as his smile turned into tears. “It wasn’t your fault hyung. It was that accident.” Chanyeol said.
Listen to Promise: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBcR4OkS_tQ
~Flashback Starts~
“Oppa! Come home early today! I have good news to tell you!” (Y/N) said giving Baekhyun an air kiss and waved him goodbye. “Of course jagiya!” Baekhyun said.
(Y/N) stayed home as she had a cold. She waited for him inside the house until 6pm when he was supposed to be home. The house was getting stuffy so she sat on the balcony at but, she fell asleep outside, in winter, and it started to snow, she started to shiver in her sleep but she didn’t get up.
Baekhyun was caught up at work and when he rushed home he was caught in traffic because of a car accident causing him to get home at 8pm. He was about to pull up at the house when the wind started to blow harshly, strong enough for the car to be pushed slightly, and the snow started to fall harshly as well. He pulled up and was about to get out the car when a body fell from the balcony and before he could react the body hit the ground. He froze for a second before recognizing it was (Y/N), he got out the hurriedly, he phoned the ambulance sobbing, she was bleeding and frozen. (Y/N)’s eyes opened for a second as she saw Baekhyun, she tried to say more but only 5 words escaped her mouth, “I love you Baekhyun oppa.” Causing Baekhyun to cry harder, “I love you too (Y/N).” The ambulance arrived 5 minutes later. They arrived in the hospital 3and (Y/N) was brought to the emergency room and Baekhyun was forced to stay outside. 3 minutes after they arrived, Chanyeol, the Park family and the EXO members arrived. “How is she?!” Chanyeol asked. “I don’t know!” Baekhyun said breaking down. Chanyeol punched the wall causing his knuckles to bleed.
They waited 2 hours when an announcement was called. “Code Red! Code Red! Code Red in room 777! I repeat Code Red in room 777!” (A/N: 777 means heaven)
Their eyes widen, it was (Y/N)’s room. Doctors and nurses rushed into the room and after 30 minutes, they came out with tears in their eyes. “I’m sorry. We weren’t able to save her or the child. “W-What?!” “C-Child?!” They exclaimed. “Miss Park was pregnant for 4 weeks. She was frozen, she barely had a pulse left and from the wind and snow earlier, it pushed her off the balcony. I’m sorry but Park (Y/N) has passed away at 00:00 on the 25th of December in 2015, as well as your child. We apologize. If only she was brought in one minute earlier, she could have been saved.” The doctor revealed. “C-Can we see her?” Her mother asked trembling and sobbing. “Of course. We are sincerely sorry for your loss.” Everyone walked slowly to her room, but as soon as they saw her body, they broke, tears streamed down their face as a sob escaped their throat. They fell to their knees, some punching the floor while some punched their hearts in pain.
“Wae jagiya? I wanted to propose to you. I was finally going to ask you to start a family like you wanted. Why?! Why?!” He said.
The news of (Y/N)’s death destroyed the fans but mostly her friends, family and Baekhyun. Her funeral was held 2 days later, from thousands of people to millions of people showed up at her funeral, fans and idols/celebrities from across the world came to her funeral.
~Flashback Ends~
Listen to Sickness: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB0LatQ6zjQ
“If only I was earlier. She would still be here, her and our baby. I would’ve been a dad. We could’ve been married.” Baekhyun said crying.
The EXO members one by one entered the room, “Baekhyun hyung, (Y/N) noona wouldn’t want you to be like this.” Sehun said. No one could say anything was listen to Baekhyun crying as tears started to fall from their eyes.
Suddenly a voice spoke up, “Don’t cry anymore. Everything’s going to be okay.” They looked to see (Y/N) there with a baby in her arms. “(Y-Y/N).” Baekhyun stuttered. He tried to get up only to fall on his knees. “God granted me one last wish to see you one last time. It isn’t your fault. Move on.” (Y/N) said. “I can’t. not without you.” Baekhyun said in tears. “You can. Do it for me and Taekwoon.” “T-Taekwoon?” “Appa!” A young voice said. It was a baby boy, he had Baekhyun’s eyes and lips and he had his mother’s face and hair. “This is your son. I was going to tell you but I didn’t make it. I’m sorry.” “No, if only I was one minute earlier, I could’ve saved you both.” “It’s okay. Move on. I love you. we love you. and Chanyeol oppa, take care of him. All of you, take care. Move on, everything will be okay. Maybe…in another lifetime, we can be together again…Goodbye…” (Y/N) said and she and Taekwoon started to fade. “Wait! (Y/N)! Don’t leave! Not again! I love you!” Baekhyun shouted desperately. “I’m sorry. But, move on. I love you.” (Y/N_ said before fading away completely. They broke into tears but smiled as they got too see (Y/N) one last time.
They did as she said, they moved on but every year on her birthday and death anniversary they came and visited. But, Baekhyun couldn’t move on. He just couldn’t and no girl could approach him as they knew he love (Y/N), and only (Y/N).
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