#um… like hashtag oc lmao!! haha!!
ivynnnn · 15 days
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oc desifn from last night!!!!
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yharnamopossum · 5 years
actually u kno what i was gonna write prose tonight but instead i’m gonna vent maybe writing all this down will help me Get Over It lmao here’s some lovely bullet points for how gross and awful my ex is that people who still interact with her may wanna know before continuing to Do That:
let’s start with the incest!!!
i don’t know about y’all but uh. doing sexual roleplays with your sibling is fucking weird right lmao???? like i’m not alone in thinking that right?? she had a side blog that belonged to a “””friend””” of theirs but it was literally an oc, and they did sexual roleplays through this blog. like. no, it’s not your friend, it is YOU flirting with YOUR OWN FUCKING SISTER what the FUCK is wrong with you
who shares porn and sex toys with their sibling. who. WHO. THAT ISN’T FUCKING NORMAL. fuckssAKE.
i remember once her sis was having some, uh, reproductive health issues, and she fuckin described it to me in like aggressive detail, as if she’d seen it. like. why are you sticking your nose in your sister’s vag. no, that’s not normal. that’s GROSS. what the FUCK.
she once told me details of her sister’s, uh. private landscaping habits lmfao. 1, why do you know your sister’s grooming habits and 2. WHY ARE YOU FUCKING TELLING ME. why do you know these things!! who keeps track of their siblings’ fucking genitals & how they present them lmfao!!!
we once were gonna have a “date” (ie voice chat & games) and once the shit connects “oh tea’s here hope that’s okay :)” UM. NO? YOU GONNA INVITE YOUR FUCKING SISTER ON DATES? like how far was that gonna go lmfao. as if the fact these creeps were sexual with each other wasn’t gross enough, the knowing that if i’d stayed in that situation i probably would have gotten dragged into some weird incest shit is WORSE LOL. fucking CHRIST.
speaking of sexual shit that’s Not Cool that she thought Was Cool, how about more stuff including noncon and pedophilia!!
i had to CONSTANTLY remind her of shimon’s sexuality because she was always trying to make him more sexual than he is. maybe not a big deal on paper, but he is based on ME, A SEXUAL ABUSE SURVIVOR. no, i don’t like the idea of a chara i project onto getting pressured into sex by his boyfriend!! i don’t like the idea of his boyfriend forcing children on him!!!! she once, like, pointed out oliver would surprise kiss him for the first time, which HEY HELLO IS NOT COOL TO BEGIN WITH, but then when i tried to dismiss it with “uhh yeah shimon would punch him in the face” she went “haha lol canon!!!” LIKE??? YES SEXUAL ASSAULT RESULTING IN PHYSICAL ASSAULT IS GREAT!
also the time she made the punchline of a porn comic oliver sexually assaulting shimon lmfao. “haha he doesn’t want to have sex but he’s making him!! silly and fun!!!! hashtag they fuck lol!!!” fuck off
and it wasn’t just them, it was like. everything was SO sexual always. it was so uncomfortable!! like i get i’m kind of a prude but???
okay big one is like. literally she said nicko and cal had shared vows and were married and then cal goes off and fucks and impregnates someone else. cool! cheating on your spouse is cool apparently!!! but the worst part is she SOLELY referred to it as “blowing off steam” HELLO???? lmfao you really consider someone cheating on their spouse just “blowing off steam”??? this is your definition of it?? this is the character you’ve based on YOURSELF???
and that’s the thing, too. like all these violent and sexually abusive characters she said were based on herself. cool. neat. no wonder i was always paranoid about getting cheated on or getting beaten once we met lmao
cal also weirdly pressures nicko into sex and like. says a bunch of shit that makes him uncomfortable in fics and it’s all uwu cute~ in her mind. like. no. and the worst part is she’s so fucking dense she doesn’t even understand that the shit she’s writing is unacceptable!!! you wanna write noncon into your stories and ocs’ backgrounds?? fine! go ahead! it’s venting! i did the same shit with theo! but ACKNOWLEDGE IT FOR WHAT IT IS!! fucksSAKE dude
that’s all noncon and shit. how about the weird fetishisation of gay people in general lmao. i’m pretty sure i don’t need to go into this cus anyone who’s ever seen her stuff would Get It lmao.
OH I CAN’T BELIEVE I FORGOT THE PEDOPHILIA LMFAO y’all know she casually had a pedophile oc but never fucking mentioned it??? yeah! i didn’t know either until i literally started to kin him. she went into ludwig’s obsessions and shit at length before but failed to ever mention he first met nicko when nicko was a LITERAL CHILD. LIKE, UH, HEY, THAT SEEMS LIKE A PRETTY IMPORTANT DETAIL FOR YOU TO ADD DON’T YOU THINK??? you go on for hours and hours about how skeevy this dude is but you fail to mention he’s a PEDOPHILE?? i only found out about this AFTER i got wildly attached to him and redeemed him without knowing and started to id with him. thanks! fucking disgusting
what next!! how about violence & aggression
u have any idea how much it sucks to get triggered into remembering being beaten by another ex of yours cus your gf goes into excrutiating detail about how she wishes she could kick someone’s ass? lmao. it’s not fun!!! and she IDOLISED that shit; she thought violence was fucking cool!! hello!!!!!
she hated one of my best friends, and when i asked why, she said it was because 1. they didn’t say hi to her sister in a stream and 2. they didn’t get involved with drama when people started comparing her to them. i tried SO hard to explain how all these things were misunderstandings, but she refused to listen. i drew parallels to things that had happened to myself, she said that she could see the similarities between herself and people who had hurt me, but refused to fix it, instead growing distant. real good lmao.
in fact she hated this person so much she refused to acknowledge them but NEVER TOLD ME THIS so i kept mentioning them as my friend and she would ignore me, to the point where she was ignoring art and shit i worked for weeks on. real nice way to support your girlfriend! putting your grudges before her. fuckssake
and that isn’t even touching on how she just. Treats People. people like me! and the reasons i’m fucking angry. i’m too fucking Exhausted to go into all the shit she did to me and how horribly she treated me and i’m already crying and my chest is tight i can’t fucking think too hard about it right now but i would LOVE to tell anyone who would like to know so :^)
GOD i’ve given myself a headache there’s more but i’m just Tired my dudes i’m fucking Tired
does sexual rps & gets sexually intimate with sister
thinks cheating, noncon, & pedophilia are excusable/not a big deal
violent & forcibly sexual
holds grudges & is just generally a negative and rude person
whatever i’m gonna regret posting this i’ll take it down before morning but fuckssake dude
but hey! hmu if anyone wants more info lmao i’m livid!!!!
EDIT: CAN’T BELIEVE I FORGOT THE ART THEFT i mentioned this once before but jam’s also an art thief :)
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