#ughhhh. stranger things.
xxstrawberrybunxx · 2 years
Auctober day 2- infodumping
I love talking about my special interests and am always, *always* encouraging people to ask me about them. Also just love answering questions and talking in general...it's fun! That's why I'm doing this!!!
I've never had a phase where I've been masking to the point of restricting myself from infodumping entirely, I actually can't mask that well at all. At least not for very long. But I am pretty active on discord, and when I'm in a mood^tm I tend to jump from server to server talking about a few different topics at once. Mostly because I'm a bit embarrassed when I just, rapidly switch between topics in one server, and take up all the channels just talking to myself abt nothing. Cuz that's what infodumping is usually- I'm rarely doing it *to* someone. It's just kinda into the void.
That's actually kinda what I use this blog for!! Talking to myself. Infodumping about... stranger things. That's what I've been thinking about lately. And homestuck. And queer stuff.
One of my friends has a server I'm in where we just kinda have our own little spaces to talk abt stuff and I might be a little too active there, honestly. I have channels for a good chunk of my hobbies, which is a lot!!! Reviewing movies, talkn abt fish, talkin about art stuff, talkin about identity, talkin about plurality. And just a general infodumping channel for everything else!
I feel like I have a lot of information up here. In my brain. Too much information. And I'm constantly looking for more information. It's actually kinda surreal to be watching videos on a topic you've been passively consuming information on for years only to realize that you already know a good chunk of the things being talked about and that you probably know at least a little bit more on the topic then the average person. Like...weird medical stuff. I know a lot about weird medical stuff.
It's a bit weird because even though I certainly have a few special-special interests, like, yk, homestuck, I also just have mountains of hobbies and more "passive" interests that im honestly just as passionate about and know just as much about but the list gets so long I feel kinda stupid trying to list everything. "What are your hobbies?" Think of anything. Literally anything. I've either tried it, thought of trying it, or haven't/won't try it but have probably looked up a lot of information about that thing at some point and probably know at least one thing about it. And if I don't I certainly will.
That's on. That's on adhd.
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txxty · 3 months
madwheeler brainrot but its just this random image i found
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michaelnotwheeler · 11 months
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They’re all literally in my watchlist-
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rottenaero · 4 months
Thinking about how I have the opportunity to fuck with Steve Harrington having a good family in a work in progress.
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chirpsythismorning · 5 months
I Want You to Want Me is so Mike Wheeler coded 😭
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Me if I see someone portraying Mike as "dumb" once again today:
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No but in all seriousness, I really can't with that anymore. Yes I know it's canon that he has bad to awful grades (in season 4 at least), but y'all. He had more important things to deal with.
Like, maybe, his literal best friend since he's 5 years old and his first girlfriend moving out of town to fucking California. (I'm not even going to talk about everything he has going on about his sexuality and figuring out who he is, and also, by the way , if you forgot about it, his fucking depression--)
Do you guys not remember ST1? Or ST2?? Did y'all forget how much of a science and english nerd he his, how fucking incredibly smart all of the party is??? That's literally one of the main reasons why they were bullied in the first place???? Hello??
Mike's smart as fuck. Stop treating him like a literal idiot who can't even count to ten just because he's oblivious to Will's feelings for him (which, oh how surprising, is probably because he has no idea that Will is gay and most likely doesn't believe himself worthy of his love) and because of that stupid C in Spanish. C isn't even such a bad grad, especially for a teenager who's dealing with fucking supernatural shit, and confusing feeling, AND depression. Because YES, Mike is depressed, and NO, I will not argue with anyone about it because if you can't see it then we're clearly not watching the same show.
All of this to say, please, for the love of the universe, stop making Mike an idiot. I might actually cry if I see more of this bullshit.
Thank you for reading my rant, hope you're having a fucking nice time.
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navnae · 2 years
Steve still gets butterflies when Eddie writes a song about him even though he’s done it over a thousand times. The effort Eddie puts in to make Steve feel loved sometimes can be overwhelming because he’s never had someone do anything that special for him. So whenever Eddie shows Steve his journal full of lyrics he holds them close to his heart, it’s a refreshing feeling to know that Eddie loves him.
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uhavedemons011 · 11 months
I might be crazy but I’m not “12 year old mike wheeler fighting a dangerous bully because they made fun of his best friend” crazy.
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rotisseries · 10 months
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vivitalks · 5 months
guys i genuinely don't know what to do. my quirky little destiel fic which was already far too long to begin with now has a second smaller fic nested inside of it and somehow the second smaller fic is the absolute crackfest of this supernatural/tazamnesty crossover where dean lowkey hooks up with barclay the bigfoot and i don't KNOW what to DO. do i cut the scene. do i post it separately. do i post it separately but ALSO leave it in the fic. do i just pretend like barclay is an OC i made up and all the references to the fictional town of kepler west virginia are incidental. WHAT IS THE MOVE HERE
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yhrite · 1 year
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Taking a coffee break as I’m around halfway through a 30km solo walk of town
This caffeine ain’t doing nothing compared to the energy boost bestowed on me by the random dude who complimented my shirt in passing tho
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hoteadepresso · 2 years
ao3 shutting down for maintenance is one of my worst fears in life
i know its for a few hours, but am I really supposed to survive few hours without being able to read about my emotional support idiots in love??? rude
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andy4yippee · 3 months
Between the notes
( Short Eddie Munson x Chrissy Cunningham FanFic)
(Chrissy AND Eddie are alive AU.)
A/N :
This is fluff. I love them so much i'm gonna cry everywhere : )
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Chrissy Cunningham never imagined she would find herself outside the dingy old trailer that Eddie Munson called home. It wasn’t that she was scared—no, the events of the past months had shown her true terror. It was that she felt out of place, her friends, everyone, expected her to be normal again. And just a week or two later, they expected her to be normal. to be her again.
She knocked, swallowing back the nerves throughout her body.
The door creaked open, and Eddie stood there, surprise flickering in his dark eyes. “Chrissy?” he said, his voice softer than she’d ever heard it in the crowded hallways of Hawkins High. “What are you doing here?”
“I... I heard you play,”
“The guitar. Last night, at the Hideout. You were, uhm, amazing.”
Eddie blinked, a slow grin spreading across his face. “You came to see Corroded Coffin? Now that is a twist I didn't see coming.”
“I needed to get out, i guess." She laughed, "And- your music, it helped. It made me feel.." she paused.
"Less alone.”
Eddie opened the door wider, stepping aside. “Uhm, Wanna come in? I was just working on something new. Maybe you could help me out. You know, since you’re my new number one fan.” He said the last part sarcastically.
Chrissy hesitated for a moment before stepping inside, the smell of incense and old books surprisingly comforting. Chrissy found herself relaxing for the first time in months.
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"Im glad you came to see us. You know, I vaguely remember saying you should- months ago. before all the shit."
Chrissy smiled softly, a glint of white in her eye.
"Yeah, I remember that too."
A comfortable silence washed over them.
"Uh, How've you been since that?" Eddie mumbled, his tone cautious.
Chrissy's smile dissipated, and she let out a sigh.
"I've been alright. I mean, you're kinda forced to..act normal after. people just expect you to be OK."
Eddie nodded. "Ya, I get what you mean. Luckily, I'm not around a crowd of shitheads who don't believe in depression."
Chrissy let out a audible giggle, making Eddie smile again.
"Im sooo funny, I know, I know." he leaned closer to her.
Using her sleeve to cover her mouth, they stared at each other, both wheezing after a few seconds. Chrissy catched her breath.
"I missed talking to you. that time in the forest, it was really nice. Uhm, you're really nice." She bit her bottom lip to keep her smile contained.
"You're nice too." Eddie choked out, scratching the back of his neck.
"Hey, uh, could you play a song?"
she hummed for a second- thinking.
"Its far from metal, but it's my favorite one."
"Sure. name it, if it's pop, i doubt I'll know it. but, I'll try."
"Dreams. Fleetwood Mac. It's, uhm, rock? I think.."
Eddies head shoots up.
"I thought you'd be a..ABBA kinda person." He says, surprised. "Or maybe Dolly."
"But, Yeah, I know that one."
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They settle back onto the couch, the soft hum of Eddie’s guitar filling the air once more as he plays. Chrissy’s eyes drift closed, The beat always calmed her. The notes blend together,
In the quiet of the trailer,
between the notes.
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soohieinhergrave · 2 years
The fact that Finn is gonna be 22 when s5 comes out makes me wanna sob because
He was TWELVE. When this show started [sob]
S5 isnt coming out until like 2025 😞
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soniclion92 · 1 year
Are you gonna be my girl?
I was thinking abt this song being on Jonathan's now deleted spotify playlist and yeah...
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
Nora Felder when Goodbye Yellow Brick Road was used for the Quantumania trailer
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