#u kno das right
dnangelic · 10 months
btw how do u feel abt having the coolest url possible for a dnangel blog CUZ IT IS. SO NEAT
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funny story i was actually going to (or at least willing to) change it to match a friend's satoshi/krad but we couldn't think of anything that we liked together (also they're busy af/movin on from tumblr as a platform/hobby so it's mostly me clowning around actively.) dnangelic dot tumblr dot com preserved by the sheer fact that words like 'dark' or 'cursed' are impossible to grab ahold of... opposite of free real estate. were i a true phantom thief i would have simply stolen one of the urls away. alas.... my impulse url stays!!!
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ittybittybumblebee · 2 years
The tbh hamburger post keeps continuing to blow up like im not joking when i say its still gets like 1K notes every couple days i cant keep up w this agdfhdggjh
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guardian5tiger3 · 6 months
Waddup B) . Another general reading
Pick an album ! -
1 2
3 4
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1. Ice cube group
In da house!! Haha I feel like y'all in da energy of being bout yo money. Or the color green is significant. Shoot y'all might be about the green rn if u kno . This doesn't have to be a super conscious thing a lot of you either way though are in the energy of richness like that so you gonna be attracting money or it's because you're destined to be prosperous at this time or in the near future like that. For some of you it's because you're supposed to use that to help get rid of some form of negativity in the past some how. Others of you should consider getting a new pet if that will make your heart happy you know or confirmation if that's what u been thinking bout. Spirit wants you to make sure you're open to receiving at this time and in the future though cause some of you have an imbalance were you're a bit too humble maybe struggling with your own worth and self perception and this is making me feel sad so I'm really sorry and you guys need to maybe use your logic to conclude it's only the truth that you're a human with a good heart that deserves good things and anyone who ever told you other wise..... Is tripping like they're wrong and delusional and probably a hurt person anyway. If your childhood was bad you're manifesting a lot to replace stuff from all that time and make up for it and stuff and you all are just heavily in a deep great energy I can see y'all auras are mostly either green , blue and a very few of you purple. One specific person has some red. Make sure you stay in touch with your feelings though as I can see how the world might be making you a bit numb or you feel like a bit depressed actually when it comes to the fact that things constantly happen like , in the past I've been depressed and contemplated like how could it be that I have to drink water then go to the bathroom over and over again and it would wear me down thinking about it. It's good to practice having control over your own mental and perspectives ok. Just hella green and gold so wealth wealth money $$ . One love
2. Group KORN !!
You guys are winners in my book . I don't even know why I felt I had to say that . If you actually listen to Korn, while either way you got to listen to their first two albums you know... After that they were cloned for sure just saying . Ok anyway ...
You might catch something right in time whatever that might mean. This could be anything it depends on the individual, someone saying something, something falling almost, idk.if that does happen it must also be a confirmation of something. So I'm seeing a complete ending and then a revival. This group is somehow dealing with the general concept of time ... I'm seeing for some of you this is all past energy some of you right now some of you the future this could even be like way in the future ok. So it just depends . Someone most likely am adult male is speaking well on you and possibly other people you care about or can be related to yourself. This is looking good for your reputation and it might even be saving your reputation. U know what for a few of you this could be someone that's catching something right on time that's what that is for you . Something about something working and smoothly at that, or a job or you working with someone . This could be someone you know from work. Looks like they love you like they have love for you and a lot of other people , this is someone with a good heart even if you can't tell by their personality . Something's " falling apart " I heard and someone's getting away smoothly from anything affecting them . There's an energy of some type of trick being played or more so just an attempt at that. Maybe some type of verbal communicative manipulation. Maybe trying to convince someone to do something they shouldn't like join a group, sign a contract, say something wrong or that can be taken out of context so be careful but I see it being a separate energy that just has no place anywhere and is kind of awkward lol. I got 3 7's . Be careful of deceit at this time and moving forward. Especially regarding people's words and your own. People might be analyzing you or someone else or a situation . I'm getting almost like an investigation for some of you maybe a real investigation . Like the feds even. Especially if by the time you're reading this this as an older post. Holy f*********** I picked up another deck started shuffling and a card that says I investigation popped right out and a little magnifying glass I drew it's also an orange card like I d***n near wanna take a picture and show you guys. Strangely the other card I got is cult
So this is super deep in some way some form of group of people, big or small, serious or silly, depends on who is reading, has attempted to silence someone. I'm guessing a great majority of you it's you that was or is trying to be silenced. I'm getting the metaphor... If you can call it that this isn't even a metaphor I just don't even know I'm kind of appalled cause what I'm getting is that like if you like just decided ok this one needs to go to another life not stay on earth you know so they took something away and try to deprive them of something so either that happens or so that they do not have the energy , capacity, capability of being able to speak the truth but guess what that's the desert card and after that I have the wave card so not just here's a glass of water let's throw you in the ocean and let a wave roll over you ... Metaphorically for whatever you were being deprived of...... And also a card that says break through which also has rain in it :) . So this is gonna hit really fast cause of course that's the universes will. It's kind of like actually a miracle type of energy im even getting the word biblical and also maybe the story of the guy who parted the red sea or together is significantly sorry I should remember his name I read the bible 300 times as a kid haha. But, you guys this is really good the final two cards are the ace of sword , y'all know that's the truth, and four of pentacles so I feel in my heart chakra specifically a sense of calm and that everything is gonna be set right and you'll be feeling good and a there's a good amount about stability. Maybe church is significant to someone. Or a house of worship I don't know. Or a house in general too for some of you. Or a bulldozer ..? Also substantial evidence for a very few of you .
3. No Doubt !!!!
You guys might be family oriented, live with your family, I can pick up on some people's energy of a kind of busy household maybe the sound of pets nails on a hard floor (cute I miss that with having dogs )
Do not drink any open drinks at this time whoever I'm talking to you wouldn't expect this either you trust someone who would do something or you wouldn't expect it of the brand...or something I don't know I don't want to make anyone paranoid just keep your drink on you in your sight or drink unopened ones you know . I can also sense baked chicken I think or grilled you know when it's not fried or anything though ?? You think someone is loyal to you also if you have a dog this is significant. Im getting calm energy somewhat I think spirits around you are in that and trying to stay around you and have that energy around you :) honestly someone around you might be dangerous this isn't a matter of you getting paranoid this would , if it is true for you, be a matter of you coming to terms with something you've probably had hints about for a prolonged period. Maybe since you were young or it's multiple people even for someone else that this also resonates for. Y'all feel really cool like you investigate things kind of like a mystery vibe it's dope . Rainy days and cabins maybe you can dig that or that's what you give other people if they can read energy well. The things you might be into or interested in in the past too might be significant and spirit considered it to have been or be technically research y'all are really smart don't let anyone block you or stop you from anything ? . For real. Yep y'all are super cool and a smaller group y'all might have anxiety or any big or small issue you should practice breathing exercises. You know I make tea and breath in the air when it's hot it also helps asthma or I placebo that for myself but either way it's nice haha. I'm feeling like my brains working faster you guys are really sharp you might also like caffeine lol me too. You guys are so dope you're like putting together a puzzle or intuitively trying to figure something out and you will this is kind of a destiny situation like I can feel in my heart you guys are just the dopest but seriously w really intelligent pile I feel that something is time restricted , destiny, everything youre supposed to get to and have happen and do and it feels super fast paced and so do you , even if u don't notice cause youre used to it. You also feel like you avoid really negative things as easily as a ghost can avoid a human. Better days a head too even. Your bed is significant somehow . One thing I'll note is you may have to, and if so should sooner than later deal with any negative ideas ever put in your mind about yourself make sure you heal your heart and mind . You're moving so damn fast . Your soul has a PLAN . Like, a mission dudes. It'll all make sense in the end I suppose. Keep going 💯💯💯
4 . The Maiden !!!!!
I feel like you guys have some good philosophy or mentalities in life like you know how to and when to go with the flow. Like picture floating down a river and it's to chill out then you're like alright now I gotta get up and out cause there's a rock that will hit me in three feet. Your intuition might make stuff easier . Sometimes your intuition might surprise you or it would if you pay attention you know. You may get a bit frustrated because you don't get to straight up know the future lol I can relate. To. That.
The movie ice age might have something to do with something or if you remember watching it at any point maybe the memory is significant??,
Or someone you remember watching it with for someone. The universe wants to give you what you want and need but you already seem like a generally content soul just with like yourself existing I noticed from the start this is a super chill group . You guys definitely see danger before it comes. Breathing exercises to the point of deep relaxation might be helpful. You're just not supposed to consciously know the future though I'm not sure why but I guess it would technically like by law mess it up possibly . Remember to be calm , at peace when doing any form of work but also remember work is play deep down just like deep down we're still the kids we once were when we were young , which is a good way to realize every person is not so different and I was going to say also that you should maybe focus somewhat on your relations with other people and your social interactions. Just to sharpen your social skills I guess. There looks like there's chaos around you but I don't see it touching you so you're good . Mellow vibes just enjoy the moment and work on patience and stuff maybe. Working would be beneficial you might get joy out of that even if it's building something or it could even be playing in the woods, going to the store, but I am also getting to go play outside and they want me to say like play like you could go pick up a stick and start digging in the dirt hell kinda sounds like fun . Peace and rock on .
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I wondered if people back home would ever know what it cost the soldiers to win this war. In America, things were already beginning to look like peace time. The standard of living was on the rise, race tracks and nightclubs were booming. You couldn't get a hotel room in Miami Beach, it was so crowded. How could anyone ever know of the price paid by soldiers in terror, agony, and bloodshed if they'd never been to places like Normandy, Bastogne, or Haguenau? reconcile the fact that Nixon followed Winters from OCS to the paratroops, that they were two officers born in the same year amongst a company of mostly 18-year old baby boys, that Winters was so impressed at Nixon getting him the support and ammo he needed at Brecourt and so flattered when Nixon asked him to give a lecture on leadership to the incoming officers after D-Day that he had to write in his memoir about how that 'cAuGhT mY AtTenTion', that immediately after Winters explains how you can't let yourself succumb to emotion at the loss of men while you're on the front-- lapses in his incredibly professional and technical recollection of the war to say that had he lost Nixon to that bullet to the helmet in Holland, that THAT WOULD BE HIS ONE EXCEPTION, that everyone went on leave to Paris and who knows where but Winters and Nixon were the only two officers spending their night on base together right before the news that the Ardennes offensive had broken through??????, that Nixon gave up his blessed leave to the States to stay on the front in Bastogne and help, oh I dunno, the general war effort I guess??, and not a singular, daily-shaving, suffering-in-silence 2nd Battalion XO????, that Winters unintentionally described Nixon's alcoholism as "BEAUTIFUL" because it meant Winters would watch over everything during the day while Nixon would watch over things for him during the night and that they were essentially a military match made in heaven (it's! on! record! the voice clip!! is out there!!!), that Winters looked at this stupidly handsome, post-demotion alcoholic on VE-Day and said.... u kno wat.... here's some more of the stuff..... i saved it all under special guard duty just 4 u.......enjoy......"bro"......., that Nixon was COMPELLED !!! COMPELLED !!!! to drag this guy's butt back home to Jersey with him after the war, that years after the show when Ron Livingston was asked what his favorite scenes to shoot/watch were, he brought up previously mentioned moment and describes loving the bromance aspect of it, and has the AU-DA-CI-TY to liken the tension in it to when you're "INVITING THE GIRL TO PROM" (?!?!?!?! his words!!! not mine!!!), that Winters was Nixon's best man AND gave the eulogy at his funeral, THAT--
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wishuroses · 1 year
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scullymaxxing · 3 months
the real x files
is were they fuckin.
and from my hours of research, scouring countless delusional pro-g*llovny internet users, i can say that you all would make shit detectives. specifically the g*llovny blogs that compare pictures of DA and DD's kids and try to argue that they've have some secret elaborate 30 year long relationship?? theyre not actually the characters they portray, u guys kno that right? right??
ok good.
so basically...
i think DD and GA hooked up in the beginning of filming, before they knew they have to see each other for the next decade (link to website). and then obviously by the time GA was pregnant (beginning of 1993) she was with Klotz. theres a reason most of the msr gifs are from the first few seasons...
Her and Klotz divorced the same year DD and Tea Leoni got married, 1997. The 1997 golden globes (u know the one), was in january.
DD and GA's "dark period" was a year later, 1998, and i feel like they could have regressed in between the time of her divorce and his marriage (this slightly dubious interview from 2002 with GA claims just that) (context: interview transcript with GA, allegedly translated from an italian paper in 2002. even discounting this source, it is not implausible, but definitely left to speculation). they were also filming the movie around 1997-1998, and im certain that they were around each other more than their partners at the time.
given that a lot of the DDGA confirmed sources are from magazines, im gonna agree with the claim that DDGA was kind of not that secret at the time, as well as a marketing ploy. anything they said or did in 2008, 2013, 2016-2017 was fully marketing idc. the revival era interviews (including 2008 in this era) do show different stages of DD and GA reflecting on their relationship which is insightful and there are countless interviews where GA kind of hints to stuff, but they were all promos for x files (interviews linked below the cut). they certainty fan the flame, though. and while i am certain it was not by design, their chemistry in the first season, whatever the catalyst may have been, was a saving grace of the show.
the Industry
also, i dont think g*llovny shippers on the Celibacy Website have a realistic grasp on the television/film industry or the business of marketing and publicity. luckily, i go to a college full of people who do just that, and let me tell u, actors fuck each other all the time, and i dont think sex was necessarily sacred or all that deep for either of them... (as with most actors,,, have you ever met a film kid??)
some potential drama given this analysis that i think about:
did GA get with Klotz to make DD jealous, or to move on? or both? GA and DD had a "professional" relationship until her divorce? and then post-divorce was when shit got real...
i also think a big reason to deny the relationship (besides, like the right to privacy as a human being), is because of their timing,,, like she was married and had a kid by the end of 1994, what good would admitting to an affair during that time bring? i dont think DD is the father or anything, but i think even admitting it given the timing would have cast messy implications on DD, GA, Klotz, and/or her daughter.
did DD marry Tea after hooking up with GA in 1997 as an apology and commitment to her, or to move on? the timing is odd if that one dubious excerpt is to be believed, but even without it, it would provide plausible context concerning the catalyst of the Dark Times.
there is the detail that DD and GA announced their divorces on each other's birthdays, which is... a crazy coincidence.
i NEED to know about the "dark times"... i literally can not imagine Hating someone and then being able to look deeply into their eyes. i need to see bloopers or something.
overly specific timeline with sources below the cut (i never said i wasnt as thorough or meticulous as g*llovny shippers, i just said theyre dillusional)
1992: CC writes the pilot, it is picked up by Fox, DD and GA meet at auditions.
sept 10, 1993: s1e1 pilot airs. we can assume they have been filming since or shortly after auditions. They would have known each other and been shooting for at least a few months by the time the pilot aired.
1994: This clip from Entertainment Tonight that i suspect was filmed around the time they were filming S1, in 1993. DD: "ive spent more time with gillian than anybody in my whole life... so, you know, it’s.. you know, you gotta be careful.. somebody could get hurt." GA mouths "me." the whole time GA is trying to suppress some mixed but kind of revealing facial expressions. idk u gotta watch it, but it looks very early on in the series, and is the type of banter that people trying to convince themselves not to fuck engage in.
sept 1994: Gillians daughter is born. Giving them the benefit of the doubt, they probably werent fucking for about nine months before this.nine months before sept would have been around december 1993 by the most liberal of estimates
so they essentially had from whenever they met in 1992 until around the end of 1993, though GA probably would have been with Klotz for a few months before she got pregnant around the beginning of 1994
1994-1995 Interview: (sometime during season 2 filming, post pregnancy): In an interview, around the 8 min mark, GA: "at the beginning we [her and DD] started out very close, and, um, as you work together... things change a little bit. we have a very professional relationship, very business orientated."
post-2003: there are countless interviews with GA where she sloppily evades the questions. 2008 jimmy kimmel interview , 2009 interview , 2014 interview GA: “maybe... there might even be more than an attraction.. but it’s not gonna happen”
personal psychoanalysis of strangers, by a stranger
2003: in a BBC produced podcast recorded around 2003, GA talks about having lethal depression as a teen and engaging in rebellious/self sabotaging behaviors while in the US. (honestly, it makes sense why scully resonated with queer emos, GA was one!)
1999: excerpt where GA describes her attraction to “dangerous” (ie toxic, avoidant, noncommittal) men and DD definitely fits the bill.
GA’s dating and marriage history is kinda crazy and impulsive in retrospect. of course i know she wasn’t thinking about that as she was living her life but, she makes wild moves.
GA was also so so young and new to the industry. Hollywood is infamous for its coercive business tactics and Gillian sure knows how to play the game. (the crown) or "bc the director liked her".
2008: DD sex addiction. and he probably thought with his dick and had very lose ideas about relationships for years before he came out with the addition. (like maybe 10 or 20 years of giving into the same self sabotaging behavior patters) tbh he 100% fits the fuckboy profile, he was just a Man in the 90's and none of the gen-z g*llovny sh*ppers are used to seeing a Classic Fuckboy.
u guys guys see too much mulder in DD. DD is an intelligent, rich, NYC jew who went to TWO ivy league schools.... youre a young, handsome, educated actor who just got signed onto his first pilot... thats gotta make a man bold and impulsive.
at present, he is a rich boomer podcaster engaged to someone less less than half his age who looks like a guy who would call me a slur in the street. DD isnt the clever, witty, crimefighting mulder or hank moody or any of his charming characters, hes literally just some guy. same goes for GA, shes just a rich white lady...
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bluetorchsky · 6 months
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"Hey guys!" Aidan shouted as he stepped inside the ArcCoil room. "Special delivery for some very special people!"
"Hello Aidan!" Violin called back, as he and Accordion walked out of their bedroom with their twins in their arms. He raised an eyebrow as the young Toppat set out a woven basket on a table in front of the family. The top of the basket was lined with crinkly pastel colored paper and covered in multi-colored paper confetti, hiding something underneath. "What's this all about?" He asked as he held his son, Florence, in his arms, rocking him gently as the baby made spitting noises and giggled.
"I don't think we were supposed to be receiving any packages from anyone." Accordion added as he shifted his daughter, Aurelia, in his arms. The little girl was playfully hitting her father's arm, laughing as she was moved from one side to the other. She and her twin brother still had their mitts on when they were woken from their afternoon nap, to prevent themselves from hurting their hands as they slept.
The young Irish Toppat chuckled and rubbed his hands together. "Then consider this a surprise delivery!" He said before he reached into the basket and pulled two items out, each of them resting in both of his hands. "Ta-da! Happy Easter!"
In his hands were two large eggs wrapped with a blue and red ribbon respectively. The one with the blue ribbon was painted red with different hues of blue decorating it in a polka dot style. The second egg that had the red ribbon was painted in blue and had different red hues wrapping around it in a stripes style.
Violin gasped and smiled. "Aidan, these are beautiful! Did you make these yourself?"
"Sure did! Had some help from Scottie and their new apprentice, Eden! Took a bit to find the right ones but–"
"Hm? Hold on, Aidan." Accordion interrupted as he looked down at Aurelia with a frown. "Sweetie, what's wrong?"
Both Aurelia and Florence were starting to squirm in each of their father's arms, trying to remove their mitts while reaching out towards the eggs in Aidan's hands. Accordion clicked his tongue and held his daughter closer to him.
"No, no, dears. You're both not yet strong enough to hold those eggs." Accordion with a small chuckle as he tried to make her comfortable in his grip. "Don't worry, we have your toys in the basket over there–"
The twins didn't listen and instead spat out their pacifiers, the plastic objects falling and bouncing on the carpeted floor as the twins once again reached out for the eggs and said–
The room fell silent only for a few seconds before the twins started blabbering in their own little language, smiles on their chubby cheeks as they repeated their first words, Da-da and Pa-pa.
Aidan's amber eyes literally sparkled, laughing along with the twins. "Wow, their first words! This is grand!" He said before looking up his mentors. "I mean they were both different but similar in a way–Are you both okay?"
Accordion and Violin hadn't paid attention to Aidan, as they had turned their children around to face them, tears already leaking down their eyes like a rapid river. They both didn't say anything, lips trembling into a smile.
"Their...Their first words were-were u-us..." Violin stuttered, trying to keep his composure as he pressed his wet cheek against Florence's head, sniffling. "O-Ollie...Ollie!"
Accordion was no better, at a loss for words as he stared at Aurelia with a proud look on his face as he wept "I-I kno-know, Tre-Tre..." He said with a slight tremble in his voice. "I-It's...amazing..."
The twins tilted their heads in confusion as they watched their dads cry, while Aidan shook his head and chuckled. "Aye, I can't blame them..." He said quietly before he noticed something between the twins.
Both Aurelia and Florence looked at each other before looking back up at their dads with smiles on their faces. They both reached up and patted their dads' wet cheeks with their mitts, remembering how their dads did this with each other when they were sad, and giggled.
This caused both Accordion and Violin to both cry loudly, their tears hitting the wooden table in a happy but wet sounding pattern. They held their children close, whimpering and crying joyfully while Aidan just crossed his arms with a soft smile, letting the dads have their moment with their children.
After a few minutes, Accordion and Violin were sitting on the couch, calling up Alex and Eric to tell them what happened excitement vibrating throughout their bodies. As they did, Aidan sat on a pink fluffy oval rug with the twins sitting in-between his legs. He smiled at them and held up each of the eggs in his hands once more.
"Okay, tell me again who they remind you of." Aidan said to them, showing the eggs to the twins before holding them higher so they wouldn't try to grab them. "Come on now!"
Both Aurelia and Florence laughed as they tried to grab the eggs while scooting on their butts. "Da-da! Pap-pa!" They both shouted, kicking their legs happily and laughing adorably.
Aidan laughed, letting the babies try and climb over his legs to move around some more. "Brilliant! Just brilliant you two."
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I didn't realize that Transgender Day of Visibility also fell on Easter, so this is a little something I added. Aidan is explaining to his two little siblings what the Transgender and Non-binary flag mean, since their Papa Violin is Transgender (FTM) and their sibling Zephyr is Non-binary, with she/they pronouns. I believe there is a specific date for the International Non-Binary Day of Visibility (July 14) but I needed another flag for the second egg so yeah.
At least I got this out in time Have a little something extra, just to show the dads' reaction to their babies' first words:
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(They about to smooch their kiddos cause they love them oh so damn much, haha. Aidan just hopes they don't go overboard like they usually do)
Mention of Scottie Anderson and Eden Orchard belong to @jaytoons7
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stunie · 18 days
seein’ u enjoy hsr n’ post updates makes me so giddy teehee ^_^ am so excited for when u go to da next planet n’ see all da characters there ( esp my husband he’s literally so gorgeous ! bawwwtttt i shall nawt spoil anythin’ in case ur in the unknowin’ of those characters ! >///< ) !¡ i fink u’ll luv it bawt i do have a question ! who are ur top 5 favs currently ? :3 i kno u said u like ‘em all equally bawt c’monnn . . . surely there’s a couple u like just a wittle moar than da rest of dem all :3
hiihii kadyy aaaaa you’re so cute omg 🥺 good morning !!!! I THINK I WAS TOLD THE NEXT PLANET THING has aventurine ?!?!?? im pretty sure but i might have forgotten > < IM EXCITED TO MEET UR HUSBAND AND ALL YOUR FAVES. as soon as i meet him, i have to ask u all about you two !! <333
hmmm hmm hmmmmmmm i think for my favorites, IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER — jing yuan, dan heng, kafka, stelle, & pompom :’))) so far !! for dan heng, he’s so funny & i really liked the snippet of his story we got in this arc so far > < for kafka, she makes me blush soooo bad jdjdjxjxj she can really do anything to me. but also her and blade are really interesting! i think i’m understanding what’s happening with blade a little better?? the mara and whatnot
FOR STELLE, i love that they gave her so much personality !!!! i would genuinely love to know someone like her hsjsndn she’s so funny. FOR POMPOM, JUST SOOOOOO CUTE ?!?!?/ there was a mission where he got all nervous and spooked out n awww )): for jing yuan. ah!! a handful of people said i would like him and their predictions were so right :’) though i think i liked him more towards the end of the arc
this scene in particular :
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eggyrocks · 4 months
hi eggy<3 i would like 2 request a match-up of 3 hq charas pls! i’m bi-romantic so guys/gorls is okay!
mbti: infp-t,,, super shy but talkative once we’re 1-1
astrology: aries sun, pisces moon, leo rising<3
hobbies: fashion!!! reading, traveling, making art/music, astrology, anime, k-drama, listening 2 podcasts, collecting cameras + photography, witchcraft lmao (tarot & crystals), collecting plushies, k-pop, ballet as of dis month, bullet journalling in my toto puzzles, tbh i weave in & out of hobbies as i pls n i lov 2 try new things! recently embroidered kageyama’s ics sweater saur i could wear it 2 da hq movie premier in 2 days & root 4 him<3 not sporty but i do stretches & mobility class & lift weights 2 strengthen my body bc im cLUMSY n get injured easily:( fav sport im acc gud at is rock-climbing dhshsdh also i’m a mom of 2 bunnies🥺
likes in d8s/relationships: nature, artsy fartsy spaces, thrifting, going 2 cafes & for ice cream!! amusement parks + rollercoasters!!!! taking photos. i lov ppl who can tease me n we can go back & forth. someone who is super smart & knows a lil bit abt everything & who can teach me new tings is who i tend to go for. quick whit is also a plus! gives me nicknames. tells me abt their day n is secretly sentimental. someone who i can tell all my hyper fixation of da day/wk/month to & won’t judge:,) someone who keeps their promises & tries to make it up 2 me when they fuck up. someone who is >:( at first glance but is acc rly sweet once u get to kno dem! my lov lang is words of affirmation & acts of service but i also lov 2 give ppl gifts esp when i travel! not big on physical touch but head pats make me weak🥺
dislikes: unwanted physical touches w sexual undertones/sexual innuendos directed towards me bc i’m ace, loud noises unless it’s at a gig, ppl w no manners, ppl who talk all abt them n never ask anything abt others, broken promises, someone who gen makes fun of things i like or doesn’t show interest in the tings i’m interested in, inconsistency, ppl who dun support therapy, homelessness, women’s rights, gay rights, mental health, etc. & da biggest red flag for me is racism!
tysm u big cutie!!!<3 forever supporting ur works & ur indulging in ur spotify playlists🤍🎀☁️🩰
thank you so much for your donation <3 get your own matchup here
match up number one: tsukishima kei
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the epitome of >:( on the outside but secretly sweet
and i mean very secretly
but tsukki would be quietly obsessed w/ you in way that he thinks is not obvious but it actually is extremely obvious
like would be thinking of you all the time
like if he was out in public and saw smth that reminded him of you he would take a picture of it not even to send to you just to keep it on his phone bc he likes things that remind him of you
and literally any single time that man sees a plushie he thinks you would like he's getting it for you (his love language is absolutely gift giving) the collection would actually start to get out of hand a point
i imagine it going something like this:
"i got you another plushie"
"i don't have enough room for anymore"
"...i will get you a shelf for them"
he's so tall would love to pat you on the top of the head it would give him such smug satisfaction
tsukki would lightly tease you but would do it with such stars in his eyes that it could not even remotely be misinterpreted
like he'd say something like "you're such a dummy" but he'd have such an adoring look of love in his eyes you know that basically translate to "i am madly in love with you"
would be the very protective type and would verbally decimate anyone who made you uncomfortable
like you wouldn't even have to tell him he would just be able to tell from your body language and know immediately
in general pays very close attention you and would notice those little things abt u
the type of boyfriend that might, at first, struggle with communication but would put in an honest effort to improve
extremely respectful of any and all boundaries you have & would find it very easy to express affection in way that ur comfortable w/ because tbh he's not very big on physical touch either
very understanding even if he doesn't outright say it
a very show don't tell bf like you know he would do anything for u even if he doesn't say it frequently bc he just does it all the time
match up number two: shimizu kiyoko
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would be the sweetest gf of all time :(((
also can be very shy but would be very comfortable around you
she would love nothing more than to participate in your hobbies with you
asks for tarot card readings and what books you're reading and would proudly wear any and all embroidery done by you and asks you to teach her ballet
her instagram would be filled with pics of you and your hobbies
def a words of affirmation gf; she might be shy at first but into the relationship would spare no detail in expressing her love & admiration
extremely well adjusted and emotionally mature so communication with her would be so easy, any (rare) mistake she made would be immediately owned up to and would do everything she could to make it up to you
knows that there are people who have crushes on her but is very clear abt her dedication and would never even consider doing anything to hurt ur feelings
very clear in her loyalty to u
would love to plan trips with you <3 would write out a whole itinerary of all of your favorite activities and does her research beforehand to make sure everything runs smoothly
would wear coordinating outfits with u on trips (best dressed partners on vacation tbh)
when ur comfortable with it would love to show affection in small ways like squeezing your hand or patting your head but primarily shows affection through genuine and thought out compliments
lots of little sweet dates getting little treats and coffee and ice cream; would love to try new things with you
being with you would make her feel emboldened to try new things and be a little different <3
match up number three: kita shinsuke
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polite king tbh
most respectful man alive
would honest to god make you feel like you are royalty genuinely the most dedicated partner of all time
loves to watch your favorite shows with you and would listen to you talk about your hyperfixations eagerly
would love to hear your thoughts and opinions on everything and loves how much you love things
like you never have to worry about him making fun of you for the things that you like because he genuinely cares and loves to learn about the things u care abt
like if you were ranting abt something you love and got worried/insecure for whatever reason he would say "please keep going i want to hear more" and you'd just know he means it 100%
me tearing up bc i luv kita & he'd be such a good bf
does everything in his power to make you feel safe and comfortable at all times
very doting and loving
would let you take the lead in the relationship and would frequently ask you how you're feeling and what you need and is happy to adjust the way he would show affection to meet your comfort level
a little bit crazy like he's like oh you like plushies? let me learn how to make them for you
like he would absolutely learn how to crochet to handmake you gifts
every gift you would ever get him is like a priceless item and he either proudly displays them or he keeps them on him at all times
like if you got him a postcard from somewhere you travelled he would keep it in his wallet all the time
supports you in any and everything you do
bonus match up: akaashi keiji <3
hope you enjoyed !!!!
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dballzposting · 8 months
ok. ok. i have only seen DB/DBZ/DBS and have not reached GT yet (working on it ......) so mmy understanding of adult goten is from the perspective of somebody who has watched broly second coming on loop and replays the first episode of super like a healthy individual & has seen like 3 screencaps of gt goten. also that one goten side mission from Kakarot for the Play Station Five(5). anywayz. about the threeway you propose in your post. now assuming we live in a beautiful world where akira toriyama is introduced to the concept of polyamory and 1) thinks its banging and 2) accepts homosexuality into his heart of hearts (aka we are no longer operating by feasible canon standards) i do think it is PLAUSIBLE. ebcause. here is da thing. in PREMISE 7 you state Trunks is competition BUT (and again.......maybe GT would contradict this....all i know is my beautiful world where trunks pisses on broly) i think he only views trunks in competition for like...normie things. in Kakarot there's this exchange between the two of them, where Trunks (speaking for the both of them) says smth like, "we're not RIVALS that's LAME. We like competing but we're FRIENDS." (<- he then goes on to dunk on his father because "you're friends with goten's dad, right?? you're not RIVALS are you? that's TOTALLY uncool... you lamer.") and while i acknowledge this is New Canon (DBS-era where trunks's "13yr old on xbox live saying slurs" personality got nerfed a tiny bit) i think it says a lot about how they view competition/rivalry between them. It's like, all fun and games and a drive to be better but it's nothing they're losing sleep over unlike whatever da faq vegeta has going on with goku. this is all to say i don't think goten sees trunks as romantic competition. if anything he probably trusts trunks wouldnt like cheat on his girlfriend or whatever. now idk if goten would have hangups abt a 3-way being bizarre to him or smth but knowing how cra-zay and adventurous that little man is i assume it's something he would TRY at least, like, posing it as a joke like "haha could u imagine..." but its obvious he's like, trying to present it as a valid concept to trunks. the unspoken conclusion of "it could be kinda epic doe" is loud and clear 2 trunks. i think the better question is would palace be cool with this. would she do this. it's trunks briefs of capsule corp so like, if you were a worser person you could be like, hell yeah im fuckin that man if my bf gives me the green light i want tobe able to say that i know mr. trunks briefs biblically. but at the same time thats like, mean. i dont know much abt her but she seems like a sweet gal i think she wouldnt do something just for #bragging rights u kno....but u would know more on that methinks.
by the way you should watch the solar entertainment dub of broly 2 & 3 if you haven't they are life changing.
I Didnt Fucking Know That TRunks Said That Shit & I Went and Found it on DA YOUTUBE!!! Timestamped video below but below that I will also attach screenshots of the whole scene but TBH I WATCHED THE WHOLE VIDEO AND IT'S PROFOUNDLY ADORABLE & PERFECT
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Trunks said that he wanted to be friendas eith Goten for FOREVER .. He didnt stop at merely commenting on the present, but he had the confidence to project his feelings into the future: He's friends with Goten, he wants to continue being friends with Goten, and he wants it to be for forever.
I mean piece and signerture done right there. Signed sealed & delivered. Closed case. I'm willing to accept this as a total refutation for Premise 7 and what i was getting at in that post in general. Trunks looks at Goten with genuine appreciation when he said that they were friends
Ohhhgm my god and this video is so adorable .. I've said this before but as much as i love madness I also LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE So Much how on dragon ball everyone is depicted as truly happy healthy open free and LOVING EACH OTHER. Trunks and Goten just wanted to spend time with their fathers whom they love so much. They both assumed that their fathers loved each other as much as goten and trunks themselves love each other. They thought that the world was just that beautiful and lively. Also Gotenks in this video is 101% perfect and he is exactly swag and epic as i hoped he would be and it's really remarkable stuff. Great video. Great footage. Great writing
It is true that this is, as you put it: "New Canon (DBS-era where trunks's '13yr old on xbox live saying slurs' personality got nerfed a tiny bit)." But I dont honestly trhink that that's THAT relevant becasue what we mostly saw of Goten & Trunks in DBZ was friendly fun anyway, just with a bit of teeth, and then in DBGT Trunks is totallllyyyy chilled tf OUT and we don't see any acidity from him ever I think. So the fact that he's not saying slurs in DBS is I think okay. (I am actually greatly intrigued by his personality in DBS becasue I believe that it offers a great transition into the eventual DBGT and becasue it offers A LOT of insight on his Nature and his Nurture. Now is not the time.)
OK back to the aspect of the post that is about the throuple with Palace. This here ask offers the perspective that if Trunks sort of entered the relationship, then Goten wouldn't take it as striaght up competeition, but instead it would be sort of like "Ok well you know what You're a good man. I trust you'll treat her well." And in fact perhaps Goten & Trunks AREN'T Sick to Bastard Death ofn each other by now and ARE in fcat FRIENDS FOREVER like Trunks wishes for in this Kakarot for the ps5 footage.
This ask also offers the third propositon that Goten & Trunks may consider the prospect of a threeway involving them and one nice woman to be "kinda epic." No comments on that one
Palace definitely is not a bragging-rights kind of person so her motivations would literally be becasue she loves love and she loves Goten and she loves that he has a best friend and that they love each other and maybe she thinks that trunks is cute becasue hes so polite around her. Or maybe she thinks he looks sad and she wants to do something about it. But she has also been shown to enjoy badboys against her better judgement. Just remembered that. Wonder if we could work that in somehow
I don't member what movies I've seen or haven't seen but I'll keep that in mind chief. It's a beauotufl world ...
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littledollll · 2 years
Little artist (pt 2/2)
(Little angel universe, side shot)
Lucifer x little!angel!reader
Slight Morpheus x little!angel!reader
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A/n: I started this like right after part 1 but only just finished it, lovely ik
No warnings
The second you woke up you were carefully trying to sneak out of bed without waking Lucifer up. You somehow made it along with ems and october (he’ll never admit to helping you but it was Morpheus.) and tiptoed to your old room, grabbing all the things you would need before you sat down and started drawing.
You thought about doing a card with the drawing, immediately gave up realizing that would take a lot of writing.
You decided doing just a drawing would be enough, specially since you’d be able to put all your time into it! Genius! you praised yourself and got to work.
You drew your self, hugging Emery and October close to your chest, Luci next to you, wings powerfully spread behind both them and you, then a little off to the side next to them was maz, next to you, you decided to draw the hound.
You colored it as carefully as you could while still trying to be fast, you’d hate for Luci to wake up before you were done. It was mostly inside the lines and you felt proud of your work then you titled it, writing a big “I love yous” across the top of the page, and signed your work.
Ecstatic, you ran back to your shared room carrying both em and October in one hand and your drawing on the other. You jumped into bed and started shaking Luci awake. “Luci! Lulu! waks up!!” Lucifer of course woke up with your screaming.
“I’m awake I’m awake! are you okay, tiny?” Still groggy from sleep, Lucifer looked around for the cause of your- panic? Commotion. And saw nothing. “What do you need, my angel?”
You proudly held up your drawing, maybe a little too close to their face. “Sweet one, I can’t see if you put it right up to my face-“ you let out a little “oh!” And pulled back, finally giving them a proper view of your drawing. They smiled, looking over every detail from the tittle to your little signature at the side of the paper.
“Is this for me, little dove?” You nodded eagerly. “mhms cuz cuz wan shows I lovs nn preciate!” They carefully took the drawing from your hands, putting it aside so it doesn’t get wrinkled before pulling you into a hug.
“Thank you. You really are a sweet little Angel.” you giggled, hugging them tightly, then they pulled away, smiling at you. “When did you come up with this tiny?”
“wells morphi visits an an I was alls “wan luci kno I loves” n he was alls “ur a lil artis so dwa!” An I was all “wakes me up so I dwa!” n then I sneaky sneak n make it!” You excitedly ranted about the series of events that lead up to this, and Lucifer only listened and smiled at you adoringly.
Then they scooped you into their arms, wings coming around you as they effectively hid you from the world. “Wings!!!” You gasped and kicked excitedly.
Lucifer kissed the tip of your nose, making you giggle. Then your cheek, and the other, then your forehead and both of your temples. You squealed hiding your face with a fit of giggles. “How dare you! I wanted to show my love for my little Angel too!”
You wrapped your arms around them, hiding into their neck. “Thanks u da” you trying to sound serious in your tiny voice was absolutely adorable. “No, thank you. My sweet little angel.”
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t3thcup · 1 year
Dennis…I feel like you are ignoring me…I think this is all just a big misunderstanding because of these texts and you can’t tell how I am feeling when I am texting. I was just trying to check in on you to make sure you are okay, just like everyone else in the group. We should meet up and get back on track…? Let us know that UR okay? OK? LOL u kno wut I mean…You aren’t mad at me tho, right? I just want this trip to be da bomb for U.. I always try to put a lot of hard work into our relationship. I tell you that your face looks smooth, even when I find a wrinkle. I dye your hair, and I massage your pecks after a workout to keep you nice and limber, I make you shakes and I put in all this work for us so I can enjoy a smile on your face at the end of the day.
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sleepyqinfei · 2 months
clorinde story quest ramblings ! u hv been warned :3
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her voice is so sexy
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a woman after my own heart waaaaaahh
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fontaine , nation of orphans sobsob
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i wnt 2 meet clorinde's master ): she seems like a person who’s learned to closely guard her true emotions , but whose heart is in the right place ):
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LMAO ? ? ?
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the piano here is rllie beautiful . . . i dn’t actually kno if it's the typical background track or if it’s special 2 clorinde's quest . . . either way , i’ll hv 2 check it out :3
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furina’s voice is so soft n gentle here . . . she’s so sensitive to how others feel n how she might inadvertently affect their mood , so she approaches the matter wif caution despite her curiosity . . . i love her
wowow oki the charas getting tired at the end of da first dai in the quest coincided wif mi getting tired at the end of the day , so ‘tis a new dai for boff’ da charas + i !
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LOL dis is supposed 2 be the fortress . . ? i wonder wat wrio wld have 2 say about dis huhu
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furina thinks the exact way i do asdfshj
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did u kno i love her :3
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i love dis sort of sunset lighting . . . i thimk charas alwyz look so prettie under it ehehe
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her majesty the king , clorinde ! ! !
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da music is so beautiful omgie . . . i am not well - versed enough in strings 2 be certain of which one dat is ( my guess is da cello :3 ) , but ‘s soooo beautiful
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yesyes ! ! i cn attest 2 the fact that there are tea + desserts aplenty within da fortress hehe
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NERD ! ! ! i love her .
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huhu i love dis litl piece of information
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she is so precious ):
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oh how heartbreaking that must hv been for both of them . . .
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she’s so beautiful omgieeee
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ma’am i’m afraid i must inform u — dat is Not open water
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hv i said she’s so beautiful yet bcos she is
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CLORINDE’S MASTER IS BEHIND DAT DOOR ノ j also the music is vrie reminiscent of remuria . . .
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THE MUSIC HERE TOO ! ! ! da cello is truly such a beautiful instrument
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waaaaahhh she's adorable 🥺
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which is to say — over time , their legacies will erode away . . . until one day they are nothing but dust in the wind . . .
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her voice is so gentle here aaaaaaa
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hi she still thinks about the role she had to play every day and it weighs on her and she sees parts of herself in all the people she meets and —
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something something knowing someone’s true name gives you power over them something something . . .
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vacantgodling · 1 year
Tell me about the most ridiculous occurrences and most terrible arguments (on- or off-screen) in Sixteen Candles and Celestial Weddings! - @void-botanist
thank you for asking rose!! <3
i don't have much written for celestial weddings and a lot of it is gonna be more sappy and romance, not so much ridiculous happenings so i'm gonna p much just focus on sixteen candles for this LMAO.
a lot of sixteen candles i do "technically" want to rewrite, just to align more with the developments i've made, though i think a lot of the convos may still be the same lmao. so from my old draft some of the most ridiculous arguments/occurrences are:
getting upset with ranger for fucking the CEO of the bar he works at and (1) not telling anyone where he was (2) being gone for the entire weekend without anyone knowing where he was (this wasn't them being upset that he had sex but more like we were worried about your safety also..... fucking your boss is.....)
ranger and roger fighting over whether star wars or star trek is better:
Hanger Rick (ranger): eowugfdsfnrjwkfktnejekdntjejeje kill me (roger): FOR THE LAST FUCKING TIME Hanger Rick: F I G H T M E VaniVee (vani): ???? What’s happening??? Why are you two fighting??? Nanette: From what I understand, Roger said that Star Trek was better than Star Wars and the two of them have been arguing ever since. VaniVee: For an hour??? :00 kill me: from what you understand??? kill me: NAN YOU’VE BEEN HERE THE WHOLE TIME Nanette: I stopped paying attention because I don’t have an opinion.
if roger can outdrink ranger (he can't. no one can. its ungodly how much liquor ranger can put away)
this entire bit:
Nanette: The secret’s out Ranger.  Nanette: You are an alien. Hanger Rick: gasp Hanger Rick: all this time i never thought anyone would find me out… kill me: Oh my god. Hanger Rick: YOU’LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nanette: I don’t have to. The government will accept a dead specimen just as much as a live one. Hanger Rick: nan how… how could you?! Nanette: -cocks gun- Sayonara, Mr. Alien.
ranger and tucker are the most likely to bitch at each other about things and one of the things they constantly bicker about is spelling. tucker misspells stuff on purpose specifically because it gets on ranger's nerves
Park Hanger (ranger): SPELL MY FUCKING NAME RIGHT YOU ASSHOLE sunbolian 689 (tucker): ;D Park Hanger: DON’T YOU FUCKING WINK AT ME
and speaking of the two of them, whether channing tatum or chris hemsworth is better:
Team Thor (ranger): this fucking idiot thinks that channing tatum is better than chris hemsworth Team Thor: he is fucking MISTAKEN Magic Mike 4ever (tucker): DAS BULLSHIT ND U KNO IT RNGR downtown blues (roger): Are you fucking kidding me?
and speaking of roger, a more serious argument/discussion they got is over roge's internalized homophobia :((( his family sucks bad and he's internalized a lot of stuff (but all his friends are queer, and he himself is questioning but he just struggles with it)
the boys (ranger/roger/tucker) arguing about tucker's very obvious but thank-god-vani-is-oblivious crush thats 13 years and counting (also for context, they all have sleep overs quite often)
sigh (roger): Oh, so, what would you call her sleeping in her panties and one of your shirts that you LEFT AT HER HOUSE BEFORE AND NEVER GOT BACK TUCKER????? range rover (ranger): TBH I THOUGHT YOU GUYS FUCKED BUT YOUR AGGRESSIVE NECK SLITTING MOTION TOLD ME OTHERWISE range rover: ALSO YOUR SEVERE LACK OF HICKEYS. Vani’s Romeo (tucker): OMFG Y WOULD WE FCK IF U GUYZ WRE ALL DERE????????? range rover: listen. don’t let us stop you from getting a good dicking
but also tucker and ranger get into a huge fight about how well they know and care about each other (its a lot of backstory but the two of them are the biggest hotheads so they tend to get into it the most often)
who cares you know who i am anyway (ranger): we all remember your shitty braces roge tarvak gilfensparrow (tucker): i rmbr wen u got ur braces stuk on a magnet gena rose brought 4 career day who cares you know who i am anyway: lmao wait why the fuck did gena rose bring a magnet for career day  who cares you know who i am anyway: is the magnet her father?? what?? tarvak gilfensparrow: lololol she said da magnet was her mthr tarvak gilfensparrow: waz suppsed 2 represent hr or somthin cuz hr mum waz a magnet-tologist Nanette: Is that even an occupation? tarvak gilfensparrow: lmao idk return of the sis (roger): The technical term is probably “geomagnetist���
so those are all the big ones i think! i know there'll be more when i revamp this properly <3 i love these idiots
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dollivication · 1 month
Haihiiii! Yu kno, thinkin on everythin, I came into da dmc fandom totally normal. Just wanted to laik, make an oc to ship with characters but ended up makin a daughter/Nero's twin oc and went about my life normally... buuuut then completely derailed the moar I read fanfics of the bois. Now I see all these incest bots and stuff on here people mention and fanfics and i'm laikkk (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ gimmie some o dat gross shiet, u gotta live for daddy Vergil and nastayyy uncle Dante and omg Nerooo. My girl gettin' railed, it's UNHEALTHY but mmmf. Someone lock us away in horny jail with a big ol' BONK. Also I love ur lactating Dante bot WAYYY too muuuch, my mans got supply for everyone. There's somethin bout it that makes my brain go monke mode, laik yessss imma slap dem demon tiddies and kiss em better. He should know better than to just let em hang out around my girl Lily (my dmc oc lol), she's a devious little thing that loves bein as teasing and terrible as her father (n˘v˘•)¬. He's man tiddies gon have bite marks after we done, DAYUM ANYWAY, back to bein normallll. Look after yourself, drink plenty o water, take breaks if you need to! Otherwise, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK, DOLLY, ILYSM, YOU'RE A GIFT FROM THE GODS WITH ALL THE GOLD YOU DELIVER O(≧▽≦)O
ITSMRKTKRKSGHD I HAD NO CLUE THAT PEOPLE WOULD FW DMC INCEST AND GENERAL ICKINESS!! laik,, looking in the dmc tags…. maybe i just haven’t looked right but there seems. to be a lack of dead dove it made me i felt so peculiar LMFAO…💔💔 BUT IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY TO KNOW THERES PEOPLE I CAN GUSH WITH ABOUT PERVY UNCLE DANTE AND MEAN DAD VERGIL,,, ETC!!!
leading dmc dead dove cult.. we are wanted for 60k LMFOA we need fo be locked away…. AND UWAAAA YOURE TICKLING ME PINK???? IM SO HAPPY YOURE HAVING FUN WITH THE DANTE LACTATING BAWT!!! his tiddies are meant to be sucked idk… good made them voluptuous for a reason what i do to him is out of my control HELPEMEMEM
AWWWW WAIT I LOVE HEARING ABT PPLS OCS it’s so interezing methinks… >.< i think lily outfreaking dante would be funny… yur literawy so sweet ASDJFKSKJFG!!,,!?\\ I PROMISE TO PRODUCE MORE YUCKY STUFF!!! FOR THE DOLLY BELIEVERS RAHHHH
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sevdoesart · 6 months
I just found out you can upload music on here cool
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