#u dont have to respond w the same length ... im just ... a fool ...
keycarried · 6 years
@thalassus .
                there’s blood seeping from her side  ,    a side effect of  carelessness  in her current predicament and it’s less the  pain  that bothers her than the fact that it creates a  trail  when it drips  ,  the hand she has pressed against it hardly enough to stop the bleeding and she  would  be using a cure spell  ,  if not for the fact she’d already  exhausted  her magic with the spell it took to put some distance between herself and the lesser nobodies .  seems a waste now  ,  given they’ll doubtlessly find her again soon between the breadcrumbs and the fact that the distance itself isn’t very  much  but  ...  oh well .  she’ll  make due  she simply wishes she didn’t have to in such an  annoying fashion .
                a step forward  ,  a stumble back  ;  her free hand catches herself on the cavern wall beside her and she lets out an audible grunt of pain to accompany her  wince .  it isn’t often she misses her keyblade  ,  the weight that accompanies it  ,  but right now  ...  things sure would be easier  ,  wouldn’t they ?  not that her rapier doesn’t serve her more than simply  well  but  ...
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                ❛  ------   who’s there ?  ❜      her head  ,  snapping toward the sound of unexpected footsteps and it’s a  surprise  to see a familiar face emerge from ‘round the corner .  that’s  ...      ❛  ah  ...  it was percy  ,  right ?  ❜
                the kid with the weird pen .  in a way  ,  she’s grateful  ;  that it’s  him  and not  isa    (  saix  ,  saix  ;  she reminds herself again and  again  and it never seems to  stick  )    or  xaldin  or any of the other  pests  she spends her time avoiding .  and in a way  ...  she’s irritated .  it’s  embarrassing  to be seen in such a state but  more  than that  ,  it means  he’s  in danger too .
because of her . great .
                ❛  you shouldn’t be here .  i have  ...  company  i don’t think you wanna run into .  ❜      distantly  ,  there’s a  skittering  sound .  they’re getting closer  ,  because of course they are .
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