#two romantic aus and two kidnapping fics yup i love what i love i guess
breannacasey · 2 years
my five favourite fics i've written (for writer appreciation day)
Tagged by @ravens-words
Unleashed, M, 53 452 words (Prodigal Son)
Malcolm. If there was anyone Martin would go after, it was him. Jessica just knew it. And she wasn't the only one. Gil agreed. And that was why she could spend so much time worrying about Ainsley. Because Malcolm was in good hands. Gil wouldn't let him out of his sight, he would protect him no matter what. She knew he loved him like a son, he wouldn't let anything happen to him. Martin couldn't possibly enter a police precinct and walk out of there still free and with Malcolm, no matter how charming and manipulative he was.
In Cicatrices Amor, T, 26 497 words (911)
“Woah, what does your soulmate do?” Buck’s co-worker asked that night when he showed her the round scars on his shoulder and wrist.
“I don’t know, Bea, but I’m not crazy, right? That does look like a gunshot wound, right?”
He shook the drink he was making, poured it in a glass and handed it to the customer. He grabbed the tip and slipped it in their tip jar for them to split later. Then he started on the next drink.
“What kind of person gets shot three times like that? And no kill shot? Did they avoid them? Are they trained for it, or used to it?” She stopped, setting both her hands down on the side of the bar and staring straight into his eyes. “What if your soulmate is a spy?”
“With my luck they’re probably a criminal or something.”
“Oh, come on, Buck, you’re ruining all the fun. Maybe they’re in the army. See, that’s more realistic.”
“Sweet, an army person, who could die any minute, lucky me.” He said, louder to cover the sound of the mixer Beatriz was using.
“An army person who’s loyal, in shape and sexy as hell.” She corrected him as she passed him in their small booth to hand over that piña colada.
The Potion Master's Daughter, T, 67 001 words (Harry Potter)
When Snape told Dumbledore about his daughter, the headmaster said he’d watch over her during potion classes. He never even hesitated to accept a baby into the castle. He was happy to accommodate his new teacher and, to be honest, he’d always wanted a child and this was the closest he’d ever be to actually have one. Until Harry Potter came to Hogwarts a decade later. Severus would always remember the time he arrived in Dumbledore’s office after his last class of the day and the headmaster was losing his mind trying to make three-year-old Adriana stop crying after she’d witnessed Fawkes catching into flames for the first time. She calmed down as soon as her father picked her up.
Curve Ball Field, T, 7 196 words (Limitless)
Brian felt dizzy. His head was throbbing from the hit they’d given him to knock him out. He’d been passed out since they drove away from the loft, which was more than inconvenient. If he’d been conscious, he would’ve paid attention to the movements of the van, he could’ve mapped their trajectory, he could’ve figured out where he was now. But he had nothing to go on. Not even the tiniest hint at where he’d been brought, or what kind of place it was even. Was it an apartment, a house, a warehouse? There was no way to know.
What Grows Within the Stacks, G, 2442 words (Roswell New Mexico)
Alex stood and Michael shifted his position. He’d been sitting on the other side of a stack of books, watching unseen, and he had no intention of being spotted. He’d stumbled upon one of Alex’s story times a few months ago, by accident, and had been mesmerised by his voice, by his ability to keep the attention of an entire group of children, by his talent to impersonate every character of the story. He’d kept coming back to listen in secret ever since.
Tagging @marjansmarwani @oneawkwardcookie @lire-casander @djdangerlove @bibright @detective-giggles @morganaspendragonss @noxsoulmate @sneetchestoo @terramous
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setsureadsshit · 4 years
Lost At Sea: A List of WIP’s I am finally letting go of [ Part 1 ]
Finally going through my subscriptions on AO3 and clearing out the fics that haven’t gotten an update in too many years or have been orphaned since the last time I looked at them but what chapters were posted are worth reading as long as you don’t mind being left frustrated. Could also be considered a final plea and/or thank you/love letter to the authors for having written them at all, I don’t know how many parts this will take because I have like, 7ish pages of subscriptions on AO3 lmao so just, you know *hand waves* settle in the ride with me.
With the Bodies in the Gutter by TriDom
Summary: Derek works with the FBI to dismantle sex trafficking rings from the inside out. It's grueling, but he never believed that the wear on him outweighed the good he and his team did. Until he finds his mate with a new group that had been taken. He jeopardizes everything to get him out, only to have to turn his back on him before his mate is even awake.
Last Update: 2017
Fandom & Main Pairing: Teen Wolf; Sterek
Personal Notes: At 16 chapters it gives you enough progress to kinda feel satisfied. It dropped off at a kind of lull before ramping up into the next crisis action which also helps I think. Only mildly unsatisfying for not getting to the true “happy ending” but I’m not mad about it.
Where Is My Bright Future by Steamcraft
Summary: au: Derek and Stiles meet at a German camp.
“My name…” The boy trails, then grimaces. “Stiles Stilinski.”
Derek’s eyebrows rise. “Stiles. Nickname?”
Stiles nods. “You English, how is it… Butcher.”
That surprises a laugh out of him. Stiles looks startled at the sound, heart racing, before he tentatively smiles.“You laugh, but its true.”
Last Update: 2015
Fandom & Main Pairing: Teen Wolf; Sterek
Personal Notes: I read this a long time ago and I remember it being both really good and really heavy but also getting a little lost in the middle. It’s got 14 chapters though so, like the fic above I feel like it’s a satisfactory read even if there isn’t a real ending.
When Sparks Fly by LunaCanisLupus_22
Summary: “Derek,” Stiles thunders. “Were you ever going to tell me your house is trying to hook us up?”
Derek's head snaps up, eyes wide and scenting the evident crackle of magic in the air.
Or the one where spark!Stiles moves into an enchanted apartment block owned by a grumpy alpha and is completely oblivious to the building's efforts to matchmake them.
Last Update: 2016
Fandom & Main Pairing: Teen Wolf; Sterek
Personal Notes: This one is a little harder to categorize because it started out as a like, 2 chapter completely completed fic - and then the author came back and added more? So it’s unclear if they plan on coming back and adding more again since they’ve left it uncompleted but you know *hand waves*. In any event, it’s a definite good read, one of my favorites, highly recommended.
Where A Mask, Be A Hero by A_Whistful_Writer
Summary: Oliver Queen had started a crusade in his father’s name, alone. It was bitter, harsh and unrelenting. He was left with scars and bruises that only seemed to double with each passing day. But then he found companions in his fight. Laurel, Diggle, Felicity, Roy. They made things more bearable, and for a while, he was happy, even though there was a gaping hole in his heart. Something was missing.And that was when Oliver met Barry Allen.
Last Update: 2018
Fandom & Main Pairing: Arrow/The Flash ; Flarrow
Personal Notes: It’s honestly just a retelling of the first however many seasons of each show but with a little more OTP filling. The later chapters kinda lost the plot and I was hoping it’d pick up again and really start rolling but I’m throwing in the towel on this one. 
The Fault Is Not In Our Stars - Orphan
Summary: After a long and wretched campaign, Asgard has conquered Jotunheim. To ensure King Laufey's cooperation and later friendship between the kingdoms, Asgard takes home the apparent heir to the throne, Loki Laufeyson. Loki is, unfortunately, anything but complacent.Based on the art by stunningly talented Wantstobelieve: http://wantstobelieve.tumblr.com/post/18102496999/guess-who-just-watched-troy-again-yup-that
Last Update: 2013
Fandom & Main Pairing: Thor ; Thunderfrost
Personal Notes: I had hoped this would be a case of the author regaining their writing inspiration with a new Thor movie on the horizon and promptly forgot about it for...a long time, lmao. I’m glad that the author chose to orphan the story instead of simply deleting it because it may only be 8 chapters but they’re very well written and the story is compelling, even unfinished.
Time Will Crawl by coldhope
Summary: Inspired by one of kaciart's amazing drawings: the Winter Soldier faced with a pre-serum Steve Rogers and--conversely--1940s Bucky Barnes coming home to find Captain America lurking in the kitchen.
Last Update: 2014
Fandom & Main Pairing: Captain America (MCU) ; Stucky
Personal Notes: It’s only two chapters which isn’t long enough to *really* get attached to something but the concept was interesting enough to hold my attention/hope that it’d get continued. 
The What’s And How’s of Raising Werewolves by kit_cat
Summary: Stiles is twenty-five and shares his bed with a five-year-old werewolf who calls him mommy. This isn't how he expected his life to turn out.Or in which Derek is a kindergarten teacher, the Hales are alive, Danny is overly romantic for a five-year-old, and Stiles has somehow Magicked his way into being the legal guardian of three werelings all under the age of ten... and may or may not be on the run from a league of werewolf kidnapping hunters.
Last Update: 2017
Fandom & Main Pairing: Teen Wolf ; Sterek
Personal Notes: So I’m...technically not giving up on this one since it’s gone 3 years between updates before and really like this story so I’m going to hold onto this hope for a little while longer but it’s a very very slim hope. This is a fic that does NOT leave off with a satisfactory feeling even though it’s 9 chapters in, those 9 chapters really are just the place setting and maybe a charcuterie board or two while guests mingle but you could start smelling the main course from the kitchen. 
Trust by trufflemores
Summary: "Barry reels Oliver in for a hug. Oliver grants him three seconds, pulling back with his own irrepressible smile, knowing he looks like young-and-in-love which is ridiculous because he's not. Maybe, a tiny, impulsive part of him argues, he wants to be."
Last Update: 2017
Fandom & Main Pairing: The Flash/Arrow ; Flarrow
Personal Notes: I have spent I don’t KNOW how many months on and off trying to find this fic again, only to discover I’ve had it the whole fucking time! Specifically, the way trufflemores describes how they interact - giving words to all of the silent conversations they have, how they translated Barry and Oliver’s body language to so perfectly into writing. Like, even after I stopped watching The Flash (and had long since stopped watching Green Arrow), I still watched the crossover episodes because watching Barry and Oliver (and later Kara) interact was always my favorite thing. Honestly, watching both teams together was always so much fun - the episodes were just fun, but I digress. I don’t honestly remember where this fic leaves off but it was fairly episodic so I don’t really know that it needs an end per say, reading it shouldn’t leave you too dissatisfied. 
The Propinquity Effect by SwiftEmera
Summary: Oliver Queen pretty much ignored his bisexuality, until he clapped eyes on Barry Allen.Unfortunately, Barry is a social pariah, and Oliver's mother is currently running for governor, so Oliver is pretty much trapped in the bisexual closet, unable to come out and associate himself with Barry for the fear of tarnishing his mother's campaign. However, when their teacher pairs the boys up to work on a Psychology project based around the subject of sexual attraction, Oliver's willpower to keep his distance is strongly tested.
Last Update: 2015
Fandom & Main Pairing: The Flash/Arrow ; Flarrow
Personal Notes: I’ve been re-reading most of these as a final send off but this one I’m just not in the mood for unresolved angst. It’s really well written, the characters are really well adapted for the AU, but just knowing it isn’t finished and probably wont ever be I don’t want to invest my energy into something that doesn’t have a conclusion - for better or worse and this is the kind of fic I *need* to have an end. 
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wittyy-name · 8 years
You got any klance fic recs that are fantasy themed or fantasy AUs or something? I'd love to see your suggestions if you don't mind giving some.
Okay, so these are the first ones that came to mind after like... two minutes of thinking about it, lol. So here you go. There’s sooOOOo many more, and I can think of a few other fics, but I haven’t read them yet. (my to-read list is long). So these are ones that I haVE read. 
Watercast -> Like, seriously, if you haven’t read Watercast by @fishwrites, what’re you waiting for? They’ve put sO muCH heart and soul into building this world, and it shows. The characters are delightful, the interactions are amazing, the setting is impeccable, the fluff is mmmMmmM so good, and it’s setting up for some good plot to keep the story going. Merlance and Avian Keith, in a well rounded and thought out fantasy world. What’re you waiting for? gogo. This story is still in progress.
Magic Me Some Love -> Sea witch Lance? Check. Galra Keith? Check. Fantasy setting? Check. A slow burn of two dorks coming to terms with themselves and with their feelings for each other while also trying to figure out their places in the world? Check and mate. This fic is adorable, fluffy, fucking cute as all hell as these two dance around each other in the ways that we, as readers, know and love. All the while, it takes place in a serious fantasy setting and is driven slowly onward by plot. Fantasy dorks in love, man. Fantasy dorks in love. This work is completed.He Who Fights Monsters -> Did anyone order some dragon Keith?? This is a modern fantasy au, where most things in the world are the same with one exception: there are dragons. And the dragons are evil. Okay, so, evil is a strong word. More like corrupted. The garrison is an organization that’s been around for centuries dedicated to training knights to fight dragons. When Lance stumbles across a corpse of a galra dragon, he’s kidnapped by another dragon named Red, and the adventure begins. It’s a wonderful balance of cute fluff and serious plot, with a good foundation of world building to back it all up. There’s some nsfw toward the end. This work is completed.
Long Lost Second Chance -> What fantasy list is complete without a vampire fic, amirite?? Keith is a vampire who fights other vampires and has no sense of self preservation. Everyone else are vampire hunters. Lance stumbles across Keith saving some kids one day, and ends up getting attached. Keith gets friends who treat him like he’s still human, and Lance learns that not all vampires are bad. It’s fluffy at parts, action-y at others. It’s a slow build with them coming to terms with their feelings, but also with underlying tension and building of the world and politics that promises a good plot. This work is in progress.
The Quiet -> Keith is interning at the garrison hospital as part of his training program. The problem? Keith is able to see ghosts. The bigger problem? There’s one boy who doesn’t seem to know he’s a ghost and has attached himself to Keith. The biggest problem? Keith finds himself getting attached to Lance as well. Super good ghost Lance au. The chapters are all fairly short, but extremely well written. It adds to the mystery. There’s so much going on that’s hinted at, and you’re left at each chapter ending going “wait what? what’s going to happen? I need more” which, honestly, is a very good sign. Reading this fic always makes me feel like I’m sitting on the edge of my seat. Good shit, man. This work is in progress.
Moonset Deep -> Written by the same author as The Quiet, this is their take on a merlance au. Lance is a merman who gets captured by scientists and held captive. Of course Keith is there to help him escape. As with their other works, the chapters are fairly short, yet they somehow manage to pack them full of SO MUCH (like seriously, give me your secrets). I feel like I’m constantly on the edge of my seat, thirsty for more. And as with The Quiet, it’s got this crazy mysterious vibe that just holds you captive. Their writing gives you just enough to KNOW what’s happening and allude to the world they’ve build, but also not enough, so it leaves you constantly guessing (in a good way). I admire this writing a lot. This work is in progress.
Six Feet Over -> We’ve seen some ghost Lance, now get ready for some ghost Keith! I love this one. It’s fluffy in all the right places, and just gives this crazy sense of normalcy, just... with Keith being a ghost. The world is so fascinating and as you read, you slowly learn more and more about how ghosts work. This fic has the rare quality where I literally have no idea where it’s going, and that just keeps me on edge and so willing to read more, because I neED to knOW. There’s just the right amount of mystery to it. It’s some good, chill writing to read, and a good story. It’s been a while since this one has updated, so beware, but I love it a lot so I wanted to rec it. This work is in progress.
We’ll Stir The Stars -> Do you want dragon Keith AND sea witch Lance?? Well BOI have you come to the right gotdam place. This one is shorter by comparison, only 5/6 chapters so far, but damn, it’s easily one of my favorites. It hits all the good places. I mean, dragon Keith and powerful sea witch Lance? Perfect. Story driven by plot and action while their romantic feelings develop? Spot on. A slow burn that leaves you itching for more more more? Yup, you got it. A well build world with so many things around every corner that just keeps you fascinated and captivated like a child in a fantasy candy story?? Gotdam yes. I can’t wait for more, but I don’t want the story to end. This work is in progress.
Thundercat -> Alright, so this one is different from the others in the fact that it’s a oneshot. But it’s a LONG oneshot, about 16k words. Keith is a panther shapeshifter who gets injured and taken in by Lance, a firefighter who’s taking a break from life in a forest cabin far from everything. It’s a nice read. It flows well. It’s adorable and fluffy. It’s got nsfw. It’s got character development. It’s got relationship development. And it does the thing that I’m forever in awe of and jealous of: it manages to tell a full, complete, and comprehensible story that takes place over several weeks/months by telling just small bits and fractions at a time. Good read, man. Very chill. This work is, obviously, completed. 
There’s probably more I could think of, but this list is already getting long. As with before, there are a few more I thought of that haven’t updated in a while. And there’s even MORE that I’ve seen but haven’t gotten around to reading yet. So yeah, not a full list of what’s out there. Just the few that came to mind after two minutes of thinking. Happy reading!
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