#twins team up to pester their older brother
ancientpersacom · 9 months
I had,,, an epiphany.
Hypnos: hey Zag whatcha got there?
Zagreus: oh this? Charon gave me a loyalty card because I’m buying stuff from him so often
Hypnos: wait what the fu- *grabs the card for a closer look*
Hypnos: since when did he have these?
Zag: I dunno, but I have one now. 20% off! Good deal right?
Hypnos: … he gives you a discount but his own little brother has to pay full price what the fu-
Thanatos: what are you two doing you should be work-
Hypnos: Charon gave Zag a discount!
Than: wha- *grabs the card for a closer look*
Than: oh he’s so playing favourites here I don’t get a discount
Hypnos: neither do I!
Zag: guess I’m just there that often??
Hypnos: …
Thanatos: …
Hypnos: I’m so telling mum
Than: agreed.
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crazylittlejester · 3 months
I greatly appreciate our brainrot time because otherwise I think I would go bonkers and I don't think my IRL friends can handle this level of brainrot. If any of them find my Ao3 or Tumblr by some miracle, I would perish on the spot. They don't need to know.
Anyway, I am obsessed with Legend's little brother vibes. He's like the older middle child. Can be responsible when he needs/wants to, but otherwise prefers being a thorn in the oldest's side. He's a stupid little goofball and I love that for him. I need him to team up with Time for a dumb prank because who would expect The Hero of Legend and The Hero of Time to do something like that??
Slightly related to that, I love it when he's a twin in modern AUs. LOVE IT. But what I want is for him to be Warriors' twin and Hyrule to be Wind's twin (or something close to that). I think it would be a good combination, especially if it's something like a mixed family dynamic where Legend and Warriors end up being brothers with Hyrule and Wind for some random reason so it goes from your regular older brother and younger brother dynamic to the younger brother suddenly dealing with his own younger brothers pestering him. Less accidental baby acquisition, more accidental younger brother acquisition.
(I will end up writing this because I'm crazy, we all know it, there's no point in denying it at this point.)
I also keep thinking about the War of Eras stuff and like... it's always a time paradox. It's always a time paradox. I can't get the idea of the guys teaching each other things, it's too sweet. Like, don't you have to wonder if Warriors teaches Wind how to do first aid because Tune taught him first? It's probably more likely he learned from someone else, but it's a thought. I'm slowly dying on the inside thinking about how much Tune would do for the captain because he wants to return the favor and ldjkgdfgjdirjgdlgrijgdlirjfdrijtelkjfd--
I genuinely appreciate the daily brainrots so much too 😭 like i come home at the end of a long day and i get excited to see it come in my inbox aslkgkjhg. i got a few people irl who know im bat shit on tumblr and on ao3, my fuckin fiancee literally follows this blog and i know they don’t check it often but i do live in the fear of the day i get a text or call about some super specific odd ass shit post i made🧍‍♂️and then one of my best friends reads Fierce Hero 9, which is honestly fucking hilarious to me because she knew NOTHING about LU when she started reading it (i only recently convinced her to join the dark side /j), she just heavily fucks with big hero 6, and yknow what i respect that. but if my COLLEGE friends ever found this blog?? killing myself immediately. killing myself, deleting the blog, and moving to the other side of the planet actually. and my family knows I write fanfiction but if they ever read or found it?? theres not a group of people on this earth who would be able to find me, my ass would be GONE.
oh my god i never not once even thought of Legend and Wars being twins. I guess part of it is cos i headcanon they got like a literal decade between em, and i never thought about making them that close in age, let alone the SAME age. Even in my modern au’s, Wars is 2-3 years older. Them as twins would be SO fucking funny though oh my GOD. ACCIDENTAL BROTHER ACQUISITION, IM GONNA BE FUCKIN USING THAT OH MY GOD AKNSKJSNKJSN
(write it and my life is yours /ref)
oh my god i love war of eras trio time paradoxes so fucking much. SOOOO fucking much. Just the idea of Wars teaching Wind some little thing and then Tune having that knowledge to help Captain Link?? EATING IT UP. Or Wind being the world’s biggest shit to Time and him absolutely RUTHLESSLY clapping back, just for Tune to pull the EXACT same soul destroying comeback seemingly out of his ass to hit Mask with when Mask decides to be a snarky little shit. Who started it? We’ll never know
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pilot-boi · 11 months
Twins AU
So with this being bonded by Aura thing that twins share, imagine during V9 Yang is hit with a tidal wave of pain and everyone panics because they have no idea what’s happening
It all makes sense when they find Jaune
It was twenty years worth of experience being shared with Yang in a fraction of a second, all of it avalanching down onto her because Jaune went back in time and it’s all catching up to her now
Imagine how horrified she is to see her brother, *her twin,* suddenly so many years older than her
When Yang first lands in the Ever After, she is in agony
White hot and blinding, it’s like a tidal wave of emotions and pain sweep over her, bowling her over. It feels like her arm is being cut off all over again, like her mind is breaking, like she’s blinking and a life age of anguish and sorrow is passing by.
And then it’s over
Yang lays under the canopy of an unfamiliar forest. Her vision is blurry and her limbs are tingling. She wonders distantly if this is how Blake feels when she uses her Semblance, all sort of detached from her body
She can’t place it, but it feels like something inside of her is wrong
Not like something bad happened (although it did) but like something vital inside of her is missing. Something is just… not right, like the whole world is off kilter somehow
Is this what being dead feels like?
Blinding pain and then just feeling not quite all there for the rest of eternity?
She’s shaken out of her musings very abruptly when a raccoon riding a wagon of garbage all but gleefully grabs her prosthetic and runs away
Things happen very quickly after that
She doesn’t catch the raccoon, but she IS accosted by a giant monster that isn’t a Grimm. She doesn’t beat the monster, but she DOES get found by the rest of her team. They don’t know how to get home, but they DO realize they’re in a fairy tale
The Girl Who Fell Through The World, with all of its quirky and charismatic characters
Yang gets her arm back from the Jinxy Peddler. She helps her team battle the Red Prince-formerly-King. The Curious Cat rescues them and pesters them with questions
The Herbalist is a new face, one not mentioned in the story. Yang finally verbalizes what it turns out she knew all along. She doesn’t have to be symmetrical, or whole, or easy to understand. She is a Huntress
She doesn’t have to be whole. When her smoke-self asks if she wants that, Yang can’t help but think of her twin up in Vacuo. Gods, what he must be going through
Feeling her get hurt destroyed him enough, but he must think she’s dead
Maybe that’s why she feels so off, so not-right. Because the other half of her soul is in another dimension
While they travel to the market, Yang mentions the pain she felt when she landed
Blake postulates that it was caused by her lack of Aura, but Weiss’s Aura broke as well, and she didn’t feel anything. Ruby, as taciturn as she’s been, suggests that maybe her prosthetic didn’t like the journey through dimensions, but Yang didn’t have any pain when first entering the Crossroads
Yang wonders aloud whether Jaune was hurt during the time she was falling, and their bond amplified it somehow. The Curious Cat blinks up at her when she mentions him, and smiles knowingly
She doesn’t know what to make of that
Until very suddenly she does
The market is attacked. Neo sends copies of the Jabberwalker to wreck mayhem. And finally, the last missing character from the story appears: The Rusted Knight
He drives the Jabberwalker away and seems to freeze at the sight of them. Yang isn’t surprised, according to the story he’s supposed to be the only competent fighter in the whole place. When copies of the monster appear, he doesn’t try to fight, prioritizing getting them to safety while the Cat covers their escape
The Knight leads them to the top floor of the market while it burns behind them. They follow his gestures into a room inside a giant flower, where his steed is waiting
Blake is pretty much vibrating with excitement next to her. It’s no secret the Knight is her favourite character
“You did good, Juniper,” the Knight says, his voice echoey from behind his helmet. The jackalope’s name tugs at Yang, reminding her of their sister team, of her absent brother. Gods she wishes he was here
Then the Knight takes off his helmet
Long blonde hair, streaked with white and tied back by an achingly familiar piece of red cloth, falls onto his back.
He turns. “Team RWBY,” he says, sounding relieved, sounding exhausted, and Yang can feel her teammates freeze beside her, she can hear them all gasp in horror.
For her part she can’t move, can’t breath, can’t take her eyes off his face.
The same face that stares back every time she looks in the mirror. His sad blue eyes creased with smile lines, with age, with decades of pain. Twenty years older than he should be, twenty years older than her
Dear gods… what happened to her brother?
“You finally made it.”
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pantpisser9000 · 10 months
Combined Together, Chapter 4: Finally assembled
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After work, Peso trudged back through the snowy terrain, and walked inside his house. He’d be enjoying all of this before he left. “Ma, I have a huge announcement for dinner.” Peso said, and she looked happy, though was that a hint of sadness in her eyes? Peso didn’t quite know. Physcology wasn’t his field of expertise. Pinto pestered him about it, and Peso just kept on telling him to “wait until dinner” which didn’t stop his insistence. 
Once they had sat down for dinner, they were all expecting Peso. “So, um.. I- you know that job, last night I mentioned?” he asked, and they all nodded. “I’m.. well, I- okay, I accepted it. I’m guaranteed to work there, now.” he said, and Pinto cheered. “Now you’re an adventurer! You better take me on your awesome adventure someday!” his mother looked at Pinto, “Maybe when you’re a little older, sweetie.” she softly said, which Pinto promptly ignored. 
“W-well I’m.. I’m still a medic. Just on a submarine.” Pinto didn’t care, his brother was on a submarine! His tail was wagging like a dog, (Peso honestly didn’t know Penguins did that, but the more you know, right?) and feathers were where ears would usually be.
“Good job,” Pogo commented, clapping a little. Pinata looked impressed too. “I think you’ve outdone yourself, Peso.” she said, agreeing with her twin. His mother looked to be tearing up a little. “I’m.. I’m so happy for you, Peso. Will you be able to call?” she asked, and Peso nodded. “There’s internet on the submarine” he said, which made Pinata’s attention perk up again. “..do you know if they have any open positions?” she asked. Peso guessed by how they were launching soon, they didn’t. “I don’t think so,” he said, laughing a little. 
She sulked a tad at that, and the table burst out in laughter, (she joined in, too) and Peso pushed the thought that said, You’ll miss them so much, is this really the best decision? 
But Peso knew it was, they’d all be fine without him. And he was ecstatic to be helping many many creatures. That night, he went to his room and packed. Pinto helped him, saying that he should bring over one of his comics so he “wouldn’t forget him”, and Peso laughed as he put it in his suitcase, saying, “I don’t think I’ll ever forget you.”
Though, there was one nagging thought he was trying to get rid of. 
What if the crew hates me?
If they did, he’d return. Though, then everyone would be disappointed, right? He’d just.. Not be a yes-man, he had a little more dignity than that, but just.. Stay out of any trouble. There were bound to be fights, of course, though Peso wanted no part in any of them. He wasn’t one to yell, and certainly not anyone to hurt anyone. He didn’t think he could even throw a punch without crying. 
The Captain was excited. The team was assembled. Dashi had managed to get to Florida for her last flight, so she was there. Tweak was obviously there, and Kwazii was as well. They’d be cruising over to Scotland, to pick up their marine biologist, Dr.Shellington and the Professor. Then, they’d be going to the arctic to pick up their medic, Dr. Peso. 
“Everyone,” the Captain boomed. Dashi and Tweak, who were talking, looked over, and Kwazii, who had been busy trying to figure out how many flips he could do in a row, steadied himself and looked over as well. “We have our marine biologist and our medic secured. We’ll be heading to Scotland to pick up the biologist and the Professor. Then, to the arctic, to pick up our medic.” 
“That is, if everything’s ready, Tweak?” the Captain asked, and Tweak pulled a carrot out of her pocket, taking a bite. “Everythin’ should be, Cap. Looks good. Dashi?” she asked, and Dashi looked at the screen. “Looks good to me as well.” she said, nodding. “Well, I think it’s time to board, then.” the Captain commanded, motioning for them to get on the Octopod.  
Barnacles watched as they all boarded. First, Tweak. She walked up the ramp into the ‘mouth’ of the Octopod confidently, with Dashi trailing behind her. Kwazii sauntered in after them, tail swishing excitedly behind him and ears perked. Barnacles boarded last, stepping up and pressing the button to lower the ramp. Once they were all in the hq, they were in their places. Kwazii was just kinda hanging out in hq, Tweak in the launch bay, and Dashi at her station. 
The Captain turned on the loudspeaker for all of the workers outside of the ship to hear. “LOWER US!” he commanded, and slowly, but surely, the Octopod was lowered. All of them were standing confidently, or at least sitting. Kwazii and Barnacles both had built up sea-legs, and working as a flight attendant helped Dashi get used to a somewhat similar situation. They didn’t have Tweak on the screen at the moment, she was checking on the gups. 
Soon, it entered the water. Tweak came in through the screens in the hq. “Launch bay filled and Octo-hatch closed.” she told him, motioning backwards. Captain Barnacles came back in through the loudspeakers, “Continue lowering!” he said, and his demands were met immediately. 
And soon, they were consumed by water. Kwazii had his hands pressed to the glass, looking outside. “I’ve never been on a sub before..” he muttered, in awe. Right, Kwazii had never actually been in anything like this before. Neither had Dashi or Tweak, actually, though Dashi didn’t seem as amazed by it. 
“Dashi, activate steering,” he commanded, “On it, Captain.” Dashi replied shortly, pressing the button and the Captain felt the ground under him heighten. “Shiver me whiskers..” was the last thing he heard as he was greeted by the wheel. He placed his hands confidently on it, and began steering. He’d be just getting them out of the port, and then automatic steering (with the assistance of Dashi) would take over. 
Weaving through, they got through without a problem. The Captain lowered himself, before commanding, “Put on the automatic steering, Dashi.” he requested, and Dashi once again said, “On it.”, and almost autonomously doing it. Suppose Tweak’s preparation programs worked well. Barnacles thought, hands behind his back. Kwazii walked up to him, standing beside him. He didn’t address him, for some reason. “Scotland, right?” he asked. 
“Yes, Kwazii.” Barnacles replied, which he nodded at. “I never have gone.” he commented, and Barnacle was slightly expecting that. “Where have you been, exactly?” he questioned, and Kwazii thought for a moment. “Well I’m from.. Uh.. well, wherever I’m from, all the oceans and seas, and now Florida. And soon Scotland.” he said. “You don’t remember where you’re from?” Barnacles asked. 
Sure, he knew Kwazii had a few.. Issues with remembering anything from before his pirate days, (that he refused to talk about more than just the stories he shared about sea monsters) the guy literally hadn’t remembered what a bathtub was. Of course, Kwazii never admitted that, though Barnacles could tell just by his reaction and the delay of turning it on and the clear confused shuffling around in the bathroom. 
Though Kwazii also couldn’t really read too well, (and while Barnacles had no interest in sharing that–Kwazii’d probably be incredibly embarrassed if he did, and also hold a grudge for a while) and couldn’t really do math either, at the very least the Captain had expected him to know where he came from. “Naw,” Kwazii said. He seemed unbothered, though it was a tad hard to read the guy. “Hm. Interesting.” Was all the Captain said, and to him, Kwazii looked like he was itching to say more, though he certainly didn't want to pry. Plus, this was his co-worker, and he didn’t think they were close enough for him to ask more. So they just stood there awkwardly for a moment, until Kwazii walked away, over to the Octochute. “Kwazii? Do you.. Know how to use it?” the Captain enquired, and Kwazii whipped his head back. “Uhh- aye.” 
Barnacles, an eyebrow raised, wasn’t quite impressed. “Mhm. How about I show you, just in case?” he said, and Kwazii, pursing his lips, reluctantly agreed. “Aye, alright.” The Captain jumped, and the chute opened as he was going down, making him pummel down the metal-slide-like thing. He arrived in the small room in between–it was about the space of a small elevator, or an American bathroom stall. 
Kwazii jumped out right after him, his stance wide. To be fair, he’d never done it before. “Me rooms.. Wait, Cap, that ain’t– me name is spelled k, w, a, z, i, i.. Not k, w, a, z, z, i..” he noted, and Captain looked at the sign on his door. “Oh. Apologies, Kwazii. I’ll get that updated soon. Just a bit surprisedj you.. Noticed..” he said, coughing to hide the comment. 
“Hey! Just cus I be unable to.. Read.. all that well.. Doesn’t mean I can’t recognize me own name!” he said, a little mad. “Sorry, sorry.” the Captain apologized, which Kwazii shrugged at. “It be alright.” 
Why was Kwazii so difficult to understand? The Captain thought briefly, but then he remembered Kwazii wasn’t raised regularly. He didn’t seem to remember much if anything before he got picked up by those pirates, (Barnacles was still unsure when and how that had happened-surely his parents had been worried, right?) and lived on a boat for clearly a very very long time. 
The Captain was unsure how long, of course, Kwazii didn’t even know his own age (which was a whole other can of worms) and while Kwazii had shared more personal things.. He really didn’t know much about the guy. He trusted him enough to be on the ship, (while Kwazii was less of an actual lieutenant/second in command at the moment, he was more so just a helper/assistant at the moment) and he knew he had a good heart but his pirate past was truly mysterious as hell. 
Kwazii stepped in his room, glancing around. Barnacles looked in behind him briefly. There.. Wasn’t much. Only one box. To be fair, Kwazii had bought a thing or two in Florida, so there was a tad more than what he had before. 
Barnacles decided to leave Kwazii to it though, instead opting to go to his own room, which had a lot more boxes. While he didn’t have too much control over it, as his polar-bear side came out just whenever he needed more strength or he assumed likely under intense stress as well, he could sometimes control it a little more. Grunting, he managed to get hands almost fully polar-bear like–at least enough so that his claws were out. (and his more Polar-bear like ears) Slicing his claw through the tape on all the boxes, he balled up his fist and the fur and ears went away. 
Opening up box by box, he put his other pajamas in his closet first, set up his small cubby-shelf thingy, putting his few books away in it. Hanging up his pictures near his bed, and decorating his room with the other things he had brought with him–he was just a tad surprised he had been able to finish so quickly. It was nice Tweak had the idea of asking everyone what type of wallpaper they wanted–for almost all the rooms, too. There were still a few unfinished things decor wise, though. Mainly just painting the GUPS and working on the helmets, which Tweak would likely start with once she was 100% sure everything was working. 
Stepping out of his room, the Captain launched himself down the chute, landing standing up, hands on his hips in the hq. “Dashi, is everything looking good?” he asked, and she swiveled back to look at him. “Yes, Captain. No storms or anything in sight, either.” the Captain nodded. “Wonderful.” he was very stern-sounding, or at least he hoped he did. As the Captain, he needed to be the most professional out of all them, by far. Besides maybe Inkling, but the guy was just professional by nature– no need to try hard.
The Captain decided to look at the Garden–they unfortunately, didn’t have anyone to do the cooking and gardening for them specifically, so the Octonauts themselves would have to do it. He.. didn’t know too much about Gardening, though he knew Tweak did. Luckily, at the very least, they wouldn’t have to worry about their clothes getting dirty quite yet. They hadn’t actually gotten their uniforms–he knew Inkling was actually working on them getting them made, while in Scotland. Tweak was making some sort of special collar (like a fancy shirt’s collar, not one for a pet) that would basically give them a bubble/helmet so that they could breathe underwater in an instant, as well as a radio. He knew that was her priority over painting the GUPS–he was a little worried if she could get it done before they got their last member. 
He then remembered he had to come up with a few things so that everyone could get to know each other–he and Inkling had both discussed a sort of name game, and Barnacles decided he wanted to narrow it down just a little more. There was one he’d done in Polar scouts when it had first started, Professor Natquik had taught it to them. 
Basically, everyone got in a circle, and the first person would say their name and then have a little motion, for example a clap. Then the next person would say their name and a new motion, then everyone would say the new person’s name and motion, then the previous person’s name and motion, and so on until everyone in the circle’s name had been said. He honestly liked that one–maybe it was because it was one he had familiarized himself with, though. 
He considered asking one of the other members, though part of him also wanted it to be a bit of a surprise, so he decided not to. 
Launching himself to the garden chute, he looked at all of it. He knew they had an automatic sprinkling system, so they didn’t need to water it manually, though they still needed to check to 1; make sure said system was working, 2; check to see if any of the crops were ready. Tweak had planted them herself, (Her father had actually came over to help her, he knew more about farming anywho) and Barnacles trusted that it’d work well. 
…It was a tad boring at the moment… 
Though Kwazii was bored at the moment, sitting in his new, nice, non-hammock bed, tossing his yarn ball in the air, he knew it’d up in action after their missions actually started, and they got the rest of the crew. He had only crashed a few times in that training simulator, but to be fair, he thought the fake-subs could maneuver quicker! He hoped that the real submarines, the ‘GUPS’ as they were called, could move faster! How were they supposed to do awesome tricks–er, save creatures, if the GUPS were slow! 
Kwazii knew they had to wait till everything was done and they had the rest of the crew, but that didn’t mean he didn’t wanna zoom around in a fast GUP everywhere, weaving through.. Coral, or something. As long as Kwazii had spent sailing, he honestly didn’t really know much about anything under the water. Besides the sea monsters, of course! That was one of the few things he had remembered from his childhood, (and one of the few things he would likely share from his pirate life) were the tales Calico Jack had told him about the fearsome beasts that laid just under the surface! 
Kwazii was excited to slay those foul beasties! He was certain he’d find at least one, even if that might mean sneaking out to find one. He had a feeling that the other members wouldn’t quite believe him, especially those more serious ones. Namely that dog girl and he was certain that the scientist guy wouldn’t… He might hold off on speaking about them until either they were actively relevant or he just knew the rest of the crew better.
Obviously, Kwazii knew he likely couldn’t ever trust the rest of his crew, after what had happened with Wo-.. him, Kwazii knew that he had to go by his gut. His own morals. Not let anyone tell him what to do, unless they had the same plan or ideas. He had a few goals while he was staying with the Octonauts, too. (it was entirely possible that while the Captain had accepted him, and the Professor, (who seemed a tad apprehensive during the interview, even though Kwazii was OBVIOUSLY a good pirate) had let him join, and those two girls he was with now at the very least didn’t mind him, that the others..? They might HATE him. So, therefore, they could get him kicked off, since it was likely that the others would believe them over a pirate like himself.) 
The main goals (some were more so just rules, not goals, but Kwazii didn’t care enough to distinguish those) were;
1: Encounter/slay/fight at least one monster
2: Not let anyone know about his lack in actual subjects like reading, math, and science and history too. 
3: Don't trust anyone. As nice as they might seem, Kwazii knew better than to actually trust people. He liked the Captain, sure, but he would never actually trust him. 
4: Do not let anyone know about the majority of his pirate life. He wasn’t sure if the Blackclaw pirates were infamous or not, so it was better just not to mention that he was a part of that crew, or him at all. He’d probably lie and say he wasn’t with a crew for most of his life. 
Now, he was still bored. Jumping back down the chute, he wobbly landed out in the hq. He took a glance out the window–unsurprisingly, it was just water. Disappointed there were no sea monsters, he pouted a little. Though, he supposed it was a good idea to get to know the ship, explore a bit if you will. So, he hopped in the chute, and popped out in a hallway. 
He looked, and there were three doors. One for the library, one for the infirmary, and one for the laboratory. He was glad there were pictures, not words, in all honesty. While he wasn’t.. Super interested in the library, he was a little curious on how big it was. 
“Shiver me whiskers..” he muttered as he wandered in, it was huge–larger then he was expecting, at least. He had no interest in reading any of the books, obviously, though that was partially because he couldn’t (or at least not well) and partially because he’d likely find all of those books boring. He walked out as quickly as he had walked in. He took a glance in the laboratory and infirmary, but they seemed a little… barren. Sure, there was stuff in them, but no decor, and certainly not as much stuff as he had expected. And, he didn’t want to touch anything in either room in fear of accidentally breaking anything. Walking back to a chute, he jumped down, landing in a large, spacious area with a pool of water. And he heard some tinkering sounds, so he followed where his ears took him, and they led him to an area with some pipes and that Tweak girl working on some stuff. “Aye, matey.” he said. He wasn’t really worried about bothering her–it wasn’t like if she was startled she would drop something that could hurt her or anything of the nature. She whipped her head back, blinking. “Heya,” she said, confusion littered across her face. “What’re you doin’ here?” she asked, and Kwazii shrugged. “I be bored.” he said, and she stuck out her tongue, thinking. “Y’know, y’ could help me paint the gups. I needed some help with that, anyways.” she said, putting down her tool and walking over to Kwazii. “I’ve already done the GUP A, so you can start with the GUP B.” she said, pointing at an almost sharkish-torpedo like metal structure. It looked fast. Kwazii smirked “Issit fast?” he asked, and Tweak grinned. “Fastest I’ve got. Proud of er. I have some paint cans ‘n brushes over by where I was workin, if ya wanna take em.” she said, and Kwazii nodded. He took a can of orangish paint, (and was very grateful the cans had their colors colored on them) and some white and black, and a few brushes. Tweak seemed relieved she’d be getting help with it. He sat down, in that one pose that adults told you not to sit in when you were a kid cus it was ‘bad for you’ (basically on your knees but with your legs spread out instead of next to each other) and dipped the paintbrush in the orange, beginning to paint the GUP. He was just happy to have a distraction. Tweak wasn’t one he expected to be for small talk, but he was open to it once she started. “So, how’d ya get selected?” she asked, still tinkering away. Kwazii snickered a little, “Well, ya see, I be on a.. Raft, of sorts. An’, when gettin’ parts or somethin’, he found me out on th’ open ocean.” he explained. “Why were ya on a raft?” she asked, and Kwazii was silent for a moment. He wasn’t a (extreme) liar, though he also wasn’t going to explain the real situation. “...just was.” he responded. He was grateful when Tweak seemed to get the hint and didn’t pry. 
“Howabout you? How’d y’ be selected?” Kwazii asked, and Tweak replied quickly. “I was workin’ for this repair company, an’ the Professor came in, wanting a engineer, and while my manager declined completely, I overheard and reached out. We discussed plans and ideas, and I ended up being the main engineer.” 
Kwazii, dipping the paintbrush back in the paint and making another stroke on the GUP, “That be pretty great. Wait,” Kwazii blinked, looking away from his work. “Did ya make ALL of this?” he asked, and Tweak chuckled. “Yup. The Octopod herself, the GUPS, everythin’.” Even to Kwazii, that was a massive feat. He wasn’t one to compliment most of the time, though that was certainly, “Impressive,” he said. He tried not to show too much awe. Didn’t want to give her the wrong impression.
“Thanks.” she simply said, before asking another question. Kwazii would obviously never trust her, but her talking to him was nice. “What color are ya paintin’ her?” she asked, and Kwazii replied “Orange. It’s the best color, after all.” he said, grinning. “Pft, right. Clearly green’s the best!” she said, and they both laughed. “Naw, naw, orange. I mean, it’s the color of me fur!” he said, and Tweak chuckled. 
“Well green’s the color of my fur–or, hair, I guess.” she bantered back, to which Kwazii playfully responded, “Well, I be better though, so,” and for a moment Tweak was silent, and Kwazii wondered if she was a tad less blunt and.. Able to handle that kinda thing then he thought, though that thought was proven wrong immediately. “Oh, right? May I remind ya who designed the very ship yer paintin?” she asked, jokingly. 
“That may be true, but I could beat y’ in a fight, I’m sure!” Kwazii bragged, and at first he thought maybe Tweak’d leave it at that point. Until, “Prove it.” she challenged. “Does that be a challenge?” he asked, and he heard the sound of a tool being put on the table, and Tweak walked out of the pipe room, readying her fists. “Yes it does.” she said, grinning. Kwazii placed the paintbrush back in the can, and stood up. “Let’s go.” he said, readying his own fists. “No claws, no serious harm,” Tweak said, which Kwazii agreed on. Especially since they didn’t have a medic yet. “Just fun.” she finished, and Kwazii nodded, and “3, 2, 1!” 
Kwazii pounced, hands on her shoulders, pinning her down (in a non-sexual way, just to be clear. These bitches are FIGHTING, and not in the ‘fighting with their tongues way’) and before he could declare himself the winner, Tweak butted him in the stomach with her knee, making him fall back a bit. “Yow!” was all he exclaimed, as Tweak stood on him 
“Hah! I won. Faster than ya could say buncha munchy crunchy carrots!” she said, triumphantly. Kwazii grinned, though a little embarrassed he lost. “I’ll beatcha once we get that medic,” he said, sharp teeth gleaming. “Sureee.” Tweak responded, hands still confidently on her hips and head tilted to the side. Kwazii actually looked at her now–he hadn’t really thought about what anybody looked like, but now he realized that line earlier implied her hair was naturally green. He certainly couldn’t judge her outfit though, (black tanktop and jeans) because one, he definitely didn’t have ANY sense of fashion, he was wearing some of the Captain’s old clothes, after all. Grey t-shirt that was way too large on his skinny frame, and jeans that would be quite tight on the captain that weren’t at all on Kwazii. 
“Wait, yer hair naturally be green?” he asked, genuinely, and she just nodded confidently. “Yup! Pretty great, yeah?” Kwazii nodded. “That be true. What, y’ part plant or somethin?” he questioned, and Tweak laughed. “Naw, rabbit.” she said, and confusion washed over Kwazii’s face. “Rabbits be green?” he asked, now even more clueless. “I don’t think any other rabbits besides me an’ me Pa are.” Tweak replied, shrugging. 
“Well, shiver me whiskers..” Kwazii muttered, and Tweak held out her hand, which Kwazii took, dusting himself off. “I.. I should be gettin’ back t’ painting.” he said, grinning. “And I’ll get back t’ makin’ our helmet-radio-neckcoverings.” she said, and before Kwazii could express his confusion she said, “You’ll see later.”
Kwazii pursed his lips–he wanted to know what the hell she meant by that, (and badly ) though even if his patience was practically non-existent, he had a feeling she wouldn’t let up. She seemed a lot more.. Well, patient. And very persistent. So, he walked back over to the GUP B, picking up his paintbrush and sloshing it in the orange paint, as he heard the twisting in of parts.
Tweak had her tongue stuck out–that wire just wasn’t getting in place properly, it was almost creating a little mountain of sorts of itself, so she gave it a little hit on the side and it was in well. That little fight she had just had with Kwazii was entertaining–she found it a little funny how full of himself he was. And the gall he had to say he’d win the next time! 
Though she appreciated him painting the GUP B, it would save her a little time later. She had the sneaking suspicion he wouldn’t help paint any other of the GUPS, though, since he already seemed infatuated with the GUP B. It made sense, he clearly wanted something to go fast (he had said that was why he had crashed in the simulation–he thought the simu-GUPS would go faster) and like she had said, the GUP B was by far her fastest. 
She was proud of it–it would be good for missions where someone needed to dive down and scoop something up, or evade someone dangerous, or just distract someone or something. It was good. She had a feeling it’d be wrecked by Kwazii often enough, so she was glad she had so much extra material. 
Eventually, Kwazii had announced he was done, and promptly (just like Tweak was expecting) he left, off to do his own thing. It was too bad, Tweak would’ve enjoyed some company. Tweak knew that Dashi girl was busy, doing checks and everything, though she wondered how the hell she’d be able to sit in that chair all day! Tweak always had to be tinkering, personally, or at least moving or something!Genuinely, she had no idea how that girl was able to keep that together. Though, she did appreciate the help with the wifi stuff and the ideas that Dashi had brought forward–again, mainly about the wifi, but still. It was a good idea, after all. Would make it easier to contact most of their families, (besides Tweak’s own Pa, old guy refused to use any ‘gadgets’ or ‘gizmos’ like Tweak did) and even improved stuff like the storm and creature tracking, plus some radio things. 
After popping one more thing into place, the helmet was complete! Well, not completely, it would obviously need to look a lot better, since currently it was metal, so she’d need fabric, but, other than that, it was done! She clipped it onto her neck, and decided it was time for a test run. Grabbing oxygen tanks and hooking them up seamlessly, she turned on the helmet. It covered her entire head, just as planned. Jumping into the water, it worked perfectly, no water got in. 
She swam around a little bit, (ignoring the annoying texture of wet fabric on her skin–she forgot she hadn’t gotten the water-proof outfit quite yet) and it was still working wonderfully, and when she resurfaced, she clicked the button and it went away in an instant. Perfect. She thought to herself, and then she decided to look over at the GUP B–it was actually surprisingly well painted. 
Yes, it was painted that orange color, but it was done well. She should’ve expected the eyes and teeth, too. She decided to go over it and make the teeth a little rounder at the ends–not enough that Kwazii would notice, obviously, just so hopefully nobody would be scared of it. She doubted they would be–it was clearly a submarine, not an actual animal, though she knew how stupid some people could be, so she didn’t want to take the chance.  
The rest of the week kinda dragged–The Captain, obviously, in his good heart came to visit her a few times, making sure she was alright, bringing her food, (he told her that once the whole team was together that they’d all be eating in the dining area for all the meals, just to make sure everyone was eating. Tweak wondered why anyone wouldn’t eat, though she also realized she was kinda a hypocrite for that thought. There were too many times where she skipped a proper meal in favor of engineering and instead snacking on carrots.) and just generally checking on everything. Asked if the development on everything was going well. 
Well, there was one time when Dashi came down. 
“Dashi?” Tweak asked, confused, paintbrush mid-air. (A drop ending up dripping on the floor, making a tiny tiny puddle) “Hello, Tweak. We’re very close to a hard-to-steer through area, and it’ll be dark soon, and the Captain doesn’t favor driving through that kind of thing in darkness, so we’ve stopped a little early.” she said, smiling.
“I appreciate ya comin’ down, but couldn’t you of told me over the speakers?” Tweak questioned, cocking her head to the side. “Oh, well, I was thinking I could help with the painting.” she offered, and Tweak grinned. “Lemme getcha a paintbrush.” she said, walking over to the astutely named ‘pipe room’ to grab another paintbrush, and some paint. “I’m finishin’ up with the GUP C right now, so if you wanna help with D, that’d be wonderful.” she said, and Dashi glanced at the color. “Yellow?” she asked, a little confused. 
“Yup. Figured, as it’s by far the most.. ‘Different’, of the GUPS, should have th’ most stand-out color.” she said, and Dashi sat down next to her, picking up the paintbrush, dipping it in the yellow paint and beginning to lather the GUP D in it. “How is it the most different? I will say, yellow is a wonderful colour, though.” 
Tweak, now focused again on painting the GUP C, responded, “Well, you see, it’s th’ only GUP that can really maneuver on land, fer starters. It has,” and she put the word in air quotes, paintbrush back in the can, “‘legs’, that can extend out when needed. It’s modeled after a crab, so it’s also the only GUP–besides the GUP C’s towline–that can really grab onto anythin’”, she said, accentuating the ‘grab’ both in her tone of voice and making a little grabby hand motion.  
Dashi nodded, making another elegant stroke across the gup. “Speakin’ of colors, though, what’s yer favorite, Dashi?” Tweak asked, tilting her head. “My favorite colour? Hm.. It might be a little basic–but pink.” she said, and Tweak thought that made sense. Dashi seemed like a classic girl’s girl in all honesty–Tweak had never been interested in any of that, in all honesty. Maybe it was because she never grew up with it–living a little more isolated made her.. While not antisocial, she thought she could hold up a good conversation in her opinion, she didn’t have much exposure to most girly things. 
Her Pa was–expectantly–never was interested in again, more feminine things. So Tweak was never exposed to things like makeup or more fem clothes (like skirts and dresses) or just really any of that. So, she was never interested in it, ever. But she assumed Dashi likely was–maybe Dashi’s mother liked all of that stuff or maybe Dashi just ended up actually being exposed to that through ads and stuff. It wasn’t really Tweak’s business to pry, any who.
“Oh, fair. I think it’s a fine color–it is the color of my headband, after all,” Tweak responded, which was true. It was the one thing that could even remotely be considered girly, at all, that her Pa had gotten her. Dashi laughed. “Looks good on you!” she said, and Tweak felt herself blush a little. It was nice to be complimented, after all. 
Their conversation was a good one–Tweak was glad she was bonding with someone, it really was nice. Eventually, after finishing painting those two and the GUP E, Dashi went off to bed and Tweak played games before tucking herself under the covers of her own bed as well.
The day after that, Captain Barnacles had everyone come up to the hq. “Everyone, the area we will be steering through next is.. Rocky, to say the least. I recommend putting anything that could more easily fall over in a more secure area. Along with that, by the time we get to the medic’s, we need you to fill out this form. It’s.. basically medical history, since he needs to know all of that incase if–and hopefully this doesn’t happen of course,--anything happens to anyone and either he needs to put you on anything or just in general.” 
Kwazii let out a groan, (and he did not care to hide his annoyance) to which Captain Barnacles said, “Kwazii, remember to include all intense injuries.” he said, and Kwazii pursed his lips. “...does surgery count?” he asked, and confusion washed over the Captain’s face. “...Well, I’d presume you should mention it, just not under injuries.” he said, and Kwazii nodded. “..Right.” was all he said. “Now, everyone, to their stations. It could get very difficult to steer through here, so we need to make sure everything’s secure. Tweak, head to the launch bay, and if she needs any help, Kwazii join her. Otherwise, you stay here with Dashi in hq.”
Everyone agreed, Tweak launched herself down the chute, and made sure all the GUPS were secured. They were, fortunately. She secured her games away, actually made her bed for once so her blanket wouldn’t fall off as easily, and did that dusting hands off motion. 
She felt the ship lurch to the side, and she grabbed onto the control panel to steady herself, knees bent to help with her balance. It lurched to the other side, and her cheek squished against the metal of the ship’s wall, and she decided to make a run for it to get a better grip on one of the pipes in that one room, and fortunately it didn’t end in her being chucked into the launch bay’s pool of water, and she managed to get over there, grabbing onto one of the pipes for support. It was one of the thicker ones–she knew it would have better support. 
Tweak was gripping onto that pipe for much too long–knuckles white from the intense holding. It lasted for about 10 minutes too long, and Tweak was sweating egregiously after the whole ordeal. Breathing in and out, she decided to go to hq, hopping in the chute and hopping out in the hq. “Howdy,” she said. 
Dashi was still gripping on her chair, pink nails digging in, but her face was calm and collected. Kwazii radiated confidence, though Tweak had a feeling it was a facade. When the Captain came down, he was.. Very calm. Not a hint of scaredness behind those dark eyes. “Everyone, did anything go wrong?” he asked, and Tweak shook her head no. “Nothin’. I had to grip onto some pipes–but no tools or GUPs got harmed.” she said, and Dashi nodded. “The chairs were.. Kinda sliding all over, but no one got hurt. Kwazii seemed to enjoy sitting up on the table.” 
Kwazii’s face went red. “Hey!” “Wonderful. I’m glad no one got hurt, especially without a medic. Speaking of, there’s some form everyone needs to fill out.” he said, looking at Dashi. “They should be on the computer, if you could print them out, Dashi?” he asked, and Dashi nodded sharply. “On it, Captain.” she swiveled back over to look back on the screen, tapped a few things, and it was printed out quickly. “It’d be better for everyone to do it now, but does anything they need to do first?” he asked, and Tweak thought before shaking her head. “I’ve got nothing.” Kwazii said, and Dashi similarly said, “I don’t have any pressing duties.” 
So, the Captain grabbed all but one from Dahsi and handed them to Tweak and Kwazii, and Tweak sat down at the table in the hq, pulling out a pen from the sealed pencil holder. Kwazii grabbed one too. Tweak.. Didn’t want to judge, or be mean, but Kwazii was definitely not holding the pencil the right way. 
He had his hand in a fist with the pencil stuck through, and he was very clearly writing with individual lines instead of each letter conjoined properly or using any sort of curves. Tweak decided to ignore Kwazii’s chicken-scratch writing, though, and decided to focus on filling out her own form. 
Her name and species were, obviously, incredibly easy questions. (Tweak Rabbitson and, obviously, rabbit)  She had no past major injuries, no surgeries, the only medication she was on was birth control (for period pains), she had no mental illnesses or physical ones (to her knowledge, at least) and she didn’t think there was anything else that would be relevant in a medical sense. 
She was a little curious on exactly how the new marine biologist, and medic, would act. The names never were mentioned, and she knew nothing about them. She just hoped they’d be good at driving the GUPS.
Shellington had all of his stuff packed up–he was actually staying in a hotel, as he wanted to get out of his dorm quickly. Inkling was actually still in Scotland–apparently they had decided on picking up him and the Professor in Scotland, then going to the Antarctic to pick up their medic. Shellington, obviously, didn’t mind though. He had said bye to Pearl already, as he wasn’t entirely sure exactly when they’d be arriving and just wanted to get it in just in case. Pearl was happy for him, clearly, and had only demanded he visit her(which really didn’t need to be said–he was obviously going to visit her at some point, and he was definitely going to talk to her over the phone at some point). Sure, he had to fill out this little medical sheet, but it was easy. He basically just had to put in his name, species, and then answered some variation of “no” or “none” to almost all of the questions. 
Well, he did say that he slightly suspected he wasn’t neurotypical. But other than that he didn’t really need to write any other letters other than “N” “O” “E”, again not including his name/species. He was curious about the crew, though Inkling insisted on everyone meeting each other being a surprise of sorts. Shellington didn’t see the point, though he supposed he could deal. All of his stuff was packed up, and even though Inkling said that he’d be provided with supplies and everything he needed, Shellington still wanted to bring his own stuff. For two reasons–one, he wasn’t completely sure exactly what Inkling thought he ‘needed’, and two, he didn’t really have anywhere to put his stuff. He’d prefer not to bury it or force it on his sister, so it was better to take it with him. 
Shellington was also ecstatic when he found out his room was also part of the lab–wasn’t that wonderful? If he wanted to research something or test something in the middle of the night, he could without worrying about people hearing him creep through the halls of the ship. It was wonderful. Something he wasn’t as excited about the fact that he’d likely have to help with gardening, and god forbid cooking. All Shellington knew how to make was pasta, (and that was barely!) and he had somehow managed to burn that. 
To say the least, he wasn’t exactly the best cook or baker. He was glad when he found out Inkling would be doing a lot of the cooking, or at least helping with it, since he didn’t really have a secure role. Unlike Shellington, who had a role as a marine biologist, he mainly just chilled in the library. He had obviously wanted to go on the expedition, he just.. Wasn’t interested in doing everything. 
While Shellington had to admit he wasn’t super interested in the ‘protect’ and ‘rescue’ aspects, those seemed a little too high action for him, the ‘explore’ bit was right up his alley. And he was sure he’d be able to do so much research! Living underwater in a submarine that’s constantly traveling around the ocean meant he could research so much! And, Inkling even mentioned how they could head into the deep cavernous trenches of the ocean, which would let up so many research opportunities. 
Basically, TL;DR, he was excited for this. And the rest of the crew, (the rest of the Octonauts , he realized) was likely going to be there either tomorrow or the day after. 
The Professor had called him at 4pm that next day. “Shellington, the ship’s here. Come to the port,” he had said, and Shellington scrambled, grabbing everything. He had already checked everything about 7 times over, and he glanced around his hotel room to make sure he had everything–fortunately, he did. Walking out of his hotel, walking to the port, and he saw Inkling. And he saw it. As he approached Inkling, he asked, “Is that.. It?” And Inkling nodded. “Quite wonderful, don’t you think?” he asked, and Shellington was speechless. 
It was beautiful. It was clearly modeled off of an octopus, before the whole hybridization thing. The ‘head’, which its mouth doubled as a sort of opening hatch, (that currently had a ramp attached) and four arms all with large rooms attached. He could see a garden, a sort of play room with a ping-pong table, and two that seemed to have bedrooms. Inkling smiled, looking at Shellington, before motioning with his head to go up. Shellington walked up, bag rolling behind him, and as he walked in, there was a ladder. 
A woman with mint green hair and a pinkish headband waved to him from the top. “Sorry, this is usually filled with water–ain’t right now, though, obviously. Just leave yer suitcase–we’ll get it, and just climb up the latter.” she instructed, and Shellington nodded, still in awe. He clamored up the latter, and looked around. “Mind waitin fer a moment?” she asked, and Shellington gave a thumbs-up. “I don’t mind.” 
“Great.” she said, looking back down the empty bay. “Prof, can you climb up the ladder?” she asked, and he probably nodded or something because she said, “Great” again, and soon Inkling had climbed up the latter too, and Tweak pushed over a box. “There’s a much better chair in hq. You’ll see.” she said, grinning. “But, while I grab yer guy’s bags, do you mind showin’ Dr…” she looked to Shellington. He didn’t say anything for a moment, before realizing she was asking him his name, discreetly. “Just Shellington.” he said, and she nodded. “Do ya mind showin’ Dr. Just Shellington how to use the chute?” she asked. Shellington almost corrected her, but decided there was time for that later. 
“I can do that,” the Professor said, and pointed towards the chute. “As you can see, this is a chute–it’s attached to tubes, that deliver us where we need to go. I’ll demonstrate, and you just follow right after.” he said, and Shellington blinked, a little surprised, before saying, “Fascinating.” 
Just then, the Professor catapulted himself down the tube, and once he couldn’t hear the Professor, he shrugged, and launched himself down it as well. He landed flat on his face in the hq–where the other crew members were. He looked up, and the Professor seemed to have a sort of hovering chair, that must’ve been what she was talking about, he thought, and he looked at the others. A clearly cat-hybrid, with long-medium gingerish hair, cat ears (one with a little nip in it) and tail displayed, an eyepatch, and his face littered in freckles. A man with dark skin, white buzzcut, and a squarish mustache who he assumed was the Captain, and oh my goodness was that- “ DASHI?” he exclaimed, who immediately swiveled around, a look of confusion on her face. “Shellington?” 
“You two know each other?” the white haired man asked, to which Shellington got off the floor, dusting himself off, and nodded. “Yes, we met at a cafe a little while back. I didn’t expect this to be the job you mentioned,” he said, looking around now. It was circular, like he was expecting from how it looked on the outside. There were some screens and a LOT of controls, some chairs, a table or two as well. 
“I was wondering if you two would meet.” Inkling said, and Dashi and Shellington both looked at him. “I should elaborate, yes?” Both nodded, and everyone else was still at least a little confused. “Well, I was in Scotland because I know there was a school that taught marine biology there, and also because Dashi was heading there on account of being a flight attendant and was able to get me a slight discount. So, I knew you two were both there. Therefore, you could hypothetically meet.” he concluded, and now that Shellington was thinking it over, it made sense. 
“Well, either way, everyone meet Dr. Shellington–who hasn’t already, I mean.” the Captain said, and Shellington clarified quickly, just as the woman from earlier was coming up through the chute, “Oh, you can just call me Shellington,” he said. She looked a little embarrassed, (probably because she accidentally called him the wrong thing) though didn’t say anything. 
“Though, everyone should introduce themselves. I’m Captain Barnacles,” the Captain told him, and Shellington was glad he assumed right on that aspect. “I be Kwazii,” the Cat said, grinning. He thought silently, He must be a pirate or something. I doubt Inkling would hire one with a criminal record, though, so he’s probably a former one or one who didn’t actually do anything bad. He concluded. The woman spoke up, one hand on her hip as she took out a carrot. “I’m Tweak–the engineer.” she said, and Shellington nodded. That made sense. He was a bit curious about her affinity for carrots, though didn’t want to pry. 
“Tweak, can you start filling the launch bay again so we can set for the Antarctic?” Barnacles asked, and she nodded. “Faster than you can say buncha munchy crunchy carrots–er, actually, it might be a little longer than that..” she seemed to contemplate silently as she jumped back down the chute. Shellington was just impressed she was able to land upright–he certainly couldn’t. 
The Captain turned to Kwazii. “Kwazii, since you’re not doing anything, can you show Shellington around?” he asked, and while Shellington was a little silently disappointed that it wasn’t Dashi, he knew she was busy. “Aye!” he turned towards Shellington, a grin plastered on his freckled face. 
“C’mon, where do you wanna see first?” he asked, and Shellington thought for a moment. “The Laboratory, of course.” he decided, and Kwazii shrugged. “Aye, then. Follow me,” he said, walking to a chute and motioning for Shellington to follow. He did a front flip before jumping in, exclaiming “Yeow!” and Shellington jumped in, bracing to get launched out. Kwazii landed on his two feet, and Shellington managed to at first, but then stumbled and fell onto the carpet. Confusion washed over his face. Carpet? Shouldn’t we be in the lab? He thought silently, looking up. Oh. A hallway. He quickly stood up brushing off his knees. 
“You’ll get it eventually, matey.” Kwazii reassured, which Shellington silently appreciated, and Kwazii walked over to a door, which automatically opened. “Well, this be the ner-” he coughed into his arm, stopping himself. “Lab. Enjoy yerself.” 
Ignoring the obvious accidental Kwazii calling him a nerd, (which, to be fair, he kinda was) he looked around. It was wonderful–the wallpaper was what he would’ve loved, and it was primarily green, his favorite color! He set his stuff down to his bed, glad that his suitcase had already been delivered there. He looked around the room–it had some things he hadn’t previously, like a microscope and once he looked in a few cabinets, an unholy amount of test tubes, which only added to his happiness. 
While he was tempted to start organizing everything, he figured he should see the rest of the ship. “I’ll… let’s look at some other stuff–I’ll come back and organize later,” Shellington said aloud. Kwazii grinned. “Good. No offense.” he said, and Shellington took no offense. (he kinda ignored the comment entirely, actually) Kwazii walked out, motioning to the infirmary. “That’s the medical place. I don’t think we be allowed in, yet.” Kwazii said. 
“That’s logical.” Shellington commented, and Kwazii nodded, motioning to the library. “It’s real big. Lotsa books. Personally, not interested.” Kwazii said, shrugging. “You don’t seem like the one for books,” he said, and Kwazii looked a little nervous. “Somethin’ like that.” which added to his suspicion, but he honestly didn’t care enough to really pry. He took a glance inside, and damn, Kwazii wasn’t lying. 
There were a ton of books–Shellington assumed the Professor had a lot, but not this many! He glanced around, seeing that there were books on marine biology–a decent amount of them seemed to be, actually. He walked over, skimming them, not noticing the annoyed Kwazii in the background. It was all topics he knew, of course, so he didn’t read any at the moment, though he decided if he felt he needed to freshen up, he would come there. He looked to Kwazii, who was tapping his foot impatiently and gazing off into space. “Kwazii, is there anything else in the hallway or…?” 
Kwazii, a bit surprised, looked back at Shellington. “Huh? Uh, naw, I don’t think that be. I’ll show you th’ kitchen, garden, and dining area next.” Kwazii said, motioning for Shellington to follow him, which he did. Kwazii launched himself down the chute, and Shellington followed after. He ended up crashing INTO Kwazii that time, (which he could argue wasn’t his fault, honestly) making them both fall over, Shellington on top of Kwazii’s back. “Shiver me whiskers..” was all Kwazii muttered, as Shellington spooned out apologies, before he shrugged, stretching, and then motioned to the room. “The dinin’ room and kitchen! Garden be upstairs.” he said, and Shellington nodded. “Makes sense.” 
The dining room was nice enough–it was a plasticy yellow table, and the kitchen was honestly larger than Shellington expected. Though, it was just kinda an average kitchen, nothing special. (besides the fact it was on a submarine) Kwazii didn’t honestly seem to know what the things were called, and as he was motioning to everything, he just didn’t say anything about the stove or anything. 
He decided not to really take note of it though, it was likely just him over-analyzing, after all. Kwazii showed him up to the garden, and Shellington looked over the array of fruits and vegetables. It was nice that he would certainly be eating a much better diet then his (now former) college years. Instead of instant noodles, (both of ramen and mac n cheese) he would be eating meals with actual nutritional value behind them! 
He was sure there was some type of artificial meat stored away as well, but that wasn’t really his taste anyways so he decided not to press on to where that was. Kwazii showed him to the ‘fun’ room, which was complete with a small tv with beanbags, and a ping-pong table. “Ey, Matey, wanna play me?” Kwazii asked, grinning. “No, I’d like to get the tour all done so I can organize,” he said. Kwazii was clearly disappointed, (he didn’t seem to be good at hiding his emotions, honestly) though didn’t protest like Shellington expected. Instead he grumbled, jumping down the chute. 
“The other bits are me, the Captain’s, uh, hers, and probably be the medics,” Kwazii said. “Oh. I don’t really need to see those then. Thank you, Kwazii.” he said, to which Kwazii responded, “Yer welcome, matey,”  and Shellington launched himself down the chute, stumbling and face-planting into the carpet. Walking into the lab, he grinned. He wanted to talk to Dashi later, but for now, it was organizing time, babee. 
Speaking of Dashi, she was currently manning the ship–they were on the way to the icy terrain known as the Antarctic. Apparently there had been some problems with the Octopod and the cold before, but Tweak had come up with something that could hopefully keep it warm for the most part. Especially since it was just a quick stop–unfortunately, they couldn’t really do what they had done at the port earlier though. 
Given the risk of the whole ship freezing and everything shutting down, they instead opted to just drive out the GUP C (Tweak said that it’d likely be best equipped if something did go wrong, plus while it wasn’t specifically designed to deal with the cold, it was the best suited for it) to grab Dr.Peso and head back to the Octopod. Plus, that way, they wouldn’t have to empty the launch bay, and instead could just let them in through the water. 
Dashi honestly wanted to talk to Shellington once more–she considered him a friend at this point, and genuinely wanted to talk to him more. But, at least for now while everything was being set up, she simply didn’t have the time to do so. Especially given that Shellington was probably busy setting up all of his scientist stuff. 
She was a bit curious about the medic, though. She had been told that Dr.Peso was part penguin, and that led her to think about something–wouldn’t he, (and the Captain, given how he was part Polar Bear according to his last name. Dashi might’ve done a little snooping around in the files of everything, though to be fair it was part of her job, wasn’t it?) overheat? Sure, being part human and primarily presenting as such probably helped.. Though she still wanted to know. 
At the very least, shouldn’t they experience heat stroke more often? That would likely put them, and everyone else, in danger, wouldn’t it? She seriously had to ask about that. She’d phrase it as less of her just being mildly curious and more of like, a genuine concern, though.
And almost as if Meomi themself was answering her prayers, the Captain approached from behind her. “How is everything looking, Dashi?” he asked, and Dashi astutely nodded. “Good, Captain. We’re perfectly on course–heading at a steady pace to the Antarctic.” she said, professionalism lacing through her voice. To be fair, she just kinda did naturally sound like that–her voice was a bit monotone, for lack of a better term, at times and she tended to say things factually. 
She’d been called blunt once before, though she could certainly hold a casual conversation, she just sounded a little less… ‘friendly’, again for a lack of a better word. “Wonderful, Dashi.” the Captain said, and before he walked away, Dashi decided it was now or never. “Captain, I have a question for you,” Dashi said, swiveling back. She knew there was nothing in their way for the next 15 minutes at the very least, and let’s say something came out of the blue, the ship’s auto steering could handle it. 
The Captain, now twisting his body back to face her, “Oh? What is it?” and Dashi cleared her throat. “You.. in all respect, you are part Polar Bear, correct?” she asked, and the Captain was a little confused, and for a moment Dashi worried she had gotten something wrong, until the Captain said, “Well, yes, but.. I don’t quite remember telling you that,” he said, confused. “Oh, I.. I saw it on the files.” she said. It wasn’t a lie. She just wasn’t saying that maybe she was being a tad nosey and was purposely trying to find information. (She will say, she was a bit weirded out how that pirate didn’t seem to have a last name. Kwazii, was it? All she knew is that he was hired and was very athletic, and was part cat. Though that was obvious just from looks) 
“Ah. I see. Well, you’re correct, about that. Is that all?” he asked, and Dashi shook her head. “No, just clarifying. What I wanted to ask was.. I’m a bit confused on how you aren’t overheating–and how our new member, him being a Penguin and all, won’t either. I’m just worried it could cause some sort of damage or problem.” she again, wasn’t lying. Just not displaying the full reason–she was more so curious if anything. 
“Ohh, yes, I suppose I should explain that. You see, I have a cooling suit–it’s.. Well, don’t tell, but it’s actually pajamas. Once we pick up the new uniforms though it’ll be incorporated into those. It basically just cools down my whole body, and Dr.Peso will get one too, on account of him also being used for frigid temperatures, “ he said. “I see. That’s all, Captain.” she said, and Barnacles nodded sharply before walking away. That’s right–they would be getting proper uniforms soon. They had sent in forms of any sort of preferences they wanted–Dashi only requested that a skirt be compatible. Inkling had (albeit a tad secretly) shown her the main colors, and she had a pink skirt that she thinks would be wonderful with it. Currently though, she was wearing a sweater. She hadn’t gotten the chance to wear it, even if it was cute, in Australia as.. Well, obvious reasons.
But now she had the perfect chance! They were heading somewhere frigid, after all. And again, it was adorable, plus once the uniforms got in she doubted she’d really have a chance to wear it again. Soon, they would be landing. As trusty as the auto steering was, it was better to just stop. Apparently they had considered shifts, but it was vetoed quickly. 
After another few hours, it was ‘night’ completely. It was a bit hard to find out given the timezones, though most of it was planned (partially by the system) and not something to worry about. Dashi scanned for creatures, and fortunately there wasn’t any in the area like she was hoping. Beginning the landing protocol, she stretched, and stood up. In all honesty, she didn’t mind sitting all day. She imagined other people would hate it, though she really didn;t mind. Especially with the wonderful views of the ocean… that she hadn’t been able to take any pictures of. With that, she sighed–she knew she couldn’t go out yet, especially without the suit and the oxygen and everything, but.. She still wanted to. 
Though, she decided in order to cure her utter boredom, she would visit Shellington. She knew where the lab was, or at the very least she was sure she could figure it out. Of course, she got it right on the first try, swiftly entering the hallway and peeking into the lab. There was Shellington, and hell that was a lot of stuff. “Shellington?” she asked, and his head turned back, not dissimilar to an owl. “Dashi?” and his confusion faded when he realized he was right. “Hi–what’re you doing here?” he asked. It was phrased a little rudely, but Dashi presumed that likely wasn’t the intent. “Wanted to see how you’re doing, since the Octopod’s landed for the night.” she said, and Shellington looked surprised. “Wait, it’s–nighttime?” he asked. “Almost, yes. Tomorrow we’re getting the medic in the GUP C.” 
“.. oh. I have so much more to organize–” he muttered, and Dashi decided to offer. “I could help?” “Oh, really, thank you- I appreciate that,” and just as she thought he was going to accept her proclamation, “though, no. I need everything exactly where I want it, and you clearly don’t know where all of it goes, so , uh, yeah.” he looked back to his stuff. “Make sure to sleep though. You’ll have time tomorrow, especially since you’re not going to pick up Dr.Peso.” she said, and Shellington nodded. “Oh, right, sleep. Yes, I’ll- yup. I’ll sleep. Later.” 
Dashi had a feeling he wasn’t quite in the mood to talk more, so she shrugged, deciding to retreat to her room despite her mild worry that the guy would get little to no sleep. She changed into her nightgown, (though she had a feeling she would just start sleeping in her uniform once she got it) brushed her teeth, took a quick bathroom break, and her nightly rituals were primarily done. Putting in her headphones, she laid down, curling up under the covers. She was glad she had her music with her–she and Koshi surprisingly had pretty similar tastes, so whenever she listened to said music it reminded her of her little sister. That next morning, she got up bright and early. She had a very fortunate ability to just think of a time that she wanted to wake up at, and she could do it as long as she wasn’t unendingly tired and wanted to wake up early. And that wasn’t usually a problem. Stretching out her arms, she put back on a sweater. She launched herself down the chute after brushing her teeth, landing upright. 
To little surprise, the Captain was already up. “Dashi, hello. Good morning.” he said, and Dashi nodded back, “Good morning, Captain,” she greeted. She sat down in her swivel chair. “Starting launch, sir,” she said, pressing some buttons and the Octopod was ready to launch. “Go ahead.” he said, giving a sharp nod of approval. She pressed the final button, and the Octopod shook for a moment, before it propelled itself off the seafloor and they were now floating. “Turning on auto-steer,” she prompted, tapping the button on the screen, and the Octopod went into action, sailing for the Antarctic. 
“When will we arrive, Dashi?” the Captain asked. “In about a hour at the most.” Dashi said, not turning to face the Captain and instead prompting to continue to look at the screen. “No large schools of people or storms, Captain.” she said. She was surprised they were so lucky–she’d honestly been expecting at least one storm or roadblock somewhere. Things were going.. Shockingly smooth. 
And the trip itself was also surprisingly smooth, they got there without any complications–Dashi just hoped the luck would keep up while they were picking up the medic. She landed the ship, after making sure there wasn't anything that could possibly be damaged there, and then a face came on screen. The captain in his buzzcut + squarish mustache glory. “Everyone, report to the Launch bay.” he said, and Dashi hopped out of her chair and into the chute, launched herself down and landing in the launch bay. 
The GUP C–a GUP complete with a tow line that was lightly based off a whale, (it was certainly the one with the least obvious resemblance) was the one chosen. It had also been decided that the Captain, obviously, along with Kwazii would go. Inkling approached with some fish biscuits–seriously, those things were SO good, Dashi wondered what the hell they were made of–as a snack for the ride. 
Barnacles, of course, accepted the gift. Kwazii was exhilarated, excited to finally be going OUT there. And then, Tweak granted him something. “I don’t have the fabric, so it’s not technically done, but.. These helmets work. Just put 'em ‘round yer neck and press the button, and y’all will be sealed away from the water.” she said, and again clarified, “Again, not technically done. They’ll be prettier when I get the fabric.” she said, and the Captain nodded. 
“Thank you, Tweak, Professor.” he thanked, and turned to Kwazii. “Ready?” he asked, and Kwazii, wide stanced and fisted balled up in utter excitement nodded. “Aye, matey!” he exclaimed, sharp teeth barred in a grin, tail swishing back and forth rapidly behind him. Barnacles got in the GUP, Kwazii front-flipped into it after him, and they set off after clipping on the helmets Tweak had given them, along with putting air tanks in the gup. Maybe a few too many, it was really just a precaution if anything. 
“It’s going to be a long ride, Kwazii,” the Captain said, glancing slightly worriedly. “No worries! I be able to… deal!” Kwazii said, clearly someone forgot to think through the sentence before saying it, Barnacles thought, chuckling a little to himself. “What be so funny?” Kwazii questioned, pursing his lips. “Nothing, Kwazii,” Barnacles reassured. 
Kwazii, tapping his still somewhat long nails, had his tongue stuck out and Barnacles just knew he was bored out of his mind, and suddenly Barnacles noticed as he stopped, shrinking away a little and he would be lying if he said he wasn’t a tad worried. “Kwazii? Are you alright?” he asked, and Kwazii looked back up at Barnacles. “Uh, aye.” he said, and Barnacles knew he was a liar at that moment. “Mhm,” he mumbled, unconvinced. “I just….was thinkin’ about.. Me old crew.” Kwazii said. 
Oh. was all Barnacles thought. “I see. Would you.. Like to talk about it? It’s quite a long ride, anyways.” Barnacles said. It was his job as Captain to help his crew members–and even if he wasn’t super close with Kwazii yet.. He wanted to offer something. He hoped to be the first one his crew came to when they had any struggles.
“Aye.” Kwazii said, nodding a little. “Y’ see, I… the old–well, I’m sure he still be the Captain of the old crew, but he.. Helped me out when I was younger. Offered me t’ join his crew–and I didn’t know most pirates be bad.” he told him, and it almost looked like he was struggling a bit. Though Barnacles figured it was probably good to let it out now, not later. “They helped me with a lot–cut those lumps off,” I wonder if he got an infection or something? Not sure quite else he’d mean by lumps, the Captain thought, “Get the things, trained me t’ be a good pirate–thoughI didn’t know.. How terrible they could be. Cus, one day, I was told it was my first time on a proper pirate mission.” 
Ah. That must’ve been where everything went wrong. The Captain thought. “I thought it be to celebrate. But, alas, no. I assumed we were killin’ vile beaties. We weren’t.” That was all Kwazii had to say about that–clearly, he didn’t want to elaborate. But Barnacles didn’t pry. He was pretty sure he knew what happened. 
“Twas a party afterwards–o’ course, I didn’t have any fun. Snatched some essentials–rum, catnip, food, drinkin’ water, me things.” he said, leaning back against the wall of the GUP C. It was concerning to Barnacles how alcohol and cat-weed were listed above drinking water and actual food, (or honestly that those were even listed at all) though he figured it wasn’t best to try to psychologically examine Kwazii. He wasn’t qualified.
“Then I met ya.” Kwazii said. “Can I be honest?” Kwazii asked, and Barnacles would be lying if he said he wasn’t a tad worried about what Kwazii was going to say next. “I don’t think I would’ve lived if ya hadn’t showed up.” he said, and Barnacles figured that made sense. When he found Kwazii, he had been battered and bruised, clothes practically falling apart and little to no food and water left. “I’m glad I did, then.” Barnacles said, and Kwazii smiled.
“I be more so just happy y’ didn’t find me while super drunk” Kwazii said, shrugging. “You don’t have a drinking problem, correct?” Barnacles asked. A little invasive, but it was info that he needed to know. “No, nothin’ like that. Just… wasn’t doing good. ‘Gain, kinda thought I be damned to death.” Barnacles nodded. Sure, maybe not the best thing that he had turned to alcohol and weed, but to be fair he was stranded in the middle of nowhere. There wasn’t much else he could do. 
And, now he had.. Some sort of support. He wasn’t alone. Barnacles had a sinking suspicion he’d have trust issues for a while. “I suppose that does make sense.” Barnacles said, still front facing to the windshield of the GUP. Kwazii, sitting at the back of the GUP, put his hands behind his head. “What ‘bout you?” he asked, suddenly. Confusion overtook Barnacle’s face. “What exactly do you mean?” he questioned. “Well, I mean, I know nothin’ bout you. Besides.. Like, yer a Polar bear, yer the Captain, and I know yer personality n things…” 
Oh. That was true, he hadn’t really told anything about him. Sure, he shouldn’t be expected to spill his guts just because Kwazii did, though he figured it was good to at least talk a little about him before this whole Octonauts thing. “Well, I lived in the Arctic for years. Me and my twin sister, both. We were a part of this small organization, the Polar scouts. We basically just had little badges–for things like helping specific creatures, completing courses.. Everything like that.” he said, and he admitted it was a little nice to talk about it. He did miss his sister, after all. “Huh. Yeah that.. That be sensical.” Kwazii said. “Presumin’’ that was all fine ‘n dandy.” Kwazii assumed, and Barnacles internally debated telling him. “Well, not quite.” he said, and he practically heard Kwazii’s ears perk up. I decided to bring it up. It’s only fair to tell. He said, and sighed. “One time, me and the other Polar scouts decided to venture through a ice cavern–or cave, I suppose. We all often did it, so we thought it would all be fine.” he took in a deep breath. “It wasn’t. I fell into the ice, into a very cramped space down under. I was stuck in there for hours.” he shuddered. 
Kwazii didn’t say anything–clearly intently listening. “Fortunately, of course, the other scouts found a way to get me out. Ever since then, though, I’ve had claustrophobia.” he said, and he just knew Kwazii’s face was scrunched up in confusion. “... Don’t act like I know big words like that.” he said, crossing his arms. “It’s basically a.. A aversion to tight spaces.” he just hoped Kwazii knew what ‘aversion’ meant. 
“Oh, I see.” Barnacles would’ve said fear, but.. He had a hard time admitting he was scared of anything, he was a big, strong, leader–he shouldn’t be scared of anything. “Can’t blame ya. That must’ve been wretched.” Kwazii said, and Barnacles nodded lightly. “We are almost there.”
Barnacles knew Kwazii wouldn’t want what he had told him to get out to the crew, and he trusted that Kwazii wouldn’t tell anybody about his Claustrophobia. “Kwazii, maybe stay at the back of the GUP. I.. I think it would be better if I was the one who made the introduction.” he said, and Kwazii grumbled, but seemed to agree, sitting at the back of the gup. Barnacles honestly just hoped Dr.Peso was ready for them.
Peso had all of his things all packed up and ready to go, he had two suitcases. One was one of those ones that doubled as a backpack. He had been told that the whole submarine wasn’t coming–instead just one of the smaller ones, since they didn’t want to risk the bigger one freezing. There was another penguin who he didn’t have the name of who had all of the other crew member’s uniforms. Peso already has his own uniform on, as it had a cooling mechanism in it. 
His whole family was there.(besides all of his cousins and aunts and uncles who lived outside of this area of the antarctic) His mother, his brothers, his sister, his aunt, his uncle, his cousin that lived there, and his grandma. 
“ Mi hijo– I’m really going to miss you, okay? Call us sometimes, okay?” she requested, holding Peso’s face. “Don’t worry mama, I will,” and Pinto raced up to him, holding onto his leg. “Peso! You better call us, okay? Yeah?” Peso nodded, laughing a little bit. “Of course, Pinto.” he said, and his older brother and sister didn’t say much. “I’m happy for you, Peso,” Perita said, and her own twin, Pogo, nodded. And as if magic, a blue, ship looking thing arose from the water. It was round at the bottom, flat at the top, with a tow line attached. The windshield opened. “H-hello-” Peso greeted him. He, with his white haired-buzzcut, mustache, and dark skin seemed like the Captain. There looked to be someone else at the back, but in all honestly, he couldn’t tell. “Hello, are you Dr.Peso?” The presumed Captain asked, and Peso nodded. “Y-yes! I am.” 
The man hopped out of the submarine, and motioned for Peso and the clothing guy to hand him the things. Clothing guy handed it to him first, and then Peso handed him both suitcases, which he easily took. Peso was a little surprised at how strong he was. “Do you.. Need help getting in the GUP?” he asked, and Peso presumed the ‘GUP’ was the submarine. He looked at it, a little worried about getting in. “I um.. I think.. Maybe?” he said, and oh no i’m making a bad impression. 
The man held out his hand, and Peso grabbed on, and he was basically just put in the GUP. Peso might’ve been shaking a little. The Captain closed the windshield, and Peso waved, and the rest of his family waved back. And then the GUP dipped under the water, and Peso shook more. “Dr-” the Captain started, and Peso shook his head. “J-just Peso, please.” he said, and he nodded. “Well, Peso, I’m Captain Barnacles, and..” he motioned back, and a man with a eyepatch, ginger hair, cat features, and freckles thrown on his face revealed himself from the back of the GUP. “Ey, matey! I be Kwazii!” he said, grinning. 
Peso couldn’t really stop his reaction–he was a little if not completely terrified. Sharp teeth, pirate speak, plus the eyepatch, this guy–was he a criminal or something? “H-h-hello” and he cringed internally at his stupid stutter, it was so bad and he hated it. Kwazii, who seemed.. Not really hurt, just a little annoyed at most, didn’t seem harmful. Though Peso had certainly heard most pirates were liars, so he really didn’t know.
“We’ll be heading back to our ship –the Octopod, now. It’s basically our home base,” the Captain said, steering around glaciers and navigating the icy water. Peso nodded–he knew some of this already. He was nervous around Kwazii, though he had no reason to actually hate him. Hate and terror are very different feelings, after all. 
“How long will the ride there be?” he asked, and the Captain thought for a moment. “About thirty minutes.” he answered, and Peso didn’t know if he would be able to get through all of this. He was stuck in a small, in-escapable, submarine with a (potentially) dangerous pirate and a seemingly nice guy who he’s never as much as seen before. He’d be fine, surely.
A few minutes later, he wasn’t exactly fine. It had been primarily quiet, besides the pirate tapping his nails on the walls. “Oh, D- er, Peso, those forms you wanted everyone to fill out will be waiting in the infirmary.” Peso blinked–he’d honestly forgotten about that. He’d made those for some basic info. Incase if anyone got hurt, those were the things he needed to know. Especially if they were like, knocked unconscious or something. 
“O-oh- that’s wonderful, thank you,” Peso said, fidgeting with his hands and looking down. He just hoped this wouldn’t drag on much longer.  
Eventually, after that.. Utterly torturous ride, they arrived, and Peso’s mouth gaped open in shock. Octopus looking, and he couldn’t really make out the rooms, but they looked nice. Looked like there was a garden… and was that a ping-pong table in one of them? He wasn’t completely sure. 
As the ship maneuvered its way into the other, bigger, ship, Peso’s awe certainly didn’t lessen. The room that he would come to know as the launch bay later on was bigger than he thought it’d be, and even if he had a little trouble getting out of the GUP C. The three of them were greeted by a woman named Tweak, who was apparently the head engineer. 
“Howdy, you must be Dr.Peso,” she had said, grinning. “I’ll take y’alls bags to your room, and I’ll meet back up in the hq,” she said, grabbing Peso’s two suitcases and launching herself down some sort of tube. The Captain seemed to notice Peso’s utter and complete confusion though, so he clarified. “That’s the Octo-chute, it’s a system of tubes so that we can get around.” the Captain said, and Peso nodded. “H-how easy are they to use?” he asked. “Shellington–the uh, science guy–kept fallin. Everyone else be able to use ‘em just fine though,” Kwazii jumped in. Peso nodded, still somewhat-to-completely terrified of the guy, so he was shaking a little. At least if he failed horrendously, someone else was, too. “Kwazii, do you mind showing him?” Barnacles asked, and Kwazii nodded, grinning and launching himself down the chute. 
Barnacles then motioned towards it. “Your turn now,” he said, smiling. Peso didn’t think he could really refute that–this was the Captain, the leader, after all. Nodding, he hesitated before hopping in. But, after a few moments of waiting from the Captain, who looked a little concerned now, Peso (shockingly) sucked it up, and hopped in. Surprisingly, it was actually pretty easy–it was a lot like bodysurfing, which was one of the only things he was good at. He sucked at sliding down hills, but bodysurfing was genuinely easy for him. He landed upright, with a bit of a wobble, and all of his presumed Crew members were there, He walked away from the chute, and the Captain shot out from behind him, and he put his hands behind his back. “Crew, this Peso. Our medic. And, we have also got everyone’s uniforms, which we will hand out in a moment.” he said, holding up the bag with all of the clothes. “But, as we wait for Tweak, everybody introduce themselves.” 
He cleared his throat, putting down the bag and walking to what Peso assumed was the front. “I know you all know me, but I will introduce myself again. My name is Captain Barnacles PolarBear. You can refer to me just as Captain, or a abbreviation of such, if you prefer.” he said, then motioned over to a woman with looped cornrows and hair-clips. “Oh–um, yes, hello. My name is Dashi Daschund–though you can certainly just call me Dashi. I’m the I.T worker–I’ll be helping with steering and managing the ship and its systems.” she said, utterly and completely professionally. Peso just hoped the others wouldn’t speak like that, because then it’d be expected of him. 
The next person in the arbitrary ‘line’ had short, shoulder length hair and didn't seem to realize he was next. Dashi rolled her chair over to him, giving him a bump with her elbow. “Oh! Apologies. I’m Dr. Shellington Sea-otter. It’ll be wonderful to meet you all. And, just Shellington is quite alright, I should mention.” he said, smiling.
Next was that older fellow, the Professor. “I’m Professor Inkling. I’m sure you all know this, though I’m sure I ought to clarify. I’m the founder of this organization, and I’ll primarily just be helping out or reading in the library. I will be preparing or helping to prepare many meals.” he said, smiling and bowing his head a little. 
Do we not have a proper cook? Peso wondered, though didn’t say anything. 
Then, the pirate. “I be Kwazii!” he said, grinning. Peso blinked–did he not get the memo they were supposed to say their last name, and at seeing everyone looking at him a little confused he cleared his throat, continuing. “K-Kwazii, uh, Kitten!” he said, and in all honesty, it was obvious he made it up on the spot. Peso doubted it was on his medical form. 
Suddenly then, the woman who Peso had assumed was Tweak, jumping out of another Octochute. “Oh, we’re introducin’ ourselves, yeah? Well, I’m Tweak Rabbitson.” she said, smiling, and everyone looked at Peso. “Oh– I’m.. I’m Dr. Peso Penguin, though just Peso is fine,” he said, hands intertwined nervously. 
“Wonderful, then.” the Captain said, picking up the bag. “I’ll hand out all of your new uniforms, now. Peso, I’ll show you around in a minute.” the Captain said, and Peso nodded. 
Sure, this whole thing was certainly nerve-wracking and a little less than terrifying, but yet Peso was very excited about what was to come. He was going to help people, more than he had ever imagined before this. 
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socialc1imb · 2 years
Can I possibly pester you for some wind and spirit headcanons? I love the distinct personalities they have.
Omg yes of COURSE !!
They’re both 14, but Spirit is like a couple of months older and it drives Wind insane. Wind has sworn Spirit to secrecy so that the rest of the chain will never know he’s still the youngest.
When they first met they legitimately thought there was a mirror in front of them, for like half a second. But no, Spirit doesn’t have freckles, and since when did Wind have a scar on his chin?
Wind met spirit before the rest of the Chain met him so they decided to do their first “identity swap” in which Spirit went up to them in Wind’s clothes and asked who they were. (Wild nearly had a heart attack)
(When Time and Warriors first realized that there were now two 14 year olds with the same face in their team, they both had to sit down for a min)
They are best friends. Brothers, actually. They are basically twins and they do everything together.
Spirit is calmer and more reserved than Wind is, but he can be just as hyper and outgoing as Wind can, when he wants to be.
Malon, Wind’s grandma, Tetra, and Aryll are the only ones who can tell the two apart without fail. The rest of the chain just hopes that they haven’t switched outfits because that’s literally the only way they can tell who is who. (Wild is getting better at telling the difference just because he had so much experience with twins at the dueling peaks stable)
Spirit is perpetually sleep deprived, much to Wind’s annoyance.
Wind has realized that he can only sleep for a full night if he is literally right next to Spirit. He says that he only does it to make sure Spirit actually sleeps for longer than three hours, but also, they are brothers and he just wants to chill with his best friend.
Spirit may not look the part, but he is a force of chaos. Most of the pranks and shenanigans the two get up to are planned by him.
Spirit loves talking about trains and although it confuses Wind to no end, he loves to listen and try and understand how trains work.
Spirit is really good at telling when Wind is doing badly. He had a nightmare last night? Spirit just knows as soon as he sees Wind the next morning. Wind misses his sister? Spirit can tell because of the way he fiddles with his fairy necklace. It’s kind of insane, honestly.
They can both see ghosts/spirits. They didn’t realize the other could for a while, but as soon as they found out, they were like “omg no way”
I cant think of any more at the moment, but I hope you like these ones!!!!
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amesstm · 3 years
also being a professional volleyball player
genre: fluff; younger sibling!f!reader
Characters: Atsumu and Osamu, Ushijima, Oikawa, Sakusa, Kageyama, Bokuto, Hinata
✨The Miya Twins✨ are so proud to say that their little sister is on the Japan’s Women’s Volleyball Team. Not just any one can say that their family is a powerhouse of volleyball players. “Ah, I’m so proud of Y/N-Chan! She’s doing so well this season. Did you see her spike?!” Atsumu says in an interview when he’s asked about you. Growing up, they wanted you play be in the same position they were in. Atsumu would be so proud if you became a setter like him. His brotherly pride is on fire every time he watches you play. As for Osamu, you and Atsumu pester him to join you both on the court. Osamu insists that he doesn’t want to ‘steal the show’ - mostly from Atsumu. “HAHHH?!” Family interviews were by far the most fun.
✨Ushijima✨ expects nothing less. “How do you feel about your sister starting for the women’s team?” An interviewer would ask. Ushijima would simply stare at the camera and deadpan, “I’m not surprised.” Like is he even proud?? Yes, but he knew you’d make it. He’s not going to overreact about it because it was inevitable. “We both went to Shiratorizawa, so I think that she was well-prepared for this moment.” Of course, he would mention your high school. What he didn’t mention was the fact that you insisted he keep serving at you so you could perfect your receives. You two are just as crazy when it comes to volleyball. Oikawa is scared and prepared to retreat to Argentina again when he encounters both of you at the same time.
✨Oikawa✨ flexes the fact that you two are related all of the time. (He also gets egotistical when someone compliments both of your appearances) “Hey, hey, did you see my little sister do that?! I taught her how to do that!” He boasts at the Olympics. Oikawa may be playing for another country, but he still shows up to your game covered in Japan’s volleyball team merchandise. He has a picture of your face stamped on the front of his shirt. Oikawa is embarrassing at games but you know that he supports you with all of his being. After all, he was your biggest cheerleader growing up. Then, you scored with a lightning-fast ace on the other team. “WOOOO, GO OIKAWA!” Iwaizumi would snicker, “Your sister is the better Oikawa.”
✨Sakusa✨ and you are called the ✨prettiest volleyball siblings✨ by your fans. You looked up to Sakusa so much as a kid that you also developed his flexibility by copying him. He was your admirable older brother so when he did the splits, so did you. Everyone is astounded by the genetics of you two. Pretty? Check. Flexible? Check. Having a Miya wrapped around your finger? Absolutely. Atsumu follows you both around like a lost puppy. “Ahhh, I wish my sibling was here!” “Hey, stop shouting, you’re spraying everywhere.” “Omi, you’re being mean again.” You two are the cutest siblings because of your dynamic.
✨Kageyama✨ and you are both very competitive. Of course, the eldest sister Miwa is teased because she quit volleyball early. “I’m sure that grandpa would be proud of you both,” Miwa said with a smile when you both came back home with medals. Kageyama tried to hide his tears and the red tips of his ears. You hugged your older brother, “It’s okay. I know he watched us,” you whisper. You are there for each other all of the time. Injury? Kageyama jogs to your place to give you groceries. “Boke, why are you trying to walk on that ankle?!” Missing serves? Kageyama makes sure that never happens again.
✨Bokuto✨ and you are not just volleyball stars, but also social media stars. You two are always seen together, in real life and online. You’re often mistaken as twins, it’s that crazy. Like, you two have the same glorious thighs, too. Yes, you and Bokuto have your own merch - owl-themed, of course. If you two were going to be mistaken as twins, you might as well go all out. He’s also a loud cheerer, “GO BABY OWL!” Bokuto gets a whole section of the court to cheer for you and your team. Deciding that the world needed another Cupid, Bokuto also tries to set you up with his teammates. “Come oooon, why not give Atsumu a chance?”
✨Hinata✨ is already a loving brother to both you and Natsu. He’s helped you both start playing volleyball at a young age. “It’s okay! You just need to jump a bit higher!” He refuses to allow either you or Natsu think that you can’t play professionally just because you’re shorter than the average volleyball player. Hinata is beloved by all of his teammates, so all of them love you by default. Seriously, the sunlight seems to follow your family. When you’re in the professional leagues, people start to call you the “Little Giantess.”
©amesstm on tumblr // pls do not plagiarize, steal, or repost my content w/o permission!! BUT likes & reblogs are highly appreciated :)
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bitchapalooza · 2 years
Highschool au where it's a "war" between two small groups of reporters for the newspaper club, who's run by two senior twins Redmond and Bluetarch— but in reality it's actually run by junior Helen with her younger freshman sister Pauline, or "Miss Pauling", as her assistant(by older sibling authority(aka force)). Helen thought it'd be fun to kick things up a knotch by pitting the nine other members against each other and the twins were all for it, the one thing they could actually agree on. Merasmus is the weird kid, sophomore year, just pestering the newspaper club because he was kicked out last year lmao. Gray Mann is this sickly homeschooled kid ignored by his twin brothers(and by their dad), he just makes robots all day.
Mikhail(Heavy), Joseph(Medic), Florian(Spy), and "Firefly"(Pyro) are on the BLU team— Mikhail and Firefly running photography while Florian and Joseph write and interview.
Jeremy(Scout), Dell(Engineer), Lawrence(Sniper), Jane(Soldier), and Tavish(Demoman) on the RED team— Jeremy, Jane, and Lawrence doing photography and Dell and Tavish writing and interviewing.
Miss Pauling does literally all the work after that :')
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spikeface · 3 years
thoughts on camden lahey
Pondering the idea that Camden had a job like Isaac does. He’s the golden boy, though, and his father wasn’t quite as tyrannical before Camden died, so instead of working at the graveyard, Camden’s the lifeguard at the public pool (maybe the same one Kate is ultimately a lifeguard in). 
It’s a fun job, mostly. Laura and Valerie and the Hewitt twins usually find time to hang out with him, and they make fun of him relentlessly and bring their own whistles and cause general mayhem, but it definitely makes the time pass faster. Sometimes Kara comes by. She wears a bikini instead of her usual workout suit. He tries not to make a fool of himself.
He gets stuck babysitting Isaac sometimes, and he’s an annoying little twerp, but sometimes he can punt the kid off to the Whittemores instead. Sometimes all of them show up at the pool--usually that means Jackson spends the next hour pestering him about swimming technique, annoyingly persistent for someone whose parents could just pay for private swim lessons. But he’s pretty fun to rile up, and Danny and Isaac seem to get along, so it works out. Isaac doesn’t seem to care much about swimming, but he seems intrigued by Danny’s enthusiasm for lacrosse. Maybe he’ll join the team, once they’re all in high school. It’d be good for him. Might get his father off his back a little. Camden hopes it works out.
Camden’s favorite visitors to the pool by far, however, are Boyd and Alicia. Boyd seems to be Isaac’s age, but he’s a lot quieter, very serious--and very devoted to his sister, who is shy. Boyd really only lets loose with her, giggling when she splashes him, but he’s protective of her in a worried kind of way that Camden recognizes, where it seems like anything can happen at any time. Camden chats with them. He suggests Boyd try out for the swim team, once he’s old enough. Boyd seems a bit overwhelmed at the prospect of team sports. He’s very intrigued, however, by the ROTC program Camden is part of. He wants to help people. 
“It’s a big commitment,” Camden tells him honestly. “And a lot of work.”
Boyd thinks for a time. “Is it worth it?”
With anyone else, Camden would make a joke, laugh it off. Or just tell them what to do. Camden is the lifeguard, and the captain of the swim team, and an older brother. It’s what he’s used to. But Boyd’s serious gaze makes him answer, “It is, for me. But I guess you’d have to decide for yourself.”
Boyd frowns at this answer, pondering. “Maybe I will.”
Camden hopes that works out too.
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amphxtrite · 4 years
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george weasley x fem!reader
part two: our future together
warnings: swearing, spelling/ grammar mistakes.
summary: George falls head over heels for the reader at Quidditch try-outs.
word count: 2.2k
enjoy <3
Ah Quidditch, one of George’s favourite activities, other than pranking. The feeling of cool wind blowing against his face and the rush of adrenaline he gets hitting bludgers, and flying across the stadium at full speed makes him feel on top of the world. He’s adored the sport every since he was just a little kid watching in envy as his older brothers and his dad flew around throwing quaffles, catching snitches and, his favourite, hitting bludgers. He’d always dreamed of being to play real quidditch, not just the scrimmages at home, so when Fred suggested they try out for the gryffindor team in second year, he jumped on it. George smiles at the memory of their first try-out, they’d dusted any other kid in the beaters department and since then always have. Fred laughing loudly brings George out of thought.
It’s the start of a new year, which means try- outs again. George tries not to worry about it, he’s been on the team for years now, what could go wrong? He tries to focus on how excited he is to get back on the Hogwarts Pitch, but his anxiousness is shown, he’s tapping his foot and figeting with his bag string. “Let’s get a move on Fred, we’re going to be late!” He starts to drag Fred out the door of the gryffindor common room. “Alright, alright! Just quit your pestering.” Fred sighs, rolling his eyes and stuffing a dungbomb he was poking at back into his bag. “I don’t understand what’s got you in such a worry.” Fred starts. “We’ve been on the quidditch team for the past three years, we’ve got this!” The older twin smiles, patting George on the shoulder, “I know, but who knows who’s going to try out this year, what if there’s someone bloody amazing.” George says nervous. “Can’t be better than us, eh?” Fred smiles back. George manages a weak grin.
The twins make their way into the changeroom and get into more suitable clothing, swapping out their uniforms and ties, for their quidditch jerseys, and shin guards. Grabbing their brooms, they make their way onto the pitch and are greeted by their captain, Oliver Wood. “Hello lads.” He greets with his usual heavy Scottish accent. “How’s it going Oliver?” The twins answer back in sync. “Not bad, just excited to start try-outs, you guys have got competition this year!”Olliver laughs pointing over to a small group of gryffindors huddled together. “Well I guess we’ll just have to show em who’s boss, right Freddie?” George nudges his twin. “Right on George.” Fred answers back smugly.
The try out begins with a couple laps around the pitch, so Olliver can start to pick off those he sees unfit. Fred and George decide to have some fun looping around people and pestering their friends. “Heya, Harry how's it going?” George smiles at the blue-eyed brunette, while flying upside down above him, Harry flashes a smile and rolls his eyes at the twins' antics before making small talk with the red-head.
Oliver finally calls everyone back down and starts each round of try-outs starting with chasers, he and Fred began to cheer on Angelina, Katie and all their fellow gryffindors, feeling pride watching his classmates play.
George starts to grow nervous as the try-outs for the beaters roll around, he figits with his broom as Oliver begins to call them out in twos. “Alright let's have y/n and Finnick go first!” Oliver motions for two people. George sees a tall, skinny boy walk out first, sizing him up, he turns to Fred and shrugs slightly before turning back to look at whoever y/n was. His breath catches in his throat. You were stunning. He watches you in shock as you climb onto your broom with a bat and push off, taking a moment to admire the way your h/c hair blew in the wind and the look of excitement plastered on your face as you flew around, your e/c eyes seemed to shine like diamonds in the sunlight. How did he not notice you before? “Blimey.” George whispered out watching you race back and forth hitting bludgers back with such elegance and force. He had a dopey grin stuck on his face as he watched the way your eyebrows scrunched together when you spotted a bludger and how you retaliated quickly after a not-so-good hit. You were perfect. “Freddie…” he turned to his twin next to him. “I think I’m in love.” He concluded a blush littering his freckled cheeks. Fred eyes widen and his brows shoot up, looking back towards the pitch, he’s in time to see you landing back down, a huge smile plastered on your face as you pant slightly, giving a high-five to your partner. Fred looks back towards his twin “y/n?” Fred questions, George nods, still gazing at you, stuck in a daze, as you take a sip from your water bottle and spoke to Angelina. “Mate, that’s Angie’s best friend, she’s going to rip you to shreds!” Fred laughs. “Really?” George questions, he tries to think back to if he’s ever seen you before, but draws a blank every time. “How come I’ve never seen her before?” George asks, his eyebrows knitting together in a confused expression. “Well you’re pretty bloody clueless for one.” Fred smirks and continues, “You know, she goes to games a lot to cheer on the team, you probably haven’t noticed cuz you’ve got your head so far stuck in the game.” Fred laughs loudly. “She’s also in the year below us so that explains why she’s not in any of our classes.” Fred finishes explaining, rolling his eyes as he watches his twin’s love-struck expression.
“Weasleys’ you’re up!” Oliver shouts. The twins shoot up immediately, walk over and quickly ascend into the sky. “Alright George it’s go-time so put your goo-goo eyes away, alright?” Fred warns. George blushes bashfully, sneaking a glance down at you one last time, he almost has a heart attack when he sees you looking back at him, cheering him on with Angelina. He musters a smirk and decides to show off a little. Oliver releases the bludgers and George grips the bat a little tighter, he lets his usual competitive nature consume him and he flawlessly hits back the incoming bludgers with a strength only to be rivaled by his own twin. Flying back and forth down the pitch, doing loops and laughing, he looks back at you again after hitting the bludger several yards back and sees a look of amazement cross your eyes, your lips slightly parted in shock at the sheer talent of the twins. George’s smile goes even wider and taking a chance he shoots you his signature wink and speeds back into the game. Praying that he’d gotten the reaction he wanted.
Back down on the ground, you watch in awe as the Weasley twins loop around, hitting bludgers and laughing their heads off, you could kiss being a beater goodbye when the twins were this good. Your focus was mainly on George, his loops and turns were just so amazing and the ways his arm flexed made you blush. Continuing to watch him, he makes eye-contact with you and winks, before swinging his bat again, You smile and feel your heart swell. This doesn’t go unnoticed by Angelina, who comments on the small interaction.
“Oh what’s this I see?” she teases, “does someone fancy a certain Weasley?” Angelina continues a wicked grin crossing her face. “Don’t be ridiculous Angelina, there's nothing there.” You say brushing her off as the twins land, pushing each other around smiling. “I don’t know y/n, I’m pretty sure that wink was something.” She nudges you. Ah shit so she saw that. You feel your face grow hotter as a devilish smile grows on Angelina’s face.
George had just touched down. Wiping the sweat of his brow with his arm he nudges the boy beside him, “Nice job Fred!” he says high-fiving his twin. “You too!” Fred laughs back, bumping shoulders with George. Oliver calls up the next duo as Angelina calls out for them. “Oi, you two nitwits, i have someone for you to meet!” she yells for them. George can see you bury your face into your hands and he frowns. Was something wrong? Fred saunters over with George in tow and the two groups meet halfway.
“Well hello there Miss Angelina, you called?” Fred says as he approaches the two friends.
“Yes, I’d like you two to meet my very best mate y/n.” She laughs wrapping an arm around your shoulder. You blush and mutter a thank you to Angelina before speaking.
“Hi, it’s nice to meet you, you’re very great at quidditch by the way, y-your skills I mean.” you stutter out, mentally cursing yourself for messing up your introduction. George couldn’t care less in fact, he could’ve melted right there, your voice was adorable and your nervousness made him just want to wrap you in a hug.
“Thank you, haha y/n right?” Fred answers swavely before George could open his mouth, The younger twin turns and glares at his brother, what was he doing? “Yeah, that’s me.” You respond.
“Hey Angie, how come you haven’t mentioned little y/n before?” Fred teases. Angelina rolls her eyes.
“Oh I have, you two twats don’t seem to listen though.” She says coldly. Panic takes over the older twins face. “Oops?” Fred cringes. his answer coming out more like a question.
George decided to speak now while the other two were bickering. “You’re really good yourself you know, you’ve got a mean swing.” George compliments, your face lights up like a kid in a candy store. “Wow! Thanks George, it means a lot.” you smile sweetly at him. His breath hitches.
“W-wait you can already tell the difference between us?” he asks, trying to be nonchalant, but his voice comes out very excited. “Of course!” You laugh. “Angelina’s been telling me loads about you guys, and I’ve just drawn the personality to the person.” You giggle out. “Of course, she obviously can recognize the better looking twin.” Fred butts in puffing out his chest smugly. You roll your eyes, “Fred’s the confident and cocky twin and George is the sweet and compassionate twin” you explain with a smile playing on your lips. Fred opens his mouth in mock offence looking to Angelina for an answer, Angelina stares back at him and mutters a quick, it’s true.
George could tell he had to be beaming, you thought he was sweet and compassionate! He was going to burst with happiness.
“Hey Freddie can I talk to you, alone, for a sec?” Angelina asks, pulling Fred away. “Uh-yeah of course.” Fred follows slightly confused. Angelina shoots y/n a wink and George a look that said, don’t fuck up, as she continues to pull Fred away.
Oh shit she saw his blush didn’t she? Feeling nervous he turns back to face you and he can’t help but stare into your gorgeous eyes, tracing your adorable nose and perfect lips, he can feel himself falling. Hard.
“Lovely weather we’re having” you started, George accidentally cuts you off “Uh- hey, y/n how’d you like to grab a butterbeer with me this weekend?” he asks with a grin, silently kicking himself for interrupting you. Your eyes widen at his sudden boldness, but it’s replaced with a smirk. “Are you asking me on a date Georgie?” His face must’ve been on fire now, he hoped you’d think it was because of the try-outs. Godric he loved the way you said his name.
“I might be, what if I was?” he questions sarcastically. You grin playfully, you pretend to think it over, tapping a finger on your cheek. “I’d say, I’d love to go with you George Weasley and do this.” George looks at you confused as you walk closer to him, but it’s replaced with happiness when you wrap your arms around his torso. He was going to faint, he was sure of it, serotonin was coursing through him at such a fast pace he felt himself physically wobble. You step back a bit, not wanting to over step any boundaries.
Regaining a sliver of his confidence he flashes a charming smile. “Well then y/n what do you say then? Will you go on a date with me?” He opens his arms. You roll your eyes playfully and step back into his embrace. “Yes George I’ll go on a date with you.” you murmur into his broad chest. He hugs you tighter as Angelina and Fred walk back into your view, “alright love birds, y/n and I have got to get going.” Angelina pulls you by your shirt out of George’s embrace, you pout and say one final goodbye to both the twins before grabbing your bag and rushing to Angelina’s side, waving before turning and chatting with her.
Fred leans closer to the blushing red-head, “I take it, it went well?” Fred teases. George doesn’t answer at first, too busy watching you fade in the distance. “Perfect. It went perfect.” He feels himself grinning like an idiot and turning to his twin, “Freddie, I think I'm in love.” He says again joyously, “Alright, loverboy, let’s go get showered and changed so you can go hang with your little y/n again.” Fred suggests. George nods excitedly and grabs his bag, walking alongside Fred back towards the castle. Smiling all the way back.
George didn’t think it possible, but he found himself loving quidditch even more, tuning out Fred’s voice, he silently finds himself hoping he’d get to play quidditch with you by his side.
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kururu418 · 3 years
The Brittle Family
Felt like getting some artwork for my characters from Brittle Bonds. The Brittle Brothers, along with their aunt. Artwork is by the amazing @harchibudytgorichi From left to right!
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Bruno Brittle (17) the eldest of the Brittle Brothers, and pretty mature for his age. Having been used to helping out his aunt look after the others, he kindly but firmly keeps the rest of his brothers in line. Despite this he tends to be laid back, upbeat, and positive. He is very sociable and tends to be looked at as a role model by many. He’s a superstar athlete and plays a number of sports. Currently he's seen as the top player on the football team and is being offered a scholarship. Is just a little worried about leaving home, but is sure his brothers will be okay without him.
Bruce Brittle (16) the second oldest and tallest of the bunch. Unlike his older brother, Bruce is pretty anti-social and prefers to spend time with either himself or his family. He doesn’t talk much (barely at all) and is usually always tagging along with Bruce. He may be quiet, but he has the worst temper among the siblings and is the last one you want to risk ticking off. Though he doesn’t have the same love for sports (save volleyball) he usually joins any team along with Bruno just to pass the time. His real passion is for computer design and robotic engineering. Is seen as difficult to deal with by most, but isn’t really all the complicated as long you give him space.
Ben Brittle (15) the third oldest of the Brittle brothers. While not as distant as Bruce, he also tends to be on the anti-social side. Struggles with social skills, and likes to stick to his small group of friends and family. Loves music and plays a number of instruments, but is a rocker at his core. He also has a talent for cooking and does most of the baking at his aunt’s cafe. Tends to overthink things and get into his own head. Like his brother Bruce he suffers from ADHD and sometimes finds himself zoning out when he gets too bored or too into a certain task.
Beck Brittle(14) the fourth Brittle Brother. Just a bit on the devious side and probably the most sociable of the group. Spends most of his time showing off his card tricks and trying to win over girls. Loves telling puns (much to his brothers annoyance) and hopes to be a famous card magician some day. A little jealous of Bruno and Bruce since ‘they got all the good genes’ but doesn’t try to dwell on it too much.
Billy & Brady Brittle (12) the twins, and the youngest of the Brittle Brothers. The two are both energetic and love burning off their seemingly limitless energy. Mostly through sports, but also sometimes through pestering their brothers and classmates. Think that they are the best at everything, and though they get along great they constantly compete with one another. Being the youngest they don’t really have any memories of their parents before their aunt took them in. Get curious about their mother sometimes, but their brothers and aunt don’t like talking about her.
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Berta Brittle, who took in her nephews after her brother passed away and her sister-in-law up and vanished on them. She was fairly young herself when she took them in and though she had an interest in MMA she ended up dropping it so she had more time to look after them. She now runs a bakery in Royal Woods called “Suamalie Suamalie”. Confident, tough, but caring, she does everything she can to look out for and help her little ‘warriors’. All of the brothers respect her love and respect her to no end, and there is no argument that she’s the head of the family.
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salted-caramel-tea · 3 years
We always hear all about Tommy or Ranboo collecting brother figures, but I don't think this fandom talks about how many brother figures Sapnap has.We always hear all about Tommy or Ranboo collecting brother figures, but I don't think this fandom talks about how many brother figures Sapnap has.
Like obviously, Dream, Bad, Punz and George we know. But also the bench trio, and he has a pretty brotherly relationship whenever he interacts with Purpled too (it's rare I know). Plus he and Sylvee always team up against Punz like annoying younger siblings whenever those three play val or csgo together
Basically, Sapnap collects brother/sibling figures too and I think we should talk about this more
Hi anon!!
You are so right!! Sapnap has such close relationships with so many people in the mcyt community and it’s not talked about enough!!
It’s really a testament to his character that he’s able to form these relationships so easily and with so many people; he’s genuinely just such a sweet, loveable and funny guy. Honestly i think it’s what makes his streams so enjoyable,, no matter who he’s with you know it’s going to be a good stream because he has an easy and fun dynamic with just about everyone.
The way he interacts with tommy and tubbo on the smp just makes me so happy,, and they way that dynamic carries over to cs:go with tubbo as well,, he’s definitely the older brother that loves joking around with (and teasing) the kids. I wish we got to see more of him with purpled,, that is such a good dynamic as well.
I think his relationship with ranboo can be summed up by the tales of the smp beach episode because !!! they obviously have so much respect for each other and genuinely like being around each other and they shared the prize at the end!!! Good dynamic!!! And that respect they have for each other carries over to jackbox streams too,,. Want to see more of that one
When it comes to people like dream, George and Punz, he (along with sylvee) is defineitely the younger brother dead set in annoying the living daylights is his older brothers,, but it’s all in good nature and from a place of love. Genuinely watching him pester George is one of my favourite things.
Speaking of sylvee, they’ve got that twins, double trouble team up action dynamic and poor punz has to suffer the fate of an older brother but it’s so entertaining and it’s clear that they all love each other so much.
Basically what I’m saying is that no matter who sapnap interacts with you know he’ll go out of his way to make them feel comfortable and still have fun with them and it’ll result in some of the most wonderful sibling dynamics in the community and it should not go ignored
<3 :)
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witch-and-a-half · 4 years
the weasleys on ouid
(aka “the we*dsleys”)
here is my headcanon abt how i think the whole weasley family dabbles in recreational mj !!! disclaimer: i am not promoting anything here and i think we*d isn’t for everybody and also this is just a headcanon and also my qualifications are: i partake and i am from california (where it is legal and cool!)
warnings: talking abt dr*gs (if you aren’t into it, don’t read it! thats okay!)
arthur: he did when we was younger. not a crazy amount but he had friends who did. like he was never the supplier or orchestrator of get-togethers, but he would partake. not super sure how historically accurate this is, but i see him and molly with their friends in a circle around a coffee table. They’re sitting on the floor with their backs against a couch. think eric foreman’s basement vibes but make it gryffindor common room or early ootp days. now (or just when the kids got older) arthur would use gummies on occasion maybe to relax and destress.
molly: she hung out with the same crowd as arthur and i feel like she’d be on a similar level experience-wise. i feel like she’d go to these same seshes with arthur and just have a little, like just enough to feel it bc that’s all she really needed? she didn’t care to be super st*ned if that makes sense. maybe she takes gummies with arthur nowadays but definitely not frequently. she’s not against it, it just isn’t something she cares much for.
bill: he was the oldest so i feel like he didn’t get into it until after hogwarts, but he worked at gringotts which means whatever he did after school was probably the equivalent of an american business major and business majors party. i think he unexpectedly goes kinda hard sometimes, but, like his parents, it was always w/ friends. i think later on he has a bit on occasion but, like his mom, it doesn’t do enough for him for it to be worth the hassle.
charlie: sorry... he was the family’s first st*ner. the pressure of being head boy, quidditch captain, and acing classes to study dragonology... of course he’s got a vice. also the whole outdoorsy thing he’s got is proof enough. personally i think he’s a tree guy: bl*nts, jo*nts, etc. he mostly does it to relax and sometimes has fun get togethers with his friends. it’s never crazy though. always laid back. also def he and his besties were passing a jo*nt in the gryffindor dorms
percy: i really want to be like “he doesnt do drugs duh lmao” but also i feel like that would be a cop out. i said “the whole weasley family dabbles” and i’m keeping my word. percy has a pen. he rarely uses it, but if he can’t sleep or had a hard day or is feeling lonely, he’ll take a hit to chill before bed. he kind of hates that his brothers do it and that they’re more reckless about it, but they got him a pen as a half-gag gift and half real gift so now he sort of understands the appeal.
fred and george: these boys have the dopest b*ng and p*pe collection. and ngl they’ve made a lot of them. they didn’t know charlie dabbled until an older boy at hogwarts let slip and they were so shocked that they pestered him about it during their next school break. he warned them off it because they were too young, but when they asked him about it again a few years later, he set them up. i don’t think they’re dealers per-say, but i bet they started out sharing with friends, then getting some for their friends, then getting some for their friends’ friends, and so on. or maybe they just held sm*keouts! anyways they’re totally the people you’d want to be around the first time you tried it, and i bet they ended up chaperoning a couple younger students’ get-togethers this way. and they were 100% the people ron went to and then were definitely there the first time the trio tried it (over the summer at the burrow i’m thinking). they also for sure come up w some pretty great (and a few really dumb) wheezes products while *nder t*e infl*ence.
ron: duh ron’s up in it. like i said, he went to the twins to get started. part of me thinks he would’ve immediately invited harry and hermione but part of me also thinks fred and george would want him to try for himself first and wouldn’t want him to tell harry or hermione in case they felt pressured (and tbh idk if hermione would be down but i won’t comment). he mostly just sm*kes with the twins or with his other siblings and sometimes with harry. i think he uses a variety of methods, like he’ll use a b*ng w the twins but i see him and harry sharing a jo*nt too. like he definitely does it to socialize and tbh i think most of the weasley kids prefer it to alcohol. weasley-led quidditch team sm*keout? yeah for sure.
ginny: okay i don’t have a backstory but ginny goes hard. she has all the setups, she can roll jo*nts like a mf, she takes over when the twins leave hogwarts, and she is the ultimate girly st*ner. it’s not all the time and she rarely does it to get super st*ned, but she inherited a lot of knowledge from her brothers. so like she’s got the knowledge but also she brings a uniquely feminine charm to it that her brothers couldn’t (the same way she does with everything) if that makes sense. like she gets cute accessories and does girls-only seshes and stuff like that. she totally prefers it to drinking too. she’s also so sweet about making sure everyone feels welcome but not pressured to partake if they don’t want to. basically she’s the ultimate ouid buddy.
i actually can’t believe i wrote this and also spent like kind of a long time doing it?? also i’m tagging @weasleysflowr and @wandsandwheezes and @oh-for-merlins-sake because they encouraged this content lol :)) also plz contribute if you have similar theories and ideas.
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wwitbeyondmeasure · 4 years
Summer At The Burrow - r.w. fan fiction
Previous Chapters
Author’s Note
Chapter 1: The Journey to The Burrow 
Chapter 2: Hidden Letters
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The beaming face of Mrs Weasley was one of your favorite sights in the world.
"Oh my dear!" She exclaimed, bustling towards the Ford Angelia. She wiped her hands on her floral apron before crushing you into a tight, loving hug. Glaring at her sons over your shoulder (she still didn't approve of them flying the car), she smoothed your hair down and gave you a kiss on the cheek.
"Thank you so much for inviting me this summer, Mrs. Weasley," you said once she let you go.
"Of course, dear! I know Ron was so excited to have you stay with us," she told you as she gave both her sons a quirk, yet terse, kiss on the cheek. The mention of Ron's name made the twins wiggle their eyebrows teasingly as you felt your face heat up.
"Come on, dinner's almost ready," Mrs Weasley announced, "Percy is working, and Ron is out, as you know, but the rest of the family is here so we will need to set up the large tables outside." Mrs Weasley snapped her fingers at Fred and George who were hoisting your trunk out of the back of the car.
"You two," she directed, "I'll magic her trunk upstairs while you set up the tables. And remember- no funny business. I've had it up to here with your tricks and pranks and the summer's barely started!" she exclaimed.
Giggling slightly as Fred stuck his tongue out at his mother, you turned to watch Mrs Weasley in awe as she raised her wand. Your trunk started lifting gently into the air, flying towards the house. As she focused on her spell, you watched as Mrs Weasley directed your trunk through and open window a few floors up in the house.
It was astonishing to see magic used so casually around a household. You weren't allowed to use magic outside of Hogwarts yet and since your parents were Muggles, this was a new sight for you. No matter how strange it felt, you found yourself excited. A whole summer full of magic and your best friends, what could be better?
"Dear, you'll be staying in Ron's room until he returns, is that alright with you? It'll only be for a couple days," Mrs Weasley told you.
You nodded quickly, "Yes that's great, thank you again for letting me stay."
After she reassured you that it was really no trouble, Mrs Weasley led you inside The Burrow. Your jaw dropped as you took in their home. Magic seemed to be pouring out of every item in the house. The dishes were washing themselves, a pair of floating needles were knitting a scarf, and a peculiar clock was hanging on the wall that had all of the Weasley's faces on it. The clock had each family member pointed to a different location. As Mrs Weasley said, all of them were facing "home", except for Percy which was pointed at "work" and Ron who was facing "Diagon Alley."
"What's Ron in Diagon Alley for?" You asked out loud in the living room. "Is he buying something?"
"It's a surprise," came a familiar voice. You spun around to see your close friend, and roommate at Hogwarts, Ginny.
"Ginny!" You yelled as you ran to her and engulfed her in a warm hug. She returned the gesture and laughed at your enthusiasm. Even though it had only been a few weeks since school let out, you feel like you hadn't seen your friend in forever.
Although Ron was your best friend, it was nice to have your girl friends as well. You always looked forward to nights staying up late in your dormitory with Hermione and Ginny where you could freely gossip and joke without the boys listening. They, unlike the twins, were very understanding of your hidden feelings for Ron and didn't try to pressure you into confessing them.
A loud thud, followed by boisterous laughter, broke you out of your thoughts as you and Ginny rushed outside to see what the commotion was. Lying flat on his back, a large wooden table pinning him to the ground, was none other than Bill Weasley.
The first time you had met Bill was when the Weasleys had come to visit Ron at Hogsmead in your second year. That day was unforgettable. It only took one look, and you had your first crush. He was tall, lanky, with long hair and a dragon tooth earring, and you were done for. You spent a majority of the next few months pestering Ron with questions about his mysterious older brother. After a while, he got so annoyed with you that anytime you even said Bill's name, Ron would threaten to write home and tell his brother that you were secretely a half-goblin.
Your crush on Bill eventually faded and from there on out your feelings for him disappeared with it. He was still your first crush, and your heart still rattled against your ribcage when he winked at you from underneath the wooden table, but you knew nothing would ever come of it.
The twins fell into another fit of laughter at the sight of Bill splayed on the ground, obvious that he just lost a mid-air table fight that Ginny said were common at the Weasley household before dinner time.
After the tables had been assembled properly and you helped lay out the plates, Mrs Weasley brought the food to the table. The sight of fresh salad, roast potatoes, chicken-and-ham pie, and meatballs with onion sauce made your mouth water as you realized how hungry you were. Once the food hit the table, forks and spoons were already digging into the delicious meal.
You were so pleased to be eating with the Weasleys that at multiple points at dinner you felt yourself gazing around the noisy crowd, beyond thankful for the millionth time that day to be staying with them the whole summer. You grinned as George put two breadsticks under his mouth to look like a walrus, which earned a laugh from both Fred and Ginny. Mrs Weasley and Bill were arguing about Bill's earring again, and Charlie and Mr Weasley were deep in conversation about the next Quidditch match between the Falmouth Falcons and Holyhead Harpies.
Once dinner was finished, you helped clear the table and went to the kitchen to ask Mrs Weasley if she needed any more help. You offered to do the dishes, but she only laughed as she waved her wand and the plates started bubbling with soap and scrubbing themselves.
The family said goodnight to each other as the sun set and you followed Ginny up the stairs, parting with her once she pointed out where Ron's room was. You thanked her as she trudged up the stairs to bed and you slowly pushed the door open. Once or twice you've caught yourself wondering what Ron's room looked like, but no amount of thought could have prepared you for the vast amount of violent orange that hit you once the door opened.
You walked into the room, spinning in a circle as you took in the decorations. Covering every inch of the walls and ceiling were Chudley Cannons posters. You knew the Cannons were his favorite Quidditch team but this was really some dedication.
The messy pile of school books and parchment shoved in the corner of Ron's room made you laugh. You knew this summer you were going to have to pester him to complete his summer work or else it will never get done.
Closing the door behind you, you set your trunk on the bed, the sheets also a bright orange color, and pulled out your pajamas. You hastily changed into them, feeling quite odd to be taking off your clothes in your best friend's room, and then put your trunk back down on the floor.
The bed sank underneath your weight as you sat down, pulling the covers over yourself. You took a deep breath in and smiling subconsciously as you realized the sheets smelled like Ron's shampoo.
As you reached to turn off the light on the nightstand table, something caught your eye. Hidden underneath the table was a light brown shoebox, labeled with what looked like your name on the side. Before you could even think about it, your hands were reaching down and pulling the box onto your lap. Sure enough, "y/n" was scrawled onto the box in Ron's slanted handwriting.
Was it an invasion of his privacy to open this box? You wondered to yourself. It's in his room, obviously hidden under the nightstand so nobody except him could find it. But it has my name on it, so surely I'd be allowed to look at it. Right?
In the end, curiosity got the better of you and you flipped the lid open.
Inside were hundreds of pieces of parchment, with black inked handwriting sitting inside. Upon closer inspection, you realized every piece of paper was from you. Every sly note passed in Charms class, every silly cartoon you drew of Snape, and every letter you ever sent Ron was sitting in this box. Your cheeks flushed as you picked up a longer letter you wrote him.
Last June, when your parents unexpectedly left for another foreign trip again, you confided in Ron about how lonely you felt. That summer, you and him exchanged long letters constantly, talking about anything and everything. The fact that Ron had saved all of those letters, just as you did in the drawer in your room, made your heart warm.
Sighing lightly, you put the letters back into the box and put it in its place under the nightstand. You turned off the light and soon were met with just your own thoughts to keep you company.
You drifted to sleep with the thought of Ron's hidden letters, wondering if this meant he felt the same way about you. Pushing the thought out of your mind, you hated to get your hopes up, you flipped to your other side and tried to go to bed. But Ron's smell was still on the pillowcase and you fell asleep with the freckled, red haired boy on your mind.
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effervescentslut · 4 years
how you meet | fred and george weasley
Requested: Yes
Content Warnings: None tbh... well, a lot of Ron degradation dslnfjfgnkjsfnskdjdnkjsf all jokes, though... 
A/N: Woop woop we’re diving into the Harry Potter universe!! Sorry this took a bit to put together, I’ve been in a slump recently. I hope you enjoy! Friendly reminder that requests are open!!
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you became friends with ron in first year after he accidentally walked in on you changing into your robes on the train fkjcnxnjasndkjwefenkwrj
“blimey, i’m so sorry--”
you wanted to die tbh
but his quirkiness charmed you so you stuck with him for the rest of the train ride
even though his nose was dirty HA
you were tired of boarding with isobel macdougal, she was a nutcase
after following ron back to his compartment, you were acquainted with harry
they were pretty chill; apparently harry was some wizzy legend but you could not care less
you wanted to get off the mf hogwarts express™ your motion sickness was going berserk
ron seemed comfortable with the idea of attending hogwarts; he rambled about his older brothers nonstop who also went to school there
meanwhile you and harry were nervously looking at each other like
later that evening you get sorted into gryffindor ayyyy RAWR!!!!!
you met hermione after you both reached for the yorkshire pudding at the feast and she snatched her hand away from yours and blushed bc she accidentally touched you swenkdqknanjadnjwejfknw LMFAO POOR SHY GIRL
fred and george made a point to introduce themselves to ron’s new buds, much to his dismay, before everyone split off at the gryffindor tower
settling into school was pretty easy
you already had a great group of mates to hang around, they brought out the best in you
one day you’re walking to potions class with ron, harry, and hermione
you’re about to take a test hhhhhhhhhh nothing is more intimidating than being a gryffindor in the same room as professor snape
ron has been anxiously complaining about it to you guys and his brothers for weeks
“merlin, y/n, how am i supposed to know that eel eyes and frog eyes make the bulgeye potion? we’re only first years!”
hermione butts in, “actually ron, it’s eel eyes and beetle eyes--”
“shut it, hermione!” 
the twins™ pop in, making sure they catch ron before his impending doom
“maybe you should listen to her ron”
“yeah ron, you wouldn’t want mum to find out you failed your first potions test--”
“--when the potion only has two ingredients!”
ron’s cheeks and ears are flaming red ohhhh boy
fred and george turn around
“good luck to you, harry” *they shake his hands*
“good luck to you, y/n” *they shake your hands*
“good luck to you, herm-- ah, who are we kidding, she doesn’t need luck”
they turn back to ron
“good luck you especially, ronald”
“yeah, your life depends on it!”
they ruffle his hair and run off
you giggle at them and ron is  f u m i n g
you watch them scamper away and fondly admire them :’)
ron straightens his hair and says, “that was bloody embarrassing” 
“to be fair, what they said was true, ron” you reluctantly chime in
“oh, shove off, y/n”
... ron ended up flunking the test
after potions the next day, fred and george are RELENTLESS at dinner
you know those people who say virtually anything and you laugh like it’s the funniest thing to have ever been spoken? it’s me, i’m y/n. gemini tingzzzz
to you, that’s fred and george
they immediately learn this when you’re trying your damndest to not choke on your lamb chops while laughing
... and simultaneously trying to not laugh at ron because he’s your friend
but boy are his brothers funny
the twins feed off of your reactions and continue to brutally torment their younger brother
to the point where you ACTUALLY choke on your food and have to excuse yourself to the bathroom, still coughing and wheezing during your laughing fit
harry tries to not laugh with (and at) you
hermione is like.... uhh wtf just happened can i eat my treacle tarts in peace please??
ron is clearly annoyed by the entire situation
fred and george are smirking and ease up on their teasing because your reaction was better than anything ron could have mustered up
after that night, fred and george’s sole purpose for teasing ron around you was to gauge your reaction
scratch that
any time you were with the twins, they just HAD to get you to laugh at least once
ron was getting  f e d  u p
“honestly, y/n, they’re not even that funny!”
you roll your eyes
every time you were with ron you secretly hoped fred and george would show up xcndjksdnjkewnrwkjfna
the twins never teased you though bc they have a soft spot for you
cheering for harry, fred, and george at gryffindor quidditch matches!!
siding with the twins when they argue with ron about quidditch stuff
soon you become actual friends with fred and george
meeting a bunch of their friends from their year so now you have a bunch of upperclassmen mates i was the same exact way i would just be a groupie among my older peers hahahah
they’d help you pass cheat in any class you’re in
you’re their biggest supporter
just say the word and they’d do ANYTHING for their new “adoptive” sister
“maybe we should swap you out for y/n, ron”
percy knows to keep away from you because he’s afraid the twins are tainting you dncwdjkfnkwjefnkjew but he still keeps an eye out, ya know?
molly CAN NOT wait to meet you
she sends you an owl one day and makes you promise to keep fred and george in line... oh, and ron too LMFAOO
let’s face it
gryffindor or not...
no matter what year you’re in...
everyone knows who fred and george weasley are
you’re the same year as the weasley twins and they had already built up quite a reputation for themselves...
there had been so much gossip about these prankster twins floating through the corridors the past two years
even the professors had begun to complain LMAO
“those weasley boys are nothing like percy!”
“poor minerva must have her hands full with those rambunctious twins!!”
and sure, you’d had the occasional inter-house class with them, but hardly ever interacted with them
to be fair, they are a bit overwhelming to be around
it was quidditch season!!
and you hade made the chaser position for your house’s team!
so one day your team is playing against another (non-gryffindor) team
and like... you’re good
you score quite a couple goals and the seeker even catches the snitch! (as if you needed the snitch to win the game liiiiike you really carried your team)
fred and george are supporting your team because 1. they know good quidditch when they see it and 2. you’re definitely the mvp
the unspoken mvp of your team
and they’re scared for gryffindor’s match against your house fkjsfnkjrnrkfw
because they’re beaters
and the opposing team’s beaters were allegedly good uh oh
how tf are they gonna juke you out??
after the match you’re celebrating with your team
you bid them goodbye and head back to your common room so you can finish your paper for history of magic
when a pair of identical, red-haired, gryffindor boys take you by surprise and pop up out of nowhere
your grip on your quidditch bag slips and you drop your bag
you sigh, “can i help you?”
“brilliant work out there today!”
“sorry about your bag”
george hands you your duffel
your eyes narrow as you grab it, your focus flitting to fred and then george
“listen, binns is gonna have your heads if you don’t write two separate papers this time--” 
“we don’t want to talk to you about class right now...”
“...we’re here to beg for your mercy on us when you play gryffindor in a few months”
you snort and push past them, “if you two stop pestering me in fourth hour, then i’ll consider it”
you spin around on your heels, “and i have a name, you know!!”
“we know your name, y/n!” 
“we know who EVERYONE is!”
“go write your papers!!”
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unfortunate-arrow · 4 years
The July Ball (pt 3)
[Part 1] [Part 2] [ Featuring Tessa & Gracie Chiva from @danceworshipper , Sydney Phoenix from @hufflepuffs-honor , & Henri & Genevieve Rys from @daniella-gisele-rys.]
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Part 3: Dinner & Dancing
“So, I think we should go around and introduce ourselves. Say our name and house,” Sara said, breaking the silence. “I’ll start. I’m Sara O’Donnell and I’m in Hufflepuff. As all of you are sure to know, I’m a quadruplet.” 
“Alright, alright. I’m Cara O’Donnell and I’m in Slytherin. I’m Sara’s older sister.” Cara smirked at her sister. 
“By twenty-one minutes! Plus we’re all older than Conor!” 
“H-h-hey!” Conor exclaimed. 
“Anyways! Who wants to go next?” 
“I’ll go. I’m Sydney Phoenix and I’m in Hufflepuff with Sara,” the dark haired girl waved at the group from her spot next to Ryan. 
“I’m Genevieve Rys and I’m in Ravenclaw with my twin brother,” another girl with dark hair said. 
“I’m Henri, Genevieve's twin brother and I’m also in Ravenclaw,” the dark haired boy said. 
“I’m Ryan O’Donnell and I’m in Gryffindor. I’m the oldest!” Ryan said, placing all his emphasis on the word “oldest.” Conor leaned over and flicked Ryan on the ear. Ryan retaliated and very quickly, the two brothers were flicking one another. 
“My god! Can you two go ten minutes without attacking each other?” Sara demanded glaring at her brothers. 
“Uh, I’m Barnaby Lee and I’m also in Slytherin,” the boy interrupted before the three siblings could start in on full fledged bickering. 
“I’m Tessa Chiva and I’m in Slytherin as well,” a third girl with dark hair said. 
“I’m Gracie Chiva. I’m Tessa’s twin sister and in Slytherin, too,” the white haired girl said. 
“I’m Conor O’Donnell. I’m in R-R-R-Ravenclaw,” Conor said, trying to ignore the heat that was making its way up his cheeks. 
There was a lengthy swell of awkward silence before food started to appear on their plates. There was roast chicken, mashed potatoes, slabs of beef, green beans, mac n’ cheese, and, in the center of the table, a large bowl filled with rolls. The kids filled their plates and let the sounds of forks and knives fill the silence.
“Suck it!” Ryan exclaimed, smacking Conor’s hand away from the rolls on his plate. 
“No way, you suck it!” Conor snapped back, reaching a second time to steal a roll, only to get smacked again. 
“Three, two, one! Suck it!” the two boys exclaimed in unison, glaring at one another before dissolving into a whisper argument, where the phrase “suck it” could be heard every three words. 
The six occupants of the table who were not acquainted with Ryan’s and Conor’s behavior stared at them. “Are they always like this?” Gracie asked. 
“Yeah,” Sara answered. Cara smirked and added, “You’re just lucky they didn’t decide to sing it. I can’t tell you how often we have to deal with those two dumbasses yelling or singing ‘suck it’ at one another.” 
“Wow. I think I’m glad I only have one brother if that’s how brothers act,” Sydney said. 
“I think it’s only because we’re all the same age. I’ve never seen another set of brothers act like those two,” Cara said. 
“Ry, Con, knock it off. Oh, and Conor, just take a roll from the bowl, not Ryan’s plate,” Sara exclaimed, exasperatedly. 
“He’s j-just h-hoarding them!” Conor snapped, glaring at his brother. 
“Am not! There are plenty left!” Ryan snapped back.
“Guys! Uncle Doyle,” Cara hissed, effectively ending any further argument on the issue of rolls and whether Ryan was hoarding them or not. 
They fell into another awkward silence. 
“So, uh, why did your uncle look at my step-mom so weirdly?” Sydney asked, breaking the silence. 
“Oh. Is she muggleborn?” Ryan asked. 
“That’s why. Our dad is a ‘filthy mudblood.’” 
“He’s like my parents,” Barnaby said. 
“If by that you mean a jackass, then yes,” Ryan said, earning an elbow to the gut from Conor this time.
“Let me apologize for my brother, Barnaby. He doesn’t think before he speaks,” Sara said, offering the Slytherin boy a shy smile as Ryan faked a hurt gasp. 
“It’s okay. He’s not wrong.” Barnaby returned Sara’s smile, his cheeks turning an unnoticed pink. 
Once dinner had finished, gentle, orchestral music began to fill the ballroom. The adults began to pair off and soon, the ballroom was filled with dancing couples. The kids stood up and moved to the wall, as the tables began to move themselves out of the way. They looked at one another uncomfortably, none quite sure what they should do. 
“Uncle Doyle sh-sh-should have ch-chosen The Who,” Conor muttered under his breath. 
“He wouldn’t touch The Who with a fifty foot pole for two reasons, Con. Firstly, it’s not dancing music,” Cara said. 
“Y-y-you could dance to ‘Bargain’ or ‘Love Ain’t For Keeping.’” 
“Sure you could, Con. Secondly, and most importantly, The Who are a muggle band. Uncle Doyle despises anything muggle-related.” 
“Well, we should probably get on with dancing,” Ryan said interrupting his siblings. 
The kids awkwardly paired off and quietly made their way onto the dance floor. Ryan locked his hands together as his arms wound around Sydney’s neck. The two kids swayed together, with Ryan leading the best he could. 
“So. What are you looking forward to next year?” Sydney asked. 
“Uh. Care of Magical Creatures sounds fun,” Ryan said. 
“Yeah, I think that class will be really fun, too. I love creatures and animals.”
“Yeah, they’re alright. I really like my toad, Lir. Plus, the four of us share a cat, Duchess, and an owl, Archimedes.” 
“Why’d you choose those names?”
“Lir’s a sea god in Irish mythology, but he’s also a king, whose kids were turned into swans. Duchess is from The Aristocats while Archimedes is from The Sword in The Stone. They’re muggle movies.” 
Meanwhile, Conor was awkwardly dancing with Tessa. Ninety-nine percent of the boy’s concentration was on his feet. He did not want to step on Tessa’s feet. He also had no sense of timing which made it hard to do anything fancier than swaying. 
“Do you like quidditch?” Tessa asked, and Conor looked up from his feet, frowning. 
“Huh?” His cheeks felt warm, but at least this time it wasn’t because of his stammer. 
“Do you like quidditch?” 
“Oh. Y-yeah. I play s-s-s-seeker.” His cheeks burned even more. 
“I play chaser. Are you on your house team?”
“Y-yes. After R-R-R-Ryker got h-hurt and quit. Ryan and Cara both play ch-chaser.” 
“What team do you support?” 
“Oh, we s-support the Kenmare Kestrels and the Ballycastle Bats.” 
“You support two teams? Most people only support one.”
“Well, the Bats and Kestrels are the only Irish teams. The Bats are N-n-northern Ireland, which is the UK. The K-kestrels are the R-r-republic. Mum’s mum was from Northern Ireland, while the m-majority of the f-f-family is from the R-r-r-republic.” 
“Wow. You’ve really thought about it.” 
“Eh. Not r-r-really.” 
Meanwhile, Cara had forgone all traditional ideas and had ended up dancing with Gracie. At least, after she had danced with Henri, where the two had also discussed quidditch and classes for the next year. 
“Why didn’t you stare at me like I had two heads?” Gracie asked after a few moments of silence. 
“Well, we’re used to getting stares all the time. We are quadruplets, and Conor stammers. I figured that you wouldn’t want to be stared at. I know I hate it when we get stared at,” Cara answered. 
“Oh. I’ve seen you around the common room and in classes, but nowhere else.” 
“I’m usually hanging out with Ryan, Sara, Conor, Ash and Rowan Khanna, Ben Copper, Penny Haywood, and the two Weasley boys after classes.”
“Oh. So you don’t spend much time in the common room?”
“Nah. Although, Sara will probably pester me to get to know Barnaby better.” 
“He’s not the brightest, but he does have a kind heart.”
“Yeah, he can’t be too bad if Sara likes him. Then again, I’m not sure how many people Hufflepuffs instantly dislike.”
“They are probably the most likely to give people a chance.”
The two girls grinned and kept dancing. 
Meanwhile, Sara found herself with her arms wrapped around Barnaby’s neck. There was something thrilling about being so close to a cute boy. They swayed gently to the music, neither having danced much before. 
“I’m sorry if I step on your toes,” Barnaby said. 
“I’m sorry if I step on your toes, too,” Sara replied 
“Doyle, I don’t know why you invited mudbloods,” a woman said suddenly, her voice carrying throughout the whole ballroom.  
Barnaby groaned, his eyes sliding shut. “That’s my mother.” 
“Come dear, it’s well known that many pure-bloods must interbreed with the less clean. That includes you, Doyle,” a male voice added. 
“My father,” Barnaby groaned again. 
“Yes, I’m aware of my blood status, Lyra, Cygnus.” Doyle’s voice was very intense and nearly every person in the ballroom had frozen. 
“Yes, well, we do all remember that your father had been disowned and only gained this manor because your grandfather was arrested,” Cygnus Lee said. 
“There was no solid evidence that Tadhg Lynch was murdered by my grandfather,” Doyle replied, his voice infused with venom. 
While the loud conversation had started, the ten kids had all drifted back to the chairs against the wall. As it grew more heated, a couple appeared and beckoned Sydney to come with them. The girl waved at the other kids and said, “It was nice to meet you. Hopefully we’ll see more of each other.” It wasn’t long before the Rys twins joined their parents in leaving. It appeared that the loud conversation about “mudbloods” had cleared out nearly half the guests. 
“Well, not everyone can be a part of the sacred twenty-eight,” Doyle snapped. 
“Well, we don’t have any mudbloods in our recent heritage. Your mother was one as was your brother-in-law,” Cygnus said. 
Cara groaned and sighed. “This is why Slytherin has such a bad reputation.” 
“Yep,” Gracie agreed, as both Tessa and Barnaby nodded. The seven remaining kids sighed and listened to the heated debate about blood status. 
“Is he going to hex someone?” Ryan asked, his leg bouncing. 
“My parents may,” Barnaby muttered.
“I hope not,” Sara said. 
“Wait. Did we know that our great-grandfather was arrested for killing his own brother?” Ryan asked. 
“N-no,” Conor answered. 
“Damn. Mum’s side is messed up.” 
“Not as messed as our mother’s side. She’s a Black,” Gracie offered. 
“Yeah, we’ve got Cain and Abel though.”
“Cain and Abel are from a muggle religion, Christianity. Basically, one brother murdered the other.” 
The kids fell back into silence, only interrupting to have a few odd chats here and there. 
“Girls, we’re leaving now,” the paranoid man from before said to the Chiva twins.
“It was nice to meet you guys. Maybe we’ll see you around Hogwarts,” Gracie said, before she and Tessa waved and followed their parents out of the ballroom. 
It was nearing eleven when Doyle finally allowed the quadruplets to head off to bed. Most of the guests had left by then, and all four siblings were dead on their feet 
Ryan grinned, his arms draped over Conor’s and Sara’s shoulders. “Well, at least Uncle Doyle won’t hex us.” 
“That’s ‘cause he was too busy trying to impress all those rich and powerful dudes to notice our bickering,” Cara said, rolling her eyes. 
“Well, he still won’t hex us.”
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Harry Potter: Percy Weasley
Percy Weasley is my favorite Harry Potter character. He’s intriguing, his plot is compelling, and really, he deserves more attention.
NOTE: This post is not in any way intended to disparage the rest of the Weasley family. I think that all of them are great people, yes, even Ron.
A lot of people, when looking for redemption arcs in Harry Potter, like to point to Severus Snape and Draco Malfoy. But why does almost no one look at Percy Weasley? There are legitimately more fanfictions, headcanons, and so forth about how Voldemort is secretly a great dude who just wants to help the Wizarding World than there are about Percy Weasley. Can we just... talk about him for a minute?
Percy Weasley grows up in a very much Gryffiindor family, “it doesn’t matter how much money we have as long as we have love” type of home. But Percy Weasley is ambitious. He’s not particularly brave. Any House would fit him better than Gryffindor. He’s ambitious, studious, hard-working, but not brave. And growing up in this Gryffindor household, his best attributes, the things he wants to be, are being constantly put down by his family. Certainly none of the other Weasleys value ambition, a consummate Slytherin trait. Arthur Weasley is content with his low-paying position at the Ministry. Percy Weasley is constantly teased and mocked for studying, for wanting to get somewhere in life. His family’s values are not Percy Weasley’s values and it shows. Fred and George Weasley continually mock him for being a Prefect and striving for academic achievement. While Molly Weasley doesn’t do anything to encourage this, she’s not discouraging it very effectively, either.
So Percy Weasley goes to Hogwarts, and it is a fantasy to him. His parents and older brothers have told him stories and built up its image until Hogwarts isn’t just a place, it’s a dream. So Percy Weasley goes, and he puts the Sorting Hat on his head. And the Sorting Hat says to him, Slytherin. Or, Ravenclaw. Or, Hufflepuff.
And Percy Weasley thinks back to the Sorting Hat, Please, no. Gryffindor, Gryffindor, what will make you give me Gryffindor?
And in response, the Sorting Hat tells him, Are you sure? Gryffindor will not bring you happiness. Gryffindor will not advance your dreams. Gryffindor will not encourage your search for knowledge.
Yes, Percy Weasley thinks.
“Gryffindor!” it yells, and Percy Weasley joins the red-and-gold-clad table amidst cheers.
But his year-mates laugh when Percy Weasley asks them to go to the library with him and mock him for writing out essays three days in advance. When he gets an O on a paper, people look down at him and ask why he invested so much time into a random assignment.
Maybe Oliver Wood is his mortal enemy, obsessed with Quidditch and constantly ignoring homework in favor of flipping through Quidditch magazines. Maybe he ignores Percy Weasley, the quiet studious bookworm hiding in the corner, and in return, he ignores Oliver Wood, the bright laughing kid constantly pestering the Quidditch team. Maybe the duo becomes friends, bonding when Oliver spends hours reading books on Quidditch strategies. But in the end, it doesn’t matter.
In his fifth year, Percy Weasley makes Prefect. Some part of him expects his family to be proud, and his mother is. But the twins mock him about it, and the rest of his family simply don’t care. And seeing his mother chastise the twins, Percy Weasley wonders if his mother only cares about his achievements in that they can be used to pressure his (better, the vicious, nasty part of him whispers) siblings.
When Bill and Charlie made Prefect, he thinks with a touch (more than) of bitterness, the rest of the family cared. But I’m not the brave Gryffindor, I’m just good old studious Percy, and therefore it’s expected.
He starts dating Penelope Clearwater, and the rest of the year passes by in a blur of prefect duties and watching out for Ron Weasley.
Percy Weasley’s sixth year starts with a clandestine kiss in a secluded corner from Penelope Clearwater but quickly devolves. His younger sister, Ginny Weasley, is deteriorating, and his other siblings are doing nothing. So he offers her a Pepper-Up Potion, stays up late nights to assist her with homework, and reassuring her that Ron Weasley won’t get expelled. He thinks about taking her to Madam Pomfrey more than once, but Ginny Weasley insists that she’s fine and Percy Weasley does nothing.
He’s on the brink of just reporting her to the school nurse anyway when suddenly Penelope Clearwater is petrified, and his days devolve into a frantic mass of fear and chaos.
Suddenly, his little sister is taken (dead, his mind supplies), and Percy Weasley is writing a letter to his parents. telling them that the youngest Weasley has been taken by the Heir of Slytherin. And then, just as suddenly, Harry Potter rescues her and rescues Ginny Weasley from the Chamber of Secrets; Percy Weasley is left reeling in the wake.
The seventh year, there’s a mass murderer on the loose, and Percy Weasley is paranoid. His parents asked him to watch out for both Ron Weasley and Harry Potter because really, a Prefect and the eldest Weasley remaining at Hogwarts? They ask him to keep an eye on the two. And, well, maybe they don’t outright ask him to watch Ron Weasley, but it’s implied, isn’t it? His younger brother is close to the Boy-Who-Lived and therefore a target. Percy Weasley is certain his parents know this and assumed he knew it as well. After all, Sirius Black didn’t discriminate between the Potters, Peter Pettigrew, and the innocent Muggle bystanders, did he?
When he makes his rounds of the Great Hall after Sirius Black tries to break in, he doubles back a few times to subtly check on his siblings. All of them, even the twins. Percy Weasley is terrified, and he hopes to Merlin that Sirius Black is caught soon. Normally, he hates the Dementors with a burning passion, but tonight, he’s grateful for their presence.
He decides that he needs to put more effort into ensuring Harry Potter and Ron Weasley’s safety. Harry Potter, he follows around obviously, trying to discourage Sirius Black from attacking when an older, well-trained student is in the vicinity. For his brother, he focuses on keeping a subtle eye on him, and ensuring that Ron Weasley isn’t following Harry Potter around. For all that Percy Weasley likes the Boy-Who-Lived, he knows that Harry Potter is a magnet for trouble and danger. He tries to watch them, he really does, but then Sirius Black breaks into Gryffindor Tower, almost killing Ron Weasley, and all Percy can think is, I failed.
When the news comes that Sirius Black is caught, Percy Weasley breathes easier. They’re safe. He feels this for all of two hours, right up until Sirius Black escapes. Harry Potter is raving about the mass murderer’s innocence, the innocence of the man who killed his parents, and Percy Weasley wonders a tiny bit about the boy’s stability. But not for too long.
After graduating from Hogwarts, Percy Weasley has his dream job. He’s overjoyed. Not only that, he’s working under Bartemius Crouch. For Merlin’s sake, the man is a legend! So Percy Weasley ignores it when Crouch calls him “Weatherby,” and the sneers of other Ministry workers who look down and say, “Just like your father.” He knows it’s not a compliment, and a tiny part of him burns with anger at his father. But it’s not very large, and he ignores it.
At the Quidditch World Cup, everything goes wrong so quickly. Percy Weasley stands back to back with his father and fires off Stunners towards the mob. He gets a bloody nose for his trouble, but in the end, his family is safe, and that’s all that matters.
As the year progresses, he slowly finds that he’s taking on more and more responsibilities for his boss. But this is a good thing! It just means that his idol trusts Percy Weasley more and more. And then Percy Weasley is judging at the Second Task of the Triwizard Tournament, and all he can think is this: Merlin, Ron? So he runs down to the lake and drags his younger brother to safety. And he knows it’s foolish and stupid, but he thinks, just to himself, that if Ron Weasley had stayed away from Harry Potter, this never would have happened. And it’s true, isn’t it?
But everything is going fine for him, right up until Harry Potter finds Bartemius Crouch wandering the Forbidden Forest in a daze. And then all of Percy Weasley’s dreams are spiraling down a drain, disappearing into the fog. Sometimes, he can barely breathe, barely think, and he’s been demoted so many times that he might never even reach up to his father’s rank at the Ministry.
The Boy-Who-Lived stumbles away from the Portkey holding the corpse of Cedric Diggory. Percy Weasley doesn’t know what to think, what to believe, but then Cornelius Fudge is right there, telling him that Harry Potter is insane. And, well, Percy Weasley doesn’t want to believe it, but there are tiny little things that have been adding up over the years. And Cornelius Fudge is the Minister. Shouldn’t he be right, then? So Percy Weasley believes the Minister for Magic. 
In the wake of the debacle, he gets a promotion. He exhales, letting out a breath he didn’t even realize he was holding. It’s fine. He can still accomplish his dream. So he returns home, ready to tell his family the joyous news. But when he does, they don’t care. And then his father tells him that it’s all a trick, that Percy Weasley could never achieve something like this on his own merits, no, the Minister is manipulating him.
His throat tightens, and suddenly, he can’t breathe again. Percy Weasley screams at his father instead and storms out of the house. If his father doesn’t think that he could accomplish this on his own merits, then his father is a fool. And Dumbledore is going down, because that’s what the Minister said, and if the Minister is wrong, then his father is right and Percy Weasley didn’t get anywhere because of him, no it’s all because of his father, everything for the Ministry, for his dream, comes back to Arthur Weasley-
When Percy Weasley finds out that his youngest brother is consorting with Harry Potter, he writes Ron Weasley a cautionary letter. Because family is still family, and he doesn’t want his siblings to be hurt. And perhaps no one truly knows what went down in Harry Potter’s first year, not besides Harry Potter himself and Albus Dumbledore, but what they do know is that Harry Potter was involved in an incident with Quirinius Quirrell, and then Quirinius Quirrell was dead. And in his second year, Harry Potter made his way to the Chamber of Secrets, where Percy Weasley’s sister almost died and his younger brother was trapped in a rockfall with an amnesiac idiot. In his third year, Ron Weasley was kidnapped by Sirius Black because he was standing next to Harry Potter and had his leg broken. And then a werewolf attacked him (not that Percy Weasley blames poor Professor Lupin, it’s not as if he could control it, but he would hope that at least Dumbledore would have had better containment measures than simply releasing a werewolf into the Forbidden Forest each full moon) and Ron Weasley could have died or been inflicted with lycanthropy. Then, in the fourth year, Percy Weasley’s brother was pulled into the Black Lake and attacked by the merpeople because he was Harry Potter’s friend. And then Harry Potter disappeared with Cedric Diggory and Cedric Diggory came back dead. So, no, Percy Weasley does not want Ron Weasley associating with the Boy-Who-Lived, because their continued association will get him killed. He writes a letter. It goes unanswered.
Down in the depths of the Ministry of Magic, Percy Weasley can’t deny the fact that Voldemort is back. But if Voldemort is back, then his father was right. And if his father was right, then Percy is useless. His entire career amounts to being manipulated by a man who couldn’t remember Percy’s name and then as a convenient pathway to try to spy on his family.
So Percy Weasley runs, and runs, and runs, and doesn’t go back to the Burrow. Not until Christmas, when the new Minister for Magic drags him there. And upon arrival, he knows that Rufus Scrimgeour only wanted to go to talk to Harry Potter. Percy Weasley is a tool, a way for the Ministry to try to reach Dumbledore and the Order of the Phoenix. That’s the only reason anyone keeps him around anymore, as a stepping stone to get somewhere else, to someone more important.
He’s standing uncomfortably inside the Burrow, watching his family like strangers. Molly Weasley embraces him, but, well, his mother has always been the most accepting of his dreams out of all his family. Even if he still wonders if it was for the standard that she could hold his siblings up to. But either way, the rest of his family are staring at him, and then Percy Weasley is being driven out of his former home with mashed parsnips. Outside the house, he stares at his polished black shoes and waits for the Minister to come out.
The Minister is unhappy, and Percy Weasley knows that his negotiations with the Boy-Who-Lived did not go well. Some part of him is viciously happy at this, but the rest is worried because while he might only be a tool, Percy Weasley is still a higher-up of the Ministry and very much aware of the situation. The war is turning in the Death Eaters’ favor, or it always was, and it doesn’t matter because if the Ministry can’t regain the public’s favor, the Death Eaters can start swaying it to their sides. So he returns to the Ministry with piles of paperwork and a wand holster up his sleeve.
He attends Dumbledore’s funeral. Even if he didn’t approve of many of Dumbledore’s actions, he was still a great man. Percy Weasley can recognize that now, at least. None of his family approaches him. The feeling is mutual, and he ignores them as well.
The Ministry is overthrown, and everyone knows it. Perhaps Percy Weasley keeps his head tucked low and recites the pureblood lines, this sham of a government. Perhaps he forges Muggleborn paperwork that proclaims them to be halfbloods. Perhaps he smuggles Muggleborns and their families out of the country. Perhaps he throws himself into work for the Death Eaters, secretly sabotaging them the entire time.
In the end, it doesn’t matter. Instead, what matters is that he makes his way to Aberforth Dumbledore and joins the Battle of Hogwarts. Percy Weasley joins the Order of Phoenix and fights side by side with his siblings. When he makes a joke, Fred Weasley laughs, and he wonders if maybe the twins aren’t so bad after all- his younger brother is dead, and Percy Weasley can’t help but wonder if there was something he could have done. If he had seen the explosion faster and pushed Fred Weasley out of the way. If he hadn’t distracted his brother with the stupid joke. If he had traded his own life for Fred Weasley’s, because, well, Fred Weasley is loved. George Weasley needs his twin. They have a joke shop. Countless people would be (are) devastated if (because) Fred Weasley died (dies). And Percy Weasley is not.
After the battle, he returns to the Ministry. He rejoins under Kingsley Shacklebolt’s administration in the Department of Magical Transportation. But, well, Percy Weasley will always wonder if he could have saved his brother.
This turned into more of a character study than a list of reasons. Percy is my favorite character because he betrays his family. In the series, he had this extremely compelling storyline and background that was never fully explored. And not enough fanfiction writers explored that either, so I wrote this about why he is honestly one of the most interesting characters in Harry Potter.
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