sleepy-whore · 4 years
Would anyone read an Emmett/OC fic I have in the works? I’m debating on posting sometime soon. This week maybe??
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sleepy-whore · 4 years
fic announcement
I plan on posting a new chapter of Cookies once every three days. Use #e&kcookies if you’d like to stay updated! Any and all comments/feedback is appreciated :)
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sleepy-whore · 4 years
Cookies ch.1
Two eggs
A pinch of salt
One cup of butter
Three cups of flour
A dash of baking soda
One cup of white sugar
One cup of brown sugar
A dash of baking powder
Two cups of chocolate chips
A few drops of vanilla extract
***bake for ten minutes
I put the trays in the oven and shut the door. I have the recipe memorised, but I had to double check to see if I set the timer. There have been a few instances in the past where I had forgotten, only to have an entire batch become inedible. 
Halfway through the baking process my uncle comes into the kitchen, “How much longer? They smell good”.
I look back at the timer, “About five more minutes or so. These are for the neighbors, I don’t want you eating them all”.
He shrugged, “Alright, alright. I promise I’ll only eat a few”. 
I narrowed my eyes at my uncle, “A few means three or less, Uncle Scott”.
“You’ve got my word”. 
Usually, I believe my uncle. He’s a very trustworthy man, but his appetite gets the best of him at times. He eats. Alot. Because of that, he’s the one that does a majority of the cooking around the house, but he cannot bake for the life of him. But I think it’s a fair trade off, he does the main meals and I do the desserts.
A couple weeks ago there was talk around the town that there was a new family moving to Forks. Forks is a small town, and the newcomers gave everyone something to gossip about. Not too many people come here for a fresh start. 
My Uncle and I live in the woods, a little ways away from the town. He built the cabin that we live in himself. He’s very handy, but I prefer not to tell him that too much as he’s got a bit of an ego. He’s a carpenter. Anytime one of the houses in Forks needs a repair (which is quite often due to the weather) someone just gives him a call and he’s off to work. 
The timer for the cookies went off. I slipped on my oven mitts and put the trays on top of the stove to cool off. My uncle heard the timer as well and tried grabbing one of the cookies. I attempted to stop him, I really did, but it was too late. He had burnt his hand and rushed over to the sink to run his hand under cold water. 
“Tsk, tsk,” I teased, “you should know better than that by now” .
He huffed and continued to tend to his hand.
Once the cookies were cooled down enough I transferred them to a tupperware container and headed out the door. As I was leaving I called out, “I’ll be back later!”
“Just don’t stay out too late!” my uncle yelled from the living room with his recovered hand and plate of three cookies.
I put the tub of cookies in the basket and hopped on my lilac bike. The new neighbors aren’t supposed to live too far away, just about three miles give or take. Still, the closest neighbors that I have ever had. I’ve seen the house a few times over the years on my walks around the forest  and this will be the first time I’ll see someone living in it. It’s such a beautiful home, I always thought it deserved a nice family to go with it.  
Making sure not to smush the cookies, I peddled along the gravel road until I came across the house. The garage doors were open and I saw some sports cars, but not a moving van in sight. Maybe the van already came early? They only moved in here a few days ago. 
I parked my bike against a tree, grabbed the cookies, and made my way towards the front door. I hesitated, thinking of ways to introduce myself before I pressed the doorbell. A woman with honey brown hair and kind eyes opened the door. 
“Hi, I’m Kathy. I’m your neighbor”
The woman smiled, “Hello Kathy! It’s so nice to meet you. I’m Esme, please come inside”. I stepped in the house and was amazed at how light and airy the interior was.
“I brought over some cookies to welcome you to the neighborhood- well, it’s not much of a neighborhood.” I handed the container to Esme and she smiled. 
“That’s very kind of you. Can I offer you something to drink? Coffee? Tea?”
“Oh, um, tea please.” Coffee gives me headaches.
I followed her into the kitchen and sat on a barstool at the counter. She put the cookies down and prepared a kettle of water on the stove. While the water warmed she opened up a cupboard full of china and started to gently arrange the cookies on a display platter. I was surprised by how quickly it seemed that everything was already unpacked. As far as I could tell, there were no open boxes or tape laying around the house.
 I saw something move behind me and turned in the chair to meet a short girl around my age. She beamed, “Hi, I’m Alice! I don’t mean to eavesdrop, but you must be Kathy.”
 “Yup, I’m Kathy. Well, my full name is Katherine, but I prefer Kathy”. 
“That’s a pretty name” she swiveled herself onto the stool next to me.
“Oh, thank you! So is ‘Alice’. It has a nice ring to it”
Esme placed a mug of tea on the counter in front of me. I gave her my thanks and took a small sip. 
“You go to Forks, right? How is the school there?” Alice asked.
“It’s alright. I’ll be a junior once summer break is over. Most of the teachers are passionate about their jobs and the kids there like to stay in their own cliques. You might get some attention though, since you’re new to town”.
“Good to know,” she nodded, “my siblings usually like to keep to themselves in school”.
“Your siblings?” I repeated.
“Oh yes. Jasper, Edward, Emmett, and Rosalie.”
“Wow, you have a big family”
Esme joined in on our conversation, “My husband Carlilse and I adopted”
At that moment a pale blond man, who I’m assuming is Carlisle, walked into the kitchen. 
“I see we have company, and that my wife already beat me to introductions. Nonetheless, I’m Carlisle. Carlisle Cullen.” he made his way over to Esme and lovingly put his hand around her waist. “Rosalie, Edward, come and say hello” he called out. 
Seconds later a blonde girl around my height walked into the room followed by a boy with an auburn tint in his disheveled hair. They both made their first impressions, however Rosalie seemed a bit guarded in her actions. She had a perfect posture and kept her arms crossed. 
“It’s nice to meet you all,” I spoke through the slight tension in the room, “Rosalie, I love your outfit. You have a nice taste in fashion”.
“Thanks” she replied coolly. 
“You think Rosalie’s fashion is nice?” Alice scoffed at her sister, “The next time you come over I’ll show you what real fashion looks like”. 
“Whatever, Alice” Rosalie said as she left the room.
“Oh, uhm, alright” I had no idea how to respond to a comment like that. I took a few more sips of my tea.
“Hey Alice, I thought you said you had a few more siblings?” I continued.
Edward spoke up, “Jasper and Emmett are... running errands right now. They’ll be back later”
“Ah. I see”. I looked around the kitchen to see if there was a clock. I had been at the neighbors hours for quite some time already and I promised my Uncle Scott I wouldn’t be out too late. 
Edward seemed to notice me looking around, “It’s about five fourty”.
“Oh, thank you. I really should get going. I don’t want to ride my bike in the dark. Thank you for the tea Esme, and it was great to talk!”
Esme and Carlisle walked me to the door and Alice flashed me another smile. 
“Take care now” Carlisle said as I got on my bike. I gave one last wave goodbye before pedaling back to my cabin. 
I opened the door with my key and walked through the front door. The t.v. was showing the news and my uncle was in the kitchen again, this time making dinner. 
“Hey Kathy. Steak, broccoli, and potatoes for me; fried tofu, broccoli, and carrots for you. How are the neighbors?” 
“They’re nice,” I said as I washed my hands. I set the table and got us both a glass of water. “It’s a big family, there’s the husband Carlisle, his wife Esme, and their four or five adopted kids. I didn’t get to meet all of the kids, but the ones that I did meet seem to be around my age” 
“Phew that’s a big lot of them” my uncle said as he sat down at the table with me.
We ate the rest of our dinner in a comfortable silence. After helping wash up with the dishes I headed upstairs into my bedroom. I needed some alone time. It was a draining to meet so many new people all at once. I sat at my desk and gathered together my pencils and notepad. I drew the outside greenery from what I could see through the window. The rest of the night was nice and quiet. 
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