#tv shwo review
isobelleposts · 2 years
The Flawed Women of Gilmore Girls
by Isobelle Cruz [October 30, 2022]
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After spending two months' worth of days and nights with the Gilmore Girls—Emily, Lorelai, and Rory—I could finally write my review and thoughts about the rollercoaster and hold these fictional characters had on me for quite some time. Other than motivating me to take my education more seriously and providing me with something to look forward to at the end of a long day, the show unexpectedly made me reflect on some of the life decisions I would inevitably have to take some time into the future.
The original plan was to write up a post discussing which Gilmore boyfriend was the best and deserved to stay until the end, until I reached the final episode and realized how much more the show is than just a mother and daughter featuring the men in their lives. I see myself a lot in Rory Gilmore—with not only her same bursting passion for writing but with her pride that leads to her flaws and mistakes.
RORY: See? I hate that. / Everyone thinking I’m doing an amazing job all the time, like it’s a given. It’s not a given. What if I’m a terrible reporter?
Gilmore Girls S7:E22 “Bon Voyage”
Rory Gilmore, painted as an intelligent girl ahead of her peers in the education and literary field, grows up with people constantly sharing their praise which leads the girl with high standards and pride for herself. Although I don’t necessarily live in a community as open and supportive as Rory’s world, I find myself deep with pride at times and struggle to shake it away for my own good.
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Rory had a sort of victim mentality, refusing to associate herself with the luxury that her grandparent’s wealth gives her or refusing to embrace her privilege, which, no matter what she does, she will always have and benefit from.
LOGAN: Whether you like it or not, you’re one of us. You went to prep school. You go to Yale. Your grandparents are building a whole damn astronomy building in your name. 
Gilmore Girl S7:E8 “Introducing Lorelai Planetarium”
Although Logan wasn’t exactly the best guy out there, like all of Rory’s other beaus, I admired him at least for acknowledging his privilege and wealth and using it to uplift himself in terms of business and career. Despite not being on the best terms with his father, Logan didn’t deny the easy head start he got into the working industry due to his connections, unlike Rory who would constantly deny her privilege while continually benefiting from it.
Rory’s greatest villain was herself.
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No matter how frustrating the situations may have been at times, especially in the later seasons, I was kin to the idea of throwing away some fantasy fairytale-ending in exchange for the truth of life’s hardships.
I hated Rory the same way I would have hated myself when stuck in a situation wherein the wrong would obviously be pointed at me, with a mix of bittersweet understanding and guilt. You’ve witnessed this person grow up from being a perfect daughter and student, experience their first kisses and days at school and college, and only makes it awfully harder to turn against them completely when they’ve become a flaw-filled wreck just like everyone else.
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The Gilmore Girls are more than just two women with mouths that speak in nothing but references, but is an accurate representation of flawed female characters, with topics such as teenage pregnancy, family trauma, and privilege amongst others which bring depth to the story.
I was comforted, conflicted, and given a piece of mind for what the writing industry would more or less be, especially for someone so full of willpower to make her extremely high dreams come true.
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
House of Mouse review: “The Three Caballeros” or State of Your Outfit Donald
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The Ride of the Three Caballeros continues, and with reviewed paid for up until legend, we’re fueled up and ready to ride on for some time now. This admittedly has taken a bit longer than I like to get back on the ride, due to a  number of reasons, but i’m back on the ride and these next two were both a pleasure to get to and cover a show that was LONG overdue to show up here: It’s the House of Mouse! For those of you who haven’t heard of it House of Mouse was a Disney show in 2000 that ran on it’s one Saturday morning block, the follow up to the Disney afternoon. It also holds a close place in my heart as these are the versions of Mickey and Co I grew up with, as I had Disney Channel as a kid and they reaired it a LOT, so the show is sorta soaked into my DNA, and is likely the reason why I like Donald and Goofy so much, as their shorts here and their personalities outside them really drew me in. I’ll still be objective mind, but the show means a lot to me and i’m not going to hide that. 
The show has a really amazing setup: Mickey and Co run a club for Disney characters. While no tv characters showed up, anyone who had been in the movies was fair game, and everyone from Hades to both forms of Simba somehow to the horned freaking king showed up. The only exceptions were as I said Tv characters, though Pepper Ann makes a cameo in the pilot, and the Pixar characters.. which is more fair than you think. Keep in mind at the time of this series, there were only three Pixar Movies: Toy Story, a Bug’s LIfe and Toy Story 2, which came out the same year as house of mouse. Not only that Pixar wasn’t owned by Disney at the time, so there was likely a fear they could loose the rights to use the characters at some point and thus didn’t want to chance it.  But yeah this setting is used for great jokes, it’s the source of the “No one does X like gaston!” meme and it’s funny every time they do that gag. Though the main stars of the show are still mickey and co with each having a fitting position in the club’s hierachy: MIckey and Donald, being equal stars, co-own the club, though Donald sometimes feels overshadowed. Mickey, with his people skills and cheer is the MC and host. Donald, given his jack of all trades nature and butt monkey status, is guest services, in charge of taking care of the club’s featured guests and naturally having it backfire, as well as sometimes envying Mickey’s spot and trying to take it over. Minnie, being level headed, keeps things running, planning the show and managing finaces as well as calming Mickey when he gets panicky. Daisy runs guest services while trying to break out on her own and is somewhat of a ditz in this series, though not overly dumb or incompetent, just a bit of an air head is all, and her sweet bubbly nature makes her very likeable. That and outside the shorts at least, she’s very nice to Donald here and their realtionship is very sweet, hence it being one of the four versions of it I like.  Goofy is head waiter, which fits him because.. I dunno they needed one. But he does the job well even if he naturally screws up a bunch because Goofy. Pluto is also around as a personal assitant because eh why not.  But what really stood out abotu the show to me, even more so as an adult, was  the supporting cast. As a kid, I was introduced to a lot of the disney side characters i’d never heard of before, all of whom get a decent amount of screen time over the series, while as an adult, I find it heartwarming they brought these characters back and fleshed them out after not being used on screen for so long, with one big exception that was still nice of them to use and helps bridge the generation gap. 
The rest of the HOM crew consisted of Hoarce, Mickey’s friend who was used a lot early on and who works as the club’s engineer and handyman, Clarabelle, also often forgotten but thoroughly defined here as a loveable gossip and acted wonderfully by the incomparable April Winchell. I credit this show for making me love both characters especially Clarabelle and wanting to see them more. 
We also have Gus, a far more obscure on screen character. Gus is Donald’s Cousin, and as of this writing is the ONLY one of Donald’s three majorly used Cousins to have not shown up in the Ducktales reboot. Gus is also the only one whose not a comics original, to my shock, instead showing up in the short “Donald’s Cousin Gus”, communicating only through honks and eating all of Donald’s food. He was naturally adapted for the comics, where while still having a huge appetite became more bossed with being a lazy while working with Grandma Duck, his and Donald’s Grandma. He’s so different between mediums I genuinely forgot he was in this show and didn’t realize he and the chef from this show were the same person. Still it’s nice to see him and hopefully he’ll make the reboot before it ends.  Finally rounding out the supporitng cast we have Huey Dewey and Louie, who mostly show up as the quackstreet boys to dance and are kind of inbetween their classic designs and their quack pack versions: They have the hair from quack pack, but seem more like their 12-13, a bit older than standard, but sitll not as old as they are in Quack Pack. They also don’t talk which is a vast improvement over Quack Pack. And finally, and more prominently, we have Max, who as I said bridges the gap between generations and I think was an amazing inclusion. He not only gave younger viewers like me a character they knew better, but allowed the character’s story to continue a bit, clearly taking place after xtreme but having him actually go on a date with Roxanne. Thank you House of Mouse Writers. your doing Golb’s work.  Antagonist wise we have Pete, as usual trying to muck things up and presumibly flush with post divorce cash. He’s the club landlord, and wants Mickey out for reasons that are never explained, but as long as the show goes on and Mickey pays rent on time, the show goes on. Being Pete, he naturally tries to sabotage things. It’s a good device. The other is Mortimer, probably the series deepest cut alongside Gus as he only shwoed up in one short but the series easily made him one of my faviorites: A Sleazy asshole who tries to pick up on Minnie (who thankfully this go round is not at all receiptve), tries to get on the card, and constnatly says Ha-Cha-Cha. Maurice LaMarche, this show had a REALLY talented voice cast can you tell?, really owned the character and has been his voice since and really took him from a one dimensional douche to a LOVEABLE asshole. 
Granted most of this.. really isn’t relevant as only the main cast show up, but it’s an aspect of the show I like so I went into it anyway. Plus i’ll defintely be coverng the show again so this saves me time for later.  Back on point though, the show’s format was a problem of the week, ranging from guest troubles to pete shenigans to internal strife in the club to just general sitcom shenanigans, going on at the club, with shorts inserted in from a previous Mickey Show, Mickey MouseWorks. MouseWorks was a short lived, pun intended, show that didn’t do so good, so they had a bunch of these shorts sitting around including some that never aired on the show, and thus inserted them as cartoons being played for the club patrons. It was a great device and the shorts, while varying in quality , are mostly pretty good and were the first Disney Shorts I saw. It was a good format, allowing the main stories to have plenty of time, but not have to overpad them or anything and with so many shorts on hand they could simply write the story to be as long as they needed and then insert however many shorts were needed. It worked well. 
So yeah as you can tell I truly love this show and it introduced a lot of stuff to me. And naturally.. that includes the Three Caballeros here, with their song here being stuck in my head for years and this being the first time they’d shown up in decades... which is ironically how long it took for me to see their movie but regardless. The boys were back, and you can see how the show did with them, under the cut. 
Something to note, No Disney Plus this time.. because BAFFLINGNLY the show is not on there, despite no rights issues holding it up I’m aware of, and the show having every other mouse and duck related animated series on there. I know, I’ve talked about this before, even in this very retrospective.. but I keep bringing it up because it’s something you easily forget about. Something that may slip away. But don’t let it. Let them know, and get our shows on there already. Christ.  Anyways, due to the show’s format of sliding the shorts in, and to make thing easier on me for house of mouse reviews i’m simply going to do the shorts first, then the main plot. Good? Good. 
This one only had two, though it varied on how many they used, and some were just super short shorts anyway, so it all balances out and as I said, i’ts better they just told as much story as was there than tried to rush it. So without further adue...
Donald’s Fish Fry: Poor Poor Humphrey  Yeah I didn’t like this one. The premise is using the old character Humphrey the Bear.. only here instead of being the antagonist the ranger present basically bullies the poor bear, while the other bears constnatly get more fish than him when it’s their registered time to fish. It’s just agrvating.. and when the poor boy finally GETS a fish, Donald snatches it.  Donald isn’t unsympathetic here, he found the fish fairly.. but it’s hard to tell who we’re supposed to root for here. Humphrey, who just wants what’s his, or Donald whose oblivious but technically in the wrong. This kind of slapstick just.. dosen’t work as well with both sides being sympathetic. It can work with say bugs and daffy, because both are equal, but there’s clearly an antagonistc force in elmer fudd. But this type of shenanigan just dosen’t work when neither side deserves the punishment, and Humphrey did nothing wrong. I felt like this for supporting him the whole time. 
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And it ends with the ranger getting the fish. Because he wasn’t unlikeable enough clearly. Though Humphrey does get some beans so yay? Also the house segment after has Ranger Dickhead stealing Humphrey’s dinner, which given he’s at the club he CLEARLY paid for because it’s too fatty. Fuck you dude. I hope Goofy threw you out for that one. Just not a fun sit. I’ve seen this kind of shenanigan done better, in disney classic shorts even. I’ve seen Don as the villian better, See Trick or Treat for a good example> There’s just.. nothing here and it goes on forever. This is a good chunk of the episode! Lordy! Just a genuinely bad short. Thankfully the next one while not as word inducing is also not as headache inducing How to Be Smart: Now THESE were my faviorites as a kid. I loved goofy, so shorts about him were no brainer but even now.. these are still funny. Basically a narrator would follow Goofy around while he tries to learn how to do something, in this case how to get smarter after loosing on a gameshow .. and owing the show three milion dollars. There’s not much ot go into, it’s basically a series of jokes about Goofy going to school from elementary to college and learning his way up while Dealing with Ludvig’s bratty nephew and his own stupidity. It’s a funny short and really well done and these are easily some of the show’s best shorts and this is no exception. Unlike  the Humphrey short, where this essentially happened. 
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My soul and I gladly enjoyed How to Be Smart. Dare to NOT be stupid and check this short out. 
The Wraparound: And I”m Donald Duck! As for the main segment it’s pretty good. We open with Mickey hyping up tonight’s act, which is naturally the Three Caballeros! But trouble sets in as Donald, while proud at first, is rightfully annoyed that a man on the street segment shows NO ONE remembers he was in the group. Including his best friend goofy. Only Pumba does, somehow. I dunno maybe he dated Panchito once before meating timon. Point is Donald dosen’t take this well, even if we get a nice moment of Daisy swooning over the fact.. even if being  HOM Daisy, she can’t get the name right. But given i’ve had trouble spelling it right, I’m one to talk. 
So being Donald he overreacts, which I like as.. well it’s Donald. Of course when given a very resonable reason to get upset he takes it a step too far. In this case he’s gotten an army of lawers, refuses to speak to mickey and has put ... THIS on. I showed it at the top of the page but.. well it bears repeating. 
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It’s like every bad thing about the early 2000′s, from the douchey shades, to the rings, to the golden knuckles, to the hat that looks like a penis, to the no donald logo. There should be all the donalds, ALL OF THEM. He also has an army of lawyers, and naturally resorts to hot doggin and grandstanding: Signing autographs during the show, putting a giant poster of himself up. It works okay, as it makes him unsympathetic for the next part to work and is really funny which is the point. Even if again he looks like the feces that’s produced when shame eats too much stupidity. 
Instead of just getting Dale Gribble in there, Mickey is at a loss for a solution till the boys show up and.. it’s a mixed bag. Carlos  Alazraqui is excellent as Panchito, slipping into the roll well. Unlike last time the character showed up, they did NOT get a mexican actor, but Carols is still Latino, so it’s still better than what they did for Jose, and still big of them to actually bother to get a Latino actor to play a latino role.  Jose on the other hand.. is played, and not very good, by Rob Paulson. And before anyone throws stuff at me, I love Rob. I will  be gushing about him when I get around to reviewing the animaniacs reboot. He’s a god among voice actors and I love him. But his voice, at least in this ep dosen’t really .. FIT Jose, and he dosen’t really match the characters energy which is VERY weird given Animaniacs was right before this. The guy can DO energy and it’s one of his best talents. He STILL can as evidenced by both TMNT 2012 and the Animaniacs revival. It’s just not one of his better performances. I love the guy but even gods have off days.  And of course there’s the bigger issue of the very white Rob shouldn’t be playing the very Brazilian Jose. Not matching nationatlies is one thing, it sucks, but The Three Cablleros had a much bigger budget than HOM likely did. HOWEVER, it couldn’t of been that hard to find two latino voice actors in 2000, especially when you found at least one. I get this wasn’t as big a thing but when the 1940′s did better than you, you know you screwed up. 
But it probably dosen’t help the two.. barely do anything. Despite the episode being named after them, they only show up towards the end and just sorta say hi to mickey, get cool entrances, and then seeing Donald being a dick and Mickeya sking for their help, humble him with their musical number.  And the Musical Number IS really good, it’s been in my head for years and is just as catchy as the classic “Three Cabllero’s Song”.. why they didn’t sing that I don’t know, but this original one, a light knockoff of la bamba is still really fun and bouncy and the gags are good. It’s a really good climax and Donald deserves his punishment.  The only really issue is the ending, as.. no one leaned anything. No one acknowledges how forgotten Donald felt, Mickey dosen’t seem to get the issue as his “promoting Donald” at the end to make sure he’s not forgotten.. just has a bunch of jabs at his expense, and Donald dosen’t apologize..t hougH daisy is really sweet to him so we got some Donsy at least. It’s just a weak ending to an otherwise excellent wraparound.  Final Thoughts: This one was.. okay. Shorts aside, i’ve said my peace about them, the wraparound is a lot of fun, as is the musical number, even if the “artist formerly known as” joke was played out even in 2000. I mean yeas Prince changing his name to a symbol was insane, I get that.. but by then everyone had clowned on that decision and given he did so in a bizarre act of defiance towards his label, at a time where we now know how scummy record labels can be, it hasn’t aged well. It’s just the weak climax, song not included, really drags things down. The Cabs are just.. a cameo in their own damn episode, even with the full musical number and could’ve been around more. They don’t get to show off personalities or really do anything but teach Donald a lesson and are basically one indivdiual here. It sticks out even more because Rosa had both be utterly distinct and showed the utmost care while here.. their just sorta tossed in so they could have Donald be a primadona.. which itself is funny but on the whole this episode was just.. disappointing to revisit. It was disheartening to learn one of my favorite episodes as a kid wasn’t that good. It is worth checking out if you like Donald or the cabs, provided you skip the first short. Trust me, trust me, but is far from the best the house of mouse has to offer and hopefully the next one will show that.  Next time when the Ride continues, my gig at the house of mouse gets held over another night as Jose teaches Goofy manners and Panchito helps deprogram him from that. Before that I hope to get to the next chapter of life and times and some other stuff i’ve had hanging, including the next loud house and the next part of the tomtropsective, as well as some new things that have come up like said review of the animaniacs reboot and a review of Adventure Time: Distant Lands, Obsidan. Until then if you liked this review, please check out my other pages for more, follow me to see them, and if you’d like to comission your own, just hit me up in my ask box for my discord or personal message me here on tumblr. Until then, ther’es always another rainbow. I’m out. 
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sueboohscorner · 6 years
#Legacies S01E04 "Hope is Not the Goal" Recap
"Hope is Not the Goal" Legacies came back with another new monster coming after the knife. So far, “Hope is Not the Goal” has my favorite episode, shwoing my favorite and the most scary monster till now, the Arachnid. Here’s a quick review of what has happened
The Episode starts with M.G. waking up from a dream of Grodd trying to kill him (if only Flash had come to save him!) and going to the kitchen, where he sees Kaleb wiping blood. Kaleb tells him not to tell anyone he is feeding on human blood. Matt and Alaric announce to the Salvatore school’s students that Dana and Sasha are missing and they need Volunteers to go undercover to Mystic High to investigate what has happened. Lizzie, Kaleb, M.G. and Hope volunteer to go, but Alaric also sends Landon along with them. They go to Elena and Matt’s old school Mystic High and ask around.
Matt and Alaric find Dana’s dead body in the woods, but while Alaric is talking to Lizzie, her body disappears. M.G. tells Lizzie that Kaleb had been feeding on school cheerleaders, and they all suspect Kaleb had killed the girls. Then Dana appears, and they think she is in transition and Kaleb had turned her, but she pukes her guts out and her body dissolves.
M.G. finds out a comic book, and remembers a spider, to be specific the Arachnid, is what they are dealing with, and he has an idea how to kill it. Meanwhile in the school, Rafael sits with Josie and Jed, the Werewolf pack’s Alpha, tries to get him to join the pack. When Rafael refuses they beat him up but Josie saves him. He goes to the cabin from the Originals, and they find the spider’s web and Sasha in it, but they also get stuck in it. Josie kisses Rafael to siphon his magic since her hands are stuck. The spider tries to attack them.
In the meanwhile, Lizzie and Hope track the spider to the cabin, and together, Hope, Lizzie and Josie kill the Spider. M.G. compels the girl and Hope tells him to let her grieve her friend. That it would hurt, but it will be okay. Josie tells Alaric that if they had learned Offensive magic like Hope, they would be able to protect themselves. She also supports Rafael when he decides to join the werewolf pack.
Kaleb yells at M.G. for telling everyone and says they have been given rabbit’s blood instead of human’s blood. Matt and Alaric catch Kaleb in his lie. Matt warns Alaric saying “If your kids are a threat, I’ll be coming for them.” And Alaric replies by saying, “if you threaten my kids, sheriff, I’ll be the one coming for you.”
In the end, Alaric tells Dorian to come back since the spider showed up here and no one tracked him, so they weren’t after the knife, but then a creature breaks in at Dorian’s place.
And Here is the link to the Promotional Photos of Legacies Season 1 Episode 5 “Malivore.
LEGACIES 1x05 Synopsis “Malivore” — (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, DV) (HDTV)
ELECTION FEVER — Tensions rise among the students after Alaric (Matthew Davis) decides to give the students a more prominent voice by forming an honor council. Determined to find out more about Landon’s (Aria Shahghasemi) past, Hope (Danielle Rose Russell) does a series of magical tests on him. Meanwhile, Alaric and Dorian (guest star Demetrius Bridge) take on the next creature to try and find out what they want and where they are coming from. Michael Karasick directed the episode written by Thomas Brandon & Penny Cox (#105). Original airdate What did you think about this episode? Alaric had never even heard about these creatures and he was an expert in these things. Do you think someone powerful is bringing these fictional creatures to life and they hadn’t existed before? Let me know your thoughts in the comments.
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