#ttad status update
aboutdragons · 8 months
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A little sneak peak of the (very slowly) upcoming chapter six. What new lows is Viserys up to I wonder.
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aboutdragons · 1 year
You know, on one hand it would have been easier if GRRM just gave us the worldbuilding we want for ASoIaF. But on the other hand, we get next-to-nothing, and I can just channel my jRPG-loving god-killing dweeb into what I stuff into those (admitedly pretty damn big) holes, and...
Well let’s just say I’m in the middle of writing an interlude about the gods and it’ll be chock full of some crazy worldbuilding and I’m super hype for it.
Between me brainstorming the 14 and their lore, actually drawing them, and writing the interlude (and working on unrelated WIPs on the side) next chapter might take a while to crawl here. I only have about 1,5k written for it so far.
Anyway! Have a little sneak peak of some of the gods I already drew as a treat ;)
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relics of a bygone era borne of a dead god’s will, doomed to fight war they aren’t meant to win
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