#ts: nov 6th
dxrkenedheights · 11 months
where: the castle, nov 6th
with: ryan cross and tammie jones @rviner
Whispers travel fast through the town but Ryan didn't particularly need to listen to them. Seeing Tammie suddenly clutching a tiny bundle in her arms was enough to stir an onslaught of confusion from him. Not really the how but just the vision itself, Ryan nervously wracking through his own thoughts the few occassions he saw her. Was that going to be their life together if everything happened differently? But, he kept true to their last words. More or less steering clear of her entirely, even more so when Isla and Elliot missed their return window. Even more so when the storm hit through the town and Ryan didn't drown from the flooding but from his constant battle as Beta. Make sure everyone's alright.
He doesn't notice that he hovers close to Tammie as he calls the last dregs of a conversation to the back of Hunter's head. His brother padding away from him and once his eyes catch sight of her, the double look isn't even subtle. Ryan nods upwards, ready to step away before the words stirring behind his teeth end up escaping.
"Wasn't sure if I should say congrats or what." he gestures to the girl in Tammie's arms, a forced chuckle as always but these days they deplete much quicker. He'd heard that the Jones' girls returned to the town with a child, and you'd have to be an idiot to not piece together what they went through. But, Ryan hazards a guess that even if it weighs on Tammie's mind, she's never going to say a thing. His eyes move around the castle for a second, noticing the annoying form of Beau in the distance and suddenly he can't help himself. He's laughing with a more solid sound. "Gotta hand it to him, that was fuckin' fast."
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minxyone93 · 4 years
How Long? by MinxyOne93 on AO3
(Destiel Smut Long Fic - WIP)
Dean has been going on reckless hunts by himself. Cas confronts him and all those years of unresolved pining come to a boiling point.
"Dean. How long?" The angel said, still quiet but so raw with emotion, eyes still wide with shock.
Dean looked down at the floor and sighed. "Since... always. I knew it for sure in Purgatory. But always." He then added in a near whisper, tears threatening to spill from behind his now closed eyelids, "I'm sorry, Cas."
"Sorry? You're sorry?" Castiel felt dumbfounded. The constant loneliness and longing he had sensed from Dean that seemed to grow worse and worse with the passing of years made so much more sense now.
"Dean," was all Cas could say before releasing his grip on his collar and gently, slowly, deliberately, kissing the corner of his mouth. A shocked gasp left Dean’s mouth of its own accord and he melted into Castiel's tight embrace.
Author's Note:
This work is a labor of love and it has evolved in response so much to my reader's amazing, supportive comments and the events of the show (this fic was started Nov 6th 😬). Thank you to my readers - you guys have made me so happy with your very vocal, enthusiastic support!
Please see AO3 tags for CWs
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kerahlekung · 4 years
Parlimen macam pasar borong Selayang...
Parlimen macam pasar borong Selayang....
Rupanya PM pintu belakang masih tidak putus asa.. Masih mengharapkan darurat dilaksanakan.. kononnya dengan cara itu PRK Batu Sapi dan PRN Sarawak dapat ditangguhkan...Din cukup risau PRK Batu Sapi tak boleh tangguh kecuali darurat! Darurat bukan saja akan memusatkan kuasa dan keputusan kepada PM pintu belakang.. 
Not only have Muhyiddin Yassin, Azmin Ali, Hamzah Zainudin and Rais Yatim mocked the wisdom of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, but also committed sedition by insulting the intelligence of the eight Malay Rulers who had advised the Agong not to agree to the desire of the PM for absolute power...
Soalnya belanjawan 2021 ini bakal diluluskan atau tidak? Ekonomi kita akan tetap meleset..  Kalu tidak pada sesi belanjawan. Kerajaan pintu belakang ini akan tetap tumbang..Sama ada PM pintu belakang akan bubar Parlimen jadi tanda tanya.. - TS
Oppose the budget Yes or No?...
Some of my constituents are asking should the opposition support the budget? The answer is both a yes, and a no.  To contain the Covid-19 pandemic situation, we have a duty to ensure that the civil service has all the financial resources it needs for 2021. But should this budget vote support from the opposition, be used to prop up this ineffective cabinet, to enable them to continue to govern us through the Covid-19 pandemic? After the Sabah election fiasco and the Emergency Move, the answer to that is a clear no. 
In this posting, I will contextualize the issues regarding the budget vote and make some suggestions on how to move forward on the matter. I would suggest that the PH leadership consider using the budget vote to trade for much needed democratic reforms.
First, let us look at the political context. Not less than 3 days ago, the same prime minister had attempted to shackle Parliament with the Emergency Move. Fortunately, the rulers in their collective wisdom rejected the move and saved democracy. So isn’t it just a little bit bonkers to rush to offer a budget vote olive branch to the same prime minister immediately after his failed Emergency Move? People are rightly confused by these knee jerk reactions of politicians. Moreover, yesterday UMNO has chosen to continue to support the prime minister, therefore restoring PN’s slim majority to pass the budget. If UMNO is true to their words, PN no longer need opposition votes for the budget.
But then, Malaysian politics is full of surprises and deceits. Maybe UMNO will retract their support next week? Maybe there are many wolves in sheep’s clothing in the opposition side too? The fact of the matter is the prime minister’s tenure is extremely weakened after the royal rebuke, and those rushing to support him are finally showing their true cards. People are watching with disbelief and confusion. 
Now let’s move to the legal and constitutional context of the budget vote. Parliamentary convention demands that if a government is defeated in a money bill, it has no choice but to resign. The budget vote is the mother of all money bills. If the prime minister loses this vote, he has to resign and his government will collapse. According to the current Speaker (most of us disagree with his legal interpretation), a no confidence vote can only happen in Parliament with the support of the law minister from the government! The chance of it snowing in KL is higher than getting support of the law minister to topple his own government. 
So the budget vote then becomes the one and only silver bullet the opposition has to test the legitimacy of government. Therefore, we can’t simply surrender this silver bullet to the prime minister for free. Instead, we must consider using this as an all important bargaining chip, to obtain some much needed reforms to save democracy.  
Now, let us consider the issue of timing. Is there sufficient time to negotiate? The budget will only be tabled on the 6th of November and the very first policy stage vote on the budget will only take place in the 23rd of November. Subsequently committee votes will take place for each and every ministry until the 10th of December. So there is ample time of more than one month, for us to make demands and for the prime minister to fulfill these demands, before the final budget vote on the 10th of December. 
Lastly, what are the reforms that we should bargain for? 
On the very top of my list of democratic reforms is to give an unfettered right to the opposition to table a vote of no confidence motion in Parliament. I am sure most reform minded UMNO MPs, like YB Tengku Razaleigh will be most supportive of such a demand. This reform will allow Parliament to check the legitimacy of the prime minister and to prevent a dictatorship. 
Second is a signed undertaking by the cabinet to pass the Parliamentary Services Act in the March 2021 session to make Parliament financially and administratively independent from executive control. 
There are hundreds of things that need reform, but I urge the PH leadership to start negotiating with these two basic democratic terms. 
Bottomline, can we continue to trust this hapless cabinet to continue to manage the Covid-19 pandemic?  Using words such as “reconciliation”, “engagement”, “depoliticise”, means nothing if the government is not sincere about democratic reforms. And after the failed Emergency Move, the agenda for democratic reforms become even more urgent than ever. 
As an opening gambit to demonstrate sincerity on the part of the government, I urge the cabinet to present a full budget briefing to all opposition MPs on the 2nd of November when Parliament resumes. After that, let the budget vote for reform negotiations start , for the sake of the people, democracy and the nation. - Wong Chen,MP Subang
Rupanya Din nak pakai  duit KWSP buat bajet 2021. 
Tuu duit simpanan rakyat bukan duit mak bapak kau...
Will Budget 2021 be passed?...
Would any MP dare to not support Budget 2021? Yes, said James Chin, who is director of the Asia Institute, University of Tasmania, Australia. “An MP can vote against the budget by casting an absentee vote or by simply not being in the hall when the budget is being passed, ” he pointed out.
However, Chin is confident the budget Bill will not be defeated in Parliament. “There’s no way that (a majority of) the MPs will bring the budget down. People forget that between the first and final reading of the budget, the government can make changes to it, ” he said.
“So if there are any blocs of MPs or individual MPs who are unhappy with certain parts of the budget, the government can fine-tune it or provide an additional fund to meet the requirement of the MPs. So the budget will be passed.”
Political analyst Azmi Hassan doesn’t doubt that the budget will be passed – “Lest those who oppose the Bill are labelled as self-serving MPs who put party agenda above the rakyat’s needs, ” he said. Azmi foresees that Budget 2021 will be voted on along partisan lines. Most probably, he said, the opposition would abstain from voting as an implicit signal of no confidence in Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.
“By convention, the opposition usually will vote against the Bill. But it is a special time so the warring parties will want to demonstrate that they have the rakyat as the priority, ” he said.
As for Umno, Azmi said the party’s statement, issued after its supreme council met on Thursday night, put to rest that some of their MPs might not support the Bill. Umno declared that it would ensure that Budget 2021 was passed.
“But on a personal note, I wish the MPs would debate the Bill’s contents and not use the time simply to show displeasure for Muhyiddin. Debate to make the Bill better for the rakyat, ” he said.
Tomorrow, Parliament convenes and Budget 2021 will be tabled on Friday. It will see debates and ministerial replies at the policy stage followed by voting by MPs on Nov 23. If a majority of MPs vote for it, it goes to the committee stage where MPs will vote on the specific measures in the budget. For the record, the government has 113 MPs and the opposition 108 MPs. There are rumblings that some government MPs could turn rogue and not support the Bill.
On Oct 28, for the third time in five days, the King advised all MPs, regardless of party lines, to stop the political squabbling and support Budget 2021 for the well-being of the people at a time when the nation is facing various crises, including the Covid-19 pandemic and economic slowdown.
However, for some politicians, politicking is like breathing. There are those who are plotting to bring down Muhyiddin’s government so that they can have their choice of prime minister or form a unity government.
What are the consequences if Budget 2021 is not passed?
Azmi said all 2021 expenses, including the budget for civil servants’ emoluments and development, would be in limbo. The Bill, he said, no doubt would be enhanced compared to the previous Covid-19 pandemic packages.
“Without this budget, hands would be tied in confronting the effects of the pandemic, especially on our economy. This situation has never happened in our history and we will be going into uncharted territory, ” he said.
However, Azmi said he is “pretty sure our representatives will act more responsibly unlike their counterparts in the American Congress who used the (Covid-19) stimulus package as a means of political brinkmanship.”
If the budget Bill is defeated, Chin said it would be the “nuclear scenario”. The prime minister, according to Westminster convention, must resign, he said. “But remember this is not written down in law. It is a political convention. Some people say that Malaysia should not follow Westminster convention. But, generally speaking, the consensus among experts is this convention does apply to Malaysia because our Parliament is basically based on the British system, ” he said.
If Budget 2021 is passed, what are the political consequences? 
Does it mean that Muhyiddin has “won”? Or will there be more politicking? Azmi said the opposition and Umno would want to demonstrate that their support of the Bill or that refraining from voting on it does not mean that they support the Prime Minister. This perception, he said, is critical to ensure that the legislation goes through. “I think not only Muhyiddin understands this but the rakyat too, ” he said.
Therefore, Azmi said, the political consequence would be that nothing much has changed about whether Muhyiddin has majority support. The status quo remains, with the opposition still on their quest for a new prime minister and Umno only supporting Muhyiddin till the next general election, he said.
“No doubt there will be more politicking, not immediately after the Bill is passed perhaps, but most probably after the Sabah pandemic issue is under control, ” he said. Umno, in its latest statement, has stated that GE15 should be held once the Covid-19 pandemic is under control. Passing Budget 2021 is just a ceasefire from politicking. A snap election seems inevitable.- Philips Golingai,Star
Sumber asal: Parlimen macam pasar borong Selayang... Baca selebihnya di Parlimen macam pasar borong Selayang...
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taylorsentourage · 7 years
How I Met Taylor Swift Twice in the Same Weekend...
Okay everyone, this is the story behind my NYC adventure taking place from arriving to NYC on Nov. 12th (flew all the way from Oklahoma...) to leaving out on the morning of Nov. 13th. 
For new Swifties:
Taylor Swift and her management team work very different from other celebrities. They won’t allow purchased meet and greets. Instead, they engage with fans online to find those who have both not met Taylor (though there are exceptions, definitely!) and who have been loyal followers and supporters for a long time. And when they invite you, they send a private message with details and ask you to keep it secret until after the event. Shady, right? Not in the Swiftie community.
However, I was not chosen. I didn’t deserve to meet Taylor. I’m too fresh to the social scene.
But I befriended a girl on Tumblr, @staytreacherous , because she was so nice and always offering to try and help others get noticed by Taylor. It didn’t sit well letting her help me and having the possibility of her thinking I was using her. I don’t do that. So I kept talking to her and we quickly became nice acquaintances, talking about reputation and early TS and everything in between. We eventually took the budding friendship to Snapchat (to make sure we weren’t talking to creepers 😂) where we decided we’d listen to reputation together (in spirit) when it came out. 
Well, this is where it got crazy. After only 2 or 3 days after we became snapchat friends, she messages me on Nov. 6th asking if I could get to NYC on November 13th.... and I knew what that meant (Taylor’s favorite number is 13, after all) and I was like, “noooo, you didn’t get invited to something?!” Well, she did, and she was asking if I’d be her plus one!
I was in shock and couldn’t believe she asked me of all people. So first I asked her why. I couldn’t possibly feel okay being her plus one!!!
But she said she hardly had any friends who liked Taylor IRL, which I can definitely relate, and she stated that everyone who talks to her on Tumblr would usually only do so to get noticed by Taylor, but I was the only one who really kept talking to her. Which made me really sad because I could never just let someone reblog my posts 20 times without trying to find some way to repay. 
So, I happily and humbly accepted the offer to go to NYC once my dad gave me the all clear from work. I still can’t believe it all happened the way it did. 
I don’t think even I fully comprehend the odds of this situation but, @taylorswift is way too famous for this to happen to me. And given my newness to social media (even though I was a longtime TS fan), I rested on the fact that I would NEVER meet her.  But then-
I met Taylor in line the night of Nov. 12th by sheer happenstance at her new pop-up!!!
So that was a big shock in itself! I had been up since 5:30am and had a full day of travel until I arrived in my hotel at around 4:30pm. After eating, I considered going to Times Square. But I REALLY wanted to go to the pop-up. Because I have no concept of subway systems, nor did I really have the extra money for a taxi, I decided to walk there. It was a thirty minute walk and once I arrived, I realized the line was about 2 hours long. It sucked, but I decided to stay. It was that important that I get the Taylor Swift sweater dress, afterall! haha Well, I just happened to be at the right place at the right time, because when Taylor came to surprise us, I was still on the outer most side of the railing where she was taking pictures! 
And if the experience of having her hold my shoulders, thank me for coming, and then take my phone and get a picture with me wasn’t enough,
I met Taylor Swift AGAIN Nov. 13th at the party, where she called @staytreacherous and I beautiful and held our hands like we were the only ones in the building!!!
There really are no other words for it. I am blessed beyond measure and I am so thankful for @staytreacherous , @taylorswift , and @taylornation . 🙏🏻
Kindness can really take you places, guys. I wouldn’t doubt the power of it. Just look where it took Taylor Swift. 
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jntufastresult · 5 years
TS SBTET (C18/C16/C16s) Results Nov 2019 - Released
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TS SBTET Results Nov 2019: Telangana Diploma board conduted the regular/Supply exams for all the C18/C16/C16s /C14/C09/ER-91 Regulations in Nov/Dec 2019. So students check your all semester and years results at one place in below we updated the TS SBTET Regular Results as well as TS SBTET Supply exam Results Dec 2019. Please check the status of your results and information share to your friends.
TS SBTET Results Nov 2019
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Manabadi Diploma Results Updates 2019
To check there instance updated of ts sbtet results c16 are updated with the official link of the manabadi sbtet c16 results along with supply results of manabadi Results for sbtet c14 results of ts sbtet results c14 or ts sbtet results c16 is updated. Result Name: Telangana SBTET Diploma/Polytechnic Exam Results Board Name: Telangana State Board of Technical Education & Training SBTET Exam Dates: Nov/Dec 2019 Official Website: www.sbtet.telangana.gov.in Release Status: Released on 28th Jan 2020   Also Check: Diploma Base Jobs | Govt Jobs Updates | TS SBTET Diploma Updates
Telangana Diploma Regular/Supply Exam Results 2019
Student can check below-listed results through the below links as provided by JntuFastResuts by gathering the information from various official website portals like www.sbtet.telangana.gov.in and more JNTUFASTUPDATES and MANABADI Results and MANAResuts websites. TS Diploma C18 Regular/Supply Examination Result Nov 2019 TS Diploma C16 Regular/Supply Examination Result Nov 2019 TS Diploma C16S Regular/Supply Examination Result Nov 2019 TS Diploma C14 Supply Examination Result Nov/Dec 2019 TS Diploma C09 Supply Examination Result Nov/Dec 2019 TS Diploma E-91 Pharmacy Supply Examination Result Nov/Dec 2019 TS SBTET C18/C16/C16s Exam Results Nov 2019 | TS SBTET C14/C09/E-91 Exam Results Nov 2019 TS SBTET has declared Results of Diploma 1st year and 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th-semester examinations 2019 at schools9.com, manabadi.com, manabadi.co.in. Candidates who had appeared for the examination in the month of March/April 2019 can get their results from the direct link provided below. How To Check TS SBTET Results 2019: Here provided the ts sbtet student portal of every candidate are entering the Diploma student life they follow the each and every ts sbtet notifications, TS diploma SBTET Updated for that they have TS SBTET Academic calendars, TS SBTET Exam Fee  notification, TS SBTET Exam timetable, TS SBTET previous papers, TS SBTET Results  of TS SBTET Recounting and TS SBTET Revaluation application process and fee details and Dates to apply the examination of SBTET Diploma. TS SBTET Recounting/Photocopies/Re-Verification Fee Details: 1. Recounting – Rs.400/- per subject (Applicable to all the Theory Subjects including Drawing Subject) 2. Photocopies of Valued Answer Scripts – Rs.700/- per subject (Photocopies will be issued to all theory subjects including Drawing Subjects) 3. Re-Verification of Valued Answer Scripts – Rs.3500/- per subject (Re-Verification shall be done for all theory subjects including Drawing Subjects) TS Diploma SBTET RC/Rv/PC Notification & Fee Payment Procedure
TS SBTET C18/C16/C16s Regular/Supply Exam Results Nov 2019
TS SBTET C18 Exam Results Nov 2019 (Ony Mid Exam Marks) - Results Link Diploma examinations Photo copy, Re-Valuation application Start date: 17-01-2020 End date: 22-01-2020 - Apply Now TS SBTET C18 Exam Results Nov 201 -  Results Link TS SBTET C16s Exam Results Nov 2019 -  Results Link TS SBTET C16 Exam Results Nov 2019 - -  Results Link TS SBTET C14/C09/ER-91 Supply Exam Results Nov/Dec 2019 TS SBTET Diploma C-14 Exam Results Nov/Dec 2019 - Not Yet Released TS SBTET Diploma C-09 Exam Results Nov/Dec 2019 - Not Yet Released TS SBTET ER-91 Pharmacy Exam Results Nov/Dec 2019 - Not Yet Released Also Check: TS SBTET Diploma Syllabus Books For Academic Year 2019-2020 TS Diploma SBTET RC/Rv/PC Notification & Application Link TS SBTET Diploma C18/C16/C14/C09/E91 Regular/Supply Results March/April 2019 If You Have Any Queries/ Suggestions / Doubts/ Complaints, Feel Free To Comment Below. MAIL US AT ANY TIME: [email protected] OUR TEAM WILL GIVE REPLY TO YOU AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Check More Latest Updates Read the full article
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matoki-project · 7 years
B.A.P Primer [Link Saved Version]
-- Updated last 6/17/17 -- (Updated with Party Baby Links!)
Who is B.A.P?
B.A.P (Best Absolute Perfect) is a six member Korean k-pop group under TS Entertainment that debuted on stage on Jan. 27 2012 with their first mini album Warrior. They are best known for their strong messages and signature powerful style of music. | More info here |
| Official Facebook | TS Ent Twitter | TS Ent Youtube | Official Fancafe |
V Live Channel  [Follow on V App as well]
The official fanclub name of B.A.P is BABY (plural Babys or Babyz) and the unofficial fan color is spring green.
To catch new fans up with the previous development of events, in November of 2014, B.A.P announced they were filing a lawsuit against TS Entertainment to nullify their contracts due to unfair conditions and profit distribution [x]. Since then,they went months into inactivity, attempting to hold a trial throughout. On August 1st, 2015, B.A.P and TS reached a settlement [x]. B.A.P returned to TS, prepared for their next activities and promoted with “Young Wild & Free” from their Matrix album and now recently released “Wake Me Up” from their Rose.
Yongguk’s hiatus and return
Due to Yongguk’s recent health (diagnosed with panic disorder in October of 2016 x), the five remaining members promoted for the Skydive/Noir comeback. Himchan took the leadership role and filled in for Yongguk during their Skydive performances. Following that, Yongguk was revealed to return to activity for their Wake Me Up comeback and so far is active in promotion again.
Bang Yongguk  | March 31 1990 | Leader and Main Rapper |  | More Info | Twitter | IG | Soundcloud
Yongguk is the stoic, and shy, yet caring leader of B.A.P. He is responsible for many of B.A.P’s album lyrics and more recently their song productions. His deep cave-like voice is well-known and impersonated by many. He’s also known for his vast amount of charity work and fondness of children. His favorite things, besides working on his music include ramen and his favorite character, tigger. He’s easy to embarrass, but he has a childlike side to him as well. Overall, he’s a strong leader and a strong believer of justice.  
Kim Himchan   | April 19 1990 | Sub-Vocal and Visual | | More Info | Twitter | IG
Himchan is B.A.P’s resident “mother” figure. He brings the group to life especially during variety shows, as his outrageous humor and outgoing charms are a crowdpleaser. He is known for his talent with the janggu, a korean drum and knowledge of traditional Korean music. On top of that, he originally was an emcee for MTV’s “The Show”, so his abilities are diverse. His favorite things include fashion, food and iced americanos. While he can be quite strict and teasing towards the other members, he’s very caring and sensitive. He especially shares his positivity with Babys.
Jung Daehyun  | June 28 1993 | Lead Vocal |  | More Info | Twitter | IG
Daehyun is infamous for his high notes heard throughout many of B.A.P’s songs. True to his vocal position, Daehyun is one of the more talkative members, even assuming the role as reporter for the group. Besides his voice, Daehyun is also known for his intense appetite for food (his favorite is cheesecake). He enjoys teasing and rough-housing the other members, especially the younger ones. Like Himchan, he shows a lot of love for the fans but can be sensitive himself.  
Yoo Youngjae  | Jan. 24 1994 | Lead Vocal |  | More Info | Twitter | IG
Youngjae is the group’s energetic spirit and he is the huskier vocal that melodically holds together B.A.P songs. As the group’s “brain” he’s a wisecracker that enjoys trolling the other members and especially the fans. His laughter is extremely contagious and he’s best known among fans for his silly faces and reactions. Some of his favorites include R&B music and photography. Just like Himchan and Daehyun, he’s another talker and fan of the fans. Despite his often sassy to moody nature, he is quite caring over the other members.
Moon Jongup | Feb. 6 1995 | Sub-Vocal and Main Dancer |  | More Info | Twitter | IG
B.A.P’s ball of sunshine, Jongup excels in heightening the group’s stage performances with his effortless dancing ability. And since B.A.P’s return from their hiatus, he’s been able to showcase his impressive vocal skills as well. His many loves include pokemon, hamburgers, chocolate milk, Frozen (particularly Olaf) and Chris Brown. One of the quieter members, his clever sense of humor is his best charm, and he never ceases to remind fans or the group of that. When he’s not smiling he’s in a perpetual state of judgement and even babys aren’t safe from his troll-like jokes.    
Zelo (Choi Junhong) | Oct. 15 1996 | Lead Rapper, Lead Dancer and Maknae | | More Info | Twitter | IG
The youngest of the group, Zelo impressed with his famous LTE rap. He is also an immensely talented dancer, and his fluid style compliments their stronger dance styles very well. Despite his age, he’s also the tallest member, at 187 cm, and he’s quite conscious about it. Including rapping and dancing, he skateboards a lot and is often seen carrying one around. He also has a liking for interesting fashions (socks) and strange animals. Another of the shy members, he’s coy when put on the spotlight outside of the stage, but a very playful and curious person at heart. 
The mascot of B.A.P are a species of alien masked rabbits, from the planet Mato, called “matoki”. The B.A.P members have corresponding matoki and each has a color that helps designate their respective member. Their personalities loosely reflect B.A.P’s alien personas introduced in “Ta-dah It’s B.A.P!” Matoki are heavily used for promotional purposes (like album covers or graphic logos) and are frequently seen in their merchandise and products.
Original release photos | Group Photo
Shishimato (Yongguk) | Red | Intro Vid
Shishi can be described as the most soldier-like of the matoki (he’s fascinated by war tanks, fighting, destruction, and of the such). He looks after Tototmato often. Sometimes he’s seen looking at 19+ material.
Tatsmato (Himchan) | Pink | Intro VId
Tats is a laid-back, high maintenance, tatted matoki. He’s often seen drinking wine or lazing about. Tatsmato is also the only matoki wearing the default matoki mask (in logo form, the matoki symbol looks like Tatsmato).
Kekemato (Daehyun) | White | Intro Vid
Kekemato is the only matoki that is actually in a suit. Keke’s real skin color is pink, and he wears a mask with a heart on it. When in suit, his mask is white/gray (This brought a lot of confusion to fans when first released, but Keke’s/Daehyun’s representing color is white. Since white isn’t visible over light colors, fans will sometimes use gray, pink, purple or other lighter colors as a substitute in their posts/subtitling). Because of the suit, Kekemato has a secretive type of personalty. He has a fascination with Batman and superheroes.
Jokomato (Youngjae) | Yellow | Intro Vid
Joko is the brains and jokster of the group with a clown-like face. He often tries to come up with ideas and schemes but fails at executing them. In their “Goodbye” short, Joko and Keke work together to leave planet Mato. However, they crash in on the remaining matoki in their own spaceship, causing them to veer off course to Earth.  
Dadamato (Jongup) | Green | Intro Vid
Dada is a playful, tough, and active matoki with tire markings over his body. He fantasizes of riding a motorbike and is often seen making the noises as he pretends to.
Totomato (Zelo) | Blue | Intro Vid
Toto is a robot matoki (named after Zelo’s love of cherry tomatoes in Ta-Dah It’s B.A.P!). Because he’s a robot, he’s needs to recharge himself every so often. He often follows Shishimato’s lead in their adventures. Since he’s still a baby, he is very curious about everything around him.  
Earthventures Comic (original comic strip series featuring the main matoki)
Warrior    [1st Single Album]    |    2012 Jan. 26
Power    [2nd Single Album]    |    2012 April 26
No Mercy    [1st Mini Album]    |    2012 July 19
Crash    [1st Mini Album Repackage]    |    2012 Aug. 29
Stop It    [3rd Single Album]    |    2012 Oct. 23
One Shot    [2nd Mini Album]    |    2013 Feb. 12
Badman    [3rd Mini Album]    |    2013 Aug. 12
Warrior [Japan 1st Single Album]    |    2013. Oct. 9 | Limited Edition Tracks: [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]  | Type A Tracks [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]   |  Type B Tracks [x[ [x] [x] [x]
One Shot      [Japan 2nd Single Album]    |     2013 Nov. 13
First Sensibility    [1st Album]    |    2014 Feb. 3
No Mercy    [Japan 3rd Single Album]    |     2014 April 2
Unplugged 2014    [4th Single Album] |    2014 June 3
Excuse Me [Japan 4th Single Album ] |    2014 Sept. 3
Matrix    [4th Mini Album]    |    2015 Nov. 16
Carnival      [5th Mini Album ]     |      2016 Feb. 22
Best.Absolute.Perfect   [Japan 1st Album] |   2016 March 30
Feel So Good   [Japan 5th Single Album]   |     2016 July 13
Put ‘Em Up   [5th Single Album]     |     2016 Aug. 8
Noir     [2nd Full Album]        |       2016 Nov. 7
Fly High    [Japan 6th Single Album]    |    2016  Dec. 7
Rose   [6th Single Album]   |     2017 March 7
Wake Me Up [Japan 7th Single Album]     |   2017 April 26
Daehyun x Jongup Project Album [Party Baby]     |   2017 June 8  
Music Videos
Going Crazy (Predebut - Yongguk & Jieun)
Shy Boy (Predebut - Appearance by Yongguk, Himchan & Jongup)
Starlight Moonlight (Predebut - Appearance by YG, HC, JU & YJ)
I Remember (Predebut - Yongguk & Yoseob)
Never Give Up (Predebut - Yongguk & Zelo)
Secret Love [TS Ver,] |    Ta-Dah Version
Goodbye (Animated Short with Matoki)
No Mercy
Stop It
For a Year (Appearance by Yongguk) 
Everything is Pretty (Youngjae & Sunwha)
Rain Sound
One Shot
Coffee Shop
Warrior [Japanese]
One Shot [Japanese]
1004 (Angel)
No Mercy [Japanese] 
Where Are You? What Are You Doing?     | ��  NG Version
Excuse Me [Japanese]
AM 4:44 (Yongguk personal work created during the lawsuit)
Young Wild & Free
Feel So Good
Body Lotion (SLEEPY feat. Yongguk)
Breakaway (Braclet feat. Zelo)   Band Version  |  Drama Version
Kingdom [Japanese]
Feel So Good [Japanese]
That’s My Jam
Now (Jongup MV)
Skydive | Director’s Cut |   Dance Highlight
Wake Me Up [Stream to increase views!]
Wake Me Up [Japanese]
Shadow [Daehyun Special Video] 
Try My Luck [Jongup Special Video]
Past Live Stages
Warrior Era  |   Secret Love Era
Power Era
No Mercy Era
Crash Era
Stop It Era
One Shot Era     [Himchan was absent due to a hand injury]
Badman Era
1004 (Angel) Era
Young Wild & Free Era
Feel So Good Era
Skydive Era      [Yongguk was absent due to hiatus]
Wake Me Up Era     [Himchan was partly absent due to a rib fracture]
Performances (starting from recent)
Miscellaneous performances to check out
Other Song Works/Features
Mine - Bang Yongguk for The Star
Sexy Clap - Bang Yongguk & Himchan
Q - Bang Yongguk
T - Bang Yongguk
Sacramental Confession - Bang Yongguk
Hallucination - Bang Yongguk
Curxe - Bang Yongguk
Vintage - Song Jieun feat. Zelo
No Title - Zelo
R(x)play - V-hawk feat. Zelo
Young Wild & Free (Mozaix Remix) - Bang Yongguk
X - Bang Yongguk
Feel So Good (Remix) - Bang Yongguk
Drunkeness - Bang Yongguk
Photo - Jongup feat. Bang Yongguk
How About You - Daehyun
Dark Light - Daehyun
Song recommendations list (songs mentioned by members)
B.A.P Must Watch Shows
Ta-dah It’s B.A.P! (Their first show in 2012 and the introduction of their “alien concept”)  Ep. 1, 3 - 9 Eng Sub  |  Ep. 2  Eng Sub
B.A.P Diary Ep. 1 Eng Sub  |   Ep. 2 Eng Sub
Killing Camp Ep. 1 Eng Sub |   Ep. 2 Eng Sub  |  Ep. 3 Eng Sub (Starts at 7:11)
Go! B.A.P Full Eng Sub
B.A.P Attack! Ep. 1 - 12 Eng Sub
B.A.P’s One Fine Day Ep. 1 (P1 P2 P3) |  Ep. 2 (P1 P2 P3)   | Ep. 3  |  Ep. 4  |  Ep. 5  |    Ep. 6  |  Ep. 7  |  Ep. 8
Other Shows to Watch
Weekly Idol 120822 No Sub (beginning is cut out  |  130904 Eng Sub   |  140305 Eng Sub
After School Club 130817 Ep.    |     140219 Ep.   |    151124 Ep.
Gurupop Full Eng Sub
Star King cuts130831 Cut No Sub |  130907 Cut Eng Sub  |   131102 Cut No Sub  | 131109 Cut No Sub  |   140405  Cut No Sub |
B.A.P HeyoTV Private Life
Hello Counselor160321 Eng Sub [Himchan and Daehyun] |   161114 Eng Sub [Himchan and Youngjae]
Some misc vids to check out (these are out of order)
B.A.P The Star Interview and iconic aegyo Eng
B.A.P Workplace Song
B.A.P Day Cut Eng
B.A.P Egg Song
B.A.P Egg Song 2
B.A.P and Miss A visit Nursery
Youngjae & Sunhwa at MTV Waiting Room Eng
DFLA X B.A.P Interview
B.A.P & A Pink for Skoolooks Eng 1 2 3 MV
Miss & Mr. Idol B.A.P Cut
B.A.P Safety Song
B.A.P Elevator Safety
Himchan wrestling
131003 B.A.P Interview Eng
Daehyun plays reporter in this Show Champ Interview
Yinyuetai V-charts Awards Interview Eng
B.A.P struggle with aiming in this game
LOE Special Memory In Japan Eng
B.A.P interviews B.A.P
B.A.P make Valentine’s chocolates
140530 B.A.P Interview
DFLA Live on Earth Interview
Ice Bucket Challenge Himchan Eng
Ice Bucket Challenge Youngjae & Zelo Eng
B.A.P’s first video as 6 after lawsuit is dropped 
B.A.P Vring U trailer and debut of giant matoki heads Eng
The Qmentary Eng
Chemitest with B.A.P Eng
5 Second Interview at The Show Eng
B.A.P plays pepero game
B.A.P play dance practice
B.A.P Young Wild & Free dance practice
B.A.P are warm and pretty in this Star1 photoshoot
B.A.P Be Happy dance practice Christmas special
B.A.P reacts to Kiss Scenes Eng
B.A.P Fan Heart Attack Idol Eng
B.A.P Heyo TV
Youngjae and GOT7′s JB in Celebrity Bromance [look in playlist]
Mato TV On-Air Zelo CF Parody
Mato TV On-Air Daehyun and Jongup Drama Parody Eng
Mato TV On-Air Yongguk Lotion Parody
161223 Idol Battle Likes Eng Daehyun MC
B.A.P vs Teen Top in Overwatch 1 2 3
B.A.P are helpless in this VR roller coaster game Eng
B.A.P do the limbo Eng
B.A.P Bingo Talk Eng
More English Subbed Content
Behind the scenes vids
B.A.P photobook and past calendars info
Other stuff to find
B.A.P support for comeback!
Voting Tutorials!
Follow those links for everything you need to help B.A.P in music shows and more! I will do my best to update this section with more tutorials as B.A.P’s promotions continue.
Tumblr Blogs
itsbap (main source for updates) |    B.A.P’s schedule
bapdirectory  (collection of B.A.P blogs/some may be inactive)
bapsubbers (for B.A.P’s translated video content)
baptrans (for B.A.P’s SNS translated content)
bapnet (Network for B.A.P fans)
bestabsolutestyle (B.A.P Fashion info)
170 notes · View notes
bqsocial · 7 years
Statement Walls Competition - Terms & Conditions
1. This promotion is open to all residents of the UK and the Republic of Ireland age 18 years and over, excluding employees of B&Q plc, their families, agents or anyone else connected with the prize draw.
2. To enter you must respond to the following Promoter’s Facebook post with a picture of your own statement wall:
To enter, please reply to this post as a comment with a photo of your own creatively painted wall at home. 3 winners will be chosen to receive a £150 B&Q voucher. 
Keep following #MyStatementWall for inspiration!
Comp ends Nov 6th. Over 18s. Ts and Cs Apply: http://bandq.social/StatementWallsTCs.
3. Entries must be submitted by 11.59pm 6th November 2017. Entries received after this time period will not be accepted.
4. Entries can only be made on Facebook. Third party or multiple entries will not be accepted. The Promoter reserves the right to disqualify any multiple entries made by the same person or any entries it suspects have been made fraudulently or through the use of bots or other computer software. 5. Entries must be of a statement wall within their own home that they have created and any entries of public walls will not be accepted.  6. The Promoter reserves the right to reject any entry that it considers to be discriminatory, blasphemous, defamatory, offensive, obscene or that is deemed to bring the integrity of the Promotion into disrepute. 7. No responsibility is accepted for entries that are lost or delayed in transmission. 8. There are 3 B&Q gift cards to be won, one per individual. Each B&Q gift card has a total value of £150.00. 9. The prize is not transferable and there is no cash alternative. 10. There will be three winners and they will be chosen based on the creativity and quality of their statement wall.
11. The three winners will be contacted via response to their winning image/comment on Facebook by 11.59pm November 17th 2017. To receive the gift card, the winners will need to follow B&Q where relevant & respond via private message providing their contact details. If the winners fail to provide their contact details within 14 days of initial contact from the Promoter, the prize will be offered to the next chosen entrants. The prize will be dispatched within 30 days upon receiving the winners’ contact details.
12. By submitting your contact details in connection with your entry you agree that the Promoter and its third-party service providers may use your details to contact you about your entry. 13. The Promoter will process information about entrants in order to administer this promotion. For more information on how the Promoter uses personal information, please see the http://www.diy.com/customer-support/policies/privacy. 14. To find out who won, you can send a stamped addressed envelope to Competitions, Care of Public Relations, B&Q House, Chestnut Avenue, Chandlers Ford, Eastleigh, Hampshire SO53 3LE within six months following the Promotion. 15. The Promoter will not be liable for loss/damage whatsoever caused by matters arising from this promotion. 16. The Promoter reserves the right to withdraw the Promotion where it becomes necessary to do so. 17. No responsibility is accepted for entries that may be lost or delayed in transmission.
18. The Promoter’s decision on all matters relating to the competition is final and binding. No correspondence will be entered into.
19. Entry into the prize draw is deemed acceptance of B&Q using your image on their own social feeds. The 3 winners’ images will be featured across Facebook.
20. Entry into the prize draw is deemed acceptance of these Terms and Conditions. 21. The prize is subject to availability and the Promoter reserves the right to change the prize to an alternative of the same or higher value where it becomes necessary to do so. 22. The Promoter and its employees, agents and/or distributors will not be responsible and will not accept any liability for any loss, damage, injury or disappointment suffered by you as an entrant or participant howsoever arising from participating in the promotion or from accepting any prize. 23. Nothing in these terms and conditions restricts your statutory rights as a consumer. 24. This promotion is governed by English law and is subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts. 25. This promotion is in no way endorsed or administered by, or associated with Facebook.
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