#trying to post more even if it’s not finished
steddieas-shegoes · 2 days
a new bottom in town
for @steddieholidaydrabbles pop up event 'anniversary'
rated e | 902 words | cw: references to injury | tags: post-vecna, established relationship, top eddie munson, bottom steve harrington, anal sex
“Can we try something new?” Steve asks as they finish eating the cheesecake Eddie brought home to celebrate their anniversary.
Six months may not seem like a lot to some, but for Steve and Eddie, it was a major milestone and they wanted to treat it as such. The first four months they spent together was mostly at the hospital while Eddie learned how to walk and talk and eat again.
“Sure, baby. What is it?” Eddie sets his fork down and leans forward so he’s in Steve’s space.
“Um. Could you…could you fuck me?”
Eddie’s heart stops.
Listen, it’s not that he doesn’t want to. If anything, he’s fantasized about doing just that for years.
But he’s still gaining muscle mass back in his legs and abs, and he doesn’t have the stamina he had before the bats took it with their teeth.
“Like…put my…”
“Yeah. I’d really…I’d like you to be inside me.”
Eddie’s not sure if he’s dreaming, but this feels like something right out of his best fantasy. He’s just a little hesitant because, well, he doesn’t want to be a disappointment. Their sex life is great as it is, and changing it up now, especially before Eddie’s back to full health, may put everything to a screeching halt.
“It’s fine if you don’t want to.” Steve continues when Eddie doesn’t answer. “I’m good with fucking you if you prefer that.”
“No! No, Stevie. I want to. Trust me.” Eddie gives a self-deprecating laugh. “I’m just not sure I can?”
Steve seems to realize what he’s worried about quickly, nodding like he understands. But after a few seconds, he’s smiling.
“I could ride you?”
Eddie’s definitely dead and somehow he got into heaven or hell is a lot nicer than people led him to believe.
“You would wanna ride my dick? Like, while I do nothing?” Eddie asks for clarification.
“I mean, I’m sure you could do something. But yeah. I could do most of the work,” Steve shrugs like this is not life-changing to Eddie.
“You want me inside of you that bad?”
“Yeah. It’s kinda all I’ve been thinking about for a while,” Steve flushes as he scoots his fork along his empty plate.
“And you think this is a gift for you?”
“It’s a gift for both of us.”
“Then let’s get upstairs, sweetheart.”
Steve’s head snaps up, his eyes bright with desire and excitement. “Really?”
“It’s not exactly a big ask of me to lay in bed and let you ride my dick, baby.”
Steve is out of the room before Eddie’s even up from his chair. Eddie laughs as he follows him, much slower, but finally able to go without the cane around the house. He doesn’t really mind it, but it’s nice to feel more independent without it for something like this.
By the time he’s in their room, Steve’s naked and pouring lube onto his fingers.
“Damn. Okay. Are we in a rush?” Eddie leans against the doorway and crosses his arms.
“I was gonna prep myself so you could watch.”
“Steve. Baby. Love of my life.” Eddie walks to the bed and sits down, crossing his legs and leaning his face in his hands. “This is the best gift you’ve ever given me. Continue.”
Steve flushes from his chest to his forehead and Eddie can’t get enough. He resists further interrupting him, though.
He watches Steve lean back against the pillows at an angle, teasing his own hole while Eddie barely bites back a moan. He’s been hard since he walked in the room and saw Steve’s bare ass in the bed, but now he can feel the urgency of needing to lose his clothes and get inside Steve.
Steve’s efficient and Eddie is definitely asking him about how he’s so good at opening himself up later, and within minutes, Steve’s begging for Eddie to lay down.
Eddie gets undressed as quickly as possible and finds a comfortable position against the headboard.
Steve straddles him, lines up his cock, and slides down before Eddie can even process what’s happening.
They moan together, long and loud.
“Fuck, is this how you feel when I’m inside you?” Steve gasps as he lifts himself and drops back down.
“Full? Hot? Tingly?” Steve nods. “Then, yes. Shit, Stevie, you’re so tight. It doesn’t hurt?”
“No, feels so good.” Steve’s head falls back as he finds a slow rhythm, still cautious as he stretches himself further.
Eddie’s hands rest on his hips, not helping, just holding.
“Wanna do this every night,” Steve groans as his pace picks up. “Forever. Can we?”
“Baby, if I wake up and this wasn’t a dream, we can do it whenever you want.”
“Touch me.” Steve demands, always so bossy even when he’s getting everything he wants. Eddie touches him because he will always do what Steve asks of him. “Fuck, faster. Yeah, like that.”
When they come less than a minute later, Steve collapses against Eddie, head on his shoulder and arms a deadweight by his sides.
“You okay?” Eddie asks as he rubs his back with one hand.
“So good.” Steve kissed his shoulder. “I’m the bottom now.”
Eddie cackles. “We can take turns.”
“Okay. Let me get my strength back so I can fuck you properly and we’ll see if you still want that.”
Steve pulls back and smirks. “Where’s your cane?”
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audliminal · 3 days
It's just a game, right?
pt 2
"I just don't see how sitting around is gonna do anything!" Dash argues, face to face with Sam.
"Well, if you have other ideas you're more than welcome to offer them, but we can't just take out the giw. They have more manpower than us, more equipment, and the new agents actually seem to be competent in fights! And we are a bunch of high school students!"
They are all, ostensibly in English Class right now, but even Mr. lancer has forgone the illusion of normal classwork. He assigns books and hands out reading assignments every week, but nobody really cares whether they get turned in or not. The city, after all, has a much bigger problem.
"I don't know! But sitting here-"
"He's not entirely wrong, the longer we wait the more likely they figure it out, just like we all did." As Valerie finishes speaking, the room temperature drops noticeably, and the kids all glance nervously over at Danny who's head hasn't moved from it's spot on his desk. He almost seems dead with how still he is. Beside him Tucker stares at his PDA, the only one who hasn't reacted to the temperature change.
"Should I even ask what you're messing with?" Sam asks, walking over while the others stare nervously at Danny.
"Actually, yeah." Tucker easily shifts so they can both see the webpage displayed on the handmade tech. "I got something through."
"I thought getting stuff through wasn't really the problem?"
"I mean, yeah, they're letting Everything Is Normal posts through, but this wasn't. That. I was, um, kind of fucking around with ciphers and shit? Not saying anything relevant, but just seeing whether they'd flag any old weird shit, you know? And um. I got a video out."
"Okay, but how does that help us?" Valerie asks.
"It helps because if they let a cipher through then means if I encode shit well enough, then it'll also get through."
"But if it's, like, that hard to figure out what it says, then won't it be useless on the outside?"
"The chances of it getting into the hands of someone who could crack it do seem, uh, improbable."
"Not if we stack the deck."
"No, listen, I know you're all still mad at me, but like. If you can attract a community of codebreakers? Then eventually someone will crack the code on what you need them to!"
"If you have an idea then just fucking say it, Wes," Sam snaps.
"Make an ARG. We can even have like, the base level be completely United to anything real, just make up a story about, i dunno, space travel? And then bury the actual info beneath that. Eventually somebody will crack into the real stuff, and if it's popular enough by then, and the GIW tries to suppress it? That'll be even more suspicious-looking, and just make them dig harder."
"What the fuck is a ARG?" Dash asks, pulling his gaze away from their definitely-just-sleeping classmate.
"Augmented reality game. It's like an unfiction thing. Make a story but the story is interactive and people have to decode shit to figure out what's going on." Tucker glances over to Wes. "And actually not a bad idea. If we all work together, we could probably make something cool."
"You could treat it as a class-wide project." Mr. Lancer says, making everyone jump. "That way I can back you up if anyone starts asking questions."
"Make it about black holes," Danny says, finally pulling himself up from his desk. "We can base it in wormhole theory, and distract the GIW with all the theoretical science."
"What, so like we make videos that seem like they're being sent through a black hole?"
"Fuckin. Sure, why not? As if shit couldn't get any weirder around here."
"Star, please try to refrain from swearing in front of me. I know the situation is - difficult - but I am officially still your teacher."
"Sorry, Lancer."
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soaps-mohawk · 23 hours
I'm so sorry to everyone that I freaked out with the last post, I was trying so hard not to 😭 I have that like instant fear as soon as I see "we need to talk" or something in the same vein. I always think it's something bad.
This isn't bad, at least depending on how your perspective I guess.
So...I'm having thoughts about CRCB in October. I planned out posting schedules for Kyletober and CRCB and my Patreon stuff and it's going to basically be a post every day, sometimes multiple in multiple places.
That's a lot.
So, I am set on doing Kyletober since all of the fics are already written, but I was planning on continuing CRCB during October as well. But...I think I need a little break from CRCB. It's been about eight months of posting almost every single week and it's been a lot. I'm struggling with chapters right now and with work it's vastly limiting the time I have to write and focus on things and I'm kind of burning out right now.
So, what I wanted to discuss was potentially putting CRCB on hold for October while I focus on Kyletober and everything involved with that. Trying to do both is a lot and I'm not sure I can handle all of it, plus life, plus work.
I was planning on not necessarily putting CRCB on hold, but doing more of a "whenever I can/am inspired" random posting chapters kind of like I did in the beginning when I first started writing the fic, in November/December because those are very busy months and I will be dead tired from work and just general life.
I think I might still do that for November/December and possibly into the new year since there's no way the fic will be finished even if I posted every week until the end of December.
That's something I'll think about and make a decision on later.
Right now, my thought is...would you hate me if I put CRCB on pause in October? IF I do, I promise I won't end Chapter 39 on a cliffhanger. I wasn't planning on it anyway, but I promise I won't end it on a cliffhanger if I decide not to post any chapters in October.
That way if I do put it on pause, then I can not focus on it for a bit and give my brain a refresh, and I can also focus all my energy on Kyletober.
So yeah, it's going to be a lot doing both at the same time, and honestly I'm ready for a little break from CRCB. It's been going for a long time and it's a lot of words to get out in a week. I've been super stressed lately and I'm just struggling a lot trying to get through chapters.
So yeah. That's basically the dilemma here and the discussion to be had. I know y'all will tell me it's my blog and I can do whatever I want, but I would like opinions on it. Are y'all okay with me putting CRCB on hold to focus on Kyletober? Then pick it back up for probably just whenever I can chapter updates for the rest of the year? In January things will calm down and I'll have more time to relax and write and maybe get close to finishing the story. Plus I know a lot of my readers will be busy the next three months with the holidays and vacations and family and school and all of that, so you won't have to worry about getting behind and having to catch up with a bunch of chapters.
So...let me know...
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Umm, same anon here, the Killian posting I saw is the one where he measures your mouth with his hands.
So... not sparing the innocent?
The unhinged question is does he measure how tight you are (down there) with his hands or his dick?
yes and yes, in that order.
to be 100% real when i drew that originally all i had in mind was some horny Killian action LOL but I do like the idea that he's measuring your mouth. It would be incredibly in-character for him to be meticulous like that, counting the number of teeth, pressing on your tongue and memorizing every ridge in your palate. And when he's finished with his hands - having a vague idea of the distance from mouth to throat - its only logical to test it out with other "apparatuses", right? to see how badly he could push the limits of your gag reflex?
I also get the sense that he just likes using his fingers. he knows he's good with his hands and intends make the most of that. And he is interested in much more than just your mouth.
Try to fend him off before he gets too acquainted with his 'research', before he can remember all of your weak spots by heart. Or else he's going to find every chance he can get to stuff his digits into your warmth - beneath the covers as you drift off into a deep sleep, under the table as you talk to the other elves, behind the lecturn while he gives out his droning sermons. It's like some sort of passive stimulation to him, have you tied up so he could busy his left hand buried inside you while casually signing documents with his right. His own pleasure does not even matter to him sometimes; he just likes the fact that his hands are all he needs to make you come undone. Other times, however, the fingers are only a precursor to what he really has in mind. And you best believe he is going to be just as meticulous as he is with his hands.
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gunnerfc · 2 days
Naomi Girma trying to study while Reader aimlessly doodling in her notebook (mixed with little notes of encouragement and bad drawings)
N. Girma - Distraction | WC: 506
an: first post in awhile, hopefully you enjoy bff! 🫂
You sighed softly as you drew aimlessly in the corner of the page Naomi was currently adding notes to. Before big tournaments, Naomi liked to study the teams she’d be going up against, mainly wanting to understand the attackers and how they liked the play. With the Olympics right around the corner, she had a lot of teams to rewatch films for. 
You two were lying in bed, watching a recent Australia game on the TV as Naomi took notes, focusing on how the Aussies liked to attack when they had the ball. You loved watching how contracted she was when studying, you knew she liked always to be prepared and it definitely paid off on the field. 
Your random doodles turned to littering the page with hearts and words of encouragement, knowing that when Naomi looked through the notebook while in France, she’d see the little notes you left her. In the middle of writing, ‘I’m so proud of you!’ Naomi moved to turn the page, interrupting your writing. 
“Hey! I wasn’t done!” you gasped softly, earning a small laugh from the defender. 
“You’re distracting me with your drawings,” she joked, hitting pause on the game and turning to face you with a smile. 
“I was leaving little notes for you,” you pouted as you tried to turn the page back so you could finish your note. 
You had filled the margins of the page with hearts, small notes, and random squiggles that had no meaning. Naomi smiled as she read some of the notes you left, knowing just how much you loved and supported her. 
“You’re so cute,” she mumbled, leaning over to give you a quick kiss.
You both smiled into the kiss before you both pulled away. “You finish your note and I’ll go get us some snacks,” the defender smiled as she handed you her notebook and moved to stand up.
You beamed at her as she left the room, turning your attention back to the notebook in your lap. You finished your note before adding a few more hearts before turning to her new page and leaving even more cute notes of encouragement. At the very bottom, you wrote ‘I love you so much’ before adding one final heart. 
Naomi returned just as you sat the notebook down, grabbing the drink she offered you before she rejoined you on the bed. She sat some snacks in between you and picked up her notebook, hitting play on the game. You watched her in silence as she studied the Aussies, jotting down notes as she went. When she reached the bottom of the page, she stopped as she read your note. 
“I love you too,” she mumbled as she turned to you, leaning in for another quick kiss.
You sighed once more, this time in content as you leaned back against the pillows. You snacked as the game continued, though you were more interested in watching your girlfriend as she prepared for one of the biggest moments of her career thus far.
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perfectsunlight · 3 days
21 ⸺ TYPE
warnings: infidelity, angst, swearing
word count: 3.2k
part of the series: LOGICAL
Tumblr media
when aeri read it, her heart stopped. she read it again, and then again, trying to make sense of it. somi? with chaeyoung? the two people she trusted most? she hadn’t seen it coming. not even a little. 
at least, that’s what she tried to tell herself. deep down, she always feared this moment would come.
aeri had always felt like she wasn’t enough for somi, but now, seeing the confirmation of her worst fear in that single text, it all came crashing down. 
and all she could think about was how she wasn’t the type of girl somi really wanted. 
or maybe she never had been.
jeon somi had more ex-girlfriends than she could count on her hands. she was tall, blonde, and very athletic—anything a girl could have ever wanted. similar to lisa, girls followed somi around like moths to a flame. whether it was her charming smile or her flirtatious nature, somi had no trouble finding someone new, someone fun. she thrived on the chase, always seeming to have someone wrapped around her finger.
but aeri had been different.
the japanese girl wasn’t like anyone she had ever met. somi usually went for the ones with carefree attitudes and a bit more rough around the edges. tattoos, piercings, and wild nights out were usually her style. 
but aeri was serious, quiet, and more grounded. she was always around the basketball team but never part of the spotlight. as the team manager, she kept her head down, organizing schedules, making sure everyone had what they needed, and barely giving somi a second glance. 
and maybe that was what had intrigued somi in the first place. 
aeri didn’t care that somi was the best center in the league, or that every other girl in the gym was vying for her attention. she didn’t care that the taller girl had a fanclub that waited to take pictures with her after every game, some even asking for her number as well.
to her, somi’s achievements and popularity were irrelevant. 
the first time somi had asked aeri out, she’d been friendzoned faster than she could blink. 
it was after a particularly exciting game against hanyang university, where ygu had won by a massive margin. the gym had buzzed with the energy of the win, the crowd’s cheers echoing off the walls as the team celebrated. the players, sweaty and exhilarated, were starting to disperse, while aeri was methodically packing up the equipment, her focus on tidying up the chaos left behind.
somi approached, her usual confident character on display. her dyed blonde hair was damp from sweat, sticking to her forehead in a way that made her look more approachable. she grinned broadly, the kind of smile that was more than just a bit friendly, and leaned casually against the table where aeri was working.
“hey, aeri,” somi said, her voice bright and casual. “you up for celebrating with the team tonight?”
the japanese girl barely looked up from the clipboard she was scribbling on. with a practiced efficiency, she finished jotting down notes and then glanced at somi with a polite and disinterested thin smile.
“no,” she replied, her tone steady and unflustered. “i’m not interested.”
somi’s smile faltered for just a moment, her eyebrows lifting slightly in surprise. she straightened up, pushing off from the table, but her body language remained open, trying to keep the mood light. “oh, alright. well, if you change your mind, you know where to find me.”
aeri nodded, already turning her attention back to the clipboard. “i won’t be changing my mind.” and with that, she turned on her heel, walking briskly towards coach irene and coach taeyeon who were discussing the game’s highlights.
as she watched the shorter girl walk away, somi’s shoulders slightly slumped in defeat. 
the energy she had carried into the conversation had dissipated, leaving her standing alone, a lingering frown creasing her brow. she watched as aeri moved towards the coaches, blending back into the background of the post-game routine, and realized that the casual rejection had not only stung but had also stirred up a deeper, unsettling awareness of aeri’s indifference.
jeon somi knew she had to try again. she just had to. the first rejection had stung more than she’d let on, but it hadn’t deterred her. instead, it had fueled her determination. she convinced herself that persistence might win out in the end, that maybe if she kept trying, aeri would eventually see her in a different light.
the second time somi asked aeri out, it was during media day, a high-energy event where the team was swarmed by reporters and photographers. the gym was buzzing with the activity of the media, flashing cameras, and the loud hum of excited chatter. the team’s new uniforms were on display, and everyone was in high spirits, mingling and preparing for the season ahead.
somi spotted aeri amidst the chaos, standing near a backdrop where players were taking their promotional photos. aeri was dressed in her usual managerial attire, a sleek blazer over her team polo, her hair pulled back neatly. she was chatting with a couple of reporters, her demeanor calm and professional. somi took a deep breath, steeling herself for another attempt.
with a confident stride, somi made her way over, navigating through the crowd of reporters and camera flashes. she approached aeri with a warm, friendly smile, trying to exude an air of casual charm.
“hey, aeri,” somi said, her voice rising above the background noise. “got a second?”
the dark haired girl looked up from her conversation, her eyes meeting the center’s with a mixture of surprise and a faint smile. she was clearly busy, but she made a polite effort to engage. 
somi took a small step closer, leaning in with a hopeful grin as she clasped her hands together. “i was thinking, with the season starting soon and everything, maybe we could have dinner tomorrow night? just the two of us. what do you say?”
the japanese girl’s smile widened, but it was accompanied by a hint of incredulity. she laughed lightly, shaking her head with a mixture of amusement and disbelief. “you’re really persistent, i’ll give you that.” her tone was warm but laced with a gentle mockery.
the blonde’s grin faltered just a touch, but she maintained her hopeful gaze as she rocked back and forth on her heels. “so, is that a yes?”
aeri’s laughter was soft, almost incredulous. she shook her head again, her eyes twinkling with amusement. “no, i’m not interested. you should know by now.”
somi’s smile dimmed, and she nodded, trying to mask her disappointment. “alright. maybe another time? when do you have some time? what’s your schedule like next week?”
aeri offered a sympathetic smile but turned her attention back to the reporters, signaling that the conversation was over. somi lingered for a moment, the weight of the rejection settling heavily on her. the lively atmosphere of the event felt distant now, overshadowed by the sting of the repeated rebuff. 
as she walked away, she couldn’t shake the mix of frustration and resignation. despite her persistence, it seemed that winning aeri’s affection was going to be far more elusive than she had ever anticipated.
but the more aeri resisted, the more somi wanted her.
by the time she considered trying a third time, somi was determined. she didn’t even care about aeri’s supposed indifference anymore. it had turned into a challenge, something she needed to win. but what somi hadn’t expected was that, somewhere along the way, it stopped being just about winning aeri over. 
she had started falling for her—hard. 
everytime aeri came in for practice, somi lost all focus.  the sight of her managing the team with that efficient grace, the way she interacted with the players, her infectious laughter—it all had a magnetic pull on somi. even the simplest gestures, like aeri adjusting her glasses or brushing a strand of hair away from her face, became captivating. it was as if somi was seeing aeri in a new light, each moment amplifying the depth of her feelings.
one evening, after a particularly grueling practice, somi found herself lingering by the gym’s entrance, her heart pounding with a mix of excitement and anxiety. the players had dispersed, but aeri was still there, packing up her things. somi watched as aeri’s movements were precise and deliberate, her focus intense. it was a side of aeri that somi had come to admire, the dedication and professionalism that seemed to shine even in the smallest details.
taking a deep breath, somi approached aeri, who was now organizing her clipboard and making last-minute notes. somi’s heart raced, not just from the anticipation of asking aeri out again but from the realization of how deeply her feelings had grown. she could no longer deny that this wasn’t just a challenge—it was something much more profound.
“hey aeri,” somi began, her voice slightly hesitant but filled with genuine emotion. “uh, can i talk to you for a minute?”
aeri looked up, her eyebrows slightly raised in curiosity. she set down her clipboard and gave somi her full attention. “sure, what’s up?”
somi took a step closer, her gaze steady. “i know i’ve asked you out a couple of times before and you’ve turned me down. i get that. but i need to be honest with you. i really like you, aeri.”
the other girl’s expression softened, but there was still a flicker of surprise in her eyes. she considered somi’s words, her gaze dropping to the floor for a moment before meeting somi’s again. 
“i appreciate your feelings, somi,” aeri said with a sigh. “but i have a lot on my plate right now. tomorrow night, i’m completely booked with team obligations and personal commitments. it’s just not a good time for me.”
somi’s heart sank slightly, but she tried to maintain a hopeful smile. “i understand. i didn’t expect you to be free.” the basketball player rubbed the back of her neck in defeat, trying to ignore the pang in her chest.
the japanese girl began to gather her things, preparing to leave. somi simply watched her, feeling a mix of sadness and resignation. just as aeri reached the door, she paused, her hand resting on the handle. she turned back towards somi with a thoughtful expression.
“what about the day after tomorrow?” aeri asked, her tone a bit more tentative. somi’s eyes lit up with a glimmer of hope, her sadness momentarily forgotten. “the day after tomorrow? are you sure?”
aeri nodded, offering a small smile. “yeah, i should be free then.”
somi’s heart swelled with a renewed sense of optimism. she couldn’t help the grin that formed from ear to ear. when aeri finally said yes, after months of persistent flirting and half-serious jokes, somi felt like she had conquered the impossible.
once they started dating, things were a bit rocky. aeri had always felt out of place in somi’s world. 
she wasn’t like the other girls somi had dated, and she knew it. somi had never said it outright, but aeri could feel it in the small, subtle ways—the way somi’s gaze would linger just a little too long on other girls, or the way her friends would make comments about somi’s type. 
aeri had tried to ignore it, tried to believe that somi really wanted her, but the insecurity never left.
maybe that’s what had slowly started to pull them apart.
aeri had always feared that one day, somi would wake up and realize she could do better—find someone more exciting, someone who fit her lifestyle. she had always worried she wasn’t enough, and now, standing in her apartment, staring at lisa’s text, it felt like all those insecurities had been right.
she had never been enough for somi.
son chaeyoung was somi’s best friend since college started. they had met at one of the many parties thrown during welcome week and they clicked instantly. chaeyoung was everything aeri feared she wasn’t—confident, carefree, and spontaneous. where she tended to overthink and second-guess herself, chaeyoung just seemed to live in the moment. 
she fit perfectly into somi’s world, the one aeri always felt slightly out of place in.
how could she not have seen it?
sure, she had known about somi’s history—about the exes, the flings, the friends with benefits. she had always been surrounded by people, and aeri was just always hovering on the outskirts of somi’s chaotic, lively life. but even though aeri had friend-zoned somi more than once, she’d let her walls down eventually, let herself believe that maybe, just maybe, somi had chosen her.
but maybe somi had never really chosen her at all.
she thought about the little things—the way somi would glance at her during practice, the shy, teasing smile that only aeri ever seemed to notice. the way that the taller girl would wrap her jacket around her during winter practices, knowing how cold the gym was. or even how everytime somi scored, she’d make the letter “a” with her fingers and put it on her heart.
was it all a lie? did anything have any meaning?
“aeri,” somi’s voice was heard from outside the japanese girl’s apartment door. “please. let me explain.”
the mentioned girl stood frozen, her hand hovering over the doorknob. somi’s voice, muffled but pleading, cut through the numbness that had settled in her chest. explain? what could possibly explain this? but something in her still wanted to hear it. maybe it was the part of her that didn’t want to believe it was all over. 
maybe it was the part of her that still loved somi, despite everything.
with a shaky breath, aeri unlocked the door and pulled it open. somi stood there, her eyes red-rimmed and glassy, tears streaking down her face. she looked a mess, and definitely heartbroken. but aeri wasn’t ready to feel sympathy—not yet.
somi took a hesitant step inside, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. “i—i’m sorry,” she stammered. “i just, look, i didn’t mean for any of this to happen once, let alone twice.”
aeri stayed silent, closing the door behind her. her arms were crossed, more out of self-protection than anything else. “what exactly didn’t you mean to happen, somi?” her voice was cold, a sharp contrast to the trembling girl in front of her. “what do you mean it happened twice?”
the blonde’s gaze fell to the floor, the weight of her confession hanging heavily in the air. “aeri, please,” she took a step forward, her hands raised as if to ward off the distance. “it wasn’t supposed to happen like this.”
she felt her heart race, her eyes narrowing as she scanned the features on her girlfriend’s face. “what do you mean it happened twice?” she repeated, the tension in her voice palpable. she had known something was wrong, but she had convinced herself that she was just being paranoid. 
she wasn’t.
somi hesitated, her breath hitching as she tried to find the right words. she ran a hand through her hair and sighed deeply before looking back at the shorter girl. “the first time was just a kiss,” she finally admitted, her voice shaky. “i was with chaeyoung, and it happened when we were out celebrating. i was drunk and i didn’t think it meant anything.”
aeri felt her heart drop. she had never known about that. and the fact that the girl she loved kept it a secret for so long seemed to make her feel even worse. “a kiss? you kissed her? and then you slept with her? how is that supposed to make sense?”
“no! i didn’t sleep with her then. that was a mistake, too. but last night? that was different.” somi’s eyes were wide with fear, her voice rising with desperation. “i swear, i didn’t mean for any of it to happen! i was confused. i thought we were okay, and then—”
“clearly, we weren’t okay. you knew we weren’t okay,” aeri shot back, her voice trembling with hurt. “how could you do this to me? i trusted you, somi. i thought you loved me.”
“i do love you!” somi cried, tears spilling down her cheeks. her heart was entirely the japanese girl’s. even if she didn’t show it “you have to believe me. but at that moment, everything got blurry. it was chaeyoung, and she was there, and i didn’t think—”
“didn’t think what?” the brunette’s voice was low and dangerous, her heart racing. “didn’t think about how i would feel? didn’t think about what it would mean for us? didn’t think you were making a mistake?”
somi’s shoulders slumped as she struggled to articulate her feelings. “i didn’t want to hurt you, aeri. i thought it was just a moment, something that wouldn’t change anything between us. but then i woke up next to her and realized...”
“realized what?” aeri pressed, her voice icy. “that you made the wrong choice? that you let someone else in when you should have been with me?”
her girlfriend swallowed hard, her hands trembling as she reached out toward aeri. “i didn’t mean for it to happen. i promise. i wanted to be with you, but—”
“but what?” aeri challenged, her heart aching. “you tell me that you wanted me, but you didn’t think twice about sleeping with your best friend?” somi’s eyes were filled with tears as she shook her head. “no, please don’t say that. i care about you more than anything. but i messed up. i messed up so badly. and i hate myself for it.”
aeri felt a deep pain in her chest, a raw ache that wouldn’t go away. “you think saying you hate yourself changes anything? you’ve already made your choice. and now, you’ve lost me.”
the taller girl stepped back, her face crumpling in despair. “please, aeri don’t do this.” the center fell to her knees, continuing to plead with tear-filled eyes. "i can't lose you. i can't—" her voice cracked, her heart visibly breaking before the japanese girl’s eyes.
her hands trembled as she stared down at the blonde, her chest tightening with emotions she couldn’t entirely suppress. she had told herself not to give in, not to let somi’s tears sway her, but seeing her like this made it so much harder.
“you already have,” aeri whispered, her words making somi’s head spin and her heart shatter into the remaining fragments that were left of it. “i’m done. we’re done.”
the next day at practice, the team manager felt as if she was watching a stranger on the court. somi was clearly off her game, unfocused and distracted, a shadow of the dominant center she usually was. her movements were sluggish, lacking the usual power and precision that made her such a key player. every missed shot, every fumbled pass, only seemed to deepen the frustration etched across her face.
it truly did pain the uchinaga girl to see the girl she loved like that, but somi had done it to herself. 
lisa shook her head everytime the center fumbled a play or missed a shot, leaning over to y/n with a scoff. “she’s a mess today,” the thai girl muttered, her frustration evident as she watched somi stumble through another drill. “she needs to get her shit together.”
y/n frowned, her eyes following the blonde’s every move. “something must’ve happened,” she whispered quietly, concern creeping into her voice. she glanced at aeri and then made a quick glance towards her girlfriend.
because although it was unusual, y/n couldn’t help but feel like her girlfriend had something to do with this, too. 
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TAGLIST ⸺ ✭ @silantryoo @rosiehrs @niniwhiskers @cwpiqwon @jisooftme @1luvkarina @scarfac3 @santasbitch @lisas-earlobe @wallfl9wer @aerihiltonn @unforgivenangel @uzumakioden @skydreamed @haerinfangs @la-douleur-ne-finit-jamais @haerinkisser @giginings @lilsvx @milanlaia @pandafuriosa60 @wifey-badalee @slowlyturninggay291 @dreamingst99 @7daysronnie @thefckghost @drawing-into-the-night @xszn
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Eyes On Me
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A/N: Lol I don't even know what to say 💀 this came to me 30 minutes after I woke up because @wakandamama and @daydreamgoddess14 have rotted my brain at the idea of SydCarmy. I've been trying to finish this Terry Richmond fic for days but I had to get this out 🥲
Pairing: Carmen x Sydney
Genre/Warning: 18+, its juuuuuust smut so minors kindly fuck off
Words: 932, short and sweet to get me back used to posting
Alright have at it 💕
“Eyes on me Sydney” she let out an exasperated groan at that, knowing that if she opened her eyes to watch him drill into her, watch his intense blue gaze take in her squirming form underneath him, tatted arms stretched taught, strong hands gripping her hips firmly, his own hips thrusting into her with wet, obscene smacks-
If she had to look at that while feeling how fucking good he was digging into her, she’d simply explode! She’d die right on the spot.
“Carmy-“ her breathing was so labored, voice coming out surprisingly whiny for her “-I can’t! I really can’t, it’s too much.” 
She bit her pouting lip, eyebrows furrowed in concentration from trying so hard not to cum yet. Her hands stretched over her head to prevent him from fucking her into the headboard that kisses the wall with each thrust, and her tits bounced hypnotically with his consistent pounding. Sydney looked so pretty like this.
He smiled softly, taking pity on his brilliant girl turned cum hungry, fucked out slut. He slowed his thrust to a sensual grind, rolling and snapping his hips in a way that had her tossing her head side to side with a cute squeal. 
“Aww I’ve seen you do hard things pretty girl, you can take it” he released one of her hips to bring his thumb to her clit, it was still wet and swollen from how he’d tasted her earlier, and this brought the sexiest moan of his name from between her lips. 
“Eyes up here Chef. I won’t ask you again.”
Sydney gasped, squeezing her eyes shut tightly in pleasure before opening them to stare into his with a squeaky “yes Chef”
He had a sweet smile on his face, skin glistening with exertion, picking up his steady pace again as his thumb worked her button faster. 
“There you are, I wanted to see you Syd. Wanted to see you fall apart for me.” Oh he sounds so good, and he feels so good, and she wishes she could slap that stupid smile off his face for how he’s making her go brain dead. She should’ve known he’d be the type to talk her through it. 
“Carmy!” She pleaded with her eyes, “I’m so close, I need-“
“Shhh shhh I got you pretty girl, I know exactly what you need” both his hands lovingly smoothed up her thighs, climbing higher over the curves of her torso and perky breasts, up her arms to grab her hands. His eyes stayed locked on her, his face now hovering above her own. 
He continued to thrust into her, grinding his hips every time he bottomed out in her, making sure his happy trail grazed her swollen clit each time. This had her eyes rolling to the back of her head with her sweet moans falling right into his waiting lips so near hers.
“Ah ah my pretty chef, I said eyes on me” his blues were cocky and playful now, her browns were teary and desperate and soo pretty. “And wrap those long legs around me, open up this tight pussy for me”
She’d joke with him later about him being bossy even in bed, but she absolutely wrapped her legs around him and squeezed around him, this new angle making her needy pussy sing louder. 
“Aww listen to that! Fuck, she’s so wet Syd. Am I making you feel good chef? This what you needed from me?” He gave her a quick kiss and pulled back, waiting for her answer. His hips snapping more excitedly with more vigor was the only indicator that he was just as affected by her, her obvious pleasure egging him on.
“Oh my fuck yes, yes yes please, I’m so close!” He folded her arms above her head and placed his elbows on them, further caging her in underneath him as he started to slam into her. His forehead on hers, she had nowhere to hide from him. 
“Give me that fucking cum then Sydney, let me feel it pretty girl. I need you to-“ she wailed loudly, pussy gushing and spasming all over his dick, getting him so lewdly wet, and it felt so very good to him.
“Fuuuck that’s it! Good girl, that’s my good Chef.” He lifted up slightly to bring one hand down to her clit, prolonging her orgasm as her pussy massaged his dick just right.
“You’re brilliant you know that Sydney? Just so good for me. You’re gonna make me cum pretty girl” she’s nodding frantically, breath coming out in such cute huffs as she could focus on nothing but the pleasure he was pulling outta her.
His blue eyes found her gaze in the midst of her pleasure and he looked so strained trying to hold back “you’re gripping me just right baby, where the fuck do you want my cum hmm?” She could hardly speak, it was all so much.
“Inside Carmy, just-“ he cut her off with a biting kiss, groaning with such relief as he emptied into her. They’d deal with the consequences later, right now this was all he wanted to feel, to just be surrounded by her. And surround him she did, cumming again moaning his name into the heated kiss. 
His lips slowed as his hips did, pulling that last bit of pleasure out of them both. He broke the kiss to pepper sweet little kisses all over her face then pulled back slightly to look at her.  He raised his eyebrows questioningly. Good? She huffed out a laugh and rolled her eyes playfully. Duh.
Mkayyy lemme know what you think 😇 Ive got Carmen, Terry Richmond, and Rio from Good Girls fighting for attention in my head but I have a feeling Terry is gonna win so let me know if you wanna be on the taglist for that!
Also I've been wanting to write more sapphic fics I just haven't found any characters that really inspire me 😮‍💨 please hit up my asks/dms if you have any ideas
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blazeeblake · 23 hours
Inspired by this post. I wrote this late at night, zoning out on cold medicine while attempting to recover from a booster shot, so I can’t vouch for the quality 😅:
Dinner had been going great as far as Buck could tell. He and Tommy were still in the figuring it out stage of things, but a meal with Chim and Maddie felt like a step in the right direction; at least, up until the moment his sister unsuspectingly guided the conversation into a minefield.
“So, Tommy,” she began between bites of salad, “I have to say, I was really surprised when my brother told me about your date — not so much in terms of the pronouns of it all, but because the way he told it, you were way more focused on Eddie when you two met.”
Tommy shrugged, pushing around the remainders of his own plate, “Course correction’s a skill you hone when you’re tangling with baby gays— not that I’m sure Eddie even counts in that department. At this rate he’s essentially embryonic. Like, indefinitely.” Maddie cocked her head to the side, whatever follow up she may have had fading away into a loaded silence that descended over the room.
“H-huh,” Chimney chuckled unevenly, “well, uh, I don’t want to speak for anyone that’s not here but I’m pretty sure—“
“Wait,” Buck interrupted, brows knitting together, “You were trying to date Eddie?”
“Uh, yeah,” Tommy replied, as if it was painfully obvious, “At least, until I realized where things stood with him, and then I—
“Course corrected?” Buck finished, “With me. Your second choice.”
“Oh, like I’m not your second choice. Seriously, Evan, don’t be dramatic.”
“Maddie, honey,” Chimney broke in, rising out of his seat, “why don’t we go get dessert ready?”
“Ready?” Maddie repeated, eyes darting between her brother and his date, “It’s already—“
“What are you talking about?” Buck pressed, far too preoccupied with his burgeoning confusion to notice Chimney coaxing his quietly protesting sister out of the room.
Tommy rolled his eyes, pointedly setting his fork down, “Oh come on. Eddie’s on a special level of oblivious— and I mean, no surprise there, Catholicism builds its closets nice and sturdy— but you can’t expect me to believe you’re just as clueless, Mr. Trying to get my attention by pulling another boy’s pigtails.”
“Wha— No,” Buck sputtered, his breath hitching strangely and tripping him up, “Th-that wasn’t about Eddie. He’s not even— and even if he was, we’re not… I mean, we wouldn’t.”
“Right, because you’re scared it would burst the little bubble you two live in where you can have your cake and call it normal friendship,” Tommy concluded, his tone once again gratingly matter of fact, “Face it. A relationship with Eddie is heavy lifting from any angle, so we both opted out for each other, no harm, no foul.” Buck blinked, momentarily stunned into silence as his mind tried and failed to construct a solid counter to the conclusion Tommy had all but thrown in his face. All of it made sense, perhaps more sense than the raw foundations of yet another relationship built on someone else’s initiative and his own need to reach for any degree of being wanted, no matter how scant. The truth of it all stung and made his heart beat faster than he could stand, but at the same time there was something freeing in all that chaos.
“He’s not,” Buck managed softly.
“Gay?” Tommy replied, “Right, and Elton John just needs to meet the right girl.”
Buck shook his head, “No, I mean, he’s not heavy lifting or whatever you said. If you think that, you don’t know him at all— a-and maybe you don’t know me either if you think I’d feel that way.”
“It’s Buck. And if all of this was settling then I guess you were right the first time: I’m not ready.” Tommy eyed him for a beat before sighing and pushing his chair back from the table.
“At least you’re consistent,” he said as he stood and began making his way to the front door, “A little slow on the draw but still miles more self aware than your buddy. I’d say good luck pulling him out of Narnia, but I’m not gonna hold my breath.” Buck didn’t respond, instead opting to drop his gaze to the floor and let his racing thoughts drown out his surroundings until he felt a hand on his shoulder.
“I’m guessing you heard all that?” He asked.
“Sorry,” Maddie said, giving his arm a gentle squeeze, “The acoustics down here are pretty unforgiving, privacy-wise.
“Sorry I ruined dinner,” he muttered.
“Technically,” Maddie reasoned, “I started it, so—-“
“I vote we blame no Buckley or Hans ,” Chimney said, dropping into the seat Tommy had vacated, “and we call this a win because screw that guy. I’m all for second chances but that dude’s practically on his fourth and he just keeps blowing it.”
“What am i supposed to do now?” Buck asked, turning to look up at his sister.
Maddie offered him a small, tight-lipped smile, “it’s like I said before: whatever you need to do, you’ll do it in your own time.”
“Right, but what if I screw it all up? He’s going through so much right now already and I don’t want to be one more thing he has to deal with.”
“I mean, maybe him going through things is the silver lining, you know? He’s figuring out his future and there’s room for you to work out where—not if— you fit in all of that. Because, for what it’s worth, I can’t picture a scenario where you two don’t figure it out. I can’t promise it’ll go the way you want it to, but I think you owe it to each other to talk.”
Chimney nodded, “As a daily witness to you guys being… well, you, I second that. And who knows? Maybe it all does work out. You communicate instead of fighting in a supermarket or shoving each other on a basketball court, and before you know it, you’re up close and personal with that glorious mustache of his.”
“Oh, Howie,” Maddie scoffed, “that mustache is definitely just a phase. One that maybe proves my point, but a phase nonetheless.”
“You bite your tongue. It’s beautiful and here to stay.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. Is there something you need to tell Eddie? Or, his facial hair?”
For the second time that evening, Buck let the conversation fade into the background of his thoughts; or rather, the one thought that all the rest had melded into.
He loved Eddie—was in love with Eddie— and as terrifying as it was, the truth of it loomed too large to be reburied or ignored. He didn’t know if time and talking were the remedies his family made them out to be, but if there was any chance at all in them, he was stubborn enough to find out. The way he saw it, he’d practically been holding his breath all this time without knowing anyway, so what was a little while longer if it meant Eddie at the finish line? Unlike a certain helicopter pilot, Buck had the stamina not to settle.
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gremlinmodetweeker · 2 days
Silly Games for Silly People
Okay so I asked for some ideas for the big boy, and in particular Summoned!König. I got some great ideas from @callofdreams and so I hope they enjoy this! I am definitely taking more of their ideas for this series, and so we might have a few of Summoned!König playing some board games. I didn't play many board games as a kid, but I do have fun writing this. I am still taking ideas for Summoned!König, so please let me know any ideas you have!
CW: none
Wordcount: 1.4k
Art from This Post
Story below the cut
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Silly Games for Silly People
You glared at the eldritch monstrosity across the table, your breath baited as your hands tightened together. He glared back at you, arctic blue eyes mere slits behind his dark hood. He leaned in close, analyzing your every move. You did just the same.
“Just roll the dice, König!” you finally snapped.
“And how do I know this is not mortal trickery?” König scoffed, “you truly believe that I am unaware of your inner machinations? That I am not leagues ahead of you in every possible way? You cannot possibly begin to compete with the likes of me.”
“Oh yeah? You really think you’re all that and a bag of chips, don’t ya?” you grabbed the dice and shoved them into his talons.
“Have you never heard of the concept of ‘patience’?” König snorted as he shook his palm.
“Have you heard the concept of ‘sore loser’?” you retorted.
König raised an eyebrow.
“It means you’re being a bitch because you’re losing,” you explained with a smug smile.
König bristled and tossed the dice. He glanced over the numbers, promptly slamming his fist on the table with enough force to shake all the pieces of the game.
“Oh yeah, look who’s all high and mighty now, huh?” you grinned as he slid his token back over to one corner of the board.
“Petulant worm,” he muttered under his breath as he leaned back into the folding chair that was only barely supporting his weight.
“I think you just don’t wanna admit that I’m better than you,” you snickered as you finished another lap of the board and collected your cash.
“I could eviscerate you,” König huffed, “and yet you mock me over some mindless board game, the only way you could possibly even try to leverage any power over me.”
“I think you’re just mad I’m better,” you gave him a cheshire grin.
You grabbed the dice and rolled them out on the table. The dice rolled a clean five and a four, just enough to get you to that final spot you wanted.
“Alright, hand over Pennsylvania Avenue,” you held out a waiting hand.
König grumbled bitterly, but thankfully he passed over the square of cardboard with a disgruntled flick of his wrist.
“Wow,” you laughed as you tucked the squares down in front of you,” you’re actually upset about this, aren’t you?”
“I am not upset by some inferior construction of human hands,” König sniffed, “I am merely astounded by the arrogance you exude.”
“Arrogance?” you scoffed, “au contraire, my friend! I think I’m creaming you this game.”
König glared at you from behind his mask. You were fairly certain that he wanted to strangle you that moment. You were only more and more excited by how upset he was.
König silently rolled the dice on his side of the table. The both of you hissed when one red die rolled over the edge of the table.
“Cocked,” you called out as you grabbed it back.
When you brought it back to König, he seemed positively peeved by you.
“What?” you handed the dice back to him,
“That was a six,” he huffed, “I needed a six to get out of jail.”
“Okay but it rolled off the table,” you pointed out, “when a die hits something on the table or rolls off it, it’s cocked and you need to reroll it.”
“And who taught you that inane ruling?” König drummed his claws against the laminated wood table.
“I dunno,” you shrugged as you sat back down, “it’s just something my DnD group taught me.”
“DnD?” König perked up, “what game is that?”
“Uh…” you looked down at the monopoly board and back up at your eldritch partner, “okay so, we’re struggling trying to play Monopoly, you’re not ready for DnD.”
“I could just read a mortal’s mind and get a good grasp,” König countered.
“Okay but, like, that would be their version of DnD,” you explained, “DnD is different for everyone. And you are not ready for DnD yet.”
König looked back down at the Monopoly board with disdain, “I want to move on from this one.”
“So are you admitting defeat?” you grinned.
“I would never deign to do such a thing, Summoner,” König snorted, “I am simply stating an opinion. Is that such a unfathomable concept?”
“Well, when you’re complaining about Monopoly, it’s kinda funny,” you pointed out.
König grumbled under his breath as he rolled the other die, blatantly ignoring whatever you wanted to say.
“Hey look! A six!” you cheered as the die flopped onto the center of the board.
“Finally!” König exclaimed as he slumped back into his chair with a groan.
“Hey hey hey watch it with the weight there, big guy,” you snapped, “I don’t wanna have to pay for another chair.”
“Did they actually deduct the past one from your pay?” König eased himself up off the backrest again.
“Yes!?” you laughed, “they took out all of them!”
At the very least, König had the decency to look sheepish about the matter as he steepled his fingers together on the table, “I see.”
“You see? Yeah I sure saw it coming out of my paystub!” you laughed.
König cringed into himself, but politely moved on to ask, “Well, who’s turn is it?”
“Um…” you looked down at the table, “I actually don’t remember. You do, don’t you?”
“I see no reason to try and clarify,” König’s eyes glinted with amusement.
You, on the other hand, were as far removed from any sense of amusement as you could have possibly been.
“No seriously, König, who’s turn is it?” you asked again.
“Why should it matter?” König shrugged, “is this not a simple game?”
“Yeah but, like, I don’t wanna be rude and take your turn or anything,” you tried to reason with him, but he was persistent. After a bit of back and forth, you finally relented. König was content to lean onto the table as you tried to get him to budge, but as it was, trying to get an avatar of chaos to play by the rules was next to impossible. Instead, you had to be creative.
“Alright, let’s play rock paper scissors to see who’s turn it is,” you determined.
“Rock paper scissors?” König tilted his head like a cat, “tell me, what is that?”
“It’s a game where you kinda, I dunno,” you patted your fist against your open palm, “you make your hand either a rock,” you held up a fist, “a pair of scissors,” you extended two fingers, “or paper,” you held out your palm. You extended your fist and held it up, “you say ‘Rock, paper, scissors,’ and the next time you put your fist on your palm you make the sign you want. Rock beats scissors, scissors beats paper, paper beats rock. Whoever wins gets the next turn. Wanna try?”
König held up one taloned hand and watched the lamp light glint off his black iridescent scales, then locked eyes with you, “It sounds rather simple. I think I can manage a round.”
And so, you both extended a fist and chanted, “Rock, paper, scissors!” and extended your hand.
You let your fist drop in horror.
“König that’s not what you’re meant to do.”
König frowned, “Aren’t I meant to make my fist look like the object?”
“König you’re meant to do the hand sign. Not… Not that,” you cringed as you heard his bones snap back into place.
“I apologize.”
“Wanna try again?”
“Seeing as my first attempt left much to be desired, I see a great need for another,” König mused.
You chanted again and extended your fist. König, on the other hand, held out an open palm.
You glared at him and thinned your lips into a line, “Alright, best two out of three.”
“Vas!?” König scoffed, “are you telling me that we need to play again?”
“Just to be sure!” you huffed, eying the red and white dice hungrily.
König clucked his tongue and made a trill that sounded like bubbles rushing to the surface, but he held out his fist again.
“Go ahead Summoner, see how well this works out for you.”
You learned quickly that trying to win a game of chance against an avatar of chaos was, sadly, not as easy as you hoped.
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Konig Dump
Alternate Universe Stories
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otomehonyaku · 1 day
DIABOLIK LOVERS More, More Blood Vol. 12 Ruki ☽ Animate Tokuten CD ☽ Living A Normal School Life For Once!
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Original title: たまにはまともに学園生活! Voiced by Sakurai Takahiro English translation by @otomehonyaku Click here for the audio (kindly provided by @karleksmumskladdkaka!)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
One very unhinged tokuten... I appreciate Ruki's persistence when it comes to defending us/Yui, but he's definitely taking it too far dkfjdkfd ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡ Have fun listening and reading along!
Please do not reuse or post my translations elsewhere or translate my work into other languages without my permission.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
[The scene starts at the academy. Ruki finds you after class.]
00:00 Hey. What are you doing?
[He startles you and you accidentally drop the papers you were holding.]
You turned around so frantically that you dropped your things.
[Ruki bends down to gather the papers you dropped.]
‘Off-campus learning guidebook’?  I see. These are the prints that’ll be bound into the actual guidebooks. I suppose I don’t even have to ask you why you’re carrying them.  You’re letting the teachers order you around again. Have you forgotten how to say ‘no’? Those kinds of people will never make you see the end of it if you don’t. Anyway, let’s bring these to the teacher’s office. Then your job will be over, right? Oh? What’s the matter?
[You tell him that you still have to bind the books.]
Why did you let it come that far? You’re going to do the bookbinding? If you have to make them for all the students, it’ll take an absurd amount of time. Those fucking tyrannical teachers, setting students to work like slaves for their own benefit… You’re my possession more than anything. I don’t like anyone else doing as they please with you. It seems that I’ll have to teach them a lesson.
[You get a little nervous and try to talk him out of it.]
Heh. It shouldn’t be anything beyond your comprehension. You’re so used to doing their dirty work that you’re still trying to cover for them, and I don’t like it. Hey. We’re going to finish this within the hour.
[You tilt your head to the side.]
I’m telling you that I’ll help you. This isn’t something you should be wasting your time on. If any other requests come in after this, I’ll be right behind you to crush their hopes before they even get to talk to you. This is what we’re going to do, so let’s get to work quickly. At this hour, there should be plenty of empty classrooms available. We’ll bind these guidebooks in the blink of an eye.
[The scene shifts to an empty classroom.]
02:30 Alright. Let’s take care of this as quickly as we can. Each book has 16 pages… Let’s fold the papers and staple them. That should be easy enough. When doing it for all students, though, it’s pretty hard work. Efficiency is key when binding books.  Let’s try it out on a small scale first. We don’t have time to redo everything if we mess it up. Start with the front cover and line up the prints in order.
[You get to work.]
Off-campus learning is a waste of time, though. It’s foolish to think there are things to learn outside of the classroom. Unless you’re actively trying to gain something, there’s no way you can learn anything. For example, let’s say we’re taking a field trip to a museum. Museums have many precious artefacts on display. However, whether it be ancient Greek sculptures, coffins of saints—to a fool, they’re all weight stones (1). Yeah. They have no value just standing there. You’re going through all that trouble to bring all the students there only to look at a room full of weight stones. Don’t you think that’s funny?
04:01 Or, wait—weight stones do have value.  You can press vegetables with them to make pickles, so they’re actually quite helpful. Going to an exhibition on weight stones might be a meaningful way to spend time after all.
[You doubt that.]
What’s with that expression?  The flavour of the end product varies depending on the weight of the stone. That’s not something to make light of. If we actually were to go on an exhibition on weight stones for our off-campus learning, I’d appreciate it.
[You wonder if an exhibition like that even exists.]
You have a good point. We might as well go to a hardware store. That’s just a shopping trip. If we’re going shopping, I’d rather it be just you and me. I refuse to go around in such large groups.
[You’ve both made some progress with the bookbinding at this point.]
Where are we going, anyway? There should be information about the destination somewhere on one of these pages… Is this it? So we’re going to a nearby mountain. To think the school wll go to such lengths to get the students off campus… Hiking, learning about the beauty of nature… You’ve got to be kidding me. Besides, the true beauty of nature can’t be found at the foot of a mountain like this. Lend me your pen. I’ll change the route.
[You stare at Ruki for a moment.]
Didn’t you hear me? Give me your pen. I’ll shatter the hopes of whoever thinks they can challenge a mountain when they’re only in the mood for a stroll.
[Ruki starts drawing on the map.]
Let’s make them climb the steep slope on the other side of the mountain. The landscape varies a lot around this area. People will start falling behind because they lose motivation. This should do the trick. Surely, the harshness of mountain climbing will sink deeply into their minds. Don’t you think it’s a good route?
[You tell him that sounds dangerous.]
06:01 Of course it’s dangerous. It’s mountain climbing. There’s no way you can reach a summit without putting your life on the line.
[You’re at a loss for words.]
Does that surprise you? Did you think it would suffice to go on a trip to a mountain without admiring the scenery from the summit? If this off-campus learning is intended to teach students about the beauty of nature, there’s no better way to do it than to climb a mountain to its very top. Which means you also need the appropriate gear.
[Ruki leafs through the booklet until he finds the list of supplies that’s already there.]
A lunch box, a water bottle, a towel… You can’t be serious. Don’t ever think you can survive on a mountain with these things.
[Ruki grabs his pen and gets to work again.]
I crossed out all the things you don’t need. I’ll make a list of the things you do need for mountain climbing. Even in case of a disaster, this should heighten your chances of survival.
[You still don’t really know what to say.]
What are you acting so surprised for? There’s always a chance of a disaster happening. Listen. If you value your life, don’t take mountain climbing lightly. Bear in mind that we’re talking about off-campus learning. Ah, right. I’ll also write down some important points to take into account in case of an emergency.
[Ruki looks at the points that were already listed in the booklet.]
Hm? ‘Watch out for the snakes’? What’s with this warning paragraph? ‘Snakes are aggressive creatures, so they attack easily’? This is nonsense. Listen up. You should get this through your head as well. First of all, there are many different kinds of snakes, of course. I’m not saying it’s true one hundred percent of the time, but snakes tend to be timid, docile creatures. They will not attack humans unprovoked. If you see one between the grass, it’s best to quietly avoid it. Of course, venomous and aggressive snakes do exist. It goes without saying that you should never let your guard down. Got it?
[You tell him you understand.]
08:11 That’s the answer I was looking for. Good, even for you. Still, this off-campus learning is intended to deepen the students’ knowledge, but this booklet doesn’t give me much hope… Planting misinformation is evil in itself, don’t you think? Well, alright. I won’t be holding back anymore. I’ll thoroughly rewrite this page as well. A bit on the ecology of snakes and the varieties that may live on the mountain… Ah, I’ll also include some fun facts about snakes. You’ve heard much about the snake in the Garden of Eden, right? Wait, but if I were to write about that, I’d have to touch upon the story of Adam and Eve and the forbidden apple as well… And while we’re on the subject of apples, anyway, I might as well add some simple and delicious recipes. It’s witty and it makes for worthwhile reading, right? I’ll stick to recipes for two servings.
[You think Ruki is taking it too far. You try to stop him.]
Hey, don’t grab my arm! You’ll mess up my writing.
[You tell him you’ll never finish it in time.]
Heh. That’s all? That’s no problem. I planned on finishing binding the booklets well within the hour, with time to spare. But look at how awful the content is! That certainly changes things. I will revise this entire off-campus learning guidebook and confront the teacher with it. Like, “This is what true learning is!”
[You yell at him to stop.]
Don’t yell! Setting up plans like these is my forte. Come to think of it, the destination wasn’t appropriate to begin with. There’s nothing interesting about a mountain a few train stops away. Maybe at least one train transfer and a few hours away by car… Somewhere off the beaten path. Although I’d rather pick a woodland area for fostering one’s survival instincts… That means it should definitely take place somewhere around here… Yes. I’ll also add a recipe using the local specialties of this area. 
[Ruki puts down his pen.]
10:36 Alright! Perfect. I think I did pretty well. I chose a place of which the chances of survival are at least ten percent. If you approach it like it’s the last thing you’ll ever do, you can probably make it out alive if you’re lucky. There are no drawbacks to such experiences. Or rather, someone must teach today’s carefree youth what it’s like to walk the line between life and death. To spend your days in the mud. Well, then! Let’s go to the teachers’ office. We’re going to present this. This is revenge for the work they’ve made you do on these prints.
[Ruki starts gathering the booklets.]
Let’s teach those foolish humans the true meaning of off-campus learning!
[You’ve had enough of his antics. You grab onto him and try to keep him from leaving.]
Hey! Don’t hold me back. Come on, don’t pull at me like that! If you don’t watch out, I’ll drop all the—Ah!
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
漬物(つけもの)の石(いし): A weight stone used to press the moisture out of pickles (tsukemono) in Japan. I was going to go with a paperweight analogy instead, as this made a bit more sense for non-Japanese audiences while still making sense for Ruki’s character, but it was a bit difficult to line that up with his explanation...
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alphajocklover · 2 days
So I just finished my 3rd year exams at university (hopefully I did well enough to make it into a 4th year and go for an Master's of science) and as soon as I get out near the crowd to celebrate a guy bumps into me and I broke my phone. I was ready to give him a piece of my mind until I saw he was pretty built, he must be on some university team for something. He felt awful apparently and he gave me his old phone as an apology. It came with this InstaJock app thing on it. I dunno what it is but I kinda wanna load it up...
Another instance of a jock giving someone a phone with InstaJock already downloaded on it. Another instance of someone doing something with InstaJock that doesn’t make any sense. I know it’s unprofessional to say something like this, but this is driving me crazy. Why would a jock give away their phone? If they wanted to turn you into a jock like them, they’d just send you the app! If they wanted to give you a new phone for real, they’d have wiped it before giving it to you. I guess it's possible they forgot, but InstaJock is super important to the users that get transformed into jocks. Even with how stupid jocks can be, I doubt they’d forget about the app that literally changed their life. So… why?
I’ve mentioned in some of my earlier Instajock posts that someone has been messing with people using this app. Using it in unconventional ways to mess with people, spreading false information about the app, and even making knock offs of the transformative app. My first thought was that it had to be The Master. Not the Doctor Who villain, to those who get that reference, but someone I introduced to you all in a recent post. He’s the creator of Instajock and the mastermind behind my Uncle’s transformation and kidnapping. He’s an incredibly powerful figure in the Transformation Community, even more than I��ve told you. Most people who know about transformations are scared to mention him, even other TF Reporters are, and most powerful people or groups who work with transformation either do business with him or stay out of his way. But… I don’t think he’s the one behind this. He likes to mess with people, play with his victims like whoever is behind this, but if he wanted to do that he could just add features to the actual InstaJock app. He had no reason to do things in such a roundabout way. Which makes me think… it’s someone else.
Whoever is doing this has an intimate knowledge of the app, so It has to be someone involved with InstaJock, someone besides The Master. Maybe someone who works for him? Even he couldn’t have programmed the entire app on his own and added in the magical elements without help. Plus he isn’t one for upkeep, so he’s probably having someone else run the site for him. They also have to be someone with a lot of nerve to mess with The Master, maybe someone who they’ve hurt personally. On top of all of that it’d also have to be someone the jocks would listen to. Maybe someone who worked on InstaJock that The Master fired, a former employee?
I can’t be sure of who's behind this yet, but I do know that whatever they’re trying to do with you isn’t good. When you press that app, you won’t just be turned into a jock like a regular InstaJock user. It has to be something… special. Something that would benefit, or would at least interest the person behind this. Maybe you’ll turn into a copy of the jock who gave you the phone, become their perfect twin? Maybe something else will happen entirely. I can’t be sure.
If it’s not too late, send me the phone immediately. I can put it somewhere safe, and I might be able to protect you from whoever's doing this. If it is too late… Well I hope you enjoy whatever happened. Being transformed against your will sucks, but being a jock can be fun, even if it isn’t your choice.
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**3 stories in one day, all InstaJock? I must be on a roll! I hope you guys liked this one! There are still more mysteries and more transformations to discover! Stay tuned!**
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shmichaelmeen · 3 days
Nothing could have prepared me for how Season 2 ended. Not even the spoilers.
okay i know that we all make jokes about how episode six is insane, there was even one person who posted about how it's comparable to eating a bag of powdered donuts but the last one is covered in cocaine. and i knew how season 2 ended from ~ the internet ~ and everything and due to some traumatic shit happening in the middle of watching season 2 for the first time, i never finished it. so all i knew was whatever i saw online and i didn't think there was anything much more to it.
but oh BOY was i wrong
watching episode 6 felt like a literal fever dream. I didn't even realize what episode it WAS until my friend (who helped me finish watching the season) pointed it out. and i FREAKED OUT because sooooo much happens in one episode. SO MUCH. i genuinely thought that the whole bit AFTER Jim/Gabriel got his memories back - the Metatron appearing, the kiss, EVERYTHING INSANE - was all another episode.
I have a lot to say about how people talked about the ending versus how it was to watch it and see it for myself for the first time but what i will say is this. i tried to go along with everyone making explanations for what happened and justifying that everything about the end, about the episode, heck even about the SEASON makes any sense but i cannot follow that anymore. to put it simply, there's a LOT there and i don't think at this time we CAN make a nice neat explanation. and that's the whole point. the whole point of the ending, the whole point of Nina and Maggie's ending, is that rarely in life (even i guess in immortal life apparently) is anything simple. when in comes to matters of the heart and Human Emotion, there is never an easy answer. it's messy, and that's perfectly okay. it's allowed to be messy. and that's my approach to trying to analyze season 2. it's okay that it's messy and things may not make sense. it's meant to be that way to represent just how confusing and even frustrating love can be.
everyone loves to bash the miscommunication trope", but why does it work? because it is realistic (a lot of the time, depending on writing of course). it's only realistic that people miscommunicate and that confronting feels for each other makes things confusing and awkward. that's how the ending was written. and i think that's perfectly okay.
as much as i am a Tier 1 Overthinker, this is one time where I'm willing to accept that the situation is unexplainable until we have further information (yay season 3!!!!!!). this also isn't an "anti-theories" post either. i think those posts, as well as all of the "what if the curtains are just blue" people, are trying to hard to be cool and different by not thinking critically about a piece of media when media is designed to be thought about and analyzed. and trust me, i do like entertaining theories, but I'm just staying super open-minded for the time being. if anyone has any niche theories i'd love to hear them because I'm willing to entertain any possible answer until we get the truth :)
(oh and before anyone says anything about how it's my own fault for looking at spoilers, that's not the issues. spoilers aren't the thing I'm talking about. it's people trying to make definitive answers and put together the puzzle perfectly when we don't have all the pieces. not having an answer feels uncomfortable, but that's also the whole point.)
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badaceattorney · 2 days
I like narumitsu/wrightworth enough but you people need to accept that it’s not that deep compared to the rest of the series. Most of the cool things about it exist only in the fandom.
That said, to help you i have compiled a list of ships that are gayer/more canon than narumitsu/wrightworth, ranked by how gay/arguably canon they are:*
Asoryuu. Do not spoil the rest of tgaa2 for me, but i do know about some things that I haven’t gotten to yet. Anyways i think breaking the boat rules and risking your trip to Britain that you’ve been dreaming of forever in order to bring your childhood friend (for whom you were already about to risk the trip again in order to get him out of murder charges) with you is a bit gayer than starting work in a profession you’re good because you heard that guy you knew in elementary school is a prosecutor now.
Susahao. do not spoil the rest of tgaa2 for me. Anyways if you’ve played it you know what I’m talking about
Aurametis. If you try to tell me that “unnecessary feelings” is gayer or more canon than “her respect as a coworker isn’t all that I wanted” you should maybe see a doctor. This would be at the top of the list if I wasn’t also ranking for sheer gay energy
Shamseki. do not spoil the rest of tgaa2 for me. Anyways see my shamseki post, it’s gotten even gayer as I play through the case. Even if it’s not a true ship, they definitely fucked and soseki was topping
Klapollo. This is more vibes based with only a few lines that actually help it, but holy shit are those vibes there. Especially if you ship narumitsu, then it’s a narrative parallel
Gumwright. The entirety of t&t, maya is just constantly trying to get phoenix to date gumshoe and gumshoe isn’t denying it. My headcanon is that gumshoe told maya he liked phoenix and she’s trying to be his wingwoman
Gumworth. I have to concede that this is actually on the same level of gayness/canon as narumitsu if not slightly less but I’m putting it here because most people assume it’s far lower than that and that’s an injustice to poor gumshoe
*not ranked by popularity/which ones are my favorites. I haven’t finished tgaa2 or played aaic so i don’t know about that lore yet, please don’t spoil anything more for me.
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brokenpieces-72 · 1 day
Choo Choo Charles cod crossover | Navigation
You had finished the repairs and started trekking up the hill to your cabin. Tired and trying to keep your emotions straight. It was hard to take it so straight and forward.
When you reached the top you found the captain on the front porch. He was posted up, keeping a look out. You straightened seeing him. Military, no slacking. Someone was taking you seriously for once in a long time. You went over to him, leaning your gun against the wall of the building.
“Thank you.” You said.
“Well haven’t done anything yet.” Price pointed out. His body seemed to relax at the sight of you.
“You have. You believed me.” You said. “That’s something.”
The rain continued to pour, making sleep even more tempting. There was a question that had been repeating in your mind since the middle of your repairs.
“Did he… um… how…” you started but then hesitated. You didn't want to cry in front of him. Price waited letting you get the question out. “Uh… did… the body, where…”
“We moved him off the tracks, and buried him in branches.” Price admitted. You nodded and took some deep breaths, shifting from foot to foot.
“How is your wound?” He asked. You shrugged, and let out a choked “I don’t know” trying to avoid tears. Price could tell she’d been tearing herself apart trying to get help and sort out everything so she could destroy the thing. Your one ally had been lost and replaced with four strangers. Price could understand your plight.
“Sit down,” he said. You looked at him confused. “Sit, that’s an order.”
You sat down, and rolled up your pant leg for him. You winced as he unwrapped it and saw the stitches. Not bad for someone who was doing it free handed. Price retrieved some first aid supplies, taking time to clean it a bit. You winced and groaned a bit.
“Fuck.” You muttered, gritting your teeth.
“It’s just alcohol.” Price said.
“Still fucking hurts.” You pouted.
“Eugene ever serve?” Price asked. You nodded.
“I think so. Back at his cabin he had a couple medals. A purple heart, I think.” You said, while Price started to wrap the wound back up. Didn’t need a splint thankfully. “I should tell you, you’ve allied yourself with a problem.”
Price finished wrapping the wound. “Aligned myself with enemies before.”
“No I mean… I called for help but I didn’t tell you I’m public enemy number three basically. The cult, Warren and Charles are-“ you stopped talking as soon as you heard a train whistle, head snapping immediately to where it came from. Price stood up, getting you to your feet, while you continued to scan the treeline, another one sounding. The two of you got inside quick, and the rest of the guys were woken up, reaching for weapons.
“Get away from the door.” You instructed. “Close it!”
Kyle shut the back one, while Price got you to lean against the wall, and shut the front. You noticed Simon posting up at the window. His aim was on the scuttling locomotive, as it came closer and closer. “Don’t bother.”
Simon side eyed you but kept his aim. You said more quietly, “Seriously please don’t bother.”
Price debated ordering the shot to be taken or not, until Simon made his own decision. The shot was fired and right between the horrific gore framed white eyes of the demonic creature. It missed by an inch, and hit the eye. The creature scuttled around the house, loud with teeth gnashing and a wet chittering. Simon pulled back and avoided the sightline of the window. You limped to the middle of the room, reaching whatever bed was closest before sitting down. The monster’s steps seemed to shake the building, the spider legs almost pounding the hard earth. The men were tense while you bounced your good leg, hands clasped and muttering something. Everyone was still, guns at the ready, while you looked almost unbothered by the horror outside. They could make out wood scratching as well but it was minor. Like a dog pawing at a door. Thankfully the blood curdling noises distanced from the cabin, as Charles finally left them all in peace. The men kept alert.
“Soap, Check the window.” Price ordered. Johnny almost wanted to tell the captain to check himself. He pressed into the wall, watching out the window. Charles disappeared back into the tall misty trees, to where, none of them knew. When to return? If only he wouldn’t.
“It’s gone… Charles doesn’t break into houses for some reason. Part of why I’m still here.” You said, staring at your newly bandaged leg.
“How long has that thing been around here?” Kyle asked.
“Uhh…pffftt… a few months.” You guessed. “Came around the beginning of summer, my dad was one of the miners who found it but when he went to destroy the egg those cultist assholes decided he’d make a good offering.”
The room went silent again, thinking back to Eugene. This kid had lost not only their friend, but your father too. Price wasn’t about to let you fight this alone. You needed help.
“Alright listen up.” Price announced. Each one of them turned to look at him. “If you’ve rested, good, keep watch. If you haven’t get some. Need food, we’ve brought rations. Once we’re ready, we start planning our next move. Let’s get to it.”
You woke up, and reached for your water bottle. Yep, it was morning, and it was chilly. Getting some pain killers in you, you sipped some more water and stretched as much as you could. Two of the men were still in the cabin, Price and Kyle. You slowly got up and put the kettle on, getting a pack of oatmeal. It was like any other morning of shuffling around, half awake. You went to another room, getting changed along with putting on a coat and beanie, shivering a little. The cold helped you wake up. The kettle whistled loudly, waking you the rest of the way. A bowl, and pouring oats and water, dunk in a spoon and she had her breakfast, sitting at the foot of the bed.
“Sleep okay?” Kyle asked, politely. You nodded, mouth full of oatmeal. The door to the cabin opened and Johnny walked in with a folded up map.
“Am I allowed to ask your names?” You asked aloud.
“Why wouldnya?” Soap asked.
“You guys are SAS, isn’t that like secret services or something? I mean I’m not gonna fish for government secrets or anything unless Area 51 gets involved, then again you guys are British, well mostly. Sorry I’m rambling.” You said, going back to focusing on the food. “I’m sober I swear.”
“Johnny MacTavish, just call me Soap.” Johnny said. Oh this kid was a mess.
“You’re both John?” You asked looking between him and Price.
“Kyle Garrick. Can call me Gaz.” Kyle piped up. “You know the captain.”
“What about the guy with the mask?” You asked. As if on cue the guy with the mask walked in.
“Ghost.” Soap answered. Ghost looked up hearing his callsign and then looked at you, who jumped hearing him speak. Certainly a fitting name. You swallowed your mouthful, a little forcefully.
Once you finished your breakfast and got changed into cleaner clothes. You returned to the main space, where Price stood next to your conspiracy wall. He went over the plan, giving a briefing for finding the eggs, with you explaining where they were located and how the mob worked. You unfortunately couldn't track exact shifts, nor where all of them went for sleeping and eating, but you assumed it was inside the mines.
"I'll need more scraps if the trains are to pull through a charles attack. I can increase the speed and armour. People around here need some help though, so it might mean getting some errands done in order to get enough. A few of them also have weapons which with enough time can do some extra damage." You explained.
"Four men in that engine will be tight." Ghost commented. You didn't like that number.
"It would be three and two. There are two engines." You corrected. The room was quiet for a moment, and before Price could open his mouth, you spoke up. "I'm going with you. That is not up for debate."
"It'll be dangerous." Kyle reminded you. Thank you sergeant obvious, you thought.
"Your leg is fucked up, Y/N." Price said. "That is a good way to get yourself killed."
"So is letting you all go without some level of a guide. I know this island, and I know the people. They want out of this place as much as I do, but Charles is still out there. Not about to sit back and watch as every fucking thing I've done leads to nothing." You said firmly. You weren't about to be sidelined. The silence was deafening as the four men seemed to think they would have any say in the matter. For good measure you added, "And I have the keys to my engine in the shed."
Price considered it for a moment before realizing you were not gonna let this go. Your stubbornness reminded him of Farah's determination. Right now you were running on fumes, grief and some oatmeal. The look you had in your eyes told him you could be running on good sleep and good food, and your drive would still hold strong.
"Stay off your leg as much as possible, and stay safe. If we lose you we lose our intel." Price said. You nodded. He looked among his men, seeing them determined and ready. "Out here."
Taglist: @yourlovely-moon @kaoyamamegami @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @sans-chara @1mommyrose4ever29 @smitten-haematite-quartz @talia-the-gemini @yuki2129 @whitetiger846 @graystorm444 @chibiduck @reaperxxxxzz @danielle143 @sobbingnshtting @cringeycookies @cryingpages @dcnocap207 @reaper-chan666 @bestbookfriends @thriving-n-jiving
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voxofthevoid · 2 days
Yo, time for Demon/Hunter Horror Wednesday #5 👁
The fic has currently stalled at a hefty 41k because I've been writing sukuita nonstop for around a month now (Gojou's still two chapters and probably over 10k away) and snapped from goyuu withdrawal. Poking at a quick-and-dirty goyuu oneshot that's...dirty for sure but not quick at all. All @nearalways's fault, again.
Anyway, to switch it up from the creepy church demon sex that's been happening over the last few posts, this week's snippet is entirely a conversation between Yuuji and Megumi. Enjoy?
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“Do you think having sex makes it harder to jerk off on your own?”
Fushiguro chokes on nothing, whipping his head around to stare at Yuuji with eyes that’re twice their usual size. “What.”
“Y’know…” Yuuji gestures. Fushiguro’s expression screams that he does not know. He looks a little like he doesn’t want to know anything ever again, really. “Don’t look at me like that! I’m just asking!”
Fushiguro sucks in a deep breath, screwing his eyes shut so tight that it hurts to look at. “Why are you asking me?”
“Who else? You saw how Kugisaki reacted when I asked her about sex. She’d rip my dick off.”
“I,” Fushiguro grits out, “will rip your dick off.”
Yuuji gasps. “You wouldn’t!”
Fushiguro’s eyes narrow. “You sure?”
Yuuji opens his mouth to say yes, but…he can’t. Even narrowed like this, there’s too much white in Fushiguro’s eyes. He looks a little crazy, just in a cute way. Yuuji definitely shouldn’t tell him that.
But he does need to tell him something so that Fushiguro won’t get any ideas about the scissors on his table.
“Your dad would think that’s foreplay,” Yuuji states confidently. “And we don’t want that.”
Fushiguro makes a noise. “What the hell, Itadori?”
“Yeah, I’ve been saying that a lot too,” Yuuji mutters, gesturing at his crotch.
Fushiguro’s eyes drop and dart back to Yuuji’s face, wider and wilder than a second ago. “Itadori!”
“I can’t get off anymore,” Yuuji blurts out in self-defense. “No, I mean—I can. I could, with him. But I can’t jerk off properly. It gets hard, but I can’t, y’know, finish.”
“Why are you telling me this?” Fushiguro asks. His tone is kinda weird; Yuuji can’t tell whether it’s despairing or curious. Incredulous either way, just like the way he’s looking at Yuuji. “How are you telling me this?”
“Huh?” Yuuji slides down till he’s lying fully on Fushiguro’s bed. For good measure, he turns onto his front, keeping his dick out of sight and snipping distance. “You’re a guy too. I figured you’d get it.”
“I don’t,” Fushiguro says repressively. Then, after a long moment of very loud silence— “What do you mean you can’t…finish?”
“I can’t come.”
“I got that.” Fushiguro sighs, putting his book away and leaning forward in the chair, all his attention on Yuuji. Usually, Yuuji would sit up straighter in response—Fushiguro can get really intense—but right now, he’s more interested in protecting his dick. Plus, this mattress is comfortable. “I have no practical experience with sex, but I’m fairly sure doing it with someone doesn’t mean you can’t give yourself a hand. That’s basic biology.”
“Yeah, I thought so too, and it’s not like it’s been like this the whole time, just…” Yuuji blinks, realizing several beats too late what else Fushiguro just said. “So you are a virgin!”
“Not the point!” Fushiguro snaps.
“Alright, alright. Hey, I’m not judging you, I swear. I also didn’t—”
“Itadori,” Fushiguro cuts in sharply, “focus.”
“Right…” Yuuji thinks for a moment, trying to find words that won’t spook Fushiguro—or piss him off. He’s already almost glaring. “There wasn’t anything weird at first, even after I started fucking him. Doing him felt better than my hand, obviously, but I still jerked off all the time. More than usual. I was horny all the time. I’m still horny all the time.”
“You sound like some sex addict,” Fushiguro says with a grimace. But his cheeks are a faint pink.
Yuuji shrugs. “Maybe. Kind of. It’s not the sex, it’s—”
It’s the place. That church. Except not really. Deep inside, Yuuji knows that the church is just set dressing. It’s the priest who’s the problem. Everything Sukuna is, everything he makes Yuuji feel—addiction isn’t really a wrong way to put it. Yuuji’s never felt anything like it before; he’s never wanted anything like it.
Sometimes—a lot of the time, more and more often this last week especially—it’s a physical need, a hollow ache that haunts his gut and his bones.
His dick too.
“It’s…?” Fushiguro prods after Yuuji’s silent for a while.
Yuuji blinks at him, refocusing. “It’s him.”
Fushiguro makes a noise in his throat, like he was expecting that answer but doesn’t like it much. Yuuji can’t blame him. He doesn’t like it either.
“You really like that guy so much?” Fushiguro asks.
“Ugh.” Yuuji shoves his face into the mattress, suffocating in the darkness for a few blissful seconds. Then— “No. Hell no. He’s an asshole. Nobody would like him.”
Yuuji still doesn’t understand why he’s apparently popular among the churchgoers. He’s never brought it up with Fushiguro and Kugisaki after telling him he’s fucking a guy because he wouldn’t put it past them to put two and two together. They’re both weirdly intuitive, and together, they’re worse. Plus, Yuuji’s not the best liar.
But Fushiguro’s looking at him like he’s lying right now, and that’s very unwarranted.
“It’s true,” Yuuji insists. “I never ever want you guys to meet. He’s that bad.”
Fushiguro blinks very slowly. “And this is the guy you’re dating?”
“We’re not dating!”
Shockingly, that doesn’t seem to help.
“Having sex then,” Fushiguro says, his frown deepening. “That’s worse. Makes it sound like—”
Yuuji waits, pushing himself up for his forearms for a more level view of Fushiguro’s expression. It’s twisted into dark lines; Yuuji can recognize displeasure and disapproval, but there’s more there, he can tell.
Fushiguro lowers his eyes, scowling at the floor. “Never mind.”
“Are you being safe?”
Yuuji’s jaw clicks shut. “Um…”
Fushiguro’s eyes snap back to his face. “Itadori!”
“Define safe?” Yuuji ventures.
Fushiguro drags a hand down his face, skin catching on skin in a way that makes Yuuji wince in sympathy. “How do you get into these situations? You’ve been here for less than six months.”
“Hey, you make it sound like I do dumb shit all the time!”
“You do,” Fushiguro says mercilessly. “At least you admit this is stupid.”
“Yeah, well…” Yuuji flattens himself against the bed again. “The sex is really good though.”
“How would you know? He’s your first too.”
“That’s true. But he’s kind of a freak. I didn’t even know—”
“No,” Fushiguro interrupts, his tone flat but still cutting. “No details. I don’t want to hear this.”
“Fair enough,” Yuuji says, but then something occurs to him. “Is it because he’s a guy?”
“Huh? What—” Realization widens Fushiguro’s eyes, which narrow right after. “No. That’s not it. I’m fine with that.”
“Oh. Cool.”
“I am,” Fushiguro says more firmly; Yuuji can see his fists clench. “I’d be a hypocrite otherwise.”
Yuuji frowns at him, trying to— “Oh. Oh. So you’re—”
“Yes. Still not the point.”
“I don’t think we have a point anymore,” Yuuji muses. He sits up, finally, shifting to perch on the edge of the bed, mirroring Fushiguro’s pose on the chair. It’s as close as he can get to the guy without walking over there, and the way Fushiguro’s staring at him says he might bite if Yuuji does that. “Thanks for telling me, Fushiguro.”
“Oh, for—” Fushiguro looks away furiously. “It’s not like you couldn’t guess anyway.”
“I…didn’t really think about it? I mean, there’s all the stuff your dad says, but—”
“Shut up,” Fushiguro hisses. “Go back to talking about your sex addiction.”
“Do we have to?”
“You brought it up.”
Yeah, fair point. Yuuji’s not sure what he was hoping to achieve. But Fushiguro’s pretty much the only person he can talk to about it. The internet wasn’t helpful. Hell, parts of it were trying to say his balls weren’t working because of cancer or something. Yuuji’s not opposed to calling Sukuna a kind of disease, but it’s not literal.
And thinking about Sukuna is a bad idea because there’s a lot to remember, most of it not innocent, and Yuuji’s dick is on a hair trigger these days. Heat pools between his legs, and Yuuji grabs the nearest pillow, putting it on his lap.
Fushiguro’s confused for only a single second. “Are you kidding me?!”
“I haven’t come in a week,” Yuuji whines.
“You—” Fushiguro looks pleadingly at the ceiling. But nothing there seems to help him any. “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but just…go fuck the guy.”
“I can’t,” Yuuji whines again.
“Why,” Fushiguro grits out, “not?”
Yuuji tries to figure out how to put it without giving away that he’s going to the church to fuck its weird, creepy priest who may or may not be infesting his dreams.
He settles on, “He’s only available at night. And Nanamin’s back now, so I can’t just leave like I used to.”
“But you don’t have a curfew or anything.”
“Yeah, but—” Yuuji gestures. “He’d have questions if I came back in that state. And it’s his house. I don’t want to be rude.”
Fushiguro’s expression softens. “At least you have some sense.”
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Information and guidelines (including deadlines) for the Klaine Secret Santa Gift Exchange 2024 are under the cut.
Don't forget to follow us!
1) We have one very strict rule: HAVE FUN!!!!! ❤️
Enjoy this event, because that's the point! To make each other happy with a nice surprise and to make ourselves happy for being able to do that. We want you to enjoy the process itself. If you have any trouble with this, tell us and we'll try to help you and make it easier for you.
2) What type of gift can you participate with?
Fanfiction (drabble, one shot, multi-chaptered fic), drawing/painting (digital or traditional), 2in1 for superheros: comics, animation, gifset, scrapbook style montage, photo or video edit... Tell us, if you have any other idea!
For fic, I'd like to keep a minimum word counts which is 1k, HOWEVER you can participate with shorter drabbles too, if that works better for you. But in this case please write more of them, like short chapters (that not necessarily related to each other) to reach 1k.
For the others, there are no requirements, except to be creative! Which is never a problem in this fandom... ;)
3) We try to give you enough time to create your gift to make this event as stress-free as possible. That means you'll have 7-10 weeks to do this (it's your choice, depends on when you wish to post your gift in December). That's why we're starting this so early.
Signups: September 28th -  October 12th Giftee assignments: October 14th Creating period in Santa's workshop: October 14th - Dec 23th Posting period: December 1-24th
4) Everyone is welcome to joins us in any way. But if you participate, please don't forget that you'll be someone's Secret Santa this year. Which means that someone, who takes the time and effort to make a gift for someone else is expecting a gift of their own - from you. 
5.) It's okay to be a little late. It's especially okay not to post a whole multi-chaptered fic until Christmas. However, please try to post something, anything until dec 24th - even if it's "just" the first short chapter of a multi-chaptered fic. Please don't feel it's not enough, it's perfect, you just started to post a long fic, are you kidding?? Your giftee will love you for it! But please, also make sure you finish what you started, and do that within a reasonable time.
6) If you realize that you probably won't be able to post anything in time, not even one short chapter (but you are determined to do it soon): don't freak out! Just please, please communicate! Let us know and send an anonymous message to your person, let them know their gift is running a little late. Don't worry, no one will be mad at you, I promise. :) Life happens!
7) Which brings us to a very important part: If you decided to participate, please take it seriously and don't forget about it!! If you realize that you won't be able to fulfill what you've committed to, PLEASE CONTACT US ASAP because it means that we have to find a very generous new Santa for your giftee in time!!!!
8) Will we give you prompts? 
Kind of... Yes and no. We'll definitely have some (probably open) questions for every one of you about what you like, so you'll have some idea to choose from and work with - if you want to. Please look at this as an option because we do this to HELP YOU, not to sabotage your creative energy!!! :) It can make your gift more personal, but you don't have to use any of it if you have trouble with it. Again, it's an option and your giftee will know that - some people need inspiration, some people don't.
Also, if you have more questions, you can always tell us and we'll try to get more information from your giftee's interests for you.
9) No-nos:
We respect everyone's feelings and interests but please, please do the same and in your prompts try to avoid of the really dark topics, like your favorite topic EVER is <3 major character death <3 (to use a valid example). This might make your Secret Santa very anxious about how to please you. It's Christmas time, regardless of the theme of your gift, and most of us love to keep our love ones alive, well... any time of the year, really. ;) So please consider to sugar coat your feelings about this, for example, say you like angst, or that you can handle heavy topics. (So your Santa have a choice but probably won't feel like they have to kill someone for Christmas to make you happy. ;) ) //Yes, I'm traumatized, sorry about this.//
This also applies to gifts: be creative but please, avoid the very divisive topics (you know what those are), so everyone can enjoy your gift in this fandom equally.
!! AI generated art and fic are not allowed !!
10) A tip: This event is not about the gift only. Your giftee will always be happy to know that their secret Santa is thinking about them. A nice anonymous message in the question box or through us, like "I'm making your present, I hope you'll love it" or just "I'll be there soon ;) - your Santa" can put a HUGE smile on anyone's face! Please make sure you stay anonymous, though!!!!
11) Keep your giftee in secret. This is a secret mission.
12) Tags to use and follow: #klainesecretsanta2024 and #kss2024  - we'll track both.
13) Do you have any questions or suggestions? Our ask box is always open!
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