#trusting ayan enough that it could be a possibility that this could be something he could request?
grapejuicegay · 2 years
When akk says "I'm not like you" and "i can't do it i can't say it" it's not about being gay. He's already acknowledged his feelings to himself ("why did it have to be you" a few eps back). It's about being like ayan. He can't disagree with the rules and let it be known, he can't protest with the world remembers, he can't even offer support to their cause. He can't just join a rival school. He has too much at stake here. He's scared. Of ayan. Of his influence. Of his influence on akk. Of them being a possibility.
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theflagscene · 2 years
Hello! New-ish follower here. I would like to ask your opinion on how the think the reveal of the connection betweek Aye and Teacher Dika will go? It seems the guys at the school are really fond of him but think another school bought him or something? early on he was called a traitor, wasnt he? Anyway, I wonder if Akk and his friends will somehow find out about Aye and Dika or if Aye will tell them himself. And if at some point Aye is at his limit and would just yell it out? What are your thoughts?
Hello! Welcome to my insanity 😊
Yes, Dika is definitely seen as a trader by the boys that were close to him, especially since he apparently went to work at the rival school. That is probably just the cover that Chadok and the other teachers gave the school, I think Dika killed himself when he was still working at Suppalo, which is why none the the students know he’s dead, because the teachers lied and said he chose to transfer to their rival school. Which tainted his reputation among the student body, had they said he died, he could’ve easily become a martyr which is the last thing the teachers in charge want. I think Chadok knows who Ayan is, it’s clear something was going on between Dika and Chadok, be it friendship or something more, but either way he is aware of who Ayan is which is why he took an instant disliking to him yet in his own way was still soft on him. Think about how Ayan responded when Chadok tried to take his uncles necklace, how he spoke to Chadok, how he physically pulled the necklace away. Do you think Chadok would’ve let any other student besides possibly Akk, get away with that level of insolence? No, he did because he knows Ayan is Dika’s nephew and Dika meant something to Chadok.
As for how Akk and the others will react, what I’m hoping for is a big ass group hug and a lot of crying. But what we’ll probably get is Akk saying something stupid and Ayan decking him again, or attempting too but one of the others get between them. I don’t know why, but I get this feeling like he won’t tell Akk about Dika first, it feels more like he might tell Thua or Kan first, I think Akk is going to find out that connection through snooping and then have to sit with that heavy knowledge all on his own before he figures out how to confront Ayan about it. Ayan wants desperately for someone to share his pain with, someone who saw Dika in the same light he did. Those people are the other boys at school, the World Remembers Gang, the Perfects, all of them saw Dika as the guiding calming light in their lives just like Ayan did, that became clear when Kan pretended to be him during their game at the beach. Ayan just needs to trust them enough first to be able to share that pain with them, but also be able to withstand their pity, which I don’t think Ayan would take kindly too.
Ayan doesn’t need pity, he needs answers. In episode eight we found out that Dika did have a history of mental health issues, specifically depressive disorder, but he also had attempted suicide in the past, which was apparently tied to Chadok as well. While Dika was shown to be living ‘out’ in Ayan’s memories, he was clearly still in the closet at work and living that kind of double life while also battling depression and possibly a hidden love affair, no wonder he was driven over the edge… uh, no pun intended.
With only a few episodes left, isn’t that sad, I doubt it’ll be as huge of a reveal as I really was hoping it to be. If anything, Chadok might use it as leverage against Ayan or Akk or both, after all, the eclipse is closing in and he’s got a cult of impressionable youths to control under a guise of a fake curse he made up himself. The last thing that he needs to have mucking that up is Ayan parading around the memory is Dika to Chadok’s most loyal perfects, because I think if anything could put an end to it all, is simply saying “Dika wouldn’t want this.”
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itsdemmuses · 6 years
rules: repost, don’t reblog. just pick a muse of yours and fill it out.
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muse: Asa Jericho {Black Hat from the movie Priest}
▸ is your muse tall/short/average? Asa is 6′1. Not terribly tall, but easily tall enough to be imposing to most people.
▸ are they okay with their height? He’s never thought about it. Other than the occasional inconvenience of having to duck down farther to dodge a flying vampire, it was never something that came up in his days as a Priest. As a Vampire, he loves the fuck out of it. He stands as tall as he can, giving himself as large a presence as he can muster at almost all times.
▸ what’s their hair like? Dark brown and messy, from a lack of ability to care for it. It’s kept short simply out of habit; though it is much longer than it was as a Priest. 
▸ do they spend a lot of time on their hair/with their grooming? He is no longer required to shave after all, so why bother other than the sake of convenience? His scruff is kept down so that it does not get in the way of feeding, and he is usually wearing his wide brimmed signature hat after all. He will, from time to time, bother bathing. It does not do to reek of blood and livestock when hunting after all.
▸ does your muse care about their appearance? Somewhat. Asa understands that he is a unique being and believes he ought to respect that. Good, well kept clothing is hard to come by out in the wastes; so most of his things are at least a bit tattered; but he does try to keep them intact as best he can. New articles are stolen from towns that he’s ransacked. Things like his hair and body are what they are, and beyond cleaning them of blood and viscera he isn’t too concerned with their looks.
▸ does your muse care about what others think about them? No, in short. Yes, in long. He does not care what ‘people’ as a whole think of him; but individually there is a conflict. He was once a savior, a Priest; and a large part of him misses what little praise and fame came with that. An even larger part of him also knows he is now a fearsome predator and if he is not shown the proper respect and fear he will feel compelled to fix that very quickly.
▸ indoors or outdoors? Indors ▸ rain or sunshine? Sunshine ▸ forest or beach? What are these? (forest, if he knew what they looked like) ▸ precious metals or gems? Metals ▸ flowers or perfumes? Flowers over perfume, but yes. Both. Give. ▸ personality or appearance? Personality ▸ being alone or being in a crowd? Alone ▸ order or anarchy? Anarchy ▸ painful truths or white lies? Painful truths ▸ science or magic? To him they are the same; as he was raised by the church and knows little of magic outside of the philosophy of it. ▸ peace or conflict? Peace ▸ night or day? Night ▸ dusk or dawn? Dawn ▸ warmth or cold? Warmth ▸ many acquaintances or a few close friends? A few close friends ▸ reading or playing a game? Games, but he has no one to play with save his pack of vamps; so he mostly reads.
▸ what are some of your muse’s bad habits? Blaming all of his problems on others. Literally all of them. Nothing is his fault and he is the victim. After all, he was raised to be a weapon, a tool. He doesn’t make decisions. A sword doesn’t kill, its wielder does. For the blood on his hands he blames the church. For his being turned, he blames his fellow Priests. For his blood lust he blames the Queen that turned him. Nothing is ever his fault. If he stops for a moment to think otherwise, he might shatter into a million fragments.
▸ has your muse lost anyone close to them? how has it affected them? Their mother, back when they were six and taken into the Priest program. They do not remember what it was like to be loved, to be human. Because of this is was much easier to become what they are now. Give up their mortality and accept the ‘gift’ force-fed to them by the vampire Queen.
▸ what are some fond memories your muse has? Playing in the courtyard of the Monastery as a small child with the other Priest children. They were encouraged to play, to bond with one another. It would build their physical skill as well as teach them how to act as a team when working as adults. All he remembers of it though was chasing a little Asian girl through the halls and knocking over one of the maids in the process. The memory always makes him chuckle softly.
▸ is it easy for your muse to kill? It isn’t as easy as it was. When he first returned he killed whole towns just to draw out a single man. Since his actions inadvertently restarted the war against vampire kind he has become a bit more selective. Emotionally though, people are usually killed before they have a chance to tug at his heart. If they do manage to make him feel though its all over. He cant do it.
▸ what’s it like when your muse breaks down? When he finally breaks down? He becomes the scion of the Queen and nothing more. He’s proven what he will do. Burning whole towns. Driving trains full of hungry vampires into the lightless walled cities of the wastes. Everything he sees that is not himself or under his command will die until he has spent his rage or his sorrow. When he returns from the break, he will spend weeks alone, convincing himself that it was not his fault.
▸ is your muse capable of trusting someone with their life? Yes, but only just. His vampires, his ‘pups’ are the only ones he trusts. The problem is that he can still feel every emotion as strongly as ever, and if he were to be shown courtesy enough times by the same face then he would likely mistake it for kindness and latch on like a child to its mother.
▸ what’s your muse like when they’re in love? He is doting, bordering on smothering. He does not know how to do anything half way; and many times will begin showing his love long before the target of his affection even truly trusts him. He is a very physical man, spending time with language-lacking beasts has lead him to learn to communicate through body language and touch. These traits tend to scare most potential friends and lovers away if his vampirism does not.
TAGGED BY: I stole it from the dash. TAGGING: just steal it from me
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averyscarlet-blog · 4 years
Boy’s being Boys
Author’s Note: Eh, felt like writing this. I love all my characters, including my boi’s. Plus, I’ve been seeing the Mama Mia and Q&A meme around the internet  lately, so I want ‘Why not?’. I’m still writing my prequel series, so I had some... time. Okay not really.  Enjoy! Oh, and merry christmas!
It was a usual day at the Nest, groups from the other factions discussing amongst themselves over Soleil knows what. Ayane had just finished filling and turning in her and Rei's scouting report when she spotted her twin at the bottom of the grand staircase. Smiling from ear to ear upon spotting him, she was about to call out to him until a Hybrid Child approach him.
Ayane quickly hid below the balusters, receiving looks from passersby from how poorly hidden she was. Her twin rarely talks to a helper, mostly because it's difficult to see two selective mutes trying to maintain a straight conversation. However, something about the pair felt off. Pulling up her red hood, Ayane carefully watches from her spot as Sound writes in his notebook and holds it up for the Hybrid Child to read. After reading the contents, she blankly stares at him then nods.
Pleased at the response, Sound hooks his notebook to the side of his belt and follows after the Hybrid Child as she walks ahead of him. Seeing that they were leaving, Ayane scrambles and tries to run after them - without falling down the stairs. After excusing herself after accidentally bumping into several Nors, she grabs one of the large golden doors before it completely shuts behind Sound's back.
Taking a peek to see how far her sibling had gone, Ayane carefully pulls it wider to make enough room for her to squeeze through. Because it was so heavy, she had to clench her jaw to prevent herself from letting out an audible grunt. Once inside, Ayane tries to shut the door as quietly, effectively cutting off the loud chatter in the other room. She waits until she knows no one else will enter before she continues following her brother. Although now that she thinks about it, it more feels like she's stalking him. She found herself facing the walkway which cut straight through the indoor botanical gardens.
Since the artificial sunlights’ were on, Ayane knew she had to be more careful when following her twin. If he were to hear her, then she'd get caught. Had the gardens been dark like the rest of Avarus, she'd be able to somewhat conceal herself better.
"I wonder if I should just leave him be..." Ayane mumbles.
It's not like they never see each other. Not only do they live in the same dormitory, they often go on missions together and hang out where ever. She’s not dependent on him, but because they do almost everything together, they never hide or do anything behind each other’s backs. And for Ayane, it made her feel secure. Seeing Sound acting so secretive made her nervous.
Then again, it’s none of her business. She knows her brother. If it’s important, he’d tell her later.
“He would, right?” Ayane said, her voice quivering with uncertainty. Watching him as the gap between them widens, she starts to hesitate.
She trusts her brother; and he trusts her. So why does she feel such a strong urge to follow him? As, she decided to continue her pursuit. If it was nothing, and he found out, then she won’t make excuses and accept any type of punishment. While Ayane does know the importance of privacy, she can’t help but worry, especially if it’s related to her chaotic twin. Making sure to match his footsteps so there won’t be any mismatched echoing, Ayane continues to follow while also maintaining some distance.
She almost missed a step when Sound abruptly stopped in his tracks. She hid behind the closest stone column and leans a bit to watch. At first there was nothing. After several minutes, she started to think he was just here for a nice stroll. Compared to the light that permanently covered the other half of their world - since the planet itself stopped rotating a millennia ago - the gardens' lighting is the only one that feels closest to how the original sun was like before being replaced by the current artificial ball of fire in their world's dark sky.
Ayane never understood the difference when they were children. It's only after her first mission with Sound did she understand why he was so desperate in having her see an actual sun, even if it was in another world.
"Guess I should just head back." Is what she initially planned.
Just as she was about to turn away, she felt like she had a heart attack when she saw a pair of arms wrap about her brother's neck.
NO WAY! Her thoughts screamed. Sound has a girlfriend? Oh! I've gone too far! If he finds out, he's going to kill me!
This was no longer about secrecy. It was far worse. She had not simply invaded his privacy; Ayane just discovered her brother's relationship. While there are no rules against having a boyfriend/girlfriend; Belial has made it a rule to limit such relations as they are meant to solely focus on their search for Soleil. And that includes any forms of physical intimacy. If Sound saw that she had caught him, he'd definitely kill her, even if they are siblings.
Ayane began to panic and search for any possible routes of escape without being caught. Because the gardens had water streams littered around the area, there was a high chance she'd accidentally step into one and causing a single splash. She thought of just running for it while he's still distracted until she heard a voice. It certainly didn't belong to Sound; his blood curse renders him unable to, unless he wants to accidentally cause a chain reaction of bad luck. No, it was someone else.
"You know, this is the most cliché spot you wanted to meet..." Ayane gasps upon recognizing the voice. It belonged to their teammate of the same faction, their best friend - Noise. She leaned closer to listen as Noise mutters, "But I guess that's just how you are. The secret romantic type."
Sound hugs the red head back. Although there was only a height difference of and inch, it didn't stop him from nuzzling his face against his hair. He can't necessarily feel Noise's hair since he wore a kitsune mask, but just the smell was enough to put him at ease.
Noise moves so his forehead touches the flat surface of Sound's mask. "Although, I'm willing to bet this location wasn't your idea. The last place you want to meet up is where there's a giant ass spotlight on us."
Sound's golden eyes soften behind his mask. He moves backs bit to unhook his notebook from his belt. A red pen slides into his hand from the sleeve of his jacket with the flick of his wrist and starts writing.
After finishing, he holds it up. It read: 'I actually got the idea from my sis. She kept fantasizing of one day confessing her love to a certain mutt at this exact same spot.'
Noise snickers after reading. "She really has awful tastes in boys. Then again-" He brings himself closer to Sound's chest and smiles. "The same goes for her dear big brother. It must run in the family."
As they were talking, Ayane had her back pressed against her hiding spot; her face completely flushed as she was trying to comprehend what was going on. They may have grown up together, but not once did Sound ever hint that he thought of Noise that way. And the same definitely went for Noise! Back when he was still called Zephyr; he was sent off to another world as part of one of Beatrix and Belial's experiments.
While they were warned he may be a different person once they reunite, Zephyr's personality had changed significantly. Only Sound treated him indifferently. For those, such as Ayane, it was a long adjustment.
It took some time, but she came to accept his new-self. But this? What had happened for them to suddenly be in that type of relationship?  It was mind-blowing! She continued to listen in hopes of finding her answer.
"You know... I think we should tell her."
Sound tilts his head and silently stares at him quizzically.
Noise sighs, "Not just about us... About everything else. I can tell she's suspicious. She’s been trying various ways for us to ‘reconnect’. I know it’s stupid but... seeing her act like that makes me think she deserves the truth."
Smiling underneath his mask, Sound reaches up to touch the red-head's soft cheek. Wordlessly, he covers Noise's eyes. Confused at their sudden silence, Ayane wills herself to peak once again only to silently scream when she saw Sound slide his mask on top of his head.
"Is he TRYING to kill him...!?" she said, failing to hold back her voice.
The only reason Ayane didn't step in to save Noise's life when saw his arms on her twin's shoulders. She ends up on her knees as she lets out a relieved breath.
"Oh, thank God, they're just kissing...." It took Ayane a moment to think over what she just said. "They're... Kissing... Holy shit...." She was in utterly embarrassed and in disbelief; and at the same time, she felt guilty.
How could she not have realized this sooner? He’s her brother. Her TWIN. If trust is an issue, clearly Sound has a reason why he hasn’t said anything to her. And Ayane can already understand why.
“The fact it’s taken me this long to realize shows how much of an airhead I am... No wonder he hasn’t told me. He must think I’ll get a heart attack if he does!”
While she is disappointed to have learned about their relationship this way, Ayane didn’t have to see or read his message to know how happy he is. As clichéd as it sounds, as his twin, she can sense it. And if Sound’s happy, then she’s happy. She won’t complain, but she will kick his ass later for even hiding it from the beginning. Standing back to her feet, she slowly moves away from her hiding spot and turns to leave.
After they pull away to breathe, Sound pulls his mask back on and slides his hand over Noise's face, but stops at the bottom of his lips. He grimaces upon seeing the faint scar at the corner of his lips. Using his thumb to trace it, he softly rubs the surface of Noise's soft light skin all the way to his jawline. They hadn’t talked face to face at the time, but Sound was watching when it happened. Of course, he couldn’t since he wasn’t allowed to enter and interfere.
It was risky enough to visit while he was still a trainee. Had someone known he had made an unauthorized visit to Noise's world, Sound wouldn’t have been able to undergo the Ascension Ceremony with his sister and properly meet in person. Still, he felt guilty, and it pains him for being unable to tell Noise. Sensing his eyes on his scar, Noise slides his arms from Sound’s shoulders and wraps them around the other boy’s waist.
“Don’t look at me like that,” he said, surprising Sound. “What happened to me is in the past. We didn’t know each other at the time. Heck, neither of us even knew the other existed!” Sound further bows his head, but Noise grabs the chin of his mask before he could. “So whoever gave me these scars, I can assure you I kicked their asses as soon as they were healed. Before I became a lazy ass, I had enough energy to beat the shit out of whoever.”
Sound had to swallow back an incoming chuckle as he hugs him back. As much as he wants to correct Noise and tell him that he DID know who he was prior, he decided now wasn't the time. They can never hang out like this around prying eyes, so they always rely on the help of They continued holding each other until Noise lets out a long yawn.
He wrote, ‘Didn’t you just take a nap an hour ago?’
Noise shrugs. “You know me. I may have made that sleep schedule under your orders, but you know that I rarely follow it.”
Rolling his eyes, Sound moves down, much to Noise’s confusion, keeps one arm behind the red-heads shoulders then, after putting the other arm behind his knees, proceeds to sweep the boy off his feet. Noise yelps and automatically hugs Sound’s neck. If he was sleepy during their conversation, he was definitely wide awake now.
“WHAT THE FUCK!” he shouts.
Although he couldn’t see Sound’s face, Noise could tell he was smirking underneath his mask. Sound proceeds to carry him despite his protests. He knows Noise will pass out faster the longer he struggles to get out of his arms.
Snoring, Noise’s hand clutches the front fabric on Sound’s jacket as he waits for the door to their group’s apartment to slide open. Rather than seeing an empty entryhall, Sound almost jumps at the sudden appearance of his twin after the door opens. She looked crossed; and Sound was unable to write or think of an explanation. Ayane had her arms cross; her fox ears were pointed upwards, and tail was angrily fluffed and twitching.
Ayane raises a hand before Sound could wake Noise up.
“BEFORE you say anything, I just want you to know something.”
Despite the fact his arms were already aching at this point, he nods, waiting for his twin to speak.
“You have every right to be mad at me for eavesdropping. But you’ve been so secretive lately that I didn’t have a choice!”
Briefly forgetting his curse, Sound steps forward and opens his mouth to say something, but Ayane continues speaking.
“Look, I don’t care WHO you date. Hell, I wouldn’t care if the person you were dating was an imp!” Sound jerks his head back as he recoils in disgusts. “But I just want to know... Does he make you happy?”
Although Ayane’s expression appeared as if she was angry, he could tell just by looking into her eyes that she wanted to cry. Due to the physiological changes caused by her curse, her tear ducts cannot secrete tears. They stare at one another for what felt like an eternity, and if anyone were watching, they would mistake their silence as a standoff. But that wasn't what was going on.
While twin telepathy isn't an actual thing, their silence spoke volumes. Blinking, a broad smile crossed her face as her fox ears began to relax and her tail starts wagging.
"Okay!" She then angrily pinches Noise's cheek, who merely whines in his sleep. "I swear, if he tries to do anything, I'll make sure to spike all of the lazubum's drinks with speed!"
He reflexively reaches to pat the top of her head but nearly drops Noise in the process. Luckily, Ayane catches the upper half of his body. She was relieved at first, then took a whiff of his scent. Ayane gags and covers her nose with both hands after Sound regains his grasp on Noise.
"Eeeeeew! When the heck was the last time he bathed!?"
Sound shrugs, causing Ayane to immediately back away.
Bolting towards the stairs, she shouts, "DROP HIM IN THE TUB! STRIP OFF HIS CLOTHES! I don't care if you nearly drown him of he ends up streaking in the morning, JUST replace his scent with something else!"
He enters the living room and watches as Ayane runs across the interior balcony of the upper floor and runs straight into her room. Her sense of smell is higher than an average human's. Although he had to agree, there are some things he can tolerate when it comes to Noise's laziness, but hygiene is off the table. Then again, he can't exactly wake up Noise and tell him to shower. He'll do it, but he may end up sleeping - and potentially drowning - in the tub again from the comfort of the warm waters.
Shaking his head, he was going to ignore her instructions and head straight to Noise's room. Then an idea popped into his head. She said he can remove her clothes and replace his scent, but she wasn't exactly specific about those requirements. Knowing no one was around to listen, he starts to carry Noise up the stairs and heads to his room.
Extra Bit
Ayane pinches her nose as Noise angrily eats his breakfast between her and Sound. Noise was a complete mess. Although it's normal in terms of clothing, Ayane felt as if he was wearing more layers than usual. It was as if he was trying to cover something up.
"Sound, what the heck did you do?"
"Yeah, what DID you do?" Noise angrily repeats, practically biting into the metal of his fork as he took another bite.
Sound wrote, 'I just gave him a nice massage and a bath. He's just tired from the exercising so much in bed.'
Ayane stares at that part and innocently asks, "What do you mean in bed? What kind of exercising could he do to make him this worn out?"
Rei and Xavier, who were on the other far side of the kitchen counter, simultaneously drop their metal sporks onto their bowls. The brunette was bright red while 'younger' boy facepalmes over what they accidentally heard.
"Ayane, thank Soleil your mind hasn't been tainted like your brother's..." Xavier mumbles.
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