#trump booed
alicemccombs · 4 months
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How the fuck do you plan to beat fascism by letting them completely control the narrative of their biggest propaganda victory to date?
Just cede the election at this point what the fuck
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rejectingrepublicans · 4 months
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sher-ee · 4 months
5/25/2024 - Here is a clip of Trump getting booed last night at the Libertarian National Conference in Washington, DC. You can hear the people yelling "Bullsh*t!" and "F*ck You!"
Watch his face after each boo - when he typically gets cheers - it's priceless.
Outside of his cult he is despised.
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wensdaiambrose · 3 months
"What did you mean that they want Biden to drop out, and not Trump??"
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fish-shaped-mango · 1 year
It's a gay void.
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themurderrose · 1 month
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Its a tapestry of two, and Seungkwan feels himself welling up, tears pressing against his eyes, and he can feel the beginnings of a headache. He swallows down tears, but they keep coming, and before he knows it he’s sobbing, crouched down onto his knees and shaking with the force of them. An arm wraps around him, and Jeonghan hums something softly, easing him onto a chair that Seungkwan knows wasn’t there a moment ago. Jeonghan presses against him and draws him into a hug, his fingers carding through Seungkwan’s hair. “Happy tears?” Seungkwan nods, “Happy tears.”
High Witch Jeonghan and Warlock's Apprentice Seungkwan have a chance meeting in an inn... courting ensues!
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tomorrowusa · 4 months
Donald Trump spoke at the Libertarian Party convention. That was made possible by some pro-MAGA elements gaining control of the Libertarian leadership. That didn't stop Trump from getting a lot of boos.
If Donald Trump came to the Libertarian National Convention to make peace on Saturday, it could hardly have gone worse. Within minutes of beginning speaking — and after enduring sustained jeering and boos — the former president turned on the third party, mocking its poor electoral record in presidential elections even as he appealed to them for their endorsement. “What’s the purpose of the Libertarian Party of getting 3 percent?” Trump asked the crowd, which proceeded to pelt him with jeers. “You should nominate Trump for president only if you want to win.” The libertarians in attendance didn’t want to hear it, as hecklers chucked insults at Trump all night. “Liar,” they called him. “Panderer,” they shouted. “You crushed our rights,” they belted.
Why would a political grouping committed to personal liberty welcome somebody who bragged about his appointees to the US Supreme Court killing the federal right to abortion?
In his own words...
Somebody who wants to tell people what they can do with their bodies is not exactly dedicated to personal freedom.
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makerofmadness · 9 months
Okay so genuine question, would renting or buying the FNAF movie using DirecTV give that money to Jason Blum? I've been thinking about watching it but I don't wanna support him
Ok uh I looked into it: basically he is not financially supporting Israel to my knowledge and according to the article I read on this he does seem like he doesn't want Palestinian genocide he just like. He and the other like way too many hollywood guys that signed this think that getting rid of Hamas would just mean that Palestinians and Israelis would get along when in reality it doesn't solve the horrific treatment of Palestinians by Israel and their whole history that caused Hamas to form in the first place and allowed it to rise to such power-
yeah but like I don't think watching the fnaf movie's gonna like. Doom the world or anything like blumhouse isn't on the BDS list that's all you need to know when it comes to Palestine-related boycotts I think. I don't think boycotting it would really do much like boycotting is a strategy that you kinda need to have a lot of people behind and need to be able to Make the reason behind it clear enough to have it mean anything like idk read what BDS says it explains it better than I can. Like if it's just like a moral thing then idk can't help ya there but I don't think it's worth getting that bothered about if the money isn't going anywhere bad even if it's going to someone bad or at least. Kinda naive.
(uh I hope this is coherent I spent way too long typing and re-typing this and it is now 1:41am dear God I am losing focus on what im saying I think-)
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casinoarcs · 23 days
this is why its important for IP holders to actually like their content. the recent mario movie & detective pikachu were overseen by one of, if not the most, strict company when it comes to usage of their characters.
whether or not you like them its undeniable that love went into the film's visuals and stories.
Microsoft have always seen Minecraft as a means to an end, and no matter what part Mojang played in this mess it was 100% the rich and powerful people who made it into slop.
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wyrmfedgrave · 27 days
Just read it.
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notesfromachair · 3 months
The Bear of Biden
Joe Biden is not demented or senile or any of the other lovely adjectives many nervous Democrats and Never Trump Republicans have been using to describe him. What Pres Biden is – is 81 years old. I mean… OK… I guess? You get older and your voice gets hoarse, you sometimes jumble words (Note: Especially when you have a stutter) and on really bad days, you lose your train of thought. This…
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evilmark999 · 7 months
"I'll go to my deathbed knowing that they lied. They looked into the State Senators' eyes - and the people of Georgia and people of America - and lied to them about this - and KNEW they were lying - to try to keep this charade going on, that there was fraud in Georgia..."
When Tucker Carlson said, "this is not a conspiracy theory," and when Laura Ingraham and Sean Hannity and the rest of the entertainment sycophants still at FOX echoed and continue to echo those same kinds of statements, then you can take it to YOUR deathbed that it IS all a lie, that they're ALL liars - from top to bottom - that they're ALL very KNOWINGLY liars, and don't deserve to be trusted to tell one iota of the truth. Ever!
Just like Donald Trump. And just like Rudy Giuliani. And just like every other christofascist MAGA supporter. Knowingly liars. Full stop!
Write all of their names down, and never forgive, and never forget. They are ALL very KNOWINGLY deceiving everyone that isn't one of them, and will look YOU or anyone or EVERYONE in the eye without a care at all...
Too many names. I ran out of tags...
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soshinee · 1 year
well i’m reading a recap of the gop debate and it is not alleviating my doomerism in the slightest. in fact all of these people are worse than i thought except for maybe chris christie which i never in my life thought i wld ever say
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loving-n0t-heyting · 2 years
“Trump was ackshually a huge realist dove” is like. Delusional contrarianism. But it is true that he scaled back US military involvement anywhere to any extent and liberal neocon ghouls are now happy to use this fact as an opportunity to smear the narrowest restraints of American imperialism with the taint of OrNge Man Bad
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