#truly he is a majestic beast
fayeandknight · 1 year
Had our open house today to celebrate and show off our new building (we start Monday).
Forte played demo dog for agility. I was a little nervous to be working in a room full of people. But he did amazing and stayed focused even though I'm sure he wanted to greet his adoring fans, lol.
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zankydraws · 1 year
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honestly one of the designs of all time
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bombombooty · 9 months
lazy days with the strawhat pirates :)
the days on the sea aren't always full of action, and that's okay! in that moment, it's nice to take the time for yourself... and with your favorite strawhat!
chrs: Monster Trio, Nami, Robin, Usopp
cw: none, just fluff
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Monkey D. Luffy
and even if it may not be as much of a "lazy day" with the eccentric captain, it most certainly is still an enjoyable one. He who can't completely stay still finds fun in irritating others into hanging out or in his terms, "not being boring"- he says this all with a pout as he waddles around whining to his fellow shipmates
yet if it were truly a lazy day, and the rubber man succumbed to the rays of the afternoon sun, he finds his own enjoyment in stretching his arms all the way around you, gluing himself on and vowing to never let go (he doesn't let you go anywhere without him touching you)
develops a mischievous nature in the sight of the fridge, or what sanji swore to protect from the "hungry beast", but then eventually ends up stealing food after what feels like countless tries
you, always being by his side on these days means sharing food. even if he seems like the person not to, you are a clear exception to him. Whether it be a bite, a chunk, he will give to his favorite person in the world; right after, he drowns you in infinite kisses with that signature grin of his
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Roronoa Zoro
the swordsman is always tight-up, never letting his guard down, never letting anyone step all over him and his manly pride. However, that all disappears on a quiet afternoon when you pick up the sound of a certain green-haired man snoring incredibly loud
despite his restful sleep, it won't stop him from grabbing you and holding you tight as if it were a simple habit of his. He snakes his strong arms around you, not letting go until he opens his eyes cluelessly to you in his arms
in mention of that manly pride of his, he trusts you to watch in the distance as he lifts those large dumbbells of his; he finds his confidence raised to the roof when you're there
the poor man, dense as always. the crew always takes the time on moments like this to tease him about the lack of romance he brings to the table. Furious, he simply gives a large frown after protesting that he's a great lover
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Vinsmoke Sanji
and if every single day doesn't stop him from spoiling you with his passionate love, these calms day only fuel him more. It's a skill the chef possesses, finding himself to be quite the "professional" in his vernacular
the times he's not in the kitchen, he spends it with you. Looking out into the vast, blue, and majestic sea, he dreams of seeing it all with you- tracing patterns on the back of your hand and a kiss on the forehead, as he rests his head on the crevice of your neck
his romantic tactics comes into the light as he simply asks you to help him in the kitchen. It was just the two of you, sharing a moment together. He, of course, cannot help but flirt with his beautiful lover- in which it then becomes an ever so lovely kitchen date that lasts for hours
sometimes, when the strawhats could still be fast asleep, the blonde-haired man takes the chance to spread a blanket on the grassy floors and have a picnic (along with an occasional addition of the little reindeer, Chopper) with you. With smooth words like silk, it is almost as if he serenades you. It doesn't take long for you to utter a word of love to him, and his face is a flustering red
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• although the ship itself may be at peace, she still finds herself preferring an intimate, private spot to be with you. In the presence of just the two of you and her endless charts and maps, she'll pepper you with kisses and physical attention. She likes to bug you about her wardrobe, and sometimes, if you're lucky, the tangerine-colored hair woman rambles about all the things she'd like to wear, and their prices; you never see the end of it
• she could be busy logging away things, charting maps, and so on. But sometimes of the ship were too quiet, nami wishes for you to stay by her side silently so she feels more at ease. Don't mention it though, or else she'll kick you out
• with the help of sanji, she'll feed you and herself some of those precious tangerines and numerous drinks he sends down for the two of you to enjoy. Silently, she enjoys seeing the pleasant face you make when you take a bit of the tangerine or a sip of the drink, as she wraps you into a tender embrace that only happens once in a blue moon
• if the morning dawns or the sun falls, she'll gladly encourage you to do a skin routine with her, just so you two can talk endlessly about the infinite random topics that string to no where. As long as you're there, she always feels at home
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Nico Robin
• before you know it, she'll have you swayed into the thin sheets of spread out blankets with a book open, the only thing lit in the room being a simple few candles, and maybe a few rose petals. Slowly, she grazes her one of two hands against your hair, the other holding you close to her as you may also have a book- or perhaps not
• she simply wishes to listen to you speak, her undivided attention on you and your kissable face. You may not know what she's thinking, but as the waves collapse onto the Sunny, and the sun shines on the two of you, it's not hard to know that she's ready to press her lips gently onto yours at anytime
• she'll do anything you wish, just as long as she's there to watch- her quiet nature didn't mean she hated it, but she just loved when you do it. Everything about you drove her in a unique way of crazy, and the long-haired woman never wished to let go of it
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• believe it or not, the sniper was more of an active man. He'll be constructing a new device of his, or playing card games- something to keep him busy. Yet while he's busy he rambles to you, word by word as he makes up all these stories. One of them, being about a certain person in his life that was like an angel sent to him from Skypiea
• he likes to show you, and his little crowd (consisting of luffy and chopper) obvious magic tricks easy enough to amuse the lot of you in an instant, a hearty laugh coming from the curly haired man. His unwavering pride only bigger with you there
• he can be a crazy amount of shy in ratio to his cockiness when it comes to showing you some physical love. But in purpose of showing his love to you, when the sun is low and just the two of you stand on the deck, he'll gladly wrap his arms around you, kissing you in this slightly clumsy, but affectionate way in that unique way of his
(( _ _ ))..zzzZZ
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hello!! i am peter, helping test the anon
HLC react to MC’s phoenix after they bring it to the RoR? I like to think MC would name him Eleazar :)
MC holds their arm out for the majestic phoenix as it circles overhead. "Eleazar!" MC calls out and the phoenix gracefully decends. Its golden feathers glitter in the faux sunlight provided by the sanctuary within the Room of Requirement.
SEBASTIAN SALLOW: "You found a PHOENIX!? Do you have any idea how lucky you are? Wait...does this mean, YOU HAVE PHOENIX TEARS!?!?" He nearly falls over from the realization. They're holding the cure for Anne. The real cure. She can finally, truly be healed. He tears up and falls to his knees. MC kneels next to him and holds him with their free arm as he openly sobs with relief.
OMINIS GAUNT: He's never heard a phoenix call before. MC describes the bird to him and he nearly drops his wand. "Incredible. How did you- actually, don't tell me. I don't need to know what you had to do to find this beast. I worry enough about you as it is."
ANNE SALLOW: She sits on a rock with MC, standing too long is painful. The phoenix moves from MC onto her shoulder and leans it's head against hers. It seems to sense her pain and gives a mournful coo. She's about to ask about the bird's behavior when MC quickly takes a small vial from their pocket and holds it under the phoenix's face. It suddenly dawns on her. The phoenix is trying to heal her. It takes everything in her to not cry her own tears.
IMELDA REYES: "Is that beast real?" Her snarkyness can't disguise her genuine surprise. "I thought they were just tales, nevermind what's used as wand cores. Who knows how old those feathers are...so, how fast can it fly?" The phoenix gives her a challenging look.
NATSAI ONAI: "How magnificent!" She holds out her hand and the phoenix accepts her gentle touch. "You are just as special as I always knew you to be, MC. To have a phoenix's trust, how does it feel to be the universes favorite?" She laughs.
GARRETH WEASLEY: He's absolutely SALIVATING at he thought of a phoenix feather. Do they have one? Can he have one? Pleeeeese?? He will literally sell his soul for one. He is actually on his knees, begging. He has no dignity when it comes to one of the most rare ingredients on earth.
LEANDER PREWETT: He's still trying to wrap his head around this Room of Requirement, let alone the sanctuary. He can hardly believe what he's seeing. He doesn't know what to say or do. MC has officially broken him. He just gives a helpless shug and holds his arms out to the phoenix in a gesture of "how am I supposed to respond to this?"
AMIT THAKKAR: He's only read about them, books don't do them justice. The feather are far more vibrant and have this mystical flame like shimmer. It's almost indescribable. He's in absolute awe, but jumps a little if the bird moves in his direction. It's a powerful beast.
EVERETT CLOPTON: In his awe, he reaches forward too fast and the phoenix pecks at his hand. "Ow! Sorry, got a little carried away." He puts his nipped hand in his pocket and sticks to admiring the bird up close hands free.
POPPY SWEETING: Her jaw drops and doesn't come back up for a while. When she can find the words, she asks a billion questions in rapid fire succession. The biggest one being HOW they found the phoenix to begin with. "Bloody UNICORNS are easier to find!!" She is bound and determined to befriend the phoenix. She needs that beast cred bragging right.
ELEAZAR FIG: He smiles bashfully, hearing that MC has apparently named their phoenix after him. MC encourages the phoenix to sit on his shoulder and it puffs up as it gets comfortable. "This is a wonderful surprise, MC. Thank you, I am truly honored to be the name you put on this magnificent beast." He means it, his heart is full and fit to burst.
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SSR Jack Howl - Platinum Jacket Vignette
"Happy 100th Anniversary"
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
Jack: Oh, this painting has wolves in the snow chasing an intruder that was romping through their territory. Very brave of them.
Jack: And this painting… Ah, it's a wolf that raised an orphaned baby. Didn't know one did that.
Jack: There's so many wolves to be proud of.
Jack: ―Ah, oops. I can't help lingering whenever I see a painting of wolves. Since they invited me all the way out here, I should take a look at the other stuff as well.
Jack: Hm? What's that painting of those animals over there…?
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???: Oho? This is quite the tasteful art piece.
Jack: Oh you're… Malleus-senpai. So, you like this one, too?
Malleus: Indeed. It is truly a scene to behold that I could not help myself stopping before it.
Malleus: The sight of the baboon walking through the throng of animals, all whom have their heads bowed, is majestic and beautiful… Whatever could they be doing there?
Jack: I think this is… Yeah, a depiction of when all the animals gathered to celebrate the birth of their prince.
Jack: The baboon in the center there was respected by all the other animals as a real capable sorcerer.
Jack: Not only was he an amazing mage, he was also good at drawing, and was real strong, too.
Jack: Don't you think that's amazing? It's only natural that he'd remain in the history books, especially being that skilled.
Malleus: True, those with exceptional talents have a charming tendency to attract the attention of others.
Malleus: And you, Howl, seem to have quite the font of knowledge, with how you to readily are able to answer my queries...
Jack: Heh, I just a thing or two about the history of animals, since I'm a beastman, and all. Back when I was a kid, I'd have a ton of picture books, and I'd hear all about them.
Jack: But I think it was the tales of the King of Beasts that really made me actually go to the library and want to study more on it.
Jack: Take the fact that he was the leader of his pride. He must've been a head above everyone else in all his abilities.
Malleus: Heh… I'm certain that was the case. At any rate, it sounds to me as though this conversation has lit a fire inside of you.
Malleus: You seem to have some form of attachment to the King of Beasts.
Jack: I wouldn't say attachment… I just respect the way he pursued his life.
Malleus: Respect, I see. Well then, have you ever thought of seizing the position of pack leader as the King of Beasts did?
Jack: Nah. I don't like being part of a pack, and I'm not one for leadership.
Malleus: Oho? I was under the impression that wolves hunted in packs.
Jack: If we have the same end goal, sure, I'll team up with whoever. But it's not like I'll obediently wag my tail for everyone.
Jack: A pack leader needs to be wiser and more responsible than anyone else.
Jack: If the guy at the top makes the wrong judgement, then everyone else will suffer.
Malleus: So, you consider "wisdom" to be the key trait of a leader?
Jack: I mean, it's not enough to just be wise. They also have to be physically strong. There are folk out there that'll use sly and cowardly methods to do what they want.
Jack: If they don't have the strength to completely crush 'em down, they're not worthy of that spot at the top.
Malleus: Heh… You sure do tout some lofty expectations, Howl.
Jack: I just don't like compromising. And, since these are expectations, there'd be no point into setting them so low in the first place.
Jack: Sometimes people say I'm overly conscious, or a pain to deal with, but… So what?
Jack: No matter what anyone else might say, I follow what I believe in. I decided that long ago.
Malleus: Heh, I see that you're a rather stubborn one, Howl. However, I cannot say that pride is a terrible thing to have.
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
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Jack: So, this museum also has a painting of a young lady wishing at a well, huh.
Jack: Back home… I mean, in the Shaftlands, you'd see this pretty much everywhere, but it's been a while since I've laid eyes on one, myself.
Malleus: Hm? Is this painting that well known in the Shaftlands?
Jack: Not really this painting, so much as the actual story behind it. To the point where you'd see artwork based on it displayed all over the country.
Jack: You'll get people tryin' to make a wish in the well like she does, too.
Jack: My little sister'll run to a well every time she sees one. Not like there's any proof that it'll grant her wish, but she still does.
Malleus: You make it sound as though you've never wished upon a well, Howl.
Jack: Uh, well… I did try when I was a kid… But only once.
Malleus: Oho, and why was that?
Jack: At the moment I tried to cast my wish, I fell into the well…
Jack: At the time, I was a little too short to look over the edge of the well. So, I tried to hoist myself over the rim, but I put a little too much oomph into it.
Jack: It was an old well, so there wasn't any water, but a huge pile of fallen leaves, so I didn't get hurt… But it did startle me pretty bad then.
Jack: On top of that, that well was in the middle of the forest, where people didn't really walk past. No matter how hard I yelled, no one came by.
Malleus: What misfortune. However, as you are standing here before me today, I must assume that someone did indeed come and save you.
Jack: Nope, I got out by myself. Luckily, the inside of the well had real blocky walls, so I was able to use them as footholds as I climbed out.
Jack: But that definitely wasn't easy. Back then, I wasn't training or nothing, so I didn't really have any muscles, either.
Jack: I thought I was going to fall so many times, but somehow, I got out of there…
Jack: As soon as I got out of the well, I collapsed, 'cause I was so exhausted and just couldn't move for a while.
Jack: I really thought I was in a huge pinch there, but… At the same time, I was also a pretty impressed.
Malleus: Impressed…?
Jack: Yeah. I was having trouble just climbing up to the edge of the well in the first place, but then I was able to climb the whole well up to the surface.
Jack: I was able to do something that I didn't think I'd be able to do. That means that any wish can be granted…
Jack: So, basically, anytime I'd have extra time that would have otherwise been spent wishing on a well, I just worked out, instead.
Malleus: Fufu, you truly found an extreme approach… But I see. Essentially, this incident was not completely misfortunate.
Jack: Yeah, I'd say so. I think I'm how I am now, because of what happened there.
Jack: Now that I'm thinking of why I got into all this training, I kind of want to work out now.
Jack: When I get back to campus, I'm going to throw myself into my training even more, so that I can overcome anything I encounter with my own power!
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
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Jack: The Queen of Hearts, huh… I feel like I see her depicted alongside animals a lot.
Malleus: True. However, that is a rather unusual bird.
Malleus: It appears to be a flamingo; however I've never seen a lime green one in my life.
Jack: From what I heard, in the country that the Queen of Hearts ruled over there were flamingos of various colors, not just pink.
Jack: When Heartslabyul do their traditional croquet tournaments, they use magic to color the animals to match this tale.
Malleus: Oho? You certainly know much about this.
Jack: Me and those two from Ramshackle got invited by Ace and Deuce to play croquet with them, so…
Jack: It's just something I heard back then.
Jack: …Ugh, man. Talking about it reminded me of how I lost pretty bad then.
Malleus: Those in Heartslabyul are quite familiar with croquet. Is it not surprising to lose to them?
Jack: Even if I've never played it before, I'm usually pretty good at any sport I try. Only…
Jack: The croquet they play in Heartslabyul has real weird rules, and you need to get the animals to work with you.
Jack: During our game, the flamingo and hedgehogs were nervous only with me, so they didn't move like I was hoping they would.
Jack: They weren't scared of Grim and [Yuu], even though they were also playing with us...
Jack: The fact that I lost without being able to do anything really frustrates me.
Jack: Or more like… Can that game even be called a sport, in the first place?
Malleus: Certainly, I would agree that it is a far cry different from what one would consider an ordinary sport. I was also surprised when I first observed it.
Jack: You think so too, right!? It's just weird, needing to work alongside the animals like that...
Jack: Seeing that all the sport-loving types in my dorm haven't ever played it before…
Jack: I really don't think they could even be put in the same category. But I can't deny that I did lose the game.
Jack: When the next time comes that I play croquet with them, I can't show a terrible display like that again.
Jack: So that just means that I have to keep up in my Animal Linguistics classes!
Malleus: I see. So, ever since you lost, you've been continuing to improve yourself.
Malleus: They do say that the languages of smaller animals is rather difficult to absorb. Good for you, putting your all into even a mere game.
Jack: That's 'cause I don't want to lose the same game twice. Next time, I'll make Ace and Deuce lose face.
Malleus: Fufu, I shall hope for your efforts to be successful.
Malleus: ―Well then, I shall make my way to a different exhibit. You should also make an effort to look at some more of your favorite paintings.
Jack: …There he goes. He just does his own thing, huh? I really don't know what goes through his head.
Jack: Well, whatever. I guess I'll head towards another exhibit too. …Hm? This painting…
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Jack: Ah, a lion prince, and his hornbill attendant. Heh, how can such a pathetic lookin' lion really become king?
Jack: I'll only ever accept someone strong. If they're to be king, they need to have the power to crush all greedy and sleazy people down.
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Requested by Anonymous.
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illuminatedquill · 9 months
A Sabine Wren & Ezra Bridger Story
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Story Summary: Takes place during Ahsoka Season 2. Making a hasty exit from Peridea, Sabine Wren and Ezra Bridger are finally heading home together - only without Ahsoka, who elected to stay behind to finish the mission she started. Feeling lost without the presence of her Master and the grim ordeal of facing Thrawn's resurgent Empire ahead, Sabine is facing her lowest point yet. However, her trial is just beginning as Ezra finally confronts his closest friend with the knowledge about her deal with Thrawn. And the conversation that follows will change everything between them.
*Fan-art by the amazing @rancidsugar! Used here with their permission, since it directly inspired this fanfic.
Author’s Note: With the fantastic news that Ahsoka S2 is now in development, I finally decided to take a crack at writing the next reunion for our favorite duo. It’s a long time coming, and we all know Sabine needs to come clean with Ezra about certain things she’s been hiding from him. Let’s see how he responds.
The star whale's mouth gaped open, as Huyang maneuvered the T-6 shuttle into its mouth. Sabine held her breath as the vessel slipped inside, warily keeping an eye on the enormous teeth that hovered directly over them.
"Easy does it," muttered Ezra. He stood between her and Huyang in the shuttle's cockpit, eyes closed and hand outstretched; through the Force, Sabine could feel her friend communicating with the purrgil. Reassuring waves of calm and peace flowed through the bond he had with the majestic beast, making sure that they were not crunched between its massive jaws.
Sabine gazed in admiration at Ezra's competence, in the easy confidence he had in his abilities. He had grown so much in his time away from home and truly become the Jedi that Kanan wished him to be.
He would be so proud of you, she thought with a pang of melancholy. Not for the first time, she wished Kanan was here to witness all of this.
Her thoughts turned to her own master, Ahsoka Tano, who had elected to stay behind to finish her task on Peridea. Sabine felt guilt trickle into her emotions, remembering their last conversation before she left.
"We're supposed to stick together, remember? I'm not leaving you."
"Thrawn is your mission. What's happening here on Peridea is mine. I must see this through. And Ezra will need your help in defeating Thrawn."
"I can't do this without you, master. There's so much more I need to learn."
"You already know everything you need. I have nothing more to offer you than this: just be yourself, Sabine. That's more than enough."
She closed her eyes, feeling the pang of melancholy sharpen into grief. Once again, another loved one had gone and there was nothing she could do about it.
As if reading her thoughts, Huyang said, "Do not grieve for Lady Tano, Sabine. She was only able to make her choice because of you."
"You mean it was my fault," said Sabine bitterly.
"Not at all. It is because you are going home that she was able to stay on Peridea to deal with the threat there. She trusted you, Sabine Wren, to deal with Thrawn."
You know I can always count on you, right?
Sabine felt a small smile escape through the gloom of her feelings, remembering the young boy who had uttered those words a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away . . .
Ahsoka had told her the same in their last conversation. Her master was counting on her to see this through. And she would. She promised herself, and to Ahsoka, that she would do whatever it takes to ensure that it was done.
And then she would bring Ahsoka home, so they could all finally live in peace.
The shuttle shuddered and a bright spectrum of lights filled the cabin; Sabine squinted her eyes at the dazzling array, almost blinded by the light show in front of them.
"Here we go," said Ezra. She looked at him, seeing the satisfied smile on his face. Sabine, not able to help herself, reached forward and squeezed his hand.
Ezra turned to look at her. "Thanks for coming back," she said.
He squeezed her hand back affectionately. "Did it in record time, too," he teased. "What's your excuse?"
Sabine rolled her eyes. "There was a war still going on, remember?"
"Uh-huh," replied Ezra, sounding unconvinced. "I guess I'll let it slide."
"This will take a while," Huyang said, interrupting their banter. "Ezra, if you would please tend to Lady Wren's injuries? I will stay here and keep an eye on things while you two rest."
Sabine blinked and then a wave of exhaustion and pain swept over her; she had forgotten how desperate their escape had been until now when Huyang had said something.
Ezra blinked and muttered a curse. "Right. Sorry, Sabine." He reached forward and lifted her from the co-pilot seat. She started to protest but another wave of exhaustion slipped past her defenses and only a weak mumble escaped her lips as Ezra carried her to the med-bay.
"You're awfully quiet," observed Sabine while he finished patching up her wounds some time later.
Ezra carefully applied a final bandage to a cut on her right upper forearm before replying, "Huyang's right. You shouldn't beat yourself up about Ahsoka. She needed to stay. And you needed to go home."
He sat back and double-checked his handiwork. "Can you walk?"
Sabine attempted to sit up from the medical bed but was immediately faced with a dozen sharp pinpricks of pain from all over her body. "You mean today?" she asked through gritted teeth.
Ezra smiled briefly at her attempt at humor before saying, "Bedrest it is, then."
Sabine grimaced but laid back in the bed. "This is doing wonders for my confidence," she muttered.
Ezra reached out and held her hand. "Surviving Peridea is an achievement only a few can claim. It's an exclusive club, Sabine. You're now a part of it."
She snorted. "Well," she mused, "if Thrawn can do it, then I sure as hell can."
At the mention of Thrawn, she saw Ezra's face become troubled. A flash of insight from the Force revealed something dark roiling beneath Ezra's confidence . . .
"What is it?" she asked quietly. "I felt that."
Ezra let go of her hand and sat back in his chair. She could practically see the gears whirring away inside his head as he thought through some particularly difficult decision.
Finally, he seemed to make up his mind. "I found the purrgils," he said slowly.
"I can see that," replied Sabine. "Seeing as though we're in one."
Ezra reached up to rub the back of his head. He's nervous about something, she noted. Her stomach began to sink, feeling the direction of his thoughts; small seeds of doubt were sprouting in his mind.
About her.
He looked up at her. "So did Thrawn," he said.
She inhaled sharply. "He was there?"
Ezra nodded. "He guessed what my next move was. I managed to get ahead of him, thanks to Hera's intervention but . . ."
"But what, Ezra?" Sabine felt like she didn't want to know the answer.
He reached down to his belt and took out his comm-link. "He sent me a message," he said quietly.
Ezra clicked on the comm-link and a conversation began to play.
Thrawn: "I must congratulate you on your success today, Ezra Bridger. You've shown great loyalty to your friends, Sabine Wren and Ahsoka Tano."
Ezra: "Not that you would understand anything about that. I'll be seeing you later, Grand Admiral."
Thrawn: "Indeed you will. Perhaps to a changed galaxy. All thanks to your friend, Sabine. How different things would be if she did not care so much about you."
Ezra: ". . . What's that supposed to mean?"
Thrawn: "Oh, she didn't tell you? Unfortunate. Be sure to give her my thanks when you reunite."
The recording stopped. Ezra gazed at Sabine, eyes unreadable, waiting for her answer.
Sabine couldn't bring herself to look at him. She just stared at the comm-link in his hand, wanting to be anywhere else than here, wanting a black hole to emerge and suck her into its void. Any hell would be preferable instead of having to face an Ezra who knew about what she had done.
"Sabine." His voice was soft, not accusatory. Almost pleading.
At last, she finally found her voice, weak as it was. "What do you want me to say, Ezra?" she asked. "Do you want me to apologize?"
"I want you to say whatever it is you want to say. I'm just going to listen," he said.
She folded her arms over her stomach; it felt like everything important inside her was threatening to spill out. "I'm not going to apologize," she whispered.
"Okay," was all he said.
"You weren't there. I had to make a choice. No one else was there. It was just me. Ahsoka - I thought Baylan had killed her. She was gone. And you were still gone, and I had the map." She hated how desperate her voice sounded.
Ezra, true to his word, didn't say anything. He just watched her.
"I couldn't lose you like I lost my family. Like how I thought I had lost Ahsoka. I wasn't - I wasn't strong enough to lose you a second time. My best friend." Tears threatened to blur her vision; a sob, rising in her throat steadily, almost robbed her voice of what little strength it had. She fought through it.
"So, I handed the map over. I made the deal with Thrawn to find you. I betrayed everything you and Kanan and everyone else sacrificed and died for. All just so I could see you again."
At last, she turned to look at him. The tears fell freely now down her face. "I doomed the galaxy for you, Ezra Bridger. And the worst part of it is, I'd do it again. Even knowing how it would all end."
Ezra gazed at her for a long moment and then turned away. Sabine struggled to sit-up and pleaded, "Ezra, please say something. Say anything."
He stood up abruptly. She blinked at him in surprise. "Say that you hate me and just get this over with," she said, resigned. Her heart was breaking into a thousand pieces but this was the price she knew would be paid the moment the map left her hand.
He stood over her. She waited for him to say the words that would end their friendship.
Instead, he clasped his hands over the sides of her face and leaned forward, gently touching his forehead with hers. Her eyes widened with surprise - and then with overwhelming gratitude as she felt the love and reassurance from him flow through their bond in the Force.
Sabine couldn't hold it back anymore. She started to openly weep. "After all this?" she cried. "Even with all that I've done?"
"Always," he reassured her. "I forgive you. Always. It'll be okay, Sabine. We'll figure it out, together."
"I'm weak," she said. "I did something so bad."
"You are not weak," replied Ezra firmly. "You are enough. You are extraordinary, Sabine. And it's not like I haven't done things I regret, you know? The Sith Holocron, you remember?"
Sabine shook her head. "This isn't the same! This is the whole galaxy that's at stake."
Ezra chuckled. "It's not a competition, first of all. And when hasn't the galaxy been at stake? We've dealt with Thrawn before, we'll do it again."
The guilt surged up within her, refusing to be assuaged by his words. "But - "
"But nothing," Ezra said sternly. "Sabine. Listen to me. Did you build the gigantic hyperdrive ring that Thrawn used to get back?"
She stared at him, thrown off by the sudden question. "Uh, no."
"Did you put Morgan Elsbeth onto his path as a partner? Did you hire Baylan and Shin?"
Sabine saw where his line of questions was heading. Grimacing, she said, "No, but - "
Ezra interrupted her. "Yes, you had a role in his return. But not all of it belongs to you, do you understand? He couldn't have returned without a lot of help, not just you."
"Okay, okay." She held up her hands in a placating gesture. "I get it. I think."
"Good," he said. "No more feeling guilty. We need to be focused for what lies ahead."
Sabine looked at him. "We?" she asked.
He nodded. "You're stuck with me, Sabine Wren. Whether you like it or not."
She smiled, considering his words. "I guess that's not so bad." She looked him over and shook her head in amazement.
"What is it?" Ezra asked.
"When did you grow up so quickly, goober?" she asked.
He grinned at her. "Haven't heard that nickname in a while. Since we were kids," he said.
"Yeah," she said. "Guess I can't really call you that anymore, huh."
Ezra winked at her. "You can call me whatever you like, Sabine."
She looked at him thoughtfully. "I'll think about it," she said. Suddenly, her stomach rumbled, interrupting the conversation. Sabine flushed with embarrassment.
Ezra laughed. "I'll heat up some food. Be right back."
Watching him leave, the moment he was out of earshot, Sabine said softly, "I'll be here, cyar'ika."
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inusmasha · 1 year
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Mountain Miko on A03
In a secluded mountain village run by a society of mysterious women, Kagome, a young initiate, embarks on a transformative journey under the mentorship of their highly esteemed miko, Kikyo
Prologue – A Dark Fairytale 
In the beginning, within a realm where ancient magic held sway, there once lived a man renowned for his ability to weave spells that brought good fortune to those willing to pay. His performances were nothing short of captivating spectacles, drawing in many who gasped in the grandeur of his rituals. Over time, growing more and more powerful by the day, his glittering magical displays began to draw in the curiosity of wealthy patrons far and wide. 
"How do you do it?"
"You need only to give voice to what you desire." 
Over the years the man turned sorcerer grew proud and prouder still, having forgotten what humble beginnings he crawled out of. He wore his wealth on his body, he adorned his beard with sickly sweet smelling oils and lined his fingers with ostentatious rings. In the era of spell making, the Sorcerer had made this life by his own hand...a hand in possession of a certain Jewel. A small nothing looking bead that was easy to miss even though it hung in plain sight. It's presence barely felt, barely a whisper, only a quiet gnawing at the bottom of his being. 
In the dark night, the heavy shadow of some blackguard, from some dying noble house, made its way to the Sorcerer with big news. A big problem that required a big idea. This truly fair and noble family was harboring a plot to unseat the current emperor and had come to him for help to remedy the issue. 
"What you ask is treason."
"What I ask is to entertain possibilities."
Truth be told; if they had the coin then it did not matter what the request was. He would entertain their hypocrisies. They can keep their dull innocence, keep their hands clean, while he did the unseemly. Though it was dangerous to play with this sort of magic, it's practically what it was there for. 
"What say you, Sorcerer?" 
...it has to be you.. only you could do it.. wish maker ..wishmaker.. wish-
A sinister alliance was forged that night, and he sought to orchestrate their rise to power through sinister rites. 
 His displays of enchantment evolved into bloody ceremonies with costly offerings, ranging from the most humble of creatures to majestic beasts. First a sparrow, a snake, a cat, a wolf to lions, tigers, and- it wasn't enough! To ensure their success, the sorcerer needed more potent sources of power, and he turned to darker methods. He began raiding graveyards for human bones, believing that spirits of the deceased would grant him greater strength. However, he soon realized that live human sacrifices to the Jewel would yield even stronger results. 
Of course! 
Yes, there was a war. 
There was an empty seat in an empty dank room. 
Once the new emperor assumed that cold throne for his own, he called for the Sorcerer to come join him at his royal court and to squat on the lap of luxury. That's what those savage acts were for.. but that damn cursed gnawing hunger never left. It wasn't enough. 
And then...Their paths crossed that fateful evening when he was summoned to perform before their Lord. This was it! Oh! His journey had led him to the fair maiden with black silk for hair. The Sorcerer's infatuation with the woman was relentless, an unquenchable burning within him. Her every word, her every glance, fueled this insatiable longing. He wanted her as his bride. 
But alas she did not want him for her heart belonged to-
It did not matter. He would take her.
In his desperation to possess her he believed that the Jewel, his divine potent resource, could make her love him. The Jewel, fatter still, fed on his fixation. He hated her. He loved her. He hated her. He loved her. The Jewel had never tasted something so sickly sweet. 
"You need only to give voice to what you desire." 
He wished for the woman.
In a final, frenzied act, he sought to give the Jewel a tangible form, giving it arms and legs in which to carry out the deed. Not as some caricature but as something living, with blood and bones. 
"..This flesh is your flesh, these hands your hands!"
At the altar, with great suffering, he relinquished what little was left of his human to the bloody pearl. This was the deep dark material in which miracles sprang forth. He would conjure heaven.. but in the morning there was nothing but the cold dank air, and ash. The fate of both he and the now missing maiden was shrouded in mystery. The ending to this story is always the same.
Now, the Jewel, revered and closely guarded, rests within the new emperor's grasp. It's true nature forgotten. Though the emperor may hold suspicions about the Sorcerer's demise, he chose to remain oblivious of the perils. The relic remained concealed, subject to constant study that often exacted a grim toll and a long list of names never to be spoken of. The Jewel passes from one ruler to the next, as an heirloom of both great power and who's hunger continues to shape the endless road of petty human conflict. 
And we exist in its consequence.   
Many generations pass and eventually the one named Midoriko is born.
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sleeplessdreamer123 · 2 years
Fanfic Idea! (ABO Lucemond, Part 2 of omegan Dragonkeeper Lucerys)
First part:
It hatched. The egg hatched. His dragon was beautiful. He was pearlescent white with a yellow flame, with golden eyes and a golden chest. He knew, from the moment he heard the egg shells cracking, the moment he saw his tiny head popping out, that he would love him and treasured him with all his heart and being. Finally, a dragon of his own. A living proof of what he is. A Targaryen with his dragon.
His mother was less than enthused. He didn't understand it at first, but it gradually dawned on him that she didn't see them as anything more than large, dangerous beasts. Her views on them are so unlike his own. He, who sees them as the majestic, powerful, beautiful creatures that they are. She didn't like it when Aegon visited Sunfyre, and showed relief when both his and Helaena's dragon didn't hatch. He knew she secretly wished they'd never bond with a dragon, that they'd stay on the ground rather than on a fire-breathing beast up in the sky, and there was a time in his life where Aemond secretly thinks his mother's inner wishes were granted by the Faith, blessing her while cursing them, cursing him to such a fate. It was a hard truth to swallow, the fact that his mother, the one person he felt truly loved him, would never understand his near desperation to have a dragon. With a dragon, he was no longer, in a sense, incomplete. He couldn't tell her that though.
Aegon congratulated him in his drunken haze, and Aemond smirked as Aegon yelped, the dragon nearly biting off his fingers when he tried to touch him. Helaena just smiled, saying things about a black thread, and Aemond just nodded along to appease her. Even his Sire seemed glad for him, congratulating him, calling his dragon beautiful. It was unexpected, seeing as he only ever talked about his eldest half-sister (the one that never visits, despite his father's numerous attempts to call her back), and that was when he had his fill with his medicine, the milk of the poppy. Still, a small part of him was happy his sire showed any interest in him at all (an even smaller part wondered if he would have shown any interest in him if he never had a dragon. He pushes that part deep, deep down).
It took a few days of him parading around before he remembered his promise to a certain little dragonkeeper. He decided that it was time to present the dragon to Luke. After all, he chose him for Aemond, it's only fair he gets to see him hatched.
When he reached the Dragonpit, he started walking through the tunnels, until he finally saw a familiar small, curly haired boy. Luke was with another young dragon keeper, and it took a moment for Aemond to recognize him as the one who brought the pig. Aemond felt a wave of anger, hurt and betrayal, before shaking it off. Of course he was with another dragon keeper. They looked so much alike, they could be brothers, for all he knew. Why would he feel betrayed?
Aemond called out for him, and Luke turned to see him, bade a hasty goodbye to the other dragonkeeper, and ran straight to Aemond like an obedient puppy to his master. When he saw him with the dragon on his shoulder, his eyes said everything. He was in awe. Aemond felt pride. Yes, his dragon should inspire awe. He was going to be the most powerful dragon, the most beautiful, even more than Aegon's Sunfyre.
"He's so pretty, My Prince. His scales are like the moon's." Luke said, still looking at the dragon. Said baby dragon seemed to preen with the praise. Said owner also preened with the praise.
"Do you have a name for him yet, My Prince?"
Of course Aemond had a name chosen, ever since he learned about dragons, ever since his first egg didn't hatch. Looking at the hatchling, Aemond knows knows it fits him.
"Arrax, the Ruler of the Old Gods."
"Hello Arrax." Luke greeted his dragon in High Valyrian, and Arrax made crooning noises as a response.
Aemond decided that Luke would be a good dragonkeeper for Arrax, at least, once he's old enough.
Aemond visited him almost every day. Luke was a bit shy at first, though eager to please. Once they've gotten close enough, and Luke felt comfortable with him, he began sharing a lot of stories about the dragons, though most of what he shared were from the older dragon keepers.
Aemond liked that. He liked learning about dragons from the very people who trained them. Luke does tend to babble a lot, taking detours in his stories, but all he needed to do was clear his throat for Luke to stop with his side stories, blush perfusedly, and continue on with the main ones.
He also has the habit of blushing brightly when he realizes he said too much, glancing at Aemond to see if he was angry, then continue on when he sees no trace of annoyance.
Aemond liking of little Luke slowly grew. He likes how knowledgeable he was about dragons, likes learning some secrets that dragon keepers learned through generations, and he was beginning to like whenever Luke speaks in High Valyrian when he doesn't know the word in common tongue.
It helps him learn more about the language. It was rather embarrassing for him to admit it, even to himself. A Targaryen prince not knowing how to speak High Valyrian. His mother didn't really see the point of him learning a language few people use in Westeros, the fact he didn't have a dragon until recently only strengthened her resolve to give him a different subject to focus on. So, while his older brother got to learn High Valyrian (not that Aegon cared to actually learn the language), he was stuck learning about the Faith of the Seven. He eventually taught himself the language through the use of old books, so he could understand it to an extent, but without someone actively teaching him, guiding him, correcting his pronunciation, he fears he doesn't know as much as he should. He refrains from actually using said language, afraid he would butcher it somehow. Luke's jumble of both common and High Valyrian has proven to be quite helpful, as he notes the particular way every word was said, commiting it to memory so he may practice once he was alone.
Aemond also learned about bits and pieces of Luke's life. He was apparently the second youngest bastard being watched over by the dragon keepers, the other two being his brothers, the youngest being a toddler, and the eldest being the one who brought out the pig. Aemond greatly disliked that one. Luke, however, loved him very much. And liked talking about him. A lot.
"Jace watches over Prince Aegon's Sunfyre, My Prince. He's also the one who gives me lessons on how to properly train a dragon when the other dragonkeepers are busy. Oh! He also sometimes play with Prince Aegon in the pit - Elder Byron wouldn't allow us out of the pit until dusk - though they won't let me join sometimes. But that's ok, because he makes it up to me by teaching me more secret tricks, and-"
Aemond sighs, before clearing his throat. While it was good to know that his brother wasn't always sneaking out to the Streets of Silk, or at Fleabottom, he didn't really want to learn about their brothers' little "adventures".
"Oh! I'm sorry, My Prince. It's just that I never had anyone to tell these things to. Um, where was I again? Oh, right! So Syrax continues to refuse to eat, and Elder Byron was worried she was sick. She wasn't though! She just didn't like the meat. The others said she was the most spoiled dragon they ever had to watch over, and-"
Luke was used to having Prince Aemond as company. He usually arrived after the dragons were fed, with Arrax on his shoulder, demanding stories that Luke was eager to regale, while he simply listen, an eager audience. He never had people close to his age (besides Joffrey, but he's too small, he can't even talk yet) and he greatly enjoyed his time with the Prince.
So when he didn't arrive at his usual time, he began to worry. When Arrax was sent to him to care for, he really got scared.
Did he somehow manage to offend the only other person he could talk to besides his brothers? No, that couldn't be it. If it was, then Arrax would have been given to one of the older dragonkeepers to care for. Then did Prince Aemond somehow got hurt?
He knows of tales of assassinations, the royal life isn't always easy, especially for the women and children. They were the easiest targets, after all.
But that wouldn't be the case, because he saw Prince Aegon running around with Jace a few hours ago. He knew the queen, well, knew of the queen, through talks and rumors, and she wouldn't have allowed Aegon out of her sight if anything like that would have happened.(A small part of him wonders if Prince Aemond was bored of him already. That part grew larger with every thought that enters his head).
Did I bore him? Were my stories too confusing? Did I say too much? Did I annoy him in some way?
Thankfully, he remembered that there was someone who might know what was going on with him. He went to Jace, who looked at him with a look of amusement.
"Nothing happened to him, Luke. The prince just presented. He entered his first rut yesterday."
Luke felt the weight on his chest lessen greatly. So that was it. He was just having a special kind of sickness, like Jace recently had. Everything was fine.
He guesses he would need to start watching over Arrax now while Prince Aemond was gone. What sort of tricks should he teach him? He ponders over that while Arrax stay perched on his shoulder, contently crooning over him.
So, this is fun, and I'd like to make more parts soon.
If anyone wants to write a full length fic with this concept, please tell me!
Thoughts? Violent reactions?
Update: I'll be using the hashtag (#omegan dragonkeeper lucerys) so it would be easier to read all the different parts.
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cinnabun-faerie · 8 months
How would zenos react this?: His y/n sitting him down and explain to him that they can turn into giant black snake, but he dose not believe them because they show no signs that they can do so. So y/n takes him outside and transforms and just looks at him for few seconds and saids "see i told you" then goes back to original form.
Zenos Reacting to the WoL turning into a giant snake
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When you first tell him, he laughs. There is no way that you could do that. It was impossible. You don't have fangs and your eyes aren't snake-like. And you've bitten him many times and yet he did not feel a drop of poison in his veins. But if it made you feel better, you could believe whatever you want (Cue the "Sure Jan" meme).
But when you take him outside and actually transform, he is speechless. You really have made a fool of him. He had truly believed you were merely talking out of your ass- but you...you truly could turn into a snake. And what a majestic beast you were; towering over him as if he were your prey. He was impressed. He might even reach out to touch, only to hear you hiss.
"Yes, I was wrong. Now, let me caress you."
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hiccanna-tidbits · 9 months
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...hey so I heard last month was RotBTD month. I, uh...decided to finally finish this submission for ship week a whole ass month late D: I owe you one for giving me the final push I needed to finish this literally also months late submission for Hiccanna Month XD Y'know. My own event that I fell half a year behind on. Whoops ^^;
Can you tell I'm a hot mess akjdhksuydfu
Fairly long fic, so it's under the cut!!! As always, moodboard pic credits available upon request :3
Truth be told, Sir Goffridus was having a very dull day until he heard a young lady's scream from the cliffside cave.
Sure, he'd saved a village from a nasty bridge troll that morning. And sure, just after lunchtime he'd jarred up a few pixies before they caused too much trouble on a local farmstead. But what, pray tell, was the use of being the bravest, noblest, and most skilled knight in all the realm if there were no fair maidens swooning at his feet?
Indeed, the rest of his company were wondering how he had not yet impressed a noblewoman most beautiful. He was, after all, very handsome, and had slain many a monster! His mother was especially displeased, stating over and over that she and his father simply did not know what to spend their glut of funds on if not a wedding.
No, truly, this was embarrassing. Sir Goffridus needed to find a respectable bride, and fast, if he was to save his great position and spotless reputation.
He urged his steed forth and arrived at a craggy slope. There was a flash of movement on a far-up ledge, and the brave and handsome knight drew his sword.
Sir Goffridus dismounted, creeping toward the rock face. Well...as much as one could creep, wearing dozens of pounds of rattling metal armor. Still, whatever loathsome creature he needed to battle probably wouldn't notice--why, Sir Goffridus had only had ten or so close calls in his career! It was a far greater number for the other knights, he was sure.
Puffs of flame and smoke billowed from the mountainside, accompanied by a fearsome growl. The woman's cry sounded again, this time with distinguishable words.
"Oh, please, someone help me! This terrible dragon wants to have me for lunch and my entire kingdom for dessert!"
A ginger-haired head stuck out over the ledge, gazing down at him pleadingly. The maiden was fair indeed, clad in a dark green gown befitting of any royalty. She pressed the back of her hand to her forehead in distress, looking utterly pitiful.
She's perfect.
"Fear not, beautiful lady!" Sir Goffridus stepped forward, holding his blade high and trying to look as majestic as possible. "I will save you from this despicable beast!"
"Oh, thank goodness!" She batted her eyelashes down at him, and Sir Goffridus straightened proudly. "I knew a brave, brave warrior would come for me someday!"
"Someday, My Lady?" The knight cocked a brow, confused. "If you were concerned about being dragon lunch, be it not today the creature stole you from your kingdom?"
For a moment, the maiden hesitated.
"Well, he's been holding me prisoner and force-feeding me all manner of hearty food to fatten me up for the slaughter!" she finally wailed. "Pastries and fine bread and and sweets galore--and I fear today is the day my meat is tender enough for dining!"
As if right on cue, a wicked laugh rang out behind her. "My fresh entree, your time is up at last! Too long I've looked forward to gobbling you up and spitting forth your pretty little princess bones."
Curious--the beast had a rather nasally and high-pitched voice for a dragon. Not the deep, reverberating snarls of the dragons he normally fought.
But Sir Goffridus's mind was as keen as his reflexes. He knew this was no reason to underestimate the foul creature in battle.
And regardless, this was a princess--it was his lucky day!
"Don't worry, Your Majesty!" he called out courageously. "Not one dragon has faced my mighty sword and lived to tell the tale."
"My hero!" The princess scooted closer to the edge of the cliff. "Come, brave sir knight--I will jump down to escape this wretched place, and you may catch me in your big strong arms!"
"Jump down...?"
Sir Goffridus barely had time to collect his thoughts before the princess was scaling down the cliff face with surprising skill. Her hands and feet went into thin gaps as deftly as a lizard's, going with the speed of someone who has done this climb many a time before.
That was strange. Sir Goffridus had never known princesses to be very competent.
Before he had too much time to ponder, a massive black dragon's head stuck out over the ledge, glowering. "No! She's getting away! My wicked plans are foiled!"
The dragon must have been just as shocked as Sir Goffridus by this turn of events, considering several moments passed and the great beast did not fly down to collect his fleeing bounty.
After a pause, the dragon's presence seemed to register with the princess. She looked up, gasping in horror.
"Oh, no! I've been caught!"
Now that made more sense. Princesses were not often quick on the uptake.
"Quick, sir knight! Catch me!"
And just like that, the princess threw herself from the rock wall. As she sailed down through the air, Sir Goffridus rushed to position himself beneath her.
Curious indeed--the princess was falling slower than what Sir Goffridus would expect, especially one who had been plumped for the slaughter. The dragon only watched, making no move to catch her.
It would seem both princess and dragon were sluggish beings--in every facet of life. Oh well--that would make Sir Goffridus's quest much easier.
The princess landed in Sir Goffridus's arms with a thud, albeit one not as heavy as he'd braced himself for. She giggled, looping her arms around his neck and looking up at him adoringly.
"Oh, my!" she cooed. "How can I ever repay you?"
Sir Goffridus was thinking on an answer when he felt the great swish of wings about them. The ground shook as the dragon landed, glaring at both knight and princess.
"Not so fast, you walking sack of noisy kitchenware! The princess is mine!"
Why, he never...! The quality of his armor was far superior to the pots and pans any run-of-the-mill peasant could use!
Sir Goffridus set the princess down, lightly grabbing her arms and turning her around. "Look away, Your Highness. Bloodshed is something far too ugly to soil your innocent eyes."
The knight held his sword in front of him, gathering every bit of courage he had in his noble heart. "Begone, foul monster! The likes of horrible beasts such as yourself are not welcome among the good people of the human realm!"
Sir Goffridus was, in his heart of hearts, tired of dealing with these nasty reptiles. They had a great propensity for getting in the way, and seemed to believe they had as much right to the land and its spoils as humans--who, unlike dragons, could think and feel and love and build great creations and societies.
The dragon, however, did not seem to realize this. He bared his teeth and charged.
And Sir Goffridus met the beast, unleashing all his training from the glorious royal academy. He swang! He shouted intimidatingly! He advanced and retreated! He hopped to and fro! The dragon hissed in frustration, backing farther and farther away the more Sir Goffridus attacked.
Fortunately for the knight, this monster had horrendous aim. The dragon sent out smoke and fire and plasma balls aplenty--but somehow, none seemed to land on Sir Goffridus, save to graze his armor. Curious, considering he was right in the dragon's line of sight...
He wasn't even landing many hits of his own, yet he still had the beast scurrying in terror. How remarkable indeed!
Well, Sir Goffridus was not one to question easy victories! The princess would likely dote on his valor either way.
"AUGH!" The dragon let out a roar, sending a tongue of flame into the sky. "Foiled again! I've got to hand it to you, sir knight--you have bested me. The princess is yours."
With a mighty leap, the dragon took to the air and returned to his clifftop lair. The princess cheered.
"You've done it, my brave, brave knight! You've won!"
He sure had! Sir Goffridus swelled with pride as he returned to the fair maiden.
"Let us get you from this horrid place, Your Highness." He scooped the giggling princess into a bridal carry, helping her onto his steed. "What kingdom do you hail from?"
For a moment she only fixed him with a doe-eyed gaze, as though trying to gather her thoughts.
"Fair Andaloria, my lord," she said.
"Andaloria?" Despite himself, Sir Goffridus raised an eyebrow as they began to ride off into the forest. "That's quite far from here--a trip across the vast seas and a trek over many a dangerous mountain. That loathsome dragon took you all this way?"
"Yes." The princess looked at him sadly. "The dragon wanted to make it very, very hard for me to get home should I ever escape. Foul beast has a taste for naught but princesses--he'd kidnap a more local one, but he told me every time he's tried, they're rescued but a day later!"
"Not a very good dragon, then, is he?"
The maiden chortled, heartily slapping his chest. The force of it jostled him a tad more than he was expecting.
"Oh, you are so funny, my lord!"
Truly, Sir Goffridus could not find a more perfect lady if he tried.
"Pray tell, fair maiden. Whom do I have the pleasure of rescuing today?"
"Princess Annette, brave sir knight, of the northern lands of Avadoria."
"Annette!" Sir Goffridus threw his hands up in delight. "What a beautiful name! We shall be married in the morning!"
"Oh! my lord!" Princess Annette swooned so hard she nearly falls off the steed. Sir Goffridus nobly caught her just in time.
"Yes!" he confirmed. "I wish you to be my beautiful bride, Your Highness! I will get my finest smiths to craft you a ring of pure gold and priceless ruby. I will shower you with finery and treasure and riches beyond your wildest dreams. The family jewels that have been passed down for generations will now be yours--yours and my children's."
"Oh? I'd...I'd like that very much, sir!"
Princess Annette's lovely aqua-blue eyes shone strangely--a glint Sir Goffridus didn't usually see in proper young ladies. Most likely but an overwhelming of true love in the beautiful damsel!
"You shall have everything your heart desires, and more! A lavish feast? A fortune beyond measure? Wares of unspeakable value? An estate in the country? A garden sprawling leagues upon leagues? All can be yours!"
Princess Annette giggled, kicking her feet as they rode. What a fine day indeed, and what a fine happily ever after they would have!
Perhaps Sir Goffridus had had one mead too many, but he was beginning to feel like something was amiss at his wedding.
The festivities were merry and jovial as ever. The decorations were elegant, the dancing was lively, the performing bards were sweet and melodious, the roast boar was superb. The pudding was nothing short of divine. Everyone, from fellow knights to commoners to the higher gentry and royalty themselves, were congratulating Sir Goffridus on his splendid marriage. A princess, they all said! How excellent! How divine! He was to have some of the most fine-bred children in all the land--strength and valor and noble blood and everything in between!
And yet, Sir Goffridus found himself approaching one of his comrades with his spirits quite down.
"Say, Sir Thurlow," he said. "Perchance have you seen my blushing bride? I fear I've picked up naught a trace of her since I gifted her my family's jeweled heirlooms at the ceremony. 'Tis odd to me she'd slip away into recluse after my generosity made her ever so happy. She was quite taken with the emerald necklaces!"
Sir Thurlow belched.
"Well, you can't go around spoiling a maiden like that," he slurred wisely. "Now she'll only ask for more and more jewelry, and throw a mighty fit when you can't give her any more! You've gone and set her standards far too high."
"Oh dear." Sir Goffridus frowned as it occurred to him that his friend made a fine point. "She did seem awfully fond of those topaz bracelets as well. I suppose as a princess, though, it only makes sense she'd be drawn to finery."
"Maybe it's worth more in..." Sir Thurlow scrunched his nose as he swayed against the banquet table. "Aragonia? Andalonia? Where did you say she was from?"
"Fair Andaloria."
"Andaloria!" Sir Thurlow suddenly doubled over in laughter. "Why, they have some of the finest ore in all the world! Legend says gems are so easy to find that they treat them as common copper, trading a fistful of garnets for a good meal. If anything, your new wife should turn her nose up at something so commonplace."
"Surely the legends exaggerate!"
"Even provided they do." Despite Sir Thurlow's continued swaying, he fixed his comrade with a thoughtful gaze. "Would not Princess Annette be more taken with something novel to her? A herbal tea or meat spice made from a plant she's never encountered? A dish prepared in manners which she's never tasted? The elegant peacocks and swans of the gardens, surely so different from the creatures of her mountainous home? Why!" Sir Thurlow brightened. "She might well be exploring the courtyards or attempting to get seconds in the kitchen as we speak!"
"But I looked in the gardens," Sir Goffridus argued. "And the kitchen as well, even at the great disgrace of having to speak to the peasantry. Not a soul has seen my bride, and despite myself, I grow uneasy.
"What of the bedrooms? Perhaps the lady is impatient!"
And that was when it finally dawned on Sir Goffridus.
"Why, Sir Thurlow, you are a genius! The lady could barely resist me ever since we met. Of course that would be her first desire after our marriage!"
Strange. When he had gifted her the jewels in his bedroom earlier, she hadn't seemed interested then. She'd been all too eager to return to the bustling ballroom, only to get lost in the crowd.
Mayhaps she had changed her mind?
Filled with eagerness, Sir Goffridus hurried to his chamber. Oh, but what a glorious night this was to be! For the rest of his days, this would be remembered as the eve his beautiful wife would be laden with his beautiful son.
He hoped, anyways. But why not, if all his dreams and wishes were coming true already? Sir Goffridus thrust the chamber door open, overcome with anticipation.
There was no sign of Princess Annette. Rather, he was greeted with the sight of a mattress stripped bare and a chest of drawers deprived of the fine golden bust that usually sat atop it.
Alas, it only made sense his things would have been taken for a washing and a polishing on such a big day. Nonetheless, it made the room feel even more empty.
Sighing, Sir Goffridus closed the door and continued his search.
Daegal was getting ready to close up shop when the hunchbacked hag in a hooded black cloak came in.
There was a great deal of clanking and clattering as she made her way over, and Daegal nervously checked the trinket-filled shelves to make sure the lady wasn't knocking them about. But his merchandise all remained still and untouched as far as he could tell.
When she drew close enough for one of the sconces to light her face, Daegal gave a start of surprise. It appeared she wasn't a hag at all, but rather a pretty young maiden with freckles and lively blue eyes.
Why, then, did she conceal herself so?
"I'd like to make a trade," she declared. "The sign says you're some kinda curio trading post, right?"
"That's right," he said, slightly taken aback by her casual tone. "This is later than I usually do sales, though."
"Sorry!" She laughed awkwardly. "Sort of an emergency. Hopefully it'll be worth it."
The damsel reached into her cloak, shuffling around until she pulled out something long and white. Daegal suddenly realized she was no hunchback at all--the bulky presence beneath the cape was naught but a profusion of carrying bags!
She must be mighty indeed to shoulder such a load.
Perhaps she wore that cloak so as not to draw attention to her great strength. After all, many of the knights who sought to woo her kind found hardiness unbecoming in ladies.
"I'd like to trade this for safe passage through this town." She slapped the item she'd retrieved down on the table. "And a horse. Preferably one with big saddle bags. And also, uh...if you could not mention to anyone that I came through here, that would be great."
Daegal looked down and gasped.
Laid out before him was a diamond-studded white gown. Easily worth a thousand gold pieces, if not more.
The shopkeeper sucked in his breath. "This is...this is the finest wedding dress I've ever seen. What cause could there possibly be to get rid of it? I imagine it's every little girl's dream to wear this."
The maiden paused, and Daegal could have sworn he saw gears turning behind those pretty eyes.
"It was my sister's." She let out an exaggerated-sounding sniffle. "She was to be married, but then on her very wedding day, she was snatched from the changing room by an ogre and--"
"You jilted someone at the altar, didn't you?"
"I did not!" she said, a tad defensively.
Daegal eyed the dress, wondering if it could buy him a personal carriage and a chauffeur.
"It's okay, you know. My family tried to sell my brother off into this marriage with a noblewoman, but she was an insufferable snob. Last I heard, he ran off with the milkmaid."
"Oh, good." The young maiden slacked with relief. "Well...does it technically count as jilting if you fly the coop after you've said your vows?"
"So you can sell the ring?" Daegal smirked. "Clever. I have to respect that."
He picked up the long dress, inspecting it again.
"At least let me pay you what it's worth. You can have safe passage and a horse, but you can grab a couple of our pricier curios too. Looks like you have plenty of room in your bags."
"Really?" She brightened. "You're too kind, sir!"
And before poor Daegal could process what was occurring, the young maiden slapped a gold necklace full of the fattest, shiniest emeralds he'd ever seen on top of the dress.
"For your troubles!" she chirped.
He hadn't a moment to protest before she skittered off, making a beeline for a nearby cabinet she'd been eyeing. She returned almost immediately with a jarful of glowing goo and a self-sustaining terrarium filled with (as far as Daegal could tell) authentic shrunken ducks.
"Miss, you don't have to--"
"How often do I feed the ducks?" she interrupted.
"Um...just sprinkle some oats in there once a day and you should be fine," Daegal answered numbly.
Well. Apparently Daegal was about to get two new private carriages, plus velvet seat covers.
Far be it from him to look a gift weird-young-lady-advertently-or-inadvetertently-disguised-as-a-hunchbacked-old-lady in the mouth.
"Pin this to your cloak while you ride out." Daegal reached into a drawer and retrieved an important-looking emblem. "People won't ask questions. The stables are just past the grocer, so...help yourself."
"Lovely! You're the best!"
She snatched the pin and clattered her way out the door, probably never to be seen again. Daegal looked down at his newfound belongings, wondering how his wife would feel about commissioning a silken tapestry for their bedroom.
"I can manage from here!"
Anna dismounted her steed, giving the handsome palomino and appreciative pat on the neck. He nickered questioningly as she gathered her things.
"Yes, yes, I know we're in the middle of the forest," she conceded. "It's all by design, I promise. It's not too far to the road, though! Here's a snack to tide you over, okay?"
She handed the patient horse a couple of carrots. He took them gingerly, regarding her curiously for a few moments.
Then he was gone, galloping off into the ether to claim his freedom. Or a spot at a nearby village's stables. Whichever he preferred.
It didn't take Anna long to trek to the familiar cliffside--an isolated little sanctuary where no human being could bother her.
Or at least no full human being.
"BABE!" she shouted, rapping on the rock. "I'm home!"
A swishing and flapping of massive wings filled the air, and Anna couldn't hold back a giddy giggle. It really had been too long.
Darkness swam over her, a great shape blocking out the sun. A gust of wind caught her hair as the dragon swooped down, landing on the grass with an earth-shaking thump.
"What superb luck," he said, tone deadpan. "My escaped quarry has accidentally wandered back to my lair again."
"Oh noooo." Anna let out a mock gasp of horror as she began loading her stuffed saddle bags onto the beast's back. "How does this keep happening?"
"You are exceptionally easy to kidnap, my lady."
The dragon used a wing to hoist her onto his back, and she held tight to his neck as he flew back to their lair. After doing this song and dance a few times, she'd learned how to lay on his back in such a way that she avoided the rows of poisonous barbs.
She'd come to love the feeling of his cool, smooth scales against her skin. They felt like comfort. Like peace.
Like home.
Some said love was a wild, neverending journey full of ups and downs, and a simple "happily ever after" was a silly hope. Anna was rather enjoying hers, though.
And sure, their love hadn't been an easy one. One of the least easy in all the land, in fact. But the worst seemed, at last, to be behind them.
The dragon landed in the entrance to the mountain cave. Anna dismounted, slinging her bags over her shoulder.
She could barely wait until the sitting room--an alcove consisting of neatly-arranged furniture stolen from palace parties across the realm--to admire her newest spoils. At last, she dumped her prizes across a magenta velvet couch and rifled through them.
Thin arms circled her waist, pulling her back. Anna twisted around, finding herself looking into the very pretty eyes of the disgraced Prince Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III.
"Hi." She wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing their foreheads together. As much as she liked his dragon form, she also very much liked when his body was small enough to fit in her hold.
"And how's my favorite grifter? This one didn't give you too much trouble, I hope?"
"Oh, far from it. It just gets easier and easier, I swear."
"You really think they'd catch on by now."
"Please." Anna snorted. "No one can resist a good damsel in distress, let alone one who's stroking your ego more than like...the world's fluffiest cat."
"You're amazing." He stole a quick kiss, making her giggle. "I haven't the faintest idea how every single time you manage to pinpoint what these idiots want. But we haven't had a bad run yet."
"Mmmm." Anna slid a hand down, grabbing his hand and interlacing their fingers. She led him over to a fluffy chaise, pulling him down onto her lap.
"Remember when we were kids I had that phase where I kept saying I was gonna 'quit princessing' and run away to become a bard?"
"Oh, sure. You always insisted I critique your singing voice by belting the same ballad over and over."
She flushed with embarrassment as he snickered. Of course she was more obnoxious about the whole thing than she recalled.
"Well, uh...I actually got pretty far into secretly training with a local troupe before I gave up on the whole thing. Learned all about reading your audience!"
"Oh yeah? And what did you read on this guy?"
"The usual. 'I'm the finest knight in all the kingdom, and thus must I protect all the poor, helpless maidens from the many monsters of these lands!'"
"And how's that working out for him?"
"Never for too long." She sighed pityingly. "I fucked up and said I was from Andaloria again. This guy didn't even notice."
"So you told him you were from Mining Central," Hiccup said flatly. "And he gave you...more things commonly found in mines."
Anna only gestured to the sparkling mound on the velvet couch.
"So how long did it take for him to fork over the family jewels?"
"Oh, you know. Maybe an hour."
Hiccup raised his eyebrows. "That's about twice as fast as the last two."
"He had to do it before his brain caught up."
"And what brain are you referring to?"
They both sniggered.
"Speaking of, though. I should put these away before I accidentally sit on them."
Anna untangled herself from Hiccup, who grunted in protest as she stood up. While memory served, she picked out which gemstones Sir Geoffrey (or whatever his name was) had said were priceless heirlooms, and tossed them into the Family Jewels Heap.
Almost lost to a crack in the sofa was the ring. It was a loud, insistent trinket. Showy strands of gold and silver wrapped around one of those dark blue diamonds that don't actually look that good--people mainly wear them to seem cultured. Nonetheless, it was one of the more expensive ones as of late. A good 300 gold: A few nights at a nice inn and several lavish meals. Perhaps even a couple souvenirs.
She tossed it in the Ring Bin. A truly boring number of them had the typical silvery diamonds, so the blue at least added some variety.
"We should go into town soon," Anna said absentmindedly. "We're running out of stuff to read. And that wedding feast reminded me how much I miss real food. Or...food cooked by someone else, at least."
"Why stop there?"Hiccup tipped his head playfully. "Last few scams made us a fortune. We could grab a carriage, go to the seaside. Get some of that authentic sea salt caramel chocolate you like."
"And go to the beach?" Anna clapped her hands in delight.
"Absolutely. Swim in the ocean, build sand palaces, the whole nine yards. And if any sea monsters trifle with us, well...we're a pretty formidable army all on our own. But man..." He yawned. "All this conning takes it out of you. I think we've earned a vacation, don't you?"
"Well, duh." Anna stared dreamily at the cave wall, the gears of trip-planning already turning in her head. "Oh, man. With all this treasure and crap, we could get, like, the best meals the coast has to offer. Buttered oysters and honey-baked salmon and crayfish with herbs..." She sauntered back to the chaise, sprawling herself on top of Hiccup.
"And crabcakes," she murmured coyly in his ear.
She leaned back, grinning proudly as he brightened.
"And crabcakes."
He pulled her in, and she kissed him hard.
How many times had they done this now? No matter. It was always just as magical as...well, the rest of their relationship.
They hadn't gotten far into their fit of passion when the sound of what seemed to be tiny yet insistent quacks filled the dragon lair. Hiccup pulled away to give Anna a quizzical look.
"Oh, you know." She waved a hand dismissively. "It was one of those wedding dresses."
"The sell-it-get-weird-items-free variety?"
"Come on. Someone offers you some cool collectible just for throwing a few extra diamonds at them, what are you gonna do? Say no?"
The quacking grew steadily ruder, challenging this.
Anna made her way to their grain collection, lugging a bag of oats over to the terrarium. She sliced it open with her dagger, dumping a handful into the glass.
There was a flurry of tiny bodies and a rustling of many a pair of inch-long wings as her palm was swarmed. She pulled it away just in time to avoid her hand being munched off by an armada of beaks.
Somewhere behind her, Hiccup laughed. She turned to glare, but the stern look melted away as quickly as it came.
He was watching her with a dreamy, far-off expression, chin in his hand. Something that could only be described as adoring.
"What?" She blushed, suddenly self-conscious.
"Nothing. Just..." The dopey grin widened. "Thank you. I don't say it enough, I'm sure."
"Thank you for what?"
"Everything. But special mention goes to living in a damp, drafty hole in the rock for me when you could have a palace."
"You don't need to thank me." Anna shrugged. "I wouldn't have it any other way."
And it was the truth.
Funny, she thought, that her fiance being cursed into a monstrous dragon form turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to them. They'd taken something fated to seal a terrible doom and they'd made it work.
Perhaps the greatest irony was that in the beginning, before everything went sideways, their romance had been one that seemed cut out for smooth sailing. Betrothed since the day they were born and best friends since they could walk, the Prince of Berk and the Princess of Arendelle were rarely apart. They hardly minded the idea of marriage, especially considering it meant they could spend even more time together. Many a childhood afternoon was spent planning their wedding, both prince and princess adding more and more outlandish things to an already very extravagant ceremony.
And then the Dragon Wars happened.
The beasts were certainly causing a ruckus, roaming the land stealing livestock and other such inconveniences. Farmer and merchant alike had less of a haul to bring to market, and people were growing very, very cranky about it.
So, naturally, someone decided to take matters into his own hands.
On top of being an already brutal warlord, King Drago was a man trained in ancient dark magic. When he journeyed far and wide requesting allies to fight dragons, anyone would have been a fool to refuse.
And Hiccup's kingdom were not fools. Or so they liked to believe, anyhow.
They sent forth Berk's strongest warriors, ready to lay ruin to every dragon they found. The prince was set to train with the other aspiring soldiers, and was excited to protect the realm against such a menace.
His fiance, of course, was not far behind. Armed with a fair bit of swordswoman training and a will of steel, Anna wasn't about to let Hiccup charge into battle alone. Princess or not, she would not sit at home attending silly etiquette classes or whatever else was "proper" when there were lives at stake.
Then one day, Hiccup found out the real reason dragons had been antagonizing so many humans.
They were slaves to a tyrant queen, the livestock they stole the only way for them to not become her next meal themselves. What they did was not out of evil, but fear.
Hiccup speaking up for the enemy went...poorly, to put it lightly. King Drago was not one prone to changes of heart, especially when the battle-scarred warrior had lost an arm to the creatures in question.
"If you're so determined to throw your lot in with beasts, then you don't deserve to stand among humans!" he'd roared.
And then the battlefield was bathed in red light. It was only a few moments, but it felt like a long, horrible eternity.
There was growing and stretching and shrieking and thrashing and the dreadful sound of scales ripping free, and then an enormous black dragon stood in Hiccup's place.
"Anna. Hey." Rough-skinned hands cupping her face pulled her out of her head. "You froze up. What's going on?"
Hiccup was peering at her inquisitively, one eye human and one eye dragon. She felt the beginnings of claws on her cheeks.
The latest shift was wearing off.
She sighed. Leaning her head against his and wrapping her arms around his waist, she savored the contact.
"Ah, nothing, I was just thinking about when Drago...you know..."
Some king he was, cursing people who questioned him. He didn't deserve the title.
"It was the scariest moment of my life. I thought those soldiers were going to kill you."
"Ah, well. I guess you could say they weren't counting on me being so thick-skinned."
She snorted, flexing an arm to elbow him in the side. "How dare you make a bad pun when we're having a moment, Haddock."
"It's okay," he murmured into her hair, one hand sliding down to rub her back. "I'm okay now. You fixed all that, remember?"
Berk and Arendelle alike had expected Princess Anna to abandon her fiance, now a cursed, shameful traitor exiled to live among his fellow monsters. Instead, she opted to study witchcraft and become even more of a scandal than him.
It was only the basics at first. Creating bursts of light. Minor illusions. Air manipulation (although that was nothing to scoff at, seeing as increasing wind resistance came in handy when dramatically falling off cliffs for knights to catch).
The magic of changing forms was something that required a bit more practice.
Spells came more easily than Anna expected, what with her sister's natural affinity for magic. It was still exhausting work--going over an enchantment's exact wording over and over, doing practice runs on many an unlucky fern--but in the end, she got it right.
Or mostly right, anyways.
As a novice sorceress, Princess Anna could not reverse a transformation spell completely. But her meddling gave Hiccup a modicum of control of his shifts between human and dragon, and both of them decided that was good enough.
Besides, the dragon form came in handy.
"Best of both worlds," Hiccup hummed, voicing her thoughts. "Like Berk would want back a prince who spent upwards of two years as a giant, fire-breathing reptile."
"And like Arendelle would want back a princess who learned black magic so she could defy a king's wishes."
He snuck a kiss.
"Say..." Anna grinned slyly. "Why don't we eat out tonight? Word on the road was that the royals in that kingdom a few miles east are having a posh banquet tonight. Sure would be a shame if a fearsome dragon and his scary wizard girlfriend fucked that up, eh?"
Hiccup whistled. "Yes, my queen."
"Queen?" She snorted. "Gave up on that the second I told Drago he could shove his royal scepter up his behind."
"You know, we have plenty of crowns around here. Maybe you're overdue for a coronation." He gasped dramatically, spreading his hands out. "Queen of the Northern Cliffs!"
"I don't know if the mountain goats would be okay with the forced oligarchical takeover."
"Tell you what. If they come storming in and demanding a coup, we'll reevaluate."
"Then...sure! Let's have a coronation!"
Anna's stomach grunted.
"But dinner first."
"Okay, Your Majesty." He patted her arm affectionately. "But go put on one of the disguises, will you? Can't take any chances, in case any of the fine young gentlemen there are in want of a wife at some point."
I wish I was exaggerating, but literally every time I wanted to finish this bad boy up, my life turned into a shitshow ;______; It's been...a rough few months, but luckily finishing my WIPs helps distract me from some nasty personal shit and generally makes me feel like less of a garbage human, so! There's that!
I've missed writing for them ;_____; For whatever reason Dragon-Cursed-Hiccup x Overprotective Scary Sorceress Anna is something that can be so personal??? I've written it like 3 times now and it itches a scratch I didn't know I had EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
Anyways!!! This particular fic is based off a plot bunny I got from this post (back during the FIRST Hiccanna month in 2022!) and was like "alas, but I'll never have time to write it, even though it IS their month :(" But I guess I found the time??? Months after their month but STILL. Don't give up on your dreams kids???
I think they'd be great scammers. It's also the exact kind of villain-adjacent bullshit that I feel like slightly-more-morally-flexible Hiccup and Anna would gladly do XD Like it might take a lot for them to feel compelled to do, say, mass murder, but grifting pompous rich assholes??? TELL me they wouldn't eat that shit UP.
Btw!!! Anna liking the beach is basically canon, like. Her complaining about Elsa not having tropical powers that covered everything in "white sand and warmth" is a liiiittle too specific for her to not like the beach XD
And Hiccup really does like crabcakes!!! At least that's some trivia I read on his dreamworks wiki page XD But hey!!! Anna has chocolate and sandwiches, Hiccup needs a food to get excited about, too!!!
Anyways hi I am Making Posts again!!! Sorry I was gone for so long but this account has promised hiccanna tidbits, and so hiccanna tidbits it must give!!!
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boimann · 10 months
Please please please no because I LOVE your artwork!! It's so silly and it's a perfect mix of cartoony and canon! And not just the art you as a person are so lovable and friendly! I bet if I saw you you'd be friend-shaped...!! Buddies ❤❤❤
Frothing at the mouth over your Heavy/Medic art... I used to think "meh, I like the ship" and now because of you I'm CONSTANTLY ROTATING THEM IN MY MIND. throwing your Medic out the window and listening to the way he thuds 🥺
I want to take your art and eat it. Bare hands and savage like some wild eldrich beast. I want you to see me outside and call the cops because I look like I'm rabid as I devour your art. I want you to feel my intense JOY and be filled with FEAR at the fact that anyone could get so much happiness from a stupid doodle.. please I would give you all my KFC coupons and any penny I find on the ground... /////
Your art is like walking into a restraunt in the middle of winter. It's like finally being able to take your socks off after a long day. It's the relief you feel after pulling the blanket out from under the mattress at a hotel.
I'm not normal about your art it always makes my day by giving me a little giggle! Finals kicked me in the ass this trimester and your art is so refreshing... never stop doing what you love... 😭😭❤❤❤
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this is the most threatening yet encouraging ask I've ever gotten, i almost didn't want to respond to this so i could keep it and read it every time i open my ask box but alsa if you truly love something you must let it go i suppose
i'm going to keep making silly art of my blorbos untill i get burnt out and when i evntually do i'm going to think of this post and i will rise from my own ashes like a majestic phoenix, thank you for this amazing ask anon <3
i will be taking those KFC coupons now thanks
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pink-and-pearls · 2 years
Let me love you, please...
Madara x fem! Reader
Description: Madara is learning how to love after suppressing his feelings and thinking that his cold heart was unable to love.
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You loved him...
Yes Madara, not the founder of Konoha nor the clan leader. Just Madara.
To you he was perfect, long majestic hair, a toned body, soulful dark eyes, and a handsome face. His aura was mysterious, which made you attracted to him more than you already are. How could you not? Hm? How could you not fall for him when every time you meet his gaze your heart would be so fast it could've pop out of your chest? And his voice, god, so deep and husky, you wish you'd wake up to it every day. But it wasn't easy...
No it wasn't easy to love him when hate slowly filled his heart...You watched him everyday and you hated it. You hate to see him like this. To you he wasn't a vengeful bastard, but a man that once had love too much. Yes, you knew how he deeply care for Izuna and how his death shattered his heart. You wish you could help him heal. You even told him that he'd eventually burn with the very same flames of his own hatred, but he wouldn't listen.
Every time try to get close to him, he would push you away, telling you that he didn't need you.
You try so hard. No you might not be a warrior, but you had fought so much just so you can make him feel how much you loved him. It was truly a heart wrenching sight to see you try that much.
People started to notice and wonder how dare you love a man like him. Hashirama himself was surprised and even told you that a man like Madara wasn't one to love...
You were so close, so close to giving up until one day, as you sat on a bench he came and sat next to you.
You eyes widened, you wondered why he decided for once to come to you. After everything...
After everything he had said to you, words that you don't even want to remember as it would break you delicate heart.
You stared at him shocked. Waiting for him to say a word.
"Y/n, I uhm..." He paused before saying: "For once, I am troubled. I'm unable to express myself. I am confused... but listen, I have never felt like this." He looked you in the eyes.
"I know I don't deserve you. You are too pure and kind for a man like me." He said looking away for a moment. " I am ruthless and cold yet I can bring myself to do that do you anymore."
"I can't keep pretending like my heart doesn't ache when I push you away."
Looking to you, he lightly caressed your face with his thumb.
"My dear y/n, what have you done to me?" He asked, a sad smile on his face. "I never thought I'd ever be able to feel like this. But you...you are an angel sent from heaven."
He was grateful, grateful that even when he had given up on himself you didn't. That you loved him no matter how much the other warned and judged you.
That you took time to understand him, when everyone else had turned their back on him.
He knew that he couldn't stay away from you anymore. How could he? How could he when your mere smile was enough to calm the beast inside of him. You might not know it yet, but this man has fallen for you harder then anyone could ever fall.
He'd do anything, anything to see those sparkly eyes of your and to hear your enchanting laugh.
Slowly he pulls you closer: "I am not the best when it comes to feeling, but I do know that I can't live without you anymore, so please my dear" he whispers as you could feel his hot breath on you "Let me love you..."
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hecatemoon87 · 2 years
Nature Documentary: Tom Hardy Characters
Leo Demidov
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Ah, and here we see a rare Russian lion pondering the existence of evil. He is a beautiful beast, is he not?
He is known to stalk his prey for miles, and once engaged in the hunt, he is relentless.
This male might appear distant and elusive. However, when it comes to mating, he will choose his mate for life and is a fierce protector.
Freddie Jackson
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This is one of the most unpredictable Tom Hardy species out in the wild. Note the cheeky smile. Alluring, attractive...but dangerous.
This beast draws in his prey with a calm demeanor before quickly switching over to brute force.
With females, he has a natural tendency to induce a sort of hypnotic trance over them. Pulling them into his bed and mating aggressively, then moving on to defend his territory.
Alfie Solomons
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The cameramen have been advised to give this ferocious beast some distance. See the intensity in this male's eye? A stunning specimen of the Tom Hardy species indeed.
A highly territorial predator, Alfie Solomons stalks his natural habitat of Camden Town. To protect his territory, he puts on displays of dominance by proving his intellectual superiority through strategy. If other males are not daunted by this, then he resorts to physical aggression to lay claim to what's rightfully his.
Females are drawn to his musk and intense masculine magnetism. He has no issues finding a mate.
Eddie Brock
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This curious creature, latin name Neurotix Eddix, has an interesting migration pattern. Though we've seen attempts at settling, the tracking chip shows yet another transition in location.
This beast is generally good-natured. However, recent blood tests after a catch and release indicate that he has been infected with some kind of parasite.
Instead of making him sick, the parasite has somehow enhanced his abilities. I believe we are seeing a rare but real-time evolution of genes in this species. Truly remarkable.
Ian Eames
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A quick-witted and feisty creature, Eames mostly hunts alone. However, there are times we've seen him in collaborations with other males.
He is, at times, able to blend into his surroundings. Going unnoticed for hours. However, when he wishes to be seen, he pulls the attention of many.
If you look closely, you can notice his subtle but distinct plumage. The salomon colored shirt draws the attention of his intended mate, who is then floored by his extraordinary male beauty. Upon sensing the arousal of a potential mate, he wastes no time in mounting the female.
James Delaney
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I am keeping my voice lowered so as not to disturb this majestic beast. His tolerance for attention is fairly low, so any sudden movement on our part will likely end in an attack.
James is a stealthy predator who has been known to use others for his own purposes. I've not seen such dedication at completing a hunt as compared to him. So it is best we do not annoy him.
Reggie Kray
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Ah, yes, the dazzling yet dangerous Reggie Kray is seen walking the streets of East London. You see, the well pressed suit, polished shoes, and meticulously combed hair indicate his status and power. He is nonverbally telling others that he is king of this jungle.
He is a fiercesome predator. He is able to incapacitate his prey quickly and efficiently.
His ability to find a mate is extraordinary. Instead of looking for the female, as traditionally most males are ought to do in the wild. The female comes to him. It's absolutely fascinating.
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[Dragon Maid fanfic] 'This isn't my fetish, but when you love Quetzalcoatl...'
Lucoa spends most of their life together in human form, but she is a dragon larger and longer than any river on Earth.
She humiliates herself to live as a familiar to a human magician, but she was once a god to whom humanity offered blood sacrifices in terrified reverence.
She would never ask Shouta to do anything that would hurt him. But sometimes, she longs to show him what she truly is.
And he's happy to accept her.
(Content Assurance: NO DEATH. Strictly role-play.)
In another world, in a desert with no name in any language he could speak, on a mesa with only a thin tunic to protect him from the cool breeze and sand...
Shouta knelt, and waited.
He felt no fear of attack from strangers or strange beasts. The plot of land on which he waited had been consecrated and claimed by a goddess. No other living being would dare approach, and risk her wrath.
As the sun's light began to peak over the horizon, he saw her likewise begin to appear.
She did not breach the horizon in the same place as the alien sun, though it would have been her right as one who once was the sun of his world. She knew his fragile mortal eyes could not stand the sun's glare directly.
She wanted him to see her coming.
And see her he did. As the sun began its daily flight through the vault of heaven, she made her flight above the earth. Above his line of sight, high enough that he must look up to her.
Distance played tricks on the eye and the mind, for a fleeting human like him. He knew how large she truly was. He knew she must be traveling at terrifying speeds, to cover so much distance so quickly. But he couldn't really grasp it.
By the time the sun was half-way to its zenith, she was half-way to him, and her size and speed and power became more apparent. In tandem with his pitiful mortal eyes beginning to make out more of her majestic details.
Her eyes, of course, had seen him clearly the moment she crested the horizon. At least, physically. Through their divine power, she never really lost sight of him, as long as she cared to peak.
She wasn't merely peaking now. Her eyes were wide open, and her two heterogeneous pupils remain fixed upon him. Unblinking. For hours.
As noon approached, Shouta stood up, and walked to edge of the mesa she had chosen for her altar.
The wind of her storm-like approach whipped up sand that stung his face, bare arms, naked legs and privates. He simply shielded his face with his hands and stood at last at the edge, trying to watch her as best he could.
He knew that she had slowed her pace as she approached, which further messed with his woefully inadequate perspective.
She finally came to a full and complete stop at her geographical altar, and the last of the wind died down for lack of her displacement.
Her tail still stretched beyond the horizon.
Her awe-inspiring head loomed over him, eyes each bigger than his house staring wide down at him. Her neck blocked out the sun and cast him into shadow, returning the chill that the brightening hours had previously banished. His neck protested the angle he needed to look up at her.
It was not his first time seeing the goddess in her true flesh, but he had not at all grown accustomed to the sight of her. He wasn't sure he could live long enough to do so, even if he discovered the magician's tricks to extend his life.
Was she a creature, like him? She was larger than the mesa on which he stood. She loomed over him like a low cloud, but with physical mass exceeding the rock under his feet. The coolness of the shadow she cast began to warm simply from her body-heat.
Was she a force of nature? But no cloud, no river, no flood, no wildfire had eyes that stared into your soul.
She was a dragon.
She was a goddess.
She was Quetzalcoatl.
And she was hungry.
He reached down and pulled the tunic up his body, over his head, and tossed it over the edge. He raised and spread his arms wide, exposing himself completely, leaving no barrier between him and her.
She moved closer.
He twitched, but fought to remain still.
He knew her. He knew he knew her. But his puny animal body, with its base animal instincts, could not help but quail at the living avalanche descending upon him.
Instincts that did not like what was going to happen next.
Her scaled lips parted, her mouth opened. Again, he could not comprehend the scale, intellectually knowing how fast her jaw must actually move to cover so much distance in that span of time. The wind whipped again from the disturbance, chilling his naked flesh. But at least this close to the edge, it picked up no stinging sand.
A blessing, considering how his penis stood tall and sensitive, vulnerable to the elements.
Just for a moment, she broke character. Her eyes leaving his own to glance at his cock, far too small for her to feel even if it poked her in one of those enormous eyes, big as swimming pools. If anyone had dared intrude upon this landscape, the size of those eyes would have given her stray glance away... but every living thing had wisely decided to be elsewhere for the day.
She lowered and extended her tongue, which itself could have been a gigantic, serpentine dragon rather than merely the smallest appendage of the manifest divinity above and before him.
The wind came wet and hot as the tip of her tongue approached. Water beaded across his skin well before it touched him, and not a little of it was his own sweat. The size of her tongue filled his world, and he could barely see her beyond it.
The smell! He dare not describe it.
The tip touched the tops of his toes first, heavy as a small wet dog. The saliva just from that proved copious enough to wash away all dust caked upon the tops of his feet.
He fought against his brain trying to rationalize the tongue as a whole creature to itself. He struggled to comprehend the control and grace necessary for this single organ, which could kill him with one errant twitch, touching him no more forcefully than his father patting his head.
Then her tongue began to move.
Slowly. Torturously (but more torturous still for her, he knew), she dragged the tip of her tongue upwards. Coating him in her fluid.
From his toes to his ankles.
From his ankles to his shins.
From his shins to his knees.
To his thighs.
To his...
He couldn't help it, his whole body jerked, his head thrown back.
But she lingered there, undeterred, knowing, understanding... teasing.
His manhood throbbed so fiercely he thought he would pass out.
Finally, she moved on, licking up to his belly, her drool incidentally cleaning and washing away the sign of his release. Of his body's desperate, futile attempt to pass on his legacy.
To his ribs.
To his chest.
His throat.
His chin.
He was grateful none of his seed remained by the time she covered his face. The smell of her breath might have presented its own challenge, but he actually had to hold his own breath lest he inhale and choke on her saliva.
She did not test him long, before she lowered her tongue back to his neck, and then extended it farther.
Across his shoulder, across his back, under his other armpit... her tongue snaked and twisted around his body like a harness, between his legs, across his balls, back over his manhood, then around his legs.
She lifted him off the ground, and he flailed reflexively, but his thrashing failed to have an effect at all.
As he rose high enough to again meet her eyes, staring directly into his own, he stilled as much from instinctual terror as deliberate will.
He couldn't help but stiffen, as her tongue began to retract him back towards her mouth.
He couldn't keep his eyes on hers, looking from them down to her mouth and back again. Desperately searching her eyes for mercy, fearfully looking back into the abyss that would claim him.
Her tongue paused for one moment, just before she brought him too close to her mouth for her to see him anymore. He met her eyes one more time.
Then her tongue jerked, moving faster than before, and her jaw closed below him all at once.
He woke up in their bed, clean, warm, and half-rested. He would have gone back to sleep, but he felt awfully thirsty.
He cracked one eye open to see Lucoa watching him with just as much 'eye'. Her smile became more sincere, more relaxed, as she handed him a glass of water.
He gladly gulped it down, and handed it back to her empty.
As she set it down on his nightstand, he told her, "I can't tell you how beautiful you are."
She giggled. "It would be nice if you tried to put it into words, but I know I didn't choose a poet."
She half-opened both her eyes, giving him not this morning's predatorial stare, but the full, adoring attention of his lover. "But you do show me. I can see it in the way you look at me. Like no one quite ever has."
She hooded both of her eyes, and coyly dragged a finger over the blanket covering his thigh. "Now, do you feel up to letting me show you how beautiful I think you are?"
He smiled, and pulled back the covers, reaching an arm out to accept her.
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Author's Notes: Not that I felt it merited much explanation, but I assumed that Lucoa would use magic to ensure that Shouta would be protected against any physical injury from being in her mouth for any brief span of time, and she was ready to teleport him back out immediately.
But the experience still overwhelmed him enough that he fainted.
The vore isn't the point. Either for me as the author, or for the characters as participants.
A man beating his wife is horrifying. A man spanking his wife because she's begging him to is wholesome.
The wife doesn't want to be abused; she wants to surrender control. She wants a confirmation that she can trust her husband to take her to the edge of danger and no farther.
Shouta does NOT want to be eaten, not even as fetish roleplay. He only enjoyed this activity in the slightest because he enjoyed demonstrating his love and trust for his wife.
Lucoa DOES NOT want to eat Shouta. I made that clear repeatedly from the beginning. She would never suggest or agree to doing anything that would hurt Shouta.
But she's a DRAGON GODDESS. She not only COULD eat Shouta, she could do it by accident. She could devour an entire crowd of humans and it wouldn't even be a snack.
She doesn't need to display the power differential between them to love Shouta. But she needs Shouta to let her demonstrate the power differential between them so that she can FEEL loved. Loved for who and what she really is, and not for the disguise she wears to fit into his life.
THAT was my only goal from the beginning. The roleplay of Shouta offering himself up as a ritual blood sacrifice simply EMERGED from that.
It's definitely a lot easier to fake eating Shouta than for Shouta to fake slitting his throat, or for Lucoa to fake smashing him to death beneath her wings or coils.
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numerousbees1106 · 6 months
Written for the 2024 Angstpril challenge, this is a continuation of - although not the continuation - of my Wastelands series, and is now available to read here or on Ao3!
Haven’t read the first work in this series? Start now by finding it here!
Multiple content warnings apply to the first part of this series.
Want Relief?
The forest was rich and lush with life, teeming with vivid verdancy and enchanted with magic so ancient it had no name. Beneath the heroic warrior, a winter-white stallion stood tall and proud, neck craned majestically as the two stared at the looming castle in the distance. Dark, thunderous clouds hissing and spitting with lightning circled the ominous towers like vultures.
There, the knight thought as he tightened his grip on his sword, steeling himself. There is where the evil king resides.
His prideful steed rearing, the two heroes bolted down the long and twisted path, certain of their bond and of their strength. They had trained months for this, years for this, they had lost and learned and lived and loved, all leading up to this moment. They would kill the evil king, and they would save the kingdom, or they would die trying, and neither of them had any intentions on dying that day-
The doors slammed open, quite the impressive feat considering they were automatic sliding doors. Piett raised an irate eyebrow at the sudden intruder, setting his holo-pad off to the side with a remorseful sigh.
“Love,” he greeted, taking note of the agitated way his lover’s fists clenched, the synth leather creaking with the strain, metal fingers groaning, their how their bond buzzing with frustrated energy.
A bleat of static from the vocoder was all the response he got as his lover began pacing back and forth across the room.
Piett’s room.
Well, the room technically belonged to both of them, but his lover was quite adverse to actually using it, preferring to instead lurk just outside, occasionally entering just to brush his hands reverently over Piett’s possessions as if he were worshiping sacred artifacts.
Piett found it quite endearing, though he probably shouldn’t.
Now, though, his lover trod the well-kept floors with a bristling aggravation that even Piett could sense. His heavy, synthweave cape snapped at his lover’s heels as he paced, lashing with each turn like the tail of some great dark dragon.
“Love,” he began, his annoyance at being interrupted fading in place of growing concern for his lover’s unusual behavior. “What ever could have upset you so?”
His lover stopped his pacing, tilting his head to peer at Piett with his one good eye, the crimson lenses covering up the smoldering amber color Piett knew was hidden just beneath.
His lover let out another bleat of static - this one, Piett recognized as a sigh. Seeming to deflate, those broad black armored shoulders slumped slightly, and those strong durasteel hands unclenched, though an anxious and uncertain energy still hovered like a swarm of detritivorous insects. He truly was beautiful, Piett reflected, eyes softening as he gazed at the imposing dark beast of a man, whose strength and skill was unmatched but who curled in on himself self-consciously now.
Piett could spend days on end staring at his lover, analyzing him, getting lost in the details of him, drinking it all up…
Dammit, Firmus, now was not the time. His lover was upset about something, and Piett was deathly curious as to what, though horrid scenarios ran through his mind simultaneously.
As the silent staring from his lover’s end continued, Piett let out a low hiss.
“If the Emperor did something to you…” Piett growled, unable to withstand the tirade running through his head, his fists clenching in rage.
“Calm,” his lover said, technically commanded, but with a tone that was soothing. Or, at least as soothing as his lover was capable of. “I have not spoken with the Emperor since the visit to Coruscant.”
Piett calmed, his metaphorical hackles falling.
“Then what bothers you?” He murmured, standing.
His lover was quiet for a moment, save for the mechanical breathing, and Piett feared he wouldn’t answer.
“It… hurts,” his lover said finally, letting Piett grasp his hands, intertwining their fingers.
Piett frowned up at him.
“What hurts, love?”
A long pause.
“It is… irrational. Impossible. And yet it is true. My jaw, my love - my jaw is gone and yet it agonizes me.”
“Oh,” was all Piett could manage.
A heavy silence reigned supreme. Helpless rage rioted in Piett’s chest, a smothering fury at the Emperor, at the blind masses, at the Galaxy as a whole. He hated them. He hated Him.
His lover jerked backwards, fear coiling around him, seeping from him like poison gas - fear of him, but also fear for him, buried beneath the ingrained terror his lover felt.
Piett froze, hands still slightly raised from where his lover’s hands had slipped from his.
Crossing his arms across his chest, a gesture Piett had become unfortunately familiar with, his lover backed up until his back was against the door.
The phantom sensation of lightning spidering over his skin sent plasmic waves of agony and scorching freeze-pain throughout his body, his entire abdomen clenching as he was assaulted by wave after wave of animal fear.
“No, no, love - I’m not- I’m not angry at you love, never at you-”
Tears pricked at his eyes, a sorrowful grief so confound it sent roiling waves of nausea through his soul. This injustice was one he felt keenly.
It was easy enough for him to open himself up in the Mindlink, projecting his earnest concern and overwhelming affection.
Slowly, he took a few steps forward, hands held up slightly as if he were approaching a spooked animal.
“I’m not angry at you,” he repeated, his voice nearing a whisper. “I’m angry for you. I can’t take your pain away, love, but I can hate the one who caused it.”
“I do not hate him,” his lover said, allowing Piett to approach, though he still radiated an uncharacteristic nervousness.
“That’s alright,” Piett murmured, placing his hands gently on his lover’s chest, careful not to near the delicate buttons and lights. Slowly, jerkingly, as if he were out of practice, his lover wrapped his arms around Piett in return.
“I have enough hate for him for the both of us - I will hate on your behalf.”
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kedsandtubesocks · 1 year
okay okay i wanna hear your opinion on pedro boys and what monsters they would be !!!!
LETS START SPOOKY SUMMER OFF RIGHT AND IM SO GLAD ITS WITH YOU BB thank you for sending this amazing ask in 🥺🎃 ✨
Okay…this is something I know we’ve talked about many times in our deep discussions but now that I think about the other boys I’m like “…oh shit” so here we GO LOL
Javi P: a type of were-creature, I love the idea of Javi having the ties to a Texas and Latino based monster and as someone who’s great tia swore she saw the chupacabra and then knowing there’s a monster/beast I’ve heard legend about living in the hill country, theres something familiar and close knit tradition about were-creatures based in local and cultural urban legends that fits Javi’s vibes about being so connected to his home
Pero T: yes he is a peak werewolf but I will say this until I write the fic but he is a lake monster, creature from the black lagoon style, he lurks likes his isolation and is aware to his surroundings. He would do perfect as a lake monster simply surviving as a grumpy hiding monster under the waves
Marcus Pike: DRAGON!!! Grand beautiful majestic creatures that hoard precious things? Marcus is all about the arts and seeing the beauty in everything, those vibes just make me think of him as this beautiful grand dragon that hoards art until he finds you his most precious treasure
Dave York: something demonic, he always reminds me of the Lucifer figure - this perfect soldier who followed orders until he questioned his existence and is now disillusioned and corrupt living on his own terms now
Frankie: my sweet werewolf boy, loyal big and forever protective and will bare his fangs whenever he feels threatens and has a bit of a temper, also can you imagine how COZY HE WOULD BE??
Din: ghost, he’s a ghost that’s simply living in this strange beskar armor but his spirit is so strong and righteous that it stays alive and haunts his armor. But he is tender and speaks with the softest whispers in the wind, like a echo you wonder if you even heard in the first place
Joel: a ghost like Din but a much scarier version, like a spirit of vengeance that is violent and fierce, powerful in its rage but a known protector that watches over anyone who walks home alone at night, he sits in the trees with eyes that are so dark they blend with the night
Jack: Vampire, suave a bit extravagant and luxurious and I only am doing this cause I want him to make all the stupid vampire puns and even has fake vampire plastic teeth he playfully uses from time to time, also can you imagine him slick gelled hair back super classic Dracula style?? 😮‍💨
Dieter: shapeshifter, he’s a man of many faces and many roles that you wonder if he even knows what his true self looks like anymore, goes into how he’s an actor and I think there’s so many layers to dieter that he keeps up to make sure no one truly knows him
Ezra: eldritch space creature, has many eyes speaks in many voices that seem out of this realm but he is kind and moves very gently. He is wise beyond his years and is interested in all things human, but like any eldritch creature it can be tricky and turn on a whim when need be
Javi G: Mothman!! Super sweet and chattery and is kind of an odd ball but simply wants to be left alone in the woods but remains curious about the world around him, holds a certain charm to him but is still a dangerous creature underneath it all
Wow I ramble away with these I’m SORRY
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