#troy and serena headcanon
Whatever you do, don't think about
Troy Otto just walking around the compound one day when he hears a laugh.
Her laugh
Troy whirls around searching the area for Serena, cause he hears her laugh. A sound he never thought he would hear again. Then his eyes land on the source of the laughter.
It's Tracy.
Tracy laughs like her mom.
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otto-serena · 7 months
Troy/Lyn Bazaar Life Headcanons
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After the Ranch the pair go to the Bazaar with Nick who is going after Alicia. This is where Troy and Lyn get married. Nick is the one to plan their wedding and it turns out pretty nice.
After getting married Troy and Lyn decide to reside at the Bazaar for a bit, to finally breathe. This is probably the first inkling of a normal life with one another beside their trailer at Broke Jaw.
They trade some supplies they have to get a small room to stay in and both of them get small jobs to keep earning. Troy probably does something killing walkers, and Lyn does something with medicine.
At some point Laurel decides to cut her hair short and doesn't tell Troy, she just cuts it shorter and goes back to their room like nothing happened. Probably freaks him out a little bit and it amuses her.
At some point Lyn convinces Troy to go shopping with her in the Bazaar, and they go to a few shop mainly looking at clothes, and Lyn makes Troy try on a ton of different hats and takes a few pictures of him with a polaroid she bought.
Troy and Lyn have a run in with a small group that at first tries to rob them, but they quickly put an end to that, which then puts them on the Proctors's radar.
At the Bazaar they are really trying their best to just live a domestic life with one another, or at least the closest they can get to one.
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ftwdb · 9 months
Thoughts on Troy Otto, some Headcanons:
After the initial blow to the head Troy suffers some memory loss which comes back in short flashbacks, resulting in a very mixup up version of events from Broke Jaw.
I also HC that Troy has a personality disorder as as result of his childhood trauma and and such subconsciously changes his behaviour to match people around him he cares about and does not want to be rejected by. When he meets Serena he tries to be a “better man” to earn her love, even accepting her desire to adopt Alicia’s ideology to help people - until it gets her killed and he spirals in a similar way to his psychosis caused by his be old from the ranch in season 3.
Him leading the dead to the ranch in season 3 was definitely the result of a breakdown/psychotic break caused by all his trauma, exhaustion and feelings of abandonment and loss.
Late night conversations with Walker-Serena, Russell is very concerned when he insists on taking baby Tracy to visit her mother.
Russell is secretly in love with Troy - don’t ask why, just a vibe I got 🤷🏻‍♀️
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noemitenshi · 10 months
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Ok so. There's several questions in here, I'll try to address them all @marrecarandgi
Maybe let's do the "Can this man ever move on and find a new relationship after he and Tracy ride into sunset" first (which is also fully my HC, he didn't die, Tracy just had guilt-fueled nightmares that seemed so real she really believes she shot her walker!dad).
Anyway, yes, he was pretty hung up on his wife, it seems.
(Though honestly, parking her in this swamp type thing was weird to me? Like, wouldn't he want her closer by? It's almost like they don't really get Troy's character - like they present us a distorted version of him, we recognize enough of Troy in him to say 'it's him' but then there's just... something that isn't right)
Ok, lets ignore the things that don't quite fit and go with, he was super hung up on her. Though maybe not only her but also the way he lost her and how he put all of that on alicia and madison. so it seems to get closure he needed to get his revenge
(though that's again not super fitting with what they show us in ep11 - the first heart to heart he has with madison where she is about to kill him with her hammer. he says "you want her people to believe the same thing she did - when this is exactly what got her killed" warns her, really. and the way he looks at her, the way his voice sounds... it's almost like he cares. but then, why would he, if he hates her so much. It's almost like he's trying to connect to her, but then, why would he. If he hates her so much. Or maybe he wants her to stop believing in this thing that killed his wife. If so, then why save her in the end when he saw she didn't believe? It just doesn't fit together. Individually those things are fine but taken together it's very headscratchy. Sorry, I said I'll stay away from these things that don't quite fit but guess I can't stop myself ^^0)
Ok so, again ignoring all that and going with the 'he needed revenge/her killing Madison to move on... I think the fact that Madison ended zombie!serena and the fact that he buried her helped him a lot in the 'moving on from her'.
If we take this bullshit on face value with him regretting not letting alicia's idea die with serena, then even getting to *live it* (once he gets Tracy back from madison) may help him, too. A way to honor his wife and think on her but not with so much bitterness and ... well he clung to her in a way, right. Clung to revenge so he could cling to her maybe. Or the other way around. And if that is now broken (again taken the bullshit he said before he died at face value) he'll have a much easier time moving on now.
Now what happens between him and madison and alicia once they meet up - I have no idea. It could be that by this time Madison already started to regret killing him. I mean she's still not happy to see him - given that she expects him to still want to kill her. So their places could be somewhat switched now, mirroring the end of ep11. Her now full of regret and hm compassion even towards him and him... well that's the question isn't it? I think, if we go the route of 'what he said at the end of ep11 is the truth' then he should let her live. He's not gonna tell her this of course from the beginning since he doesn't trust her and still thinks she thinks like at the end of ep11 (no second chances, troy is irredeemable). So it'll be a bit of a dance I guess, with both of them misinterpreting the other's actions. But not for long bc once Tracy sees her dad no one can stop her from going to him. And that's all he wants, his daughter back. And they should leave madison and alicia and go out on their own.
Now if you'd rather not believe he had a change of heart end of ep 11 (which I get haha it kinda came out of nowhere), he's still gonna want revenge. And I think he will, once he finds them. He won't be convulted about it either, I don't think so. Now that he doesn't have his zombie!wife anymore. Now that he even lost his kid, I think he's gonna be methodical. Wouldn't mind him just creeping into their camp and shooting them point blank. Sure, they wont 'rot on their feet' but I think the need for them to be dead may at this point be greater than anything else. Especially since they have tracy. I think them having tracy is a pretty strong motivator for him to end things quickly and get her away from there. Tracy, who probably has her head screwed with a lot (I mean her going to madison after she believes she killed her dad is.. uh a choice and speaks not well of the kid's mental health... so that could lead to some interesting tension between them though I think they'd work through it soon enough. it's her *dad* after all). And yes once he's got her back and the other two lie dead, his wife buried, I think he *can* move on from her.
Probably entering into a new relationship won't be easy though (in either case, both the 'he took revenge' and the 'he just wanted his daughter back'), he feels like he wants to be single for a while now haha, which. Understandable. He was first married to his wife and then to the idea of revenge. And they say getting out of a relationship takes half the time the relationship lasted so uhm. Make of that what you will ;)
Maybe if he meets up with someone he knows it's easier for him to form a relationship than if it's someone completely new... just an idea though (maybe bc then it doesn't remind him so much of serena...?).
Also in my somewhat improbable HC (of course I have several contradicting HCs - as one does...) which I haven't quite let go off even though it turned out not to have any canon support (though also not really something that contradicts it so uhh (except for the part where I thought serena seems like a cutie and I don't want her to be a bad guy), I imagine serena as abusive towards troy.
Again no textual support of this - that whole idea was born out of the fear that they'd made troy be actually the one responsible for his wife's death (thank GOD that fear was unfounded haha). But yeah I was really anxious about this once it was revealed that alicia's idea killed tracy's mom but we had no further inforomation on it. So this fear, and the fact that he went 'it's not pretty to look at, I know' about his eye had me thinking that it could be possible. That sentence 'it's not pretty to look at, I know' gave me pause since... it doesn't sound like Troy to be concerned with how he looks. That was never him (yes even though he's well dressed now :P). So I thought, that almost sounds like he's quoting someone, omg what if he's quoting his wife?! What if his wife was at least verbally abusive towards him..(if not more)?? (Then the tracy thing kindaaaa makes sense too haha, he's subconsciously thinking back to that, is reminded of how his mom treated him and it's def a cry for help, calling his kid tracy... not that anyone heard him. as usual). Anyway if we go that route then a new relationship would be undoubtedly good for him (unless this one, too, is abusive haha...). Not sure if this makes him more or less likely to seek one out though. I think an argument could be made either way. Maybe more, just because he's still searching for what he'd searched for all his life: someone to love and appreciate him. Even while he's convinced it never could be different, didn't serena show him that, he's still searching...
Now the dad thing... I think I said it somewhere before, to me it didn't feel out of character at all(if this is even what you're getting at? If not, feel free to correct me :) ). In fact I was superglad to hear him say he didn't give a fuck about Jeremiah. I maintain he had a complicated relationship with his dad (just like he had with his mom). He loved his parents probably the same way a kicked dog loves his master. Beyond reason and self-preservation. But he hates his parents, too. And I think he's ashamed of that, of feeling *wrong things*. I think he also thinks the fault that they don't love him lies with himself. That he is wrong, that he can't do what they want (a quiet child, best seen not heard etc). So he puts all that on himself, the hate he has for them and the fact that they don't love him. Both bc there's just something not right with him. So he buries it, buries it deep down.
Of course he was sad when his dad died, of course he grieved him. He probably also grieved that now he never could get from him what he wanted: being told he did good. Being told his dad is proud of him. All these things. I also think he was... relieved. And that horrified him. Showed him again, in his mind, that see, he is wrong. Who is relieved their dad is dead. And then he's also angry of course, angry at his dad for killing himself. Doing something that seems so out of character for him. Leaving Troy and Jake to pick up the pieces (probably like always... I imagine when he was drunk and destroyed things or made a mess, it was on the kids to clean up. Same with his mom btw). Anyway. very very complicated feelings, contradicting feelings even. No wonder he lost his mind in exile. And I think the fact that he destroyed this place, even though it pained him in the end, it also freed him. It was the beginning of letting go. Of his mom, his dad. Even Jake. A cleansing as he said, but for himself. And I think over the years those feelings became clearer to himself, he started to understand himself better, started to understand where his uncontrollable anger came from and could accept this. So yeah "fuck that old man" (paraphrased haha) isn't a weird thing for s8 troy to say at all. He's right. Fuck him.
"I'd do it all again" Right, that one. Haha, those fateful words. I hope you forgive me for just quoting my own work, since I very much explored this:
Troy felt relieved when he heard Madison asked, “Why would Daniel want to kill Troy?” This was it, he was sure of it. This was the missing piece to get back into step with Madison. Because even though she’d just told him “we’re good” he knew they weren’t. He had sensed her trepidation in her ingenious smile, in the hesitation in her voice. And now he was sure it was because he was still keeping a secret from her. A secret that only became one because of Nick, because he had followed Nick’s lead on this. And he hadn’t minded, understood that Nick rather not tell his sister Jake died partly because of him… But now he couldn’t keep quiet anymore. Not if it talking could mean that it would bring Madison and him close together again. Not if it meant it could again be as it was, before, between Madison and him. And yes, their conversation got heated once he admitted what he’d done. He should’ve expected that but he was too caught up in it. In trying to explain himself, in trying to rush to go where they’d been before. He should’ve given her more time to process… he knew she would’ve, eventually. She understood him. They were the same – and that was what he was trying to tell her, remind her of, however clumsily. “I’d do it all again,” he implored her, trying to make her see, “All of it, Madison.”
(Bolded part is the most important one). Right so I think he's wanting for Madison to see his side, for her to well maybe not forgive him but definitely accept what he'd done, accept him) and her continued refusal got him agitated, angry, and so he blurted that out - unfortunately not at all doing what he set out to do but the complete opposite. That is why he says 'hed do it all again'. He wants acceptance for who he is, he's not gonna APOLOGIZE for it and he resents her for insinuating differently. All his life he's made to feel he was wrong and in madison he thought he'd finally found someone who got him. Understood him like no other. And now she stands before him having the gall to judge him too. It's too much and so he spits this into her face, forces her to confront all the bad things in himself. Sadly for him she answers not by acceptance as he thought, especially when he said "and you would too you know you would", this callback to how similar they are, but by killing him. And I think him calling out their similarities played def a role in her decision to strike him down.
(As an aside, I don't see Troy as someone who apologizes or appreciates an apology or even... gets what it is about. Esp. s3 Troy. He's thinking is along the lines: "If I did it, I did it, so there's no use in wishing things went differently, no use in lamenting. It happened and with the information I had at that time I couldn't have made another choice. I would do things again like this. So what use is an apology? Isn't it even cheapening things? Because then I could've just NOT DONE IN in the first place. But clearly I did" It's a bit of a circular reasoning. He's a bit naive in that haha.
I'm not sure he raised Tracy to see zombie!serena as her mom. Yes, Tracy does call her "mom" but I didn't get the feeling that she things it really is *her*. Like I think she's very much aware and never had confusion over the fact that her mom is dead and this is her reanimated corpse. Is that much better? Not sure haha.
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fandomstars · 1 year
Writing Request Form..Aka What I write and how you can request
Star Wars (Clone Wars / Rebels / Bad Batch )
Star Trek (AOS)
Pokémon (Anime / Games) (Minus Pokemon Games before Pokémon Diamond)
Steven Universe
TMNT 2012
Power Rangers (Mainly Jungle Fury/SPD cause it’s the series I’m more familiar with)
Trolls (Dreamworks) (Love Broppy + any Poppy centric stuff (<~ not much content out there compared to Branch centric stuff.)
DBZ (I’ve only watched Z Kai and few of Super so bear with me if whatever I write isn’t “canon” enough.)
Writing limit / Won’t dos:
Limit = Tumblr word count (But if needing to go beyond one post I might do part 2/3/4/etc.)
Nothing rated R ( sexual/dirty/etc.) aka not NSFW
No horror/poetry
No poly nor incest
No trans/non-binary (never written such before and idk how sorry)
No medical (transition/amputation/mental health) (just not comfortable/not knowledgeable)
Also nothing on pregnancy / periods (never done so)
Headcanons / Oneshot requests only
My OCs:
• Feel free to request Headcanons/Oneshots of them too!
Alex Diamond
Link to bio: https://www.tumblr.com/fandomstars/713433646522056704/if-steven-universe-had-a-brother-fromblue
{ Steven Universe x Star Wars Bad Batch/Clone Wars }
Oliver Diamond
Link to bio: https://www.tumblr.com/fandomstars/747697014157066240/if-steven-universe-had-a-twin-brother-from-pink
{ Steven Universe x DBZ}
Aster Diamond
Link to bio: TBD
{ Steven Universe x TMNT 2012 }
Jim Kirk Diamond
(Technically not an OC, but more a canon character but my version of…idk call what you call it)
Link to bio: https://www.tumblr.com/fandomstars/747700297613328384/if-steven-universe-had-a-twin-brother-son
{ Steven Universe x AOS Star Trek }
How to request:
Go to the chat box with the + on it in the upper right corner of my blog.
Click “Submit request & more here!” tab
Write request
Wait and see the final result!
Share please? Want my inbox to be filled.
OTPs I will write/ NOTPs I won’t ever write:
Kylohux / Kalluzeb / Alex (my oc) x Crosshair / Obi-wan x Cody | Reylo / Ezrabine
Ash x Gary / Ash x Gou / Ash x Paul / Ash x Kiawe / Ash x Gladion / Ash x Lillie | Ash x Serena / Misty / any other pokegirl
Jim x Spock | Anything that isn’t the two paired together
Leo x Aster (my OC) / April x Donnie | Leo x Karai / April x Casey
Casey x Jarrod / Fran x Dom / Troy x Orion / Jack x Sky | Casey x Lily / Jarrod x Camille / RJ x Casey or Fran / Jayden x Antonio, Mia, Kevin, Mike, or Emily (thought they were more siblings) / Troy x Gia or Emma / Noah x Jake / Orion x Emma or Gia / Jack x Z or Syd / Bridge x Sky
Branch x Poppy | Otherwise nothing else
Oliver (my oc) x Gohan / While I ship ChichixGoku, Krillinx18, and VegetaxBulma, idk yet if I’m capable to writing them centric wise as oppose to in the background or something. | Otherwise nothing else unless it’s platonic
Feel free to ask if I ship/write with any other ships I haven’t mentioned and what not.
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ricochetingtears · 3 years
𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐨𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐬.
911 universe.
abby clark — canon divergent.
grace ryder
gwyn morgan — canon divergent.
maddie buckley
owen strand
taylor kelly — probably canon divergent.
tk strand
all american universe.
jordan baker
keisha mccalla — watching season 2.
lando johnson — watching season 2.
olivia baker — slightly canon divergent.
dc universe.
donna troy — comics based / titans canon divergent. prev. madeamazon.
lena luthor — supergirl canon divergent / headcanon based.
lois lane — smallville based, not arrowverse complaint. prev. exposestruth.
first kill.
calliope ‘cal’ burns — testing.
talia burns
gilmore girls.
lorelai gilmore
gossip girl.
serena van der woodsen — canon divergent.
grey’s anatomy.
amelia shepherd — canon divergent. prev. fearlesshepherd/mchurricane.
callie torres — canon divergent.
mark sloan — canon divergent.
nancy shepherd — canon divergent and highly headcanon based. 
harry potter.
pansy parkinson — headcanon based. anti-jrk. prev. vivaciousnake. stats.
morgana pendragon — modern and resurrection verses available. prev. turnedwicked.
once upon a time.
emma swan — haven’t watched season 7 / canon divergent with dark one era
regina mills — canon divergent
one chicago.
gabriela dawson — canon divergent
jay halstead — only watched until s5 / highly selective
stella kidd — moved from @lieutenantkidd
one tree hill.
julian baker
roswell new mexico.
isobel evans
kyle valenti
harvey specter
the resident.
conrad hawkins — very slowly watching season 3.
the sex lives of college girls.
leighton murray
the vampire diaries universe.
lizzie saltzman
rebekah mikaelson — the originals canon divergent. prev. recklessbarbieklaus/originalbarbie.
tommy castelli — testing
original characters.
courtney difronzo — fandomless, mafia based, affiliated oc. stats. biography.
grayson lawrence — fandomless affiliated oc.
harvey mendoza — fandomless affiliated oc.
natalie hernández — fandomless affiliated oc.
olivia hayes — fandomless paramedic / former er doctor oc.
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mrs-nate-humphrey · 4 years
what are the randomest hcs you have for gossip girl, but absolutely love?
ohh this is such a fun question, but at the same time, more than my own headcanons, it’s random bits of canon that are so fascinating to me.
there’s a lot of tiny details in canon that i adore (nate’s favourite movie being the sound of music, serena & dan reading nylon together, dan being fashion savvy, jenny making her first dress at age 8, dan & nate having a don draper pact, chuck having a kangaroo tattoo he got in australia when he was really drunk, blair & serena being co-captains of the lacrosse team, dan and vanessa attending morrissey concerts together...) 
yeah so honestly more than headcanons i love how many hilarious things we got in canon (that bit where rufus is like ‘remember you needed your hand held on the way to school when you were in junior school, or else you’d cry, jenny?’ and jenny looks at him scathingly and she’s like ‘that was dan’ dkslhflkhg such a beautiful moment.)
so! i can’t rlly compare to this, very much. here’s a few random ones, though (some of which might show up in fics i’m writing/ i will write):
i feel like blair in junior school definitely had horse girl energy. idk if she was actually a horse girl, but i bet she was really intense.
nate is the best sports captain ever; he has all the skills needed to be a good captain. he’s good at strategizing on the field, at knowing what his players’ strengths and weaknesses are, at making everyone feel like they’re part of the team. everyone who’s ever played any sports with nate falls in love with him a little at the end of it.
in fact, i describe nate to people who haven’t watched gg as ‘the troy bolton of the gossip girl universe.’ am i wrong? (no. and nate/vanessa makes me think of troy/gabriella. i think just because of how smiley and wholesome and sweet both relationships can be? idk.)
vanessa &/or serena take dan to his first pride because he needs moral support. (if it’s vanessa and serena, and they end the parade with becoming girlfriends...nothing like it, honestly.)
dan can play the piano reasonably well.
nate doesn’t get the same childhood pop culture references his peers do, because what movies and shows he was allowed to watch were closely monitored by anne and howard. he had to sneakily watch cartoons at blair’s place, and at serena’s place. but sometimes dan & jenny will reference disney movies and he’ll be like, “huh?” 
i think more than rufus, alison’s the one who really encourages dan to be a writer & supports his writing.. while he’s younger. which i think is part of why her leaving hurts dan so massively.. he’s always felt like alison understood him better than rufus. and then alison leaves and he just doesn’t understand how it was so easy for her to go, how she could just leave him like that. and it hurts.
dan and jenny just GET each other’s creativity and ambition. they support each other in every possible way. dan’s birthday gift to jenny will always contain sewing supplies, along with whatever else she’s been wanting. jenny, from a very young age, has been gifting dan novelty dictionaries and thesauruses dead seriously. it’s fine though; he loves it.
in the same vein... dan knows a lot about fashion, and everything he knows he knows from jenny, because he’s listened to her and encouraged her and paid attention to her designing stuff over the years. SIMILARLY: jenny’s fucking amazing at scrabble, and can be a walking thesaurus at times, and is really good at proof-reading people’s writing, despite not being a writer. (’what? my brother’s a writer, you have no idea what i grew up around.’)
serena and nate 100% get high together a lot of the time and it’s a lot of fun!!
nate is a dog person & dan is a cat person. (when they move in together for a bit, jenny gets them a pet bird as a compromise.) 
serena is extremely good at maths & physics, relatively good at bio and chem. nobody really expects it, and she doesn’t announce it or broadcast it, and often due to the traumatic stuff happening in her life, her performance at school isn’t really the best. but she’s amazing at it. she’d also be really good at law, and psychology.
nate hates sitting in one place and reading books. he LOVES audiobooks, though. and documentaries and movies. he just finds it hard to like. flip pages and read.
something i’ve thought about a lot is that it makes a lot of sense for nate to have some sort of learning disability but very, very mild. like, super mild dyslexia. so it doesn’t get diagnosed and everyone keeps telling him to “try harder” but he genuinely is doing his best...
i’m really sad we didn’t get a debate club during the college arc, because dan & blair would be the PERFECT british parliamentary debate team. they would destroy everyone! 
finally (this is so random but. what isn’t really) i don’t think dan would propose to blair. i think, given the way marriage has been for her, with the louis thing and then the chuck thing, dan would just be like. ‘i would love to be married to her but i think this is something she’s got to initiate, and im not going to push her.’ he would do a very good job at being quiet about how badly he wants to marry her... right until blair reads something he’s working on (possibly by accident, i think both of them WOULD respect the other’s privacy and not snoop) and she’s like.. ‘dan you want to marry me?” and dan’s like “well obviously??” and she’s like ‘it wasn’t obvious to me.’ and it doesn’t come up again until later, when blair gets them both engagement rings and just goes, ‘we’re engaged now, i suppose.’ and then they do something romantic to celebrate.
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Okay so I don't like how Serena died {FTWD thoughts}
Serena shouldn't have been dead, we should have been able to see Troy and her and Tracy be a family and be happy.
Serena shouldn't have been sacrificed for the plot in order to bump up the Clarks. No, leave Troy and his wife and their happiness alone
Serena would have helped people, yes, I think she was a good person, but I don't think she would have put her life at risk like that especially when there was the chance she might not come back and cost Troy his wife and little Tracy her mother.
ALSO how did Alicia save Serena? Like after she got bitten they sent out a call for help, and Alicia answered. But it would have had to have been super quick response wise. You gotta cut the bite off quick.
Also we’re supposed to believe Troy Otto wouldn’t know what to do and where to cut?? Come on people
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Troy and Serena (Lyn) Otto Headcanons!
Troy being in a relationship, a boyfriend/husband, is difficult for him, being...domestic is difficult for him in a word, but Serena is more than patient with him. They move at his pace, and if there are times when he seems to be getting overwhelmed with his own head, she gives him space. A lot of the time they don't even have to talk and they know what the other is feeling, they can communicate just through looks.
Troy doesn't like being touched so that is a process, Serena respects that, although he does his best to get better at being okay with being touched because he knows physical touch in Serena's love language, Troy's is quality time.
The first time Troy grabs Serena's hand and holds it of his own choice Serena is silently freaking out while remaining calm on the outside.
They read to one another before bed, Serena lays on Troy's chest while he reads, or Troy snuggles into Serena's side and lays his head on her stomach while she reads and gently runs her fingers through his hair.
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Dwight talking to Troy, Serena, and others about something important. Serena sitting on the floor a few feet away: *Waves at Troy* Troy: *Smiles and waves back* Dwight running a hand over his face: Can you two focus? Troy: She waved at me, what I'm not supposed to wave back? That's just rude, Morgan: How...are you two still alive? Troy: We're too good-looking to die Serena: *finger guns*
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Serena Otto Headcanons Pt.1
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Very sarcastic and stubborn. Matches Troy's energy well. Likes to push people's buttons. She gets a sense of their boundaries this way. They balance one another out, when Troy needs a calming presence, that's Serena. When Serena rushes into danger Troy makes sure she stays alive. They both go fucking insane when they need to make a point.
Serena can honestly be just as wild and crazy as Troy.
Loves Troy unconditionally and with all she is and has. He is her soulmate.
Starts celebrating Troy's birthdays by baking him a cake when she can, giving him a present she found on a run or giving him a break from being a leader for the day and going out on a run just the two of them.
For Serena's birthday, she always asks Troy to dance with her, like on their wedding day.
Eventually learns everything about Troy's past and what he went through.
Serena is always by Troy's side and helps him with running the Militia and their community.
Always makes sure Troy gets enough sleep and eats enough.
Her favorite times are quiet nights with Troy in their home where they read a book and just snuggle on their bed.
When they fight everyone takes cover. But they always forgive and move on. Fighting is part of how they communicate.
Very very impulsive. She punches people quite a bit, not afraid to piss people off and fight them.
Can stand toe to toe with Troy and his temper, she doesn't back down when he yells. It's part of the reason why they work.
Serena learns pretty quickly in her relationship with Troy that she needs to be a grounding presence for him, so she does that. She knows when to control her impulsiveness and just be there for Troy.
Has this weird thing where she falls off the bed in her sleep. She will just roll off the side and onto the floor. She's gotten bloody noses from it before. Troy has to either pad the floor with pillows (when he gets up before Serena) or he shoves the bed up against one wall and sleeps with Serena between him and the wall.
If anyone comments on Troy’s scar, especially negatively or even looks at the scar in the wrong way, or for too long, Serena is swinging for them.
Serena understands Troy on a different level than most. She was abused for a while in her childhood by her birthfather before her mother took her and her little sister and left.
Her main, and go-to weapon is a machete that Troy gave her.
Knows how to fight, and use most general weapons. Her parents were in the military.
Serena was training to be a trauma surgeon before the world ended.
Serena is smart, so she knows when to stay quiet, so when she mouths off to someone and almost gets shot, she made that choice. She knows what she’s doing. Her impulse control is just shit.
At the ranch she mouthed off to a Militia member who was being rude to her and she almost got punched until Troy intervened. {Verse dependent} 
Serena has been punched by Jeremiah when calling him out on his shit. She punched him back. {Verse dependent}
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Headcanon FTWD {𝒮𝑒𝓇𝑒𝓃𝒶/𝐿𝒶𝓊𝓇𝑒𝓁}
Lyn is very secure in her relationship and marriage to Troy. She knows they are both the only person the other will love. Ever. That's it, they're it.
But she still does get super possessive of him when another person flirts with him. She gets pissed. Not at Troy of course, but at the person hitting on her husband. For several reasons, 1: She just doesn't like people hitting on her husband especially since he wears his wedding ring pretty constantly and she does the same. He's taken, back off. 2: She knows it makes Troy uncomfortable when people hit on him, touch him all that shit. Hell, it took him years for him to be okay with her touching him.
She has actually punched a few people who wouldn't back off and take the hint. The quickest way to get Lyn to throw a punch is to hit on her husband and make him feel uncomfortable.
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Serena Otto Headcanons Pt. 2
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Being a mother tames Serena a little bit, she isn’t as impulsive once Tracy is born, because if something happens she usually chooses to hang back with the baby and let Troy handle things. Although she is still just as violent especially in defense of her family.
Hasn't spent more than a day away from Tracy since she was born. When she goes on runs she makes sure she isn't away for more than a day.
Freaked out the first time she felt Tracy kick. Yelled for Troy in excitement and panic and he came running into the room ready to fight something and Serena was just sitting in a chair like: “ITS KICKING!!” And grabbed his hand and pressed it to her belly.
Called the baby ‘it’ till it was born cause they couldn’t tell if it was a boy or a girl. If it was a boy they were gonna name it Nick.
Tracy took her first steps walking to Troy. Serena and Tracy were on the floor playing and Troy was in the other room talking with his group. Tracy started crawling towards the doorway and stood up using the wall, and started walking towards Troy.
Serena talks to herself when she is nervous or stressed, and she just starts talking to the baby once she found out she was pregnant.
Works very hard to shield Tracy from the horrors of the world and from the dead. Tries to not let her see too much.
Sings Tracy lullabies her mother used to sing to her when she was little.
Brushes and braids Tracy’s hair for her. Teaches Troy how to braid Tracy's hair. Serena also plays with Troy's hair when she is nervous, or they are just idly laying in bed and he is having a hard time sleeping.
Can be possessive of Tracy in a sense that if someone, specifically someone Serena doesn’t like tries to parent Tracy, she’s gonna get mad (cough-madison clark-cough)
Always looks for books, stuffies, or toys for Tracy while on runs
If you threaten her family, you’re gonna die. Serena ain’t pulling any punches.
There are only a select few people Serena would ever leave Tracy with. (Troy of course, Russell, Dwight, Sherry)
Has a little book where she keeps track of all of Tracy’s milestones as a kid.
Has a few Polaroid pictures of Tracy as a baby
Freaked out about being a mom the entire pregnancy, she gave up on that dream a long time ago.
Craves pears her entire pregnancy
The only things she has left of her family are her parents' wedding rings which she wears on a chain.
Serena often feels guilty and wrong about how she feels about the apocalypse. She knows many people view the end of the world as ruining their lives. But she doesn't feel that way. Her life was already a mess before the apocalypse. Yes it cost her, her parents, her sister, and she wished could undo what happened to them. But she wouldn’t choose to remove Troy from her life and the fall of the world was how she met him.
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FTWD Headcanons {Serena}
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I wanna talk about this interaction cause I think it shows several things. I think it shows just how much Troy's men knew how much Serena meant to Troy. How much they meant to one another, like the look on Russells face when he looked at Troy and then at Serena, he knows this hurts. The knows this hurts Troy, it hurts Tracy it hurts all of them. Troy's men carrying her to the truck and tying her down, they're as gentle as they can be because she meant something to Troy, she meant something to a lot of them. The last picture, with Russell looking at Serena he feels sad about it, he misses her too, because Serena wasn't just Troy's wife, she was one of the group, and they cared about her, just like they care about Troy. And I have no doubt Serena cared about them too, she loved the group that became Troy's, she helped rescue a few of them, bringing them in, helping them. Giving them a second chance just like Troy.
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otto-serena · 8 months
Repost with the information of your muse, including headcanons, etc. if you fail to achieve some of the facts, add some other of your own!
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► NAME: Serena Otto/Laurel (Hall) Otto
► NICKNAME: Lyn, Doll
► TITLE(S): Hall, Otto
► AGE: 30
► SPECIES: Human
► SEX: Female
► INTERESTS: Reading, medicine, jogging, horses
► BODY TYPE: Slender and athletic.
► EYES: Brown
► HAIR: Dark brown hair, wavy which curls more when it gets wet. She will often wear it braided back away from her face
► SKIN: Fair
► WOUNDS: Post Apoc: A gunshot wound to her abdomen from the mall. A stab wound near her upper right shoulder from a knife. Pre Apoc: Several scars across her lower back
► FACE: Conor Leslie
► POSTURE: Good posture, ready for anything most of the time, alert
► HEIGHT: 5'7
► VOICE: Conor Leslie
► SIGNATURE OUTFIT: Dark grey t-shirt with a black leather jacket, skinny jeans and boots.
► SIGNIFICANT OTHER: Troy Ott (Husband)
► COMPANIONS: Russell (friend), Dwight (friend), Sherry (friend).
► STRENGTHS: Can fight hand-to-hand combat, and knows how to work pretty much any basic weapon. Determined, and loyal, cautious. Resourceful.
► WEAKNESSES: Literally has no impulse control. Mouths off to people, which often leads to her getting punched (she's punching back). Doesn't trust easily, and holds grudges.
► FRUITS: Pears and grapes. (Not a fruit but she LOVES popcorn)
► DRINKS: Water, coffee, tea (hot or cold)
► ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES: Doesn't really drink
► SMOKES: Doesn't smoke
► DRUGS: Tried pot but doesn't really like it
► DRIVER’S LICENSE: California.
TAGGED BY: @scarfacewastaken
TAGGING: @butibite, @tracyotto, @rickgrimesdoingrickthings anyone else who wants to do this
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otto-serena · 1 year
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Indie RP blog for 𝕊𝕖𝕣𝕖𝕟𝕒 𝕆𝕥𝕥𝕠
If you seen both Serena and Lyn as names on here, they are the same person. It's explained in her bio linked below.
Bio Life before the Apoc (Bio) Outbreak Headcanons
Mun is Venus (23)
Rules Main Blog Banner Template Creator Credit: rpiconsgalore
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General Information
Name: Laurel (Hall) Otto
Alias: Serena Otto
Age: Early-thirties
Pronouns: She / Her / Hers
Hometown: Cali - Texas
Universe: Fear The Walking Dead
Type: Canon
Family & Romance
Sexuality: Straight
Status: Married
Family Members: Aaron Hall (father ✞), Lily Hall (mother ✞), Trent Harper (Bio father), Aria Hall (Sister ✞), Troy Otto (Husband: @otto-troy ), Tracy Otto (daughter: @tracyotto )
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