#transmasc andre
operationandre · 2 months
thinking about transmasc andre coming out in middle school, a year or two after he met cal. cal wasn’t the first person he told, but he was the first person who didn’t judge him. a couple months after andre came out to cal, andre almost started crying while they were watching a movie. cal was really confused; the movie they were watching was a fucking comedy.
when cal asked andre what was wrong, andre explained how he felt, how his body felt like it didn’t belong to him and how he wished he had some sort of control over it.
the conversation gave cal an idea.
the next time andre came over, cal had laid out tons of his own clothes, letting andre pick whatever he thought looked cool and comfortable to wear. later that night, cal took a pair of kitchen scissors and chopped off as much dark brown hair as andre wanted. maybe the new haircut was lopsided and weird, but the smile on andre’s face was brighter than anything and everything in the world.
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strongerpotions · 10 months
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average transmasc friend group
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toymoder · 1 year
Not to be unoriginal but coo praise at me while you choke me with your cock
Not just how tight my throat is or how good the vibrations of my moans feel or how wet my tears are on my lips
Tell me how precious I am, how important I am to you, no matter how close to the edge you push me that you'll always keep me safe
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tboydog · 6 months
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id: the dinner scene from the 2016 movie moonlight, chiron, a dark skinned Black man wearing a black du rag and gray shirt sits in a booth across from kevin, a Black man with medium brown skin, close cut hair, stubble and a goatee, he is wearing a white polo and smiles as he listens, text over the image says “your masculinity is not incompatible with your sexuality” end id.
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ashes2caches · 1 year
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scorpiontattoo · 6 months
rip calvin gabriel you would've loved forcemasc tumblr
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deadcantsnitch · 9 months
So I recently came out to myself as being a transman and realized that my gender / gender goals can be easily summarized as: a combination of Andre and Brett
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switchspeaks · 1 year
I'm wearing my bffs skinny jeans that she wore every day in 9th grade and listening to Lying Is The Most Fun a Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off and I'm on my way to see my boyfriend who goes to art school. 13 yr old me would skweeeee
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katiajewelbox · 2 years
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This is an actual Escaflowne and Rose of Versailles cross over piece of fan art, captured in the wild! 
I found this illustration while reading an excellent fanfic about Dilandau and the Dragonslayers by Mickaelle on A03. This very well written story is about the Dragonslayers’ backstories and it has lots of imagination, action, heartwarming scenes, and witty humour. This is the only fanfic where Miguel La Variel is as much of a Gigachad as he is in my fanfics. Plus, the author is apparently French so she’s writing about people from an alternative world version of her own culture! 
I was astonished to see this fanart embedded in one of the chapters - there’s Miguel chilling with his 18th century counterpart Andre Grandier! These two guys have so much in common... they have a transmaculine boss/partner, they are always getting captured and abused, they are blue collar French dudes trying to navigate a more upper class world, and facing danger on a daily basis. They are also both Gigachads IMHO.
So why aren’t Dilandau and Lady Oscar having a deep philosophical conversation about their gender identities at the bar? That’s my only issue with this otherwise charming folk art image. 
 Disappointingly, these characters do not interact in the main story and it seems the author just included this a throwaway inside joke since she also like Rose of Versailles. 
I would have liked to ask Mickaelle’s permission to post this but I couldn’t find a direct message option on A03. Mickaelle, if you are reading this feel free to get in touch.
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Link to the fanfic: 
Remember, Dilandau x Miguel is the dark and twisted version of Lady Oscar x Andre!
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rose-wine-selfships · 2 years
Hi! Feel like talking about any of your F/Os or S/Is? Also, how are you doing? (@allhailknifeprincess)
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In fact, he does @allhailknifeprincess ….
*Tw: Mentions of murder and rape
Hello there!
If you’re ok with me gushing in my inbox about F/Os I’d love to start! I don’t think I’ve ever loved any transmasc enby icon more than Oscar Francois de Jarjayes from Rose of Versailles. He is everything to me. He made me realize that my sexuality (I’m bisexual) is valid and that I can love characters with complex gender and sexual identities.
He’s so handsome, inside and out. And his brave, smart, and strong character made me fall hard. If it weren’t for Oscar, I don’t think I’d be in such a good place mentally right now. I’m living in a difficult situation but he gave me the strength to keep going no matter what.
I hate the fact he has a canon love interest though, and he doesn’t even respect him as a person at all. He did horrible things to him such as attempted r*pe and m*rder of him. He deserves so much better than him and it hurts my heart to see him with that certain love interest. I could never do such horrible things to control him, scare him, or try to possess him. He’s NO object…he’s a HUMAN BEING for Christ’s sake! However, It has been implied he’s sapphic and is attracted to women so it kinda gives me hope since I myself am demi-female.
I love him so much, and my heart flutters so hard when I see him. I want him to love me unconditionally, and to feel his love through forged love letters, artwork, and fanfics I made for him. He’s my rock in this sea of life, and I hope to keep him that way. He may be a fictional character, but my love for him is so real and unconditional.
I can only hope he feels the same way too through some universe. 😔💖
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How would you ship Chloe/Mylene?
I gotta make transmasc!Chloé. Because Mylene is one of my token cishets.
That said. The opposites attract works well. Add in like a Romeo/Juliet thing re: Mylene being against Andre's mayoral policies and all.
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operationandre · 2 months
How do u feel about transmasc andre and transfem cal hcs?
i actually like them!! i know a lot of people feel like they’re out of character for the two of them, but i don’t really see why.
andre being transmasc makes a lot of sense to me. him being judged simply for clothes he’s wearing and having a lot of underlying anger genuinely makes sense with him being ftm (coming from a transmasc myself.) cal being transfem is harder to pick evidence for because we simply don’t see the true cal until the very end of the film. also, to be clear, we don’t HAVE to have evidence to hc someone as trans. if it makes someone happy and isn’t hurting anyone, i don’t mind it at all.
(plus caldre being t4t brings me so much joy)
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naturalbornluvr · 4 days
U have any Headcanons abt transmasc cal ?
i have a couple but i hope i’m not getting anything abt transitioning wrong bcs i am a afab girl as u guys prob know but yea <3
- when he was little, he was kind of a tomboy and people would say that about him and he always liked it bcs it felt validating since it had the word boy in it but he didn’t know that was why he liked hearing it
- he started getting more dysphoric especially when he started puberty and he cried when he got his period
- he told rachel first when that happened and she tried to tell him that whole thing about how it’s normal and it’s part of being a girl and he told her that he knew it was normal but he didn’t feel like he was supposed to be a girl (this was in 6th grade when him and andre became friends) and she hugged him and told him it’d be okay etc
- he eventually told andre and he was so nervous about it. andre didn’t really know how to comfort him or talk to him about it but he let him borrow any of his clothes to feel more comfortable and a lot of what he would wear was clothes andre gave him
- he told his parents when he was 14 and they were supportive for the most part even tho they were a little surprised. his mom cut his hair at home for him and he loved it so much and cried happy tears
- he started T in junior year
i hope this was somewhat up to ur expectations lolz but feel free to ask me for hcs guys!! they’re fun
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transbookoftheday · 3 months
How to Bare Your Neck and Save a Wreck by D.N. Bryn
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“I only take what’s owed me, and you, my little swan, owe me blood.”
A single kiss from a masked vampire has left Shane with an obsession and a mission: uncover the secrets of the black-market blood trade and find his mystery vampire in the process. But one knock at the wrong door and he could have fangs at his throat instead of lips.
Andres is trying to forget his kiss with Shane Crowley by drowning himself in his work as a thief for the blood trade. When his boss seizes an over-curious Shane to drain his blood, though, Andres’s only option is to buy him for every drop he’ll ever produce. This new ownership awakens thoughts of glittering collars—thoughts Andres knows are the desires of a monster.
But Andres needs blood to live, and he’s going to have it from Shane, even if that means donning a mask once more and demanding Shane bare his neck during nightly excursions.
Soon, Shane feels pulled in all directions, between the strange desires his role as Andres’s part-time blood slave is stirring in him, his investigations into the cycle of injustice that so many fanged citizens face, and a new friend whose mouth seems strangely familiar. Little does he know, every path leads back to the same vampire…
Bare Your Neck is the third book in a series of gay paranormal romances with vampires. This book features a hidden identity, cat-and-mouse T4T relationship between a transmasc human and a he/they vampire who engage in light power dynamics, as they learn to express their desires for gilded collars and sensual obedience through healthy role play. While it can be enjoyed as a standalone, this book will contain minor spoilers for prior books in the series.
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01-05-2001 · 5 months
im actually decently sure anon means factkinnefor and a comment they made on their last blog about their gender identity journey after their transfem cal/transmasc andre fic
@factkinnefor this is your problem now
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millylotus · 2 years
General Notes
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May I introduce to you my headcanons for Duke and Danny
Let’s start with Danny cause he changed the most [kinda]
The Fentons are a mixed Filipino-Cuban family [Maddie-Jack] b/c I wanted to [I am not Filipino or Cuban so if I mess up somewhere please tell me!] Jazz, Danny and Maddie all grew up learning and speaking Tagalog
Maddie and Alicia are Filipino-American & 3rd gen immigrants, their family name is Palad
Alicia’s farm was something their aunt had owned then later left to Alicia since her kids didn’t want it
Jack’s mom Olivia nee Castro was Cuban and his dad Rupert Fenton was white [that’s the Fenton-Nightingale side]
Danny is transmasc and has been presenting as such for awhile now
As like a general assumption, the Fentons aren't Horrible vivisect their child kind of parents in most of my AUs, they just aren't perfect half the time
Now onto Duke!
Duke is Nigerian, with both Elaine and Gnomon being centuries old for the most part [depends on AU but before Europeans started their bullshit]
Duke speaks an old dialect of Hausa that Elaine and Gnomon had grown up with and one he grew speaking it along with English
His adopted Dad Doug Thomas is Black, and he has an Aunt and Uncle Tracy & Alvin Jackson who live and in Bludhaven
Duke’s cousin [who’s cannon] Jay Jackson is a decade or so older than Duke and his legal guardian after his parents couldn’t do so
Duke still lives with the Wayne’s sometimes [they were his foster family until Jay could get custody] just jumping between each
The We Are Robin gang are still together but no longer as a group of vigilantes but as friends
I call them The Flock and they each have their own bird nicknames, Izzy|Fieldfare, Riki|-Galerinda, Dax|Alaemon, Andre|Blackbird, Dracy-Joanna “DJ”|Sparrow
They had another member Troy|Warbler he died during the Robin Wars when he was trying to defuse a bomb, it was rigged to blow anyway
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Danny does this thing where he just stares at Duke for prolonged periods of time
Duke thought he’d be bothered by it but he actually likes it alot, for Danny to just look at him like he’s his only light
Danny’s always had dysphoria around his body, especially after he started to become more ghostly
Duke always thought he was beautiful and would tell him as such, he loved to watch Danny blush like a fool at his words
I’ve always thought of Danny as a romantic, he’s the type of person to do anything for his partner
He thrives off of physical affection and word of affirmation
Duke is also kinda romantic but he finds it difficult to do physical things, when he truly loves a person he holds them alot, taking their hand, hugging them, things like that
He loves to get things from people he loves, and acts of service
These two are made for each other I swear
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Pt.2 [Claim Sheets]
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