#total: 11334
abdanisnotonfire · 4 months
CW // Under age drinking, and drugs
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The rest of the week, Brook was pissed. It wasn't that Amber had gotten adopted, or that she had completely ditched her. It wasn't that she changed and suddenly became a bitch, which to Brooklyn's record, seemed to check out. It was WHO she seemed to buddy up with.
Dan and Phil had noticed the apparent mood shift, and Brook wasn't too worried about masking anymore.
Her doctor's appointment had gone over fine. She was supposed to rest for the next two weeks, which would be pretty difficult considering school started next week. There was no amount of writing poetry that could get Brooklyn out of this spiral.
When Phil had asked her how her evening with her friends was, she shrugged him off. Later, a worried Dan was at her door, beckoning a response from her. The next morning, the both of them.
Right now, Brooklyn was wishing she wouldn't have shrugged them off.
She was currently sat in the living room with a smaller, brunette-haired woman with a bob. Dan's mother.
You see, those questions weren't them prying into her social life. On the contrary, Brooklyn see's them for what they were now. Warnings.
It wasn't that Mrs. Howell wasn't kind! Actually, that was...kind of Brooklyn's whole problem. To her, this woman was a stranger. Somebody she's never seen photos of, let alone heard of her before.
'Maybe if i had taken the time to stop and listen' She thought to herself.
Instead, she was sat with, what genuinely might be the most kind wholesome person in the world. Brook was honestly taken aback at how understanding and accepting she was, and how quick she was to welcome her with open arms.
To call herself Brooks grandmother,
It made her skin crawl.
Dan was sat besides her, with Phil by his in-law's side. There was a sense of ease in the air but Brooklyn didn't seem to take the hint, her foot jiggling her leg as she fidgeted with a hair tie on her wrist.
The three talked, the topic flying past Brooklyn attention. Her train of thought was in a different place, like, why was she here anyway? 'JUST to meet me?'
Brooklyn's discomfort must have been visible because her attention was quickly caught by the older woman.
"Why don't you go ahead and get something to eat? We can't be entertaining you at this point!" with a smile on her face, she raised her hands up to the boys as an indication of what she meant.
"Could I go to my room?" She replied meekly, looking towards Dan.
"Of course, this is your house too!"
Brooklyn could feel the hair on the back of her neck stand up in shame, or perhaps, secondhand embarrassment FOR herself. She could only imagine how stupid she looked just then.
Quickly a-lining it for her room, she locked the door and pulled her phone out. Her eyes flickered between the two numbers she had acquired over the two weeks she had been here.
The girl chewed her lip before putting them both in a group chat and hitting send on the message: "meet in 10 @ prk? bring a ride and a lite"
Tossing her phone on her bed, she turned and headed towards the closet, quickly removing her current outfit. She tossed her old clothes to a corner of the floor and slid on a red crop top before shimmying on a pair of black shorts.
She grabbed her purse from where she last hid it and slid the strap around her body. Closing the doors, she next headed towards her window. They lived on the second story of the complex, and there was a fire escape that rested right on the side of the window.
With a little manipulation, Brook could probably reach.
She pursed her lips at the idea, but it was feasible. She slid on a pair of trainers and threw her hair into a ponytail before walking back up to the window. She felt a pit of anticipation and fear in her stomach as she slid the window open, and she stuck half of her body out, leaning against the pane. Brook took a deep breath before hoisting her lower half out the window and twisting her body in a 180 motion. She had her elbows braced against the window with her heels against the building, and the could feel the pulling of her muscles.
She steadied her feet against the wall before sliding one arm free and using it to fully grab the wall. Once Brooklyn knew she wasn't about to plummet 2 stories down, she slowly leaned her body towards the fire escape, her hand not getting a comfortable grip.
She could feel the air nip against her cheeks as the wind blew past her, reminding her of night's approach.
She skidded her foot against the wall, sliding and shimmying a bit until she could stretch her arm far enough to get a firm grasp on the bar. When she did, she slowly lifted one foot and placed it against one of the other bars. Her weight shifted towards the fire escape and there was an audible creaking of metal.
Brooklyn looked down, watching a few pebbles that were knocked loose drop down to the ground with a tiny 'clink'. Her heart pounded in her chest as her vision blurred and unblurred. She quickly blinked and threw her other hand on the bar and hoisting herself onto the platform.
She looked back at the open window before squeezing her way through the small, narrow opening in the floor which lead to a rusty, little ladder. The metal floor was jagged and left small scratches against her forearms as she eased her way down the ladder and hopped to the ground with a 'Thud'.
She popped her hood up, silently muttering about how there was NO way that would work in an actual fire. She grabbed the strap of her purse as she made her way to cross the street to put distance between her and the house.
The last thing she'd want is to make it this far and get caught. The thought of that made her heart jump. She dashed halfway across the street before quickly looking both ways and stopping.
She pulled out her phone and checked how long ago she sent her message. Before her eyes could even land on the numbers, she heard a car roll up behind her causing her to instinctively dart the rest of the way across the road.
"You trying to get hit, now?" A familiar voice rang out. Brooklyn let out a sigh before walking back over to the car, leaning against the passenger side window that had now been rolled down. "Hey, Sam." "Don't just stand there, get in!" the midnight-haired girl mused, an inflection in her tone that was warm. She was the only one in the car, so Brooklyn popped open the car door and slid in. Sam slowly reversed the car before turning back the way she came. "So, what brings you here?" She said, jokingly. There were a lot of ways Brook could answer that, and a few filtered through her head before landing on one she was comfortable with. "In-laws are in town. Or, grandmother, I guess? I don't know! It's all so weird. I'm just supposed to.. what? Say hi? Bum some food and cash off her? I don't know who this lady is." She ran her hands through her hair before noticing her seat belt and quickly putting it on. "That's really rough. That's why I'm going to swing by Briars. She's hanging out with Jennie so it's bound to be a blast."
"Jennie? Am I supposed to know her?" Brook piped out, pulling her phone out to check the time. 10:12pm. "Well, you SHOULD know her, but no, you haven't MET her" Sam responded, turning down streets until the world around her became unfamiliar. The two eventually pulled up to a house where the other girls were sitting outside. They were both dressed for what looked to be a party, and it made Brook feel under-dressed. They made their way into the back seat holding a backpack before making their introductions. Jennie seemed sweet and shy. It was a clear juxtaposition to what she was wearing. She had dyed blonde hair which she sported in two space buns. Both the girls had their bodies filled with glitter, and a slight odor of fruity alcohol permeated the car.
When they started driving again, it was like the group had always known each other. They bantered as old friends would, and reminisced about some of the things they got away with at Brightside. 
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790 words (11334 total) on Enshittification (a nonfiction book about platform decay) #DailyWords
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vovansupertv2019 · 5 years
Транспондерні новини на 21 березня
Транспондерні новини на 21 березня Horizons-2 / 85E На т / к Прем'єрний показ йде Доктор замість Наука на 11920 H 28800 Fec-2/3 DVB-S2 / 8PSK MPEG-4 Irdeto ABS-2A @ 74.9 ° East Eryal TV, Bulsho TV, Somali News TV, Badacast 24 TV, Saab TV пішли з 4033 V DVB-S / MPEG-2 8440 3/4 SSVC Test з'явився на 12718 H DVB-S2 / QPSK MPEG-4 24000 1/2, відкрито Türksat 4A, 42 ° E Новий SID для Shopping Channel на 11977.00MHz, pol.H SR: 27500 FEC: 5/6: SID: 1137 (PID: 137/237 Турецький - Відкритий). Eutelsat 36B КІНОМІКС.Родное Кіно пішли з 11727 L 27500 Fec-3/4 Кінокомедії. ІНДІЙСЬКЕ КІНО. БОКС ТВ пішли з 12456 L 27500 Fec-3/4 ЖИВИ пішов з 12476 R 27500 Fec-3/4 КУХНЯ ТВ (Tricolor) пішов з 12380 L 30000 Fec-5/6 Кінопобачення пішов з 11804 L 27500 Fec-3/4 HDL пішов з 12190 L 22500 Fec3 / 4 Astra 3B @ 23.5 ° East SkyLink: Нова передача почалася DVB-S2 Cryptoworks & Irdeto 2 & Viaccess 5.0: CT 3 HD (Чехословаччина) на 12344.50MHz, pol.H SR: 29900 FEC: 2/3 SID: 8006 PID 1610 [MPEG-4] / 1620 чеський, 1623 чеський. Нова передача почалася DVB-S2 Conax: Sundance TV (Голландія) на 11817.00MHz, pol.V SR: 30000 FEC: 3/4 SID: 20087 PID: 871 [MPEG-4] / 872. Eutelsat 16A (16E) Digit Alb: Нова передача почалася DVB-S2 Conax: Fax News (Албанія) на 10803.75MHz, pol.H SR: 29950 FEC: 2/3 SID 2150 PID: 2151 [MPEG-4] / 2 152 Албанська. Total TV: Нова передача почалася DVB-S2 VideoGuard: Uci Doma 2 (Сербія) на 10972.17MHz, pol.V SR: 27500 FEC: 3/5 SID: 1370 PID: 270 [MPEG-4] / 3701 Сербський. Total TV: Нова передача почалася DVB-S2 VideoGuard: Uci Doma 1 (Сербія) на 10972.17MHz, pol.V SR: 27500 FEC: 3/5 SID: 1369 PID: 269 [MPEG-4] / 3691 Сербський. Hot Bird 13C, 13 ° E Orange Polska & Platforma Canal +: Нова передача почалася DVB-S2 Conax & Nagravision 3 & Viaccess 3.0: TVN 24 Bizness HD (Польща) на 10796.00MHz, pol.V SR: 27500 FEC: 3/4 SID: 15703 PID: 162 [MPEG -4] / 88 Польський. Eutelsat 9B, 9 ° E Передача AFN Prime Atlantic Benelux кодована PowerVu & VeriMatrix (11804.00MHz, pol.V SR: 27500 FEC: 2/3 SID: 102 PID: тисяча двісті шістьдесят п'ять [MPEG-4] / 1225 Англійська). Передача AFN News кодована PowerVu & VeriMatrix (11804.00MHz, pol.V SR: 27500 FEC: 2/3 SID: 103 PID: 1565 [MPEG-4] / 1525 Англійська). Передача AFN Sports кодована PowerVu & VeriMatrix (11804.00MHz, pol.V SR: 27500 FEC: 2/3 SID: 104 PID: 1165 [MPEG-4] / тисячі сто двадцять п'ять Англійська). Передача AFN Prime Pacific кодована PowerVu & VeriMatrix (11804.00MHz, pol.V SR: 27500 FEC: 2/3 SID: 105 PID: тисяча чотиреста шістьдесят п'ять [MPEG-4] / тисяча чотиреста двадцять-п'ять Англійська). Передача AFN Spectrum кодована PowerVu & VeriMatrix (11804.00MHz, pol.V SR: 27500 FEC: 2/3 SID: 106 PID: 1365 [MPEG-4] / 1325 Англійська). Передача AFN Sports 2 кодована PowerVu & VeriMatrix (11804.00MHz, pol.V SR: 27500 FEC: 2/3 SID: 107 PID: 1665 [MPEG-4] / 1625 Англійська). Передача AFN Family кодована PowerVu & VeriMatrix (11804.00MHz, pol.V SR: 27500 FEC: 2/3 SID: 108 PID: тисяча дев'ятсот шістьдесят п'ять [MPEG-4] / 1925 Англійська). Передача AFN Movie Channel кодована PowerVu & VeriMatrix (11804.00MHz, pol.V SR: 27500 FEC: 2/3 SID: 109 PID: тисяча шістьдесят п'ять [MPEG-4] / 1025 Англійська). Canale 61 з'явився на 12256 V DVB-S2 / 8PSK MPEG-2 MPEG-4 14302 3/5, відкрито Life 120 Channel пішов з 12256 V DVB-S2 / 8PSK MPEG-2 MPEG-4 14302 3/5 Eutelsat 7C @ 7 ° East TRT Eba TV İlkokul HD info card, TRT Eba TV Ortaokul HD info card, TRT Eba TV Lise HD info card з'явилися на 11471 V DVB-S2 / QPSK MPEG-4 30000 5/6, Cryptoworks, Irdeto2 Eutelsat 7 West A (7W) Dzair TV повернувся на 10992 V DVB-S2 / 8PSK MPEG-4 5000 9/10, відкрито El Djazaïr N1 з'явився на 11334 H DVB-S2 / 8PSK MPEG-2 MPEG-4 27500 3/4, відкрито Almajd TV, Türkmeneli TV HD, Libya Business HD з'явилися на 11373 H DVB-S2 / 8PSK MPEG-4 27500 5/6, відкрито Al Alam Syria TV повернувся на 11641.21MHz, pol.H SR: 27500 FEC: 5/6 SID: 323 PID: 731/732 (Відкритий). Algérie 24 TV пішов з 10873 V DVB-S / MPEG-2 DVB-S / MPEG-4 27500 7/8, відкрито Нова передача почалася DVB-S Відкритий: Kunouz TV (невизначена) на 10727.37MHz, pol.H SR: 27500 FEC: 5/6 SID: 5000 PID: 5002/5003 Арабська. Нова передача почалася DVB-S Відкритий: Maser Aflam (невизначена) на 11411.05MHz, pol.H SR: 27500 FEC: 7/8 SID: 50 PID: 5002/5003 Арабська. Tal2a Hendi відключили на 11411.05MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SID: 50 PID: 5002/5003). Нова передача почалася DVB-S2 Відкритий: TURKMENELI Radio на 11372.69MHz, pol.H SR: 27500 FEC: 5/6 SID: 350 APID: 212. SES 5 (4.8E) Reaper (EPG Video) передача без коду (3800.00MHz, pol.L SR: 27500 FEC: 2/3 SID: 401 PID: 1760/1720). Dонбас on line (прописується як DONBAS ONLINE) повернувся на 11747 v 30000, відкрито ... продовжує тестове мовлення AsiaSat 5. 100.5E Belarus 24 з'явився на 4080 H 30000 5/6 DVB-S2 / 8PSK MPEG-4, відкрито Apstar-7 @ 76.5 ° East Asian Action HD, TVB Xing He HD пішли з 4156 H DVB-S2 / 8PSK MPEG-4 7200 2/3 NSS-12 @ 57 ° East Walta TV HD пішов з 3637 L DVB-S2 / QPSK MPEG-4 Amhara TV HD пішов з 3665 L DVB-S2 / QPSK MPEG-4 Fana TV HD пішов з 3679 L DVB-S2 / QPSK MPEG-4 Fana TV HD новий SR на 3933 L DVB-S2 / QPSK MPEG-4 3584 2/3, відкрито Walta TV HD з'явився на 3937 L DVB-S2 / QPSK MPEG-4 3420 2/3, відкрито TMH TV з'явився на 11105 HDVB-S2 / 8PSK MPEG-4 45000 2/3, відкрито Eutelsat 33E (33E) Rai Storia повернувся на 10758.00MHz, pol.V SR: 27500 FEC: 5/6 SID: 203 PID: 2031 [H.265] / 2032 Італійський (Irdeto 2). Arabsat-6A @ 30.5 ° East Sudanese package з'явився на 12111 H DVB-S / MPEG-2 DVB-S / MPEG-4 27500 3/4, відкрито Sudanese package з'явився на 12360 V DVB-S / MPEG-2 DVB-S / MPEG-4 27500 3/4, відкрито Sudanese package пішов з 11785 VDVB-S / MPEG-2 DVB-S / MPEG-4 Astra 2F (28.2E) SkySp Mix відключений на 12207.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S SID: 6150 PID: 527/675 nar, 655 Англійська, 2307 Англійська, 2308 Англійська) Sky Sports Mix відключили на 12207.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S SID: 4093 PID: 527/675 nar, 655 Англійська). Sky Superhero HD відключили на 12168.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S2 SID: 3901 PID: 516 [MPEG-4] / 644 nar, 664 Англійська). Astra 2E, 28.2 ° E Sky Superhero відключили на 11934.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S SID: 4306 PID: 514/682 nar, 642 Англійська). Together TV з'явився на 11836 H DVB-S / MPEG-2 27500 5/6, відкрито Badr-7 @ 26 ° East Ellay.com пішов з 11270 V DVB-S / MPEG-2 27500 5/6 Badr 4 (26E) LBCI International HD відключений на 12092.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S SID: 22 PID: 122 [MPEG-4] / 222 Арабська, 223) Express AM 8 (14W) SATube-TV2 передає через DVB-S2 на 11557.00MHz, pol.H SR: 4705 FEC: 3/4 SID: 760 PID: 3002 [MPEG-4] / 3003 aac (Відкритий). SaTube-TV1 передає через DVB-S2 на 11557.00MHz, pol.H SR: 4705 FEC: 3/4 SID: 750 PID: 3006 [MPEG-4] / 3007 aac (Відкритий). Eutelsat 8 West B (8W) Hagerie TV з'явився на 11512 V DVB-S / MPEG-2 DVB-S / MPEG-4 27500 7/8, відкрито Ellay.com пішов з 11471 V DVB-S / MPEG-2 DVB-S / MPEG-4 27500 5/6 Cross TV з'явився на 11636 V DVB-S2 / 8PSK MPEG-2 MPEG-4 27500 5/6, відкрито Eutelsat 5 West A @ 5 ° West Canale 61 з'явився на 12700 H DVB-S2 / 8PSK MPEG-2 MPEG-4 11167 3/4, відкрито Life 120 Channel пішов з 12700 H DVB-S2 / 8PSK MPEG-2 MPEG-4 11167 3/4
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onlinepinsite-blog · 5 years
Hang ornaments from a string of wooden beads for a modern garland that would look totally at home in a Scandinavian cabin.
https://onlinepin.site/?p=11334 Hang ornaments from a string of wooden beads for a modern garland that would look totally at home in a Scandinavian cabin. - #Beads #cabin #Garland #Hang #home #Modern #Ornaments #Scandinavian #String #Totally #wooden - https://onlinepin.site/?p=11334
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