#torrex pro
truegossipercom · 4 years
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jennyboom21 · 6 years
Waco anon—in all fairness, I am the kind of person that will torrent shit if I can’t find it anywhere. And agreed.
Same here! I’ve just been slacking (I use Torrex, PIA for VPN, and an HDD with my Surface Pro 4. Noooo I’m not paranoid!) as of late.
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wolfacyu231 · 4 years
2 Daten über Weizengras Entsafter beschrieben - 2020
Die beliebtesten Entsafter-Hersteller. Interpret: Dank des langsamen Auspressens bleiben wichtige Nährstoffe wie Vitamin A und C, sowie wichtige Enzyme, erhalten. Aus diesem Grund bieten die Hersteller von Entsaftern auch Modelle mit unterschiedlichen Filtern an. Hier kann zwischen fein- und grobporigen Sieben gewählt werden. In unserem Artikel: Was sollte ich beim Entsafter kaufen beachten? Durch das Hinzufügen von Wasser werden die Aufsätze gespült und du kannst die Multifunktions Maschine als reine Obst Presse elektrisch verwenden. Warten Sie deshalb ab, bis das Pressgut Stück für Stück entsaftet ist und füllen Sie mit Geduld unter Berücksichtigung der Füllmarkierungen nach. Das Unternehmen bietet nicht nur Toaster und Teekocher, sondern auch Entsafter an, mit denen Obst in vitaminreiche Säfte verwandelt wird.
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Torrex 30280 Dampfentsafter aus Edelstahl Ø26 / 15L spülmaschinengeeignet und für alle Herdarten geeignet - auch für Induktion. Für den normalen Anspruch erste Wahl, bei mittlerem Preisniveau. Allerdings wäre es falsch, ausschließlich auf die Drehzahl zu achten. Die Hurom HZ Saftpresse ist die neuste Entwicklung von Hurom und eine konsequente Weiterentwicklung der 2. Generation. Der Premium-Entsafter JM7002 ist ein SlowJuicer der Extraklasse. Wieviel Saft aus dem Entsafter ist gesund? Das Glas ist auch stoßfest, sodass Sprünge und Kratzer verhindert werden können. Resultat ist ein wirklicher leckerer, gesunder, hochwertiger und karibischer Gemüsesaft! In stressigen Zeiten achtet SHOP 1 man oft kaum darauf, dass genügend Nährstoffe über die Nahrung zugeführt werden. Bei allen Tests werden durchschnittlich gerade Mal die Hälfte der Entsafter mit einer guten Note bedacht.
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Entsafter Im Test
Du hast durch das Gerät nicht nur einen Fruchtentsafter, sondern auch einen Kochtopf und ein Sieb. Genau wie die großen Kollegen, mixt der Smoothie Mixer weiche und härtere Komponenten. Wieviel sollte ein Entsafter kosten? Eine Checkliste ist in mehreren Situationen gigantisch sinnvoll! Ich liebe meinen Optimum 400 Entsafter. Allerdings gibt es einen wesentlichen Unterschied: die Leistung.
Slow Juicer Stiftung Warentest
Entsafter Fruchtfleisch
Zudem sind die Saftpressen sehr robust und stabil (Edelstahl) und auch für größere Mengen bestens geeignet. Grundsätzlich kann ein Entsafter für das Auspressen von allerlei Obst- und Gemüsesorten verwendet werden. Sie können nicht nur Äpfel oder Orangen verarbeiten, sondern auch Gemüse für die Herstellung nutzen. Technische Daten des Entsafters. Smoothie zu ersetzen, muss etwas beachten! Sei dir also bewusst, dass du deinem Körper mit den Säften aus dem Supermarkt wirklich keinen Gefallen tust und sie nur im Ausnahmefall trinken solltest. Noch haltbarer wird der Saft, wenn man die entsprechenden Abfüllflaschen vor dem Abfüllen des Saftes aus dem Dampfentsafter vorher mit Wasserdampf sterilisiert. Ein Käufer bemängelt, dass beim Entsaften zu viel Schaum entsteht, der dann leider die unerwünschte Oxidation des Saftes beschleunigt.
Entsafter Manuell
Slow Juicer Testsieger
Suche Entsafter
Saftpresse und Zentrifugen-Entsafter. Ganz im Gegensatz dazu der Stabmixer Test , bei dem ich dir zeige, wie ein guter Stabmixer sein sollte. Auch die angebrachte Saftklappe am Ausgang fördert die maximierte Ausbeute des Pressgutes. Dabei sind wir immer nach den gleichen Kriterien vorgegangen und haben extrem hart bewertet. Mich nervt vor allem das Spülen. Mit 228 mal 208 mm Stellfläche nimmt der Slow Juicer auch in einer kleinen Stadtküche nur wenig Platz weg. Slowjuicer - Außerdem relevant oder passend zu: Zitruspresse, Elektrische, Smoothie, Juicers, Orangen, Presse, Juice. Mit dem 22880-56 Explore Entsafter von Russel Hobbs können Sie in Zukunft spielend leicht verschiedenste Obst- und Gemüsesorten entsaften.
Einige Nutzer bemängeln die Lautstärke des Entsafters, welche nicht wirklich als leise einzustufen ist. Je nachdem was entsaftet werden soll wählt man das entsprechende Gerät. Dafür gibt es diese Pressen aber schon für wenige Euros zu kaufen und sie sind in jedem Fall eine Verbesserung zu herkömmlichen Handpressen. Eine Art Flügel, verbunden mit einer internen Spange, zerquetscht die Früchte und durch das Sieb läuft der Saft in den Topf. Der Design Juicer Advanced Pro 40133 gehört zu den wenigen Modellen am Markt, die sich die Bezeichnung „Edelstahl-Entsafter mit Fug und Recht verdient haben. Selbstverständlich gehört eine Reinigungsbürste zum Lieferumfang, die sich zur Reinigung der Z-Star hervorragend eignet. Entfernen Sie bei Steinobst alle Kerne, weil diese den Entsafter beschädigen können. Auch bei der Reinigung sind nicht sowie der Handhabung und Haltbarkeit sind natürlich nicht alle Geräte gleich.
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thongtinsoluoc · 5 years
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Download Torrex Pro https://ift.tt/3bFlYSX
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revwinchester · 7 years
Summary: The Reader and Charlie spend a night playing their favorite online video game.
Pairing: Charlie x Reader
Word Count: 1464
Rating: Teen and Up
Warnings: a little bit of cursing, allusions to sex/sexual activities
A/N: This is for week 6 of the SPN Hiatus Writing Challenge hosted by @thing-you-do-with-that-thing!  There are 2 prompts in here, a line of dialogue, which is bolded, and a gif, which is inserted when it becomes relevant.  Thanks for hosting the challenge this summer, Kari!  Also, I made up the video game in this fic and any similarity to a real game/games is completely coincidental.  I’m more of a single player, first person shooter with a solid story line kind of gamer myself (Fallout 4 is my jam right now).
BattleXoom -
“Hush woman and let me choose!” you playfully shouted at Charlie as you scrolled through the available characters on your screen, reminding yourself of the pros and cons to each one.  It had been so long since you’d played anyone but Torrex and you were determined to branch out this time.  It’s not like the two of you were playing for tournament points or anything, you were logged into your “just for fun” accounts so that you could mess around in game without fear of ruining your stats or reputation.
“If you really loved me there wouldn’t be a choice,” Charlie replied and you could practically hear her pout through the headphones you were wearing.  She had already selected Raven, her usual character, and was waiting rather impatiently for you to make your character selection.  “You’re already making me play on the laggy server because you’re stuck on hotel wifi.  At least let me destroy some bitches tonight!”
You sighed into the microphone.  “Fine,” you acquiesced, scrolling back to select your usual character, “but remember, the last time we played as Raven and Torrex on these accounts, someone recognized our style from Twitch or a tournament or something and called us out.”
You and Charlie were one of the highest ranking partnerships worldwide in BattleXoom, a video game that you both loved.  After realizing how well you worked together in game, the two of you started competing in tournaments and eventually worked your way into bigger and bigger competitions, most recently coming in second at an invitation only tournament hosted by the game’s publisher at a major video gaming convention.  
You had first met Charlie in an online forum for people looking for a partner to game with and, after playing a few rounds together, you realized that you lived two towns away and had decided to meet for coffee.  You had been a little hesitant at first, you used an androgynous username because girl gamers aren’t all that accepted in the gaming world and neither of you had spoken to the other over anything but typed messages at that point.  However, you had found instant chemistry on the game and hoped that, whoever this CharlieCodex dude was, he wouldn’t throw that away because you were a woman.  You were pleasantly surprised to learn that Charlie was also a woman, that her name was short for Charlene, and that your chemistry carried over into real life.  
The one thing you loved more than the game was Charlie and you knew she felt the same way about you.  Sure, the game was was the thing that had brought you together - as well as bringing you a modicum of internet fame - but you were certain that the two of you would last well beyond BattleXoom’s height of popularity.  
Normally, you and Charlie would spend a Monday night side by side in your home office, engaging in battle together before retiring to your bedroom and engaging in a different kind of activity together but your job had sent you out of town for the week and you weren’t due to return home until late on Thursday.  So, instead of settling into on your comfy chair at home with your custom setup, your multi-screen display, and your girlfriend, you were sitting in a wooden chair, hunched over a tiny desk, and playing on your laptop with shitty graphics, all while using the hotel’s internet to connect to the only BattleXoom server that would support the casual gamer that you appeared to be this evening.
As soon as you and Charlie both selected characters you were transported into the game where you would have to battle against other teams of two for control of the map.  The graphics didn’t move as smoothly as you were used to but you soon got the hang of things, systematically taking out your opponents as you and Charlie worked your way towards the center of the map over the next 30 minutes or so.  
It was your signature style, one that Charlie had come up with, and, although many had tried, no one had really been able to replicate the way the two of you played the game with the same amount of success you had found.  It worked for the two of you, though, and that was all that mattered as you took out one of the two remaining teams on the map.   The last team was all the way across the island and you and Charlie directed your characters through the jungle towards them.
“I’ve only got the one screen tonight, Char.  I’m gonna need you to tell me what you’ve got on these guys,” you requested.
BattleXoom worked in such a way that one half of the screen could display stats about the game and the players, giving you some info about your opponents’ statistics as the game progressed.  You and Charlie had gotten pretty good at reading into those statistics and being able to extrapolate play style and experience level from the information the game provided.  Without your dual monitors that you had at home, though, you had decided to disable that feature so you could have a better view of the game itself, trusting Charlie to tell you everything you needed to know throughout the melee.  
Charlie filled you in on what to expect when you met the other pair that remained on the map.  They seemed like a pretty good team, considering which server you were playing on and you were looking forward to the fight.  You were lost in listening to her analysis and not paying as close of attention to the screen in front of you as you should have been and you ended up paying the price for that.
“Shit,” you heard Charlie say just as your health meter took a major hit.  
Realizing that the other team had set a trap that you then walked right into, you both sprang into action, defending yourselves and lashing out with attacks whenever you were able.  Eventually, you regained the upper hand, your experience with the game becoming exceedingly useful and increasingly evident.  
“Should we do it?” you asked Charlie.
She knew what you meant immediately.  “It” was a move that even some of the top teams in the world had trouble executing.  Each character pairing in the game had their own signature “double down” move, as the game called it, and the level of difficulty varied depending on the pair you picked.  Torrex and Raven had the most difficult double down to get right but the payoff was huge and you and Charlie had mastered it, though you seldom used it in free-play situations like this.  However, after the trap the other team had laid, you were willing to make an exception here.
“Hells yeah!” Charlie exclaimed as she set herself up, counting on you to get into position as well.  “On three!”
You both counted together, it was imperative that you both hit the right buttons at exactly the right time or the move wouldn’t work.  
“One… Two… Three!” 
Your fingers mashed the buttons in quick succession and you hoped that Charlie and you would be in sync even when separated by hundreds of miles.  You were and you smiled as you watched the screen.  Your character, Torrex, lifted Charlie’s into the air, holding onto her shoulder and her waist as he swung her in a wide circle.  Raven kicked out and knocked your opponents onto their backs, killing one of them and seriously damaging the other.  
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Once Raven was back on the ground, it only took two or three more basic attacks to win the game.
After your victory was announced, you were transported back to a menu screen.  “You want to play again?” Charlie asked you through your headset.
“I’m sorry, Char, I’ve gotta get up early tomorrow morning so I should probably call it a night,” you apologized.  “I’ll make it up to you when I get home, though.  Promise.”
You and Charlie said your good nights and signed off of the server and you shutdown your computer, putting it away before you got ready for bed.  As you were brushing your teeth, your phone rang.  You looked at the name on the screen and quickly spit out the toothpaste and rinsed your mouth quickly.
“Hey, babe, what’s up?” you greeted Charlie through the phone.
“Nothing,” she responded simply.
Charlie wasn’t usually one to call just for idle chit-chat.  That was what texting was for, you had heard her tell someone once.  “You know I love you and I love to hear your voice but why are you calling, then?” you asked.
“Victory phone sex.  Duh,” Charlie replied as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
ALL THE TAGS! (forevers): @deathtonormalcy56 @supernaturalyobsessed @roxy-davenport @sumara62 @ginamsmith @gallifreyansass
Charlie Tags from @mrswhozeewhatsis: @mrswhozeewhatsis @vintagevalentinexx @thinkwritexpress-official @itsemmyb @beriala @crzcorgi @ellen-reincarnated1967 @deerlululucy @growleytria @thegleegeneration @SinceriouslyAmellPadalecki @sis-tafics @meganwinchester1999 @kittenofdoomage @prettyxwickedxthings @lilyoflothlorien @myfand0msandm0re @olitzisbae @iridianuniverse @shortandlongstories @ackleslaugh @roxy-davenport @chrisatplay @faith-in-dean @kreborn17 @for-the-love-of-dean @zanthiasplace @gadreelsforbiddenfruit @curliesallovertheplace @not-so-natural-spn @skybinx-blog @feelmyroarrrr @beachy2014 @deansleather @jotink78 @lucifer-in-leather @notnaturalanahi @howmanytuesdaysdidyouhave @babypieandwhiskey @mysaintsasinner @klaineaholic @supernaturalismalife
Pond Charlie Tags: @manawhaat @notnaturalanahi @bkwrm523 @roxy-davenport @jelly-beans-and-gstrings @deansleather @whywhydoyouwantmetosaymyname @mrswhozeewhatsis @wi-deangirl77 @deantbh @deanwinchesterforpromqueen @chaos-and-the-calm67 @memariana91 @teamfreewill-imagine @your-average-distracted-waffle @deals-with-demons @faith-in-dean @winchestersmolder
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reviewzeitschrift · 5 years
Hier ist die Liste von 5 Beste Entsafter . 01. Gastroback Entsafter 40126 Design Juicer Pro 02. Moulinex JU655H Entsafter XXL 03. Torrex 30280 Dampfentsafter aus Edelstahl 04. Kenwood JE 850 Entsafter 05. Green Star Saftpresse GS-1000
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uros · 5 years
Sabes , como Apps para Windows 10 de oferta en la Microsoft Store: edición Halloween
En el interior de la tienda de aplicaciones de Windows podemos encontrar un nuevo apartado dedicado especialmente a las ofertas. En él podemos encontrar tanto aplicaciones como juegos de ofrecimiento, encima de poder beneficiarse estos descuentos para comprar un equipo Surface, en caso de faltar cambiar nuestro PC.
Con Halloween a la envés de la ángulo, hoy vamos a ver las ofertas en aplicaciones más interesantes que podemos encontrar adentro de esta tienda. Estas ofertas de la Microsoft Store son por tiempo circunscrito, por lo que si nos interesa alguna no debemos esperar demasiado para sumarla a nuestra biblioteca.
Las mejores aplicaciones en ofrecimiento de la Microsoft Store
Torrex Pro, un delegado de descargas torrent
La primera de las aplicaciones de la que vamos a musitar es Torrex Pro. Esta app universal funciona como un cliente torrent. Cuenta con una interfaz muy clara y sencilla de utilizar, encima de ser muy agradable visualmente de guisa que cualquiera pueda usarla sin dificultades.
Este cliente de descargas es muy insignificante, encima de contar con una gran variedad de funciones y características, como, por ejemplo, la posibilidad de reproducir cualquier contenido multimedia en streaming, sin menester de descargarlo. Además cuenta con una gran cantidad de opciones para controlar tanto la descarga como el encantado de costado, así como la posibilidad de funcionar en segundo plano, mientras utilizamos el ordenador para otras cosas.
Por tiempo circunscrito podemos comprar Torrex Pro por 1.99 euros, lo que supone una deducción del 80% respecto a su precio existente.
HD Movie Maker Pro, un potente editor de vídeo sencillo de utilizar
Si solemos editar o crear nuestros propios vídeos necesitaremos un editor potente, sencillo y rápido. HD Movie Maker Pro cumple a la perfección con estas características.
Esta aplicación nos permite crear nuestros propios vídeos a partir de otros vídeos, imágenes y música. Tiene distintos modos funcionamiento, funciones de retoque y publicación y es compatible con los principales formatos del mercado sin la menester de instalar ningún codec.
Podemos comprar HD Movie Maker Pro por 9.99 euros, un descuento del 33% sobre su precio habitual.
8 Zip, y olvídate de los compresores de archivos clásicos
Una de las aplicaciones esenciales para el correcto funcionamiento del ordenador es 8 Zip. Este software universal está arreglado para los usuarios de Windows 10 y nos permite crear y cascar todo tipo de archivos comprimidos, incluso WinRAR.
8 Zip cuenta con una gran cantidad de opciones para personalizar y proteger nuestros documentos, un visor de archivos integrados para previsualizar datos sin menester de descomprimirlos previamente y es compatible tanto con tarjetas de memoria como con Drag & Drop, es proponer, podemos remolcar y soltar para pasarle archivos.
Podemos comprar 8 Zip por 1.99 euros, una deducción del 87% respecto a su precio unificado. Encima, si no queremos suceder por caja, podemos descargar una interpretación de prueba gratuita para convencernos ayer de comprarlo.
Cool File Viewer Pro, la app de la Microsoft Store que facilita la forma de usar un ordenador
Si alguna vez nos hemos preguntado con qué aplicación deberíamos cascar algún archivo concreto, gracias a Cool File Viewer Pro esta pregunta no volverá a ocurrir. Con solo remolcar cualquier archivo adentro de ella, esta se encargará de analizarlo y nominar con qué aplicación debemos abrirla automáticamente.
Es compatible con documentos de texto, imágenes, vídeo, música, páginas web, archivos comprimidos, ficheros de código y configuración y mucho más.
Podemos comprar Cool File Viewer Pro por 19.99 euros, un 67% por debajo de su precio habitual.
Developer: Cool File Viewer
La entrada Sabes , como Apps para Windows 10 de oferta en la Microsoft Store: edición Halloween se publicó primero en El rincon de diego.
Por El rincon de diego
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foxvilla320 · 3 years
Best Macbook Model
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Best Macbook Model Reddit
Best Macbook Air Model
Best Macbook Models
Best Macbook Model Reddit
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In loving memory of the mid-2015 15-inch Retina Macbook Pro: 5/19/2015 - 7/12/2018
May 06, 2019. Jul 02, 2020.
Seedbox Pros:. You can then transfer the files to your computer via https.Seedboxes are paid services and quite expensive (typically 3-5x the cost of a VPN). Safest torrent. Seedbox: if price is no objectIf you are a high-volume torrenter and need to meet seeding quotas, you might consider a seedbox.Seedboxes are basically a torrent client installed on a remote VPS that runs 24/7. You control it from a web interface and it downloads/seeds your files from the server.
Today, Apple announced a big update to its Macbook Pro line of computers. The company really souped-up the specs of the latest Macbook Pro model, the one that debuted in 2016 with the controversial butterfly keyboard, 4 sole USB-C ports, and Touch Bar in place of the function keys.
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Best Macbook Air Model
As Apple updated its website with the newest additions to the Macbook Pro family, something just as noteworthy came to light. Apple removed the mid-2015 15-inch Retina Macbook Pro model from its online store, officially killing off what some consider to be the best laptop ever made.
Wait.. Did Apple just announce they discontinued the 2015 15' MacBook? It's the best version they've made. I would pay money to put 32 gigs of ram in it..
— Nemoy Rau (@NRaush) July 12, 2018
My 2015 baseline MacBook Pro has honestly been killing it, definitely think the '15 models are the best on the market right now (I wouldn't work with the 16-17 dongle models..) Exporting 1080p 60fps video, hours of photoshop maintaining 80% battery etc.
— Andrew Falchook (@falchook) November 26, 2017
ΜTorrent® (uTorrent) Web torrent client for Windows - uTorrent is a browser based torrent client. Torrex Lite - Torrent Downloader is a special app that allows users to download various types of torrents onto their laptop, PC, tablet or Smartphone. Users simply need to install the app and visit their favourite torrent website to receive the films, music, audio books and other types of content quickly and easily. Ttorrent lite download. The official µTorrent® (uTorrent) torrent client for Windows, Mac, Android and Linux- uTorrent is the #1 BitTorrent download client on desktops worldwide.
Best Macbook Models
On the wrong side of things, the 15’’ 2015 MacBook Pro ( @marcoarment ‘s favourite) isn’t available anymore.
— Alessandro (@alsoknownasale) July 12, 2018
In November of last year, Marco Arment, the co-founder of Tumblr and developer behind popular apps like Instapaper and Overcast, wrote a post that spread like wildfire, expressing how many Macbook Pro users felt when Apple announced the new Touch Bar model with its 2016 Macbook Pro refresh. Arment argued that the entire 2012-2015 Retina Macbook Pro model was the best laptop Apple ever created, with the mid-2015 one being its peak. The sentiments shared in his post about the 15-inch Retina Macbook Pro model – titled “The best laptop ever made” – were echoedacrossthe web.
Before Steve Jobs passed away in 2011, he was involved in the design of the Retina Macbook Pro line of Apple computers that came out 8 months later in June of 2012. This model was continuously updated and upgraded with the latest specs until May 2015 with the mid-2015 model. This Macbook Pro model was heralded for its sleek design, light weight, fast processing power, its array of ports ranging from HDMI to two Thunderbolt ports, and MagSafe power adapter among other things. Even what the Retina Macbook Pro was missing, an internal CD/DVD Superdrive for example, was a well-timed move in response to where the industry was in terms of the lifecycle of that specific technology.
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Even with last year’s 2017 Touch Bar Macbook Pro roll out replacing the original 2016 Touch Bar model, Apple kept the mid-2015 15-inch Retina Macbook Pro in stock to satiate those who believed it to be the last great Macbook Pro model. Up until yesterday, you could purchase a brand new mid-2015 15-inch Macbook Pro, with fully maxed out specs (note that in the past year Apple removed the option to add a dedicated AMD Radeon R9 M370X GPU to the mid-2015 Macbook Pro), for just a little more than the low-end base model of the 2017 Touch Bars.
Unfortunately, with the launch of the 2018 Macbook pro model, you can no longer purchase a brand new 2015 15-inch Retina Macbook Pro from Apple. If you really want “the best laptop ever,” you’ll have to try your luck with used or refurbished models on eBay.
For those who hate the newest – and now only – Macbook Pro line, thanks to its lack of ports, annoying and flawed butterfly keyboard, and gimmicky Touch Bar; this discontinuation of the 2015 model is Apple’s way of saying too bad, this is just the way things are now.
UPDATE: July 12, 2018, 2:56 p.m. EDT: Apple appears to have moved the 2015 Macbook Pro to the Apple store clearance page. This may be your last chance to snag a brand new one, so get them while they last!
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aiglesias6600 · 10 years
Torrex Pro un cliente de BitTorrent para Windows Phone 8.1
Torrex Pro un cliente de BitTorrent para Windows Phone 8.1
Torrex Pro es un moderno cliente de BitTorrent para Windows Phone 8.1.
Usando Torrex Pro podrás descargar cualquier archivo torrent o enlace magnet. (more…)
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kevinp1992 · 10 years
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uwp365 · 7 years
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Torrex Pro is currently on a 24 hour sale [$7.99 -> $1.99] http://ift.tt/2wS7Qn7
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