iremsngl2016 · 1 year
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In danger
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nich0las-foster · 1 year
donthave to wait
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shipperofdoomedships · 8 months
So you know how the Addams family has had to deal with angry mobs on occasion? Imagine the entire Addams clan as an angry mob.
Enid spends Christmas/New years at the Addams manor and the entire family and extended family instantly love her. Almost everyone at one point ask Wednesday and Enid when the wedding will be causing them both to blush and explain that they're just friends. The responses from each family member vary from confusion to brutal honesty about how they should be together. Unfortunately one of the many cousins gets a little tipsy and as she waves her arms excitedly telling a story to Enid and Wednesday, Enid flinches away and instinctively puts her arms up toprotect her face. The ballroom goes silent as everyone realizes why Enid reacted the way she did. Enid tries to laugh it off asks the cousin to continue the story. She does but afterwards silent conversations are had between the entirety of the Addams clan until the 2 teens head to bed. The next morning Enid and Wednesday come downstairs to a completely empty house and a note on the front door hung with a dagger. Wednesday grabs the note and silently reads before cursing under her breath. Enid looks at her questionably and Wednesday replies "It seems my entire family has left to San Francisco to dispose of your horrid excuse of a mother. I had made it VERY clear to mother and father that I wanted to strike the first blow. Come Enid, we must hurry if I'm to at least be able to strike a blow to that wretched woman before my family scatter her pieces". Enid follows Wednesday out of the door trying but failing to calm her or convince her to call her family off their hunt.
Meanwhile in San Francisco
The Addams clan have taken over almost an entire block of the street Enid lives on. Looking almost like a typical angry mob but in place of torches and pitchforks they are brandishing molotov cocktails and various swords, axes and flails. Morticia is at the head of the group looking up at Esther Sinclair peeking from behind curtain of her bedroom window. Morticia calmly but loudly says "Esther Sinclair, please come outside for a moment, we just want to talk..."
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heartsvick · 3 months
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*  ♔  ◟     (   phoebe dynevor,   twenty-eight,   ciswoman,   she/her   )     the  capital  of  king’s  landing  welcomes  meera  of  house manderly,  the  lady  of  white harbor.  news  borne  by  raven  sends  word  that  they  are  reputed  to  be  assertive,  but  with  the  eyes  of  court  watching  their  every  move,  they  might  prove  to  be  erratic.  when  songs  are  sung,  their  verses  speak  of watching the constellations with exhausted eyes, a familiar guise of complacency ruminating on your features, head raised high in defiance.  whispers  throughout  the  seven  kingdoms  claim  that  their  allegiance  lies  with  themselves,  where  they  conspire  toprotect her family , no matter the cost.  but  in  the  end,  fealty  means  little  when  you  play  the  game  of  thrones. 
⊰ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥
𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞. meera manderly 𝐚𝐠𝐞. 28 , 𝐬𝐞𝐱𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧. bisexual . 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧. rose aldridge, jo march , elizabeth bennet, eloise bridgerton, arya stark
𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒕𝒔. perceptive, assertive, ardent, dauntless, gregarious 𝒏𝒆𝒈𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒕𝒔. abrasive, erratic, boisterous, proud, brazen, ill-tempered
⊰ 𝐛𝐢𝐨𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐲 .
you're young and the sun is always in your eyes. there's a light and they tell you to never lose it. your innocent eyes, so wide and curious, spared from all the cruelties of the world, look up. searching for an answer, wondering what is there to lose ? but you smile and nod, obediently as you were told to.
☼ life feels empty when there's nothing expected of you ; and meera wouldn't have minded that emptiness as long as she wouldn't need to face it. she could've filled it with her imagination, a meaningless activity or idling her life away by simply watching her siblings, always admiring them from afar. ☼ she’s too young when the touch of death would attempt to preserve her heart in painful iciness. reminding her not of her own mortality but of those around her. when her mother takes her last breath, she doesn’t shed a tear, as if death managed to at least freeze one part of her.  she doesn’t want to change, never lose any memory of her mother and so she decides to continue, as if nothing happened and the smile never left her eyes.  ☼  yet,  the realization of mortality keeps lingering. in her heart, the air she breathes in.  and she finds herself panicking the first time,  hands shaking around a dagger she’d kept close to her.  the same night,  her father finds her and the next day she’s given a sword. ☼ it is in her training sessions that she finds pieces of herself again, and it gives her a sense as if she can do something, instead of only watching idly, as she always used to. life begins to feel light again, and she can shape it and melt the cold with her warmth. ☼ the first time she saves someone, is also the first time she finds a friend. they begin to spend all their time with each other, him jokingly calling meera her mentor when she’s sharing the little knowledge and skills she possesses. they always get in trouble but they always get away and luck would feed her arrogance until it would grow deadly. ☼ it is only a childish jest but some would never understand a child. when meera makes a simple bet with her friend, she’d thought she’d probably lose a few coins and not a life, her best friend. it is simple:  steal something from a stranger without getting caught. ☼ and she watches her friend, eagerly awaiting the possession he’d return with. but he'd never and the moment she would realize it,  it would be too late.  when meera runs to him, time is ripped from her hands and she cannot even draw her sword when the body of her friend already lies there motionlessly, empty. and she’d never speak of it because she’d be punished for her sins twice, and on the same day her brother would also be taken from her. ☼ it is as if the only thing she ever absorbed was her guilt. slowly and silently, it was eating her away. and for weeks she wouldn’t speak until one day she’d just return. dulled eyes hidden by a smile, acting as if nothing ever happened again. as if nothing mattered at all.  ☼ she’d stay at the place where all her memories were preserved but somehow she’d always be gone. away. spending most of her time honing her skills or wasting her time on the meaningless. ☼ with the news of her father’s declining health, shock had long frozen still and meera is continuing her life as it is. deep down knowing that tragedy is awaiting their family. hoping that she can do more than just watch.
⊰ 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬
tba / soon !
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thestorytells · 10 months
 Roald Dahl’s short story “Lamb to the Slaughter” published in 1953. Roald Dahl was a British novelist.His works deals mainly on social issues such as violence, racial issues, sexism and unequalopportunities between men and women in real life. His representation of  women was quitedifferent from that of earlier times. He is concerned about the gender stereotype that somehowmakes a woman’s life miserable. Mary Maloney is the protagonist of the story. In the beginningof the story she is portrayed as a diligent homemaker. But when the story develops the perfectwife turn into the murderer of her husband.
At the beginning of the story, the main character ofthe story Mary Maloney is described as she was in a happy mood. The author gave her theperfect image of a domestic wife. She is expecting a baby and in the beginning of the story shewas waiting for her husband like every woman does in a patriarchal society. The image of Maryas a domestic  housewife can changes in to something dangerous at the end of the story. Being aperfect wife to her husband, she might never expect that her husband might leave her one day.No woman can accept it easily. That shock led her to hit her husband with leg of lamb and killshim. Actually, the real strength of Mary is shown after the murder. The way she uses her mind toprotect herself and unborn baby from the law.
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hr-26 · 23 days
Full-Service HR Outsourcing: A Comprehensive Guide
With the continuous changes in the business environment today, more organization, big or small, have started to embrace full-service HR outsourcing. Today, many organizations are fired at sustaining their competitive advantage and therefore delegate most of their human resource functions to external professional service providers. In general, full-service HR outsourcing contains all the functions of HRM and may include such services as:_DUMP HR OUTSOURCING * Recruitment & Staffing.
Salahkaar Consultants offers these services in many global markets. Visit their website at http://www.salahkaarconsultants.com and contact them to see if they can help your company as well.
Full-Service HR Outsourcing is the provision of human resources management services by one company to another on exclusive basis.
Full-service outsourcing means that an organization collaborates with a third party service provider to assume most or all of the company’s HR responsibilities. Different from extensive outsourcing where only one or two activities such as payrolls and benefits administration could be outsourced, full-service HR outsourcing offers a range solution that encapsulates all the HR activities. This approach is effective since it enables businesses to engage the various services of a group of professional HR persons in order to organize and perform the various HR jobs effectively.
Key Area Elements of Full-Service Human Resource Outsourcing
Recruitment and Onboarding: Outsourcing of hr services means that full-service hr outsourcing providers are responsible for sourcing the candidates, interviewing them and extending job offer to them. They are also involved in workplace orientation activities; this is because, the organization has to ensure that newly employed individuals are well absorbed in their working environments. This entails processing forms to offering training and other forms of staff induction.
Payroll and Benefits Administration: Payroll management is an important business process which should be handled with great precision and precision. HR outsourcing providers handle payrolls, taxes as well as any other legal rules and regulations surrounding employee relations. Also, they are responsible for maintaining employee benefits such us health care, pensions, and other benefits offered to the workers. Outsourcing of these functions means that the various companies are protected from mishandling of their employees’ wages in order to enable efficient payment of the wages as expected.
Compliance and Risk Management: That alone is a chore in its own because maintaining compliance with constantly changing labor laws and regulations is very challenging. Outsourced firms that offer full service human resource solutions to your business understand employment laws and standards and makes your organization adhere to them. They also avoid certain risks by having instituting measures on how toprotect employees, data and legal compliance issues hence reducing on such risks.
Performance Management: Performance Management is therefore central in the development of the employees and the success of the organization. The doctrines also in performance management, where HR outsourcing providers can assist in the development of performance appraisal system as well as in the evaluation and feedback on performance. They also help in the definitions of performance targets, appraisal of training requisites and planning of career advancement paths.
Employee Relations: Employee management can be very tricky and delicate, thus can be considered as one of the key responsibilities of the HR. Outsourcing providers provide various services that include managing complaints from employees, disputes and cases of reprimands. They also aim at giving a healthy direction to the work environment, this is by involving employees in activities that enhance their commitment towards their work, value and implement working policies that enhance balance between work and personal life and encouraging organizational communication.
Training and Development: In this process a variety of training activities are appropriate for maintaining interest and focusing the employees on the organization’s goals as well as providing employees with the necessary skills to enable them to successfully perform their roles and tasks. Most of the full service Human Resources outsourcing firms have training services that can be customized according to the requirements of the company and its staff. Such programmes can be leadership training, skill enhancement programmes, and programs promoting diversity and workplace inclusion.
HR Strategy and Consulting: Apart from routine activities of HR, full-service HR outsourcing providers give consultancy services whereby an organisation can modify its HR process to suit its objectives. This may range from workforce planning, managing succession plan, and other organisational development activities. This means that, by engaging people who are conversant with both HR and business strategy, firms are in a position to arrive at informed decisions that will in the long run help the firm grow and improve.
Organization Benefits of Full Service HR Outsourcing
Cost Savings: There are also several benefits that go hand in hand with full-service HR outsourcing which include; Cost effectiveness. This also means that by outsourcing the HR functions, the business entity will be in a position to save on costs of setting up the specialized HR teams. This entails reduction of cost on salaries, employee’s emoluments, trainings, and space where the business is located. Also, outsourcing providers provide flexible solutions; it implies that only the required services will be purchased.
Access to Expertise: Outsourced full-service is highly beneficial to provide businesses with a pool of qualified and rigorous human resources specialists with expertise in assorted specified fields. The following analysis of the service highlights, illustrates its importance especially among SMEs which cannot afford to employ a fully-fledged HR employee. Outsourcingproviders are updated with trends in the outsourcing industry, practices to undertake, and laws to follow, thus an organization outsourcing its functions will be economical and relevant in the market.
Improved Efficiency: In terms of the benefits I will say that by outsourcing the HR functions, organizations are saved time and therefore can be more efficient. Companies involved in the provision of HR outsourcing services employ computer technology in tasks such as compensation, employee benefits and assessment systems. It also minimizes on the errors likely to occur hence avoiding having to allocate much time to correct the errors for the leaders.
Enhanced Employee Experience: The example of the effective management of the HR function is to add value to the employee experience. Outsourcing service providers undertake to provide all the necessary support for the employees starting from recruitment up to training and performance evaluation. When business organizations provide support to employees, it becomes possible for them to retain such talents besides having high morale in their places of work.
Risk Mitigation: It is always difficult to deal with legal requirements within the realm of employment and labor relations especially for multi-jurisdictional organizations. This way, full-service HR outsourcing providers assist in avoiding these risks or guarantee compliance with the particular legislation. They also help in aspects of keeping employee relations in check and cases of controversies or potential lawsuits are dealt with greatly.
Salahkaar Consultants offers these services in many global markets. Visit their website at http://www.salahkaarconsultants.com and contact them to see if they can help your company as well.
Is Full-Service HR Outsourcing a good idea for Your Company?
However, it is important to note that full-service HR outsourcing enjoys the following benefits: There is the question of whether full-service HR is the right approach for your company. Companies that can benefit the most from full-service HR outsourcing include:Companies that can benefit the most from full-service HR outsourcing include:
Micro and small enterprises which do not have the capacity to employ a permanent human resource department.
Fast growing businesses, which due to their growing size require improved and more comprehensive HR solutions.
The organizations that have high turnover rates and thus they need rigorous recruitment and/or training services.
Those organizations which have business premises in various regions that may require professional help in dealing with numerous employment legislations.
In particular, one must independently assess one’s own needs and goals of the organisation before opting for outsourcing. Outsourcing your HR is a good way to go especially when you have the right partner who can assist your business to grow while outsourcing the HR services.
Human Resources outsourcing is strategic whereby an organization outsources all or particular aspects of human resources services. Following these tactics and strategies will help organizations reduce cost, leverage on experts and escalate efficiency without compromising on the employee’s journey through the HRM process when partnering with a competent third party service provider in the outsourcing industry. With the advancement of globalization and constantly changing business environment, the full-service HR outsourcing will be more valuable to help the organizations to handle the human resources management properly, and enable the organizations to reach their strategic goals. For a start up business, looking to increase efficiency or a fast growing business, which requires a custom tailored Human Resource solution, full-service Human Resource outsourcing could prove to be the best solution for your business needs.
Salahkaar Consultants offers these services in many global markets. Visit their website at http://www.salahkaarconsultants.com and contact them to see if they can help your company as well.
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laaabellanoche · 1 month
Lamb to the Slaughter.
Made life a breezethen knocked the wind right out of me.Muted you toprotect the voices in my dreamssince you’ve been sleeping on me.But finally you’re waking upToo late — missed the alarmwindow’s closedhang it up.Missing calls, airplane modedo not disturb; I’ve let you go.Let her audition for my rolelike it wasn’t crafted from my soul;give her the partmake her your artMy self portrait?A broken…
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babyawacs · 3 months
@fact @all @world @Bbc_whys ‎@law @harvard_law ‎ #fact itwasnot only victim itwasnot only h o p e l e s s victim and allknew all times were like it is a m a l u s to be hopeless victim yet another victim yetanother h o p e l e s s victim no specific cause toprotect usually civillians but then thatguy h opeless victim amon the pro s as a rogue sideshow pro hopelessvictim who is he aeh she wecant identify because grewup wealth background in rubbertitts and this #howitallstarted #howitallbegan the p r o t e c t i o n pastes was whatyousaw in greatestmoments dvd and title because still a hope prince tomany thatbad itwas to uncounted get the vibe they twist this as sssexxxmemberships and hitler and hitler lllammma‎ free civillian victimised by their clowns and scums and botch is anything b u t what they twisted later on ‎then became medival freeforall enemyofstate targetted individual outsourced babycare ie tortured raped as us interest bec ame a us interest stayed onagainoffagain a us interest paperprotection to reserve champion trust ‎
@fact @all @world @Bbc_whys ‎@law @harvard_law #fact itwasnot only victim itwasnot only h o p e l e s s victim and allknew all times were like it is a m a l u s to be hopeless victim yet another victim yetanother h o p e l e s s victim no specific cause toprotect usually civillians but then thatguy hopeless victim amon the pro s as a rogue sideshow pro hopelessvictim who is he aeh she wecant…
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nvsrworld · 8 months
In the great creation of the Lord AlmightyLands and seas, mountains and valleys, wetlands and dryTrees and plants, seas and rivers, lakes and wells, birds and wormsAre indeed HIS wonderful manifestations! It is the duty bounden of all humans toProtect the pristine beauty of Mother NatureIf the world is to be happy and in great peaceMan fails to protect and ceases to be at ease. “World Wetlands…
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lokoleyacongo · 11 months
Nearer to Gaza November 15, 2023
He couldn’t have been more than 17 seated across from a middle aged man scrutinizing an Arabic newspaper at the clothed table facing theentrance “A snack” he responded quickly to my question about aspinach/cheese roll wrapped in a delicate pastry dedicated toprotecting his mother from embarrassment with her timorousperfectly constructed English “Two minutes” she assured meholding up fingers as…
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melissaabbottyoga · 2 years
New Podcast! Yellow All-Victorious Tara Sadhana
Yellow All-Victorious Tara is the 4th emanation of the 21 Tara’s. She embodies the potential toprotect you from danger, purifies disturbances of life energy, and transforms the fear of death.She is known to safeguard you from harm, cleanses turmoil of inauspicious circumstances and unforeseen events. She ignites or activates the vital energy of life, and changes the dread and fear of passing…
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naanufac · 2 years
The efficient and complete cleaning
Various different upholstery furniture such ascarpets, chairs, sofas and draperies are quite common these days in most homes.These furniture, carpets and sofas especially are quite exposed to dirt anddust and require frequent cleaning. However, as that is a rather delicatematerial, you need to pay extra attention to them during cleaning as they canfade out and can suffer various damages.
The efficient and complete cleaning of sofas andcarpets require a great deal of effort. It is also quite frequent, thatalthough you have spent a considerable amount of time and effort in cleaningthem, the coverings, rugs and sofas were still not properly cleaned. The use ofharsh chemicals is another major problem with upholstery furniture. Harshchemicals are frequently used to thoroughly clean the upholstery material whichcan lead in the end to damaged upholstery pieces.
Luckily, as upholstery steam cleaners are widelyavailable today, it is much easier and simpler to clean most upholstery materials.The steam cleaners available today generate steam with the use of common tapwater. Then, the steam is applied on the surface that needs to be cleaned. Assteam gets through the upholster fibers, the stains, dirt and dust is loosenand vacuumed away. Thus, the upholstery is properly cleaned without damaging itin any way.
However, there are things to keep in mind while usingupholstery steam cleaners. Although these cleaners are specially made toprotect the delicate upholstery material, caution is required whenever youapply the high temperature steam. As water is a safe and efficient cleaningagent, you should not use any harsh chemicals on any upholstery furniture.Additionally, steam cleaners are also available with environmentally friendly cleaningsolutions which are entirely safe to use.
Another solution to clean your upholstery carpet andsofa is to call a cleaning agency. However, that is time consuming and cannotbe done as frequently as you might Cream pump manufacturers want to. Thus, the purchase of an upholsterysteam cleaner is always a clever investment. The top steam cleaners, based onperformance and price are the CE7000 Dirt Devil steam Cleaner, MC1246 McCullochsteam cleaner or the Wagner 905 Steamer & Cleaner.
For best results upholstery furniture or carpet shouldbe vacuum cleaned before the use of the steam cleaner.
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iowafed · 2 years
The Will of the People
The Will of the People
Across races, places and parties, millions of Americans saw thiselection as a choice between freedom and fascism and voted toprotect our families and our futures. Trump Republicans engaged in acriminal conspiracy to overthrow the will of the people and then ran inthe very elections they seek to eliminate, but voters overcame theirbarriers to cast our ballots and are rejecting their efforts to…
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wersajfmhose · 2 years
Check the hose which you would be using to spray water and/or chemicals.
Negligenceand carelessness while using these machines may prove to be fatal. If the machine is gas operated, then checkfor any leaks in the oil tank. It is also advisable to wear ear muffs tocover the ears. Completely fasten the hoseto the water inlet to avoid any kind of detachment. Thoroughly check the hose for any cuts or bruises.Covering the feet with shoes, wearing goggles to protect the eyes and gloves toprotect the hands are necessary. Removeobjects and other materials form the surface where cleaning has to beperformed. There are high chances of the debris and other materials tobounce off form the surface and hit your body, eyes, ears, etc. The nozzles, inlets andhose should be clog free. Pressure cleaning involves using water and other chemicals at extremely highspeed and force. If it runs on electricity, >Stainless Steel Shower Hose then check theelectric cord and make sure there are no cuts or tears. Check if the trigger gun is working perfectly. 
Check the hose which you would be using to spray water and/or chemicals.Use with utmost precaution and care: Neverpoint the nozzle on anyone.So, preventing anycontact whatsoever is vital. The variouschemicals used while cleaning are very strong and might cause skin rashes andother disorders if they come in contact with the skin. If you are a beginner, it is always better to read the instructionsmanual thoroughly before using one. This might prove fatal because the water comes outat extremely high pressure and is sufficient to cut through someone’s flesh ifit comes in contact. 
This extensive list of protective gear is crucial to save yourbody and skin. It has become verycommon these days to use a pressure washer for both domestic and industrialpurposes.Operating and using a pressure washer for pressurecleaning has to be done with a lot of precaution and care. Given belowis a list of safety tips which you may find useful while pressure cleaning yourexteriors or interiors of your home, office, etc. Keep the motor of the machine far away from the cleaningsurface to avoid water or any other chemical from falling on the motordirectly.:Appropriate clothing: 
This is the firstaspect that has to be taken care of while using a pressure washer. in the nozzle or hose.The water form the hose of a pressurewasher comes out at extremely high pressure and hits the surface. Always maintain the entire machine in a clean condition after pressure cleaningto avoid accumulation of any chemicals, cleaners, etc.Follow the above safety tips and always rememberto follow the instructions given in the manual to have a successful andaccident free pressure cleaning experience. Check the pressure washer thoroughly:Whether you hire a pressure washer or buy one, always check the machinethoroughly for any leaks or damages. Wearing fullsleeves and full pants instead of trousers is a must while pressure cleaning
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babyawacs · 1 year
#hoogle #reframed #mildfacettes #of #what #themquel l .@judge .@judges @law @all @world @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild .@bild @phoenix_de @dw .@dwnews .@law @deutschland .@deutschland @hamburg @berlin .@berlin .@hamburg @muenchen @stuttgart #ahbythewayid idnothingwrong #kanneskaumabwarten #bis #irgendwer #euch #noch #alibis #verschafft #nachdem #ihr #euere #v erbrechen #vertuscht #how #judge #judges #system #ai #thetruth #and #the #ruleoflaw #bananarepublic #inth en #donot #the #rubbertittts #simpler #usually #else #bad #biological #germansolutions #nowandhow #there #instead #compensation #oujaounorthkorea aeh aeh #harv ardgoogle #aeh #hoogle could find how and why germans changed intel law earlymid 2000s and local revolutio ns and revolutioners #harvardgoogle could aeh #hoogle quickly how nuns tried toprotect a baby earlymid 2000s
#hoogle #reframed #mildfacettes #of #what #themquell .@judge .@judges @law @all @world @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild .@bild @phoenix_de @dw .@dwnews .@law @deutschland .@deutschland @hamburg @berlin .@berlin .@hamburg @muenchen @stuttgart #ahbythewayididnothingwrong #kanneskaumabwarten #bis #irgendwer #euch #noch #alibis #verschafft #nachdem #ihr #euere #verbrechen #vertuscht #how #judge…
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ecopion · 2 years
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Sustainability is what we all should strive for. Protect our earth today so our grandkids can have a tomorrow. Shop Ecopion.co.uk #hands #protection #toprotect #environment #ecofriendly #eco #beautiful #positive #fashion #PositiveEnergy #trending #beaches #forest https://www.instagram.com/p/Cdx_VK-KIXX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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