#top pharmaceutical companies 2020
truth4ourfreedom · 3 months
The popular narrative from prohibitionists is that the lack of legislative support for various gun control schemes is due to aggressive lobbying. The story goes that “blood money” from the National Rifle Association and other gun lobby efforts along with the firearm industry has a stranglehold on elected officials who are just pining to do “the right thing” but are being drowned out by all the cash.
How much money is actually spent by the NRA on lobbying? How does this compare to lobbying efforts from elsewhere?
Statista is a German online platform specializing in data gathering and visualization in German, English, Spanish, and French. The company provides statistics and survey results presented in charts and tables. Its main target groups are business customers, lecturers, and researchers, offering subscriptions to a database of companies in the same manner as Bloomberg L.P.
Statista’s data partners include the Federal Statistical Office, the Allensbach Institute for Public Opinion Research, the OECD, and the German Institute for Economic Research. Other partners include the Financial Times and Fortune. Financial Times Germany named them among the winners of the start-up competition, Enable to Start.
Major U.S. Political Lobbying
The big three in major U.S. political lobbying are Pharmaceuticals/Health Products ($357 million per year), Electronics Manufacturing ($180 million per year), and Insurance ($153 million per year.)
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Major annual lobbying expenditures in the United States
Critical note: Statista felt compelled to add the following footnote to this chart:
The NRA and lobbying: One of the most famous lobbying organizations in the United States is the National Rifle Association (NRA), which lobbies lawmakers in favor of gun rights. However, despite this, it only spent around 2.2 million U.S. dollars on lobbying expenditures in 2020.
Apparently, they received so many inquiries as to why the NRA wasn’t included in that chart above they included the answer right underneath: the NRA spends a marginal fraction on lobbying compared to the actual big spenders.
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NRA (bottom) compared to the actual big lobby efforts.
Gun Lobby Money:
The NRA typically spends a few million dollars per year on lobbying. From 1998-2022, the most the NRA spent on lobbying in a single year was just over $5 million. Most years it’s between 1.5-2.5 million.
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The National Shooting Sports Foundation also lobbies. In 2023, according to federal records, the NSSF spent the most in lobbying in its 60-year history: $5.4 million on federal lobbying, slightly more than the NRA’s all-time annual record amount.
Anti-Gun Lobbying:
Firearm prohibitionists claim there is some large grassroots movement to push for legislative restrictions. It turns out that many anti-gun organizations are astroturfing fronts funded as tax deductions by a small group of very wealthy donors. These “organizations” provide no services with all funding received as contributions.
As an example, “March for Our Lives” bills itself as a grassroots movement of young people working to restrict gun ownership under the guise of safety. In reality, this is a front group funded by a few dozen donors. According to public tax documents for March for Our Lives, the group is funded almost entirely by large tax-deductible donations in excess of $100,000 with less than 1% of all donations from people donating less than $5,000. Nearly 100% of “March for Our Lives” income is Contributions serving as a tax deduction for donors and no Program Services are offered. Contrast this to the NRA’s public tax records where nearly half of the income is from Program Services and about a third is from Contributions.
Lobby Money Breakdown
Pharmaceutical companies spend the most on lobbying, much more than any other industry or sector. Pharmaceutical companies spend more on lobbying than second and third place (Electronics Manufacturing and Insurance) combined. Novo Nordisk, the maker of the obesity drug Ozempic, has spent $10 million per year just to lobby for that one drug with their primary effort pushing for the passage of the proposed Treat and Reduce Obesity Act which would emphasize regular prescription by doctors to patients for Ozempic. That doesn't count the $100 million Novo Nordisk has spent in advertising this drug to the general public.
Dr. Fatima Cody Stanford, appointed to the current Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, has declared that “obesity cannot be treated with exercise and good diet” and is pushing for more pharmaceutical interventions. This push is for drug interventions such as Ozempic. Prior to this appointment, Dr. Stanford had been a paid consultant for Novo Nordisk.
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rupalic · 1 month
Growth Strategies Adopted by Major Players in Turf Protection Market
In the dynamic landscape of the turf protection industry, key players like Syngenta Crop Protection AG (Switzerland), UPL Limited (India), Corteva Agriscience (US), Nufarm (US), Bayer AG (Germany), and BASF SE (Germany) are at the forefront of innovation and market expansion. These industry leaders are driving growth through strategic initiatives such as partnerships, acquisitions, and cutting-edge product developments, solidifying their positions as influential forces in shaping the future of the turf protection industry. Their efforts not only enhance their global presence but also set new benchmarks for industry standards and customer expectations. The global turf protection market size is estimated to reach $8.1 billion by 2028, growing at a 4.9% compound annual growth rate (CAGR). The market size was valued $6.4 billion in 2023.
Top Global Turf Protection Leaders to Watch in 2024
· Syngenta Crop Protection AG (Switzerland)
· UPL Limited (India)
· Corteva Agriscience (US)
· Nufarm (US)
· Bayer AG (Germany)
· BASF SE (Germany)
· SDS Biotech K.K. (Japan)
· AMVAC Chemical Corporation (US)
· Bioceres Crop Solutions (Argentina)
· Colin Campbell (Chemicals) Pty Ltd (Australia)
· ICL Group Ltd. (US)
Investments and Innovations: Key Strategies of Top Turf Protection Companies
🌱 Syngenta Crop Protection AG: Leading the Way in Integrated Pest Management
Syngenta Crop Protection AG, a global agribusiness based in Switzerland, operates prominently in the crop protection and seeds markets. The company offers a comprehensive range of herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, and seed treatments, helping growers worldwide enhance agricultural productivity and food quality. With a presence in over 90 countries, Syngenta’s reach is truly global. In October 2020, Syngenta further strengthened its position by acquiring Valagro, a leading biologicals company. Valagro’s strong presence in Europe, North America, Asia, and Latin America complements Syngenta’s existing crop protection chemicals. This acquisition allows Syngenta to offer more integrated pest management strategies that reduce reliance on synthetic chemicals, while Valagro’s expertise in plant nutrition promotes healthier turfgrass growth and improved soil health.
Know about the assumptions considered for the study
🌍 UPL Limited: Innovating Turf Management Solutions Globally
UPL Limited, formerly known as United Phosphorus Limited, is a global agrochemical company based in India, providing a wide range of agricultural solutions, including crop protection products, seeds, and post-harvest solutions. UPL is a key player in turf management, offering innovative solutions for golf courses, sports fields, and other turf areas. Their product portfolio includes herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, and plant growth regulators, all designed to enhance turf quality and health while effectively controlling pests and diseases. Operating in over 130 countries across North America, South America, Europe, and Asia Pacific, UPL has 28 manufacturing sites worldwide, solidifying its position as a leader in the global turf protection market.
🏆 Bayer AG: Streamlining for a Focused Future in Turf Protection
Bayer AG, a multinational pharmaceutical and life sciences company headquartered in Leverkusen, Germany, operates across three business segments: Pharmaceuticals, Consumer Health, and Crop Science. The company’s Crop Science division caters to the turf protection market, offering products such as herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides. With operations in over 90 countries, including regions like North America, South America, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia Pacific, Bayer maintains a strong global presence. In March 2022, Bayer sold its Environmental Science Professional business, which includes turf protection products, to private equity firm Cinven for USD 2.6 billion. This strategic divestment is part of Bayer’s ongoing efforts to streamline its portfolio and concentrate on core businesses, ensuring a more focused approach to its future operations.
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Bill Bramhall, New York Daily  :: [Scott Horton]
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This is all you need to know about the odious Elon Musk
Twitter has stopped saving lives and is now actively engaged in helping to kill people.  It took one year and nine months and the insane ego of one man:  Elon Musk.  He’s the difference between these two headlines from the Associated Press.
Dateline March 1, 2021:  Twitter cracks down on COVID vaccine misinformation.
Dateline November 29, 2022:  Twitter ends enforcement of COVID misinformation policy.
Lies are loose on Twitter about COVID, folks.  Stuff like vaccines will kill you, the disease is a conspiracy against white people, wearing a mask is fascism.  It was out there before, and it’s out there again, and people will die because of it.
As of this year, Twitter has nearly 400 million active users around the world, nearly 75 million of them in this country alone.  What is Twitter?  Well, it’s called a social networking app, one among many, including Facebook, Instagram, and yes, even Substack and Truth Social, the Trump-owned network that mimics Twitter, or tries to, anyway.  It’s a way people connect with one another.  It’s a way people share information and interests.  It’s a platform that has been used by many to promote companies, political movements, ideas, conspiracies and lies.  Is it essential?  No.  There are other ways to connect with people, other ways to obtain and share information.  Is it powerful?  Without a doubt.  It’s fairly widely accepted that without his frequent tweets of lies and conspiracies and bragging and self-promotion, Donald Trump probably could not have been elected president in 2016.  That’s power.
What the hell could have possessed the man who took sole ownership of Twitter about a month ago to have issued this order, that a social media platform reaching so many millions of people would throw out a policy that has actively sought to tamp down misinformation about a disease that has killed over six and a half million people around the world? Contrariness?  Ego?  Madness?  A simple wish to join in the right-wing obsession with owning the libs?
Musk’s policy changes at Twitter, which have included re-enrolling people who were banned from the platform in the past for advocating violence, racism, sexism, and homophobia among a long list of other no-no’s of a rational, humanistic civilization, have not done much to help his investment.  His abandonment of Twitter’s content moderation policies has made him lose half of the top 100 advertisers on the platform.  The list includes Chevrolet, Ford, Jeep, Merck, General Motors, Volkswagen, General Mills, and the pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly.  According to Media Matters for America, collectively the group of advertisers has spent more than $2 billion advertising on Twitter since 2020 and $750 million this year alone.  Seven additional advertisers who spent at least $255 million on Twitter since 2020 have cut their ads to almost nothing.
All that money is gone.  More of it will be gone very soon.  The European Union warned Musk today that he faces an all-out ban unless Twitter abides by the EU’s strict rules on content moderation.  EU industry chief Thierry Breton made the threat in a video conversation with Musk today, according to Reuters.  “Breton told Musk he must adhere to a checklist of rules, including ditching an ‘arbitrary’ approach to reinstating banned users and agreeing to an "extensive independent audit" of the platform by next year,” Reuters reported.
That’s tens, maybe more than 100 million Twitter users in the EU.  Advertisers aren’t going to sit still for losing that many eyes.
The Intercept reported last week that Musk’s new anything-goes policy at Twitter allowed a clearly anti-Semitic cartoon on the platform that depicted Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky with a grossly exaggerated nose. Zelensky is Jewish.  The Tweet of the anti-Semitic cartoon originated from the Russian embassy in London.
What’s going on with this guy Musk?  Story after story this week and last reported on tweets put out by Musk that featured right-wing conspiracy theories and other far out nonsense.  On Thanksgiving Day, Musk retweeted something from a white supremacist equating pedophilia and Antifa, a decentralized movement that has declared itself as specifically anti-fascist.  The tweet came from Paul Ray Ramsey, who has called women’s suffrage a “cancer” and is a known Holocaust denier, according to a report in the L.A. Times.  Musk responded to another tweet calling “woke propaganda” a “Trojan horse” intended to “attack kid’s brains.”  “Exactly,” tweeted Musk.
Elon Musk has cut loose the loons on Twitter, and they’re moving back into the platform for all they’re worth.  Why he’s doing this is anybody’s guess.  It’s not going to last.  Regulators are not going to stand for the spread of COVID lies in the European Union.  They’ll shut down Twitter in Europe before they allow Musk and his minions to cause deaths over there.  There is no sane equivalent regulatory body in this country.
Is Elon Musk the Sam Bankman-Fried of the internet?  Is Twitter on its way to becoming FTX, the crypto exchange that was worth tens of billions until overnight it was worth nothing?
Imitating the impulsive adolescent behavior of Donald Trump is no way to run a business, son.  Even the dean of Faber University knew that much.  
[Lucian K. Truscott IV]
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mariacallous · 1 year
A strange thing happened in the eurozone economy at the end of last year. Despite widespread forecasts that the common currency area would plunge into recession and register negative growth in the last quarter of 2022, it managed to eke out a small gain of 0.1 percent. What is remarkable is not that Europe beat expectations, but that it was one small country—Ireland—whose surging economy single-handedly prevented the eurozone from slipping into the red.
Almost unbelievably, little Ireland, with a population of only 5 million, now has the economic scale to shift the growth statistics of the entire eurozone and its 343 million inhabitants. In 2022, Irish GDP growth of 12.2 percent compared to 3.5 percent in the eurozone as a whole. In absolute numbers, only Germany, France, and Italy contributed more than Ireland to eurozone GDP growth in 2021 and 2022. Ireland’s economic boom has enabled the country’s government to post a budget surplus of 1.6 percent of GDP, even as eurozone countries struggled with an average deficit of more than 3 percent.
Honestly, who wouldn’t want this luck of the Irish?
Look closely, however, and Ireland’s so-called economic miracle looks more than a little odd. The country’s growth is simultaneously both real and artificial. Much of it is driven by a handful of U.S. multinationals, which continue to route global sales and profits through their Irish operations to take advantage of Dublin’s lower business taxes. Although difficult and complex to calculate, Apple’s shifting of intellectual property assets to Ireland is estimated to have contributed half of Ireland’s miraculous 26 percent GDP growth in 2016. That bizarre fact inspired New York Times columnist Paul Krugman to ridicule Ireland’s “leprechaun economics”—and the Irish statistics office to move away from using GDP as a measure of economic growth.
Yet the surge of U.S. investment in Ireland is also real. In particular, Ireland’s role as a pharmaceuticals manufacturing hub dramatically increased during the COVID-19 pandemic. Nine out of the world’s top 10 drug companies have significant production facilities in Ireland. The U.S. State Department thinks the corporate build-out in Ireland will continue, given Ireland’s status as the only remaining English-speaking European Union country following Britain’s departure. That makes it easy for international companies to operate and enjoy barrier-free access to the EU’s single market.
It’s hard to exaggerate Ireland’s dependence on U.S. tech and pharma companies for investment and taxes. Corporate tax receipts are now the second-largest source of tax revenue (after income tax) for the Irish state: 27 percent of all tax income in 2022. The average was just 9 percent in the 38 member countries of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in 2020, the last year for which data is available. This, in turn, is fueling an unprecedented torrent of tax income for the Irish government. Corporate tax revenues were up nearly 50 percent in 2022 alone.
Just 10 multinationals—all of them U.S.-based tech and pharmaceutical companies—now pay nearly 60 percent of Ireland’s corporate tax. Directly and indirectly, U.S. multinationals employ more than 375,000 people in Ireland, approximately 15 percent of the country’s labor force. Driven by investment from the United States, foreign multinationals now account for 53 percent of all payroll taxes paid by corporate employers.
Driven by the windfall in corporate tax receipts, the Irish government’s budget surplus is expected to swell further, to 10 billion euros in 2023 and 16 billion euros in 2024. Relative to the size of the economy, this would be equivalent to a U.S. budget surplus of more than 1 trillion dollars in 2024.
The problem for Ireland is that this singular dependence exposes the country to growing risks. Take the tech sector: As multinationals like Google, Microsoft, Meta, and Amazon see their profits shrink and slash jobs worldwide, it will not only hurt the Irish economy, but deprive Dublin of tax income as well.
What’s more, the threat to Ireland’s stability from its overdependence on U.S. companies is about to be multiplied. In 2021, nearly 140 tax jurisdictions, including Ireland, agreed to a major reform of how multinationals companies will be taxed in the future. Pillar 2 of these reforms—a minimum corporate tax rate of 15 percent for large companies—is already coming into effect. In 2024, Ireland’s corporate tax rate is due to increase to 15 percent from its current level of 12.5 percent, reducing its attractiveness as a tax haven compared to other countries. The United States also approved the minimum tax plan in August 2022, despite significant private sector and political opposition.
However, it is Pillar 1 of the OECD’s reforms that will dramatically erode Ireland’s future income from corporate taxes. This reform will reallocate a share of company profits to where sales (or users) are actually located. Previously, tax liability was calculated on where the company or its subsidiary was legally based, no matter how many profits it rerouted from other parts of the world for tax-avoiding purposes. For Ireland, the consequences are obvious: U.S. multinationals operating in the EU will be forced to divide some of their sales by member state, thus significantly reducing the amount of sales and profits that can be “booked” through Ireland. This reform is due to come into force in 2024. The end of Ireland’s windfall is therefore only a matter of time.
The Irish Department of Finance estimated in January that around half of Ireland’s corporate tax receipts—$10 billion—are “transitionary” and will be lost as the new tax rules are implemented. That translates to more than 10 percent of total government spending in 2022—more than the entire Irish education budget. This is putting the Irish government on the precipice of another financial disaster, little more than a decade after it had to be bailed out of impending bankruptcy by the European Commission, European Central Bank, and the International Monetary Fund. That disaster left Ireland with one of the highest per capita public debt levels in the world.
Regardless of the impending financial train wreck, however, Dublin is unlikely to wake up from its American dream anytime soon. Diversifying its economy and revenue sources away from U.S. multinationals would require Ireland to shift its economic and geopolitical orientation, downgrade (in Dublin’s eyes) its deep relationship with the United States, and seek greater integration into the EU economy and its myriad rules.
That’s because Ireland’s dependence on U.S. multinationals is just another expression of the country’s affinity with the United States—the “shared heritage” referenced by U.S. presidents from John F. Kennedy to Ronald Reagan to Joe Biden. These ties to the United States long precede Dublin’s embrace of European integration and make it unlikely that Ireland will ever have the same intensity of economic, cultural, and other ties to France, Germany, or the rest of the EU.
The approaching economic and fiscal train wreck resulting from the new tax rules requires a fundamental change of mindset from Irish policymakers. Squaring the circle—holding on to its deep U.S. ties while integrating more closely with the EU to diversify its economy—means Dublin must give a little (and lose a little) to both sides. Yet Ireland’s ability to navigate this conundrum is doubtful. Even though the coming changes have been plain for all to see, Dublin’s current Trade and Investment Strategy does not contain any concrete policies to mitigate the overdependence on U.S. investment flows. Although the document acknowledges that EU market opportunities are underutilized, it again recognizes the importance “markets such as the UK and the US, which offer familiarity with language and culture.”
If there is no short-term solution to Ireland’s financial vulnerabilities, a few longer-term needs stand out. Dublin should ensure that its current budget surplus is invested wisely to help diversify its drivers of growth. One such driver would be significant increases in public investment in housing and public transport infrastructure to bring the country closer to Western European standards. Ireland’s tax base should be widened to allow for a wider distribution of income sources. For example, In 2021, Ireland gained just 5 percent of its tax receipts from property taxes, compared to more than 11 percent in both Britain and the United States.
Most importantly, Ireland must deepen its trading relationships outside the English-speaking world. Notwithstanding the country’s 50-year membership of the EU, a dearth of foreign language teaching has created a monolingual business culture, which priorities existing links with the United States over the development of new markets, both within and outside the EU. This needs to change if Ireland is to build a sustainable economic model.
Biden—whose family, like so many in the United States, has Irish roots—said in 2021 that “everything between Ireland and the United States runs deep.” This is Ireland’s economic reality today. As the corporate tax boom ebbs, Ireland should ensure that its American dream doesn’t become a recurring economic and financial nightmare.
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radwolf76 · 2 years
2022 Tumblr Top 10
1). 270 notes - Jul 27 2022
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(See also the followup posts.)
2). 177 notes - May 15 2022
Color Theory in the Shower
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3). 167 notes - Sep 5 2022
Nyan Cat at the DragonCon 2022 Masquerade Contest
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4). 108 notes - Mar 12 2022
The House Panthers Are Confused With A Sudden Lack Of Couch
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(See also the followup posts.)
5). 95 notes - Aug 15 2022
Remember The Absurdly Large Ball Of Yarn From A Few Days Ago?
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(Note: this is a full grown, 12 pound adult cat, not a kitten. that yarn’s just that absurdly large.)
6). 70 notes - Apr 12 2022
Prepare yourselves, it's almost time again.
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(I can’t go a single year without at least one Homestuck-related post in my Top 10. This one was from 4/12, Homestuck Eve)
7). 53 notes - Aug 12 2022
You ever look at a scene in a movie, and say to yourself, “THIS. This is exactly why they were cast in their later iconic role.”?
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(See also this reply post.)
8). 47 notes - Aug 28 2022
Smudge Needed A Day Off, So Lucky Is Filling In
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(My first Blazed post, in celebration of hitting 1,000 Followers.)
9). 47 notes - Apr 7 2022
(Weird Al, working Quality Control at the Schcukman Pharmaceutical Company’s Nasal Decongestant Factory)
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10). 40 notes - Jun 4 2022
I know I've told the story here before, but I actually found the Netflix promotional shirt I wore to work an after-hours Blockbuster store inventory back in 2000
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Honorable Mentions:
My 1,152 Followers (Up 33% from last year).
[tumblr]’s own Year in Review generator , which only lists half the posts of @jetblackcode​‘s TumblrTop10 but does offer up a bunch of other stats.
My Miette Halloween Costume post from 2021, which last year at this time was at 428 Notes, but blew up this year and is at 6186 Notes, becoming my most popular post ever.
My reply to a video of Dr. Tatiana Erukhimova stabbing a potato with a knife and hammer, consisting of an image of Bill Nye captioned “Inertia is a property of Matter”. None of the [tumblr] stats tools that I’ve found tell you what your most popular reblogs are, but I was seeing likes and reblogs on that reblog several times a day every day for a few months.
Similarly, my replies to posts by both spitblaze and chansaw. If I had a nickel for every time someone posted advice to new [tumblr] users that was just the text of “This is not a place of honor ...” long term nuclear waste burial site warning, and I replied with a photoshop of the DashCon Ball Pit in front of the proposed “Field of Spikes” warning monument ... I’d have two nickles, but it’s weird that it happened twice. But one of those posts inspired @th3b33skn33s​ to draw some wonderful art of a genetically engineered Ray Cat hissing angrily at the [tumblr] t in the ball pit as its bio-luminescence genes are triggered by the elevated radiation.
Some impromptu crafting the other day to make more storage for my ever expanding dice collection inspired others to go do the same.
The couch was not the only new furniture that the housepanthers had to adjust to.
Like everyone else, I had a post queued for the April First Crash.
I mess around with Hero Forge a lot, and post my stuff here and on the /r/heroforgeminis/ subreddit. The CEO of the company saw a .gif I had made, and decided that .gif making needed to be an official feature.
The Netflix shirt from 2000 mentioned above, that I found while emptying out my storage unit, wasn’t the only treasure unearthed. This Big Mac styrofoam clamshell did better numbers on reddit than here, but my most popular reddit post is still only a third the size of my most popular [tumblr] post.
And if you hadn’t noticed from two fifths of the top ten list, the household has new cats this year. We still miss the old boys especially around the holidays, but the Voids bring us much love and laughter.
Previous Year’s Top Tens: 2021, 2020, 2019
Created by TumblrTop10
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tamanna31 · 8 days
Clinical Trials 2024 Industry Size, Demands, Growth and Top Key Players Analysis Report
Clinical Trials Industry Overview
The global clinical trials market size was valued at USD 80.7 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.49% from 2024 to 2030. 
The market growth spiked in 2020 owing to the COVID-19 pandemic. This growth pattern was witnessed by both virtual clinical trials and traditional ones. Several companies invested heavily in novel drug development to minimize COVID-19 patient burden. One such example being, in 2020, Synairgen plc and Parexel collaborated on a Phase III study of Interferon-beta (IFN-beta) treatment for COVID-19. Furthermore, rapid technological evolution, rising prevalence of chronic diseases, globalization of clinical trials, penetration of personalized medicine and a rise in demand for CROs for conducting research activities is expected to positively impact the market growth.
Gather more insights about the market drivers, restrains and growth of theClinical Trials Market
In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic led to changing the ways of conducting upcoming or ongoing clinical trials. Regulatory agencies including the U.S. FDA, the European Medicines Agency (EMA), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and China’s National Medical Products Administration among several others issued various guidelines for conducting trials during the pandemic to support the implementation of decentralized clinical trials and virtual services. The current scenario for research and development activities across the globe and the need for several new treatment options have also led to the adoption of fast-track clinical trials. Thus, aforementioned factors are estimated to offer new avenues to the clinical trials market growth.
Favorable government support and initiatives is another aspect boosting the market growth potential. For instance, the WHO launched Solidarity, an international clinical trial to determine effective treatment against COVID-19. [PS2]  It includes comparing four treatment options against the standard of care to evaluate their effectiveness against the coronavirus. In May 2020, the WHO also announced an international alliance for simultaneously developing multiple candidate vaccines to prevent the spread of the coronavirus disease, calling this effort the Solidarity trial for vaccines.
Furthermore, the use of CRO services helps manufacturers/sponsors pay complete attention to the production capacity and enhance their in-house processes. The availability of the vast array of services from drug discovery to post marketing surveillance has further simplified processes for mid-size & small-scale pharmaceutical and biotechnological organizations by providing them the option to outsource research and development activities to reduce infrastructure investment. For instance, in November 2023, Syneos Health signed an agreement with GoBroad Healthcare Group. This collaborative initiative extended the company’s clinical trial capabilities into a more extensive array of therapeutic areas in China.
Browse through Grand View Research's Healthcare IT Industry Research Reports.
The global digital neuro biomarkers market size was estimated at USD 593.1 million in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 25.3% from 2024 to 2030.
The global healthcare digital experience platform market size was valued at USD 1.26 billion in 2023 and is forecasted to grow at a CAGR of 12.5% from 2024 to 2030.
Clinical Trials Market Segmentation
Grand View Research has segmented the global clinical trials market based on phase, study design, indication, sponsor, indication by study design, and region:
Clinical Trials Phase Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2018 - 2030)
Phase I
Phase II
Phase III
Phase IV
Clinical Trials Study Design Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2018 - 2030)
Expanded Access
Clinical Trials Indication by Study Design Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2018 - 2030)
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Multiple Sclerosis
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Pain Management
Chronic Pain
Acute Pain
Blood Cancer
Solid Tumors
CNS Condition
Parkinson's Disease (PD)
Huntington's Disease
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
Muscle Regeneration
Clinical Trials Indication Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2018 - 2030)
Expanded Access
Pain Management
Expanded Access
Expanded Access
CNS Condition
Expanded Access
Expanded Access
Expanded Access
Expanded Access
Expanded Access
Clinical Trials Sponsor Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2018 - 2030)
Pharmaceutical & Biopharmaceutical Companies
Medical Device Companies
Clinical Trials Service Type Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2018 - 2030)
Protocol Designing
Site Identification
Patient Recruitment
Laboratory Services
Bioanalytical Testing Services
Clinical Trial Data Management Services
Clinical Trials Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2018 - 2030)
North America
Asia Pacific
South Korea
Latin America
Middle East & Africa
South Africa
Saudi Arabia
Key Companies profiled:
PAREXEL International Corporation
Pharmaceutical Product Development, LLC
Charles River Laboratory
PRA Health Sciences
Syneos Health
Eli Lilly and Company
Novo Nordisk A/S
Recent Developments
In August 2023, Parexel & Partex entered a strategic partnership aimed at utilizing Artificial Intelligence (AI)-driven solutions to expedite the process of drug discovery and development for biopharmaceutical clients globally. The collaboration aimed to reduce risks associated with the assets in their respective portfolios.
In August 2023, Novo Nordisk announced to acquire Inversago Pharma. This acquisition was part of Novo Nordisk's strategic efforts to develop new therapies targeting individuals with obesity, diabetes, and other significant metabolic diseases
Order a free sample PDF of the Clinical Trials Market Intelligence Study, published by Grand View Research.
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ikrispharmaa · 11 days
Contract Manufacturing Companies in India
In contract manufacturing one firm outsources its products to be manufactured by another organization by entering into a contract which is signed by both the parties for a certain period of time. It’s a business agreement where one company pays another to provide the necessary components to assemble finished goods, or even manufacture the product in its entirety. Contact manufacturers are third-party providers, and most only work as subcontractors or sell their products to other businesses.
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In the pharmaceutical industry, there are many options for contract manufacturers to work with drug makers. For example, drug development can be very costly and is often outsourced. Once a drug has been developed, companies will often contract the drug manufacturing itself and the commercial production. Because of the regulations inherent in the industry, the documentation of compliance with the FDA regulatory requirements might be outsourced. Providing formal stability, scale-up and registration batches can be sent to contractors.
Ikris Pharma Network is the certified pharmaceutical contract manufacturing company situated at Noida, India, facilitating pharmaceutical industry by contract manufacturing service worldwide for more than 8 years.
Future of contract manufacturing in Pharmaceutical
India has a strong presence in the pharmaceutical industry’s CDMO (contract development and manufacturing organization) segment. Since India offers world-class quality pharma products at a low price, contract manufacturing is among the fastest expanding areas of the pharmaceutical business. Contract manufacturing for pharmaceuticals requires innovative technologies to keep up with changing market trends. Today, the emphasis is on building resilience in supply chains with multiple facilities across locations to meet the rising and unprecedented demand. According to MarketsandMarkets, the worldwide pharmaceutical contract development and manufacturing market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7.7%, from USD 100.7 billion in 2020 to USD 146.1 billion in 2025. The ever-expanding demand for generics, increased pharmaceutical R&D spending, and CDMO investments in sophisticated production methods are some of the factors driving the growth of CDMOs today. As a contract development and manufacturing organization (CDMO) supporting key players in the pharmaceutical industry, Ikris Pharma Network (IPN) has prepared for the future by implementing this guidance. Our new multi-product, large-scale fill/finish facility was designed from the ground up with safety, quality and flexibility top of our minds. By investing in best-in-class equipment supported by the latest technology and designing a facility with superior environmental, health and safety, engineering and cross-contamination controls, Ikris can support the varied needs of current and prospective clients now and in the future.
As the entire pharmaceutical manufacturing industry continues to shoulder immense pressure to be more cost-effective and reduce timelines for life-saving medicines, dynamic multi-product facility and equipment design will only grow in prominence. Flexible equipment supported by modern facility design, along with proven processes and controls, reduce risk and can ultimately help eliminate the threat of cross-contamination. With demand growing daily, pharmaceutical companies should take decisive action today to better prepare for tomorrow by investing significant capital in facility and equipment design modernization.
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mattmcginleydc · 17 days
Bloomberg Report for 2023 Reveals Health, Energy, and Tech Lobbying
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Based in the Washington, DC, area, Advanced Policy Consulting, LLC was named as Bloomberg Government's Top-Performing Lobbying Firms for 2023, which was published in 2024. Advanced Policy Consulting, LLC has had this honor for the years of 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023. In addition to highlighting the accomplishments of the firm, the report also mentioned that health, energy, and technology were industries that hired lobbying firms to represent them before Congress and the Administration.
Advanced Policy Consulting LLC met all of Bloomberg Government's metrics. The metrics included retaining 80 percent or more of their clients from the preceding year and 60 percent or more of their clients over the past three consecutive calendar years.
The industries most interested in lobbying were healthcare, energy, and technology, according to the Bloomberg Government's 9th Annual Top-Performing Lobbying Firms Report. Within healthcare, institutions and nursing homes spent $2.3 billion from 1998-2023 in expenses as an industry toward lobbying, with $131 million spent in 2023 alone and the American Hospital Association spending the most at $30.2 million. The pharmaceutical industry has also been a significant lobbying industry, spending $5.83 billion on lobbying efforts between 1998 and 2023. Drug manufacturers, medical devices, and nutritional/dietary supplements comprise a significant share of lobbying in all industries.
Energy is another big spender in terms of lobbying. Between 1998 and 2023, electric utility companies spent $3 billion in lobbying, and in 2023, they spent $126.7 million. The oil and gas industry has also spent heavily lobbying, spending $2.8 million from 1998 to 2023. Since 2021, the oil and gas industry has lobbied about fossil fuels and reducing taxes and regulations. Also, high energy prices have been a major concern.
Finally, the technology sector spent a significant amount as an industry, spending $3.32 billion between 1998-2023. The industry is comprised of computer software and hardware manufacturers and semiconductor suppliers. The Bloomberg Government Report stated that, in 2023, companies relied on lobbyists when going before officials related to the CHIPS and Science Act, laws designed to enhance the semiconductor industry in the US. Other tech firms worked with lobbyists to represent them as Congress hashes out AI-related legislation.
Advanced Policy Consulting, LLC, was one of several lobbying firms that successfully worked for their clients in the above industries and earned this top ranking. For more information on this firm's ranking or the 2023 Bloomberg Government report, please visit assets.bbhub.io/bna/sites/3/2024/03/2024-Top-Performing-Lobbying-Firms-Report.pdf.
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communicationblogs · 21 days
Precision Medicine Market — Forecast(2024–2030)
Precision Medicine Market Overview
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Report Coverage
The report: “Precision Medicine Market — Forecast (2020–2025)”, by IndustryARC covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments of the Precision Medicine Market.
By Indication: Respiratory Disorders, Oncology, Immunology, Central Nervous System (CNS), Infectious Diseases and Others. By Technology: Drug Discovery, Gene Sequencing, Bioinformatics, Big Data Analysis and Others.  By Drugs Type: Mepolizumab, Alectinib, Aripiprazole Lauroxil and Others. By End User: Hospitals/Clinics, Pharmaceuticals, Diagnostic Centers and Others By Geography: North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of the World
Key Takeaways
Increasing awareness amongst people for early treatment of disease is set to propel the growth of the market.
Increasing prevalence of cancer is the driving factors for the growth of Precision Medicine market.
Increased geriatric population with modernized routine disorders aiding growth towards the market.
Europe region is estimated to record the fastest growth rate during the forecast period 2020–2025.
By Indication — Segment Analysis
In 2019, Oncology segment dominated the Precision Medicine Market in terms of revenue is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 11.2%. Precision medicine helps in the treatment of cancer patients by including surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy and immunotherapy depending on the cancerous tumor cell size. Precision medicine gives the information about genetic changes of tumor in individuals which helps in deciding the treatment procedures. Mepolizumab is an effective medicine for breast and lung cancer abetting towards the market’s growth.
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Geography — Segment Analysis
In 2019, the North America region dominated Precision Medicine Market in terms of revenue with a market share of 39% owing towards owing to the presence of established payers and an increase in the number of cancer patients in the region. This growth can be attributed towards the increasing research & development initiatives and government support for the improvement of the healthcare sector. U.S holds the biggest market for central nervous system treatment, followed by Canada in North America. The increasing awareness about the health and availability of new treatment methods drives the market in this region is key factors in the growth of the Precision Medicine market. Europe is estimated to record the fastest growth rate during the forecast period 2020–2025.
Drivers — Precision Medicine Market
Increasing In The Prevalence Of Cancer
According to World Health Organization (WHO), in 2018, 9.6 million people worldwide died of cancer. Cancer is said to be one of the leading causes of death globally. The increasing incidence of cancer has increased the need for cancer therapies is rising with the increasing number of cancer cases and deaths caused by genetic cancerous tumors. Government focusing on the drug development for the reduction of cancer cases is the other major factor driving growth. Increasing healthcare expenditure by various countries is also contributing to the market growth.
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Challenges — Precision Medicine Market
Cost and Time Associated with Development
High cost is associated with the development and manufacture of genomic precision drugs. The long period of research and development and also the clinical trials take long time. Technologies such as sequencing large amounts of DNA are expensive to carry out (although the cost of sequencing is decreasing quickly) hampering the market’s growth. Strict regulations and patent expiry of various drugs may act key restraining factors for the Precision Medicine Market.
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Precision Medicine Industry Outlook
Product Launches was the key strategy of the players in the Precision Medicine Industry. Precision Medicine top 10 companies include Medtronic PLC, Pfizer Inc., Novartis AG, Qiagen NV, Teva Pharmaceuticals, AstraZeneca plc., Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Ltd., Merck& Co. Inc., Teijin Pharma Ltd. and Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.
Acquisitions/Product Launches
In January 2020, Merck& Co. Inc acquired ArQule, Inc. This acquisition helped the company in increasing the oncology product production.
In January 2019, Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Ltd acquired Shire plc. This acquisition helped the company in accelerating transformation journey to deliver highly-innovative medicines to patients around the world with expanded scale and geographical footprint.
For more Lifesciences and Healthcare Market reports, please click here
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newsmarketreports · 28 days
Navigating Challenges: Bayer's Financial Strategies for Growth
Bayer AG, headquartered in Leverkusen, Germany, is a global leader in the life sciences industry, with a diverse portfolio spanning pharmaceuticals, consumer health, and agricultural products. As a major player in the global market, Bayer’s financial performance is closely watched by investors, stakeholders, and analysts alike. This article provides a comprehensive financial analysis of Bayer AG, highlighting its revenue streams, expenditure patterns, key financial ratios, and future strategic outlook.
To know about the assumptions considered for the study, Download for Free Sample Report
Revenue Streams: A Balanced and Diversified Portfolio
Bayer AG’s revenue is driven by a well-diversified portfolio of products and services across multiple segments. The primary revenue streams include:
Pharmaceuticals: The pharmaceuticals segment is a significant contributor to Bayer’s revenue, driven by its portfolio of prescription medicines. These include treatments for cardiovascular diseases, oncology, women’s health, and hematology. Blockbuster drugs such as Xarelto (anticoagulant) and Eylea (ophthalmology) have been particularly strong performers, contributing substantially to Bayer’s top line.
Consumer Health: Bayer’s consumer health division offers over-the-counter (OTC) products, including analgesics, allergy relief, vitamins, and skincare products. Brands like Aspirin, Claritin, and Bepanthen are household names that contribute to consistent revenue from this segment, making it a key pillar of Bayer’s business.
Crop Science: The crop science division, bolstered by Bayer’s acquisition of Monsanto in 2018, is another major revenue driver. This segment includes seeds, crop protection products, and digital farming solutions. Bayer’s leadership in agricultural innovations, particularly in herbicides and genetically modified seeds, has positioned it as a dominant player in this market.
Animal Health: Although Bayer sold its animal health division in 2020, this segment previously contributed to the company’s revenue through veterinary products and services. The divestiture was part of Bayer’s strategy to streamline operations and focus on core business areas.
Expenditure Management: Strategic Investments and Cost Efficiency
Bayer AG’s expenditure management is focused on balancing strategic investments with cost efficiency. Key areas of spending include:
Research and Development (R&D): R&D is a critical area of expenditure for Bayer, particularly in the pharmaceuticals and crop science segments. The company allocates a significant portion of its budget to developing new drugs, agricultural products, and innovative technologies. This investment is essential for maintaining Bayer’s competitive edge and driving future growth.
Manufacturing and Supply Chain: Bayer invests heavily in its manufacturing facilities and supply chain operations. The company’s global footprint requires a well-coordinated supply chain to ensure timely production and delivery of its products. Bayer’s focus on operational efficiency helps minimize costs while maintaining high-quality standards.
Marketing and Sales: A substantial portion of Bayer’s expenditure goes towards marketing and sales activities. The company employs strategic marketing campaigns to promote its products, particularly in the consumer health and pharmaceuticals segments. These efforts are crucial for maintaining brand recognition and driving product demand.
Legal and Compliance Costs: Bayer faces significant legal and compliance costs, particularly related to its crop science division. The acquisition of Monsanto brought with it a series of legal challenges, particularly related to glyphosate-based products. Managing these costs is crucial for protecting Bayer’s financial health and reputation.
Key Financial Ratios: Evaluating Bayer’s Financial Health
Analyzing Bayer AG’s key financial ratios provides insights into its operational efficiency, profitability, and overall financial stability:
Gross Profit Margin: The gross profit margin reflects the efficiency of Bayer in managing its production costs relative to its sales. A high gross margin indicates that Bayer is effectively controlling its cost of goods sold (COGS), which is critical for maintaining profitability across its diverse product lines.
Operating Margin: The operating margin measures the efficiency of Bayer’s core business operations by comparing operating income to net sales. Bayer’s operating margin is an important indicator of its ability to generate profit from its primary activities, excluding the impact of taxes and interest expenses.
Return on Equity (ROE): ROE measures the profitability of Bayer in relation to shareholders’ equity. A strong ROE indicates that Bayer is effectively using shareholders’ funds to generate profits, reflecting sound financial management and strategic investment decisions.
Debt-to-Equity Ratio: This ratio compares Bayer’s total liabilities to its shareholders’ equity, indicating the extent to which the company is financing its operations through debt. A lower debt-to-equity ratio suggests a more conservative approach to leveraging, reducing financial risk and enhancing long-term stability.
Future Strategic Outlook: Growth Opportunities and Challenges
Bayer AG’s future outlook is shaped by its strategic initiatives, which aim to capitalize on growth opportunities while addressing ongoing challenges:
Innovation in Pharmaceuticals: Bayer is focusing on expanding its pharmaceutical pipeline with new treatments for unmet medical needs. The company’s investment in gene therapy, oncology, and cardiovascular diseases is expected to drive future growth. Bayer’s focus on innovation is key to sustaining its leadership in the highly competitive pharmaceutical industry.
Sustainability in Agriculture: As part of its commitment to sustainability, Bayer is investing in environmentally friendly agricultural solutions. This includes developing crop protection products with reduced environmental impact and promoting digital farming technologies. Bayer’s leadership in sustainable agriculture positions it well to meet the growing demand for eco-friendly farming practices.
Regulatory and Legal Challenges: Bayer continues to navigate complex regulatory and legal landscapes, particularly in its crop science division. The ongoing litigation related to glyphosate and other products poses financial and reputational risks. Successfully managing these challenges will be crucial for Bayer’s long-term success.
Expansion in Emerging Markets: Bayer is targeting growth in emerging markets, where demand for pharmaceuticals and agricultural products is rising. The company’s strategic focus on expanding its presence in Asia, Latin America, and Africa is expected to drive future revenue growth and diversify its market base.
Bayer AG’s financial performance reflects its strong position in the global life sciences industry. With a diversified revenue base, strategic investments in R&D, and a focus on innovation, Bayer is well-equipped to navigate future challenges and capitalize on growth opportunities. As the industry evolves, Bayer’s commitment to sustainability, innovation, and operational efficiency will be critical to its continued success.
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ashwetu · 1 month
Black Soldier Fly Market Poised to Reach $3.96 Billion by 2033, Fueled by Rising Demand for Sustainable Protein Sources
The global Black Soldier Fly (BSF) market is set for extraordinary growth, with projections estimating it will reach $3.96 billion by 2033, expanding at an impressive compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 31% from 2024 to 2033. In terms of volume, the market is expected to hit 8.23 million tons by 2033, growing at a CAGR of 40.4% during the same period. This rapid market expansion is primarily driven by the rising global demand for meat, the flourishing aquaculture industry, and the growing need for alternative proteins in animal feed as the prices of soymeal and fishmeal continue to soar. Additionally, increasing government support for the use of insect meal in livestock feed is further fueling the market's growth.
The Black Soldier Fly market presents significant opportunities in both developed and emerging economies, supported by ongoing expansions and innovations. However, the market faces challenges, including a fragmented regulatory framework, limited acceptance of BSF for human consumption, the availability of cheaper substitutes, the high cost of skilled labor, and potential risks associated with disease transmission from BSF.
Top 10 Industry leaders:  https://meticulousblog.org/top-10-companies-in-black-soldier-fly-market/
Leading Players in the Black Soldier Fly Market
Several key players are spearheading innovation and expansion in the BSF market:
Protix B.V. (Netherlands) Established in 2009 and headquartered in Dongen, Netherlands, Protix is a leading manufacturer of insect-based ingredients for both animal feed and human consumption. The company converts organic waste streams into valuable products using various insect species, including the Black Soldier Fly. Supported by the European Plattelandsontwikkelingsprogramma (POP3), Protix has developed cutting-edge insect farming technologies and offers a range of products, including OERei eggs, laid by chickens fed on its insect-derived feed. Protix operates in 18 countries, with a strong presence across Europe, North America, and Asia-Pacific.
InnovaFeed SAS (France) Founded in 2016 in Paris, France, InnovaFeed is a biotech company that specializes in producing sustainable ingredients for animal feed and plant nutrition from insect rearing. The company offers BSF-derived meals, oils, and fertilizers, with a focus on replacing imported oils in animal feed. InnovaFeed operates two production sites and is expanding to a third in the U.S., with a global presence spanning Europe, North America, Asia-Pacific, and Latin America.
EnviroFlight, LLC (U.S.) Headquartered in Kentucky, U.S., EnviroFlight, established in 2009, develops insect-based ingredients for various markets, including poultry, aquaculture, pets, and fertilizers. Acquired by Darling Ingredients Inc. in 2020, EnviroFlight produces BSF larvae-based products from oven-dried larvae without chemicals. The company has a broad geographical presence across North America, Latin America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific.
Nutrition Technologies Group (Singapore) Founded in 2015 and headquartered in Singapore, Nutrition Technologies manufactures sustainable insect proteins, oils, and frass for animal feed, cosmetics, and organic fertilizers, derived from BSF. The company collaborates with leading research institutions and operates its main production site in Malaysia, with additional offices in Vietnam and Singapore, serving Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and Europe.
Sfly Comgraf SAS (France) Headquartered in Salaise Sur Sanne, France, SFly Comgraf SAS, established in 2015, focuses on the production of chitin and chitosan from BSF for industrial, environmental, cosmetic, and pharmaceutical applications. The company has a strong presence in Europe and Asia-Pacific.
Top 10 Industry leaders:  https://meticulousblog.org/top-10-companies-in-black-soldier-fly-market/
Market Outlook
Meticulous Research® forecasts robust growth in the Black Soldier Fly market, driven by increasing demand for sustainable protein sources, innovative product developments, and expanding market presence. The market is poised for significant advancements, offering lucrative opportunities for both new entrants and established players.
For Comprehensive Insights
Meticulous Research®’s latest report provides a detailed analysis of market trends, financial performance, product offerings, and strategic developments of the leading companies in the BSF market. The report also covers key market challenges, regulatory frameworks, and emerging opportunities.
About Meticulous Research®
Meticulous Research® is a trusted provider of market intelligence and consulting services, delivering actionable insights to help businesses navigate complex markets and drive growth.
Contact Information
Meticulous Research® Email: [email protected] Phone: +1-646-781-8004 Connect with us on LinkedIn
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delveinsight12 · 2 months
Hot Flashes Market expected to rise | Companies- Veru Healthcare, Fervent Pharmaceuticals, Ogeda, Bayer, Lundbeck A/S, TherapeuticsMD, MenoGeniX, Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma, QUE Oncology, Pherin Pharmaceuticals, expected to drive market
The Hot Flashes market growth is driven by factors like increase in the prevalence of Hot Flashes, investments in research and development, entry of emerging therapies during the study period 2019-2032.
The Hot Flashes market report also offers comprehensive insights into the Hot Flashes market size, share, Hot Flashes epidemiology, emerging therapies, market drivers and barriers, ongoing clinical trials, key collaboration in the space, market uptake by key therapies and companies actively pushing Hot Flashes market size growth forward. 
Some of the key highlights from the Hot Flashes Market Insights Report:
Several key pharmaceutical companies, including Veru Healthcare, Fervent Pharmaceuticals, Ogeda, Bayer, Lundbeck A/S, TherapeuticsMD, MenoGeniX, Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma, QUE Oncology, Pherin Pharmaceuticals, and others, are developing novel products to improve the Hot Flashes treatment outlook. 
The total Hot Flashes market size will include the market size of the potential upcoming therapies and current treatment regimens in the seven major markets.
As per DelveInsight analysis, the Hot Flashes market is anticipated to witness growth at a considerable CAGR
Strategise your business goals by understanding market dynamics @ Hot Flashes Market Landscape
Hot Flashes Overview 
Hot flashes (HFs) are a rapid and exaggerated heat dissipation response, consisting of profuse sweating, peripheral vasodilation, and feelings of intense, internal heat. They are triggered by small elevations in core body temperature (Tc) acting within a greatly reduced thermoneutral zone, i.e., the Tc region between the upper (sweating) and lower (shivering) thresholds.
Hot flashes (HFs) are the most common symptom of the climacteric and are reported as feelings of intense warmth along with sweating, flushing, and chills. More than 80% of women experience hot flashes (HFs) during menopause. Defined by transient sensations of heat, sweating, flushing, anxiety, and chills lasting for 1–5 min, HFs can cause considerable distress especially when severe and frequent.
Among various factors reported to be associated with increase in incidence of HFs, a consistent association has been found only with obesity, African descent, lower socioeconomic status, presence of premenstrual syndrome, sedentary lifestyle, and smoking. HFs are characterized by excessive vasodilation of peripheral vasculature to lose heat in the setting of abnormal hypothalamic thermoneutral zone. While normal women initiate mechanisms of heat loss, once core body temperature increases by 0.4°C, women with HFs initiate vasodilatory response with a much smaller increase in core body temperature. It is peripheral vasodilatory response that results in profuse sweating and sensation of intense heat.
Do you know the treatment paradigms for different countries? Download our Hot Flashes Market Sample Report
Recent Highlights from the Hot Flashes Market Report:
In April, Fervent Pharmaceuticals has initiated a virtual at home Phase II clinical trial of its new product to treat the symptoms of moderate to severe hot flashes, night sweats and night-time awakenings due to hot flashes in women. Named M2S Hot Flash Study, the trial will analyse the peri- and post-menopausal therapy to treat hot flashes and night sweats.
In January 2020, Veru Inc, developing novel medicines for the management of prostate cancer, today announced positive top line data interim results from its Phase 2 clinical study of Zuclomiphene citrate, a nonsteroidal oral estrogen receptor agonist, for the treatment of androgen deprivation hormone therapy (ADT) induced hot flashes, also known as vasomotor symptoms, in men who have advanced prostate cancer. Zuclomiphene appears to be well tolerated as there have been no reports of drug related serious adverse events nor drug related severe adverse events and no observations of adverse events of special interest, such as breast enlargement or pain, or venothromboembolic events (blood clots in legs or lungs, or stroke) in the safety database for the Phase 2 clinical study.
Hot Flashes Epidemiology Segmentation 
DelveInsight’s Hot Flashes market report is prepared on the basis of epidemiology model. It offers comprehensive insights to the Hot Flashes historical patient pools and forecasted Hot Flashes patients. The report provides in-depth data of various subtypes and for the same epidemiology is segmented further. The Hot Flashes Market report proffers epidemiological analysis for the study period 2019-32 in the 7MM segmented into:
Hot Flashes Prevalence 
Age-Specific Hot Flashes Prevalence 
Gender-Specific Hot Flashes Prevalence 
Diagnosed and Treatable Cases of Hot Flashes
Visit for more @ Hot Flashes Epidemiological Insights
Hot Flashes Treatment Market 
The Hot Flashes market outlook of the report helps to build a detailed comprehension of the historic, current, and forecasted Hot Flashes market trends by analyzing the impact of current Hot Flashes therapies on the market, unmet needs, drivers and barriers, and demand for better technology.
This segment gives a thorough detail of Hot Flashes market trend of each marketed drug and late-stage pipeline therapy by evaluating their impact based on the annual cost of therapy, inclusion and exclusion criteria, mechanism of action, compliance rate, growing need of the market, increasing patient pool, covered patient segment, expected launch year, competition with other therapies, brand value, their impact on the market and view of the key opinion leaders. The calculated Hot Flashes market data are presented with relevant tables and graphs to give a clear view of the market at first sight.
According to DelveInsight, the Hot Flashes market in 7MM is expected to witness a major change in the study period 2019-2032.
Hot Flashes Emerging Drugs
Fezolinetant: Astellas Pharma
Fezolinetant is an investigational selective neurokinin-3 (NK3) receptor antagonist. The safety and efficacy of fezolinetant are under investigation and have not been established. If approved by regulatory authorities, fezolinetant would be a first-in-class, nonhormonal treatment option to reduce the frequency and severity of VMS associated with menopause.
Elinzanetant: Bayer
Elinzanetant is a first-in-class, non-hormonal, orally administered, dual neurokinin-1,3 receptor antagonist currently in clinical development for the treatment of vasomotor symptoms during menopause. Elinzanetant addresses vasomotor symptoms by modulating a group of oestrogen sensitive neurons in the hypothalamus in the brain (the KNDy neurons), that due to the absence of oestrogen, become hyperactive in menopausal women and consequently disrupt body heat control mechanisms resulting in the debilitating vasomotor symptoms of hot flashes.
Fezolinetant: Ogeda
Fezolinetant (ESN364) is a proprietary, oral, small-molecule, discovered and developed by Ogeda for the purpose of the treatment of women’s health disorders. Fezolinetant’s mechanism of action to mimic the neuronal effects of estrogen to control body temperature supports the use of fezolinetant to directly and safely address the basis for hot flashes in menopausal women. In addition, fezolinetant addresses the cause of PCOS by selectively lowering luteinizing hormone (LH) without affecting follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) in order to restore the correct LH-to-FSH ratio and permit the restoration of menstrual cycle regularity and fertility. Fezolinetant is also superior to the existing, marketed gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) ligands as it reduces levels of the ovarian hormones estrogen and progesterone in a non-castrating manner as required for the safe, effective treatment of uterine fibroids and endometriosis.
Zuclomiphene citrate: Veru Inc
Zuclomiphene citrate is a novel, proprietary, oral, nonsteroidal, estrogen receptor agonist. Today the Company announced that a Phase 2 clinical trial of Zuclomiphene citrate demonstrated a statistically significant reduction in the frequency of moderate to severe hot flashes in men with advanced prostate cancer on ADT therapy.
Hot Flashes Key Companies
Veru Healthcare
Fervent Pharmaceuticals
Lundbeck A/S
Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma
QUE Oncology
Pherin Pharmaceuticals
For more information, visit Hot Flashes Market Analysis, Patient Pool, and Emerging Therapies
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timbrehealthcare · 2 months
Medicine franchise company in India
Medical Franchise Profitable or Non- Profitable ? 
Is the medical franchise profitable in 2024 - Because there is a strong demand for healthcare goods and services, the Indian pharmaceutical business has grown significantly. One lucrative business possibility is to open a pharmacy franchise. Top Medicine franchise company in India is Timbre Healthcare. A potential avenue for investment in the expanding sector is offered by the pharma franchise model. By expanding into the pharmaceutical industry and gaining a bigger clientele, they can gain from it. Due to this, franchisees are able to expand their businesses in line with market demand and enjoy operational flexibility. 
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Factors boosting the Medical Franchise Sector's Growth
Recurring Business: 
Pharmacies that operate as retail franchises frequently offer goods like over-the-counter and prescription drugs that their clients require on a recurrent basis. This may result in a high volume of recurring business, giving the franchise a reliable stream of income.
Technological Progress:
Numerous technological advancements have made it easier for the pharmaceutical sector to expand. the use of technology, such as online platforms for prescription delivery and consultations. The accessibility and reach of healthcare items have increased as a result.
Product Quality: 
In a sector where safety and efficacy are paramount, a product's quality can play a major role in laying the groundwork for gaining a customer's trust. Making sure your product line satisfies all legal requirements for superior quality is crucial. Testing and study on product quality are crucial.
Support for Sales and Marketing:
Another important component of success is the parent company's assistance for marketing and sales. This includes providing training, distributing promotional goods, and staying in continual communication with franchisees.
Relationships with Customers:
The pharmaceutical industry's objectives must be met in part by forging close relationships with healthcare practitioners and consumers. confirming that the parent company offers customer support via accessible lines of communication, etc. This has the potential to foster and preserve consumer loyalty and trust.
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How to Start a Medical Franchise in India 
To Start a Medicine franchise company in India you need to check these points so that you grow with the industry. 
Investigation and Picking
Make sure you do your homework on the various pharmacy franchise options that are out there.
Amount to be Invest
Select the budget which covers all the costs for the things like staff salary, marketing, store setup cost and goods to be stored. 
You need to Read all the terms and conditions carefully so that in future any issue that arises can be solved without any legal counsel. The agreement includes franchise fees, royalties, and time duration of agreement.
Hiring staff
In the medical Franchise the staff also have medical licenses. 
To create a profitable business you need to promote your business. To spread awareness about your franchise, make use of offline and online marketing strategies.
Customer support service
Every business growth depends on its customer service. You need to make sure customer satisfaction by offering personalized support, loyalty programmes into place and providing discounts.
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By partnering with Timber Healthcare in Medicine franchise company in India and following a systematic approach, you can tap into the growing market and build a successful medical business. As you are aware, the period of pandemic 2020 (Covid) saw the fastest growth in the medical business, and even now, the industry continues to grow daily due to increased demand and supply.
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Clinical Trials Support Services Market: Growth & Prospects
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Major regulatory authorities worldwide mandate pharmaceutical, biotech, and medical device companies to conduct clinical trials prior to introducing any new drug, vaccine, therapy, or product to assess their probable outcomes. However, executing these trials is a rigorous process associated with several challenges. Several solution providers focus on offering support services to contract research organizations (CROs) that help to streamline processes. Experts at Triton Market Research estimate the global clinical trials support services market will progress with a CAGR of 7.84% in the forecast period from 2022 to 2028.
Disease incidence across the globe is surging rapidly. According to National Cancer Institute, annually reported cancer cases are expected to rise from 18.1 million in 2018 to 29.5 million by 2040. This necessitates an increased focus on developing treatment modalities, which would support the growth of the studied market.
Status of Clinical Trials across Regional Markets
Spain ranks fourth globally in terms of conducting clinical trials. In 2020, the top therapy areas for industry-sponsored trials in the country were cancer, infectious diseases, CNS disorders, respiratory ailments, and immunological conditions. That year, 1,019 trials received approval, of which 34% of the share was captured by oncology treatment drugs.
Thailand is an emerging hotspot for organizations to perform clinical studies because of its highly developed infrastructure, universal healthcare system, and supportive policies. Besides, the nation also boasts of a highly skilled workforce and a significant presence of research-based pharmaceutical companies and CROs.
Whereas, Turkey is working to achieve global competitiveness for performing clinical research, with rising attention from international players like Bayer AG, Takeda, and Janssen Pharmaceuticals. The vast majority of the trials conducted here are in phases II and III. The capabilities of its R&D centers and the efficacy of their results, make the nation an important research hub.
These developments imply enhanced adoption of support services in Europe, the Asia-Pacific, and the Middle East and Africa in the years to come.
Key Support Services in Demand
Data Management is expected to evolve the fastest, with a 10.26% CAGR
Clinical data management involves data collection, database design, CRF tracking & annotation, medical coding, etc. With growing data generation, it becomes essential to use data management systems to easily record data, minimize errors, and protect from data loss, among others. “Oracle Clinical,” “Macro,” “Clintrial,” and “Rave” are some systems that have gained immense popularity.
Clinical Trial Site Management accounted for the largest revenue share of $3624.69 million in 2021
Site management systems are required for effectively monitoring research sites and ensuring continuous communication between stakeholders. Clinical Conductor, offered by Advarra Inc, is a comprehensive trial management system that aids in optimizing finances, ensuring regulatory compliance, and managing overall operations for research sites, networks, and healthcare institutions.
Market Players gain Leverage with Growth-oriented Strategies
In September 2021, Syneos Health acquired StudyKIK, a leading clinical trial recruitment and retention company. This acquisition will further help the company to boost its ability to deliver tech-enabled, insight-powered solutions to improve patient experience.
In October 2021, Parexel and Kyoto University Hospital announced a strategic collaboration aimed at providing more opportunities for clinical research and developing efficient solutions for supporting clinical studies.
In April 2022, Advanced Clinical announced its continued expansion in Europe by opening its new office in Switzerland, with a view to fully support the company’s current and new clients located in the country and also access its skilled talent pool.
Paving the way for Future amid Challenges
Stringent guidelines are issued by supervisory bodies to ensure that medical products are safe for consumption. Sometimes, ensuring that research institutions adhere to the required standards exceeds the set timelines. These delays are a major challenge for the institutions, especially as they increase the costs incurred.
However, incorporating tech-based services and solutions for regulatory purposes has made the overall trial processes more robust and efficient by saving time and money. For instance, ICON Plc offers support services that combine its operational expertise with extensive regulatory intelligence to ensure that the trials are in sync with the latest recommendations by administrative agencies.
Further, companies and CROs are increasingly preferring Japan to conduct clinical research, as the country’s regulatory frameworks now emphasize aligning their approval timelines with those in the United States and European nations. The regulative environment in South Africa has also changed drastically in recent years, with government policies being much more supportive. These favorable developments are indicative of positive prospects for the clinical trials support services market.
Q 1) Which are the main segments covered in the report?
The key segments covered in the global clinical trials support services market are Phase Type, Service, and Sponsor.
Q 2) Which are the key regions in the global clinical trials support services market?
The Asia-Pacific (fastest expected growth) and North America (highest revenue share).
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gynogen1 · 3 months
Best Gynae PCD Company For Pharma Franchise Business
According to research, the Market value of Gynae medicine in India was USD 1.9 billion in 2020 and is expected to increase a CAGR of 12.1% from 2021 to 2028. As per the data you can see there is a good scope for investing in Infertility and Gynae medicines.
if you are looking forward to investing money in the Gynae PCD Pharma franchise business and searching for the best Gynae PCD Pharma Company in India, then Gynogen is the best option. Gynogen is an ISO Certified Gynae Company in India that offers superior-quality Infertility and gynae medicine at a reasonable. 
A Prominent Gynae PCD Pharma Company in India | Gynogen 
With more than 25 years of experience, Gynogen is a reputed PCD Pharma Franchise company for Gynae products for women’s health. The company has a wide range of gynecology, IVF/UGR, and women's health medicines at genuine rates.
Our products help to treat various women’s diseases like hormonal management, fibroids, menstrual disorders/PCOS/PCOD, contraception, etc. Gynogen deals in exporting, trading, and distributing top-quality gynae-related products to fulfill the increasing demand of the market. 
Our company is an ISO-certified pharmaceutical company in all parts of India.
Our products are well tested by our special team to handle quality.
We help you in the advertising and marketing of the company.
The company follows the rules of WHO and GMP.
We use the latest and most modern equipment in our plant.
Our R&D team has a lot of experience in gynecology and pharmacutical.
We give the on-time delivery of all orders with safe packaging.
High Effective Gynae Products Offers by Us With DCGI Approval
Being a top Gynae PCD Pharma Company in India, Gynogen deals in highly effective gynecology medicines that are manufactured with natural and pure raw materials. Our Infertility Products List in India is safe to use for every woman without the risk of any side effects. We believe in customer satisfaction so before delivery we test all medicine in our special laboratory. Here is a list of categories of products that provide us for the Pharma Franchise Business.
Hormone Imbalance 
Nutritional Supplements
Why Gynogen is the First Choice for Pharma Franchise Business in India
Gynogen is a trusted Gynecology PCD Pharma Franchise company in India that gives the best Franchise services for starting the pharma business. Our company provides full support to our pharma investors with Franchise support, market support, financial support, monopod rights, promotional tools, and more. We have a mission to give high-quality gynae medicine to the entire country at low prices. Here are some benefits of collaborating with Gynogen.
Delivery: We have a strong network in the country so all orders are delivered at the guaranteed time.
Storage: We have a warehouse to store the manufactured products before delivery to maintain the quality of the drug.
Our R&D team: The company appoints a highly skilled and experienced R&D team who focus the innovative formulation.
Quality Assurance: All products are approved with 100% pure raw material that helps to control the quality. 
Contact Details: 
Name: Gynogen 
Address: Tower plot-235D, Rentalk, 8B, Phase 8B, Industrial Area, Sector 74, Zirakpur, Sahibzada Ajit Singh Nagar, Punjab 140603 
Call: +91-9988899209 
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herwolfnight · 3 months
U.S. Pharmacy Market Size, Share, and Trends: Detailed Insights
"The u.s. pharmacy market share was valued at USD 534.21 billion in 2020 and is projected to expand at a CAGR of 6.3% from 2020 to 2028, reaching USD 861.67 billion by 2028". This growth underscores substantial opportunities in this rapidly expanding, high-volume industry. The report offers a comprehensive analysis of the overall market conditions, trends, regional insights, opportunities, key players, and market segmentation, delivering crucial information for business success.
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Get free Report Sample PDF: https://www.fortunebusinessinsights.com/enquiry/request-sample-pdf/106306
The report presents detailed market segmentation, a systematic overview of key players, supply chain dynamics, consumer trends, and insights into emerging geographical markets. It provides an in-depth analysis of major market developments and competitor analysis, highlighting significant competitors to help businesses gain a comprehensive understanding of the market and products, enabling them to craft superior strategies. The team at Fortune Business Insights is committed to understanding clients' businesses and needs to deliver exceptional market research. This report is uniquely tailored to meet specific business requirements, making it highly relevant and commendable.
U.S. Pharmacy Market Key Attributes:
Report Attribute
Forecast Period
2021 - 2028
Estimated Market Value (USD) in 2020
USD 534.21 billion
Forecasted Market Value (USD) by 2028
USD 861.67 billion
Compound Annual Growth Rate
Report Type
Our report explores various sectors, from pharmaceuticals to medical devices, offering stakeholders actionable intelligence to navigate and thrive in this dynamic market. Whether you are a healthcare provider, investor, or policymaker, our research equips you with the knowledge necessary to make informed decisions and drive innovation in the ever-evolving healthcare sector.
Top 10 Major Competitors of the of U.S. Pharmacy Market:
CVS Health Corporation (Rhode Island, U.S.)
Walgreens Boots Alliance, Inc. (Illinois, U.S.)
Cigna (Express Scripts) (Connecticut, U.S.)
UnitedHealth Group (Optum) (Minnesota, U.S.)
Walmart Inc. (Arkansas, U.S.)
The Kroger Company (Ohio, U.S.)
Rite Aid Corporation (Pennsylvania, U.S.)
Albertsons Companies, Inc. (Idaho, U.S.)
U.S. Pharmacy Market Key Drivers:
Increasing demand for prescription and over-the-counter medications due to aging population and chronic disease prevalence.
Technological advancements in pharmaceutical manufacturing, distribution, and dispensing, enhancing efficiency and accessibility.
Rising healthcare expenditure and insurance coverage driving pharmaceutical spending and retail pharmacy sales.
Expanding scope of pharmacy services, including medication therapy management, immunizations, and point-of-care testing.
Regulatory changes and healthcare reforms shaping pharmacy practice, reimbursement models, and drug pricing policies.
Here are some key elements of the u.s. pharmacy market 2024-2030 strategy:
Define the Research ObjectivesThe first step in the u.s. pharmacy market strategy is to clearly establish the research objectives. This involves pinpointing the specific questions that need to be answered and the information required. Clear objectives will steer the entire research process, ensuring the data collected is relevant and useful.
Identify the Target MarketBusinesses must pinpoint their target market and understand their needs, preferences, and behaviors. This involves segmenting the market based on factors such as demographics, psychographics, and geographic location. A thorough understanding of the target market allows for products, services, and marketing efforts to be effectively tailored to meet customer needs.
Select the Research MethodologyChoosing the right research methodology is crucial for gathering accurate and relevant data. Various methodologies, including surveys, focus groups, and observational research, can be employed. The chosen methodology should align with the research objectives and the type of data needed.
Collect DataWith the research methodology selected, data collection can commence using techniques such as online surveys, phone interviews, or in-person focus groups. Ensuring that the data collected is reliable, valid, and representative of the target market is essential for making informed decisions.
Analyze the DataAfter data collection, the next step is to analyze the data to identify trends, patterns, and insights. This analysis can involve statistical methods for quantitative data or qualitative techniques for open-ended responses. Proper data analysis is critical for drawing meaningful conclusions.
Draw Conclusions and Make RecommendationsBased on the data analysis, businesses can draw conclusions and make informed recommendations for future actions. These recommendations might include changes to product offerings, marketing strategies, or business operations. The goal is to use the insights gained from the research to drive business improvements and growth.
Continuously Monitor and AdaptMarkets are dynamic and constantly evolving. Therefore, it is important for businesses to continuously monitor their performance and adapt their strategies as needed to remain competitive. This ongoing process of monitoring and adaptation ensures that businesses can respond to market changes and emerging trends effectively.
Speak to Analyst for Queries: https://www.fortunebusinessinsights.com/enquiry/speak-to-analyst/106306
The u.s. pharmacy market report equips investors with the tools to enhance decision-making, explore a variety of investment opportunities, and achieve their financial objectives more efficiently. Moreover, the u.s. pharmacy market industry is experiencing rapid growth, fueled by factors detailed in the report, with significant expansion anticipated during the forecast period.
Our report offers valuable insights for stakeholders, including healthcare providers, policymakers, and investors, enabling them to make informed decisions and capitalize on market trends. Through comprehensive analysis and data-driven insights, we aim to assist stakeholders in navigating the complexities of the healthcare sector, fostering innovation, and achieving improved patient outcomes and sustainable growth.
Table of Content u.s. pharmacy market: 
Introduction u.s. pharmacy market
Research Scope u.s. pharmacy market
Market Segmentation u.s. pharmacy market
Research Methodology u.s. pharmacy market
Definitions and Assumptions u.s. pharmacy market
Executive Summary u.s. pharmacy market
Market Dynamics u.s. pharmacy market
Market Drivers u.s. pharmacy market
Market Restraints u.s. pharmacy market
Market Opportunities u.s. pharmacy market
Key Insights u.s. pharmacy market
Key Industry Developments - Merger, Acquisitions, and Partnerships U.S. Pharmacy Market
Porter’s Five Forces Analysis u.s. pharmacy market
SWOT Analysis u.s. pharmacy market
Technological Developments u.s. pharmacy market
Value Chain Analysis u.s. pharmacy market
TOC Continued…!
Quick Buy - U.S. Pharmacy Market Report: https://www.fortunebusinessinsights.com/checkout-page/106306
Key questions answered in this report
Q.1. What is the estimated U.S. Pharmacy Market size and growth rate for 2032?
Q.2. What are market trends of the U.S. Pharmacy Market?
Q.3. What factors are fueling the growth of this U.S. Pharmacy Market?
Q.4. What challenges are facing the U.S. Pharmacy Market?
Q.5. Who are the primary key players in this market?
Q.6. What threats and opportunities do these key players encounter?
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