#took a while to get there but I got my friendo now
soft-support · 6 months
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purchased a huge Bart today! ft. Chowder the pig
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i-loved-silly · 2 months
(PART 2) - WOLVERINE x READER x DEADPOOL — fuckup twinsies
dp&w spoilers!! + slight gore description --- part 1
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Okay, recap.
Your perfect little day in dimension-travel-jail was interrupted. You almost got knocked out by two muscular men who came down from the sky like little drunk angels, who in turn happened to be famous characters. You don't know how you didn't realize earlier, guess timeline hopping also slowly melts your brain. You should really get an MRI exam sometime.
You almost passed out again when you realized you were chest-to-chest with Deadpool. Wade Wilson. Heart to heart. Body to body. Tip to tip, if that applies to you.
"You're real. I'm real. We're real." You deadpanned, stars almost twinkling in your eyes. No, maybe it wasn't the first time you've met a Deadpool. But this guy? He was the real deal. The original. How the hell did an original end up here?
"Pfft, you thought we were just drawings on paper? Two of the world's sexiest men in skintight costumes? Wrong. We're the real deal here, friendo. Can I call you that? Or will you try to kill me? You know I really didn't mean to crash into you I rea--"
"Alright, listen here. Wade, shut up. You," Logan pointed a finger at him then at you, still being embraced by Wade. "Do you understand any of the...nonsense he's talking about? Because I don't, and I don't. Have. Time for this. It's either you help me get out of here or get out of my way."
"Woah woah woah, since when did that 'we' turn into 'me'?" Wade reluctantly let go of you to walk up to Logan, his hands landing on his hips. "You're not the only one trapped here, you know, we're kind of all in the same boat here. We all fucked up our lives and it was definitely our fault bu--ACK"
You gasped, watching in horror as three silver claws stabbed straight through Wade's torso and out his back. Logan stalked closer, his scowl deepening. "Come again?" He taunted, his teeth grinding. Before Wade could get a word out, Logan turned his hand, twisting the blades inside of him.
"G-owww, FUCK. God, I swear this happened differently in another universe. Somehow hurts more this ti--" Logan stopped him again and began lifting him up in the air. By the torso. With his claws inside, being the only thing holding him up.
Your eyes widened, "Hey, guys stop that! Logan!"  You yelled, taking a step forward, your hands held up in the air defensively.
Logan briefly glanced in your direction and grunted, tossing Wade to the side. “Move aside, bub. We need to settle some things.” Then he…lunged at Wade. They just started fucking fighting each other.
You backed up, watching everything go down. This could not be real. “I thought…you guys wanted out?” You muttered, your voice barely heard over their grunting and blades clashing.
“You know it’s true, so--argh, no hard feelings, right? Plus, I forgive you Wolvie.”
“I don’t give a damn about what you think, Wade. It’s all your fucking fault I was dragged into this. I was doing just fine without yo—“
“Just fine? You call spending all your days at bars and drinking all their supply just fine? While your life crumbles around you like a house of cards. If we were really on the TVA's watchlist, maybe they should've just sent us all to anger management sessions, huh?"
“Stop fighting!” You shouted in a voice heavy with irritation, grabbing a clump of sand from the ground and hurling it in their direction.
Logan, reacting instinctively, closed his eyes and shoved Wade aside, now choking and coughing violently. “What the hell?”
Simultaneously, Wade spun to face away, retching into the sand. “Oh god it’s inside of my mask. It’s in my face hole—“
Logan regained himself quicker than Wade, to where he immediately brushed aside the sand on his face and stomped towards you. You took a step back, by the sight of his fists clenched and white knuckles you swore he was about to beat you. “Waitwaitwait! I don’t have healing factor!” You rambled and held your hands out.
He paused in his tracks, his jaw visibly clenching as he tried to control his anger. Yeah, maybe he was used to taking out his frustrations on himself and now..Deadpool. But he couldn’t do that to you. You’re not even involved in whatever shit they got themselves into. You didn't deserve to get roped in their..mess, whatever it was. He let out an annoyed breath and swiveled away, seething internally. "I wasn't going to hurt you."
You slowly put your hands down, then looked around to see Wade still rolling on the floor. Upon hearing Logan, he snapped his head towards you both, the eyes of his mask widening. Before he could even get a little, tiny, miniscule word out, you spoke.
"ANYWAY...ehm..you both want out, yes? This is all one big mistake? I could help you. I've survived out here this long without being brutally killed." You forced a grin, facing the two. They blinked.
"Killed? What..who is in charge of killing here?" Logan narrowed his eyes.
Wade stood up to his feet, popping his wrist back into place. "There's--" His face under his mask soured, god he could still feel the sand particles crunching around between his teeth.
"ugh, there's others around? What kind of crazies would wanna live here?" He raised his arms, gesturing the vastness of this dystopian desert. Camera pans out, there's an echo to his voice, a tumbleweed passes by, you know what i mean
You scoffed, still very much salty about your own situation even though it's been years. "It's not like it was a choice. The only person could who take us out is Cassandra Nova, and she does not use her powers for that. She's basically with the freaking TVA, from what I know."
A singular laugh escaped Logan, his lips turning up in a knowing smirk, "Really now? How bad could she be?"
"Uh..let's see..multiple counts of murder, enslavement, power abuse, she's sadistic, evil, has a whole paragraph worth of powers. Unstoppable, basically?" You shrugged.
"I think we could get along."
"No, Wade."
"How do we get to her?" Logan crossed his arms. Perhaps he was the only one taking this seriously. You had gotten used to it already, but you too remembered how badly you wanted to leave this place at first.
"You two seem in a rush. "
"Yeah, well we're in a rush because I've got a whole-ass timeline to save, not to mention I also made a pinky swear to this guy over here. I promised the gruff-beard that I'd help him clean up his messy timeline, like a stain of last nights left ove-"
"Got it!" You exclaimed, interrupting him. "But uh, is that even possible? To..fix your guys' timelines, I mean."
"It better be," Logan glared at Wade. "Because otherwise, I'm going to tear you apart." He sneered, really making his point by leaning closer to him. These guys need to kiss already.
You nervously smiled. If another fight starts, you swear you were going to start ripping your own face off. "Okay! I know someone, guys! We'll all help eachother out, he's real nice, which means you probably won't like him--but he'll help! Follow me."
Oh, you knew someone alright. He was the most suburban-canadian guy you knew.
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Lot's of dialogue in this, oops. This fic is kinda going off the plot of the movie, so I'm sure you know who you'll meet next! Leave ideas in the comments if you have any, since this fic is very freestyle and let me now...should i include the car scene we all wanted or too soon? GOODBYE! taglist <3 : @pink-jello-fish @radiantdanvers @superlegend216 @salted-snailz @wolfsune09 @jxssimae @remuslupinsfavoritebook @flannelforthetoads @rowanlovesmoonknight @bengewatch @i-shall-be-the-possum1 @kyriekurokami @marymustdie @tzurue @euinein @sophiemajokie @itsrainingtodayyy
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ramblingoak · 5 months
Little Thief
Secondo x Female Reader
A little yeehaw!Secondo story for my dearest friendo @kissingghouls. Happy Birthday to my favorite haunted painting! I hope you have the most amazing day because you deserve only amazing things 💙 (special thank you to @tasty-ribz for the perfect Secondo art)
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Warnings: gun violence, smut, nsfw 18+ only, mdni, 5,700 words, this does have a connection to The Cardinal's Bride universe but you can enjoy this just fine on its own! (thank you to @gothdaddyissues for the dividers!)
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Coming here was a mistake.
You jumped over the bar as the bullets started flying, ducking down and throwing an arm over your head when the liquor bottles began shattering above you.  The Ministry was a big mark, way bigger than you had ever hit before, and you knew, you knew that it was going to be risky.  You just hadn’t expected this to happen.  Although at least the gunfight wasn’t your fault.
This time.
A body crashed down next to you, lifeless and still.  With a grunt you turned it over to search for their gun.  It was still in its holster so you yanked it out, pausing to shove your hand into their back pocket and take their wallet too.  It’s not like they were gonna need either anyway.  You rolled onto your knees, carefully putting your hands at the edge of the bartop to take a peek over.  
“Well, shit.”
Chaos was still reigning over the casino floor but fortunately now it was mostly fist fights.  The Ghouls that worked here had made quick work of most of those that had started shooting.  You could see a small pile of bodies forming already.  The two big Ghouls that were working the door that night easily lugging the men around.  They were distracted enough you glanced towards the door, knowing that you needed to get out of there soon.  Especially before any deputies arrived.  
Lowering yourself back down you started crawling towards the door, keeping behind the bar and trying to avoid the broken glass.  Tonight had been such a damn waste.  You should have just skipped the town altogether.  This is what happened when you got cocky but damn, you had gotten tired of doing small jobs.  Stealing from a big casino, from The Ministry of all places, would have been perfect.  And it would have given you enough money to have a little breathing room before your next job.
Oh well, you had gotten a decent enough amount from cheating at cards.  It was enough to get you a room in the next town over for a few weeks at least.  You reached the end of the bar and started to pull yourself up for one last look.  Unfortunately you weren’t met with a view of the casino floor like you expected.  Instead you ended up face to face with the man that ran The Ministry, a man you had heard enough about to know you should avoid him at all costs.
“Going somewhere?”  Secondo’s tone was bored, his eyes raking over you briefly before he turned his attention to the glass of whiskey in his hand.  “That’s a shame, I was hoping you’d stay a little longer.”
“Oh?  Why is that?”
You knew you should’ve just kept your mouth shut and made a run for the door.  The Ghouls were still occupied enough sorting through who needed to be kicked or carried out that you doubted any of them would try to stop you.  The chance of this man trying to stop you though had you frozen in place.
“I was curious how much more of my money you would steal.”
Fuck.  You glanced towards the door but Secondo was smirking when you looked back so you stayed put.  There was no way you’d make it now.  He might be surrounded by his Ghouls but you’d heard enough stories about Papa Secondo to have a healthy amount of fear of him.  Enough to realize you definitely shouldn’t have come here.  You took a fortifying breath and squared your shoulders while you stared him down.
Time to see if you could talk yourself out of trouble.
“I didn’t steal anything.”
“Come now, I’m not an idiot.”  He took a sip of his drink before continuing,  “And despite you thinking you could get away with stealing from me I don’t think you’re one either.”
“A compliment from Papa?  Sounds like something I should brag about.”  When those odd eyes of his flashed to yours you reached out and grabbed the drink from his hands, knocking back a mouthful before setting it down.  “Kind of like how I’d brag about stealing from you.  You know, if I had done that.”
“Are you sure?  Because I’ve been watching you most of the night.”  His voice had dropped an octave and he’d turned to give you his full attention.  “Ever since my associate Mist told me what you were up to.”
“She’s at the end of the bar now.  Watching.”  You looked down to see a woman with piercing blue eyes leaning against the bar.  When you turned back to Secondo he had leaned in close and his breath danced across your cheek with his next words.  “She thinks you will do something stupid.”
“The only stupid thing I did tonight was come here.”  He narrowed his eyes at your comment but you continued anyway,  “Your games are terrible and this whiskey is mostly water.”
You weren’t sure what you had been expecting him to do at your insults.  Threaten you maybe.  At worst try to grab you and then who knows what.  Mist certainly seemed the type to do whatever her boss told her to do.  But all Secondo did was laugh, the sound drew the attention of some of the other Ghouls but they got back to cleaning quickly.  
“Ma dài, bellezza?  Sei una terribile bugiarda.”
“What did you call me?”  Secondo’s only answer was to let his eyes wander over you again before taking another drink.  “Answer me.”
“A terrible liar.”  His smirk returned when he saw your face turning red.  “But I suppose I could also call you a terrible thief.”
“A lot of words just to call me a liar.”
“Unfortunately the other ones will cost you.”  
Secondo stepped around the end of the bar to stand beside you.  To have him so close was…intoxicating was the only word you could think of.  Despite the danger he posed you there was no denying that he was an extremely handsome man.  His presence alone commanded attention, respect and a healthy dose of fear if you had wronged him.  But your heart wasn’t racing just because you had a pocketful of money you’d stolen from him.
“I’m afraid I don’t have much to give you.”  You teasingly patted the sides of your jacket, taking a moment to flash it open so he could see the gun holstered at your hip.  “So how about we call it a night before anything else happens.”
“What could happen?”  He reached over to one of the few unbroken bottles along the wall and poured himself another drink.  “Would you continue to cheat at cards?”
“I didn’t fucking cheat.”
“Or perhaps there’s a pair of loaded dice hidden in a pocket somewhere.”  Secondo took a step closer, pinning you against the bar.  “Would you let me look, ladruncola?”
It irritated you how badly you wanted to say ‘yes’ but honestly the longer he looked at you like that the more you wanted him to.  Up close he smelled so good, he looked good too.  His clothes were immaculate, down to the green handkerchief peeking out of his vest pocket.  There wasn’t any harm in enjoying his company for the evening, right?
Especially if it got you out of trouble.
“As long as you search me in your room and not at the bar.”  You found yourself returning his pleased smile but a flash of something reflecting in the glass of the bottle behind him had your chest seizing.  One hand went for your gun while your other grabbed ahold of Secondo’s vest and you shoved him to the side with all your might.  “Get down!”
Secondo cursed as the bottle shattered and you ducked to the side as you turned with your gun raised.  A few tables from the bar one of the men that started the fight was standing with his own gun pointed your way.  Secondo’s way.  He snarled and moved to point it at you but he was too late, you let out two shots that hit him in the chest and had his body jerking backwards.  The nearest Ghoul kicked the gun out of his hand but you knew he wouldn’t be getting up from that.
“Well, well.”  You turned to look down at Secondo, relieved to see him unhurt but also smirking at you.  Even if it was infuriating.  “Grazie, ladruncola.”
“What does that mean?”  Secondo took your offered hand, rising from the floor elegantly.  He nodded towards Mist when she wandered over and she quickly turned away to go to the other Ghouls.  When you tried to pull your hand back he held it tighter, his thumb sweeping across your knuckles.  “I’m waiting.”
“Grazie means ‘thank you’.  And I’ll say it again, ladruncola.”  He brought your hand up to his mouth, pressing a lingering kiss to the back.  The hairs of his mustache tickled your skin softly when he repeated himself.  “Grazie.”
“You’re welcome,”  Your knuckles received kisses next followed by him turning your hand over to kiss your palm.  “But I meant the other word.”
“I’d rather tell you after I get you in my room.”  
You sighed, knowing you probably should just leave.  After saving him he probably would let you without a fuss too.  There was just something about him that had you taking a step closer to straighten the handkerchief in his vest.  You rested your hand on his chest and moved it up towards his shoulder while you leaned in close.
“As long as you promise to make it worth my while.”  He was grinning when you pulled away, his mismatched eyes twinkling in a way you didn’t think you’d be able to forget.  “Papa.”
“That’s a challenge I’m happy to accept.”
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“How many weapons do you have?”
Secondo’s voice was equally incredulous and impressed.  You gave him a smirk of your own as you placed a hand on his chest and pushed him back towards his bed.  He went willingly, his eyes dropping down to your hands as you made quick work of pulling the two knives he hadn’t found out of their hiding places.
“I like to be prepared.”  When he sat back on the bed you followed, placing a knee on either side of his legs and resting your hands on his shoulders.  “Surely you can appreciate that, hmm?”
“I can.”  He took your mouth in a dizzying kiss, stealing your breath while his hands began to work on the buttons of your pants.  You broke away with a gasp when he slid one hand inside, right in between your legs where you were already hot and wet.  He wrapped his other arm around your waist to pull you closer, trailing kisses from the corner of your mouth all the way to your ear.  “I’ll appreciate all of you tonight.”
“I think I can promise the same.”  You trailed your hands down to the buttons of his vest, going for his shirt buttons when you were done.  His chest was covered with dark hair, patches of silver mixed in.  He nearly purred like a cat when you ran your fingers through it.  While you explored his chest his own hands began to wander but you were too distracted to stop him from slipping his fingers into the hidden pocket in your shirt.  “Wait!”
He pulled away, your loaded dice held triumphantly in his hand.  You had a sudden jolt of fear that perhaps this was all a game to him and he only brought you up here to expose why you were even at The Ministry.  Neither of you were moving, your eyes stuck on his face while he began to roll the dice between his thumb and forefinger.
“These are certainly interesting, aren’t they?”  He made a loose fist and shook them, his eyes moving to your face while they rattled around.  There wasn’t any anger there, if anything he seemed amused but you still couldn’t bring yourself to move.  With a quick movement he flicked the dice on the floor, not looking away as they landed.  “Tell me what numbers came up.”
You looked down, your legs starting to shake from where they still straddled him and your heart racing.  He placed both his hands on your waist while you leaned over as far as you dared, trying to make a show of looking even though you knew what numbers would be facing up.  He did too, the bastard.
“Lucky you, a pair of sixes.”
He smirked, tugging you towards him again abruptly.  You fell against his chest with a grunt, your mouth hovering right over his.  He flashed you a smile before responding, his words making your heart race for an entirely different reason.
“Lucky me indeed.”  His eyes were locked on yours for a few heartbeats before he glanced down at your lips.  “If you would like to leave I wouldn’t stop you.”  He moved so his lips were hovering over your ear.  “But I keep the money and the dice.”
“I don’t know, I feel like I won that money fair and square.”  His chest rumbled with laughter, his hands tightening around your waist.  “And I don’t want to leave.”
“Bene.  Because I have been wanting to kiss you ever since you insulted my whiskey.”
A retort was on the tip of your tongue, it did taste like it was watered down, but talking was impossible when he kissed you.  It was as demanding as the man itself.  You wrapped your arms tighter around his neck while one of his hands gripped your head, tilting it just so to make the angle perfect.  He tasted like whiskey and smoke, the combination intoxicating.
The need to feel more of him became too much, your hands pushing and pulling at his shirt and vest to get it off.  With a quick movement he spun you so you were on your back on his bed, staring up at him while he took them off himself.  Your eyes moved over his chest appreciatively, enjoying how the muscles of his arms moved under his skin.  It was obvious he had done more than run a casino in his life.  Those muscles were evidence of years working with guns and horses.
“See something you like?”
“Take the pants off and I’ll let you know.”  His sudden laughter had you smiling and you lifted a foot up to rest on his thigh.  “Unless you want my help?”
“I wouldn’t dream of denying you the opportunity.” 
In a flash you were kneeling before him on the bed, your fingers eagerly working on the fastenings of his pants.  His gun belt was already on the floor next to yours and your small pile of knives.  It had surprised you he didn’t want a weapon close but you also had the sneaking suspicion he wouldn’t need any sort of weapon to take care of you if necessary.  The thought should scare you, being here in his room should scare you, but all you could think of was how he was making your blood race through your veins.
And how the sight of his cock was making your mouth water.
Thick and long, it jutted out from the patch of hair between his legs proudly.  There was already a drop of liquid at the tip and you leaned in to lick it off, grinning when it twitched.  You locked eyes with him as you wrapped your lips around the tip, applying pressure along the bottom with your tongue.  You began to move further down but he rested his hands on the side of your head, stopping your momentum.
“Ah ah, I have a different plan.”  You pulled back, licking your lips and watching him as he smiled down at you.  “Would you let me taste you, ladruncola?”
“If you insist.”
The visual of Secondo dropping to his knees in front of you wasn’t one you would forget any time soon.  His fingers were steady as they undid your clothes, far steadier than yours were right now.  All you had the strength to do was watch, watch as he exposed more and more of you to his strange eyes.  It felt a little unfair for him to still be wearing his pants as he pulled off yours but as he looked at your core you couldn’t find the words to say anything about it.
“Bellissima.”  You had no idea what it meant but the word, the worshipful way he said it made your cheeks heat up.  He laid his hands on the inside of your thighs and gently push them wider.  As his face got closer to where you were wet for him you could see his nose twitch as he took deep breaths and you were not going to survive this.  Secondo closed his eyes and you saw his lips moving briefly before he caught your gaze.  “Nema.”
His mouth covered you in the next moment, his hands moving behind you to grip your ass and hold you still.  It was a good thing he did because while he licked and sucked at your flesh you were twitching and shaking.  The sensations were overwhelming and you couldn’t decide whether you wanted to be closer or get away from it.  His nose pressed insistently against your clit while he worked his tongue around your opening, flicking and swiping it over and over.  When he suddenly pushed it inside you couldn’t help but cry out, your hand letting go of the blanket in its grip and instead gripping his hair.
“Secondo, f-fu–ah!”
The man growled against you, gripping you tighter while he ate you out.  Words kept bubbling in your throat but they just turned into whimpers.  You weren’t even sure what you were trying to say, perhaps your own words of worship to the man himself.  The rumors you had always heard about the man and his family briefly flashed in your mind.  Images of the devil and upside down crosses but they were banished as soon as he slid two thick fingers into you and moved his mouth to your clit.
If this was how they worshipped the devil you’d sign up in a second.
Your peak was coming fast, wave after wave of pleasure making spots appear in your vision.  Secondo didn’t let up, he just fucked you faster with his fingers.  Two soon becoming three all while he sucked on your clit.  Your nails kept digging harder and harder into his scalp but it didn’t seem to phase him.  If anything it only spurred him on and when he curled his fingers to rub against your inner walls you felt yourself fall over a cliff, your orgasm rushing to meet you at the bottom.
“Are you awake?”  You had no idea how long you had been laying there panting but his deep voice finally dragged you back from where you’d been drifting.  You blinked up at him, grinning when you saw how out of sorts his mustache was.  “Something amuse you?”
“I should steal from casinos more often.”  Making this man laugh was like a drug and you did your best to commit the sight and sound to memory.  It wasn’t just his mustache that was a mess, his hair was tussled and twisted from your fingers too.  You couldn’t stop yourself from reaching up and smoothing it out, smiling softly when his eyes closed and he pressed into your hands.  “You’re like a cat.”
“Un gatto?”  He raised an eyebrow when you grinned.  “I’ve had worse nicknames.”
“Oh?  Like Papa?”
“Papa was a title, my title.  Long ago.”  You continued to rub along his scalp, waiting to see if he said anything else.  “I went by a different one before that, before I was called back to my family.”
“What were you doing then?”
Secondo flashed you a small smile as began to pat your legs, nodding his head towards the headboard.  You obediently scooted back, not being able to stop your eyes from falling to his cock.  It had softened a bit but still looked eager for attention.  He followed you further onto the bed, rubbing his hands up your legs until they were encouraging your thighs apart once more.
“About the same thing you’re doing now.”  When you raised an eyebrow and gave him a once over he chuckled.  “The same thing you were doing earlier.  Stealing.”
“I wasn–”
“But I was much, much better at it, ladruncola.”
“Either fuck me or shut up.”
He smirked as he looked down at you, one hand going to his cock and beginning to stroke it.  You wiggled a bit under the attention, the tension building in you again just by watching him pleasure himself.  Well, two could play at that game.  With a smirk of your own you began to touch yourself, sliding your fingers down your wet flesh and easily pressing two inside. 
His eyes quickly locked onto your fingers, watching intensely as you moved them in and out.  You added a third finger but it wasn’t even close to how it felt with his in you.  With a frustrated growl you said his name and he immediately looked back up to your face.  There was an unreadable look there, one you hadn’t seen yet that night.  For a moment you were worried he was going to move away and tell you to leave but instead he finally moved closer.  He grabbed your hand and tugged it away so he could line his cock up.
“Bone Daddy.”  Your eyes flashed up to his to see him grinning.  “That’s what they called me.”
You repeated the name, trying it out on your tongue.  While he teased your opening with the head of his cock you thought back to those rumors you had heard of the Emeritus family.  An image of Secondo with a painted face resembling a skull flashed in your mind and your gasp had little to do with how his cock was beginning to stretch you.  He could be terrifying now you could barely comprehend how terrifying he would have been looking like that.
Terrifying and beautiful.
When he was all the way inside of you the name tumbled from your lips again.  You took a moment to trace your finger along his face, trying to imagine what the design of the paint looked like.  He let you go on for a few seconds before taking your hand in his and pressing it down next to your head.  If he hadn’t of been looking at you like he was, like you were something he cared about, you would have been concerned you overstepped.  Instead he lowered his head to kiss you, nipping at your lips until you opened up for his tongue.
You kissed him back, trying to match his intensity but you were getting desperate for him to move elsewhere.  He groaned into your mouth when you wrapped your legs around his waist and wiggled your hips.  After what felt like an eternity he finally pulled back, his lips as swollen as yours were.  You felt like you were going to lose your mind if he didn’t move, if he didn’t start fucking you right now.
“Secondo, please.”
“Ah, ladruncola.  You don’t need to beg.  I’ll take care of you.”  You bit your lip as he began to pull out, the drag of his thick length so good along your walls.  He paused with the head at your entrance and you were so close to screaming at him, especially when he looked down at you smugly.  “We’ll save the begging for later, eh?”
“Whatever you say Bone Daddy.”
You expected a response, another comment to continue your banter but instead he began to press back inside of you.  It was a slow and steady thrust, not giving you a moment to adjust as he pushed in all the way.  Your hands were scrabbling at the sheets by your head and your body trembled.  When your groins touched he didn’t pause, he just started to pull out immediately.
Secondo quickly had a rhythm going, a steady drive in and out of you with his cock.  All you could do was hang on, your legs still wrapped around him.  The bed creaked beneath you both, the headboard hitting the wall when he began to thrust harder.  He dropped down so he could kiss you, mimicking the movements of his cock with his tongue.  You bit and sucked at it, one of your hands letting go of the sheet to find its way back into his hair.
Both of you were moaning, gasping as the pleasure began to build.  You had to pull away from his mouth to suck in air and you buried your face in his neck while you did so.  He kissed along your scalp while one of his big hands cradled the back of your head.  It all suddenly felt so intimate, so much more than what it had started out as that you couldn’t help but imagine more of this.  More than a night and more than a frenzied coupling.
“Look at me, ladruncola.”  His fingers tightened just enough to get you to pull away, your head falling back onto the pillow.  His thrusts were more sure now, purposeful.  He slipped a hand down your body to touch you between your legs, his fingers finding your clit and rubbing it just right.  “I want to watch you.  I want to see your face.”
Fuck, it was too much but you couldn’t deny him.  You clung to him and panted as you hit your peak once again, your walls spasming around him.  He was the first to break eye contact, groaning and muttering in Italian when his cock began to kick and empty inside of you.  For a moment you imagined that you could feel it, feel his seed fill you up.  Your hips moved on their own accord then, rotating slightly to help him as he came down until he finally stopped and collapsed on top of you.
You weren’t sure if it had been minutes or hours but his weight was a comforting thing and you didn’t have any desire to move.  His softened cock had fallen out of you and while the feeling of his seed leaving was uncomfortable you hoped that he would take you again before the morning arrived.  You had no desire to leave this room.  The only thing you wanted was Secondo and you’d take as much of him as he was willing to give you.
With a grunt he finally pulled away, rolling onto his back next to you.  The cool night air drifted in through an open window across the room and distantly you could hear the tinkling keys of a piano.  You risked a glance over at him, letting your eyes linger when you saw his were closed.  The skull paint appeared in your mind again and you resolved to ask him later what it looked like.
“Would you like some watered down whiskey?”  
You snorted, nodding when he cracked open an eye to look at you.  He got up with a grunt and made his way over to a small bar against the wall.  When he headed back with two glasses in his hand you sat up and leaned back against the headboard.  The whiskey burned your tongue but it was good, much better than what you had at his bar. 
“So you save the good stuff for yourself.”
“And you.”  He tilted his head back and drained the rest of his glass, looking pleased when you did the same.  With the ease of a cat he got up and refilled them, grabbing something else before he made his way back over.  “I was hoping you would indulge me.”
“Haven’t I already been doing that?”
“Indeed, but I was hoping I could interest you in a game of poker.”  He placed his glass on a small table by the bed and you then noticed the item in his hand was a deck of cards.  They came to life in his hands as he began to shuffle them, doing moves and tricks that were impossible for your eyes to keep up with.  “Perhaps you’d like to make it interesting.”
“I’m listening.”
Secondo began to deal the cards out and you leaned over to set your glass next to his so you could gather yours up.  
“I would like an opportunity to win my money back.”  Your eyes flashed up to his in alarm but his expression hadn’t changed.  He had the same amused and almost fond look that he’d had since he had brought you into his room.  You looked back down at your cards and started to shuffle them slowly.  “But of course if I lose you stand to earn even more.  Except fairly this time.”
“I can play fair but you’re going to regret it.”
“Oh I don’t think so.  Either way I’ll still have you in my bed.  Won’t I, ladruncola?”
“You haven’t told me what that means yet.  Don’t think I’ve forgotten.”
“Another thing you can win then.  I will translate that and more if you beat me.”
“Prepare to lose, Papa.”
Secondo laughed before taking a drink and then leaning in to kiss you.  The whiskey was fresh on his tongue and you sucked at it to get a better taste.  While the kiss deepened you thought about everything that had led you to this man’s bed.  About getting caught up in a gun fight and then getting caught by Secondo himself.
You thought about seeing that man raise his gun and how you hadn’t even blinked before shoving Secondo out of the way.  You thought of his presence and his words, how he had gotten you into his room even though he didn’t have to try very hard.  It was easy to imagine this man holding the attention of a congregation if those rumors were true.  You’d certainly follow him to more than just his bedroom.
When he pulled away you couldn’t help but pout and he nipped at your bottom lip before leaning back again.  He picked up his cards but his gaze was steady on you, those green and white eyes unwavering.  You began to fidget, shuffling your cards in slightly unsteady hands before you couldn’t take it any more.
“I don’t think I’ll be losing at all tonight.”  
“What do you mean?”
He reached out for your hand, bringing it to his mouth, cards and all.  Gentle kisses were pressed over your knuckles before he let go.
“Either way I’m winning you, aren’t I?”
You had to bite your lips to stop yourself from saying something stupid.  Something stupid and sappy that you had no right to say.  But Secondo continued to watch you and his face was content, like he didn’t have a care in the world and just wanted to enjoy his time with you.  It was a feeling you shared so you stopped trying to hide it and let it show on your face.
“Me too.”
“Bene.  Well then, I’ll let you go first.”
As the game began and went on you couldn’t remember the last time you had this much fun.  Obviously the sex had been amazing and you hoped there would be more of it soon but spending time with Secondo like this felt amazing too.  You were able to draw some more stories out of him and in exchange you told him a few of yours.  Both of you showed off some scars and the actions that led to them.  
You got a description of what Bone Daddy looked like, skull paint and all.  He told you about the church he and his Ghouls belonged to.  Used to belong to.  There was definitely more of a story there but you weren’t going to press it.  As a thank you for him sharing something you could tell still pained him you shared a story that still pained you.  At that point the card game was forgotten, the cards falling to the floor when you both met in a heated kiss.
Later, as you both caught your breath, your skin sticky with sweat and other things, you felt something press against your back.  With a grunt you raised yourself on an elbow and reached a hand into the sheets to find the culprit.  You came back with a handful of cards and as you leaned over Secondo to toss them with the others on the floor you noticed something that had you freeze.
There were two ace of spades.
Secondo was laughing when you turned to glare at him, easily bringing a hand up to block the cards when you threw them his way.  You wanted to make a bigger deal of it but the problem was you recognized them as your own cards.  The bastard had grabbed your deck although when he slipped it out of your coat you had no idea.  He wrapped an arm around your waist and began to tug you close, chuckling when you let him with minimal protest.
“That’s quite the deck you have.”
“Shut up.”
“It’s too bad we didn’t finish the game I think I had the hand to beat.”
“Shut.  Up.”
“Ah, ladruncola.  Don’t be upset with me.”
“Tell me what ‘ladruncola’ means.”  When he didn’t speak you turned in his arms to stare him down.  “Tell me.”
“Little thief.”  He was kissing you again before you were able to curse at him.  It was really unfair how his kisses made you lose track of yourself.  It ended far too soon but he stayed close, tilting his head down so your foreheads rested together.  “But you’re my little thief, aren’t you?”
You kissed him again in answer, opening your mouth over his while you moved to straddle his lap.  There were certainly worse things he could call you.  And there were certainly worse things that could be happening right now.  This was infinitely better than spending the night in jail and if you were honest with yourself this was one of the best nights of your life.
You’d be his ladruncola as long as he would have you.
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brights-place · 11 months
Howdy, friendo!
Is it okay if I request some fluff, affirmations, and reassurance from Plantalone, Stolas, Andrealphus, Alastor, or Asmodeus?
(I know that was a lot of characters, I'm so sorry-)
Thanks so much, pal! Remember to take care of yourself!
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Helluva Boss & Hazbin Hotel Affirmations
A/N: Did you underestimate my skills? JOKING! I'm happy when I get requests and it makes me so happy! anyways this is all fluff and is all platonic.
Pairings: Stolas, Andrealphus, Alastor, Asmodeus, Fizzorali, and Blitzo
Warnings: Swearing
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This man did not hesitate to break into your home as his sixth sense went off. He broke in an sat down across from your crossed legs pouring some tea and placed down your comfort food on the table before snapping his fingers making an blue glow carry your stuffed animals over. He literally leaned forward in the most zestiest way possible atleast he and Stolas had something in common they would throw hands at a butch who would hurt their bestfriend. He had mouthed everybody who hurt you and was close to smacking you when you talked bad about yourself. Even though he was sassy and could care less you were his world and what kept him close to not bitch smacking some random imp. He held you close to him after awhile you hugging him while he whispered comforting words and wise things into your ears which is surprising coming from the brother of Stella. He needed you to be put back together and kept in an piece he can’t handle his world crumbling. He would pick up the pieces and put them back together.
No matter how many breakdowns you have
He noticed you’ve been off for awhile but didn’t mention it at all not wanting to making the more un-comfortable and weary. Though the breaking point was when you and him were just sitting down at his office while he blabbers don about his radio show and paused when noticing you weren’t paying attention, and he knew how you were quietly sniffling abit wiping away an stray tear and perked up when noticing that Alastor had stopped blabbering. The two of you held eye contact and it was obvious he was confused on what to do at first. He scooted over abit from his chair to lean more over the desk and slowly patted your head. He told you to sit on his lap while he talked on his radio show. He gently comforted you rubbing your back every now and then making sure you were alright and made sure when his radio show was then on break to see if you were alright and right after he listened to you rant to him while he tried his best to comfort you once again like the best friend he is… even though he was so fucking awkaward about it yet he was happy you opened up abit.
Sometimes it’s better opening up then holding it in.
This man was quick at connecting the dots when noticing you sitting on the porch crying. He invited you in and made you some tea setting you down on an table with Fizzarolli was stuffing his face with pancakes confused but noticed how sad you were so he left to get some blankets. Ozzie handed you some tea as he sat down holding your hand as he let you tell him your sorrows and what has been happening to you currently. He nearly busted into flames when hearing these terrible things happen to you. Not to long after Fizzarolli came black with an blanket draping it over your shoulder as he took your other hand holding to for comfort as he stuffed his face with pancakes but shared glanced with Asmodeus who cooed and helped you calm down abit before you went back to crying and he held you in his huge arms as you waited loudly and you later on relaxed after awhile thanking Asmodeus and Fizz but mainly Asmodeus who helped you relax and every now and then saying some of the sassiest shit when you were ranting that made you smile. He needed you to be happy and relaxed.
He will always got your back from your lowest to your highest moments.
Everybody from the fandom well nearly everybody had confirmed with each other that Blitzo was on the spectrum and I am one of those people! Anyways Blitzo has a hard time reading people being on the spectrum made recognising changes in mood almost mute to him so he would just continue to blabber on about things for example when he got to go see some horses with Fizzarolli due to killing that one creep that tried to attack fizz in his dressing room when he had an heart to heart with Ozzie when at mammons circus awhile ago. Though he may not be good at reading emotions he was some reason good at reading you. He noticed your tense figure and how you were mostly quiet so he paused looking away awkwardly before scooting closer about to ask if you were okay until you just busted out in tears making him slightly worry as he held your waist softly making you jump while his other hand rubbed your back before using it so you could lay your head on his shoulder. The two of you stayed like that for awhile as you sobbed into his shoulder while he comforted you in an awkward but caring way.
Even if you go silent he would help you calm down
He stared processing for an moment before leaving the room and coming back later telling you to follow him. He made an pillow fort and had some snacks and blankets in the fort with the help of Ozzie who also had an huge liking towards you. The two of you would eat snacks keeping you distracted and making you calm even if you didn’t feel better he would playing with your hair as you cursed out or cried in his robotic arms. The fort he made was to bring you comfort and warmth to make you relax which helped while he also played your favourite music after watching movies that you shit talked about. You needed to be calm and relax he didn’t want you to be stressed over things. It made him worry for you and he hates seeing you like this. You helped him when he was at his lowest along with Ozzie and he would do anything to help you when you were at your lowest as-well.
He will always be there whenever you need him
He noticed that shit immediately, and he picked you up princess style putting you on the couch and came back with pints of your favourite icecream. He sat down beside you while putting on an show you two wanted to binge together or an show you find comfort in hell even if he hates it he will watch it with you even if it’s those cringy ass 2000s Disney Teenage Movies he will suffer just to make you smile it was something that kept him distracted from the shit life of hell. He would not hesitate to comfort you and hear you rant. Hell he will decide to shit talk people for you even if he doesn’t know them! Your ex? Well they where an asshole at the start! Bitch of an boss? Of course they where an bitch when they yelled at you for doing your job! An person tried to speak down to you? The man will roll up his fancy robe sleeves and get ready to throttle an bitch for you. Stolas cares for you like how you care for him. He will listen and comfort you and talk shit with you, you did that for him and he will do the same for you.
He won’t ever let that smile drop around him it was what kept him going.
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seat-safety-switch · 1 year
With the advent of electric cars, there's something very critical happening to North American infrastructure. No, it's not renewable energy. It certainly isn't a more stable electrical grid. And there's no way on God's green earth that electricity is gonna get cheaper. The important thing: level 2 chargers are now freely available in many urban centres.
Let me explain. You can plug an electric car into your regular-ass wall outlet. It takes a really long time to charge, and the cord gets kind of warm. In the terminology of the electric car mafia, that's "Level 1." Like in Mario, it's the level that sucks, but that teaches you how to get good by forcing you to be devoured by mushroom people or fall down a bottomless pit enough times. "Level 2" is where the interesting shit starts to happen.
Europeans have been blessed with 240 volts AC coming out of their wall since the dawn of time. That's twice as many volts as we've got, for many varied reasons that I don't actually care to look up right now. You can think of these volts as a sort of fire hose, pushin' electrons into your shitty homemade electric car. With more volts, you can push more electrons in less time. The Level 2 chargers are connected to 240 volts.
Other things are connected to 240 volts, friendos: welders. That's how I ended up in the Princess Auto parking lot, frantically trying to weld together my frame, while pretending that my 1977 Volare that I rolled into said lot is actually an electric conversion. Folks came and asked questions, sure, like "why is that car charger sparking so much" and "what's that odour?" None of them were familiar with Level 2 charging, though, not like you now are. They took my explanation at face value ("wireless charging," I explained, "the next big thing") and decided it would be risky for them to call the cops considering I now knew what their faces looked like.
Joke's on them, though. The old newspaper I was using as a face shield absolutely did not keep me from repeatedly blinding myself. Maybe one day, the electric car mafia will create a device that dispenses free sunglasses in every parking lot.
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skellymom · 4 months
hey skelly!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i was wondering if, perhaps, you could do a one shot with Hunter where 'reader' is sick???? please??? im currently very sick and its killing me :/
~ tysm, jamie <3
@fionajames my FRIENDO! I hope you feel better soon.
Here ya go! There is some lovey-dovey to this one shot, but done in a respectful manner. Angsty, implied nudity. SAFE FOR WORK! My apologies if the spelling or grammar is off. I wanted to bang this baby out quickly to get it to you!!!
Word Count: 907
Background: Reader is not feeling well. But Hunter will DEFINITELY help change that.
(Credit: Cool moving star dividers by @4ngelic-wh1spers )
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"HEALING TOUCH" - Hunter x Reader Request
Kicking off the covers, you sighed from the heat.  
Heat from your fever. 
Tossing and turning, every part of the bed uncomfortable. Your joints ached as if packed with jagged glass.  
There was NO sleep for tonight. 
There was NO sleep for Hunter, either. 
He could hear as you thrashed about in bed. Feel your horribly high fever. 
It started with a general malaise...as Tech called it. Low level energy. Mild Lethargy. Your Sergeant noticed you were off. He ordered you to take a break from ration loading and lay down in your bunk on board the Marauder. 
You crashed out immediately. Thinking you would just sit, then lay down on your bunk for a MOMENT before getting undressed for bed...didn’t pan out. However, you woke up hours later UNDRESSED FOR BED clad in your rudimentary binder and underwear sleepwear. 
You SWORE you never got yourself ready for bed before hitting your bunk... 
You FINALLY awoke bathed in sweat. The room was too uncomfortably hot. You had to pee, but REALLY didn’t care to move. When your bladder threatened to overflow, you lurched to the refresher.  
Coming back from your trip left you winded and weak. 
But being worn out doesn’t promise sleep. Maybe one-minute intervals every 15 standard minutes. Jolting awake to lay in bed, then change position... 
...to lay in bed, then change position... 
...to lay in bed, then change position... 
...to lay in bed, then change position... 
Rinse, repeat 
Then your body temp dropped quickly, resulting in shivers. You burrowed into fetal position under the covers.  
“Y/N?” Your Sergeant whispers. His voice even smokier at a low register.  
His voice could still excites you...even being this sick.  
A prickle of heat makes its way up your body and over your face. You feel its tendrils envelope you, warm you up...then proceeds to shoot up to burning hot. 
“Hhmm...” Still weak as hell. 
“How you feeling?” Hunter reaches under the covers to feel your forehead and face. 
His strong callused hand tenderly slides down your forehead, then cups one side of your face, then the other. He takes his time to feel your body temperature. It’s a show of care with a side of sultry touch. 
Your body heats up to a definite fever pitch. 
“Ummm...” is ALL you can muster. EVERYTHING is SO MUCH! All of your senses being assaulted by your own body.  
Is this what it’s like for Hunter...all the time??? 
You try to mumble this statement to him. It comes out weak, incoherent...DELERIOUS. 
He’s pulled you upright in the bunk. Looking into your eyes. Oh...that man...he’s DIVINE! You think among other things that get lost in the mush of your thoughts. It’s SO HARD to think right now. 
Your perception blurs, then the room flips.  
“Y/N!!!” Is the last thing you hear... 
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...waking up SHIVERING...in the cold rain? In just a binder and panties... 
As you focus your awareness slowly...while sitting on the refresher shower floor. Leaning against... 
You are BOTH shivering in each other’s arms. His legs are spread out on either side of you. You were leaning on Hunter’s chest. He was drenched in the cold water and air as well...and shivering from the chill. 
Hunter was only wearing his Republic tightie-whities. They were drenched and stuck to him like a second skin...a rather translucent one. You covertly took in his “geography”. Muscular...neatly manicured body hair... 
“Y/N?” That smoky voice. 
“Hyeahhh...” You comically whispered. 
Hunter chuckled. Deep base in your ear against his firm, slightly furred chest.  
And he smelled AMAZING! It couldn’t be explained: like deep wilderness with the sunlight filtering through the trees...it’s warm fragrance...the sound of life in a place...the strength and heart of Oak trees...of safety in a green place  
Some approximation of that... 
You chuckled back “I think my fever’s broke.” in a guilty but emboldened whisper. 
“Hhm...you sure?” 
You sigh...he can feel the heat of your blush.  
He caresses your back. 
He knows how you feel about him. Could read you the moment you met. The little flirtations you sent out...that he returned... 
Could even feel the moment your fever broke, but continued to hold you to be sure, making sure your temperature never dropped too far down. 
Hunter’s been respectful. Waiting for your move. He’s doing that now, too. 
You reach up to trace your finger along his jawline, then caress the side of his face. You look up at him and hold his gaze. 
His eyes are soft but fierce. A small smile graces his lips. It’s an adoring face. 
Hunter reaches down to take your head gently in his hands. Then kisses your forehead, holding his lips to you for a moment. He takes in your scent. 
“I REALLY want to...I do. But now isn’t the best time.” Hunter senses your request. A responsible caretaker first, passionate partner later. 
He reaches up to turn off the refresher showerhead. Then proceeded to get you off the floor, dried, dressed, fed, and settled back into your bunk. 
“Get some sleep, Y/N. I’ll just be over in my...” 
You interrupt by grabbing Hunter’s hand before he can retreat. 
“Stay with me...big spoon?” 
He smiles. Then blushes. Then gives a mock stern face. 
“Of course...JUST strict bed rest. Cuddling only!” 
“Of course.” You smirk at Hunter. 
“You’re...going to make it really HARD ON me, huh?” 
“Bet your Duncan Hines Cake on it!” 
Hunter slid into the bunk and wrapped you up in him... 
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clydesavage-thefox147 · 7 months
Calling all Prinxiety Shippers, this analysis is for you!💜❤️
So, I have had my eyes set on Virgil's Spotify Playlist for a while now. And a few songs have caught my attention that I'd like to talk about.
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The one in particular that I will discuss here is "Sally's Song" covered by Amy Lee from Evanescence, originally by Catherine O-Hara. A classic song from the even more classic movie The Nightmare before Christmas. Now, it's understandable why Virgil would have this song on there. It's from one of his favorite movies, it's a designated emo staple with lines like "We can live like Jack and Sally if we want" in Blink-182's "I Miss You", and overall it's Tim Burton which he's shown interest in as well. But, I wonder why this song in particular. He could've picked "This is Halloween" or "Jack's Lament" but..he picks "Sally's Song"? This isn't the only time he's been affiliated with this song either. In the 2020 Holiday Show, Thomas covered it in reference to Virgil's celebration of the holidays.
It's been stated that the songs on each playlist are on there for a reason. Some songs on each are directed specifically at another Side. I think I know who's being directed at here from Virgil's POV. Think about it, Sally is very similar to that of Virgil. Both are restless and want freedom despite the risks, they are both caution and concerned for others especially those they love, and just their overall aesthetics aline with a stitch work-ragdoll like appearance. The song in question is about Sally showing her concern for Jack. It briefly touches on her need for freedom and inclusion, but it's mostly about her love and consideration for Jack. Hell, she sang it right after Jack took off on his Christmas exploits that she knew would fail and tried to warn him. She thinks the love is one-sided, she gives up in believing it'll happen. However, it was reprised in the end with both of them admitting their love for each other.
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Who is Jack in this situation? You could say Jack is a bit like Virgil in wanting to move away from scaring people all the time..but Jack's demeanor and personality isn't very Virgil like. He's ambitious, overly I might add. He's desperate, he's dedicated, he suffered an identity crisis, he's associated with royal standing as the Pumpkin King, and his voice is rather regal. Who does that sound like to you? Roman.
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Sally's concern for Jack's actions failing or getting him hurt ties in with Virgil's behavior as anxiety. One major thing is concern for Roman being too forceful in his desperation for a boyfriend for Thomas could've got him rejected or hurt. This was shown in FWSA..the same episode where a sticker of Jack and Sally peaked both of their interest. They both have shown a love for this movie, so much so that Roman wanted Virgil's posters of it back in Accepting Anxiety part 2.
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Sure, you could say that this could be directed at Nico but Virgil's playlist was debut in April of 2020, FWSA wasn't released until October. Sure, it could have been foreshadowing but I highly doubt it since the song itself shows that the person the narrator wanted in question, was already known to them and their concern for them was justified. You could say it's directed at Thomas, but this song is too romantic in its undertones to be that, even if it said "friend" in the lyrics...Roman called Virgil "Friendo" (so did Janus as Patton but that's besides the point).With lines like "What will become of my dear friend, where will his actions lead us then" could be reference to how Roman's overambitious behavior and reckless actions could be a problem. Stating a question Virgil was asked back in 2018 at live Vidcon QnA, Virgil did say he liked Roman's ambition..but wasn't sure he wanted that in his life. Maybe he's willing to take the chance now?
So, it's fair to say that "Sally's Song" is directed at Roman. They both are carbon copies of the characters, they both love the film, and the overall hints of this song and film in regards to them are too obvious to miss. ❤️💜
Seems like Virgil wants to live like Jack and Sally with Roman. 💜❤️
P.S: we so need an official Virgil cover of Sally's Song..like come on 😁
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nancyheart11 · 15 days
It’s “appreciate yourself” hours! Pick five pieces of writing/art that you’ve done that you love and talk about them! ❤️❤️❤️
Lofty the sheer panic of realizing I have to confront the knee jerk, everything I make is bad reaction, took me this long to get over it
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This has nothing to do with LU, but I actually smile every time I see this picture, and remember making the cookies and leaning just how the new cookie presses is been given work, the fun of finding a baby spoon to use in putting the filling in, arranging the cookies on the plate while fighting off ravenous teenage bois, it really made me happy
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This is some covid art I did for a superhero ttrpg I was in! This is the fusion (a big plot point of the campaign) of my croc mutant girl and our unable to be detected by cameras sniper! I'm super proud of how the foreshortening came out and super duper grateful to my roommate who let me run multiple of her pens out of ink with my shenanigans
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The best embroidery I've done to date! I got bored and started drawing silent princesses a lot, then one day I realized that my nice jeans have studs in the shape of flowers on the flare and that a silent princess would be perfect on the back pocket! I spent months working on this during church and having a blast doing so! I had to go and buy more green because I ran out working on this XD. In fact this project is what lead me to finding one of my irl LU friendos!
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The cloak that I made for Sugarcube this spring was so fun! Part of the challenge was only using materials that were already on my fabric shelf, which meant that the faux fur collar was really really tricky to cut out since we did NOT have the recommended amount of fabric XD. Also Sugarcube has excellent taste in hook and eye fixtures.
And of course I have to mention The Blush of Dawn which I know isn't very well liked, but the idea gripped me so hard that it made me actually try writing for fun again, after 7 years of giving it up. Even now I have ideas for that story, though I struggle to get words on the page for this one more than the others 😅
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konohamaru-sensei · 1 year
wrote more stuff at work for friendoes. (Kakashi x OC| Natsuo x OC | Hawks x OC | Obito x OC | Gray x Juvia | Jellal x Erza)
for @goodnightlover
prompt: "i didn't die." "you were dead to me."
Before he could take one look into the guild hall someone viciously attacked Gray by throwing her whole body onto him. It was not like he hadn’t been ready for this specific ambush, no, Gray had been trained for this for many years and this point and braced his body to take in the impact. Maybe he had even slowed down a little upon getting to the Fairy Tail building, so that all his teammates entered before he did, leaving him outside with only his attacker. Maybe.
“Gray-sama,” Juvia chimed, her head snuggling against his cheek and he murmured defensively something about how she needed to stop, but left his head right there for hers to touch. He was also glad to see her again, it had been at least a month since the last time they had spoken and he had thought a lot about her since then, so he was glad to have her right by his side once more. Not that he would loudly proclaim these feelings, of course.
Juvia grabbed him and pulled him closer, her voice sounding a little like she was sulking: “Gray-sama was gone for so long, Juvia was all alone.”
“Nonsense,” Gray said and got out of her tight grip, “You were with the guild.” Juvia made a face and it told him what he already knew: Juvia liked the guild and the people there a lot, but she liked spending time with nobody as much as with him. He told himself that this was nothing to be proud of, but he still was. Feelings weren’t cooperating with him as much nowadays as they used to.
She finally fully let go off him and jumped back on her feet, the blue top that she was wearing revealed a part of her skin beneath. A shudder went through Gray as he caught a glimpse of the scar that sat on her hip there. He pressed his teeth together.
“Gray-sama isn’t listening, is he?” Juvia said, putting her face closer to his again to gain his attention. “What is he staring at?”
Gray averted his face away from hers, feeling a little heated in his ears with her so close. “When will you finally get rid of that scar?”
“Never,” Juvia didn’t even hesitate before she replied. “This scar reminds me of Gray-sama and the sacrifice we are willing to do for our love.”
“Well, it reminds me of failure.” He shook his head. “It reminds me that I have to get much stronger to be able to make sure such a sacrifice will never be necessary again.”
She clasped her hand together and was already half singing again. “Gray-sama is already so strong. Juvia thinks, he should trust more in his own strength and of course into her ability to protect him.” She blinked with her big, dark blue eyes at him.
Somehow her reply made him angry. He turned around to her directly. “But that is not how it should be!” Gray yelled, a little louder than maybe necessary, because the conversation in the guild hall suddenly came to a halt. He couldn’t stop himself anyway. “I should protect you. That’s how it should have been back then, and it should definitely be now. I don’t- I don’t ever want to see you dead again. That’s why I’m on this laughably long quest. That’s why I need to be stronger. That’s why I hate…” He tapped with his hand to his own, now magically naked, chest and circled the scar, “.. this scar that marks my utter failure.”
“But..,” she reached out her hands to lightly touch the back of his hands, “… Juvia didn’t die.”
“You were dead to me.”
Gray pulled his hand back and took a step away. “You were not moving, not breathing, your blood was not circulating in your body, but mine, keeping me alive while you were slipping away. And I couldn’t do anything, but watch yet again. You don’t understand how often I see this in my nightmares!” Yes, he could have checked the pulse a little longer, stayed by her side just for a few more minutes to watch help arrive. If he had been patient, if he hadn’t lost his cool, he’d known she was alright right away, but too many people had sacrificed themselves for him all through his life and when it was her it was just too much.
Juvia stood still in place, her hand still reached out to his that was now out of her reach. His anger puffed into smoke and his heart sank when he noticed the tears in the corners of her eyes. “I’m sorry-,” she started, but he cut her off by stepping forward: “No, don’t- don’t apologise-“
“Fuck.” He picked up the hand that was still hanging in the air with both of his. “I don’t- don’t hate that scar this much. I don’t mind that you have it, I’m sorry for yelling.” There was very little that he hated more than Juvia crying because of something he had done. It had happened too often and needed to stop. “I’m sorry, okay.” Then, softer. “I – I know that you’ll always look after me and I am very thankful for that.”
She put her head down against his hands holding hers and he couldn’t stop himself from leaning his own head down so he could put his forehead into her hair. They just stood like this for a while until Natsu could be heard through the open doors: “Geesh, do all of ya need to be so damn dramatic?”
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sysmedsaresexist · 1 year
Why should I bother healing? I mean what awaits past the pain and sorrow? Feeling lightly better? I can just chase dopamine till I'll die and still have a good enough life
I feel like I know who this is, we have an unfinished conversation, don't we?? I still have your last reply and the start of my post in my drafts, waiting for me to find words that would help. If it's not you, I hope that user sees this, as well.
Friendo, don't let your current dumb feelings and silly brain get in your way of your future
Extreme positivity ahead
Fuck around on this post and find out
-the kids these days, probably
On a very serious note, I think we've all been there, where it just feels so goddamn pointless and you're so tired. Trauma survives long after the events that caused it, digging its claws into every aspect of your life-- even the parts that seemed unrelated and safe.
I can't give you the best advice because I don't know your full situation-- age, living arrangements, financial situations, education, all of that changes the conversation, but I'm going to try to give you a general bit of hope
Age and time helps
Even mental illness tends to improve with age.
As you get older, the brain naturally settles into a (generally) calmer, happier state. I promise you, with all the sincerity and genuineness in the world, even if you did nothing, in five years you'll still feel better than you do right now.
Yes, even dissociative disorders. (PDF)
Don't be so hard on yourself.
This won't apply to everyone, obviously there is a problem with mental health in aging populations, but... don't think that's the norm, or something to be expected, and you've already taken the biggest step by noting your mental health struggles early on. One of the biggest reasons that there is a problem in seniors is because there was very little early detection, and talking about mental health was seen as taboo. You're halfway there.
And as you experience more happiness and things just feel calmer, making positive changes becomes easier, especially as more opportunities open to you every year. So.
Looking back, I think my biggest mistake was looking at myself as I was, and looking at where I wanted to be-- or, more often, what I thought everyone else was. Happy, composed, financially successful, intelligent, popular.
And good god, I felt lazy. I wasn't chronically fatigued, I was lazy, I convinced myself.
Eventually, I started looking at smaller parts of my life and tried to make tiny, easy improvements, rather than anything big.
And with each tiny improvement, and with each year, I started to feel like it was worth it. And like I deserved to have a life I was happy with, whether that met anyone else's expectations or not.
Look, I don't know what kind of crack my grandmother was on, but I couldn't keep a house like that. She had six kids and a job back in the 60s, and even at nearing 85 she would still get on her hands and knees and wash the floor. That place was always immaculate.
And that's just unrealistic. And unnecessary.
My mother was the polar opposite, and I grew up in a hoarding situation.
When I finally got out on my own, it took a while to figure it out, but I settled somewhere in the middle. The idea of keeping the house as clean as my grandmother made me want to actually off myself. I am not exaggerating. The idea was daunting and terrified me. I would rather lay down and give up than find the energy.
But the closer I got to my mother's situation, the more I hated myself, because look at how gross I was.
Here's the truth:
Fuck. Everyone.
Seriously. I swear to god, one day, a lightbulb is just going to go off, and you'll realize that you never should have cared in the first place what other people thought or expected.
My home is crowded but cozy. I no longer look around feeling overwhelmed and disgusted with myself. I do what I can and I celebrate every little step.
It's my home and I'm happy with it, and that is the only thing that matters.
Life is like my house. Live it only for yourself, and do what you can. Celebrate all of the things you do, regardless how small.
Even if you did nothing, it's still going to get better.
Imagine how much EXTRA better you can make it if you just take it in tiny, tiny steps.
Like exponential growth of better.
Feeling just slightly better today makes tomorrow feel better, and the day after that, and the day after that.
Plus, think of all the (insert animal you love) that'll you'll see.
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strohller27 · 9 months
Man. Last year was wild (memories and musings under the cut).
One memory from last year that I probably wont be over anytime soon is when I was working a retail popup on the waterfront for the cruise ship guests.
A bit of context: At this point of last year, I was painfully homeless and when I wasn’t spending $2200 a month airbnb-hopping, I was living out of a tent at a campground to save money. My access to showers and potable drinking water was iffy at best (the showers on the campground were $2 for five minutes, and the closest water spout that worked well enough to fill bottles with was the literal bathroom sink. I’m surprised the water didn’t make me sick. The water from there often left a really weird taste/cottony sensation in the back of my throat that took days to get rid of, unless I boiled it first, and that was *if* I had access to a power outlet and an electric kettle. Also one of the airbnbs I stayed at got the water shut off for almost 28 hours because the host wasn’t paying his goddamn bills. But that’s a story I tell elsewhere). I had no reliable access to refrigeration, whether I was at an airbnb or the campground, so everything I bought to eat had to be non-perishable. For a while there, I was skipping breakfast to save enough money to buy myself loaves of bread, peanut butter, protein bars, and ramen packets.
If I wanted a hot meal, the best thing I could get was Tim Horton’s (and when I did, I was mostly using a credit card). Sometimes the only reason I could afford to both eat and have a place to stay was because I had built up Tim’s rewards points.
Thank goodness it was still mostly summer and I wasn’t also freezing cold at night.
And then I had to go to work and there were so many customers at that waterfront popup telling me I should give them discounts because “Well, I’m broke, I spent all of my money on a cruise!”
Oh? Oh??? I’m so sorry, you poor, unfortunate little soul???? Does the poow wittle bwoke babykins need a wittle discount??
First off, friendo, you keep asking me if the price is in ‘american’ because you forgot that you’re in a literal different country right now. Second, you’re complaining to a minimum wage worker about how, ‘everything is so expensive here! Oh my god you have to pay that much in taxes? What do you mean I have to pay taxes on purchases, too’. You have main character syndrome and you have the absolute goddamned gall to think you deserve $300 off a $500 handmade, HAND EMBROIDERED woollen cape that you probably won’t even wear because you live in texas????
But the one that gets me the worst was when a guy was there with his daughter. She was probably 12 or 13. And she wanted to buy a little Canadian flag to commemorate her visit. It was literally priced at. Two. Dollars. Ninety five. Cents.
And he said to her, “Oh, come on. What good is buying this going to do? Who is it supporting.”
I was so done by that point I literally raised my hand and yelled.
The daughter bought the flag.
I spent so much of last year worrying about where I was going to live. Worrying about how precarious my situation was. My mother was on the phone with me almost begging me to “come home”. To give up on my dreams because it was too hard. Several people suggested that, including my academic advisor. But I wasn’t going to let it go. I let spite get me here and goddamned if I wasn’t going to let spite keep me hanging on.
And now I’m living in a place that has mostly everything I need. I don’t have to crawl under a desk to get to my bed. I don’t have to ask for permission or worry about who it will affect when I want to do something nice for myself. I’m able to make my own decisions about my living space. I get to set my own schedule. I get to do things at my own pace. I get to eat what I want to eat (and my landlady keeps feeding me, too). Now that I’m not hemorrhaging funds, I’ve been able to save up some money. I’m regularly showering and brushing my teeth. I finally have the energy make my goddamned bed every day. I’m taking care of myself in ways that seemed insurmountable last year.
I’m not saying it’s perfect, and there are still things I have to address (like the weird numb spots on the tips of both my big toes that I noticed when I was still living at the campground; like staying on a consistent schedule with my medications; like taking too many hours at work because I’m worried about affording things). And I’m aware that I completely lucked out that I speak enough Russian to be able to understand my landlord/lady. But this is so much better than I could have hoped for.
And the rest of it wasn’t all bad either. Airbnb-hopping was expensive, but staying in different areas helped me learn the city. And now I’m working at a place that I don’t hate with a passion like I did when I was working food service in the states. I actually really like my coworkers (and funny enough, the small business I work for really does feel like a family). I get to wear my kilts to work. I have the necessary knowledge to be a perfect fit for the job, and I was apparently ‘an answer to a prayer’.
The misty mornings on the campground were more magical than any other mornings I’ve ever experienced in my life. I walked around the campground and saw its little lake beach and river. I made friends with the spiders. I named most of them. Every time I heard the squirrels and chipmunks get into an argument I would giggle to myself and think ‘the girls are fightinng!’ I drove to the beach, and I saw a little boy hold up a crab he’d found with the biggest smile on his face when he asked if I wanted to pet it. I felt an almost uncontrollable urge to pick up the seaweed and eat it. I met interesting people. I made some friends. I went to a famous lighthouse. I rode the ferry to work and watched massive cruise ships docking, feeling as much awe as I did when I first saw Star Trek: The Motion Picture. I watched the sun both rise and set over the harbour. And I fell in love with this place despite all of the challenges that were in my path.
Perfect or not, I needed this. I needed to be self-sufficient and live my own life. I needed to see beauty and wonder and touch sand that was on a beach instead of on my bedroom floor. And I’m so sad that the only two times in my life I’ve really been able to do things like this and live the life I want were when I left the US. And because of that, I’m really not planning on going back to live there.
Funny that I had to leave the “land of the free” to really feel/be free, eh? Whatever the case, now I’m a maritimer by choice.
Here’s to 2024. May I learn from all that 2023 taught me (If shit sucks, hit da bricks. Leave. Do it scared. Do it alone and scared. Don’t settle for less than you deserve. Find beauty in the mundane. Advocate for yourself and your skills. Make decisions that will provide for your future so that you can take the steps you want to take, even if people think something like learning Russian isn’t going to be useful. Take those steps you want to take to follow your dreams, even if your dream seems flimsy like a cardboard façade to you. Even if those are the hardest steps you ever have to take. Today can be ‘someday’, if you let it. The greatest adventure is what lies ahead, today and tomorrow are yet to be said). May 2024 be a year for more steps forward than steps back.
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anomalousfrequency · 1 year
The Ten-Towns Tour
aka Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden - The Musical
Chapter 2: We Come to the Land of the Ice and Snow
I had to come up with a plan, and fast! So I figured I’d make a distraction to give our Kenku druid/ranger Tok a chance to sneak up and have a chat with the bears. So I cast my Stage Lights spell on myself, then walked towards the goblins, starting up my magic Beat-box and singing a rhyme, which stopped the goblins in their tracks (Natural 20 on the Perform Check!):
Yo there friendos
Nice ta meet ya
We just hopin'
to entreat ya
We see ya found
Our good friend's gear
We need to take
It back from here
So here's tha deal
Just walk away
We'll give ya food
Whaddya say? Have some think music!!
Just think it through
Don't get cocky
Or this relationship
Could get a bit rocky
We got ya outnumbered
Five on eight
We kept ya off guard
An' ya took tha bait
See, while ya been listenin'
To my words
Ya ain't been watchin'
My friend tha bird!
(Bird bird bird
Bird is tha word!)
He been dealin'
With tha polar bears
Seein' if they
Got any cares
We'll do tha right thing
Respect their needs
Think we just gotta bring
The bears a few feeds
So now tha numbers
Are five on six
An' ya better believe
We got more tricks!
Seeing as their polar bears were content to leave us alone in exchange for food, the goblins agreed to give up the sled in exchange for food and blankets. Success! We hitched up the sled and journeyed back to Bryn Shander to collect our reward from the dwarves, and a less disdainful look from the Sheriff. He mentioned there was a dwarf lady we should meet on the morrow, after a nice long rest.
Next: The Tale of the Cold-Hearted Killer
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meimeimeirin · 1 year
pssst, rin jie!! it's been a while since i checked in and thus, i have arrived. how was your day today?? i hope it was nice as it should be every day, hehe :D
for me, my day was pretty alright!! i woke up today at 3 am and went for a walk (half-walk half-jog hdjkadksj) around my neighborhood and AND AND before you scold me for going out alone when it's dark (sorry not sorry, the intrusive thoughts won /j)— it was much more calming than i expected?? the night breeze was cool, there were street lamps so it wasn't completely dark, it was quiet since people were asleep, and i had some chill music playing. so, it's a 10/10 experience except for the fear that smth will ambush me from the bushes— but aight, i'm pretty sure i can fight it off!! wanderer will pinch the life out of my cheek for this if he knew /lh >:3c other than that, i got productive stuff done both school-wise and seelestia-wise which makes me vv fulfilled today. hoping for the best for us tmrw too <3
ANYWAY, i hope you're having a good day, rin jie!! and know that ilysm and that each time i see a notif from you, i smile a little because i get to see you interact with your friendos and followers (and i live for it). never change, mwah mwah <33
also, a fun lil' question to end this ask on (because why not?? i might start doing this in my future asks for fun, hehe): what is a usual nightly routine like for you with zhongli and alhaitham?? this is an interview, you have no choice but to answer 🎤 (/lh)
- lia ʕ⁠ ⁠•⁠ᴥ⁠•⁠ʔ
my day was good! it's a super long weekend for me because of PH and i took a day off, but i have unfortunately been unproductive so far sobsob.... ah well. can't force my brain to braining when it doesn't want to ;;;;
3am walk???? hsldfkjsldjf STAY SAFE PLEASE ;w; but that does sound very nice and peaceful... to tell the truth i've always wanted to do something like that but i live with other people and i worry that i'll wake them up if i sneak out at night so lsjkdflsld
wanderer and ayato will definitely scold you if they know yes
productive stuff yay yay!!! so proud and glad for you wahhhhh <3
you too you sweet human being!!! ily /p and you're one of the most endearing people i've met on this site - i'm hoping things are going great in your life!!! you deserve it you sunshine!!
and hsldkjfklsjdklf nightly routine you ask? hmmmmm let's see... *taps mic* *clears throat*
with zhongli it's definitely having a cup of tea before bed!! most days it's chamomile but whatever fits the atmosphere hehe also!! i like to shower or wash my hair before bed so he would help me with drying and taking care of my hair <3 i shed like a samoyed and it always amuses him
with al haitham it's usually just a relaxing winding down after a day of work!! he's reading his books on the bed (typical) most of the time and he'd subtly glance at me whenever i'm in his peripheral vision like "aren't you coming to bed" lol
now.... UNO REVERSE CARD. tell me what your nightly routines are with ayato and wanderer when you drop by next!!! mwah mwah kithes /p <3
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espytalks · 1 year
wow, i've had an afternoon, my friendos, lemme tell ya
so it's spring. insects are a thing. and i also let my dogs do their business in the backyard. sometimes i watch em, sometimes i don't.
i opened the back door, i feel something tap the back of my head. i look around, but i don't see anything, so i figure it was just my imagination and get on with my day.
like almost literally a minute later, i'm walking back into the room cause i went to the other room to do something, i look and i see.. a fruckin.. a whole ass bee, buzzin right by the back door.
i'm afraid of insects, specifically of getting bitten or stung, and i have real bad anxiety, so this wasn't good. i texted my brother, hoping for some advice on what to do. It settled on the curtain by the door. i tried calming myself down and getting a cup while i waited for him to respond, but i couldn't work up the nerve to get close enough to catch it, otherwise one of this woulda been a big deal.
a couple minutes later as i decided to try and cover myself up to protect myself from a sting, he called, and asked me to look for some wasp killer; we don't have any, and he ended up calling my "aunt" to come over and help.
got a notification then that my grocery order is on the way.
she lives like a two minute car ride away, so her an one of her kids who likes bugs came over, and right before they did, the order came. i told em where it was, and he caught it and took it outside while i rushed to bring everything in.
we hugged, said hello and goodbye real quick, cause she had things to do, and i kinda just.. had to finish all my stuff while dealing with the aftermath of adrenaline and panic. i actually was in the middle of meal prepping, so i couldn't just autopilot the groceries and relax, but i finished it all about 10 minutes ago, so now i can just chill. i'm gonna make an easy dinner, cause i'm exhausted.
i feel really silly. it's just a bee. I like bees! i saw it, it's slow, but i just couldn't work up the nerve to take care of it myself. if my mom were here, she woulda talked me through it. i feel stupid and silly, and i took time out of three people's day because of my fear. I'll be 30 years old in october, i'm too old to be acting like this.
i'm trying to be better and not dwell on putting myself down. it's just kinda hard sometimes.
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jcbbby · 2 years
y/n has body dysmorphia, she had lost 20 pounds before meeting and being jamie’s girlfriend and so during his relationship she starts to feel every time too big or too fat
hello friendo! this is currently the oldest request I have, so thank you for your patience! I figured I'd bang something out while I had some unexpected time today. this idea was super relatable to me, as I've mentioned previously. I hope this is alright and was worth the wait! thank you for the prompt! <3
“Darling, are you almost ready?” Jamie called through the bathroom door.
You stood over the scale, in a cocktail dress, your face scrunched into disappointment as you stared at the number.
“Yes, love! Just…uh, touching up my makeup...” You called back, not moving your eyes from the electronic numbers.
Tonight was a premiere for Jamie’s new film. You had been dating now for 8 months, and he made you feel like a princess every day. You weren’t used to feeling so admired, truthfully. You had had a difficult relationship with your self-image for some time, ever since puberty had hit. You had spent most of your high school and college years on the heavier side, trying and failing diets. You just wanted to feel good about yourself, you wanted to feel beautiful like your classmates, all able to wear the coolest clothes effortlessly. Meanwhile your prom dress shopping was filled with more tears than excitement.
You decided to take charge of your physical appearance a few years after graduating college. You began running and lifting weights and eating better. In a year, you managed to lose 20 pounds. People were complimenting you, telling you how amazing you looked… but you couldn’t see it. You saw how full your hips still were, how much your arms widened out when they were flat by your side, the rolls when you sat down.
Then you met Jamie. He asked you to coffee that day, which turned into dinner, which turned into a stroll in the park. He says it was love at first sight for him, and you felt the same. He was gorgeous, tall, talented, and so sweet to you. When you gained 5 pounds back shortly after getting together with him and accompanying him on his travels for work, not being able to exercise or eat as you were used to, you began to feel almost a guilt. You looked at Jamie, the beautiful person he was and all you wanted was to be worthy enough to be seen by his side. You couldn’t bear the thought of people looking at the two of you, wondering what he could see in you.
You stepped off the scale, placing it back to it’s designated spot, and turned to the mirror to tug and smooth your dress, sighing. Turning to the door, you pulled it open, stepping out in front of Jamie. His eyebrows raised as a smile flooded across his face.
“Look at you!” He same to place his hands on your hips, which made you flinch. “God, you’re a smokeshow.”
You took his hands off your hips, feeling self-conscious. “Thanks, babe…But I think you’ll be overshadowing me.” You smiled, tugging at the hem of his blazer. Your smile faded slightly as you turned to a mirror in the corner, twisting yourself to look at your body in various angles. “Plus, I feel like I’m a sack of meat stuffed into this tight ass dress. I feel so bloated and flabby…”
Jamie took you in his arms in a hug from behind as he sighed sadly. “Baby…you look phenomenal. You look so fucking sexy right now.” He chuckled as he kissed your cheek.
You turned around, still in his arms and met his lips with yours. “Not as sexy as you.” You smirked.
“Come on, you tease.” he grinned. “We’re going to be late.”
You posed for photos in front of the step and repeat with Jamie, his arm around your waist. You tried to hold you body in a way that felt like it would look good in the photos. Really, you wished you could just hide behind Jamie. The event went well, and you truly loved watching Jamie speak about his project with such passion. Once the premiere had finished, you and Jamie got into the hired car to head home.
“Whew, I’m pretty hungry, want to stop for pizza or something?” He asked, looking over from the road.
“Um…” you looked down to you lap. “I uh… I’m okay.” You turned your gaze to the window.
“You sure? We haven’t eaten since breakfast; you must be as ravenous as I am by this point.” He snorted.
You started playing with the rings on your fingers. “Yeah, I don’t know…I’m just…not really hungry I guess.” You lied, your stomach tight with hunger pangs.
It had been a week since the premiere. You saw the pictures posted of you and Jamie on Instagram, Twitter, and various online entertainment news outlets. Most of them, you immediately were able to pick out at least three features you were unhappy with. You spent most of your free time since the event going for runs and sneaking in sit ups.
Your phone buzzed as you sat on Jamie’s couch, waiting for him to finish with the popcorn in the kitchen to begin the movie night you had planned. Looking at the screen, you saw a notification from Instagram that Jamie had tagged you in a post. You clicked the banner and were taken to Instagram, where there was a set of four photos from the last week, related to Jamie’s movie release. The first one was of you and him at the premiere event. It was the picture you were most ashamed of so far. You felt like you looked so much wider than him, your face looked so puffy, your stomach protruded in your tight dress. You felt tears welling up as Jamie’s footsteps approached. You sniffled and threw your phone back down, frantically rubbing your eyes to remove any signs of upset.
“So, I think some of it may have burned a bit but it looks mostl- hey, are you okay love?” He asked, stopping in his tracks, looking concerned.
You cleared your throat. “Y-yeah, no I’m fine babe. Just…allergies.” You smiled.
Jamie furrowed his brow and came to gently sit next to you. “Are you sure?” He set the popcorn bowl down on the coffee table in front of you both.
“Yeah, promise.” You nodded.
“Hey…” He put a hand on your thigh. “You know you can talk to me. You’ve seemed…a bit off lately. What’s on your mind?”
A knot formed in your throat. “Nothing, nothing... Really, I’m okay Jamie. Let’s just… watch the movie.” You looked down to press play on the remote.
The movie finished, and the bowl of popcorn, half eaten, sat still on the coffee table in front of the both of you, cuddled up on the couch. You were nearly falling asleep on his chest, with a blanket over your lower half. Jamie yawned and shook his head, trying to shake out the sleepiness.
“I think it’s time for bed, what about you, hm?” Jamie asked, running his hand delicately up and down your arm.
“Mmm, can we just sleep right here?” You groaned groggily.
Jamie chuckled. “You don’t even want to get up to walk 50 feet to the bedroom?”
“It’s so comfy and warm right here.” You shimmied up closer to him.
“Hmm, guess I’ll have to carry you off to bed then, my sleeping beauty.” He smiled and started gently lifting you off him so he could stand up.
“No…no, I’ll be too heav-“ You started to say, before Jamie scooped you up into his arms, bridal style.
“Too heavy? That’s a good joke, love.” He smiled, walking you into the bedroom.
“But…I’m bigger than you.” You said sheepishly, looking away from him.
Jamie gently placed you on to the bed and stayed upright himself. “You’re what?”
You sat up on the bed and sighed. “I mean…not like, vertically obviously. But I’m…so much wider than you. That picture you posted of us from the premiere…I look…” You felt the tears coming on again.
Jamie sat got on to the bed and settled down next to you. “Baby…you really don’t think you look absolutely stunning in that photo? Because that’s what you do look like. Stunning.” He placed his hand on top of yours.
Your tears finally broke the levies of your waterlines. “I just…I’ve gained 5 pounds recently. You know how I used to be heavier before we met. I’ve been trying so hard to stay attractive for you, to be someone who looks like they belong with you, and I’m just afraid I’m losing all that progress and I’m going to end up right back where I was and-“
“Hey, hey…” Jamie took you in his arms and pulled you into him, stroking the back of your hair. “Someone who looks like they belong with me?” He scoffed. “Of course you belong with me! Physically, emotionally, spiritually… Do you know how happy I’ve been these last 8 months? Do you know how excited I am every morning to wake up and get to see you every day?”
You sniffled. “I guess I’m just afraid you’ll wake up one day and not be excited anymore. That you’ll be disappointed, or want to look elsewhere…”
Jamie looked deep into your eyes. “If you were the only thing I was allowed to look at for the rest of my life, I would die the most inspired man. You…are a work of art, and I love you. No matter what.” He brought his hand up to stroke your cheek.
“I love you too, Jamie.” You smiled against his soft hand, before he leaned in to kiss you.
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veritable-trash · 2 years
Honeyed Summers pt. 2
Tumblr media
he's just so FUCKING cute i can barely breath
Pairing: Frankie Morales x F!Reader
Words: 4.3K
Warning: 18+ ya animalsssss i said smut and i think i delivered. it's all very sweet and romantic buuuuut explicit PiV type of material we got here so you've been warned ;)
A/N: christ this was hard. i will admit smut is definitely not my strong suit and i am having to really stretch my writing muscles but hey you gotta practice and honestly i'm happy with the end result here!!! i really enjoyed the struggle of this but end of day i had to stop being finicky and just throw it out into the ether so hopefully y'all enjoy!!! any thoughts, opinions, just general ramblings about frankie being THE king of kings is always appreciated and fiended for <3333333 have a lovely friday my little internet friendos :)))
masterlist weoweoweow
part 1!!!!
Frankie’s truck had always been one of your favorite parts of Frankie.
It felt almost like an extension of the man who had slowly taken over your mind. A place that Frankie allowed himself to be fully free, a tension that was ingrained in his being somehow lifting the second the engine revved to life around him. There was almost too much to absorb about him in that cramped space, drowning in the scent of pine, honey, musk, salt. 
Selfishly your favorite part had everything to do with you and him. A dinky little ring of straw wrappers that hung from his rearview mirror, a little wreath of trash that he refused to get rid of. 
You still remember how your hands had turned to fidgeting the first time Frankie drove you home. How nerve wrecking it was to be in his space so close to him, so overcome with this inexplicable urge to hold his hand you couldn’t help but look for something to distract your itchy fingers.
So you grabbed the forgotten pieces from the dash and tied them together into what was akin to a five year old kindergarten art project but at least it had distracted from the tremors. 
Frankie had chuckled at your little art project, you could still feel the blush that colored your cheeks, embarrassment flooding your body, and you had every intention of taking it with you and throwing it straight in the trash, yet Frankie wouldn’t let you.
He took it from your hands with what almost seemed like reverence, looped it around the rearview and with eyes like melted caramel told you it really spruced up the place. 
He was so good at making you so fucking happy.  
The truck was like a Frankie sensory overload and you fucking loved every moment you got to spend in that truck. How it felt almost too perfect sinking into everything that is him and feeling right as rain while doing it. 
Yet now in the darkening twilight, the truck felt completely different. Like a fault line had shifted, the tectonic plates of your friendship? Relationship? God only knows what but the plates had moved in an irreversible way. 
In a much better way. 
Because now Frankie was holding your hand over the center console just like you had craved that first time you’d sat in his truck, his thumb tracing over your knuckles grounding you into your seat. The air felt thick between you and neither of you had been able to say a word since you’d left your car in that parking lot and climbed into his.
It felt like everything was shifting and your body and mind were still trying to put everything back together but it felt less like shattered glass and more like perfect puzzle pieces. Like somehow you’d found a couple missing pieces under the couch that you had stopped looking for ages ago and now you almost had the whole picture figured out.  
“What are you thinking about?”
Your words sound muffled even to you, the perceived thickness of the air hindering the ability for words to leave your lips clearly.
“You. I’ve kinda only been able to think about you it seems recently.”
His eyes bore into yours as you sit at the red light. Somehow the harshness of it only made him more striking, almost painful to look at. His nose and jaw so sharp, highlighted and darkened by the night sky and the glaring red, but the way his eyes soften as they scan your face makes you want to crawl across the seat into his lap. 
You want to drown in the emotions pouring out of him filling the truck to the brim with something so sparkly and grand it makes your chest ache. 
The light turns green, but Frankie doesn’t turn away. Just squeezes your hand as if checking that you’re still there with him. 
The right side of his lips quirks up, dimple revealing itself, and you can’t stop yourself from leaning across the imaginary line in the sand and kissing him. Just a gentle press of lips, but in your gut you know you both needed it.
Needed that confirmation that what happened in the parking lot was real.
You sitting with him in his truck was real.
You wanting him as badly as he wants you was real. 
Frankies shoulders drop imperceptibly, because you know Frankie and Frankie knows you. You’re both terrified of the pain that love brings. The broken promises and hurt you’ve both been dragged through, bloody and wounded from love that felt too good and turned out to be blindingly destructive. 
His free hand cups your cheek with a softness that almost throws you into a drunken stupor, and as he breathes your name against your lips it feels as though you’re being dragged under waves of warmth and softness and light. You want to succumb to the overwhelming beauty of his adoration. 
“Frankie I have an idea.”
The light shifts back to yellow, then red as you stay pressed together, foreheads touching, noses skimming, a level of intimacy and affection radiating between you that seems to be otherworldly. Magical and all encompassing to the point of a beautiful suffocation. 
His lips float over yours till they land at the corner of your mouth, and you can feel the yes being pushed into your skin. A yes that will stay there till maybe the end of time, because Frankie isn’t fully sure if he’ll ever be able to say no to you ever again. 
“Lets go to the lake, I want to see the stars with you.”
Frankie sucks in a breath, his heart beat so loud in his ears he thinks he might have missed what you said. But as he shifts, eyes locking with yours, he can see the memory playing out in your eyes. The sweetness and joy filling your irises that pulls him right back to one of your first Thursdays. 
“The lake has some of the best stargazing in town I swear it.” Frankie mumbles it over the rim of his glass,”Sometimes when the lake is still and no one else is around it’s like a perfect reflecting pool of the stars.”
You’d both been at the bar now for a couple hours, shooting the shit, chatting but now it was late and there was a new feeling in the air. Almost an ache for more time, like the few hours you got to spend together at the bar were no longer enough.
Neither of you had been willing to admit to this new feeling, but your knees had been knocking against each other under the bar top with almost every breath. Both of your fingers trembled against your glasses neither of you noticing but both of you feeling that inexplicable pull. 
“Frankie! We have to go! Promise me you’ll take me someday. Pinky swear it.”
You didn’t know it then but Frankie’s heart squeezed at the way you smiled at him. At the way your fingers dug into his bicep with eagerness about the thought of seeing the stars. 
He didn’t realize then how much you wanted to see it with him, how it was the prospect of having more time with him that set your eyes a light, not just the stars. 
But he could settle with having a couple more hours with you someday beneath the mantle of glittering light and darkness because that thought alone made his chest ache with a longing he had never known.
Your pinkies had twined around each other and the promise was made and Frankie knew then almost for certain that he was going to fall in love with you. 
“You pinky swore remember?”
His grip on your hand tightens as his pinky brushes yours as if remembering the ghost of the touch so many weeks ago. Feeling the promise made skin to skin and realizing how much that promise meant for both of you. 
“Lets go to the lake star girl.”
Gravel crunches under tires as the truck slowly rolls up to the edge of the lake. With the windows down the cooling breeze skimming across the lake tempers the heat swirling between you and Frankie.
Frankie kills the engine and a silence descends over the truck, you, Frankie, the lake itself, a stillness starting to envelope this moment for just you two. His hand squeezes yours before he’s jumping out of the truck, circling around the front to get to you with an air of urgency, of need. 
Because Frankie doesn’t know how to stay away from you, especially not now, now that he knows what your lips feel like pressed against his, knows how your skin tastes under his tongue. It’s like magnets, gravity, a core force of the earth pulling you both into each other.
It’s unavoidable. 
His fingers wrap around yours again as he helps you out of the truck and as your eyes lock for the thousandth time that night, time seems to get syrupy all over again. 
You both can’t help wanting to stare forever. How long has it been since either of you have wanted someone so deeply like this? Have trusted in someone like this? Have ached and yearned and wished upon all the stars above for someone to look at you the way you both are, memorizing each other? 
Frankie leans into you and lets his lips speak against yours. Lets his tongue whisper forever and always into the plush heat of your mouth. Your whimper tumbles down his throat as his hands card into your hair, your fingers curling into the soft cotton of his t-shirt anchoring yourself to him before you float away. An airiness, lightness envelops you and Frankie as your senses start blending together. Until all both of you know is just Frankie and you. 
“I promised you stargazing and you know I never break a promise.”
You can feel the smile against your lips and then get to see it with your own eyes as he pulls away too soon. He’s so beautiful, the dimple, the patchiness of his beard, the curl of his hair from under his hat, it’s all so Frankie and all so divine.
He grabs a blanket from the back of his truck and gently tugs your hand towards a path between the trees. The moonlight trickling in between the branches high above casting Frankie in speckles of moon and shadow, painting the scene almost ethereal as the lake finally comes into view.
You can’t stop the gasp that tumbles out into the stillness. 
It’s spellbinding. A painting come to life from your dreams now lying before your eyes. 
The lake stretches out in front of you both, the water so still it seems impossible, but it’s the star light bouncing off of the surface that leaves you awestruck.
It’s like tiny pinpricks of light shimmering and winking at you from beneath the surface of the water, trapped in a watery realm. As if somehow the night sky has been captured in this lake just for the two of you. 
And then you look up and stars spread across the inky blackness filling your vision to the brim with the wisps of light. Frankie wasn’t kidding when he said the stargazing here was the best he’d ever seen. It was like you’d just teleported to your daydreams. 
Your eyes finally settle back to earth as you slowly turn towards him, awe and adoration coloring your features. He’s beaming back at you, colored in the shimmering light of the stars and moon, and you’re breathless.
He unfurls the blanket on the sandy shore of the lake and lays back, patting the spot beside him, and you finally fall into him fully. Head landing softly on his chest, his arms wrap around you as he kisses your crown, his hum of content skittering across every nerve ending in your body. A centering, grounding feeling overtakes your sense, and pulls you right to the core. Right to Frankie. 
“I think you were underselling the stargazing. This is unreal.”
Fingers tangle into your hair, playing with the strands, and you can feel as he inhales your scent deep into his lungs, heart fluttering under your cheek. 
“It’s not normally this still or quiet. There’s always someone around, but I guess tonight we just got a little lucky.”
“Thursdays are our days.”
He shifts then, sliding himself out from under you, arms coming around caging you in. His eyes drink you in, scanning across every part of your face before slowing at your eyes then settling at your lips.
A hand comes up to settle along your jaw, thumb stroking at your bottom lip, finger tips idly stroking behind your ear, and you can’t help how your eyes flutter, lips parting just so. He’s blocking the sky but his eyes are stars all their own, twinkling with a need that feeds your soul.
His thumb catches at your bottom lip pushing into it just so as he lowers his lips to your jaw, your soft whine sounding so loud in the silence. 
“Every Thursday I would leave that bar and would dream about this. About you. Being able to touch you, kiss you, hold you that now I don’t even know where to start.” He presses the words into the hollow of your throat, tongue imprinting them onto your pulse. 
“Kissing sounds like a great place to start I would say. I am like super down for that.” You’re breathless as the words tumble past your lips, and you can feel the rumbling chuckle as he settles himself on top of you, thigh slotting between yours and pressing down, a breathy moan rippling into his mouth as his lips finally press to yours. 
He’s sunlight after a rain. Spring after a grueling winter. The wisps of summer heat after a dazzling August sunset. He groans onto your tongue and your hands fist into his curls, nails scraping against scalp needing him closer, always closer. 
Calloused palms wrap around your thigh hitching it up around his waist as he nestles closer, lips dragging down to your throat, his teeth nipping at your skin making you keen. Your nails dig into his chest, catching at the cotton as your fingers trail down to his waist wrapping around his belt, hungry to feel the weight of him against your palm.  
But his hand stops you, pushing your hand away and back against the blanket next to your head. 
“I’ve waited this long at least let me taste you first.” His eyes crinkle with a devilish smile that makes you heat down to your fingertips. He kisses you deep and overwhelming, tongue licking into you with a fever and need that has your toes curling into the sand.
The sound of your shorts unzipping echoes in your ears as his eyes bore into yours, his fingers playing with the edge of your underwear before he finally dips them beneath and settles them on your clit teasing it with soft, light circles. 
A moans ripples to the surface of your lips and he growls before descending upon yours, drinking the sounds down with lips and teeth and tongue. Your hips cant up, chasing him, craving more pressure, and he’s more than willing to oblige. 
His finger trail further dipping into your dripping heat and you suck down the greedy moan he feeds you. He pushes against your clit as his finger slides into the wetness between your legs a breathless fuck rumbling from deep in his chest.
Crooking his finger into you, his lips settle behind your ear, sucking at the sensitive flesh until you’re panting against him, hips rolling into his hand craving more, more, more.
“Take these off, please god take these off.” His hand paws at your shorts, too drunk off the feel of you to be able to take them off himself. Finally your hands snap into action, pulling your shorts and underwear down your legs kicking them to the bottom of the blanket.
Frankie sits back as he watches you, spread out under him, hair mussed, eyes hooded and he can barely breath.
There’s so much of your skin, glowing in the moonlight, calling to him as it short circuits his brain all at the same time. His thoughts eddy out across the lake as he succumbs to the overwhelming awe of you.
“Frankie I want to see you.” You hate how whiny you sound but can’t help how much you need to feel his skin. Your hands grab at the hem of his shirt but he moves quicker, strong arms reaching back over his head hauling the white shirt off in one movement. 
And now he’s sitting in front of you, tousled curls, bright eyes, tan, warm skin, all for you. You’re struck dumb by him. The breadth of his shoulders, the firmness of his chest, solid arms leading to big rough hands. He’s like a masterpiece dazzling you, painted with the most delicate brush strokes just for you to enjoy and memorize. 
A dream come to life. 
His hands start to skate up your thighs catching the edge of your shirt and pushing up, up, up as he feast on more skin slowly being revealed to him. Fingertips and palms stopping every so often to touch and squeeze, to memorize your shape. You sit up as his hands approach your breasts and you yank your shirt and bra off quickly needing to be skin to skin, leaving you bare before him in the warm summer night air. 
Groaning at the sight, his hands sweep back down to the apex of your thighs pushing them further apart, eyes darkening as your cunt opens up for him. His finger dips back into you slowly curling up, shooting stars across your vision.
“Fuck Frankie I need more, please I need more.” His eyes dart up to yours as his other hand pushes down on your stomach, holding you in place as he dips a second finger into you curling up slow again, stretching you around the thick digits. 
Your hips try and roll up against his palm but he presses you down harder and all over your muscles contract with the push. It somehow makes his fingers feel like they’re stroking deeper, stretching you further and moans begin tumbling past your lips with every slow pump of his hand. 
Thumb circling at your clit, Frankie just watches, content to observe every minute change in your face, your body. Content to watch as your thighs start to shake, trying to clamp together, but his thighs stop the attempt. 
You struggle to keep your eyes on his, struggle to stay present for every second but his thumb adds just that extra bit of pressure and your head lolls back descending under the waves of your oncoming orgasm.
“God you look so beautiful like this. I can’t wait to taste you but I want you to cum on my fingers. Yes just like that, god just like that I can feel you tighten around my fingers, please give it to me, god let me taste you baby please.”
He’s rambling above you, as torn up and adrift with pleasure as you are. Your eyes crack open just enough for you to see how blown his pupils are, almost black with his need for you and then you see the tent in his jeans pressing against the rough material and you mouth dries further. 
Bucking into his hand, thoughts of him, his cock, how it will feel stretching you open, pressing into you flood your mind and your orgasm comes crashing from what feels like behind you, over taking you from toe to scalp in rivers and streams of unexpected pleasure and warmth. 
You can’t even hear what Frankie is saying but you can feel as his lips finally meet yours licking up the garbled moans and whimpers trickling past your lips. His fingers still slowly pumping into you, taking his time with your release, drawing it out until you’re boneless on the blanket beneath him. 
An emptiness hits you as his hand pulls back and your eyes can barely flutter open. It’s his groan that has your eyes snapping open to witness him licking you off of his fingers, slow and fucking divine. A hushed Frankie falling from your lips as your hips cant up, body needing him now almost more. 
Brown irises shift to black and he’s surging down, lips clashing as he feeds the taste of you onto your tongue. Your thighs tremble and your hands grapple at his belt, both of you breathlessly trying to get closer. Both of you needing to feel how tight your cunt will feel around him. How full you’ll feel as he bottoms out, as he feeds you every inch. 
Your fingers finally grip him, warm and thick and leaking onto your thumb as you slowly pump him once. Frankie’s head falls to your shoulder a whine muffled into your skin. His teeth scraping just so and your hand tightens as you pump back down brushing his head against your searing core.
You both keen at the feeling. 
Warm hands wrap around your thighs pushing them up, hitching them high over his waist. You tighten your legs around him pulling him in and grasp his cock, guiding it to you, head catching at your entrance and he finally pushes in.
Inch by slow fucking inch, he pushes and the stretch eats you alive. Back arching into his chest as he tears you apart till you’re melting onto the blanket, seeping into the sands. 
His hips finally slot with yours and he settles between your thighs, chest pressing against you as his mouth comes back home, back to you. The kiss is breathless, as if you’re both too shocked. Words ripped from your tongues and scattered on the wind. 
You’re rippling around him, squeezing, pulling him deeper, and Frankie moans against your lips, gasps, and finally pulls back.
The loss is excruciating. 
Your heels dig into his back, please, please, please rolling off your tongue like a prayer coloring his lips with the need for him, and finally Frankie goes to work. 
His hips roll into yours, an electric zip flashing through your spin every time he seats himself fully back into you. Over and over and over again. Slow and unrelenting, it shatters you and pastes you back together. 
Moans and whimpers and whines flood out and skip across the stillness of the lake, humid breaths and tongues tangling as you both climb higher just to fall apart. Every push of his hips, roll of yours, inching you to the peak as pleasure oozes through your bodies covering you both in sparkling warmth. 
Your bodies seem to bind together, finger tips, palms, lips, chests, thighs pressing and molding. Your nails claw against his back, pulling a moan from him that settles right in your core. 
His thumb falls back to your clit as his other hand cups your head, holding you to him as he feasts on your lips, your jaw, your throat. He’s all encompassing and your eyes flutter, pleasure overtaking you so wholly they roll back. 
“Baby I’m gonna cum, you feel so good, too good fuck.” The endearment rolls off your tongue and Frankie’s hip falter, a whine dropping from his lips. 
Your mind drops into overdrive.
“Baby, fuck baby you make feel so good.” Lips pressing to his ear, you know he hears every word, and you can feel as the endearment hits again and again. His hips pump faster against yours chasing that high, his weight pinning you down letting you feel every inch of him on top of you. 
He’s suffocating you and you are more than happy to fucking drown. You want him to suck you under, to throw both of you off of the cliffs edge into the water below and surrender to the waves and currents.  
Frankie’s hips start to stutter and his groans turn to whimpers. Your thoughts start to dim, everything centering on where you and Frankie are joined. There’s a neediness seeping out of every pore, an almost feral need to be joined like this forever over taking you both, damp skin sticking together as if you are finally fusing into one.
His teeth sink into the crux of your neck, your name stuttering past his lips and then you feel him hot and thick pumping into you, filling you with him and your mind blanks out.
All you see are those stars trapped in the lake and your body shudders as your orgasm flings you under, like a hidden wave crashing against you, sucking you into its depths as you try to piece together what has happened. 
Oh god, Frankie.
Fuck baby fuck, fuck, fuck.
Your rambles jumble in the air, knocking into one another as your foreheads settle together, bodies still hypersensitive and overheated.
His eyes crack first as he takes you in up close. It’s all hazy but he knows it’s just you and everything settles in his heart. Locking together and tighten something deep within his chest.
Your eyes peel open, a loopy smile curling your lips as you see him looking down at you.
It’s hard to think with him so close. He’s all you can see, all you taste, feel, smell, every sense now engulfed by him. You don’t think you’ve ever been happier in your entire life. 
His dimple pops out at you, a small smile pulling across his plush lips. Your fingers scratch at the stubble on his jaw, thumb tucking into the small divot. 
He nuzzles into your palm and the kiss he plants against it will be with you for a million lifetimes. 
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