#tomorrow im going to draw in my sketch book again :-)
chansslvr · 7 months
linked lines-hwang hyunjin x male reader
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+hwang hyunjin+
+003, linked lines, hwang hyunjin, _chansslvr+
+genre; angst+
©_chansslvr do not copy, translate or change any of my work
warnings: mentions of bl00d, beating the reader up, angst, divorced parents, abuse, swears (i think im not too sure lol)
m/n lived in a world where everybody had soulmates. they could communicate by drawing/writing on their body. most people found their soulmates, but m/n wasn't keen at all. in fact, he promised himself that he would never meet his soulmate, he would only drag them down.
m/n hated his life at this point. he was depressed, and if he said he wasn't he'd be lying. even though it was pretty severe, he was still popular. people did notice how he was usually upset or quiet, but nobody commented on it. he was popular due to his looks. did he like the attention? sometimes. and those 'sometimes' were very very rare. he was pretty, and everybody knew it.
m/n was currently in maths, and he hated the subject. hell, he hated school. what was the point? it wasn't gonna get him anywhere anyway. m/n furrowed his brows as his teacher kept on talking about algebra. how the hell did letters have anything to do with numbers? he looked down at his book, to be met with a few answers he copied from the person next to him.
with a sigh, m/n grabbed his pen. after a few seconds of hesitation, and thinking of the detention he was 100% going to get, he began doodling on his arm. it was small, nothing too special. it had loads of lines, like he was sketching. except it was on his arm. m/n continued doodling until he got bored. he sighed again and looked back at his book, deciding to focus on his work.
towards the end half of the lesson, m/n felt a tingling sensation on his arm. he pulled his sleeve up ever so slightly to see the words 'you're a good artist!' with a small smiley face. m/n furrowed his brows and picked up his pen, quickly writing down 'no i'm not.' he watched again as the tingling sensation came back. now the words 'don't think so badly of yourself' proudly presented themselves on his wrist.
m/n frowned and put his pen down, resting his elbow on the table and letting his head lean on his palm. before he knew it, the lesson ended. with a slight groan, m/n stood up and packed away his belongings before abruptly leaving the classroom, ignoring the yells from the teacher saying stuff like, "i didn't tell you to pack up!" and scoldings, along with the murmurs and whispers from the class.
it was now saturday, which m/n dreaded. tomorrow, he had a taekwondo competition tomorrow, which he was not excited for. he heard rumours that a group called 'stray kids' were going to perform. he shrugged it off, and sat at his desk. he put on his headphones to ignore the yelling coming from downstairs as his father yelled at his new 'girlfriend.'
his parents had gotten divorced when m/n was around ten, he remembered the day as if it was yesterday.
"i'm sick of this, minjun! we have been married for fourteen years and you're deciding to cheat on me now?!" m/n's mother yelled at m/n's father. m/n watched from behind the wall, tears streaming down his cheeks. his parents had gotten into fights, but they were never this bad.
"for the last time sun hee, i was not cheating!" m/n's father screamed back. the day was perfectly fine before m/n's father had brought someone home from work. m/n saw it too. he watched as his father made out with some young, ugly woman. 'doesn't papa only do that with mama?' m/n asked himself as he watched from the sofa, as his father was now unbuttoning the lady's blouse.
then, they went upstairs. m/n furrowed his eyebrows, before shrugging and turning back to the tv. after a few hours, m/n heard the front door open. m/n's mother entered, she looked tired as usual. she entered the living room after taking off her heels and replacing them with slippers."ah, m/n. has papa fed you yet?" m/n looked up at his mother and shook his head. m/n heard his mother sigh, probably from fatigue, and gently kissed m/n's temple. the gentle, loving gesture being cut by a loud moan. m/n's mother pulled away from his son's forehead and looked at the stairs.
"one second, mama will be back, okay?" m/n's mother ruffled m/n's hair and went upstairs. m/n looked at the stairs for a few seconds before looking back at the tv. all of a sudden, m/n heard his mother scream. it was more of a gasp, but the kid was nine, his imagination wild, what did you expect? m/n went upstairs, and watched from behind the door as m/n's mother stood, frozen in shock, horror, disgust and anger as she saw her husband sleeping with another lady.
"what the hell?!" m/n's father yelled in english, looking up to see his wife. he sat up and glared at her.
that's how they were in the situation now. after a few minutes of loud yelling, and the lady getting up, dressing herself and leaving, m/n's mother now grabbed a suitcase and began packing her belongings. "yah, sun hee! what are you doing?!" m/n's father yelled, standing up and watching as his, now, ex wife packing to leave. "i'm leaving. forget you and your cheating ass!" m/n's mother cursed as she opened the closet, grabbing all of her clothing. after what seemed like hours, m/n's mother left the bedroom, then noticed her son. she put the suitcase down so it stood up and kneeled so she was on the same eye level as her son.
she gently caressed m/n's wet cheek, dripping with salty tears full of upset and horror. "m/n, mama will be back okay?" she pulled m/n into a hug, but all m/n could do was stand there in shock. "mama, where are you going?" m/n managed to say, his eyes wide and lips trembling. "mama's gonna take a break from papa. be a good boy for mama, yeah?" m/n's heart broke as he realised his mother was leaving. for good.
"why are you leaving me, mama?" m/n asked, his little face now scrunched up in upset. "mama isn't leaving you. she's gonna be back when she can, alright? don't cry my baby." she brought m/n's head to her chest, caressing his scalp gently. all while this was happening, m/n's father glared daggers into his son. he was the problem, and he knew it. but he still blamed it on his good for nothing son. after a few minutes of m/n's whimpering, his mother pulled back, smiling slightly, her eyes red from crying too much. she kissed m/n's forehead and stood up, dusting off her skirt and leaving. m/n ran downstairs, he couldn't let his mother leave him. no way. his heart got shattered into millions of pieces as his mother walked out, not even looking back once.
then, m/n just grew up. he was hit, by his father, but also hit with the emotional trauma and depression he had got gifted. now and again, m/n's father got a new side hoe, m/n was so grateful for those times. then, he wasn't hit. instead, it was the women who got his pain.
m/n shivered as the memory bubbled back up from the deep dark depths of his mind. he looked down at his arm, still seeing the writing from earlier. he scrubbed his arm with a wet tissue before giving up and starting on his long pile of homework. after completing three assignments, one being of art and the other two science (more specifically chemistry and biology), he felt the tingling sensation on his arm. he looked down and saw a few sentences. m/n's brows furrowed as he read through them. it clearly read 'hey, yk we are soulmates and all, right? i was wondering why you never write. like, the only time i hear from you is when your doodling all over our arms, and then writing random letters.'
m/n groaned and picked up a pen before clearly writing 'i don't want a soulmate. i don't want you, and you shouldn't want me either, okay? i'm not interested, alright? and also, why don't you get it? if im not writing, it's pretty clear i want nothing to do with you. leave me alone and don't write to me.' m/n could feel his heart wrenching when he wrote that. he didn't mean to word it so harshly, he just didn't want to make his soulmate feel depressed because of his pity story. he rubbed his eyes, tears now threatening to fall. he played his song louder to drown out the yelling from his father and starting his english essay.
*hyunjin pov*
hyunjin felt his heart breaking as he read the words his soulmate wrote. he was in the practise room, he was sitting in the corner, leaning on the wall. the other members were drinking, more like gulping, down water. hyunjin, however, thought that this was the perfect opportunity to communicate with his soulmate. seungmin eventually noticed hyunjin's heart broken expression and sat down next to him and glanced at his arm.
*sorry i don't rlly know what to write here- but it's basically all the members finding out that hyunjin's soulmate was a 'bitch'*
m/n sighed as he pulled off his shirt to change. it was now sunday, which meant he had a huge taekwondo competition. he was in the changing room, and was getting changed. his coach was trying to hype up m/n with shoulder pats and words of advice. basic stuff like, "you're my best student kid, you can do it." and "i have faith in you."
after changing, and being introduced to one of his many opponents, the competition began. m/n was quite a thin boy, due to the basic lack of nutrition his father provided, but still managed to beat the other, much bigger and muscular, guy. m/n put his pain and trauma into every punch and kick. it wasn't like anybody was rooting for him. why was he even doing this in the first place? all these questions bombarded m/n's mind and before he knew it, the second round was over. with a few pants for breath, m/n bowed to his opponent before his coach came into the ring and patted m/n's back with a proud grin.
"m/n, i knew you could do it!" m/n looked up to his coach and smiled slightly. for once, he seemed slightly proud of himself. he was brought to a bench to recharge for his last and final opponent, he was pretty big so m/n had to work pretty hard to win. there was a short break and stray kids came up on stage. m/n raised a brow as he began drinking his water. so the rumours were true. stray kids began to perform venom and maniac. through the performance, m/n was sat next to his coach, who was telling m/n how proud he was, and stuff like that.
m/n's coach was the only type of father figure he had, and his coach understood m/n's situation and had loads of sympathy for the boy. m/n's coach was nice, friendly, the middle aged father figure everybody needed once and a while. m/n could remember those nights where he couldn't handle it anymore, and whose arms did he run into? his coach. m/n knew his coach since he was five, where his mother and father brought him to a taekwondo class. his mother said it was needed in case m/n was in a risky situation, but never expected m/n to get a brown belt when he was nine. his father, however, couldn't give a shit.
m/n rested his head against his coach's shoulder. "hey, who organised the whole performance thing?" m/n asked curiously as he watched stray kids perform maniac. "oh, one of the directors, i believe." m/n's coach replied, watching the performance too. "ah, okay." m/n nodded slightly, sitting up and drinking some of his water.
after the performance, stray kids sat back down in their seats, the next and final match beginning. the members had to admit, that the h/c boy was pretty good. especially if he took down all those bigger guys he had to go against. after a few minutes of throwing punches and kicks at each other, m/n's opponent finally fell to the mat. m/n looked up, panting, and looked at his coach who was grinning so hard his jaw probably ached.
"l/n m/n has won the competition." the presenters announced through the black speakers located around the hall/stadium. m/n's coach practically burst into tears as he watched m/n's arm get raised by the referee (im not rlly sure, i don't do taekwondo, please correct me if i'm wrong). after m/n's win was announced, m/n's coach quickly ran up to m/n and hugged him tightly. "m/n! you did it! i knew you could!" m/n could hardly hear his coach as the crowd erupted into screaming. m/n smiled slightly, just slightly and was brought off the mat. he was given his bottle of water and a few minutes later, had to go back up to receive his award by the idols.
chan gave m/n his medal with a smile and congratulating him. m/n muttered a small 'thank you' as he received the award. when m/n reached his arm out to be handed his medal, all the members then saw the writing that had also been on hyunjin's arm. hyunjin's smile just faded and the same thing happened with the rest of the members as they were now slightly glaring at m/n. after he received the award, m/n's coach approached m/n and brought him back to the changing rooms, now pulling him into a sort of side hug.
now m/n was by himself in the changing rooms. he pulled his shirt off of his shoulders and shook his head, trying to get some of the sweat out of his hair. he was about to change, but he was suddenly pushed to the lockers, the lockers banging loudly against each other. m/n's breath hitched as he looked up at the guy who he thought was going to kill him. to his surprise, it was the guy who gave him the award.
"shit." he curses and began struggling against chan's grip. "what the hell? get off of me." he tried to push chan off, but his grip tightened. all of a sudden, m/n felt blood coming out of his mouth, and leaking from his nose. it took him a few seconds to realise he just got punched in the face by one of the other members. 'fuck, i'm going to die today. twice.' m/n thought as he realised he was probably going to get beaten up here, then get beaten to a pulp at home by his father, who was most likely already beginning his drinking cycle.
he tried to kick the two members off but only got met with a punch to the stomach. m/n shook his head and began to feel lightheaded. he was used to it, though. his body just got used to the beatings, but some places weren't quite prepared. as soon as he felt another punch in the shoulder, he knew he was gonna faint or die. whichever came first.
before he knew it, his head just lunged forward as he lost consciousness. chan immediately let go of the boy, his body going limp and falling to the ground, unfortunately for m/n, head first. "chan, what the fuck did you do?!" minho whisper yelled as he looked at the now bleeding boy. "i didn't punch him! it was changbin and jeongin!" minho turned to the two boys who just stared at the unconscious boy laying on the, what seemed to be, concrete floor. "fuck, we're going to prison." felix said and shook his head before trying to grab the boy. seungmin nodded slightly and helped felix, now laying the boy on his back so he was facing the ceiling.
well, if he was alive anyway. chan, along with the rest of the members leaned in ever so slightly to see the boy's injuries. han flinched and took a few steps back. to say they were bad, would be an underestimation. m/n now had a bleeding nose, blood literally oozing out of his mouth, a bruise on his temple and a cut on his forehead. "shit." chan whispered. "someone check his pulse." felix suggested and changbin quickly brought two fingers to the boy's left upper side of his neck. "he's alive. i think." seungmin rolled his eyes and put his hand on the boy's now bruised chest. "yeah, he's alive."
word count; 2803
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neiooss · 4 years
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literally my only schedule for after tomorrow is like. sleep for one week straight, play stardew valley until i feel like throwing my laptop against the wall <3 finish hl 2 because cool storyline and ive been very very excited for it, also play portal 1 and 2 on the same day for the ✨nostalgic feels✨
and. finally. marathon the rest of sja & doctor who from season 1 to 11 (cutting out 5, 6 n 7)
thats all i want for the rest of december, honestly lol
OH and continue on reading afm too !!! (great fanfic btw 💕💕 pls go read it)
also marathon caos, riverdale and cable girls because i like to suffer :^)
periodically watch rgu/listen to rgu songs again while making red velvet cupcakes <33
catch up on bex's stories as well !!! i miss reading them so muchh
read the rest of some book i started (probably that plant, teas and herbs one i got !! great research for my witch routine !), or continue on reading sherlock holmes lol
ask out my friend irl who im pretty much in love with (platonicly lmao) and wear smth nice too.. . maybe 👉👈
sketch some additional ideas i took note of, practicing my depictions of mg's characters and also penelope blossom because holy mother of god is she hard to draw lmao
aaand. i dont know- probably try and have a better sleeping schedule sxghfjhxhs
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Multipart Commission - Harry Hook x Reader - a prince behind the pirate - part 3 - stress
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You flourished your hand, ending the signature the paper needed to be approved, “okay my half done” you announced, stretching back in your seat and groaning lightly “alright, i’m gonna get to my dress fitting kay? See you later Ben” he waved you off, intently staring down at the paper he was overviewing.
You ran to Evie’s dorm, smiling as you entered, Mal sitting on her bed wearing her own cotillion dress. “love the dress Mal” you chirped, making her jump and looked to you surprised.
‘oh! Uh thanks,” she muttered distracted, eyes drifting to her mother in the tank.
“just in time (y/n), now here's the form and go get changed so I can make any changes to the size or anything kay?” you nodded and grabbed the light pink dress, going behind her changing setup.
Minutes later you stood on her little platform letting her move your body around and pin the fabric. “so, what do you think” Evie smiled up at you, glancing down you moved your arms around and took a deep breath.
“pretty good! If I could have some gloves that end in a princess point?” Evie beamed and grabbed her measuring tape, grabbing your arm, and started to measure.
“read it fast at lightning speed, remember everything I need” you glanced at Mal, who tossed her spellbook to the side and grabbed a evacuate book, waving her finger around and spelling it.
“Mal please teach me that, It would be so dang helpful for Sundays with my grandma” you laughed, mentally patting yourself on the back as Mal looked to you and gave you a small grin.
“well I think, Mal should give her spellbook to the museum!” Evie grabbed the book, Mal gasping and reaching for it “she doesn’t need it”
“you remember what I was like I couldn't even remember what class I had next without it” Mal whined, reaching for the book.
“I don’t know about you Evie, but I had that book I would use it for the same reasons Mal is using it, it's a lot to go from an isle girl to a lady of the court, there are so many rules and expectations that it's so mentally exhausting keeping up with it all!” you had a habit of talking with your hands so as you ended with your mini-rant you dropped your hands from the air and let them hit your legs.
Mal gave you a grin, the brightest you’ve seen the last couple months, Evie looked from the book to Mal and sighed, placing the book back in Mals lap “I guess you're right, but you have to tell Ben soon, i’m sure he'll understand the pressure you’ve been under to perform”
Mal nodded glumly, picking her book back up and continuing to read. You sighed, glancing at the refined sketch of your dress Evie was shoving in front of you.
“love it Evie! If its no trouble, maybe some more lilac?” Evie smiled and shook her head.
“no problem at all, you, Mal, and Chad are the only ones not done yet, I already finished the others and Jane and Lonnie had their last fittings yesterday” she chirped, grabbing a marker and opening it with her teeth, scribbling in some more lilac in your dress.
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“Alright then, I have to get back to my dorm, I have some stuff on my computer that I need to send out Jane” Evie nodded and helped you off the pedestal, and unpinned you.
Three minutes later you left for your dorm, humming your mother's song as you did.
-I know you I walked with you once upon a dream- you smiled as you thought of the black-haired dream boy with the accent.
-I know you~ the gleam in your eyes is so familiar a gleam- you stepped into your room and closed the door behind you, kicking off your shoes and collapsing into your desk chair.
“Alright, let's get to work” you muttered to yourself, clicking on your tablet and refining some décor sketches.
Harry pouted as Gil wiggled his brows at him “the dream girl again huh~” he laughed as harry pulled the napkin away, the form of the dream girl messily sketched on to the dark brown napkin.
“shut up” he growled, quickly punching Gil in the arm, causing the teen to yelp and wince as Harry's rings slightly cut into his skin.
“oww!” Gil whined, pouting as harry snickered and stuffed the drawing of dream girl in his pocket.
Uma came out of the kitchen and tossed tray in front off harry, glaring at the tv as she turned, she growled and hit Harry's arm, he lifted his arm allowing Uma to grab one of the crab patties and chuck it at the tv.
“ugh!” harry chuckled as she flicked the residue off her hand and leaned on the table, a nasty look on her face.
“What a poser” harry laughed and glanced at the tv.
“traitor!” Uma glanced around, raising her brow at the crew
“Hello?!” the crew roared, tossing some of their food at the tv.
Harry ducked slightly, a small grin on his lips. “oh I would love to wipe the smiles off their faces” he wiped some mayo from the screen, sticking his finger in his mouth to lick it off “yeh know what I mean?”
“Gil!” he jumped slightly, glancing at Uma, a couple of fries hanging out of his mouth “wanna quit chocking down yolks and get with the program?!”
He swallowed down and gave a nervously smile “yeah what they said?!” Uma rolled her eyes and glared at nothing in front of her.
“that little traitor, who left us in the dirt!”
“and turned her back on evil” harry cooed, lifting a fry and smirking.
“who said you weren’t big or bad enough to join her gang!” the crew went silent, harry sighing from Gil's lack of timing. “ back when we were kids….what? You remember she called her shrimpy and the name just kinda-“ gil caught Harry's eyes, which were yelling at him to shut up “-stuck?” he ended quietly, looking back down at his food.
“that snooty little witch” Uma muttered to him, looking up at him and sneering at the tv “who took everything she wanted and left me nothing”
“no, she left you that sandbox and said that you could-“ Uma slammed her hand on the table, giving a “nice” smile to Gil.
“I need you! To stop talking~” she purred, nodding as Gil shrunk into himself.
“look” Harry pushed his tray away, gesturing out to the isle “we have her turf now, they can stay in boradon-“ Uma groaned and smacked his arm.
“harry that’s her turf now!” she turned off the tv, smacking her hands on the table and leaning back with her heels “and I want it too, we should not be getting her leftovers!”
She turned and smirked at Harry, wrapping her arm around his shoulder “son of hook” she grabbed Gil and pulled him into her side “son of Gaston and me! Most of all daughter of Ursula!” she pushed Gil back to his food and turned to harry.
“what's my name?” harry dropped to a kneeling position, taking off his hat and putting it to his chest. “Uma~” she turned to Gil and repeated.
‘what's my name?”
“oh um, Uma?”
She grinned and turned to the crew. “what's my name!?”
“UMA!” satisfied, Uma nodded, eye-catching the dirty white napkin in Harry's pocket, she smirked and pulled it out, dangling it in front of harry. His eyes widened and he scrambled to grab it.
“Uma!?!” she cackled and looked at the drawing, her eyes softening slightly.
“any new things about dream girl?”
Harry sighed and shook his head “not even a smidge, she was talking about planning about some important event and how shes stressed about it n stuff” Uma stared blankly at him. “wha?”
“you dolt she's planning cotillion, your dream girl is in Auradon!” harry stopped….that made a lot of sense?
Harry groaned and facepalmed “im so stupid”
“you are” Uma stuffed the drawing back in Harry's pocket and walked around the table to grab orders, “tell ya what when we take over she can be your little pet kay?”
Harry shrugged, that was the best he could get in a villain ruled world so he would take it.
It meant that no one else would touch his dream girl at least.
You sent the last piece to Jane, sighing and leaning back in your chair, the door suddenly slamming open, you flinched and sat up, Mal rushing in and slamming the door behind her, the muffled voices of the press behind the now-closed door.
She quickly locked it and sighed, starting to walk around the room and breathing heavily. “Mal!” you stood and walked in front of you, holding out your hands. She reached out and grabbed them, holding onto them tightly as she closed her eyes and tried to calm down.
Her eyes flashed open and glowed, her hair flying around slightly and her grip tightening on your hands. “okay okay breathe, breath, it’s a panic attack mal, it'll pass”
With your help Mal managed to calm down, you letting her collapse against your bed, she buried her face in her hands, letting loose a sob. “why can't they just leave me alone for five minutes!!” she screamed.
You sighed and kneeled in front of her, gently prying her hands away, frowning as you saw her red eyes. “I know, I know, it's hard. The press doesn’t really get boundaries, and hardly understand the unspoken rule of ‘don’t harass a minor’ but ya know”
“how do you deal with it” she muttered, sniffing slightly and wiping her cheeks.
“uh, ignore them the best I can and if not smile and wave? Sorry, but i’m no help with it” you smiled, brushing her blonde hair back. “its, unfortunately, something all us royals deal with, trust me, we all hate it, just some of us are better at hiding it”
Mal laughed, taking one more deep breath and sighing “okay, um, I should probably get back to my dorm room now, thanks (y/n)”
You grinned and helped her stand up “no problem”
Mal looked at the window and raised her brow, which you shrugged at “you wouldn’t be the first to sneak out the window to get away from the press” you snickered, watching as Mal just went ahead and climbed out your window.
“see you tomorrow Mal!” she smiled back at you and nodded.
“see you tomorrow” she repeated, hopping out of your window and walking across the ledge to get down easier.
You closed the window and decided to get ready for bed.
Only two more days to cotillion.
--end of part 3--
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one-boring-person · 4 years
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@theghostof-myndi I'm so sorry this has taken such a long time to write! I hope it was worth the wait, though!💛💛💛
Are You Paid To Say That?
Kevin Richter (Trapped In Silence) x reader
Warnings: mentions of violence, mental illness/challenges
A/N: Im really sorry if this isn't as good as you were expecting, I find the characters quite difficult to write, but I've tried my best. I wasn't really too sure where to take this, so I hope thinks ok.💛💛
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"How're things going with Kevin?" I inquire as I walk with Jennifer out of the building, pulling my coat tighter around my body as the icy winter air surrounds us, biting at my heated skin.
"Well, I thought they were going well, but he had another outburst today, so I think we might've been set back a bit." The shrink admits to me, adjusting the box in her arms, making the bits and bobs inside clatter against each other.
"Another outburst? How come?" I frown a bit, knowing that this particular patient can be violent at the best of times, concerned now for the older woman's safety.
"I'm not entirely sure this time. We were talking about meeting more people his age, when he mentioned something about seeing a girl around here...hang on, how old are you?" She asks, looking over at me curiously.
Lifting an eyebrow, I quickly respond.
"I'm seventeen."
Realisation seems to dawn on her face as she hears this, knowing that there are, in fact, no other younger workers in the institute, and definetly none that work with the more challenging patients.
"What?" I question when she continues to start at me in amazement.
"I think he was talking about you, (Y/n)." Jennifer reveals, frowning to herself as if thinking something over in her head.
"About me? He doesn't even know who I am, and I don't think he's ever seen me before." I protest, thinking back to the fragile, highly volatile boy currently residing in the Quiet Room.
"Maybe, but the description he gave matches you pretty well." She informs me, smiling gently at the look of genuine shock on my face, "I'll ask him more about it tomorrow."
"Ok, thank you." I respond, not knowing quite how to react to this information, waving a little as she walks off to her car, leaving me standing in the cold to mull over what I've heard.
Jennifer's hurried footsteps echo through the corridor as she approaches me, eyes intent on me, clearly needing to say something to me, prompting me to break off the conversation with the security guard I was having so that I can greet her. When she sees this, she speeds up a bit, hair blowing past her face with an air of importance.
"I was right, (Y/n), it is you that he meant." She blurts out as she reaches me, eyes filling with a mixture of curiosity and sympathy as she regards me.
"What do you mean? Who are we talking about?" I ask her, though I have a feeling I know where this is going.
"Kevin. I showed him a picture of you and he took it from me. He seemed pretty attached to it, and went ballistic when I asked him for it back." She informs me, leading me away from our original spot, back the way she came.
"Kevin? Are you sure? I might just look like someone he knows." I try to reason, feeling a dull sense of fear as she drags me down the corridor, my eyes wide at the idea of going to see the troubled boy.
"Oh, I don't think so, (Y/n). He's drawn out pictures of everyone he want to remember, and I've spoken to the remaining members of his family: there is no way you just remind him of someone. I've been working with him for a while now, I know his habits." She clarifies, leading me down a more secluded corridor, towards the main office, at which point my fear fades into curiosity.
"Are you sure?" I ask one last time, looking away guiltily when she sends me a pointed glance, "Sorry, you know better than I do. Where are we going?"
"Right here." She gestures with a smile to the door we've stopped outside of, knocking just below the sign determining the owner of the room: the head of the institute.
Eyeing her curiously, I remain silent as we wait for him to respond, following her hesitantly when his voice sounds from behind the door. Respectfully, I stand just by the door as she goes inside completely, waiting there as she speaks with Dr Tomlinson, staying quiet as I let the older members talk with each other.
"Jennifer? What do you need?" The doctor greets her, sending a cursory glance at me, before returning his eyes to her.
"I want someone to help me with Kevin's case." She states, excitement creeping into her voice at the thought, clearly eager to keep up with the therapy.
"You do?" Dr Tomlinson looks surprised, eyes widening at her words, my own quickly fixing on the back of Jennifer's head.
"I do. I think it could really help him socialise better, and he'd get to speak to someone other than me for once." She nods enthusiastically, smiling to herself, as if aware of somehow we're not at liberty to know.
"Ok. I guess I can ask around, though I doubt many people are rave enough-" The doctor starts, only to be cut off by Jennifer, who is shaking her head at his words.
"No, don't worry about that. I already have someone in mind." Confusion and curiosity flood me at this, my mind instantly trying configure out who she could be talking about.
"Oh? And who is that?"
"Well, it's (Y/n) of course."
It takes everything I have not to faint.
"Don't worry, (Y/n), you'll be fine. He's not as bad as everyone makes him out to be." Jennifer reassures me as we get ready to enter the therapy room.
Trembling in nerves, I shift from foot to foot as I think through what I'm about to do, well aware that this is only the second case I've ever worked on, and that he doesn't have the greatest reputation. On our way over, Jennifer had given me a rundown of what she knows of his backstory and old living conditions, explaining that she had managed to get him to talk and communicate, but also that he is highly volatile at times, my trepidation and dread just building up the closer we get to the room. Now that we're here, a cold sweat has broken out over my forehead and skin.
"I know, I'm sorry. I just haven't really done this too often." I confess, feeling it important she know that I'm not an experienced worker here, reminding her that I'm only a volunteer who helps out here and there.
"Oh, right, I forgot about that." She frowns, reconsidering as she recalls this, "If you don't feel ready, you don't have to come in. I'm not going to make you."
Taking a deep breath, I decline her offer, biting my lip as I then follow her into the room.
My eyes quickly find the hunched figure in the corner, his messy hair matted and dishevelled, skin pale around his face except under his eyes, where deep purple bags have formed, though the blue-green irises that briefly flick up to greet us are sharp and probing as anything, homing in on my presence instantly. His muscles go rigid, eyes remaining fixed on me even as Jennifer and I move furher into the room. Awkwardly, I hold eye contact for a few seconds, before dropping my gaze with a blush covering my cheeks.
"Good morning, Kevin. I brought along someone to help us with today's session, that ok? This is (Y/n), the girl in the photograph I gave you a week back." Jennifer introduces us, setting the box of items on the table in the centre as I gingerly step forwards, looking up again.
"Hi, Kevin. It's nice to meet you." I say to him, not expecting anything back as he keeps staring at me, only to feel slight fear when he suddenly surges to his feet, scrambling over to the table. Once there, he grabs Jennifer's box and starts rooting around in it, pulling out a sheet of paper and a pencil seconds later, his movements erratic and rushed. I watch in fascination as he seats himself and starts drawing something, expecting us to do the same.
Looking at each other, Jennifer and I do the same thing, a brief flare of surprise lighting inside me as Kevin moves to sit directly opposite me, rather than across from me like he was before. Quietly, I pick up a pen and paper and start sketching, listening to Jennifer as she makes conversation, answering the correct questions and interacting where necessary.
The hour passes quickly, by which point I've managed to finish the drawing I started, sitting back to look at it, before noticing that Kevin is, in fact, also watching me, eyes flicking downwards towards the sheet of paper, almost as if in questioning. With a smile, I push it over the table towards him, offering the drawing to him with little confidence. He picks it up off the table, holding it up so he can see it properly, finger tracing one of the lines, folding it and sticking it in his breastpocket without a second thought.
"Hey, Kevin. That's not yours to take." Jennifer reminds him, looking at me apologetically.
"Oh no, it's fine. You can keep it." I assure her, addressing the last part to him.
He nods at me, not making eye contact.
A few months on, and Kevin and I have actually managed a conversation, the boy no longer too shy or distrusting of me, feeling mostly comfortable around me when in therapy. Jennifer has yet to leave me alone with him, thankfully, though I've overheard her talking to Dr Tomlinson about Kevin requesting for me to have a session alone with him, something which I'm not entirely sure I'm comfortable with.
Even now, as we read through another of Jennifer's books, it surprises me when he shuffles over to sit beside me, his body incredibly close to mine, as if with the intention of touching each other, but not quite doing so yet. I have a copy of the book open in my lap, giving him a perfect view of the text, as well as my crotch, which draws a small squeak out of me when he goes to turn the page for me, his fingers gently brushing against my jeans, his hand retracting as quickly as I sink back into the seat, neither of us saying anything.
But even after this, it takes a good two months more for Jennifer to finally decide that I'll be safe on my own with him, as long as there are guards outside, and either Dr Tomlinson or herself nearby to help out in case anything goes wrong. At first, I'm sceptical, but eventually I realise that my presence in the room seems to be what keeps him calm and collected, meaning I'm the perfect candidate to look after him alone.
I was wrong to be worried.
A soon as I step into the room, Kevin has stepped up to me with a broad smile on his face, soemthing which always makes me happy to see, making me smile back at him as he eagerly leads me to a place on the floor in the corner, where he sits me down. Taking his place beside me, he rummages around in the breast pocket of his hoodie and pulls out a dog-eared piece of folded paper, silently handing it to me. Opening it, I feel my jaw drop at the sight of it: it's a portrait. Every aspect is drawn perfectly, giving it it's realistic quality, though it does surprise me that he'd draw me of all people, seeing as he knows Jennifer much better. In my head, I remember what she said about him drawing pictures of everyone he cares for.
"This is amazing, Kevin! Is it for me?"
He nods, a smile crossing his face as he shuffles closer, pressing the side of his body against mine.
'Thank you. I really appreciate this." I thank him, starting when I suddenly feel his cold fingers brush against mine. Absentmindedly, they trace their way into my palm, interlocking our fingers together as he moves ever closer. Smiling, I lean back furher and pat my chest, signalling for him to lay there, which he is only too happy to do, his arms wrapping tightly around me, face buried into my midriff as he holds me close to himself.
"I have a crush on you." He suddenly states, voice muffled through my shirt.
For a moment, I don't know what to say, shocked that he feels this way about me.
"Jenny said I should tell you." He testifies, snuggling closer, before pulling back slightly to nose at the bottom of my jaw.
"You have a crush on me?" I ask once more, biting my lip when he assents, "That's helpful, beacuse I have a crush on you, too." I decide just to spit it out, looking to him for a reaction.
"Really? You actually like me? Or are you just being paid to say that?"
"Kevin, I'm a volunteer. I don't get paid at all.
"So, you actually mean it?"
"I do."
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ad1thi · 4 years
and then there’s you | Au-gust Day 8: Superheroes/Superpowers AU
AU-gust masterlist
i took a brief hiatus but now im back!! this is possibly one of my favourite things ive written, ever
Steve was never expecting to get along with James. He didn't have the best start with Tony - even though he likes to believe that they've moved past that and have become good friends - and James' protective streak was well known. After all, the man broke records trying to fly back to New York fast enough and managed to show up just as the Hulk picked up Tony from the sky.
 He still remembers the way James landed around them with a thud, his faceplate snapping up and shoving all of them to the side so that he could get to Tony. He remembers the way Tony's face softened; the way James reached out with one metal encased hand to awkwardly rub his hair before settling on his shoulder.
 He remembers fiercely missing the time in his life when someone looked at him like that, like he was the reason the world continued turning.
 In retrospect, Steve honestly should've seen this whole thing coming, but he's still blindsided by the whole thing.
After the last of the Chitauri are felled down, Thor and James raging in the sky until they drop like flies, they regroup back at Stark Tower. It's almost too easy, over in a matter of hours, even though Steve feels like it's taken ages. They lock the Spectre away and clasp chains around Loki's body - and he can release a breath that he didn't know he was holding it.
 "Colonel Rhodes," he says, later, when they're all lounging in a beatdown shawarma joint, shamelessly taking advantage of an extremely grateful store-owner, “I just wanted to say thank you for all your help. Having two heavy hitters in the sky really helped us take down the stragglers. We couldn't have done it without you."
 James and Tony (from where he's resting on James' shoulder) both turn to him and give him identical looks, the kind that makes Steve want to duck his head and rub the back of his neck.
 "No need to thank me Cap," James says finally, "Just doing my civic duty." But he keeps looking at Steve, in a way that stirs feelings inside Steve that he thought had died when he went into the ice.
 Guess not.
 He nods once and is saved from answering by Tony grabbing the Colonel into another discussion. He takes another bite into his wrap, the food feeling wooden inside his mouth. Tony has one hand in the air, gesticulating wildly, but the other is wound around James, inter-twined with his own. It twists something inside Steve, and he tries to tell himself that it's just him missing his life before the ice. Before he was dropped into the twenty first century.
 He looks up to see Thor giving him an all too knowing look for a man who only met him a couple of hours ago. It makes him so uncomfortable that he stands abruptly, pulling both Tony and Rhodey out of their conversation.
 "I have to go," he says stiffly, "I have some work to attend to. I'll see you guys at the Helicarrier tomorrow at 0900 for a debrief," he nods at his team, "Colonel, it would good to meet you."
"Call me James," he says, nonplussed, "that’s what everyone who isn't this fella calls me," he thumbs at Tony; who's face twists in mock outrage.
 Steve doesn't say anything, spinning on his heel and all but running out of the shawarma joint, lest he dwell too strongly on the fact that James called Tony fella.
 Despite their horrendous first meeting, Steve and James actually get on fairly well. He's in New York a lot, despite still being on active duty. Ostensibly, it's because the War Machine - now rebranded as Iron Patriot armour needs regular check-ups and after what Tony and James mysteriously refer to as the Hammer incident - Tony is the only one who fiddles with it.
 It makes sense, since Tony designed the damn thing, but Steve knows that James is a genius of his own right. Privately, he thinks that James is equipped to deal with any and all faults in the armour, but he makes it a point to come for Tony. Watching your bestfriend strap a nuke to his back and fly into space with no concrete desire to return tends to do that to someone. Hell, if Bucky had pulled something like that he wouldn't have left him out of his sight.
 Besides, now that Steve has been living with him and gotten to know the man behind the mask so to speak, he can see why Tony inspires that kind of loyalty. The way he badly misjudged Tony still digs at him, even though Tony has waved off his apologies multiple times and promises that he harbours no bad feelings.
 Steve isn't complaining though. He likes that James visits, even though he frowns everytime James complains about how hard it was to finagle time with his superiors. Clint calls it his Captain America face, says that he makes it every time he thinks there's a fight. Steve doesn't know if he has a specific face, but he does know that it doesn't sit right with him that James has to fight that much to come stateside.
 That was the whole point of the War, that they would fight so that future generations don't have to. There's a lot to be said for the twenty first century. His country's proclivity with inserting themselves into every war that side of the Atlantic isn't one of them.
 Still, James' regular check-ups mean that Steve has gotten a chance to get to know Tony's bestfriend - since he winds up spending a lot of time in the workshop these days; sketching while Tony putters around. It's like white noise - the sound of a wrench or a blowtorch, interspersed with Tony and JARVIS sniping with each other, and it reminds Steve of the barracks, of the Howlies huddled around a single fire and sniping around each other.
 (It reminds him that he's no longer alone)
 When James comes however, the entire workshop lights up, and Steve along with it. Despite his best efforts, the smidgen of interest he'd felt in the shawarma joint has buried itself inside him, planted seeds and grown around his heart. It doesn't help that James is one of the most easy-going people he's ever met, the kind of person one gravitates to.
 He reminds Steve deeply of Bucky, but then again - Steve was never overcome with the urge to bear Bucky down and kiss him until they both couldn't breathe.
 "Steve!" James cries out, as the workshop doors open with the faintest snick, "It's good to see you."
Steve looks up from his sketchbook - where he's been drawing James funnily enough - and gives him a warm smile, "James. Good to see you. How's the Iron Patriot?"
"Don't call it that," Tony wags his wrench at Steve, looking like he's contemplating the merits of lobbing it at him, "You do not call it that in my workshop. This is a sacred space."
 "She's handling like a dream," James says over Tony, but he still walks over and pulls Tony in for a small hug before making his way over to Steve. The first time this had happened, Steve was almost jealous, but he's since realised that it's just a part of James' schedule. The need to physically remind himself that Tony is okay.
 "There's been a couple of tough missions," he continues with a grimace, after he's done surreptitiously looking Tony over and found his way to the couch where Steve is currently propped up. "I've definitely got some fresh bullet dents. But nothing Tony can't fix, isn't that right Tony?" he calls out to where Tony has turned back to his holo-screens and gets a half-hearted gesture in response that Steve takes to mean that Tony has heard James.
 "Enough about me though, not in the least because I could be arrested for going into detail," James reaches out and places his hand over Steve's; and it takes everything in Steve to not react to the touch, "You getting through the list okay?"
 A month into his stay at the Tower, Steve was listlessly chewing a banana in the Common Room when James came out for some water and saw him. "They taste weird," he'd said, when James asked if the banana had done something to offend him, "I guess I was just hoping it was something that hadn't changed."
James had regarded him for a second, and then pulled out a napkin from thin air, "You should make a list. It's what I tell most of my rookies, when they're going back after a long tour. Make a list of everything you want to catch up and work through it on your own pace. At the very least, it gives you something to do."
 Ever since then, Steve keeps a small black book on his person, filling it with a never-ending list of things. The entire team pitches in, depending on what it is that Steve is about to discover about the twenty-first century. Steve likes it best when James carves out time for him though.
 "I'm adding more things than I'm crossing out," Steve admits, and James clucks sympathetically, "but it's good. I've not Star Wars on my list next? And Tony made me promise to wait for you to come back so that both of you could introduce it to me together."
 James whistles lowly, but his eyes light up, "Oh I am so happy that you waited for me for this. Never listen to Tony, he thinks the prequels deserve rights," he bends down to whisper at Steve loudly, "we don't recognise the prequels."
"Is that prequels slander I hear in my safe haven?" Tony pipes up, spinning around to face them. He's still got the wrench in his hand, "Don't make me revoke your access honeybear because I will, don't test me."
 James holds up his hands in mock surrender. "I'm going to go freshen up," he says with a clap, "but after I'm back, we can discuss Star Wars strategy."
 Steve watches him go, until he disappears around the corner. When he looks back at the workshop, he sees Tony looking at him with a look that's half speculative, half sympathetic.
 "You know that nothing can happen right?" he says apropos of nothing, but Steve knows exactly what he's talking about, "It's against the law. DADT. If his superiors find out, his career is over. 's why me and him ended in the first place."
  Steve found out about Tony and James' history only a month ago, and the sting has faded. Mostly because he knows it was a long time ago, and neither of them harbour those feelings anymore.
 "I know," Steve says carefully, because Tony is still James' bestfriend, "and I wouldn't ask him to risk that. Doesn't change how I feel though. And if I have to wait, or hide it, or even ignore it until he's ready to deal with it - I'm ready for all of it."
 Tony nods, like it's the answer he's expected, "You'll be good for him Steve. He deserves someone who'll wait." Unlike me, who didn't goes unsaid.
 "I don't expect anything from him Tony," Steve says, looking Tony right in the eye, "but I can't just pretend I don't feel the way I do. Especially not if there's the barest possibility that he feels the same."
 Steve isn't generally good with these sorts of things, recognising interest. Still, he doesn't think he's imagined the looks he's gotten from James the past couple of times he's been over, over misread the touching, the talking, the borderline flirting.
 "He does," Tony confirms, "but like I said - nothing can happen." He says in a careful tone, and it takes Steve a couple seconds to cotton onto what Tony is implying. It leaves a rush through him, reminding him of back-alley trysts, protected by the shadows.
 "Nothing can happen," Steve repeats, and Tony pointedly turns his back as Steve leaps up from the couch and follows James out. He thinks about calling ahead, or maybe messaging - but there's a decent chance that James already knows about this conversation, since Tony wouldn't have brought it up unless James had expressly allowed him too.
 Steve might not know much about the twenty first century, but bro-code well enough.
 He knocks on James' door, thrumming with energy, and his heart stutters when James opens it in a towel; one around his waist, catching the droplets of water falling down his chest, and another around his neck.
 "Steve?" he asks, and there's no mistaking the hopeful tone in his voice. It confirms Steve's suspicions, that Tony was talking to him on behalf of James.
 Steve doesn't reply, just pulls him for a kiss.
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iam-kenough · 4 years
Will  you ever notice me? Arthur Morgan x Original Female Character
Summary: During they wandering in deep snowstorm, man from van der Linde gang found odd looking girl and Dutch decides to take her to camp to see if she can be any use, leading life of outlaw with them. Quickly, new girl develops feelings towards Arthur, but he sees her just as a kid...and she won't take that! It's an original character story that starts in the place where Arthur, Dutch and Micah were supposed to first meet with Sadie. Instead she's already with them.
Authors notes: It’s second chapter and you can find the rest of chapter on my blog if you want to read more of my fanfiction.
Word count: 2978 Chapter 2
It was next day's evening when they landed on new camp's place. Everyone started arranging their tents and some of them decided to go to the lake and bath after long trip.
- The water is so damn cold! But it was nice to take a bath after all those hours- Iris was talking to Mary-Beth and her teeth were chattering. She decided to wear woolen dress Mary gave to her, not being even slightly suspicious why Iris would wear a dress so badly. It was nice, wine red and warm one. She decided to tweeze her brows a little bit and she brushed her long, black hair putting them in loose bun. Even though she will undress and wear only chemise in her bed in less than 3 hours.
Iris looked around and sighed. All good places for a tent were taken and she couldn't sleep with girls in their tent 'cause it was too small. She had to prepare her own but there was only one way left to do that.
- Knock, knock - she said awkwardly, knocking on one of polls holding Arthur's tent. He was on his coot, drawing something in his journal. It catched her attention. Didn't know he's romantic soul who would sketch while sulking like this.
- How can I help ya? - he closed the book and looked at her shyly. He analysed her posture in new clothes but very quickly so it wouldn't scare her or make her uncomfortable. Girls usually didn't like his sight on them.
- Will it bother you if I will place my tent right next to yours? All good spots were taken when I took a bath - her cheeks flushed a little bit. She even tried to flirt with him and bat her eyes, while she squeezed fabric of her dress.
- It's rather if I won't bother you, kid.
If I could I would devour you right here, Mr Morgan and you would be the only person not bothering me. I would undress you from your bright blue shirt which matches your eyes so good and I would let you pop my cherry...
- You'right out there, kid? Asked ya if I won't bother you.
- N-no, never. Thank you, Mr Morgan - she jumped into the air and disappeared to set her tent. It was mirroring his and when she was looking above her trunk she could see him, deeply in his thoughts. Honestly, if they would rearrange it a little bit more they would have big, shared tent with two beds next to eachother. But she they wasn't close enough for Iris to ask for it even if she wouldn't mind.
Later that night they had supper prepared by her and Mr Pearson. Almost everyone was eating together but she noticed Arthur hidden in his spot. She went to her tent and sat on the coot mirroring his position.
- I hope it tastes good? - Iris asked after few minutes. He raised her eyes surprised at her.
- You eatin' with my poor companion? I see everyone gathering around the fire.
- They're all nice and stuff but I like to eat in peace. You're not bad to be with, Mr Morgan.
It sounded a little bit frivolous and she actually liked it, surprised with her own temper.
He blushed. Or rather tips of his ears did.
- It's just surprising 'cause yall girls are always eating together. And yes, this stew is amazing - he liked his fingers and brushed his dirty mouth with his sleeve.
Normally she would jerk away on this kind of behaviour but she giggled at sight of big man eating messy like that.
- Girls are okay, especially Tilly and Mary, but Karen has...a little bit to intense character. Oh, and Dutch's girlfriend. That lady hates me.
- She hates everybody, dont'cha worry.
- Today she hit Dutch with a book, saying he's throwing me looks - Iris was giggling and she brushed loose hair behind her ear.
- Looks, ya say? Oh don't worry, you just new, that's why he does that, kid.
- She's rather young too, you know. It's just the make-up she uses, makes her look older.
- Ya say? Nah, you still look like kid to me. With all those freckles and you being thin. Not so sure you should go with us to rob that train, I will have to watch you all the time - his voice was low and he chuckled.
Ouch, that was bad! So he doesn't like freckles...It's nothing I can do about it. But maybe if I'm gonna eat more I'll stop being thin, get some bust maybe and then-
- You sure you want to sit here with me? You seemed bored with my old feller talkin'.
- I-I am not bored at all. Can you show me what are you drawing?
He brushed his chin, sign of him being shy and he passed her the journal. On two pages he drew their whole new camp.
- I must say you can draw, Mr Morgan. You've got talent - she passed the journal back and their hands brushed against each other. She blushed again.
- Talent that's useless for sure - his voice was low and nice and he almost sounded like purring cat. Iris felt knot tying up in her stomach.
- It's not, it's not! - she shaked her head - I find it really pretty. You could draw something for me one day - it was supposed to be flirt and she bit her lower lip but he didn't notice that. He just cheered up.
- What you like, then? I can draw it for you - he patted her arm in friendly manner. They were so close right now, their faces next to each other. She could smell him.
What do I like? Your lips, your intriguing eyes, the fact that your hair was so messy and the fact you smell like whiskey, cigarettes and sweat.
- Flowers - she said plainly, looking at her feet - Any flowers are good. Or animals. I saw you sketching deer one day.
- I've been hit on my head a lot so if I would forget remind me of it, kid - she looked at him once again and licked her lower lip, becoming red on her cheeks. He started looking at her quizzically.
- I think you catched a cold, kid, you seem burning up. Better go to sleep, tomorrow's a day too.
Knot in her stomach popped and she lowered her head. Kid, you say. Im gonna show you, one day I will gain weight, have some reall boobs and nice mature dresses and you will look at me the right way. She got up a little bit too quick, tears forming in corner of her eyes but he was facing her back almost immediately and he didn't see.
- Y-you right, I don't feel my best - she answered with shaking voice and she rubbed her eyes - I'm...gonna get some rest. Goodnight, Mr Morgan.
- Uh-, yea, good night - he read her bad, he was sure she's sick but she seemed rather irritated by the fact he noticed? I will apologize tomorrow.
She put on the curtain between the halves of tent which was giving them privacy now and she sighed. At first she looked in small mirror she owned and analised her own face. You ugly, Iris.
Girl looked at herself quizzically. Big, green eyes with long lashes and nice, pink lips but then freckles happened, covering her nose and cheeks. Her hair were jet black but wavy instead of sleek locks of other girls around. Iris started undressing herself and she looked at her figure with disgust. She had round hips and long legs, but that's it. She looked thin and had small breast and that was not what men would look at. It's not what he would look at.
When she put on her night gown and layed down she looking at tents ceiling and thinking. Oil lamp in Arthur's half stopped giving light, he was going to sleep. She heard him getting comfortable on his bed and after few minutes he was breathing heavily.
She drifted away in her sleep, thinking how it would be to cuddle his big frame.
Another few weeks passed and in this time Iris tried her best to prove she's mature and strong but also femine at the same time. It was difficult to kill a man at 4 and then acting like a subtle lady few hours later. It was nice, warm evening and girls decided to go swimming after long day of work. Iris was so happy and relaxed as she and Mary - Beth was looking at red sky and Tilly with Karen was fooling around in water.
- Can I tell you a secret? You will like it - Iris whispered. Mary seemed excited immediately.
- Tell me, tell me! - she giggled
- I fell in love - Iris whispered to her ear and her friend become red from blushing.
-No way! Who, who is he? Or maybe she? - Blond girl tickled brunette a little bit.
- It's him, yes. But I wouldn't mind you...- they purred at each other and then burst into laugh.
- Who? I bet it's John, all girls are sweet on him and Abigail hates us for that.
- Bill!
- New O'Driscolls boy!
- Ew!
- Then who, Dutch?
- You must be crazy! I mean...he's not bad if you think about him but this red-head witch he's with? I have no chances - Iris was laughing so badly.
- You have to tell me! But then it has to be someone from outside the camp...
-No! He's there, Mary-Beth, please don't make me say his name out loud.
And then Mary became pale. Then red again. Then she got up.
-No! From all of them you choosed Arthur Morgan?!
- Shhh! We are too close to the camp!
- But why?! He's sweet but we have never seen him with woman, you know. I think he's a little bit weird about it. Dutch once laughed at him taking a bath with a dog when camp had one.
- W-Well...he seems a little awkward and he's like wild animal more than a man but he's charming and he always complemented food I make and he always talks to me in the evening.
- At least he talks to you, he usually doesn't. To no one.
- That's my problem, he talks to me but he seemes to see me as a kid. I tried everything! Few days ago I was sitting with him and we was both reading a book and I looked at him so nicely, I tried my best to look at him with hazy, flirting eyes. And he asked me if I needed glasses because I blink a lot.
- Well...I don't know how to help you - Mary said as they were walking towards camp - usually it's easy, a little bit of exposed skin and being close. You should try it.
- I should...I should go to his tent dressing my nightgown for example?
- Oh, that's an idea! I saw it and it's really cute and...hot.
-Mary- Beth, are you hitting on me? - she joked as they was passing Hosea's tent. Girls heard him talking with Arthur and they would ignore but they heard Iris's name. They started listening immediately, hiding behind the tent to eaves dropping.
- And this new girl, Iris's her name - Hosea said.
- What's with her?
- Just wanted to know what you think about her - he seemed to tease Arthur a little bit.
- It's good kid, she seems to like my company. And honestly, I like hers, she doesn't talk that much comparing to any of you fools - he cleared his throat.
- I thought that you are much closer. Basically sharing a tent and talking every evening...
- What d'ya say, Hosea?
- How long have been since you had a woman, Arthur?
- Not long enough to think about it again- his voice became angry in the nick of time - it's kid we talking about, don't get the wrong idea.
Iris inhaled sharply and bit her lower lip, while her eyes became glossy. But she listened, she couldn't stop.
- Isn't it obvious, Arthur? She looks at you very odd way and she enjoys your company a lot, lot more than others.
- I didn't notice. By the way, she's not stupid. I'm much older and I have past, just no way I would be with her. She doesn't love me to start with. One day she will leave the camp to have a normal life.
Sound of tears dropping on Iris's dress was the only sound she was making. She got up quickly and in a blink of an eye disappeared, running into the woods.
- Iris?! - Mary- Beth tried to follow her but she tripped over one of tent's strings. She sweared ugly.
This is bad, so bad - was all Iris was thinking. Her breathing heavy, her eyes red. She stopped in the middle of nowhere, just when she was sure all around her was dark forest. She didn't even know why she was so agry. Maybe because he said out loud things I thought about myself? Maybe because she was sure that his ears getting red were sign of him considering her as someone hot?
But look at yourself, c'mon. When father lived, he always told you you gonna become a maid, because no man would touch something so fragile, that looks constantly sick. He was right, oh so badly right. And now Iris had to apologise to Mary-Beth for leaving her like that.It was dark night when she got back to the camp, everyone sleeping in their tents. Only one oil lamp was glowing. She decided to act like nothing happen, just not to lose his friendship, ever. So she took a deep breath and peaked her head inside his part of tent.
- Just wanted to say good night, Mr Morgan - was all she said, smiling faintly.
- Kid! You weren't there for supper. Did something happened?
- N-no...just small fight with girls - she lied without hesitation. Then smiled a little bit more so he won't be suspicious. He always was but he was taking her lies as an answer, 'cause she lied when it would expose her feelings.
- Small fight made you disappear without word? Y'got hot head then - he joked. His blue eyes were piercing her.
- Maybe a little - he didn't see nothing good about her anyway, she could become hothead in his eyes even it was inappropriate for woman.
- Wanna talk about it?
- With you? I-I mean we can but it's nothing. Really.
- You seem sad lately, kid. Is someone or something bothering you?
- Ah...no, just stupid, girly things.
- Girly things - he seemed a little bit scared now.
- Interests of heart, to call it. Nothing too exciting, especially for you.
He became silent. So she wasn't considering him as a close friend if she didn't want to tell. He thought different for a second but...she was right, he was no friend.
- Were you ever in love, Mr Morgan? - he heard her voice from behind one of trunks. She probably lied on her bed.
- F'course I was. But if you askin' me 'bout those things ya need to share with me first, ya know? What are those Interests of heart, huh?
She took deep breath. After few seconds she knew how to tell it without being obvious.
- I just fell in love with someone who will never accept me. He's good friend and that's only reason I didn't tell him yet. But I know....I heard what's he talking about me, no need to share my feelings with him, because he considers me strongly as a friend, nothing more. It would make our relationship awkward.
He furrowed his brows. So she was seeing someone. He wondered who.
- That sounds a lil' bit bad, kiddo. Maybe I don't look like but I know how to have a broken heart - he said as his eyes become glossy. She couldn't see them anyway, so he didn't hold back thinking about Mary right now - But if it's your friend he shouldn't judge ya, ya know. Even if he doesn't share feelings with you. You sure, he does not?
- One hundred percent sure - she said that very slowly because those words left bitter on her tongue - and I'm not afraid of being judged, I just know it would destroy our friendship.
- He's no friend then - Arthur replied shortly. He felt like dumbass but if she liked talking to him about all of this he felt appreciated.
Iris took deep breath. You are a friend. The closest one I have now after those weeks that passed. And I will cherish you forever, even if your lack of knowledge will hurt me sometimes.
- He is. About this I'm sure. I really love this person. Thank you, Mr Morgan for listening to me - it sounded like she thanked him for listening but she was actually thanking him for everything.
It seemed like yesterday when they rescued her but it wasn't. Many days passed and she already shared with him many thoughts but also many jobs, even dangerous one. They robbed trains together after all. They was murdering together. And every evening they were lying in their beds and talking. They usually looked at their tent's ceiling but she didn't mind. He seemed so sad and distanced, always worried. She also noticed his extremely low self-esteem, he always was talking that he's not good man and that he's stupid on account being hit on the head to often.
She had fallen asleep to those thoughts.
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faiththefox · 5 years
The Sun of the asylum Chapter 2: Meeting the patients
Sorry its taken so long to post this Ive got school and there have been some big storms in my area so I have put my laptop on charge just in case. Anyways I hope you guys enjoy.
@uirene you wanted me to tag you with every chapter so here you go! lets start the story
@ask-the-new-killer (I wrote this a while back just check the Sunlily tag next time! I’ll try to tag you when I finally get around to the third chapter lol)
I wait in the lobby of the asylum for the head nurse so I could find out where my on-site room is and get a tour of the building. I stand there for only a minute before a women her 50′s comes in with a very sour look on her face. She huffs at me before extending her hand out to me. “Welcome Miss.. Rose was it?” She says as I mumble “Its Tori.. rose is my surname” to which she ignores me. “I’m Miss Rachael and this is the Hills asylum the home to some of the famous killers in history more commonly know as the slashers. You are going to be replacing me as the head nurse of this facility so its best to give you a tour now before meeting your patients” She drones on as she starts walking. 
She lead me around the asylum showing me all the activity areas available to the patients ‘although she commented on the fact they shouldn’t have to have them for murders’ I think back as she showed me each of their rooms. It seems like all the brothers were roomed together while Billy, Micheal and Jason were put in their own rooms. The place wasn’t as big as I thought but this just means there should be better chances of getting closer to them right?  Suddenly, Rachael brought me to a room completely covered in Christmas decorations “This is billy’s special places.. as he calls it. This is where you bring him if his “fits” become to much.” She says bluntly before pulling me away and started leading me outside. 
There they were.. the Slashers. Micheal was throw flat rocks at what looked like a makeshift person. Bubba, Chop-top, and nubbins were playing tag and running all around the place. Bo was leaning on a wall looking very pissed off while his brother was sitting by the fence drawing in a sketch book. Jason was also sitting near the fence but facing more towards the woods with his shoulders slumped down almost... sad looking. Brahms was just sitting smack dab in the middle building a very sad looking castle out dirt but the weirdest thing was billy who was chained to a bench with a straitjacket and muzzle. I look over at Rachael who waves her hand out over the yard “Why don’t you go meet them while I go finish getting the last bit of paperwork ready for you then Ill show you their activity planner so you know what they do on which days.” She bluntly says again before walking back inside.
I start walking over to Jason cause something was pulling me over to him. I sat down in the dirt, getting my uniform dirty, before looking at Jason tilting my head. He turns and looks at me as I notice what he had been doing. In the dirt was a a childish drawing of a little boy and what looked like an older woman. My eyes widened as I realized that this was him and his mother. “Do you miss her?” I say softly as he kept looking at me. He looks back at the drawing before nodding with his shoulders slumping down more. I gently placed my hand on his shoulder and smiled “I miss my mom to sometimes but all I need to know is that she loves me with all of her heart” I spoke gently before Jason hugged me surprising me. I forgot to meet all of the other slashers as I just sat with Jason telling him stories my mom told me about herself. Soon Rachael came back outside and walked over to us which made Jason tense up. “I see you are getting close to Mister Voorhees. Shall we head inside?” She says in her dull tone. I nod getting up as Jason turns back to the woods and his little drawing. 
We walked inside and did everything that was need before she lead me to my room. Giving me the key before walking away leaving me to my own devices so, I start to unpack and put all of my stuff away. As I putting away my Brahms costume my phone started ringing from my purse on the bed that I had just pulled out of my bag. I pull it out and check the caller I.D and surprise surprise it was my brother Alex “Whats up bro?” I say as I answer the phone. “Hey! How was your first day..? Did you get hurt?” He asked and I could hear the worried tone in his voice. I laugh before replying “No but Jason seems to like me now! I told him.. about mom” My smile faltered as I said the last part. Our mom had died two years ago during her trip around the world... She was walking around Paris and her heart-rate got to high... they couldn’t save her. Alex was quiet before I say “I didn’t get to meet the others so its going to be a crazy ride tomorrow.” He laughs halfheartedly. We chat for a few minutes about random things trying to get our minds off of mom for a moment because her death hurt us terribly. 
We said goodbye and I finished putting away my stuff before flopping into my bed and passing out almost as soon as my head hits the pillow.  
~~~~~~~~~~The Next Morning~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I woke up to the sound of loud knocking on my door. I jump up and walked over to the door opening it forgetting I didn’t change last night so I probably look like crap. At the door was a young nurse about 20, I guessed fresh out of college or nursing school. “H-hello Miss Rose... umm Miss Evans wanted me to tell you today is the day you get control to see how to do with the patients...” She says in a shy and nervous tone. I place a hand on her shoulder and smile “Thank you for telling me and call me Tori! Also don’t be nervous around me Im only older then you by 6 year hahah” I say jokingly. She nervous smiles back before rushing off to something. I shut the door and quickly see that my hair was a rats nest and my outfit was a bit wrinkled. I groan as I brush my hair out but decide that I wouldn’t have much time to change and headed out the door. 
I head to the dining room (it was to small to be a cafeteria and seemed more like a dining room to me) and see all the slashers sitting at the table but no food in front of them. “Hello I’m the new head nurse Tori! Sorry for the quick intro but why don’t you guys have food?” I quickly question. “I dont know you tell me? Man you are shit head nurse” Bo says making glare at him before walking into the kitchen area. “I’ll make something does anyone have any requests for breakfast?” I call out to me through the window thing as I put an apron on. “PANCAKES!” Three very hyper voices call out making me laugh. I quickly make a chocolate pancake recipe my mom used to make for me. Then I put the two pancakes from the huge batch on 9 separate plates. I brought two out and sat me in front of Jason and bubba before running back and trying to being the plates out as quickly as I can.
Everyone dug in quickly after I set all the plates down expect for Micheal, Jason and Brahms. I sigh walking back into the kitchen and making some toast for myself as I used all the batter for their food. After 30 minutes I walked back in to see everyone’s plates were clean making smile just a bit as I grabbed everyone’s plates to put them in the kitchen. I walk back in and smile “Ok guys today is a free day so I can fully get to know each of you guys!” I say with a happy tone. Everyone (expet for the ones with masks) looked happy and rushed off but billy grabbed my arm as I walked to follow the rest out. I only then noticed that he wasn’t wearing the muzzle or jacket today. “Flithy pig..” he softly mutters and I see that his eyes aren’t fully focus which made me a bit sad. I lead him to his christmas room and set him down. His face lights up and he starts playing with all the toys in the room. 
Billy finally got focused with a coloring book I was able to leave the room and start to check on the others. The first group I found was the sawyer brothers listen to the radio and playing with some blocks. I knocked lightly on the door frame when the music went to commercial making them all look at me. Bubba clapped his hands and run up to me hugging me practical lifting me in the air. “Whoa! Bubba can you please put me down!” I say laughing a bit with a smile which I guess he didn’t expect the me be happy? I could see his eyes widen behind the latex mask the replaced his original one. He giggled setting me down as his brothers started chanting “Bubba’s got a girlfriend behind him”. I smile and say “Just wanted to see how you guys were doing! and if you needed anything!” Bubba nods and points at the blocks before pulling me over to them. Chop-top laughs and says “He wants to play with ya! Good for ya!” as Bubba and I started playing for an hour before I had to go. Bubba was happy and waved as I left to go check on the others which lead me to the art room where Micheal, Brahms and Vincent. 
I watched Vincent work with the clay making a beautiful statue of an alicorn before I was snapped out of it by Brahms’s childish whining as Micheal grabbed one of the colored pencil that he wasn’t even using. I walked over and placed a hand on his shoulder like I did with Jason and the young nurse. “Is there a problem sweetheart” I ask defaulting the nickname out of habit. I could see Brahms’s eyes widen as he looked up at me from his coloring book on the table. He shook his head before turning his head back to his coloring book (which looks like greta and him making me sigh in my mind). Micheal didn’t even look at me as he worked on this beautiful looking mask so I left him alone. I left and found Jason by himself outside looking at the forest again. I walk up and gently put a hand on his shoulder like yesterday making him turn to me. “You missing her again?” I ask in a soft tone but he shook his head. He made a drawing of eyes “You want to just look at the woods because you like nature?” I guessed making him nod his head quickly. “Mind if I join you?” I ask making him nod as I sit down next to him. This was a good start as any I guess.
Also She didn’t find Bo because he was hiding away from her so he didn’t have to deal with her. 
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corescorner · 5 years
Charmberry Cove Chapter Two
Chapter Title: Brothers
Wordcount: 3,133
Taglist: @unsocialchapeau @aularei @softest-emo
“Remus!” Roman yells while storming into his twins room, who is lounging in the middle of his floor drawing something and also wearing Roman's hoodie. That is exactly why he's here. “Stop stealing my clothes!” He flails his arms towards his brother in emphasis.
 “Hmm, nope” Remus says popping the 'p' and not looking up from his drawing. Roman huffs, gesturing even more frantically at the other.
 “Are you wearing my pants?”
 “You are insufferable. What else do you have of mine?”
 “Lots of stuff.”
 Roman stares Remus down, hands on his hips waiting for him to crack. Which he doesn't because he never does it's like he's impervious to being intimidated.
 “Stop. Stealing. My. Clothes” Roman enunciates after the glaring doesn't work, and that finally gets Remus to stop ignoring Roman's protests.
 He stops drawing his head slumps towards the floor and groans. “Uuuuuuuuugh, but Rooooooo.”
 “No. No 'but Ro' me mister! We've been through this” he stomps his foot as if to drive his point home.
 Remus slowly raises his head, looking up at Roman with a pout; Roman admits that he cracks a bit at the look.
 No, he needs to stay strong in his decision darn it!
 “Too bad” Remus announces.
 Roman steps back half a step making an incredulous noise, he can't believe he almost just felt sorry for his trash goblin brother.
 “Rude, you are a rude heathen is what you are” he says crossing his arms.
 “Well I don't have many clothes of my own yet that are comfortable enough for me to wear right now, so deal with it Broman.”
 Roman falters in his resolve.
 “Fine, but start asking first” he says as he saunters to his brothers side he sits next to him on the floor.
 “We should go shopping” he decides.
 Remus continues his drawing and hums “you should tell that to Mom. Look at my drawing!” he thrusts the sketchbook at Roman, who of course takes it; they are each other’s best critics after all.
 He stares at the pencil sketch, blinking at the image. It's good? It's weird. But that is the norm for Remus.
“What am I looking at here?” He asks pointing at a jar? Of some sort on the page. “Are these eyeballs?'
“Yep! It's based on my dream last night” Remus informs, Roman nods and points to something else that might be a tree.
“What exactly is this?” He asks and Remus lights up.
“That's a hand tree, it's very grabby” he says while making slow grabby hands, smile wide showing off his neon braces in full display.
Roman recalls when they got their braces maybe under a year ago, a couple months before their twelfth birthday; the doctor said that they'll probably have to have them for a couple years.
When asked what colours they wanted Roman chose to go full rainbow for his tooth accessories, and that is how he's choosing to think of them as.
Remus yelled out in the doctor’s office that he needed his to be glow in the dark neon green and they actually had that as an option much to Remus' delight.
They annoyed Roman for the longest time, still do honestly.
Remus took a weird liking to them immediately though, he said that the feeling was 'funny' and he liked the 'aesthetic' of them, whatever that meant.
Roman just thought that they hurt and took up too much space in his mouth.
Shaking himself out of his thoughts and still staring at his brothers dream picture.
“This is one for The Wall then. Do you need to add any colour to this one?” he asks.
Remus snatches the sketch book back “yea, red!” he replies.
Roman nods, a lot of his dream pictures tend to only have red in them.
As Remus fills in the parts that need red, Roman stares at The Dream Wall. That's what they call the wall that Remus' bed is against, the wall itself is filled with pages upon pages of sketches, on all types of papers in differing colour schemes, from full coloured ones to black and white sketches. Most however only have red accents to them.
“We should go shopping today, I'll ask Patton and Looogan if they want to come with us” he smirks at his brothers now watching eyes.
“Logan too? He doesn't like shopping.”
“Mm, but he's our friend and he'd probably enjoy it nonetheless” he says as he takes out his keyboard flip phone. His first phone, Mom said that they should be able to get in touch with her and each other just in case, so they both got one two months ago for their birthday. Patton and Logan already had phones, Patton got his first one a while ago; Thomas always likes to know where his baby brother is. And Logan is very responsible so his parents didn't see why not.
“How much allowance money do you have?” Roman asks.
Remus slowly looks to him.
Roman sighs.
“You have been saving up like we said we would right?”
“Yes?” Remus says sitting up “but probably definitely not as much as you have.”
“How much do you have?”
“Maybe fifty bucks.”
Roman sighs again. “We've been saving for months, what have you been spending it on? Never mind I don't wanna know” he puts his hand over Remus' open mouth.
“We'll just go to the thrift store then” Roman decides as Remus licks his hand to make it move from his face. “Oh ew, you so did not have to slobber on me” Roman whines, Remus laughs but otherwise ignores Roman's pout.
“You say that like we weren't going to go to the thrift store to begin with.”
“Shush you! I need to text our friends!”
Remus sticks his tongue out at him, going back to adding red to his drawing.
Opening his text option he sends Patton and Logan their own texts.
-Hey Puffball, me and Rem want to go thrift shopping today, care to join us?
-Hey Nerd! We wanna shop wanna come along?
 Logan is the first to reply to Roman's text, he usually always is the fastest to answer; he doesn't like having backed up messages.
-I am sorry Roman I cannot make it today, I am otherwise engaged in an activity with my parents. Perhaps another day?
 “Pff, the little nerd is out” Roman informs Remus, he sees him shrug from the corner of his eye as Patton’s reply comes in.
-aww! that sounds like so much fun! but i cant im helping a friend move. maybe tomorrow if you wanna wait for me?
-Helping a friend move?
 -yea! ill tell you guys about it tomorrow okay? i havta go.
-Alright, have fun with that.
 “That's weird, Patton is helping his friend move?” The concept of Patton helping a friend move isn't what confuses Roman, he can see it perfectly well, Patton helps anyone he can. It's just that... Who is there to move?
“Who's moving?”
“I have no idea, but he said that he's down to do this shopping thing tomorrow, so I'll just text our nerd back and inform him of that.”
-You're free tomorrow right, wanna come then?
-Affirmative, that sounds adequate. I shall see you tomorrow
 For someone who is 'otherwise engaged in an activity' he sure answered that quickly.
And now that that's settled, they're going shopping tomorrow.
If they can get a ride to the next town over that is.
“I'm gonna go ask Mom if she can drive us tomorrow” Roman says, getting up and dusting himself off.
Remus ignores him being fully concentrated on the gore splattering his page his tongue caught between his teeth as he tries to get a blood puddle the right tones of red.
He leaves his brothers room to look for their mother, which was rather easy considering she's sitting at the kitchen table.
He stands in the doorway to the kitchen, looking at her work, she shuffles some papers around.
“What do you need sweetheart?” She asks without taking her eyes off of the page she's scowling at,  then sighs and puts it down. “I need a break, want some lunch? Do you know if your brother is hungry?”
He shrugs, “probably, but I came down to ask if you can drive us to the town over for some shopping tomorrow?”
She sighs as she gets some sandwiches ready, “I'm sorry My Little Prince, that's almost an hour long drive and I have to work all day tomorrow, I need to get this out to my editor by Monday.”
Roman nods “it's alright Mama, I'll figure something out.”
“Oh hey” she perks up, “I know for a fact that Thomas is doing absolutely nothing tomorrow, why don't you ask him?”
Roman's cheeks pink a bit. “Great idea Mother, I shall text Patton to ask him for us.”
She hugs him as she hands him two sandwiches, a bag of chips and two water bottles.
Roman bounds up the stairs with the food, and freezes in Remus' doorway.
“What are you doing?” He asks his twin who just so happens to be halfway out of his bedroom window, he’s backwards and upside down, his legs holding on to the windowsill.
Roman sets the food on the bed and rushes to hold Remus' ankles.
“Hanging out of the window!” Remus yells.
“Yes, I can see that but why?”
“Why not?” Remus rebuttals.
“It's dangerous to start with. You can seriously hurt yourself is why not!” He scoffs honestly, Remus really needs to stop giving Roman heart attacks, he might actually kill him with it one day from what he puts Roman through.
“That's why I have you silly!” Remus flails his arms up towards Roman as if that was the most obvious thing.
“What?” Roman asks.
“Well, you'll always be here to help me, you're The Prince, you'll always save me” he states matter of factually.
Roman's chest squeezes at his brothers pure faith in his capabilities and assurance that they'll always be there for each other.
“Okay, well take this as me saving you right now then and get inside here and away from the window, we are on the second floor you absolute heathen.”
Remus laughs out as he begins to pull himself up, but just falls back down and his laughter doubles after Roman hears a thump.
“Hey Ro? I can't get up.”
Roman stares at his brother in disbelief before his own laughter escapes him in peals.
The next day has come and Remus is excited about the days plan. Usually he doesn't care for shopping, too much waiting around and too many rules to follow. But this is with his friends and that's a whole different situation.
And fucking around in thrift stores is fun.
Jumping out of bed and pulling on Roman's hoodie that he was wearing yesterday back on is as much as he's gonna get dressed considering he slept in yesterday’s pants, so he's good for today.
Banging on Roman's door proves to be amusing for him and annoying for his twin. Roman opens the door, clothes and hair dishevelled an annoyed look across his face.
Remus waggles his eyebrows “you got someone in there Ro?”
“You just woke me up you idiot. It's too early to leave what are you doing?”
“What? No it's not, it's almost ten! Get dressed bitch. Or don't, either way” he shrugs.
“Don't let Mom hear you swear” Roman mumbles sleepily and adds “Thomas said he'd drive us after lunch.”
He pushes his way past Remus to get to the bathroom and closes the door before Remus can utter anything else.
Logan is probably awake, he'll just bother him.
-Hey BiTcH you comin with today yea?
-Good morning Remus, yes I am indeed going to be 'chilling' with everyone today. I informed Roman of this yesterday, did he not pass on the information?
-Sweet! Just confirming! I'm bored Roman is being boring entertain meeeeeeeeeee
-Roman is one of the least boring people I have ever been in the presence of. Though I guess that could be said for all of you. I don't know how I deal with it.
-Shuuut up you love uuus!
-Are you sufficiently entertained?
-why got somthin somthin to be doin over there?
-Not at this very moment I do not.
-ThEN keep talkn to me nerd, tell me nerd stuff
-Very well. What would you like to know today?
 Remus thinks on this, he and Logan do this often when Remus needs a distraction, and Logan is always glad to rattle off some knowledge, especially if he's highly fascinated by the subject matter. Logan can make anything interesting anyway, it's in the way he enunciates with hand gestures and how he explains things.
Remus can listen to nerd shit for forever if Logan was the one talking. It just calms his thoughts.
-Do you have a subject matter you wish to know about or would you like me to just tell you random facts?
-OH HOW ABOUT old torture methods!
 -Ah, that is actually very fascinating to look at through the ages.
-Would you like me to break it down for you or just fun facts for today?
-FuuuuuUN fACts!
-Very well. Did you know that one method was to take an elephant, getting it to slowly crush all the bones in ones limbs before inevitably crushing the person’s skull? Very babaric.
-Was that a Babar pun?
-I, what? No. It was simply a typo.
-I won't tell Paaaaatton your secrets saafe with me
They text back an forth like this for a while. Logan telling him facts on whatever Remus' mind jumps to in that moment.
Roman walks into the living room where Remus is lounging upside down on the couch with his feet up in the air.
“Is Mom gone?” He asks rubbing a towel through his wet hair.
“Ymmmhm” Remus answers he’s not really paying attention to Roman, he has the stuff Logan is sending him to read.
“You talking to Looooogan?” Roman sing songs while setting his arms on the back of the couch to lean on them, looking at Remus expectantly with his eyebrows raised.
Remus kicks him in the head.
He was literally (metaphorically) asking for it, standing in the exact right position for Remus' foot to connect to Roman's head.
“Hey!” Roman squawks, “I just took a shower I do not need your grody feet in my hair!”
“Well you shouldn't be in kicking distance now should you” he shoots at his twin.
Roman huffs, walking out of Remus' sight into the kitchen and comes back with a muffin. For both of them, well that's nice of him.
A muffin thwacks off of his forehead, making him drop his phone on to his face. His phone and the muffin are now on the floor and Roman is in the background laughing his ass off.
Okay, not nice of him then.
He throws his body to the side and flops off of the couch to grab both items. Double chocolate muffin though, score.
“Thomas will be here in an hour or so” Roman informs him.
He wiggles his eyebrows “you been talkin to Thooomas a lot lately brother dear? How scandalous.” He puts his hand to his mouth in mock shock.
Roman splutters “Ugh. Ugh, Remus. Please. He's basically Moms age. And for your information, it’s Patton that's been informing me so ha!”
“Doesn't mean you don't have a cruuuuuuush” he sings.
“Shut up. Go get dressed.”
“I am dressed.”
“You wore that yesterday!”
“Your point?”
“You. Wore that. Yes. Ter. Day.”
“You can't repeat yourself to prove a point.”
“I can if that's my whole point! Which it is cause I can not believe that I need to say it more than once to prove it!”
Remus rolls his eyes “no one caaaaaaaaares.”
“Logan would” Roman mutters.
“Give me some clothes then.”
“Wha- bu- euhhhuuuhuhh.” Roman whines out articulately.
“I'm kidding!” Remus says brightly and Roman relaxes. “I'm not changing” he says in a more serious tone and Roman deflates and whines again.
The hour-ish goes by pretty quickly, with Roman putting on where they left off from Full Metal Alchemist and about halfway through the third episode that's playing the doorbell rings.
The twins open the door to Patton’s smiling face.
“Heya guys! You ready to go shopping!” He bounces in place, giving off waves of pure happiness. Well he's extra happy today, and everyone would have noticed even if he didn't have his gift.
“Hell yea!” Remus shouts loudly as Roman locks the door behind them.
Logan is already seated in the back of Thomas' car and Remus gets in before Roman could so he can sit next to him. Patton climbs into shotgun so he can be in front with his brother.
“Hey guys” Thomas greets them as they buckle and settle in the seats.
“Thomas!” Roman crows “how's my favourite theatre teacher?”
Thomas chuckles “I'm not your teacher yet Roman, school hasn't started.”
Roman scoffs “it starts next week, we're practically there.”
Thomas starts the car and drives out of their driveway.
Its funny watching Roman's attempted flirting with Thomas, cause he so doesn't know what he's doing and Thomas obviously doesn't reciprocate so it just goes over the older man’s head every time Roman tries.
There's mischief in Thomas' eyes and Remus isn't the only one who catches it, he shares a look with Logan then glances to his brother to see his reaction, no doubt it'll be hilarious.
“Well Roman” Thomas begins and Roman perks up, “how do you even know that you'll be qualified for theatre?” He asks 'innocently'.
Patton snickers at his brother and lightly slapping his arm. “Tommy” he softly chastises.
Roman makes the loudest most offended noise Remus has ever heard him make; and they live together.
Logan smiles and Remus loudly chortles at his brother’s expense.
“I'm kidding Ro, I'm sure your audition will blow everyone’s socks off” Thomas says to calm the spluttering prince.
“I'm insulted that you even need me to audition, hasn't my whole life been enough of an audition for you?” Roman says flippantly.
“I can't play favourites Roman” Thomas says.
Patton giggles, “pun intended?” He asks.
“Of course” Thomas replies.
Roman perks up “I'm your favourite?” He asks giddily. Remus snorts, Roman elbows him.
“He just said he didn't do favourites Roman. Listen up” Logan interjects.
“Shut your boyfriend up” Roman whispers to him and he elbows Roman harder than he did to Remus.
The rest of the ride goes similarly and they make it to the other town in what seems like no time.
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littlebitoffanfic · 6 years
The rake x reader Request: do you know the creepypasta ‘the rake’? ive got such a crush on it and I would love a nice smutty one if you would be willing to do more monster types You had always had nightmares. Ever since you were a child. They were vivid and haunting beyond belief. Your mind would dream up anything and everything from gothic horror to the most amazing dreams. As you grew up, you turned your dreams into reality by becoming an artist. Your dreams inspired you to create some of the most unusual creatures and places. With age, you learned to control yourself in your dreams. Not the dream or nightmare itself, but your actions. No longer would you be unable to move or running on the spot but not getting anywhere. In fact, you often took to mocking the more horrific dreams because the dark humour amused you. there was one which was a more consistent than the others. A presence which you quickly grew attached to. You saw it less and less of a threat and now more of a protector. The first time you met the creature properly, you were convinced it was in a dream. You had woken up with the need to use the bathroom. Barely opening your eyes, you swung your feet out your bed and quickly went to the bathroom. You didn’t turn on the light, knowing the way around like the back of your hand before returning to your bedroom. But with time, your eyes had adjusted a little more and, as you walked in, you were greeted by a monster. It was crouched at the foot of your bed and had turned towards you. Large eyes and a gaunt face. Its flesh was a light grey/white colour and its limbs were elongated and lanky. It looked human, or at least humanoid. With two arms and two legs, a torso and head with no hair on its body. And apart from large eyes, it seemed to be without a nose, and its mouth was pressed together in a fine line. For a moment, the two of you stared at each other. Normally, you could pinpoint what may have inspired your night-creatures like if it resembled an animal you may have interacted with or been interested with the day before. But you couldn’t explain this. It had to be another dream. In fact, you had ‘met’ the creature a few times before this. It had been in your mind a few times long before now. For about 2 years. You sometimes had issues where you would wake and a dream would spill out for a moment. You could be dreaming of a minotaur and when you open your eyes, its there in your room for a moment. You had seen the creature a few times when you woke and rolled over but always shrugged it off. The thought of a creature watching over you as you slept was strangely comforting because you knew it couldn’t be real. Sometimes, you dreamt of the creature when you felt needy, or partly desperate. The thought of a beast like this taking you had always driven you insane with desire, so it was common for it to appear in your dreams when you needed it. Walking into your room, you gave the creature a wide birth as you returned to your bed. Its eyes followed you closely, tilting its head to the side as you sat on your bed. You thought of speaking to it, but your mind was blurry and tired. You had a long day ahead of you tomorrow so you decided that if you could have a sleep within a sleep, it may help you. crawling under the covers, you lay down, breaking the eyes contact. A strange noise, barley over a whisper, reached your ears. Like a mixture between a hum and a purr with a slight crackle through it. You couldn’t help but smile, the noise comforting you somehow. “good night.” You whispered and slowly drifted off, every so often, that same purr echoing in your dreams. The next morning, you woke up with the dream still fresh in your mind. But it felt a little different. Looking to the end of your bed, you saw nothing. throughout the day, you couldn’t help but allow your mind to wonder back to the creature from your dream. It certainly wasn’t a nightmare. The creature, while strange to look at, didn’t try to harm you or cause you distress. And, worse of all, you felt a pull towards the creature. You had never felt so attracted to something or someone. And yet, the presents of this thing sent shivers down your spin. You wondered how tall it was when standing, how its skin felt, how it moved and what it thought. Frustrated with yourself, you grabbed your sketch book and started to draw the creature. Maybe if you moved it from your mind to paper, it would help. Once you were finished, the likeness close enough to satisfy you, you had felt tired and decided to call it a night. And he appeared again. This time, you had felt it at the end of your bed. The weight of the creature. Opening your eyes, you were surprised to see it wasn’t staring at you. Instead, it had your sketch book opening on the bed. its fingers were moving over the page. Long and slender but looked more like claws towards the end, the fingers seemed to be carving something on the opposite page of your sketch book. Curious, you sat up and moved down your bed to look. In capital letters, was the work ‘RAKE’. “Is that your name?” you asked, looking to the creature. Its eyes found your own and that same purr/hum came from its chest as it nodded once. sometimes, your creations would name themselves in your dreams, which you liked because it took some pressure off your mind to try match a name and your subconscious took care of it. “Rake.” You mused over the name, your eyes instantly going to his fingers that, now you were closer, were claws. moved by curiosity once again as you slowly extended your hand towards its own. It froze but allowed your fingers to brush against its own as you examined it. The tips were clawed and felt hard to the touch, like nails, but then it became softer as you went further up his finger and they became more like human hands. “interesting.” You mused as you turned its hand over so its palm was facing up. Placing your hand on top of its own, you couldn’t help but smile had how much bigger its hand was than your own. Your eyes moved back to Rakes, who was watching you closely as you had expected. “im just curious, is all.” You smile, a playfulness in your tone but you didn’t want to push the creature. Not even in your own dream. moving backwards, you lay back down. “My names [y/n].” you don’t know why you gave it your name, or why it would want it. But it felt right as you closed your eyes over. You could feel its gaze fixed on you once more. -------------- present time ------------ When you woke, you sat up and stretched, until something caught your eyes. Lying on your bed, was your sketch book. You had left it on your desk the night before. Sure, Rake had had in it your dream, but that was a dream for Christ sake. Or was it? Fear flashed through your body. True, the last 2 dreams had been a lot more vivid and felt real, but they couldn’t be. Reaching for your book with shaking hand, you picked it up and opened it. The sight made your heart stop. The picture of the Rake had been ripped out, but on the opposite page to where it had been, you could see the indent of where its name was. Running your fingers over it, you could feel which the page indented with the pressure. You jumped, throwing the book away from you as you looked around the room, your heart now racing. It was real and it had been here. Twice. Would it come back tonight? What did it was? You spent the whole day in fear and wanting more information. So you took to the internet. However, what you found sent chills down your spin. People had been getting killed at night. It had been reported a few times over the last few weeks in various places near you. How had you missed this? You tried to find anything about a survivor, but nothing came out. People reported a figure in the woods, moving on all fours, white with long limbs. you didn’t know what to do as the day dragged into night. You couldn’t go to bed, you were too scared to ever close your eyes. So you sat on your desk chair but moved it so it was pressed into the corner so nothing as behind you. You had a large kitchen knife and a few other things to possibly ward off an attack by you. you also put on a summer dress which you used as a nightgown because it was easy to move in. if you needed to move quickly, the dress allowed you that freedom. All that you could do was wait. but waiting was easier said than done as your eyes grew heavy. You began to blink for longer and longer, your eyes struggling to open after they closed. blink. there was nothing in your room. blink. Nothing. Blink. nothing. Blink. the rake. you jumped when you realised you had fallen asleep long enough to allow it into your room once again. It was perched on your bed once again; its knees dawn up to its chest as it stared at you. it looked between you and the bed. “why not asleep?” Its voice sent a shiver through your body. It was deep, low and had a little crackle to it like its purrs. But you didn’t know it could speak at all. “I-i-I-“ You stutter, unable to move from fear. But this cause more confusion for the creature. “Why scared now?” it asked, moving for the first time. Stretching out one of its legs, it stepped onto the floor and moved its whole body down. Its crawled towards you on all fours. “Because you’re real.” You responded, your eyes darting to the knife which had fallen to the floor. You must have dropped it in your sleep. But the Rake saw. A hissing noise filled the air and you looked back to him, nearing screaming. Its mouth had grown and now showed a number of teeth. It pounced forward at you, making you raise you hands to cover your face out of fear. But no pain ever came. Instead, you felt it take your right hand and guide it away from your face. The rake was now crouched in front of you, but due to its size, its eyes were level with your own. “Why haven’t you killed me?” You whisper to it. “interest. Curious.” It reply’s, the words rolling off its tongue as it begins to run the tips of its sharp fingers along your palm and up your forearm, not nearly hard enough to draw blood. A shiver ran through your body as the long nails raked over your skin. But it was short lived as your door bell rang twice and you heard your elderly neighbour call your name. Rake twisted towards the bedroom door and hissed, becoming more aggressive in his stance and demeanour. Instantly, fear ran through you as you grabbed its wrist. “No, please. Shes a friend. Just, just let me see what she wants.” You begged, unsure if your pleading with do anything. But apparently, it did. Rake moved back a little, allowing you to stand up. You noticed him move to your bed and his normal spot before you ran to your front door. Your neighbour, Mary, asked if you were okay as she had heard screaming and you looked pale. You laughed it off, saying you had just had a nightmare which she seemed content with the answer. She knew your dreams were often bad. She left and you closed the door over and returned to your room. You could see the rake in the same spot, waiting for you to return. You closed your bedroom door over and leaned against it, unsure of how to proceed. Slowly, you walked closer to the creature, to him. Since he was on your bed, he was now taller than you were, but you didn’t mind that too much. Standing at the foot of your bed, you raise your hand slowly so not to startle him. Rake allowed you to move your hand closer to his face so you could ever so softly brush the tips of your fingers over his skin. His eyes closed at the contact, his body seeming to relax as you grew more confident with your movements and cupped his cheek. The rake started to move forward, stepping off the bed as you took a step back and allowed your hands to drop to yours sides. The sheer size of it, standing fully in front of you was enough to make you stare in awe. It towered over you when it stood up straight. You weren’t sure if this as a intimidation tactic or why it had felt the need to step off the bed. its large hands raised, and you could see them both by your head in your peripheral vision, but you didn’t dare drop the rakes eye contact. You felt like you were in some type of hypnotic trace, unable to allow the part of you which was in charge of self preservation to demand you run. But you couldn’t. You felt one of its hands twist itself into your hair, gently pulling your head back. You broke eye contact to obey its demand as you closed your eyes, fear and adrenaline coursing through your body. Then you felt it. A breath upon your bare neck. Your eyes snapped open and you saw it had lowered its head down to your neck. You could feel its mouth open and its sharp teeth grazed the skin on your neck. You let out a soft gasp but made no attempts to stop it. In fact, your body reacted to the danger of its touch in an unexpected way. You arched your back, your head falling further backwards without its demand. You felt the hand which wasn’t in your hair trailing down your sides before grabbing the loose material of your nightgown. Its claws tore the fabric, ripping a hole in the side of your gown. With this access, its hand slipped under the fabric, touching your bare sides and sliding to your lower back. Another gasp as your hands reached out, finding its chest. But you didn’t push it away. No, your hands slid up and to its shoulders and you hung onto it for support as it bends you further backwards. With its hand on your back and the other in your hair, you allowed it to lower you to the floor as it crouched between your legs. Its mouth moved down to tease your collarbone and even gently bite the area. You gasped, a soft moan leaving your lips. Lust had long taken over your body as you felt your insides swirl with the feeling. You could feel yourself becoming hot and bothered as you clenched your thighs together in some sort of desperate attempt to control yourself. But you were past the point of no return. You knew of your attraction to this creature, its body appearing in your deepest and darkest dreams, the ones which you woke up panting and gasping for air as you cursed your body for still feeling the need. It moved the hand on your body, turning it over so the craws were facing out from your skin before tearing the material down to the hem of your nightgown. You dug your nails into his shoulders as you felt the material fall away from your legs. But the rake wasted no time as it pulled away from your collar. The hair in your hair retreated so it could tear the upper part of your nightgown. It started by placing a claw to your neck, trailing it down the front to the neckline of the nightgown before beginning to tear the fabric. Since it only only had thin straps, you moved your hands from its shoulder to pull them down, along with your bra straps. With that, you arched your back to reach under yourself, unclasping your bra and pulling it from your body to throw it away. your actions certainly pleased the creature as its head ducked down, its touch touching your skin and trailing across your right breast. You moaned, arching into it as it licked at your nipple, its teeth even grazing over the soft bud. Your hands fell above your head, offering your body to it completely as you allowed the pleasure to overtake any fear in your body. It moved to your left breast, offering it the same treatment. The cool air made the saliva on your right breast go cold and send a shiver through your body. then a snarl left its throat as it moves from crouching to kneeling between your legs, pressing its body against yours. your legs wrapped around it, pulling yourself close so you could gently grind against it, the friction offering a little relief against your now swollen clit. But because of its position, your legs were around its torso. It would have to move higher for you to feel if it had the anatomy of a male. you hadn’t seen if it had when you were looking it over. But you so hoped it did. You moved your hands to the back of its skull, feeling the soft skin which covered its head. Another growl left its lips as its head snapped up to look at you as your hands found its cheeks. There was something so primal and dominating about tis gaze that broke you. Sitting up slightly, you were able to guides its lips to your own in a desperate kiss. Its whole body froze at this, allowing you to take control off the kiss. You were surprised but it moved further up your body, hovering over you as you kissed it deeply. Wrapping your arms around its shoulder, you arched your back up and felt its chest press against your own, which cause a shiver to run through both your bodies. It seemed to like it as its arm moved under your back and pulled you up against it again. Then you felt the hardness now pressed between your legs. It throbbed slightly as you rocked your hips against it, creating a friction that made you moan into the kiss. You wondered how the rake had a cock or rather how it hid it. Perhaps it was in a sheath which allowed protection except when ‘needed’. You didn’t know, but you were most certainly happy to have made the discovery. Its free hand clawed at your sides, making you gasp and groan into the kiss before moving to your panties. In a single rip, it tore the side as the other hand left your back to mirror this and finally pull them away from your body. But it didn’t break the kiss the entire time. In fact, it seemed to be enjoying the kiss and unable to break away from it. Even when you pulled back for air, it slammed its lips back to your own. Finally, you felt the bare cock pressing against your slit. It rubbed against the area for a moment, in a almost teasing way before the rake seemed unable to control itself and slammed into you, filling you completely in a sudden movement. You threw your head back as your fingers dug into its flesh in both pain and pleasure as you moaned and gasped for air. A snarl left the rakes mouth as its whole body shakes at the feeling. Raspy pants left its lips as it began to move inside you, the speed quickly picking up. both its hands moved to grab your hips, the claws digging into your sides as you welcomed the pain. You kept your arms around its neck, playfully digging your nails into its skin when its own claws got a little too much to balance the pleasure with, in which case it would release. The room filled with your moans of pleasure and its low growls and groans along with the sound on its hips meeting yours. The rake lifted your hips off the floor slightly, add a new angle as it began to pound into you at such a speed you thought you might be driven insane. You cried out, begging for more and it was more than happy to provide with a low growl that vibrated deep in its chest, it thrusts becoming harder. Your eyes squeezed shut as your hands fell from its shoulder to your own hair. You took handfuls, pulling as you gasped for air. Your back arched and your chest against its own. There was a loud snarl and you felt its hand leave your hip to grab your right hand and pull it away from your hair. Your eyes opened in shock as it moved your arm back around its neck before it replaced your hand with its own. It took a chunk of your hair and pulled, making you cry out and arch your whole back and neck off the floor. Your other hand flew out your air to grab at the rake, only to feel it duck its head down to your neck again. This time, it didn’t just gaze your skin. You felt the nips of its bites along your lower neck, collar and shoulder to the point you cried out in pain. Its head snapped up to meet your gaze and you saw your blood on its mouth along with concern in its eyes as its hand let go of your hair. Its hips began to slow but you couldn’t stop. You were so so close and you needed it. You knew it was just trying to please you, that was obvious in the way it was trying to do what you were doing. You moved to slam your lips to its own once again. This time, you could taste your own blood on its lips and something in you broke. You darted your tongue out, licking its sharp teeth as another growl left its chest and the speed was picked up again. This time, it was harder and faster than before. You wrapped your arms around its neck, bringing yourself as close to it as physically possible as your whole body seemed to tense in anticipation. its arm slipped under your back and shoulder once again, raising you off the floor completely in its arms as it slammed into you, its own thrusts becoming sloppy but almost demented. The knot in your lower stomach tensed one final time before your orgasm swept over your body in a wave of pleasure and bliss. It felt like your skin was on fire as you moaned against its mouth, your walls pulsing in you. apparently, that was all the rake needed before a loud growl left its chest, filling the room and almost shaking it as it came deep inside you. The first thing you remembered after you came was the soft furnishing of your bed as you moved there by the rake. As it placed you down, you felt it pulling fully out of you and you suddenly felt very empty. you opened your eyes when you felt the bed dip at the end and saw it had returned to crouching at the foot of your bed, this time facing the door. You didn’t even notice the blanket that had been carefully placed over your nude body until it fell down as you sat up. “Rake?” You called out, your voice horse from the noises you had just been making. It turned its head to you, obviously confused as to why you didn’t fall back asleep. “Now what?” You ask, scared of the response. “Now I protect.” It said, its low voice sending a shiver through your spine. “Protect?” You ask, moving out from the cover to its side. “Protect. Never mated before. Now I have a mate, I must protect.” It nodded, more to itself than to you. “Im your mate?” You ask, a soft smile on your lips. “does that mean you’ll stay?” A single nod sends your world into joy as you smile widely at the rake. You press a soft kiss to its cheek before moving under the covers but with your head at the foot of your bed, next to it. Whatever was happening, whatever it was, nothing could ruin your moments of bliss as you drifted off into a nightmares sleep.
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hamilton-one-shots · 6 years
Hamilton High School AU 52
Alexander sighed and plopped down beside John on the couch as they arrived at his apartment.
"Are you alright?"
"I don't want to deal with Thomas..."
"I'll be just in my room. I promise you'll be fine."
Alexander nodded and buried his face in his chest. "This week sucked.."
"Why don't we skip tomorrow? I'll treat you to another date, if you're up for it."
"... Last time we had a date, you almost broke up with me the next day."
"That's not going to happen, I promise." He kissed his head. "We can go to the movies and a museum and wherever else you want to go."
"Can we get our costumes for the dance?.."
"Yeah." He smiled.
Alexander sat up and kissed him. "Okay.."
John kissed back and held Alexander close, staying like that with him for the next hour and a half.
By then, Alexander grabbed his phone and checked the time. Did drama really take that long? He decided to text Thomas, just to be safe. [Dnt 4gt 2 cum 2 John's plas]
He got a reply almost immediately, but it wasn't one he expected. [... Do what at John's? xx]
[dnt b gros]
[I'm on my way, I'm just getting Lucy. xx]
Alexander sighed. "Jefferson's on his way.."
John nodded and kissed his head. "Let's go get Susan, then."
"You go.. I'll get ready to deal with him.."
"Okay." He got up and left, coming back with Susan in his arms a minute later.
She hopped to the ground and went over to Alexander, pulling herself up into the couch in front of him. "Hi."
"Hi." He smiled.
"Johnny says I'm meeting a new friend!"
"Yeah, you are.."
She smiled and ran off to John's room, Thomas buzzing in soon after.
John buzzed him in and opened the door for him, Lucy hugging his legs as tightly as ever.
"Hi, Johnny!"
"Hi Lucy." He picked her up and smiled.
"Do I really have to share you today?.."
He nodded.
"I don't want to.." She buried her face in his shoulder. "You're my friend..."
"I know, but I'm her friend too. Maybe you'll like her, okay?"
John sighed. "Let's just try, okay?"
She didn't respond and John realized that this was not about to be easy.
Thomas rubbed her back. "Be nice for Johnny, okay? Otherwise, I won't bring you next time."
She pouted and nodded, John carrying her back to his room. "This is your house?.."
"It's my apartment, yeah."
"Where's the rest of it?"
"This is the whole apartment."
"That's it?"
He chuckled. "Well, it's just me here most of the time." He took her into his room and set her down beside Susan, who was coloring, and kissed her forehead. "I'll be back in a second. Be nice, okay?"
Lucy pouted, but nodded.
John went back to the living room just as Thomas sat down with Alexander. "I'll just be in the next room. I'd better not hear you two fighting. If either of you starts a fight, I won't hesitate to make you leave. Understood?"
They both nodded. John may have been treating them like kids, but maybe it was necessary.
"Good." He smiled and went back to his room just in time to hear Susan crying. He walked back faster and found Lucy coloring in her book. He picked up Susan and rocked her as he sat down beside Lucy. "Isn't that Susan's coloring book?.."
"I wanted to show her how to color right. She was coloring all wrong, see?" She flipped the page and showed John the fully colored picture that she'd scratched out.
He frowned. "That's not nice, Lucy. There's no one right way to color."
"But she's not doing it right!" she whined.
"She's coloring her way. She's only a baby, she's still learning."
Lucy pouted. She was definitely Thomas's sister. It was obvious that she had good, albeit self-serving, intentions, but she was going about it the wrong way.
"Did you ask to color?"
"I wanted to show her! She shouldn't be crying.."
"You took it from her and the picture she colored looked nice. Why don't you ask if you can use it and tell her why you want to?"
"But.. But... It's not fair! I wanted to help her!"
"I know that, but you have to tell Susan. She loves her coloring book because I made it for her."
She frowned. "Why don't I have one?!"
"Because I didn't know if I'd be able to give it to you. I'll make you one right now if you promise to play nice with Susan."
She pouted, but nodded. "Okay... Can I help you color, Susan?.."
She sniffled as she finished crying and looked at Lucy, nodding. "Okay..."
John smiled and cleaned her face, then put her down. "There. Isn't that better?"
Lucy nodded. "Yeah.."
He sat up on his bed and watched as they colored, sketching out a coloring book for Lucy as they played.
Thomas watched from the door from the second that he heard Lucy getting herself into trouble and smiled at the sight. John was one of the few people she'd actually listen to and it was nice to see him dealing with kids. It was sweet. He went back to the living room once John got them situated and sat with Alexander, both reluctantly working together.
They managed to get a few things done without arguing, but what would the pair be without bickering over a few petty points? The only things that was able to stop their bickering was when John came out from his room with two small children following him into the kitchen. Both boys felt their heart melt at the sweet sight and they were able to silence their arguing, resorting to just mouthing and typing insults to each other with only the occasional whispered curse.
John went into the kitchen and let the girls watch and help him cook lasagna, glad to see that they were starting to get along. While it cooked, they went back to John's room and colored again, John still drawing. When it was finished, John went back and pulled the dish out of the oven, letting it cool before serving it on plates. He even cut Thomas and Alexander a piece, taking their plates to them.
Thomas smiled. "You always were good at cooking, especially for someone so addicted to pizza."
John chuckled. "Thanks." He kissed Alexander's cheek before walking back to the kitchen and taking plates back to his room for himself and the girls.
Thomas picked up his plate and began eating, noticing that Alexander just picked at his own. "What's up with you?"
"Not hungry."
"You should eat. It's good."
"I'll eat when I'm ready."
"Well, we need to take a break, then just get back to it."
Alexander tutted.
Thomas rolled his eyes. "Whatever." He kept eating. Arguing like that wasn't worth it.
After eating, John began watching movies with the girls on top of a few piled blankets and pillows on the floor, mainly Disney movies, and hardly even noticed that he'd fallen asleep until he woke up hours later to Lucy wrapping her arms tightly around his neck.
He carefully pried her arms off and got up, taking their empty plates to the sink and making sure that World War III hadn't broken out in his living room. What he found was quite the opposite and made him smile. "Aww.."
Thomas and Alexander had fallen asleep as well and were leaning against each other, Thomas's arm around Alexander's shoulders and Alexander's head against his side. They were practically cuddling.
After putting the plates in the sink and going back for theirs, John draped a blanket over Thomas and Alexander before going back to his room and going back to sleep.
In the morning, he woke up to his phone blowing up with texts from Alexander.
John chuckled and got up, deciding to let this play out. It was funny. Alexander hadn't even tried to wake up Thomas, he just let him sleep at the time. So, he carefully picked up Susan and covered Lucy, taking her back to Maria for daycare.
Alexander perked up a bit when he heard John shifting around from the other room and smiled as he came into view... Before it dropped into shock as he just walked past him. "John! John!" he whispered as he walked out. He grumbled and waited for him to come back, leaning up as he came back.
John smiled. "You two are cute when you're not fighting." He walked back to his room with a grin.
That stupid grin. John knew what he was doing. "John!" Alexander whined, trying to escape Thomas's grip, only for him to hold him tighter. He tried texting John again. [cOME BAK] [WAT TH FUCKJOHN] [HELP ME I SWARE 2 GOD] [U R THE WORST PERSN] [UGGHHHHHH] There was no response, John just left him on 'read.' He groaned and accepted his fate, going back to sleep for a few minutes.
Thomas woke up then, tutting as he looked down at Alexander. "Ew," he muttered as he pushed him to the floor.
"Ow!" he complained as he was forced awake.
"Do I look like a bed to you?"
"I tried to wake you up earlier, but you couldn't hear me over your disgusting snoring."
"How dare you, you intolerable-"
"Hey!" John interrupted. "Both of you were cuddled up against each other, so cut the arguing."
"I'd never want to come near him," Alexander snapped.
John shook his head and pulled out his phone, showing them pictures that he'd taken of the two undoubtedly cuddling. "You two were just so adorable, I couldn't resist," he shrugged before heading to the kitchen, both boys in pursuit of the god awful pictures.
"Sunshine, honey, you don't want that silly picture... If you wanted a photo of me, all you'd need to do was ask."
Alexander rolled his eyes. "Nobody wants a photo of /your/ sorry ass." He turned to John. "John, if you love me, you'll get rid of that phot-"
"Oh, now you're going to play /that/ card?" Thomas snapped, leaning over Alexander. "How pathetic..."
"You really should stop talking to your reflection, Jeffershit."
"Jeffershit? Is that the best you can do, Hoemilton?"
John rolled his eyes. "I'd knock it off, if I were you. If you guys fight, I will post these pictures."
They both backed down a bit.
"Good. Lucy is just in the other room. You have to take her to school, Thomas."
Thomas tutted and nodded. "Okay.. Do you want to come along? I want to take you somewhere."
"You're not taking my boyfriend anywhere, especially not today."
Thomas rolled his eyes. "If he dumps your sorry ass, that won't be on me. If you're that insecure that you can't let him hang out with someone else, that's your problem."
Alexander glared after a few seconds, unable to think of a witty reply. Or any reply.
John sighed and frowned. "I'll just be a bit, okay?.. Then you and I can spend the rest of the day together, I promise.."
How could Alexander turn him down? He had to trust him more. And he had to stop hurting him. "Okay..."
"I guess he can come with. As long as he walks."
Alexander growled in response.
"Hey John, your dog needs training."
"Hey John, there's a rapist in your house."
"Well, aren't we learning things about you, Alex..."
"If I wanted my own comeback, I'd have wiped it off your mom's chin!"
Thomas looked like he was going to throttle Alexander and Alexander looked just as on edge. But with John in ownership of those photos, both knew it was an awful idea.
"Forget it. I'll just stay here.."
John kissed his cheek. "Thank you. You can choose what we do today."
He nodded.
Thomas headed to the bedroom and had Lucy get ready before taking her to school, John in the passenger's seat.
"Who was that other guy?"
"He's my boyfriend, Alexander."
After a few seconds, that information processed and she came to the first conclusion that came to mind. "He stole you from Tommy!"
"Lucy, he didn't steal me. He only became my boyfriend a bit ago."
She pouted. "He stole you..."
"I promise he didn't. Can you trust me on that?"
"... Okay.."
Thomas dropped her off at school before taking John to Mulligan's.
"What are we doing here?"
"I've got a surprise for you. Come on." He led him into the shop, holding the door open for him.
Sarah smiled as she saw John coming in and let it fall as Thomas followed him in. "Thomas."
"H-Hello Mrs Mulligan..."
"Just what do you think you're doing here?"
"Okay, I know a lot has happened, but-"
"Without giving me a hug?" She beamed once again before pulling him into a tight hug. "Oh, Tommy, it's been far too long! Hugh told me you were coming in with Johnny here!"
He caught his breath as she let him go. "It's nice to see you again too!"
She smiled and let him catch his breath, taking John away in the meantime. "So, did he tell you what we were doing today?"
"No, actually."
"I'll let him explain, then." She had him stand in front of a mirror and Thomas walked over, now recovered.
"What's going on?.." John asked him.
"Well.. I know I haven't been the best person to you these past couple of weeks and I want to make that up. I'm buying your costume for the dance next week. Custom made, whatever character you want, I'll pay for it."
John's eyes widened in shock. "Oh, you really didn't have to do that."
"I don't care. I want to. You deserve something special."
John's first thought? Alexander was not going to like this.
Sarah smiled and began taking his measurements, then asked what character he was thinking of.
Of course, he told her that he wanted to be Belle.
She nodded and wrote down the numbers when she finished. "I'll let you know when we have it done."
John nodded and followed Thomas out of the shop when everything was done, still trying to figure out what to say on the matter.
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arkhamknxghts · 7 years
Oop I got carried away anyways jaykyle headcanons
•Kyle does his best to be the Santa that Jason never had don’t @ me
•Jason: I want to cut my hair I want a change
Kyle: I support you I’m going to dye my hair
•Kyle: “which safe house are you at im omw”
Jason: #4
Kyle: where’s that one
Kyle: nvm just meet me at the bank
•late night movie theaters Jason falls asleep against his shoulder and is laying down in his lap if the seats are connected
•Kyle: wtf I only have $3.77 in my bank account
Bruce or Jason overhearing and so Kyle wakes up with $3,003.77 in his account
•Jason: Bruce did an okay job at being my father figure we can share I guess
Kyle: sure I’ll put your achievements on my mom’s fridge im sure she won’t mind
*puts jason’s drawing of a flower on it*
•Kyle picks up photography and filmmaking so he tried to film everything him and Jason do together.
*first kiss, first sober kiss, first night he spent over, first roadtrip, first date*
•Jason drives during the road trips because he’s calm and collected while driving and he reactions to bad drivers near him quickly
•Kyle to Jason at 1am at a gas station: I love your bags
Jason: I appreciate it
*kyle kissss him under each eye and Jason flinches*
•Kyle snorts and Jason cries when they find something hilarious
•Jason: so Alfred taught me how to make bacon and eggs without setting something on fire in kitchen here’s some breakfast in bed
•Bruce always reminding Kyle that a part of him is still going to be protective over Jason despite Jason’s history “so don’t think that just because he… doesn’t mean I will…”
•Hal was trying to find a reason to dislike Jason but he sees that Jason and Kyle get along so oddly that there’s nothing plus him and Jason bond over their love to annoy Bruce
•he still annoys them both about protection tho
•Hal: is Jason that good of a fuck that I have to deal with bats even more now
Kyle not understanding what “of a fuck” means: yes
•Kyle coming home to a load of take out food that Jason ordered
•Forehead kisses for you
•Kyle’s phone storage running out because most videos on his phone are of Jason doing some silly thing like dancing towards the camera at a party or other video shots he wasn’t done editing (his favorite is that one time Jason was getting frustrated at putting up furniture but Jason looked so good in Kyle’s shirt and messy hair it makes Kyle homesick when he watches it), up close to Jason covering his eyes, (this one was early in their relationship) Jason smoking and looking sideways at him with glassy eyes, Jason looking at Kyle with these sleepy googly eyes and Kyle will look at the photo with so much pride and another is Jason with a butterfly on his face which took 5 years off of Kyle’s lifespan
•Jason: can I
•Jason is comfortable crying in front of Kyle, Kyle reminds him that he loves him with snot and big tears and all
•Jason brings Kyle back a picture and a souviner from every country’s iconic structure
Kyle starts to tear up
•Kyle “I brought you a rock” Rayner
Jason “this is the best thing anyone has ever gotten me I’m going to sleep with it for the next month” Todd
•Kyle brings back books and other materials that aren’t on Earth back to Jason because he know Jason loves learning more about anything there is to learn everyday
•Kyle knows that Jason has the curiosity of a child, that’s what makes Jason so fun to be around with
•Kyle doing the upside down Spider-Man kiss with Jason when he comes back if he’s still wearing his green lantern unfirom
•on Jason’s bad days, Kyle will cook or turn the radio on at a soothing volume for Jason to feel a little better
• when Jason still doesn’t get out of bed Kyle will just spend the day with Jason’s silent form by watching tv and covering them both up with a blanket
•Kyle: do you want to get up? We can try to look up ways to make your explosions even bigger
“No thanks” in a soft voice
“Okay just get your rest tomorrow can be a brand new day”
•he reminds Jason that he doesn’t need to go anywhere when it’s his death anniversary and of course its understandable to still be upset about
•Jason will force Kyle to take a break at times or just to let himself go
•convo on the couch with the rain pattering outside the window ”I miss Alex, her birthday is coming up” “I’m sorry” *7 seconds of silence* “do you want to talk about it?”
•Kyle: this piece is trash
Jason: our definitions of trash are very different
•Jason: so I found this frame for you
Kyle: you mean stole it?
Jason: no one else grabbed it
•Kyle: wtf he teaches me something new everyday
•Kyle wanted to do a cheesy ice skating date and it was fun and games until he found out that Jason is practically an ice skater mid way, leaving Kyle to throw snowballs at Jason from the sidelines because he sprained his ankle when he fell
•Jason carrying him to the apartment because “it’s only 6 blocks away I’ll be fine”
•Kyle: can you teach me how to shoot a gun
Jason: cAn yOu TEacH mE hOw tO sHoOt a gUN? What the fuck no
•Jason: can you take me to Oa? Dick wants to visit
•Kyle: cAn YoU tAkE mE tO oA? Hell no
•early in their relationship they exchanged nothing but drunk kisses at all the celebrations or parties like they were that annoying couple that took almost every fucking place to sit because they were just making out so no one really knew if they were together because they seemed like they already were ???
•Kyle makes fun of Jason when he’s driving because he’s overly cautious unlike Kyle who drives with one hand on the wheel at all times
•their first date or kiss or the fuck they refer it to was the first time they got together was some kind of mess. It wasn’t planned at all. It started from going to the cave for a meeting, Kyle asking Jason what’s to eat around Gotham, Jason taking Kyle to his favorite place and next thing you know they’re having a deep meaningful conversation in the back of one of the cars they borrowed from Bruce’s and they started to make out, Jason and Kyle had an argument of whose place is closer and they ended up going to Kyle’s hotel. Jason told himself he was going to leave early in the morning but that bitch was so tired from last night he stayed in until 12 and then they were like oh btw I always had a crush on you
(Thus is where Kyle’s first photo of Jason happened, when he was laying in bed still asleep, messy hair and all)
•weird conversations with no context like:
•”I’ll bet you that I can play the violin for $15”
“It wouldn’t even surprise me that this point”
•Jason while giving a foot massage to Kyle: your feet are the only feet I’m willing to touch
Kyle: good don’t foot massage cheat on me
•kyle: yeah he almost looked like he was never mind I’ll just sketch it out hold on
•Jason: does your facial hair grow out faster in space?
Kyle: I don’t know like *deep sigh* like it can
•*off key singing when making dinner “will you still love me when I’m no longer young and beautiful I know you will I know you will I know that you wil-“ “you don’t know me” from across the room
•Kyle has an hour long video of Jason lip syncing Moana word to word
•everytime bruce and Jason have a small argument Hal would act like he’s Jason’s dad. “Hey lad do you want to bat with me?” “Do you want to catch a burger with me?”
Kyle: that was supposed to be me what the hell
•Bruce: this is what we’re not going to do
•Kyle: Jason get your father figure or whatever you try refer to him as he keeps talking to my mom about a Wayne industries job
•Kyle out of no where: we should go skinny dipping
Kyle: babe stop yelling I’m right here
•Kyle washing the blood out of Jason’s hair when patrol or a mission goes wrong while Jason tries not to fall asleep
•Kyle hyping up Jason whenever Jason changes anything ranges to “why are your fingers fat they look like hotdogs sometimes” “you don’t see me asking why are you the way you are though”
•”add that to our sex playlist” “ok”
“please drop me off here I’ll just call Bruce or Alfred to pick me up”
•Jason sleeps better with Kyle, like Kyle is willing to wake him up at a reasonable time depending when he comes back and will try his best to stay up until he comes back from patrol
•All I’m saying is that Kyle helps Jason and Jason helps Kyle
•Bruce once walked in on Kyle decorating Jason’s hair with shampoo, he just silently closed the door
•Jason is very proud of Kyle like he tries to find time to talk someone’s ear off about his boyfriend. He treats the stories of Kyle without the ring with just as much pride as the stories of Kyle with the ring
•every birthday they try to make their gift/surprise bigger than the last one for an example Jason thought that putting fireworks outside the window and he somehow manipulated it to catch on fire when the window is open so he thought this was a good idea
•Kyle somehow managed to get his hands on C4, gunpowder, and tickets to the aquarium
•I’m not saying Jason appreciates s the color green because of Kyle after hating it since his robin days but that’s exactly what I’m saying
•told Kyle that he green reminds him of Kyle not just being of the lantern gig but because it reminds him of how warm and hopeful it is like him
•their dynamic and timing of the relationship is perfect with each other because they’re not around each other so much where they get annoyed of each other quickly
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magpiewords · 7 years
Sugar and Snow
This was way too much fun to write. Text-talk style is my guilty pleasure. The title isn’t my best, but half the story is about a ski trip and half of it is about sufganiyot.
It was the sixth night and no one was home. Steve shouldn’t have been surprised, they were all busy people. The fact that nothing alien or super powered had threatened the world in the past few weeks was a miracle all on it’s own. He was grateful for the peaceful days they had together, but he was left wanting more as he stood alone in the kitchen, mading a single sandwich out of leftover brisket. There weren’t even any latkas left to heat up, and he really didn’t feel like making more if he was just by himself.
He was on the last bites of his sandwich when his phone buzzed. A lone text message from Tony. [check snapchat]
Steve was just happy with was in actual English instead of whatever amalgamation of emojis the genius was prone to communicate with. Bucky had picked up on that new language fast enough, which seemed to give everyone else clearance to speak solely in pictures on the team group text. They were having so much fun and Steve didn’t have the heart to tell them he felt left out.
Snapchat wasn’t as bad. It took him a little longer than everyone else to figure out, but once he did, he loved it. It was still more pictures than words, but it was pictures of real life. Usually it was selfies or sneaky pictures of Clint asleep at a stakeout. The stickers were really fun and everyone seemed to enjoy the drawings Steve could create after Natasha had given him a stylus.
He opened the app, noticing several notifications waiting for him on the team thread. A video of Sam walking past some birds on his way to meet with an advisor for his master’s degree, a series of photos in which Bucky braided Thor’s hair, and finally, one photo from Tony.
The geo-filter said Los Angeles in a fancy type, and the image was of a giant donut sign above a building. The caption must have been what he wanted Steve to see.
The rest of the picture was filled with heart-eye emojis and what looked like water droplets. Steve chuckled to himself and snapped a photo of his open palm. It only took a minute to doodle a cartoon donut on the image.
[I would love one.]
Tony didn’t reply for a while, but Steve had already put his phone away and made himself comfortable in the living room. Everyone else had missions and meetings and “Thor’s never been skiing so we’re going upstate for the day”, but Steve had things to do too. Important things like…
Well, he had his sketch book and some podcasts. That was fine.
It could have been five minutes or a few hours, but Steve’s phone turned on and didn’t seem to stop. He scrambled to pull it out of his pocket; it would only go off like this if he was getting a phone call which probably meant villainy had finally stopped taking a vacation. If that was the case, though, wouldn’t Jarvis be alerting him too?
Instead of a phone call, he was rapidly getting a string of text messages.
TStark: buck how could u fail us like this???
Bucky: wut im skiing i literally did nothing
Widow: winter soldier sucks at winter sports btw
Bucky: fuck off
Hawkeye: haha i want pics
TStark: no shut up
TStark: steve’s never had Sigmund Freud
TStark: i mean stuff and yaks
TStark: autocorrect bullshit i cant do this while flying
Col.Rhodes: We talked about this
TStark: S U F G A N I Y O T
Widow: omg bucky how could u
Steve had barely caught up with the string of texts when his snapchat notified him again. It was from Natasha’s account, but someone else was filming. Likely Thor, if the camera half being covered by a thumb was anything to go by. The video featured Natasha and Bucky, both on skis at the bottom of a slope they must have just come down. With one solid shove, she pushed him into a snow bank. There was shouting and laughter before the video cut out.
Bucky: tony i need a new phone tash got snow in mine
TStark: haha nice
TStark: but seriously
TStark: every1 get home asap so we can eat these
Hawkeye: dont u have an AM meeting tomorrow?
Col.Rhodes: Pepper is not going to be happy about this.
Another snapchat notification, this time with a photo taken from the Iron Man armor’s outside cameras. Tony didn’t just have a box of donuts, he had a crate, carrying it on the suit’s shoulders like he would carry building materials. The photo was surrounded by thumbs up emojis and a small bit of text in the corner. Steve leaned in, just barely reading it before the image timed out.
[I told Sir that I do not approve]
Steve chuckled again, glancing up at the ceiling. “He giving you too much trouble, Jarvis?”
“At least I got him to stop texting and flying. The trade off is I have to type his messages for him. And he is very particular about the placement of those emoticons.” The AI sounded the closest Steve had ever heard him to exhausted.
Another video came in, this time from Sam. The camera was facing him as he walked across campus.
“I was in a meeting,” He sounded furious, but it was too over the top. Steve knew what a truly angry Sam sounded like, so this must be played up for a joke. “In a meeting with my graduate advisor and my phone sounds like the end of the world. She asks me if it’s Avengers business and I have to look her dead in the eye, with all you still texting me, and tell her to ignore it.” The camera rapidly moved as Sam seemed to throw up his hands. “Now she thinks I value my studies over saving the world and you know what, right now I think I do!”
The video ended, followed with a short text message.
Falcon: You guys suck
The rest of the team replied with a series of different emojis, ranging from laughing symbols to something with birds that was probably a Falcon related joke Steve didn’t quite get.
Falcon: T I want those donuts when I get home
TStark: what’s that birdy? i should go faster??
Jarvis: Sir is already breaking several interstate flight regulations, please do not encourage him.
Col.Rhodes: damnit sam
Widow: save some for us!
“Iron Man should be landing at the tower in fifteen minutes.” Jarvis reported. Steve could hear the coffee machine in the kitchen start to power up. “Mr. Wilson will be arriving in twenty. Agent Romanoff, Sergeant Barnes, and Thor are leaving the ski lodge and are due home in just under two hours.”
“You work way too hard, Jarvis.” Steve slid his phone to silent, knowing Jarvis would tell him if there was anything important, and went back to sketching.
“Captain, you have no idea.”
Exactly fifteen minutes later, Tony was on the landing platform outside the tower windows. He all but dragged the crate into the kitchen, opening it and pulling out smaller cardboard boxes. He walked into the living room with a spring in his step, pastry in one hand, cell phone in the other.
“Those don’t look like your usual donuts, Tony.” Steve said. It looked more like a small cake with powdered sugar on top.
Tony didn’t say a word, just kept the camera on Steve as he shoved the pastry in the soldier’s face. Steve took a bite, jelly gushing around the sides as flavor overwhelmed his senses. His eyes must have been comically wide as Tony started laughing before lowering his phone. A few seconds later, as Steve was cradling the donut to prevent any jelly or crumbs from getting on the couch, his own phone went off. He let out a sigh, half annoyed despite the something warm curling inside him, knowing the rest of the team would get to share the moment of his first sufganiyot with him.
<prev> <next>
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Heavy Hitters- Chapter One
Heavy Hitters: Outlaw Country pt 1
Sara convinces an old friend to join the Waverider team- as research and tech guru only, or so she said. As the newbie struggles to adjust to the team and the team struggles to adjust to her, Sara is playing a different game all together. One the new girl might not like too much.
Fandom: Legends of Tomorrow (or Flash or Arrowverse since it’s Mick Rory, but specifically LoT)
Pairing: Mick Rory x Plus Size OFC (cause Mick totally likes thick ladies)
Word Count: 2806 
Tags/Warnings: Language, Cannon violence
A/N: Yall. This shit is legit, just the first ten mins of the episode. Anyways. Starts out with  2x6: Outlaw Country and follows it almost word for word with the new OC of course. Not much interaction between Emily and Mick in this one but more to come soon. Lemme know what you think.
Sara watched the young woman who recently joined their merry band of misfits from the desk in the library. Her arms crossed tight across her chest and the blonde took in the soft figure of the newbie as she spoke quietly with Gideon on her tablet, pulling books here and there.
“I know you’re staring,” the brunette smiled over her shoulder.
Sara chuckled softly and pushed off the desk leaving the Ray and Amaya to discuss Nate’s findings with him. Her accent never seemed to stand out but it never quite let her fit in either, especially with everyone else on their team being from the city. It always made Sara smile, though. Steady steps brought her closer to her friend and the hologram she was talking to. “Adjusting alright?”
The larger woman shrugged a shoulder and twisted her body, “As well as can be expected I s’pose.” She bit the inside of her cheek, a tick Sara knew meant she was her considering her next words carefully. Her green eyes shifted slightly behind Sara, towards the others and back quickly. A small smile on her lips, she spoke softly “I uh… I don’ think the others like me very much.”
“Nah,” she drew, “just gotta give’em time. They’ll get used to you before you know it!” Sara’s easy smile did little to ease her companion.
“You’re wrong, Sara. Sweet, bu’ wrong. They can tell, ya’ know. That I’m not like them, I’m notta fighter-”
“Yes. You are, Emily.” Her voice soft but tone leaving no room for arguing- not that never stopped the other woman before.
“Sure, I am.” Sarcasm clear in Emily’s tone, “ A fighter tha’ don’ fight. Helluva lotta good Imma do when shit goes tits up.”
Sara opened her mouth to rebut when Nate’s machine went off.
Nate rolled dramatically back in his chair, “Saved by the aberration!”
“Oooh! What's the trouble-alert say?”
“I told you not to call it that, Ray,” Sara sighed as she took a few long strides to join them.
“Where’s the problem?” Emily calls, stepping up quickly and standing by Sara.
Nate gives her a sideways glance as he grabs the tablet attached to the machine. “The time quake’s epicenter is Liberty, Colorado, 1874.”
“Huh! Back to the wild west,” Ray beamed.
“You guys were in the old west?” Nate glanced between Sara and Ray.
“Yeah, town made me sheriff.” To his credit, Ray was at least attempting to control his pride.
“That’s cool, huh.”
“Alright,” Sara stood, “Well I will go tell Jax and Stein. Who wants to go tell Rory?”
“Not it” the boys chime, making a swift exit and leaving a confused Amaya and Emily in their wake.
“What?” Emily just shrugged her shoulders at Amaya’s question and turned to seek out Rory. “Okay, guess we’ll do it,” she muttered following Emily out.
While Nate had his hat fabricated, Ray walked in and joined him in the small silver room. Ever nosy, he picked up a folded paper he spotted by Nate’s clothes. “Huh, whats this?”
Nate turned hastily as he heard the paper crinkle, “Oh that's nothing,” taking a quick step towards Ray, “Don’t open- you don’t have to open- and you opened it. Okay.” The paper unfolded to show a rather impressive sketch of a masked superhero with a star on his chest and boots on his feet. “Commander Steel!!” was scrawled beside the character, underlined twice. He placed his hands on his hips and waiting for Rays comments on his drawing.
“Did you draw your own superhero costume?”
Nate shook his head in denial, opening his mouth and shutting it again a few times before he finally got out “Absolutely not- yeah I did. And I only did because when I steel-up my clothes stretch out and they fit all weird and besides,” he still couldn't look at Ray, though, looking at the door seemed an improvement to the floor, “ Don’t I deserve a suit?” He finally chanced a glance at Ray. “I mean, am I just the research guy here or? Ya know. And isn’t that what we have Emily for now?”
“No, no. I- I know what it’s like to be the rookie. Just uh, just follow my lead and you’ll be fine out there.”
That struck a cord in Nate. Specifically, a competitive one. “Well, I know a few things about the old west.”
“Like for instance,” Ray casually cleared his throat, “Nobody says ‘Howdy’,”
“Uh huh,” Nate nodded.
“And uhh… You know how to ride a horse, right?”
“Yeah, I can figure it out.” He waved the revolver in his hand a bit, “Is this loaded?”
Ray mostly held in his scared expression, “Yes.”
“It is? Oh!” Thankfully that was enough for Nate and he put the gun down, shooting a wink at Ray.
Emily knocked softly on the door to Mick’s room, Amaya standing just behind her. “What?” He barked at the opened the door, beer in hand.
Amaya stiffened slightly, still not used to his loud mannerisms. Emily had adjusted to that her first day on the ship. “Nate’s machine found an aberration,” she told him, “Epicenter is in Liberty, Colorado, 1874.”
A large grin split the large man's face, “Hot damn! I love the wild west!” Emily nodded and Amaya give him a questioning look as they both took a step back to leave. Mick chugged the rest of his beer and let out another cheer as the girls walked towards the fabrication room to get dressed themselves.
With everyone suited up and the Waverider successfully hidden away, the seven saddled onto horses and trotted towards the town. Or at least, six of them did. Nate seemed to find horseback riding impossible. “Uh guys, I think my horse is broken!” he cried as they stopped at a clearing overlooking Liberty. Luckily, his horse followed the others regardless.
Emily rolled her eyes a bit and pulled up next to him. “Calm down, Nate. He’s reactin’ to ya nerves.” She reached out and grabbed the reins to steady him. “There. Now tuck your hips a bit and try to keep your balance. You should be fine as long as you don’t spook ‘im. Alright?”
Nate sent her a small but grateful smile.
Mick glanced back at the scene before looking towards Jax, “Where's the professor?”
“Uh, he's feeling a little off.” he covered.
“More whiskey from me.” Mick rasped.
Before he could finish his sentence, the group heard loud hollering from down the hill. “Sounds like a commotion of some kind,” Amaya pointed out.
Sara started to dismount, “Pull back, let's get a better look.” The rest of the team followed suit, Nate with a little annoyed huff, as she grabbed her rifle. The team crept towards the sounds.
Emily kept her footsteps silent. It looked like three men standing around one on a horse with his hands tied and a noose around his neck. “Ha ha!” one let out, “Lookit him up ther’ boys!”
Mick stepped up beside Sara as she pulled out a spyglass. “Ah! It's a hanging!” Emily sent him a short glance, Did he sound happy about this?
Sara watched as one of the men ripped a pale bag from the captive’s head, “Is that Hex?” She lowered the spyglass in disbelief.
Amaya looked from Sara to the man and back, “You know that man?”
“We gotta help him,” she sighed.
“But we gotta take this crew out first,” Jax spoke up.
Ray shook his head slightly, “They look armed.”
“Don’t worry guys, I got this.” Nate stepped up and ran off, Jax glared after him but couldn’t react quick enough to stop him.
Emily hissed, “Nate!” She groaned when he ignored her.
One of the crew- the ring leader, Emily figured- spoke up. “Well, well, well! You look a loooot less mean with tha’ noose around ya’ neck. Don’cha’, Hex?”
Emily couldn’t quite make out what the man- Hex- said, but his voice was deep and rough.
“Looks pretty finished to me!” the ringleader yelled, “Do,’cha’ think boys!” They all laughed loudly, until Hex’s boot caught the man hard in the jaw. Emily spotted Nate walking calmly and purposefully up from behind the horse. “You sonnova bitch!” the man hollered towards Hex.
“You might wanna slow down there,” Nate said, drawing unnecessary attention to himself.
Emily shook her head, Welp. Good thing he can “steel up”.
Taking a few more steps towards the small mob, Nate attempted a terrible “western” accent, “These here parts aren’t big enough for the-” he quickly counted- “five of us.”
Emily and Sara both groaned silently at their teammate.
“Who tha’ ‘ell are you?!” the ringleader sneered.
Hex looked over his shoulder, “What he said.”
“On second thought, I dun’ give a damn!” he screamed as he cocked and aimed his pistol squarely at Nate’s chest. Just as he fired, Nate flinched and brought up his hand, steeling just in time to block the shot. Not to be deterred so easily, the ringleader, along with the rest of his men, continued shooting at the metal man. Nate began to laugh as he continued to block each bullet.
Emily inwardly cringed as each bullet bounced with a high pitched ting and the group looked on to see how Nate handled this.
Unfortunately they couldn’t wait for long, or rather, Hex couldn’t. All the shooting had spooked the horse which ran off without thought of the man on its back. Hex let out a strangled cry as the rope tightened around his neck and he began to swing in the gunfire. Sara cocked her rifle and took aim just above the swinging man. “Hold still, Hex” she muttered as Nate caught a bullet aimed at this head between his teeth and turned back into a flesh and blood man grinning proudly. He spit out the bullet.
Emily pursed her lips at his antics and everyone waited as Sara took her shot, hitting the rope. It wasn’t enough to sever it clean through but it was enough to fray it so the weight of Hex’s squirming body would break what was left. Hex fell to the ground with a loud thump.
Ray smiled at the scene. Mick looked mildly impressed behind Sara, “Nice shot.” Emily nodded silently in agreement.
Hex scrambles to his feet and charges the ringleader knocking him to the ground and kicks him hard when he tried to regain his footing. Nate shows up beside Hex, his shitty accent still in place, “Now you get up on that horse and you ride till you feel like you can’t ride no more,” Hex, still catching his breath, turns to glare at the stranger. Nate continues, “And then,” he cocks his gun waving it enthusiastically and ignoring Hex’s incredulous gaze, “Ya’ ride some more. Now go on! Get!” Nate hollers and fires towards the man’s knees then twice more into the air hooting as the man ran away. He lets out one more holler as he turns to face Hex, “Ooh! Aaahhh- face.”
Hex looks at him openly, “What?” It was a silent dare. One that Nate was at least competent enough to recognize.
“Nothing,” Nate shakes his head pulling a tight expression to keep himself from saying something he shouldn’t, “No, nothing.”
Hex huffs and turns towards the footsteps of the approaching team. “Aw, hell.” he growls. Sara lead the way, her life-saving rifle over her shoulder. “They’re back!”
Sara nodded her head towards him. “Always a pleasure, Jonah.”
“Wish I could say the same. The hell’s wrong now?”
Sara smirked and nodded her head back towards the Waverider. “Hoping you could tell us. Let's head back and chat at the ship.”
The ride back was mostly silent, save Nate gushing as nonchalantly as he could to Ray about how cool his little stunt was. Emily, who Nate was riding with in order for Hex to have his own horse, had half a mind to take off in a canter knowing that Ray probably couldn’t keep up and that Nate would be too terrified to brag. He’d be too busy screaming. The fact that it would have been directly in her ear was the only thing keeping her from doing it.
Their boots clanked against the metal flooring as they walked through the ship. “Saved by a filly,” Hex remarked, “Ain’t that somethin’?”
“A simple ‘thank you’ would suffice.” said Sara, half a step in front of him.
“How’d ya’ know I needed savin;?” he asked.
“Because,” her steps slowed as they reached the bridge, “we got an alert that history was about to be changed and the coordinates lead us to your hanging.”
Hex followed Sara into the study as Mick and Amaya joined them, “Well I guess it’s nice to know tha’ I matta’.”
“Leaving already?” Mick gruffed as he walked up the steps with Emily a few steps behind him. “I didn’t get to shoot anybody!”
Emily let out a soft laugh and covered her smile as she took her place by the round table in the center of the room.
Hex looked at some of the new artifacts on the shelves lining the walls and made his way over to the liquor cabinet. “I need a drink.” he muttered. “Where’s Rip?”
Sara’s head whipped towards him then she stole a glance towards the other two women in the room. Amaya gave a soft nod while Emily raised her eyebrow in difference. “Hes MIA.”
“Damn,” he drew, “How the hell’d you miscreants manage not ta get yourselves killed without him?” He picked up his glass as he turned to face the rest of the room.
Amaya narrowed her eyes a bit and straightened her back, “Miss Lance has be serving as captain.”
Hex’s eyes went a little wide as he pointed towards Sara.”But- she a lady.” He looked at her, “You are a lady, right?” Emily liked his deep gravely voice a hell of a lot less when he used it to say stupid shit like that.
Sara tilted her head with her hands on her hips, “Ya’ know know I could take your life just as easily as I saved it, right?” A small smile played on her lips as she blinked up at him. It would have almost looked kind, maybe even innocent.
Emily chuckled biting her thumbnail with a small smile. Even Mick let out a small huff of a laugh from his seat in the corner.
“Oh. Flattery.” Hex raised his drink to his lips, “Looks like this breakers in for a wild ride.” He took an appreciative look at Sara.
“Too bad this filly's into other fillies, right? Ha ha ha ha.” Mick grinned despite his laugh being fake. Emily took a mental note, narrowing her eyes slightly at him, and filed it away for later.
Hex flinched in shock, “Ya’ don’t say?”
Tired of the topic of conversation, Sara rolled her eyes and took it over, “So, how’d you end up in the noose?”
“Well, was collectin’ a bounty on a pissant by tha’ name a’ Quentin Turnbull.” He set down his drink and turned his full attention to the captain.
“As in Turnbull country?” Nate asked jogging up the stairs.
“Never heard of it.”
“Thats because its not supposed to exist.” He help up the thick blue book in his hand. “This book has changed since the last time I saw it. Check this out, Gideon-”
“Right away,” the AI answered.
“Thats a map of the United States from 1876.” Gideon projected an old map onto the screen. The western most third outlined in red with “Turnbull Country” written in bold black letters across it.
“Well that’s not right,” Emily deadpanned under her breath, earning a small laugh from Mick. She looked over her shoulder at him and raised an eyebrow. He took a sip of his beer and maintained eye contact, refusing to back down even from something as small as this. She hummed softly to herself. Interesting. I’ll file that away too, then.
“Alright,” Sara leaned forward, placing her hands on the desk in front of her, “Who’s Turnbull?”
“Some two-bit, yella-bellied, cattle wrestler.”
“Who,” Nate interjected, “controls all the land west of the Rocky Mountains.”
“Looks like we found our aberration,” Amaya stepped closer to the screen.
Hex knotted his brow, “Am I supposed to have the faintest idea what that means?”
“It means that we need to stop Turnbull,” Sara explained, “from taking over the west.”
That got Mick up and out of his seat. He stepped up to the table between Nate and Amaya, “Looks like you got yourself a posse, partner.”
Hex closed his eyes and blinked slowly at his comment. Sara just smiled, finding Hex’s forced cooperation just as funny as everyone else did- save Hex, that is.
None yet! =[ 
Let me know if you want to be tagged though! 
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cricketchaology · 7 years
Davey goes snooping through Jack’s drawing pads and finds something.. interesting. 
// No warning for this one! Just fluff! //
AO3 Version
It was a cool evening in the middle of fall, and Davey and Les had been waiting for Jack at the lodging house for several hours. While Davey had suggested they just go ahead and head home more than once now, Les insisted on saying goodbye to Jack first. Davey wasn’t bothered in the beginning, but by now the sun was low, it was getting progressively more rainy, and businessmen had long since made their way home. His stomach growled for dinner, and even though the other boys offered him some bread or crackers for a snack, he couldn’t take it. He had a meal waiting at his house, and, if Jack would just show up already, he could leave to go get it.
“What’s taking him so long?” Davey grumbled, glancing at the door again. Just as he did so, Crutchie opened it and came in.
“Hey, where’ve you been?” Specs asked, ignoring Davey and looking over to Crutchie. “We’s startin’ to worry.”
“I was eatin’ with Spot over in Brooklyn. I told Jack. Figured he’d tell you.”
“We ain’t seen him all afternoon,” Specs replied, walking over to Crutchie and helping hold his crutch while he slipped off his muddy shoes. “You know where his is?”
“He’s workin’ on somethin’ for Medda. Another one ‘a those backdrops. He’s been talking about it for a few days- how did you not know?”
“At some point you learn to tune ‘im out.” Romeo said through a smirk. Crutchie rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, well, glad he ain’t off hurt somewhere, since you all seem to only worry ‘bout me.”
“I never said we weren’t worryin’ ‘bout Jack,” Spec said defensively. “I just mentioned you first.”
“Hmm, right. ‘Course. I can take care of myself pretty good, ya know.” Crutchie set his muddy shoes by the door and grabbed his crutch back from Specs.
“Yeah, course we do. Jack’d have our heads if somethin’ did happen and we weren’t out lookin’, though.” Romeo replied, shrugging his shoulders.
“That he would,” Crutchie said affectionately, a small smile on his features. He started to move further into the room towards his bunk but Davey stopped him.
“Where’d you say Jack was?”
“Davey? You’se here late. I mean, I ain’t complainin’ but you usually head back to your folks ‘fore now.”
“Yeah, Les insists on saying goodbye to Jack before we go. We’ve been waiting for ‘im.”
“You’d wait for Jack ‘nd not me?” Crutchie said, bending down and ruffling Les’ hair.
“I mean- It’s not like that! I just wanted to see Jack! I haven’t seen him all day- I’ve seen you!”
“Alright. I see how it is,” Crutchie feigned offense for a moment, then went back to smiling. “He’s over at Medda’s. You know where that is, right?” Davey nodded. “He should be in the backstage area. Hey, tell ‘im I said hi for me, alright? And that I made it back safe from Brooklyn.”
“Right, of course. Thanks, Crutchie!” Davey spoke as he walked over to the door and pulled on his shoes, Les doing the same beside him. Davey pushed through the doors, his stomach still grumbling quietly.
They arrived at Medda’s a few minutes later. Davey and Les went in through the backdoors and made their way to the backstage area. The room was sort of messy- there were jars of water and half empty tubes of paint scattered on the floor, colorful palettes and paintbrushes strung around aimlessly. Davey couldn’t imagine having to work in a space in a state of disarray quite like this, but he knew that Jack could perfectly. In fact- Jack always claimed that the chaos helped him. Davey knew he’d never understand how.
Jack wasn’t in the room. Davey could hear his voice a little ways off, probably just down the hall talking to Medda or the Bowery Beauties. Either way, it didn’t matter. Les was captivated by the canvas Jack had been painting. A beautiful, albeit unfinished, orange sunset hanging over a landscape of water and trees- so different from the dusty gray New York cityscape they saw everyday.
While Les stared at the canvas, Davey wandered over to a table sitting nearby. A drawing pad was resting on the top with a rough sketch opened, one that mirrored the painting on the canvas. He flipped through a couple pages, full mostly half colored landscapes, till he spotted two smaller drawing pads sitting on the table. He handed the landscape filled pad off to Les who was no longer satisfied with the canvas and took one of the smaller two into his hands.
He flipped open the front cover and was greeted with Jack’s name spelled out in bold letters, as well as the start date for the book. He flipped through a few more pages quietly. Each page was covered in charcoal and lead sketches of things- object and people, detailed hands and beautiful smiles. There was an entire page dedicated to Spec’s glasses and the way light shone of them. There were a few of Katherine’s hair, the specific parts of it that were curly and how they framed her face. There were a few pages detailed Race’s cigars and the smoke that sometimes crawled from his lips. And then, there were pages upon pages dedicated to Crutchie.
There was a page dedicated to his crutch, capturing it from different angles and sketching out the woods grain and texture carefully. There were multiple pages dedicated to his freckles, to his hair’s sandy color, to his clothing and his shoes, his twisted leg, his eyelashes- every single feature of his had been drawn what seemed like a dozen times over. Then, there were pages dedicated just to his smile. It was lopsided- it drifted way more to one side of his face than the other and it made the corners of his eyes crinkle up. Jack had capture everything about it- every small little detail. Davey felt something in his chest that he couldn't place. Love, maybe? Jealousy? (Both?) He didn’t get much time to think about it before-
“Davey? Les? What’re you’se doin’ here?”
“Oh, hey Jack!” Les set down the drawing pad full of landscapes and ran over to Jack, wrapping his arms around Jack’s waist. Jack laughed softly and crouched down to give Les a proper hug.
“Hey, man, what’s up?”
“Nothin’! We’s just wanted to say bye to ya before we head back home.”
“He wanted to say goodbye to you,” Davey corrected jokingly, still looking through the drawings. “I didn’t care one way or another.”
Jack laughed, then there was a brief silence. Davey started talking again.
“I like your drawings.”
“You do? Well, thank you,” Jack replied, smiling somewhat tensely, still holding Les who showed no signs of letting go of the hug yet.
“Yeah, they’re really good.” Davey paused for a moment. “You draw Crutchie a lot.”
“Yeah, I do. Got somethin’ to say ‘bout it?” Jack said, straightening up and letting Les go.
“Can I look at some of your drawings?” Les asked, grabbing the second notebook before Jack had a chance to answer.
“I guess so,” Jack mumbled, walking over to Davey and reaching to take the drawing pad from Davey’s hands. It was still open to one of the pages that detailed Crutchie’s smile. Jack stared at it for a second before setting it down on the table again, still open.
“‘Course I draw him a lot. He’s one of my best friends.”
“Just a best friend?”
“What’re ya gettin’ at, Davey?”
“You love him, don’t you?” Davey asked. Jack visibly tensed.
“And if I do?”
“I won’t tell, if that’s what you’re asking.”
“It’s not.”
“Oh. If you do love him,” Davey paused for a moment, mulling over Jack’s question. “I won’t be mad, if that’s what you’re asking. Crutchie is a great guy.”
“And you wouldn’t be mad that.. You know, we’re both..?”
“Hm?” Davey had gotten distracted staring at Jack’s drawings again. “Oh, no. I’m not.. I don’t care if you’re both guys. That’s what you mean?”
Jack nodded hesitantly.
“I’m not here to police who you can love, Jack.” Davey shrugged his shoulders slightly.
“It seems ta matter more to upper class folks,” Jack replied.
“I’m not exactly upper class.”
“In comparison to me ‘nd the boys, yeah, you is. Still, though,” Jack sighed deeply, his shoulders dropping from their tensed position. “It’s good to hear you ain’t like the rest of ‘em. Specially cause, well, a lotta the boys is. I ain’t namin’ names, but.. I’m sure you’ve figured some ‘a it out already.”
Davey’s mind ghosted over watching, somewhat uncomfortably, the ways Race and Spot interacted. He nodded.
“You’se should probably get headed home, Davey. It’s gettin’ late.”
“The same could be said for you.”
“I’ll head over to the lodging house after I clean up here. Might take a little. Plus, I might haveta walk over to Brooklyn.”
“Why would you.. Oh! Yeah, Crutchie! He told me to say hi to you for him. He’s back already.”
“Oh, thank god,” Jack sighed, starting around the room and gathering the loose paintbrushes. “I hate goin’ to Brooklyn at night. Those Brooklyn boys, lord love ‘em..”
Davey laughed softly.
“Well, me and Les better be headin’ out.”
Davey started toward the door but Jack blocked him, his hands now free of paintbrushes. He pulled off his smock quickly and then held out his arms. Davey smiled and let Jack embrace him as he drank in his warmth.
Les set the drawing pad back on the table and looked at Jack over Davey’s shoulder.
Don’t tell him, please. Jack mouthed desperately.
Les gave him a thumbs up and a smile.
Davey pulled away from the hug, and bright look on his face. He grabbed Les’ hand and walked over to the back doors.
“See ya tomorrow, Jack.”
“Yeah, see ya.”
Davey and Les then disappeared out the door and out into the city.
Jack crumpled into a chair in the corner of the backstage room. He had finished cleaning up his mess. All his tube of paint were in their boxes and his brushes had been washed. He had that second drawing pad in his hands and he flipped through the pages miserably, silently thanking god that Davey hadn’t picked up this one.
After drawings of hats and vests, of Spot’s suspenders or Romeo’s eyes, there were pages of drawings of Davey. Davey’s brown eyes, his dark hair, his hooked nose, his clothing that was fancier than Jack’s own. Jack had drawn Davey so many times, just like he had Crutchie, that he had captured every part of him.
And Davey’s smile.. The way it lit up a room, changed Davey’s entire appearance. Jack had barely managed to capture it- it had taken him a thousand times, but he found away.
“God, Jackie,” Medda said from behind him suddenly. “You’ve got it bad, boy.”
“I know,” Jack mumbled, putting his head in his hands. “God, do I know.”
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low-budget-korra · 7 years
The Legend Of Korra - Book 5 :Legacy
hi guys whats up? buckle up  and good reading evebody^^
Chapter 05_Friendship and Memories
-I did not expect that from Mako. - said Korra still demonstrating all his disappointment about the attitude of our ex.
- Yes, I do. - I realize she looks at me in surprise. - Imagine how wounded your pride must have been in knowing that your exes are together? If it sometimes is already difficult for a man to accept that his ex become friends, imagine girlfriends ... -I say.
-Makes sense,- she draws a smile.
I stare at it and then begin to imagine what their relationship should look like. They are totally different ... Just a little clash of opinions to both be disappointed and end up arguing.
-It's just ... I'd like his support, you know?
- Calm down, baby. - i approached. - We knew it would be complicated, did not we? Forget it, okay? You need to focus on today's meeting.- Korra nods and I hug her.
- Excuse me, this is a private place and ... A by the Spirits! Avatar Korra! - The man at the entrance of the place spoke. He was dressed like one of Kuvira's soldiers.
- Hey! - Korra speaks a little surprised at the euphoria of the soldier
-Sorry for  have stood against you at the Battle of Republic City ...- The guy begins to explain himself. -All I really wanted to do was to be at home with my mother, and ..."
- It's all right! -Korra says and the guard smiles.
-So ... Is it true what the rumors say? - He asks., with a huge and creepy smile
-And what do the rumors say?- I ask, wondering what it is about. Probably about me and Korra
-You two ...- He looks at me and then looks at Korra. - You guys are  really together?"
 - Yes we are! - Says Korra In a defensive tone
- UHUL! -Shouts the man, scaring the two of us. -I bet fifteen yuans with my neighbor. - Korra and I looked at each other in silence. I dont think any of us knew that our relationship had impacted so much
-Mrs. and Mrs. Avatar, this way,- says the man leading us down a corridor to a palace hall, which once belonged to the monarchy.
When we entered the place, everyone congratulated Korra for defeating Kuvira.
-Thank you, but I'd like to remember that I could not have done it without the help of my friends and Mr. Hiroshi Sato.- My heart races at my father's name. I feel for a moment that I'm about to collapse. Korra notices, squeezes my hand and gives me a serene look followed by a smile. I see Mako staring at us and then, Korra sits down on one of the available chairs and I do the same.
In the next few hours, numerous subjects were discussed. From the political area to the infrastructure plan of the city, in which I manifested myself to contribute with my work for the development of public works, which would not only generate jobs, but would also contribute to the city's economy. Korra further suggested that prices and outputs of industries and farms be controlled, thus controlling inflation and stock formation. Everyone welcomed the suggestion and closed the deal.
Everything settled, except what the elections would be like. No councilor has manifested himself to hold the presidency or to suggest someone worthy of office.
At the end of the meeting, all the councilors said goodbye to us and went on their way. Well, everyone but Mako who left without saying a word to both of us.
-Did you see how he looked at us?- Korra says
-Korra, forget that. He needs some time. -I say trying to reassure her.
-He's had time, Asami!He's been like this since yesterday. -She says irritably.
- Okay, he needs more time then ...
-Girls ...- Wu approaches.
-Wu, what a surprise, we thought you were on tour. - Korra says hugging him.
-And I am, but I would not miss the opportunity to honor the hottest couple of the moment,- he says, hugging me. -That's why neither of you guys accepted my invitations to go out. I knew I had something ... No one rejects an invitation from me - He sketches a convinced smile. -I wonder how Mako got this news. He's still crazy about you, Korra.
Crazy about Korra? Serious? That would explain Mako's negative reaction, which surprised me even as I waited for her.
- He needs to get used to the idea. I say, resting my hand on Korra's shoulder,- which remains silent.
-I assure you he's not the only one." I've heard pretty bad comments about you two ... - Wu says with one hand on the back of his neck.
-Tenzin warned us about it. - Korra says looking at Mako who enters the room again. - I have to go ... Excuse me. Mako, wait! She runs toward the living room.
-You're not going after her?- Wu asks.
- No, I think they need to talk ... - The bond between Korra and Mako was more strong them the one i have with him, there are so alike but also,so different. They need a conversation in private. 
- Hey, Mako ... - I say entering the room - I need to talk to you.
- Hey, Korra! -He says with a scary smile.
-So ...- I begin, but I'm soon interrupted by him.
-Korra, I was rude and incomprehensible to you two. I should not have said that, much less have left that way. - He starts
-Yeah, and neither look at us the way you looked during the meeting, or leave without greeting us ...- Sorry not sorry for that 
- Yeah ... That too. It was quite immature. Im sorry!
- No problem, Mako. - He smiles and I smile back. -So ... is that okay with you? - I need to know if he supports us. Asami and I enjoyed Mako's friendship and his disapproval made us upset. Even she pretending not to.
-Look, I'm getting used to the idea. I talked to a friend about it and she ended up opening my mind a bit, you know? - He picks up some folders
-A friend, is it?I already liked her. -I smirk, and Mako stares at me. -I'm joking you dick head ... he laughs.
Silence take the space now. 
-You must be working hard,- I break the ice and  he agrees. -How about dinner tonight? Asami and me. Are you and your friend ...? -I say, and for a moment I regret it. I'm pushing too far maybe .
- Okay. I just need to talk to Rubi. May be tomorrow? - He agrees
- Of course! So her name is Ruby? How did you meet? - I ask curiously.
-Korra, leave your questions for dinner, okay? - he says relaxed and I give a slight jerk on his shoulder. -So,i pick you guys... ?
- At eight. - I reply. He confirms before taking the rest of the papers
-I really need to go now. - He walks toward the door. - We'll talk tomorrow.
Mako looks different. We used to end a discussion with another discussion, today we finished one with a couples meeting. Maybe we are both different. I think this meeting may be exactly what we were needing, the three of us.
Look at me ... Who knew that one day I would be Zaofu's security officer? I was appointed some time ago by Su who put all  trust in me. I dont think my life could be better. My brother and the rest of the family are fine. I'm here with Opal ... ah ... Opal ... The world is saved and Korra and Asami are the sweetest couple I've ever seen, after Opal and me, of course.
Speaking of Mako, Korra, and Asami, I got a call from my big brother today saying the three of them would be dining together. Well, the three of them, and Mako's new friend Rubi. I really wanted to be present at this dinner, but Zaofu is a little away from Ba Sing Se ...
We were all gathered at the dinner table when Lin showed up.
-Sorry to bother you, but,- she looks at Su, -I'd like to know if I can stay here.-
- Sure, Lin. - Su agreeing surprise - Sit  with us. What brings you here?
-Well, I dont know which part of Republic City is messier, whether it's the destroyed part or the part that's under construction. - I notice that Opal hears the conversation as curious as I - All day I get calls in the police department of the residents complaining about the night noises. I went to talk to Reiko about it and he gave me two weeks off.
-Reiko must have asked the workers to work at dawn for the works to finish faster, so far nothing strange. - Su reply .
- True.But It turns out that before I came here, I went to talk to the boss of the workers and found out that some of them are from the pro-equalist movement - Everyone stares at her.
-Are these guys still there?- I ask, surprised. C’mon ,after all this time?!
-Yes. The movement almost died along with Amon, but there are some radicals who do not give up easily. After the leader's death, a few policemen and I made a blacklist of the Equalists. We listed all those who continued to spread their word of hatred. Two of the workers I saw there were on the list-. Lin sits in one of the chairs.
-They may have changed, Lin. -Su, look at Lin, who gives him an apathetic look.
- I hope so. I'd hate to have to fight with these people again, -Lin replies.
-Is there a problem, Bolin?- Opal asks, approaching Pabu and me.
-I dont know- I really do not know. After dinner, I decided to come to the garden to play a little with Pabu, but I could not. I was distracted by the conversation I heard earlier.
-Is that what Aunt Lin said?- She sits on the grass next to me.
- A little. It reminded me of the time when I was pro bender. I loved the screaming of the arena and all that adrenaline, you know? I remember the time when the Avatar team was crawling and we still had a big villain to stop. That face, Amon was to give shivers to anyone. - I say, remembering the old days. It's funny how everything changed so fast. Luck that changed for the better. But after what Lin said, I am afraid that this quiet and happy phase we are all living, is over.
I just will say that, the next chapter will be explosive 
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